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DÁIL EIREANN sitting as a Constituent Assembly in this Provisional Parliament, acknowledging that all lawful authority comes from God to the people and in the confidence that the National life and unity of Ireland shall thus be restored, hereby proclaims the establishment of The Irish Free State (otherwise called Saorstát Eireann) and in the exercise of undoubted right, decrees and enacts as follows:—

1. The Constitution set forth in the First Schedule hereto annexed shall be the Constitution of The Irish Free State (Saorstát Eireann).

2. The said Constitution shall be construed with reference to the Articles of Agreement for a Treaty between Great Britain and Ireland set forth in the Second Schedule hereto annexed (hereinafter referred to as “the Scheduled Treaty”) which are hereby given the force of law, and if any provision of the said Constitution or of any amendment thereof or of any law made thereunder is in any respect repugnant to any of the provisions of the Scheduled Treaty, it shall, to the extent only of such repugnancy, be absolutely void and inoperative and the Parliament and the Executive Council of the Irish Free State (Saorstát Eireann) shall respectively pass such further legislation and do all such other things as may be necessary to implement the Scheduled Treaty.

3. This Act may be cited for all purposes as the Constitution of The Irish Free State (Saorstát Eireann) Act, 1922.





Article 1.

The Irish Free State (otherwise hereinafter called or sometimes called Saorstát Eireann) is a co-equal member of the Community of Nations forming the British Commonwealth of Nations.

Article 2.

All powers of government and all authority, legislative, executive, and judicial, in Ireland are derived from the people of Ireland, and the same shall be exercised in the Irish Free State (Saorstát Eireann) through the organisations established by or under, and in accord with, this Constitution.

Article 3.

Every person, without distinction of sex, domiciled in the area of the jurisdiction of the Irish Free State (Saorstát Eireann) at the time of the coming into operation of this Constitution, who was born in Ireland or either of whose parents was born in Ireland or who has been ordinarily resident in the area of the jurisdiction of the Irish Free State (Saorstát Eireann) for not less than seven years, is a citizen of the Irish Free State (Saorstát Eireann) and shall within the limits of the jurisdiction of the Irish Free State (Saorstát Eireann) enjoy the privileges and be subject to the obligations of such citizenship: Provided that any such person being a citizen of another State may elect not to accept the citizenship hereby conferred; and the conditions governing the future acquisition and termination of citizenship in the Irish Free State (Saorstát Eireann) shall be determined by law.

Article 4.

The National language of the Irish Free State (Saorstát Eireann) is the Irish language, but the English language shall be equally recognised as an official language. Nothing in this Article shall prevent special provisions being made by the Parliament of the Irish Free State (otherwise called and herein generally referred to as the “Oireachtas”) for districts or areas in which only one language is in general use.

Article 5.

No title of honour in respect of any services rendered in or in relation to the Irish Free State (Saorstát Eireann) may be conferred on any citizen of the Irish Free State (Saorstát Eireann) except with the approval or upon the advice of the Executive Council of the State.

Article 6.

The liberty of the person is inviolable, and no person shall be deprived of his liberty except in accordance with law. Upon complaint made by or on behalf of any person that he is being unlawfully detained, the High Court and any and every judge thereof shall forthwith enquire into the same and may make an order requiring the person in whose custody such person shall be detained to produce the body of the person so detained before such Court or judge without delay, and to certify in writing as to the cause of the detention and such Court or judge shall thereupon order the release of such person unless satisfied that he is being detained in accordance with the law:

Provided, however, that nothing in this Article contained shall be invoked to prohibit, control or interfere with any act of the military forces of the Irish Free State (Saorstát Eireann) during the existence of a state of war or armed rebellion.

Article 7.

The dwelling of each citizen is inviolable and shall not be forcibly entered except in accordance with law.

Article 8.

Freedom of conscience and the free profession and practice of religion are, subject to public order and morality, guaranteed to every citizen, and no law may be made either directly or indirectly to endow any religion, or prohibit or restrict the free exercise thereof or give any preference, or impose any disability on account of religious belief or religious status, or affect prejudicially the right of any child to attend a school receiving public money without attending the religious instruction at the school, or make any discrimination as respects State aid between schools under the management of different religious denominations, or divert from any religious denomination or any educational institution any of its property except for the purpose of roads, railways, lighting, water or drainage works or other works of public utility, and on payment of compensation.

Article 9.

The right of free expression of opinion as well as the right to assemble peaceably and without arms, and to form associations or unions is guaranteed for purposes not opposed to public morality. Laws regulating the manner in which the right of forming associations and the right of free assembly may be exercised shall contain no political, religious or class distinction.

Article 10.

All citizens of the Irish Free State (Saorstát Eireann) have the right to free elementary education.

Article 11.

All the lands and waters, mines and minerals, within the territory of the Irish Free State (Saorstát Eireann) hitherto vested in the State, or any department thereof, or held for the public use or benefit, and also all the natural resources of the same territory (including the air and all forms of potential energy), and also all royalties and franchises within that territory shall, from and after the date of the coming into operation of this Constitution, belong to the Irish Free State (Saorstát Eireann), subject to any trusts, grants, leases or concessions then existing in respect thereof, or any valid private interest therein, and shall be controlled and administered by the Oireachtas, in accordance with such regulations and provisions as shall be from time to time approved by legislation, but the same shall not, nor shall any part thereof, be alienated, but may in the public interest be from time to time granted by way of lease or licence to be worked or enjoyed under the authority and subject to the control of the Oireachtas: Provided that no such lease or licence may be made for a term exceeding ninety-nine years, beginning from the date thereof, and no such lease or licence may be renewable by the terms thereof.

Article 12.

A Legislature is hereby created, to be known as the Oireachtas. It shall consist of the King and two Houses, the Chamber of Deputies (otherwise called and herein generally referred to as “Dáil Eireann”) and the Senate (otherwise called and herein generally referred to as “Seanad Eireann”). The sole and exclusive power of making laws for the peace, order and good government of the Irish Free State (Saorstát Eireann) is vested in the Oireachtas.

Article 13.

The Oireachtas shall sit in or near the city of Dublin or in such other place as from time to time it may determine.

Article 14.

All citizens of the Irish Free State (Saorstát Eireann) without distinction of sex, who have reached the age of twenty-one years and who comply with the provisions of the prevailing electoral laws, shall have the right to vote for members of Dáil Eireann, and to take part in the Referendum and Initiative. All citizens of the Irish Free State (Saorstát Eireann) without distinction of sex who have reached the age of thirty years and who comply with the provisions of the prevailing electoral laws, shall have the right to vote for members of Seanad Eireann. No voter may exercise more than one vote at an election to either House, and the voting shall be by secret ballot. The mode and place of exercising this right shall be determined by law.

Article 15.

Every citizen who has reached the age of twenty-one years and who is not placed under disability or incapacity by the Constitution or by law shall be eligible to become a member of Dáil Eireann.

Article 16.

No person may be at the same time a member both of Dáil Eireann and of Seanad Eireann, and if any person who is already a member of either House is elected to be a member of the other House, he shall forthwith be deemed to have vacated his first seat.

Article 17.

The oath to be taken by members of the Oireachtas shall be in the following form:—

I _______________ do solemnly swear true faith and allegiance to the Constitution of the Irish Free State as by law established, and that I will be faithful to H. M. King George V., his heirs and successors by law in virtue of the common citizenship of Ireland with Great Britain and her adherence to and membership of the group of nations forming the British Commonwealth of Nations.

Such oath shall be taken and subscribed by every member of the Oireachtas before taking his seat therein before the Representative of the Crown or some other person authorised by him.

Article 18.

Every member of the Oireachtas shall, except in case of treason, felony, or breach of the peace, be privileged from arrest in going to and returning from, and while within the precincts of either House, and shall not, in respect of any utterance in either House, be amenable to any action or proceeding in any Court other than the House itself.

Article 19.

All official reports and publications of the Oireachtas or of either House thereof shall be privileged, and utterances made in either House wherever published shall be privileged.

Article 20.

Each House shall make its own Rules and Standing Orders, with power to attach penalties for their infringement and shall have power to ensure freedom of debate, to protect its official documents and the private papers of its members, and to protect itself and its members against any person or persons interfering with, molesting or attempting to corrupt its members in the exercise of their duties.

Article 21.

Each House shall elect its own Chairman and Deputy Chairman, and shall prescribe their powers, duties, remuneration, and terms of office.

Article 22.

All matters in each House shall, save as otherwise provided by this Constitution, be determined by a majority of the votes of the members present other than the Chairman or presiding member, who shall have and exercise a casting vote in the case of an equality of votes. The number of members necessary to constitute a meeting of either House for the exercise of its powers shall be determined by its Standing Orders.

Article 23.

The Oireachtas shall make provision for the payment of its members, and may in addition provide them with free travelling facilities to any part of Ireland.

Article 24.

The Oireachtas shall hold at least one session each year. The Oireachtas shall be summoned and dissolved by the Representative of the Crown in the name of the King and subject as aforesaid Dáil Eireann shall fix the date of re-assembly of the Oireachtas and the date of the conclusion of the session of each House: Provided that the sessions of Seanad Eireann shall not be concluded without its own consent.

Article 25.

Sittings of each House of the Oireachtas shall be public. In cases of special emergency either House may hold a private sitting with the assent of two-thirds of the members present.

Article 26.

Dáil Eireann shall be composed of members who represent constituencies determined by law. The number of members shall be fixed from time to time by the Oireachtas, but the total number of members of Dáil Eireann (exclusive of members for the Universities) shall not be fixed at less than one member for each thirty thousand of the population, or at more than one member for each twenty thousand of the population: Provided that the proportion between the number of members to be elected at any time for each constituency and the population of each constituency, as ascertained at the last preceding census, shall, so far as possible, be identical throughout the country. The members shall be elected upon principles of Proportional Representation. The Oireachtas shall revise the constituencies at least once in every ten years, with due regard to changes in distribution of the population, but any alterations in the constituencies shall not take effect during the life of Dáil Eireann sitting when such revision is made.

Article 27.

Each University in the Irish Free State (Saorstát Eireann), which was in existence at the date of the coming into operation of this Constitution, shall be entitled to elect three representatives to Dáil Eireann upon a franchise and in a manner to be prescribed by law.

Article 28.

At a General Election for Dáil Eireann the polls (exclusive of those for members for the Universities) shall be held on the same day throughout the country, and that day shall be a day not later than thirty days after the date of the dissolution, and shall be proclaimed a public holiday. Dáil Eireann shall meet within one month of such day, and shall, unless earlier dissolved, continue for four years from the date of its first meeting, and not longer. Dáil Eireann may not at any time be dissolved except on the advice of the Executive Council.

Article 29.

In case of death, resignation or disqualification of a member of Dáil Eireann, the vacancy shall be filled by election in manner to be determined by law.

Article 30.

Seanad Eireann shall be composed of citizens who shall be proposed on the grounds that they have done honour to the Nation by reason of useful public service or that, because of special qualifications or attainments, they represent important aspects of the Nation's life.

Article 31.

The number of members of Seanad Eireann shall be sixty. A citizen to be eligible for membership of Seanad Eireann must be a person eligible to become a member of Dáil Eireann, and must have reached the age of thirty-five years. Subject to any provision for the constitution of the first Seanad Eireann the term of office of a member of Seanad Eireann shall be twelve years.

Article 32.

One-fourth of the members of Seanad Eireann shall be elected every three years from a panel constituted as hereinafter mentioned at an election at which the area of the jurisdiction of the Irish Free State (Saorstát Eireann) shall form one electoral area, and the elections shall be held on principles of Proportional Representation.

Article 33.

Before each election of members of Seanad Eireann a panel shall be formed consisting of:—

(a) Three times as many qualified persons as there are members to be elected, of whom two-thirds shall be nominated by Dáil Eireann voting according to principles of Proportional Representation and one-third shall be nominated by Seanad Eireann voting according to principles of Proportional Representation; and

(b) Such persons who have at any time been members of Seanad Eireann (including members about to retire) as signify by notice in writing addressed to the President of the Executive Council their desire to be included in the panel.

The method of proposal and selection for nomination shall be decided by Dáil Eireann and Seanad Eireann respectively, with special reference to the necessity for arranging for the representation of important interests and institutions in the country: Provided that each proposal shall be in writing and shall state the qualifications of the person proposed and that no person shall be proposed without his own consent. As soon as the panel has been formed a list of the names of the members of the panel arranged in alphabetical order with their qualifications shall be published.

Article 34.

In case of the death, resignation or disqualification of a member of Seanad Eireann his place shall be filled by a vote of Seanad Eireann. Any member of Seanad Eireann so chosen shall retire from office at the conclusion of the three years period then running and the vacancy thus created shall be additional to the places to be filled under Article 32 of this Constitution. The term of office of the members chosen at the election after the first fifteen elected shall conclude at the end of the period or periods at which the member or members of Seanad Eireann, by whose death or withdrawal the vacancy or vacancies was or were originally created, would be due to retire: Provided that the sixteenth member shall be deemed to have filled the vacancy first created in order of time and so on.

Article 35.

Dáil Eireann shall in relation to the subject matter of Money Bills as hereinafter defined have legislative authority exclusive of Seanad Eireann.

A Money Bill means a Bill which contains only provisions dealing with all or any of the following subjects, namely, the imposition, repeal, remission, alteration or regulation of taxation; the imposition for the payment of debt or other financial purposes of charges on public moneys or the variation or repeal of any such charges; supply; the appropriation, receipt, custody, issue or audit of accounts of public money; the raising or guarantee of any loan or the repayment thereof; subordinate matters incidental to those subjects or any of them. In this definition the expressions “taxation,” “public money” and “loan” respectively do not include any taxation, money or loan raised by local authorities or bodies for local purposes.

The Chairman of Dáil Eireann shall certify any Bill which in his opinion is a Money Bill to be a Money Bill, but, if within three days after a Bill has been passed by Dáil Eireann two-fifths of the members of either House by notice in writing addressed to the Chairman of the House of which they are members so require, the question whether the Bill is or is not a Money Bill shall be referred to a Committee of Privileges consisting of three members elected by each House with a Chairman who shall be the senior judge of the Supreme Court able and willing to act, and who, in the case of an equality of votes, but not otherwise, shall be entitled to vote. The decision of the Committee on the question shall be final and conclusive.

Article 36.

Dáil Eireann shall as soon as possible after the commencement of each financial year consider the Estimates of receipts and expenditure of the Irish Free State (Saorstát Eireann) for that year, and, save in so far as may be provided by specific enactment in each case, the legislation required to give effect to the Financial Resolutions of each year shall be enacted within that year.

Article 37.

Money shall not be appropriated by vote, resolution or law, unless the purpose of the appropriation has in the same session been recommended by a message from the Representative of the Crown acting on the advice of the Executive Council.

Article 38.

Every Bill initiated in and passed by Dáil Eireann shall be sent to Seanad Eireann and may, unless it be a Money Bill, be amended in Seanad Eireann and Dáil Eireann shall consider any such amendment; but a Bill passed by Dáil Eireann and considered by Seanad Eireann shall, not later than two hundred and seventy days after it shall have been first sent to Seanad Eireann, or such longer period as may be agreed upon by the two Houses, be deemed to be passed by both Houses in the form in which it was last passed by Dáil Eireann: Provided that every Money Bill shall be sent to Seanad Eireann for its recommendations and at a period not longer than twenty-one days after it shall have been sent to Seanad Eireann, it shall be returned to Dáil Eireann which may pass it, accepting or rejecting all or any of the recommendations of Seanad Eireann, and as so passed or if not returned within such period of twenty-one days shall be deemed to have been passed by both Houses. When a Bill other than a Money Bill has been sent to Seanad Eireann a Joint Sitting of the Members of both Houses may on a resolution passed by Seanad Eireann be convened for the purpose of debating, but not of voting upon, the proposals of the Bill or any amendment of the same.

Article 39.

A Bill may be initiated in Seanad Eireann and if passed by Seanad Eireann shall be introduced into Dáil Eireann. If amended by Dáil Eireann the Bill shall be considered as a Bill initiated in Dáil Eireann. If rejected by Dáil Eireann it shall not be introduced again in the same session, but Dáil Eireann may reconsider it on its own motion.

Article 40.

A Bill passed by either House and accepted by the other House shall be deemed to be passed by both Houses.

Article 41.

So soon as any Bill shall have been passed or deemed to have been passed by both Houses, the Executive Council shall present the same to the Representative of the Crown for the signification by him, in the King's name, of the King's assent, and such Representative may withhold the King's assent or reserve the Bill for the signification of the King's pleasure: Provided that the Representative of the Crown shall in the withholding of such assent to or the reservation of any Bill, act in accordance with the law, practice, and constitutional usage governing the like withholding of assent or reservation in the Dominion of Canada.

A Bill reserved for the signification of the King's Pleasure shall not have any force unless and until within one year from the day on which it was presented to the Representative of the Crown for the King's Assent, the Representative of the Crown signifies by speech or message to each of the Houses of the Oireachtas, or by proclamation, that it has received the Assent of the King in Council.

An entry of every such speech, message or proclamation shall be made in the Journal of each House and a duplicate thereof duly attested shall be delivered to the proper officer to be kept among the Records of the Irish Free State (Saorstát Eireann).

Article 42.

As soon as may be after any law has received the King's assent, the clerk, or such officer as Dáil Eireann may appoint for the purpose, shall cause two fair copies of such law to be made, one being in the Irish language and the other in the English language (one of which copies shall be signed by the Representative of the Crown to be enrolled for record in the office of such officer of the Supreme Court as Dáil Eireann may determine), and such copies shall be conclusive evidence as to the provisions of every such law, and in case of conflict between the two copies so deposited, that signed by the Representative of the Crown shall prevail.

Article 43.

The Oireachtas shall have no power to declare acts to be infringements of the law which were not so at the date of their commission.

Article 44.

The Oireachtas may create subordinate legislatures with such powers as may be decided by law.

Article 45.

The Oireachtas may provide for the establishment of Functional or Vocational Councils representing branches of the social and economic life of the Nationa. A law establishing any such Council shall determine its powers, rights and duties, and its relation to the government of the Irish Free State (Saorstát Eireann).

Article 46.

The Oireachtas has the exclusive right to regulate the raising and maintaining of such armed forces as are mentioned in the Scheduled Treaty in the territory of the Irish Free State (Saorstát Eireann) and every such force shall be subject to the control of the Oireachtas.

Article 47.

Any Bill passed or deemed to have been passed by both Houses may be suspended for a period of ninety days on the written demand of two-fifths of the members of Dáil Eireann or of a majority of the members of Seanad Eireann presented to the President of the Executive Council not later than seven days from the day on which such Bill shall have been so passed or deemed to have been so passed. Such a Bill shall in accordance with regulations to be made by the Oireachtas be submitted by Referendum to the decision of the people if demanded before the expiration of the ninety days either by a resolution of Seanad Eireann assented to by three-fifths of the members of Seanad Eireann, or by a petition signed by not less than one-twentieth of the voters then on the register of voters, and the decision of the people by a majority of the votes recorded on such Referendum shall be conclusive. These provisions shall not apply to Money Bills or to such Bills as shall be declared by both Houses to be necessary for the immediate preservation of the public peace, health or safety.

Article 48.

The Oireachtas may provide for the Initiation by the people of proposals for laws or constitutional amendments. Should the Oireachtas fail to make such provision within two years, it shall on the petition of not less than seventy five thousand voters on the register, of whom not more than fifteen thousand shall be voters in any one constituency, either make such provisions or submit the question to the people for decision in accordance with the ordinary regulations governing the Referendum. Any legislation passed by the Oireachtas providing for such Initiation by the people shall provide (1) that such proposals may be initiated on a petition of fifty thousand voters on the register, (2) that if the Oireachtas rejects a proposal so initiated it shall be submitted to the people for decision in accordance with the ordinary regulations governing the Referendum; and (3) that if the Oireachtas enacts a proposal so initiated, such enactment shall be subject to the provisions respecting ordinary legislation or amendments of the Constitution as the case may be.

Article 49.

Save in the case of actual invasion, the Irish Free State (Saorstát Eireann) shall not be committed to active participation in any war without the assent of the Oireachtas.

Article 50.

Amendments of this Constitution within the terms of the Scheduled Treaty may be made by the Oireachtas, but no such amendment, passed by both Houses of the Oireachtas, after the expiration of a period of eight years from the date of the coming into operation of this Constitution, shall become law, unless the same shall, after it has been passed or deemed to have been passed by the said two Houses of the Oireachtas, have been submitted to a Referendum of the people, and unless a majority of the voters on the register shall have recorded their votes on such Referendum, and either the votes of a majority of the voters on the register, or two-thirds of the votes recorded, shall have been cast in favour of such amendment. Any such amendment may be made within the said period of eight years by way of ordinary legislation and as such shall be subject to the provisions of Article 47 hereof.

Article 51.

The Executive Authority of the Irish Free State (Saorstát Eireann) is hereby declared to be vested in the King, and shall be exercisable, in accordance with the law, practice and constitutional usage governing the exercise of the Executive Authority in the case of the Dominion of Canada, by the Representative of the Crown. There shall be a Council to aid and advise in the government of the Irish Free State (Saorstát Eireann) to be styled the Executive Council. The Executive Council shall be responsible to Dáil Eireann, and shall consist of not more than seven nor less than five Ministers appointed by the Representative of the Crown on the nomination of the President of the Executive Council.

Article 52.

Those Ministers who form the Executive Council shall all be members of Dáil Eireann and shall include the President of the Council, the Vice-President of the Council and the Minister in charge of the Department of Finance.

Article 53.

The President of the Council shall be appointed on the nomination of Dáil Eireann. He shall nominate a Vice-President of the Council, who shall act for all purposes in the place of the President, if the President shall die, resign, or be permanently incapacitated, until a new President of the Council shall have been elected. The Vice-President shall also act in the place of the President during his temporary absence. The other Ministers who are to hold office as members of the Executive Council shall be appointed on the nomination of the President, with the assent of Dáil Eireann, and he and the Ministers nominated by him shall retire from office should he cease to retain the support of a majority in Dáil Eireann, but the President and such Ministers shall continue to carry on their duties until their successors shall have been appointed: Provided, however, that the Oireachtas shall not be dissolved on the advice of an Executive Council which has ceased to retain the support of a majority in Dáil Eireann.

Article 54.

The Executive Council shall be collectively responsible for all matters concerning the Departments of State administered by Members of the Executive Council. The Executive Council shall prepare Estimates of the receipts and expenditure of the Irish Free State (Saorstát Eireann) for each financial year, and shall present them to Dáil Eireann before the close of the previous financial year. The Executive Council shall meet and act as a collective authority.

Article 55.

Ministers who shall not be members of the Executive Council may be appointed by the Representative of the Crown, and shall comply with the provisions of Article 17 of this Constitution. Every such Minister shall be nominated by Dáil Eireann on the recommendation of a Committee of Dáil Eireann chosen by a method to be determined by Dáil Eireann, so as to be impartially representative of Dáil Eireann. Should a recommendation not be acceptable to Dáil Eireann, the Committee may continue to recommend names until one is found acceptable. The total number of Ministers, including the Ministers of the Executive Council, shall not exceed twelve.

Article 56.

Every Minister who is not a member of the Executive Council shall be the responsible head of the Department or Departments under his charge, and shall be individually responsible to Dáil Eireann alone for the administration of the Department or Departments of which he is the head: Provided that should arrangements for Functional or Vocational Councils be made by the Oireachtas these Ministers or any of them may, should the Oireachtas so decide, be members of, and be recommended to Dáil Eireann by, such Councils. The term of office of any Minister, not a member of the Executive Council, shall be the term of Dáil Eireann existing at the time of his appointment, but he shall continue in office until his successor shall have been appointed, and no such Minister shall be removed from office during his term otherwise than by Dáil Eireann itself, and then for stated reasons, and after the proposal to remove him has been submitted to a Committee, chosen by a method to be determined by Dáil Eireann, so as to be impartially representative of Dáil Eireann, and the Committee has reported thereon.

Article 57.

Every Minister shall have the right to attend and be heard in Seanad Eireann.

Article 58.

The appointment of a member of Dáil Eireann to be a Minister shall not entail upon him any obligation to resign his seat or to submit himself for re-election.

Article 59.

Ministers shall receive such remuneration as may from time to time be prescribed by law, but the remuneration of any Minister shall not be diminished during his term of office.

Article 60.

The Representative of the Crown, who shall be styled the Governor-General of the Irish Free State (Saorstát Eireann) shall be appointed in like manner as the Governor-General of Canada and in accordance with the practice observed in the making of such appointments. His salary shall be of the like amount as that now payable to the Governor-General of the Commonwealth of Australia and shall be charged on the public funds of the Irish Free State (Saorstát Eireann) and suitable provision shall be made out of those funds for the maintenance of his official residence and establishment.

Article 61.

All revenues of the Irish Free State (Saorstát Eireann) from whatever source arising, shall, subject to such exception as may be provided by law, form one fund, and shall be appropriated for the purposes of the Irish Free State (Saorstát Eireann) in the manner and subject to the charges and liabilities imposed by law.

Article 62.

Dáil Eireann shall appoint a Comptroller and Auditor-General to act on behalf of the Irish Free State (Saorstát Eireann). He shall control all disbursements and shall audit all accounts of moneys administered by or under the authority of the Oireachtas and shall report to Dáil Eireann at stated periods to be determined by law.

Article 63.

The Comptroller and Auditor-General shall not be removed except for stated misbehaviour or incapacity on resolutions passed by Dáil Eireann and Seanad Eireann. Subject to this provision, the terms and conditions of his tenure of office shall be fixed by law. He shall not be a member of the Oireachtas, nor shall he hold any other office or position of emolument.

Article 64.

The judicial power of the Irish Free State (Saorstát Eireann) shall be exercised and justice administered in the public Courts established by the Oireachtas by judges appointed in manner hereinafter provided. These Courts shall comprise Courts of First Instance and a Court of Final Appeal to be called the Supreme Court. The Courts of First Instance shall include a High Court invested with full original jurisdiction in and power to determine all matters and questions whether of law or fact, civil or criminal, and also Courts of local and limited jurisdiction, with a right of appeal as determined by law.

Article 65.

The judicial power of the High Court shall extend to the question of the validity of any law having regard to the provisions of the Constitution. In all cases in which such matters shall come into question, the High Court alone shall exercise original jurisdiction.

Article 66.

The Supreme Court of the Irish Free State (Saorstát Eireann) shall, with such exceptions (not including cases which involve questions as to the validity of any law) and subject to such regulations as may be prescribed by law, have appellate jurisdiction from all decisions of the High Court. The decision of the Supreme Court shall in all cases be final and conclusive, and shall not be reviewed or capable of being reviewed by any other Court, Tribunal or Authority whatsoever: Provided that nothing in this Constitution shall impair the right of any person to petition His Majesty for special leave to appeal from the Supreme Court to His Majesty in Council or the right of His Majesty to grant such leave.

Article 67.

The number of judges, the constitution and organisation of, and distribution of business and jurisdiction among, the said Courts and judges, and all matters of procedure shall be as prescribed by the laws for the time being in force and the regulations made thereunder.

Article 68.

The judges of the Supreme Court and of the High Court and of all other Courts established in pursuance of this Constitution shall be appointed by the Representative of the Crown on the advice of the Executive Council. The judges of the Supreme Court and of the High Court shall not be removed except for stated misbehaviour or incapacity, and then only by resolutions passed by both Dáil Eireann and Seanad Eireann. The age of retirement, the remuneration and the pension of such judges on retirement and the declarations to be taken by them on appointment shall be prescribed by law. Such remuneration may not be diminished during their continuance in office. The terms of appointment of the judges of such other courts as may be created shall be prescribed by law.

Article 69.

All judges shall be independent in the exercise of their functions, and subject only to the Constitution and the law. A judge shall not be eligible to sit in the Oireachtas, and shall not hold any other office or position of emolument.

Article 70.

No one shall be tried save in due course of law, and extraordinary courts shall not be established, save only such Military Tribunals as may be authorised by law for dealing with Military offenders against military law. The jurisdiction of Military Tribunals shall not be extended to or exercised over the civil population save in time of war, or armed rebellion, and for acts committed in time of war or armed rebellion, and in accordance with the regulations to be prescribed by law. Such jurisdiction shall not be exercised in any area in which all civil courts are open or capable of being held, and no person shall be removed from one area to another for the purpose of creating such jurisdiction.

Article 71.

A member of the armed forces of the Irish Free State (Saorstát Eireann) not on active service shall not be tried by any Court Martial or other Military Tribunal for an offence cognisable by the Civil Courts, unless such offence shall have been brought expressly within the jurisdiction of Courts Martial or other Military Tribunal by any code of laws or regulations for the enforcement of military discipline which may be hereafter approved by the Oireachtas.

Article 72.

No person shall be tried on any criminal charge without a jury save in the case of charges in respect of minor offences triable by law before a Court of Summary Jurisdiction and in the case of charges for offences against military law triable by Court Martial or other Military Tribunal.


Article 73.

Subject to this Constitution and to the extent to which they are not inconsistent therewith, the laws in force in the Irish Free State (Saorstát Eireann) at the date of the coming into operation of this Constitution shall continue to be of full force and effect until the same or any of them shall have been repealed or amended by enactment of the Oireachtas.

Article 74.

Nothing in this Constitution shall affect any liability to pay any tax or duty payable in respect of the financial year current at the date of the coming into operation of this Constitution or any preceding financial year, or in respect of any period ending on or before the last day of the said current financial year, or payable on any occasion happening within that or any preceding year, or the amount of such liability; and during the said current financial year all taxes and duties and arrears thereof shall continue to be assessed, levied and collected in like manner in all respects as immediately before this Constitution came into operation, subject to the like adjustments of the proceeds collected as were theretofore applicable; and for that purpose the Executive Council shall have the like powers and be subject to the like liabilities as the Provisional Government.

Goods transported during the said current financial year from or to the Irish Free State (Saorstát Eireann) to or from any part of Great Britain or the Isle of Man shall not, except so far as the Executive Council may otherwise direct, in respect of the forms to be used and the information to be furnished, be treated as goods exported or imported, as the case may be.

For the purpose of this Article, the expression “financial year” means, as respects income tax (including super-tax) the year of assessment, and as respects other taxes and duties, the year ending on the thirty-first day of March.

Article 75.

Until Courts have been established for the Irish Free State (Saorstát Eireann) in accordance with this Constitution, the Supreme Court of Judicature, County Courts, Courts of Quarter Sessions and Courts of Summary Jurisdiction, as at present existing, shall for the time being continue to exercise the same jurisdiction as heretofore, and any judge or justice, being a member of any such Court, holding office at the time when this Constitution comes into operation, shall for the time being continue to be a member thereof and hold office by the like tenure and upon the like terms as heretofore, unless, in the case of a judge of the said Supreme Court or of a County Court, he signifies to the Representative of the Crown his desire to resign. Any vacancies in any of the said Courts so continued may be filled by appointment made in like manner as appointments to judgeships in the Courts established under this Constitution: Provided that the provisions of Article 66 of this Constitution as to the decisions of the Supreme Court established under this Constitution shall apply to decisions of the Court of Appeal continued by this Article.

Article 76.

If any judge of the said Supreme Court of Judicature or of any of the said County Courts on the establishment of Courts under this Constitution, is not with his consent appointed to be a judge of any such Court, he shall, for the purpose of Article 10 of the Scheduled Treaty, be treated as if he had retired in consequence of the change of Government effected in pursuance of the said Treaty, but the rights so conferred shall be without prejudice to any rights or claims that he may have against the British Government.

Article 77.

Every existing officer of the Provisional Government at the date of the coming into operation of this Constitution (not being an officer whose services have been lent by the British Government to the Provisional Government) shall on that date be transferred to and become an officer of the Irish Free State (Saorstát Eireann), and shall hold office by a tenure corresponding to his previous tenure.

Article 78.

Every such existing officer who was transferred from the British Government by virtue of any transfer of services to the Provisional Government shall be entitled to the benefit of Article 10 of the Scheduled Treaty.

Article 79.

The transfer of the administration of any public service, the administration of which was not before the date of the coming into operation of this Constitution transferred to the Provisional Government, shall be deferred until the 31st day of March, 1923, or such earlier date as may, after one month's previous notice in the Official Gazette, be fixed by the Executive Council; and such of the officers engaged in the administration of those services at the date of transfer as may be determined in the manner hereinafter appearing shall be transferred to and become officers of the Irish Free State (Saorstát Eireann); and Article 77 of this Constitution shall apply as if such officers were existing officers of the Provisional Government who had been transferred to that Government from the British Government. The officers to be so transferred in respect of any services shall be determined in like manner as if the administration of the services had before the coming into operation of the Constitution been transferred to the Provisional Government.

Article 80.

As respects departmental property, assets, rights and liabilities, the Government of the Irish Free State (Saorstát Eireann) shall be regarded as the successors of the Provisional Government, and, to the extent to which functions of any department of the British Government become functions of the Government of the Irish Free State (Saorstát Eireann), as the successors of such department of the British Government.

Article 81.

After the date on which this Constitution comes into operation the House of the Parliament elected in pursuance of the Irish Free State (Agreement) Act, 1922 (being the constituent assembly for the settlement of this Constitution), may, for a period not exceeding one year from that date, but subject to compliance by the members thereof with the provisions of Article 17 of this Constitution, exercise all the powers and authorities conferred on Dáil Eireann by this Constitution, and the first election for Dáil Eireann under Articles 26, 27 and 28 hereof shall take place as soon as possible after the expiration of such period.

Article 82.

Notwithstanding anything contained in Articles 14 and 33 hereof, the first Seaned Eireann shall be constituted immediately after the coming into operation of this Constitution in the manner following, that is to say:—

(a) The first Seanad Eireann shall consist of sixty members, of whom thirty shall be elected and thirty shall be nominated.

(b) The thirty nominated members of Seanad Eireann shall be nominated by the President of the Executive Council who shall, in making such nominations, have special regard to the providing of representation for groups or parties not then adequately represented in Dáil Eireann.

(c) The thirty elected members of Seanad Eireann shall be elected by Dáil Eireann voting on principles of Proportional Representation.

(d) Of the thirty nominated members, fifteen to be selected by lot shall hold office for the full period of twelve years, the remaining fifteen shall hold office for the period of six years.

(e) Of the thirty elected members the first fifteen elected shall hold office for the period of nine years, the remaining fifteen shall hold office for the period of three years.

(f) At the termination of the period of office of any such members, members shall be elected in their place in manner provided by Article 32 of this Constitution.

(g) Casual vacancies shall be filled in manner provided by Article 34 of this Constitution.

Article 83.

The passing and adoption of this Constitution by the Constituent Assembly and the British Parliament shall be announced as soon as may be, and not later than the sixth day of December, Nineteen hundred and twenty-two, by Proclamation of His Majesty, and this Constitution shall come into operation on the issue of such Proclamation.



Second Schedule above referred to.

Airtiogail Chó-aontuithe do Chonnradh idir an Bhreatain Mhóir agus Eire.

(Articles of Agreement for a Treaty between Great Britain and Ireland).

1. Ireland shall have the same constitutional status in the Community of Nations known as the British Empire as the Dominion of Canada, the Commonwealth of Australia, the Dominion of New Zealand, and the Union of South Africa, with a Parliament having powers to make laws for the peace, order and good government of Ireland, and an Executive responsible to that Parliament, and shall be styled and known as the Irish Free State.

2. Subject to the provisions hereinafter set out the position of the Irish Free State in relation to the Imperial Parliament and Government and otherwise shall be that of the Dominion of Canada, and the law, practice and constitutional usage governing the relationship of the Crown or the representative of the Crown and of the Imperial Parliament to the Dominion of Canada shall govern their relationship to the Irish Free State.

3. The representative of the Crown in Ireland shall be appointed in like manner as the Governor-General of Canada and in accordance with the practice observed in the making of such appointments.

4. The oath to be taken by Members of the Parliament of the Irish Free State shall be in the following form:—

I ________ do solemnly swear true faith and allegiance to the Constitution of the Irish Free State as by law established and that I will be faithful to H.M. King George V., his heirs and successors by law, in virtue of the common citizenship of Ireland with Great Britain and her adherence to and membership of the group of nations forming the British Commonwealth of Nations.

5. The Irish Free State shall assume liability for the service of the Public Debt of the United Kingdom as existing at the date hereof and towards the payment of war pensions as existing at that date in such proportion as may be fair and equitable, having regard to any just claims on the part of Ireland by way of set off or counter-claim, the amount of such sums being determined in default of agreement by the arbitration of one or more independent persons being citizens of the British Empire.

6. Until an arrangement has been made between the British and Irish Governments whereby the Irish Free State undertakes her own coastal defence, the defence by sea of Great Britain and Ireland shall be undertaken by His Majesty's Imperial Forces. But this shall not prevent the construction or maintenance by the Government of the Irish Free State of such vessels as are necessary for the protection of the Revenue or the Fisheries.

The foregoing provisions of this Article shall be reviewed at a Conference of Representatives of the British and Irish Governments to be held at the expiration of five years from the date hereof with a view to the undertaking by Ireland of a share in her own coastal defence.

7. The Government of the Irish Free State shall afford to His Majesty's Imperial Forces:—

(a) In time of peace such harbour and other facilities as are indicated in the Annex hereto, or such other facilities as may from time to time be agreed between the British Government and the Government of the Irish Free State; and

(b) In time of war or of strained relations with a Foreign Power such harbour and other facilities as the British Government may require for the purpose of such defence as aforesaid.

8. With a view to securing the observance of the principle of international limitation of armaments, if the Government of the Irish Free State establishes and maintains a military defence force, the establishments thereof shall not exceed in size such proportion of the military establishments maintained in Great Britain as that which the population of Ireland bears to the population of Great Britain.

9. The ports of Great Britain and the Irish Free State shall be freely open to the ships of the other country on payment of the customary port and other dues.

10. The Government of the Irish Free State agrees to pay fair compensation on terms not less favourable than those accorded by the Act of 1920 to judges, officials, members of Police Forces and other Public Servants who are discharged by it or who retire in consequence of the change of government effected in pursuance hereof.

Provided that this agreement shall not apply to members of the Auxiliary Police Force or to persons recruited in Great Britain for the Royal Irish Constabulary during the two years next preceding the date hereof. The British Government will assume responsibility for such compensation or pensions as may be payable to any of these excepted persons.

11. Until the expiration of one month from the passing of the Act of Parliament for the ratification of this instrument, the powers of the Parliament and the government of the Irish Free State shall not be exercisable as respects Northern Ireland and the provisions of the Government of Ireland Act, 1920, shall, so far as they relate to Northern Ireland, remain of full force and effect, and no election shall be held for the return of members to serve in the Parliament of the Irish Free State for constituencies in Northern Ireland, unless a resolution is passed by both Houses of the Parliament of Northern Ireland in favour of the holding of such elections before the end of the said month.

12. If before the expiration of the said month an address is presented to His Majesty by both Houses of the Parliament of Northern Ireland to that effect, the powers of the Parliament and Government of the Irish Free State shall no longer extend to Northern Ireland, and the provisions of the Government of Ireland Act, 1920, (including those relating to the Council of Ireland) shall, so far as they relate to Northern Ireland, continue to be of full force and effect, and this instrument shall have effect subject to the necessary modifications.

Provided that if such an address is so presented a Commission consisting of three persons, one to be appointed by the Government of the Irish Free State, one to be appointed by the Government of Northern Ireland and one, who shall be Chairman, to be appointed by the British Government shall determine in accordance with the wishes of the inhabitants, so far as may be compatible with economic and geographic conditions, the boundaries between Northern Ireland and the rest of Ireland, and for the purposes of the Government of Ireland Act, 1920, and of this instrument, the boundary of Northern Ireland shall be such as may be determined by such Commission.

13. For the purpose of the last foregoing article, the powers of the Parliament of Southern Ireland under the Government of Ireland Act, 1920, to elect members of the Council of Ireland shall after the Parliament of the Irish Free State is constituted be exercised by that Parliament.

14. After the expiration of the said month, if no such address as is mentioned in Article 12 hereof is presented, the Parliament and Government of Northern Ireland shall continue to exercise as respects Northern Ireland the powers conferred on them by the Government of Ireland Act, 1920, but the Parliament and Government of the Irish Free State shall in Northern Ireland have in relation to matters in respect of which the Parliament of Northern Ireland has not power to make laws under that Act (including matters which under the said Act are within the jurisdiction of the Council of Ireland) the same powers as in the rest of Ireland subject to such other provisions as may be agreed in manner hereinafter appearing.

15. At any time after the date hereof the Government of Northern Ireland and the provisional Government of Southern Ireland hereinafter constituted may meet for the purpose of discussing the provisions subject to which the last foregoing article is to operate in the event of no such address as is therein mentioned being presented, and those provisions may include:—

(a) Safeguards with regard to patronage in Northern Ireland;

(b) Safeguards with regard to the collection of revenue in Northern Ireland;

(c) Safeguards with regard to import and export duties affecting the trade or industry of Northern Ireland;

(d) Safeguards for minorities in Northern Ireland;

(e) The settlement of the financial relations between Northern Ireland and the Irish Free State.

(f) The establishment and powers of a local militia in Northern Ireland and the relation of the Defence Forces of the Irish Free State and of Northern Ireland respectively;

and if at any such meeting provisions are agreed to, the same shall have effect as if they were included amongst the provisions subject to which the Powers of the Parliament and Government of the Irish Free State are to be exercisable in Northern Ireland under Article 14 hereof.

16. Neither the Parliament of the Irish Free State nor the Parliament of Northern Ireland shall make any law so as either directly or indirectly to endow any religion or prohibit or restrict the free exercise thereof or give any preference or impose any disability on account of religious belief or religious status or affect prejudicially the right of any child to attend a school receiving public money without attending the religious instruction at the school or make any discrimination as respects state aid between schools under the management of different religious denominations or divert from any religious denomination or any educational institution any of its property except for public utility purposes and on payment of compensation.

17. By way of provisional arrangement for the administration of Southern Ireland during the interval which must elapse between the date hereof and the constitution of a Parliament and Government of the Irish Free State in accordance therewith, steps shall be taken forthwith for summoning a meeting of members of Parliament elected for constituencies in Southern Ireland since the passing of the Government of Ireland Act, 1920, and for constituting a provisional Government, and the British Government shall take the steps necessary to transfer to such provisional Government the powers and machinery requisite for the discharge of its duties, provided that every member of such provisional Government shall have signified in writing his or her acceptance of this instrument But this arrangement shall not continue in force beyond the expiration of twelve months from the date hereof.

18. This instrument shall be submitted forthwith by His Majesty's Government for the approval of Parliament and by the Irish signatories to a meeting summoned for the purpose of the members elected to sit in the House of Commons of Southern Ireland, and if approved shall be ratified by the necessary legislation.

On behalf of the British Delegation.

On behalf of the Irish Delegation.






(Arthur Griffith).











December 6, 1921.


1. The following are the specific facilities required.


(a) Admiralty property and rights to be retained as at the date hereof. Harbour defences to remain in charge of British care and maintenance parties.


(b) Harbour defences to remain in charge of British care and maintenance parties. Certain mooring buoys to be retained for use of His Majesty's ships.


(c) Harbour defences to remain in charge of British care and maintenance parties.


(d) Harbour defences to remain in charge of British care and maintenance parties.


(e) Facilities in the neighbourhood of the above Ports for coastal defence by air.


(f) Haulbowline


To be offered for sale to commercial companies under guarantee that purchasers shall maintain a certain mininum stock for Admiralty purposes.


2. A Convention shall be made between the British Government and the Government of the Irish Free State to give effect to the following conditions:—

(a) That submarine cables shall not be landed or wireless stations for communication with places outside Ireland be established except by agreement with the British Government; that the existing cable landing rights and wireless concessions shall not be withdrawn except by agreement with the British Government; and that the British Government shall be entitled to land additional submarine cables or establish additional wireless stations for communication with places outside Ireland.

(b) That lighthouses, buoys, beacons, and any navigational marks or navigational aids shall be maintained by the Government of the Irish Free State as at the date hereof and shall not be removed or added to except by agreement with the British Government.

(c) That war signal stations shall be closed down and left in charge of care and maintenance parties, the Government of the Irish Free State being offered the option of taking them over and working them for commercial purposes subject to Admiralty inspection, and guaranteeing the upkeep of existing telegraphic communication therewith.

3. A Convention shall be made between the same Governments for the regulation of Civil Communication by Air.


[EN] [EN]



DÁIL ÉIREANN 'na suidhe mar Dháil Bhunaidh sa Pháirlimint Shealadach so, á admháil gur ó Dhia a thagann gach údarás dleathach chun na ndaoine agus muinghin aice gur mar seo a tabharfar thar n-ais beatha agus aontacht Náisiúnta na hÉireann, fógrann sí leis seo bunú Shaorstáit Éireann agus de bharr lán-chirt gan dearmad dineann sí a reachtú agus a achtú mar leanas:—

1. Is é an Bun-reacht atá leagtha amach sa Chéad Sgeideal a ghabhann leis seo a bheidh mar Bhun-reacht do Shaorstát Éireann.

2. Léireófar an Bun-reacht roimh-ráite maille le aith-fhéachaint ar na hAirtiogail Chó-aontuithe do Chonnradh idir an Bhreatain Mhóir agus Éire atá leagtha amach sa Dara Sgeideal a ghabhann leis seo (dá ngoirtear feasta “an Connradh Sgeidealta”) agus dá dtugtar feidhm dlí leis seo, agus má bhíonn aon fhoráil den Bhun-reacht roimh-ráite ná d'aon leasú air ná d'aon dlí a déanfar fé buiniscionn in aon tslí le aon cheann d'fhorálacha an Chonnartha Sgeidealta, beidh sé, i méid na buiniscionntachta san amháin, gan brí gan feidhm ar bith, agus rithfidh Oireachtas agus Ard-Chomhairle Shaorstáit Éireann fé seach pé reachtúchán eile agus gach n eile a bheidh riachtanach chun an Connradh Sgeidealta do thabhairt chun críche.

3. Chun gach críche féadfar an t-Acht um Bun-reacht Shaorstáit Éireann, 1922, do ghairm den Acht so.





Airtiogal 1.

Ball có-ionann iseadh Saorstát Éireann den Chuideachta Náisiún a dhineann suas an Có-chiníochas Briotáineach.


Airtiogal 2.

Tagann gach comhacht rialtais agus gach údarás reachtúcháin, feidhmiúcháin agus breithiúntais in Éirinn ó mhuintir na hÉireann agus feidhmeofar iad i Saorstát Éireann trí sna cóghléasanna a bunófar do réir an Bhun-reachta so no fé no leis.


Airtiogal 3.

Saoránach de Shaorstát Éireann iseadh gach duine idir fireann agus buineann ar a bhfuil buan-chomhnuí i líomatáiste údaráis Shaorstáit Éireann le linn an Bhun-reachta so do theacht i bhfeidhm agus gur in Éirinn do rugadh é féin no a athair no a mháthair no ar a raibh gnáth-chomhnuí i líomatáiste údaráis Shaorstáit Éireann ar feadh seacht mblian ar a luighead, agus, laistigh de theoranta údaráis Shaorstáit Éireann, beidh aige na príbhléidí agus tuitfidh air na hoibleagáidí a ghabhann leis an saoránacht san: Ar choiníoll go bhféadfaidh aon duine atá 'na shaoránach de Stát eile a bhreith de rogha gan an tsaoránacht a tugtar leis seo dho do ghlaca; agus socrófar le dlí na coiníollacha a rialóidh feasta saoránacht d'fháil agus do chríochnú i Saorstát Éireann.


Airtiogal 4.

Sí an Ghaedhilg teanga Náisiúnta Shaorstáit Éireann, ach có-aithneofar an Béarla mar theanga oifigiúil. Ní choiscfidh éinní san Airtiogal so ar an Oireachtas forálacha speisialta do dhéanamh do cheanntair no do líomatáistí ná fuil ach teanga amháin i ngnáth-úsáid ionta.


Airtiogal 5.

Ní bronnfar ar aon tsaoránach de Shaorstát Éireann aon teideal onóra i dtaobh aon tseirbhísí do thabhairt uaidh i Saorstát Éireann no 'na thaobh ach le cead no ar mhola Ard-Chomhairle an Stáit.


Airtiogal 6.

Is slán saoirse an duine, agus ní bainfear a shaoirse d'aon duine ach do réir na dlí. Ar aon duine do dhéanamh ghearáin no ar ghearán do dhéanamh ar a shon go bhfuiltear á chimeád go neadhleathach, fiosróidh an Ard-Chúirt agus aon bhreitheamh agus gach breitheamh di an gearán san láithreach agus féadfaid órdú do dhéanamh á chur d'fhiachaibh ar an nduine atá ag cimeád an duine sin corp an duine atá i gcimeád do thabhairt i láthair na Cúirte noan bhreithimh gan mhoill agus deimhniú do dhéanamh i scríbhinn i dtaobh cúise a chimeádtha agus órdóidh an Chúirt no an breitheamh san an duine sin do sgaoile ansan mara mbeifar sásta go bhfuiltear á chimeád do réir na dlí: Ar choiníoll, ámh le linn chogaidh no rebiliúntachta armtha ná gairmfear éinní dá bhfuil san Airtiogal so chun aon ghníomh dá ndéanfaidh fórsaí airm Shaorstáit Éireann do chosg, do smachtú ná do thoirmeasg.


Airtiogal 7.

Is slán do gach saoránach a arús comhnuithe agus ní raghfar isteach ann le fóirneart ach do réir dlí.


Airtiogal 8.

Is slán do gach saoránach saoirse choinsiais agus saor-chleachta agus admháil phuiblí chreidimh, ach gan dochar don rialtacht ná don mhoráltacht phuiblí, agus ní déanfar aon dlí go díreach ná go mí-dhíreach chun maoin do bhronna ar aon chreideamh, ná chun cosc ná teora do chur le saor-chleachta aon chreidimh, ná chun aon bhontáiste do thabhairt do dhuine ná aon mhí-ábaltacht do chur air mar gheall ar a thuairim ná a chéim a gcúrsaí creidimh ná baint go díobhálach ó cheart aon leinbh dul chun scoile atá ag fáil airgid phuiblí i dtaobh gan é bheith láithreach ag an dteagasc chreidimh sa scoil sin, ná chun aon deifríocht do dhéanamh i dtaobh cabhrach Stáit idir scoileanna atá fe bhainisteoireacht lucht chreidimh dheifriúla, ná chun aon chuid dá maoin do thógaint ó aon lucht creidimh ná ó aon fhundúireacht oideachais ach amháin chun bóithre, bóithre iarainn, oibreacha soluis, uisce no draeneála, no chun oibreacha eile d'úsáid phuiblí, agus ar chúiteamh do dhíol.


Airtiogal 9.

Is slán ceart oipineon do chur in úil gan chosg agus ceart teacht le chéile go síochánta gan airm, agus ceart cumainn no aontaisí do bhunú ar aon toisg ná fuil i gcoinne mhoráltacht phuiblí. Na dlithe a rialóidh an tslí 'na bhféadfar ceart cumainn do bhunú agus ceart saor-theacht le chéile do chur i bhfeidhm, ní dhéanfaid aon leithreachas i dtaobh polaitíochta ná creidimh ná aicme.


Airtiogal 10.

Tá de cheart ag gach saoránach de Shaorstát Éireann bunoideachas d'fháil in aisce.


Airtiogal 11.

Gach talamh agus uisce, gach mianach agus minearál, laistigh de chrich Shaorstáit Éireann dá raibh go dtí so i seilbh an Stáit, no i seilbh aon roinne dhe, no do bhí á chimeád chun úsáide no tairbhe puiblí, agus fós gach maoin nádúrtha den chrich chéanna (mar aon leis an aer agus le gach abhar gníomh-chomhachta), agus fós gach rí-chíos agus reacht-shaoirse laistigh den chrích sin, is le Saorstát Éireann iad ó dháta an Bhun-reachta so do theacht i bhfeidhm, gan dochar d'aon mhuinghineachas, bronntas, léas, ná cead 'na dtaobh do bhí an uair sin ann, no d'aon cheart dlisteanach príobháideach 'na leith, agus smachtóidh agus riarfaidh an t-Oireachtas iad, do réir pé rialacha agus forálacha a ceadófar le reachtúchán ó am go ham, ach ní aistreofar a seilbh sin ná seilbh aon choda acu, ach féadfar chun an leasa phuiblí iad do leigeant amach ó am go ham ar léas no ar chead, chun iad d'oibriú no a dtairbhe d'fháil, fé údarás agus do réir smachta an Oireachtais: Ar choiníoll ná féadfar aon léas ná aon chead den tsórt san do dhéanamh ar théarma a raghaidh thar naoi mbliana déag is cheithre fichid ó dháta a dhéanta, agus ná féadfar de bhrí a théarmaí féin aon léas ná aon chead den tsórt san d'athnuachtaint.


Airtiogal 12.

Bunuítear leis seo Cóir Reachtúcháin dá ngoirfear an tOireachtas. Beidh ann an Rí agus dhá Thigh, Dáil Éireann agus Seanad Éireann. Is ag an Oireachtas amháin a bheidh an t-aon-chomhacht chun dlithe i dtaobh síochána, rialtachta agus dea-riartha Shaorstáit Éireann do dhéanamh.


Airtiogal 13.

Suidhfidh an t-Oireachtas i gcathair Bhaile Atha Cliath no 'na haice no i pé áit eile a shocróidh sé ó am go ham.


Airtiogal 14.

Beidh de cheart ag gach saoránach de Shaorstát Éireann idir fireann agus buineann go mbeidh aois bhliana is fiche slán aige agus a chó-líonfaidh forálacha dlithe toghacháin na hiamsire, vótáil le teachtaí de Dháil Éireann, agus páirt do thógaint sa Referendum agus sa Tionnscnamh. Beidh de cheart ag gach saoránach de Shaorstát Éireann idir fireann agus buineann go mbeidh aois deich mblian fichead slán aige agus a chó-líonfaidh forálacha dlithe toghacháin na haimsire, vótáil le baill do Sheanad Éireann. Ní chaithfidh aon vótálaí níos mó ná aon vóta amháin i dtoghachán d'aon cheann den dá Thigh, agus is le ballóid shicréideach a déanfar an vótáil. Socrófar le dlí an chuma agus an áit 'na mbainfear feidhm as an gceart so.


Airtiogal 15.

Gach saoránach go mbeidh aois bhliana is fiche slán aige, agus ná beidh curtha fé mhí-ábaltacht ná fé mhí-chumas ag an mBunreacht ná ag an ndlí beidh sé iontoghtha chun bheith 'na theachta de Dháil Éireann.


Airtiogal 16.

Ní fhéadfaidh éinne bheith 'na bhall de Dháil Éireann agus de Sheanad Éireann in aonacht, agus má toghtar aon duine atá 'na bhall cheana d'aon Tigh chun bheith 'na bhall den Tigh eile, tuigfear feasta a chéad shuidheachán do bheith follamhuithe.


Airtiogal 17.

Is sa bhfuirm seo leanas a bheidh an mhóid a thabharfaidh Baill an Oireachtais:— mhóid go solamanta go ngéillfead agus go mbead fír-dhílis do Bhun-reacht Shaorstáit Éireann ar n-a bhunú do réir dlí, agus go mbead dílis dá Shoillse Rí Seoirse V., dá oighrí agus dá chomharbaí do réir dlí, de bhrí chó-shaoránachta na hÉireann leis an mBreatain Mhóir agus de bhrí gur ball í agus go leanann sí den chó-chruinniú náisiún a dhineann suas an Có-chiníochas Briotáineach.

Roimh thógaint a shuideacháin san Oireachtas do, tabharfaidh gach ball an mhóid sin agus cuirfe sé a ainm léi i bhfianaise Ionadaí na Coróinneach no i bhfianaise duine éigin go mbeith a údarás aige uaidh.


Airtiogal 18.

Beidh de phríbhléid ag gach ball den Oireachtas, ach amháin i gcás tréasúin, feleontachta no brise síochána, go mbeidh sé saor ó thógaint le linn do bheith ag dul chun aon Tighe den dá Thigh no ag teacht uaidh, no le linn do bheith fé ia aon Tighe den dá Thigh, agus ní féadfar aon aicsean ná aon imeachta in aon Chúirt ach sa Tigh féin do thabhairt 'na choinne i dtaobh éinní dá ndéarfa sé in aon Tigh den dá Thigh.


Airtiogal 19.

Beidh gach tuairisc agus foillsiúchán oifigiúil den Oireachtas no d'aon Tigh de fé phríbhléid agus beidh gach ní adéarfar in aon Tigh de fé phríbhléid is cuma cá bhfoillseófar é.


Airtiogal 20.

Déanfaidh gach Tigh a rialacha agus a Bhuan-Orduithe féin agus beidh de chomhacht aige pionós do chur i bhfeidhm i dtaobh a mbriste agus beidh de chomhacht aige saoirse dhíospóireachta do chur in áirithe, a scríbhinní oifigiúla agus páipéirí príobháideacha a bhall do chosaint agus é féin agus a bhaill do chosaint ar aon duine no daoine a bhainfidh le n-a bhaill no a chuirfidh isteach ortha no a thabharfaidh fé iad do bhrcaba le linn dóibh a ndualgaisí do chó-líona.


Airtiogal 21.

Déanfaidh gach Tigh a Cheann Comhairle agus a Leas-Cheann Comhairle féin do cheapa agus a gcomhachta, a ndualgaisí, a luach saothair, agus a dtéarmaí oifige do leaga amach.


Airtiogal 22.

Socrófar gach ceist i ngach Tigh, ach amháin mar a bhfuil a mhalairt de shocrú sa Bhun-reacht so, le mór-áireamh de vótanna na mball atá láithreach, lasmuich den Cheann Chomhairle no den bhall atá i gceannas, ag a mbeidh vóta réitigh agus ar a mbeidh é chaitheamh má's ionann vótanna an dá thaobh. Socróidh Buan-Orduithe gach Tighe an mó ball a dhéanfaidh cruinniú dleathach d'aon Tigh chun a chomachta do chur i bhfeidhm.


Airtiogal 23.

Déanfaidh an t-Oireachtas soláthar chun a bhaill do dhíol agus féadfaidh sé fós saor-thaisteal do sholáthar dóibh in aon pháirt d'Éirinn:


Airtiogal 24.

Tionólfaidh an t-Oireachtas siosón amháin ar a luighead gach bliain. Déanfaidh Ionadaí na Coróinneach in ainm an Rí an t-Oireachtas do ghairm agus do sgur agus ar na hachtaibh sin ceapfaidh Dáil Éireann dáta aith-thionóil an Oireachtias agus dáta críochnuithe shiosóin gach Tighe: Ar choiníoll ná críochnófar siosóin Sheanaid Éireann gan a thoil féin.


Airtiogal 25.

Beidh suidheanna gach Tighe den Oireachtas go puiblí. Ar ócáidí de riachtanas speisialta féadfaidh aon Tigh suidhe príobháideach do bheith aige ach dhá dtrian na mball a bheidh láithreach do thoiliú leis.


Airtiogal 26.

Beidh i nDáil Éireann teachtaí agus iad ag ionadú dáilcheantar a socrófar le dlí. Socróidh an t-Oireachtas uimhir na dteachtaí ó am go ham, ach ní socrófar lán-uimhir theachtaí Dháil Éireann (lasmuich de theachtaí na bPríomh-sgoileanna) fé bhun teachta in agha gach deich míle fichead den líon tíre, ná os cionn teachta in agha gach fiche míle den líon tíre: Ar choiníoll, gurb é an cothrom céanna chó fada agus is féidir, a bheidh ar fuaid na tíre idir uimhir na dteachtaí a bheidh le togha aon uair do gach dáilcheantar agus líon tíre gach dáilcheantair, ar n-a fháil sin amach sa chomhaireamh deireanach roimhe sin. Is do réir Ionaduíochta Cothromúla a toghfar na teachtaí. Déanfaidh an t-Oireachtas ath-chóiriú ar na dáilcheantair uair amháin gach deich mbliana ar a luighead, gan sóinseáil in áireamh áitiúil an lín tíre do dhearmhad, ach ní thiocfaidh aon atharú sna dáilcheantair i bhfeidhm i rith téarma na Dála a bheidh ann le linn a leithéid d'ath-chóiriú do dhéanamh.


Airtiogal 27.

Beidh de cheart ag gach Príomh-sgoil i Saorstát Éireann, do bhí ann ar dháta an Bhun-reachta so do theacht i bhfeidhm, trí teachtaí do thogha do Dháil Éireann ar reacht-shaoirse agus ar nós a socrófar le dlí.


Airtiogal 28.

Le linn Toghacháin Ghenearálta do Dháil Éireann déanfar an vótáil (lasmuich den vótáil do theachtaí do sna Príomh-sgoileanna) ar an lá céanna ar fuaid na tíre, agus ní bheidh an lá san thar deich lá fichead tar eis dáta an sgurtha agus fógrófar 'na lá saoire puiblí é. Tiocfaidh Dáil Éireann le chéile fé cheann mí ón lá san, agus mara sguirfear níos túisce í, leanfa sí ar feadh cheithre mblian ó dháta a céad chruinnithe, agus ní leanfa sí níos sia ná san. Ní féadfar Dáil Éireann do sgur aon uair ach ar chomhairle na hArd-Chomhairle.


Airtiogal 29.

I gcás teachta de Dháil Éireann d'fháil bháis, do thabhairt suas no do theacht fé mhí-cháilíocht, líonfar an follamhantas le togha ar chuma a socrófar le dlí.


Airtiogal 30.

Beidh i Seanad Éireann saoránaigh a ainmneofar as ucht onóir do bheith déanta acu don Náisiún le seirbhís phuiblí úsáideach, no, de bhrí cháilíocht no bhua speisialta do bheith acu, go n-ionaduighid tréithe táchtacha de shaol an Náisiúin.


Airtiogal 31.

Sé uimhir bhall Sheanaid Éireann trí fichid. Chun go mbeidh saoránach iontoghtha chun bheith 'na bhall de Sheanad Éireann caithfe sé bheith 'na dhuine iontoghtha chun bheith 'na theachta de Dháil Éireann, agus caithfidh aois a chúig bliana déag ar fhichid bheith slán aige. Gan dochar d'aon fhoráil a ceapfar chun bunuithe an chéad Sheanaid is é téarma oifige gach baill den tSeanad dhá bhliain déag.


Airtiogal 32.

Toghfar an ceathrú cuid de bhaill Sheanaid Éireann gach trí bliana ó ainm-liost a déanfar ar chuma a luaidhtear 'na dhiaidh seo agus déanfar san ag toghachán 'na mbeidh líomatáiste údaráis Shaorstáit Éireann mar aon líomatáiste toghacháin amháin, agus is do réir Ionaduíochta Cothromúla a déanfar an toghachán.


Airtiogal 33.

Roimh gach toghachán do bhaill Sheanaid Éireann déanfar ainm-liost do chur le chéile 'na mbeidh:—

(a) A thrí oirid de dhaoine oiriúnacha agus atá de bhaill le togha; agus díobh san ainmneoidh Dáil Éireann dhá dtrian ag vótáil do réir Ionaduíochta Cothromúla agus Seanad Éireann trian amháin ag vótáil do réir Ionaduíochta Cothromúla; agus

(b) Pé daoine do bhí aon uair 'na mbaill de Sheanad Éireann (mar aon le baill atá i ndeire a dtéarma) a chuirfidh in úil d'Uachtarán na hArd-Chomhairle le fógra i scríbhinn gur mian leo a gcur ar an ainm-liost.

Socróidh Dáil Éireann agus Seanad Éireann fé seach an tslí déanfar tairisgint agus togha chun ainmniúcháin, maille le aireachas speisialta do thabhairt don riachtanas atá le ionaduíocht do sholáthar do leasanna agus d'fhundúireachtaí táchtacha sa dúthaigh: Ar choiníoll go mbeidh gach tairisgint i scríbhinn agus go luaidhfear inte cáilíocht an té a tairgeofar, agus ná tairgeofar aon duine gan a chead féin. Chó luath is cuirfear an t-ainm-liost le chéile foillseofar liost ar órdú aibítre d'ainmneacha lucht an ainm-liosta mar aon le n-a gcáilíocht.


Airtiogal 34.

I gcás ball de Sheanad Éireann d'fháil bháis, do thabhairt suas, no do theacht fé mhí-cháilíocht, líonfar a ionad le vóta de Sheanad Éireann. Imeoidh aon bhall de Sheanad Éireann a toghfar mar sin as oifig ar chríochnú na tréimhse trí mblian a bheidh an uair sin ag rith agus cuirfear an follamhntas a thárlóidh mar sin i dteanta na n-ionad a bheidh le líona fé Airtiogal 32 den Bhun-reacht so. Críochnóidh téarma oifige na mball a toghfar tar éis an chéad chúig dhuine dhéag do thogha, ar chríochnú na tréimhse no na dtréimhsí go mbeadh imeacht as oifig i ndán don bhall no do sna baill de Sheanad Éireann gurb é a mbás no a dtabhairt suas fé ndear ar dtúis an follamhntas no na follmhntaisí do dhéanamh: Ar choiníoll go dtuigfear an follamhntas is túisce do thárla in órdú aimsire do bheith líonta ag an séú ball déag agus mar sin de.


Airtiogal 35.

Is ag Dáil Éireann amháin lasmuich de Sheanad Éireann a bheidh údarás reachtúcháin maidir le abhar Billí Airgid mar a mínítear 'na dhiaidh seo.

Cialluíon Bille Airgid Bille ná fuil ann ach forálacha i dtaobh gach abhair no aon abhair díobh so leanas, eadhon, leaga, ath-ghairm, maitheamh, atharú no rialú cánach; muirir do leaga ar airgead phuiblí chun fiacha do dhíol no chun cúrsaí eile airgid, no a leithéidí sin de mhuirir d'atharú no d'athghairm; soláthar; airgead puiblí do chur i leithreas, d'fháil, do chimeád, do thabhairt amach no a chuntaisí do scrúdú; tógaint no urús aon iasachta no a aisioc; mion-chúrsaí ag baint leis na habhair seo no le haon cheann aca. Sa mhíniú so ní fholuíonn na focail “cáin” “airgead puiblí” agus “iasacht” fé seach aon cháin, airgead ná iasacht a thógfaidh lucht údaráis áitiúla chun úsáide áitiúla.

Deimhneoidh Ceann Comhairle Dháil Éireann gur Bille Airgid aon Bhille atá 'na Bhille Airgid dar leis, ach, fé cheann trí lá tar eis Bille do bheith rithte ag Dáil Éireann, má éilíonn dhá chúigiú de bhaill aon Tighe é, le fógra i scríbhinn do Cheann Comhairle an Tighe dár baill iad, déanfar an cheíst i dtaobh ce'ca Bille Airgid no nách eadh an Bille d'fhágaint fé Choiste ar Phríbhléidí ar a mbeidh trí baill a thoghfaidh gach Tigh agus mar Cheann Comhairle ortha an breitheamh is aoirde céim den Chúirt Uachtarach a bheidh ábalta agus toilteannach ar fheidhmiú, agus a bheidh, i gcás có-ionannas vótanna, agus sa chás san amháin, i dteideal vótála. Ní bheidh aon dul thar breith an Choiste ar an gceist.


Airtiogal 36.

Breithneoidh Dáil Éireann, chó luath agus is féidir tar éis tosnuithe gach bliana airgid, meastacháin fháltais agus chaiteachais Shaorstáit Éireann i gcóir na bliana san, agus, ach sa méid go ndéanfaí achtú sonrách 'na thaobh i ngach cás, achtófar fé cheann na bliana an reachtúchán is gá chun Rúin Airgid gach bliana d'fheidhmiú.


Airtiogal 37.

Ní cuirfear airgead i leithreas le vóta, le rún ná le dlí, mara ndéanfar sa tsiosón céanna intinn a churtha i leithreas do mhola trí theachtaireacht ó Ionadaí na Coróinneach ar chomhairle na hArd-Chomhairle.


Airtiogal 38.

Cuirfear chun Seanaid Éireann gach Bille do tionnscnuíodh i nDáil Éireann agus do ritheadh ag Dáil Éireann agus maran Bille Airgid é, féadfaidh Seanad Éireann é do leasú agus breithneoidh Dáil Éireann aon leasú dá shórt; ach Bille a rithfidh Dáil Éireann agus a bhreithneoidh Seanad Éireann, tuigfear i gcionn dhá ohéad agus deich lá is trí fichid ar a dhéanaí tar éis é do chur chun an tSeanaid den chéad uair, no i gcionn pé tréimhse níos sia ná san le n-a dtoileoidh an dá Thigh, gur rith an dá Thigh é sa bhfuirm is déanaí 'nar rith Dáil Éireann é: Ar choiníoll go gcuirfear gach Bille Airgid chun an tSeanaid chun a mholta san d'fháil air agus i gcionn tréimhse nách sia ná lá is fiche tar éis é do chur chun an tSeanaid, go gcuirfear thar n-ais é go dtí Dáil Éireann a fhéadfaidh é rith, agus molta uile Sheanaid Éireann no aon mhola aca do ghlaca no do dhiúlta, agus, mar a bheidh rithte mar sin, no mara gcuirfear thar n-ais fé cheann an lae is fiche sin é tuigfear é bheith rithte ag an dá Thigh. Tar éis Bille nách Bille Airgid do chur go dtí Seanad Éireann féadfar Co-shuidhe de Bhaill an dá Thighe do thabhairt le chéile ar rún a rithfidh Seanad Éireann, chun díospóireacht, ach gan vótáil, do dhéanamh ar intinn an Bhille no ar aon leasú air.


Airtiogal 39.

Féadfar Bille do thionnscnamh i Seanad Éireann agus má ritheann Seanad Éireann é tabharfar isteach i nDáil Éireann é. Má leasuítear i nDáil Éireann é breithneofar ar nós Bille do tionnscnuíodh i nDáil Éireann é. Má diúltuítear i nDáil Éireann é ní tabharfar isteach arís é sa tsiosón chéanna, ach féadfaidh Dáil Éireann é d'aith-bhreithniú ar a tairisgint féin.


Airtiogal 40.

Bille a rithfear ag Tigh agus a glacfar ag an dTigh eile tuigfear é bheith rithte ag an dá Thigh.


Airtiogal 41.

Chó luath agus a bheidh aon Bhille rithte no tuigthe do bheith rithte ag an dá Thigh, cuirfidh an Ard-Chomhairle ag triall ar Ionadaí na Coróinneach é chun go cuirfe sé siúd in úil, in ainm an Rí, aontú an Rí leis, agus féadfaidh an an t-Ionadaí sin aontú in Rí do choinneáil siar nó an Bille do mhoilliú chun toil an Rí 'na thaobh do chur in úil: Ar choiníoll le linn do an t-aontú san d'aon Bhille do choinneáil siar no aon Bhille do mhoilliú, go ndéanfaidh Ionadaí na Coróinneach do réir an dlí agus an cleachta agus an úsáid bhun-reachtúil a rialuíonn a leithéid de choinneáil aontú siar no de mhoilliú i dTiarnas Canada.

Bille a moilleofar chun Toil an Rí 'na thaobh do chur in úil, ní bheidh aon fheidhm aige mara ndéanfaidh agus go dtí go ndéanfaidh Ionadaí na Coróinneach, fé cheann bliana ón lá do tíolacadh d'Ionadaí na Coróinneach é chun Aontú an Rí d'fháil, a chur in úil, le hóráid no le teachtaireacht do gach Tigh den Oireachtas, no le furógra, go bhfuil Aontú an Rí i gComhairle fachta 'na leith.

Cuirfear cúntas ar gach óráid, teachtaireacht, no furógra dá sórt síos i gCinn-lae gach Tighe agus tabharfar a n-aithghein fé dhearbhú cuibhe don oifigeach ceart le cimeád imeasc Annála Shaorstáit Éireann.


Airtiogal 42.

Chó luath agus féadfar tar éis d'aon dlí aontú an Rí d'fháil, cuirfidh an cléireach no pé oifigeach eile a cheapfaidh Dáil Éireann chuige sin dhá chóip chearta den dlí sin á dhéanamh, ceann aca i nGaedhilg agus an ceann eile i mBéarla (agus sighneoidh Ionadaí na Coróinneach ceann de sna cóipeanna san chun é do chur ar rolla cuimhnte in oifig an oifigigh sin den Chúirt Uachtarach ar a gcinnfidh Dáil Éireann), agus beidh na cóipeanna san mar fhínéacht chríochnuithe ar fhorálacha gach dlí dá sórt, agus i gcás coinbhlíocht idir an dá chóip a cuirfear i dtaisce mar sin, sé an ceann a bheidh sighnithe ag Ionadaí na Coróinneach a bhuaidhfidh.


Airtiogal 43.

Ní bheidh de chomhacht ag an Oireachtas a fhógairt gur brise dlí gníomhartha nár bhrise dlí iad le linn a ndéanta.


Airtiogal 44.

Féadfaidh an t-Oireachtas cóireanna íochtaracha reachtúcháin do bhunú agus pé comhachta a socrófar le dlí do thabhairt dóibh.


Airtiogal 45.

Féadfaidh an t-Oireachtas soláthar do dhéanamh chun Comhairlí Feidhme no Gairm-bheatha do bhunú a ionadóidh brainsí de bheatha cho-mhuinteartha agus chó-ionmhasach an Náisiúin. Déanfaidh an dlí le n-a mbunófar Comhairle dá sórt a comhachta, a cearta agus a dualgaisí agus an bhaint a bheidh aice le rialtas Shaorstáit Éireann do shocrú.


Airtiogal 46.

Is ag an Oireachtas amháin atá an t-aon cheart chun rialú do dhéanamh i dtaobh tógaint agus cothú na bhfórsaí armtha san i gcríocha Shaorstáit Éireann atá luaidhte sa Chonnradh Sgeidealta, agus beidh gach fórsa dá shórt fé smacht an Oireachtais.


Airtiogal 47.

Aon Bhille a bheidh no a tuigfear a bheith rithte ag an dá Thigh, féadfar é chur ar fionraoi ar feadh deich lá is cheithre fichid, ach dhá chúigiú de theachtaí Dháil Éireann no mór-áireamh de bhaill Sheanaid Éireann á iarraidh i scríbhinn ar Uachtarán na hArd-Chomairlc fé cheann seacht lá, an tráth is déanaí dhe, ón lá a bheidh no a tuigfear a bheidh an Bille sin rithte. Déanfar Bille den tsórt san do chur, do réir rialacha a dhéanfaidh an t-Oireachtas, fé bhreith na ndaoine le Referendum, má iarrtar san do dhéanamh fé cheann deich lá is cheithre fichid pe'ca le rún de Sheanad Éireann le n-a n-aontóidh trí chúigiú de bhaill Sheanaid Éireann, no le hachuiní a shighneoidh an fichiú cuid ar a luighead de sna vótáluithe a bheidh an uair sin ar chlár na vótáluithe, agus ní bheidh dul thar breith na ndaoine de réir mhóráirimh na vótanna a caithfear le linn a leithéid de Referendum. Ní bheidh feidhm ag na forálacha so maidir le Billí Airgid ná le pé Billí a fhógróidh an dá Thigh a bheith riachtanach láithreach chun an tsíocháin no an tsláinte no an tsábháltacht phuiblí do chosaint.


Airtiogal 48.

Féadfaidh an t-Oireachtas soláthar do dhéanamh chun tairisgintí ó sna daoine do thionnscnamh i dtaobh dlithe no i dtaobh leasuithe bun-reachta. Má theipeann ar an Oireachtas a leithéid de sholáthar do dhéanamh fé cheann dhá bhliain, déanfa sé, ar achuiní chúig míle déag is trí fichid míle vótáluíar an gclár, an chuid is lú dhe, ná beidh thar cúig míle déag aca 'na vótáluithe in aon dáilcheantar ar leithrigh, a leithéid de sholáthar no an cheist do chur fé bhreith na ndaoine do réir na ngnáth-rialacha a rialuíonn an Referendum. Aon reachtúchán i dtaobh a leithéid de thionnscnamh ó sna daoine a rithfidh an t-Oireachtas, forálfar ann (1) go bhféadfar a leighéid de thairisgint do thionnscnamh ar achuiní leath-chéad míle vótáluí ar an gclár, (2) má dhiúltuíonn an t-Oireachtas do thairisgint a tionnscnófar amhlaidh, go gcuirfear fé bhreith na ndaoine é do réir na ngnáth-rialacha a rialuíonn an Referendum; agus (3) má achtuíonn an t-Oireachtas tairisgint a tionnscnófar amhlaidh, go mbeidh an t-achtú san do réir na bhforálacha a rialuíonn gnáth-reachtúchán no leasú ar an nBun-reacht pe'cu san é.


Airtiogal 49.

Ní cuirfear Saorstát Éireann fé oibleagáid páirt ghníomhach do thógaint in aon choga gan aontú an Oireachtais, ach amháin i gcás ionsuidhe do dhéanamh ar Éirinn.


Airtiogal 50.

Féadfaidh an t-Oireachtas leasú do dhéanamh ar an mBunreacht so laistigh de théarmaí an Chonnartha Sgeidealta, ach tar éis ocht mblian ó dháta an Bhun-reachta so do theacht i bhfeidhm, ní dhéanfaidh dlí de n-a leithéid de leasu, ar n-a rith ag dhá Thigh an Oireachtais, mara ndéanfar, tar éis do dhá Thigh roimh-ráite an Oireachtais é do rith no tar éis a rith do thuisgint, an leasú san do chur fé referendum na ndaoine agus mara gcaithfidh móráireamh de sna vótáluithe ar an gclár a vótanna le linn a leithéid de referendum, agus vótanna mór-áirimh de sna vótáluithe ar an gclár, no dhá dtrian na vótanna sa chomhaireamh, do chaitheamh i bhfabhar an leasuithe. Féadfar aon leasú dá shórt do dhéanamh laistigh den tréimhse ocht mblian roimh-ráite mar ghnáth-reachtúchán agus mar sin tiocfaidh fé choiníollacha Airtiogail 47 de seo.


Airtiogal 51.

Fógartar leis seo Údarás Feidhmiúcháin Shaorstáit Éireann do bheith sealbhuithe sa Rí, agus go bhfeidhmeofar ag Ionadaí na Coróinneach é do réir an dlí an cleachta agus an úsáid bhunreachtúil a rialuíonn feidhmiú an údaráis fheidhmiúcháin i gcás Thiarnais Canada. Beidh Comhairle ann dá ngoirfear an Ard-Chomhairle chun cabhruithe agus comhairlithe i rialú Shaorstáit Éireann. Beidh an Ard-Chomhairle freagarthach do Dháil Éireann, agus is é a líon seachtar n-Airí ar an gcuid is mó dhe no cúigear Airí ar an gcuid is lú dhe ar n-a gceapa ag Ionadaí na Coróinneach ar ainmniú Uachtaráin na hArd-Chomhairle.


Airtiogal 52.

Beidh Airí uile na hArd-Chomhairle 'na dteachtaí de Dháil Éireann agus beidh ortha Uachtarán na hArd-Chomhairle, Leas-Uachtarán na hArd-Chomhairle agus an t-Aire i gceannas Roinn an Airgid.


Airtiogal 53.

Ceapfar Uachtarán na hArd-Chomhairle ar ainmniú Dháil Éireann. Ainmneoidh sé sin Leas-Uachtarán den Ard-Chomhairle, a ghníomhóidh chun gach críche in ionad an Uachtarián ar an Uachtarán d'fháil bháis, do thabhairt suas no do thuiteam fé mhí-chumas bhuan, go dtí go dtoghfar Uachtarán nua den Ard-Chomhairle. Gníomhóidh an Leas-Uachtarán thar ceann an Uachtaráin, leis, le linn eisean do bheith as láthair go sealadach. Is ar ainmniú an Uachtaráin, le haontú na Dála, a ceapfar na hAirí eile atá chun bheith in oifig mar bhaill den Ard-Chomhairle, agus imeoidh an t-Uachtarán agus na hAirí a ainmneoidh sé as oifig má chailleann seisean tacuíocht mhór-áirimh i nDáil Éireann, ach leanfaidh an t-Uachtarán agus na hAirí sin ag déanamh a ndualgaisí go dtí go gceapfar a gconharbaí: Ar choiníoll, ámh, ná sguirfear an t-Oireachtas ar chomhairle aon Ard-Chomhairle go mbeidh tacuíocht mhór-áirimh i nDáil Éireann caillte aici.


Airtiogal 54.

Beidh an Ard-Chomhairle freagarthach in aonacht i ngach cúrsa bhaineas leis na Ranna Stáit a bheidh á riara ag Baill den Ard-Chomhairle. Ullamhóidh an Ard-Chomhairle Meastacháin d'fháltas agus de chaiteachas Shaorstáit Éireann i gcóir gach bliana airgid, agus cuirfidh ós cóir Dháil Éireann iad roimh dheire na bliana airgid roimhe sin. Tiocfaidh an Ard-Chomhairle i gceann a chéile agus gníomhóid in aonacht mar aon údarás.


Airtiogal 55.

Féadfaidh Ionadaí na Coróinneach Airí ná beidh 'na mbaill den Ard-Chomhairle do cheapa agus géillfe siad san d'fhorálacha Airtiogail 17 den Bhun-reacht so. Ainmneoidh Dáil Éireann gach Aire den tsórt san ar mhola Choiste de Dháil Éireann a toghfar i slí a bheartóidh Dáil Éireann i dtreo go n-ionadóid Dáil Éireann gan leithreachas. Mara mbeidh Dáil Éireann sásta le aon mhola áirithe féadfaidh an Coiste leanúint ar ainmneacha do mhola go dtí go bhfaghfar ceann le n-a mbeifear sásta. Ní raghaidh lán-uimhir na n-Airí, agus Airí na hArd-Chomhairle d'áireamh ortha, thar dháréag.


Airtiogal 56.

Beidh gach Aire nách ball den Ard-Chomhairle 'na cheann freagarthach ar an Roinn no ar na Ranna a bheidh fé n-a chúram, agus beidh sé freagarthach uaidh féin do Dháil Éireann amháin i riara na Roinne no na Rann ar a mbeidh sé 'na cheann: Ar choiníoll, má dhineann an t-Oireachtas socrú i gcóir Comhairli Feidhme no Gairm-bheatha, go bhféadfaidh na hAirí seo no aon duine aca, má chinneann an t-Oireachtas amhlaidh, bheith 'na mbaill de sna Comhairlí sin agus bheith molta acu do Dháil Éireann. Is é téarma oifige aon Aire, nách ball den Ard-Chomhairle, téarma na Dála a bheidh ann le linn a cheaptha, ach leanfa sé in oifig no go gceapfar a chomharba, agus is í Dáil Éireann féin amháin a chuirfidh aon Aire dá shórt as oifig le linn a théarma, agus san ar chúis a luadhfar, agus tar éis an tairisgint go gcuirfear as oifig é do chur fé bhráid Choiste, a toghfar i slí a bheartóidh Dáil Éireann, i dtreo go n-ionadófar Dáil Éireann gan leithreachas, agus tar éis don Choiste sin tuairisc do thabhairt ar an scéal.


Airtiogal 57.

Beidh de cheart ag gach Aire bheith láithreach agus éisteacht d'fháil sa tSeanad.


Airtiogal 58.

Má ceaptar teachta de Dháil Éireann 'na Aire ní bheidh d'oibleagáid air a shuidhchán do thabhairt suas ná dul fé ath-thogha.


Airtiogal 59.

Gheobhaidh Airí pé luach saothair a socrófar ó am go ham le dlí, ach ní luigheadófar luach saothair aon Aire i rith a théarma oifige.


Airtiogal 60.

Ceapfar Ionadaí na Coróinneach, dá ngoirfear Seanascal Shaorstáit Éireann, ar an slí chéanna ceaptar Seanascal Canada agus de réir an chleachta atá in úsáid timpeal a leithéid de cheapa do dhéanamh. Beidh a thuarastal ar có-mhéid leis an dtuarastal atá anois indíolta le Seanascal na hAstráile agus cuirfear de mhuirear é ar chiste phuiblí Shaorstáit Éireann agus déanfar soláthar oiriúnach as an gciste sin chun a áit chomhnuithe oifigiúil agus a theaghlachas do choinneáil suas.


Airtiogal 61.

Déanfaidh ciste amháin d'fháltas uile Shaorstáit Éireann pé as é, gan dochar do pé eisceacht a socrófar le dlí, agus cuirfear i leithreas é chun úsáide Shaorstáit Éireann ar an gcuma agus fé sna muirir agus na fiachaisí ordófar le dlí.


Airtiogal 62.

Ceapfaidh Dáil Éireann Ard-Sgrúdóir chun gníomhuithe ar son Shaorstáit Éireann. Smachtóidh sé díoluíocht agus scrúdóidh cuntas gach airgid a riarfar ar ordú no fé údarás an Oireachtais, agus tabharfa sé tuairisg uaidh do Dháil Éireann ar uairibh áirithe a socrófar le dlí.


Airtiogal 63.

Ní cuirfear an t-Ard-Sgrúdóir as oifig ach mar gheall ar dhrochiompar no mí-chumas a luadhfar agus ar rúin a rithfidh Dáil Éireann agus Seanad Éireann. Gan dochar don bhforáil seo socrófar le dlí téarmaí agus coiníollacha sealbhuíochta a oifige. Ní bheidh sé 'na bhall den Oireachtas ná ní bheidh aon oifig ná ionad eile sochair aige.


Airtiogal 64.

Is i sna Cúirteanna puiblí a bhunóidh an t-Oireachtas a cuirfear comhacht bhreithiúntais Shaorstáit Éireann i bhfeidhm agus a riarfar ceart le breithiúin a ceapfar i slí a foráltar 'na dhiaidh seo. Beidh ar na Cúirteanna so Cúirteanna Céad-Chéime agus Cúirt Aith-éisteachta Deire dá ngairmfear an Chúirt Uachtarach. Ar na Cúirteanna Céad-Chéime beidh Ard-Chúirt, ag a mbeidh lán-údarás bunaidh agus comhacht chun socruithe gach cúrsa agus gach ceiste bhaineas le dlí no le fírinne, pe'ca síbhialta no coiriúil, agus fós Cúirteanna go mbeidh a n-údarás go háitiúil agus go teoranta maille le ceart aith-éisteachta mar a cinnfear le dlí.


Airtiogal 65.

Raghaidh comhacht bhreithiúntais na hArd-Chúirte chó fada le ceist dlisteanachta aon dlí maidir le forálacha an Bhun-reachta. Is í an Ard-Chúirt amháin a chuirfidh údarás bunaidh i bhfeidhm i ngach cás 'na dtiocfaidh cúrsaí den tsórt san i gceist.


Airtiogal 66.

Gan dochar do pé rialacha agus maille le pé eisceachtaí a cinnfear le dlí (lasmuich d'aon chás do thabharfadh ceist dlisteanachta aon dlí anuas) beidh údarás aith-éisteachta ag Cúirt Uachtarach Shaorstáit Éireann ar gach breith den Ard-Chúirt. Ní bheidh dul thar breith na Cúirte Uachtaraighe in aon chás, agus ní déanfar aith-bhreithniú ná ní féadfar aith-bhreithniú do dhéanamh ar an mbreith sin ag aon Chúirt, Binse ná Údarás eile ar bith: Ar choiníoll ná déanfaidh éinní sa Bhun-reacht so baint ó cheart aon duine chun cead speisialta d'achuiní ar a Shoillse chun a chúis do thabhairt fé aith-éisteacht ón gCúirt Uachtarach go dtí a Shoillse i gComhairle ná baint ó cheart a Shoillse chun a leithéid de chead do dheonú.


Airtiogal 67.

De réir na ndlithe bheidh i bhfeidhm de thurus na huaire agus do réir na rialacha a déanfar fútha iseadh bheidh uimhir na mbreithiún, bunú agus có-ghléasa agus roint ghnótha agus údaráis imeasg na gCúirteanna agus na mbreithiún roimh-ráite, agus gach ní bhaineas le nós imeachta.


Airtiogal 68.

Is é Ionadaí na Coróinneach a cheapfaidh ar chomhairle na hArd-Chomhairle breithiúin na Cúirte Uachtaraighe agus na hArd-Chúirte agus na gCúirteanna eile go léir a bunófar do réir an Bhun-reachta so. Ní cuirfear breithiúin na Cúirte Uachtaraighe ná na hArd-Chúirte as oifig ach mar gheall ar mhí-iompar no mhí-chumas a luadhfar, agus ansan féin le rúin a rithfear ag Dáil Éireann agus Seanad Éireann araon. Socrófar le dlí aois oifige d'fhágaint, luach saothair agus pinsean a leithéidí de bhreithiúin ar oifig d'fhágaint dóibh agus an dearbhtha a thabharfaid uatha le linn a gceaptha. Ní féadfar an luach saothair sin do luigheadú an fhaid a leanfaid in oifig. Socrófar le dlí téarmaí ceaptha breithiún aon chúirteanna eile a bunófar.


Airtiogal 69.

Le linn feidhmithe dhóibh beidh na breithiúin uile nea-spleách agus fé riail an Bhun-reachta agus an dlí amháin. Ní bheidh breitheamh iontoghtha chun suidhe san Oireachtas, agus ní bheidh aon oifig ná ionad eile sochair aige.


Airtiogal 70.

Ní trialfar éinne ach do réir chúrsaí cuibhe na dlí, agus ní bunófar cúirteanna nea-choitianta, ach amháin pé Binsi Airm a údarófar le dlí chun lucht airm a bhrisfidh dlí airm do thriail. Ní shroichfidh údarás na mBinsi Airm chun an phobail shíbhialta ná ní cuirfear i bhfeidhm ortha é ach in aimsir chogaidh no rebiliúntachta armtha agus mar gheall ar ghníomhartha a déanfar in aimsir chogaidh no rebiliúntachta armtha, agus do réir na rialacha a socrófar le dlí. Ní cuirfear an t-údarás san i bhfeidhm in aon líomatáiste 'na bhfuil na cúirteanna síbhialta go léir oscailte no 'narbh fhéidir iad do chomóra agus ní aistreofar aon duine ó líomatáiste go chéile chun a leithéid d'údarás do chruithniú.


Airtiogal 71.

Aon duine d'fhórsaí armtha Shaorstáit Éireann ná beidh ar seirbhís chogúil ní thrialfaidh aon Chúirt Airm ná aon Bhinse eile Airm é in aon choir intrialta ag sna Cúirteanna Síbhialta mara dtabharfar an choir sin go speisialta laistigh d'údarás Chúirteanna Airm, no aon Bhinse eile Airm, le haon chórus dlithe no rialacha chun smacht airm do chur i bhfeidhm a mholfaidh an t-Oireachtas 'na dhiaidh seo.


Airtiogal 72.

Ní trialfar aon duine in aon chúis choiriúil gan choiste ach i gcás cúiseanna timpeal mion-choirthe atá intrialta le dlí i láthair Chúirt Údaráis Achmair agus i gcás cúiseanna timpeal coirthe i gcoinnibh dlí airm atá intrialta ag Cúirt Airm no Binse eile Airm.



Airtiogal 73.

Gan dochar don Bhun-reacht so agus sa méid ná fuilid buiniscionn leis, leanfaidh na dlithe atá i bhfeidhm i Saorstát Éireann le linn teacht i ngníomh don Bhun-reacht so i lán-neart agus i lán-fheidhm go dtí go n-ath-ghairmfear no go leasófar iad no aon cheann aca le hachtú den Oireachtas.


Airtiogal 74.

Ní dhéanfaidh éinní sa Bhun-reacht so deifir d'aon fhiachas chun aon cháin no diúité do dhíol i dtaobh na bliana airgid ag rith le linn dáta an Bhun-reachta so do theacht i bhfeidhm, ná i dtaobh aon bhliana airgid roimhe sin, ná i dtaobh aon tréimhse a chríochnóidh ar an lá deireannach den bhliain airgid reatha roimh-ráite no roimhe, ná i dtaobh aon ócáide laistigh den bhliain sin no d'aon bhliain roimhe sin, ná fós aon deifir do mhéid a leithéid d'fhiachas; agus i gcaitheamh na bliana airgid reatha roimhráite leanfar de gach cáin agus diúité agus gach riaráiste den bhfiachas san do ghearra agus do leaga agus do bhailiú ar an gcuma cheanan chéanna do dintí é díreach roimh an mBun-reacht so do theacht i bhfeidhm, agus déanfar an cóiriú céanna do dintí roimhe seo ar an méid a baileofar; agus chun na críche sin, beidh na comhachta céanna ag an Ard-Chomhairle do bhí ag an Rialtas Sealadach agus beidh sí freagarthach sa tslí chéanna 'na raibh an Rialtas san.

Earraí a beirtear i gcaitheamh na bliana airgid reatha roimhráite ó Shaorstát Éireann go dtí aon pháirt den Bhreatain Mhóir no d'Oileán Mhanainn, no a tugtar ó aon pháirt den Bhreatain Mhóir no d'Oileán Mhanainn go dtí Saorstát Éireann, ní áireófar iad mar earraí amach no isteach do réir mar bheidh, ach sa méid go n-órdóidh an Ard-Chomhairle a mhalairt i dtaobh na bhfuirmeacha a bheidh le húsáid agus an eolais a bheidh le tabhairt 'na dtaobh.

Chun críche an Airtiogail seo, cialluíonn an focal “bliain airgid” maidir le cáin ioncuim (mar aon le barra-cháin) bliain a gearrtha, agus maidir le cánacha agus diúitéthe eile, an bhlíain a chríochnuíonn ar an t-aonú lá déag ar fhichid de Mhárta.


Airtiogal 75.

Go dtí go mbunófar Cúirteanna do Shaorstát Éireann do réir an Bhun-reachta so, leanfaidh an Chúirt Uachtarach Údaráis, na Cúirteanna Contae, na Cúirteanna Ceathrú Shiosóin agus na Cúirteanna Údaráis Achmair, mar atáid anois, don údarás céanna do chur i bhfeidhm de thurus na huaire mar a dhinidís go dtí so, agus aon bhreitheamh no giúistís, atá 'na bhall d'aon Chúirt dá sórt, agus atá in oifig le linn an Bhunreachta so do theacht i bhfeidhm, leanfa sé de thurus na huaire ar bheith 'na bhall dí, agus fanfa sé in oifig do réir na seilbhe céanna agus ar na téarmaí céanna do bhí aige go dtí so, ach i gcás breithimh den Chúirt Uachtarach roimh-ráite no de Chúirt Chontae, mara gcuirfidh sé in úil d'Ionadaí na Coróinneach gur mian leis tabhairt suas. Féadfar aon fhollamhntas in aon cheann de sna Cúirteanna roimh-ráite ar a leanfar amhlaidh do líona le ceapa a déanfar sa tslí chéanna a ceapfar breithiúin sna Cúirteanna atá á bhunú fén mBun-reacht so: Ar choiníoll go mbainfidh forálacha Airtiogail 66 den Bhun-reacht so i dtaobh breitheanna den Chúirt Uachtarach a bunófar fén mBun-reacht so le breitheanna Cúirte na hAith-éisteachta ar a leanfar do réir an Airtiogail seo.


Airtiogal 76.

Má bhíonn aon bhreitheamh den Chúirt Uachtarach Údaráis roimh-ráite no d'aon cheann de sna Cúirteanna Contae roimhráite le linn Cúirteanna do bhunú fén mBun-reacht so, ná ceaptar le n-a thoil féin chun bheith 'na bhreitheamh d'aon Chúirt dá sórt, déanfar leis, chun críche Airtiogail 10 den Chonnradh Sgeidealta, i leith is gur fhág sé oifig toisc an atharuithe Rialtais do tháinig i bhfeidhm de dheasgaibh an Chonnartha róimh-ráite, ach beidh gach ceart a bronnfar amhlaidh gan dochar d'aon cheart ná éileamh a bheadh aige i gcoinnibh Rialtais na Breataine


Airtiogal 77.

Gach oifigeach den Rialtas Sealadach atá ann le linn an Bhun-reachta so do theacht i bhfeidhm (agus nách oifigeach é gur thug Rialtas na Breataine a sheirbhísí ar iasacht don Rialtas Sealadach) aistreofar é ar an ndáta san agus déanfaidh de oifigeach de Shaorstát Éireann, agus beidh aige seilbh oifige a bheidh ar có-réir leis an seilbh oifige do bhí aige cheana.


Airtiogal 78.

Gach oifigeach den tsórt san ann do haistríodh ó Rialtas na Breataine de bhrí aon aistriú seirbhísí chun an Rialtais Shealadaigh, beidh sé i dteideal tairbhe Airtiogail 10 den Chonnradh Sgeidealta d'fháil.


Airtiogal 79.

Aon tseirbhís phuiblí nár aistríodh a riara go dtí an Rialtas Sealadach roimh dháta an Bhun-reachta so do theacht i bhfeidhm, cuirfear aistriú a riartha siar go dtí an 31adh lá de Mhárta, 1923, no go dtí dáta is luaithe ná san ar a gcinnfidh an Ard-Chomhairle tar éis fógra mí do thabhairt roimh ré san Iris Oifigiúil; agus an méid sin de sna hoifigigh ag obair i riara na seirbhísí sin ar dháta an aistrithe ar a gcinnfear sa tslí atá luaidhte 'na dhiaidh seo, aistreofar iad agus déanfaidh díobh oifigigh de Shaorstát Éireann; agus beidh d'fheidhm ag Airtiogal 77 den Bhun-reacht so 'na dtaobh i leith is gur oifigigh den Rialtas Sealadach do haistríodh chun an Rialtais sin ó Rialtas na Breataine na hoifigigh sin. Cinnfear ar na hoifigigh a bheidh le haistriú amhlaidh i dtaobh aon tseirbhísí sa tslí chéanna i leith is go raibh riara na seirbhísí aistrithe chun an Rialtais Shcaladaigh roimh an mBun-reacht so do theacht i bhfeidhm.


Airtiogal 80.

Maidir le maoin, earraí, cearta agus fiachaisí bhaineas le ranna Rialtais, tuigfear gurb iad Rialtas Shaorstáit Éireann comharbaí an Rialtais Shealadaigh, agus sa méid go ndéanfaidh feidhmeanna de Rialtas Shaorstáit Éireann d'fheidhmeanna aon roinne de Rialtas na Breataine, tuigfear gurb iad Rialtas Shaorstáit Éireann comharbaí na roinne sin de Rialtas na Breataine.


Airtiogal 81.

Tar éis dáta an Bhun-reachta so do theacht i bhfeidhm féadfaidh Tigh na Páirliminte, do toghadh do réir an Achta um Shaorstát Éireann (Socrú), 1922, (gurb í an dáil bhunaidh í chun an Bu -reacht so do shocrú), na comhachta agus na húdaráis uile a thugann an Bun-reacht so do Dháil Éireann do chur i bhfeidhm ar feadh tréimhse ná raghaidh thar bliain ón ndáta san, ach chuige sin go mbeidh ar theachtaí na Páirliminte sin forálacha Airtiogail 17 den Bhun-reacht so do chó-líona agus déanfar an chéad toghachán do Dháil Éireann fé Airtiogail 26, 27, agus 28 de seo chó luath agus is féidir tar éis deire na tréimhse sin.


Airtiogal 82.

D'ainneoin éinní dá bhfuil in Airtiogail 14 agus 33 de seo bunófar céad Sheanad Éireann láithreach tar éis an Bhun reachta so do theacht i bhfeidhm, sa tslí seo leanas, sé sin le rá:—

(a) I gcéad Sheanad Éireann beidh trí fichid ball dá dtoghfar deich dhuine fhichead agus dá n-ainmneofar deich dhuine fhichead.

(b) Is é Uachtarán na hArd-Chomhairle a ainmneoidh na deich mbaill fhichead de Sheanad Éireann atá le hainmniú, agus le linn do an t-ainmniúchán san do dhéanamh tabharfa sé aire speisialta go soláthrófar ionaduíocht do ghasraí no do pháirtithe ná beidh leor-ionaduíocht aca i nDáil Éireann an uair sin.

(c) Is í Dáil Éireann a thoghfaidh le vótáil a déanfar do réir Ionaduíochta Cothromúla na deich mbaill fhichead de Sheanad Éireann atá le togha.

(d) De sna deich mbaill fhichead a ainmneófar leanfaidh chúig dhuine dhéag a toghfar le crann-chur, in oifig ar feadh na lán-tréimhse de dhá bhliain déag, leanfaidh na chúig dhuine dhéag eile in oifig ar feadh sé mblian.

(e) De sna deich mbaill fhichead a toghfar leanfaidh an chéad chúig dhuine dhéag a toghfar in oifig ar feadh naoi mblian, agus leanfaidh na chúig dhuine dhéag eile in oifig ar feadh trí mblian.

(f) Ar chríochnú tréimhse oifige aon bhall den tsórt san toghfar baill 'na n-ionad i slí a fhorálann Airtiogal 32 den Bhun-reacht so.

(g) Líonfar foth-fhollamhntaisí i slí a fhorálann Airtiogal 34 den Bhun-reacht so.


Airtiogal 83.

Fógrófar chó luath agus is féidir agus ar an séú lá de Mhí na Nodlag Naoi gcéad déag agus a dó fichead an tráth is déana dhe, le Furóga ó n-a Shoillse, gur rith agus gur ghlac an Dáil Bhunaidh agus Páirlimint na Breataine an Bun-reacht so, agus tiocfaidh an Bun-reacht so i bhfeidhm ar fhoillsiú an Fhurógra san.


Second Schedule above referred to.

Airtiogail Chó-aontuithe do Chonnradh idir an Bhreatain Mhóir agus Éire.

(Articles of Agreement for a Treaty between Great Britain and Ireland).

1. Ireland shall have the same constitutional status in the Community of Nations known as the British Empire as the Dominion of Canada, the Commonwealth of Australia, the Dominion of New Zealand, and the Union of South Africa, with a Parliament having powers to make laws for the peace, order and good government of Ireland, and an Executive responsible to that Parliament, and shall be styled and known as the Irish Free State.

2. Subject to the provisions hereinafter set out the position of the Irish Free State in relation to the Imperial Parliament and Government and otherwise shall be that of the Dominion of Canada, and the law, practice and constitutional usage governing the relationship of the Crown or the representative of the Crown and of the Imperial Parliament to the Dominion of Canada shall govern their relationship to the Irish Free State.

3. The representative of the Crown in Ireland shall be appointed in like manner as the Governor-General of Canada and in accordance with the practice observed in the making of such appointments.

4. The oath to be taken by Members of the Parliament of the Irish Free State shall be in the following form:—

I . . . . . do solemnly swear true faith and allegiance to the Constitution of the Irish Free State as by law established and that I will be faithful to H.M. King George V., his heirs and successors by law, in virtue of the common citizenship of Ireland with Great Britain and her adherence to and membership of the group of nations forming the British Commonwealth of Nations.

5. The Irish Free State shall assume liability for the service of the Public Debt of the United Kingdom as existing at the date hereof and towards the payment of war pensions as existing at that date in such proportion as may be fair and equitable, having regard to any just claims on the part of Ireland by way of set off or counter-claim, the amount of such sums being determined in default of agreement by the arbitration of one or more independent persons being citizens of the British Empire.

6. Until an arrangement has been made between the British and Irish Governments whereby the Irish Free State undertakes her own coastal defence, the defence by sea of Great Britain and Ireland shall be undertaken by His Majesty's Imperial Forces. But this shall not prevent the construction or maintenance by the Government of the Irish Free State of such vessels as are necessary for the protection of the Revenue or the Fisheries.

The foregoing provisions of this Article shall be reviewed at a Conference of Representatives of the British and Irish Governments to be held at the expiration of five years from the date hereof with a view to the undertaking by Ireland of a share in her own coastal defence.

7. The Government of the Irish Free State shall afford to His Majesty's Imperial Forces:—

(a) In time of peace such harbour and other facilities as are indicated in the Annex hereto, or such other facilities as may from time to time be agreed between the British Government and the Government of the Irish Free State; and

(b) In time of war or of strained relations with a Foreign Power such harbour and other facilities as the British Government may require for the purpose of such defence as aforesaid.

8. With a view to securing the observance of the principle of international limitation of armaments, if the Government of the Irish Free State establishes and maintains a military defence force, the establishments thereof shall not exceed in size such proportion of the military establishments maintained in Great Britain as that which the population of Ireland bears to the population of Great Britain.

9. The ports of Great Britain and the Irish Free State shall be freely open to the ships of the other country on payment of the customary port and other dues.

10. The Government of the Irish Free State agrees to pay fair compensation on terms not less favourable than those accorded by the Act of 1920 to judges, officials, members of Police Forces and other Public Servants who are discharged by it or who retire in consequence of the change of government effected in pursuance hereof.

Provided that this agreement shall not apply to members of the Auxiliary Police Force or to persons recruited in Great Britain for the Royal Irish Constabulary during the two years next preceding the date hereof. The British Government will assume responsibility for such compensation or pensions as may be payable to any of these excepted persons.

11. Until the expiration of one month from the passing of the Act of Parliament for the ratification of this instrument, the powers of the Parliament and the government of the Irish Free State shall not be exercisable as respects Northern Ireland and the provisions of the Government of Ireland Act, 1920, shall, so far as they relate to Northern Ireland, remain of full force and effect, and no election shall be held for the return of members to serve in the Parliament of the Irish Free State for constituencies in Northern Ireland, unless a resolution is passed by both Houses of the Parliament of Northern Ireland in favour of the holding of such elections before the end of the said month.

12. If before the expiration of the said month an address is presented to His Majesty by both Houses of the Parliament of Northern Ireland to that effect, the powers of the Parliament and Government of the Irish Free State shall no longer extend to Northern Ireland, and the provisions of the Government of Ireland Act, 1920, (including those relating to the Council of Ireland) shall, so far as they relate to Northern Ireland, continue to be of full force and effect, and this instrument shall have effect subject to the necessary modifications.

Provided that if such an address is so presented a Commission consisting of three persons, one to be appointed by the Government of the Irish Free State, one to be appointed by the Government of Northern Ireland and one, who shall be Chairman, to be appointed by the British Government shall determine in accordance with the wishes of the inhabitants, so far as may be compatible with economic and geographic conditions, the boundaries between Northern Ireland and the rest of Ireland, and for the purposes of the Government of Ireland Act, 1920, and of this instrument, the boundary of Northern Ireland shall be such as may be determined by such Commission.

13. For the purpose of the last foregoing article, the powers of the Parliament of Southern Ireland under the Government of Ireland Act, 1920, to elect members of the Council of Ireland shall after the Parliament of the Irish Free State is constituted be exercised by that Parliament.

14. After the expiration of the said month, if no such address as is mentioned in Article 12 hereof is presented, the Parliament and Government of Northern Ireland shall continue to exercise as respects Northern Ireland the powers conferred on them by the Government of Ireland Act, 1920, but the Parliament and Government of the Irish Free State shall in Northern Ireland have in relation to matters in respect of which the Parliament of Northern Ireland has not power to make laws under that Act (including matters which under the said Act are within the jurisdiction of the Council of Ireland) the same powers as in the rest of Ireland subject to such other provisions as may be agreed in manner hereinafter appearing.

15. At any time after the date hereof the Government of Northern Ireland and the provisional Government of Southern Ireland hereinafter constituted may meet for the purpose of discussing the provisions subject to which the last foregoing article is to operate in the event of no such address as is therein mentioned being presented, and those provisions may include:—

(a) Safeguards with regard to patronage in Northern Ireland;

(b) Safeguards with regard to the collection of revenue in Northern Ireland;

(c) Safeguards with regard to import and export duties affecting the trade or industry of Northern Ireland;

(d) Safeguards for minorities in Northern Ireland;

(e) The settlement of the financial relations between Northern Ireland and the Irish Free State.

(f) The establishment and powers of a local militia in Northern Ireland and the relation of the Defence Forces of the Irish Free State and of Northern Ireland respectively;

and if at any such meeting provisions are agreed to, the same shall have effect as if they were included amongst the provisions subject to which the Powers of the Parliament and Government of the Irish Free State are to be exercisable in Northern Ireland under Article 14 hereof.

16. Neither the Parliament of the Irish Free State nor the Parliament of Northern Ireland shall make any law so as either directly or indirectly to endow any religion or prohibit or restrict the free exercise thereof or give any preference or impose any disability on account of religious belief or religious status or affect prejudicially the right of any child to attend a school receiving public money without attending the religious instruction at the school or make any discrimination as respects state aid between schools under the management of different religious denominations or divert from any religious denomination or any educational institution any of its property except for public utility purposes and on payment of compensation.

17. By way of provisional arrangement for the administration of Southern Ireland during the interval which must elapse between the date hereof and the constitution of a Parliament and Government of the Irish Free State in accordance therewith, steps shall be taken forthwith for summoning a meeting of members of Parliament elected for constituencies in Southern Ireland since the passing of the Government of Ireland Act, 1920, and for constituting a provisional Government, and the British Government shall take the steps necessary to transfer to such provisional Government the powers and machinery requisite for the discharge of its duties, provided that every member of such provisional Government shall have signified in writing his or her acceptance of this instrument. But this arrangement shall not continue in force beyond the expiration of twelve months from the date hereof.

18. This instrument shall be submitted forthwith by His Majesty's Government for the approval of Parliament and by the Irish signatories to a meeting summoned for the purpose of the members elected to sit in the House of Commons of Southern Ireland, and if approved shall be ratified by the necessary legislation.

On behalf of the British Delegation.

On behalf of the Irish Delegation.






(Arthur Griffith).











December 6, 1921.


1. The following are the specific facilities required.


(a) Admiralty property and rights to be retained as at the date hereof. Harbour defences to remain in charge of British care and maintenance parties.


(b) Harbour defences to remain in charge of British care and maintenance parties. Certain mooring buoys to be retained for use of His Majesty's ships.


(c) Harbour defences to remain in charge of British care and maintenance parties.


(d) Harbour defences to remain in charge of British care and maintenance parties.


(e) Facilities in the neighbourhood of the above Ports for coastal defence by air.


 (f) Haulbowline


To be offered for sale to commercial companies under guarantee that purchasers shall maintain a certain minimum stock for Admiralty purposes.



2. A Convention shall be made between the British Government and the Government of the Irish Free State to give effect to the following conditions:—

(a) That submarine cables shall not be landed or wireless stations for communication with places outside Ireland be established except by agreement with the British Government; that the existing cable landing rights and wireless concessions shall not be withdrawn except by agreement with the British Government; and that the British Government shall be entitled to land additional submarine cables or establish additional wireless stations for communication with places outside Ireland.

(b) That lighthouses, buoys, beacons, and any navigational marks or navigational aids shall be maintained by the Government of the Irish Free State as at the date hereof and shall not be removed or added to except by agreement with the British Government.

(c) That war signal stations shall be closed down and left in charge of care and maintenance parties, the Government of the Irish Free State being offered the option of taking them over and working them for commercial purposes subject to Admiralty inspection, and guaranteeing the upkeep of existing telegraphic communication therewith.

3. A Convention shall be made between the same Governments for the regulation of Civil Communication by Air.

A. G.

D. L1. G.


W. S. C.

M. O'C.

A. C.

E. S. O'D.

R. B.

S. G. D.