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Uimhir 21 de 1940.



[An tiontódh oifigeamhail.]



Roimhraiteach agus Generalta.


Gearr-theideal, có-luadh, agus léiriú.

1.—(1) Féadfar an tAcht Rialtais Áitiúil (Baile Atha Cliath) (Leasú), 1940, do ghairm den Acht so.


(2) Féadfar na hAchtanna Rialtais Áitiúil (Baile Atha Cliath), 1930 go 1940, do ghairm de sna hAchtanna Rialtais Áitiúla (Baile Atha Cliath), 1930 agus 1935, agus den Acht so le chéile.


(3) Léireofar an tAcht so agus an Príomh-Acht mar éinní amháin.



2.—San Acht so—


cialluíonn an abairt “an Príomh-Acht” an tAcht Rialtais Áitiúla (Baile Atha Cliath), 1930 (Uimh. 27 de 1930);


cialluíonn an abairt “an tAire” an tAire Riaghaltais Aiteamhail agus Sláinte Poiblidhe;


cialluíonn an abairt “an chathair” contae-bhuirg Bhaile Atha Cliath;


cialluíonn an abairt “an chontae” contae Bhaile Atha Cliath;


cialluíonn an abairt “an bailecheanntar” bailecheanntar Bhinn Eadair;


cialluíonn an abairt “bárdas na cathrach” Tiarna Méara Ró-Onórach, Seanóirí agus Buirgéisigh Bhaile Atha Cliath;


cialluíonn an abairt “an chomhairle chathrach” an chomhairle do bunuíodh don chathair leis an bPríomh-Acht;


cialluíonn an abairt “an chomhairle chontae” comhairle chontae Bhaile Atha Cliath;


cialluíonn an abairt “an chomhairle cheanntair” comhairle bhailecheanntair Bhinn Eadair;


cialluíonn an abairt “bainisteoir na cathrach” Bainisteoir Cathrach agus Baile-Chléireach Bhaile Atha Cliath.


An lá ceaptha.

3.—(1) Féadfaidh an tAire, le hordú, lá do cheapadh chun bheith ina lá cheaptha chun crícheanna an Achta so.


(2) San Acht so cialluíonn an abairt “an lá ceaptha” an lá ceapfar fén alt so chun bheith ina lá cheaptha chun crícheanna an Achta so.



Bailecheanntar Bhinn Eadair do chur le Contae-bhuirg Bhaile Atha Cliath.


Bailecheanntar Bhinn Eadair do chur le cathair Bhaile Atha Cliath.

4.—(1) Scuirfidh an chomhairle cheanntair agus beidh deireadh léi ar an lá ceaptha.


(2) Ar an lá ceaptha beidh líomatáiste an bhailecheanntair scartha ón gcontae agus o dhlighinse agus o chomhachta na comhairle contae agus ag gabháil leis an gcathair agus beidh sé curtha leis an gcathair agus ina chuid den chathair chun gach críche as san amach.


(3) Ar an lá ceaptha beidh teora na cathrach sínte amach i slí go mbeidh líomatáiste an bhailecheanntair laistigh di.


Páirteanna den Phríomh-Acht d'ionchorparú.

5.—(1) Deintear leis seo na hailt seo leanas den Phríomh-Acht (dá ngairmtear na hailt ionchorparuithe san alt so), sé sin le rá, na hailt o alt a ceathair go halt a cúig déag agus fós ailt a naoi déag, a ceathair fichead, a cúig fichead, a hocht fichead, a seacht ochtód, a hocht ochtód, agus a céad is a dó, d'ionchorparú san Acht so gus na hatharuithe sin ortha atá leagtha amach sa chéad fho-alt ina dhiaidh seo den alt so agus, dá réir sin, beidh éifeacht ag na hailt ionchorparuithe sin fé is dá n-ath-achtuítí san Acht so iad gus na hatharuithe sin ortha adubhradh.


(2) Deintear leis seo na hatharuithe seo leanas ar na hailt ionchorparuithe chun-críche a n-ionchorparuithe san Acht so, agus chuige sin amháin, sé sin le rá:—


(a) is tuigthe, chun na críche adubhradh, gur cólucht díochurtha an chomhairle cheanntair agus, dá réir sin, déanfar gach tagairt atá sna hailt ionchorparuithe do chóluchtaí díochurtha no do chólucht dhíochurtha do léiriú mar thagairt don chomhairle cheanntair;


(b) is tuigthe, chun na críche adubhradh, gur bailecheanntar có-cheangailte an bailecheanntar agus, dá réir sin, déanfar gach tagairt atá sna hailt ionchorparuithe do bhailecheanntair chó-cheangailte no do bhailecheanntar chó-cheangailte do léiriú mar thagairt don bhailecheanntar;


(c) is tuigthe, chun na críche adubhradh, gurb é bárdas na cathrach comharba na comhairle ceanntair;


(d) i ngach áit ina bhfuil an abairt “an tsean-chathair” sna hailt ionchorparuithe, léireofar í mar abairt a chialluíonn contae-bhuirg Bhaile Atha Cliath mar atá sí ar dháta an Achta so do rith;


(e) i ngach áit ina bhfuil na habairtí “an tAcht so” agus “an Chuid seo den Acht so” fé seach sna hailt ionchorparuithe, léireofar iad mar abairtí chialluíonn na hailt ionchorparuithe mar atáid ionchorparuithe san Acht so;


(f) i ngach áit ina bhfuil an abairt “an lá ceaptha” sna hailt ionchorparuithe, léireofar í mar abairt a chialluíonn an lá is lá ceaptha chun crícheanna an Achta so;


(g) ní tabharfar áird ar an gcuid sin de sna hailt ionchorparuithe ná baineann ach le buirg Dhún Laoghaire;


(h) na mínithe atá in alt 1 den Phríomh-Acht, i dtaobh focal no abairtí in aon cheann de sna hailt ionchorparuithe, agus ná fuil buiniscionn le haon fhoráil aca san roimhe seo den fho-alt so, is tuigthe iad d'ath-achtú san Acht so chun críche léirithe na n-alt ionchorparuithe.


Deireadh do chur le toghacháin maidir leis an gcomhairle cheanntair.

6.—Ní bheidh aon toghachán ann tar éis an Achta so do rith chun baill den chomhairle cheanntair do thoghadh.


An chéad toghachán cinn trí mblian eile maidir leis an gcomhairle chathrach.

7.—Beidh feidhm agus éifeacht ag na forálacha so leanas maidir leis an gcéad toghachán cinn trí mblian (dá ngairmtear san alt so an toghachán cathrach san) a bheidh ann tar éis an Achta so do rith chun baill den chomhairle chathrach do thoghadh, sé sin le rá:—


(a) gach toghthóir rialtais áitiúil a bheidh cláruithe mar thoghthóir den tsórt san laistigh den bhailecheanntar, beidh sé (fé réir aon dí-cháilíochta ar n-a fhorchur le dlí) i dteideal vótáil sa toghachán chathrach san;


(b) chun crícheanna an toghacháin chathrach san, beidh líomatáiste an bhailecheanntair ag gabháil leis an toghalíomatáiste buirge sin sa chathair atá teoranta leis an mbailecheanntar agus is tuigthe gur cuid den toghalíomatáiste buirge sin é;


(c) gach ceanntar vótaíochta atá ar bith, ar dháta an Achta so do rith, chun críche toghachán ball den chomhairle chontae agus atá suidhte sa bhailecheanntar, beidh sé ina cheanntar vótaíochta chun crícheanna an toghacháin chathrach san, agus gach áit vótaíochta atá ar bith amhlaidh in aon cheanntar vótaíochta den tsórt san, beidh sé ina áit vótaíochta chun crícheanna an toghacháin chathrach san.


An chéad toghachán cinn trí mblian eile maidir leis an gcomhairle chontae.

8.—Chun crícheanna an chéad toghacháin eile bheidh ann tar éis an Achta so do rith chun baill den chomhairle chontae do thoghadh, is tuigthe gan an bailecheanntar do bheith ina chuid den chontae ná é do bheith ag gabháil leis an gcontae.


Coróinéirí agus fo-shirriaim agus leabhair de choisteoirí.

9.—(1) Leanfaidh líomatáiste dlighinse an duine atá, ar dháta an Achta so do rith, i seilbh oifige mar choróinéir don chontae de bheith ina líomatáiste dhlighinse aige mar choróinéir den tsórt san, fé is ná rithfí an tAcht so, faid a bheidh an duine sin i seilbh na hoifige sin, ach ar é do scur, tré éag no eile, de bheith i seilbh na hoifige sin aige, beidh líomatáiste an bhailecheanntair scartha o líomatáiste dhlighinse choróinéara na contae agus ag gabháil le líomatáiste dhlighinse choróinéara na cathrach ar dháta an scuir sin no ar an lá ceaptha (pé tráth aca san is déanaighe) agus beidh sé curtha leis an líomatáiste sin as san amach.


(2) Leanfaidh líomatáiste dlighinse an duine atá, ar dháta an Achta so do rith, i seilbh oifige mar fho-shirriam don chontae de bheith ina líomatáiste dhlighinse aige mar fho-shirriam den tsórt san, fé is ná rithfí an tAcht so, faid a bheidh an duine sin i seilbh na hoifige sin, ach ar é do scur, tré éag no eile, de bheith i seilbh na hoifige sin aige, beidh líomatáiste an bhailecheanntair scartha o líomatáiste dhlighinse fho-shirriaim na contae agus ag gabháil le líomatáiste dhlighinse fho-shirriaim no chlárathóra chontae na cathrach (do réir mar a bheidh) ar dháta an scuir sin no ar an lá ceaptha (pé tráth aca san is déanaighe) agus beidh sé curtha leis an líomatáiste sin as san amach.


(3) Beidh éifeacht ag na forálacha so leanas sa chathair agus sa chontae maidir le leabhair de choisteoirí d'ullmhú, le painéil de choisteoirí d'ullmhú, agus le coisteoirí do ghairm, agus maidir leis na painéil o n-a bhfuighfear coisteoirí le haghaidh trialach ceisteanna ag cúirt no breitheamh a bheidh ag suidhe sa chathair no sa chontae, sé sin le rá:—


(a) go dtí an lá díreach roimh an lá ceaptha, agus as san amach go dtí go raghaidh an leabhar de choisteoirí bheidh i bhfeidhm díreach roimh an lá san sa chathair no an leabhar de choisteoirí bheidh i bhfeidhm díreach roimh an lá san sa chontae i ndísc, leanfaidh an dlí do bhí i bhfeidhm díreach roimh dháta an Achta so do rith de bheith i bhfeidhm agus déanfar dá réir fé is ná rithfí an tAcht so agus, go sonnrách, fé is ná rithfí an fo-alt deiridh sin roimhe seo den alt so ná na forálacha tré n-a gcuirtear an bailecheanntar leis an gcathair;


(b) nuair a raghaidh agus chó luath agus a raghaidh ceann de sna leabhair sin de choisteoirí i ndísc an lá ceaptha no dá éis sin, is tuigthe an ceann eile de sna leabhair sin de choisteoirí do dhul i ndísc agus tiocfaidh leabhair nua de choisteoirí i bhfeidhm láithreach sa chathair agus sa chontae;


(c) d'ainneoin éinní atá sa bhfo-alt so, déanfar ceann de sna leabhair nua san de choisteoirí d'ullmhú mar leabhar de choisteoirí don chathair ar n-a leathnú leis an Acht so, agus déanfar an ceann eile de sna leabhair nua san de choisteoirí d'ullmhú mar leabhar de choisteoirí don chontae gan an bailecheanntar d'áireamh;


(d) díreach ar theacht i bhfeidhm do sna leabhair nua san de choisteoirí, beidh éifeacht ag forálacha an Achta so agus déanfar dá réir as san amach ach, faid a bheidh foshirriam ann don chathair, isé an fo-shirriam san a bheidh ina oifigeach phainéalachta do réir bhrí Achta na nGiúirithe, 1927 (Uimh. 23 de 1927), don chathair iomláin ar n-a leathnú leis an Acht so agus, faid a bheidh fo-shirriam ann don chontae, isé an fo-shirriam san a bheidh ina oifigeach phainéalachta do réir an bhrí adubhradh don chontae gan an bailecheanntar d'áireamh.


Rátaí, etc., an bhailecheanntair do dhíochur.

10.—(1) Na rátaí uile bheidh inghearrtha sa bhailecheanntar díreach roimh an lá ceaptha, scuirfid, fé réir forálacha an chéad fho-ailt ina dhiaidh seo den alt so, de bheith inghearrtha ar an lá cheaptha, ach ní thiocfaidh den scur san cosc do chur, ná dochar ná deifir do dhéanamh, maidir le haon chuid de ráta ar bith den tsórt san, a bheidh dlite agus gan íoc díreach roimh an lá cheaptha, do bhailiú no do bhaint amach tar éis an lae cheaptha.


(2) Ní bhainfidh forálacha an ailt seo le suimeanna (dá ngairmtear de ghnáth rátaí uisce fé chonnradh) ar n-a n-éileamh alos uisce do chur ar fáil d'ionoighreachtaí no do thionóntacháin áirithe chun crícheanna nach crícheanna tighis, no alos uisce do chur ar fáil fé chonnradh speisialta do dhuine ar bith ná beidh i dteideal an uisce sin d'fháil, ach déanfar na suimeanna san do bhailiú agus do bhaint amach mar chuid den ráta chathardha.


(3) Gach ciste bheidh, díreach roimh an lá cheaptha, á chothabháil as toradh aon cheann de sna rátaí a díochuirtear leis an alt so, scuirfidh de bheith á chothabháil amhlaidh ar an lá cheaptha agus déanfar, an lá san, an t-airgead (más ann dó) a bheidh i gcreidiúint d'aon chiste den tsórt san d'íoc isteach sa chiste chathardha, agus déanfar gach fiachas a bheidh dlite ar aon chiste den tsórt san d'íoc amach as an gciste cathardha.


(4) Beidh feidhm agus éifeacht ag alt 64 den Phríomh-Acht, sa líomatáiste chuireann an tAcht so ag gabháil leis an gcathair, fé is dá n-ath-achtuítí an t-alt san anso alos an líomatáiste sin amháin, agus na dátaí an 1adh lá d'Abrán, 1941, agus an 1adh lá d'Abrán, 1940, curtha in ionad na ndátaí an 1adh lá d'Abrán, 1931, agus an 1adh lá d'Abrán, 1930, fé seach, i ngach áit ina bhfuil na dátaí sin san alt san.


An deontas talmhaíochta do choigeartú.

11.—Deintear leis seo an tAcht um Rátaí ar Thalamh Thalmhaíochta (Faoiseamh), 1939 (Uimh. 23 de 1939), do leasú, maidir leis an gcéad bhliain airgeadais áitiúil i ndiaidh na bliana airgeadais áitiúla ina dtuitfidh an lá ceaptha agus maidir le gach bliain airgeadais áitiúil ina dhiaidh sin, sna slite seo leanas agus léireofar an tAcht san agus beidh éifeacht aige dá réir sin, sé sin le rá:—


(a) tré sna focail “sé chéad déag agus ochtó punt, trí scillinge déag, agus sé pingne”, atá i bhfo-alt (6) d'alt 4, do scriosadh agus na focail “dhá mhíle agus trí chéad agus seasca punt” do chur ina n-ionad san, agus


(b) tríd an suim £54,550 6s. 6d., atá sa dara colún den Sceideal, do scriosadh agus an tsuim £53,871 do chur ina hionad san.


Achuingheacha maidir le bárdanna sa chathair.

12.—Scuirfidh fo-airteagal (14) (a bhaineann leis an am gur laistigh de is ceaduithe do chomhairle bhuirge achuinge do thíolacadh maidir leis an mbuirg sin do roinnt ina bárdanna) d'Airteagal 31 den Sceideal a ghabhann leis an Local Government (Application of Enactments), Order, 1898, de bhaint le bárdas na cathrach do thíolacadh aon achuinge den tsórt san.




Daoine do cheapadh chun oifige Bainisteora Chathrach Bhaile Atha Cliath.

13.—(1) Beidh oifig an bhainisteora chathrach ina hoifig le n-a mbaineann Acht na nUdarás nAitiúil (Oifigigh agus Fostaithe), 1926 (Uimh. 39 de 1926), ach amháin ná bainfidh alt 5 den Acht san leis an oifig sin agus gur fé réir forálacha an chéad fho-ailt ina dhiaidh seo den alt so a bhainfidh ailt 6, 8 agus 9 den Acht san leis an oifig sin.


(2) Pé uair is gá duine do cheapadh chun oifige bainisteora na cathrach, iarrfaidh an tAire ar na Coimisnéirí um Cheapacháin Áitiúla duine do mholadh dhó chun a cheaptha chun na hoifige sin agus roghnóidh na Coimisinéiri (ar shlí seachas tré scrúdú comórtais) agus molfaid don Aire fé Acht na nUdarás nAitiúil (Oifigigh agus Fostaithe), 1926 (Uimh. 39 de 1926), duine amháin, agus gan ach san, chun a cheaptha amhlaidh, agus leis sin tiocfaidh an duine a rognófar agus a molfar amhlaidh chun bheith agus beidh sé ceaptha, de bhuadh an mholta san, chun na hoifige sin amhail ar an lá a cheapfaidh an tAire chuige sin le hordú agus ón lá san amach.


(3) Pé uair a bheidh oifig an bhainisteora chathrach folamh, ceapfaidh an tAire duine chun bheith ina bhainisteoir chathrach go dtí go gceapfar duine chun na hoifige sin fén bhfo-alt deiridh sin roimhe seo den alt so.


Páirteanna den Phríomh-Acht d'athghairm.

14.—Athghairmtear leis seo fo-alt (3) d'alt 53 agus alt 101 den Phríomh-Acht.



Number 21 of 1940.





Preliminary and General



Short title, collective citation, and construction.




The appointed day.


Inclusion of Howth Urban District in the County Borough of Dublin


Inclusion of Howth urban district in Dublin city.


Incorporation of portions of the Principal Act.


Cesser of elections to the district council.


The next triennial election to the city council.


The next triennial election to the county council.


Coroners, under-sheriffs and jurors books.


Abolition of urban district rates, etc.


Adjustment of agricultural grant.


Petitions in regard to wards in the city.




Appointments to the office of Dublin City Manager.


Repeal of portions of the Principal Act.

Acts Referred to

Local Government (Dublin) Act, 1930

No. 27 of 1930

Juries Act, 1927

No. 23 of 1927

Rates on Agricultural Land (Relief) Act, 1939

No. 23 of 1939

Local Authorities (Officers and Employees) Act, 1926

No. 39 of 1926


Number 21 of 1940.




Preliminary and General.


Short title, collective citation, and construction.

1.—(1) This Act may be cited as the Local Government (Dublin) (Amendment) Act, 1940.


(2) The Local Government (Dublin) Acts, 1930 and 1935, and this Act may be cited together as the Local Government (Dublin) Acts, 1930 to 1940.


(3) This Act shall be construed as one with the Principal Act.



2.—In this Act—


the expression “the Principal Act” means the Local Government (Dublin) Act, 1930 (No. 27 of 1930);


the expression “the Minister” means the Minister for Local Government and Public Health;


the expression “the city” means the county borough of Dublin;


the expression “the county” means the county of Dublin;


the expression “the urban district” means the urban district of Howth;


the expression “the city corporation” means the Right Honourable the Lord Mayor, Aldermen, and Burgesses of Dublin;


the expression “the city council” means the council established by the Principal Act for the city;


the expression “the county council” means the county council of the county of Dublin;


the expression “the district council” means the council of the urban district of Howth;


the expression “the city manager” means the Dublin City Manager and Town Clerk.


The appointed day.

3.—(1) The Minister may by order appoint a day to be the appointed day for the purposes of this Act.


(2) In this Act the expression “the appointed day” means the day appointed under this section to be the appointed day for the purposes of this Act.



Inclusion of Howth Urban District in the County Borough of Dublin.


Inclusion of Howth urban district in Dublin city.

4.—(1) On the appointed day the district council shall be dissolved and cease to exist.


(2) On the appointed day the area of the urban district shall be detached from the county and from the jurisdiction and powers of the county council and shall be added to the city and shall thenceforward be included in and form part of the city for all purposes.


(3) On the appointed day the boundary of the city shall be extended so as to include the area of the urban district.


Incorporation of portions of the Principal Act.

5.—(1) The following sections (in this section referred to as the incorporated sections) of the Principal Act, that is to say, sections four to fifteen and sections nineteen, twenty-four, twenty-five, twenty-eight, eighty-seven, eighty-eight, and one hundred and two are hereby incorporated in this Act with the modifications set forth in the next following sub-section of this section, and accordingly the said incorporated sections shall have effect as if they were re-enacted in this Act with the modifications aforesaid.


(2) The following modifications are hereby made in the incorporated sections for the purpose of their incorporation in this Act, but no further or otherwise, that is to say:—


(a) the district council shall, for the purpose aforesaid, be deemed to be an abolished body, and accordingly every reference in the incorporated sections to abolished bodies or to an abolished body shall be construed as a reference to the district council;


(b) the urban district shall, for the purpose aforesaid, be deemed to be an added urban district, and accordingly every reference in the incorporated sections to added urban districts or to an added urban district shall be construed as a reference to the urban district;


(c) the city corporation shall, for the purpose aforesaid, be deemed to be the successor of the district council;


(d) the expression “the existing city” wherever it occurs in the incorporated sections shall be construed as meaning the county borough of Dublin as existing at the passing of this Act;


(e) the expression “this Act” and “this Part of this Act” wherever they respectively occur in the incorporated sections shall be construed as meaning the incorporated sections as incorporated in this Act;


(f) the expression “the appointed day” wherever it occurs in the incorporated sections shall be construed as meaning the day which is the appointed day for the purposes of this Act;


(g) so much of the incorporated sections as relates exclusively to the borough of Dun Laoghaire shall be disregarded;


(h) such of the definitions contained in section 1 of the Principal Act as relate to words or expressions occurring in any of the incorporated sections and are not inconsistent with any of the foregoing provisions of this sub-section shall be deemed to be re-enacted in this Act for the purpose of the interpretation of the incorporated sections.


Cesser of elections to the district council.

6.—No election of members of the district council shall take place after the passing of this Act.


The next triennial election to the city council.

7.—The following provisions shall apply and have effect in relation to the triennial election (in this section referred to as the said city election) of members of the city council held next after the passing of this Act, that is to say:—


(a) every local government elector registered as such within the urban district shall (subject to any disqualification imposed by law) be entitled to vote at the said city election;


(b) the area of the urban district shall, for the purposes of the said city election, be added to and be deemed to form part of that borough electoral area in the city which adjoins the urban district;


(c) every polling district existing at the passing of this Act for the purpose of elections of members of the county council and situate in the urban district shall be a polling district for the purposes of the said city election, and every polling place so existing in any such polling district shall be a polling place for the purposes of the said city election.


The next triennial election to the county council.

8.—For the purposes of the election of members of the county council held next after the passing of this Act, the urban district shall be deemed not to form part of and not to be included in the county.


Coroners, under-sheriffs and jurors books.

9.—(1) So long as the person who at the passing of this Act holds the office of coroner of the county continues to hold that office, his area of jurisdiction as such coroner shall continue as if this Act had not been passed but, upon his ceasing by death or otherwise to hold his said office, the area of the urban district shall, on such cesser or on the appointed day (whichever is the later), be detached from the area of jurisdiction of the coroner of the county and be added to and thenceforward included in the area of jurisdiction of the coroner of the city.


(2) So long as the person who at the passing of this Act holds the office of under-sheriff of the county continues to hold that office, his area of jurisdiction as such under-sheriff shall continue as if this Act had not been passed but, upon his ceasing by death or otherwise to hold his said office, the area of the urban district shall, on such cesser or on the appointed day (whichever is the later), be detached from the area of jurisdiction of the under-sheriff of the county and be added to and thenceforward included in the area of jurisdiction of the under-sheriff or county registrar (as the case may be) of the city.


(3) The following provisions shall have effect in the city and the county in relation to the preparation of jurors books, the preparation of panels of jurors, and the summoning of jurors, and in relation to the panels from which jurors are to be drawn for the trial of issues by a court or a judge sitting in the city or the county, that is to say:—


(a) until the day immediately before the appointed day and thereafter until either the jurors book in force immediately before that day in the city or the jurors book in force immediately before that day in the county becomes exhausted, the law in force immediately before the passing of this Act shall continue in force and be observed as if this Act and, in particular, the next preceding sub-section of this section and the provisions including the urban district in the city, had not been passed;


(b) when and so soon as one of the said jurors books becomes exhausted on or after the appointed day, the other of the said jurors books shall be deemed to have become exhausted and new jurors books shall forthwith come into force in the city and the county;


(c) notwithstanding anything contained in this sub-section, one of such new jurors books shall be prepared as a jurors book for the city as extended by this Act and the other of such new jurors books shall be prepared as a jurors book for the county, exclusive of the urban district;


(d) immediately upon such new jurors books coming into force, the provisions of this Act shall have effect and shall thenceforward be observed, save that so long as there is an under-sheriff for the city such under-sheriff shall be the empanelling officer within the meaning of the Juries Act, 1927 (No. 23 of 1927), for the whole city as extended by this Act, and so long as there is an under-sheriff for the county such under-sheriff shall be the empanelling officer within the meaning aforesaid only for the county exclusive of the urban district.


Abolition of urban district rates, etc.

10.—(1) Subject to the provisions of the next following sub-section of this section, all rates which immediately before the appointed day are leviable in the urban district shall on the appointed day cease to be leviable, but such cesser shall not prevent, prejudice, or affect the collection or recovery after the appointed day of any portion of any such rate which immediately before the appointed day remains due and unpaid.


(2) The provisions of this section shall not extend or apply to charges (commonly called contract water rates) made for the supply of water to particular hereditaments or tenements for purposes other than domestic purposes or to the supply of water under special contract to any person not entitled to such supply, but such charges shall be collected and recovered as part of the municipal rate.


(3) Every fund which immediately before the appointed day is maintained out of the produce of any of the rates abolished by this section shall on the appointed day cease to be so maintained and on that day the moneys (if any) standing to the credit of any such fund shall be paid into the municipal fund, and every liability due by any such fund shall be defrayed out of the municipal fund.


(4) Section 64 of the Principal Act shall apply and have effect in the area added to the city by this Act as if that section were here re-enacted in respect of that area only with the substitution in lieu of the dates the 1st day of April, 1931, and the 1st day of April, 1930, where those dates occur in the said section of the dates the 1st day of April, 1941, and the 1st day of April, 1940, respectively.


Adjustment of agricultural grant.

11.—The Rates on Agricultural Land (Relief) Act, 1939 (No. 23 of 1939), is hereby amended as regards the local financial year next following that in which the appointed day falls and every subsequent local financial year in the following respects and shall be construed and have effect accordingly, that is to say:—


(a) by the deletion in sub-section (6) of section 4 of the words “sixteen hundred and eighty pounds, thirteen shillings, and sixpence” and the substitution in lieu thereof of the words “two thousand three hundred and sixty pounds”, and


(b) by the deletion in the second column of the Schedule of the amount of £54,550 6s. 6d. and the substitution in lieu thereof of the amount of £53,871.


Petitions in regard to wards in the city.

12.—Sub-article (14) (which relates to the time within which a petition may be presented by the council of a borough in regard to the division of such borough into wards) of Article 31 of the Schedule to the Local Government (Application of Enactments) Order, 1898, shall cease to apply to the presentation of any such petition by the city corporation.





Appointments to the office of Dublin City Manager.

13.—(1) The office of city manager shall be an office to which the Local Authorities (Officers and Employees) Act, 1926 (No. 39 of 1926), applies, save that section 5 of that Act shall not apply to the said office and that sections 6, 8, and 9 of the said Act shall apply to the said office subject to the provisions of the next following sub-section of this section.


(2) Whenever an appointment is required to be made to the office of city manager, the Minister shall request the Local Appointments Commissioners to recommend to him a person for appointment to such office and the Commissioners shall select (otherwise than by competitive examination) and recommend to the Minister under the Local Authorities (Officers and Employees) Act, 1926 (No. 39 of 1926), one, and only one, person for such appointment, and thereupon the person so selected and recommended shall become and be appointed by virtue of such recommendation to such office as on and from such day as the Minister shall by order appoint in that behalf.


(3) Whenever the office of city manager is vacant, the Minister shall appoint a person to be city manager until an appointment to such office is made under the immediately preceding sub-section of this section.


Repeal of portions of the Principal Act.

14.—Sub-section (3) of section 53 and section 101 of the Principal Act are hereby repealed.