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Uimhir 27 de 1956.



[An tiontó oifigiúil.]



1.—(1) San Acht seo—


ciallaíonn “an tAire” an tAire Cosanta;


ciallaíonn “Coinbhinsiún na bPríosúnach Cogaidh” Coinbhinsiún na Geinéive maidir le Cóireáil Phríosúnach Cogaidh a síníodh thar ceann na hÉireann sa Gheinéiv an 19ú lá de Nollaig, 1949;


ciallaíonn “Coinbhinsiún na Sibhialtach” Coinbhinsiún na Geinéive maidir le Caomhaint Daoine Sibhialta le linn Cogaidh a síníodh thar ceann na hÉireann sa Gheinéiv an 19ú lá de Nollaig, 1949.


(2) Aon tagairt a déantar san Acht seo do phríosúnaigh chogaidh, is tagairt í, go príomha—


(a) do dhaoine atá, maidir leis an Stát agus le cogadh a bhfuil an Stát páirteach ann, ina bpríosúnaigh chogaidh do réir bhrí Míre A d'Airteagal 4 de Choinbhinsiún na bPríosúnach Cogaidh, agus


(b) do dhaoine atá, maidir leis an Stát agus le cogadh nach bhfuil an Stát páirteach ann, le háireamh, faoi threoir fho-mhíre (2) de Mhír B d'Airteagal 4 de Choinbhinsiún na bPríosúnach Cogaidh, mar phríosúnaigh chogaidh faoin gcoinbhinsiún sin,


ach forléireofar freisin aon tagairt den tsórt sin mar ní a fholaíos tagairt do na daoine atá, maidir leis an Stát agus le cogadh a bhfuil an Stát páirteach ann, tar éis gníomh cogaidh a dhéanamh agus, de bhun Airteagail 5 de Choinbhinsiún na bPríosúnach Cogaidh, atá le caomhaint an choinbhinsiúin sin a bheith acu go dtí go gcinnfidh bínse inniúil a stádas.


(3) Aon tagairt a déantar san Acht seo d'eachtrannaigh naimhdeacha is tagairt í do dhaoine atá, maidir leis an Stát agus le cogadh a bhfuil an Stát páirteach ann, ina ndaoine faoi chaomhaint do réir bhrí Airteagail 4 de Choinbhinsiún na Sibhialtach, lena n-áirítear daoine arb iad, maidir leis an Stát agus le cogadh a bhfuil an Stát páirteach ann—


(a) na daoine a éilíos go saorálach go ndéanfar iad d'imtheorannú agus a dtagartar dóibh in Airteagal 42 de Choinbhinsiún na Sibhialtach, agus


(b) na leanaí a ligtear saoirse leo d'éagmais chúraim thuismitheora agus a dtagartar dóibh in Airteagal 82 de Choinbhinsiún na Sibhialtach.



2.—(1) Imtheorannófar na daoine seo a leanas:


(a) príosúnaigh chogaidh a n-ordófar a n-imtheorannú faoi fho-alt (2) den alt seo, agus


(b) eachtrannaigh naimhdeacha a n-ordófar a n-imtheorannú faoi fho-alt (3), (4) nó (5) den alt seo.


(2) Féadfaidh an tAire nó aon Aire Stáit eile ordú a thabhairt i scríbhinn gach príosúnach cogaidh, príosúnaigh chogaidh do náisiúntacht áirithe nó a bhaineas ar shlí eile le haicme áirithe nó aon phríosúnach cogaidh áirithe d'imtheorannu.


(3) Más deimhin leis an Aire nó le haon Aire Stáit eile go bhfuil sé fíor-riachtanach ar mhaithe le slándáil an Stáit gach eachtrannach naimhdeach, eachtrannaigh naimhdeacha de náisiún tacht áirithe nó a bhaineas ar shlí eile le haicme áirithe nó aon eachtrannach naimhdeach áirithe d'imtheorannú, féadfaidh sé an t-imtheorannú sin d'ordú i scríbhinn.


(4) Más deimhin leis an Aire nó le haon Aire Stáit eile, ag féachaint don dara mír in Airteagal 42 de Choinbhinsiún na Sibhialtach, gur gá aon eachtrannach naimhdeach áirithe d'imeorannú, féadfaidh sé an t-imtheorannú sin d'ordú i scríbhinn.


(5) Más deimhin leis an Aire nó le haon Aire Stáit eile, i gcás linbh ar bith le heachtrannach naimhdeach imtheorannaithe ar ligeadh saoirse leis d'éagmais chúraim thuismitheora, gur hiarradh do réir Airteagail 82 de Choinbhinsiún na Sibhialtach go n-imtheorannófaí an leanbh sin, féadfaidh sé an t-imtheorannú sin d'ordú i scríbhinn.


(6) Féadfaidh ordú faoin alt seo, lasmuigh d'ordú maidir le duine áirithe, bheith faoi réir pé díolúintí is oiriúnach leis an Aire a bhéarfas é.


(7) Féadfaidh comhalta den Gharda Síochána nó d'Óglaigh na hÉireann duine ar bith a ghabháil gan barántas má tá cúis réasúnach aige a chreidiúint gur duine é ar hordaíodh é d'imtheorannú (lena n-áirítear duine a himtheorannaíodh agus d'éalaigh).


(8) Bainfidh rialacháin le himtheorannú daoine agus údaraítear leis seo a ndéanamh—


(a) maidir le príosúnaigh chogaidh, ag an Aire, agus


(b) maidir le heachtrannaigh naimhdeacha, ag an Aire nó ag an Aire Dlí agus Cirt.


(9) Féadfaidh rialacháin faoin alt seo gach ní d'fhoráil is dóigh leis an Aire nó leis an Aire Dlí agus Cirt (pé acu é) is gá nó is foirstineach maidir le himtheorannú agus, go háirithe, féadfaid gach ní nó aon ní acu seo a leanas a dhéanamh:


(a) foráil a dhéanamh i dtaobh campaí imtheorannuithe a bhunú agus i dtaobh riaradh, rialú agus slándáil na gcampaí sin,


(b) foráil a dhéanamh i dtaobh araíonacht a choimeád i measc daoine imtheorannaithe i gcampaí imtheorannuithe (lena n-áirítear foráil maidir le briseadh araíonachta, le pionóis mar gheall ar í a bhriseadh agus le héisteacht chásanna ina líomhantar gur briseadh í),


(c) foráil a dhéanamh i dtaobh aon ní dá dtagartar sna páirteanna seo a leanas de choinbhinsiún na bPríosúnach Cogaidh:


(i) Caibidil I, II, III, V, VI, VII agus VIII de Roinn II de Chuid III (a bhaineas le himtheorannú),


(ii) Roinn III de Chuid III (a bhaineas le saothar),


(iii) Roinn IV de Chuid III (a bhaineas le hacmhainn airgeadais),


(iv) Roinn V de Chuid III (a bhaineas le caidreamh leis an taobh amuigh),


(v) Roinn VI de Chuid III (a bhaineas le caidreamh leis na húdaráis),


(vi) Cuid IV (a bhaineas le críochnú braighdeanais),


nó in aon chomhaontú de bhun na bpáirteanna sin,


(d) foráil a dhéanamh i dtaobh aon ní dá dtagartar i Roinn IV de Chuid III de Choinbhinsiún na Sibhialtach (a bhaineas le cóireáil eachtrannach naimhdeach imtheorannaithe) nó i dtaobh aon chomhaontuithe de bhun na Roinne sin.


(10) I gcás pianbhreith lena ngabhann gaibhniú a bheith á tabhairt ar dhuine imtheorannaithe mar gheall ar bhriseadh araíonachta, bainfear den phianbhreith aon tréimhse choinneála d'fhulaing sé ag feitheamh lena thriail nó leis an bpianbhreith.


Cumhacht ghinearálta chun éifeacht a thabhairt do pháirteanna áirithe de na Coinbhinsiúin.

3.—(1) Féadfaidh an tAire ó am go ham pé rialacháin a dhéanamh is dóigh leis is gá nó is foirstineach chun go gcomhlíonfar—


(a) na páirteanna de Choinbhinsiún na bPríosúnach Cogaidh a sonraítear i bhfo-alt (2) den alt seo agus aon chomhaontú de bhun na bpáirteanna sin, agus


(b) aon chomhaontú speisialta de bhun Airteagail 6 de Choinbhinsiún na bPríosúnach Cogaidh,


agus chun go dtabharfar éifeacht dóibh nó d'aon fhoráil iontu, agus beidh feidhm dlí sa Stát ag gach rialachán den tsórt sin.


(2) Is iad seo a leanas na páirteanna de Choinbhinsiún na bPríosúnach Cogaidh dá dtagartar i bhfo-alt (1) den alt seo:


(a) an méid d'Airteagal 5 a dhéanas foráil i dtaobh cinneadh stádais ag binse inniúil,


(b) Airteagal 15 (a bhaineas le cothabháil agus le freastal liachta a sholáthar in aisce),


(c) Airteagal 33 (a bhaineas le pearsanra liachta agus séiplínigh a coinnítear),


(d) Roinn I de Chuid III (a bhaineas le tosach braighdeanais),


(e) Cuid V (a bhaineas le hOifigí Eolais agus le Cumainn Fóirthine),


(f) Airteagal 126 (a bhaineas le cuairteanna).


(3) Féadfaidh an tAire nó an tAire Dlí agus Cirt pé rialacháin a dhéanamh ó am go ham is dóigh leis is gá nó is foirstineach chun go gcomhlíonfar—


(a) na páirteanna de Choinbhinsiún na Sibhialtach a sonraítear i bhfo-alt (4) den alt seo agus aon chomhaontú de bhun na bpáirteanna sin, agus


(b) aon chomhaontú speisialta de bhun Airteagail 7 de Choinbhinsiún na Sibhialtach,


agus chun go dtabharfar éifeacht dóibh nó d'aon fhoráil iontu, agus beidh feidhm dlí sa Stát ag gach rialachán den tsórt sin.


(4) Is iad seo a leanas na páirteanna de Choinbhinsiún na Sibhialtach dá dtagartar i bhfo-alt (3) den alt seo:


(a) an méid d'Airteagal 39 a bhaineas le cothú a sholáthar,


(b) Airteagal 43 (a bhaineas le himtheorannú nó cónaí sannaithe d'athbhreithniú),


(c) Airteagail 136, 137, 138, 139 agus 141 (a bhaineas le hOifigí Eolais),


(d) Airteagail 142 agus 143 (a bhaineas le cuairteanna).


Príosúnach cogaidh a bheith ina dhuine atá faoin dlí míleata.

4.—Beidh príosúnach cogaidh ina dhuine a bheas faoin dlí míleata amhail mar atá comhalta d'Óglaigh na hÉireann de chéim ar comhréir le céim nó stádas an phríosúnaigh chogaidh sin faoin dlí míleata de thuras na huaire le bhuaidh an Achta Chosanta, 1954 (Uimh. 18 de 1954), agus beidh éifeacht dá réir sin maidir leis an bpríosúnach cogaidh sin ag na forála den Acht sin agus de na horduithe, na rialacháin agus na rialacha faoni Acht sin a bhaineas le daoine faoin dlí míleata, ach sin gan dochar—


(a) d'aon eisiamh nó modhnú is cuí leis an Aire a dhéanamh le rialacháin faoin mír seo chun gur féidir éifeacht a bheith ag na forála sin do réir imthosca (lena n-áirítear imtheorannú) príosúnach cogaidh, agus


(b) d'aon rialacháin faoi alt 2 nó alt 3 den Acht seo.


Forála maidir le pianbhreitheanna agus pionóis.

5.—(1) Má fógraítear pianbhreith bháis ar phríosúnach cogaidh, ní cuirfear an phianbhreith i ngníomh roimh dheireadh na tréimhse sé mhí dá dtagartar in Airteagal 101 de Choinbhinsiún na bPríosúnach Cogaidh.


(2) Déanfar aon tréimhse a chaith príosúnach cogaidh faoi ghaibhniú ag feitheamh lena thriail a bhaint d'aon phianbhreith phríosúnachta a bhéarfar air agus cuirfear san áireamh í nuair a bheas aon phionós á shocrú.


(3) Nuair a beifear ag socrú pionóis a bheas le cur ar phríosúnach cogaidh, toisc nach náisiúnach de chuid an Stáit an cúisí agus uime sin nach bhfuil ceangal air aon dualgas géillsine a thabhairt don Stát agus gur de thoradh imthosca nach raibh neart aige féin orthu atá sé faoin chumhacht an Stáit bhéarfar aird ar an toisc sin sa mhéid is mó is féidir. Féadfar laghdú a dhéanamh ar an bpionós a foráltar don chion inar cúisíodh an príosúnach cogaidh, agus ní bheidh sé d'oblagáid aon phionós íosta a chur air.


(4) Nuair a bheas aon phianbhreith á tabhairt ar eachtrannach naimhdeach imtheorannaithe, cuirfear san áireamh a mhéid is féidir sin nach náisiúnach de chuid an Stáit an cosantóir. Bainfear de phianbhreith lena ngabhann gaibhniú aon tréimhse choinneála d'fhulaing an t-imtheorannaí ag feitheamh lena thriail nó le pianbhreith. Féadfar laghdú a dhéanamh ar aon phionós is iomchuí don chion inar cúisíodh an t-imtheorannaí, agus ní bheidh sé d'oblagáid, chuige sin, aon phionós íosta a chur air.


Cumhacht chun a cheangal ar eachtrannaigh naimhdeacha cónaí nó fanúint in áiteanna áirithe.

6.—(1) Maidir leis an gcumhacht a bheirtear le fo-alt (1) d'alt 5 d'Acht na nEachtrannach, 1935 (Uimh. 14 de 1935), á cheangal ar eachtrannaigh cónaí nó fanúint i gceantair nó in áiteanna áirithe, ní feidhmeofar an chumhacht sin maidir le haon eachtrannach naimhdeach mura deimhin leis an Aire Dlí agus Cirt an ceanglas sin a bheith fíor-riachtanach ar mhaithe le slándáil an Stáit.


(2) Beidh éifeacht ag aon cheanglas den tsórt sin maidir le heachtrannach naimhdeach faoi réir na rialachán a déanfar faoin Acht seo chun éifeacht a thabhairt d'Airteagal 43 de Choinbhinsiún na Sibhialtach.


Binse mhíleata i gcás cúisimh i gcoinne eachtrannaigh naimhdigh imtheorannaithe.

7.—(1) Má cúisítear eachtrannach naimhdeach imtheorannaithe in aon chion (pé acu roimh an imtheorannú nó dá éis a rinneadh é) a triailfí, d'éagmais orduithe faoin alt seo, i gcúirt faoi na hAchta Cúirteanna Breithiúnais, 1924 go 1953, féadfaidh an tAire, más oiriúnach leis é, a ordú i scríbhinn gur binse mhíleata a thriailfeas an cúiseamh, agus air sin, faoi réir na rialachán faoin alt seo, is ag binse mhíleata, agus aige sin amháin, a triailfear an cúiseamh.


(2) Féadfaidh an tAire rialacháin a dhéanamh chun éifeacht a thabhairt don alt seo agus féadfaidh na rialacháin, go sonrach, foráil a dhéanamh i dtaobh cineál agus comhdhéanamh na mbinsí míleata iomchuí agus i dtaobh an nós imeachta is inleanta acu.


Cabhrú le héaló.

8.—(1) Ní dhéanfaidh duine nach príosúnach cogaidh ná eachtrannach naimhdeach imtheorannaithe aon ní acu seo a leanas—


(a) ní chabhróidh le héaló príosúnaigh chogaidh imtheorannaithe ná eachtrannaigh naimhdigh imtheorannaithe,


(b) ní thearmannóidh príosúnach cogaidh ná eachtrannach naimhdeach d'éalaigh ó imtheorannnú, ná


(c) ní thabharfaidh ar dhaoine eile, ná ní dhéanfaidh iarracht a thabhairt orthu, cabhrú le héaló príosúnaigh chogaidh imtheorannaithe ná eachtrannaigh naimhdigh imtheorannaithe.


(2) Duine ar bith a shárós fo-alt (1) den alt seo beidh sé ciontach i gcion agus ar a chiontú ann ar dhíotáil dlífear piantseirbhís a chur air ar feadh aon téarma nach sia ná seacht mbliana nó príosúntacht ar feadh aon téarma nach sia ná dhá bhliain.


(3) Féadfaidh comhalta den Gharda Síochána nó d'Óglaigh na hÉireann duine ar bith a ghabháil gan barántas má tá cúis réasúnach aige a chreidiúint go ndearna an duine sin sárú ar fho-alt (1) den alt seo.


Toiliú an Aire Airgeadais le rialacháin áirithe.

9.—Is gá toiliú an Aire Airgeadais le rialacháin faoin Acht seo a bhéarfas muirear go díreach nó go neamhdhíreach ar chistí poiblí nó íocaíocht isteach iontu.


Rialacháin a leagadh faoi bhráid Thithe an Oireachtais.

10.—Gach rialachán a déanfar faoin Acht seo leagfar é faoi bhráid gach Tí den Oireachtas a luaithe is féidir tar éis a dhéanta agus má dhéanann ceachtar Teach acu sin, laistigh den lá agus fiche a shuífeas an Teach sin tar éis an rialachán a leagadh faoina bhráid, rún a rith ag neamhniú an rialacháin, beidh an rialachán ar neamhní dá réir sin, ach sin gan dochar do bhailíocht aon ní a rinneadh roimhe sin faoin rialachán sin.



11.—Íocfar as airgead a sholáthrós an tOireachtas, a mhéid a cheadós an tAire Airgeadais é, na caiteachais faoina raghaidh Aire Stáit ag riaradh an Achta seo nó ag tabhairt éifeachta d'aon rialacháin faoin Acht seo.



12.—Féadfar Acht na bPríosúnach Cogaidh agus na nEachtrannach Naimhdeach, 1956, a ghairm den Acht seo.



Number 27 of 1956.










General power to give effect to certain portions of the Conventions


Prisoner of war to be person subject to military law


Provisions with respect to sentences and penalties


Power to require enemy aliens to reside or remain in particular places


Military tribunal in case of charge against interned enemy alien


Assisting escape


Consent of Minister for Finance to certain regulations


Laying of regulations before Houses of the Oireachtas




Short title

Acts Referred to

Defence Act, 1954

No. 18 of 1954

Aliens Act, 1935

No. 14 of 1935


Number 27 of 1956.




1.—(1) In this Act—


the Minister” means the Minister for Defence;


the Prisoners of War Convention” means the Geneva Convention relative to the Treatment of Prisoners of War which was signed on behalf of Ireland at Geneva on the 19th day of December, 1949;


the Civilians Convention” means the Geneva Convention relative to the Protection of Civilian Persons in Time of War which was signed on behalf of Ireland at Geneva on the 19th day of December, 1949.


(2) Any reference in this Act to prisoners of war is, primarily, to—


(a) persons who, in relation to the State and a war in which the State is a participant, are prisoners of war within the meaning of Paragraph A of Article 4 of the Prisoners of War Convention, and


(b) persons who, in relation to the State and a war in which the State is not a participant, are, by reference to subparagraph (2) of Paragraph B of Article 4 of the Prisoners of War Convention, to be treated as prisoners of war under that convention,


but any such reference shall also be construed as including a reference to the persons who, in relation to the State and a war in which the State is a participant, having committed a belligerent act, are, pursuant to Article 5 of the Prisoners of War Convention, to enjoy the protection of that Convention until such time as their status has been determined by a competent tribunal.


(3) Any reference in this Act to enemy aliens is to persons who, in relation to the State and a war in which the State is a participant, are protected persons within the meaning of Article 4 of the Civilians Convention, including persons who, in relation to the State and a war in which the State is a participant, are—


(a) the persons voluntarily demanding internment referred to in Article 42 of the Civilians Convention, and


(b) the children left at liberty without parental care referred to in Article 82 of the Civilians Convention.



2.—(1) The following persons shall be interned :


(a) prisoners of war whose internment is directed under subsection (2) of this section, and


(b) enemy aliens whose internment is directed under subsection (3), (4) or (5) of this section.


(2) The Minister or any other Minister of State may direct in writing the internment of all prisoners of war, of prisoners of war of a particular nationality or otherwise of a particular class or of any particular prisoner of war.


(3) Where the Minister or any other Minister of State is satisfied that the internment of all enemy aliens, of enemy aliens of a particular nationality or otherwise of a particular class or of anyparticular enemy alien is absolutely necessary for the security of the State, he may direct in writing such internment.


(4) Where the Minister or any other Minister of State is satisfied that, having regard to the second paragraph contained in Article 42 of the Civilians Convention, the internment of any particular enemy alien is required, he shall direct in writing such internment.


(5) Where the Minister or any other Minister of State is satisfied that, as respects any child of an interned enemy alien left at liberty without parental care, a request in accordance with Article 82 of the Civilians Convention for internment of such child has been made, he shall direct in writing such internment.


(6) A direction under this section, other than a direction in respect of a particular person, may be subject to such exemptions as the Minister giving the direction thinks fit.


(7) A member of the Garda Síochána or of the Defence Forces may arrest without warrant any person whom he has reasonable grounds for believing to be a person directed to be interned (including an interned person who has escaped).


(8) Internment shall be governed by regulations which are hereby authorised to be made—


(a) in relation to prisoners of war, by the Minister, and


(b) in relation to enemy aliens, by the Minister or the Minister for Justice.


(9) Regulations under this section may contain all such provisions as appear to the Minister or the Minister for Justice (as the case may be) to be necessary or expedient in relation to internment and, in particular, may do all or any of the following :


(a) make provision for the establishment of internment camps and for the administration, control and security thereof,


(b) make provision for the maintenance of discipline among interned persons in internment camps (including provision with respect to breaches of discipline, punishments for such breaches and hearing of alleged such breaches),


(c) make provision with respect to any of the matters referred to in the following portions of the Prisoners of War Convention:


(i) Chapters I, II, III, V, VI, VII and VIII of Section II of Part III (relating to internment),


(ii) Section III of Part III (relating to labour),


(iii) Section IV of Part III (relating to financial resources),


(iv) Section V of Part III (relating to relations with the exterior),


(v) Section VI of Part III (relating to relations with the Authorities),


(vi) Part IV (relating to termination of captivity),


or in any agreement made pursuant to those portions,


(d) make provision with respect to any of the matters referred to in Section IV of Part III of the Civilians Convention (relating to treatment of interned enemy aliens) or any agreement made pursuant to that Section.


(10) Where a sentence involving confinement is being passed on an interned person in respect of a breach of discipline, the duration of any detention undergone by him while awaiting trial or sentence shall be deducted from the sentence.


General power to give effect to certain portions of the Conventions.

3.—(1) The Minister may from time to time make such regulations as appear to him necessary or expedient for carrying out—


(a) the portions of the Prisoners of War Convention specified in subsection (2) of this section and any agreement made pursuant to those portions, and


(b) any special agreement made pursuant to Article 6 of the Prisoners of War Convention,


and for giving effect thereto or to any of the provisions thereof, and every such regulation shall have the force of law in the State.


(2) The portions of the Prisoners of War Convention referred to in subsection (1) of this section are the following :


(a) so much of Article 5 as provides for determination of status by a competent tribunal,


(b) Article 15 (relating to provision free of charge of maintenance and medical attention),


(c) Article 33 (relating to retained medical personnel and chaplains),


(d) Section I of Part III (relating to beginning of captivity),


(e) Part V (relating to Information Bureaux and Relief Societies),


(f) Article 126 (relating to visits).


(3) The Minister or the Minister for Justice may from time to time make such regulations as appear to him necessary or expedient for carrying out—


(a) the portions of the Civilians Convention specified in subsection (4) of this section and any agreement made pursuant to those portions, and


(b) any special agreement made pursuant to Article 7 of the Civilians Convention,


and for giving effect thereto or to any of the provisions thereof, and every such regulation shall have the force of law in the State.


(4) The portions of the Civilians Convention referred to in subsection (3) of this section are the following :


(a) so much of Article 39 as relates to ensuring support,


(b) Article 43 (relating to reconsideration of internment or assigned residence),


(c) Articles 136, 137, 138, 139 and 141 (relating to Information Bureaux),


(d) Articles 142 and 143 (relating to visits).


Prisoner of war to be person subject to military law.

4.—A prisoner of war shall be a person subject to military law in the same manner as a member of the Defence Forces of rank corresponding to the rank or status of such prisoner of war is so subject for the time being by virtue of the Defence Act, 1954 (No. 18 of 1954), and the provisions of that Act, and of the orders, regulations and rules thereunder, having application in relation to persons subject to military law shall have effect in relation to such prisoner of war accordingly, but without prejudice—


(a) to any exclusions or modifications which the Minister may think proper to make by regulations under this paragraph so as to enable those provisions to have effect in conformity with the circumstances (including internment) of prisoners of war, and


(b) to any regulations under section 2 or section 3 of this Act.


Provisions with respect to sentences and penalties.

5.—(1) If sentence of death is pronounced on a prisoner of war, the sentence shall not be executed before the expiration of the period of six months referred to in Article 101 of the Prisoners of War Convention.


(2) Any period spent by a prisoner of war in confinement awaiting trial shall be deducted from any sentence of imprisonment passed upon him and taken into account in fixing any penalty.


(3) Where a penalty to be imposed on a prisoner of war is being fixed, the fact that the accused, not being a national of the State, is not bound to it by any duty of allegiance and that he is in its power as the result of circumstances independent of his own will shall be taken into consideration to the widest extent possible. The penalty provided for the offence with which the prisoner of war is accused may be reduced, and it shall not be obligatory to apply any minimum penalty.


(4) Where any sentence is being passed on an interned enemy alien, the fact that the defendant is not a national of the State shall be taken as far as possible into account. The duration of any detention undergone by the internee while awaiting trial or sentence shall be deducted from a sentence involving confinement. Any penalty appropriate to the offence with which the internee is charged may be reduced and it shall not be obligatory, to this end, to apply any minimum penalty.


Power to require enemy aliens to reside or remain in particular places.

6.—(1) As respects the power conferred by subsection (1) of section 5 of the Aliens Act, 1935 (No. 14 of 1935), of requiring aliens to reside or remain in particular districts or places, that power shall not be exercised in relation to any enemy alien unless the Minister for Justice is satisfied that the requirement is absolutely necessary for the security of the State.


(2) Any such requirement relating to an enemy alien shall have effect subject to the regulations made under this Act for giving effect to Article 43 of the Civilians Convention.


Military tribunal in case of charge against interned enemy alien.

7.—(1) Where an interned enemy alien is charged with any offence (whether committed before or after the commencement of internment) which, apart from a direction under this section, would be dealt with by a court under the Courts of Justice Acts, 1924 to 1953, the Minister, if he so thinks fit, may direct in writing that the charge shall be dealt with by a military tribunal, and the charge shall thereupon be dealt with, subject to the regulations under this section, by a military tribunal and not otherwise.


(2) The Minister may make regulations for giving effect to this section and the regulations may, in particular, provide for the type and constitution of the relevant military tribunals and the procedure to be followed by them.


Assisting escape.

8.—(1) A person who is not a prisoner of war or an interned enemy alien shall not—


(a) assist the escape of an interned prisoner of war or enemy alien,


(b) harbour a prisoner of war or enemy alien who has escaped from internment, or


(c) procure or attempt to procure other persons to assist the escape of an interned prisoner of war or enemy alien.


(2) A person who contravenes subsection (1) of this section shall be guilty of an offence and shall be liable on conviction on indictment thereof to penal servitude for any term not exceeding seven years or to imprisonment for any term not exceeding two years.


(3) A member of the Garda Síochána or of the Defence Forces may arrest without warrant any person whom he has reasonable grounds for believing to be a person who has contravened subsection (1) of this section.


Consent of Minister for Finance to certain regulations.

9.—Regulations under this Act involving a direct or indirect charge on or a payment into public funds shall require the consent of the Minister for Finance.


Laying of regulations before Houses of the Oireachtas.

10.—Every regulation under this Act shall be laid before each House of the Oireachtas as soon as may be after it is made, and if a resolution annulling the regulation is passed by either such House within the next subsequent twenty-one days on which that House has sat after the regulation is laid before it, the regulation shall be annulled accordingly, but without prejudice to the validity of anything previously done thereunder.



11.—The expenses incurred by a Minister of State in the administration of this Act or in giving effect to any regulations under this Act shall, to such extent as may be sanctioned by the Minister for Finance, be paid out of moneys provided by the Oireachtas.


Short title.

12.—This Act may be cited as the Prisoners of War and Enemy Aliens Act, 1956.