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Number 28 of 1924.
Prohibited Hours
Section | |
District Justice may order immediate closing of licensed premises. | |
Part II
Number 28 of 1924.
Part I.
Prohibited Hours.
Extension of prohibited hours.
1.—(1) It shall not be lawful for any person to sell or expose for sale any intoxicating liquor or to open any premises for the sale of intoxicating liquors on any day not being a Sunday, Good Friday, or Christmas Day before the hour of nine o'clock in the morning or after the hour of half-past nine o'clock in the evening. This sub-section shall not apply to any licensed premises forming part of a theatre, music hall, or other place of public amusement.
(2) It shall not be lawful for any person to sell or expose for sale any intoxicating liquor in any theatre, music hall, or other place of public amusement at any time being more than thirty minutes before the commencement of a performance or entertainment or at any time being more than thirty minutes after the end of a performance or entertainment or at any time after ten o'clock in the night.
District Justice may order immediate closing of licensed premises.
2.—Whenever a District Justice is satisfied on the written application of a Superintendent or an Inspector of the Gárda Síochána that in the interests of the preservation of public peace and order it is expendient that the sale of intoxicating liquor in any town or village should immediately cease, the District Justice may order the immediate closing for the remainder of that day, or for such shorter period as he may deem adequate, of all premises licensed for the sale of intoxicating liquor in that town or village.
Penalties for opening during prohibited hours.
3.—All penalties for the time being in force under this or any other Act for selling or exposing for sale or purchasing or opening or keeping open any premises for the sale of intoxicating liquors or being present in or upon any such premises during any hours or times at which the sale of intoxicating liquors is prohibited by any Act now in force, and all statutory provisions relating to such penalties are hereby extended and made applicable to the times during which the sale of intoxicating liquors is prohibited by this Part of this Act or by any order made under this Part of this Act.
Exemptions from application of Act.
4.—Nothing in this Part of this Act shall be construed to apply to sales of intoxicating liquor to lodgers, or to the sale of intoxicating liquor in packet boats, or in canteens in pursuance of any Act regulating the same, or in a registered club as defined by the Registration of Clubs (Ireland) Act, 1904, or shall preclude the sale at any time at a railway station of intoxicating liquors on arrival or departure of trains, or the sale of intoxicating liquor to bona-fide travellers within the meaning of the Licensing (Ireland) Acts, 1833 to 1905.
Part II.
Prohibited hours in clubs.
5.—(1) In order that any club may be eligible to be registered under the Registration of Clubs (Ireland) Act, 1904, the rules of the club shall (in addition to the matters mentioned in Section 4 of the said Act) provide that no excisable liquor shall be supplied to any person (other than members of the club lodging in the club premises) before the hour of nine o'clock in the morning or after the hour of half-past ten o'clock in the evening on any day.
(2) This section shall not apply to any club which at the passing of this Act is registered under the Registration of Clubs (Ireland) Act, 1904, until the expiration of the certificate of registration of such club which shall be in force at the expiration of two months from the passing of this Act.
Non-renewal not invalidate licences in certain cases.
6.—If and whenever after the 1st day of January, 1919—
(a) it was impossible to renew a licence for the sale of any class or classes of intoxicating liquor, whether on or off the premises, because of the Annual Licensing Petty Sessions not being holden in the County or County Borough in which the licensed premises were situate, or because of there being no Justice of the Peace or an insufficient number of Justices of the Peace in such County or County Borough to give the certificates requisite for such renewal, or because the holder of such licence objected on principle to apply to such Petty Sessions for renewal of his licence or to such Justices for such certificates, and
(b) all excise duties payable for or in respect of such licence since the last renewal thereof have been or shall within one month after the passing of this Act be duly paid,
such licence shall for all purposes be deemed to be and to have been continuously since the last renewal thereof as valid and effectual as if the same had been regularly renewed in each year since the last renewal thereof and shall continue to be of such validity and effect up to and including the 10th day of October, 1923, and every transfer of such licence made or to be made after the expiration of one year from the last renewal thereof and before the 11th day of October, 1923, shall be, and be deemed always to have been, as valid and effectual as if such licence had been regularly renewed every year up to and including the year in which such transfer was or shall be made.
Short title.
7.—This Act may be cited as the Intoxicating Liquor Act, 1924.
Uimhir 28 de 1924.
[23adh Iúl, 1924.]
Cuid I.
Trathanna Coiscithe.
Leathanú ar thráthanna coiscithe.
1.—(1) Ní bheidh sé dleathach d'éinne aon deoch mheisciúil do dhíol ná do thaisbeáint chun í dhíol, ná aon áitreabh d'oscailt chun deocha meisciúla do dhíol, aon lá nách Domhnach ná Aoine an Chéasta ná Lá Nodlag roimh a naoi a chlog ar maidin ná tar éis leathuair tar éis a naoi a chlog tráthnóna. Ní bhainfidh an fo-alt so le haon áitreabh ceadúnuithe is cuid d'amharclainn, de halla ceoil, no d'aon áit eile i gcóir caitheamh-aimsire phuiblí.
(2) Ní bheidh sé dleathach d'éinne aon deoch mheisciúil do dhíol ná do thaisbeáint chun í dhíol in aon amharclainn, halla ceoil, ná in aon áit eile i gcóir caitheamh-aimsire phuiblí aon uair is luatha ná tríocha nómat roimh thosach taibhdhirc no siamsa ná aon uair is déanaí ná tríocha nómat tar éis deire taibhdhirc no siamsa ná aon uair tar éis a deich a chlog istoíche.
Féadfidh Giúistís Dúithche a ordú go ndúnfar áitreabh ceadúnuithe láithreach.
2.—Más deimhin le Giúistís Dúithche, ar iarratas scríbhte o Cheannphort no o Chigire don Ghárda Síochána, go bhfuil sé oiriúnach, chun síocháin agus ordú puiblí do chimeád, stad do chur láithreach le deocha meisciúla do dhíol in aon bhaile no sráidbhaile, féadfidh an Giúistís Dúithche a ordú go ndúnfar láithreach go deire an lae sin, no go ceann pé tréimhse níos giorra ná san is dó leis is leor, gach áitreabh go bhfuil ceadúnas aige chun deocha meisciúla do dhíol sa bhaile no sa tsráidbhaile sin.
Pionóisí mar gheall ar oscailt le linn tráthanna coiscithe.
3.—Gach pionós atá i bhfeidhm de thurus na huaire fén Acht so no fé aon Acht eile mar gheall ar dheocha meisciúla do dhíol no do thaisbeáint chun iad do dhíol no mar gheall ar iad do cheannach no mar gheall ar aon áitreabh d'ascailt no do chimeád ar oscailt chun deocha meisciúla do dhíol no mar gheall ar bheith i láthair in aon áitreabh den tsórt san le linn aon tráthanna no amannta go gcoiscithear le haon Acht atá i bhfeidhm anois deocha meisciúla do dhíil le n-a linn, agus gach foráil reachtúil a bhaineann leis na pionóisí sin, dintar leis seo iad do leathanú agus do chur i mbaint leis na hamannta go gcoiscithear leis an gCuid seo den Acht so no go gcoiscfar le haon ordú a déanfar fén gCuid seo den Acht so deocha meisciúla do dhíol le n-a linn.
Nithe ná bainfidh an tAcht so leo.
4.—Ní léireofar éinní sa Chuid seo den Acht so mar ní a bhaineann le deocha meisciúla do dhíol le lóistéirí, ná le deocha meisciúla do dhíol i mbáid phacáide, ná i gceantíní do réir an Achta le n-a regleáltar an céanna, ná i gclub cláruithe mar a mínítear é les an Registration of Clubs (Ireland) Act, 1904, ná ni choiscfe sé deocha meisciúla do dhíol aon uair i stáisiún traenach ar theacht ná ar imeacht do thraenacha, ná deocha meisciúla do dhíol le taistealuithe bona fide do réir brí na Licensing (Ireland) Acts, 1883 to 1905.
Cuid II.
Tráthanna coiscithe i gclubanna.
5.—(1) I dtreo go mbeidh club ionchláruithe fén Registration of Clubs (Ireland) Act, 1904, forálfar i rialacha an chlub (i dteanta na nithe a luaidhtear in Alt 4 den Acht san) ná tabharfar aon deoch ionmháil d'éinne (nách ball den chlub atá ar lóistín in áitreabh an chlub) roimh a naoi a chlog ar maidin ná tar éis leathuair tar éis a deich a chlog tráthnóna lá ar bith.
(2) Aon chlub atá cláruithe fén Registration of Clubs (Ireland) Act, 1904, le linn rithte an Achta so, ní bhainfidh an t-alt so leis go dtí go n-éagfidh an deimhniú, ar chlárú an chlub san, a bheidh i bhfeidhm i gceann dhá mhí o am rithte an Achta so.
I gcásanna áirithe ní lúde dleathacht ceadúnaisí gan iad a bheith athnuaidhte.
6.—In aon chás, tar éis an 1adh lá d'Eanair, 1919—
(a) nár bhféidir athnuachaint do dhéanamh ar cheadúnas chun aon tsaghas na saghasanna dighe meisciúla do dhíol, pe'ca san áitreabh é no lasmuich de, toisc nár comóradh an Gearr-Shiosón Bliantúil Ceadúnais sa Chontae no sa Chontae-Bhuirg ina raibh an t-áitreabh ceadúnuithe suidhte, no toisc ná raibh aon Ghiúistís Síochána no toisc nár leor an méid Giúistisí Síochána a bhí sa Chontae no sa Chontae-Bhuirg sin chun na deimhnithe ba riachtanach do thabhairt chun an ceadúnas san d'athnuachaint, no toisc go raibh sealbhóir an cheadúnais sin, mar gheall ar a phrínsiobail, i gcoinnibh athnuachaint a cheadúnais d'iarraidh ar an nGearr-Shiosón san no na deimhnithe sin d'iarraidh ar na Giúistísí sin, agus
(b) gur híocadh go cuibhe no go n-íocfar go cuibhe laistigh de mhí tar éis rithte an Achta so, gach diúité máil is iníoctha ar son no ar scór an cheadúnais sin ón athnuachaint air,
tuigfar, chun gach, criche, go bhfuil an ceadúnas san, agus go raibh sé riamh ón athnuachaint deiridh air, chó dleathach agus chó héifeachtúil agus dá ndintí é athnuachaint go féiltiúil gach bliain ón athnuachaint deiridh air agus leanfa sé de bheith chó dleathach agus chó héifeachtúil sin do deire an 10adh lá de Dheire Fomhair, 1923, agus gach aistriú a dineadh no a déanfar ar an gceadúnas san in gceann bliana ón athnuachaint deiridh air agus roimh an 11adh lá de Dheire Fomhair, 1923, tuigfar go bhfuil agus go raibh sé riamh chó dleathach agus chó héifeachtúil agus dá ndintí an ceadúnas san d'athnuachaint go féiltiúil gach bliain go dti an bhliain in ar dineadh no ina ndéanfar an t-aistriú san agus an bhliain sin féin.
7.—Féadfar an tAcht Deocha Meisciúla, 1924, do ghairm den Acht so.