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Number 42.


LAND ACT, 1923.






Power to create 4½ per cent Land Bonds.


Advances to be made in 4½ per cent. Land Bonds.


Superior interests and other charges to be paid in 4½ per cent. Land Bonds.


Prohibition of penal interest on mortgages pending sale.


Costs Fund.


Abolition of percentage.


Recovery by the State of moneys paid through mistake.


Payment in Bonds.


Repayment of advances.


Establishment of Land Bond Fund.


Payments by the Land Commission.


Establishment of Purchase Annuities Fun.


Abolition of county limit on advances.


Redemption of Purchase Annuities in certain cases.


Trinity College Dublin.


Ireland Development Grant.


Power to make Rules.




Prohibition of agreements otherwise than under this Act.


Arrears of rent.


Payment in lieu of rent.


Recovery of compounded arrears of rent and payment in lieu of rent by Land Commission.


The furnishing of particulars of rentals, etc.


Rent and arrears of rent of sub-tenancies.


Vesting of lands in Land Commission on appointed day.


The price of land.




Dividends and interest on purchase money pending distribution.


Subsequent purchase agreements by tenants.


Power of Land Commission in regard to retained holdings.


Limitation on advances.


Advances for purchase of parcels of land.


Resale of untenanted land to owners.


Resale to tenants of retained holdings.


Vesting of rearranged holdings.


Resale of demesnes.


Power to Land commission to purchase in untenanted land.


Power to acquire any bog.


Redemption of fee farm or other rents.


Redemption of superior interests on purchased holdings.


Ascertainment of lands to be vested in Land Commission.


Powers of Land Commission over solicitors and agents.


Power to make regulations as to turbary.


Power to provide rights of way.


Preservation of embankments, etc.


Sporting rights, fisheries and minerals.


Facilities for exchange of holdings.


Ancient Monuments.




Application of this Part of the Act.


Vesting in Land Commission on appointed day.


Information required from the Bank by Land Commission.


Advertisement by Land Commission of lands acquired.


Ascertainment of purchase price.


Provisions as to deposits by a Society or body of trustees.


Conditions of resale to the Societies.


Vesting of the lands in the Societies.


Non-application of Costs Fund.




Rules as to registration on exchange of holdings.


Power to register lands with a qualified or possessory title.


Power to register with a qualified or possessory title land acquired under Labourers Acts.


Transmission on death of land resold to an owner.


Registration of a nominated proprietor.


Power of Land commission to resell before registration of their title.


Death of a purchaser before vesting or registration.




Prohibition of fixing of judicial rents.


Prohibition of sub-division and letting.


Consolidation of holdings.


Power to nominate a representative of a purchaser.


Persons under disability.


Advances to trustees for the purpose of tillage.


Appointed day.


Certain provisions of previous enactments to cease to have effect.


Powers of the Board of Works to apportion annuities.




Power to Executive Council to adapt enactments.


Removal of difficulties.


Power to make rules.


Provision of moneys for carrying this Act into effect.




Short Title and Construction.


Standard purchase annuity.




Number 42.

LAND ACT, 1923.




Power to create 4½ per cent. Land Bonds.

1.—(1) In order to provide for the payment of the sums which under this Act are to be paid in Bonds the Minister for Finance shall have power to create and issue, when and as required for the purpose, Bonds to be called 4½ per cent. Land Bonds, of such denominations (not in any case less than one pound) as the Minister may determine.


(2) The Bonds shall bear interest at the rate of four and one-half per cent. per annum on the nominal amount thereof payable in equal half-yearly instalments at such times in each year as may be fixed by the Regulations under which they are issued.


(3) The Bonds shall be redeemable at par together with the payment of all arrears of interest, and the Minister for Finance shall make arrangements for the redemption thereof by means of periodical drawings, and may make regulations for the drawing of such Bonds. Such regulations shall provide for the immediate redemption of Bonds transferred by order of the Judicial Commissioner in satisfaction of Death Duties, or in redemption of land purchase annuities charged on the lands acquired by the Land Commission under this Act:


Provided that any Bonds may at any time after the expiration of thirty years from the issue thereof, if not previously redeemed, be redeemed at par at such time and either by drawings or otherwise as the Minister for Finance may direct.


(4) The interest on the Land Bonds and the sums required for redemption of Land Bonds in accordance with the foregoing provisions shall be paid out of the Land Bond Fund established under this Act, and if the same shall be insufficient shall be charged upon and paid out of the Central Fund of Saorstát Eireann or the growing produce thereof as a first charge thereon after any charges created before the passing of this Act. Any sums so paid out of the Central Fund shall be treated as a temporary advance to the Land Bond Fund, and shall be made good out of the Guarantee Fund.


(5) For the purpose of redemption of the Bonds there shall be set aside in the Land Bond Fund at the close of each half-year the amount of the interest and payments in respect of Sinking Fund payable by the Land Commission, in accordance with the provisions hereinafter contained, together with any sums paid by tenant purchasers in redemption of purchase annuities payable under this Act, and any sums paid in cash by a purchaser on the sale to him by the Land Commission of any land vested in them under this Act, subject to the following deductions:—


(a) the amount of the interest on the Bonds so issued, and for the time being outstanding;


(b) the amount, if any, required for the payment off of any bonds which under this Act have been transferred by order of the Judicial Commissioner, in satisfaction of death duties or in redemption of land purchase annuities.


Advances to be made in 4½ per cent. Land Bonds.

2.—(1) Notwithstanding anything in any other enactment the purchase money to be paid by the Land Commission to vendors in pursuance of subsequent purchase agreements as hereinafter defined shall be paid by means of an issue of 4½ per cent. Land Bonds equal in nominal amount to the Purchase Money and carrying interest as from the date on which the land purchased is vested in the Land Commission.


(2) Land Bonds issued in pursuance of this section shall, as between the vendor and the Land Commission, be accepted by the vendor as the equivalent of the corresponding amount of purchase money, and any person having power to sell under the Land Purchase Acts, although he is not an absolute owner, may enter into a subsequent purchase agreement, notwithstanding that the purchase money is to be paid in Bonds, in pursuance of this section, instead of cash.


Superior interests and other charges to be paid in 4½ per cent. Land Bonds.

3.—The redemption price of all superior and intervening interests, incumbrances and other claims attaching to purchase money paid by means of 4½ per cent. Land Bonds or payable out of such interests, incumbrances and claims, together with all arrears of and interest on such interests, incumbrances and claims and the vendor's costs of sale and the costs of making title to such interests, incumbrances and claims, so far as the same are payable out of the purchase money, shall be paid and discharged by transferring to the person entitled thereto, out of the Land Bonds representing the purchase money, Land Bonds of equal nominal value, and such payment shall be deemed to be satisfaction to the extent of the nominal amount of the Land Bonds so transferred.


In fixing the redemption price of superior interests the Judicial Commissioner shall have regard to the price received by the vendor for the lands out of which such superior interests issue.


Prohibition of penal interest on mortgages pending sale.

4.—Where the instrument creating any mortgage, charge or incumbrance payable out of or charged upon the purchase money of lands taken under the Act provides that interest shall be accepted at a reduced rate upon prompt payment, no higher rate shall be due or recoverable in respect of arrears of interest or on account of any default or delay in payment of interest upon such mortgage, charge or incumbrance pending the completion of the sale.


Costs Fund.

5.—(1) For the purpose of recouping vendors in whole or in part for the costs of sale including costs of owners of superior and intervening interests, incumbrancers and other claimants against the purchase money advanced under this Act there shall be established a Costs Fund amounting to 2 per cent. on the total purchase moneys advanced under this Act.


This Fund shall be raised by the Minister for Finance by the issue of 4½ per cent. Land Bonds as and when required, the interest on the Bonds to be from time to time invested in 4½ per cent. Land Bonds and added to the Costs Fund.


(2) There shall be payable to the vendor out of the Costs Fund such sum in 4½ per cent. Land Bonds as the Judicial Commissioner shall certify to be reasonable having regard to the amount of work done in connection with the sale and the manner in which it has been done:


Provided that no payment shall be made under this section until all the lands of a vendor to be acquired or vested on the appointed day under this Act shall have been vested, unless and to the extent that the Judicial Commissioner shall direct.


Abolition of the percentage.

6.—The provisions of Section 48 of the Irish Land Act, 1903, shall not apply in respect of any land whether tenanted or untenanted purchased by or becoming vested in the Land Commission under or by virtue of this Act.


Recovery by the State of moneys paid through mistake.

7.—Any moneys, bonds, stock or securities paid or distributed by the Land Commission to the wrong person, through a mistake of law or fact, shall be recoverable by the Land Commission as if it were a debt due to the State.


Payment in Bonds.

8.—For the purpose of payment in 4½ per cent. Land Bonds in accordance with the provisions of this Act the amount of the purchase money and of every payment to be made thereout shall in all cases be calculated to the nearest pound.


Repayment of advances.

9.—(1) Subject to the provisions of this Act every advance made in pursuance of a subsequent purchase agreement shall be repaid, in the manner and at the times prescribed by the Minister for Finance, by means of a purchase annuity calculated at the rate of 4¾ per cent. on the amount thereof.


(2) The purchase annuity shall be paid until the whole of the advance in respect of which it is payable is ascertained in manner prescribed by the Minister for Finance to have been repaid.


(3) The provisions of the Provisional Government (Transfer of Functions) Order, 1922, shall not apply to purchase annuities payable in respect of advances made under this Act.


(4) The purchase annuity or any part thereof at any time outstanding may be redeemed in whole or in part by the person liable to pay that annuity by payment to the Land Commission in cash of such amount as shall be ascertained in accordance with Rules made by the Minister for Finance.


Establishment of Land Bond Fund.

10.—(1) There shall be established a Land Bond Fund under the control of the Minister for Finance out of which shall be paid the interest in respect of all Bonds issued under this Act together with the sums required for redemption of Bonds under this Act.


(2) Accounts of the receipts and expenditure of the Land Bond Fund both as regards capital and income shall be kept by the Minister for Finance and those accounts shall be audited by the Comptroller and Auditor-General and the accounts when audited shall be laid before the Oireachtas.


(3) For the purposes of this Act the Land Commission shall keep such accounts containing such particulars and entries as the Minister for Finance may direct and shall furnish those accounts to the Minister for Finance as and when required by him, and the said accounts shall be audited in such manner as the Minister for Finance may prescribe.


(4) Any balance to the credit of the capital or income account of the Land Bond Fund may be temporarily invested by the Minister for Finance in such manner as he may think fit.


Payments by the Land Commission.

11.—(1) Interest at the rate of four and one-half per cent. per annum shall be paid by the Land Commission to the Land Bond Fund on the nominal amount of all Bonds issued under this Act by the Minister for Finance to the Land Commission and not certified by the Minister for Finance to have been repaid.


(2) The Land Commission, where land is vested in them under this Act, shall, until the purchase annuities charged on the land cease to be payable, pay to the Land Bond Fund in respect of Sinking Fund five shillings per cent. per annum—


(a) in the case of tenanted land on the standard price thereof together with the addition (if any) in respect of compounded arrears of rent added to the purchase money from the appointed day;


(b) in the case of untenanted land on the amount of the advances made in respect of such land from the date on which such advances become repayable, and, in so far as such land has not been disposed of within a period of five years from the appointed day, on the amount of the price of such land from the expiration of said period until the lands have been resold;


(c) on the nominal amount of all Bonds issued for contribution to price and for the Costs Fund from the date of the issue of such Bonds until the same shall be certified by the Minister for Finance to have been repaid.


(3) The Land Commission shall pay to the Land Bond Fund in respect of Sinking Fund five shillings per cent. per annum—


(a) on the nominal amount of all Bonds issued for the price of Sporting Rights and Fisheries purchased by them under this Act from the date of the issue of such Bonds until the same shall be certified by the Minister for Finance to have been repaid;


(b) on the amount of advances made by them to proprietors of parcels of untenanted land in non-congested districts counties and of parcels purchased under the Land Purchase Acts for the redemption of Fee-farm or other rents, superior interests and charges from the date on which Land Bonds shall be issued in respect of such advances until the advances have been repaid.


(4) The Land Commission shall pay to the Land Bond Fund all sums received by them for the redemption of purchase annuities payable under this Act, and all sums paid in cash by purchasers on the sale by the Land Commission of any land vested in them under this Act.


(5) If at any time the said annual payments shall be in arrear for forty days, the amount in arrear shall be charged on, and forthwith made good out of, the Guarantee Fund.


(6) Payments by the Land Commission under the preceding sub-sections shall be made at such times in each year as may be prescribed by the Minister for Finance.


(7) A sum sufficient to pay the interest and sinking fund on the Bonds issued under this Act for contribution to price and for the Costs Fund shall be paid in each year to the Land Commission out of moneys provided by the Oireachtas.


Establishment of Purchase Annuities Fund.

12.—(1) The powers declared in section 6 of the Purchase of Land (Ireland) Act, 1891, to be exercisable by the Lord Lieutenant or by the Treasury, shall henceforth be exercised by the Minister for Finance, and the notice provided for by sub-section (2) of the said section shall cease to be required.


(2) Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained in the Provisional Government (Transfer of Functions) Order, 1922, all sums collected after the 31st day of March, 1923, in respect of purchase annuities in repayment of advances made or to be made in Saorstát Eireann in pursuance of purchase agreements under the Purchase of Land (Ireland) Act, 1891, or any later Land Purchase Act other than this Act shall so far as not already paid into the Exchequer be paid into a Fund entitled “The Purchase Annuities Fund” to be established under the control of the Minister for Finance, and there shall from time to time be paid thereout by the Minister for Finance to the appropriate authority for the credit of the Land Purchase Account or the Irish Land Purchase Fund as the case may be an amount equivalent to the purchase annuities accruing due in respect of the aforesaid advances.


For the purposes of this section purchase annuities shall be deemed to include interest payable in respect of an advance as aforesaid.


(3) The provisions heretofore applicable for making good any deficiency of the Land Purchase Account or of the Irish Land Purchase Fund shall apply as from the 1st day of April, 1923, in the case of the Purchase Annuities Fund in accordance with regulations to be made by the Minister for Finance.


(4) The Minister for Finance shall have power to make any adjustments rendered necessary by this section in relation to the Exchequer and the Purchase Annuities Fund and the Guarantee Fund in the case of transactions during the period from the 1st day of April, 1923, to the date of the passing of this Act.


Abolition of county limit on advances.

13.—The limit provided by the Land Purchase Acts with respect to the advances which may be made in any county shall not apply to any advances made in pursuance of this Act.


Redemption of Purchase Annuities in certain cases.

14.—Where land which is subject to a land purchase annuity has been acquired by the Land Commission under this Act then in such case the annuity for the repayment of the original advance shall be regarded and dealt with as a claim attaching to the purchase money of the land advanced under this Act.


Trinity College Dublin.

15.—(1) The provisions of sub-sections (1), (2), and (3) of section 39 of the Irish Land Act, 1903, providing for the payment to the public trustee of the sum of £5,000 per annum for the account of Trinity College, Dublin, and for the application of the said moneys shall cease to have effect and in lieu thereof the following provisions shall apply:—


(2) There shall be paid to the College out of moneys to be provided by the Oireachtas the sum of £3,000 per annum.


(3) The investments representing accumulations of the moneys so paid to the public trustee which were not required to make good loss of income to the College and accrued interest thereon shall be transferred to the Minister for Finance and such officer of the College as shall be nominated for the purpose by the Governing Body of the College.


(4) The dividends and income arising from the investments so transferred shall be applied by the College in such manner and for such purposes as to the College may seem proper.


(5) The investments so transferred may be varied from time to time with the consent and approval of the Minister for Finance.


(6) The College may from time to time with the consent of the Minister for Finance realise the whole or any part of the investments so transferred or any other investments for the time being representing the same and apply the moneys arising from such realisation for such purposes as to the College may seem proper and shall be approved of by the Minister for Finance.


Ireland Development Grant.

16.—All moneys standing to the credit of the Ireland Development Grant Account at the date of the passing of this Act shall be paid into the Exchequer.


Power to make Rules.

17.—The Minister for Finance shall have power to make rules for carrying the provisions of this part of this Act into effect and for adapting to the requirements of this Act such provisions of any enactment passed prior to this Act as relate to Land Purchase Finance.




Prohibition of agreements otherwise than under this Act.

18.—Save and except purchase agreements between the Land Commission and purchasers from them no purchase agreement between landlord and tenant for the sale of a holding under the Land Purchase Acts shall after the passing of this Act be lodged with the Land Commission.


Arrears of rent.

19.—(1) In the case of every holding to which this Act applies rent and arrears of rent accrued due up to and including the gale day next preceding the date of the passing of this Act shall not be payable by the tenant and no proceedings against the tenant for recovery of arrears of rent shall be begun, continued or enforced after the passing of this Act.


There shall be payable by the tenant to the Land Commission a sum hereinafter referred to as “compounded arrears of rent” ascertained as provided in the sub-section following.


(2) Compounded arrears of rent shall be a sum equivalent to the total rent and arrears of rent due on the gale day next preceding the passing of this Act in respect of rent accrued since the first gale day in the year 1920 less a deduction of 25 per cent.: Provided that any payments made by the tenant after the second gale day in the year 1920 shall be appropriated to the rent which accrued since the first gale day in that year. In any case where a hanging gale is customary any payment of rent shall be deemed to have been made in respect of the gale next after the gale in respect of which it was actually made.


(3) Compounded arrears of rent shall be payable, as to so much thereof as does not exceed 75 per cent. of the annual rent, immediately after the date of the passing of this Act and as to the balance, if any, on such date or dates before the appointed day as may be prescribed by the Land Commission: Provided that in any case where not less than three years' arrears are due and the tenant so requests in the prescribed manner one half-year's compounded arrears of rent shall be added to the purchase money and repaid by means of a purchase annuity calculated at the rate of 4¾ per cent. on the amount thereof added to and consolidated with the standard purchase annuity for the holding.


(4) Compounded arrears of rent shall be collected and accounted for to the person or persons entitled thereto by the Land Commission in accordance with rules made by them: Provided that the Land Commission shall when paying over the amount collected first deduct therefrom income tax and such sum to go towards costs of collection as the Land Commission consider reasonable and proper.


(5) Where any money has been levied or recovered by a landlord after the 28th day of May, 1923, under or in consequence of any judgment or decree in any proceedings against the tenant of a holding to which this Act applies for the recovery of rent or in ejectment, then—


(a) if such money shall have been levied or recovered prior to the 3rd day of July, 1923, and so much thereof as consisted of rent exceeds the sum to which compounded arrears of rent would have otherwise amounted; or


(b) if such money shall have been so levied or recovered on or after the 3rd day of July, 1923, and the entire amount thereof (including rent, costs and expenses) exceeds the sum to which compounded arrears of rent would have otherwise amounted;


the difference between such rent or such entire amount (including rent, costs and expenses) as the case may be and the sum to which compounded arrears of rent would have otherwise amounted shall be set off against the moneys to become payable by the tenant in lieu of rent as hereinafter provided and the equivalent payment by the Land Commission shall be proportionately reduced.


Payment in lieu of rent.

20.—(1) In the case of every holding to which this Act applies rent shall not be payable by the tenant in respect of any period after the gale day next preceding the date of the passing of this Act. There shall be payable by the tenant to the Land Commission as from the gale day next preceding the date of the passing of this Act an annual sum in lieu of rent equivalent to


75 per cent. of the annual rent to which the holding was subject at the passing of this Act


which sum is hereinafter referred to as “payment in lieu of rent.


(2) Payment in lieu of rent shall be collected by the Land Commission in accordance with rules made by them.


(3) Payment in lieu of rent shall continue to be payable up to the appointed day.


(4) There shall be payable by the Land Commission to the person or persons entitled to receive the same a sum equal to the amount to be collected as payment in lieu of rent, from the gale day next preceding the date of the passing of this Act up to the appointed day, less income tax and such deduction towards cost of such collection as the Land Commission shall consider reasonable and proper. This sum, less such deductions as aforesaid, shall be paid in equal half-yearly instalments and in accordance with rules made by the Land Commission.


(5) If the interest of any person entitled to receive the rent of a holding or holdings shall not be sufficient to constitute him a person having power to sell to tenants under the Land Purchase Acts, any rent payable by him to the next superior landlord in respect of the holding or holdings shall be reduced by 25 per cent., and, if necessary for the purpose of ascertaining the rent payable by such person in respect of the lands comprised in the holding or holdings, any rent payable by him shall be apportioned by the Land Commission as the justice of the case may require. Similar provisions shall apply and proportionate reductions shall be made in the case of any superior rents payable by any superior landlords who have not an interest sufficient to constitute them persons entitled to sell under the Land Purchase Acts.


Recovery of compounded arrears of rent and payment in lieu of rent by Land Commission.

21.—(1) The Land Commission shall have for the recovery of compounded arrears of rent and payment in lieu of rent the same remedies as a landlord has for recovery of rent as well as the same remedies as they have for the recovery of unpaid instalments of a purchase annuity.


(2) Where, owing to the death or absence of the tenant of a holding or otherwise, a difficulty arises in ascertaining in whom the tenancy of a holding is vested the Land Commission may, if the tenant is dead and there is no legal personal representative of such tenant or no legal personal representative whose services are available, appoint any person to be administrator of the deceased tenant, limited to the purposes of all proceedings under this Act in relation to the holding up to the appointed day, and if the tenant is absent or if, in their opinion, it is otherwise necessary, nominate any person to represent the tenant for the purposes aforesaid. The person so appointed or nominated, while acting in such capacity, shall have the right as against all parties to enter into receipt of the profits of the holding or of the rents payable by the subtenant thereon and shall be liable to the Land Commission for compounded arrears of rent and payment in lieu of rent payable under the provisions of this Act.


(3) The Land Commission may, if they think fit, employ in the collection of compounded arrears of rent and payment in lieu of rent any land agent, solicitor or land clerk nominated by the immediate landlord, or in default of such nomination, selected by them on such terms as to remuneration and otherwise as may be prescribed by rules made by them.


The furnishing of particulars of rentals, etc.

22.—(1) It shall be the duty of every landlord and of every person receiving rents and profits on his behalf to furnish to the Land Commission within the prescribed time and in the prescribed form such particulars as they may require for the purpose of the collection of compounded arrears of rent and payment in lieu of rent, and the Land Commission shall have power to require any person paying rent to any other person in respect of a holding to give such particulars with respect to the holding as they may so require.


(2) If any person fails to give any information which he is required to furnish under this section within the prescribed time or knowingly furnishes any information which is false in any material particular, he shall on summary conviction be liable to a fine not exceeding twenty pounds.


(3) Any question arising between a tenant and a landlord regarding the accuracy of any particulars furnished pursuant to this section shall be determined by the Land Commission in accordance with rules made by them, save that in the case of a holding subject to a judicial rent the record filed in the Land Commission shall be final and conclusive in all matters appearing thereon except that where the judicial rent was fixed before the 1st day of April, 1899, the adjustment provided for by section 54 of the Local Government Act, 1898, shall be taken into account in determining the amount of rent, and save that any question as to whether an agreement for an abated rent was in fact an agreement for anew rent or any question as to the amount from which the deduction of 25 per cent. is to be made in ascertaining compounded arrears of rent and payment in lieu of rent shall be determined by the Judicial Commissioner, whose decision shall be final.


Rent and arrears of rent of sub-tenancies.

23.—(1) Where a holding to which this Act applies is sublet in whole or in part the rent payable by any subtenant to the tenant thereof shall, as from the gale day next preceding the date of the passing of this Act, be reduced by 25 per cent.


(2) No tenant shall be entitled to recover from a subtenant any greater sum in respect of arrears of rent than a sum ascertained in like manner as compounded arrears of rent are to be ascertained under this Act.


(3) This section shall not apply to any subletting made for the purpose of temporary depasturage, agistment or conacre, or for temporary convenience or to meet a temporary necessity.


Vesting of lands in Land Commission on appointed day.

24.—(1) Subject to the provisions of this Act and notwithstanding anything contained in any other enactment, all tenanted land wherever situated and all untenanted land situated in any congested districts county and such untenanted land situated elsewhere as the Land Commission shall, before the appointed day, declare to be required for the purpose of relieving congestion or of facilitating the resale of tenanted land, shall by virtue of this Act vest in the Land Commission on the appointed day, in the like manner and with the like consequences as if vesting orders under the Land Purchase Acts had been made on the appointed day in respect thereof in pursuance of subsequent purchase agreements entered into by the Land Commission with the respective owners of the lowest interest in the land constituting an interest saleable under the Land Purchase Acts, at the price fixed by or under this Act.


(2) The foregoing sub-section shall not apply to—


(a) any land which has been purchased under the Land Purchase Acts or is on the appointed day the subject of an actual purchase agreement thereunder lodged with the Land Commission before the date of the passing of this Act; or


(b) any land which is not at the date of the passing of this Act substantially agricultural or pastoral or partly agricultural and partly pastoral in character, or any land comprised in a holding the main object of the letting of which was for a residence and which at date of the passing of this Act retained its residential character; or


(c) any parcel of untenanted land which is a demesne, home farm, park, garden, or pleasure ground or any holding usually occupied by a person in connection with such demesne, home farm, park, garden or pleasure ground; or


(d) any parcel of untenanted land which consists of or forms part of land which was purchased under the provisions of the Irish Church Act, 1869, for a sum not exceeding two thousand pounds; or


(e) any holding or parcel of untenanted land which in the opinion of the Land Commission possesses a substantial value or utility whether potential or actual as building ground; or


(f) any land which is vested in or held in trust for the State or any Government Department, or is held by any local or public authority (otherwise than as tenants thereof) for the purposes of their powers and duties as such, or is held by any corporation for the purposes of a railway, tramway, dock, canal, water, gas, electricity or other public undertaking; or


(g) any “glebe” as defined by the Act of 38th and 39th Victoria, Chapter 42, which now is or hereafter shall be held or occupied by any “ecclesiastical persons” as by the same Act defined.


(3) Notwithstanding anything contained in the foregoing sub-sections, where the Land Commission before the appointed day declare in the prescribed manner that any land wherever situated, hereinbefore excluded from the operation of this section (other than land which comes within the description in clause (f) of sub-section (2) of this section), is required for the purpose of relieving congestion, then such land shall vest in the Land Commission pursuant to this section.


(4) Where the Land Commission declare that any land coming within clause (a) of sub-section (2) of this section is required for the purpose of relieving congestion the following provisions shall have effect:—


(a) if the land so declared forms portion of the holding the proprietor or tenant of the holding may within the prescribed time and in the prescribed manner require that the entire holding be so declared and the Land Commission shall in that event either so declare the entire holding or withdraw from the proposed acquisition of the said portion.


(b) if within the prescribed time and in the prescribed manner the proprietor or tenant of the declared land so requires them to do the Land Commission shall as soon as practicable provide the said proprietor or tenant with a new holding which in the opinion of the Land Commission other than the Judicial Commissioner (subject to the right of appeal to the Judicial Commissioner, whose decision shall be final) shall be equally suitable for the said proprietor or tenant and of not less value than the declared land. The provisions contained in this Act for transferring burdens and rights on the exchange of holdings by agreement shall extend to any exchange of lands effected under this sub-section.


(5) The Land Commission shall not without the consent of the owner acquire land from him under the powers conferred on them by sub-section (3) of this section so long as there is other unacquired land in the same locality suitable for relieving congestion which does not come within the exceptions mentioned in sub-section (2) of this section and which the Land Commission can acquire without exercising the special powers given by the said sub-section.


(6) For the purposes of this section the expression “home farm” means a farm used for the convenience or advantage of the owner's residence and in connection therewith, and not merely as an ordinary farm for the purposes of profit.


(7) Nothing in this Act shall render it obligatory for the Land Commission to acquire untenanted land which is intermingled with woodland, or the acquisition of which would, in the opinion of the Land Commission, be detrimental to the preservation of woodland and to the interests of forestry, and where any lands vested in the Land Commission under this Act are wholly or practically surrounded by lands under timber, or intermixed with woods, the property of the owner of the lands so vested, it shall be optional to the owner to require the Land Commission to purchase such timber, lands or woods.


(8) Any person aggrieved by a decision of the Judicial Commissioner on any question of law arising under this section may appeal from such decision to the Court of Appeal, but there shall be no appeal from any decision of the Judicial Commissioner on any question of price.


The price of land.

25.—(1) As respects tenanted land the price of each holding shall be a capital sum, hereinafter called “the standard price,” of such amount that interest thereon at the rate of 4¾ per cent. per annum will be equal to the standard purchase annuity for the holding as ascertained in accordance with the first schedule to this Act together with a contribution by the State to the price calculated at 10 per cent. on, and added to, the standard price.


(2) As regards untenanted land the price shall, in default of agreement, be such an amount as may be fixed by the Land Commission (other than the Judicial Commissioner), or by the Judicial Commissioner on appeal from the Land Commission, and in fixing such sum regard shall be had to the fair value of the land to the Land Commission and the owner respectively.



26.—(1) Where the whole or part of a holding of tenanted land, which is vested in the Land Commission by virtue of this Act, is sublet, otherwise than for the purpose of temporary depasturage, agistment or conacre, or for temporary convenience or to meet a temporary necessity, then for the purposes of the provisions of this Act, as to the standard price and as to resales by the Land Commission, the following provisions shall have effect:—


(a) if the entire of the holding is in the occupation of a subtenant, the rent payable by the sub-tenant shall be taken to be the rent payable in respect of the holding, and the sub-tenant shall be taken to be the tenant;


(b) if the entire of the holding is in the occupation of two or more sub-tenants, the portion in the occupation of each sub-tenant shall be treated as a separate holding held at the rent payable in respect of the sub-tenancy and the sub-tenant shall be treated as the tenant thereof;


(c) if portion of the holding is in the occupation of the tenant and the remainder is in the occupation of one or more sub-tenants, the portion in the occupation of the tenant shall be treated as a separate holding held at an apportioned part of the rent payable in respect of the entire holding, the apportionment being made according to rateable value, or (if that portion is not separately rated) according as may be determined by the Land Commission (other than the Judicial Commissioner) and the tenant shall be treated as tenant thereof, and so much of the remainder of the holding as is in the occupation of any sub-tenant shall be treated as a separate holding held at the rent payable in respect of the sub-tenancy, and the sub-tenant shall be treated as the tenant thereof;


(d) where portion of a holding is sublet and that portion is of such character that it ought not in the opinion of the Land Commission to be treated as a separate holding for the purposes aforesaid, the Land Commission may treat the holding as if the portion was not sublet or in the occupation of the sub-tenant.


(2) For the purposes of this section, sub-section (2) of section fifteen of the Irish Land Act, 1903, shall apply with the substitution of “the Judicial Commissioner” for “the Land Commission” and the substitution of “the Vendor” for “the owner of the Estate.”


Dividends and interest on purchase money pending distribution.

27.—Where land is vested in the Land Commission by virtue of this Act, the dividends on the Land Bonds representing the purchase money shall, pending distribution thereof, be paid to the Land Commission, and the Land Commission shall pay interest on so much of the purchase money as is for the time being undistributed at the rate of 4½ per cent. per annum to the vendor, or such other person or persons as shall appear to the Land Commission to be entitled thereto.


Subsequent purchase agreements by tenants.

28.—(1) The tenant of every holding of tenanted land vested in the Land Commission by virtue of this Act, and to which this section applies, shall be deemed on the appointed day to have entered into a subsequent purchase agreement for the purchase the holding from the Land Commission at the standard price.


(2) There shall be payable by the tenant to the Land Commission an annual sum, equivalent to the standard purchase annuity for the holding, and the additional annuity (if any) in respect of compounded arrears of rent added to the purchase money, from the appointed day until the gale day next after the holding is vested in the tenant. The Land Commission shall have for the recovery of such annual sum the same remedies as they have for the recovery of unpaid instalments of purchase annuity.


(3) There shall be payable by the tenant to the Land Commission on the gale day on which the first instalment of the said annual sum shall become payable by him an additional sum, equivalent to a proportion of the said annual sum in respect of the period between the said gale day and the day on which the next dividends are payable on Land Bonds issued under this Act. The Land Commission shall have for the recovery of such additional sum the same remedies as they have for the recovery of unpaid instalments of purchase annuity.


(4) Every holding to which this section applies shall be vested in the tenant by the Land Commission by vesting order or otherwise.


(5) All payments made by the tenant after the appointed day on foot of the annual sum payable by him to the Land Commission under this section shall, from and after the vesting of the holding in him, be treated for all purposes as if they had been payments in respect of purchase annuity.


(6) This section shall not apply to—


(a) any holding in respect of which the standard price exceeds three thousand pounds; or


(b) any holding in the beneficial occupation of a tenant who is on the appointed day the proprietor of lands for the purchase of which advances have been made under any of the Land Purchase Acts, unless redeemed, if the total amount resulting from the addition to the standard price of the amount obtained by capitalising at the rate of four and three-quarters per cent. the original annuities payable on such advances, exceeds £3,000; or


(c) any holding as respects which the Land Commission declare that it is not in the public interest that the holding shall be resold to the tenant as aforesaid, whether on the ground that the improvement of the holding is essential and practicable, or otherwise; or


(d) any holding which in the opinion of the Land Commission ought to be retained for improvement or enlargement, or for utilisation in connection with the relief of congestion;


all which holdings are in this Act referred to as retained holdings.


Power of Land Commission in regard to retained holdings.

29.—In the case of every holding retained by the Land Commission—


(1) The Land Commission shall have, and may exercise all or any of the powers exercisable by them as respects holdings on Estates vested in them, including powers of resumption of the whole or part of the holding, whether the holding is or is not part of an Estate or subject to a judicial rent; and in exercising the powers aforesaid shall have regard to the necessity of relieving congestion, the desirability of increasing the food supply of the country, and the manner in which the holdings have been used.


(2) When the Land Commission resume part of a holding they may apportion the rent which was payable in respect of the holding at the date of the passing of this Act between the part resumed and the remainder of the holding as the justice of the case may require.


(3) On any application by the Land Commission for or in connection with the resumption of a holding, the powers of the Court under section five of the Land Law (Ireland) Act, 1881, shall be exercised exclusively by the Judicial Commissioner whose decision shall be final.


The compensation payable to the tenant shall be fixed on the basis on which resumption prices have heretofore been fixed under the said section and in fixing the price the Judicial Commissioner may have regard to payments made by the tenant to the Land Commission under this Act.


The compensation payable to the tenant shall be paid in 4½ per cent. Land Bonds, equal in nominal amount thereto, and all claims attaching to the compensation shall be paid and discharged as if they were claims attaching to purchase money paid by means of 4½ per cent. Land Bonds under this Act.


(4) There shall be payable to the Land Commission by the tenant of every retained holding an annual sum equivalent to the standard purchase annuity for the holding and the additional annuity (if any) in respect of compounded arrears of rent added to the purchase money from the appointed day—


(a) if the entire holding is re-sold to the tenant, until the gale day next after the vesting of the holding;


(b) if the holding is resumed by the Land Commission, until the date of such resumption;


(c) if part of the holding is re-sold to the tenant or is resumed by the Land Commission, until such date as the Land Commission shall appoint but subject to such apportionment or variation before that date as the Land Commission shall direct.


The Land Commission shall have for the recovery of such annual sum the same remedies as they have for the recovery of unpaid instalments of purchase annuity.


(5) There shall be payable by the tenant to the Land Commission on the gale day on which the first instalment of the said annual sum shall become payable by him an additional sum, equivalent to a proportion of the said annual sum, in respect of the period between the said gale day and the day on which the next dividends are payable on Land Bonds issued under this Act. The Land Commission shall have for the recovery of such additional sum the same remedies as they have for the recovery of unpaid instalments of purchase annuity.


(6) If the entire holding is re-sold to the tenant, all payments made by the tenant after the appointed day on foot of the annual sum payable by him to the Land Commission under this section shall from and after the vesting of the holding in him be treated for all purposes as if they had been payments in respect of purchase annuity.


In every other case such proportion of the payments aforesaid as the Land Commission shall direct shall from and after the vesting of any part of the holding in a purchaser be treated for all purposes as if they had been payments in respect of purchase annuity charged on that part of the holding.


Limitation on advances.

30.—For the purpose of any resale the limit on the amount that may be advanced shall in every case be £3,000, provided that this limitation may be exceeded to such extent as appears to the Land Commission to be proper in any case where in the opinion of the Land Commission it is expedient that the sum to be advanced should be more than £3,000.


Advances for purchase of parcels of land.

31.—(1) Advances may be made to the following persons or bodies for the purchase by them from the Land Commission of parcels of land:—


(a) A person being the tenant or proprietor of a holding which in the opinion of the Land Commission is not an economic holding.


(b) A person who has entered into an agreement with the Land Commission for the exchange of his holding.


(c) A person who within 25 years before the passing of the Irish Land Act, 1903, was the tenant of a holding to which the Land Purchase Acts apply, and who was evicted from that holding in consequence of proceedings taken by or on behalf of his landlord, or in case such person is dead, a person nominated by the Land Commission as his personal representative.


(d) A person being a labourer who by reason of the sale of any lands under the provisions of the Land Purchase Acts has been deprived of his employment on the said lands.


(e) Trustees for the purposes mentioned in section 4 of the Irish Land Act, 1903, as extended by this Act.


(f) Any other person or body to whom in the opinion of the Land Commission an advance ought to be made.


In selecting persons under this paragraph the Land Commission may have regard to the cases of persons who, or whose predecessors have been evicted from their holdings in consequence of proceedings taken by or on behalf of the landlord, and who are not included in paragraph (c) above.


(2) The Land Commission in deciding as to the suitability of applicants under this section shall be satisfied as to their competence to work the land, and their intention to do so and not to sell, let or assign it. The agreement between the applicant and the Land Commission for the purchase of a parcel of land shall in all cases provide that the parcel shall not be vested in the applicant unless the Land Commission are satisfied that it is being worked by him in accordance with proper methods of husbandry and that if the Land Commission are not so satisfied they may demand and recover possession of the parcel freed and discharged from any claim by the applicant.


(3) The Land Purchase Acts shall, subject to the provisions of this section, apply to the sale of a parcel of land in pursuance of this section in like manner as if the same was a holding and the purchaser was the tenant thereof at the time of his making the purchase, and the expression “holding” in those Acts shall include a parcel of land in respect of the purchase of which an advance has been made in pursuance of this section.


(4) Section 17 of the Irish Land Act, 1909, shall cease to have effect save as regards the sale of any parcels of land in respect of which purchase agreements have been entered into before the passing of this Act, and, save as aforesaid, any reference in any enactment to that section shall be construed as a reference to this section.


Resale of untenanted land to owners.

32.—Where the owner of a parcel of untenanted land which is vested in the Land Commission by virtue of this Act uses and cultivates the same as an ordinary farm in accordance with proper methods of husbandry; then


(a) if the price of the parcel together with the value of any other lands in the possession of the owner as ascertained by the Land Commission does not exceed £3,000 the Land Commission shall if the owner so requires and unless in their opinion it ought to be retained for improvement or enlargement or for utilization in connection with the relief of congestion, resell the parcel to the owner at the said price, if before the appointed day he has undertaken to purchase it at that price; and


(b) if the price of the parcel together with the value of any other lands in the possession of the owner as ascertained by the Land Commission exceeds £3,000 the Land Commission may resell to the owner either the whole thereof at the said price or any part thereof at a price bearing the same proportion to the said price which the value of the part bears to the value of the whole of the parcel as ascertained by the Land Commission, but the advance shall not in any case exceed £3,000, unless in the opinion of the Land Commission it is expedient that this amount should be exceeded, the difference (if any) between the amount to be advanced and the price being paid in cash by the owner to the Land Commission.


Resale to tenants of retained holdings.

33.—Where in the case of a holding retained by the Land Commission, the Land Commission do not exercise their powers of resumption or if they exercise their powers of resumption in respect of only part of the holding, then if the tenant has used and cultivated the holding as an ordinary farmer in accordance with proper methods of husbandry, the Land Commission shall resell to the tenant (if he so require) the holding at the standard price, or any part thereof not resumed at the proportionate part of such price applicable thereto as determined by the Land Commission, and shall make an advance for the purpose of the purchase not exceeding such sum as with the amount obtained by capitalising at the rate of four and three-quarters per cent. the original annuities payable on the advances, if any, unless redeemed, which may already have been made under any of the Land Purchase Acts for the purchase of lands of which the tenant is the proprietor at the date of such resale, does not exceed £3,000, unless in the opinion of the Land Commission it is expedient that this amount should be exceeded, the difference (if any) between the amount to be advanced and the price being paid in cash by the tenant to the Land Commission.


Vesting of rearranged holdings.

34.—(1) If the tenant of any holding retained by the Land Commission refuses to enter into an agreement for the purchase of the holding, or of a new holding consisting of part of the original holding, or of a new holding consisting of the whole or part of the original holding and other land, at the price which the Land Commission are prepared to advance, the Land Commission (other than the Judicial Commissioner) may after serving the prescribed notice upon the tenant and considering any objections made by him make an order declaring the tenant to be the purchaser of the original or new holding, as the case may be, for such price and upon such terms and conditions as may be specified in the order, and the tenant shall thereupon be deemed to have entered into a purchase agreement on the prescribed date for the purchase of the original or new holding, as the case may be, for the price and upon the terms and conditions so specified, and the purchase shall be completed accordingly.


(2) An appeal shall lie from any order under this section to the Judicial Commissioner, who shall have power to reverse or confirm the order, or to make any order which might have been made by the Land Commission.


Resale of demesnes.

35.—Where the Land Commission have acquired any land from an owner under this Act they may purchase from him any demesne or other land in his occupation adjacent thereto at a price which in their opinion represents the selling value thereof, and in such case may resell the whole or any portion of that land to him as if he were a person to whom advances might be made for the purchase of a parcel of land under this Act.


The provisions of sub-sections (4) and (5) of section 3 of the Irish Land Act, 1903, shall apply to any resale under this section.


Power to Land Commission to purchase untenanted land.

36.—The Land Commission may purchase any untenanted land which they consider necessary for the purpose of providing parcels of land for any of the persons or bodies to whom advances may be made under the provisions of this Act, for such price, payable in 4½ per cent. Land Bonds of equal nominal value, as shall be agreed upon between the owner of such untenanted land and the Land Commission, and such land when vested in the Land Commission shall be subject to all the provisions of this Act relating to the providing of parcels of land for the persons or bodies aforesaid.


Power to acquire any bog.

37.—The powers of the Land Commission under this Act to acquire any untenanted land shall include power so to acquire any bog for the purpose of providing turbary for the occupiers of land in the neighbourhood thereof, whether the said bog is or is not subject to any right of turbary of other persons than the owner, and whether or not an advance under the Land Purchase Acts has been made for the purchase of lands including such bog, and if made, whether redeemed or not. In exercising the powers given by this section the Land Commission shall have due regard to the reasonable requirements of the owner.


Redemption of fee farm or other rents.

38.—Where a parcel of untenanted land situate in a non-congested districts county is held under a fee farm grant, lease renewable for ever for lives or years or lease for a term of years of which 60 or more are unexpired at the date of the passing of this Act and the proprietor of the parcel applies in the prescribed manner to the Land Commission for an advance for the purpose of redeeming the rent created or reserved by the fee farm grant or lease or such proportionate part thereof as may be payable in respect of the parcel, the Judicial Commissioner shall, after hearing all persons concerned, apportion the rent if such apportionment shall be necessary and any superior rent and order the redemption of the rent or the apportioned part thereof as the case may be and all interests superior thereto and fix the redemption price thereof. The redemption price so fixed together with such costs as may be allowed by the Judicial Commissioner shall be advanced and paid by means of 4½ per cent. Land Bonds and distributed by the Judicial Commissioner as if the redemption price of the rent were purchase money of land vested in the Land Commission under this Act and the amount advanced shall be repayable by the proprietor of the parcel by means of an annuity (charged on the parcel and recoverable in like manner as a purchase annuity) calculated at the rate of 4¾ per cent. on the amount of the advance and where the parcel is held under a lease the proprietor shall acquire and have an estate in fee simple therein instead of the term created by the lease.


Redemption of superior interests on purchased holdings.

39.—Where a holding has at any time been vested in a purchaser under the Land Purchase Acts subject to a superior interest or charge the Judicial Commissioner shall on the application of the proprietor after hearing all persons concerned order the redemption of the said interest or charge and all interests superior to them and fix the redemption price thereof. The redemption price so fixed together with such costs as may be allowed by the Judicial Commissioner shall notwithstanding the provisions contained in sub-section (4) of section 9 of the Purchase of Land. (Ireland) Act, 1891, be advanced and paid by means of 4½ per cent. Land Bonds and distributed by the Judicial Commissioner as if the redemption price were the purchase money of land vested in the Land Commission under this Act. The advance shall be repayable by the proprietor of the holding by means of an annuity calculated at the rate of 4¾ per cent. on the amount of the advance and the said annuity shall be recoverable in like manner as a purchase annuity.


Ascertainment of lands to be vested in Land Commission.

40.—(1) It shall be the duty of every person who is entitled to the rents and profits of any land to which this Act applies or who pays any rent in respect of such lands or who receives or pays such rents and profits, or rent on behalf of any other person, to furnish in writing to the Land Commission upon application in that behalf made to him by the Land Commission such particulars with respect to the land in such form and verified in such manner within such time as the Land Commission may by a general or special notice require and prescribe.


(2) The Land Commission shall from time to time publish provisional lists of the lands which will, if not excluded in consequence of a valid objection, become vested in the Land Commission on the appointed day, together with notice of the manner in which and the time within which the objections may be made to the list by reason of the inclusion or non-inclusion therein of any land.


(3) The Land Commission (other than the Judicial Commissioner) shall consider all objections duly made, and there shall be a right of appeal to the Judicial Commissioner whose decision shall be final save where in this Act otherwise provided.


(4) The Land Commission shall publish a final list of lands with respect to which no objection has been lodged, and from time to time as and when objections to other lands have been finally settled a final list of those lands, and a final list when so published, whether after or before the appointed day, shall be conclusive evidence that the lands comprised therein became or will become vested by virtue of this Act on the appointed day.


(5) If any person wilfully neglects or refuses to give any information which he is required to furnish under this section within the prescribed time, or knowingly furnishes any information which is false in any particular, he shall on summary conviction be liable to a fine not exceeding fifty pounds or to imprisonment with or without hard labour for a term not exceeding three months.


(6) Any Inspector or other person appointed by the Land Commission may after notice sent by post to the person who appears to be owner or occupier of any land, enter upon the land and make all such enquiries as may be necessary to enable the Land Commission to ascertain the extent and character thereof, and such other particulars in relation thereto as they may require for the purposes of this Act.


(7) Where duties under this section are performed on behalf of the owner of any land by any land agent, solicitor, or land clerk nominated with the approval of the Land Commission, he may be paid such remuneration as may be directed by the Land Commission with the assent of the Minister for Finance, and such remuneration shall be paid as part of the expenses of the Land Commission.


(8) Where in the case of the sale of any land an agent has been employed in the management of the estate comprising the land sold, such sum as may be sanctioned by the Land Commission may with the consent of the owner of the land be paid to the agent in Land Bonds out of the purchase money on his ceasing to act as such agent.


(9) Any notice or list required to be published under this section shall be published in the Iris Oifigiúil and in such manner as the Land Commission consider best adapted for securing publicity.


Powers of Land Commission over solicitors and agents.

41.—(1) Where any person—


(a) fails to furnish any information, map, particular, or document which under this Act it is his duty to furnish, or, in the opinion of the Judicial Commissioner, fails to carry out such duty in a satisfactory manner; or


(b) wilfully fails or refuses to make title or produce evidence of title; or


(c) fails to prosecute any proceedings with due diligence and effect;


it shall be lawful for the Judicial Commissioner to appoint a solicitor, land agent, engineer, or surveyor to act in the matter and to carry out the instructions of the Land Commission, and such solicitor, land agent, engineer, or surveyor shall have all such powers as he would have had had he been duly employed by such person as aforesaid.


(2) Such costs and remuneration as may be approved by the Judicial Commissioner shall be paid by the Land Commission to any such solicitor, land agent, engineer, or surveyor so employed, and shall be recoverable by the Land Commission from the person in consequence of whose default such payment became necessary.


(3) Where a solicitor, land agent, engineer, or surveyor appointed by the owner does not in the opinion of the Judicial Commissioner prosecute any proceedings with due diligence and effect, the Judicial Commissioner shall have power to remove such solicitor, land agent, engineer, or surveyor and appoint such other person or persons as he may think fit in the place of the person so removed, and the person or persons so appointed shall have and exercise the same authorities and powers and shall be entitled to the same costs and remuneration as if he had been appointed by the owner.


Power to make regulations as to turbary.

42.—The powers of the Land Commission to make regulations with respect to turbary on bogs on holdings shall be extended so as to include power to make regulations with respect to turbary on any bog, whether the owner thereof has or has not an exclusive right of turbary thereon, and so as to include power of defining the area on which the owner may cut turf and to make regulations conferring and defining rights of access to and through the bog over any land for the purposes of turbary.


Power to provide rights of way.

43.—The powers of the Land Commission to expend money on the improvement of land sold or agreed to be sold under the Land Purchase Acts shall include power to provide, where necessary, rights of way to and from such land, and for this purpose they may, in the prescribed manner, make orders conferring and defining such rights of way and fixing the compensation (if any) to be paid to the owner of the land over which such rights of way have been conferred or defined.


Preservation of embankments, etc.

44.—(1) Where it appears to the Judicial Commissioner that prior to the appointed day a landlord, or in the case of untenanted land an owner, has been liable for the cleansing or maintenance in whole or in part of any watercourse drain embankment or other work, either alone or in conjunction with other persons and whether under the terms of a contract of tenancy or otherwise, he may direct that out of the Land Bonds representing the purchase money there shall be transferred and applied in manner hereinafter provided Land Bonds sufficient to yield such income as in his opinion will be required for the future cleansing and maintenance of such watercourse drain embankment or other work, in accordance with the liability as ascertained by him of the former landlord or owner.


(2) Land Bonds so ordered to be transferred and applied shall be transferred to the Public Trustee, and the income shall be applied in or towards the cleansing or maintenance of the watercourse, drain, embankment, or other work in accordance with a scheme to be framed by the Land Commission which may if thought fit authorise the sale of the said Land Bonds or the investments for the time being representing the same or any part thereof and the application of the principal moneys arising from such sale in or towards the reconstruction of such work.


(3) The Land Commission shall have power to determine all questions in connection with watercourses, drains and embankments, and the cleansing and maintenance thereof, and to define or prescribe the rights, obligations, and liabilities in relation thereto of all parties.


(4) The Land Commission shall have power to enter on any lands for the purposes of the cleansing, repair, maintenance or restoration of watercourses, drains, embankments, or other works, and to take such soil and materials therefrom, and to do such things thereon as may be necessary for the said purposes.


(5) The Land Commission shall have power in their discretion to expend in or towards the reconstruction of any watercourse, drain, embankment or other work such sum as at their request the Minister for Finance shall approve of and advance out of moneys to be provided by the Oireachtas, and so much of such sum as the Land Commission certify in that behalf shall be repayable by means of an annuity or annuities charged upon any land, which the Land Commission certify to have been benefited by such expenditure, as if the said sum had been advanced for the purchase of the land in pursuance of a subsequent purchase agreement, the said annuity to be consolidated, so far as circumstances permit, with any existing Land Purchase annuity to which the land is subject.


Sporting rights, fisheries and minerals.

45.—(1) On the vesting of any lands in the Land Commission under this Act, all sporting rights as defined in sub-section (2) of section 13 of the Irish Land Act, 1903, including such sporting rights as may be superior interests, and all fisheries appurtenant to the said lands shall vest in the Land Commission subject to any lease then existing as if the owner or owners had agreed to sell them at such price as in the absence of agreement shall be fixed by the Land Commission (other than the Judicial Commissioner) or by the Judicial Commissioner on appeal from the Land Commission, regard being had in fixing such price to the fair value of the sporting rights and fisheries to the Land Commission and to the owner or owners respectively:


Provided that in the case of tenanted land the sporting rights other than fishing rights and fisheries shall be deemed to be of no appreciable value.


(2) Where the tenant of a holding of tenanted land is deemed to have entered into a subsequent purchase agreement for the purchase of the holding from the Land Commission under this Act the sporting rights on and over the holding other than fishing rights and fisheries shall be vested in him with the holding.


(3) The purchase money of all such sporting rights and fisheries shall be paid in four and a half per cent. Land Bonds.


(4) The Land Commission shall have power to make regulations conferring and defining rights of passage through and over any lands to any river or lake and along the banks or shores of any such river or lake which in the opinion of the Land Commission may be necessary or expedient for the proper user and enjoyment of any fishing rights vested in the Land Commission under this Act.


(5) On the vesting of any land under this Act the exclusive right of mining and taking minerals and digging and searching for minerals on or under that land, including such mineral rights as may be superior interests, shall vest in Saorstát Eireann:


Provided that this sub-section shall not apply—


(a) to any mine or quarry which is being worked or developed by the owner or his lessee on the appointed day;


(b) to any stone, gravel, sand or clay:


Provided also that where any such rights vested in Saorstát Eireann under this sub-section are at any time hereafter let leased or sold the person who would have been entitled thereto if they had not so vested shall be entitled to receive such share of any rent purchase money or any other net profit received in respect of the same as shall be hereafter determined by the Oireachtas.


Facilities for exchange of holdings.

46.—(1) For the purpose of facilitating the improvement of holdings, the registered owner of any holding, whether registered as full owner or as limited owner, shall have power to enter into an agreement with the Land Commission under this section for an exchange of holdings, and the agreement may be carried into effect in manner provided by this section.


(2) The registered owner shall transfer the holding to the Land Commission, and the Land Commission shall in exchange provide for him a new holding either by selling to him a parcel of land under the Land Purchase Acts, or by transferring to him a holding purchased under those Acts.


(3) The transfer to the Land Commission of the original holding shall as from the date of its registration operate to vest in the Land Commission an estate in fee simple in the holding, subject to such of the burdens enumerated in section forty-seven of the Local Registration of Title (Ireland) Act, 1891 (other than succession duty and estate duty), as affect the holding on that date, and subject to any burden created under any Act relating to the Board of Works, but free from all other burdens and rights, whether registered or not registered, which then affect the holding (including succession duty and estate duty and any burdens the ascertainment of which was dispensed with on first registration), and all such burdens and rights shall, as from that date, be transferred to the new holding without any conveyance or order.


(4) Where the new holding is provided by transferring to the registered owner a holding purchased under the Land Purchase Acts, the holding shall be transferred to him subject to such of the burdens enumerated in section forty-seven of the Local Registration of Title (Ireland) Act, 1891 (other than succession duty and estate duty), as affect the holding on the date of the transfer, and to the burdens and rights transferred from the original holding, but free from all other burdens and rights whether registered or not registered (including succession duty and estate duty and any burdens the ascertainment of which was dispensed with on first registration of the new holding).


(5) The registration of the Land Commission as owners of the original holding, and of the registered owner as owner of the new holding, shall be effected on the same date, and it shall be the duty of the Land Commission to procure the registrations and to take all steps that may be necessary for that purpose.


(6) The provisions of this section with respect to the registered owner of a holding shall in the following cases extend to the following persons respectively (that is to say):—


(a) if Part IV. of the Local Registration of Title (Ireland) Act, 1891, applies to the holding and the registered owner (being registered as full owner) is dead, to his legal personal representative;


(b) if the registered owner is an infant, lunatic or person of unsound mind, to any person by whom he may be represented for any of the purposes of the Local Registration of Title (Ireland) Act, 1891; and


(c) if a representative of a registered owner is appointed by the County Court for the purposes of this section, to that representative.


(7) The County Court shall have power to appoint a representative of the registered owner of a holding for the purposes of this section when it appears to the Court, on the application of the Land Commission or any person interested, that the registered owner is a person not resident in Saorstát Eireann or a person as to whom it is not known whether he is alive or dead, and that it is to the advantage of the persons interested in the holding that it should be exchanged for a new holding under this section. Application to the County Court and the practice and procedure thereon may be regulated by rules of Court.


Ancient Monuments.

47.—The definition of ancient monuments contained in section 14 of the Irish Land Act, 1903, shall include any monument which in the opinion of the Land Commission is of archaeological interest and shall where the Land Commission so declare also include the site of the monument and such portion of the land adjoining it as is necessary to prevent injury and afford access.




Application of this Part of the Act.

48.—The provisions of Part II. of this Act shall not, save as provided in this Part of this Act, apply to any lands which have been purchased by a co-operative farming society (in this Part of this Act called a Society), or by a body of trustees, by means of advances made by the National Land Bank, Limited (in this Part of this Act called the Bank), and which, at the date of the passing of this Act, are subject to a charge for repayment of such advances, or any part thereof.


Vesting in Land Commission on appointed day.

49.—All land purchased by a Society or body of trustees, by means of an advance made by the Bank, shall, if any part of the advance is unpaid, vest in the Land Commission on the appointed day, in like manner, and with the like consequences, as if vesting orders under the Land Purchase Acts had been made on the appointed day in respect thereof, in pursuance of subsequent purchase agreements entered into by the Land Commission with the Society or body of trustees, at the price fixed under the provisions contained in this Part of this Act.


Information required from the Bank by Land Commission.

50.—The Bank shall furnish in writing to the Land Commission particulars of the lands so purchased, of the portion of the purchase money (if any) deposited with them by the Society or body of trustees, of the advance made by them for the purchase thereof, of the amount due them in respect of such advance, and of the superior interests and other charges (if any), subject to which the lands were purchased by the Society or body of trustees, together with such other particulars as the Land Commission may require and prescribe, and shall lodge with the Land Commission such deeds, documents and maps as may be necessary for the purpose of verifying the particulars so furnished.


Advertisement by Land Commission of lands acquired.

51.—The Land Commission shall, from time to time, publish notices containing particulars of the lands so purchased, and of the superior interests and other charges, including the charge for the repayment of the advance due to the Bank, subject to which they were purchased, and such notices shall prescribe the time within which, and the manner in which, objections to such notices may be made, by reason of the inclusion or non-inclusion therein of any lands, or the omission or mis-description of any such superior interest or charge, as aforesaid.


Ascertainment of purchase price.

52.—The Land Commission (other than the Judicial Commissioner) shall consider all objections duly made, and there shall be a right of appeal to the Judicial Commissioner, whose decision shall be final. The Judicial Commissioner shall, if he is satisfied that prior to the date of the passing of this Act the Society or body of trustees had a good title to the lands so purchased, free from incumbrances, save the charge securing the repayment of the advance due to the Bank, and any superior interests or Land Purchase Annuities, ascertain the superior interests issuing out of the lands, and shall fix the redemption price of all such superior interests and annuities, and shall also ascertain the amount due for principal (without giving credit for the deposit, if any, lodged with the Bank by the Society or body of trustees) and interest on foot of the charge securing the repayment of the advance due to the Bank, and shall fix the price of the lands at such sum as shall be sufficient to redeem and pay off all such superior interests and annuities, and the charge securing the repayment of the advance due to the Bank, together with such costs as may be allowed by him. When the Bank shall have lodged with the Land Commission such deposit as aforesaid the price so ascertained, of which one-eleventh shall be contributed by the State, shall be paid in 4½ per cent. Land Bonds on the appointed day.


Provisions as to deposits by a Society or body of trustees.

53.—The deposit when lodged with the Land Commission shall be invested by them, and the income from such investments so far as not required to recoup the Land Commission for unpaid instalments of purchase annuities (if any) in respect of the advance made to the Society or body of trustees under this Part of the Act, by whom the deposit, was originally made with the Bank, shall be paid to such Society or body of trustees until the deposit is utilised otherwise by the Land Commission or repaid in whole or in part to the Society or body of trustees under the following provisions, namely:—


(a) It shall be lawful for the Land Commission at any time before the advance is certified to be repaid, if they are not satisfied with the security for the same, or if the purchase annuities have been allowed to fall into arrear, to utilise the whole or part of the deposit in redemption pro tanto of the advance;


(b) It shall be lawful for the Land Commission at any time, if they are satisfied that the deposit is not required as security for the advance to repay the whole or any part thereof to the Society or body of trustees who originally lodged the same with the Bank or to their lawful successors;


(c) Such part of the deposit as shall not have been utilised under the foregoing paragraphs shall, when so much of the advance as is equivalent to the value of the deposit remaining with the Land Commission shall be certified to have been repaid, and provided that the Land Commission are satisfied with the security for the unredeemed portion of the advance, be repaid to the Society or body of trustees who originally lodged the same with the Bank or to their lawful successors.


Conditions of resale to the Societies.

54.—Subject to the provisions hereinafter contained, each Society or body of trustees, which on the appointed day was in occupation of lands so purchased and vested in the Land Commission under the provisions of this Part of this Act, shall be deemed, on the appointed day, to have entered into a subsequent purchase agreement with the Land Commission for the purchase of the lands from them, at a price equivalent to ten-elevenths of the price fixed under the provisions of the foregoing section.


There shall be payable by the Society or body of trustees to the Land Commission an annual sum, calculated at the rate of 4¾ per cent. upon the sum for which the Society or body of trustees is deemed to have agreed to purchase the lands, from the appointed day until the gale day next after the vesting of the lands in the Society or body of trustees, or until the cesser and determination of the interest of the Society or body of trustees in the lands.


The Land Commission shall have for the recovery of such annual sum the same remedies as they have for the recovery of unpaid instalments of purchase annuity.


There shall be payable by the Society or body of trustees to the Land Commission, on the gale day on which the first instalment of the said annual sum shall become payable by them, an additional sum, equivalent to a proportion of the said annual sum, in respect of the period between the said gale day and the day on which the next dividends are payable on Land Bonds issued under this Act. The Land Commission shall have for the recovery of such additional sum the same remedies as they have for the recovery of unpaid instalments of purchase annuity.


All payments made by a Society or body of trustees after the appointed day on foot of the annual sum payable to the Land Commission under this section shall, from and after the vesting of the parcel in them be treated for all purposes as if they had been payments in respect of purchase annuity.


Vesting of the lands in the Societies.

55.—(1) After the appointed day, where the Land Commission are satisfied that lands so purchased and vested in the Land Commission have been properly managed, after the methods of good husbandry, and that the Society or body of trustees is properly constituted under the rules governing such Societies, or the Deed of Trust appointing such trustees and approved by the Land Commission, and has conducted its affairs according to such rules or such deed, and has not done or suffered any act, by reason of which the Society is liable to be wound up or dissolved or the body of trustees is liable to be declared bankrupt or insolvent, the lands shall be vested in the Society or body of trustees by means of a vesting order or otherwise.


(2) Where the Land Commission are not satisfied that the foregoing conditions have been fulfilled, and so declare in the prescribed manner, then the interest of the Society or body of trustees in the lands shall absolutely cease and determine, and the lands shall be retained by the Land Commission, as if they had been untenanted lands vested in the Land Commission under the provisions of Part II. of this Act.


Non-application of Costs Fund.

56.—The provisions contained in Part I. of this Act as to the Costs Fund shall not apply to proceedings under this Part of this Act.




Rules as to registration on exchange of holdings.

57.—(1) Rules may be made under section ninety-four of the Local Registration of Title (Ireland) Act, 1891 (in this Part of this Act called the Act of 1891) regulating the procedure to be adopted in connection with the registration of lands dealt with under the provisions of this Act relating to the exchange of holdings, and prescribing such method of registration and making such adaptation or modifications of any enactment relating to registration as may be required for the purpose of giving effect to the provisions aforesaid.


(2) Section ninety-three of the Act of 1891 (which relates to the application of the Insurance Fund) shall not apply to losses arising from anything done in the execution of the provisions aforesaid of this Act, or of the rules made under this section.


Power to register lands with a qualified or possessory title.

58.—(1) Where the registration of the ownership of land, the registration of which is compulsory under the Act of 1891, has not been effected, the Land Commission or the Commissioners of Public Works in Ireland may furnish to the Registrar of Titles the prescribed particulars respecting that land and the name of the person appearing to them to be in possession thereof, and the registering authority shall thereupon register that person as the owner of that land with a possessory or qualified title.


(2) The first registration of any person as full or limited owner with a possessory title shall have the same effect as the first registration of a person as full or limited owner under the Act of 1891, save that registration with a possessory title shall not affect or prejudice the enforcement of any estate, right or interest adverse to or in derogation of the title of the first registered owner or subsisting or capable of arising at the time of such first registration.


(3) The first registration of any person as full or limited owner with a qualified title shall have the same effect as the first registration of a person as full or limited owner under the Act of 1891, save that registration with a qualified title shall not affect or prejudice the enforcement of any estate, right, or title appearing by the register to be exempted from the effect of registration.


(4) The registered owner and such other persons as may be prescribed, may at any time apply to the registering authority to ascertain the full title to the lands, and to enter on the register the burdens thereon and the rights and interest therein, which have not been affected or prejudiced by the registration of the ownership, with a possessory or qualified title, and the registering authority shall thereupon ascertain and enter on the register such burdens, rights and interests, and shall cancel on the register the registration, with qualified or possessory title, and thereupon the registration shall have the same effect as registration of a full or limited owner under the Act of 1891.


If it is found on the examination of any application that registration with a qualified title only can be effected, registration with such title may be made.


(5) Rules under the Act of 1891 may be made for carrying into effect the object of this section and the expression “prescribed” in this section means prescribed by such rules. Office fees shall not be payable for the first registration of any title under this section.


(6) The power of the Court or the Land Commission under sub-section (2) of section thirty-four of the Act of 1891, and sub-section (3) of section two of the Land Law (Ireland) Act, 1896, to correct errors in the registration of land, and to rectify the register and vesting order or fiat if in their opinion the error can be corrected without injury to any person, shall include power to make such correction and rectification notwithstanding that some person is thereby injured, upon such terms and conditions as appear to the Court or the Land Commission to be equitable, including, if necessary, compensation for such injury.


Power to register with a qualified or possessory title land acquired under Labourers Acts.

59.—Where at any time land has been acquired under the Labourers (Ireland) Acts, 1883 to 1919, the registering authority shall, on the application in the prescribed manner by any public body appearing to be in possession thereof, register such public body as the owners of that land with a possessory or qualified title, and the provisions of this Part of this Act as to persons so registered under that section shall apply to registration under this section.


Transmission on death of land resold to an owner.

60.—Notwithstanding the provisions of sub-section (6) of section three of the Irish Land Act, 1903, all lands which have been or hereafter shall be resold to the owners thereof under the provisions of that section, or which shall be resold to the owners thereof under this Act, shall be subject to the provisions of Part IV. of the Act of 1891 relating to the devolution of freehold registered land.


Registration of a nominated proprietor.

61.—Where the Land Commission nominates a person to be proprietor of a holding under the powers conferred by sub-section (1) (c) of section fifty-four of the Irish Land Act, 1903, such person shall be registered as proprietor of the holding subject to such claims and charges as would affect the estate or interest of the personal representative of the deceased proprietor, and thereupon all persons interested in the holdings may apply to the registering authority in the prescribed manner to have their claims ascertained and registered as charges against the holding.


Power of Land Commission to resell before registration of their title.

62.—Notwithstanding any provisions to the contrary in the Land Purchase Acts, the Congested Districts Board (Ireland) Acts, or the Act of 1891, contained, the Land Commission may resell any lands vested in them under the Land Purchase Acts, or as successors to the Congested Districts Board for Ireland, without being registered as owners thereof under the Act of 1891.


Death of a purchaser before vesting or registration.

63.—(1) A vesting order or fiat shall not be void by reason of the death, before the execution thereof, of the person in whom the lands comprised therein are purported to be vested, but shall be effectual to vest, and shall be deemed always to have vested, the said lands in the personal representative (when raised) of such person to such uses and upon such trusts as the lands would have stood limited had they been vested in such person immediately prior to his death.


(2) The first registration of land the registration of which is compulsory under the Act of 1891 shall be and shall be deemed always to have been a valid entry of the lands on the register under the said Act notwithstanding that the owner was dead at the date of such first registration and the person entitled to the lands on the death of such deceased owner shall be entered on the register as owner on application to the registering authority.




Prohibition of fixing of judicial rents.

64.—After the passing of this Act no application or agreement to fix a judicial rent under the Land Law (Ireland) Acts in respect of any holding shall be listed for hearing or filed.


Prohibition of sub-division and letting.

65.—(1) Where the Land Commission have after the date of the passing of this Act made any advance for the purchase of a holding or parcel, the proprietor thereof shall not sub-divide or let the holding or parcel without the consent of the Land Commission, and every attempted sub-division or letting in contravention of this provision shall be void as against all persons, and on any such contravention the holding or parcel shall at the option of the Land Commission vest in them.


(2) In the case of any holding which is subject to any charges in respect of an annuity in favour of the Board of Works created in pursuance of the Landlord and Tenant (Ireland) Act, 1870, so much of the 44th and 45th sections of the said Act as prohibits, without the consent of the Board, the alienation, assignment, sub-division or sub-letting of a holding charged as in the said sections mentioned and declares that, in the event of such prohibition being contravened, the holdings shall be forfeited to the Board, and also so much of section 2 of the Landlord and Tenant (Ireland) Act, 1872, as relates to the sale of holdings in lieu of forfeiture, shall be repealed and the prohibitions contained in sub-section (1) of this section against sub-division and letting shall henceforth apply to all such holdings as if they had been contained in the said Acts of 1870 and 1872, but only during such time as any part of the annuity charged on such holding remains unpaid.


(3) Where the proprietor sub-divides his holding for a limited period by way of family arrangement or for other similar reason the Land Commission from time to time may by general regulations authorise the registering authority to register the person claiming under any instrument executed by the proprietor which creates such temporary sub-division and shall be deemed to have assented to any sub-division to which effect has been given by registration pursuant to such regulations.


Consolidation of holdings.

66.—(1) The Land Commission may, with the consent of the registered owner of two or more holdings, subject to purchase annuities, consolidate the holdings and the annuities in accordance with regulations made by the Minister for Finance.


(2) In any case where, pursuant to sub-section (3) of section 67 of the Irish Land Act, 1903, a holding subject to a purchase annuity and a portion of land charged with a portion of another purchase annuity are deemed to be one holding, the purchase annuity and the portion of the other purchase annuity shall be deemed to be one purchase annuity and shall be consolidated in accordance with regulations to be made by the Minister for Finance.


Power to nominate a representative of a purchaser.

67.—Where a purchase agreement has been entered into or is deemed to have been entered into by a tenant of a holding, and owing to the death or absence of a tenant or otherwise, a difficulty arises in ascertaining in whom the tenancy of the holding is vested, the Land Commission may nominate a person to represent the tenant for the purposes of the sale, and may vest the holding in him accordingly, but the interest so vested shall be a graft upon the interest of the tenant and of the representative in whom the holding is vested, and shall be subject to any rights or equities arising from its being such graft.


Persons under disability.

68.—Every person who, for the purposes of this Act, is deemed to have entered into a purchase agreement shall be deemed to have been capable of entering into such agreement notwithstanding infancy or lunacy, or any other disability to which he may have been subject.


Advances to trustees for the purpose of tillage.

69.—(1) The provisions of sections 4 and 20 of the Irish Land Act, 1903, and of Section 18 of the Irish Land Act, 1909, shall be extended so as to include tillage as one of the purposes for which advances may be made under those sections and it shall be lawful for the Minister for Agriculture to amend and frame schemes so as to include this purpose.


(2) So much of section 20 of the Irish Land Act, 1903, as requires provisions for appeals to the Lord Lieutenant to be inserted in any such scheme and so much of any scheme as provided for such appeals shall cease to have effect, and the other powers declared in the said sections to be exercisable by the Lord Lieutenant and the Department of Agriculture shall be exercised by the Minister for Agriculture in the case of all existing schemes as well as in the case of future advances and schemes.


(3) Any person aggrieved by any act or omission of any trustees in carrying into effect a scheme for the user of land framed or approved under section 20 of the Irish Land Act, 1903, may take proceedings in the County Court by way of equity civil bill for the execution of the trusts of the scheme, and the jurisdiction of the County Court shall extend to any such proceedings notwithstanding that the land subject to the trusts exceeds thirty pounds in annual value.


(4) It shall be lawful for a County Borough Council or an Urban District Council or Town Commissioners to purchase any parcel of land under section 4 of the Irish Land Act, 1903, for any of the purposes mentioned in that section as extended by sub-section (1) of this section, save for the purposes of the Labourers (Ireland) Acts, 1883 to 1896, and any such Council or Town Commissioners may act as trustees for those purposes and may obtain advances for the purchase, and the provisions of section 18 of the Irish Land Act, 1909, shall apply to any such purchase as if County Borough Councils, Urban Councils and Town Commissioners were mentioned in that section.


The amounts required for payment of the instalments of the purchase annuity for, lands purchased by a County Borough Council or an Urban Council under this section shall be defrayed out of the poor-rate, and for lands purchased by Town Commissioners under this section out of the town rate.


Appointed day.

70.—For the purposes of this Act the appointed day shall be such day or days as may be fixed by the Land Commission and different days may be fixed for different provisions and different purposes of this Act and for different holdings or groups of holdings and different parcels or groups of parcels of untenanted land.


Certain provisions of previous enactments to cease to have effect.

71.—(1) After the passing of this Act, sub-section (3) of section 72 of the Irish Land Act, 1903, sub-section (1) of section 29, and sub-section (3) of section 30 of the Irish Land Act, 1909, in respect of improvements effected by the Congested Districts Board or the Land Commission, shall cease to have effect


(2) After the passing of this Act the provisions of sub-section (3) of section 36 and sub-section (2) of section 72 of the Irish Land Act, 1903, in so far as they relate to the payments on account of sinking fund after the expiration of five years from the vesting of land in the Land Commission or the purchase of land by the Congested Districts Board shall cease to have effect as regards land purchased by the Land Commission or the Congested Districts Board under any Act prior to this Act.


Powers of the Board of Works to apportion annuities.

72.—The powers for the apportionment of an annuity or the discharge of portion of a holding from liability in respect of an annuity conferred on the Land Commission by sub-section (3) of section 38 of the Land Law (Ireland) Act, 1896, as extended by sub-section (1) of section 67 of the Irish Land Act, 1903, may be exercised by the Commissioners of Public Works as regards an annuity charged on a holding in repayment of an advance made by the said Commissioners for the purpose of the purchase thereof pursuant to the Landlord and Tenant (Ireland) Act, 1870.



73.—(1) In this Act, unless the context otherwise requires, the expression “subsequent purchase agreements” means agreements entered into or deemed to have been entered into by or with the Land Commission on or after the date of the passing of this Act:


Provided that purchase agreements entered into at any time on the resale by the Land Commission of land purchased or agreed to be purchased, by the Irish Land Commission or the Congested Districts Board for Ireland, before the date of the passing of this Act, shall be treated as purchase agreements entered into before the date of the passing of this Act and not as subsequent purchase agreements.


(2) The expression “tenanted land” means land held under any contract of tenancy other than a fee farm grant, or lease renewable for ever for lives or years or lease for a term of years of which sixty or more are unexpired at the date of the passing of this Act, or a letting for the purpose of temporary depasturage, agistment or conacre, or for temporary convenience, or to meet a temporary necessity, and the expression “untenanted land” shall be construed accordingly:


Provided that where land has become tenanted land as above defined by reason of a contract of tenancy not being a renewal of a previous tenancy entered into on or after the first day of September nineteen hundred and twenty-two, then:—


(a) if the holding is in a congested districts county, the tenancy shall, if the Land Commission before the appointed day so declare, be deemed void as against the Land Commission and the holding shall vest in the Land Commission as untenanted land, and there shall be payable to the tenant such compensation as the Judicial Commissioner may declare him entitled to in respect of any sums he may have expended on improvements. Such compensation shall be payable in 4½ per cent. Land Bonds; and


(b) if the holding is situate elsewhere, the land shall be treated as tenanted land for the purpose of the provisions of this Act vesting tenanted land in the Land Commission, save as to the price thereof, but shall not be sold under this Act to the tenant unless the Land Commission certify that the creation of the tenancy was in the interests of the country. If the Land Commission so certify the price shall be ascertained as if the land was tenanted land, but if the Land Commission do not so certify the price shall be ascertained as if the land was untenanted land.


(3) The expression “the Land Purchase Acts” shall have the same meaning as in the Irish Land Act, 1909, save that it shall, where the context so admits, include any subsequent Act now in force which is by its terms to be construed as one with the Land Purchase Acts and this Act, and the expression “the Land Law Acts” and “the Congested Districts Board (Ireland) Acts” shall have the same meaning as in the Irish Land Act, 1909.


(4) The expression “relieving congestion” means the provision of land for the relief of a person or persons having an uneconomic holding or uneconomic holdings or for a person or persons whose holding or holdings has or have been acquired for the relief of persons having uneconomic holdings.


Power to Executive Council to adapt enactments.

74.—For the purpose of carrying this Act into effect the Executive Council may by Order make such adaptations of any enactment relative to Land Purchase in Ireland passed prior to the passing of this Act as appear to them to be necessary or proper, including such adaptations of enactments applicable to sales of estates as may be necessary to make the same applicable to sales of holdings or of parcels of untenanted land.


Removal of difficulties.

75.—If any difficulty arises in determining the land which by virtue of this Act is vested in the Land Commission, or otherwise for carrying this Act into effect, the Executive Council may, by Order, authorise the Land Commission to take all such steps and do all such things as may appear to them necessary or expedient for carrying this Act into effect, and any such Order shall have effect as if enacted in this Act.


Power to make rules.

76.—The Land Commission may, after consultation with the President of the Incorporated Law Society of Ireland, make rules for carrying into effect the provisions of this Act, and the term “prescribed” in this Act means, unless the context otherwise requires, prescribed by rules made under this section:


Provided always that any Rules of Court made to carry out the provisions of this Act, in so far as they concern the relief of congestion, shall be laid before each House of the Oireachtas, and if either House shall, within twenty-one days of such Rules of Court being tabled, pass a resolution annulling such Rules of Court, such Rules of Court shall be annulled, but such annulments shall not prejudice or invalidate any matter or thing previously done under such Rules of Court.


Provision of moneys for carrying this Act into effect.

77.—All moneys required by the Land Commission for exercising its powers under this Act or otherwise for carrying this Act into effect shall (save in so far as such moneys are otherwise specifically provided for by this Act) to such extent as may be approved by the Minister for Finance be paid out of moneys provided by the Oireachtas.



78.—The Acts specified in the second schedule to this Act are hereby repealed to the extent mentioned in the third column of that schedule.


Short Title and Construction.

79.—This Act may be cited as the Land Act, 1923, and shall be construed as one with the Land Law Acts, the Land Purchase Acts, and the Congested Districts Board (Ireland) Acts, and may be cited with those Acts.





Holdings subject to Judicial Rents.

The standard purchase annuity shall in the case of each holding be an annuity of an amount equivalent to a percentage of the judicial rent payable in respect of the holding, namely,

(a) in the case of rents fixed before the 16th August, 1911 65 per cent.

(b) in the case of rents fixed after the 15th August, 1911 70 per cent.

Provided that in the case of a holding subject to a judicial rent fixed by agreement on the reinstatement therein of a tenant, who or whose predecessor in title had been evicted therefrom, the standard purchase annuity shall, on the application of either the landlord or the tenant made within the prescribed time and in the prescribed manner, be fixed in accordance with the provisions of Part II. of this schedule as if the rent were a non-judicial rent.


Holdings subject to rents other than Judicial Rents.

1. The standard purchase annuity in the case of every holding to which this part of this schedule applies—

(a) where the landlord and tenant so agree in the prescribed manner and within the prescribed time shall be the amount so agreed upon; and

(b) where the landlord and tenant do not agree shall be such amount as shall be fixed by the Land Commission (other than the Judicial Commissioner), subject to an appeal to the Judicial Commissioner whose decision shall be final.

2. The annuity shall be fixed by the Land Commission on the report of their Inspector and without hearing in Court, regard being had to the nature and situation of the holding, the date of the commencement of the tenancy, the rent payable thereunder, and all the circumstances of the case.

3. This part of this schedule applies to every holding which (a) at the date of the passing of this Act is subject to a rent other than a judicial rent, and (b) vests, or will vest, as tenanted land in the Land Commission under this Act.



Session and Chapter.

Short Title.

Extent of Repeal.

54 & 55 Vic. Cap. 48

The Purchase of Land (Ireland) Act, 1891.

Section 37, sub-section (3).

3 Ed. VII. Cap. 23

The Ireland Development Grant Act, 1903.

The whole Act.

3 Ed. VII. Cap. 37

The Irish Land Act, 1903.

Section 49, the words “or any purchaser from them.”

Section 53.

Section 54, sub-section (1) (c) the words “or vested in more than one person”, and

sub-sections (2),(3) and (4). Section 56, sub-section (3).

6 Ed. VII. Cap. 37

Labourers (Ireland) Act, 1906.

Section 19. From the words “Provided that” to end of Section.

7 Ed. VII. Cap. 38

The Irish Land Act, 1907.

Section 2.

7 Ed VII. Cap. 56

The Evicted Tenants (Ireland) Act, 1907

Section 3.

9 Ed. VII. Cap. 42

The Irish Land Act, 1909.

Section 16, sub-section (1)


Uimhir 42.






Comhacht chun Bannaí Talmhan 4½ per cent. do bhunú.

1.—(1) Chun soláthar do dhéanamh chun íoctha na suimeanna a bheidh le n'íoc i mBannaí fén Acht so beidh comhacht ag an Aire Airgid, nuair is gá é agus fé mar is gá chun na críche sin, Bannaí dá ngairmfear Bannaí Talmhan 4½ per cent. do bhunú agus do thabhairt amach, de pé tomhasanna (nách lú in aon chás ná púnt) a cheapfidh an tAire.


(2) Tabharfidh na Bannaí ús do réir ceathair go leith per cent. per annum dá n-ainm-luach, ús a bheidh iníoctha ina chó-choda leath-bhliantúla ar pé uaire i ngach bliain a ceapfar leis na Rialacháin fé n-a dtabharfar amach iad.


(3) Beidh na Bannaí ionfhuascailte ar par maraon le híoc gach riaráiste úis, agus déanfidh an tAire Airgid socruithe i gcóir a bhfuascailte le tarraicí féiltiúla, agus féadfa sé rialacháin do dhéanamh i gcóir tarrac na mBannaí sin. Socrófar leis na rialacháin sin i dtaobh fuascailt do dhéanamh láithreach ar Bhannaí a haistreófar le hordú an Choimisineura Bhreithiúntais in íoc Diúitéthe Báis no i bhfuascailt blianachtaí talamhcheannaigh a bheidh ina muirear ar thailte a thiocfidh i seilbh Coimisiún na Talmhan fén Acht so:


Ach, aon uair tar éis deich mbliana fichead a bheith caithte o tugadh amach iad, féadfar, marar fuascladh cheana iad, aon Bhannaí d'fhuascailt ar par pé uair agus le tarraicí no ar pé slí eile a ordóidh an tAire Airgid.


(4) As Ciste na mBannaí Talmhan a bunófar fén Acht so isea a híocfar an t-ús ar na Bannaí Talmhan agus na suimeanna theastóidh chun Bannaí Talmhan d'fhuascailt do réir na bhforálacha san roimhe seo, agus marar leor an céanna beidh a muirear agus a n-íoc ar Phrímh-Chiste Shaorstáit Éireann no ar a thora fáis mar chéad-mhuirear air i ndiaidh aon mhuirearacha a bunuíodh roimh rith an Achta so. Aon tsuimeanna a híocfar mar sin as an bPrímh-Chiste áireofar iad mar roimh-íoc sealadach le ciste na mBannaí Talmhan, agus déanfar suas iad as an gCiste Urraíochta.


(5) Chun fuascailte na mBannaí cuirfar i leataoibh i gCiste na mBannai Talmhan i ndeire gach leath-bhliana méid an úis agus na n-íocaíocht is iníoctha i gcóir an Chiste Fiach-Luíoduithe, ag Coimisiún na Talmhan, do réir na bhforálacha anso ina dhiaidh seo, maraon le haon tsuimeanna a íocfidh ceannathóirí tionóntacha i bhfuascailt blianachtaí ceannaigh is iníoctha fén Acht so, agus fós aon tsuimeanna a íocfidh ceannathóir in airgead nuair a dhíolfidh Coimisiún na Talmhan leis aon talamh a dílseofar ionta fén Acht so, ach na méideanna so a leanas do bhaint asta:—


(a) méid an úis a bheidh ar na Bannaí a tugadh amach amhlaidh, agus a bheidh de thurus na huaire gan íoc;


(b) an méid a theastóidh, má theastuíonn sé, chun lán-íoctha aon Bhannaí a haistríodh fén Acht so, le hordú an Choimisineura Bhreithiúntais, in íoc diúitéthe báis no i bhfuascailt blianachtaí talamh-cheannaigh.


Le Bannaí Talmhan 4½ per cent. a déanfar roimhíocanna.

2.—(1) D'ainneoin éinní in aon achtachán eile isé cuma ina n-íocfar an t-airgead ceannaigh a íocfidh Coimisiún na Talmhan le díoltóirí do réir connartha ceannaigh déanacha mar a mínítear ina dhiaidh seo anso iad ná tré thabhairt-amach Bannaí Talmhan 4½ per cent. gurb ionann a n-ainm-luach agus an tAirgead Ceannaigh agus a bheidh ag iompar úis o dháta an talamh ceannuithe do dhílsiú i gCoimisiún na Talmhan.


(2) Déanfidh an díoltóir, i gcúrsaí idir an díoltóir agus Coimisiún na Talmhan, Bannaí Talmhan a tabharfar amach do réir an ailt seo do ghlaca mar chó-ionannas a gcothruim den airgead ceannaigh, agus éinne 'na mbeidh comhacht aige chun díol fé sna hAchtanna Talamh-Cheannaigh, bíodh nách únaer amuich is amach é, féadfa sé connra ceannaigh déanach do dhéanamh bíodh gur i mBannaí, do réir an ailt seo, a bheidh an t-airgead ceannaigh le n-íoc agus nách in airgead.


I mBannaí Talmhan 4½ per cent. a híocfar leasanna uachtaracha agus muirir eile.

3.—Déanfar praghas fuascailte gach leasa uachtaraigh, leasa eadarghabhálaigh, ualaigh agus éilimh eile i gcoinnibh airgid ceannaigh a híocfar le Bannaí Talmhan 4½ per cent., no is iníoctha as na leasanna, na hualaigh agus na héilithe sin, maraon le riaráiste uile agus ús uile na leasanna, na n-ualach agus na n-éilithe sin agus costaisí díola an díoltóra agus costaisí teideal a dhéanamh chun na leasanna, na n-ualach agus na n-éilithe sin, sa mhéid go mbeidh an céanna iníoctha as an airgead ceannaigh, déanfar iad d'íoc agus do ghlana tré aistriú do dhéanamh, chun an té 'na mbeidh teideal aige chucha agus as na Bannaí Talmhan a bheidh ag seasamh don airgead ceannaigh, ar Bhannaí Talmhan is ionann ainm-luach leo, agus tuigfar an íocaíocht san do bheith ina shásamh sa mhéid a bheidh ainm-luach na mBannaí Talmhan a haistríodh amhlaidh.


Ag socrú praghas fuascailte leasanna uachtaracha dho, tabharfidh an Coimisinéir Breithiúntais aire don phraghas a fuair an díoltóir ar na tailte as a ngluaiseann na leasanna uachtaracha san.


Cosc ar ús pionósach ar mhorgáistí an fhaid a bheidh an díol gan críochnú.

4.—I gcás an úirlis le n-ar bunuíodh aon mhorgáiste, muirear, no ualach, 'na bhfuil a íoc nó a mhuirear ar airgead ceannaigh tailte a tógadh fén Acht, do bheith á fhoráil go nglacfar ús ar ráta luíoduithe má íoctar go tapaidh, go dtí go gcríochnófar an díol ní bheidh aon ús is aoirde ná san dlite ná ionbhainte amach mar gheall ar riaráiste úis ná mar gheall ar aon fhaillí ná moill ar ús d'íoc ar an morgáiste, an muirear no an ualach san.


Ciste Costaisí.

5.—(1) Chun cúiteamh do dhéanamh le díoltóirí, i bpáirt no go hiomlán, i gcostaisí an díola maraon le costaisí únaerí leasanna uachtaracha agus leasanna eadarghabhálacha, ualathóirí agus lucht éilithe eile i gcoinnibh an airgid cheannaigh a roimhíocfar fén Acht so, bunófar Ciste Costaisí a raghaidh suas go dtí 2 per cent. den airgead ceannaigh go léir a roimh-íocfar fén Acht so.


Soláthróidh an tAire Airgid an Ciste sin tré Bhannaí Talmhan 4½ per cent. do thabhairt amach nuair is gá é agus fé mar is gá, agus déanfar o am go ham an t-ús ar na Bannaí do shúncáil i mBannaí Talmhan 4½ per cent. agus do chur leis an gCiste Costaisí.


(2) Beidh iníoctha leis an díoltóir, as an gCiste Costaisí, pé suim i mBannaí Talmhan 4½ per cent. a dheimhneóidh an Coimisinéir Breithiúntais a bheith réasúnta tar éis an méid oibre a dineadh i dtaobh an díola agus an chuma in ar dineadh é do chur san áireamh:


Ach go dtí go mbeidh dílsiú déanta ar gach talamh le díoltóir a bhí le tógaint no le dílsiú ar an lá ceaptha fén Acht so, ní déanfar aon íocaíocht fén alt so ach le hordú an Choimisineura Bhreithiúntais agus sa mhéid a ordóidh sé sin.


Deire leis an bpercentáiste.

6.—Ní bhainfidh forálacha Ailt 48 den Acht Talmhan Éireannach, 1903, le cás aon tailimh, fé thionónta no gan tionónta, a cheannóidh Coimisiún na Talmhan no a dílseofar ionta fén Acht so no dá bhua.


Féadfidh an Stát airgead a híocadh tré earráid d'fháil thar n-ais.

7.—Aon airgead, bannaí, stoc no urrúsanna d'íoc Coimisiún na Talmhan leis an duine éagcórtha no a roinneadar air tré earráid dlí no dul amú i dtaobh na firinne, féadfidh Coimisiún na Talmhan é d'fháil thar n-ais fé is dá mba fiacha a bheadh ag dul don Stát é.


Ioc i mBannaí.

8.—Chun íoc i mBannaí Talmhan 4½ per cent. do réir forálacha an Achta so, áireofar i ngach cás méid an airgid cheannaigh agus méid gach íocaíochta a bheidh le déanamh as an airgead san, áireofar iad go dtí an púnt is goire dhóibh.


Aisíoc roimhíocanna.

9.—(1) Fé réir forálacha an Achta so, déanfar gach roimh-íoc a déanfar do réir connra cheannaigh dhéanaigh, déanfar é d'aisíoc, ar an gcuma agus na tráthanna a ordóidh an tAire Airgid, le blianacht cheannaigh a háireofar do réir 4¾ per cent. dá mhéid.


(2) Íocfar an bhlianacht cheannaigh go dtí go mbeidh déanta amach ar an gcuma a ordóidh an tAire Airgid go bhfuil aisíoc déanta in iomlán an roimh-íoca 'na raibh sé iníoctha mar gheall air.


(3) Ní bhainfidh forálacha an Ordú um an Rialtas Sealadach (Aistriú Feidhmeanna), 1922, le blianachtaí ceannaigh is iníoctha mar gheall ar roimh-íocanna a dineadh fén Acht so.


(4) An té 'na mbeidh air blianacht cheannaigh d'íoc, féadfa sé an bhlianacht san, no aon chuid de a bheidh gan íoc aon uair, d'fhuascailt i bpáirt no go hiomlán tré íoc do dhéanamh in airgead le Coimisiún na Talmhan i pé méid a déanfar amach do réir Rialacha a dhéanfidh an tAire Airgid.


Bunú Ciste Bannaí Talmhan.

10.—(1) Bunófar fé chúram an Aire Airgid Ciste Bannaí Talmhan as a n-íocfar ús gach Banna a tabharfar amach fén Acht so, agus ina theanta san na suimeanna is gá chun Bannaí d'fhuascailt fén Acht so.


(2) Cimeádfidh an tAire Airgid cuntaisí ar fháltas agus ar chaiteachas Ciste na mBannaí Talmhan maidir le caipital agus ioncum agus iniúchfidh an tArd-Scrúdóir na cuntaisí sin agus nuair a bheid iniúchta leagfar fé bhráid an Oireachtais iad.


(3) Chun crícheanna an Achta so cimeádfidh Coimisiún na Talmhan pé cuntaisí agus pé mion-innste agus iontrála ionta a ordóidh an tAire Airgid agus soláthróid na cuntaisí sin don Aire Airgid fé mar a bheid agus nuair a bheid ag teastáil uaidh. agus iniúchfar na cuntaisí sin ar pé slí a ordóidh an tAire Airgid.


(4) Féadfidh an tAire Airgid aon fharasbár a bheidh i gcreidiúint do chuntas caipitail no ioncuim Chiste na mBannaí Talmhan do shúncáil go sealadach ar pé slí is oiriúnach leis.


Iocaíochtanna a dhéanfidh Coimisiún na Talmhan.

11.—(1) Iocfidh Coimisiún na Talmhan le Ciste na mBannai Talmhan ús do réir ceathair go leith per cent. per annum ar ainm-luach gach Banna a thabharfidh an tAire Airgid amach do Choimisiún na Talmhan fén Acht so agus ná deimhneóidh an tAire Airgid a bheith aisíoctha.


(2) I gcás tailimh a dílseofar ionta fén Acht so, íocfidh Coimisiún na Talmhan le Ciste na mBannaí Talmhan, i gcóir an Chiste Fiach-Luíoduithe, go dtí go scuirfidh na blianachtaí ceannaigh a bheidh ina muirear ar an talamh de bheith iníoctha, íocfid do réir cúig scillinge per cent. per annum—


(a) de riail-phraghas an tailimh i gcás tailimh thionóntuithe maraon leis an mbreis (má bhíonn ann) a bheidh curtha leis an airgead ceannaigh mar gheall ar riaráiste cíosa socruithe ón lá ceaptha amach;


(b) de mhéid na roimh-íocanna a déanfar i dtaobh an tailimh, i gcás tailimh nea-thionóntuithe, ón dáta ar a mbeidh na roimh-íocanna san aisiníoctha, agus, sa mhéid ná beidh an talamh san díolta laistigh de thréimhse cúig mblian tar éis an lae cheaptha, de mhéid praghas an tailimh sin ón am a bheidh an tréimhse sin caithte go dtí go mbeidh na tailte aithdhíolta;


(c) d'ainm-luach gach Banna a tabharfar amach mar chabhair don phraghas agus i gcóir an Chiste Costaisí o dháta na mBannaí sin do thabhairt amach go dtí go ndeimhneoidh an tAire Airgid an céanna do bheith aisíoctha.


(3) Iocfidh Coimisiún na Talmhan le Ciste na mBannaí Talmhan, i gcóir an Chiste Fiach-Luíoduithe, do réir cúig scillinge per cent. per annum—


(a) d'ainm-luach gach Banna a tabharfar amach i gcóir praghas Cearta Spóirt agus Iascaigh a cheannuíodar fén Acht so o dháta na mBannaí sin do thabhairt amach go dtí go ndeimhneoidh an tAire Airgid an céanna do bheith aisíoctha;


(b) de mhéid na roimh-íocanna a dhéanfid le húnaerí blúiríocha tailimh nea-thionóntuithe i gcontaethe ceanntracha nea-chumhanga agus blúiríocha a ceannuíodh fé sna hAchtanna Talamh-Cheannaigh chun fuascailte cíosanna Feirm-dhílse no cíosanna eile, leasanna uachtaracha, agus muirearacha ón dáta ar a dtabharfar amach Bannaí Talmhan i gcóir na roimh-íocanna san go dtí go mbeidh na roimh-íocanna aisíoctha.


(4) Iocfidh Coimisiún na Talmhan le Ciste na mBannai Talmhan gach suim a gheobhaid chun fuascailte blianachtaí ceannaigh is iníoctha fén Acht so, agus gach suim a íocfid ceannathóirí nuair a dhíolfidh Coimisiún na Talmhan aon talamh a dílsíodh ionta fén Acht so.


(5) Má bhíonn na híocaíochta bliantúla san dachad lá i riaráiste aon uair cuirfar mar mhuirear ar an gCiste Urraíochta, agus déanfar suas láithreach as, an méid a bheidh i riaráiste.


(6) Aon íocaíochtanna a dhéanfidh Coimisiún na Talmhan fé sna fo-ailt deiridh sin déanfar iad pé tráthanna i ngach bliain a ordóidh an tAire Airgid.


(7) As airgead a sholáthróidh an tOireachtas íocfar gach bliain le Coimisiún na Talmhan suim is leor chun íoctha an úis agus an chiste fiach-luíoduithe ar na Bannaí a tabharfar amach fén Acht so mar chabhair don phraghas agus i gcóir an Chiste Costaisí.


Bunú Ciste Blianachtai Ceannaigh

12.—(1) Isé an tAire Airgid a fheidhmeoidh feasta na comhachta a faisnítear in alt 6 den Acht Ceannach Talmhan (Éirinn), 1891, a bheith infheidhmithe ag Fear Ionaid an Rí no ag an gCisteán agus ní bheidh gá leis an bhfógra a foráltar le fo-alt (2) den alt san.


(2) D'ainneoin éinní contrárdha dho atá san Ordú um an Rialtas Sealadach (Aistriú Feidhmeanna), 1922, sa mhéid ná fuilid íoctha isteach sa Stát-Chiste cheana íocfar isteach i gCiste dar teideal. “Ciste na mBlianachtaí Ceannaigh,” a bunófar fé chúram an Aire Airgid, na suimeanna go léir, a bailíodh no a baileófar tar éis an 31adh lá de Mhárta, 1923, mar gheall ar bhlianachtaí ceannaigh in aisíoc roimh-íocanna a dineadh no a déanfar i Saorstát Éireann do réir connartha ceannaigh fén Acht Ceannach Talmhan (Éirinn), 1891, no fé aon Acht Talamh-Cheannaigh is déanaí ná san ach an tAcht so, agus íocfidh an tAire Airgid o am go ham amach as, leis an údarás ceart, chun creidiúna do Chuntas Ceannach na Talmhan no do Chiste Ceannach Talmhan na hÉireann, pe'ca aca é, suim a bheidh có-ionann leis na blianachtaí a bheidh ag teacht dlite mar gheall ar na roimh-íocanna roimhráite.


Chun crícheanna an ailt seo tuigfar blianachtaí ceannaigh do bheith ag folú úis is iníoctha mar gheall ar roimh-íoc mar adubhradh.


(3) Ná forálacha a bhain go dtí so le haon easnamh ar chuntas Ceannach na Talmhan no ar Chiste Ceannach Talmhan na hÉireann do dhéanamh suas bainfid, ón 1adh lá d'Abrán, 1923, le cás Ciste na mBlianachtaí Ceannaigh do réir rialachán a dhéanfidh an tAire Airgid.


(4) Beidh comhacht ag an Aire Airgid chun aon cheartuithe do dhéanamh is gá a dhéanamh de bharr an ailt seo maidir leis an Stát-Chiste agus Ciste na mBlianachtaí Ceannaigh agus an Ciste Urraíochta i gcás gnóthaí i rith na tréimhse ón 1adh lá d'Abrán, 1923, go dtí dáta rithte an Achta so.


Deire leis an teora chontae le roimh-íocanna.

13.—An teora a foráltar leis na hAchtanna Talamh-Cheannaigh i dtaobh na roimh-íocanna a féadfar a dhéanamh in aon chontae áirithe ní bhainfe sí le haon roimh-íocanna a déanfar do réir an Achta so.


Fuascailt Bhlianachtaí Ceannaigh i gcásanna áirithe.

14.—I gcás, fén Acht so, Coimisiún na Talmhan do thógaint tailimh atá fé bhlianacht thalamh-cheannaign, ansan sa chás san déanfar an bhlianacht i gcóir aisíoc an roimh-íoca bhunaidh d'áireamh, agus deighleálfar leis, mar éileamh i gcoinnibh airgid a roimh-íocfar fén Acht so chun an talamh do cheannach.


Coláiste na Trionóide, Baile Atha Cliath.

15.—(1) Na forálacha d'fho-ailt (1), (2), agus (3) d'alt 39 den Acht Talmhan Éireannach, 1903, le n-a bhforáltar suim £5,000 per annum d'íoc leis an iontaobhaí puiblí chun cuntais Choláiste na Trionóide, Baile Atha Cliath, agus na slite ina n-úsáidfar an t-airgead san, scuirfid d'éifeacht do bheith acu agus bainfid na forálacha so a leanas leis an gcás, ina n-ionad:—


(2) Íocfar suim £3,000 per annum leis an gColáiste as airgead a sholáthróidh an tOireachtas.


(3) Na súncála a sheasuíonn do mhéaduithe ar an airgead a híocadh leis an iontaobhaí puiblí amhlaidh agus nár theastuigh chun cailliúint ioncuim do dhéanamh suas don Choláiste agus an t-ús fáis ar na súncála san, aistreofar iad chun an Aire Airgid agus chun pé oifigeach don Choláiste a ainmneoidh Cólucht Rialúcháin an Choláiste chun na críche sin.


(4) Na dividenda agus an t-ioncum a thiocfidh as na súncála a haistreofar amhlaidh úsáidfidh an Coláiste iad ar pé cuma agus chun pé crícheanna a chífar don Choláiste a bheith oiriúnach.


(5) Na súncála a haistreofar amhlaidh féadfar iad d'atharú o am go ham le toil agus cead an Aire Airgid.


(6) Féadfidh an Coláiste o am go ham, le toil an Aire Airgid, na súncála a haistreofar amhlaidh, no aon tsúncála eile a bheidh de thurus na huaire ag seasamh dóibh, do dhíol i bpáirt no go hiomlán agus an t-airgead a thiocfidh as an díol san do chur chun pé crícheanna a chífar don Choláiste a bheith oiriúnach agus a cheadóidh an tAire Airgid.


Deontas Fássaothrúchán na hÉireann.

16.—Íocfar isteach sa Stát-Chiste gach airgead a bheidh i gcreidiúint do chuntas Deontas Fás-saothrúchán na hÉireann ar dháta rithte an Achta so.


Comhacht chun Rialacha do dhéanamh.

17.—Beidh comhacht ag an Aire Airgid chun rialacha do dhéanamh chun forálacha na coda so den Acht so do chur in éifeacht agus chun pé forálacha atá in aon achtachán a ritheadh roimh an Acht so, agus a bhaineann le hAirgeadas Talamh-Cheannaigh, do chur in oiriúint do riachtanaisí an Achta so.




Cosc le connartha nách connartha fén Acht so.

18.—Tar éis rithte an Achta so ní fágfar i dtaisce ag Coimisiún na Talmhan aon chonnra ceannaigh idir thiarna talmhan agus tionónta chun gabháltas do dhíol fé sna hAchtanna Talamh-Cheannaigh ach amháin connartha ceannaigh idir Choimisiún na Talmhan agus daoine a cheannuigh uatha.


Riaráiste cíosa.

19.—(1) I gcás gach gabhaltais le n-a mbaineann an tAcht so beidh cíos agus riaráiste cíosa suas go dtí an lá gála deiridh roimh dháta rithte an Achta so agus an lá gála féin d'áireamh beid gan bheith iníoctha ag an tionónta agus tar éis rithte an Achta so ní tosnófar ná ní leanfar de ná ní feidhmeofar aon imeachta i gcoinnibh an tionónta chun riaráiste cíosa do bhaint amach.


Beidh iníoctha ag an tionónta le Coimisiún na Talmhan suim dá ngairmfear “riaráiste cíosa socruithe” ina dhiaidh seo anso agus a déanfar amach mar a foráltar sa bhfo-alt so a leanas.


(2) Isé rud a bheidh ina riaráiste cíosa socruithe ná suim is ionann agus an cíos agus an riaráiste cíosa go léir a bhí dlíte ar an lá gála deiridh roimh rith an Achta so mar gheall ar chíos ón gcéad lá gála sa bhliain 1920 ach 25 per cent. do bhaint as: Ach aon íocaíochtanna a dhin an tionónta tar éis an dara lá gála sa bhliain 1920 cuirfar iad i gcoinnibh an chíosa a tháinig dlite ón gcéad lá gála sa bhliain sin. Aon íoc cíosa a dineadh in aon chás in ar gnáth gála reatha tuigfar gur dineadh é mar gheall ar an gcéad ghála tar éis an ghála gur dineadh é mar gheall air.


(3) Láithreach tar éis rithte an Achta so a bheidh riaráiste cíosa socruithe iníoctha, maidir le hoiread de agus ná raghaidh thar 75 per cent. den chíos bhliantúil agus, maidir leis an bhfuíolach, más ann do, ar pé dáta no dátaí roimh an lá ceaptha a ordóidh Coimisiún na Talmhan: Ach in aon chás nách lú ná riaráiste trí mblian atá dlite agus go n-iarrfidh an tionónta ar an gcuma orduithe go ndéanfar amhlaidh cuirfar riaráiste cíosa socruithe leath-bhliana leis an airgead ceannaigh agus aisíocfar é tré bhlianacht cheannaigh a háireofar do réir 4¾ per cent don riaráiste leath-bhliana san agus a déanfar a chur agus a chódhlúthú le blianacht cheannaigh rialta an ghabháltais.


(4) Isé Coimisiún na Talmhan a dhéanfidh do réir rialacha a dhéanfid féin, riaráiste cíosa socruithe do bhailiú agus cuntas do thabhairt air don duine no do sna daoine i dteideal chuige: Ach nuair a bheid ag íoc an méid a bhaileoid bainfidh Coimisiún na Talmhan cáin ioncuim as ar dtúis maraon le pé suim chun costaisí bailiúcháin d'íoc a mheasfidh Coimisiún na Talmhan a bheith cóir réasúnta.


(5) In aon chás in ar dhin tiarna talmhan aon airgead do thógaint no do bhaint amach tar éis an 28adh lá de Bhealtaine, 1923, fé aon bhreith no aithne, no dá deascaibh, in aon imeachta i gcoinnibh tionónta gabháltais le n-a mbaineann an tAcht so chun cíos do bhaint de no é do chaitheamh amach, ansan—


(a) más roimh an 3adh lá d'Iúl, 1923, a tógadh no a baineadh amach an t-airgead san agus gur mó an méid ba chíos de ná an tsuim a dhéanfadh riaráiste cíosa socruithe mara mbeadh san; no


(b) más ar an 3adh lá d'Iúl, 1923, no ina dhiaidh, a tógadh no a baineadh amach an t-airgead san, agus gur mó an t-iomlán (agus cíos, costaisí agus caiteachas d'áireamh) ná an tsuim a dhéanfadh riaráiste cíosa socruithe mara mbeadh san;


cuirfear an difríocht idir an gcíos san no an t-iomlán san (agus cíos, costaisí agus caiteachas d'áireamh), pé'ca aca é, agus an tsuim a dhéanfadh riaráiste cíosa socruithe mara mbeadh san, cuirfar í i gcoinnibh an airgid a bheidh iníoctha ag an tionónta in ionad cíosa fé mar a foráltar ina dhiaidh seo anso agus luíodófar dá réir an íocaíocht chó-réire a dhéanfidh Coimisiún na Talmhan.


Iocaíocht in ionad cíosa.

20.—(1) I gcás gach gabháltais le n-a mbaineann an tAcht so ní bheidh cíos iníoctha ag an tionónta in aghaidh aon tréimhse tar éis an lá gála deiridh roimh dháta rithte an Achta so. On lá gála deiridh roimh dháta rithte an Achta so beidh iníoctha ag an tionóna le Coimisiún na Talmhan in ionad cíosa suim bhliantúil is ionann agus


75 per cent. den chíos bhliantúil a bhí ar an ngabháltas le linn rithte an Achta so


suim dá ngairmtear “íocaíocht in ionad cíosa” ina dhiaidh seo anso.


(2) Isiad Coimisiún na Talmhan a dhéanfidh, do réir rialacha a dhéanfid féin, íocaíocht in ionad cíosa do bhailiú.


(3) Leanfidh íocaíocht in ionad cíosa de bheith iníoctha suas go dtí an lá ceaptha.

(4) On lá gála deiridh roimh dháta rithte an Achta so suas go dtí an lá ceaptha, beidh suim is ionann agus an méid a bheidh le bailiú mar íocaíocht in ionad cíosa, beidh sí iníoctha ag Coimisiún na Talmhan leis an duine no na daoine i dteideal chun an chéanna, tar éis cáin ioncuim do bhaint aisti agus pé méid a mheasfidh Coimisiún na Talmhan a bheith cóir réasúnta i gcóir costaisí an bhailithe sin. Ina có-choda leath-bhliantúla agus do réir rialacha a dhéanfidh Coimisiún na Talmhan isea a híocfar an tsuim sin tar éis baint aisti mar adubhradh.

(5) Aon duine áirithe atá i dteideal chun cíosa gabháltais no gabháltaisí d'fháil maran leor a leas chun comhacht do thabhairt do chun díol le tionóntaí fé sna hAchtanna Talamh Cheannaigh, luíodófar do réir 25 per cent aon chíos is iníoctha aige leis an ngar-thiarna talmhan uachtarach as an ngabháltas no gabháltáisí, agus más gá é chun a dhéanamh amach cadé an cíos is iníoctha ag an duine sin as na tailte a dhineann suas an gabháltas no na gabháltaisí, déanfidh Coimisiún na Talmhan aon chíos is iníoctha aige do roinnt fé mar is cheart sa chás. Bainfidh forálacha dá samháil sin leis an scéal agus déanfar luíoduithe cothromúla i gcás aon chíosanna uachtaracha is iníoctha ag aon tiarnaí talmhan uachtaracha ná fuil leas acu is leor chun teideal do thabhairt dóibh chun díol fé sna hAchtanna Talamh-Cheannaigh.


Comhacht do Choimisiún na Talmhan chun riaráiste cíosa socruithe agus íocaíocht in ionad cíosa do bhaint amach.

21.—(1) Chun riaráiste cíosa socruithe agus íocaíocht in ionad cíosa do bhaint amach beidh ag Coimisiún na Talmhan na cabh artha céanna atá ag tíarna talmhan chun cíosa d'fháil chó maith leis na cabhartha céanna atá acu chun tráth-choda neamhioctha de bhlianacht cheannaigh do bhaint amach.


(2) Más rud é, de bhárr báis tionónta gabháltais no de bhárr é bheith as láthair no de bhárr éinní eile, gur deacair a fháil amach cé ann go bhfuil tionóntacht ghabháltais dilsithe féadfidh Coimisiún na Talmhan, má tá an tionónta marbh agus ná fuil aon ionadaí pearsanta dleathach don tionónta san ann ná aon ionadaí pearsanta dleathach 'na bhfuil a sheirbhís ar fáil, féadfid duine ar bith do cheapa chun bheith ina riarthóir don tionónta mharbh, gan cead do dul thar crícheanna aon imeachta fén Acht so i dtaobh an ghabháltais suas go dtí an lá ceaptha, agus má tá an tionónta as láthair no más dó leo gur gá é mar gheall ar éinní eile féadfid duine ar bith d'ainmniú chun bheith in’ ionadaí don tionónta chun na gcrícheanna roimhráite. Beidh ceart ag an duine a ceapfar no a hainmneofar amhlaidh, faid a bheidh sé ag gníomhú mar sin, beidh ceart aige in aghaidh gach éinne profidí an ghabháitais do ghlaca no na cíosanna is iníoctha ag fo-thionónta an ghabháltais, agus beidh air riaráiste cíosa socruithe agus íocaíocht in ionad cíosa is iníoctha fé fhorálacha an Achta so d'íoc le Coimisiún na Talmhan.


(3) Chun riaráiste cíosa socruithe agus íocaíocht in ionad cíosa do bhailiú féadfidh Coimisiún na Talmhan, más oiriúnach leo é, fostú do dhéanamh ar aon ghníomhaire talmhan, atúrnae no cléireach talmhan a ainmneoidh an gar-thiarna talmhan no, mara ndéanfar an t-ainmniú san, a thoghfid féin amach ar pé téarmaí, i dtaobh luach saothair agus éinní eile, a leagfid amach le rialacháin a dhéanfid féin.


Mion-innste ar chíosanna, etc., do sholáthar.

22.—(1) Beidh sé de dhualgas ar gach tiarna talmhan agus ar gach duine a gheibheann cíosanna agus profidí thar a cheann mion-innste do thabhairt do Choimisiún na Talmhan laistigh den aimsir orduithe agus sa bhfuirm orduithe fé mar a theastóidh uatha chun riaráiste cíosa socruithe agus íocaíocht in ionad cíosa do bhailiú, agus beidh comhacht ag Coimisiún na Talmhan a chur ar éinne a íocann cíos le héinne eile ar ghabháltas pé mion-innste a ordóid amhlaidh do thabhairt dóibh ar an ngabháltas.


(2) Más rud é ná tabharfidh éinne áirithe uaidh laistigh den aimsir orduithe aon eolas a hordófar do a sholáthar fén alt so no go soláthróidh sé aon eolas is eol do bheith bréagach in aon phonc táchtach, féadfar fíneáil ná raghaidh thar fiche púnt do chur air ar a fháil ciontach ar slí an achmair.


(3) Isé Coimisiún na Talmhan a dhéanfidh, do réir rialacha a dhéanfid féin, aon cheist do réiteach a eireóidh idir thionónta agus tiarna talmhan i dtaobh cruinneas aon mhion-innste a soláthruíodh do réir an ailt seo, ach amháin i gcás gabháltais fé chíos cúirte ná beidh dul thar an mbreacthachán a cuireadh i dtaisce i gCoimisiún na Talmhan i dtaobh éinní air ach amháin, i gcás gur roimh an 1adh lá d'Abrán, 1899, a socruíodh an cíos cúirte, go gcuimhneofar ar an gceartú a foráltar leis an Acht um Rialtas Áitiúil, 1898, nuair a beifear ag socrú méid an chíosa agus gurb é an Coimisinéir Breithiúntais a réiteoidh aon cheist i dtaobh connra cíosa luíoduithe do bheith ina chonnra cíosa nua dáiríribh no aon cheist i dtaobh an méid as a mbainfar an 25 per cent. agus riaráiste cíosa socruithe agus íocaíocht in ionad cíosa á ndéanamh amach agus ní bheidh dul thar breith an Choimisineura san.


Cíos agus riaráiste cíosa fo-thíonóntachtaí.

23.—(1) I gcás gabháltas le n-a mbaineann an tAcht so de bheith fo-churtha ar cíos i bpáirt no go hiomlán luíodófar do réir 25 per cent., ón lá gála deiridh roimh dháta rithte an Achta so, an cíos is iníoctha ag aon fho-thionónta le tionónta an ghabháltais sin.


(2) Ní bheidh teideal ag aon tionónta aon tsuim do bhaint d'fho-thionónta mar gheall ar riaráiste cíosa, a bheidh níos mó ná suim a déanfar amach ar an gcuma gcéanna ina bhfuil riaráiste cíosa socruithe le déanamh amach fén Acht so.


(3) Ní bhainfidh an t-alt so le haon fho-chur ar cíos a déanfar chun innír no chun féaraíochta no chun curadóireachta go sealadach no chun áise sealadaí no i gcóir riachtanais shealadaigh.


Tailte do dhílsiú i gCoimisiún na Talmhan ar an lá ceaptha.

24.—(1) Fé réir forálacha an Achta so agus d'ainneoin éinní atá in aon achtachán eile dílseoidh gach talamh fé thionónta pé áit ina luíonn sé agus gach talamh gan tionónta a luíonn in aon chontae ceanntracha cumhanga agus pé talamh gan tionónta atá suidhte in aon áit eile agus a fhógróidh Coimisiún na Talmhan, roimh an lá ceaptha, a bheith ag teastáil chun cumhangracht do leigheas no chun aith-dhíol tailimh fé thionónta do chur in usacht, dílseoid i gCoimisiún na Talmhan ar an lá ceaptha de bhua an Achta so, agus ar an bpraghas a socrófar fén Acht so no dá réir, fé mar a dhílseoidís maidir le modh a ndílsithe agus na nithe a thiocfaidh as, dá ndéanfí orduithe dílsiúcháin ina dtaobh fé sna hAchtanna Talamh-Cheannaigh ar an lá ceaptha do réir connartha ceannaigh déanacha a dhéanfadh Coimisiún na Talmhan leis na daoine sin fé seach gur leo an leas is lú a bhaineas leis an talamh agus gur leas é is féidir a dhíol fé sna hAchtanna Talamh-Cheannaigh.


(2) Ní bhainfidh an fo-alt deiridh sin le—


(a) aon talamh a ceannuíodh fé sna hAchtanna Talamh-Cheannaigh ná a bheidh i gceist ar an lá ceaptha i gconnra ceannaigh a dineadh fútha agus a lóisteáladh i gcúram Choimisiún na Talmhan roimh dháta rithte an Achta so; ná


(b) aon talamh ná fuil a fhurmhór fé churadóireacht no fé fhéar no cuid de fé churadóireacht agus cuid fé fhéar ar dháta rithte an Achta so, ná aon talamh a dhineann suas gabháltas agus gur mar áit chomhnaithe is mó a cuireadh ar cíos é agus gurb áit chomhnaithe fós é ar dháta rithte an Achta so; ná


(c) aon phíosa tailimh nea-thionóntuithe atá in’ fhearann oighreachta, in’ fheirm baile, ina pháirc, ina gháirdín, no in’ fhaiche súgraidh, ná aon ghabháltas gur gnáth é ar seilbh ag duine mar gheall ar an bhfearann oighreachta, feirm baile, páire, gairdín no faiche súgraidh sin; ná


(d) aon phíosa tailimh nea-thionóntuithe atá có-dhéanta no ina chuid de thalamh a ceannuíodh fé fhorálacha Acht na hEaglaise Eireannaí, 1869, ar shuim nár mhó ná dhá mhíle púnt; ná


(e) aon ghabháltas ná píosa tailimh nea-thionóntuithe atá no a bheidh do réir deabhraimh luachmhar no úsáideach go maith mar thalamh foirgneoireachta, dar le Coimisiún na Talmhan; ná


(f) aon talamh atá dílsithe sa Stát no in aon Roinn Rialtais ná atá i gcimeád ar iontaoibh don chéanna ná atá ar seilbh ag aon údarás puiblí no áitiúil (ar aon tslí eile seachas mar thionóntuithe dho) chun crícheanna a gcomhachtanna agus a ndualgaisí mar údarás den tsórt san, ná atá ar seilbh ag aon chorparáid chun crícheanna oibre bóthairiarainn, bóthair traim, duga, canalách, uisce, geas, leictreachais no oibre puiblí eile; ná


(g) aon “tearmann,” mar a mínítear é le hAcht an tSiosóin 38 agus 39 Victoria, Caibideal 42, atá anois no a bheidh ina dhiaidh seo i gcimeád no ar seilbh ag aon “daoine eaglaiseacha” mar a mínítear leis an Acht gcéanna.


(3) D'ainneoin éinní atá sna fo-ailt deiridh sin má dhineann Coimisiún na Talmhan, roimh an lá ceaptha, a fhaisnéis ar an gcuma orduithe go bhfuil aon talamh áirithe pé áit ina luíonn sé, a gearradh amach roimhe seo anso o oibriú an ailt seo air (agus nách talamh é den tsórt adeirtar i gclás (f) d'fho-alt (2) den alt so), go bhfuil sé ag teastáil chun cumhangracht do leigheas, ansan dílseoidh an talamh san i gCoimisiún na Talmhan do réir an ailt seo.


(4) Má fhaisníonn Coimisiún na Talmhan i dtaobh aon tailimh den tsórt adeirtar i gclás (a) d'fho-alt (2) den alt so go bhfuil sé ag teastáil chun cumhangracht do leigheas beidh éifeacht ag na forálacha so a leanas:—


(a) más cuid den ghabháltas an talamh 'na bhfaisneofar san ina thaobh féadfidh únaer no tionónta an ghabháltais, laistigh den aimsir orduithe agus ar an gcuma orduithe, a éileamh go ndéanfar an fhaisnéis chéanna i dtaobh an ghabháltais uile agus sa chás san déanfidh Coimisiún na Talmhan an fhaisnéis sin a dtaobh an ghabháltais uile no neachtar aca tarrac siar ón gcuid sin a ghlaca mar a bhí beartuithe acu,


(b) má dhineann únaer no tionónta an tailimh fhaisnithe laistigh den aimsir orduithe agus ar an gcuma orduithe a éileamh ortha san do dhéanamh, soláthróidh Coimisiún na Talmhan don únaer no don tionónta san chó luath agus is féidir é gabháltas nua a bheidh chó hoiriúnach céanna don únaer no don tionónta san, agus nách lú a luach ná an talamh faisnithe, do réir tuairim Choimisiún na Talmhan ach gan an Coimisinéir Breithiúntais d'áireamh ortha (gan dochar don cheart chun athchomhairc chun an Choimisineura Bhreithiúntais, agus ní bheidh dul thar a bhreith sin). Na forálacha atá san Acht so chun ualaí agus cearta d'aistriú ar mhalairtiú gabháltaisí le connra bainfid le haon mhalairtiú tailte a deanfar fén bhfo-alt so.


(5) Ní dhéanfidh Coimisiún na Talmhan gan cead ón únaer talamh do thógaint uaidh fé sna comhachtanna a bronntar ortha le fo-alt (3) den alt so agus talamh eile gan tógaint acu sa chomhursanacht chéanna agus é oiriúnach chun cumhangracht do leigheas agus nách talamh é den tsórt 'na ndintar eisceacht de i bhfo-alt (2) den alt so agus gur talamh é is féidir do Choimisiún na Talmhan a thógaint gan na comhachtanna speisialta a tugtar leis an bhfo-alt san d'fheidhmiú.


(6) Chun crícheanna an ailt seo cialluíonn an focal “feirm baile” feirm a húsáidtear chun áise no chun tairbhe d'áit comhnaithe an únaera agus mar gheall air, agus nách mar ghnáth-fheirm chun profid amháin é.


(7) Ní bheidh sé d'oblagáid ar Choimisiún na Talmhan de bharr éinní san Acht so talamh nea-thionóntuithe do thógaint más talamh fé choill cuid de no más dó le Coimisiún na Talmhan go ndéanfadh sé dochar é do thógaint chó fada is bhaineann le cosaint tailimh fé choill agus le leas na foraoiseachta, agus i gcás aon tailte atá dílsithe i gCoimisiún na Talmhan fén Acht so do bheith timpalluithe ar fad, no geall leis, le talamh fé adhmad, no coillte do bheith ortha, eadhon cuid de chuid únaer na dtailte ndílsithe sin, féadfidh an t-únaer, más maith leis é a chur ar-Choimisiún na Talmhan an t-adhmad, na tailte no na coillte sin do thógaint.


(8) Einne 'na ngoillfidh air aon bhreith a thabharfidh an Coimisinéir Breithiúntais ar aon cheist dlí a eireoidh fén alt so féadfa sé athchomhare a dhéanamh chun na Cúirte Athchomhaire i gcoinnibh na breithe sin, ach ní bheidh dul thar aon bhreith a thabharfidh an Coimisinéir Breithiúntais ar aon cheist praghais.


Praghas an tailimh.

25.—(1) Maidir le talamh tionóntuithe, isé praghas a bheidh ar gach gabháltas ná suim caipitalach dá ngairmtear “an riailphraghas” ina dhiaidh seo anso agus a bheidh mór a dóthin chun ús do réir 4¾ per cent. per annum uirri do bheith chó mór le blianacht cheannaigh rialta an ghabháltais fé mar déanfar amach é do réir an chéad sceidil don Acht so maraon le cabhair ón Stát i gcóir an phraghais, cabhair a háireofar do réir 10 per cent. den riail-phraghas agus a cuirfar leis an riail-phraghas.


(2) Maidir le talamh nea-thionóntuithe mara socruítear é le connra isé praghas a bheidh air ná pé méid a shocróidh Coimisiún na Talmhan (ach gan an Coimisinéir Breithiúntais d'áireamh ortha) no a shocróidh an Coimisinéir Breithiúntais de bharr athchomhaire i gcoinnibh Choimisiún na Talmhan agus nuair a beifear ag socrú na suime sin tabharfar aire don méid is fiú an talamh, le ceart, do Choimisiún na Talmhan agus don únaer fé seach.



26.—(1) I gcás fo-chur ar cíos do bheith déanta ar ghabháltas de thalamh thionóntuithe atá dílsithe i gCoimisiún na Talmhan de bhua an Achta so, no ar chuid de, agus nách chun innír, chun féaraíochta ná chun curadóireachta go ceann tamaill é, ná chun áise sealadaí ná i gcóir riachtanais shealadaigh, ansan, chun crícheanna forálacha an Achta so, maidir leis an riail-phraghas agus le haith-dhíolacháin a dhéanfidh Coimisiún na Talmhan, beidh éifeacht ag na forálacha so a leanas:—


(a) má tá an gabháltas go léir ar seilbh ag fo-thionónta, áireofar an cíos is iníoctha ag an bhfo-thionónta mar chíos is iníoctha ar an ngabháltas agus áireofar an fo-thionónta mar thionónta don ghabháltas;


(b) má tá an gabháltas go léir ar seilbh ag beirt fhothionóntaí no níos mó, déanfar an chuid atá ar seilbh ag gach fo-thionónta fé leith d'áireamh mar ghabháltas fé leith agus é ar seilbh ar an gcíos is iníoctha as an bhfothionóntacht agus áireofar an fo-thionónta mar thionónta don chuid sin;


(c) má tá cuid den ghabháltas ar seilbh ag an tionónta agus go bhfuil an chuid eile dhe ar seilbh ag fo-thionónta no fo-thionóntaí, déanfar an chuid atá ar seilbh ag an tionónta d'áireamh mar ghabháltas fé leith agus é ar seilbh ar chuid roinnte den chíos is iníoctha ar an ngabháltas go léir, agus is do réir an luacha ionrátuithe a déanfar an roinnt sin ar an gcíos no (mara bhfuil rátú fé leith déanta ar an gcuid sin) do réir mar a chinnfidh Coimisiún na Talmhan (ach gan an Coimisinéir Breithiúntais d'áireamh ortha) agus áireofar an tionónta mar thionónta don chuid sin agus áireofar a bhfuil den chuid eile den ghabháltas ar seilbh ag aon fhothionónta, áireofar é mar ghabháltas fé leith agus é ar seilbh ar an gcíos is iníoctha as an bhfo-thionóntacht, agus áireofar an fo-thionónta mar thionónta dho;


(d) i gcás cuid de ghabháltas do bheith fo-churtha ar cíos agus gur talamh í de shaghas is dó le Coimisiún na Talmhan nách ceart d'áireamh mar ghabháltas fé leith chun na gcrícheanna roimhráite, féadfidh Coimisiún na Talmhan déanamh leis an ngabháltas fé mar a bheadh an chuid gan bheith fo-churtha ar cíos ná ar seilbh ag an bhfo-thionónta.


(2) Chun crícheanna an ailt seo, beidh feidhm ag fo-alt (2) d'alt a cúig déag den Acht Talmhan Éireannach, 1903, ach “an Coimisinéir Breithiúntais” do chur in ionad “the Land Commission” agus “an Díoltóir” in ionad “the owner of the Estate.”


Íocfar dividenda agus ús ar an airgead ceannaigh faid a bheidh sé gan roinnt amach.

27.—I gcás tailimh a bheidh dílsithe i gCoimisiún na Talmhan de bhua an Achta so, déanfar na dividenda as na Bannaí Talmhan a sheasuíonn don airgead ceannaigh d'íoc le Coimisiún na Talmhan faid a bheidh an t-airgead san gan roinnt amach, agus íocfidh Coimisiún na Talmhan ús do réir 4½ per cent. per annum ar oiread den airgead ceannaigh agus bheidh de thurus na huaire gan roinnt, íocfid leis an díoltóir é no le pé duine no daoine eile a chífar do Choimisiún na Talmhan a bheith i dteideal chuige.


Connartha ceannaigh déanacha tionóntaí.

28.—(1) Tuigfar tionónta gach gabháltais de thalamh thionóntuithe a bheidh dílsithe i gCoimisiún na Talmhan de bhua an Achta so, agus le n-a mbainfidh an t-alt so, tuigfar ar an lá ceaptha é do bheith tar éis connra ceannaigh déanach do dhéanamh chun an gabháltas do cheannach o Choimisiún na Talmhan ar an riail-phraghas.


(2) On lá ceaptha go dtí an chéad lá gála tar éis an gabháltas a bheith dílsithe sa tionónta beidh iníoctha ag an tionónta le Coimisiún na Talmhan suim bhliantúil is ionann agus blianacht cheannaigh rialta an ghabháltais agus an bhlianacht bhreise (más ann dí) mar gheall ar riaráiste cíosa socruithe a cuirfar leis an airgead ceannaigh. Chun an tsuim bhliantúil sin do bhaint amach beidh ag Coimisiún na Talmhan na cabhartha céanna atá acu chun tráth-choda neamh-íoctha de bhlianacht cheannaigh do bhaint amach.


(3) Ar an lá gála ar a mbeidh an chéad thráth-chuid den tsuim bhliantúil sin iníoctha aige, beidh iníoctha ag an tionónta le Coimisiún na Talmhan suim bhreise is ionann agus cion den tsuim bhliantúil sin i gcóir na tréimhse idir an lá gála san agus an lá ar a mbeidh na céad dividenda eile iníoctha i dtaobh Bannaí Talmhan a tabharfar amach fén Acht so. Chun an tsuim bhreise sin do bhaint amach beidh ag Coimisiún na Talmhan na cabhartha céanna atá acu chun tráth-choda neamh-íoctha de bhlianacht cheannaigh do bhaint amach.


(4) Déanfidh Coimisiún na Talmhan gach gabháltas le n-a mbaineann an t-alt so do dhílsiú sa tionónta le hórdú dílsiúcháin no ar a mhalairt de shlí.


(5) O am an ghabháltais do dhílsiú sa tionónta agus ina dhiaidh sin agus chun gach críche, fé mar a bheadh sí ina híocaíocht ar cuntas blianachta ceannaigh isea deighleálfar le gach íocaíocht a dhéanfidh an tionónta tar éis an lae cheaptha ar cuntas na suime bliantúla is iníoctha aige le Coimisiún na Talmhan fén alt so.


(6) Ní bhainfidh an t-alt so le—


(a) aon ghabháltas gur mó ná trí míle púnt a riail-phraghas; ná


(b) aon ghabháltas atá ar seilbh chun tairbhe ag tionónta gur leis, ar an lá ceaptha, tailte gur dineadh, chun iad do cheannach, roimh-íocanna fé aon cheann de sna hAchtanna Talamh-Cheannaigh, marar fuascladh iad, más mó ná £3,000 an t-iomlán a thiocfadh as oiread a chur leis an riail-phraghas agus a gheobhfí tré chaipitalú do réir ceathair agus trí cheathrú per cent. do dhéanamh ar na blianachtaí bunaidh is iníoctha ar cuntas na roimh-íocanna san; ná


(c) aon ghabháltas 'na bhfaisneoidh Coimisiún na Talmhan ’na thaobh ná fuil sé chun leasa don phuiblíocht an gabháltas d'aith-dhíol leis an tionónta mar adubhradh, pe'ca mar gheall ar fheabhsú an ghabháltais a bheith riachtanach agus indéanta no mar gheall ar a mhalairt; ná


(d) aon ghabháltas is dó le Coimisiún na Talmhan ba chóir a choinneáil chun feabhasuithe no méaduithe no chun é d'úsáid i gcúrsaí cumhangracht do leigheas;


gabháltaisí 'na ngairmtear gabháltaisí coinnithe díobh go léir san Acht so.


Comhachta Choimisiún na Talmhan i dtaobh gabháltaisí coinnithe.

29.—I gcás gach gabháltais a choinneoidh Coimisiún na Talmhan—


(1) Beidh seilbh ag Coimisiún na Talmhan agus féadfid feidhmiú do dhéanamh ar gach ceann no aon cheann de sna comhachta is infheidhmithe acu i dtaobh gabháltaisí ar Estáití atá dílsithe ionta, comhachta ar a n-áirítear comhachta chun an gabháltas go léir no cuid de d'ath-shealbhú pe'ca cuid d'Estát an gabháltais no nách ea agus pe'ca tá sé fé chíos cúirte no ná fuil; agus ag féidhmiú na gcomhacht roimhráite dhóibh tabharfid aire don ghá atá le cumhangracht do leigheas, don mhaith a dhéanfadh sé soláthar bidh na tíre do mhéadú, agus don chuma in ar húsáideadh na gabháltaisí.


(2) Nuair a dhéanfidh Coimisiún na Talmhan cuid de ghabháltas d'ath-shealbhú féadfid an cíos a bhí iníoctha ar an ngabháltas ar dháta rithte an Achta so do roinnt ar an gcuid a hath-shealbhuíodh agus ar an gcuid eile den ghabháltas ar an gcuma is gá do réir cirt sa chás.


(3) Ar dhéanamh aon iarratais do Choimisiún na Talmhan chun gabháltas d'ath-shealbhú no i dtaobh a leithéid, déanfidh an Coimisinéir Breithiúntais amháin na comhachta atá ag an gCúirt fé alt a cúig den Acht Dlí Thalmhan (Éirinn), 1881, d'fheidhmiú agus ní bheidh dul thar a bhreith.


An cúiteamh is iníoctha leis an tionónta socrófar é ar an mbása ar a socrúití praghasanna ath-shealbhaíochta roimhe seo fén alt san agus ag socrú an phraghais do tabharfidh an Coimisinéir Breithiúntais aire d'íocaíochtanna d'íoc an tionónta le Coimisiún na Talmhan fén Acht so.


Isé cuma ina n-íocfar an cúiteamh is iníoctha leis an tionónta ná le Bannaí Talmhan 4½ per cent. gurb ionann a n-ainmluach agus an cúiteamh agus íocfar agus glanfar gach éileamh ar an gcúiteamh cho maith is dá mb'éileamh é ar airgead ceannaigh a híocfí le Bannaí Talmhan 4½ per cent fén Acht so


(4) Beidh suim bhliantúil is ionann agus blianacht cheannaigh rialta an ghabháltais agus an bhlianacht bhreise (más ann di) mar gheall ar riaráiste cíosa socruithe a cuireadh leis an airgead ceannaigh, beidh sí iníoctha ag tionónta gach gabháltais choinnithe le Coimisiún na Talmhan ón lá ceaptha—


(a) má aith-dhíoltar an gabháltas iomlán leis an tionónta, go dtí an chéad lá gála tar éis dílsiú an ghabháltais;


(b) má ath-shealbhuíonn Coimisiún na Talmhan an gabháltas, go dtí dáta an ath-shealbhuithe sin;


(c) má aith-dhíoltar cuid den ghabháltas leis an tionónta no má ath-shealbhuíonn Coimisiún na Talmhan í, go dtí pé dáta a cheapfidh Coimisiún na Talmhan ach amháin go ndéanfar ar an tsuim sin pé roinnt no athrú a ordóidh Coimisiún na Talmhan roimh an dáta san.


Chun an tsuim bhliantúil sin do bhaint amach beidh ag Coimisiún na Talmhan na cabhartha céanna atá acu chun tráth-choda neamh-íoctha de bhlianacht cheannaigh do bhaint amach.


(5) Beidh suim bhreise iníoctha ag an tionónta le Coimisiún na Talmhan ar an lá gála ar a mbeidh an chéad thráth-chuid den tsuim bhliantúil sin iníoctha aige, suim bhreise is ionann agus cion den tsuim bhliantúil sin, mar gheall ar an tréimhse idir an lá gála san agus an lá ar a mbeidh na céad dividenda eile iníoctha i dtaobh Bannaí Talmhan a tabharfar amach fén Acht so. Chun an tsuim bhreise sin do bhaint amach beidh ag Coimisiún na Talmhan na cabhartha céanna atá acu chun tráth-choda neamh-íoctha de bhlianacht cheannaigh do bhaint amach.


(6) Má aith-dhíoltar an gabháltas iomlán leis an tionónta, ansan, ó am an ghabháltais do dhílsiú ann agus ina dhiaidh sin agus chun gach críche, fé mar a bheadh sí ina híocaíocht ar cuntas blianachta ceannaigh isea deighleálfar le gach íocaíocht a dhéanfidh an tionónta tar éis an lae cheaptha ar cuntas na suime bliantúla is iníoctha aige le Coimisiún na Talmhan fén alt so.


I ngach cás eile, o am aon chuid den ghabháltas do dhílsiú i gceannathóir agus ina dhiaidh sin deighleálfar le pé cion de sna híocaíochta roimhráite a ordóidh Coimisiún na Talmhan, deighleálfar leo chun gach críche fé mar a bheidís ina n-íocaíochta mar gheall ar bhlianacht cheannaigh a cuirfí ina muirear ar an gcuid sin den ghabháltas.


Teora le roimhíocanna.

30.—Chun críche aon aith-dhíola, isé teora a bheidh leis an méid a roimh-íocfar i ngach cás ná £3,000, ach féadfar dul thar an teorainn sin pé faid a chífar do Choimisiún na Talmhan a bheith ceart in aon chás ina bhfuil sé oiriúnach, dar le Coimisiún na Talmhan, an tsuim a bheadh le roimh-íoc do bheith níos mó ná £3,000.


Roimh íocanna chun paistí talmhan do cheannach.

31.—(1) Féadfar roimh-íocanna d'íoc leis na daoine no na cóluchtaí seo a leanas chun paistí talmhan do cheannach o Choimisiún na Talmhan:—


(a) Duine atá ina thionónta no in’ únaer do ghabháltas is dó le Coimisiún na Talmhan ná tugann slí bheatha dho.


(b) Duine a dhin connra le Coimisiún na Talmhan chun a ghabháltas do mhalairtiú.


(c) Duine a bhí, laistigh de 25 bliana roimh rith an Achta Talmhan Éireannaigh, 1903, ina thionónta do ghabháltas le n-a mbaineann na hAchtanna Talamh-Cheannaigh agus a caitheadh amach as an ngabháltas san de bharr imeachta a bunuíodh ag á thiarna talmhan no thar a cheann san, no i gcás an duine sin do bheith marbh, duine a ainmneoidh Coimisiún na Talmhan mar ionadaí pearsanta dho.


(d) Duine atá in’ oibrí agus, tré dhíol aon tailte fé fhorálacha na nAchtanna Talamh-Cheannaigh, gur baineadh de an fhostaíocht a bhí aige ar na tailte sin.


(e) Iontaobhuithe chun na gcrícheanna a luaidhtear in alt 4 den Acht Talmhan Éireannach, 1903, mar a leathnuitear leis an Acht so.


(f) Aon duine no cólucht eile le n-ar cheart roimh-íoc do dhéanamh dar le Coimisiún na Talmhan.


Ag togha daoine amach fén mír seo dhóibh féadfidh Coimisiún na Talmhan aire do thabhairt do chásanna daoine gur dineadh iad féin no na daoine tháinig rompa do chaitheamh amach as a ngabháltaisí de bharr imeachta a bunuíodh ag an tiarna talmhan no thar a cheann, agus gur daoine iad ná fuil áirithe i mír (c) thuas.


(2) Nuair a bheidh Coimisiún na Talmhan ag socrú i dtaobh oiriúnaíocht iarratasóirí fén alt so ní foláir dóibh deimhin a dhéanamh de go bhféadfid na hiarratasóirí sin an talamh d'oibriú agus go bhfuilid chun é sin do dhéanamh agus ná déanfid é dhíol, é chur ar cíos ná é shanna. Sa chonnra a déanfar idir an iarratasóir agus Coimisiún na Talmhan chun paiste talmhan do cheannach forálfar i ngach cás ná dílseofar an paiste san iarratasóir maran deimhin le Coimisiún na Talmhan go bhfuil sé á oibriú aige do réir slite cearta eirmeoireachta agus, maran deimhin le Coimisiún na Talmhan go bhfuil san amhlaidh, féadfid seilbh an phaiste d'éileamh agus do bhaint amach saor agus glan o aon éileamh ón iarratasóir.


(3) Fé réir forálacha an ailt seo, bainfidh na hAchtanna Talamh-Cheannaigh le díol paiste talmhan do réir an ailt seo cho maith is dá mba gabháltas é agus gurb é an ceannathóir ba thionónta dho agus é á cheannach, agus folóidh an focal “holding” sna hAchtanna san paiste talmhan 'nar dineadh do réir an ailt seo roimh-íoc chun go gceannófí é.


(4) Scuirfidh Alt 17 den Acht Talmhan Éireannaigh, 1909, d'éifeacht do bheith aige ach amháin i dtaobh díol aon phaistí talmhan gur dineadh aon chonnartha ceannaigh ina dtaobh roimh rith an Achta so, agus, lasmuich den chás an, léireofar mar thagairt don alt so aon tagairt a dintar in aon achtachán don alt san.


Talamh neathionóntuithe d'aith-dhíol leis na húnaerí.

32.—Sá chás go ndineann únaer paiste de thalamh neathionóntuithe, atá dílsithe i gCoimisiún na Talmhan de bhua an Achta so, an céanna d'úsáid agus do shaothrú mar ghnáthfheirm do réir slite cearta feirmeoireachta; ansan


(a) maran mó ná £3,000 praghas an phaiste maraon le luach aon tailte eile i seilbh an únaera fé mar a dhin Coimisiún na Talmhan amach é déanfidh Coimisiún na Talmhan, má éilíonn an t-únaer ortha é agus maran dó leo gur ceart é choinneáil chun feabhasuithe no méaduithe no chun é d'úsáid i gcúrsaí cumhangracht do leigheas, déanfid an paiste d'aith-dhíol leis an únaer ar an bpraghas san má thóg sé air féin, roimh an lá ceaptha, é cheannach ar an bpraghas san; agus


(b) más mó ná £3,000 praghas an phaiste sin maraon le luach aon tailte eile i seilbh an únaera fé mar a dhin Coimisiún na Talmhan amach é féadfidh Coimisiún na Talmhan é go léir d'aith-dhíol leis an únaer ar an bpraghas san no neachtar acu aon chuid de ar phraghas 'na mbeidh idir é agus an praghas san an cothrom céanna atá idir luach na coda den phaiste agus luach an phaiste iomlán fé mar a dhin Coimisiún na Talmhan amach é, ach ní raghaidh an roimh-íoc thar £3,000 in aon chás maran dó le Coimisiún na Talmhan go bhfuil sé oiriúnach go raghadh, agus íocfidh an t-únaer in airgead le Coimisiún na Talmhan aon difríocht (más ann di) idir an méid a bheidh le roimh-íoc agus an praghas.


Gabháltaisí coinnithe d'aithdhíol le tionóntaí.

33.—I gcás gabháltas a choinneoidh Coimisiún na Talmhan mara bhfeidhmeoidh Coimisiún na Talmhan a gcomhachtanna ath-shealbhaíochta no mara bhfeidhmeoid a gcomhachtanna ath-shealbhaíochta ach i dtaobh cuid den ghabháltas, ansan má dhin an tionónta an gabháltas d'úsáid agus do shaothrú mar ghnáth-fheirmeoir do réir slite cearta feirmeoireachta, aith-dhíolfidh Coimisiún na Talmhan leis an tionónta (má éilionn seisean ortha é dhéanamh) an gabháltas ar an riail-phraghas no aon chuid neamh-aith-shealbhuithe dhe ar an gcuid chothromúil sin den phraghas san is ionchurtha chun na críche sin fé mar a dhin Coimisiún na Talmhan amach í, agus chun críche an cheannaigh déanfid roimh-íoc nách mó ná pé suim ná raghaidh thar £3,000 dá gcuirtí léi an méid a gheobhfí de bharr caipitalú do réir ceathair agur trí cheathrú per cent. do dhéanamh ar na blianachtaí bunaidh a bheadh iníoctha ar na roimh-íocanna, dá mbeadh a leithéidí ann agus ná fuasclóifí iad, roimh-íocanna a bheadh déanta cheana féin fé aon cheann de sna hAchtanna Talamh-Cheannaigh chun tailte is leis an tionónta ar dháta an aith-dhíola san do cheannach, déanfidh Coimisiún na Talmhan an roimh-íoc san maran dó leo go bhfuil sé oiriúnach dul thar an £3,000 san, agus íocfidh an tionónta in airgead le Coimisiún na Talmhan an difríocht (más ann di) idir an méid a bheidh le roimh-íoc agus an praghas.


Dilsiú gabháltaisí athshocruithe.

34.—(1) Má dhineann tionónta aon ghabháltais a bheidh coinnithe ag Coimisiún na Talmhan diúltú do chonnra do dhéanamh chun an gabháltas do cheannach, no chun gabháltas nua a bheidh co-dhéanta de chuid den ghabháltas bhunaidh do cheannach, no chun gabháltas nua a bheidh co-dhéanta d'iomlán an ghabháltais bhunaidh, no cuid de, agus de thalamh eile do cheannach, ar an bpraghas go mbeidh Coimisiún na Talmhan ullamh ar é roimh-íoc, féadfidh Coimisiún na Talmhan (ach gan an Coimisinéir Breithiúntais d'áireamh ortha), tar éis an fógra orduithe do sheirbheáil ar an tionónta agus aon agóidí ina choinnibh uaidh do bhreithniú féadfid ordú do dhéanamh á rá gur cheannaigh an tionónta an gabháltas bunaidh no an gabháltas nua, pe'ca acu é, ar pé praghas agus ar pé téarmaí agus coiníollacha a luadhfar san ordú, agus leis sin tuigfar gur dhin an tionónta connra ceannaigh ar an dáta orduithe chun an gabháltas bunaidh no an gabháltas nua, pe'ca acu é, do cheannach ar an bpraghas agus ar na téarmaí agus na coiníollacha a luadh amhlaidh, agus críochnófar an ceannach dá réir sin.


(2) Luighfidh athchomharc chun an Choimisineura Bhreithiúntais i gcoinnibh aon ordú a déanfar fén alt so, agus beidh comhacht aige sin chun an t-ordú do chlaochló no do dhaingniú, no chun aon ordú a dhéanamh d'fhéadfadh Coimisiún na Talmhan a dhéanamh.


Aith-dhíol fearann oighreachta.

35.—Má thógann Coimisiún na Talmhan aon talamh o únaer fén Acht so féadfid aon fhearann oigreachta no talamh eile atá ar seilbh aige agus atá in aice leis an talamh san do cheannach ar an bpraghas is dó leo a gheobhfí air dá ndíolfí é, agus sa chás san féadfid iomlán an tailimh sin no aon chuid de d'aith-dhíol leis fé mar a bheadh sé ina dhuine 'na bhféadfí roimh-íocanna do dhéanamh leis chun paiste talmhan do cheannach fén Acht so.


Bainfidh forálacha fo-altanna (4) agus (5) d'alt 3 den Acht Talmhan Éireannach, 1903, le haon aith-dhíol a déanfar fén alt so.


Comhacht do Choimisiún na Talmhan chun talamh neathionóntuithe do cheannach.

36.—Aon talamh nea-thionóntuithe is dó le Coimisiún na Talmhan is gá a cheannach chun paistí talmhan do sholáthar i gcóir aon duine no cólucht díobh san gur féidir roimh-íocanna do dhéanamh leo fé fhorálacha an Achta so, féadfidh Coimisiún na Talmhan é cheannach ar pé praghas ar a socrófar idir únaer an tailimh nea-thionóntuithe sin agus Coimisiún na Talmhan, praghas a bheidh iníoctha i mBannaí Talmhan 4½ per cent. gur ionann a n-ainmluach agus é, agus nuair a bheidh an talamh san dílsithe i gCoimisiún na Talmhan beidh sé fé réir na bhforálacha go léir san Acht so a bhaineas le paistí talmhan do sholáthar i gcóir na ndaoine no na gcolúcht roimhráite.


Comhacht chun aon phortach do thógaint.

37.—Ar na comhachta a bheidh ag Coimisiún na Talmhan fén Acht so chun aon talamh nea-thionóntuithe do cheannach, beidh comhacht chun aon phortach do cheannach mar sin chun móin do sholáthar i gcóir sealbhóirí talmhan i gcomhursanacht an phortaigh sin, pe'ca tá ceart portaig ag daoine uile seachas an t-únaera ann no ná fuil agus pe'ca dineadh no ná dineadh roimhíoc fé sna hAchtanna Talamh-Cheannaigh chun tailte ar a bhfuil an portach san do cheannach agus, má dineadh, pe'ca fuascladh é no nár fuascladh. Ag feidhmiú na gcomhacht a tugtar fén alt so tabharfidh Coimisiún na Talmhan aire chuibhe do riachtanaisí réasúnta an únaera.


Fuascailt o chíosanna feirmdhílse no cíosanna eile.

38.—I gcás paiste de thalamh nea-thionóntuithe atá suidhte i gcontae gan ceanntair chumhanga do bheith ar seilbh fé dheontas feirm-dhílse, no fé léas síor-ionathnuachainte ar feadh saolta no blianta, no fé léas ar feadh téarma de bhlianta 'na raibh 60 no níos mó dhíobh gan caitheamh ar dháta rithte an Achta so, agus má iarann an t-únaer roimh-íoc ar Choimisiún na Talmhan ar an gcuma orduithe chun fuascailt a dhéanamh ar an gcíos a bunuíodh no a cuireadh ar cosnamh leis an deontas feirm-dhílse no leis an léas no ar pé cuid chothromúil de is iníoctha ar an bpaiste, tar éis éisteacht le gach n-aon le n-a mbaineann roinnfidh an Coimisinéir Breithiúntais an cíos más gá an roinnt sin do dhéanamh agus roinnfe sé aon chíos uachtarach a bheidh ann, agus ordóidh sé fuascailt a dhéanamh ar an gcíos no ar an gcuid roinnte dhe, pe'ca acu é, agus ar gach leas is aoirde ná san agus socróidh sé praghas a bhfuascailte. Is le Bannaí Talmhan 4½ per cent. a roimh-íocfar agus a híocfar an praghas fuascailte a socrófar amhlaidh, maraon le pé costaisí a lomhálfidh an Coimisinéir Breithiúntais, agus roinnfa sé an céanna fé is dá mb'airgead ceannaigh tailimh a dílsíodh i gCoimisiún na Talmhan fén Acht so a bheadh i bpraghas fuascailte an chíosa agus an méid a roimh-íocfar beidh sé ion-aisíoctha ag únaer an phaiste talmhan tré bhlianacht (a bheidh ina muirear ar an bpaiste talmhan agus a féadfar a bhaint amach fé mar a bainfí blianacht cheannaigh amach) a háireofar do réir 4¾ per cent. ar mhéid an roimh-íoca agus i gcás an paiste talmhan do bheith ar seilbh fé léas gheobhaidh an t-únaer agus beidh aige estát ar bith-dhílse ann in ionad an téarma a cuireadh sa léas.


Leasanna uachtaracha ar ghabháiltaisí ceannaithe d'fhuascailt.

39.—I gcás gabháltaisí a dílsíodh i gceannthóir fé sna hAchtanna Talamh-Cheannaigh aon uair fé leas uachtarach no muirear, ordóidh an Coimisinéir Breithiúntais, ar iarratas an únaera agus tar éis éisteacht le gach n-aon le n-a mbaineann, ordóidh sé fuascailt a dhéanamh ar an leas no ar an muirear san agus ar gach leas is aoirde ná iad agus socróidh sé praghas a bhfuascailte. In ainneoin na bhforálacha atá i bhfo-alt (4) d'alt 9 den Acht Ceannach Talmhan (Éirinn), 1891, is le Bannaí Talmhan 4½ per cent. a roimh-íocfar agus a híocfar an praghas fuascailte a socrófar amhlaidh, maraon le pé costaisí a lomhálfidh an Coimisinéir Breithiúntais, agus roinnfa sé an céanna fé is dá mb' airgead ceannaigh tailimh a dílsíodh i gCoimisiún na Talmhan fén Acht so a bheadh i bpraghas fuascailte an chíosa. Beidh an roimh-íoc ion-aisioctha ag únaer an ghabháltais tré bhlianacht a háireofar do réir 4¾ per cent. ar mhéid an roimhíoca agus féadfar an bhlianacht san do bhaint amach fé mar a bainfí amach blianacht cheannaigh.


Conus a gheobhfar amach cad iad na tailte a dílseofar i gCoimisiún na Talmhan.

40.—(1) Gach éinne 'na bhfuil teideal aige chun cíosanna agus profidí aon tailimh le n-a mbaineann an tAcht so no a íocann aon chíos ar na tailte sin no a fhaghann no a íocann na cíosanna agus na profidí sin, no cíos thar ceann éinne eile, beidh sé de dhualgas air, ar a iarraidh sin air do Choimisiún na Talmhan, pé mion-innste i dtaobh an tailimh do thabhairt i scríbhinn do Choimisiún na Talmhan i pé fuirm agus iad deimhnithe ar pé cuma laistigh de pé aimsir a ordóidh Coimisiún na Talmhan le fógra speisialta no generálta.


(2) Foillseoidh Coimisiún na Talmhan o am go ham liostai sealadacha de sna tailte a dílseofar i gCoimisiún na Talmhan ar an lá ceaptha, oiread díobh is ná déanfar eisceachtaí dhíobh mar gheall ar agóid dleathach, maraon le fógra i dtaobh na slí ina bhféadfar agus i dtaobh na haimsire gur laistigh di a féadfar agóidí do chur i gcoinnibh an liost mar gheall ar aon talamh áirithe do chur air no gan a chur air.


(3) Breithneóidh Coimisiún na Talmhan (ach gan an Coimisinéir Breithiúntais d'áireamh ortha) gach agóid a déanfar go cuibhe, agus beidh ceart ann chun athchomhare do dhéanamh chun an Choimisineura Bhreithiúntais agus ní bheidh dul thar a bhreith ach amháin i gcás ina bhforáltar a mhalairt san Acht so.


(4) Foillseoidh Coimisiún na Talmhan liost deiridh de thailte nár lóisteáladh aon agóid ina dtaobh agus, o am go ham agus fé mar a dhéanfid agus nuair a dhéanfid an socrú deiridh ar agóidí i gcoinnibh tailte eile, foillseoid liost deiridh de sna tailte sin, agus nuair a foillseofar liost deiridh ar an gcuma san, pe'ca tar éis an lae cheaptha no roimhe, beidh sé in'fhianaise dhochlaoite gur dineadh no go ndéanfar na tailte a bheidh áirithe air do dhílsiú de bhua an Achta so ar an lá ceaptha.


(5) Má dhineann éinne d'aon ghnó faillí do thabhairt in aon eolas do thabhairt uaidh, no diúltú d'aon eolasa thabhairt uaidh, laistigh den am orduithe agus go bhfuil air é do thabhairt uaidh fén alt so, no aon eolas do thabhairt uaidh agus a fhios aige é do bheith bréagach in aon phonc de, féadfar fíneáil ná raghaidh thar deich bpúnt is dachad, no príosúntacht i dteanta no d'éamais daor-oibre ar feadh téarma nách sia ná trí mhí, do chur air ar a fháil ciontach ar an slí achmair.


(6) Aon Chigire no duine eile a cheapfidh Coimisiún na Talmhan féadfa sé, tar éis fógra do chur tríd an bpost chun an té a dheabhruíonn a bheith in’ únaer no ina shealbhóir d'aon talamh áirithe, féadfa sé dul isteach ar an talamh agus gach fiarfaí a dhéanamh is gá a dhéanamh chun a chur i gcumas Choimisiún na Talmhan méid agus cineál an tailimh sin do dhéanamh amach, agus pé mion-eolaisí eile ina thaobh a theastóidh uatha chun crícheanna an Achta so.


(7) Má dhineann aon ghníomhaire talmhan, aturnae, no cléireach talmhan, a hainmníodh le cead Choimisiún na Talmhan dualgaisí fén alt so do chó-líona thar ceann únaera aon talmhan, féadfar pé luach saothair a ordóidh Coimisiún na Talmhan agus a cheadóidh an tAire Airgid d'íoc leis agus is mar chuid de chostaisí Coimisiún na Talmhan a híocfar an luach saothair sin.


(8) I gcás aon talamh do dhíol, má bhí gníomhaire ar fostú mar bhainisteoir ar an estát gur chuid de an talamh a díoladh, le toil únaera an tailimh féadfar pé suim a cheadóidh Coimisiún na Talmhan d'íoc leis an ngníomhaire i mBannaí Talmhan amach as an airgead ceannaigh nuair a scuirfe sé de bheith ag gníomhú mar ghníomhaire den tsórt san.


(9) Aon fhógra no liost gur gá fén alt so é d'fhoillsiú is san Iris Oifigiúil a foillseofar é agus ar pé cuma is dó le Coimisiún na Talmhan is fearr chun é do chur os cóir na puiblíochta.


Comhachta ag Coimisiún na Talmhan ar atúrnaethe agus ar ghníomhairí.

41.—(1) I gcás éinne—


(a) do dhéanamh faillí ar aon eolas, mapa, mion-innsint, no scríbhinn do sholáthar gurb é a dhualgas fén Acht so é do sholáthar, no, do réir tuairim an Choimisineura Bhreithiúntais do dhéanamh faillí ar an dualgas san do chó-líona ar chuma shásúil; no


(b) do dhéanamh d'aon ghnó faillí ar no diúltú de theideal do chruthú no fianaise ar theideal do thabhairt i lathair; no


(c) do dhéanamh faillí ar aon imeachta do phróiseacht le dícheall agus le héifeacht chuibhe;


beidh sé dleathach don Choimisinéir Breithiúntais atúrnae, gniomhaire talmhan, innleoir, no suirbhéir do cheapa chun gníomhú sa ghnó agus chun orduithe Coimisiún na Talmhan do chó-líona agus beidh ag an atúrnae, gníomhaire talmhan, innleoir no suirbhéir sin gach comhacht agus bheadh aige dá ndéanfadh an duine sin roimhráite é d'fhostú.


(2) Iocfidh Coimisiún na Talmhan le haon atúrnae, gníomhaire talmhan, innleoir, no suirbhéir den tsórt san a fostófar amhlaidh pé costaisí agus luach saothair a cheadóidh an Coimisinéir Breithiúntais agus féadfidh Coimisiún na Talmhan iad do bhaint den té gur mar gheall ar a fhaillí ba ghá an íocaíocht san do dhéanamh.

(3) I gcás atúrnae, gníomhaire talmhan, innleoir, no suirbhéir, a cheap an t-únaer, do bheith gan aon imeachta áirithe do phróiseacht le dícheall agus le héifeacht chuibhe dar leis an gCoimisinéir Breithiúntais beidh comhacht ag an gCoimisinéir Breithiúntais an t-atúrnae, gníomhaire talmhan, innleoir no suirbhéir sin do chur chun siúil agus pé duine no daoine is oiriúnach leis do cheapa in áit an duine a cuireadh chun siúil mar sin, agus beidh údaráis agus comhachta ag an duine no na daoine a ceapfar amhlaidh agus beidh teideal acu chun costaisí agus luach-saothair chó maith díreach is dá mb'é an t-únaer a cheapfadh iad.


Comhacht chun rialacháin do dhéanamh i dtaobh móna.

42.—Na comhachta atá ag Coimisiún na Talmhan chun rialacháin do dhéanamh i dtaobh móna ar phortaigh ar ghabháltaisí leathanófar iad i dtreo go mbeidh ortha comhacht chun rialacháin do dhéanamh i dtaobh móna ar aon phortach, pe'ca ag an únaer amháin atá ceart móna air no nách ea, agus comhacht chun mínithe teoranna an líomatáiste ar a bhféadfidh an t-únaer móin do bhaint agus chun rialacháin do dhéanamh le n-a dtabharfar agus le n-a míneofar cirt chun dul tré aon talamh go dtí an portach agus tríd i gcóir móna.


Comhacht chun cirt slí do sholáthar.

43.—Ar na comhachta atá ag Coimisiún na Talmhan chun airgead do chaitheamh le feabhsú tailimh a díoladh no a haontuíodh a dhíol fé sna hAchtanna Talamh-Cheannaigh beidh comhacht chun cirt slí chun an tailimh sin, no uaidh, do sholáthar in aon áit gur gá é, agus chun na críche sin féadfid, ar an gcuma orduithe, orduithe do dhéanamh le n-a dtabharfar agus le n-a míneofar na cirt slí sin agus le n-a socrófar an cúiteamh (más ann do) a híocfar le húnaer an tailimh ar a mbeidh na cirt slí a tugadh no a míníodh.


Bancánachtaí, etc., do chosaint.

44.—(1) Má chítar don Choimisinéir Breithiúntais tiarna talmhan no, i gcás tailimh nea-thionóntuithe, únaer do bheith freagarthach, roimh an lá ceaptha i nglana no i gcoinneáil suas, i bpáirt no go hiomlán, do dhéanamh ar aon chúrsa uisce, draen bancánacht no obair eile, in'aonar do no i bpáirt le daoine eile, fé théarmaí connra tionóntachta no ar aon tslí eile, féadfa sé a ordú go n-aistreofar as na Bannaí Talmhan a sheasuíonn don airgead ceannaigh, agus go n-úsáidfar ar pé slí a forálfar ina dhiaidh seo anso, oiread Bannaí Talmhan agus is leor chun pé ioncum do thabhairt is dó leis is gá chun an cúrsa uisce, draen, bancánacht no obair eile sin do chimeád glan agus do choinneáil suas as san amach do réir na freagarthachta a fuair sé a bheith ar an seana-thiarna talmhan no ar an sean-únaer.


(2) Aistreofar chun an Iontaobhaí Phuiblí aon Bhannaí Talmhan a hordófar a aistriú agus a úsáid amhlaidh, agus cuirfar an t-ioncum chun no i gcabhair chun an cúrsa uisce, draen, bancánacht, no obair eile do ghlana no do choinneáil suas do réir scéime a cheapfidh Coimisiún na Talmhan, agus féadfa siad-san má chítar gur ceart é, údarás do thabhairt chun na Bannaí Talmhan, no na súncála a bheidh de thurus na huaire ag seasamh don chéanna no d'aon chuid díobh, do dhíol agus chun colann an airgid a gheobhfar de bharr an díola san do chur chun no i gcabhair chun an obair sin d'ath-thógaint.


(3) Beidh comhacht ag Coimisiún na Talmhan chun réiteach do dhéanamh ar gach ceist a bhainfidh le cúrsaí uisce, draenacha agus bancánachtaí, agus le n-a nglana agus le n-a gcoinneáil suas, agus chun cirt, oblagáidí agus freagarthachtaí gach duine ina dtaobh do mhíniú no do leaga amach.


(4) Beidh comhacht ag Coimisiún na Talmhan chun dul isteach ar aon tailte chun cursaí uisce, draenacha, bancánachtaí no oibreacha do ghlana, do dheisiú, do choinneáil suas no d'athnuachaint, agus chun ithir agus abhar do thógaint asta agus nithe do dhéanamh ortha fé mar a theastóidh chun na gcrícheanna san.


(5) Beidh comhacht ag Coimisiún na Talmhan chun suim do chaitheamh, fé mar is maith leo, chun no i gcabhair chun aon chúrsa uisce, draen, bancánacht no obair eile d'ath-thógaint. pé suim go ndéanfidh an tAire Airgid, ar iarratas uatha san, í do cheadú agus do roimh-íoc as airgead a sholáthróidh an tOireachtas, agus oiread den tsuim sin agus dheimhneoidh Coimisiún na Talmhan chuige sin beidh sé ionaisíoctha tré bhlianacht no blianachtaí a cuirfar mar mhuirear ar aon talamh a dheimhneóidh Coimisiún na Talmhan a bheith tar éis tairbhiú de bharr an chaiteachais sin, agus san fé mar a roimh-íocfían tsuim sin chun an talamh do cheannach do réir connartha cheannaigh dhéanaigh agus déanfar an bhlianacht san do chó-dhlúthú, sa mhéid gur féidir é, le h-aon bhlianacht Talamh-Cheannaigh a bheidh ar an talamh an uair sin.


Cirt spóirt, iascach agus minearáil.

45.—(1) Ar dhílsiú aon tailte i gCoimisiún na Talmhan fén Acht so, dílseoidh gach ceart spóirt mar a mínitear é i bhfo-alt (2) d'alt 13 den Acht Talmhan Éireannach, 1903, maraon le pé cirt spóirt a bheidh ina leasanna uachtaracha, agus le gach iascach a bhaineann leis na tailte sin, dílseoid i gCoimisiún na Talmhan fé aon léas a bheidh ann an uair sin fé mar aontódh an t-únaer no na húnaerí iad do dhíol ar pé praghas a shocróidh Coimisiún na Talmhan (ach gan an Coimisinéir Breithiúntais d'áireamh ortha) cheal réitigh no a shocróidh an Coimisinéir Breithiúntais de bharr athchomhairc i gcoinnibh Coimisiún na Talmhan, agus nuair a beifar ag socrú an phraghais sin, aire do thabhairt don méid is fiú na cirt spóirt agus an t-iascach, le ceart, do Choimisiún na Talmhan agus don únaer no do sna húnaeríféseach:


Ach i gcás tailimh thionóntuithe tuigfar nách fiú trácht ar an méid is fiú na cirt spóirt nach cirt iascaigh ná iascach.


(2) Sa chás go dtuigfar connra ceannaigh déanach do bheith déanta ag tionónta gabháltais de thalamh thionóntuithe chun an gabháltas do cheannach o Coimisiún na Talmhan fén Acht so dílseofar ann maraon leis an ngabháltas na cirt spóirt ar an ngabháltas agus os a chionn lasmuich de chirt iascaigh agus d'iascach.


(3) Le Bannaí Talmhan 4½ per cent. a híocfar airgead ceannaigh gach cirt spóirt agus gach iascaigh den tsórt san.


(4) Beidh comhacht ag Coimisiún na Talmhan chun rialacháin do dhéanamh ag bronna agus ag míniú cearta chun gabháil treasna aon tailte agus tríotha go habhainn no loch ar bith agus fan bhruacha no bord aon abhann no locha den tsórt san, cearta is dó le Coimisiún na Talmhan is gá no is oiriúnach chun aon chirt iascaigh a dílsíodh i gCoimisiún na Talmhan fén Acht so d'úsáid agus do shealbhú go ceart.


(5) Ar dhílsiú aon tailimh fén Acht so is i Saorstát Éireann amháin a dhílseoidh an ceart chun mianadóireachta agus chun minearáil do thógaint agus chun tochailt agus cuardach do dhéanamh chun mineráil d'fháil ar an talamh san no fé, maraon le pé cirt mineráil atá ina leasanna uachtaracha:


Ach ní bhainfidh an fo-alt so—


(a) le haon mhianach ná coireál atá á oibriú no á shaothrú ag an únaer no ag á léasaí ar an lá ceaptha;


(b) le haon chloich, gairbhéal, gainimh ná cré:


Agus fós sa chás go ndéanfar aon chirt den tsórt san, a bheidh dílsithe i Saorstát Éireann, d'fho-chur ar cíos no do chur fé léas no do dhíol aon uair ina dhiaidh seo, an té 'na mbeadh teideal aige chúcha dá mba ná beidís dílsithe amhlaidh beidh teideal aige chun scair d'aon chíos, airgead ceannaigh no glan-phrofid eile a gheobhfar as an gcéanna d'fháil, pé scair a shocróidh an tOireachtas ina dhiaidh seo.


Saoráidí chun gabháltaisí do mhalairtiú

46.—(1) Chun feabhsú gabháltaisí do chur in usacht, beidh comhacht ag únaer cláruithe aon ghabháltais, pe'ca mar lánúnaer no mar páirt-únaer a bheidh sé cláruithe, beidh comhacht aige chun connra do dhéanamh le Coimisiún na Talmhan fén alt so chun malairt gabháltaisí do dhéanamh agus féadfar an connra do chur in éifeacht ar an gcuma a foráltar leis an alt so.


(2) Déanfidh an t-únaer cláruithe an gabháltas d'aistriú chun Coimisiún na Talmhan agus déanfidh Coimisiún na Talmhan, mar mhalairt air sin, gabháltas nua do sholáthar do tré phaiste talmhan do dhíol leis fé sna hAchtanna Talamh-Cheannaigh no tré ghabháltas a ceannuíodh fé sna hAchtanna san d'aistriú chuige.


(3) Déanfidh aistriú an ghabháltais bhunaidh chun Coimisiún na Talmhan, o dháta cláruithe an aistrithe sin, estát ar bithdhilse sa ghabháltas do dhílsiú i gCoimisiún na Talmhan fé sna hualaí a háirítear in alt a seacht is dachad den Acht Chlárathacht Áitiúil Teideal (Éirinn), 1891 (lasmuich de dhiúité comharbais agus de dhiúité estáit), oiread díobh agus bheidh ar an ngabháltas ar an dáta san, agus fé aon ualach a cruthnuíodh fé aon Acht a bhaineann le Bord na nOibreacha, ach beidh an gabháltas saor o gach ualach agus ceart eile, cláruithe no nea-chláruithe, 'na mbeidh baint acu leis an ngabháltas an uair sin (maraon le diúité comharbais agus diúité estáit agus aon ualaí eile gur ceaduíodh gan iad d'fháil amach nuair a bhí an chéad chlárú á dhéanamh), agus ón dáta san amach beidh gach ualach agus gach ceart den tsórt san aistrithe chun an ghabháltais nua gan úirlis aistrithe ná ordú.


(4) Sa chás go ndéanfar an gabháltas nua do sholáthar tré ghabháltas a ceannuíodh fé sna hAchtanna Talamh-Cheannaigh d'aistriú chun an únaera chláruithe, déanfar an gabháltas d'aistriú chuige fé sna hualaí a háirítear in alt a seacht is dachad den Acht Chlárathacht Áitiúil Teideal (Éirinn), 1891 (lasmuich de dhiúité comharbais agus de dhiúité estáit), oiread díobh agus beidh ar an ngabháltas ar dháta an aistrithe, agus fé sna hualaí agus na cirt a haistríodh ón ngabháltas bunaidh, ach beidh an gabháltas nua saor o gach ualach agus gach ceart eile, cláruithe no nea-chláruithe (maraon le diúité comharbais agus diúité estáit agus aon ualaí eile gur ceaduíodh gan iad d'fháil amach nuair a bhí an chéad chlarú á dhéanamh ar an ngabháltas nua).


(5) Ar an aon dáta amháin a clárofar Coimisiún na Talmhan mar únaerí don ghabháltas bhunaidh agus an t-únaer cláruithe mar únaer don ghabháltas nua agus beidh sé de dhualgas ar Choimisiún na Talmhan na cláruithe do chur á ndéanamh agus gach ní do dhéanamh is gá a dhéanamh chun na críche sin.


(6) Na forálacha atá san alt so i dtaobh únaer cláruithe gabháltais bainfid, sna cásanna so a leanas, leis na daoine seo a leanas (sé sin le rá):—


(a) Má bhaineann Cuid IV. den Acht Chlárathacht Áitiúil Teideal (Éirinn), 1891, leis an ngabháltas agus go bhfuil an t-únaer cláruithe (a cláruíodh mar lán-únaer) marbh, le n'ionadaí pearsanta dleathach;


(b) Más duine ná fuil aois infheadhma aige an t-únaer no más gealt no duine nách slán meabhair é, le haon duine a bheidh ag déanamh ionadaíochta dho chun aon cheann de chrícheanna an Achta Chlárathacht Áitiúil Teideal (Éirinn) 1891; agus


(c) Má cheapann an Chúirt Chontae ionadaí d'únaer cláruithe chun crícheanna an ailt seo, leis an ionadaí sin.


(7) Beidh comhacht ag an gCúirt Chontae chun ionadaí do cheapa d'únaer cláruithe gabháltais chun crícheanna an ailt seo nuair a chífar don Chúirt, ar iarratas a theacht o Choimisiún na Talmhan no o éinne le n-a mbaineann an scéal, gur duine ná comhnuíonn i Saorstát Éireann an t-únaer cláruithe no duine nách fios ce'ca beo no marbh é, agus go raghadh sé chun tairbhe do sna daoine go bhfuil cál acu chun an ghabháltais é do mhalairtiú ar ghabháltas nua fén alt so. Féadfar iarrataisí chun na Cúirte Contae agus an gnás agus an nós-imeachta a bhaineann leo do regealáil le rialacha Cúirte.


Seana-chomh. arthaí Cuimhne

47.—An míniú a tugtar ar sheana-chomharthaí cuimhne in alt 14 den Acht Talmhan Éireannach, 1903, folóidh sé aon chomhartha cuimhne go mbeadh suim ag ársadóirí ann dar le Coimisiún na Talmhan agus má dhineann Coimisiún na Talmhan faisnéis gur mar sin atá folóidh sé ionad an chomhartha agus pé cuid den talamh comhngarach do is gá chun díobháil do a chosc agus chun teacht air do thabhairt.




Cad leis go mbainfidh an Chuid seo den Acht so.

48.—Ní bhainfidh forálacha Cuid II. den Acht so, ach amháin mar a foráltar sa Chuid seo den Acht so, le haon tailte a cheannaigh comhar-chumann feirmeoireachta (dá ngairmtear Cumann sa Chuid seo den Acht so) no cólucht d'iontaobhaithe, le roimh-íocanna a dhin Banc Náisiúnta na Talmhan, Teoranta (dá ngairmtear an Banc sa Chuid seo den Acht so), agus atá, ar dháta rithte an Achta so, fé mhuirear aisíoc na roimh-íocanna san no aisíoc aon choda dhíobh.


Dílsiú i gCoimisiún na Talmhan ar an lá ceaptha.

49.—Dílseoidh gach talamh a cheannuigh Cumann no cólucht d'iontaobhaithe, le roimh-íoc a dhin an Banc, má bhionn aon chuid den roimh-íoc gan íoc, dílseoidh sé i gCoimisiún na Talmhan an lá ceaptha ar an bpraghas a socrófar fé sna forálacha atá sa Chuid so den Acht so fé mar a dhílseodh, maidir le modh an dílsithe agus na nithe thiocfidh as, dá ndéanfí orduithe dílsiúcháin ina thaobh fé sna hAchtanna Talamh-Cheannaigh, ar an lá ceaptha, do réir connartha ceannaigh déanacha a dhéanfadh Coimisiún na Talmhan leis an gCumann no leis an gcólucht d'iontaobhaithe.


Eolas a éileoidh Coimisiún na Talmhan ar an mBanc.

50.—Tabharfidh an Banc i scríbhinn do Choimisiún na Talmhan mion-innste ar na tailte a ceannuíodh amhlaidh, ar an gcuid den airgead ceannaigh (más ann do) d'fhág an Cumann no an cólucht d'iontaobhaithe acu mar éarlais, ar an roimh-íoc a dhineadar chun na tailte sin do cheannach, ar an méid atá amuich acu mar gheall ar an roimh-íoc san, agus ar na leasanna uachtaracha agus na muirir eile (más ann dóibh) gur fútha a cheannuigh an Cumann no an cólucht d'iontaobhaithe na tailte, maraon le pé mion-innste eile a éileoidh agus a ordóidh Coimisiún na Talmhan, agus lóisteálfa siad le Coimisiún na Talmhan pé dintiúirí, scríbhinní agus mapaí is gá chun fírinne na mion-innste a soláthruíodh amhlaidh do chruthú.


Déanfidh Coimisiún na Talmhan fógraíocht i dtaobh na dtailte a tógfar.

51.—Foillseoidh Coimisiún na Talmhan o am go ham fógraí ina mbeidh mion-innste ar na tailte a ceannuíodh amhlaidh, agus ar na leasanna uachtaracha agus na muirir eile, maraon leis an muirear chun aisíoctha an roimh-íoca atá amuich ag an mBanc, gur fútha do ceannuíodh na tailte, agus leagfar amach sna fógraí sin an aimsir gur laistigh di a féadfar agus an cuma ina bhféadfar agóidí do chur i gcoinnibh na bhfógraí sin, mar gheall ar aon tailte áirithe d'aireamh ionta no d'fhágaint gan áireamh ionta no mar gheall ar aon leas uachtarach no muirear den tsórt san roimhráite d'fhágaint ar lár ionta no do mhíthuairisciú.


Chun an praghas ceannaigh do dhéanamh amach.

52.—Breithneoidh Coimisiún na Talmhan (ach gan an Coimisinéir Breithiúntais d'áireamh ortha) gach agóid a dineadh go cuibhe, agus beidh ceart ann chun athchomharc do dhéanamh chun an Choimisineura Bhreithiúntais agus ní bheidh dul thar a bhreith sin. Más deimhin leis an gCoimisinéir Breithiúntais go raibh ag an gCumann no ag an gcólucht d'iontaobhaithe, roimh dháta rithte an Achta so, teideal maith chun na dtailte a ceannuíodh amhlaidh, agus san saor o ualaí lasmuich den mhuirear le n-ar cuireadh in áirithe go n-aisíocfí an roimh-íoc atá amuich ag an mBanc agus lasmuich d'aon leasanna uachtaracha no d'aon Bhlianachtaí Talamh-Cheannaigh, gheobha sé amach cadiad na leasanna uachtaracha a ghluaiseann as na tailte sin agus socróidh sé praghas fuascailte gach leasa uachtaraigh agus blianachta den tsórt san, agus gheobha sé amach, leis, an méid atá dlite mar gheall ar cholainn airgid (gan creidiúint a thabhairt i dtaobh na héarlaise, más ann di, a lóisteáil an Cumann no an cólucht d'Iontaobhaithe sa Bhanc) agus ús ar cuntas an mhuirir le n-ar cuireadh in áirithe go n-aisíocfí an roimh-íoc atá dlite don Bhanc, agus socróidh sé praghas na dtailte do réir pé suim is leor mar fhuascailt agus mar íoc i ngach leas uachtarach agus blianacht den tsórt san agus sa mhuirear le n-ar cuireadh in áirithe go n-íocfí an roimh-íoc atá dlite don Bhanc agus i pé costaisí a lomhálfa sé. Tar éis don Bhanc éarlais den tsórt roimhráite do lóisteáil le Coimisiún na Talmhan, íocfar ar an lá ceaptha, i mBannaí Talmhan 4½ per cent., an praghas a dineadh amach amhlaidh ach íocfidh an Stát an t-aonú cuid déag de.


Forálacha dtaobh éarlaisí o Chumann no o chólucht d'iontaobhaithe.

53.—Nuair a fágfar an éarlais ag Coimisiún na Talmhan súncálfa siad-san í agus íocfar an t-ioncum as na súncála san, sa mhéid ná teastóidh sé chun cúiteamh a dhéanamh le Coimisiún na Talmhan ar thráth-choda neamh-íoctha de bhlianachtaí ceannaigh (más ann dóibh) ar cuntas an roimh-íoca a dineadh fén gCuid seo den Acht so leis an gCumann no leis an gcólucht d'iontaobhaithe a chéad-fhág an éarlais ag an mBanc, íocfar é leis an gCumann san no leis an gcólucht san d'iontaobhaithe go dtí go n-úsáidfidh Coimisiún na Talmhan an éarlais ar a mhalairt de chuma no go dtí go n-aisíocfar é i bpáirt no go hiomlán leis an gCumann no leis an gcólucht d'iontaobhaithe fé sna forálacha so a leanas, eadhon:—


a) Aon uair sara ndeimhneofar an roimh-íoc do bheith aisíoctha, mara mbeidh Coimisiún na Talmhan sásta leis an urraíocht a dineadh ar an gcéanna, no má leigeadh do sna blianachtaí ceannaigh tuitim i riaráiste, beidh sé dleathach do Choimisiún na Talmhan an éarlais d'úsáid i bpáirt no go hiomlán i bhfuascailt pro tanta an roimh-íoca;


(b) Más deimhin le Coimisiún na Talmhan nách gá an éarlais mar urraíocht ar an roimh-íoc beidh sé dleathach aon tráth do Choimisiún na Talmhan an éarlais iomlán no cuid di d'aisíoc leis an gCumann no leis an gcólucht d'Iontaobhaithe a chéad-fhág an céanna ag an mBanc no le n-a gcomharbhaí dleathacha;


(c Nuair a deimhneofar gur aisíocadh oiread den roimh-íoc agus is ionann le luach na héarlaisí a fhanfidh ag Coimisiún na Talmhan, agus má bhíonn Coimisiún na Talmhan sásta leis an urraíocht ar an gcuid neafhuascailte den roimh-íoc, aisíocfar leis an gCumann no leis an gcólucht d'iontaobhaithe, a chéad-fhág an éarlais ag an mBanc, no le n-a gcomharbaí dleathacha, pé cuid den éarlais ná húsáidfar fé sna míreanna deiridh sin.


Coiníollacha athdhíolacháin leis na Cumainn.

54.—Fé réir na bhforálacha anso ina dhiaidh seo, tuigfar gur dhin gach Cumann no cólucht d'iontaobhaithe, a bhí ar an lá ceaptha i seilbh na dtailte a ceannuíodh agus a dílsíodh i gCoimisiún na Talmhan amhlaidh fé fhorálacha na Coda so den Acht so, tuigfar gur dhineadar connra ceannaigh déanach le Coimisiún na Talmhan ar an lá ceaptha chun na tailte do cheannach uatha san ar phraghas is ionann agus deich n-aonú cuid déag den phraghas a socruíodh fé fhorálacha an ailt deiridh sin.


Beidh iníoctha ag an gCumann no ag an gcólucht d'iontaobhaithe le Coimisiún na Talmhan suim bhliantúil a háireofar do réir 4¾ per cent. den tsuim 'na dtuigfar an Cumann no an cólucht d'iontaobhaithe do bheith tar éis connra do dhéanamh chun na tailte do cheannach uirri, sé sin, ón lá ceaptha go dtí an chéad lá gála tar éis dílsiú na dtailte sa Chumann no sa chólucht d'iontaobhaithe, no go dtí go dtiocfidh stad agus críochnú ar an gcál atá ag an gCumann no ag an gcólucht d'iontaobhaithe chun na dtailte.


Chun an tsuim bhliantúil sin do bhaint amach beidh ag Coimisiún na Talmhan na cabhartha céanna atá acu chun tráthchoda neamh-íoctha de bhlianacht cheannaigh do bhaint amach.


Ar an lá gála ar a mbeidh an chéad thráth-chuid den tsuim bhliantúil sin iníoctha ag an gCumann no ag an gcólucht d'iontaobhaithe, beidh iníoctha acu le Coimisiún na Talmhan suim breise is ionann agus cion den tsuim bhliantúil sin, i gcóir na tréimhse idir an lá gála san agus an lá ar a mbeidh na céad dividenda eile iníoctha de bharr Bannaí Talmhan a tabharfar amach fén Acht so. Chun an tsuim bhreise sin do bhaint amach beidh ag Coimisiún na Talmhan na cabhartha céanna atá acu chun tráth-choda neamh-íoctha de bhlianacht cheannaigh do bhaint amach.


O am an phaiste talmhan do dhílsiú ionta agus ina dhiaidh sin agus chun gach críche, fé mar a bheadh sí ina híocaíocht ar cuntas blianachta ceannaigh isea deighleálfar le gach íocaíocht a dhéanfidh Cumann no cólucht d'iontaobhaithe tar éis an lae cheaptha ar cuntas na suime bliantúla is iníoctha le Coimisiún na Talmhan fén alt so.


Dílsiú na dtailte sna Cumainn.

55.—(1) Más deimhin le Coimisiún na Talmhan gur dineadh na tailte a ceannuíodh agus a dílsíodh i gCoimisiún na Talmhan amhlaidh do bhainistí sa cheart, ar shlite dea-fheirmeoireachta, agus go bhfuil an Cumann no an cólucht d'iontaobhaithe bunuithe sa cheart fé sna rialacha le n-a rialuítar Cumainn den tsórt san, no fén Dintiúir Iontaobhais le n-ar ceapadh na hiontaobhaithe sin agus le n-a raibh Coimisiún na Talmhan sásta, agus gur dhineadar a ngnóthaí do réir na rialacha no an dintiúra san, agus nár dhineadar agus nár cheaduíodar aon ghníomh 'na bhféadfí glana suas gnótha no scur do dhéanamh ar an gCumann no an cólucht d'iontaobhaithe d'fhógairt gnóbhriste no neamh-fhiach-acfuinneach, déanfar tar éis an lae cheaptha, na tailte do dhílsiú sa Chumann no sa chólucht d'iontaobhaithe le hordú dílsiúcháin no ar a mhalairt de chuma.


(2) Más rud é nách deimhin le Coimisiún na Talmhan gur có-líonadh na coiníollacha deiridh sin agus go bhfaisneoid san ar an gcuma orduithe, ansan stadfidh agus críochnóidh ar fad an cál a bhí ag an gCumann no ag an gcólucht d'iontaobhaithe chun na dtailte, agus coinneoidh Coimisiún na Talmhan na tailte, chó maith is dá mba tailte nea-thionóntuithe iad a dílseofí i gCoimisiún na Talmhan fé fhorálacha Cuid II. den Acht so.


Neambaint Ciste na gCostaisí.

56.—Na forálacha atá i gCuid I. den Acht so i dtaobh Ciste na gCostaisí, ní bhainfid le himeachta fén gCuid seo den Acht so.




Rialacha i dtaobh clárú dhéanamh tar éis gabháltaisí do mhalairtiú.

57.—(1) Féadfar rialacha do dhéanamh fé alt a ceathair déag is cheithre fichid den Acht Chlárathacht Áitiúil Teideal (Éirinn), 1891 (dá ngairmtear Acht 1891 sa Chuid seo den Acht so) rialacha le n-a regealálfar an nós-imeachta a cleachtfar i gcúrsaí clárú do dhéanamh ar thailte le n-a ndeighleálfar fé sna forálacha den Acht so a bhaineann le malairtiú gabháltaisí, agus rialacha le n-a leagfar amach pé modh clárathachta agus le n-a ndéanfar ar aon achtachán a bhaineann le clárú pé oiriúnuithe no atharuithe is gá chun na forálacha roimhráite do chur in éifeacht.


(2) Ní bhainfidh Alt a trí déag is cheithre fichid d'Acht 1891 (a bhaineann le conus a cuirfar an Ciste Arachais) le cailliúint a thiocfidh as éinní do dhéanamh i bhfeidhmiú na bhforálacha roimh-ráite den Acht so ná i bhfeidhmiú na rialacha a déanfar fén alt so.


Comhacht chun tailte do chlárú fé theideal mhaoluithe no shealbhach.

58.—(1) Sa chás nár dineadh clárú ar únaereacht tailimh ’na bhfuil sé oblagáideach fé Acht 1891 é do chlárú, féadfidh Coimisiún na Talmhan no Coimisinéirí Oibreacha Puiblí na hÉireann na mion-innste orduithe do thabhairt do Chlárathóir na dTeideal i dtaobh an tailimh sin cho maith le hainm an duine a chífar dóibh a bheith i seilbh an tailimh sin, agus leis sin déanfidh an t-údarás clárathachta an duine sin do chlárú mar únaer don talamh san fé theideal mhaoluithe no shealbhach.


(2) An chéad chlárú a déanfar ar aon duine mar lán-únaer no mar pháirt-únaer fé theideal shealbhach, beidh an éifeacht chéanna aige a bhíonn ag an gcéad chlárú a dintar ar dhuine mar lán-únaer no mar pháirt-únaer fé Acht 1891, ach amháin ná déanfidh clárú fé theideal shealbhach difir ná dochar d'fheidhmiú aon estáit, cirt ná leasa atá i gcoinnibh teidil an chéad únaera chláruithe no a luíoduíonn é, no a bheidh ar bith no a fhéadfadh eirghe agus an chéad chlárú san á dhéanamh.


(3) An chéad chlárú a déanfar ar aon duine mar lán-únaer no mar pháirt-únaer fé theideal mhaoluithe beidh an éifeacht chéanna aige a bhíonn ag an gcéad chlárú a dintar ar dhuine mar lán-únaer no mar pháirt-únaer fé Acht 1891, ach amháin ná déanfidh clárú fé theideal mhaoluithe difir ná dochar d'fheidhmiú aon estáit, cirt ná leasa a chífar ón gclár a bheith saor o éifeacht clárathachta.


(4) Féadfidh an t-únaer cláruithe agus pé daoine eile a bheidh orduithe a iarraidh ar an údarás clárathachta aon uair an lánteideal chun na dtailte do dhéanamh amach, agus na hualaí atá ortha agus na cirt agus an cál atá ag daoine chucha d'iontráil ar an gclár, pé méid díobh nár dhin clárú na húnaereachta, fé theideal shealbhach no mhaoluithe, difir ná dochar dóibh, agus leis sin déanfidh an t-údarás clárathachta na hualaí, na cirt agus na cálanna san d'fháil amach agus d'iontráil ar an gclár, agus cuirfe sé ar neamh-ní ar an gclár an clárú fé theideal mhaoluithe no shealbhach, agus leis sin beidh ag an gclárú an éifeacht chéanna a bhíonn ag an gclárú a dintar ar lán-únaer no ar pháirt-únaer fé Acht 1891.


Ar scrúdú aon iarratais áirithe, má fachtar nách féidir ach clárú fé theideal mhaoluithe do dhéanamh, féadfar clárú fén dteideal san do dhéanamh.


(5) Féadfar rialacha fé Acht 1891 do dhéanamh chun intinn an ailt seo do chur in éifeacht agus isé rud a chialluíonn an focal “orduithe” san alt so ná orduithe leis na rialacha san. Ní bheidh táillí oifige len-íoc as an gcéad chlárú a déanfar ar aon teideal fén alt so.


(6) An chomhacht atá ag an gCúirt no ag Coimisiún na Talmhan fé fho-alt (2) d'alt a ceathair déag ar fhichid d'Acht 1891, agus fé fho-alt (3) d'alt a dó den Acht Dlí Thalmhan (Éirinn), 1896, chun earráidí a dineadh i gclárú tailimh do cheartú, agus chun an clár agus an t-ordú dílsiúcháin no an fiat do cheartú más dó leo gur féidir an earráid do cheartú gan díobháil d'éinne, folóidh sí comhacht chun an dá shaghas ceartuithe sin do dhéanamh d'ainneoin díobháil do theacht as do dhuine éigin, ar pé téarmaí agus coiníollacha a chífar don Chuirt no do Choimisiún na Talmhan a bheith cothrom agus beidh cúiteamh sa díobháil sin ar cheann acu más gá é.


Combacht chun talamh a tógadh fé Achtanna na nOibrithe do chlárú fé theideal mhaoluithe no shealbhach.

59.—Sa chás gur dineadh aon uair talamh do thógaint fé Achtanna na nOibrithe (Éirinn), 1883 go 1919, déanfidh an t-údarás clárathachta, ar iarratas ar an gcuma orduithe o aon chólucht puiblí a dheabhróidh a bheith i seilbh an tailimh sin, an cólucht puiblí sin do chlárú mar únaerí don talamh san fé theideal shealbhach no mhaoluithe, agus na forálacha den Chuid seo den Acht so a bhaineann le daoine a clárófar amhlaidh fén alt san bainfid le clárú fén alt so.


Tar éis bháis d'únaer an talamh a haithdhíoladh leis do thuitim.

60.—D'ainneoin forálacha fo-ailt (6) d'alt a trí den Acht Talmhan Éireannach, 1903, gach talamh a haith-dhíoladh no a haith-dhíolfar ina dhiaidh seo le húnaer an tailimh sin fé fhorálacha an ailt sin, no a haith-dhíolfar le húnaer an tailimh sin fén Acht so beidh sé fé réir na bhforálacha de Chuid IV. d'Acht 1891 a bhaineann le talamh saor-choinneála cláruithe do thuitim chun daoine.


Clárú ar únaer ainmnithe.

61.—Sá chás ina ndéanfidh Coimisiún na Talmhan duine d'ainmniú chun bheith in'únaer ar ghabháltas fé sna comhachta a bronntar le fo-alt (1) (c) d'alt a ceathair déag is dachad den Acht Talmhan Éireannach, 1903, clárofar an duine sin mar únaer ar an ngabháltas fé réir pé éilithe agus muirir a bhainfadh le hestát no leas ionadaí pearsanta an únaera mhairbh, agus leis sin féadfidh na daoine eile na bhfuil cál acu chun na ngabháltaisí a iarraidh ar an údarás clárathachta ar an gcuma orduithe a chur fé ndeár go ndéanfar eolas do chur ar a n-éilithe agus iad do chlárú mar mhuirir ar an ngabháltas.


Comhacht do Choimisiún na Talmhan chun aith-dhíol sara gclárófar a dteideal.

62.—D'ainneoin aon fhorálacha ina choinnibh sin atá sna hAchtanna Talamh-Cheannaigh, in Achtanna Bhórd na gCeanntar gCumhang (Éirinn), no in Acht 1891, féadfidh Coimisiún na Talmhan aon tailte a dílsíodh ionta fé sna hAchtanna Talamh-Cheannaigh, no mar chomharbaí do Bhórd na gCeanntar gCumhang in Éirinn, féadfid iad d'aith-dhíol gan a bheith cláruithe mar únaerí ortha fé Acht 1891.


Má éagann ceannathóir sara ndintar dílsiú ná clárú.

63.—(1) Más rud é, sara bhfeidhmítear ordú dílsiúcháin no fiat, go dtiocfidh an bás ar an duine gurb ann a cialluítear a dílsítear na tailte a luaidhtear san Ordú no sa bhFiat san, ní bheidh an tOrdú no an Fiat san gan brí dá dheascaibh sin, ach beidh sé éifeachtúil chun na tailte sin do dhílsiú, agus tuigfar go raibh sé riamh á ndílsiú, in ionadaí pearsanta an duine sin (tar éis a cheaptha) chun pé úsáidí agus ar pé iontaobhaisí a bheadh gearrtha amach do sna tailte sin dá mbeidís dílsithe sa duine sin díreach roimh bhás do.


(2) An chéad chlárú a déanfar ar thalamh 'na bhfuil sé oblagáideach fé Acht 1891 é do chlárú, beidh sé agus tuigfar go raibh sé riamh in' iontráil dleathach ar na tailte a dineadh ar an gclár fén Acht san, agus beidh san amhlaidh d'ainneoin an t-únaer a bheith marbh ar dháta an chéad chláruithe sin agus an té ’na mbeidh teideal aige chun na dtailte ar fháil bháis don únaer sin a fuair bás iontrálfar ar an gclár é mar únaer nuair a hiarriar san ar an údarás clárathachta.




Cosc le cíosanna cúirte do cheapa.

64.—Tar éis rithte an Achta so ní cuirfar ar an liost chun é d'éisteacht ná ní cuirfar ar fíl aon iarratas ná connra chun cíos cúirte do cheapa fé sna hAchtanna Dlí Thalmhan (Éirinn) i gcóir aon ghabháltais.


Cosc le fo-roinnt agus le cur ar cíos.

65.—(1) Sa chás ina ndéanfidh Coimisiún na Talmhan roimhíoc, tar éis dáta rithte an Achta so, chun gabháltas no paiste talmhan do cheannach, ní dhéanfidh únaer an ghabháltais no an phaiste talmhan san an céanna d'fho-roinnt ná do chur ar cíos gan cead o Choimisiún na Talmhan agus gach fo-roinnt no cur ar cíos 'na dtabharfar fé contrárdha don bhforáil seo beidh sé gan brí in aghaidh cách agus ar dhéanamh a leithéide dílseoidh an gabháltas no an paiste talmhan i gCoimisiún na Talmhan más maith leo féin é.


(2) I gcás aon ghabháltais atá fé aon mhuirir mar gheall ar bhlianacht i bhfabhar do Bhórd na nOibreacha, blianacht a cruthnuíodh do réir Acht na dTiarnaí agus na dTionóntaí, 1870, déanfar ath-ghairm ar oiread den 44adh alt agus den 45adh alt den Acht san agus choisceann aistriú, sana, fo-roinnt no fo-chur ar cíos do dhéanamh, gan cead ón mBórd, ar ghabháltas fé mhuirear den tsórt a luaidhtear sna hailt sin, agus adeir, má sáruítear an cosc san, go gcáinficfar na gabháltaisí chun an Bhúird, agus déanfar ath-ghairm, leis, ar oiread d'alt 2 d'Acht na dTiarnaí agus na d'Tionóntaí (Éirinn), 1872, agus bhaineann le gabháltaisí do dhíol in ionad iad do cháinfice, agus na coisceanna le fo-roinnt agus le cur ar cíos atá i bhfo-alt (1) den alt so bainfid le gach gabháltas den tsórt san fé mar a bheidís sna hAchtanna san de 1870 agus de 1872, ach san ar feadh na haimsire sin amháin 'na mbeidh gan íoc aon chuid den bhlianacht atá de mhuirear ar an ngabháltas san.


(3) Sa chás ina ndéanfidh an t-únaer a gabháltas d'fho-roinnt ar feadh tréimhse teoranta mar oiriúnaíocht dá theaghlach no ar aon chúis eile den tsórt san, féadfidh Coimisiún na Talmhan o am go ham, le rialacháin ghenerálta, údarás do thabhairt don údarás clárathachta clárú do dhéanamh ar an té a dhéanfidh éileamh fé aon instruim a dhin an t-únaer agus le n-ar cruthnuíodh an fho-roinnt shealadach san agus tuigfar iad do bheith ag aontú le haon fho-roinnt a cuireadh in éifeacht tré n-a clárú do réir na rialachán san.


Gabháltaisí do chur le chéile.

66.—(1) Féadfidh Coimisiún na Talmhan le cead o únaer cláruithe dhá ghabháltas no níos mó, atá fé bhlianachtaí ceannaigh, na gabháltaisí agus na blianachtaí do chur le chéile do réir rialachán a dhéanfidh an tAire Airgid.


(2) In aon chás ina dtuigtar, do réir fo-alt (3) d'alt 67 den Acht Talmhan Éireannach, 1903, gurb aon ghabháltas amháin gabháltas atá fé bhlianacht cheannaigh agus roinnt tailimh atá fé mhuirear chuid de bhlianacht cheannaigh eile, tuigfar gurb aon bhlianacht cheannaigh amháin an bhlianacht cheannaigh agus an chuid de bhlianacht cheannaigh eile agus cuirfar le chéile íad do réir rialachán a dhéanfidh an tAire Airgid.


Comhacht chun ionadaí ceannathóra d'ainmniú.

67.—Sa chás gur dhin tionónta gabháltais no go dtuigfar gur dhin sé connra ceannaigh agus, de dheascaibh tionónta d'fháil bháis no do bheith ar iarraidh no ar aon chúis eile, gur deacair a fháil amach cé ann go bhfuil tionóntacht an ghabháltais dílsithe, féadfidh Coimisiún na Talmhan duine d'ainmniú chun bheith in’ ionadaí don tionónta chun crícheanna an díola, agus féadfid an gabháltas do dhílsiú ann dá réir sin, ach an cál a dílseofar amhlaidh beidh sé ina ghreamú ar chál an tionónta agus an ionadaí in ar dílsíodh an gabháltas, agus beidh sé fé réir aon chearta no cothroma a thiocfidh as é do bheith ina ghreamú amhlaidh.


Daoine fé mhíchumas.

68.—Gach éinne go dtuigfar, chun crícheanna an Achta so, connra ceannaigh do bheith déanta aige, tuigfar go raibh ar a chumas an connra san do dhéanamh in ainneoin é do bheith fé bhun aoise infheadhma no ina gheilt, no fé aon mhí-chumas eile fé n-a raibh sé.


Roimh-íocanna le hiontaobhaithe i gcóir curadóireachta.

69.—(1) Leathanófar forálacha altanna 4 agus 20 den Acht Talmhan Éireannach, 1903, agus forálacha alt 18 den Acht Talmhan Éireannach, 1909, i dtreo go mbeidh curadóireacht ar ní de sna nithe 'na bhféadfar roimh-íocanna do dhéanamh ina gcóir fé sna hailt sin agus beidh sé dleathach don Aire um Thalmhaíocht scéimeanna do leasú agus do chur le chéile chun an churadóireacht do chur ar áireamh na nithe sin.


(2) Beidh gan éifeacht pé méid d'alt 20 den Acht Talmhan Éireannach, 1903, le n-a n-éilítear forálacha i dtaobh athchomharcanna chun an Lord Lieutenant do chur in aon scéim den tsórt san agus pé méid d'aon scéim le n-a ndintar forálacha i dtaobh athchomharcanna den tsórt san, agus na comhachta eile adeirtar sna hailt sin a bheith infheidhmithe ag an Lord Lieutenant agus ag Roinn na Talmhaíochta isé an tAire um Thalmhaíocht a fheidhmeoidh iad i gcás gach scéime atá ann cheana cho maith le cás roimh-íocanna agus scéimeanna a thiocfidh.


(3) Einne ar a ngoillfidh aon ghníomh no faillí a dhin aon iontaobhaithe agus scéim chun úsáide tailimh acu á chur in éifeacht, scéim a cumadh no a ceaduíodh fé alt 20 den Acht Talmhan Éireannach, 1903, féadfa sé imeachta do bhunú sa Chúirt Chontae, le bille síbhialta cothruim, chun iontaobhaisí na scéime do chur i bhfeidhm, agus leathfidh údarás na Cúirte Contae chun na n-imeachta san in ainneoin luach bliantúil an tailimh fé sna hiontaobhaisí do bheith os cionn deich fichead púnt.


(4) Beidh sé dleathach do Chomhairle Chontae-Bhuirge no do Chomhairle Bhaile-Cheanntair no do Choimisinéirí Baile aon phaiste talmhan do cheannach fé alt 4 den Acht Talmhan Éireannach, 1903, chun aon chríche dá luaidhtear san alt san fé mar a leathnuíodh le fo-alt (1) den alt so é, ach amháin chun crícheanna Achtanna na nOibrithe (Éirinn), 1883 go 1896, agus féadfidh aon Chomhairle no Coimisinéirí Baile den tsórt san gníomhú mar iontaobhaithe chun na gcrícheanna san agus féadfid roimh-íocanna d'fháil chun an ceannach do dhéanamh, agus bainfidh forálacha alt 18 den Acht Talmhan Éireannach, 1909, le haon cheannach den tsórt san fé mar a bheadh Comhairlí Contae-Bhuirge, Comhairlí Baile-Cheanntair agus Coimisinéirí Baile luaidhte san alt san.


Na suimeanna theastóidh chun íoctha na dtráth-choda den bhlianacht cheannaigh a bheidh ar thailte a cheannóidh Comhairle Chontae-Bhuirge no Comhairle Bhaile-Cheanntair fén alt so, is amach as ráta na mbocht a híocfar iad, agus amach as ráta an bhaile i gcás tailte a cheannóidh Coimisinéirí Baile fén alt so.


An lá ceaptha.

70.—Chun crícheanna an Achta so isé an lá ceaptha ná pé lá no laethanta a cheapfidh Coimisiún na Talmhan agus féadfar laethanta difriúla do cheapa i gcóir forálacha difriúla agus crícheanna difriúla an Achta so agus i gcóir gabháltaisí difriúla no grúpaí difriúla de ghabháltaisí agus paistí difriúla de thalamh nea-thionóntuithe no grúpaí difriúla de phaistí talmhan nea-thionóntuithe.


Caillfidh forálacha áirithe de sheanachtacháin a n-éifeacht.

71.—(1) Tar éis rithte an Achta so, imeoidh an éifeacht as fo-alt (3) d'alt 72 den Acht Talmhan Éireannach, 1903, agus as fo-alt (1) d'alt 29 agus as fo-alt (3) d'alt 30 den Acht Talmhan Éireannach, 1909, maidir le feabhsuithe a bheidh déanta ag Bord na gCeanntar gCumhang no Coimisiún na Talmhan.


(2) Cho fada is théigheann talamh a cheannaigh Coimisiún na Talmhan no Bord na gCeanntar gCumhang fé aon Acht roimh an Acht so, caillfidh forálacha fo-ailt (3) d'alt 36 agus fo-ailt (2) d'alt 72 den Acht Talmhan Éireannach, 1903, caillfid a n-éifeacht, tar éis rithte an Achta so, sa mhéid go mbainid le híocaíocta ar cuntas ciste fiach-luíoduithe tar éis cúig bliana bheith caithte o am talamh do dhílsiú i gCoimisiún na Talmhan no o am Bord na gCeanntar gCumhang do cheannach talmhan.


Comhachta do Bhord na nOibreacha chun blianachtaí do roinnt.

72.—Na comhachta a bronnadh ar Choimisiún na Talmhan le fo-alt (3) d'alt 38 den Acht Dlí Thalmhan (Éirinn), 1896, mar a leathnuíodh é le fo-alt (1) d'alt 67 den Acht Talmhan Éireannach, 1903, comhachta chun blianacht do roinnt no fiachas blianachta do bhaint de chuid de ghabháltas, féadfidh Coimisinéirí na nOibreacha Puiblí iad d'fheidhmiú i dtaobh blianachta a cuireadh ina muirear ar ghabháltas in aisíoc roimhíoca a dhin na Coimisinéirí sin chun an gabháltas san do cheannach do réir Acht na dTiarnaí agus na dTionóntaí (Éirinn), 1870.



73.—(1) San Acht so, mara n-éilíonn an có-théacs a mhalairt, isé rud a chialluíonn “connartha ceannaigh déanacha” ná connartha a dhin Coimisiún na Talmhan no a dineadh leo no a tuigtar a dhineadar no a tuigtar a dineadh leo ar dháta rithte an Achta so no dá éis sin:


Ach áireofar gur connartha ceannaigh a dineadh roimh dháta rithte an Achta so agus nách connartha ceannaigh déanacha aon chonnartha ceannaigh a déanfar aon uair tar éis do Choimisiún na Talmhan aith-dhíol do dhéanamh ar thalamh a cheannuigh Coimisiún Talmhan na hÉireann no Bord na gCeanntar gCumhang in Éirinn no d'aontuíodar a cheannach, roimh dháta rithte an Achta so.


(2) Isé rud a chialluíonn an focal “talamh tionóntuithe” ná talamh ar seilbh fé chonnra tionóntachta nách deontas feirmdhílse, ná léas síor-ionathnuachainte ar feadh saolta no blianta, ná léas ar feadh téarma de bhlianta 'na bhfuil trí fichid no níos mó dhíobh gan caitheamh ar dháta rithte an Achta so, ná cur ar cíos chun innir, chun féaraíochta, no chun curadóireachta go ceann tamaill, no chun áise sealadaí, no i gcóir riachtanais shealadaigh, agus is dá réir sin a léireofar an focal “talamh nea-thionóntuithe”:


Ach sa chás gur dhin talamh tionóntuithe, mar a mínítear thuas é, de thalamh de bharr connra tionóntachta nárb athnuachaint ar sheana-thionóntacht agus a dineadh ar an gcéad lá de Mheán Fhomhair naoi gcéad déag a dó fichead, no dá éis sin, ansan—


(a) más i gcontae ceanntracha cumhanga don ghabháltas, tuigfar an tionóntacht do bheith gan brí i gcoinnibh Coimisiún na Talmhan má fhaisníonn Coimisiún na Talmhan amhlaidh roimh an lá ceaptha agus dílseoidh an gabháltas i gCoimisiún na Talmhan mar thalamh nea-thionóntuithe agus beidh iníoctha leis an tionónta pé cúiteamh a fhaisneoidh an Coimisinéir Breithiúntais a bheith ag dul do mar gheall ar aon tsuimeanna a chaith sé le feabhsuithe. Le Bannaí Talmhan 4½ per cent. a híocfar an cúiteamh san; agus


(b) más in aon áit eile don ghabháltas is mar thalamh tionóntuithe a háireofar an talamh chun críche na bhforálacha san den Acht so le n-a ndílsítear talamh tionóntuithe i gCoimisiún na Talmhan, ach amháin i gcúrsaí a phraghais, ach ní díolfar é fén Acht so leis an tionónta mara ndeimhneoidh Coimisiún na Talmhan gur chuaidh cruthnú na tionóntachta chun leasa don tír. Má dheimhníonn Coimisiún na Talmhan amhlaidh déanfar amach an praghas fé mar a bheadh an talamh ina thalamh thionóntuithe, ach mara ndeimhneoidh Coimisiún na Talmhan amhlaidh déanfar amach an praghas fé mar a bheadh an talamh ina thalamh nea-thionóntuithe.


(3) Ciallóidh an focal “na hAchtanna Talamh-Cheannaigh” an ní a chialluíonn sé san Acht Talmhan Éireannach, 1909, ach amháin go bhfolóidh sé, in aon áit ina lomhálann an cóthéacs é, aon Acht a ritheadh in a dhiaidh sin agus atá i bhfeidhm anois agus 'nar ceart, do réir a théarmaí, é do léiriú mar éinní amháin leis na hAchtanna Talamh-Cheannaigh agus leis an Acht so, agus ciallóidh an focal “na hAchtanna Dlí Thalmhan” agus “Achtanna Bhórd na gCeanntar gCumhang (Éirinn)” an ní a chialluíonn sé san Acht Talmhan Éireannach, 1909.


(4) Isé rud a chialluíonn an focal “cumhangracht do leigheas” ná talamh do sholáthar chun furtacht do thabhairt do dhuine no do dhaoine go bhfuil gabháltas no gabháltaisí acu ná tugann slí bheatha dhóibh no do dhuine no do dhaoine gur tógadh a ghabháltas no a ngabháltaisí chun furtacht do thabhairt do dhaoine go bhfuil gabháltaisí acu ná tugann slí bheatha dhóibh.


Comhacht don Ard-Chomhairle chun achtacháin d'oiriúnú.

74.—Chun an tAcht so do chur in éifeacht féadfidh an Ard-Chomhairle, le h-Ordú, pé oiriúnuithe is dó leo is riachtanach no is ceart do dhéanamh ar aon achtachán, i dtaobh Ceannach Talmhan in Éirinn, a ritheadh sarar ritheadh an tAcht so, maraon le hoiriúnuithe ar achtacháin a bhaineann le díolacháin éstáití fé mar is gá chun an céanna do chur i mbaint le díolacháin gabháltaisí no paistí de thalamh nea-thionóntuithe.


Deire do chur le deacrachtaí.

75.—Má bhaineann aon deacracht le n-a dhéanamh amach cadé an talamh a dílsítear i gCoimisiún na Talmhan de bhua an Achta so, no le héinní eile chun an tAcht so do chur in éifeacht, féadfidh an Ard-Chomhairle, le hOrdú, údarás do thabhairt do Choimisiún na Talmhan chun gach ní do dhéanamh is dó leo is gá no is oiriúnach a dhéanamh chun an tAcht so do chur in éifeacht, agus beidh éifeacht ag aon Ordú den tsórt san fé mar a hachtófaí san Acht so é.


Comhacht chun rialacha do dhéanamh.

76.—Féadfidh Coimisiún na Talmhan, tar éis comhairle do ghlaca le hUachtarán Dlí-Chumann Ionchorpruithe na hÉireann, rialacha do dhéanamh chun forálacha an Achta so do chur in éifeacht, agus mara n-éilíonn an có-théacs a mhalairt, isé rud a chialluíonn an téarma “orduithe” san Acht so ná orduithe le rialacha a déanfar fén alt so:


Ar choinníoll i gcomhnaí go leagfar fé bhráid gach Tighe den Oireachtas, sa mhéid go mbainid le leigheas cumhangrachta, aon Rialacha Cúirte a déanfar chun forálacha an Achta so do chur in éifeacht, agus má dhineann aon Tigh díobh, laistigh de lá is fiche tar éis na Rialacha Cúirte sin do leaga ar an mbord, rún do rith chun na Rialacha Cúirte sin do chur ar nea-mbrí, beidh na Rialacha Cúirte sin ar nea-mbrí, ach ní dhéanfidh an nea-mbríochaint sin díth dleathachta ná dochar d'aon rud ná éinní a dineadh roimhe sin fé sna Rialacha Cúirte sin.


Airgead do sholáthar chun an tAcht so do chur in éifeacht.

77.—Gach airgead a theastóidh o Choimisiún na Talmhan chun a gcomhachta d'fheidhmiú fén Acht so no ar aon tslí eile chun an tAcht so do chur in éifeacht, amach as airgead a sholáthróidh an tOireachtas isea a híocfar é, oiread agus cheadóidh an tAire Airgid (ach amháin sa mhéid go bhforáltar go speisialta leis an Acht so a leithéid d'airgead do sholáthar ar a mhalairt de shlí).



78.—Na hAchtanna a luaidhtear sa dara sceideal don Acht so ath-ghairmtear leis seo iad sa mhéid a luaidhtear sa tríú colún den sceideal san.


Gearr-Theideal agus Léiriú.

79.—Féadfar an tAcht Talmhan, 1923, do ghairm den Acht so, agus léireofar é mar éinní amháin leis na hAchtanna Dlí Thalmhan, na hAchtanna Talamh-Cheannaigh, agus Achtanna Bhord na gCeanntar gCumhang (Éirinn), agus féadfar é do luadh i dteannta na nAcht san.




Gabháltaisí fé Chíosanna Cúirte.

I gcás gach gabháltais isé méid a bheidh sa riail-bhlianacht cheannaigh ná méid is ionann agus oiread áirithe fén gcéad den chíos chúirte is iníoctha ar an ngabháltas, eadhon,

(a) i gcás cíosanna a socruíodh roimh 16adh Lúnasa, 1911

65 per cent.

(b) i gcás cíosanna a socruíodh tar éis an 15adh Lúnasa, 1911

70 per cent.

Acht i gcás gabháltais atá fé chíos cúirte a socruíodh tré réiteach nuair a cuireadh thar n-ais ann tionónta a caitheadh amach as no gur caitheadh amach as an té a bhí i dteideal roimhe, déanfar, ar a iarraidh sin don tiarna talmhan no don tionónta laistigh den aimsir orduithe agus ar an gcuma orduithe, déanfar an riail-bhlianacht cheannaigh do shocrú do réir forálacha Chuid II. den sceideal so fé is dá mba nár chíos cúirte an cíos.


Gabháltaisí fé chíosanna nách Cíosanna Cúirte.

1. I gcás gach gabháltais le n-a mbaineann an chuid seo den sceideal so isé méid a bheidh sa riail-bhlianacht cheannaigh ná—

(a) an méid ar a réiteofar má réitíonn an tiarna talmhan agus an tionónta ina thaobh ar an slí orduithe agus laistigh den aimsir orduithe; agus

(b) mara réiteoidh an tiarna talmhan agus an tionónta ina thaobh, pé méid a shocróidh Coimisiún na Talmhan (ach gan an Coimisinéir Breithiúntais d'áireamh ortha) ach go bhféadfar athchomharc do dhéanamh chun an Choimisineura Bhreithiúntais ina choinnibh agus ní bheidh dul thar a bhreith sin.

2. Socróidh Coimisiún na Talmhan an bhlianacht ar thuairisc a gCigire agus gan an chúis d'éisteacht i gCúirt, agus tabharfid aire do chineál agus do shuidheamh an ghabháltais, don dáta ar ar thosnaigh an tionóntacht, don chíos is iníoctha fén tionóntacht, agus do gach ní a bhaineann leis an gcás.

3. Baineann an chuid seo den sceideal so le gach gabháltas (a) atá, ar dháta rithte an Achta so, fé chíos nách cíos cúirte agus (b) atá no a bheidh dílsithe, mar thalamh thionóntuithe, i gCoimisiún na Talmhan fén Acht so.


Siosón agus Caibideal.


Méid na hAth-ghairmo.

54 & 55 Vic. C. 48

An tAcht um Cheannach Talmhan (Éirinn), 1891.

Alt 37, fo-alt (3)

3 Ed. VII. C. 23

Acht Deontas Fássaothrúchán na hÉireann, 1903.

An tAcht go léir.

3 Ed. VII. C. 37

An tAcht Talmhan Éireannach, 1903.

Alt 49, na focail “or any purchaser from them.”

Alt 53.

Alt 54, fo-alt (1) (c) na focail “or vested in more than one person,” agus

fo-altanna (2), (3) agus (4).

Alt 56, fo-alt (3).

6 Ed. VII. C. 37

Acht na nOibrithe (Éirinn), 1906.

Alt 19. O sna focail “Provided that” go deire an Ailt.

7 Ed. VII. C. 38

An tAcht Talmhan Éireannach, 1907.

Alt 2.

7 Ed. VII. C. 56

Acht na dTionóntaí Dísheilbhithe (Éirinn), 1907.

Alt 3.

9 Ed. VII. C. 42

An tAcht Talmhan Éireannach, 1909.

Alt 16, fo-alt (1).