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Uimhir 9 de 1962.



[An tiontú oifigiúil.]



Réamhráiteach agus Ginearálta


Gearrtheideal agus tosach feidhme.

1.—(1) Féadfar an tAcht Cróinéirí, 1962, a ghairm den Acht seo.


(2) Tiocfaidh an tAcht seo i ngníomh cibé lá a cheapfaidh an tAire chuige sin le hordú.



1926, Uimh. 39.

2.—San Acht seo—


folaíonn “cróinéir”, ach amháin in ailt 6, 7, 8, 10, 11, 16 agus 59, duine arna cheapadh faoi fho-alt (2) d'alt 5 d'Acht na nUdarás nAitiúil (Oifigigh agus Fostaithe), 1926, mar a thugtar feidhm dó le halt 8 den Acht seo, chun oifig chróinéara a líonadh go sealadach;


tá le “leas-chróinéir” an bhrí a thugtar dó le halt 13 den Acht seo;


ciallaíonn “údarás áitiúil” comhairle chontae nó bardas contaebhuirge;


ciallaíonn“an tAire” an tAire Dlí agus Cirt;


ciallaíonn an briathar “forordú”, ach amháin mar a n-éilíonn an comhthéacs a mhalairt, forordú le rialacháin a dhéanfaidh an tAire faoin Acht seo;


ciallaíonn “lia-chleachtóir cláraithe” duine atá cláraithe, ar shlí seachas go sealadach nó go díomuan, faoi Achtanna na Lia-Chleachtóirí, 1927 go 1961, i gClár na Lia-Chleachtóirí d'Éirinn.



3.—(1) Féadfaidh an tAire rialacháin a dhéanamh maidir le haon ní dá dtagraítear san Acht seo mar ní a fhorordaítear nó atá le forordú.


(2) Gach rialachán a dhéanfaidh an tAire faoin Acht seo leagfar é faoi bhráid gach Tí den Oireachtas a luaithe is féidir tar éis a dhéanta agus, má dhéanann ceachtar Teach acu sin, laistigh den lá is fiche a shuífidh an Teach sin tar éis an rialachán a leagan faoina bhráid, rún a rith ag neamhniú an rialacháin, beidh an rialachán ar neamhní dá réir sin ach sin gan dochar do bhailíocht aon ní a rinneadh roimhe sin faoin rialachán.



4.—Déanfar, a mhéid a cheadóidh an tAire Airgeadais é, na caiteachais faoina rachaidh an tAire ag riaradh an Achta seo a íoc as airgead a sholáthróidh an tOireachtas.



5.—Déantar leis seo na hachtacháin a shonraítear sa Sceideal a ghabhann leis an Acht seo a aisghairm a mhéid a luaitear sa tríú colún den Sceideal.


Cróinéirí agus Ceantair Chróinéirí


Ceantair chróinéirí.

6.—(1) Faoi réir fho-alt (2) den alt seo, faoi réir forálacha aon ordaithe faoi fho-alt (3) den alt seo agus faoi réir alt 7 den Acht seo, is ionann ceantair chróinéirí an Stáit agus na ceantair chróinéirí a bhí ann díreach roimh thosach feidhme an Achta seo.


(2) Aireofar buirgí Chill Chainnigh, Chluain Meala, Dhroichead Atha agus Shligigh, faoi seach, i dteannta na limistéar arb é a bhí iontu, go dtí seo, ceantair chróinéirí Chontae Chill Chainnigh, Chontae Thiobrad Arann, an Trian Theas, Chontae Lúbhaidh agus Chontae Shligigh Thuaidh chun ceantair chróinéirí nua a dhéanamh.


(3) Féadfaidh an tAire an teorainn idir dhá cheantar chróinéirí thadhlacha arbh é an t-údarás áitiúil céanna a cheap na cróinéirí dóibh a athrú le hordú arna dhéanamh tar éis dul i gcomhairle leis an Aire Rialtais Áitiúil agus le toiliú cróinéirí na gceantar sin.


(4) Nuair a tharlóidh folúntas i gceantar cróinéara a bhfuil cuid de laistigh de chontae-bhuirg, scoirfidh an chuid sin air sin de bheith ina cuid den cheantar sin agus cónascfar é leis an gceantar ina bhfuil an chuid eile den chontae-bhuirg, agus tiocfaidh an cróinéir dó sin chun bheith ina chróinéir don cheantar a bhunófar amhlaidh agus arb é iomlán na contae-bhuirge é.


(5) Beidh éifeacht ag alt 10 den Acht seo i gcás ina mbunófar ceantar cróinéara faoi fho-alt (4) den alt seo ionann is dá mba chónascadh faoi scéim faoi alt 7 den Acht seo an bunú sin, agus, chun na críche sin, forléireofar na tagairtí atá i bhfo-alt (1) agus (9) den alt sin 10 do scéim faoin alt sin 7 a theacht i bhfeidhm mar thagairtí do cheantar a bhunú faoi fho-alt (4) den alt seo.


Ceantair a chónascadh.

7.—(1) Nuair a scoirfidh cróinéir de bheith i seilbh oifige, féadfaidh an t-údarás áitiúil a cheap é, in ionad comharba air a cheapadh, agus déanfaidh siad má cheanglaíonn an tAire orthu é, scéim a chur faoi bhráid an Aire chun a cheantar nó cuid dá cheantar a chónascadh le ceantar nó ceantair aon chróinéara nó cróinéirí eile a bheidh ceaptha ag an údarás áitiúil sin.


(2) Má dhéanann an tAire, tar éis dó dul i gcomhairle leis an Aire Rialtais Áitiúil, scéim faoin alt seo a cheadú, tiocfaidh an scéim i bhfeidhm cibé lá a chinnfidh an tAire.


Oifig chróinéara.

1926, Uimh. 39.

8.—(1) Beidh cróinéir ann do gach ceantar cróinéara.


(2) Is é an t-údarás áitiúil ar ina limistéar atá ceantar cróinéara a cheapfaidh an cróinéir don cheantar cróinéara sin.


(3) Beidh oifig chróinéara ina hoifig lena mbainfidh Acht na nUdarás nAitiúil (Oifigigh agus Fostaithe), 1926, agus beidh feidhm ag an Acht sin dá réir sin ach leis na modhnuithe seo a leanas:


(a) ciallóidh “an tAire” san Acht sin, maidir le hoifig chróinéara, an tAire Dlí agus Cirt,


(b) ní bheidh feidhm maidir le hoifig an chróinéara ag fo-alt (1) d'alt 5, ag fo-ailt (1) agus (2) d'alt 7 ná ag alt 11 den Acht sin,


(c) déanfaidh an tAire, tar éis dó dul i gcomhairle leis na Coimisinéirí um Cheapacháin Áitiúla, na cáilíochtaí maidir le haois, sláinte agus carachtar a bhainfidh le ceapadh d'oifig chróinéara a dhearbhú, go ginearálta nó i leith ceapacháin áirithe,


(d) déanfar an tagairt atá i bhfo-alt (3) d'alt 7 den Acht sin do cháilíochtaí a ordaítear faoin alt sin a fhorléiriú mar thagairt do cháilíochtaí a dhearbhófar faoi mhír (c) den fho-alt seo, agus


(e) gach duine a mholfar lena cheapadh d'oifig chróinéara, roghnófar é ar cibé modh agus i cibé slí is cuí leis na Coimisinéirí um Cheapacháin Áitiúla.


(4) Ní bheidh feidhm ag na modhnuithe a dhéantar le fo-alt (3) den alt seo i gcás cróinéir a cheapadh tar éis tosach feidhme an Achta seo más roimh an tosach feidhme sin a forordaíodh na cáilíochtaí le haghaidh an cheapacháin, agus déanfar an ceapachán ionann is nár ritheadh an tAcht seo.


(5) Sula molfaidh na Coimisinéirí um Cheapacháin Áitiúla duine lena cheapadh d'oifig chróinéara, déanfaidh siad deimhin de go bhfuil ag an duine sin an t-eolas agus an inniúlacht is gá chun dualgais na hoifige sin a chomhlíonadh go cuí.


Tuarastal cróinéara.

9.—(1) Íocfaidh an t-údarás áitiúil a cheap é le gach cróinéir cibé tuarastal a bheidh socraithe ó am go ham, le ceadú an Aire, ag an údarás áitiúil sin.


(2) Ní thabharfaidh an tAire aon cheadú faoin alt seo ach amháin tar éis dó dul i gcomhairle leis an Aire Rialtais Áitiúil.


(3) Áireofar i dtuarastal cróinéara aon chostais taistil agus cothaithe agus aon chostais-as-póca eile faoina rachaidh sé i gcúrsa a dhualgas mar chróinéir.


Tuarastal a athbhreithniú.

10.—(1) Laistigh de shé mhí tar éis scéim faoi alt 7 den Acht seo a theacht i bhfeidhm, déanfaidh an t-údarás áitiúil a íocann an tuarastal athbhreithniú ar thuarastal cróinéara ar méadaíodh a cheantar faoin scéim.


(2) Ar thuarastal a athbhreithniú faoin alt seo, déanfaidh an t-údarás áitiúil, faoi réir cheadú an Aire, cinneadh (dá ngairtear cinneadh sealadach san alt seo) go méadófar an tuarastal i slí shonraithe nó go ndaingneofar é.


(3) Údarás áitiúil a dhéanfaidh cinneadh sealadach cuirfidh siad téarmaí an chinnte in iúl don chróinéir lena mbainfidh an cinneadh laistigh de mhí tar éis a dhéanta.


(4) I gcás cróinéir a bheith míshásta le cinneadh sealadach. féadfaidh sé, laistigh de thrí mhí tar éis téarmaí an chinnte a chur in iúl dó, achomharc a dhéanamh ina choinne chun an Aire.


(5) I gcás ina ndéanfar achomharc i gcoinne cinneadh sealadach, díbhfidh an tAire an t-achomharc nó cinnfidh sé go méadófar i slí shonraithe an tuarastal a bheidh i gceist.


(6) Má dhéantar cinneadh sealadach agus nach ndéanfar achomharc ina choinne, nó go ndéanfar achomharc agus go ndíbhfear é, beidh an tuarastal a bheidh i gceist arna dhaingniú nó arna mhéadú de réir an chinnte.


(7) I gcás ina ndéanfar achomharc i gcoinne cinneadh sealadach agus, de thoradh an achomhairc, go gcinnfidh an tAire go méadófar an tuarastal a bheidh i gceist i slí shonraithe, beidh an tuarastal arna mhéadú amhlaidh.


(8) Más rud é go ndiúltóidh údarás áitiúil, ar a gceanglaítear leis an alt seo tuarastal cróinéara a athbhreithniú, an tuarastal a athbhreithniú nó más rud é, ar mhí a bheith caite tar éis deireadh na tréimhse ina gceanglaítear orthu an tuarastal a athbhreithniú, nach mbeidh téarmaí cinnte shealadaigh a rinne siad maidir leis an tuarastal curtha in iúl acu don chróinéir—


(a) féadfaidh an cróinéir a iarraidh ar an Aire an tuarastal a athbhreithniú,


(b) athbhreithneoidh an tAire an tuarastal agus ar an athbhreithniú sin a dhéanamh dó cinnfidh sé go méadófar an tuarastal i slí shonraithe nó go ndaingneofar é,


(c) beidh an tuarastal arna mhéadú nó arna dhaingniú dá bharr sin de réir chinneadh an Aire.


(9) Beidh éifeacht ag méadú tuarastail faoin alt seo amhail ón dáta a thiocfaidh an scéim iomchuí i bhfeidhm.


(10) Ní thabharfaidh an tAire ceadú, ná ní dhíbhfidh sé achomharc, ná ní dhéanfaidh sé athbhreithniú ná cinneadh, faoin alt seo, maidir le tuarastal, ach amháin tar éis dó dul i gcomhairle leis an Aire Rialtais Áitiúil.


Sealbhaíocht oifige chróinéara.

11.—(1) Gach cróinéir a cheapfar tar éis tosach feidhme an Achta seo, beidh sé, mura dtarlóidh roimhe sin go n-éagfaidh sé, go n-éireoidh sé as oifig nó go gcuirfear as oifig é, i seilbh oifige go dtí go slánóidh sé seachtó bliain d'aois.


(2) Ní bhainfidh fo-alt (1) den alt seo le cróinéir a cheapfar tar éis tosach feidhme an Achta seo i gcás inar forordaíodh roimh an tosach feidhme sin na cáilíochtaí le haghaidh a cheapacháin.


Ait chónaithe chróinéara.

12.—(1) Is ina cheantar a bheidh a ghnátháit chónaithe ag cróinéir.


(2) I gcás ina bhfaighidh cróinéir cead ón Aire (cead a fhéadfaidh an tAire a tharraingt siar am ar bith) a ghnátháit chónaithe a bheith aige in áit áirithe lasmuigh dá cheantar, measfar é a bheith ag comhlíonadh an cheanglais atá i bhfo-alt (1) den alt seo fad a bheidh a ghnátháit chónaithe aige san áit sin.



13.—(1) Ceapfaidh gach cróinéir duine a bheidh ceadaithe chuige sin ag an údarás áitiúil a cheap an cróinéir chun bheith ina ionadaí dó agus tabharfar leas-chróinéir ar an ionadaí agus sin é a ghairtear de san Acht seo.


(2) Féadfaidh cróinéir tráth ar bith ceapachán a bheidh déanta aige faoin alt seo a chúlghairm, ach ní bheidh éifeacht ag an gcúlghairm mura ndéanfaidh ná go dtí go ndéanfaidh sé leaschróinéir nua a cheapadh.


(3) Féadfaidh leas-chróinéir gníomhú don chróinéir a cheap é le linn an cróinéir a bheith breoite nó as láthair agus féadfaidh sé freisin gníomhú don chróinéir in aon ionchoisne a mbeidh an cróinéir dícháilithe faoin Acht seo chun é a chur ar bun mura rud é go mbeidh an leas-chróinéir féin dícháilithe faoin Acht seo chun an t-ionchoisne a chur ar bun.


(4) Aon uair a bheidh oifig chróinéara do cheantar cróinéara folamh, beidh éifeacht ag na forálacha seo a leanas:


(a) an duine (má b'ann) a bhí ina leas-chróinéir don cheantar sin díreach sular tharla an folúntas, fanfaidh sé, mura dtarlóidh roimhe sin go n-éagfaidh sé nó go n-éireoidh sé as oifig nó go gcuirfear as oifig é, i seilbh oifige mar leas-chróinéir don cheantar sin go dtí go mbeidh deireadh leis an bhfolúntas;


(b) fad a mhairfidh an folúntas beidh cumhachtaí agus dualgais uile an chróinéara don cheantar sin ag an leas-chróinéir don cheantar sin agus déanfaidh an t-údarás áitiúil ar ina limistéar a bheidh an ceantar an tuarastal céanna a íoc leis a bheadh iníoctha ag an údarás áitiúil sin leis an gcróinéir don cheantar sin dá bhfanfadh sé in oifig.


(5) (a) I gcás ina mbeidh cróinéir as láthair óna dhualgais le cead ón Aire, féadfaidh an tAire a údarú don leaschróinéir do cheantar an chróinéara sin na dualgais uile a bhaineann le hoifig an chróinéara sin a chomhlíonadh agus, le linn an t-údarás a bheith i bhfeidhm, measfar, chun críocha an Achta seo ach amháin alt 9, gurb é an leas-chróinéir is cróinéir don cheantar sin.


(b) Féadfaidh an tAire údarás a tugadh faoin bhfo-alt seo a chúlghairm.


(6) Fad a bheidh sé ag gníomhú mar chróinéir in ionad an chróinéara a cheap é, beidh dualgais agus cumhachtaí uile cróinéara ag leas-chróinéir.


(7) Is sa cheantar cróinéara ar leas-chróinéir dó é a bheidh a ghnátháit chónaithe ag leas-chróinéir.


(8) I gcás ina bhfaighidh leas-chróinéir cead ón Aire a ghnátháit chónaithe a bheith aige in áit áirithe lasmuigh de cheantar an chróinéara sin, measfar é a bheith ag comhlíonadh an cheanglais atá i bhfo-alt (7) den alt seo fad a bheidh a ghnátháit chónaithe aige san áit sin.


Srian le duine a cheapadh ina chróinéir nó ina leas-chróinéir.

14.—(1) Ní cheapfar aon duine ina chróinéir ná ina leaschróinéir murab abhcóide cleachtach é agus seasamh cúig bliana ar a laghad ag an mBarra aige, nó aturnae cleachtach agus seasamh cúig bliana ar a laghad aige nó lia-chleachtóir cláraithe atá cláraithe, ar shlí seachas go sealadach nó go díomuan, faoi Achtanna na Lia-Chleachtóirí, 1927 go 1961, i gClár na Lia-Chleachtóirí d'Éirinn, nó atá i dteideal a chláraithe amhlaidh, le cúig bliana ar a laghad.


(2) Nuair a bheifear ag ríomh a bhlianta seasaimh i gcás abhcóide a bhí ina aturnae ar feadh tréimhse roimhe sin, nó i gcás aturnae a bhí ina abhcóide ar feadh tréimhse roimhe sin, cuirfear an tréimhse sin san áireamh.


Cróinéir agus leaschróinéir a chur as oifig.

15.—(1) Aon uair arb é tuairim an Aire é go raibh aon chróinéir nó leis-chróinéir ciontach i mí-iompar nó i bhfaillí faoi dhualgas nó go bhfuil sé neamhoiriúnach chun bheith i seilbh oifige nó éagumasach ar a dhualgais a chomhlíonadh go cuí mar gheall ar easláinte coirp nó meabhrach, féadfaidh an tAire fógra i scríbhinn ina n-inseoidh sé an tuairim sin a chur leis an bpost cláraithe chun an chróinéara nó an leas-chróinéara sin ag a ghnátháit chónaithe agus más rud é, tar éis seacht lá a bheith caite ó cuireadh an fógra amach agus tar éis na huiríolla (más ann) a chuir an cróinéir nó an leas-chróinéir faoina bhráid sin a bhreithniú, go mbeidh sé ar an tuairim sin i gcónaí, féadfaidh sé, le hordú, an cróinéir nó an leas-chróinéir sin a chur as oifig.


(2) Gach ordú lena gcuirfear cróinéir nó leas-chróinéir as oifig sonróidh sé an chúis leis an gcur as oifig.


Na chéad chróinéirí faoin Acht seo.

16.—(1) D'ainneoin aon ní atá san Acht seo—


(a) gach duine a bhí, díreach roimh thosach feidhme an Achta seo, ina chróinéir faoin dlí a bhain an tráth sin le cróinéirí, measfar (ach amháin mar a fhoráiltear a mhalairt leis an alt seo), díreach ar an tosach feidhme sin, é a bheith arna cheapadh faoi réim agus de réir an Achta seo ina chéad chróinéir don cheantar cróinéara a fhreagraíonn don cheantar ar chróinéir dó é díreach roimh an tosach feidhme sin; agus


(b) ní lú tuarastal gach céad-chróinéara den sórt sin ná an tuarastal a bhí á íoc leis mar chróinéir díreach roimh thosach feidhme an Achta seo.


(2) Ar thosach feidhme an Achta seo, scoirfidh na hoifigi cróinéara, faoi seach, do bhuirgí uile agus faoi seach Chill Chainnigh, Chluain Meala, Dhroichead Átha agus Shligigh de bheith ar marthain, agus gach ceantar cróinéara ina mbeidh, de bhua alt 6 den Acht seo, ceann de na buirgí sin, measfar, chun críocha fho-alt (1) den alt seo, é a bheith ag freagairt don cheantar, mar a bhí sé díreach roimh an tosach feidhme sin, ar cuireadh an bhuirg leis chun an ceantar cróinéara sin a bhunú.


(3) Gach duine a measfar faoin alt seo é bheith arna cheapadh ina chróinéir, tabharfaidh sé don Aire ainm agus seoladh an duine (má b'ann é) a bhí, díreach roimh thosach feidhme an Achta seo, faoin dlí a bhain an tráth sin le cróinéirí, ina leas-chróinéir do cheantar an chróinéara sin agus air sin, d'ainneoin aon ní atá san Acht seo, measfar an duine deiridh sin a luaitear a bheith arna cheapadh faoi réim agus de réir an Achta seo ina leas-chróinéir do cheantar an chróinéara sin.




Dualgas ginearálta ionchoisne a chur ar bun.

17.—Faoi réir forálacha an Achta seo, nuair a chuirfear in iúl do chróinéir go bhfuil corp duine éagtha ina luí laistigh dá cheantar, is é dualgas an chróinéara ionchoisne a chur ar bun maidir le bás an duine sin más dóigh leis go mb'fhéidir gur tharla an bás go foréigneach nó go mínádúrtha nó go tobann agus ó chúiseanna aineoil nó in áit nó in imthosca a thabharfadh, faoi fhorálacha ina leith sin atá in aon achtachán eile, gur ghá ionchoisne a chur ar bun.


Cumhacht roghnach chun ionchoisne a chur ar bun agus dualgas scéala a chur chun an chróinéara.

18.—(1) Nuair a chuirfear in iúl do chróinéir go bhfuil corp duine éagtha ina luí laistigh dá cheantar agus nach bhfuil fáil ar dheimhniú dochtúra i dtaobh cúis báis an duine sin, féadfaidh sé fiosrú a dhéanamh faoi imthosca báis an duine sin agus, mura féidir leis cúis an bháis a fhionnadh, féadfaidh sé, más cuí leis é, ionchoisne maidir lena bhás a chur ar bun.


(2) Ní bheidh feidhm ag fo-alt (1) den alt seo maidir le haon chás lena mbaineann alt 17 den Acht seo.


(3) Is é dualgas cigire nó oifigigh don Gharda Síochána é, má fhaigheann sé eolas faoi bhás a fháil, laistigh de cheantar cróinéara, do dhuine ar bith nach bhfuil fáil ar dheimhniú dochtúra i dtaobh cúis a bháis, an bás sin a chur in iúl don chróinéir.


(4) Gach lia-chleachtóir, cláraitheoir básanna nó adhlacóir, agus gach áititheoir tí nó teaghaise soghluaiste, agus gach duine i bhfeighil aon fhorais nó áitribh, ina raibh cónaí ar dhuine éagtha tráth a bháis, má tá cúis aige chun a chreidiúint go bhfuair an duine éagtha bás, go díreach nó go neamhdhíreach, mar gheall ar fhoréigean nó míthapa nó ar chuma éagórach, nó mar gheall ar fhaillí nó mí-iompar nó míchleachtas ag daoine eile, nó ó aon chúis eile seachas breoiteacht nó galar nádúrtha a ndearna lia chleachtóir cláraithe é a fheiceáil nó a chóireáil ina leith laistigh de mhí roimh a bhás, nó in imthosca de shórt ba ghá a imscrúdú (lena n-áirítear bás de chionn anaistéiseach a thabhairt), cuirfidh sé fíorais agus imthosca an bháis in iúl láithreach don chróinéir ar ina cheantar atá corp an duine éagtha ina luí.


(5) An oibleagáid a chuirtear ar dhuine le fo-alt (4) den alt seo, measfar í a bheith comhlíonta má chuireann sé in iúl láithreach do chomhalta den Gharda Síochána nach ísle céim ná cigire na fíorais agus na himthosca is gá a chur in iúl faoin bhfo-alt sin.


(6) Gach duine a sháróidh fo-alt (4) den alt seo beidh sé ciontach i gcion faoin alt seo agus ar a chiontú ann go hachomair dlífear fíneáil nach mó ná fiche punt a chur air.


Scrúdú postmortem in ionad ionchoisne.

19.—(1) I gcás—


(a) ina gcuirfear in iúl do chróinéir go bhfuil corp duine éagtha ina luí laistigh dá cheantar, agus


(b) inarb é tuairim an chróinéara go bhféadfadh sé gur tharla bás an duine sin go tobann agus ó chúiseanna aineoil, agus


(c) inarb é tuairim an chróinéara go bhféadfadh sé go dtaispeánfadh scrúdú post-mortem ar chorp an duine sin nach gá ionchoisne maidir leis an mbás,


féadfaidh an cróinéir a chur faoi deara go ndéanfar an scrúdú post mortem agus más é a thuairim go dtaispeánann tuarascáil an scrúdaithe nach gá ionchoisne maidir leis an mbás ní bheidh sé d'oibleagáid air ionchoisne a chur ar bun.


(2) Ní údaróidh aon ní san alt seo do chróinéir a ligean thar ceal ionchoisne a chur ar bun maidir le bás más é a thuairim go bhféadfadh sé gur tharla an bás go foréigneach nó go mínádúrtha nó in áit nó in imthosca a thugann, faoi fhorálacha ina leith sin in aon achtachán eile, gur gá ionchoisne a chur ar bun.


Forálacha i gcás nach féidir le cróinéir agus le leas-chróinéir ionchoisne a chur ar bun.

20.—(1) Aon uair nach féidir ionchoisne a chur ar bun, ach amháin de bhua an ailt seo, toisc—


(a) an cróinéir don cheantar iomchuí a bheith as láthair, breoite nó éagumasaithe nó a bheith dícháilithe faoin Acht seo chun ionchoisne a chur ar bun nó folúntas a bheith in oifig chróinéara don cheantar, agus


(b) an leas-chróinéir don cheantar a bheith san am céanna as láthair, breoite nó éagumasaithe nó a bheith dícháilithe faoin Acht seo chun an t-ionchoisne a chur ar bun,


féadfaidh aon chomhalta den Gharda Síochána nach ísle céim ná cigire a iarraidh ar an gcróinéir do cheantar tadhlach an t-ionchoisne a chur ar bun, agus air sin cuirfidh an cróinéir sin an t-ionchoisne ar bun dá réir sin, agus chuige sin measfar gurb é an cróinéir don cheantar céadluaite é.


(2) Aon uair a chuirfear ionchoisne ar bun de bhua an ailt seo, déanfaidh an t-údarás áitiúil a dhlífidh tuarastal an chróinéara a chuirfeadh an t-ionchoisne ar bun de ghnáth a íoc cibé táille a bheidh forordaithe a íoc leis an gcróinéir a chuirfidh an t-ionchoisne ar bun maraon le cibé suim faoi chomhair a chostas taistil agus a chostas eile ar a gcomhaontófar idir é féin agus an t-údarás áitiúil nó, cheal comhaontaithe, a shocróidh an tAire.


Ionchoisne i gcás bás beirte nó níos mó a theacht den teagmhas céanna.

21.—I gcás coirp bheirt duine nó níos mó a ndealraíonn sé gur tharla a mbás de dheasca an teagmhais chéanna a bheith ina luí laistigh de cheantair chróinéirí éagsúla, féadfaidh an tAire más cuí leis é, a ordú go gcuirfidh duine de na cróinéirí sin ion choisne ar bun maidir leis na básanna uile, agus air sin cuirfidh an cróinéir dá dtabharfar an t-ordú sin an t-ionchoisne ar bun ionann is dá mba laistigh dá cheantar féin a bhí na coirp go léir


Ionchoisne gan an corp a dhí-adhlacadh.

22.—I gcás corp aon duine ar gá ionchoisne a chur ar bun ina leith a bheith adhlactha agus gurb eol don chróinéir nach ndéanfadh sé aon mhaith an corp a dhí-adhlacadh le haghaidh ionchoisne, féadfaidh sé dul ar aghaidh agus ionchoisne a chur a bun gan an corp a dhí-adhlacadh.


Ionchoisne i gcás inar bhain díothú don chorp nó gan fáil a bheith air.

23.—Aon uair a bheidh cúis ag cróinéir chun a chreidiúint gu tharla bás ina cheantar nó gar dó in imthosca de shórt gur cu ionchoisne ina leith agus, mar gheall ar dhíothú an choirp n toisc nach féidir an corp a fháil, nach féidir ionchoisne a chur a bun ach amháin de bhua an ailt seo, féadfaidh an tAire, má cuí leis é, a ordú go gcuirfidh an cróinéir sin nó cróinéir eil ionchoisne ar bun maidir leis an mbás, agus air sin cuirfidh an cróinéir dá dtabharfar an t-ordú sin ionchoisne ar bun maidir leis an mbás ionann is dá mba laistigh dá cheantar féin a bhí an corp ina luí agus go raibh sé tar éis é a bhreithniú.


Ionchoisne ar ordú ón Ard-Aighne.

24.—(1) Má bhíonn cúis ag an Ard-Aighne chun a chreidiúint go bhfuair duine bás in imthosca a thugann, de réir a thuairime, gurb inmholta ionchoisne a chur ar bun, féadfaidh sé a ordú d'aon chróinéir (cibé acu is é nó nach é an cróinéir é a chuirfeadh an t-ionchoisne ar bun de ghnáth) ionchoisne a chur ar bun maidir le bás an duine sin, agus cuirfidh an cróinéir sin ionchoisne ar bun de réir forálacha an Achta seo (agus ionann is dá mba rud é, murab é an cróinéir é a chuirfeadh an t-ionchoisne ar bun de ghnáth, gurb eisean an cróinéir sin), cibé acu a bheidh nó nach mbeidh sé féin nó aon chróinéir eile tar éis an corp a bhreithniú, aon fhiosrú a dhéanamh, aon ionchoisne a chur ar bun, nó aon bheart eile a dhéanamh maidir leis an mbás.


(2) Aon uair a chuirfear ionchoisne ar bun de bhua an ailt seo agus gur cróinéir seachas an cróinéir a dhéanfadh é de ghnáth a chuirfidh an t-ionchoisne ar bun, déanfaidh an t-údarás áitiúil a dhlífidh tuarastal an chróinéara a chuirfeadh an t-ionchoisne ar bun de ghnáth a íoc cibé táille a bheidh forordaithe a íoc leis an gcróinéir a chuirfidh an t-ionchoisne ar bun maraon le cibé suim faoi chomhair a chostas taistil agus a chostas eile ar a gcomhaontófar idir é féin agus an t-údarás áitiúil nó, cheal comhaontaithe, a shocróidh an tAire.


Atráthú ionchoisne i gcás imeachtaí coiriúla a bheith faoi bhreithniú nó a bheith tionscanta.

25.—(1) Más rud é, ag ionchoisne maidir le haon bhás, go n-iarrfaidh comhalta den Gharda Síochána nach ísle céim ná cigire ar an gcróinéir an t-ionchoisne a chur ar atráth ar an bhforas go bhfuil imeachtaí coiriúla maidir leis an mbás faoi bhreithniú, cuirfidh an cróinéir an t-ionchoisne ar atráth go ceann cibé tréimhse is cuí leis agus cuirfidh sé an t-ionchoisne ar atráth fós arís go ceann tréimhsí dá samhail a mhinice a iarrfaidh comhalta den Gharda Síochána nach ísle céim ná cigire air sin a dhéanamh ar an bhforas réamhluaite.


(2) Más rud é, ag ionchoisne maidir le haon bhás, go n-iarrfaidh comhalta den Gharda Síochána nach ísle céim ná cigire ar an gcróinéir an t-ionchoisne a chur ar atráth ar an bhforas go bhfuiltear tar éis imeachtaí coiriúla maidir leis an mbás a thionscnamh, cuirfidh an cróinéir an t-ionchoisne ar atráth go dtí go mbeifear tar éis na himeachtaí sin a chinneadh go críochnaitheach, ach ní bheidh sé d'oibleagáid ar an gcróinéir ansin athchromadh ar an ionchoisne mura rud é gur dóigh leis go bhfuil cúiseanna speisialta ann chuige.


(3) Is é dualgas chléireach nó chláraitheoir aon chúirte é, ar chríochnú imeachtaí coiriúla sa chúirt sin maidir le bás duine, toradh na n-imeachtaí sin a chur in iúl don chróinéir a mbeidh ionchoisne maidir leis an mbás ar bun aige.


(4) Nuair a bheidh ionchoisne á chur ar atráth faoin alt seo ag cróinéir féadfaidh sé an giúiré a gaireadh chuige (má gaireadh) a scaoileadh.


(5) Nuair a athchromfaidh cróinéir ar ionchoisne a cuireadh ar atráth faoin alt seo agus a ndearnadh an giúiré lena aghaidh a scaoileadh, rachaidh sé ar aghaidh i ngach slí ionann is nach mbeifí tar éis an t-ionchoisne a thosú.


Finnéithe a thoghairm.

26.—(1) Féadfaidh cróinéir a chur faoi deara, tráth ar bith roimh chríochnú ionchoisne a bheidh ar bun aige, go ndéanfar toghairm san fhoirm fhorordaithe, chun freastal agus fianaise a thabhairt ag an ionchoisne, a sheirbheáil ar aon duine (lena n-áirítear go háirithe aon lia-chleachtóir cláraithe) a mbeadh a fhianaise, i dtuairim an chróinéara, ina cabhair ag an ionchoisne.


(2) Ní dhéanfaidh cróinéir, maidir le freastal an dara liachleachtóir cláraithe ag an ionchoisne, an chumhacht a thugtar dó le fo-alt (1) den alt seo a fheidhmiú mura rud é—


(a) go mbeidh tromlach na ngiúróirí ag an ionchoisne, toise go bhfacthas dóibh nach ndearna an lia-chleachtóir a thug fianaise i dtaobh an bháis ag an ionchoisne cúis an bháis a mhíniú go sásúil, tar éis a iarraidh ar an gcróinéir le foréileamh i scríbhinn a chur faoi deara toghairm faoin bhfo-alt sin a sheirbheáil ar lia-chleachtóir cláraithe eile, nó


(b) gur chabhraigh an lia-chleachtóir sin ag scrúdú post mortem ar an duine ar maidir lena bhás atá an t-ionchoisne ar bun.


Breathnú ar an gcorp.

27.—(1) Nuair a bheidh ionchoisne maidir le bás aon duine ar bun ag cróinéir breathnóidh sé ar an gcorp, ach amháin i gcás lena mbaineann alt 22 nó alt 23 den Acht seo, mura rud é—


(a) go mbeidh comhalta den Gharda Síochána a thabharfaidh fianaise dá réir sin ag an ionchoisne tar éis breathnú air, nó


(b) go mbeidh cróinéir nó leas-chróinéir tar éis breathnú air roimhe sin.


(2) Nuair a bheidh ionchoisne le giúiré ar bun ag cróinéir maidir le bás aon duine, ní bhreathnóidh an giúiré ar an gcorp ach amháin i gcás ina n-ordóidh an cróinéir é nó inar mian le tromlach an ghiúiré é.


Nóta d'ainmneacha agus de sheoltaí finnéithe.

28.—I gcás nach ndéanfaidh cróinéir a mbeidh ionchoisne ar bun aige teistíochtaí a ghlacadh, déanfaidh sé nóta d'ainm agus de sheoladh gach duine a thabharfaidh fianaise ag an ionchoisne.


Doiciméid áirithe a chaomhnú.

1879, c. 58.

29.—(1) Caomhnóidh an cróinéir gach teistíocht nó nóta d'ainmneacha agus de sheoltaí finnéithe a thógfar ag ionchoisne, gach tuarascáil ar scrúdú post mortem a rinneadh de bhun an Achta seo agus gach taifead den fhíorasc a tugadh ag an ionchoisne.


(2) Nuair a scoirfidh cróinéir de bheith i seilbh oifige, tabharfar na doiciméid go léir a chaomhnóidh sé faoin alt seo do chláraitheoir contae an chontae nó na contae-bhuirge ina mbeidh a cheantar agus caomhnóidh an cláraitheoir contae na doiciméid.


(3) Tabharfaidh cróinéir cóip d'aon doiciméad a chaomhnóidh sé faoin alt seo do gach duine a iarrfaidh é agus, ach amháin i gcás a hiarrtha thar ceann Aire Stáit nó an Gharda Síochána, féadfaidh sé cibé táille a bheidh forordaithe a éileamh ar chóip.


(4) Tabharfaidh cláraitheoir contae cóip d'aon doiciméad a chaomhnóidh sé faoin alt seo do gach duine a iarrfaidh í agus, ach amháin i gcás a hiarrtha thar ceann Aire Stáit nó an Gharda Síochána, éileoidh sé ar chóip cibé táille a bheidh forordaithe.


(5) Beidh éifeacht ag na forálacha seo a leanas maidir leis na táillí uile is iníoctha le cláraitheoir contae faoin alt seo:


(a) baileofar agus tógfar iad i cibé slí a ordóidh an tAire Airgeadais ó am go ham agus íocfar isteach sa Státchiste iad nó cuirfear chun tairbhe don Státchiste iad de réir orduithe an Aire sin,


(b) ní bheidh feidhm ag an Public Offices (Fees) Act, 1879, maidir leo.


Toirmeasc ar dhliteanas sibhialta agus dliteanas coiriúil a bhreithniú.

30.—Ní dhéanfar ceisteanna i dtaobh dliteanais shibhialta nó dliteanais choiriúil a bhreithniú ná a imscrúdú ag ionchoisne agus dá réir sin ní bheidh le déanamh ag aon ionchoisne ach a fhionnadh cé hé an duine ar maidir lena bhás atá an t-ionchoisne ar bun agus conas, cathain, agus cén áit a tharla an bás.


Toirmeasc ar cháineadh agus saoradh.

31.—(1) Ní dhéanfar cáineadh ná saoradh ar aon duine san fhíorasc ná in aon aguisín leis an bhfíorasc a thabharfaidh ionchoisne.


(2) D'ainneoin aon ní atá i bhfo-alt (1) den alt seo, féadfar moltaí de chineál ginearálta a bheidh ceaptha chun cosc a chur lena thuilleadh ospairtí marfacha a chur leis an bhfíorasc ag aon ionchoisne.


Taifead den fhíorasc a tugadh ag ionchoisne.

32.—Síneoidh an cróinéir a mbeidh ionchoisne ar bun aige taifead an fhíoraisc a tugadh ag an ionchoisne agus, má bhíonn giúiré ina suí leis an gcróinéir, síneoidh an príomh-ghiúróir é freisin.


Scrúduithe postmortem agus scrúduithe speisialta.

33.—(1) Féadfaidh cróinéir tráth ar bith roimh ionchoisne nó lena linn a chur faoi deara go ndéanfar scrúdú post mortem ar chorp aon duine a mbeidh ionchoisne ar bun nó le cur ar bun i leith a bháis.


(2) Féadfaidh cróinéir a iarraidh ar an Aire na nithe seo a leanas a shocrú—


(a) go ndéanfaidh duine a cheapfaidh an tAire scrúdú postmortem ar chorp aon duine a mbeidh ionchoisne ar bun nó le cur ar bun ag an gcróinéir maidir lena bhás, nó


(b) go ndéanfaidh duine a cheapfaidh an tAire scrúdú speisialta i bhfoirm taifigh, tástála nó eile, ar chodanna áirithe den chorp nó ar ábhair áirithe ann nó ar aon substaintí nó nithe iomchuí eile, nó


(c) go ndéanfar an scrúdú post-mortem agus an scrúdú speisialta sin i dteannta a chéile,


agus féadfaidh sé an t-iarratas sin a dhéanamh, cibé acu a bheidh nó nach mbeidh sé tar éis aon chumhacht eile a fheidhmiú a thugtar dó leis an alt seo chun a chur faoi deara scrúdú postmortem a dhéanamh ar an gcorp.


(3) Is é dualgas an chróinéara é a chumhachtaí maidir le hiarratas chun an Aire faoi fho-alt (2) den alt seo a fheidhmiú i ngach cás ina n-iarrfaidh comhalta den Gharda Síochána nach ísle céim ná cigire air é a dhéanamh agus ina luafaidh an comhalta na cúiseanna atá aige chun sin a iarraidh.


(4) Cuirfear i dteannta gach iarratais chun an Aire faoi fho-alt (2) den alt seo na cúiseanna atá ag an gcróinéir leis nó ag an gcomhalta den Gharda Síochána ar ar a thionscnamh atá an t-iarratas á dhéanamh.


(5) Nuair a gheobhaidh an tAire iarratas faoi fho-alt (2) den alt seo, féadfaidh sé, de réir mar is cuí leis, géilleadh don iarratas nó diúltú dó.


Cróinéir eile d'athchromadh ar ionchoisne a cuireadh ar atráth.

34.—I gcás ionchoisne a cuireadh ar atráth agus nár tugadh ann ach fianaise aithinte féadfaidh cróinéir eile athchromadh air.


Cróinéirí áirithe a bheith faoi dhícháilíocht chun ionchoisní áirithe a chur ar bun.

35.—(1) Ní chuirfidh cróinéir ná leas-chróinéir atá ina liacleachtóir cláraithe ionchoisne ar bun ar chorp, ná ní dhéanfaidh sé fiosrú faoi bhás, aon duine a d'fhreastail sé laistigh de mhí roimh bhás an duine sin.


(2) (a) Ní chuirfidh cróinéir ná leas-chróinéir ionchoisne ar bun ar chorp aon duine, ná ní dhéanfaidh sé fiosrú faoi bhás aon duine, má tharraing sé suas diúscairt tiomnach a rinne an duine sin nó má chabhraigh sé lena tharraingt suas, agus go dtairbheoidh sé as an diúscairt sin.


(b) Chun críche mhír (a) den fho-alt seo, ní mheasfar cróinéir nó leas-chróinéir atá ina aturnae agus ina sheiceadóir don duine éagtha a thairbhiú faoi dhiúscairt tiomnach ar an ábhar amháin go bhfuil sé údaraithe táillí a éileamh i leith riaradh an eastáit.


Toghairm a sheirbheáil.

36.—Déanfaidh comhalta den Gharda Síochána gach toghairm chun freastal ar ionchoisne mar ghiúróir nó mar fhinné a sheirbheáil trína seachadadh don duine chun a mbeidh sí dírithe nó trína fágáil dó ag an seoladh ag a bhfuil gnáthchónaí air le duine sé bliana déag d'aois nó os a chionn.


Giúróirí agus finnéithe nach dtiocfaidh i láthair.

37.—Gach duine a seirbheálfar toghairm air go cuí chun freastal ar ionchoisne mar ghiúróir nó mar fhinné agus nach mbeidh i láthair ag an am agus ag an áit a bheidh sonraithe sa toghairm, beidh sé ciontach i gcion faoin alt seo agus ar a chiontú ann go hachomair dlífear fíneáil nach mó ná cúig phunt a chur air.


Cumhachtaí maidir le fianaise etc., a ghlacadh, ag ionchoisne.

38.—(1) Féadfaidh cróinéir na finnéithe ag ionchoisne a scrúdú faoi mhionn.


(2) Aon duine—


(b) a bheidh i láthair mar fhinné ag ionchoisne agus a dhiúltóidh mionn a ghlacadh a cheanglófar air go dlíthiúil a ghlacadh ag an gcróinéir a chuirfidh an t-ionchoisne ar bun nó a dhiúltóidh freagra a thabhairt ar aon cheist a bhféadfaidh an cróinéir a cheangal air go dlíthiúil í a fhreagairt, nó


(b) a dhéanfaidh aon ní eile a bheadh, dá mba chúirt a raibh cumhacht aici duine a chimiú mar gheall ar dhíspeagadh an cróinéir, ina dhíspeagadh ar an gcúirt sin,


beidh sé ciontach i gcion agus féadfaidh an cróinéir an cion a dheimhniú faoina láimh chun na hArd-Chúirte, agus air sin féadfaidh an Chúirt sin fiosrú a dhéanamh sa chion líomhnaithe agus tar éis di aon fhinnéithe a éisteacht a thabharfar ar aird i gcoinne nó tar ceann an duine a cúisíodh sa chion, agus tar éis di aon ráiteas a thabharfar mar chosaint a éisteacht, an duine sin a phionósú nó beart a dhéanamh chun é a phionósú ionann is dá mbeadh sé ciontach i ndíspeagadh na Cúirte sin.


(3) Beidh finné ag ionchoisne i dteideal na ndíolúintí agus na bpribhléidí céanna a mbeadh teideal aige chucu dá mba fhinné os comhair na hArd-Chúirte é.


Giúiréithe ag Ionchoisní


Cumhacht ghinearálta chun suí le giúiré nó gan ghiúiré.

39.—Ach amháin mar a fhoráiltear a mhalairt leis an gCuid seo, féadfaidh cróinéir ionchoisne a chur ar bun le giúiré nó gan ghiúiré de réir mar is cuí leis.


Oibleagáid ar an gcróinéir suí le giúiré i gcásanna áirithe.

40.—(1) Cuirfear ionchoisne ar bun le giúiré más rud é, roimh an ionchoisne nó lena linn, go dtiocfaidh an cróinéir ar an tuairim—


(a) gur dúnmharú, naíonmharú nó dúnorgain a thug bás an éagaigh, nó


(b) gur tharla bás an éagaigh in áit nó in imthosca a thugann, faoi fhorálacha chuige sin atá in aon achtachán eile, gur gá ionchoisne a chur ar bun, nó


(c) gurb é ba chúis le bás an éagaigh tionóisc, nimhiú nó galar ar gá, faoi fhorálacha chuige sin atá in aon achtachán eile, fógra ina thaobh a thabhairt d'Aire nó do Roinn Stáit nó do chigire nó d'oifigeach eile d'Aire nó do Roinn Stáit, nó


(d) gurbh é ba chúis le bás an éagaigh tionóisc a tharla mar gheall ar fheithicil a úsáid in áit phoiblí, nó


(e) gur tharla bás an éagaigh in imthoscaí a mbeadh sé contúirteach do shláinte nó do shábháilteacht an phobail nó aon roinn den phobal dá bhfanfadh na himthosca sin ann nó dá bhféadfaidís tarlú arís.


(2) Déanfaidh an cróinéir nó déanfar os a chomhair an giúiré ag ionchoisne a chur faoi mhionn.


(3) Má chuireann comhalta den Gharda Síochána nach ísle céim ná cigire in iúl do chróinéir, sula dtosófar nó a n-athchromfar ar ionchoisne maidir le haon bhás, go n-iarrfaidh sé an t-ionchoisne a chur ar atráth ar an bhforas go bhfuil imeachtaí coiriúla maidir leis an mbás faoi bhreithniú nó gur tionscnaíodh iad, measfar gach oibleagáid (más ann) faoi fho-alt (1) den alt seo chun an t-ionchoisne a chur ar bun le giúiré a bheith ar fionraí mura ndéanfar agus go dtí go ndéanfar an t-ionchoisne a éisteacht go hiomlán.


An méid daoine a bheidh ar ghiúiré cróinéara.

41.—Seisear ar a laghad agus dáréag ar a mhéid a bheidh ar ghiúiré cróinéara.


Dliteanas chun fónamh ar ghiúiré cróinéara.

42.—Gach duine os cionn bliain is fiche d'aois a mbeidh cónaí air i gceantar cróinéara, dlífidh sé fónamh ar an ngiúiré ag aon ionchoisne a chuirfear ar bun sa cheantar sin mura rud é—


(a) go bhfuil sé dícháilithe chun fónamh mar ghiúróir faoi alt 4 d'Acht na nGiúirithe, 1927;


(b) go bhfuil sé díolmhaithe ó fhónamh mar ghiúróir faoi alt 5 den Acht sin, agus nach bhfuil sé ar áireamh, faoi alt 16 den Acht sin, i liosta giúróirí.


Giúiré a thoghairm.

43.—Aon uair a bheidh giúiré ag teastáil le haghaidh ionchoisne ag aon am agus in aon áit, cuirfidh an cróinéir é sin in iúl do chomhalta den Gharda Síochána agus déanfaidh an comhalta seisear ar a laghad agus dáréag ar a mhéid a bheidh cáilithe chun bheith ina ngiúróirí ag an ionchoisne a thionól ag an am agus san áit sin agus féadfaidh sé, más dóigh gur gá sin, toghairmeacha san fhoirm fhorordaithe a sheirbheáil chun a áirithiú go mbeidh siad i láthair.


Mura mbíonn an giúiré ar aonaigne.

44.—Mura mbíonn giúiré ag ionchoisne ar aon-aigne i dtaobh fíoraisc, beidh éifeacht ag na forálacha seo a leanas:


(a) má bhíonn tromlach an ghiúiré ar aon aigne i dtaobh fíoraisc, glacfaidh an cróinéir leis an bhfíorasc, agus


(b) in aon chás eile, scaoilfidh an cróinéir an giúiré agus cuirfidh sé ionchoisne nua ar bun.


Ionchoisne a cuireadh ar atráth a chur ar bun le giúiré eile.

45.—I gcás ionchoisne a cuireadh ar atráth agus nár tugadh ann ach fianaise aithinte, féadfar athchromadh ar an ionchoisne le giúiré nua.




Corp a aistriú agus a choinneáil fad a bheifear ag feitheamh le hiónchoisne, etc.

46.—(1) Nuair a mheasfaidh cróinéir gur gá ionchoisne a chur ar bun, nó scrúdú post mortem a dhéanamh, ar chorp duine éagtha, féadfaidh sé a ordú go n-aistreofar an corp go mortlann nó marbhlann chaothúil nó go háit oiriúnach eile (laistigh nó lasmuigh dá cheantar) agus a choinneáil ansin go dtí go n-ordóidh sé a mhalairt, agus féadfaidh sé cibé socruithe a dhéanamh chun an corp a aistriú a mheasfaidh sé is gá nó is inmhianaithe.


(2) An duine i bhfeighil mortlainne, marbhlainne nó áite eile a n-ordófar corp duine éagtha a aistriú isteach ann faoi fho-alt (1) den alt seo, ceadóidh sé an corp a fhágáil sa mhortlann nó sa mharbhlann nó san áit eile sin agus coimeádfaidh sé an corp ansin go dtí go n-ordóidh an cróinéir a mhalairt.


(3) Aon duine a chuirfidh bac le corp a aistriú de bhun ordú faoi fho-alt (1) den alt seo beidh sé ciontach i gcion faoin bhfo-alt seo agus ar a chiontú ann go hachomair dlífear fíneáil nach mó ná deich bpunt a chur air.


(4) Aon duine i bhfeighil mortlainne, marbhlainne nó áite eile nach ndéanfaidh de réir fho-alt (2) den alt seo beidh sé ciontach i gcion faoin bhfo-alt seo agus ar a chiontú ann go hachomair dlífear fíneáil nach mó ná deich bpunt a chur air.


(5) Má dhéantar, de bhun ordú ó chróinéir faoi fho-alt (1) den alt seo, corp a aistriú go dtí aon áit lasmuigh de cheantar an chróinéara ní dhéanfaidh sé sin difir dá chumhachtaí agus dá dhualgais maidir leis an gcorp ná leis an ionchoisne ar an gcorp, ná ní dhéanfaidh sé aon chearta, cumhachtaí ná dualgais a thabhairt d'aon chróinéir eile ná a chur air.



47.—(1) Nuair a chuirfidh comhalta den Gharda Síochána nach ísle céim ná cigire in iúl do chróinéir gurb é a thuairim go bhféadfadh sé gur go foréigneach nó go mínádúrtha a tharla bás aon duine, ar adhlacadh a chorp i gceantar an chróinéara, féadfaidh an cróinéir a iarraidh ar an Aire ordú a dhéanamh go ndí-adhlacfaidh an Garda Síochána an corp.


(2) Nuair a iarrfar faoin alt seo ar an Aire a údarú le hordú go ndí-adhlacfar aon chorp, féadfaidh an tAire, de réir mar is cuí leis, an t-ordú a dhéanamh nó diúltú é a dhéanamh.


(3) Gach ordú a dhéanfar faoin alt seo chun corp a dhí-adhlacadh, oibreoidh sé chun an dí-adhlacadh a údarú de réir téarmaí an ordaithe.


(4) Nuair a dhí-adhlacfar corp duine éagtha de bhun ordú faoin alt seo, beidh na cumhachtaí céanna ag an gcróinéir lena mbainfidh, agus na dualgais chéanna air, a bheadh aige agus air dá mba nár adhlacadh an corp.


An corp a aistriú amach as an Stát.

48.—Nuair a chuirfear in iúl do chróinéir go bhfuiltear ar intinn corp duine éagtha atá laistigh dá dhlínse a aistriú amach as an Stát, féadfaidh sé a dheimhniú, i cibé foirm a bheidh fororrd daithe, gur sásaíodh é maidir le cúis an bháis agus nach bhfuil aon imthosca ann a thugann gur gá an corp, ná aon chuid de, a choinneáil sa Stát.


Ionchoisne ar chiste fionnta.

49.—Beidh dlínse ag cróinéir fiosrú a dhéanamh i dtaobh ciste fionnta a fháil ina cheantar agus beidh feidhm maidir le gach ionchoisne den sórt sin ag forálacha an Achta seo (seachas na cinn a bhaineann le scrúdú post mortem nó le coirp a aistriú), sa mhéid go mbeidh sin i gcomhréir lena mbrí.


Sonraí a thabhairt do chláraitheoirí breitheanna agus básanna.

50.—(1) Más rud é, de bhun an Achta seo—


(a) go gcuirfidh cróinéir ionchoisne ar bun, nó


(b) go gcuirfidh cróinéir ar atráth ionchoisne ag ar tugadh fianaise aithinte agus fianaise liachta i dtaobh chúis an bháis, nó


(c) go gcinnfidh cróinéir, de thoradh scrúdú post mortem, gan ionchoisne a chur ar bun,


tabharfaidh sé don chláraitheoir breitheanna agus básanna iomchuí deimhniú ina mbeidh cibé sonraí, le haghaidh chlárú an bháis, a bheidh forordaithe tar éis dul i gcomhairle leis an Aire Sláinte, agus clárófar an bás dá réir sin.


(2) Nuair a dhéanfaidh cróinéir, de bhun an Achta seo, fiosrú i dtaobh imthosca báis gan ionchoisne a chur ar bun nó gan a chur faoi deara scrúdú post mortem a dhéanamh, tabharfaidh sé don chláraitheoir iomchuí breitheanna agus básanna deimhniú ina mbeidh cibé sonraí a bheidh forordaithe tar éis dul i gcomhairle leis an Aire Sláinte.


(3) I gcás earráid a bheith i ndeimhniú a thabharfaidh cróinéir faoi fho-alt (1) den alt seo, féadfaidh sé deimhniú leasaitheach a eisiúint chun an chláraitheora agus air sin ceartóidh an cláraitheoir an earráid i gclár na mbásanna.


Leathnú ar an gcumhacht atá ag eróinéir chun adhlacadh a údarú.

1880, c. 13.

51.—An chumhacht a thugtar le halt 17 den Births and Deaths Registration Act (Ireland), 1880, do chróinéir, ar ionchoisne ar chorp a chur ar bun dó, chun a údarú, le hordú, an corp a adhlacadh, forléireofar í mar chumhacht a fholaíonn cumhacht chun a údarú amhlaidh go n-adhlacfar corp, cibé acu laistigh nó lasmuigh dá cheantar atá sé ina luí de thuras na huaire, a mbeidh sé tar éis a chinneadh gur gá nó go bhféadfadh sé gur gá dó ionchoisne a chur ar bun maidir leis, agus beidh oibriú an ailt sin leathnaithe dá réir sin.


Forálacha a bhaineann le scrúdú post mortem a chuirfidh cróinéir á dhéanamh.

52.—(1) Nuair a chuirfidh cróinéir faoi deara faoin Acht seo scrúdú post mortem a dhéanamh ar chorp, beidh éifeacht ag na forálacha seo a leanas:


(a) ach amháin mar a fhoráiltear leis an gcéad mhír eile ina dhiaidh seo den fho-alt seo, cuirfidh an cróinéir faoi deara gur lia-chleachtóir cláraithe amháin (agus sin an méid) a dhéanfaidh an scrúdú sin,


(b) más dóigh leis an gcróinéir go dteastóidh cúnamh liachleachtóra chláraithe eile ón gcleachtóir sin chun an scrúdú a dhéanamh, féadfaidh sé a chur faoi deara go dtabharfaidh lia-chleachtóir cláraithe amháin eile (agus sin an méid) an cúnamh sin,


(c) i gcás ina gcuirfidh an cróinéir faoi deara an cúnamh sin a thabhairt, tabharfaidh sé don Aire ráiteas ar na cúiseanna gur dóigh leis gur gá é, agus


(d) má chuireann an cróinéir toghairm ar an gcleachtóir eile sin, chun fianaise a thabhairt, nó má iarrann sé air fianaise a thabhairt, ag ionchoisne ar an gcorp, tabharfaidh sé don Aire ráiteas ar na cúiseanna gur dóigh leis gur gá an fhianaise sin.


(2) (a) Ní dhéanfaidh lia-chleachtóir cláraithe scrúdú post mortem faoin Acht seo má rinne sé freastal ar an duine ar maidir lena bhás atá ionchoisne ar bun nó le cur ar bun laistigh de mhí roimh bás an duine sin.


(b) Ní bheidh feidhm ag mír (a) den fho-alt seo maidir le lia-chleachtóir cláraithe is paiteolaí atá ar fhoireann ospidéil, nó a bhfuil baint aige le hospidéal, ach amháin i gcás ina measfaidh an cróinéir gur dócha go dtabharfar faoi cheist ag an ionchoisne iompar an chleachtóra sin maidir lena fhreastal ar an duine éagtha.


Toirmeasc ar chróinéirí áirithe do ghníomhú in imeachtaí áirithe.

53.—Má tá cróinéir nó leas-chróinéir ina aturnae nó ina abhcóide ní ghníomhóidh sé mar aturnae nó abhcóide in imeachtaí coiriúla a éireoidh as aon ábhar a thiocfaidh os a chomhair mar chróinéir nó leas-chróinéir.


Foirmeacha a sholáthar do chróinéir.

54.—Cuirfidh an t-údarás áitiúil a cheap cróinéir cibé soláthairt stáiseanóireachta agus foirmeacha forordaithe ar fáil dó a bheidh ag teastáil uaidh go réasúnach chun a dhualgais a chomhlionadh


Tuairisceán a bheidh le tabhairt ag an gcróinéir.

55.—(1) Tabharfaidh gach cróinéir, an lú lá d'Fheabhra gach bliain nó roimhe sin, tuairisceán i scríbhinn don Aire ar na hionchoisní a cuireadh ar bun agus ar na básanna a ndearnadh fiosrú fúthu ina cheantar i rith na bliana dar chríoch an 31 Nollaig díreach roimhe sin.


(2) I dteannta an tuairisceáin bhliantúil a shonraítear i bhfo-alt (1) den alt seo, tabharfaidh gach cróinéir don Aire, nó do cibé Aire eile a ordóidh an tAire, cibé tuairisceáin i scríbhinn a theastóidh ón Aire ó am go ham maidir le hionchoisní a cuireadh ar bun agus le básanna a ndearnadh fiosrú fúthu ina cheantar.


(3) Gach tuairisceán a thabharfar faoin alt seo beidh sé i cibé foirm agus beidh cibé sonraí ann, a ordóidh an tAire ó am go ham.


Foirmeacha mionnaí, etc., maidir le hionchoisní a fhorordú.

56.—(1) Féadfar na foirmeacha seo a leanas a fhorordú maidir le hionchoisní, eadhon,—


(a) foirm an mhionna a bheidh le glacadh ag giúróirí agus a bheidh le glacadh ag finnéithe,


(b) foirm na toghairme a bheidh le seirbheáil ar ghiúróirí agus a bheidh le seirbheáil ar fhinnéithe,


(c) foirm na teistíochta, agus


(d) foirm thaifead an fhíoraisc.


(2) Go dtí go mbeidh foirmeacha forordaithe faoin alt seo, féadfar leanúint d'úsáid na bhfoirmeacha do mhionnaí, toghairmeacha, teistíochtaí agus cúistiúin a bhí á n-úsáid maidir le hionchoisní díreach roimh thosach feidhme an Achta seo agus féadfar, nuair is gá sin, iad a mhodhnú chun go mbeidh siad i gcomhréir le forálacha an Achta seo.


Táillí agus costais áirithe a fhorordú.

57.—Déanfar, tar éis dul i gcomhairle leis an Aire Rialtais Áitiúil, na táillí agus na costais seo a leanas a fhorordú, eadhon—


(a) na táillí is iníoctha le daoine a dhéanfaidh scrúduithe post mortem agus scrúduithe speisialta, nó a chabhróidh chun iad a dhéanamh,


(b) na costais is iníoctha le finnéithe ag ionchoisní, agus


(c) na costais is iníoctha maidir le corp a aistriú nó a choimeád, de réir ordú ó chróinéir.


Suimeanna áirithe a dheimhniú agus a íoc.

1947, Uimh. 28.

58.—(1) Féadfaidh cróinéir, maidir le haon ábhar a ndéantar táille nó costais a fhorordú ina leith faoi alt 57 den Acht seo, a dheimhniú a eisiúint chun go n-íocfaidh údarás áitiúil sonraithe leis an duine a bheidh i gceist suim nach mó ná an tsuim a bheidh forordaithe chuige sin.


(2) Gach duine dar eisíodh deimhniú faoin alt seo, féadfaidh sé an deimhniú a thabhairt don údarás áitiúil a bheidh sonraithe sa deimhniú agus air sin íocfaidh an t-údarás áitiúil an tsuim a bheidh luaite sa deimhniú leis an duine sin.


(3) Is é an t-údarás áitiúil a bheidh le sonrú i ndeimhniú a eiseofar faoin alt seo—


(a) i gcás an deimhniú a eisiúint i ndiaidh ionchoisne ag cróinéir nach é an cróinéir é a chuirfeadh an t-ionchoisne ar bun de ghnáth, an t-údarás áitiúil a cheap an cróinéir a chuirfeadh an t-ionchoisne ar bun de ghnáth,


(b) i gcás an deimhniú a eisiúint ag leas-chróinéir a bheidh ag gníomhú in ionad cróinéara, an t-údarás áitiúil a cheap an cróinéir,


(c) i ngach cás eile, an t-údarás áitiúil a cheap an cróinéir a eiseoidh an deimhniú.


(4) Ní dhéanfar aon deimhniú le haghaidh íoc aon táille a eisiúint faoin alt seo chun lia-chleachtóra atá ar fhoireann forais sláinte, de réir bhrí an Achta Sláinte, 1947, nó ar fhoireann ospidéil maidir le hionchoisne ar chorp duine a fuair bás san fhoras, má ba é a dhualgas é freastal ar an duine sin.


Leasú ar Acht na Giúirithe, 1927.

1927, Uimh. 23.

1926, Uimh. 39.

59.—Beidh éifeacht ag alt 5 (a bhaineann le díolúine ó fhónamh ar ghiúiré) d'Acht na nGiúirithe, 1927, ionann is dá gcuirfí le Cuid I den Chéad Sceideal a ghabhann leis an Acht sin “Cróinéirí, leas-chróinéirí agus daoine a cheapfar faoi fho-alt (2) d'alt 5 d'Acht na nUdarás nAitiúil (Oifigigh agus Fostaithe), 1926, chun oifig chróinéara a líonadh go sealadach.”


Achtacháin a Aisghirtear

Alt 5.

Seisiún agus Caibidil nó Uimhir agus Bliain


Méid na hAisghairme




4 Edw. 1.

The Office of the Coroner.

An tAcht iomlán.

6 Geo. IV, c. 51.

The Assizes (Ireland) Act, 1825.

An méid d'alt 4 a bhaineann le haon ionchoisue a dhéanfar os comhair cróinéara; in alt 6, na focail ó “and by order” go dtí “his or their jurisdictions;”.

9 Geo. IV, c. 54.

Criminal Law (Ireland) Act, 1828.

Alt 4; ailt 5 agus 6 sa mhéid go mbaineann siad le cróinéirí.

10 Geo. IV, c. 37.

Coroners (Ireland) Act, 1829.

An tAcht iomlán.

6 & 7 Will. IV, c. 89.

Coroners (Ireland) Act, 1836.

An tAcht iomlán.

3 & 4 Vic., c. 108.

Municipal Corporations (Ireland) Act, 1840.

Ailt 153, 154, 155 agus 156.

6 & 7 Vic., c. 12.

Coroners Act, 1843.

An tAcht iomlán.

8 & 9 Vic., c. 18.

Lands Clauses Consolidation Act, 1845.

Ailt 39 agus 40, sa mhéid go mbaineann siad le cróinéirí.

9 & 10 Vic., c. 37.

Coroners (Ireland) Act, 1846.

An tAcht iomlán.

23 & 24 Vic., c. 74.

Borough Coroners (Ireland) Act, 1860.

An tAcht iomlán.

36 & 37 Vic., c. 76.

Railways Regulation Act (Returns of Signal Arrangements, Workings, etc.), 1873.

Alt 5.

39 & 40 Vic., c. xciii.

Coroners (Dublin) Act, 1876.

An tAcht iomlán ach amháin alt 6.

41 & 42 Vic., c. 69.

Petty Sessions Clerks and Fines (Ireland) Act, 1878.

In alt 9, na focail “or coroner”, aon áit a bhfuil siad.

43 & 44 Vic., c. 13.

Births and Deaths Registration Act (Ireland), 1880.

In alt 16, ó thús an ailt go go dtí na focail “from the coroner”.

44 & 45 Vic., c. 35.

Coroners (Ireland) Act, 1881.

An tAcht iomlán.

55 & 56 Vic., c. 56.

Coroners Act, 1892.

Fo-ailt (1), (2), (3), (4), (5) agus (8) d'alt 1.

61 & 62 Vic., c. 37.

Local Government (Ireland) Act, 1898.

Fo-ailt (1), (2) agus (5) d'alt 14; fo-alt (3) d'alt 40; i bhfo-alt (1) d'alt 69, an focal “coroner”.

8 Edw. VII, c. 37.

Coroners (Ireland) Act, 1908.

An tAcht iomlán.

Uimh. 4 de 1924.

An tAcht Coróinéirí (Cáilíocht), 1924.

An tAcht iomlán.

Uimh. 1 de 1927.

An tAcht Coróinéirí (Leasú), 1927.

An tAcht iomlán.

Uimh. 27 de 1930.

An tAcht Rialtais Áitiúla (Baile Atha Cliath), 1930.

Fo-alt (2) d'alt 23.

Uimh. 3 (Príomháideach) de 1937.

An tAcht Rialtais Áitiúla (Gaillimh), 1937.

Alt 36.

Uimh. 21 de 1940.

An tAcht Rialtais Áitiúil (Baile Atha Cliath) (Leasú), 1940.

Fo-alt (1) d'alt 9.

Uimh. 50 de 1947.

An tAcht Coróinéirí (Leasú), 1947.

An tAcht iomlán.

Uimh. 1 (Príobháideach) de 1950.

Acht Daingnithe Ordaithe Sealadacha Rialtais Áitiúil, 1950.

Mír 1 d'Airteagal 9 den Ordú atá leagtha amach sa Chéad Sceideal.

Uimh. 10 de 1953.

An tAcht Rialtais Áitiúil (Baile Atha Cliath) (Leasú), 1953.

Alt 2.

Uimh. 1 (Príobháideach) de 1955.

Acht Daingnithe Orduithe Sealadacha Rialtais Áitiúil, 1955.

Airteagal 11 den Ordú atá leagtha amach sa Chéad Sceideal; Airteagal 11 den Ordú atá leagtha amach sa Tríú Sceideal.



Number 9 of 1962.





Preliminary and General



Short title and commencement.










Coroners and Coroners' Districts


Coroners' districts.


Amalgamation of districts.


Office of coroner.


Salary of coroner.


Review of salary.


Tenure of office of coroner.


Place of residence of coroner.


Deputy coroners.


Restriction on appointment as coroner or deputy coroner.


Removal from office of coroner and deputy coroner.


First coroners under this Act.




General duty to hold inquest.


Optional power to hold inquest and duty to notify coroner.


Post-mortem examination in lieu of inquest.


Provisions where coroner and deputy coroner are prevented from holding inquest.


Inquest where several deaths arise from one occurrence.


Inquest without exhuming body.


Inquest where body destroyed or irrecoverable.


Inquest on order of Attorney General.


Adjournment of inquest where criminal proceedings are being considered or have been instituted.


Summoning of witnesses.


View of the body.


Note of names, addresses of witnesses.


Preservation of certain documents.


Prohibition of consideration of civil and criminal liability.


Prohibition of censure and exoneration.


Record of verdict returned at an inquest.


Post-mortem and special examinations.


Holding of adjourned inquest by different coroner.


Disqualification of certain coroners for holding certain inquests.


Service of summons.


Non-attendance of jurors and witnesses.


Powers with respect to the taking of evidence, etc, at inquest.


Juries at Inquests


General power to sit with or without jury.


Obligation on coroner to sit with jury in certain cases.


Number of coroner's jury.


Liability to serve on coroner's jury.


Summoning of jury.


Failure of jury to agree.


Holding of adjourned inquest with different jury.




Removal and custody of body pending inquest, etc.




Removal of body outside the State.


Inquest on treasure trove.


Furnishing of particulars to registrars of births and deaths.


Extension of power of coroner to authorise burial.


Provisions governing post-mortem examination caused to be made by coroner.


Prohibition on certain coroners from acting in certain proceedings.


Supply of forms to coroner.


Returns to be made by coroner.


Prescribing of forms of oaths, etc, in respect of inquests.


Prescribing of certain fees and expenses.


Certification and payment of certain sums.


Amendment of Juries Act, 1927.


Enactments Repealed

Acts Referred to

Local Authorities (Officers and Employees) Act, 1926

1926, No. 39

Public Offices (Fees) Act, 1879

1879, c. 58

Local Authorities (Officers and Employees) Act, 1926

1926, No. 39

Deaths Registration Act (Ireland), 1880

1880, c. 13

Juries Act, 1927

1927, No. 23

Health Act, 1947

1947, No. 28


Number 9 of 1962.




Preliminary And General


Short title and commencement.

1.—(1) This Act may be cited as the Coroners Act, 1962.


(2) This Act shall come into operation on such day as the Minister shall by order appoint for that purpose.



2.—In this Act—


coroner”, except in sections 6, 7, 8, 10, 11, 16 and 5.9, includes a person appointed under subsection (2) of section 5 of the Local Authorities (Officers and Employees) Act, 1926, as applied by section 8 of this Act, to fill the office of coroner temporarily;


deputy coroner” has the meaning given to it by section 13 of this Act;


local authority” means the council of a county or the corporation of a county borough;


the Minister” means the Minister for Justice;


prescribed”, save where the context otherwise requires, means prescribed by regulations made by the Minister under this Act;


registered medical practitioner” means a person who is registered, other than provisionally or temporarily, under the Medical Practitioners Acts, 1927 to 1961, in the Register of Medical Practitioners for Ireland.



3.—(1) The Minister may make regulations in relation to any matter referred to in this Act as prescribed or to be prescribed.


(2) Every regulation made by the Minister under this Act shall be laid before each House of the Oireachtas as soon as may be after it is made and, if a resolution annulling the regulation is passed by either such House within the next subsequent twenty-one days on which that House has sat after the regulation is laid before it, the regulation shall be annulled accordingly but without prejudice to anything previously done thereunder.



4.—The expenses incurred by the Minister in the administration of this Act shall to such extent as may be sanctioned by the Minister for Finance be paid out of moneys provided by the Oireachtas.



5.—The enactments specified in the Schedule to this Act are hereby repealed to the extent mentioned in the third column of the Schedule.



Coroners and Coroners' Districts


Coroners' districts.

6.—(1) The coroners districts of the State shall, subject to subsection (2) of this section, the provisions of any order under subsection (3) of this section and section 7 of this Act be the same as the coroners' districts immediately before the commencement of this Act.


(2) The boroughs of Kilkenny, Clonmel, Drogheda and Sligo shall be included, respectively, with the areas which, heretofore, constituted the coroners' districts of County Kilkenny, County Tipperary South Riding, County Louth and North County Sligo to form new coroners' districts.


(3) The boundary between two adjoining coroners' districts the coroners for which were appointed by the same local authority may be altered by the Minister by order made after consultation with the Minister for Local Government and with the consent of the coroners for such districts.


(4) Where a vacancy occurs in a coroner's district portion of which is within a county borough, that portion shall thereupon cease to be part of that district and shall be amalgamated with the district comprising the remainder of the county borough, the coroner of which shall become coroner for the district thereby created and comprising the whole of the county borough.


(5) Section 10 of this Act shall have effect in the case of the creation of a coroner's district under subsection (4) of this section in like manner as if such creation were an amalgamation under a scheme under section 7 of this Act and, for that purpose, the references in subsections (1) and (9) of the said section 10 to the coming into force of a scheme under the said section 7 shall be construed as references to the creation of a district under subsection (4) of this section.


Amalgamation of districts.

7.—(1) When a coroner ceases to hold office, the local authority by whom he was appointed, in lieu of appointing a successor, may, and if required by the Minister shall, submit to the Minister a scheme for the amalgamation of his district or part of his district with the district or districts of any other coroner or coroners appointed by that local authority.


(2) A scheme under this section, if approved of by the Minister after consultation with the Minister for Local Government, shall come into force on such day as the Minister determines.


Office of coroner.

8.—(1) There shall be a coroner for every coroner's district.


(2) The coroner for a coroner's district shall be appointed by the local authority in whose area the district is situate.


(3) The office of coroner shall be an office to which the Local Authorities (Officers and Employees) Act, 1926, applies and that Act shall apply accordingly but with the following modifications:


(a) “the Minister” in the said Act shall, in relation to the office of coroner, mean the Minister for Justice,


(b) subsection (1) of section 5, subsections (1) and (2) of section 7 and section 11 of that Act shall not apply to the office of coroner,


(c) the Minister shall, after consultation with the Local Appointments Commissioners, declare, either generally or for a particular appointment, the qualifications as to age, health and character for appointment to the office of coroner,


(d) the reference in subsection (3) of section 7 of that Act to qualifications prescribed under that section shall be construed as a reference to qualifications declared under paragraph (c) of this subsection, and


(e) every person to be recommended for appointment to the office of coroner shall be selected by such means and in such manner as the Local Appointments Commissioners think proper.


(4) The modifications effected by subsection (3) of this section shall not apply in the case of the appointment of a coroner after the commencement of this Act where the qualifications for the appointment were prescribed before such commencement, and the appointment shall be made as if this Act had not been passed.


(5) The Local Appointments Commissioners shall, before recommending a person for appointment to the office of coroner, satisfy themselves that the person possesses the requisite knowledge and ability for the proper discharge of the duties of that office.


Salary of coroner.

9.—(1) Every coroner shall be paid by the local authority by whom he is appointed such salary as shall from time to time be fixed, with the approval of the Minister, by that local authority.


(2) The Minister shall not give any approval under this section save after consultation with the Minister for Local Government.


(3) The salary of a coroner shall be inclusive of any travelling, subsistence and other out-of-pocket expenses incurred by him in the course of his duties as coroner.


Review of salary.

10.—(1) Within six months after a scheme under section 7 of this Act has come into force, the salary of a coroner whose district has been enlarged under the scheme shall be reviewed by the local authority who pay the salary.


(2) On a review under this section of a salary, the local authority shall, subject to the approval of the Minister, make a determination (in this section referred to as a provisional determination) that the salary shall be increased in a specified manner or that it shall be confirmed.


(3) A local authority who make a provisional determination shall inform the coroner to whom the determination relates of the terms of the determination within one month after it is made.


(4) Where a coroner is dissatisfied with a provisional determination, he may, within three months after being informed of the terms of the determination, appeal against it to the Minister.


(5) Where an appeal is taken against a provisional determination, the Minister shall either dismiss the appeal or determine that the salary in question shall be increased in a specified manner.


(6) Where a provisional determination is made and an appeal against it is not taken or, if taken, is dismissed, the salary in question shall stand confirmed or increased in accordance with the determination.


(7) Where an appeal is taken against a provisional determination and on the appeal the Minister determines that the salary in question shall be increased in a specified manner, the salary shall stand so increased.


(8) Where a local authority who are required by this section to review the salary of a coroner refuse to review it or, on the expiration of one month after the expiration of the period during which they are required to review the salary, have failed to inform the coroner of the terms of a provisional determination made by them in respect of the salary—


(a) the coroner may request the Minister to review the salary,


(b) the Minister shall review the salary and on such review shall determine either that the salary shall be increased in a specified manner or that it shall be confirmed,


(c) the salary shall thereupon stand increased or confirmed in accordance with the determination of the Minister.


(9) An increase of salary under this section shall have effect as from the coming into force of the relevant scheme.


(10) The Minister shall not under this section give an approval, dismiss an appeal or review, or make a determination in relation to, a salary save after consultation with the Minister for Local Government.


Tenure of office of coroner.

11.—(1) Every coroner appointed after the commencement of this Act shall, unless he sooner dies, resigns or is removed from office, hold office until he reaches the age of seventy years.


(2) Subsection (1) of this section shall not apply to a coroner appointed after the commencement of this Act where the qualifications for his appointment were prescribed before such commencement.


Place of residence of coroner.

12.—(1) A coroner shall have his ordinary residence in his district.


(2) Where a coroner has the permission of the Minister (which permission may at any time be withdrawn by the Minister) to have his ordinary residence at a particular place outside his district, he shall be deemed to be fulfilling the requirement of subsection (1) of this section so long as he has his ordinary residence at that place.


Deputy coroners.

13.—(1) Every coroner shall appoint a person approved of for the purpose by the local authority by which the coroner was appointed to be his deputy and the deputy shall be known, and is in this Act referred to, as a deputy coroner.


(2) A coroner may at any time revoke an appointment made by him under this section, but the revocation shall not have effect unless and until he makes a new appointment of a deputy coroner.


(3) A deputy coroner may act for the coroner by whom he was appointed during the illness or absence of the coroner and may also act for the coroner at any inquest which the coroner is disqualified under this Act for holding unless he is himself disqualified under this Act for holding the inquest.


(4) Whenever the office of coroner for a coroner's district is vacant, the following provisions shall have effect:


(a) the person (if any) who was the deputy coroner for that district immediately before the occurrence of the vacancy shall, unless he sooner dies, resigns or is removed from office, continue in office as deputy coroner for that district until the termination of the vacancy;


(b) during the continuance of the vacancy, the deputy coroner for that district shall have all the powers and duties of the coroner for that district and shall be paid by the local authority in whose area the district is situate the same salary as would have been payable by such local authority to the coroner for that district if he had continued in office.


(5) (a) Where a coroner is absent from his duties with the permission of the Minister, the Minister may authorise the deputy coroner for the district of that coroner to perform all the duties of that coroner's office and, while the authorisation is in force, the deputy coroner shall, for the purposes of this Act except section 9, be deemed to be the coroner for that district.


(b) The Minister may revoke an authorisation given under this subsection.


(6) A deputy coroner shall, while acting as coroner in the place of the coroner by whom he was appointed, have all the duties and powers of a coroner.


(7) A deputy coroner shall have his ordinary residence in the coroner's district for which he is deputy coroner.


(8) Where a deputy coroner has the permission of the Minister (which permission may at any time be withdrawn by the Minister) to have his ordinary residence at a particular place outside that coroner's district, he shall be deemed to be fulfilling the requirement of subsection (7) of this section so long as he has his ordinary residence at that place.


Restriction on appointment as coroner or deputy coroner.

14.—(1) No person shall be appointed to be a coroner or a deputy coroner unless he is a practising barrister of at least five years' standing, a practising solicitor of at least five years' standing or a registered medical practitioner who has been registered, other than provisionally or temporarily, under the Medical Practitioners Acts, 1927 to 1961, in the Register of Medical Practitioners for Ireland, or who has been entitled to be so registered, for at least five years.


(2) In reckoning the number of years' standing of a barrister who during a previous period was a solicitor, or of a solicitor who during a previous period was a barrister, such period shall be taken into account.


Removal from office of coroner and deputy coroner.

15.—(1) Whenever the Minister is of opinion that any coroner or deputy coroner has been guilty of misconduct or neglect of duty or is unfit for office or incapable of the due discharge of his duties by reason of physical or mental infirmity, the Minister may send by registered post to such coroner or deputy coroner at his ordinary residence a notice in writing stating the said opinion and, if the Minister, after the expiration of seven days from the sending of the notice and after consideration of the representations (if any) made to him by such coroner or deputy coroner, remains of the said opinion, he may by order remove such coroner or deputy coroner from office.


(2) Every order removing a coroner or deputy coroner from office shall specify the reason for the removal.


First coroners under this Act.

16.—(1) Notwithstanding anything contained in this Act—


(a) every person who, immediately before the commencement of this Act, was a coroner under the law then relating to coroners shall (save as otherwise provided by this section) be deemed immediately upon such commencement to have been appointed under and in accordance with this Act to be the first coroner for the coroner's district corresponding to the district for which he was coroner immediately before such commencement; and


(b) the salary of every such first coroner shall not be less than that which he was paid as coroner immediately before the commencement of this Act.


(2) The respective offices of coroner for the several boroughs of Kilkenny, Clonmel, Drogheda and Sligo shall, upon the commencement of this Act, cease to exist, and every coroner's district which, by virtue of section 6 of this Act, contains one of those boroughs shall be deemed for the purposes of subsection (1) of this section to correspond to the district, as existing immediately before such commencement, to which the borough was added to form that coroner's district.


(3) Every person who is deemed under this section to have been appointed to be a coroner shall furnish to the Minister the name and address of the person (if any) who immediately before the commencement of this Act was, under the law then relating to coroners, deputy coroner for the district of that coroner and thereupon, notwithstanding anything contained in this Act, the last mentioned person shall be deemed to have been appointed under and in accordance with this Act to be the deputy coroner for the district of that coroner.





General duty to hold inquest.

17.—Subject to the provisions of this Act, where a coroner is informed that the body of a deceased person is lying within his district, it shall be the duty of the coroner to hold an inquest in relation to the death of that person if he is of opinion that the death may have occurred in a violent or unnatural manner, or suddenly and from unknown causes or in a place or in circumstances which, under provisions in that behalf contained in any other enactment, require that an inquest should be held.


Optional power to hold inquest and duty to notify coroner.

18.—(1) Where a coroner is informed that the body of a deceased person is lying within his district and that a medical certificate of the cause of death is not procurable, he may inquire into the circumstances of the death of that person and, if he is unable to ascertain the cause of death, may, if he so thinks proper, hold an inquest in relation to the death.


(2) Subsection (1) of this section shall not apply to any case to which section 17 of this Act applies.


(3) It shall be the duty of an inspector or officer of the Garda Síochána, if he becomes aware of the death within the district of a coroner of any person in whose case a medical certificate of the cause of death is not procurable, to inform the coroner of such death.


(4) Every medical practitioner, registrar of deaths or funeral undertaker and every occupier of a house or mobile dwelling, and every person in charge of any institution or premises, in which a deceased person was residing at the time of his death, who has reason to believe that the deceased person died, either directly or indirectly, as a result of violence or misadventure or by unfair means, or as a result of negligence or misconduct or malpractice on the part of others, or from any cause other than natural illness or disease for which he had been seen and treated by a registered medical practitioner within one month before his death, or in such circumstances as may require investigation (including death as the result of the administration of an anaesthetic), shall immediately notify the coroner within whose district the body of the deceased person is lying of the facts and circumstances relating to the death.


(5) The obligation imposed on a person by subsection (4) of this section shall be deemed to be discharged if he immediately notifies a member of the Garda Síochána not below the rank of sergeant of the facts and circumstances required to be notified under that subsection.


(6) Every person who contravenes subsection (4) of this section shall be guilty of an offence under this section and shall be liable on summary conviction thereof to a fine not exceeding twenty pounds.


Post-mortem examination in lieu of inquest.

19.—(1) Where a coroner—


(a) is informed that the body of a deceased person is lying within his district, and


(b) is of opinion that that person's death may have occurred suddenly and from unknown causes, and


(c) is of opinion that a post-mortem examination of the body of that person may show that an inquest in relation to the death is unnecessary,


he may cause the examination to be made and if, in his opinion, the report of the examination shows that an inquest in relation to the death is unnecessary it shall not be obligatory upon him to hold an inquest.


(2) Nothing in this section shall authorise a coroner to dispense with holding an inquest in relation to a death if he is of opinion that the death may have occurred in a violent or unnatural manner or in a place or in circumstances which, under provisions in that behalf contained in any other enactment, require that an inquest should be held.


Provisions where coroner and deputy coroner are prevented from holding inquest.

20.—(1) Whenever an inquest cannot be held save by virtue of this section on account of—


(a) the coroner for the relevant district being absent, ill, incapacitated or disqualified under this Act for holding the inquest or there being a vacancy in the office of coroner for the district, and


(b) the deputy coroner for the district being at the same time absent, ill, incapacitated or disqualified under this Act for holding the inquest,


any member of the Garda Síochána not below the rank of inspector may request the coroner for an adjoining district to hold the inquest, and thereupon such coroner shall hold the inquest accordingly and for that purpose shall be deemed to be the coroner for the first-mentioned district.


(2) Whenever an inquest is held by virtue of this section, the local authority liable to pay the salary of the coroner who would ordinarily hold the inquest shall pay the coroner who holds the inquest such fee as may be prescribed together with such sum to cover his travelling and other expenses as shall be agreed upon between him and the local authority or, in default of agreement, as shall be fixed by the Minister.


Inquest where several deaths arise from one occurrence.

21.—Where the bodies of two or more persons whose deaths appear to have been caused by the same occurrence are lying within the districts of different coroners, the Minister may, if he so thinks proper, direct that one of those coroners shall hold an inquest in relation to all of the deaths, and thereupon the coroner so directed shall hold the inquest in like manner as if all of the bodies were lying within his district.


Inquest without exhuming body.

22.—Where the body of any person upon which it is necessary to hold an inquest has been buried and it is known to the coroner that no good purpose will be effected by exhuming the body for the purposes of an inquest, he may proceed to hold an inquest without having exhumed the body.


Inquest where body destroyed or irrecoverable.

23.—Whenever a coroner has reason to believe that a death has occurred in or near his district in such circumstances that an inquest is appropriate and that, owing to the destruction of the body or its being irrecoverable, an inquest cannot be held except by virtue of this section, the Minister may, if he so thinks proper, direct an inquest in relation to the death to be held by that coroner or another coroner, and thereupon the coroner so directed shall hold an inquest in relation to the death in like manner as if the body were lying within his district and had been viewed by him.


Inquest on order of Attorney General.

24.—(1) Where the Attorney General has reason to believe that a person has died in circumstances which in his opinion make the holding of an inquest advisable he may direct any coroner (whether or not he is the coroner who would ordinarily hold the inquest) to hold an inquest in relation to the death of that person, and that coroner shall proceed to hold an inquest in accordance with the provisions of this Act (and as if, not being the coroner who would ordinarily hold the inquest, he were such coroner) whether or not he or any other coroner has viewed the body, made any inquiry, held any inquest in relation to or done any other act in connection with the death.


(2) Whenever an inquest is held by virtue of this section by a coroner other than the coroner who would ordinarily hold the inquest, the local authority liable to pay the salary of the coroner who would ordinarily hold the inquest shall pay the coroner who holds the inquest such fee as may be prescribed together with such sum to cover his travelling and other expenses as shall be agreed upon between him and that local authority or, in default of agreement, as shall be fixed by the Minister.


Adjournment of inquest where criminal proceedings are being considered or have been instituted.

25.—(1) Where, at an inquest in relation to any death, a member of the Garda Síochána not below the rank of inspector requests the coroner to adjourn the inquest on the ground that criminal proceedings in relation to the death are being considered, the coroner shall adjourn the inquest for such period as he thinks proper and shall further adjourn the inquest for similar periods so often as a member of the Garda Síochána not below the rank of inspector requests him on the ground aforesaid so to do.


(2) Where, at an inquest in relation to any death, a member of the Garda Síochána not below the rank of inspector requests the coroner to adjourn the inquest on the ground that criminal proceedings in relation to the death have been instituted, the coroner shall adjourn the inquest until such proceedings have been finally determined, but it shall not then be obligatory on the coroner to resume the inquest unless he thinks there are special reasons for so doing.


(3) It shall be the duty of the clerk or registrar of any court, at the conclusion of criminal proceedings in that court in relation to the death of a person, to inform the coroner holding an inquest in relation to the death of the result of such proceedings.


(4) When adjourning under this section an inquest a coroner may discharge the jury (if any) summoned therefor.


(5) Where a coroner resumes an inquest which was adjourned under this section and the jury for which has been discharged, he shall proceed in all respects as if the inquest had not been begun.


Summoning of witnesses.

26.—(1) A coroner may, at any time before the conclusion of an inquest held by him, cause a summons in the prescribed form to attend and give evidence at the inquest to be served on any person (including in particular any registered medical practitioner) whose evidence would, in the opinion of the coroner, be of assistance at the inquest.


(2) A coroner shall not exercise, in relation to the attendance at an inquest of a second registered medical practitioner, the power conferred on him by subsection (1) of this section unless—


(a) a majority of the jurors at the inquest, it having appeared to them that the cause of death has not been satisfactorily explained by the medical practitioner giving evidence thereof at the inquest, have by a requisition in writing called upon the coroner to cause a summons under that subsection to be served on another registered medical practitioner, or


(b) that practitioner had assisted at a post-mortem examination upon the person in relation to whose death the inquest is being held.


View of the body.

27.—(1) A coroner holding an inquest in relation to the death of any person shall, except in a case to which section 22 or section 23 of this Act relates, view the body unless—


(a) it has been viewed by a member of the Garda Síochána who gives evidence to that effect at the inquest, or


(b) it has previously been viewed by a coroner or deputy coroner.


(2) Where a coroner is holding an inquest with a jury in relation to the death of any person, the jury shall view the body only if the coroner so directs or a majority of the jury so desires.


Note of names, addresses of witnesses.

28.—Where a coroner holding an inquest does not take depositions, he shall take a note of the name and address of every person who gives evidence at the inquest.


Preservation of certain documents.

29.—(1) Every deposition or note of the names and addresses of witnesses taken at an inquest, every report of a post-mortem examination made in pursuance of this Act and every record of the verdict returned at an inquest shall be preserved by the coroner.


(2) When a coroner ceases to hold office, all documents preserved by him under this section shall be handed over to the county registrar for the county or county borough in which his district is situate and the county registrar shall preserve the documents.


(3) A coroner shall furnish a copy of any document preserved by him under this section to every applicant therefor and, except where the application is made on behalf of a Minister of State or the Garda Síochána, may charge for a copy such fee as may be prescribed.


(4) A county registrar shall furnish a copy of any document preserved by him under this section to every applicant therefor and, except where the application is made on behalf of a Minister of State or the Garda Síochána, shall charge for a copy such fee as may be prescribed.


(5) The following provisions shall have effect in relation to all fees payable to a county registrar under this section:


(a) they shall be collected and taken in such manner as the Minister for Finance shall from time to time direct and shall be paid into or disposed of for the benefit of the Exchequer in accordance with the directions of the said Minister,


(b) the Public Offices (Fees) Act, 1879, shall not apply in respect of them.


Prohibition of consideration of civil and criminal liability.

30.—Questions of civil or criminal liability shall not be considered or investigated at an inquest and accordingly every inquest shall be confined to ascertaining the identity of the person in relation to whose death the inquest is being held and how, when, and where the death occurred.


Prohibition of censure and exoneration.

31.—(1) Neither the verdict nor any rider to the verdict at an inquest shall contain a censure or exoneration of any person.


(2) Notwithstanding anything contained in subsection (1) of this section, recommendations of a general character designed to prevent further fatalities may be appended to the verdict at any inquest.


Record of verdict returned at an inquest.

32.—The record of the verdict returned at an inquest shall be signed by the coroner holding the inquest and, where he is sitting with a jury, by the foreman of the jury.


Post-mortem and special examinations.

33.—(1) A coroner may at any time before or during an inquest cause to be made a post-mortem examination of the body of any person in relation to whose death an inquest is to be or is being held.


(2) A coroner may request the Minister to arrange—


(a) a post-mortem examination by a person appointed by the Minister of the body of any person in relation to whose death the coroner is holding or proposes to hold an inquest, or


(b) a special examination by way of analysis, test or otherwise by a person appointed by the Minister of particular parts or contents of the body or of any other relevant substances or things, or


(c) both such post-mortem examination and special examination,


and he may make such request whether or not he has exercised any other power conferred on him by this Act of causing a post-mortem examination of the body to be made.


(3) It shall be the duty of a coroner to exercise his powers of request to the Minister under subsection (2) of this section in every case in which a member of the Garda Síochána not below the rank of inspector applies to him so to do and states his reasons for so applying.


(4) Every request to the Minister under subsection (2) of this section shall be accompanied by the reasons therefor of the coroner or member of the Garda Síochána at whose instance the request is made.


(5) The Minister on receiving a request under subsection (2) of this section may, as he thinks proper, either comply or decline to comply with the request.


Holding of adjourned inquest by different coroner.

34.—An inquest which has been adjourned and at which only evidence of identification has been given may be resumed by a different coroner.


Disqualification of certain coroners for holding certain inquests.

35.—(1) A coroner or deputy coroner who is a registered medical practitioner shall not hold an inquest on the body of, or inquire into the death of, any person who was attended by him within one month before the person's death.


(2) (a) A coroner or deputy coroner shall not hold an inquest on the body of, or inquire into the death of, any person if he has drawn up, or assisted in the drawing up of, and benefits under, any testamentary disposition made by that person.


(b) For the purpose of paragraph (a) of this subsection, a coroner or deputy coroner who is a solicitor and an executor of the deceased shall not be taken to benefit under a testamentary disposition merely because he is authorised to charge fees in respect of the administration of the estate.


Service of summons.

36.—Every summons to attend an inquest as a juror or witness shall be served by a member of the Garda Síochána either by delivering it to the person to whom it is addressed or by leaving it for him at the address at which he ordinarily resides with a person of the age of sixteen years or upwards.


Non-attendance of jurors and witnesses.

37.—Every person who, having been duly served with a summons to attend an inquest as a juror or witness, fails to attend at the time and place specified in the summons shall be guilty of an offence under this section and shall be liable on summary conviction thereof to a fine not exceeding five pounds.


Powers with respect to the taking of evidence, etc., at inquest.

38.—(1) A coroner may examine the witnesses at an inquest on oath.


(2) Any person who—


(a) being in attendance as a witness at an inquest refuses to take an oath legally required by the coroner holding the inquest to be taken or to answer any question to which the coroner may legally require an answer, or


(b) does any other thing which would, if the coroner had been a court having power to commit for contempt, have been contempt of that court,


shall be guilty of an offence and the coroner may certify the offence under his hand to the High Court, and that Court may thereupon inquire into the alleged offence and after hearing any witnesses who may be produced against or on behalf of the person charged with the offence, and after hearing any statement that may be offered in defence, punish or take steps for the punishment of that person in like manner as if he had been guilty of contempt of that Court.


(3) A witness at an inquest shall be entitled to the same immunities and privileges as if he were a witness before the High Court.



Juries at Inquests


General power to sit with or without jury.

39.—Save as otherwise provided by this Part, a coroner may hold any inquest either, as he thinks proper, with or without a jury.


Obligation on coroner to sit with jury in certain cases.

40.—(1) An inquest shall be held with a jury if, either before or during the inquest, the coroner becomes of opinion—


(a) that the deceased came by his death by murder, infanticide or manslaughter, or


(b) that the death of the deceased occurred in a place or in circumstances which, under provisions in that behalf contained in any other enactment, require that an inquest should be held, or


(c) that the death of the deceased was caused by accident, poisoning or disease of which, under provisions in that behalf contained in any other enactment, notice is required to be given to a Minister or Department of State or to an inspector or other officer of a Minister or Department of State, or


(d) that the death of the deceased was caused by an accident arising out of the use of a vehicle in a public place, or


(e) that the death of the deceased occurred in circumstances the continuance or possible recurrence of which would be prejudicial to the health or safety of the public or any section of the public.


(2) The jury at an inquest shall be sworn by or before the coroner.


(3) Where a coroner, before commencing or resuming an inquest in relation to any death, is informed by a member of the Garda Síochána not below the rank of inspector that he will request an adjournment of the inquest on the ground either that criminal proceedings in relation to the death are being considered or have been instituted, every (if any) obligation under subsection (1) of this section to hold the inquest with a jury shall be deemed to be suspended unless and until the full hearing of the inquest takes place.


Number of coroner's jury.

41.—A coroner's jury shall consist of not less than six and not more than twelve persons.


Liability to serve on coroner's jury.

42.—Every person over the age of twenty-one years residing within a coroner's district shall be liable to serve on the jury at any inquest held within that district unless—


(a) he is disqualified for serving as a juror under section 4 of the Juries Act, 1927;


(b) he is exempted from serving as a juror under section 5 of that Act, and is not included, under section 16 of that Act, in a jurors list.


Summoning of jury.

43.—Whenever a jury is required for an inquest at any time and place, the coroner shall so inform a member of the Garda Síochána and the member shall assemble not less than six and not more than twelve persons qualified to be jurors at the inquest at such time and place and may, if he thinks it necessary, serve summonses in the prescribed form to ensure their attendance.


Failure of jury to agree.

44.—If the jury at an inquest fail to agree on a verdict, the following provisions shall have effect:


(a) if a majority of the jury agree on a verdict, the verdict shall be accepted by the coroner, and


(b) in any other case, the coroner shall discharge the jury and hold a new inquest.


Holding of adjourned inquest with different jury.

45.—An inquest which has been adjourned and at which only evidence of identification has been given may be resumed with a different jury.





Removal and custody of body pending inquest, etc.

46.—(1) Where a coroner considers it necessary to hold an inquest on, or a post-mortem examination of, the body of a deceased person, he may direct that the body be removed into a convenient mortuary or morgue or other suitable place (whether inside or outside his district) and kept therein until he otherwise directs, and he may make such arrangements for the removal of the body as he considers necessary or desirable.


(2) The person in charge of a mortuary, morgue or other place into which the body of a deceased person is directed to be removed under subsection (1) of this section shall allow the body to be deposited in such mortuary, morgue or other place and shall keep the body therein until the coroner otherwise directs.


(3) Any person who obstructs the removal of a body pursuant to a direction under subsection (1) of this section shall be guilty of an offence under this subsection and shall be liable on summary conviction thereof to a fine not exceeding ten pounds.


(4) Any person in charge of a mortuary, morgue or other place who fails to comply with subsection (2) of this section shall be guilty of an offence under this subsection and shall be liable on summary conviction thereof to a fine not exceeding ten pounds.


(5) The removal of a body in pursuance of a direction by a coroner under subsection (1) of this section to any place outside his district shall not affect his powers and duties in relation to the body or the inquest thereon, nor shall it confer or impose any rights, powers or duties upon any other coroner.



47.—(1) Where a coroner is informed by a member of the Garda Síochána not below the rank of inspector that, in his opinion, the death of any person whose body has been buried in the coroner's district may have occurred in a violent or unnatural manner, the coroner may request the Minister to order the exhumation of the body by the Garda Síochána.


(2) On being requested under this section to authorise by order the exhumation of any body, the Minister may, as he thinks proper, either make or refuse to make the order.


(3) Every order made under this section for the exhumation of a body shall operate to authorise the exhumation in accordance with the terms of the order.


(4) Where the body of a deceased person is exhumed in pursuance of an order made under this section, the coroner concerned shall have the like powers and duties as if the body had not been buried.


Removal of body outside the State.

48.—Where it is brought to the notice of a coroner that it is intended to remove out of the State the body of a deceased person which is within his jurisdiction he may certify, in such form as may be prescribed, that he has been satisfied as to the cause of death and that no circumstances exist necessitating the retention of the body, or any part thereof, in the State.


Inquest on treasure trove.

49.—A coroner shall have jurisdiction to inquire into the finding of treasure trove in his district and the provisions of this Act (other than those relating to post-mortem examinations or to the removal of bodies) shall, so far as is consistent with the tenor thereof, apply to every such inquest.


Furnishing of particulars to registrars of births and deaths.

50.—(1) Where, in pursuance of this Act, a coroner—


(a) holds an inquest, or


(b) adjourns an inquest at which evidence of identification and medical evidence as to the cause of death has been given, or


(c) decides, as a result of a post-mortem examination, not to hold an inquest,


he shall furnish the appropriate registrar of births and deaths with a certificate containing such particulars for the registration of the death as may be prescribed after consultation with the Minister for Health and the death shall be registered accordingly.


(2) Where, in pursuance of this Act, a coroner inquires into the circumstances of a death without holding an inquest or causing a post-mortem examination to be made, he shall furnish the appropriate registrar of births and deaths with a certificate containing such particulars as may be prescribed after consultation with the Minister for Health.


(3) Where there is an error in a certificate furnished by a coroner under subsection (1) of this section, he may issue an amending certificate to the registrar and the error shall thereupon be corrected by the registrar in the register of deaths.


Extension of power of coroner to authorise burial.

51.—The power conferred by section 17 of the Births and Deaths Registration Act (Ireland), 1880, on a coroner, upon holding an inquest on a body, of authorising by order the burial of the body shall be construed as including a power so to authorise the burial of a body, whether it is lying for the time being inside or outside his district, in relation to which he has decided that an inquest to be held by him is or may become necessary, and that section shall have extended operation accordingly.


Provisions governing post-mortem examination caused to be made by coroner.

52.—(1) Where a coroner causes under this Act a post-mortem examination of a body to be made, the following provisions shall have effect:


(a) save as provided by the next following paragraph of this subsection, the coroner shall cause such examination to be made by one (and not more than one) registered medical practitioner,


(b) if the coroner considers that that practitioner will require the assistance of another registered medical practitioner in making the examination, he may cause such assistance to be given by one other (but not more than one other) registered medical practitioner,


(c) where the coroner causes such assistance to be given, he shall furnish the Minister with a statement of his reasons for considering it to be necessary, and


(d) if the coroner summons or requests such other practitioner to give evidence at an inquest on the body, he shall furnish the Minister with a statement of his reasons for considering that evidence to be necessary.


(2) (a) A post-mortem examination under this Act shall not be made by a registered medical practitioner who had attended the person in relation to whose death an inquest is to be or is being held within one month before the person's death.


(b) Paragraph (a) of this subsection shall not apply to a registered medical practitioner who is a pathologist on the staff of, or associated with, a hospital save where the coroner considers that the conduct of such practitioner in relation to his attendance on the deceased person is likely to be called in question at the inquest.


Prohibition on certain coroners from acting in certain proceedings.

53.—A coroner or deputy coroner who is a solicitor or barrister shall not act as solicitor or barrister in criminal proceedings arising out of any matter which may have come before him as coroner or deputy coroner.


Supply of forms to coroner.

54.—The local authority by whom a coroner was appointed shall supply him with such supplies of stationery and of prescribed forms as shall be reasonably required by him for the discharge of his duties.


Returns to be made by coroner.

55.—(1) Every coroner shall, on or before the 1st day of February in each year, furnish to the Minister a written return of the inquests held and deaths inquired into in his district during the year ended on the immediately preceding 31st day of December.


(2) In addition to the yearly return specified in subsection (1) of this section, every coroner shall furnish to the Minister or to such other Minister as the Minister may direct such written returns in relation to inquests held and deaths inquired into in his district as the Minister may from time to time require.


(3) Every return furnished under this section shall be in such form and contain such particulars as the Minister may from time to time direct.


Prescribing of forms of oaths, etc., in respect of inquests.

56.—(1) The following forms may be prescribed in respect of inquests, namely, the form of—


(a) oath to be taken by jurors and to be taken by witnesses,


(b) summons to be served on jurors and to be served on witnesses,


(c) deposition, and


(d) record of verdict


(2) Until forms have been prescribed under this section, the forms of oaths, summonses, depositions and inquisitions in use in respect of inquests immediately before the commencement of this Act may continue to be used and may, where necessary, be modified so as to conform with the provisions of this Act.


Prescribing of certain fees and expenses.

57.—The following fees and expenses shall be prescribed, after consultation with the Minister for Local Government, namely—


(a) the fees payable to persons performing, or assisting at, post-mortem and special examinations,


(b) the expenses payable to witnesses at inquests, and


(c) the expenses payable in connection with removal or custody, in accordance with the direction of a coroner, of a body.


Certification and payment of certain sums.

58.—(1) A coroner may, in respect of any matter for which a fee or expenses is or are prescribed under section 57 of this Act, issue his certificate for the payment by a specified local authority to the person concerned of a sum not greater than the sum prescribed in that behalf.


(2) Every person to whom a certificate has been issued under this section may present the certificate to the local authority specified in the certificate and thereupon the local authority shall pay the sum mentioned in the certificate to the person.


(3) The local authority to be specified in a certificate issued under this section shall be—


(a) in a case where the certificate is issued after an inquest by a coroner who would not ordinarily hold the inquest, the local authority by whom the coroner who would ordinarily hold the inquest was appointed,


(b) in case the certificate is issued by a deputy coroner acting in place of a coroner, the local authority by whom the coroner was appointed,


(c) in every other case, the local authority by whom the coroner issuing the certificate was appointed.


(4) No certificate for the payment of any fee shall be issued under this section to a registered medical practitioner who is on the staff of a health institution, within the meaning of the Health Act, 1947, or a hospital in connection with an inquest on the body of a person who died in the institution, if it was his duty to attend the person.


Amendment of Juries Act, 1927.

59.Section 5 (which relates to exemption from jury service) of the Juries Act, 1927, shall have effect as if there were added to Part I of the First Schedule thereto “Coroners, deputy coroners and persons appointed under subsection (2) of section 5 of the Local Authorities (Officers and Employees) Act, 1926, to fill the office of coroner temporarily”.



Enactments Repealed

Section 5.

Session and Chapter or Number and Year

Short Title

Extent of Repeal




4 Edw. I.

The Office of the Coroner.

The whole Act.

6 Geo. IV, c. 51.

The Assizes (Ireland) Act, 1825.

So much of section 4 as relates to any inquisition taken before a coroner; in section 6, the words from “and by order” to “his or their jurisdictions;”.

9 Geo. IV, c. 54.

Criminal Law (Ireland) Act, 1828.

Section 4; sections 5 and 6 in so far as they relate to coroners.

10 Geo. IV, c. 37.

Coroners (Ireland) Act, 1829.

The whole Act.

6 & 7 Will. IV, c. 89.

Coroners (Ireland) Act, 1836.

The whole Act.

3 & 4 Vic., c. 108.

Municipal Corporations (Ireland) Act, 1840.

Sections 153, 154, 155 and 156.

6 & 7 Vic., c. 12.

Coroners Act, 1843.

The whole Act.

8 & 9 Vic., c. 18.

Lands Clauses Consolidation Act, 1845.

Sections 39 and 40, in so far as they relate to coroners.

9 & 10 Vic., c. 37.

Coroners (Ireland) Act, 1846.

The whole Act.

23 & 24 Vic., c. 74.

Borough Coroners (Ireland) Act, 1860.

The whole Act.

36 & 37 Vic., c. 76.

Railways Regulation Act (Returns of Signal Arrangements, Workings, etc.), 1873.

Section 5.

39 & 40 Vic., c. xciii.

Coroners (Dublin) Act, 1876.

The whole Act except section 6.

41 & 42 Vic., c. 69.

Petty Sessions Clerks and Fines (Ireland) Act, 1878.

In section 9, the words “or coroner” wherever they occur.

43 & 44 Vic., c. 13.

Births and Deaths Registration Act (Ireland), 1880.

In section 16, from the beginning of the section to the words “from the coroner”.

44 & 45 Vic., c. 35.

Coroners (Ireland) Act, 1881.

The whole Act.

55 & 56 Vic., c. 56.

Coroners Act, 1892.

Subsections (1), (2), (3), (4), (5) and (8) of section 1.

61 & 62 Vic., c. 37.

Local Government (Ireland) Act, 1898.

Subsections (1), (2) and (5) of section 14; subsection (3) of section 40; in subsection (1) of section 69, the word “coroner”.

8 Edw. VII, c. 37.

Coroners (Ireland) Act, 1908.

The whole Act.

No. 4 of 1924.

Coroners (Qualification) Act, 1924.

The whole Act.

No. 1 of 1927.

Coroners (Amendment) Act, 1927.

The whole Act.

No. 27 of 1930.

Local Government (Dublin) Act, 1930.

Subsection (2) of section 23

No. 3 (Private) of 1937.

Local Government (Galway) Act, 1937.

Section 36.

No. 21 of 1940.

Local Government (Dublin) (Amendment) Act, 1940.

Subsection (1) of section 9.

No. 50 of 1947.

Coroners (Amendment) Act, 1947.

The whole Act.

No. 1 (Private) of 1950.

Local Government Provisional Orders Confirmation Act, 1950.

Paragraph 1 of Article 9 of the Order set out in the First Schedule.

No. 10 of 1953.

Local Government (Dublin) (Amendment) Act, 1953.

Section 2.

No. 1 (Private) of 1955.

Local Government Provisional Orders Confirmation Act, 1955.

Article 11 of the Order set out in the First Schedule; Article 11 of the Order set out in the Third Schedule.