As Ann Déscrolláil
Cuir Déscrolláil ar siúl chun an dá leagan a scrolláil le chéile.
Uimhir 1 de 1939.
Mínithe i gcoitinne.
1.—(1) San Acht so—
[EN]cialluíonn an abairt “Acht 1936” an tAcht um Choinníollacha Fostaíochta, 1936 (Uimh. 2 de 1936);
[EN]cialluíonn an abairt “an tAire” an tAire Tionnscail agus Tráchtála;
[EN]cialluíonn an focal “fostú” fostú fé chonnradh sheirbhíse (pe'ca ráite no tuigthe don chonnradh no pe'ca i mbréithre béil no i scríbhinn dó) no fé chonnradh phríntíseachta, agus is dá réir sin a léireofar focail atá gaolmhar leis;
[EN]cialluíonn an focal “lá,” maidir le duine go dtosnuíonn a sheal oibre lá áirithe agus go gcríochnuíonn sé an lá ina dhiaidh sin, tréimhse de cheithre huaire fichead a chluig dar tosach an t-am a thosnuíonn an seal oibre sin:
[EN]cialluíonn an focal “seachtain” aon tréimhse de sheacht lá as a chéile;
[EN]cialluíonn an focal “mí” aon tréimhse de thríocha lá as a chéile;
[EN]tá an bhrí chéanna leis an abairt “obair thionnscail” atá léi in Acht 1936;
[EN]foluíonn an abairt “cionta fé alt ar bith den Acht so” cionta fé fho-alt ar bith d'alt den Acht so;
[EN]cialluíonn an focal “orduithe” orduithe le rialacháin ar n-a ndéanamh ag an Aire fén Acht so.
[EN](2) Tuigfear, chun crícheanna an Achta so, duine bheidh i seirbhís údaráis áitiúil do bheith ar fostú ag an údarás áitiúil sin.
2.—(1) San Acht so—
[EN]cialluíonn an focal “oibrí” duine ar bith atá ceithre bliana déag d'aois no os a chionn san agus a bhíonn ar fostú, seachas—
[EN](a) duine gur fiú níos mó ná trí chéad agus caoga punt sa bhliain ráta a luach saothair, no
[EN](b) duine dá dtugtar amach earraí no abhair chun iad do chóiriú, do ghlanadh, do nighe, d'atharú, d'ornáidiú no do dheisiú, no d'oiriúnú chun a ndíolta, sa bhaile no in áitreabh eile ná bíonn fé stiúradh ná fé bhainistí an duine do thug amach na habhair no na hearraí, no
[EN](c) duine is ball d'fhuirinn shiopa do réir bhrí Achta na Siopaí (Coinníollacha Fostaíochta), 1938 (Uimh. 4 de 1938), no
[EN](d) duine is freastalaí i gcarr úrúcháin bhóthair iarainn, no
[EN](e) duine is oibrí talmhaíochta do réir bhrí an ailt seo, no
[EN](f) duine bhíonn ar fostú mar mháistir no mar bhall den fhuirinn ar aon árthach fairrge (seachas báirse no bád dríodair), pe'ca ar únaeracht phuiblí no phríobháideach di, a iompruíonn last no paisnéirí, no
[EN](g) duine bhíonn ar fostú i dtigh soluis no ar luing sholuis, no
[EN](h) duine is cléireach in Uird Bheannuithe, no
[EN](i) duine is ball d'aon ord no cumann rialta, no
[EN](j) duine—
[EN](i) is bean chéile, fear céile, athair, máthair, seanathair, sean-mháthair, leas-athair, leas-mháthair, mac, inghean, ua, ban-ua, leas-mhac, leas-inghean, driotháir, drifiúr, leas-driotháir no leas-drifiúr don duine ag á mbíonn sé ar fostú, agus
[EN](ii) a bhíonn á chothabháil ag an duine sin is déanaí luaidhtear agus a chomhnuíonn i dtigh an duine sin, no
[EN](k) duine bhíonn ar fostú ag baint aon tsubstainte (seachas gual, cré theine, slinn, giopas, cloch no aon tsubstaint orduithe) as mianach, no
[EN](l) duine bhíonn ar fostú ag an Stát no fén Stát seachas—
[EN](i) duine bhíonn ar fostú amhlaidh agus le n-a mbaineann Acht 1936 de bhuadh ailt 6 d'Acht 1936, no
[EN](ii) duine bhíonn ar fostú amhlaidh mar gheatóir, mar dhóirseoir, mar theachtaire, mar fhairtheoir oíche, mar bhan-ghlantóir, mar ghlantóir, no mar sclábhaí no i bhfo-dhualgaisí eile, no
[EN](iii) duine bhíonn ar fostú amhlaidh i bhfeadhmannas nea-mbunuithe mar cheárdaí no mar sclábhaí oilte eile, no
[EN](m) duine bhíonn ar fostú mar iascaire, no
[EN](n) duine—
[EN](i) a bhíonn ar fostú ar aon obair no scéim oibreacha gur as airgead a sholáthruíonn an tOireachtas, chun fostaíocht do chur ar fáil agus chun fóirithin ar ghátar, a híoctar a costaisí i bpáirt no go hiomlán, agus
[EN](ii) a bhíonn ar fostú amhlaidh i gcaitheamh tréimhse aimsire ina n-oibríonn sé, do réir chóruis réamhshocruithe, uimhir iomlán de laetheanta nach mó ná cúig oiread an méid seachtaine a leanann an fhostaíocht, no
[EN](o) duine ar bith a bhaineann le haicme is aicme eiscithe de réir bhrí an ailt so;
[EN]cialluíonn an abairt “oibrí tighis” duine—
[EN](a) is oibrí, agus
[EN](b) nach oibrí tionnscail, agus
[EN](c) neachtar acu—
[EN](i) a bhíonn i dteideal, fé n-a chonnradh sheirbhíse, lóistín d'fháil in aisce i dtigh a fhostóra no in áit eile, no
[EN](ii) a dheineann obair is obair phearsanta no is obair thighis i dtigh comhnuithe a fhostóra no ina thimpeall;
[EN]cialluíonn an abairt “oibrí nach oibrí tighis” oibrí seachas oibrí tighis;
[EN]cialluíonn an abairt “oibrí tionnscail” oibrí, seachas oibrí lasmuich do réir bhrí Achta 1936, a dheineann obair thionnscail ar thuarastal no ar phágh no chun aon cheárd no gairm beatha d'fhoghluim;
[EN]cialluíonn an abairt “lá dí-oibre,” maidir le hoibrí, lá ná bíonn an t-oibrí sin, fé n-a chonnradh sheirbhíse, ag obair de ghnáth;
[EN]nuair a húsáidtear an abairt “págh lae iomláin” i dtaobh oibrí cialluíonn sí an méid is iníoctha leis an oibrí sin fé n-a chonnradh sheirbhíse alos lán-lae ghnáith oibre.
[EN](2) Chun crícheanna fo-ailt (1) den alt so cialluíonn an abairt “oibrí talmhaíochta” duine bhíonn ar fostú ag sealbhaire tailimh thalmhaíochta agus a bhíonn ar fostú amhlaidh ar fad no nach mór ar fad ar obair (le n-a n-áirmhítear obair thionnscail) a bhaineann leis an talamh san d'úsáid, ach ní fholuíonn sí—
[EN](a) coimeádaí géim, ná
[EN](b) fear stábla, ná
[EN](c) grúmaer, ná
[EN](d) duine bhíonn ar fostú ar fad no nach mór ar fad ar obair a bhaineann le haon chuid den talamh san a bhíonn á cothabháil mar thaithneamhacht do thigh comhnuithe ar an talamh san, ná
[EN](e) duine ar bith a bhaineann le haicme oibrithe (ar n-a míniú sa tslí sin agus do réir na nithe sin is oiriúnach leis an Aire) a bheidh dearbhuithe le rialacháin ar n-a ndéanamh ag an Aire (agus údaruítear leis seo don Aire na rialacháin sin do dhéanamh) agus a bheidh i bhfeidhm de thurus na huaire do bheith ina haicme d'oibrithe nach oibrithe talmhaíochta chun crícheanna an Achta so.
[EN]Sa bhfo-alt so cialluíonn an abairt “talamh talmhaíochta” talamh a húsáidtear le haghaidh curadóireachta, feirmeoireachta déiríochta, feirmeoireachta éanlaithe clóis, garrdha mhargaidh no garnóireachta no a húsáidtear mar thalamh féaraigh no móinfhéir no inbhir ach ní fholuíonn sí saighleánach ná talamh coille ná talamh a húsáidtear mar gharrdha altran.
[EN](3) Féadfaidh an tAire, pé uair agus chó minic agus is oiriúnach leis é, a dhearbhú le hordú aon aicme áirithe (ar n-a míniú sa tslí sin agus do réir na nithe sin is ceart dar leis an Aire) de dhaoine fostuithe do bheith ina haicme eiscithe chun crícheanna an ailt seo agus, pé uair a déanfar aon ordú den tsórt san, ansan, faid a bheidh an t-ordú san i bhfeidhm, beidh an aicme de dhaoine fostuithe le n-a mbainfidh an t-ordú san ina haicme eiscithe chun crícheanna an ailt seo.
[EN](4) Féadfaidh an tAire ceiliúradh no leasú do dhéanamh ar aon ordú bheidh déanta fén alt so (le n-a n-áirmhítear an fo-alt so).
[EN]Oibrí d'fhostú i mianaigh le n-a mbaineann an Coal Mines Act, 1911.
3.—(1) Beidh feidhm ag na forálacha so leanas maidir le haon oibrí bhíonn ar fostú i mianach le n-a mbaineann an Coal Mines Act, 1911, sé sin le rá:—
[EN](a) i gcás gur gá do réir an Achta san bainisteoir do bheith ar an mianach san—
[EN](i) tuigfear, chun crícheanna an Achta so, gurb é únaer agus gníomhaire agus bainisteoir an mhianaigh sin, gach duine fé leith acu, fostóir an oibrí sin,
[EN](ii) má deintear imeachta mar gheall ar chionta ar bith fén Acht so do bhunú i gcoinnibh an té is únaer (agus nach é is bainisteoir) no is gníomhaire (agus nach é is bainisteoir) ar an mianach san, beidh sé ina chosaint mhaith ar na himeachta san má chruthuíonn an t-únaer no an gníomhaire sin chun sástachta na cúirte—
[EN](I) nár ghnáthach leis aon pháirt do bheith aige agus ná raibh, i dtaobh na nithe bheidh i gceist, aon pháirt aige i mbainistí an mhianaigh sin, agus
[EN](II) go ndearna sé gach socrú i gcúrsaí airgeadais agus eile ba ghá chun a chur ar chumas an bhainisteora a dhualgaisí do chólíonadh, agus
[EN](III) gur i ngan fhios dó agus gan cead uaidh agus gan é dá scaoileadh thairis do rinneadh an cionta;
[EN](b) i gcás nach gá do réir an Achta san bainisteoir do bheith ar an mianach san tuigfear, chun crícheanna an Achta so, gurb é únaer agus gníomhaire an mhianaigh sin, gach duine fé leith acu, fostóir an oibrí sin.
[EN](2) San alt so tá leis na focail “únaer,” “gníomhaire” agus “bainisteoir” nuair a húsáidtear iad i dtaobh mianaigh na bríonna céanna atá leis na focail “owner,” “agent” agus “manager” fé seach san Coal Mines Act, 1911.
[EN]Fostaíocht leanúnach.
4.—(1) Má thárlann briseadh i bhfostaíocht oibrí le fostóir áirithe mar gheall ar an oibrí sin do bheith breoite no an obair ina mbeidh sé ar fostú amhlaidh do stad go sealadach no laigheadú sealadach do theacht ar mhéid sheachtainiúil na hoibre sin no mar gheall ar aon chúis sealadaigh eile nach é gníomh no faillí an oibrí sin fé ndeár í tuigfear, chun aon tréimhse fostaíochta leanúnaighe i bhfostaíocht an fhostóra san do réir bhrí an Achta so d'áireamh, an t-oibrí sin do bheith i bhfostaíocht an fhostóra san faid a lean an briseadh sin más rud é, agus amháin más rud é, go ndearnadh do réir na gcoinníollacha so leanas, sé sin le rá:—
[EN](a) go ndeachaidh an t-oibrí sin, nuair a bhí deireadh leis an mbriseadh sin, thar n-ais i bhfostaíocht an fhostóra ag á raibh sé ar fostú díreach roimh an mbriseadh sin, agus
[EN](b) nár lean an briseadh sin níos sia ná mí.
[EN](2) I gcás oibrí is ball den Fhórsa Cúltaca d'Fhórsaí Cosanta na hÉireann do bheith as láthair o n-a fhostaíocht chun bheith i láthair agus a dhualgas do chólíonadh, mar bhall den tsórt san, ag aon tréineáil thionnscnaimh, tréineáil bhliantúil no slógadh tástála tuigfear, chun aon tréimhse fostaíochta no fostaíochta leanúnaighe do réir bhrí an Achta so d'áireamh, an t-oibrí sin do bheith san bhfostaíocht san aige le linn é bheith as láthair amhlaidh, agus dá réir sin déanfar, chun crícheanna an Achta so, an tréimhse do bhí sé as láthair amhlaidh d'áireamh sa tréimhse fostaíochta no fostaíochta leanúnaighe sin.
[EN]“Bliain fhostaíochta” agus “leathbhliain fhostaíochta”.
5.—(1) San Acht so—
[EN]nuair a húsáidtear an abairt “bliain fhostaíochta” i dtaobh oibrí, cialluíonn sí tréimhse de thrí chéad agus cúig lá seascad (gan aon lá gurb é an 29adh lá d'Fheabhra é d'áireamh) dar tosach an lá is déanaí chuaidh an t-oibrí sin sa bhfostaíocht gur ina taobh a húsáidtear an abairt no aon lá cinn bhliana don lá san;
[EN]nuair a húsáidtear an abairt “an chéad leath” i dtaobh bliana fostaíochta oibrí thighis, cialluíonn sí tréimhse de chéad agus trí lá ochtód dar tosach an chéad lá den bhliain fhostaíochta san;
[EN]nuair a húsáidtear an abairt “an dara leath” i dtaobh bliana fostaíochta oibrí thighis, cialluíonn sí an méid sin den bhliain fhostaíochta san ná fuil sa chéad leath den bhliain fhostaíochta san;
[EN]I gcás oibrí do dhul i bhfostaíocht an 29adh lá d'Fheabhra tuigfear, chun míniú na habairte “bliain fhostaíochta” do léiriú, é do dhul sa bhfostaíocht san an chéad lá ina dhiaidh sin.
[EN](2) I gcás—
[EN](a) únaeracht aon ghnótha, pe'ca chun brabús no sochar do dhéanamh a bhíonn sé ar siúl no nach eadh, d'aistriú tré ghníomh na bpáirtithe no tré oibriú dlí i gcaitheamh bliana fostaíochta aon oibrí do bhí ar fostú díreach roimh an aistriú san ag an duine ag á raibh an gnó san ar siúl, agus
[EN](b) an oibrí sin do leanúint de bheith ar fostú tar éis an aistrithe sin ag an duine (dá ngairmtear an fostóir nua so bhfo-alt so) chun ar haistríodh an únaeracht san, beidh éifeacht ag na forálacha so leanas, sé sin le rá:—
[EN](i) tuigfear, chun crícheanna an Achta so (agus fo-alt (1) den alt so d'áireamh ach gan alt 9 (a bhaineann le cearta oibrithe nach oibrithe tighis maidir le laetheanta saoire puiblí) den Acht so d'áireamh maidir le haon laetheanta saoire puiblí roimh an aistriú san) an t-oibrí sin do bheith i bhfostaíocht an fhostóra nua i dtosach na bliana fostaíochta san agus ón tosach san amach;
[EN](ii) má rinneadh, roimh an aistriú san, saoire bhliantúil no, i gcás gur oibrí tighis an t-oibrí sin, saoire bhliantúil no saoire leath-bhliantúil do lomháil don oibrí sin i rith na bliana fostaíochta san, tuigfear, chun crícheanna an Achta so, gurb é an fostóir nua do lomháil an tsaoire bhliantúil no an tsaoire leath-bhliantúil sin.
[EN](3) San alt so foluíonn an focal “gnó” aon ghairm, oifig, bunaíocht no trádáil de shaghas ar bith.
[EN]Léiríu na habairte “lá saoire iomlán do lomháil”.
6.—Tuigfear, chun crícheanna an Achta so, duine do lomháil lae shaoire iomláin lá áirithe d'oibrí bhíonn ar fostú aige más rud é, agus amháin más rud é, ná leigfidh an duine sin don oibrí sin aon obair do dhéanamh dó an lá san.
[EN]Laetheanta saoire puiblí maidir le hoibrithe tionnscail.
7.—Gach lá atá, de bhuadh ailt 7 d'Acht 1936, ina lá shaoire phuiblí, chun crícheanna Achta 1936, maidir le hoibrí tionnscail, beidh sé freisin ina lá shaoire phuiblí, chun crícheanna an Achta so, maidir le hoibrí den tsórt san, agus nuair a húsáidtear an abairt “lá saoire puiblí” san Acht so maidir le hoibrí tionnscail is dá réir sin a léireofar í.
[EN]Laetheanta saoire puiblí maidir le hoibrithe nach oibrithe tighis ná oibrithe tionnscail.
8.—(1) Fé réir forálacha an ailt seo beidh gach lá acu so leanas ina lá shaoire phuiblí, chun crícheanna an Achta so, maidir le hoibrithe nach oibrithe tighis ná oibrithe tionnscail, sé sin le rá:—
[EN](a) Lá Nodlag nuair a thuitfidh ar lá den tseachtain no, nuair a thuitfidh ar an Domhnach, an 27adh lá de Mhí na Nodlag, agus
[EN](b) Lá Fhéile Stiofáin nuair a thuitfidh ar lá den tseachtain no, nuair a thuitfidh ar an Domhnach, an chéad Luan ina dhiaidh sin, agus
[EN](c) Lá Fhéile Pádraig nuair a thuitfidh ar lá den tseachtain no, nuair a thuitfidh ar an Domhnach, an chéad Luan ina dhiaidh sin, agus
[EN](d) Luan Cásca, Luan Cincíse, agus an chéad Luan de Lúnasa.
[EN](2) Pé uair a déanfar, in aon bhliain áirithe, lá do cheapadh fén Acht Laetheanta Saoire Puiblí, 1924 (Uimh. 56 de 1924), chun bheith ina lá saoire bainc in ionad lae luaidhtear sa bhfo-alt deiridh sin roimhe seo den alt so tuigfear, an bhliain sin, an lá ceapfar amhlaidh do bheith curtha sa bhfo-alt san in ionad an lae luaidhtear amhlaidh agus léireofar an fo-alt san agus beidh éifeacht aige dá réir sin.
[EN](3) Féadfaidh fostóir aon oibrí nach oibrí tighis ná oibrí tionnscail ceachtar lá acu so leanas do chur in ionad aon lae shaoire phuiblí áirithe (seachas Lá Nodlag no Lá Fhéile Pádraig) a thuitfidh i mbliain chaileandair, sé sin le rá:—
[EN](a) an lá saoire Eaglaise thuitfidh sa bhliain chaileandair sin díreach roimh an lá saoire puiblí sin, tré fhógra do thabhairt don oibrí sin nach oibrí tighis ceithre lá déag ar a laighead roimh an lá saoire Eaglaise sin i dtaobh é bheith ar intinn an lá san do chur in ionad an lae shaoire phuiblí sin, no
[EN](b) an lá saoire Eaglaise thuitfidh sa bhliain chaileandair sin díreach i ndiaidh an lae shaoire phuiblí sin no, má bhíonn an lá saoire puiblí sin ina lá is lá saoire puiblí de bhuadh míre (b) d'fho-alt (1) den alt so, an 1adh lá d'Eanar díreach ina dhiaidh sin, tré fhógra do thabhairt don oibrí sin nach oibrí tighis ceithre lá déag ar a laighead roimh an lá saoire puiblí sin i dtaobh é bheith ar intinn an lá san do chur in ionad an lae shaoire phuiblí sin,
[EN]agus pé uair a bhéarfar fógra den tsórt san beidh an lá saoire Eaglaise a cuirfear in ionad lae shaoire phuiblí amhlaidh ina lá saoire puiblí, maidir leis an oibrí sin nach oibrí tighis, chun crícheanna an Achta so in ionad an lae gur ina ionad a cuirfear é amhlaidh.
[EN]Chun crícheanna an fho-ailt seo is lá saoire Eaglaise gach lá acu so leanas, sé sin le rá:—
[EN](i) an 1adh lá d'Eanar, ach nuair a thuitfidh ar an Domhnach,
[EN](ii) an 6adh lá d'Eanar, ach nuair a thuitfidh ar an Domhnach,
[EN](iii) Déardaoin Deasgabhála,
[EN](iv) Féile Chorp Críost,
[EN](v) an 29adh lá de Mheitheamh, ach nuair a thuitfidh ar an Domhnach,
[EN](vi) an 15adh lá de Lúnasa, ach nuair a thuitfidh ar an Domhnach,
[EN](vii) an 8adh lá de Mhí na Nodlag, ach nuair a thuitfidh ar an Domhnach.
[EN](4) Cuideachta bhóthair iarainn go mbeidh aon duine ar fostú acu is oibrí nach oibrí tighis agus nach oibrí tionnscail, féadfaid freisin an Aoine Chéasta roimh Luan Cásca áirithe do chur in ionad an Luain Chásca san tré fhógra do thabhairt don duine sin ceithre lá déag ar a laighead roimh an Aoine Chéasta san i dtaobh iad a bheith ar intinn san do dhéanamh agus pé uair a bhéarfar aon fhógra den tsórt san beidh an Aoine Chéasta cuirfear in ionad an Luain Chásca san amhlaidh ina lá saoire puiblí, maidir leis an duine sin, chun crícheanna an Achta so in ionad an Luain Chásca gur ina ionad a cuirfear í amhlaidh.
[EN](5) Is i scríbhinn a bheidh an fógra luaidhtear i bhfo-alt (3) no i bhfo-alt. (4) den alt so agus féadfar é thabhairt do dhuine ar bith tré chóip de do shíneadh chuige go pearsanta no tré chóip de do phostáil suas in ionad feiceálach san áit ina mbíonn an duine sin ar fostú.
[EN](6) San Acht so nuair a húsáidtear an abairt “lá saoire puiblí” maidir le hoibrí nach oibrí tighis ná oibrí tionnscail, léireofar í do réir na bhforálacha san roimhe seo den alt so.
[EN]Cearta oibrithe nach oibrithe tighis maidir le laetheanta saoire puiblí.
9.—(1) I gcás—
[EN](a) oibrí nach oibrí tighis do bheith i bhfostaíocht dhuine lá saoire puiblí, agus
[EN](b) an t-oibrí sin do bheith tar éis oibriú don duine sin ar feadh céad agus caoga uair a chluig ar a laighead aon tráth i rith na tréimhse de chúig sheachtaine díreach roimh an lá saoire puiblí sin, agus
[EN](c) neachtar acu—
[EN](i) an duine sin do bheith tar éis lá saoire iomlán do lomháil (pe'ca i gcólíonadh fo-ailt (1) d'alt 49 d'Acht 1936 é no nach eadh) don oibrí sin an lá saoire puiblí sin, no
[EN](ii) an lá saoire puiblí sin do thuitim ar lá dí-oibre agus gan an t-oibrí sin do bheith ag obair don duine sin an lá saoire puiblí sin,
[EN]déanfaidh an duine sin, ach san fé réir forálacha fo-ailt (7) den alt so, suim is có-ionann le págh lae iomláin d'íoc leis an oibrí sin alos an lae shaoire phuiblí sin.
[EN](2) I gcás—
[EN](a) oibrí nach oibrí tighis do bheith i bhfostaíocht dhuine lá saoire puiblí, agus
[EN](b) an t-oibrí sin do bheith tar éis oibriú don duine sin ar feadh céad agus caoga uair a chluig ar a laighead aon tráth i rith na tréimhse de chúig sheachtaine díreach roimh an lá saoire puiblí sin, agus
[EN](c) an t-oibrí sin do bheith tar éis oibriú an lá saoire puiblí sin don duine sin, agus
[EN](d) gan an t-oibrí sin do bheith tar éis págh lae iomláin agus é méaduithe de chúig fichead per cent. d'fháil alos an lae shaoire phuiblí sin,
[EN]beidh éifeacht ag na forálacha so leanas ach san fé réir forálacha fo-ailt (7) den alt so, sé sin le rá:—
[EN](e) mara scuiridh an t-oibrí sin de bheith i bhfostaíocht an duine sin fé cheann mí tar éis an lae shaoire phuiblí sin, ansan—
[EN](i) lomhálfaidh an duine sin lá saoire iomlán don oibrí sin ar lá oibre roimh dheireadh an mhí sin agus déanfaidh, má lomhálann sé an lá saoire iomlán san amhlaidh, suim is có-ionann le págh lae iomláin d'íoc leis an oibrí sin alos an lae shaoire iomláin sin,
[EN](ii) mara ndeinidh an duine sin an lá saoire iomlán san do lomháil amhlaidh don oibrí sin, beidh an duine sin ciontach i gcionta fén bhfo-alt so agus ar a chiontú ann ar an slí achmair dlighfear na pionóisí luaidhtear sa Sceideal a ghabhann leis an Acht so do chur air, agus déanfaidh (pe'ca beifear tar éis imeachta maidir leis an gcionta san do bhunú no ná beifear) suim is có-ionann le págh lae iomláin d'íoc leis an oibrí sin alos an lae shaoire phuiblí sin, ach ní déanfar imeachta maidir leis an gcionta san ná chun na suime sin do bhaint amach do bhunú go dtí deireadh na bliana de bhlianta fostaíochta an oibrí sin gur laistigh di thuitfidh an lá saoire puiblí sin, no, i gcás ina mbeifear tar éis saoire bhliantúil do lomháil don oibrí sin, go dtí deireadh na saoire bliantúla san, no go dtí go scuirfidh a fhostaíocht (pé ní acu san is túisce thárlóidh);
[EN](f) má scuireann an t-oibrí sin de bheith i bhfostaíocht an duine sin roimh dheireadh an mhí sin agus ná beifear tar éis lá saoire iomlán do lomháil dó ar lá oibre éigin idir an lá saoire puiblí sin agus am an scurtha san agus suim is có-ionann le págh lae iomláin d'íoc leis alos an lae shaoire iomláin sin, déanfaidh an duine sin, ar an scur san, suim is có-ionann le págh lae iomláin d'íoc leis an oibrí sin i dteanta aon pháigh a bheidh dlite dhó an uair sin.
[EN](3) I gcás—
[EN](a) oibrí, nach oibrí tighis, a bheidh i bhfostaíocht dhuine do bheith tar éis oibriú don duine sin ar feadh céad agus caoga uair a chluig ar a laighead aon tráth i rith na tréimhse de chúig sheachtaine díreach roimh lá saoire puiblí, agus
[EN](b) an duine sin do scur seirbhísí an oibrí sin leis an duine sin roimh an lá saoire puiblí sin,
[EN]déanfaidh an duine sin ar an scur san, ach san fé réir forálacha fo-ailt (7) den alt so, suim is có-ionann le págh lae iomláin d'íoc leis an oibrí sin i dteanta aon pháigh a bheidh dlite dhó an uair sin.
[EN](4) I gcás—
[EN](a) oibrí, nach oibrí tighis, a bheidh i bhfostaíocht dhuine do bheith tar éis oibriú don duine sin ar feadh céad agus caoga uair a chluig ar a laighead aon tráth i rith na tréimhse de chúig sheachtaine díreach roimh lá saoire ceaptha, agus
[EN](b) lá (dá ngairmtear an lá ionaid sa bhfo-alt so) do chur in ionad an lae shaoire cheaptha san fé alt 7 d'Acht 1936, i gcás gur oibrí tionnscail an t-oibrí sin, no, in aon chás eile, fén alt deiridh sin roimhe seo den Acht so, agus
[EN](c) an lá ionaid do thuitim tar éis an lae shaoire cheaptha san, agus
[EN](d) an duine sin do scur seirbhísí an oibrí sin leis an duine sin roimh an lá ionaid,
[EN]déanfaidh an duine sin ar an scur san, ach san fé réir forálacha fo-ailt (7) den alt so, suim is có-ionann le págh lae iomláin d'íoc leis an oibrí sin i dteanta aon pháigh a bheidh dlite dhó an uair sin.
[EN]Sa bhfo-alt so cialluíonn an abairt “lá saoire ceaptha”—
[EN](a) maidir le duine is oibrí tionnscail, lá is lá saoire puiblí de bhuadh fo-ailt (1) no fo-ailt (2) d'alt 7 d'Acht 1936;
[EN](b) maidir le duine nach oibrí tionnscail, lá is lá saoire puiblí de bhuadh fo-ailt (1) no fo-ailt (2) den alt deiridh sin roimhe seo den Acht so,
[EN](5) Féadfaidh an tAire, pé uair agus chó minic agus is ceart san dar leis, rialacháin do dhéanamh atharóidh, maidir le gach aicme no le haon aicme no aicmí áirithe (ar n-a míniú sa tslí sin agus do réir na nithe sin is ceart dar leis an Aire) d'oibrithe nach oibrithe tighis, an tréimhse de chéad agus caoga uair a chluig a luaidhtear i bhfo-ailt (1), (2), (3) agus (4) den alt so tré pé méid uair a chluig eile no pé méid laetheanta is ceart dar leis an Aire do chur in ionad na tréimhse sin, agus pé uair a bheidh aon rialacháin den tsórt san i bhfeidhm beidh éifeacht ag na fo-ailt sin, maidir leis na hoibrithe, nach oibrithe tighis, no leis an aicme no na haicmí d'oibrithe, nach oibrithe tighis, le n-a mbainfidh na rialacháin sin, fé is dá ndeintí an tréimhse sin d'atharú sa tslí bheidh luaidhte sna rialacháin sin.
[EN](6) Déanfar, maidir le baint na gcúig fo-alt deiridh sin roimhe seo le hoibrithe is oibrithe tionnscail fé bhun ocht mbliana déag d'aois, an tréimhse de chéad agus fiche uair a chluig do chur in ionad na tréimhse de chéad agus caoga uair a chluig, agus is dá réir sin a bheidh éifeacht ag na cúig fo-ailt deiridh sin roimhe seo maidir le hoibrithe den tsórt san.
[EN](7) Má dheineann fostóir oibrí nach oibrí tighis saoire bhliantúil do lomháil don oibrí sin fén gcéad alt ina dhiaidh seo i rith aon bhliana de bhlianta fostaíochta an oibrí sin agus go lomhálfaidh an fostóir sin dó, i dteanta agus díreach i ndiaidh na saoire bliantúla san, ar lá oibre no ar laetheanta oibre uimhir de laetheanta saoire iomlána (dá ngairmtear laetheanta saoire breise san alt so) a bheidh as a chéile más mó ná a haon iad no do bheadh as a chéile mara mbeadh laetheanta dí-oibre no gearrlaetheanta (más ann dóibh) do theacht eatortha, beidh éifeacht ag na forálacha so leanas, sé sin le rá:—
[EN](a) más sé lá saoire breise no níos mó a lomhálfar agus go n-íocfaidh an fostóir sin leis an oibrí sin suim is coionann le págh lae iomláin alos gach ceann de shé cinn de sna laetheanta saoire breise sin ní bheidh feidhm ag fo-alt (1) ná fo-alt (2) ná fo-alt (3) ná fo-alt (4) den alt so maidir leis an oibrí sin alos aon lae shaoire phuiblí thuitfidh laistigh den bhliain fhostaíochta san;
[EN](b) más lugha ná sé lá saoire breise a lomhálfar agus go n-íocfaidh an fostóir sin leis an oibrí sin suim is cóionann le págh lae iomláin alos gach lae de sna laetheanta saoire breise lomhálfar amhlaidh, féadfaidh an fostóir sin, an tráth a bhéarfaidh fógra don oibrí sin i dtaobh é bheith ar intinn an tsaoire bhliantúil sin do lomháil, fógra i scríbhinn do thabhairt don oibrí sin freisin á rá—
[EN](i) más cúig lá saoire breise lomhálfar, gur in ionad a chearta alos gach lae de sna cúig lá saoire puiblí sin (a thuitfidh laistigh den bhliain fhostaíochta san) a thoghfaidh an fostóir sin agus a luadhfaidh sa bhfógra san na laetheanta saoire breise sin,
[EN](ii) más ceithre lá saoire breise lomhálfar, gur in ionad a chearta alos gach lae de sna ceithre lá saoire puiblí sin (a thuitfidh laistigh den bhliain fhostaíochta san) a thoghfaidh an fostóir sin agus a luadhfaidh sa bhfógra san na laetheanta saoire breise sin,
[EN](iii) más trí lá saoire breise lomhálfar; gur in ionad a chearta alos gach lae de sna trí lá saoire puiblí sin (a thuitfidh laistigh den bhliain fhostaíochta san) a thoghfaidh an fostóir sin agus a luadhfaidh sa bhfógra san na laetheanta saoire breise sin,
[EN](iv) más dhá lá shaoire breise lomhálfar, gur in ionad a chearta alos gach lae den dá lá shaoire phuiblí sin (a thuitfidh laistigh den bhliain fhostaíochta san) a thoghfaidh an fostóir sin agus a luadhfaidh sa bhfógra san na laetheanta saoire breise sin,
[EN](v) más aon lá saoire breise amháin a lomhálfar, gur in ionad a chearta alos an lae shaoire phuiblí sin (a thuitfidh laistigh den bhliain fhostaíochta san) a thoghfaidh an fostóir sin agus a luadhfaidh sa bhfógra san an lá saoire breise sin,
[EN]agus in aon chás den tsórt san ní bheidh feidhm ag fo-alt (1) ná fo-alt (2) ná fo-alt (3) ná fo-alt (4) den alt so maidir leis an oibrí sin alos aon lae shaoire phuiblí luadhfar sa bhfógra san.
[EN](8) San alt so—
[EN]cialluíonn an abairt “gearr-lá”, maidir le hoibrí, lá ar a n-oibríonn an t-oibrí sin de ghnáth fé n-a chonnradh sheirbhíse ar feadh tréimhse is giorra ná lá iomlán;
[EN]cialluíonn an abairt “lá oibre”, maidir le hoibrí, lá—
[EN](a) is lá seachtaine, agus
[EN](b) nach—
[EN](i) lá saoire puiblí, ná
[EN](ii) lá ar a dtuitfidh aon tréimhse de cheithre huaire fichead a chluig as a chéile de shos is gá do lomháil don oibrí sin fé aon achtachán eile, ná
[EN](iii) lá dí-oibre, ná
[EN](iv) gearr-lá.
[EN](9) I gcás—
[EN](a) fostóir oibrí nach oibrí tighis do dhéanamh íocaíochta leis an oibrí sin fén alt so alos lae shaoire phuiblí, agus
[EN](b) seirbhísí an oibrí sin do scur roimh an lá saoire puiblí sin,
[EN]ní tuigfear, chun crícheanna na nAchtanna um Arachas Díomhaointis, 1920 go 1933, an t-oibrí sin do bheith i bhfostaíocht an fhostóra san an lá saoire puiblí sin.
[EN]Saoire bhliantúil oibrithe nach oibrithe tighis.
10.—(1) Déanfaidh gach duine go mbeidh oibrí nach oibrí tighis ar fostú aige seacht lá saoire iomlán as a chéile (dá ngairmtear saoire bhliantúil san Acht so) do lomháil, pé tráth is oiriúnach leis an duine sin, don oibrí sin nach oibrí tighis i ngach bliain de bhlianta fostaíochta an oibrí sin ina raibh sé go leanúnach i bhfostaíocht an duine sin agus inar oibrigh sé ar feadh ocht gcéad déag uair a chluig ar a laighead sa bhfostaíocht san.
[EN](2) Má lomháltar saoire bhliantúil d'oibrí nach oibrí tighis íocfaidh fostóir an oibrí sin leis an oibrí sin alos na saoire bliantúla san—
[EN](a) i gcás gnáth-luach saothair an oibrí sin d'áireamh ar fad do réir ama, suim is có-ionann leis an méid (gan págh breis-aimsire do bhac) do fuair an t-oibrí sin ón bhfostóir sin mar thuarastal no mar phágh alos na seachtaine sin roimh an saoire bhliantúil sin inar oibrigh an t-oibrí sin an ghnáth-uimhir d'uaire a chluig ar an ngnáth-uimhir mhaximum de laetheanta fé n-a chonnradh sheirbhíse, agus
[EN](b) in aon chás eile, suim is có-ionann le méid a mheantuillimh sheachtainiúil (gan págh breis-aimsire do bhac) in aghaidh na sé mhí díreach roimh an saoire bhliantúil sin má bhí sé ar fostú chó fada san ag an bhfostóir sin ach, mara raibh, ansan in aghaidh aon tréimhse is giorra ná san a bhí sé ar fostú ag an bhfostóir sin.
[EN](3) I gcás—
[EN](a) oibrí, nach oibrí tighis, a bheidh ar fostú ag duine do scur, tráth ar bith seachas i ndeireadh bliana de bhlianta fostaíochta an oibrí sin, de bheith i bhfostaíocht an duine sin, agus
[EN](b) an t-oibrí sin do bheith i bhfostaíocht an duine sin ar feadh mí ar a laighead sa bhliain fhostaíochta san agus é bheith tar éis oibriú ar feadh céad agus caoga uair a chluig ar a laighead sa mhí sin, agus
[EN](c) gan an duine sin do bheith tar éis saoire bhliantúil, alos na coda san den bhliain fhostaíochta san go raibh an t-oibrí sin ar fostú amhlaidh ar a feadh, do lomháil don oibrí sin roimh an scur san,
[EN]íocfaidh an duine sin leis an oibrí sin le linn an scurtha san—
[EN](i) suim is có-ionann le págh lae iomláin alos an chéad mhí sa chuid sin den bhliain fhostaíochta san ina mbeidh sé tar eis oibriú ar feadh céad agus caoga uair a chluig ar a laighead, agus
[EN](ii) suim is có-ionann le págh lae iomláin alos gach tréimhse (gan an chéad mhí sin d'áireamh) de dhá mhí sa chuid sin den bhliain fhostaíochta san ina mbeidh sé tar éis oibriú ar feadh trí chéad uair a chluig ar a laighead.
[EN](4) Féadfaidh an tAire, pé uair agus chó minic agus is ceart san dar leis, rialacháin do dhéanamh atharóidh, maidir le gach aicme no le haon aicme no aicmí áirithe (ar n-a míniú sa tslí sin agus do réir na nithe sin is ceart dar leis an Aire) d'oibrithe nach oibrithe tighis, gach ceann no aon cheann de sna tréimhsí d'ocht gcéad déag uair a chluig, de thrí chéad uair a chluig no de chéad agus caoga uair a chluig a luaidhtear i bhfo-ailt (1) agus (3) den alt so tré pé méid uair a chluig eile no pé méid laetheanta is ceart dar leis an Aire do chur in ionad na tréimhse no na dtréimhsí sin, agus pé uair a bheidh aon rialacháin den tsórt san i bhfeidhm beidh éifeacht ag na fo-ailt sin, maidir leis na hoibrithe, nach oibrithe tighis, no leis an aicme no na haicmí d'oibrithe, nach oibrithe tighis, le n-a mbainfidh na rialacháin sin, fé is dá ndeintí na tréimhsí sin no an ceann no na cinn sin acu dá ndéanfaidh na rialacháin sin deifir d'atharú sa tslí bheidh luaidhte sna rialacháin sin.
[EN](5) Déanfar, maidir le baint an ailt seo le hoibrithe is oibrithe tionnscail fé bhun ocht mbliana déag d'aois—
[EN](a) an tréimhse de chúig chéad déag uair a chluig do chur i bhfo-ailt (1) agus (4) in ionad ocht gcéad déag uair a chluig, agus
[EN](b) na tréimhsí uile agus fé seach de dhá chéad agus caoga uair a chluig agus de chéad agus fiche uair a chluig do chur fé seach i bhfo-ailt (3) agus (4) in ionad na dtréimhsí uile agus fé seach de thrí chéad uair a chluig agus de chéad agus caoga uair a chluig,
[EN]agus is dá réir sin a bheidh éifeacht ag an alt so maidir le oibrithe den tsórt san.
[EN](6) I gcás aon lá dí-oibre no aon dá lá no níos mó de laetheanta dí-oibre as a chéile do thuitim díreach roimh lá no díreach tar éis lae ar ar lomháil fostóir lá saoire iomlán d'oibrí nach oibrí tighis, tuigfear chun crícheanna an ailt seo gur lá ar ar lomháil an fostóir sin lá saoire iomlán don oibrí sin an lá dí-oibre sin no gach lá de sna laetheanta dí-oibre sin as a chéile (do réir mar a bheidh), mara n-oibrighidh an t-oibrí sin ar an gcéanna don fhostóir sin.
[EN](7) Ní déanfar aon lá is lá saoire puiblí ná lá ar a lomhálfar lá saoire iomlán don oibrí sin nach oibrí tighis do bhun an ailt deiridh sin roimhe seo den Acht so d'áireamh mar lá de shaoire bhliantúil, ach má thagann aon lá den tsórt san idir laetheanta de shaoire bhliantúil tuigfear na laetheanta san do bheith as a chéile d'ainneoin an lae sin do theacht eatortha.
[EN](8) Bainfidh an t-alt so leis an mbliain fhostaíochta is bliain fhostaíochta reatha, le linn tosach feidhme an Achta so, gach duine is oibrí nach oibrí tighis le linn an tosach feidhme sin, agus beidh éifeacht ag an alt so maidir leis an mbliain fhostaíochta san agus maidir leis an duine sin fé is dá mbeadh an t-alt so i bhfeidhm i dtosach na bliana fostaíochta san, ach san fé réir na n-atharuithe seo leanas—
[EN](a) má théigheann an bhliain fhostaíochta san in éag laistigh de mhí tar éis an tosach feidhme sin, tuigfear go ndearna fostóir an duine sin do réir an ailt seo má lomhálann sé don duine sin, ar dháta nach déanaí ná trí mhí tar éis deireadh na bliana fostaíochta san, an tsaoire bhliantúil sin chun a mbeidh teideal ag an duine sin fén alt so alos na bliana fostaíochta san, agus
[EN](b) má lomháil an fostóir sin don duine sin sa bhliain fhostaíochta san, agus roimh an tosach feidhme sin, lá saoire íomlán amháin no níos mó ba shaoire bhliantúil chun crícheanna an ailt seo mara mbeadh gur lugha ná seacht lá na laetheanta saoire iomlána san no ná rabhadar as a chéile no gur lugha ná seacht lá iad agus ná rabhadar as a chéile, tuigfear na laetheanta saoire iomlána san do lomháladh amhlaidh do bheith ina saoire bhliantúil chun crícheanna an ailt seo agus ní bheidh teideal ag an duine sin, maidir leis an mbliain fhostaíochta san, ach chun an méid sin (más aon mhéid é) de laetheanta saoire iomlána as a chéile tar éis an tosach feidhme sin is có-ionann leis an méid (más aon mhéid é) de laetheanta gur lugha ná seacht an méid laetheanta saoire iomlána do lomháladh amhlaidh.
[EN](9) Mara ndeinidh fostóir oibrí nach oibrí tighis saoire bhliantúil do lomháil don oibrí sin alos bliana de bhlianta fostaíochta an oibrí sin do réir an ailt seo, beidh éifeacht ag na forálacha so leanas, sé sin le rá:—
[EN](a) beidh an fostóir sin ciontach i gcionta fén bhfo-alt so agus ar a chiontú ann ar an slí achmair dlighfear na pionóisí luaidhtear sa Sceideal a ghabhann leis an Acht so do chur air;
[EN](b) déanfaidh an fostóir sin (pe'ca beifear tar éis imeachta do bhunú fé mhír (a) den fho-alt so no ná beifear) suim d'íoc leis an oibrí sin is có-ionann leis an méid do dhlighfeadh sé, fé fho-alt (2) den alt so, d'íoc leis an oibrí sin dá lomháladh sé an tsaoire bhliantúil sin don oibrí sin agus gur i rith an seacht lá deiridh den bhliain fhostaíochta san do lomhálfaí an tsaoire bhliantúil sin.
[EN](10) Má bheartuíonn duine ag á mbeidh oibrí nach oibrí tighis ar fostú saoire bhliantúil do dheonadh do bhun an ailt seo don oibrí sin nach oibrí tighis—
[EN](a) déanfaidh an duine sin fógra i dtaobh é bheith ar intinn an tsaoire bhliantúil sin do dheonadh agus i dtaobh an lae ar a dtosnóidh sí do thabhairt uaidh ceithre lá déag ar a laighead roimh an lá ar a mbeidh an tsaoire bhliantúil sin le tosnú;
[EN](b) mara ndeinidh an duine sin do réir míre (a) den fho-alt so beidh an duine sin ciontach i gcionta fén bhfo-alt so agus ar a chiontú ann ar an slí achmair dlighfear fíneáil ná raghaidh thar cúig púint do chur air.
[EN](11) Má dheineann fostóir oibrí nach oibrí tighis tréimhse saoire bliantúla do lomháil in aon bhliain fhostaíochta don oibrí sin níos túisce ná an seacht lá deiridh (eadhon, laetheanta is ionáirimhthe mar laetheanta de shaoire bhliantúil chun crícheanna an ailt seo) den bhliain fhostaíochta san agus go bhfágfaidh an t-oibrí sin fostaíocht an fhostóra san roimh dheireadh na bliana fostaíochta san ní bheidh an fostóir sin i dteideal, alos saoire bhliantúil do lomháil amhlaidh, tréimhse an fhógra do ghiorrú is gá chun deireadh do chur leis an bhfostaíocht san ná an págh ná an sochar eile do laigheadú chun a mbeidh teideal ag an oibrí sin le linn dó an fhostaíocht san d'fhágaint.
[EN]Srian le hoibrí tionnscail do dhéanamh oibre i rith saoire bliantúla.
11.—(1) Ní dleathach d'oibrí tionnscail ar bith aon obair thionnscail do dhéanamh ar luach saothair i rith aon tréimhse de shaoire bhliantúil.
[EN](2) Má dheineann oibrí tionnscail ar bith éinní contrárdha don alt so, beidh an t-oibrí sin ciontach i gcionta fén alt so agus ar a chiontú ann ar an slí achmair dlighfear na pionóisí luaidhtear sa Sceideal a ghabhann leis an Acht so do chur air.
[EN]Saoire bhliantúil oibrithe tighis.
12.—(1) Déanfaidh gach duine ag á mbeidh oibrí tighis ar fostú ceithre lá déag de laetheanta saoire iomlána as a chéile (dá ngairmtear saoire bhliantúil freisin san Acht so) do lomháil, pé uair is oiriúnach leis an duine sin, don oibrí tighis sin i ngach bliain de bhlianta fostaíochta an oibrí thighis sin ina mbeidh an t-oibrí tighis sin go leanúnach i bhfostaíocht an duine sin agus ina n-oibreoidh ar feadh trí chéad lá ar a laighead sa bhfostaíocht san.
[EN](2) Má lomhálann duine d'oibrí tighis ina fhostaíocht seacht lá saoire iomlána as a chéile (dá ngairmtear saoire leath-bhliantúil san Acht so) an chéad leath de bhliain de bhlianta fostaíochta an oibrí thighis sin agus má lomhálann saoire leath-bhliantúil freisin don oibrí tighis sin sa dara leath den bhliain fhostaíochta san, ní bheidh feidhm ag forálacha fo-ailt (1) den alt so maidir leis an oibrí tighis sin alos na bliana fostaíochta san.
[EN](3) Má lomháltar saoire bhliantúil no saoire leath-bhliantúil d'oibrí tighis, íocfaidh fostóir an oibrí sin leis an oibrí sin, alos na saoire bliantúla no na saoire leath-bhliantúla san, suim is cóionann leis an méid do fuair an t-oibrí sin ón bhfostóir sin—
[EN](a) i gcás saoire bhliantúil do lomháil don oibrí sin, mar thuarastal no mar phágh in aghaidh an dá sheachtain sin as a chéile roimh an saoire bhliantúil sin inar oibrigh an t-oibrí sin an ghnáth-uimhir d'uaire a chluig ar an uimhir mhaximum de laetheanta fé n-a chonnradh sheirbhíse,
[EN](b) i gcás saoire leath-bhliantúil do lomháil don oibrí sin, mar thuarastal no mar phágh in aghaidh na seachtaine sin roimh an saoire leath-bhliantúil sin inar oibrigh an t-oibrí sin an ghnáth-uimhir d'uaire a chluig ar an uimhir mhaximum de laetheanta fén gconnradh san.
[EN](4) I gcás—
[EN](a) oibrí tighis do bheith ar fostú ag duine fé chonnradh seirbhíse fholuíonn lóistín, agus
[EN](b) an duine sin do thabhairt fógra don oibrí sin i dtaobh é bheith ar intinn saoire bhliantúil no saoire leathbhliantúil do lomháil don oibrí sin i rith tréimhse áirithe, agus
[EN](c) an t-oibrí sin d'fhanúint ag obair don duine sin i rith na tréimhse sin le toiliú an duine sin,
[EN]tuigfear, má íocann an duine sin, i dteanta an pháigh in aghaidh na tréimhse sin, leis an oibrí sin suim is co-ionann le méid an pháigh sin, gur lomháil an duine sin lá saoire iomlán don oibrí sin gach lá fé leith bheidh sa tréimhse sin.
[EN](5) I gcás—
[EN](a) oibrí tighis do scur de bheith i bhfostaíocht dhuine i rith ré an chéad leatha de bhliain de bhlianta fostaíochta an oibrí sin, agus
[EN](b) an t-oibrí sin d'oibriú sa bhfostaíocht san ar feadh céad agus caoga lá ar a laighead sa chéad leath san, agus
[EN](c) gan saoire bhliantúil ná saoire leath-bhliantúil do lomháil i rith an chéad leatha san don oibrí sin roimh an scur san,
[EN]íocfaidh an duine sin leis an oibrí sin le linn an scurtha san suim is có-ionann leis an méid do dhlighfeadh sé, fé fho-alt (3) den alt so, d'íoc leis an oibrí sin dá lomháladh sé saoire leath bhliantúil don oibrí sin i rith an chéad leatha san agus gur i rith an seacht lá roimh an scur san do lomhálfaí an tsaoire leathbhliantúil sin.
[EN](6) I gcás oibrí tighis do scur de bheith i bhfostaíocht dhuine i rith ré an dara leatha de bhliain de bhlianta fostaíochta an oibrí sin agus ná beifear, roimh an scur san, tar éis saoire bhliantúil alos na bliana fostaíochta san ná saoire leath-bhliantúil alos an chéad leatha agus fós alos an dara leatha den bhliain fhostaíochta san do lomháil don oibrí sin, beidh éifeacht ag na forálacha so leanas, sé sin le rá:—
[EN](a) má oibrigh an t-oibrí sin sa bhfostaíocht san ar feadh céad agus caoga lá ar a laighead sa chéad leath san agus fós ar feadh céad agus caoga lá ar a laighead sa dara leath san, déanfaidh an duine sin, ar an scur san, suim d'íoc leis an oibrí sin is có-ionann leis an méid do dhlighfeadh sé, fé fho-alt (3) den alt so, d'íoc leis an oibrí sin dá lomháladh sé an tsaoire bhliantúil sin don oibrí sin agus gur i rith an cheithre lá déag roimh an scur san do lomhálfaí an tsaoire bhliantúil sin;
[EN](b) más rud é—
[EN](i) gur oibrigh an t-oibrí sin sa bhfostaíocht san ar feadh céad agus caoga lá ar a laighead sa chéad leath san, ach gur lugha ná céad agus caoga lá d'oibrigh sé sa bhfostaíocht san sa dara leath san, agus
[EN](ii) nár lomháladh saoire leath-bhliantúil i rith an chéad leatha san don oibrí sin roimh an scur san,
[EN]déanfaidh an duine sin, ar an scur san, suim d'íoc leis an oibrí sin is có-ionann leis an méid do dhlighfeadh sé, fé fho-alt (3) den alt so, d'íoc leis an oibrí sin dá lomháladh sé saoire leath-bhliantúil don oibrí sin i rith an chéad leatha san agus gur i rith na seacht lá deiridh den chéad leath san do lomhálfaí an tsaoire leathbhliantúil sin;
[EN](c) más rud é—
[EN](i) gur oibrigh an t-oibrí sin sa bhfostaíocht san níos lugha ná céad agus caoga lá sa chéad leath san, ach gur oibrigh sé sa bhfostaíocht san ar feadh céad agus caoga lá ar a laighead sa dara leath san, agus
[EN](ii) nár lomháladh saoire leath-bhliantúil i rith an chéad leatha san ná an dara leatha san don oibrí sin roimh an scur san,
[EN]déanfaidh an duine sin, ar an scur san, suim d'íoc leis an oibrí sin is có-ionann leis an méid do dhlighfeadh sé, fé fho-alt (3) den alt so, d'íoc leis an oibrí sin dá lomháladh sé saoire leath-bhliantúil don oibrí sin i rith an dara leatha san agus gur i rith na seacht lá deiridh den dara leath san do lomhálfaí an tsaoire leath-bhliantúil sin.
[EN](7) Féadfaidh an tAire, pé uair agus chó minic agus is ceart san dar leis, rialacháin do dhéanamh atharóidh, maidir le gach aicme no aon aicme no aicmí áirithe (ar n-a míniú sa tslí sin agus do réir na nithe sin is ceart dar leis an Aire) d'oibrithe tighis, gach ceann no aon cheann no cinn de sna tréimhsí de thrí chéad lá no de chéad agus caoga lá luaidhtear i bhfo-ailt (1), (5) agus (6) den alt so tríd an uimhir eile sin de laetheanta is ceart dar leis an Aire do chur in ionad na tréimhse no na dtréimhsí sin, agus pé uair a bheidh aon rialacháin den tsórt san i bhfeidhm beidh éifeacht ag na fo-ailt sin maidir leis na hoibrithe tighis no leis an aicme no na haicmí d'oibrithe tighis le n-a mbainfidh na rialacháin sin fé is dá ndeintí na tréimhsí sin no an ceann san no na cinn sin díobh dá ndéanfaidh na rialacháin sin deifir d'atharú sa tslí bheidh luaidhte sna rialacháin sin.
[EN](8) I gcás aon lá dí-oibre no aon dá lá no níos mó de laetheanta dí-oibre as a chéile do thuitim díreach roimh lá no díreach tar éis lae ar ar lomháil fostóir lá saoire iomlán d'oibrí tighis, tuigfear chun crícheanna an ailt seo gur lá ar ar lomháil an fostóir sin lá saoire iomlán don oibrí sin an lá dí-oibre sin no gach lá de sna laetheanta dí-oibre sin as a chéile (do réir mar a bheidh), mara n-oibrighidh an t-oibrí sin ar an gcéanna don fhostóir sin.
[EN](9) Bainfidh an t-alt so leis an mbliain fhostaíochta is bliain fhostaíochta reatha, le linn tosach feidhme an Achta so, gach duine is oibrí tighis le linn an tosach feidhme sin, agus beidh éifeacht ag an alt so maidir leis an mbliain fhostaíochta san agus maidir leis an duine sin fé is dá mbeadh an t-alt so i bhfeidhm i dtosach na bliana fostaíochta san, ach san fé réir na n-atharuithe seo leanas—
[EN](a) má théigheann an bhliain fhostaíochta san in éag laistigh de mhí tar éis an tosach feidhme sin, tuigfear go ndearna fostóir an duine sin do réir fo-ailt (1) den alt so má lomhálann sé don duine sin, ar dháta nach déanaí ná trí mhí tar éis deireadh na bliana fostaíochta san, an tsaoire bhliantúil sin chun a mbeidh teideal ag an duine sin fén alt so alos na bliana fostaíochta san, agus
[EN](b) má lomháil an fostóir sin don duine sin sa bhliain fhos taíochta san, agus roimh an tosach feidhme sin, lá saoire iomlán amháin no níos mó ba shaoire bhliantúil chun crícheanna an ailt seo mara mbeadh gur lugha ná ceithre lá déag na laetheanta saoire iomlána san no ná rabhadar as a chéile no gur lugha ná ceithre lá déag iad agus ná rabhadar as a chéile, tuigfear na laetheanta saoire iomlána san do lomháladh amhlaidh do bheith ina saoire bhliantúil chun crícheanna an ailt seo agus ní bheidh teideal ag an duine sin, maidir leis an mbliain fhostaíochta san, ach chun an méid sin (más aon mhéid é) de laetheanta saoire iomlána as a chéile tar éis an tosach feidhme sin is có-ionann leis an méid (más aon mhéid é) de laetheanta gur lugha ná ceathair déag an méid laetheanta saoire iomlána do lomháladh amhlaidh.
[EN](10) Mara ndeinidh fostóir oibrí thighis saoire bhliantúil do lomháil don oibrí sin alos bliana de bhlianta fostaíochta an oibrí sin do réir an ailt seo, beidh éifeacht ag na forálacha so leanas, sé sin le rá:—
[EN](a) beidh an fostóir sin ciontach i gcionta fén bhfo-alt so agus ar a chiontú ann ar an slí achmair dlighfear na pionóisí luaidhtear sa Sceideal a ghabhann leis an Acht so do chur air;
[EN](b) déanfaidh an fostóir sin (pe'ca beifear tar éis imeachta do bhunú fé mhír (a) den fho-alt so no ná beifear) suim d'íoc leis an oibrí sin is có-ionann leis an méid do dhlighfeadh sé, fé fho-alt (3) den alt so, d'íoc leis an oibrí sin dá lomháladh sé an tsaoire bhliantúil sin don oibrí sin agus gur i rith an cheithre lá déag deiridh den bhliain fhostaíochta san do lomhálfaí an tsaoire bhliantúil sin.
[EN](11) Má bheartuíonn duine ag á mbeidh oibrí tighis ar fostú aon laetheanta saoire iomlána do dheonadh do bhun an ailt seo don oibrí tighis sin—
[EN](a) déanfaidh an duine sin fógra i dtaobh é bheith ar intinn na laetheanta saoire iomlána san do dheonadh agus i dtaobh an lae ar a dtosnóid do thabhairt uaidh ceithre lá déag ar a laighead roimh an lá ar a mbeidh na laetheanta saoire iomlána san le tosnú;
[EN](b) mara ndeinidh an duine sin do réir míre (a) den fho-alt so beidh an duine sin ciontach i gcionta fén bhfo-alt so agus ar a chiontú ann ar an slí achmair dlighfear fineáil ná raghaidh thar cúig púint do chur air.
[EN](12) Chun crícheanna an ailt seo tuigfear oibrí tighis d'oibriú i bhfostaíocht dhuine áirithe aon lá go raibh an t-oibrí tighis sin ar fáil chun seirbhíse, ar n-a iarraidh sin air don duine sin, ar feadh tréimhse de dhá uair a chluig no níos mó.
[EN]Íocaíocht in ionad cothuithe agus lóistín ar feadh saoire.
13.—(1) I gcás—
[EN](a) fostóir do lomháil saoire bliantúla no saoire leathbhliantúla d'oibrí, agus
[EN](b) an t-oibrí sin do bheith, díreach roimh an saoire bhliantúil no an saoire leath-bhliantúil sin, i dteideal cóiríochta mar chuid dá luach saothair,
[EN]íocfaidh an fostóir sin, i dteanta aon tsuime is iníoctha leis an oibrí sin fén Acht so alos na saoire bliantúla no na saoire leathbhliantúla san, leis an oibrí sin, alos aon lae thuitfidh laistigh den tsaoire bhliantúil no den tsaoire leath-bhliantúil sin agus a bheidh sé gan cóiríocht d'fháil, suim scillinge i gcás an oibrí sin do bheith ar fostú i gcontae-bhuirg no i mbuirg Dhún Laoghaire no suim seacht bpingne in aon chás eile.
[EN](2) San alt so cialluíonn an focal “cóiríocht”—
[EN](a) maidir le hoibrí ná beidh teideal aige ach chun cothuithe, cothú;
[EN](b) maidir le hoibrí ná beidh teideal aige ach chun lóistín, lóistín;
[EN](c) maidir le hoibrí go mbeidh teideal aige chun cothuithe agus lóistín, cothú agus lóistín.
[EN]Pionóisí mar gheall ar gan airgead a bheidh dlite d'oibrithe d'íoc agus é bhaint amach.
14.—Mara ndeinidh fostóir oibrí aon airgead a thiocfaidh chun bheith iníoctha ag an bhfostóir sin leis an oibrí sin fé aon fhoráil dá bhfuil san Acht so d'íoc leis an oibrí sin—
[EN](a) beidh an fostóir sin ciontach i gcionta fén alt so agus ar a chiontú ann ar an slí achmair dlighfear na pionóisí luaidhtear sa Sceideal a ghabhann leis an Acht so do chur air;
[EN](b) féadfaidh an t-oibrí sin (pe'ca beifear tar éis imeachta do bhunú fé mhír (a) den alt so no ná beifear) an t-airgead san do bhaint den fhostóir sin mar fhiacha gnáth-chonnartha i gcúirt dlighinse inniúla.
15.—(1) Pé uair agus chó minic agus is oiriúnach leis é, féadfaidh an tAire le hordú (dá ngairmtear ordú breacachán san Acht so) a cheangal ar fhostóirí oibrithe no ar aon aicme d'fhostóirí oibrithe breacacháin do choimeád i dtaobh aon ní no ruda gur gá dar leis an Aire breacachán ina thaobh do bheith ann chun an Achta so d'fhoirfheidhmiú agus, más oiriúnach leis é, fuirm aon bhreacachán den tsórt san d'ordú.
[EN](2) Féadfaidh an tAire orduithe breacachán deifriúla do dhéanamh fén alt so maidir le haicmí deifriúla d'fhostóirí oibrithe.
[EN](3) Féadfaidh an tAire, le hordú fén alt so, leasú no ceiliúradh do dhéanamh ar aon ordú bheidh déanta fén alt so no fén bhfo-alt so.
[EN](4) Féadfaidh an tAire, más oiriúnach leis é, a ordú, le haon ordú déanfar fén alt so, cadé an áit no cadiad na háiteanna ina gcoimeádfar na breacacháin a hordófar leis an ordú san agus féadfaidh na rialacháin sin is oiriúnach leis do dhéanamh maidir leis na breacacháin sin do thaisbeáint agus d'iniúchadh.
[EN](5) Má thárlann aon uair a bheidh ordú breacachán i bhfeidhm go dteipfidh ar aon fhostóir no go bhfailleoidh no go ndiúltóidh déanamh do réir éilithe an orduithe sin no go gcuirfidh in aon bhreacachán, is gá don fhostóir sin do réir an orduithe sin a choimeád, iontráil ar bith a bheidh bréagach in aon phonc táchtach agus a fhios aige an céanna do bheith bréagach, beidh an fostóir sin ciontach i gcionta fén alt so agus ar a chiontú ann ar an slí achmair dlighfear na pionóisí luaidhtear sa Sceideal a ghabhann leis an Acht so do chur air.
[EN]Comhachta Cigirí.
16.—(1) Féadfaidh cigire, chun forálacha an Achta so d'fhoirfheidhmiú, gach ní no aon ní no nithe acu so leanas do dhéanamh, sé sin le rá:—
[EN](a) fé réir forálacha an ailt so, dul isteach gach tráth réasúnta in aon áitreabh no áit go mbeidh cúis réasúnta aige le n-a cheapadh aon oibrithe do bheith ar fostú ann,
[EN](b) an scrúdú no an fiosrú san do dhéanamh is gá chun a fháil amach an bhfuiltear ag déanamh do réir forálacha an Achta so maidir le haon oibrí áirithe bheidh ar fostú in aon áitreabh no áit den tsórt san no ná fuiltear,
[EN](c) a cheangal ar fhostóir aon oibrí áirithe no ar ionadaí an fhostóra san aon bhreacacháin do thaisbeáint dé is gá don fhostóir sin do réir orduithe bhreacachán do choimeád, agus na breacacháin sin d'iniúchadh agus cóipeanna do dhéanamh d'iontrála ionta,
[EN](d) duine ar bith go mbeidh cúis réasúnta aige chun a chreidiúint gur oibrí é no gurbh oibrí é no gurb é no gurbh é fostóir aon oibrí áirithe é do cheistniú i dtaobh nithe ar bith fén Acht so agus a cheangal ar an duine sin na ceisteanna san (seachas ceisteanna go dtiocfaidh asta an duine sin dá choiriú féin) d'fhreagairt a chuirfidh an cigire sin chuige i dtaobh na nithe sin agus dearbhú do shighniú á dhearbhú gur fíor na freagraí ar na ceisteanna san.
[EN](2) Na comhachta bheirtear do chigire le mír (a) d'fho-alt (1) den alt so ní bheid infheidhmithe maidir le haon tigh comhnuithe príobháideach mara ndeinidh an tAire no oifigeach don Aire cheapfaidh an tAire chuige sin a dheimhniú go bhfuil cúis réasúnta aige chun a chreidiúint go ndearna fostóir aon oibrí áirithe bheidh ar fostú sa tigh sin cionta fén alt so maidir leis an oibrí sin agus mara ndeinidh an cigire sin, agus é á iarraidh go leigfí isteach sa tigh sin é, an deimhniú san do thaisbeáint.
[EN](3) Má dheineann duine ar bith—
[EN](a) cigire do chose no do bhac agus é ag feidhmiú aon chomhachta dá dtugtar don chigire sin leis an alt so, no
[EN](b) diúltú d'aon bhreacachán do thaisbeáint a cheanglóidh cigire air go dleathach a thaisbeáint, no
[EN](c) aon bhreacachán a bheidh bréagach in aon phonc táchtach, agus go mbeidh a fhios aige é bheith bréagach, do thaisbeáint no a chur fé ndeár é thaisbeáint no a cheadú go feasach é thaisbeáint do chigire, no
[EN](d) éinne do chose no tabhairt fé éinne do chosc ar theacht i láthair chigire no ar chigire dá cheistniú, no
[EN](e) failliú no diúltú toiliúil maidir le déanamh do réir aon éilimh dhleathaigh o chigire fé mhír (d) d'fho-alt (1) den alt so,
[EN]beidh an duine sin ciontach i gcionta fén alt so agus ar a chiontú ann ar an slí achmair dlighfear fíneáil ná raghaidh thar deich bpúint do chur air.
[EN](4) Bhéarfar deimhniú a cheaptha do gach cigire agus nuair a bheidh sé á iarraidh go leigfí isteach é in aon áitreabh no áit chun crícheanna an Achta so déanfaidh, má ceangailtear san air, an deimhniú san do thaisbeáint don tsealbhaire agus d'éinne bheidh á cheistniú aige.
[EN](5) San alt so cialluíonn an focal “cigire” duine ar n-a cheapadh ag an Aire chun bheith ina chigire chun crícheanna an ailt seo.
[EN]Seana-chonnartha d'atharú.
17.—(1) I gcás connradh do bheith déanta roimh dháta thosach feidhme an Achta so chun aon obair do dhéanamh agus gan é bheith cólíonta go hiomlán le linn an tosach feidhme sin, agus, an duine dhlighfidh fén gconnradh san an obair sin do dhéanamh, é do dhéanamh gearáin ag rá ceachtar ní no an dá ní acu so leanas, sé sin le rá:—
[EN](a) gur thárla, de dhruim na n-oblagáidí cuirtear ar fhostóirí leis an Acht so, teora ama atá sa chonnradh san chun éinní áirithe do dhéanamh do theacht chun bheith nearéasúnta agus gur cheart í shíneadh, no
[EN](b) gur thárla, de dhruim na n-oblagáidí sin, aon phraghas no íocaíocht eile áirithe do ceapadh leis an gconnradh san do theacht chun bheith nea-réasúnta agus gur cheart é mhéadú,
[EN]ansan agus i ngach cás den tsórt san, déanfar, cheal có-aontuithe idir na páirtithe le n-a mbainfidh, an gearán san do chur, ar aon pháirtí acu san á iarraidh san, fé eadrascán fén alt so.
[EN](2) I gcás gearán do chur, fén alt so, fé eadrascán, beidh éifeacht ag na forálacha so leanas, sé sin le rá:—
[EN](a) is eadrascánaí amháin éistfidh an t-eadrascán san agus a bhéarfaidh breith air agus, cheal có-aontuithe idir na páirtithe le n-a mbainfidh, ceapfaidh an tAire an t-eadrascánaí ar iarratas aon pháirtí acu san;
[EN](b) más gearán é á éileamh go ndéanfaí síneadh ar theorainn ama, cinnfidh an t-eadrascánaí ce'ca ba cheart an síneadh sin do dhéanamh no nár cheart agus (má chinneann gur cheart an síneadh sin do dhéanamh) cadé méid an tsínte sin;
[EN](c) más gearán é á éileamh go ndéanfaí méadú ar phraghas no ar íocaíocht eile cinnfidh an t-eadrascánaí ce'ca ba cheart an méadú san do dhéanamh no nár cheart agus (má chinneann gur cheart an méadú san do dhéanamh) cadé méid an mhéaduithe sin;
[EN](d) íocfar leis an eadrascánaí as gníomhú mar eadrascánaí an táille sin a dhéanfaidh an tAire, cheal có-aontuithe, a cheapadh, agus íocfar an táille sin agus gach costas agus caiteachas generálta eile bhainfidh leis an eadrascán ag an duine no na daoine sin de sna páirtithe san eadrascán agus, i gcás níos mó ná páirtí amháin acu san á n'íoc, sna cionúireachtaí sin ordóidh an t-eadrascánaí;
[EN](e) cinnfidh an t-eadrascánaí conus a híocfar na costaisí agus na caiteachaisí fé n-a ndeachaidh gach páirtí san eadrascán tré theacht i láthair agus éisteacht d'fháil ag an eadrascán no maidir leis sin;
[EN](f) má chinneann an t-eadrascánaí gur cheart teora ama do shíneadh no gur cheart praghas do mhéadú déanfaidh an t-eadrascánaí an connradh is abhar don eadrascán do leasú sa tslí sin is ceart dar leis chun éifeacht do thabhairt don chinneadh sin;
[EN](g) ní bheidh dul thar cinneadh an eadrascánaí agus beidh sé ina cheangal ar gach páirtí le n-a mbainfidh.
[EN]Ciontaí cóluchtaí corpruithe.
18.—Má dheineann cólucht corpruithe cionta fé alt ar bith den Acht so agus go gcruthófar go ndearnadh amhlaidh é le toiliú no le ceadú éinne, no gur cuireadh a dhéanamh in usacht le haon fhaillí i bpáirt éinne, is stiúrthóir no bainisteoir ar an gcólucht chorpruithe sin no is rúnaí no oifigeach eile dhó, tuigfear an stiúrthóir, an bainisteoir, an rúnaí no an t-oifigeach eile sin freisin do bheith ciontach sa chionta san agus dlighfear imeachta do bhunú ina choinnibh agus é phionósú dá réir sin.
[EN]Ciontaí do chúiseamh.
19.—(1) Féadfaidh an tAire cionta fé alt ar bith den Acht so do chúiseamh.
[EN](2) Má dheineann fostóir oibrí cionta fé alt ar bith den Acht so féadfaidh an t-oibrí sin no aon oifigeach de cheárd-chumann chláruithe dar ball an t-oibrí sin an cionta san do chúiseamh.
[EN](3) Féadfar cúiseamh i gcionta fé alt ar bith den Acht so do bhunú laistigh de dhá mhí dhéag tar éis an chionta san do dhéanamh.
[EN]Cionntapacht mar chosaint.
20.—Má cúisítear duine i gcionta fé alt ar bith den Acht so beidh sé ina chosaint mhaith ar an gcúiseamh san an duine sin dá chruthú chun sástachta na Cúirte gur os a cóir a triailfear an cionta san gur ghá, no gur cheart do réir réasúin, an sárú adeirtear do rinneadh ar an alt san do dhéanamh de bhíthin tóiteán, tuile, stoirm, éigean, loiceadh gléasra no meaisínteachta, no aon chionntapacht eile do thárlachtaint no do bheith ag bagairt no coinne réasúnta do bheith leis an gcéanna.
21.—Féadfaidh an tAire rialacháin do dhéanamh i dtaobh éinní no aon ruda dá dtagartar san Acht so mar ní no mar rud atá orduithe no le hordú.
[EN]Orduithe agus rialacháin do leagadh fé bhráid Tithe an Oireachtais.
22.—Gach ordú agus rialachán a dhéanfaidh an tAire fén Acht so leagfar é fé bhráid gach Tighe den Oireachtas chó luath agus is féidir é tar éis a dhéanta. agus má dheineann ceachtar Tigh den Oireachtas, laistigh den lá is fiche shuidhfidh an Tigh sin tar éis an orduithe no an rialacháin sin do leagadh fé n-a bhráid, rún do rith ag cur an orduithe no an rialacháin sin ar nea-mbrí beidh an t-ordú no an rialachán san curtha ar nea-mbrí dá réir sin, ach beidh san gan dochar do dhleathacht éinní do rinneadh roimhe sin fén ordú no fén rialachán san.
23.—Sa mhéid go gceadóidh an tAire Airgeadais é, is amach as airgead a sholáthróidh an tOireachtas a híocfar na costaisí fé n-a raghaidh an tAire chun an Achta so do riaradh.
[EN]Forálacha áirithe den Acht um Choinníollacha Fostaíochta, 1936, d'athghairm.
24.—Athghairmtear leis seo na forálacha so leanas den Acht um Choinníollacha Fostaíochta, 1936 (Uimh. 2 de 1936), sé sin le rá, ailt 5, 24, 25, 26 agus 27, agus fo-ailt (5), (6), (7) agus (8) d'alt 49.
[EN]Gearr-theideal agus tosach feidhme.
25.—(1) Féadfar an tAcht um Laetheanta Saoire (Fostaithe), 1939, do ghairm den Acht so.
[EN](2) Tiocfaidh an tAcht so i ngníomh an lá san a ceapfar chuige sin le hordú ón Aire.
Pionoisi mar gheall ar Chiontai Airithe.
I gcás céad-chionta fén alt no fén bhfo-alt a bhaineann leis an scéal fíneáil ná raghaidh thar deich bpúint agus i gcás aon chionta den tsórt san ina dhiaidh sin fíneáil ná raghaidh thar cúig púint fhichead.
Number 1 of 1939.
Penalties for Certain Offences.
Acts Referred to | |
No. 2 of 1936 | |
No. 4 of 1938 | |
No. 56 of 1924 |
Number 1 of 1939.
Definitions generally.
1.—(1) In this Act—
[GA]the expression “the Act of 1936” means the Conditions of Employment Act, 1936 (No. 2 of 1936);
[GA]the expression “the Minister” means the Minister for Industry and Commerce;
[GA]the word “employ” means employ, under a contract of service (whether the contract is expressed or implied or is oral or in writing) or a contract of apprenticeship, and cognate words shall be construed accordingly;
[GA]the word “day” means, in relation to a person whose spell of work begins on one day and ends on the next, a period of twenty-four hours commencing at the time at which such spell of work begins;
[GA]the word “week” means any period of seven consecutive days;
[GA]the word “month” means any period of thirty consecutive days;
[GA]the expression “industrial work” has the same meaning as in the Act of 1936;
[GA]the expression “offence under any section of this Act” includes an offence under any sub-section of a section of this Act;
[GA]the word “prescribed” means prescribed by regulations made by the Minister under this Act.
[GA](2) A person in the service of a local authority shall be deemed for the purposes of this Act to be employed by such local authority.
2.—(1) In this Act—
[GA]the word “worker” means any person of the age of fourteen years or upwards who is employed, other than—
[GA](a) a person whose rate of remuneration exceeds in value three hundred and fifty pounds per annum, or
[GA](b) a person to whom articles or materials are given out to be made up, cleaned, washed, altered, ornamented or repaired or adapted for sale in his own home or on other premises not under the control or management of the person who gave out the materials or articles, or
[GA](c) a person who is a member of the staff of a shop within the meaning of the Shops (Conditions of Employment) Act, 1938 (No. 4 of 1938), or
[GA](d) a person who is a railway refreshment-car attendant, or
[GA](e) a person who is an agricultural worker within the meaning of this section, or
[GA](f) a person who is employed as the master or a member of the crew of any sea-going vessel (other than a barge or a hopper), whether publicly or privately owned, engaged in the transport of cargo or passengers, or
[GA](g) a person who is employed on a lighthouse or lightship, or
[GA](h) a person who is a clergyman in Holy Orders, or
[GA](i) a person who is a member of any religious order or community, or
[GA](j) a person—
[GA](i) who is the wife, husband, father, mother, grandfather, grandmother, step-father or step-mother of or who is a son, daughter, grandson, grand-daughter, step-son, step-daughter, brother, sister, half-brother or half-sister of, the person by whom he is employed, and
[GA](ii) who is maintained by and dwells in the house of such last-mentioned person, or
[GA](k) a person who is employed in extracting from a mine any substance (other than coal, fireclay, slate, gypsum, stone or any prescribed substance), or
[GA](l) a person who is employed by or under the State other than—
[GA](i) a person so employed to whom, by virtue of section 6 of the Act of 1936, the Act of 1936 applies, or
[GA](ii) a person so employed as a porter, doorkeeper, messenger, night-watchman, charwoman, cleaner, or labourer or in other subordinate duties, or
[GA](iii) a person so employed in an unestablished capacity as an artisan or other skilled labourer, or
[GA](m) a person employed as a fisherman, or
[GA](n) a person who—
[GA](i) is employed on any work or scheme of works the expenses of which are in whole or in part met from moneys provided by the Oireachtas for the provision of employment and the relief of distress, and
[GA](ii) is so employed for a period of time during which, in accordance with a pre-arranged system, he work for an aggregate number of days not exceeding five times the number of weeks during which the employment continues, or
[GA](o) any person who belongs to an excluded class within the meaning of this section;
[GA]the expression “domestic worker” means a person who—
[GA](a) is a worker and
[GA](b) is not an industrial worker, and
[GA](c) either—
[GA](i) is entitled under his contract of service to free lodgings either in his employer's house or elsewhere, or
[GA](ii) does work of a personal or domestic nature in or about the dwelling-house of his employer;
[GA]the expression “non-domestic worker” means a worker who is not a domestic worker;
[GA]the expression “industrial worker” means a worker, other than an outworker within the meaning of the Act of 1936, who does industrial work for a salary or wages or for the purpose of learning any trade or calling;
[GA]the expression “non-working day” means in relation to a worker a day on which such worker does not under his contract of service normally work;
[GA]the expression “a full day's pay” when used in relation to a worker means the amount payable to such worker under his contract of service in respect of a normal full working day.
[GA](2) For the purposes of sub-section (1) of this section the expression “agricultural worker” means a person who is employed by the occupier of agricultural land and is so employed wholly or mainly on work (including industrial work) connected with the user of such land, but does not include—
[GA](a) a gamekeeper, or
[GA](b) a stableman, or
[GA](c) a groomsman, or
[GA](d) a person wholly or mainly employed in work connected with any part of such land which is maintained as an amenity to a residence on such land, or
[GA](e) any person belonging to a class (defined in such manner and by reference to such things as the Minister thinks fit) of workers declared by regulations made by the Minister (which regulations the Minister is hereby authorised to make) and for the time being in force to be a class of non-agricultural workers for the purposes of this Act.
[GA]In this sub-section the expression “agricultural land” means land used for tillage, dairy farming, poultry farming, market gardening, or horticulture or used as grazing, meadow or pasture land but does not include osier land or woodland or land used as a nursery ground.
[GA](3) The Minister may, whenever and so often as he thinks fit, by order declare that any particular class (defined in such manner and by reference to such things as the Minister thinks proper) of employed persons shall be an excluded class for the purposes of this section, and whenever any such order is made then so long as such order is in force, the class of employed persons to which such order relates shall be an excluded class for the purposes of this section.
[GA](4) The Minister may revoke or amend any order made under this section (including this sub-section).
[GA]Employer of worker in mines to which the Coal Mines Act, 1911, applies.
3.—(1) The following provisions shall apply in respect of any worker employed in a mine to which the Coal Mines Act, 1911, applies, that is to say:—
[GA](a) in case such mine is required by that Act to have a manager—
[GA](i) the owner, the agent and the manager of such mine shall each be deemed, for the purposes of this Act, to be the employer of such worker,
[GA](ii) where proceedings for any offence under this Act are taken against the owner (not being the manager) or the agent (not being the manager) of such mine, it shall be a good defence to such proceedings if such owner or agent proves to the satisfaction of the court—
[GA](I) that he was not in the habit of taking and did not in respect of the matters in question take any part in the management of such mine, and
[GA](II) that he made all financial and other provision necessary to enable the manager to carry out his duties, and
[GA](III) that the offence was committed without his knowledge, consent or connivance;
[GA](b) in case such mine is not required by that Act to have a manager, the owner and the agent of such mine shall each be deemed, for the purposes of this Act, to be the employer of such worker.
[GA](2) In this section the words “owner”, “agent” and “manager” when used in relation to a mine have the same respective meanings as in the Coal Mines Act, 1911.
[GA]Continuous employment.
4.—(1) Where the employment of a worker with a particular employer is interrupted by reason of the illness of such worker, the temporary cessation of the work on which he is so employed, the temporary reduction of the weekly quantity of such work, or any other temporary cause not due to the act or default of such worker, such worker shall, for the purpose of reckoning any period of continuous employment with such employer within the meaning of this Act, be deemed to have been in the employment of such employer during such interruption if, but only if, the following conditions are complied with, that is to say:—
[GA](a) at the end of such interruption such worker returns to employment with the employer with whom he had been employed immediately before such interruption, and
[GA](b) the duration of such interruption does not exceed one month.
[GA](2) Where a worker who is a member of the Reserve Force of the Defence Forces of Ireland is absent from his employment for the purpose of attending and performing his duty as such member at any initial training, annual training, or test mobilisation, such worker shall, for the purpose of reckoning any period of employment or of continuous employment within the meaning of this Act, be deemed to have been in his said employment during his said absence, and accordingly the period of his said absence shall for the purposes of this Act be reckoned in the said period of employment or continuous employment.
[GA]“Employment year” and “employment half-year”.
5.—(1) In this Act—
[GA]the expression “employment year” when used in relation to a worker means a period of three hundred and sixty-five days (excluding any day which is the 29th day of February) commencing on the day on which such worker last entered the employment in relation to which the expression is used or on any anniversary of that day;
[GA]the expression “the first half” when used in relation to an employment year of a domestic worker means a period of one hundred and eighty-three days commencing on the first day of such employment year;
[GA]the expression “the second half” when used in relation to an employment year of a domestic worker means so much of such employment year as is not included in the first half of such employment year;
[GA]Where a worker entered on employment on the 29th day of February he shall for the purposes of the interpretation of the definition of the expression “employment year” be deemed to have entered that employment on the next following day.
[GA](2) Where—
[GA](a) the ownership of any business, whether carried on for profit or gain or not, is transferred by act of the parties or by operation of law during the currency of an employment year of any worker who immediately before such transfer was employed by the person carrying on such business, and
[GA](b) such worker continues after such transfer to be employed by the person (in this sub-section referred to as the new employer) to whom such ownership is transferred, the following provisions shall have effect, that is to say:—
[GA](i) such worker shall, for the purposes of this Act (including sub-section (1) of this section but excluding section 9 (which relates to rights of non-domestic workers in respect of public holidays) of this Act in respect of any public holidays previous to such transfer), be deemed to have been in the employment of the new employer as on and from the beginning of such employment year;
[GA](ii) if such worker has been allowed before such transfer annual leave or, in case such worker is a domestic worker, annual leave or semi-annual leave during such employment year, such annual leave or semi-annual leave shall, for the purposes of this Act, be deemed to have been allowed by the new employer.
[GA](3) In this section the word “business” includes any profession, office, establishment or trade of whatsoever kind.
[GA]Construction of expression “allow a whole holiday”.
6.—A person shall be deemed, for the purposes of this Act, to allow a worker employed by him a whole holiday on a particular day if, but only if, such person does not permit such worker to do on that day any work for him.
[GA]Public holidays as respects industrial workers.
7.—Each day which is, by virtue of section 7 of the Act of 1936, a public holiday, for the purposes of the Act of 1936, in respect of an industrial worker shall, for the purposes of this Act, be also a public holiday in respect of such worker, and in this Act the expression “public holiday” when used in relation to an industrial worker shall be construed accordingly.
[GA]Public holidays as respects non-domestic workers who are not industrial workers.
8.—(1) Subject to the provisions of this section each of the following days shall, in respect of non-domestic workers who are not industrial workers, be for the purposes of this Act, a public holiday, that is to say:—
[GA](a) Christmas Day when it falls on a weekday or, when it falls on a Sunday, the 27th day of December, and
[GA](b) St. Stephen's Day when it falls on a weekday or, when it falls on a Sunday, the next following Monday, and
[GA](c) St. Patrick's Day when it falls on a weekday or, when it falls on a Sunday, the next following Monday, and
[GA](d) Easter Monday, Whit Monday, and the first Monday in August.
[GA](2) Whenever in any year a day is appointed under the Public Holidays Act, 1924 (No. 56 of 1924) to be a bank holiday instead of a day mentioned in the next preceding sub-section of this section, the day so appointed shall in that year be deemed to be substituted throughout the said sub-section for the day so mentioned and the said sub-section shall be construed and have effect accordingly.
[GA](3) The employer of any non-domestic worker, other than an industrial worker, may substitute for any public holiday (other than Christmas Day or St. Patrick's Day) falling in a calendar year either—
[GA](a) the Church holiday falling in that calendar year immediately before such public holiday by giving to such non-domestic worker not less than fourteen days before such Church holiday notice of his intention to effect such substitution, or
[GA](b) the Church holiday falling in that calendar year immediately after such public holiday or, if such public holiday is a day which is a public holiday by virtue of paragraph (b) of sub-section (1) of this section, the 1st day of January next following by giving to such non-domestic worker not less than fourteen days before such public holiday notice of his intention to effect such substitution,
[GA]and whenever such notice is given the Church holiday so substituted for a public holiday shall in respect of such non-domestic worker be a public holiday for the purposes of this Act instead of the day for which it is so substituted.
[GA]For the purposes of this sub-section each of the following days shall be a Church holiday, that is to say:—
[GA](i) the 1st day of January, except when it falls on a Sunday,
[GA](ii) the 6th day of January, except when it falls on a Sunday,
[GA](iii) Ascension Thursday,
[GA](iv) the Feast of Corpus Christi,
[GA](v) the 29th day of June, except when it falls on a Sunday,
[GA](vi) the 15th day of August, except when it falls on a Sunday,
[GA](vii) the 8th day of December, except when it falls on a Sunday.
[GA](4) A railway company which employs any person who is a non-domestic worker and is not an industrial worker may also substitute for Easter Monday the previous Good Friday by giving to such person not less than fourteen days before such Good Friday notice of its intention to effect such substitution and whenever any such notice is given the Good Friday so substituted shall in respect of such person be a public holiday for the purposes of this Act instead of the Easter Monday for which it is so substituted.
[GA](5) The notice mentioned in sub-section (3) or in sub-section (4) of this section shall be in writing and may be given to any person by handing a copy thereof to him personally or by posting a copy thereof in a conspicuous position in the place where such person is employed.
[GA](6) In this Act the expression “public holiday” when used in relation to a non-domestic worker who is not an industrial worker shall be construed in accordance with the foregoing provisions of this section.
[GA]Rights of non-domestic workers in respect of public holidays.
9.—(1) Where—
[GA](a) a non-domestic worker is in the employment of a person on a public holiday, and
[GA](b) such worker has worked for such person for not less than one hundred and fifty hours at any time during the period of five weeks immediately preceding such public holiday, and
[GA](c) either—
[GA](i) such worker has been allowed (whether in compliance with sub-section (1) of section 49 of the Act of 1936 or otherwise) by such person a whole holiday on such public holiday, or
[GA](ii) such public holiday falls on a non-working day and such worker does not work for such person on such public holiday,
[GA]such person shall, subject however to the provisions of sub-section (7) of this section, pay to such worker in respect of such public holiday a sum equivalent to a full day's pay.
[GA](2) Where—
[GA](a) a non-domestic worker is in the employment of a person on a public holiday, and
[GA](b) such worker has worked for such person for not less than one hundred and fifty hours at any time during the period of five weeks immediately preceding such public holiday, and
[GA](c) such worker has worked on such public holiday for such person, and
[GA](d) such worker has not received in respect of such public holiday a full day's pay increased by twenty-five per cent.,
[GA]the following provisions shall, subject however to the provisions of sub-section (7) of this section, have effect, that is to say:—
[GA](e) if such worker does not cease to be in the employment of such person before the expiration of one month after such public holiday, then—
[GA](i) such person shall allow to such worker a whole holiday on a working day before such expiration and shall, if he so allows such whole holiday, pay to such worker in respect thereof a sum equivalent to a full day's pay,
[GA](ii) if such person fails so to allow such worker such whole holiday, such person shall be guilty of an offence under this sub-section and shall be liable on summary conviction thereof to the penalties mentioned in the Schedule to this Act, and shall (whether proceedings for such offence have or have not been taken) pay to such worker in respect of such public holiday a sum equivalent to a full day's pay, but proceedings for such offence or to recover such sum shall not be instituted until the expiration of the employment year of such worker within which such public holiday falls, or, in case such worker has been allowed annual leave, the expiration of such annual leave, or the cesser of his employment (whichever first happens);
[GA](f) if such worker ceases to be in the employment of such person before the expiration of such month and has not been allowed a whole holiday on some working day between such public holiday and such cesser and been paid in respect of such whole holiday a sum equivalent to a full day's pay, such person shall upon such cesser pay to such worker, in addition to any wages then due him, a sum equivalent to a full day's pay.
[GA](3) Where—
[GA](a) a non-domestic worker in the employment of a person has worked for such person for not less than one hundred and fifty hours at any time during the period of five weeks immediately preceding a public holiday, and
[GA](b) the services of such worker with such person are terminated by such person before such public holiday,
[GA]such person shall upon such termination, but subject however to the provisions of sub-section (7) of this section, pay to such worker, in addition to any wages then due him, a sum equivalent to a full day's pay.
[GA](4) Where—
[GA](a) a non-domestic worker in the employment of a person has worked for such person for not less than one hundred and fifty hours at any time during the period of five weeks immediately preceding an appointed holiday, and
[GA](b) a day (in this sub-section referred to as the substituted day) is substituted, in case such worker is an industrial worker, under section 7 of the Act of 1936, or, in any other case, under the next preceding section of this Act, for such appointed holiday, and
[GA](c) the substituted day falls after such appointed holiday, and
[GA](d) the services of such worker with such person are terminated by such person before the substituted day,
[GA]such person shall upon such termination, but subject however to the provisions of sub-section (7) of this section, pay to this worker, in addition to any wages then due him, a sum equivalent to a full day's pay.
[GA]In this sub-section the expression “appointed holiday” means—
[GA](a) in relation to a person who is an industrial worker, a day which is a public holiday by virtue of sub-section (1) or sub-section (2) of section 7 of the Act of 1936;
[GA](b) in relation to a person who is not an industrial worker, a day which is a public holiday by virtue of sub-section (1) or sub-section (2) of the next preceding section of this Act.
[GA](5) The Minister may, whenever and so often as he so thinks proper, make regulations varying in respect of all or any particular class or classes (defined in such manner and by reference to such things as the Minister thinks proper) of non-domestic workers the period of one hundred and fifty hours mentioned in sub-sections (1), (2), (3) and (4) of this section by substituting for such period either such other number of hours or such number of days as the Minister thinks proper, and whenever any such regulations are in force the said sub-sections shall have effect, in respect of the non-domestic workers or the class or classes of non-domestic workers to which such regulations apply, as if the said period was varied in the manner stated in such regulations.
[GA](6) In the application of the five next preceding sub-sections to workers who are industrial workers and are under the age of eighteen years, the period of one hundred and twenty hours shall be substituted for the period of one hundred and fifty hours, and the said five next preceding sub-sections shall have effect in relation to such workers accordingly.
[GA](7) Where a non-domestic worker is during any employment year of such worker allowed by his employer annual leave under the next following section and is, in addition to, and immediately following, such annual leave, allowed by such employer on a working day or working days a number of whole holidays (in this section referred to as extra holidays) which if more than one are consecutive or would but for the intervention of non-working days or short days (if any) be consecutive, the following provisions shall have effect, that is to say:—
[GA](a) if six or more extra holidays are allowed and such worker is paid by such employer, in respect of each of six of such extra holidays, a sum equivalent to a full day's pay, neither sub-section (1) nor sub-section (2) nor sub-section (3) nor sub-section (4) of this section shall apply as regards such worker in respect of any public holiday falling within such employment year;
[GA](b) if less than six extra holidays are allowed and such worker is paid by such employer, in respect of each day of the extra holidays so allowed, a sum equivalent to a full day's pay, such employer may, at the time at which he gives such worker notice of his intention to allow such annual leave, also give to such worker notice in writing stating—
[GA](i) if five extra holidays are allowed, that such extra holidays are in lieu of his rights in respect of each of such five public holidays (falling within such employment year) as such employer may select and specify in such notice,
[GA](ii) if four extra holidays are allowed, that such extra holidays are in lieu of his rights in respect of each of such four public holidays (falling within such employment year) as such employer may select and specify in such notice,
[GA](iii) if three extra holidays are allowed, that such extra holidays are in lieu of his rights in respect of each of such three public holidays (falling within such employment year) as such employer may select and specify in such notice,
[GA](iv) if two extra holidays are allowed, that such extra holidays are in lieu of his rights in respect of each of such two public holidays (falling within such employment year) as such employer may select and specify in such notice,
[GA](v) if one extra holiday is allowed, that such extra holiday is in lieu of his rights in respect of such public holiday (falling within such employment year) as such employer may select and specify in such notice,
[GA]and in any such case neither sub-section (1) nor sub-section (2) nor sub-section (3) nor sub-section (4) of this section shall apply as regards such worker in respect of any public holiday specified in such notice.
[GA](8) In this section—
[GA]the expression “short day” means in relation to a worker a day on which such worker under his contract of service normally works for less than a full day;
[GA]the expression “working day” means in relation to a worker a day which—
[GA](a) is a week-day, and
[GA](b) is not—
[GA](i) a public holiday, or
[GA](ii) a day within which any period of twenty-four consecutive hours of rest required to be allowed to such worker under any other enactment falls, or
[GA](iii) a non-working day, or
[GA](iv) a short day.
[GA](9) Where—
[GA](a) a payment is made to a non-domestic worker under this section by his employer in respect of a public holiday, and
[GA](b) the services of such worker are terminated before such public holiday,
[GA]such worker shall not, for the purposes of the Unemployment Insurance Acts, 1920 to 1933, be deemed to have been in the employment of such employer on such public holiday.
[GA]Annual leave of non-domestic workers.
10.—(1) Every person who employs a non-domestic worker shall, in every employment year of such non-domestic worker during which he has been continuously in the employment of such person and has worked in such employment for not less than eighteen hundred hours, allow at such time as such person thinks fit to such worker seven consecutive whole holidays (in this Act referred to as annual leave).
[GA](2) Where a non-domestic worker is allowed annual leave the employer of such worker shall pay to such worker in respect of such annual leave—
[GA](a) in case the ordinary remuneration of such worker is wholly calculated by reference to time, a sum equivalent to the amount (exclusive of pay for over-time) which such worker received from such employer as salary or wages in respect of the week preceding such annual leave during which such worker worked the normal number of hours on the normal maximum number of days under his contract of service, and
[GA](b) in any other case, a sum equivalent to the amount of his average weekly earnings (exclusive of pay for overtime) for the six months immediately preceding such annual leave if he has been so long employed by such employer but if not, then for any less period during which he has been employed by such employer.
[GA](3) Where—
[GA](a) a non-domestic worker employed by a person ceases, at any time other than the end of an employment year of such worker, to be in the employment of such person, and
[GA](b) such worker has been in the employment of such person during not less than one month in such employment year and has worked not less than one hundred and fifty hours in such month, and
[GA](c) such person has not allowed such worker before such cesser annual leave in respect of the portion of such employment year during which he was so employed,
[GA]such person shall pay to such worker at such cesser—
[GA](i) in respect of the first month in the said portion of such employment year during which he has worked for not less than one hundred and fifty hours, a sum equivalent to a full day's pay, and
[GA](ii) in respect of each period (excluding the said first month) of two months in the said portion of such employment year during which he has worked for not less than three hundred hours, a sum equivalent to a full day's pay.
[GA](4) The Minister may, whenever and so often as he so thinks proper, make regulations varying in respect of all or any particular class or classes (defined in such manner and by reference to such things as the Minister thinks proper) of non-domestic workers all or any of the periods of eighteen hundred hours, three hundred hours, or one hundred and fifty hours mentioned in sub-sections (1) and (3) of this section by substituting for such period or periods either such other number of hours or such number of days as the Minister thinks proper, and whenever any such regulations are in force the said sub-sections shall have effect, in respect of the non-domestic workers or the class or classes of non-domestic workers to which such regulations apply, as if the said periods or such of them as are affected by such regulations were varied in the manner stated in such regulations.
[GA](5) In the application of this section to workers who are industrial workers and are under the age of eighteen years—
[GA](a) the period of fifteen hundred hours shall be substituted in sub-sections (1) and (4) for eighteen hundred hours, and
[GA](b) the several periods of two hundred and fifty hours and one hundred and twenty hours shall respectively be substituted in sub-sections (3) and (4) for the several periods of three hundred hours and one hundred and fifty hours,
[GA]and this section shall have effect in relation to such workers accordingly.
[GA](6) Where any non-working day or any two or more consecutive non-working days falls or fall immediately before or immediately after a day on which an employer has allowed a non-domestic worker a whole holiday, such non-working day or each of such consecutive non-working days (as the case may be) shall, if such worker does not work thereon for such employer, be deemed for the purposes of this section to be a day on which such employer has allowed such worker a whole holiday.
[GA](7) No day which is a public holiday nor a day on which such non-domestic worker is allowed, in pursuance of the immediately preceding section of this Act, a whole holiday shall be reckoned as a day of annual leave, but if any such day intervenes between days of annual leave, such days shall be deemed to be consecutive notwithstanding such intervention.
[GA](8) This section shall apply to the employment year current at the commencement of this Act of every person who is a non-domestic worker at such commencement, and this section shall have effect in respect of such employment year and such person as if this section had been in force at the beginning of such employment year, but subject to the modifications that—
[GA](a) if such employment year expires within one month after such commencement, the employer of such person shall be deemed to have complied with this section if he allows to such person not later than three months after the expiration of such employment year, such annual leave as such person may be entitled to under this section in respect of such employment year, and
[GA](b) if such employer has before such commencement allowed to such person in such employment year one or more whole holidays which would be annual leave for the purposes of this section but for the fact that such whole holidays were less than seven or were not consecutive or were both less than seven and not consecutive, the said whole holidays so allowed shall be deemed to be annual leave for the purposes of this section and such person shall only be entitled in respect of such employment year to such number (if any) of consecutive whole holidays after such commencement as is equal to the number (if any) of days by which the number of whole holidays so allowed is less than seven.
[GA](9) If the employer of a non-domestic worker fails to allow annual leave to such worker in respect of an employment year of such worker in accordance with this section, the following provisions shall have effect, that is to say:—
[GA](a) such employer shall be guilty of an offence under this sub-section and shall be liable on summary conviction thereof to the penalties mentioned in the Schedule to this Act;
[GA](b) such employer shall (whether proceedings have or have not been taken under paragraph (a) of this sub-section) pay to such worker a sum equivalent to the amount which, under sub-section (2) of this section, he would have been liable to pay to such worker if he had in fact allowed such worker such annual leave and such annual leave had been allowed during the last seven days of such employment year.
[GA](10) Where a person who employs a non-domestic worker proposes to grant such non-domestic worker annual leave in pursuance of this section—
[GA](a) such person shall not later than fourteen days before the day on which such annual leave is to commence give notice of his intention to grant such annual leave and of the day on which it will begin;
[GA](b) if such person fails to comply with paragraph (a) of this sub-section, such person shall be guilty of an offence under this sub-section and shall be liable on summary conviction thereof to a fine not exceeding five pounds.
[GA](11) If the employer of a non-domestic worker allows to such worker in any employment year a period of annual leave earlier than the last seven days (being days which are reckonable as days of annual leave for the purposes of this section) of such employment year and such worker leaves the employment of such employer before the termination of such employment year, such employer shall not be entitled in respect of such allowance of annual leave to reduce the period of notice required for terminating such employment, nor the pay nor other emoluments to which such worker may be entitled at the time of leaving such employment.
[GA]Restriction on work by industrial worker during annual leave.
11.—(1) It shall not be lawful for any industrial worker, during any period of annual leave, to do for reward any industrial work.
[GA](2) If any industrial worker acts in contravention of this section, such worker shall be guilty of an offence under this section and shall be liable on summary conviction thereof to the penalties mentioned in the Schedule to this Act.
[GA]Annual leave of domestic workers.
12.—(1) Every person who employs a domestic worker shall, in every employment year of such domestic worker during which such domestic worker has been continuously in the employment of such person and has worked in such employment for not less than three hundred days, allow at such time as such person thinks fit to such domestic worker fourteen consecutive whole holidays (in this Act also referred to as annual leave).
[GA](2) Where a person allows to a domestic worker in his employment seven consecutive whole holidays (in this Act referred to as semi-annual leave) in the first half of an employment year of such domestic worker and also allows to such domestic worker semi-annual leave in the second half of such employment year, the provisions of sub-section (1) of this section shall not apply as regards such domestic worker in respect of such employment year.
[GA](3) Where a domestic worker is allowed annual leave or semi-annual leave, the employer of such worker shall pay to such worker in respect of such annual leave or semi-annual leave a sum equivalent to the amount which such worker received from such employer as salary or wages in respect of—
[GA](a) in case such worker is allowed annual leave, the two consecutive weeks preceding such annual leave during which such worker worked the normal number of hours on the maximum number of days under his contract of service,
[GA](b) in case such worker is allowed semi-annual leave, the week preceding such semi-annual leave during which such worker worked the normal number of hours on the maximum number of days under such contract.
[GA](4) Where—
[GA](a) a domestic worker is employed by a person under a contract of service which includes lodgings, and
[GA](b) such person has given to such worker notice of intention to allow to such worker annual leave or semi-annual leave during a particular period, and
[GA](c) such worker, with the consent of such person, remains at work with such person during such period,
[GA]such person shall, if, in addition to the wages for that period, he pays to such worker a sum equal to the amount of such wages, be deemed to have allowed to such worker a whole holiday on each of the days falling within such period.
[GA](5) Where—
[GA](a) a domestic worker ceases to be in the employment of a person during the currency of the first half of an employment year of such worker, and
[GA](b) such worker has worked in such employment for not less than one hundred and fifty days in such first half, and
[GA](c) such worker has not before such cesser been allowed during such first half either annual leave or semi-annual leave,
[GA]such person shall pay to such worker at such cesser a sum equivalent to the amount which, under sub-section (3) of this section, he would have been liable to pay to such worker if he had in fact allowed such worker semi-annual leave during such first half and such semi-annual leave had been allowed during the seven days preceding such cesser.
[GA](6) Where a domestic worker ceases to be in the employment of a person during the currency of the second half of an employment year of such worker and such worker has not before such cesser been allowed either annual leave in respect of such employment year or semi-annual leave in respect of both the first half of such employment year and such second half, the following provisions shall have effect, that is to say:—
[GA](a) if such worker has worked in such employment for not less than one hundred and fifty days in such first half and also for not less than one hundred and fifty days in such second half, such person shall on such cesser pay to such worker a sum equivalent to the amount which, under sub-section (3) of this section, he would have been liable to pay to such worker if he had in fact allowed such worker such annual leave and such annual leave had been allowed during the fourteen days preceding such cesser;
[GA](b) if—
[GA](i) such worker has worked in such employment for not less than one hundred and fifty days in such first half, but for less than one hundred and fifty days in such second half, and
[GA](ii) such worker has before such cesser not been allowed semi-annual leave during such first half,
[GA]such person shall pay to such worker on such cesser a sum equivalent to the amount which, under sub-section (3) of this section, he would have been liable to pay to such worker if he had in fact allowed such worker semi-annual leave during such first half and such semi-annual leave had been allowed during the last seven days of such first half;
[GA](c) if—
[GA](i) such worker has worked in such employment for less than one hundred and fifty days in such first half, but for not less than one hundred and fifty days in such second half, and
[GA](ii) such worker has not been allowed before such cesser semi-annual leave during such first half or such second half,
[GA]such person shall pay to such worker on such cesser a sum equivalent to the amount which, under sub-section (3) of this section, he would have been liable to pay to such worker if he had in fact allowed such worker semi-annual leave during such second half and such semi-annual leave had been allowed during the last seven days of such second half.
[GA](7) The Minister may, whenever and so often as he so thinks proper, make regulations varying in respect of all or any particular class or classes (defined in such manner and by reference to such things as the Minister thinks proper) of domestic workers all or any of the periods of three hundred days or one hundred and fifty days mentioned in sub-sections (1), (5), and (6) of this section by substituting for such period or periods such other number of days as the Minister thinks proper, and whenever any such regulations are in force the said sub-sections shall have effect, in respect of the domestic workers or the class or classes of domestic workers to which such regulations apply, as if the said periods or such of them as are affected by such regulations were varied in the manner stated in such regulations.
[GA](8) Where any non-working day or any two or more consecutive non-working days falls or fall immediately before or after a day on which an employer has allowed a domestic worker a whole holiday, such non-working day or each of such consecutive non-working days (as the case may be) shall, if such worker does not work thereon for such employer, be deemed for the purposes of this section to be a day on which such employer has allowed such worker a whole holiday.
[GA](9) This section shall apply to the employment year current at the commencement of this Act of every person who is a domestic worker at such commencement, and this section shall have effect in respect of such employment year and such person as if this section had been in force at the beginning of such employment year but subject to the modifications that—
[GA](a) if such employment year expires within one month after such commencement, the employer of such person shall be deemed to have complied with sub-section (1) of this section if he allows to such person, not later than three months after the expiration of such employment year, such annual leave as such person may be entitled to under this section in respect of such employment year, and
[GA](b) if such employer has before such commencement allowed to such person in such employment year one or more whole holidays which would be annual leave for the purposes of this section but for the fact that such whole holidays were less than fourteen or were not consecutive or were both less than fourteen and not consecutive the said whole holidays so allowed shall be deemed to be annual leave for the purposes of this section and such person shall only be entitled in respect of such employment year to such number (if any) consecutive whole holidays after such commencement as is equal to the number (if any) of days by which the number of whole holidays so allowed is less than fourteen.
[GA](10) If the employer of a domestic worker fails to allow annual leave to such worker in respect of an employment year of such worker in accordance with this section, the following provisions shall have effect, that is to say:—
[GA](a) such employer shall be guilty of an offence under this sub-section and shall be liable on summary conviction thereof to the penalties mentioned in the Schedule to this Act;
[GA](b) such employer shall (whether proceedings have or have not been taken under paragraph (a) of this sub-section) pay to such worker a sum equivalent to the amount which, under sub-section (3) of this section, he would have been liable to pay to such worker if he had in fact allowed such worker such annual leave and such annual leave had been allowed during the last fourteen days of such employment year.
[GA](11) Where a person who employs a domestic worker proposes to grant such domestic worker any whole holidays in pursuance of this section—
[GA](a) such person shall not later than fourteen days before the day on which such whole holidays are to commence give notice of his intention to grant such whole holidays and of the day on which they will begin;
[GA](b) if such person fails to comply with paragraph (a) of this sub-section, such person shall be guilty of an offence under this sub-section and shall be liable on summary conviction thereof to a fine not exceeding five pounds.
[GA](12) For the purposes of this section a domestic worker shall be deemed to have worked in the employment of a particular person on any day on which such domestic worker has been available for service at such person's request for a period of two or more hours.
[GA]Payment in lieu of board and lodgings during leave.
13.—(1) Where—
[GA](a) a worker is allowed by his employer annual leave or semi-annual leave, and
[GA](b) such worker was, immediately before such annual leave or semi-annual leave, entitled as part of his remuneration to accommodation,
[GA]such employer shall, in addition to any sum payable to such worker under this Act in respect of such annual leave or semi-annual leave, pay to such worker, in respect of any day falling within such annual leave or semi-annual leave during which he does not receive accommodation, in case such worker is employed in a county borough or the borough of Dun Laoghaire, the sum of one shilling or, in any other case, the sum of sevenpence.
[GA](2) In this section the expression “accommodation” means—
[GA](a) in relation to a worker who is entitled to board only, board;
[GA](b) in relation to a worker who is entitled to lodgings only, lodgings;
[GA](c) in relation to a worker who is entitled to board and lodgings, board and lodgings.
[GA]Penalties for non-payment and recovery of moneys due to workers.
14.—If the employer of a worker fails to pay to such worker any moneys which become payable by such employer to such worker under any provision contained in this Act—
[GA](a) such employer shall be guilty of an offence under this section and shall be liable on summary conviction thereof to the penalties mentioned in the Schedule to this Act;
[GA](b) such worker may (whether proceedings have or have not been taken under paragraph (a) of this section) recover from such employer such moneys as a simple contract debt in a court of competent jurisdiction.
15.—(1) The Minister may whenever and so often as he thinks fit by order (in this Act referred to as a records order) require records to be kept by employers of workers or any class of employers of workers of any matter or thing a record of which is in the opinion of the Minister necessary for the enforcement of this Act and if he so thinks fit prescribe the form of any such records.
[GA](2) The Minister may under this section make different records orders in respect of different classes of employers of workers.
[GA](3) The Minister may by order under this section amend or revoke any order made under this section or sub-section.
[GA](4) The Minister may, if he so thinks fit, by any order made under this section prescribe the place or places where the records prescribed by such order shall be kept and may make such regulations as to the production and inspection of such records as he may think fit.
[GA](5) If whenever a records order is in force any employer fails, neglects or refuses to comply with the requirements of such order or makes in any record which such employer is required by such order to keep any entry which is false in any material respect knowing the same to be false such employer shall be guilty of an offence under this section and shall be liable on summary conviction thereof to the penalties mentioned in the Schedule to this Act.
[GA]Powers of Inspectors.
16.—(1) An inspector may for the purposes of enforcing the provisions of this Act do all or any of the following things, that is to say:—
[GA](a) subject to the provisions of this section, enter at all reasonable times any premises or place where he has reasonable grounds for supposing that any workers are employed,
[GA](b) make such examination or enquiry as may be necessary for ascertaining whether the provisions of this Act are complied with in respect of any worker employed in any such premises or place,
[GA](c) require the employer of any worker or the representative of such employer to produce to him any records which such employer is required by a records order to keep and inspect and take copies of entries in such records,
[GA](d) examine with respect to any matters under this Act any person whom he has reasonable cause to believe to be or to have been a worker or the employer of any worker and require such person to answer such questions (other than questions tending to incriminate such person) as such inspector may put touching such matters and to sign a declaration of the truth of the answers to such questions.
[GA](2) The powers conferred on an inspector by paragraph (a) of sub-section (1) of this section shall not be exercisable in respect of any private dwelling-house unless the Minister or an officer of the Minister appointed by the Minister for the purpose certifies that he has reasonable grounds for believing that an offence under this section in relation to any worker employed in such house has been committed by the employer of such worker, and such inspector on applying for admission to such house produces such certificate.
[GA](3) If any person—
[GA](a) obstructs or impedes an inspector in the exercise of any of the powers conferred on such inspector by this section, or
[GA](b) refuses to produce any record which an inspector lawfully requires him to produce, or
[GA](c) produces or causes to be produced or knowingly allows to be produced to an inspector any record which is false in any material respect knowing the same to be false, or
[GA](d) prevents, or attempts to prevent any person from appearing before or being questioned by an inspector, or
[GA](e) wilfully fails or refuses to comply with any lawful requirement of an inspector under paragraph (d) of sub-section (1) of this section,
[GA]such person shall be guilty of an offence under this section and shall be liable on summary conviction thereof to a fine not exceeding ten pounds.
[GA](4) Every inspector shall be furnished with a certificate of his appointment and on applying for admission to any premises or place for the purposes of this Act shall if so required produce the said certificate to the occupier and to any person being examined by him.
[GA](5) In this section the word “inspector” means a person appointed by the Minister to be an inspector for the purposes of this section.
[GA]Variation of existing contracts.
17.—(1) Where a contract for the execution of any work was entered into before the commencement of this Act and is at such commencement not fully carried out, and the person liable under such contract to execute such work claims either or both of the following things, that is to say:—
[GA](a) that, by reason of the obligations imposed on employers by this Act, a limitation of time contained in such contract for the doing of any particular thing has become unreasonable and should be extended, or
[GA](b) that, by reason of the said obligations, any particular price or other payment fixed by such contract has become unreasonable and should be increased,
[GA]then and in every such case, such claim shall, in default of agreement between the parties concerned, be referred, on the demand of any such party, to arbitration under this section.
[GA](2) Where a claim is referred under this section to arbitration, the following provisions shall have effect, that is to say:—
[GA](a) such arbitration shall be heard and determined by one arbitrator who, in default of agreement between the parties concerned, shall be appointed by the Minister on the application of any such party;
[GA](b) in the case of a claim for the extension of a limitation of time, the arbitrator shall determine whether such extension should or should not be made and (if he determines that such extension should be made) the amount of such extension;
[GA](c) in the case of a claim for the increase of a price or other payment, the arbitrator shall determine whether such increase should or should not be made and (if he determines that such increase should be made) the amount of such increase;
[GA](d) the arbitrator shall be paid such fee for acting as arbitrator as shall, in default of agreement, be fixed by the Minister, and such fee and all other general costs and expenses of the arbitration shall be paid by such one or more of the parties to the arbitration and, if by more than one of such parties, in such proportions as the arbitrator shall direct;
[GA](e) the arbitrator shall determine how the costs and expenses incurred by each of the parties to the arbitration of or incidental to appearing and being heard thereat shall be borne;
[GA](f) if the arbitrator determines that a limitation of time should be extended or that a price should be increased, the arbitrator shall amend the contract which is the subject of the arbitration in such manner as he shall think proper in order to give effect to such determination;
[GA](g) the determination of the arbitrator shall be final and conclusive and shall be binding on all parties concerned.
[GA]Offences by bodies corporate.
18.—Where an offence under any section of this Act was committed by a body corporate and is proved to have been so committed with the consent or approval of, or to have been facilitated by any neglect on the part of, any director, manager, secretary or other officer of such body corporate, such director, manager, secretary or other official shall also be deemed to be guilty of such offence and shall be liable to be proceeded against and punished accordingly.
[GA]Prosecution of offences.
19.—(1) An offence under any section of this Act may be prosecuted by the Minister.
[GA](2) An offence under any section of this Act committed by the employer of a worker may be prosecuted by such worker or by any official of a registered trade union of which such worker is a member.
[GA](3) A prosecution for an offence under any section of this Act may be instituted within twelve months after the commission of such offence.
[GA]Emergency as defence.
20.—Where a person is charged with an offence under any section of this Act it shall be a good defence to such charge if such person proves to the satisfaction of the Court before which such offence is tried that the alleged contravention of such section was rendered necessary or reasonably proper by the actual occurrence or the threat or reasonable anticipation of fire, flood, storm, violence, a breakdown of plant or machinery, or any other emergency.
21.—The Minister may make regulations in relation to any matter or thing referred to in this Act as prescribed or to be prescribed.
[GA]Laying of orders and regulations before Houses of the Oireachtas.
22.—Every order and regulation made by the Minister under this Act shall be laid before each House of the Oireachtas as soon as may be after it is made, and if a resolution annulling such order or regulation is passed by either such House within the next subsequent twenty-one days on which such House has sat after such order or regulation is laid before it, such order or regulation shall be annulled accordingly, but without prejudice to the validity of anything previously done under such order or regulation.
23.—The expenses incurred by the Minister in the administration of this Act shall, to such extent as may be sanctioned by the Minister for Finance, be paid out of moneys provided by the Oireachtas.
[GA]Repeal of certain provisions of the Conditions of Employment Act, 1936.
24.—The following provisions of the Conditions of Employment Act, 1936 (No. 2 of 1936) are hereby repealed, that is to say, sections 5, 24, 25, 26 and 27, and sub-sections (5), (6), (7) and (8) of section 49.
[GA]Short title and commencement.
25.—(1) This Act may be cited as the Holidays (Employees) Act, 1939.
[GA](2) This Act shall come into operation on such day as shall be fixed for the purpose by order of the Minister.
Penalties for Certain Offences.
In the case of a first offence under the relevant section or sub-section a fine not exceeding ten pounds or in the case of any subsequent such offence a fine not exceeding twenty-five pounds.