As Ann Déscrolláil


Cuir Déscrolláil ar siúl chun an dá leagan a scrolláil le chéile.


Uimhir 28 de 1946.



[An tiontó oifigiúil.]



1.—(1) San Acht seo—

[EN]an Príomh-Acht.

ciallaíonn an abairt “an Príomh-Acht” an tAcht um Réamhchúram in Aghaidh Aer-ruathar, 1939 (Uimh. 21 de 1939);

[EN]an tAire.

ciallaíonn an abairt “an tAire” an tAire Cosanta.

(2) Léireofar mar aon ní amháin an tAcht seo agus an Príomh-Acht.


Alt 28 den Phríomh-Acht a leasú.

2.—Leasaítear leis seo alt 28 den Phríomh-Acht tríd an bhfo-alt breise seo a leanas a chur ina dheireadh:—


“(3) (a) I dteannta na ndualgas a luaitear i bhfo-alt (1) den alt seo, beidh de dhualgas ar gach údarás áitiúil agus ar a oifigigh agus a sheirbhísigh pé dualgais a chomhlíonadh, maidir le daoine den phobal síbhialta a aistriú agus maidir lena gcóiríocht, a gcothabháil agus a leas, a ordós an tAire tar éis dul i gcomhairle leis an Aire Rialtais Áitiúil agus Sláinte Poiblí, agus chuige sin féadfaidh údarás áitiúil dul faoi chaiteachas.


(b) Má théann údarás áitiúil faoi chaiteachas faoi mhír (a) den fho-alt seo, déanfar an caiteachas sin a aisíoc, as airgead a sholáthrós an tOireachtas, a mhéid a chinnfeas an tAire, le toiliú an Aire Airgeadais.


(c) Ní tabharfar aon deontas faoi alt 35 den Acht seo i leith caiteachais faoina raghaidh údarás áitiúil faoi mhír (a) den fho-alt seo.”.


Alt 34 den Phríomh-Acht a leasú.

3.—Leasaítear leis seo fo-alt (4) d'alt 34 den Phríomh-Acht trí no focail “d'aon bhuirg ná bailecheantar” a chur in ionad na bhfocal “féna raghaidh buirg nó bailecheantar ar bith”.


Alt 35 den Phríomh-Acht a leasú.

4.—Leasaítear leis seo alt 35 den Phríomh-Acht trí na focail “nó, i gcás aon chaiteachais cheadaithe den tsórt sin is caiteachas ar ionaid bhídh agus scíthe a chur ar fáil, deontais nach mó ná méid an chaiteachais sin” a chur ina dheireadh.


Alt 64 den Phríomh-Acht a leasú.

5.—(1) Leasaítear leis seo alt 64 den Phríomh-Acht tríd an bhfo-alt seo a leanas a chur in ionad fo-ailt (1), is é sin le rá:—


“(1) Baineann an t-alt seo le díobhála pearsanta a tharlós, tráth ná beidh an Stát páirteach in aon chogadh, do chomhaltaí údaraithe de sheirbhís réamhchúraim in aghaidh aer-ruathar, arna bunú faoi scéim arna ceadú ag an Aire faoi alt 13 nó alt 38 den Acht seo, le linn tréineáil nó cleachtadh i ndualgais na seirbhíse sin a bheith á thabhairt dóibh nó á thabhairt acu do dhaoine eile nó le linn dóibh bheith ar diúité ar shlí eile mar chomhaltaí den tsórt sin.”.


(2) Leanfaidh an Scéim um Sheirbhísí Réamhchúraim in Aghaidh Aer-ruathar (Cúiteamh i nDíobhála Pearsanta), 1942 (R. & O. R., Uimh. 319 de 1942), arna leasú leis an Scéim um an Scéim um Sheirbhísí Réamhchúraim in Aghaidh Aer-ruathar (Cúiteamh i nDíobhála Pearsanta), 1942 (An Chéad Leasú), 1943 (R. & O. R., Uimh. 415 de 1943) (Scéimeanna a rinneadh faoi alt 64 den Phríomh-Acht arna leasú leis an Ordú Cumhachta Práinne (Uimh. 99), 1941 (R. & O. R., Uimh. 340 de 1941)), de bheith i bhfeidhm agus beidh éifeacht aici amhail is dá mba faoi alt 64 den Phríomh-Acht, arna leasú le fo-alt (1) den alt seo, a déanfaí í.


(3) Léireofar an abairt “airgead poiblí”, i ngach áit a bhfuil sí in Achta na bPinsean Seirbhíse Míleata, 1924 go 1945, mar abairt ná folaíonn aon airgead is iníoctha faoi scéim arna déanamh faoi alt 64 den Phríomh-Acht, arna leasú le fo-alt (1) den alt seo.


Stórais leighis a thabhairt d'Ospidéil.

6.—(1) San alt seo ciallaíonn an abairt “stórais leighis” earraí is—


(a) druganna, nó


(b) ícleasuithe, nó


(c) trealamh le haghaidh úsáide in ospidéil.


(2) (a) Féadfaidh an tAire, tar éis dul i gcomhairle leis an Aire Rialtais Áitiúil agus Sláinte Poiblí, aon stórais leighis a bheas faoina riar aige a eisiúint ó am go ham chun comhlachta rialúcháin aon ospidéil.


(b) Má heisítear stórais leighis chun comhlachta rialúcháin ospidéil faoin bhfo-alt seo, glacfaidh an comhlacht rialúcháin sin na stórais leighis sin.


(3) Beidh éifeacht ag na forála seo a leanas maidir le haon stórais leighis arna n-eisiúint (an 2ú lá de Mheán Fómhair, 1946, nó roimhe nó dá éis) ag an Aire chun comhlachta rialúcháin ospidéil, is é sin le ra:—


(a) ní húsáidfear na stórais leighis sin ach chun na gcríocha agus faoi na coinníollacha a ordós an tAire ó am go ham,


(b) beidh an comhlacht rialúcháin sin freagarthach sna stórais leighis sin a choimeád slán agus a stóráil le cúram cuí, agus, má bheireann an tAire treoracha maidir leis na stórais leighis sin a choimeád agus a stóráil, comhlíonfaidh an comhlacht rialúcháin sin na treoracha,


(c) déanfaidh an comhlacht rialúcháin sin, ar an Aire dá iarraidh sin, na stórais leighis sin nó aon chuid shonraithe dhíobh a thabhairt thar n-ais don Aire,


(d) déanfaidh an comhlacht rialúcháin sin, ar aon duine a bheas údaraithe ag an Aire dá iarraidh sin, gach saoráid a thabhairt don duine sin chun na stórais leighis sin a iniúchadh,


(e) má cailltear na stórais leighis sin nó má bhaineann damáiste nó díth dhóibh déanfaidh an comhlacht rialúcháin sin tuarascáil ina thaobh sin a thabhairt don Aire gan mhoill maraon le sonraí i dtaobh na dtosca inar tharla an chailliúint nó an damáiste nó an díth sin,


(f) bhéarfaidh an comhlacht rialúcháin sin go n-iniúchfaidh dochtúir leighis cláraithe ina seirbhís na stórais leighis sin go tréimhsiúil agus pé trátha eile a ordós an tAire d'fhonn a fháil amach cad é an chainníocht atá ina seilbh de thuras na huaire de na stórais leighis sin nó ar bhain damáiste nó díth dhóibh.


(4) Más rud é, ar dháta an Achta seo a rith nó dá éis, go bhfailleoidh comhlacht rialúcháin aon ospidéil aon oblagáid a chomhlíonadh dá gcuirtear air, nó aon fheidhm a chomhlíonadh dá gceaptar dó, leis an alt seo nó faoi, beidh an comhlacht rialúcháin sin ciontach i gcion faoin bhfo-alt seo agus ar a chiontú ann ar an slí achomair dlífear fíneáil nach mó ná caoga punt a chur air agus má leantar den fhaillí, ar ciontaíodh an comhlacht rialúcháin sin ina leith, tar éis an chiontuithe, dlífear, ar an gcomhlacht rialúcháin sin a chiontú ann ar an slí achomair, fíneáil nach mó ná deich bpuint a chur air in aghaidh gach lae a leanfar den chion.


(5) Más rud é, ar dháta an Achta seo a rith nó dá éis, go bhfailleoidh aon oifigeach nó seirbhíseach do chomhlacht rialúcháin ospidéil aon oblagáid a chomhlíonadh dá gcuirfear air, nó aon fheidhm a chomhlíonadh dá gceapfar dó, ag an gcomhlacht rialúcháin chun críocha an ailt seo, beidh an t-oifigeach nó an seirbhíseach sin ciontach i gcion faoin bhfo-alt seo agus ar a chiontú ann ar an slí achomair dlífear fíneáil nach mó ná deich bpuint a chur air.


(6) Beidh éifeacht ag forála an ailt seo d'ainneoin aon ní contrártha dhó sin in aon Acht, ordú, fo-dhlí nó cairt.


(7) Má théann comhlacht rialúcháin ospidéil faoi chaiteachas chun críche an ailt seo, déanfar an caiteachas sin a aisíoc, as airgead a sholáthrós an tOireachtas, a mhéid a chinnfeas an tAire, le toiliú an Aire Airgeadais.


Ospidéil do ghlacadh réamhchúraim in aghaidh aer-ruathar.

7.—(1) San alt seo—


ciallaíonn an abairt “ospidéal lena mbaineann an t-alt seo” aon ospidéal do réir bhrí Achta na nOspidéal Poiblí, 1933 (Uimh. 18 de 1933), atá i gcontae-bhuirg nó baile-líomatáiste sceidealta, nó nach sia ná míle reachtúil uaidh sin;


ciallaíonn an abairt “údarás urlámhais”, maidir le hospidéal lena mbaineann an t alt seo, an t-údarás áitiúil, an bord, an coiste nó an comhchoiste, nó an comhlacht eile ag a bhfuil urlámhas agus bainistí an ospidéil.


(2) Má théann údarás urlámhais ospidéil lena mbaineann an t-alt seo faoi chaiteachas chun socrú a dhéanamh chun an t-ospidéal, a othair, nó a fhoireann a chosaint ar dhamáiste nó díobháil i gcás ionsaí ón aer nó chun damáiste nó díobháil den tsórt sin a laghdú, féadfar an caiteachas sin a aisíoc, as airgead a sholáthrós an tOireachtas, a mhéid (nach mó ná trian an chaiteachais sin) a chinnfeas an tAire, le toiliú an Aire Airgeadais.


(3) (a) Má déantar aisíoc faoi fho-alt (2) den alt seo i leith caiteachais faoina ndeachaigh údarás urlámhais ospidéil lena mbaineann an t-alt seo, déanfaidh an t-údarás áitiúil déanta scéime ar laistigh dá líomatáiste feidhmiúcháin a bheas an t-ospidéal suim is cóimhéid leis an aisíocaíocht a ranníoc i leith an chaiteachais sin.


(b) Bainfidh fo-ailt (3), (4), (5) agus (6) d'alt 34 den Phríomh-Acht le costais faoina raghfar faoin bhfo-alt seo amhail mar bhaineas na fo-ailt sin le costais faoina raghfar faoi Chuid II den Phríomh-Acht.


(4) Ní tabharfar aon deontas faoi alt 35 den Phríomh-Acht i leith aon chaiteachais a ndéanfar ranníoc ina leith faoi fho-alt (2) den alt seo.



8.—Athghairmtear leis seo alt 29 den Phríomh-Acht.


Gearr-theideal, tosach feidhme agus comhluadh.

9.—(1) Féadfar an tAcht um Réamhchúram in Aghaidh Aerruathar (Leasú), 1946, a ghairm den Acht seo.


(2) Is tuigthe an tAcht seo (ach amháin alt 2) do theacht i ngníomh an 2ú lá de Mheán Fómhair, 1946.


(3) Féadfar na hAchta um Réamhchúram in Aghaidh Aerruathar, 1939 agus 1946, a ghairm den Phríomh-Acht agus den Acht seo le chéile.



Number 28 of 1946.








Amendment of section 28 of the Principal Act.


Amendment of section 34 of the Principal Act.


Amendment of section 35 of the Principal Act.


Amendment of section 64 of the Principal Act.


Issse of medical stores to Hospitals.


Provision of air-raid precautions by hospitals.




Short title, commencement and collective citation.

Acts Referred to

Air-raid Precautions Act, 1939

No. 21 of 1939

Public Hospitals Act, 1933

No. 18 of 1933


Number 28 of 1946.




1.—(1) In this Act—


the expression “the Principal Act” means the Air-raid Precautions Act, 1939 (No. 21 of 1939);


the expression “the Minister” means the Minister for Defence.


(2) This Act shall be construed as one with the Principal Act.


Amendment of section 28 of the Principal Act.

2.Section 28 of the Principal Act is hereby amended by the insertion at the end thereof of the following additional subsection—


“(3) (a) In addition to the duties mentioned in subsection (1) of this section, it shall be the duty of every local authority, its officers and servants to perform such duties in connection with the transference of members of the civil population and their accommodation, maintenance, and welfare as the Minister, after consultation with the Minister for Local Government and Public Health, may direct, and a local authority may for this purpose incur expenditure.


(b) Where a local authority incurs expenditure under paragraph (a) of this subsection, such expenditure shall be recouped, out of moneys provided by the Oireachtas, to such extent as the Minister, with the consent of the Minister for Finance, may determine.


(c) No grant shall be made under section 35 of this Act in respect of expenditure incurred by a local authority under paragraph (a) of this subsection.”.


Amendment of section 34 of the Principal Act.

3.—Subsection (4) of section 34 of the Principal Act is hereby amended by the substitution of the words “off any borough” for the words “of any borough”.


Amendment of section 35 of the Principal Act.

4.Section 35 of the Principal Act is hereby amended by the insertion at the end thereof of the words “or, in the case of any such approved expenditure which is expenditure on the provision of food and rest centres, grants not exceeding the amount thereof”.


Amendment of section 64 of the Principal Act.

5.—(1) Section 64 of the Principal Act is hereby amended by the substitution of the following subsection for subsection (1), that is to say—


“(1) This section applies to personal injuries sustained, while the State is not engaged in any war, by authorised members of an air-raid precautions service, established under a scheme approved by the Minister under section 13 or section 38 of this Act, while being trained or exercised or training or exercising others in the duties of such service or while otherwise on duty as such members.”.


(2) The Air-raid Precautions Services (Compensation for Personal Injuries) Scheme, 1942 (S. R. & O., No. 319 of 1942), as amended by the Air-raid Precautions Services (Compensation for Personal Injuries) Scheme, 1942 (First Amendment) Scheme, 1943 (S. R. & O., No. 415 of 1943), (which said Schemes were made under section 64 of the Principal Act, as amended by the Emergency Powers (No. 99) Order, 1941 (S.R.&O., No. 340 of 1941) ), shall continue in force and have effect as if made under section 64 of the Principal Act, as amended by subsection (1) of this section.


(3) The expression “public moneys” where it occurs in the Military Service Pensions Acts, 1924 to 1945, shall be construed as not including any moneys payable under a scheme made under section 64 of the Principal Act, as amended by subsection (1) of this section.


Issse of medical stores to Hospitals.

6.—(1) In this section the expression “medical stores” means articles which are—


(a) drugs, or


(b) surgical dressings, or


(c) equipment for use in hospitals.


(2) (a) The Minister may, after consultation with the Minister for Local Government and Public Health, from time to time issue to the governing body of any hospital any medical stores which he has at his disposal.


(b) Where medical stores are issued to the governing body of a hospital under this subsection, such governing body shall accept such medical stores.


(3) The following provisions shall have effect in relation to any medical stores issued (whether before, on, or after the 2nd day of September, 1946) by the Minister to the governing body of a hospital, that is to say—


(a) such medical stores shall not be used except for such purposes and under such conditions as the Minister may from time to time direct,


(b) such governing body shall be responsible for the safe custody of such medical stores and for their storage with due care, and, where instructions are given by the Minister with regard to the custody and storage of such medical stores, such governing body shall comply with the instructions,


(c) such governing body shall, if so required by the Minister, return to the Minister such medical stores or any specified part thereof,


(d) such governing body shall, at the request of any person authorised by the Minister, afford such person all facilities for inspecting such medical stores,


(e) if such medical stores are lost or become damaged or defective such governing body shall report the fact without delay to the Minister together with details of the circumstances in which such loss, damage or defect occurred,


(f) such governing body shall cause such medical stores to be inspected by a registered medical practitioner in their service, periodically and at such other times as the Minister may direct, with a view to ascertaining the quantity for the time being in their possession or whether such medical stores have become damaged or defective.


(4) If, on or after the date of the passing of this Act, the governing body of any hospital fails to comply with any of the obligations imposed on it or to perform any of the functions assigned to it by or under this section, such governing body shall be guilty of an offence under this subsection and shall be liable on summary conviction thereof to a fine not exceeding fifty pounds and if the failure, in respect of which such governing authority was so convicted, continues after the conviction, such governing body shall be liable on summary conviction to a fine not exceeding ten pounds for each day on which the offence continues.


(5) If, on or after the date of the passing of this Act, any officer or servant of the governing body of a hospital fails to comply with any of the obligations imposed on him, or to perform any of the functions assigned to him, by the governing body for the purposes of this section, such officer or servant shall be guilty of an offence under this subsection and shall be liable on summary conviction thereof to a fine not exceeding ten pounds.


(6) The provisions of this section shall have effect notwithstanding anything to the contrary which may be contained in any Act, order, bye-law or charter.


(7) Where the governing body of a hospital incurs expenditure for the purpose of this section, such expenditure shall be recouped, out of moneys provided by the Oireachtas, to such extent as the Minister, with the consent of the Minister for Finance, may determine.


Provision of airraid precautions by hospitals.

7.—(1) In this section—


the expression “hospital to which this section applies” means any hospital within the meaning of the Public Hospitals Act, 1933 (No. 18 of 1933), which is situate in, or not more than one statute mile from, a county borough or a scheduled urban area;


the expression “controlling authority” means, in relation to a hospital to which this section applies, the local authority, board, committee or joint committee, or other body having the control and management of the hospital.


(2) Where the controlling authority of a hospital to which this section applies incurs expenditure in making provision for the protection of the hospital, its patients, or its staff from damage or injury in the event of attack from the air or for the minimising of such damage or injury, such expenditure may be recouped, out of moneys provided by the Oireachtas, to such extent (not exceeding one-third of such expenditure) as the Minister, with the consent of the Minister for Finance, may determine.


(3) (a) Where a recoupment is made under subsection (2) of this section in respect of expenditure incurred by the controlling authority of a hospital to which this section applies, the scheme-making local authority within whose functional area the hospital is situate shall contribute towards such expenditure an amount equal to the amount of the recoupment.


(b) Subsections (3), (4), (5) and (6) of section 34 of the Principal Act shall apply to expenses incurred under this subsection in like manner as the said subsections apply to expenses incurred under Part II of the Principal Act.


(4) No grant shall be made under section 35 of the Principal Act in respect of any expenditure to which a contribution is made under subsection (2) of this section.



8.Section 29 of the Principal Act is hereby repealed.


Short title, commencement and collective citation.

9.—(1) This Act may be cited as the Air-raid Precautions (Amendment) Act, 1946.


(2) This Act (except section 2) shall be deemed to have come into operation on the 2nd day of September, 1946.


(3) The Principal Act and this Act may be cited together as the Air-raid Precautions Acts, 1939 and 1946.