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Uimhir 6 de 1928.
[28adh Meitheamh, 1928.]
DE BHRÍ go bhfuil iomlán seirbhísí puiblí agus oifigeach Choimisiún Talmhan na hÉireann tagtha chun bheith agus go bhfuilid anois curtha isteach sa Roinn Iascaigh de bhua an Orduithe um Choimisiún Talmhan na hÉireann (Seirbhísí Puiblí d'Athroinnt), 1927, do dhin an Ard-Chomhairle an 20adh lá d'Iúl, 1927, fé fho-alt (2) d'alt 12 den Acht Airí agus Rúnaithe, 1924 :ACHTUIGHEADH OIREACHTAS SHAORSTÁIT ÉIREANN AR AN ÁBHAR SAN MAR LEANAS :—
1.—San Acht so—
[EN]cialluíonn an focal “an Príomh-Acht” an tAcht Airí agus Rúnaithe, 1924 (Uimh, 16 de 1924), agus
foluíonn an focal “talmhaíocht” garnóireacht, foraoiseacht, déiríocht, agus síolrú, tógaint, no cimeád capall, bó coarach, muc, coiníní, éanlaithe clóis, beach agus eallaigh stuic eile, agus aon fho-cheárdaisí a bhaineann go dlúth le hénní acu san, agus léireofar an focal “talmhaíocht” dá réir sin.
[EN]An Roinn Talmhaíochta.
2.—(1) O thosach feidhme an Achta so amach isé a gairmfear den Roinn Tailte agus Talmhaíochta ná an Roinn Talmhaíochta agus isé an tAire is ceann ar an Roinn sin agus isé a gairmfear de ná an tAire Talmhaíochta no (i mBéarla) the Minister for Agriculture.
[EN](2) Beidh ag gabháil leis an Roinn Talmhaíochta san riara agus gnó generálta seirbhísí puiblí a bhaineann le cabhrú le talmhaíocht agus le n-a feabhsú agus le n-a saothrú, ar a n-áirítear oideachas i dtalmhaíocht agus in abhair a bhaineann léi; tora talmhaíochta do roinnt, d'iompar, agus do chur ar an marga; fiosruithe, fromhtha, agus lorgaireacht in eolaíocht na talmhaíochta agus i nithe a bhaineann léi; dátáin agus eolas i dtaobh talmhaíochta agus tora thalmhaíochta do bhailiú agus d'fhoillsiú; có-oibriú, chun crícheanna talmhaíochta, do chur ar aghaidh; seirbhísí sréidliaghachta; galair agus péisteanna ar ainmhithe agus ar phlandaí; agus gach comhacht, dualgas, agus feidhm a bhaineann leis na seirbhísí puiblí sin no le haon cheann acu; agus beidh ag gabháil léi go sonnrách gnó, comhachta, dualgaisí, agus feidhmeanna brainsí agus oifigeach na seirbhísí puiblí a háirítear sa Chéad Chuid den Sceideal a ghabhann leis an Acht so.
[EN](3) Gach luadh no tagairt in aon Acht den Oireachtas do ritheadh roimh thosach feidhme an Achta so no in aon ordú, riail, no rialachán do dineadh no a déanfar fé aon Acht den tsórt san no fé aon Reacht Briotáineach agus gur luadh no tagairt don Aire Tailte agus Talmhaíochta é agus gach luadh no tagairt, in aon Acht, riail, no rialachán den tsórt san, gur gá do réir alt 18 den Phríomh-Acht é do léiriú mar luadh no mar thagairt don Aire Tailte agus Talmhaíochta léireofar é agus beidh éifeacht aige mar luadh no mar thagairt don Aire Talmhaíochta (ach amháin nuair is i dtaobh agus sa mhéid gur i dtaobh Choimisiún Talmhan na hÉireann a dintar an luadh no an tagairt sin).
[EN](4) Athghairmtear leis seo mír (vi) d'alt 1 den Phríomh-Acht agus an Cúigiú Cuid den Sceideal a ghabhann leis an bPríomh-Acht.
[EN]An Roinn Tailte agus Iascaigh.
3.—(1) O thosach feidhme an Achta so amach isé a gairmfear den Roinn Iascaigh ná an Roinn Tailte agus Iascaigh agus isé an tAire is ceann ar an Roinn sin agus isé a gairmfear de ná an tAire Tailte agus Iascaigh no (i mBéarla) the Minister for Lands and Fisheries.
[EN](2) Beidh ag gabháil leis an Roinn Tailte agus Iascaigh sin riara agus gnó generálta seirbhísí puiblí a bhaineann le tailte (ar a n-áirítear cíosanna agus sealbhaíocht tailte do shocrú agus tionóntaithe i seilbh d'fháil lán-únaereachta tré chistí puiblí) gabháltaisí tailimh do mhéadú agus feabhas economiciúil eile do chur ortha, talamh do cheannach chun é roinnt tré n-a ath-dhíol, cumhangracht thuatha agus cúrsaí neamh-economiciúla dá shórt do leigheas, ceárdaisí tuatha (lasmuich de thalmhaíocht agus de cheárdaisí a bhaineann go dlúth no a ghabhann léi agus go ndintar leis an Acht so riara agus gnó generálta na seirbhísí puiblí a bhaineann leo do cheapa don Roinn Talmhaíochta) do chur ar aghaidh, iascach (le n-a n-áirítear iascach mara, iascach uiscí taoide, iascach fan an chósta, iascach uiscí intíre, agus ceárdaisí a bhaineann leo san), agus gach comhacht, dualgas, agus feidhm a bhaineann leis na seirbhísí puiblí sin no le haon cheann acu agus beidh ag gabháil léi go sonnrách gnó, comhachta, dualgaisí, agus feidhmeanna brainsí agus oifigeach na seirbhísí puiblí a háirítear sa Dara Cuid den Sceideal a ghabhann leis an Acht so.
[EN](3) Gach luadh no tagairt in aon Acht den Oireachtas do ritheadh roimh thosach feidhme an Achta so no in aon ordú, riail, no rialachán do dineadh no a déanfar fé aon Acht den tsórt san no fé aon Reacht Briotáineach agus gur luadh no tagairt don Aire Iascaigh é, léireofar é agus beidh éifeacht aige mar luadh no mar thagairt don Aire Tailte agus Iascaigh.
[EN](4) Athghairmtear leis seo mír (viii) d'alt 1 den Phríomh-Acht agus an Seachtú Cuid den Sceideal a ghabhann leis an bPríomh-Acht.
[EN]Leasú ar alt 12 den Phríomh-Acht.
4.—(1) Chun deire do chur le hamhraistí faisnéistear agus achtuítear leis seo, i dtaobh na gcomhacht a bronntar ar an Ard-Chomhairle le fo-alt (2) d'alt 12 den Phríomh-Acht, go mbaineann na comhachta san agus gur bhaineadar riamh le seirbhísí puiblí do bunuíodh le hAchtanna no fé Achtanna den Oireachtas do ritheadh tar éis rithte an Phríomh-Achta (pe'ca roimh thosach feidhme an Phríomh-Achta é no dá éis sin) chó maith le baint le seirbhísí puiblí do bunuíodh le Reachtanna Briotáineacha no fútha no le hAchtanna no fé Achtanna den Oireachtas do ritheadh roimh an bPríomh-Acht.
[EN](2) Pé uair a dhéanfidh an Ard-Chomhairle, tré Ordú do dhéanamh fé fho-alt (2) d'alt 12 den Phríomh-Acht, aon tseirbhísí puiblí d'ath-roinnt ar aon chuid de sna hAirí agus de sna Ranna Stáit beidh sé dleathach don Ard-Chomhairle, leis an Ordú céanna, atharuithe do dhéanamh ar theidil na nAirí agus na Ranna Stáit le n-a mbainfidh an ath-roinnt sin fé mar a chífar don Ard-Chomhairle do bheith oiriúnach de bharr na hathroinnte sin.
[EN]Gearr-theideal, tosach feidhme, léiriú, agus luadh.
5.—(1) Féadfar an tAcht Airí agus Rúnaithe (Leasú), 1928, do ghairm den Acht so.
[EN](2) Tiocfidh an tAcht so i bhfeidhm pé lá a socrófar chuige sin le hordú ón Ard-Chomhairle.
[EN](3) Léireofar an tAcht so mar éinní amháin leis an bPríomh-Acht agus féadfar na hAchtanna Airí agus Rúnaithe, 1924 agus 1928, do ghairm den Acht san agus den Acht so le chéile.
Cead Chuid.
Brainsí áirithe Riaracháin atá ceaptha don Roinn Talmaíochta.
Roinn Talmhaíochta agus Ceárd-Oideachais na hÉireann (lasmuich den ghnó agus de sna feidhmeanna a bhaineann le hiascach agus le ceárd-oideachas agus lasmuich de sna seirbhísí áirithe a ceaptar go soiléir leis an bPríomh-Acht don Roinn Oideachais).
Aireacht na Talmhaíochta agus an Iascaigh ach amháin sa mhéid go mbaineann sí le Suirbhéireacht an Ordonáis.
Coláiste Ríoga Sréidliaghachta na hÉireann.
Fundúireachtaí Feirme leis an Rialtas no fé chúram an Rialtais.
Garraí Ríoga na Lus.
Dara Cuid.
Brainsí áirithe Riaracháin atá ceaptha don Roinn Tailte agus Iascaigh.
Coimisiún Talmhan na hÉireann (maraon le Bord na gCeanntar gCumhang in Éirinn, a bhí ann le déanaí).
Iontaobhaí Puiblí na hÉireann.
Roinn Talmhaíochta agus Ceárd-Oideachais na hÉireann— Brainse an Iascaigh.
Cimeádaithe an Iascaigh.
No. 6 of 1928.
Section | |
Act Referred to | |
No. 16 of 1924 |
No. 6 of 1928.
AN ACT TO MAKE CERTAIN CHANGES IN THE ORGANISATION OF THE DEPARTMENT OF LANDS AND AGRICULTURE AND THE DEPARTMENT OF FISHERIES CONSEQUENTIAL ON THE RECENT INCLUSION OF THE IRISH LAND COMMISSION IN THE DEPARTMENT OF FISHERIES AND FOR THE LIKE REASON TO CHANGE THE NAMES OF THOSE DEPARTMENTS AND THE STYLES OF THE MINISTERS WHO ARE THE HEADS THEREOF RESPECTIVELY AND FOR THOSE AND OTHER PURPOSES TO AMEND THE MINISTERS AND SECRETARIES ACT, 1924. [28th June, 1928.] WHEREAS by virtue of the Irish Land Commission (Redistribution of Public Services) Order, 1927, made by the Executive Council on the 20th day of July, 1927, under sub-section (2) of section 12 of the Ministers and Secretaries Act, 1924, the whole of the public services and officers of the Irish Land Commission have become and now are included in the Department of Fisheries:
1.—In this Act—
[GA]the expression “the Principal Act” means the Ministers and Secretaries Act, 1924 (No. 16 of 1924), and
[GA]the word “agriculture” includes horticulture, forestry, dairying, the breeding, rearing or keeping of horses, cattle, sheep, swine, rabbits, poultry, bees and other live stock, and any industries immediately connected with and subservient to any of the said matters, and the word “agricultural” shall be construed accordingly.
[GA]Department of Agriculture.
2.—(1) From and after the commencement of this Act the Department of Lands and Agriculture shall be known as the Department of Agriculture and the Minister who is head of that Department shall be and shall be styled, an t-Aire Talmhaíochta or (in English) the Minister for Agriculture.
[GA](2) The said Department of Agriculture shall comprise the administration and business generally of public services in connection with the aiding, improving and developing of agriculture, including education in agriculture and in subjects relating thereto; the distribution, carriage and marketing of agricultural produce; inquiries, experiments and research in agricultural science and in matters relating thereto; the collection and publication of data and information relating to agriculture and agricultural produce; the promotion of co-operation for agricultural purposes; veterinary services; animal and plant disease and pests; and all powers, duties and functions connected with the said public services or any of them; and shall include in particular the business, powers, duties and functions of the branches and officers of the public services specified in the First Part of the Schedule to this Act.
[GA](3) Every mention or reference contained in any Act of the Oireachtas passed before the commencement of this Act or in any order rule or regulation made or to be made under any such Act or under any British Statute of or to the Minister for Lands and Agriculture and every mention or reference contained in any such Act, rule, or regulation which is required by section 18 of the Principal Act to be construed as a mention of or reference to the Minister for Lands and Agriculture shall (save when and in so far as such mention or reference is made in relation to the Irish Land Commission) be construed and have effect as a mention of or reference to the Minister for Agriculture.
[GA](4) Paragraph (vi) of section 1 of the Principal Act and the Fifth Part of the Schedule to the Principal Act are hereby repealed.
[GA]Department of Lands and Fisheries.
3.—(1) From and after the commencement of this Act the Department of Fisheries shall be known as the Department of Lands and Fisheries and the Minister who is head of that Department shall be, and shall be styled, an t-Aire Tailte agus Iascaigh or (in English) the Minister for Lands and Fisheries.
[GA](2) The said Department of Lands and Fisheries shall comprise the administration and business generally of public services in connection with lands (including the fixing of rents and tenure of lands and the acquisition by occupying tenants of full ownership by means of public funds), enlargement and other economic improvement of holdings of land, purchase of land for distribution by way of re-sale, relief of rural congestion and like un-economic conditions, the promoting of rural industries (other than agriculture and industries immediately connected therewith or auxiliary thereto the administration and business generally of the public services relating to which are by this Act assigned to the Department of Agriculture), fisheries (including deep-sea fisheries, tidal waters fisheries, coastal fisheries, inland waters fisheries, and industries connected with the same), and all powers, duties and functions connected with the said public services or any of them and shall include in particular the business, powers, duties and functions of the branches and officers of the public services specified in the Second Part of the Schedule to this Act.
[GA](3) Every mention or reference contained in any Act of the Oireachtas passed before the commencement of this Act or in any order, rule or regulation made or to be made under any such Act or under any British Statute of or to the Minister for Fisheries shall be construed and have effect as a mention of or reference to the Minister for Lands and Fisheries.
[GA](4) Paragraph (viii) of section 1 of the Principal Act and the Seventh Part of the Schedule to the Principal Act are hereby repealed.
[GA]Amendment of section 12 of the Principal Act.
4.—(1) To remove doubts it is hereby declared and enacted that the powers conferred on the Executive Council by sub-section (2) of section 12 of the Principal Act extend and always have extended to public services established by or under Acts of the Oireachtas passed after the passing (whether before or after the commencement) of the Principal Act as well as to public services established by or under British Statutes or by or under Acts of the Oireachtas passed before the Principal Act.
[GA](2) Whenever the Executive Council by Order made under sub-section (2) of section 12 of the Principal Act re-distributes any public services amongst any of the Ministers and Departments of State it shall be lawful for the Executive Council by the same Order to make such changes in the styles and titles of the Ministers and Departments of State affected by such redistribution as appear to the Executive Council to be expedient in consequence of such redistribution.
[GA]Short title, commencement, construction and citation.
5.—(1) This Act may be cited as the Ministers and Secretaries (Amendment) Act, 1928.
[GA](2) This Act shall come into operation on such day as shall be fixed for that purpose by an order of the Executive Council.
[GA](3) This Act shall be construed as one with the Principal Act, and that Act and this Act may be cited together as the Ministers and Secretaries Acts, 1924 and 1928.
First Part.
Particular Branches of Administration assigned to an Roinn Talmhaíochta (the Department of Agriculture).
The Department of Agriculture and Technical Instruction for Ireland (except the business and functions relating to fisheries and technical instruction and except particular services expressly assigned by the Principal Act to the Department of Education).
The Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries except so far as concerned with the Ordnance Survey.
The Royal Veterinary College of Ireland.
Farm Institutes of or controlled by Government.
The Royal Botanic Gardens.
Second Part.
Particular Branches of Administration assigned to an Roinn Tailte agus Iascaigh (the Department of Lands and Fisheries).
The Irish Land Commission (including the late Congested Districts Board for Ireland).
The Public Trustee in Ireland.
The Department of Agriculture and Technical Instruction for Ireland—Fisheries Branch.
The Conservators of Fisheries.