As Ann Déscrolláil
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Uimhir 31 de 1927.
[EN]Gearr-theideal agus buaine.
1.—(1) Féadfar an tAcht chun Cosanta na Puiblíochta, 1927, do ghairm den Acht so.
[EN](2) Leanfidh an tAcht so i bhfeidhm go ceann cúig mblian tar éis é bheith rithte agus ragha sé in éag ansan.
[EN]Mínithe agus léiriú.
2.—(1) San Acht so—
[EN]foluíonn an focal “comhlachas” aon chomhluadar daoine pe'ca tugtar aon ainm fé leith air no ná tugtar;
[EN]cialluíonn an focal “comhlachas nea-dhleathach” comhlachas do faisnéiseadh a bheith ina chomhlachas nea-dhleathach le hordú do dhin an Ard-Chomhairle fén Acht so agus a bheidh i bhfeidhm de thurus na huaire;
[EN]foluíonn an focal “scríbhinní tréasúnta no ceannairceacha” aon scríbhinn mar gheall ar no a bhaineann le comhlachas neadhleathach no a tugadh amach no a tháinig no a dheabhruíonn gur tugadh amach í no go dtáinig sí o chomhlachas neadhleathach;
[EN]cialluíonn an focal “tréimhseachán” aon pháipeur nuachta, meaigisín, irisleabhar no foillseachán eile a tugtar amach o am go ham go rialálta no nách mór go rialálta.
[EN](2) Chun crícheanna an Achta so tuigfar gur dhin comhlachas nea-dhleathach de chomhlachas nea-dhleathach de bhua an Achta so ar dhéanamh an Orduithe ón Ard-Chomhairle á fhaisnéis gur comhlachas nea-dhleathach é.
[EN]Leasú an Bhunreactha.
3.—Gach foráil den Acht so atá contrárdha d'aon fhoráil den Bhunreacht, oibreoidh sí agus beidh éifeacht aici, chó fada le méid na contrárdhachta san, mar leasú ar an bhforáil sin den Bhunreacht faid a leanfidh an tAcht so i bhfeidhm agus an fhaid sin amháin.
Comhlachaisi Nea-dhleathacha agus Nithe Eile.
[EN]Comhlachaisí nea-dhleathacha.
4.—(1) Féadfidh an Ard-Chomhairle le hordú a fhaisnéis gur comhlachas nea-dhleathach aon chomhlachas gurb é tuairim na hArd-Chomhairle—
[EN](a) go bhfuil ar a chuspóirí admhuithe no go molann sé no go misníonn sé no go ndeir sé go misníonn sé Rialtas Shaorstáit Éireann do threascairt le lámh láidir no an Bunreacht no an dlí d'atharú le lámh láidir, no
[EN](b) go ndineann sé no go dtugann sé fé no go ndeabhruíonn sé go ndineann sé, gan údarás dleathach chuige, fórsa armtha do chó-ghléasa no do chimeád ar bun, no
[EN](c) go gcuireann sé ar aghaidh no go misníonn sé seilbh neadhleathach ar airm theine ag a bhaill, no
[EN](d) go bhfuil sé ag gabháil d'aon ghníomh, gnó no cúrsa gníomhachta de shaghas thréasúnta no cheannairceach no go ndineann sé a leithéid do chur ar aghaidh no do mhisniú no do mhola no go gcuireann sé ar aghaidh, go misníonn sé, no go molann sé aon chrích de shaghas thréasúnta no cheannairceach do bhaint amach, no
[EN](e) go gcuireann sé ar aghaidh, go misníonn sé, no go molann sé coirthe no ciontaí do dhéanamh no bac no curisteach do chur ar riara an chirt no ar fheidhmiú na dlí, no
[EN](f) go gcuireann sé ar aghaidh, go misníonn sé, no go molann sé gan airgead d'íoc is iníoctha leis an bPrímh-Chiste no le haon chiste puiblí eile pe'ca tré chánachas é no ar aon tslí eile no gan cánacha áitiúla d'íoc.
[EN](2) Gach ordú a dhéanfidh an Ard-Chomhairle fén bhfo-alt san roimhe seo leanfa sé i bhfeidhm go dtí go gceiliúrfar é le hordú ón Ard-Chomhairle.
[EN](3) Gach ordú a dhéanfidh an Ard-Chomhairle fén alt so á fhaisnéis gur comhlachas nea-dhleathach comhlachas agus gach ordú ón Ard-Chomhairle ag ceiliúra aon ordú den tsórt san foillseofar iad san Iris Oifigiúil chó luath agus bheidh san caothúil.
[EN](4) Gach ordú a dhéanfidh an Ard-Chomhairle fén alt so á fhaisnéis gur comhlachas nea-dhleathach comhlachas beidh éifeacht aige ar bheith caithte don lá tar éis an lae ar a bhfoillseofar an t-ordú san Iris Oifigiúil agus ón am san amach.
[EN]Pionós mar gheall ar bhallraíocht i gcomhlachas neadhleathach.
5.—Gach éinne is ball de chomhlachas nea-dhleathach aon uair tar éis comhlachas nea-dhleathach do dhéanamh de de bhua an Achta so, beidh sé ciontach i mí-iompar agus ar a chiontú ann dlighfar pian-tseirbhís do chur air ar feadh aon téarma nách giorra ná trí bliana agus nách sia ná cúig bliana no príosúntacht i dteanta no d'éamais daor-oibre ar feadh aon téarma nach sia ná dhá bhliain.
[EN]Seilbh ar scríbhinní bhaineann le comhlachas neadhleathach.
6.—Má fachtar ag éinne no ina sheilbh no in áitreabh is leis no atá ar seilbh aige no fé n-a chúram, aon scríbhinn (fé dháta ar bith no gan dáta) a tugadh amach no a tháinig o chomhlachas nea-dhleathach no a dheabhruíonn gur tugadh amach í no go dtáinig sí o n-a leithéid no a thugann le tuisgint í bheith ag cabhrú no ag neartú le comhlachas nea-dhleathach no mar gheall ar no a bhaineann le comhlachas nea-dhleathach ar aon tslí eile, ansan, mara gcuiridh an duine sin ina luighe ar an gCúirt nárbh eol do go raibh an scríbhinn sin ina sheilbh no san áitreabh san no nárbh eol do cadé an saghas an scríbhinn sin ná cad do bhí inti, beidh sé ciontach i gcionta fén alt so agus ar a chiontú ann ar an slí achmair dlighfar fíneáil ná raghaidh thar caoga punt do chur air no, mas rogha leis an gCúirt é, príosúntacht ar feadh aon téarma nách sia ná ráithe no an fhíneáil sin agus an phríosúntacht san le chéile.
[EN]Cruthú ar bhallraíocht i gcomhlachas neadhleathach.
7.—(1) Pé uair a cúiseofar duine i mbeith ina bhall de chomhlachas nea-dhleathach agus a cruthófar chun sástacht na Cúirte go bhfuarthas ag an duine sin no ina sheilbh, no in áitreabh is leis no atá ar seilbh aige no fé n-a chúram, scríbhinn (fé dháta ar bith no gan dáta) a tugadh amach no a tháinig o chomhlachas nea-dhleathach no a dhearbhuíonn gur tugadh amach í no go dtáinig sí o chomhlachas nea-dhleathach no a thugann le tuisgint í bheith ag cabhrú no ag neartú le comhlachas nea-dhleathach no mar gheall ar no a bhaineann le comhlachas nea-dhleathach ar aon tslí eile, tuigfar an duine sin do bheith ina bhall den chomhlachas nea-dhleathach go bhfuil an scríbhinn sin mar gheall air no le n-a mbaineann sí mara gcruthuighe sé nách ball é an uair sin den chomhlachas san agus nár bhall é den chomhlachas san aon uair tar éis comhlachas nea-dhleathach do dhéanamh de de bhua an Achta so.
[EN](2) Duine a tuigtar, de bhua an ailt seo, do bheith ina bhall de chomhlachas nea-dhleathach ní tuigfar gur chruthuigh sé nách ball é an uair sin den chomhlachas san agus nár bhall de é o dhin comhlachas nea-dhleathach de de bhua an Achta so mara ndine sé (i dteanta pé fianaise eile a chuirfidh an nea-bhallraíocht san ina luighe ar an gCúirt)—
[EN](a) a dhearbhú fé mhionn (agus tabharfidh an Chúirt caoi dho ar an dearbhú san do dhéanamh) nách ball den chomhlachas nea-dleathach san é an uair sin agus nár bhall de é aon uair o dhin comhlachas neadhleathach de de bhua an Achta so, agus
[EN](b) beirt fhínnithe creidiúnacha do thabhairt i láthair adéarfidh fé mhionn go bhfuil aithne mhaith acu air agus, chó fada le n-a bhfios, le n-a n-eolas agus le n-a dtuairim, nách ball é an uair sin den chomhlachas neadhleathach san agus nár bhall de é aon uair o dhin comhlachas nea-dhleathach de de bhua an Achta so.
[EN]Pionós ar bhaill óga de chomhlachaisí nea-dhleathacha.
8.—(1) Má ciontuítear éinne fé bhun 16 mblian d'aois i mbeith ina bhall de chomhlachas nea-dhleathach daorfidh an Chúirt an duine sin chun a choinneála faid is toil leis an Aire Dlí agus Cirt é in ionad deighleáil leis an duine sin fén Children Act, 1908, agus má daortar an duine sin amhlaidh dlighfar, d'ainneoin éinní contrárdha dho san atá san Children Act, 1908, é do choinneáil i pé áit agus fé pé coiníollacha a ordóidh an tAire Dlí agus Cirt agus faid a coinneofar amhlaidh é tuigfar é bheith i gcimeád dlíthiúil.
[EN](2) Foillseoidh an tAire Dlí agus Cirt o am go ham san Iris Oifigiúil fógra ag luadh na háite ina bhfuil daoine do daoradh fén alt so á gcoinneáil agus ag luadh coiníollacha na coinneála san.
[EN](3) Nuair a daorfar duine chun a choinneála faid is toil leis an Aire Dlí agus Cirt fén alt so ní coinneofar an duine sin amhlaidh go ceann tréimhse is sia ná bliain.
[EN]Toirmeasc ar shaghasanna áirithe scríbhinní do chlóbhuala, etc.
9.—(1) Aon leabhar, páipeur nuachta, meaigisín, tréimhseachán, paimpléid, duilleog, imleitir, no scríbhinn eile ina mbeidh aon ráiteas do dhin comhlachas nea-dhleathach no do dineadh thar a cheann no do tháinig uaidh no a thugann le tuisgint gur dhin an comhlachas san é no gur dineadh thar a cheann é no go dtáinig sé uaidh no aon ráiteas a chabhruíonn no a neartuíonn no a meastar a chabhródh no a neartódh le comhlachas nea-dhleathach, ní bheidh sé dleathach é do chlóbhuala, d'fhoillsiú, do scaipe, do dhíol, ná do thairisgint ná do thaisbeáint chun a dhíolta gan cead roimh ré ón Aire Dlí agus Cirt.
[EN](2) Gach éinne dhéanfidh aon leabhar, páipeur nuachta, meaigisín, tréimhseachán, paimpléid, duilleog, imleitir no scríbhinn eile do chlóbhuala, d'fhoillsiú, do scaipe, do dhíol no do thairisgint no do thaisbeáint chun a dhíolta contrárdha don alt so, beidh sé ciontach i gcionta fén alt so agus ar a chiontú ann ar an slí achmair dlighfar fíneáil ná raghaidh thar céad punt do chur air no, más rogha leis an gCúirt é, príosúntacht i dteanta no d'éamais daor-oibre ar feadh aon téarma nách sia ná sé mhí no an fhíneáil sin agus an phríosúntacht san le chéile agus fós, in aon chás, geallbhruide gach cóipe den scríbhinn sin a bheidh ar seilbh aige agus fós, i gcás duine a gheobhfar ciontach i gclóbhuala aon scríbhinne den tsórt san, geallbhruide an chlóghléasra go léir a bheidh ar seilbh aige.
[EN](3) Aon chead a thabharfidh an tAire Dlí agus Cirt d'éinne chun aon ráiteas den tsórt a luaidhtear i bhfo-alt (1) den alt so do chlóbhuala no d'fhoillsiú no cun é do chlóbhuala agus d'fhoillsiú i scríbhinn, oibreoidh sé agus beidh éifeacht aige mar chead do chách chun an scríbhinn sin do scaipe agus do dhíol agus chun í do thairisgint agus do thaisbeáint chun a díolta agus, i gcás gan an cead do dhul ach chó fada le chlóbhuala no le foillsiú scríbhinne, oibreoidh sé chun a údarú chun crícheanna an ailt seo foillsiú no clóbhuala (pe'ca aca is gá sa chás) na scríbhinne sin.
[EN](4) San alt so foluíonn tagairtí do chlóbhuala aon tslí chun focail do thaisbeáint no do thabhairt amach i bhfuirm sho-fheisce agus léireofar an focal “chlóbhuala” dá réir sin.
[EN]Comhacht chun tréimhseacháin áirithe do chur fé chois.
10.—(1) Ar iarratas chun Breithimh den Ard-Chúirt ar shlí achmair ón Aire Dlí agus Cirt agus ar bheith sásta don Bhreitheamh san gur fhoillsigh tréimhseachán a foillsítear no a clóbhuailtear i Saorstát Éireann i gcur-amach a foillsíodh tar éis rithte an Achta so agus mí ar a mhéid roimh dháta an iarratais aon chlú-mhille scríbhte ceannairceach no aon ráiteas a ghríosuíonn no a meastar a ghríosódh, a mhisneodh, no a threoródh chun aon chionta dá luaidhtear i gCuid I. den Sceideal a ghabhann leis an Acht so no aon chionta de shaghas cheannairceach no thréasúnta do dhéanamh, no aon ráiteas do dhin comhlachas neadhleathach no do dineadh thar a cheann no do tháinig uaidh no a thugann le tuisgint gur dhin an comhlachas san no gur dineadh thar a cheann é no go dtáinig sé uaidh no aon ráiteas a chabhruíonn no a neartuíonn no a meastar a chabhródh no a neartódh le comhlachas nea-dhleathach féadfidh an Breitheamh san ordú do dhéanamh á fhaisnéis go bhfuil cead ag an Aire sin an tréimhseachán san do chur fé chois fén alt so.
[EN](2) Pé uair a fhaisnéisfidh Breitheamh den Ard-Chúirt amhlaidh cead do bheith ag an Aire Dlí agus Cirt tréimhseachán do chur fé chois, féadfidh an tAire sin le hordú, laistigh de mhí tar éis dáta ordú an Bhreithimh sin, an tréimhseachán sin do chur fé chois.
[EN](3) Pé uair a dhéanfidh an tAire Dlí agus Cirt, le hordú fén alt so, tréimhseachán do chur fé chois féadfa sé aon uair ina dhiaidh sin, le hordú, aon tréimhseachán eile do chur fé chois a foillsítear no a clóbhuailtear i Saorstát Éireann agus a céad-fhoillsíodh tar éis dáta an iarratais chun Breithimh den Ard-Chúirt ar chead chun an chéad thréimhseachán san a luaidhtear do chur fé chois agus gurb é tuairim an Aire sin gur mar a chéile é nách mór agus an chéad thréimhseachán san a luaidhtear d'ainneoin é bheith difriúil leis ina ainm no ar aon tslí éile.
[EN](4) Pé uair a dhéanfidh an tAire Dlí agus Cirt, le hordú fén alt so, tréimhseachán do chur fé chois ní bheidh sé dleathach tar éis dáta an orduithe sin an tréimhseachán san ná aon chur-amach ná cóip de do chlóbhuala ná d'fhoillsiú ná an tréimhseachán san ná aon chur-amach ná cóip de do scaipe, do dhíol, ná do thairisgint ná do thaisbeáint chun a dhíolta, pe'ca roimh dháta an orduithe sin no dá éis do clóbhuaileadh an cur-amach no an chóip sin, agus gach éinne dhéanfidh, contrárdha don fho-alt so, an tréimhseachán san no aon chur-amach no cóip de do chlóbhuala, d'fhoillsiú, do scaipe, do dhíol no do thairisgint no do thaisbeáint chun a dhíolta, beidh sé ciontach i gcionta fén alt so, agus ar a chiontú ann ar an slí achmair dlighfar fíneáil ná raghaidh thar céad punt do chur air, no, más rogha leis an gCúirt é, príosúntacht i dteanta no d'éamais daor-oibre ar feadh aon téarma nách sia ná sé mhí, no an fhíneáil sin agus an phríosúntacht san le chéile agus fós, in aon chás, geallbhruide gach cóipe den tréimhseachán san a bheidh ar seilbh aige agus fós, i gcás duine a gheobhfar ciontach i gclóbhuala an tréimhseacháin sin, geallbhruide an chló-ghléasra go léir a bheidh ar seilbh aige.
[EN](5) Gach iarratas ón Aire Dlí agus Cirt chun Breithimh den Ard-Chúirt fén alt so ar chead chun tréimhseachán do chur fé chois, déanfar é tar éis fógra (a féadfar a sheirbheáil ar dhuine lasmuich de Shaorstát Éireann gan cead speisialta) do thabhairt do chlódóir, do dhílseánach agus d'fhoillsitheoir an tréimhseacháin mar n-orduighidh Breitheamh den Ard-Chúirt a mhalairt.
[EN](6) Ní luighfidh aon athchomharc i gcoinnibh ordú do dhin Breitheamh den Ard-Chúirt ar iarratas fén alt so ón Aire Dlí agus Cirt ar chead chun tréimhseachán do chur fé chois.
[EN]Toirmeasc ar pháipéirí nuachta áirithe, etc., d'iomportáil.
11.—(1) Má sé tuairim na hArd-Chomhairle go bhfuil in aon chur-amach de thréimhseachán a clóbhuailtear no a foillsítear lasmuich de Shaorstát Éireann aon chlú-mhille scríbhte ceannairceach no aon ráiteas a ghríosuíonn no a meastar a ghríosódh, a mhisneodh, no a threoródh chun aon chionta dá luaidhtear i gCuid I. den Sceideal a ghabhann leis an Acht so no aon chionta de shaghas cheannairceach no thréasúnta do dhéanamh, no aon ráiteas do dhin comhlachas nea-dhleathach no do dineadh thar a cheann no do tháinig uaidh, no a thugann le tuisgint gur dhin an comhlachas san é no gur dineadh thar a cheann é no go dtáinig sé uaidh, no aon ráiteas a chabhruíonn no a neartuíonn no a meastar a chabhródh no a neartódh le comhlachas nea-dhleathach, féadfidh an Ard-Chomhairle le hordú (dá ngairmtear ordú toirmisc san alt so) toirmeasc do dhéanamh ar iomportáil an churtha-amach san agus gach curtha-amach ina dhiaidh sin den tréimhseachán san faid fhanfidh an t-ordú san i bhfeidhm.
[EN](2) Fanfidh gach ordú toirmisc i bhfeidhm go dtí go gceiliúrfar é le hordú ón Ard-Chomhairle.
[EN](3) Gach ordú toirmisc agus gach ordú chun ordú toirmisc do cheiliúra foillseofar san Iris Oifigiúil é chó luath tar éis a dhéanta agus a bheidh san caothúil.
[EN](4) Beidh sé dleathach d'oifigigh chustum agus máil gabháil gan barántas do dhéanamh ar éinne a gheobhfar ag iomportáil aon chur-amach no cóipe de thréimhseachán go mbeidh a iomportáil toirmiscthe le hordú toirmisc, agus beidh ag gach oifigeach den tsórt san maidir le tréimhseachán gur dineadh ordú toirmisc agus go mbeidh an t-ordú san i bhfeidhm ina thaobh agus maidir le gach cur-amach agus cóip den tréimhseachán san na comhachta céanna atá ag na hoifigigh sin do réir dlí maidir le hearraí eile go bhfuil a n-iomportáil toirmiscthe no srianta do réir dlí.
[EN](5) Bainfidh alt 16 den Post Office Act, 1908, agus na rialacháin a bheidh déanta fé, le tréimhseachán gur dineadh ordú toirmisc agus go mbeidh an t-ordú san i bhfeidhm ina thaobh agus le gach cur-amach agus cóip den tréimhseachán san chó hiomlán agus bhainid leis na scríbhinní a luaidhtear san alt san.
[EN](6) Gach éinne a iomportálfidh, contrárdha d'ordú toirmisc a bheidh i bhfeidhm an uair sin, aon chur-amach no cóip de thréimhseachán do clóbhuaileadh no do foillsíodh lasmuich de Shaorstát Éireann, no a scaipfidh, a dhíolfidh, no a thairgfidh no a thaisbeánfidh chun a dhíolta, aon chur-amach no cóip d'aon tréimhseachán den tsórt san do hiomportáladh contrárdha don ordú san, beidh sé ciontach i gcionta fén alt so agus ar a chiontú ann ar an slí achmair dlighfar fíneáil ná raghaidh thar céad punt do chur air no, más rogha leis an gCúirt é, príosúntacht i dteanta no d'éamais daor-oibre ar feadh aon téarma nách sia ná sé mhí, no an fhíneáil sin agus an phríosúntacht san le chéile, agus fós, in aon chás, geallbhruide gach cóipe den tréimhseachán san a bheidh ar seilbh aige.
[EN](7) Féadfidh aon oifigeach no ball den Ghárda Síochána gabháil gan barántas do dhéanamh ar éinne a gheobhfar ag iomportáil aon chur-amach no cóipe de thréimhseachán go mbeidh a iomportáil toirmiscthe le hordú toirmisc.
[EN]Ainm an chlódóra le cur ar scríbhinní.
12.—(1) Ní bheidh sé dleathach d'éinne aon leabhar, páipeur nuachta, meaigisín, tréimhseachán, paimpléid, duilleog, imleitir ná scríbhinn eile do chlóbhuala a bheidh ceaptha le foillsiú no le scaipe imeasc na puiblíochta mara ndinidh an duine sin a ainm agus a ghnáth-áit chomhnaithe no ghnótha do chlóbhuala ar an scríbhinn sin ina tosach no ina deire.
[EN](2) Gach éinne a chlóbhuailfidh aon scríbhinn contrárdha don alt so beidh sé ciontach i gcionta fén bhfo-alt so agus ar a chiontú ann ar an slí achmair dlighfar fíneáil ná raghaidh thar céad punt do chur air.
[EN](3) Gach éinne dhéanfidh aon scríbhinn do clóbhuaileadh contrárdha don alt so d'fhoillsiú, do scaipe, do dhíol no do thairisgint no do thaisbeáint chun a díolta leis an bpuiblíocht, beidh sé ciontach i gcionta fén bhfo-alt so agus ar a chiontú ann ar an slí achmair dlighfar fíneáil ná raghaidh thar cúig púint fhichead do chur air.
[EN]Orduithe díbeartha.
13.—(1) Einne gurb é tuairim an Aire Dlí agus Cirt go raibh baint aige le haon cheann de ghníomhachtaí comhlachais neadhleathaigh, pe'ca mar bhall de é no ar aon tslí eile, no go raibh baint no páirt aige le haon chionta dá luaidhtear i gCuid I. den Sceideal a ghabhann leis an Acht so no le haon chionta de shaghas thréasúnta no cheannairceach no le haon dúnmharbha no coir fhóiréigin eile agus gurb é tuairim an Aire sin go ndéanfadh sé dochar do shábháltacht na puiblíochta no do dhlí agus d'ordú do chimeád suas é do leanúint de bheith i Saorstát Éireann, féadfidh an tAire sin le hordú (dá ngairmtear ordú díbeartha san alt so) a éileamh ar an duine sin imeacht as Saorstát Éireann laistigh d'am áirithe tar éis dáta an orduithe sin agus gan fille go Saorstát Éireann faid fhanfidh an t-ordú san i bhfeidhm.
[EN](2) Féadfidh an tAire sin aon uair, le hordú, ordú díbeartha do dineadh fén alt so do cheiliúra agus fanfidh gach ordú díbeartha den tsórt san i bhfeidhm go dtí go gceiliúrfar amhlaidh é.
[EN](3) Gach ordú díbeartha agus gach ordú chun ordú díbeartha do cheiliúra foillseofar san Iris Oifigiúil é chó luath tar éis a dhéanta agus a bheidh san caothúil.
[EN](4) Seirbheálfar gach ordú díbeartha ar an té le n-a mbaineann sé ocht n-uaire is dachad a' chluig ar a laighead roimh dheire na haimsire gur laistigh di a héilítear air leis an ordú san imeacht as Saorstát Éireann agus déanfar an tseirbheáil sin tré sheirbheáil phearsanta ar an duine sin no tré chóip den ordú san d'fhágaint do san áit chomhnaithe no ag an seola is déanaí is eol a bheith aige.
[EN](5) Gach éinne go ndéanfar ordú díbeartha ina thaobh agus a gheobhfar i Saorstát Éireann tar éis deire na haimsire a bheidh ceaptha san ordú san chun é d'imeacht as Saorstát Éireann agus le linn an t-ordú san d'fhanúint i bhfeidhm, ar gach ócáid ar a bhfuighfar amhlaidh é beidh sé ciontach i gcionta fén alt so agus ar a chíontú ann ag cúirt údaráis achmair daorfar é chun sé mhí príosúntachta fé dhaor-obair.
[EN]Orduithe cuardaigh.
14.—(1) Má sé tuairim aon cheannphuirt den Ghárda Síochána go bhfuil cúis réasúnta le hamhrus go bhfuil scríbhinní tréasúnta no ceannairceacha in aon áit no áitreabh, féadfa sé ordú i scríbhinn (dá ngairmtear ordú cuardaigh san Acht so) do thabhairt amach d'aon bhall no baill den Ghárda Síochána a bheidh fé n-a cheannas, agus ainmnithe san ordú, chun aon áit no áitreabh a bheidh ainmnithe san ordú san do chuardach.
[EN](2) Le hordú cuardaigh a tabharfar amach fén alt so údarófar don bhall no do sna baill den Ghárda Síochána a bheidh ainmnithe ann dul isteach san áit no san áitreabh le n-a mbaineann an t-ordú san aon uair laistigh de cheithre huaire fichead a' chluig tar éis an t-ordú cuardaigh sin do bheith tabhartha amach agus san le fóiréigean más gá é agus an áit no an t-áitreabh san do chuardach do scríbhinní tréasúnta no ceannairceacha agus gach scríbhinn a gheobhfar ar dhéanamh an chuardaigh sin agus a dheabhróidh don bhall no do sna baill sin bheith tréasúnta no ceannairceach do ghabháil agus do thógaint chun siúil.
[EN](3) Féadfidh aon bhall den Ghárda Síochána a bheidh ag déanamh cuardaigh fé ordú chuardaigh gach ní no aon ní no nithe acu so a leanas do dhéanamh—
[EN](a) éinne a gheobhfar san áit no san áitreabh le n-a mbaineann an t-ordú do chuardach,
[EN](b) ainm agus seola éinne a gheobhfar san áit no san áitreabh san d'éileamh agus (gan dochar d'aon chomhacht ghabhála eile a bheidh dílsithe ann do réir dlí no de bhua aon bharántais dhleathaigh) gabháil do dhéanamh gan barántas ar éinne den tsórt san a dhiúltóidh dá ainm no dá sheola do thabhairt don bhall san no a thabharfidh uaidh ainm no seola gurb eol don bhall san no go mbeidh amhras aige é do bheith bréagach no míthreorach, no
[EN](c) gabháil do dhéanamh gan barántas ar éinne a gheobhfar san áit no san áitreabh san agus 'na mbeidh amhras ag an mball san go raibh aon scríbhinn tréasúnta no cheannairceach ar seilbh aige san áit no san áitreabh san.
[EN]Comhachta an Ghárda Síochána.
15.—Féadfidh aon bhall den Ghárda Síochána éinne is dó leis a bheith ag iompar aon scríbhinní tréasúnta no ceannairceacha do stad agus do chuardach agus fós é do ghabháil gan barántas, agus féadfa sé éinne den tsórt san do chuardach agus, pé'ca ghabhfa sé é no na gabhfidh, féadfa sé gach scríbhinn a bheidh á hiompar aige agus a dheabhróidh don bhall san bheith tréasúnta no ceannairceach do ghabháil agus do choinneáil.
[EN]Daoine fé amhras do choinneáil.
16.—(1) Beidh sé dleathach do cheannphort den Ghárda Síochána éinne do ghabháil no a chur fé ndeár é do ghabháil go mbeidh amhras aige go bhfuil no go raibh sé ag gabháil d'aon chionta no páirteach in aon chionta dá luaidhtear i gCuid I. den Sceideal a ghabhann leis an Acht so agus, chun go bhféachfí isteach sa chionta san no in aon chionta eile den tsórt san sa cheart, gurb é tuairim an cheannphuirt sin gur gá no gur mhaith an rud é do choinneáil.
[EN](2) Pé uair a gabhfar éinne fén alt so déanfidh an ceannphort den Ghárda Síochána atá freagarthach sa ghabháil sin, chó luath agus a bheidh san caothúil, an duine sin do thabhairt i láthair Breithimh den Chúirt Dúithche agus ar a rá leis an mBreitheamh san don cheannphort san gurb é a thuairim go bhfuil cúis le hamhras go bhfuil no go raibh an duine sin ag gabháil d'aon chionta no páirteach in aon chionta dá luaidhtear i gCuid I. den Sceideal a ghabhann leis an Acht so agus, chun go bhféachfí isteach sa chionta san no in aon chionta eile den tsórt san sa cheart, gur gá no gur mhaith an rud é do choinneáil, ordóidh an Breitheamh san an duine sin do choinneáil seacht lá i gcimeád.
[EN](3) Pé uair a coinneofar duine i gcimeád le hordú Breithimh den Chúirt Dúithche fén alt so agus gur deimhin le hAire den Ard-Chomhairle go bhfuil cúis le hamhras go bhfuil no go raibh an duine sin ag gabháil d'aon chionta no páirteach in aon chionta dá luaidhtear i gCuid I. den Sceideal a ghabhann leis an Acht so agus, chun go bhféachfí isteach sa chionta san no in aon chionta eile den tsórt san sa cheart, gur gá an duine sin do choinneáil, féadfidh an tAire sin, roimh dheire tréimhse choinneála an duine sin do réir an ordú san roimhráite, ordú do dhéanamh á ordú go gcoinneofí an duine sin ar feadh pé tréimhse nách sia ná dhá mhí o dháta an orduithe sin agus a luadhfidh an tAire sin chuige sin san ordú san.
[EN](4) Gach éinne a coinneofar de bhua ordú do dhin Aire den Ard-Chomhairle fén alt so, déanfar, ar dháta nách déanaí ná ráithe o lá a ghabhála é do scaoile as cimeád no neachtar acu é do chúiseamh i gcionta agus deighleáil leis do réir dlí.
[EN](5) Pé uair a coinneofar duine i gcimeád fén alt so féadfar an duine sin do scaoile aon uair le hordú Aire den Ard-Chomhairle.
[EN](6) Féadfar duine a coinneofar i gcimeád fén alt so do choinneáil amhlaidh in aon phríosún, agus faid a bheidh sé á choinneáil amhlaidh deighleálfar leis mar phríosúnach ag feitheamh le n-a thriail.
[EN](7) Ordú a dhéanfidh Breitheamh den Chúirt Dúithche no Aire den Ard-Chomhairle á ordú go gcoinneofí éinne fén alt so is leor é mar údarás do ghobharnóir aon phríosúin i Saorstát Éireann chun an té bheidh ainmnithe san ordú san do ghlaca agus do choinneáil sa phríosún san do réir an ordú san, agus is leor mar údarás don ghobharnóir sin chun an duine sin do scaoile ordú o Aire den Ard-Chomhairle chun an duine sin do scaoile.
[EN]Diúltú don Chúirt d'admháil.
17.—Einne a cúiseofar in aon choir no cionta (agus coir no cionta fén Acht so d'áireamh) agus a dhéanfidh, nuair a tabharfar i láthair cúirte é chun a thrialta sa chúis sin, diúltú don chúirt d'admháil no diúltú d'údarás no do bhreath-údarás na cúirte d'admháil, no aon ghníomh (seachas fanúint ina thost no, do réir fuirm chuibhe na dlí, agóid do chur go dleathach i gcoinnibh breath-údaráis na cúirte chun é thriail sa chúis sin) atá do réir tuairime na cúirte có-ionann le diúltú don chúirt no dá húdarás no dá breath-údarás d'admháil, beidh sé ciontach i ndrochmheas ar an gcúirt agus leis sin tiocfidh as san na nithe seo a leanas, sé sin le rá:—
[EN](a) ordóidh an chúirt pléideáil nea-chiontachta d'iontráil don duine sin agus raghaidh triail an duine sin sa chúis sin ar aghaidh ansan do réir dlí ach amháin ná beidh teideal ag an duine sin ná ná ceadófar do atúrnae ná abhcóide do bheith aige mar ionadaí sa triail sin,
[EN](b) más rud é, ar dhéanamh na trialach san, go bhfuighfar an duine sin ciontach sa choir no sa chionta ina mbeidh sé cúisithe amhlaidh no in aon choir no cionta eile déanfidh an chúirt, nuair a bheidh sí ag tomhas na daor-bhreithe a bheidh le tabhairt air, an drochmheas san aige ar an gcúirt do chur san áireamh agus féadfa sí an daor-bhreith sin do mhéadú mar gheall ar an droch-mheas san ar an gcúirt,
[EN](c) sa Chúirt Dúithche, más fíneáil ina haonar an pionós is mó is féidir d'fhorchur mar gheall ar an gcoir no ar an gcionta ina bhfuighfar an duine sin ciontach no más príosúntacht é (i dteanta no d'éamais fíneála) ar feadh téarma is giorra ná dhá bhliain, dlighfar agus féadfar an duine sin do dhaora chun príosúntachta i dteanta no d'éamais daor-oibre ar feadh aon téarma nách sia ná dhá bhliain, i dteanta na fíneála (más ann di) is féidir go dleathach d'fhorchur air,
[EN](d) in aon chúirt seachas an Chúirt Dúithche, más fíneáil ina haonar an pionós is mó is féidir d'fhorchur mar gheall ar an gcoir no ar an gcionta ina bhfuighfar an duine sin ciontach no más príosúntacht é (i dteanta no d'éamais fíneála) no más pian-tseirbhís é (i dteanta no d'éamais fíneála) ar feadh téarma is giorra ná cúig bliana, dlighfar agus féadfar an duine sin do dhaora chun pian-tseirbhíse ar feadh aon tréimhse nách giorra ná trí bliana agus nách sia ná cúig bliana no chun príosúntachta i dteanta no d'éamais daor-oibre ar feadh aon téarma nách sia ná dhá bhliain, i dteanta na fíneála (más ann di) is féidir go dleathach d'fhorchur air,
[EN](e) más rud é, ar dhéanamh na trialach san, ná fuighfar an duine sin ciontach in aon choir ná cionta dlighfar agus féadfar é do dhaora chun príosúntacha i dteanta no d'éamais daor-oibre ar feadh aon téarma nách sia ná dhá bhliain mar gheall ar an drochmheas san aige ar an gcúirt,
[EN](f) más rud é, ar dhéanamh na trialach san, go dteipfidh ar an ngiúiré teacht ar bhreith-fhocal, ní dhéanfidh aon daor-bhreith a tabharfar ar an duine sin mar gheall ar an droch-mheas san aige ar an gcúirt cosc do chur le n-a thriail i láthair giúiré eile sa chúis in ar theip ar an gcéad ghiúiré sin a luaidhtear teacht ar bhreith-fhocal.
[EN]Freagarthacht tuismitheoirí no caomhnóirí ciontathóirí óga áirithe.
18.—(1) I gcás ina ndéanfar éinne atá fé bhun sé mblian déag d'aois (agus dá ngairmtear an ciontathóir san alt so) do chiontú fén Acht so i mbeith ina bhall de chomhlachas nea-dhleathach, mara gcuiridh tuismitheoir no caomhnóir an chiontathóra ina luighe ar an gCúirt nár chabhruigh sé leis an gcionta do dhéanamh tré fhaillí do dhéanamh ar aire cheart do thabhairt don chiontathóir beidh an tuismitheoir no an caomhnóir sin ciontach i gcionta fén alt so agus ar a chiontú ann ar an slí achmair dlighfar príosúntacht ar feadh aon téarma nách sia ná sé mhí do chur air.
[EN](2) San alt so foluíonn an focal “caomhnóir” éinne go mbeidh an ciontathóir fé n-a chúram no fé n-a smacht de thurus na huaire dar leis an gCúirt.
[EN]Geallbhruidthe agus dí-cháilithe de dheascaibh ciontuithe áirithe.
19.—(1) Pé uair a thárlóidh duine a ciontófar tar éis rithte an Achta so i gcionta le n-a mbaineann an t-alt so do bheith, le linn an chiontuithe sin, i seilbh oifige no fostaíochta le n-a ngabhann luach saothair a híoctar amach as an bPrímh-Chiste no as airgead a sholáthruíonn an tOireachtas no as airgead a cruinnítear le cánachas áitiúil, no i seilbh ionaid, oifige, fostaíochta, no sochair oifige in aon phríomh-scoil no coláiste no in no fé aon chorparáid do bunuíodh le cairt, geallbhruidfidh an duine sin, láithreach ar dhéanamh an chiontuithe sin, an oifig, an fhostaíocht, an t-ionad, no an sochar san agus tiocfidh an céanna chun bheith agus beidh sé folamh láithreach.
[EN](2) Pé uair a thárlóidh duine a ciontófar tar éis rithte an Achta so i gcionta le n-a mbaineann an t-alt so do bheith, le linn an chiontuithe sin, ag fáil pinsin no aois-liúntais is iníoctha amach as an bPrímh-Chiste no as airgead a sholáthruíonn an tOireachtas no as airgead a cruinnítear le cánachas áitiúil no as cistí aon phríomh-scoile no coláiste no aon chorparáide do bunuíodh le cairt, geallbhruidfidh an duine sin an pinsean no an t-aois-liúntas san láithreach ar dhéanamh an chiontuithe sin agus scuirfidh an pinsean no an t-aois-liúntas san láithreach de bheith iníoctha.
[EN](3) Gach éinne a ciontófar tar éis rithte an Achta so i gcionta le n-a mbaineann an t-alt so beidh sé, ón gciontú san agus dá éis sin, ar feadh seacht mblian o dháta an chiontuithe sin, dí-cháilithe chun bheith i seilbh aon oifige no fostaíochta le n-a ngabhann luach saothair a híoctar amach as an bPrímh-Chiste no as airgead a sholáthruíonn an tOireachtas no as airgead a cruinnítear le cánachas áitiúil, no i seilbh aon ionaid, oifige, fostaíochta no sochair oifige in aon phríomh-scoil no coláiste no in no fé aon chorparáid do bunuíodh le cairt.
[EN](4) Pé uair a cuirfar ar neamh-ní no ar nea-mbrí ciontú as a dtagann aon gheall-bhruide no dí-cháiliú de bhua an ailt seo no a deonfar saor-phárdún don duine chiontuithe beidh an geallbhruide no an dí-cháiliú san curtha ar nea-mbrí, i gcás cur-arneamh-ní no cur-ar-nea-mbrí, o dháta an chiontuithe agus, i gcás saor-phárdúin, o dháta an phárdúin sin.
[EN](5) Baineann an t-alt so le gach cionta a faisnéistear leis an Acht um Chiontaí Tréasúnta, 1925 (Uimh. 18 de 1925), a bheith ina thréasún no ina fheleontacht no ina mhí-iompar agus le gach cionta a faisnéistear leis an Acht so a bheith ina mhí-iompar.
Furogra Ag Udaru Cuirteanna Speisialta.
[EN]Furógra ag tabhairt Cuid IV. den Acht so i bhfeidhm.
20.—(1) Pé uair gurb é tuairim na hArd-Chomhairle, chun a chur in áirithe go riarfar ceart go cuibhe agus go bpionósfar coirthe go siúrálta, go bhfuil sé riachtanach go ndéanfí daoine a cúiseofar in aon chionta dá luaidhtear sa Sceideal a ghabhann leis an Acht so do thabhairt i láthair Cúirteanna speisialta a bunófar fén Acht so in ionad na ngnáth-Chúirteanna agus go dtrialfadh na Cúirteanna speisialta san iad, féadfidh an Ard-Chomhairle, le furógra, a fhaisnéis go dtiocfidh Cuid IV. den Acht so i bhfeidhm.
[EN](2) Ní fhanfidh furógra a déanfar fén alt so i bhfeidhm ach ar feadh ráithe (mara mbuanuítear fén alt so é) agus ragha sé in éag ansan, ach féadfar o am go ham aon fhurógra den tsórt san do chimeád i bhfeidhm ar feadh ráithe le furógra a dhéanfidh an Ard-Chomhairle roimh dhul in éag don fhurógra bhunaidh no don bhuanú dheiridh air.
[EN](3) Más rud é, aon uair a déanfar furógra fén alt so (pe'ca furógra bunaidh no furógra chun buanithe é), go mbeidh an tOireachtas no aon Tigh den Oireachtas curtha ar athló go dtí lá agus uair is déanaí ná cúig lá tar éis an furógra do bheith déanta, déarfidh agus déanfidh an furógra an tOireachtas no an Tigh sin den Oireachtas (pe'ca aca é) do ghairm chun teacht le chéile arís ar uair oiriúnach a luadhfar sa bhfurógra agus ar lá oiriúnach a luadhfar ar an gcuma gcéanna agus a bheidh trí lá ar a laighead no cúig lá ar a mhéid tar éis an furógra do bheith déanta, agus i ngach cás den tsórt san tiocfidh an tOireachtas no an Tigh sin den Oireachtas, pe'ca aca é, le chéile arís an lá agus an uair a luadhfar amhlaidh fé is dá mbeadh sé curtha ar athló go dtí an lá agus an uair sin.
[EN](4) Gach furógra a déanfar fén alt so foillseofar láithreach san Iris Oifigiúil é agus fós leagfar fé bhráid gach Tighe den Oireachtas é chó luath agus is féidir é tar éis a dhéanta agus má dhineann ceachtar den dá Thigh sin, laistigh den lá is fiche a shuidhfidh an Tigh sin ina dhiaidh sin, rún do rith ag ceiliúra an fhurógra san, raghaidh an furógra san in éag láithreach ach beidh san gan dochar do dhleathacht éinní a dineadh roimhe sin fén bhfurógra san.
[EN]Eifeacht an fhurógra.
21.—(1) Pé uair agus gach uair a dhéanfidh an Ard-Chomhairle furógra fén gCuid seo den Acht so tiocfidh Cuid IV. den Acht so i bhfeidhm láithreach agus fanfa sí i bhfeidhm faid a fhanfidh no a cimeádfar an furógra san i bhfeidhm agus, nuair a raghaidh an furógra san in éag sa deire, stadfidh Cuid IV. den Acht so láithreach de bheith i bhfeidhm ach beidh san gan dochar do dhleathacht éinní a dineadh fúithi no d'aon chiontú, daor-bhreith, ordú, no breithiúntas a dineadh fúithi do leanúint ag oibriú agus in éifeacht.
[EN](2) Ní bheidh aon fheidhm ná éifeacht ag Cuid IV. den Acht so ach amháin mar agus nuair a foráltar san leis an alt so.
Bunu Cuirteanna Speisialta.
[EN]Bunú Cúirteanna speisialta.
22.—(1) Chó luath agus is féidir é tar éis gach ócáide ar a dtiocfidh an Chuid seo den Acht so i bhfeidhm bunóidh an Ard-Chomhairle bínse no bínsí (dá ngairmtear cúirteanna speisialta sa Chuid seo den Acht so) agus iad có-dhéanta de thriúr ball no níos mó agus éinne amháin acu (a fhéadfidh bheith no gan bheith ina oifigeach i bhFórsaí Cosanta Shaorstáit Éireann) ina dhuine 'na mbeidh deimhnithe ag an bPríomh-Atúrnae eolas agus taithí ar dhlí do bheith aige agus an chuid eile ina n-oifigigh d'Fhórsaí Cosanta Shaorstáit Éireann nách ísle céim ná ceannphort.
[EN](2) Pé uair a bunófar cúirt speisialta fén alt so féadfidh Aire den Ard-Chomhairle pé clárathóir, cléirigh, agus seirbhísigh is dó leis is ceart do cheapa chun crícheanna na cúirte sin.
[EN](3) Féadfar pé táillí no luach saothair a shocróidh an tAire Airgid d'íoc, amach as airgead a sholáthróidh an tOireachtas, le haon bhall, clárathóir, cléireach no seirbhíseach do chúirt speisialta ná faghann luach saothair as cistí puiblí:
[EN]Daoine is intrialta ag Cúirteanna speisialta.
23.—(1) Pé uair agus faid a bheidh an Chuid seo den Acht so i bhfeidhm, tuigfar gach éinne bheidh cúisithe in aon chionta dá luaidhtear sa Sceideal a ghabhann leis an Acht so do bheith curtha ar aghaidh chun a thrialta ag cúirt speisialta má dineadh, roimh thosach feidhme na Coda so den Acht so, é do chur ar aghaidh chun a thrialta ag aon Chúirt agus má bhíonn sé, le linn an tosaigh fheidhme sin, ag feitheamh le n-a thriail ag an gCúirt sin, agus, má cuirtar ar aghaidh chun a thrialta é le linn an Chuid seo den Acht so do bheith i bhfeidhm, cuirfar ar aghaidh chun a thrialta ag cúirt speisialta é d'ainneoin éinní atá in aon Acht eile.
[EN](2) Gach éinne a cuirfar no a tuigfar a cuireadh ar aghaidh chun a thrialta ag cúirt speisialta, déanfar, lasmuich de chás dá bhforáltar a mhalairt anso ina dhiaidh seo, é do thabhairt go dtí cúirt speisialta chun a thrialta agus é do thriail ag an gcúirt sin fén gCuid seo den Acht so agus dá réir.
[EN](3) Gach éinne a cuirfar ar aghaidh chun a thrialta ag cúirt speisialta agus a bheidh, nuair a scuirfidh an Chuid seo den Acht so de bheith i bhfeidhm, ag feitheamh le n-a thriail ag cúirt speisialta, tuigfar, nuair a thárlóidh an scur san, é do bheith curtha ar aghaidh chun a thrialta ag an bPríomh-Chúirt Choiriúil, agus tabharfar go dtí an Chúirt sin chun a thrialta agus trialfa sí é dá réir sin.
[EN]Daingniú ar chiontuithe agus ar dhaorbhreitheanna Cúirteanna speisialta.
24.—(1) Ní bheidh aon chiontú ná daor-bhreith o chúirt speisialta dleathach ach amháin má daingnítear agus sa mhéid go ndaingneofar ag an údarás daingniúcháin fén alt so é.
[EN](2) Isé bheidh ina údarás dhaingniúcháin ná oifigeach d'Fhórsaí Cosanta Shaorstáit Éireann a hainmneofar chuige sin ag an Ard-Chomhairle agus nách ísle céim ná cornal.
[EN](3) Féadfidh an t-údarás daingniúcháin, maidir le haon chiontú no daor-bhreith o chúirt speisialta, é do dhaingniú fé atharú no gan atharú no diúltú d'é do dhaingniú no triail nua don duine chiontuithe d'ordú.
[EN]Daorbhreitheanna o Chúirteanna speisialta.
25.—(1) Pé uair a gheobhaidh cúirt speisialta duine do bheith ciontach i dtréasún no i ndúnmharbha daorfa sí an duine sin chun báis.
[EN](2) Lasmuich de chás dá bhforáltar a mhalairt leis an Acht so, féadfidh cúirt speisialta éinne gheobha sí ciontach in aon chionta nách tréasún ná dúnmharbha do chur fé phionós de shaghas an phionóis, ach gan a bheith níos mó ná an pionós, d'fhéadfadh an Phríomh-Chúirt Choiriúil a chur go dleathach ar dhuine a gheobhfí ciontach ina láthair sa chionta san.
[EN](3) Gach daor-bhreith agus gach ordú agus breithiúntas o chúirt speisialta, cuirfar i bhfeidhm iad ag na húdaráis agus ag na hoifigigh shíbhialta ar a n-éilítear agus sa tslí chéanna ina n-éilítear le dlí daor-bhreith, ordú, no breithiúntas den tsórt chéanna on bPríomh-Chúirt Choiriúil do chur i bhfeidhm.
[EN](4) Lasmuich de chás dá bhforáltar a mhalairt anso ina dhiaidh seo, tiocfidh as gach ciontú, daor-bhreith, ordú, agus breithiúntas o chúirt speisialta na nithe céanna sa dlí do thiocfadh as ciontú, daor-bhreith, ordú no breithiúntas den tsórt chéanna ón bPríomh-Chúirt Choiriúil agus go sonnrách bronnfid ar na húdaráis agus ar na hoifigigh shíbhialta a bheidh á gcur i bhfeidhm na caomhaintí agus na saoirsí céanna do bheadh acu agus ciontú, daorbhreith, ordú, no breithiúntas den tsórt chéanna ón bPríomh-Chúirt Choiriúil acu á chur i bhfeidhm.
[EN](5) Ní luighfidh aon athchomharc i gcoinnibh aon chiontú, daorbhreithe, ordú, ná breithiúntais o chúirt speisialta agus dlighfar gan aon chúirt eile do chur sriain le haon chúirt speisialta i bhfeidhmiú a comhacht fén gCuid seo den Acht so ná ní déanfar aon imeachta i láthair cúirte speisialta d'aistriú tré certiorari chun aon chúirte eile.
[EN]Comhachta Cúirteanna speisialta maidir le fínnithe, etc.
26.—Maidir leis na nithe seo a leanas, sé sin le rá:—
[EN](a) fínnithe do chur fé mhionn,
[EN](b) fínnithe do cheistiú de bhréithre béil,
[EN](c) a chur fhiachaint ar fhínnithe teacht i láthair,
[EN](d) dintiúirí, leabhair, páipéirí, agus scríbhinní do thabhairt i láthair,
[EN](e) pionósú daoine a dhiúltóidh d'fhianaise do thabhairt uatha no do scríbhinní do thabhairt i láthair, no a bheidh ciontach i ndroch-mheas ar an gcúirt,
[EN]beidh ag gach cúirt speisialta gach comhacht, ceart, agus príbhléid atá ag an bPríomh-Chúirt Choiriúil chun na gcrícheanna san no chun crícheanna dá sórt.
27.—(1) Déanfidh Aire den Ard-Chomhairle le hordú rialacháin—
[EN](a) ag ordú nós-imeachta agus cleachta cúirteanna speisialta agus na bhfuirm a húsáidfar maidir le trialacha i láthair cúirteanna den tsórt san;
[EN](b) ag cur in áirithe do gach éinne a trialfar ag cúirt speisialta an chirt chun atúrnae agus abhcóide do bheith mar ionadaithe aige ag an triail sin;
[EN](c) ag ordú na n-amannta agus na n-áiteanna do shuidheanna cúirteanna speisialta;
[EN](d) pé uair a bheidh níos mó ná aon chúirt speisialta amháin bunuithe, á rá cadé an chúirt speisialta áirithe a thrialfidh aon duine áirithe;
[EN](e) ag ordú éinní no aon ruda eile is oiriúnach no is gá chun an Chuid seo den Acht so do chur i bhfeidhm chó fada is théigheann daoine is intrialta ag cúirt speisialta do thriail no do phionósú.
[EN](2) Gach rialachán a déanfar fén alt so leagfar fé bhráid gach Tighe den Oireachtas é chó luath agus is féidir é tar éis a dhéanta, agus má dhineann ceachtar den dá Thigh sin, laistigh den lá is fiche a shuidhfidh an Tigh sin tar éis leagtha an Rialacháin sin fé n-a bhráid, rún do rith ag cur an rialacháin sin ar nea-mbrí, beidh an rialachán san curtha ar nea-mbrí dá réir sin ach beidh san gan dochar do dhleathacht éinní a dineadh roimhe sin fén rialachán san.
[EN]Pionós an bháis mar gheall ar sheilbh neadhleathach arm teine.
28.—Einne a gheobhfar ciontach ag cúirt speisialta sa chionta san fé Acht na nArm Teine, 1925 (Uimh. 17 de 1925), eadhon, arm teine do bheith ar seilbh aige, no d'úsáid, no d'iompar gan deimhniú airm theine do bheith aige dho, dlighfar, más le linn an Chuid seo den Acht so do bheith i bhfeidhm do dineadh an cionta, é do chur chun báis no chun pian-tseirbhíse le n-a shaol no ar feadh aon téarma de bhlianta nách giorra ná trí bliana no chun príosúntachta i dteanta no d'éamais daor-oibre ar feadh aon téarma nách sia ná dhá bhliain, agus tabharfidh an chúirt sin daor-bhreith air dá réir sin.
Cuid I.
1. Aon chionta a faisnéistear leis an Acht um Chiontaí Tréasúnta, 1925 (Uimh. 18 de 1925) a bheith ina thréasún no ina fheleontacht no ina mhí-iompar.
2. Aon chionta a faisnéistear leis an Acht so a bheith ina mhí-iompar.
3. An Seanascal no aon bhall den Oireachtas no aon Bhreitheamh den Chúirt Uachtaraigh, den Ard-Chúirt, den Chúirt Chuarda, no den Chúirt Dúithche do dhúnmharbha no tabhairt fé n-a dhúnmharbha no cogar chun a dhúnmhairbhthe.
Cuid II.
1. An cionta san fé Acht na nArm Teine, 1925 (Uimh. 17 de 1925), eadhon, arm teine do bheith ar seilbh ag duine no d'úsáid no d'iompar gan deimhniú airm theine do bheith aige dho.
2. Aon dúnmharbha no iarracht ar dhúnmharbha no cogar chun dúnmhairbhthe go n-ordóidh an Príomh-Atúrnae ina thaobh, le linn Cuid IV. den Acht so do bheith i bhfeidhm, an té bheidh cúisithe ann do chur ar aghaidh chun a thrialta ag cúirt speisialta fén gCuid sin IV.
Number 31 of 1927.
Section | |
Unlawful Associations and other matters.
Prohibition of printing, etc., of certain classes of documents. | |
Liability of parents or guardians of certain young offenders. | |
Proclamation Authorising Special Courts.
Establishment of Special Courts.
Confirmation of convictions and sentences of special Courts. | |
Part I.
Part II.
Acts Referred to | |
No. 18 of 1925 | |
No. 17 of 1925 |
Number 31 of 1927.
[GA]Short title and duration.
1.—(1) This Act may be cited as the Public Safety Act, 1927.
[GA](2) This Act shall continue in force for five years from the passing thereof and shall then expire.
[GA]Definitions and interpretation.
2.—(1) In this Act—
[GA]the word “association” includes any combination of persons whether the same is or is not known by any distinctive name;
[GA]the expression “unlawful association” means an association which has been declared to be an unlawful association by an order made by the Executive Council under this Act and for the time being in force;
[GA]the expression “treasonable or seditious documents” includes any document relating to or concerned with or issued or emanating from or appearing to issue or emanate from an unlawful association;
[GA]the word “periodical” means any newspaper, magazine, journal, or other publication which is issued at regular or substantially regular intervals.
[GA](2) For the purposes of this Act an unlawful association shall be deemed to have become by virtue of this Act an unlawful association on the making of the Order of the Executive Council declaring it to be an unlawful association.
[GA]Amendment of the Constitution.
3.—Every provision of this Act which is in contravention of any provision of the Constitution shall to the extent of such contravention operate and have effect as an amendment for so long only as this Act continues in force of such provision of the Constitution.
Unlawful Associations and other matters.
[GA]Unlawful associations.
4.—(1) The Executive Council may by order declare any association which in the opinion of the Executive Council—
[GA](a) has amongst its professed objects, or advocates or encourages, or professes to encourage the overthrow by force of the Government of Saorstát Eireann or the alteration by force of the Constitution or the law, or
[GA](b) without lawful authority organizes or maintains or endeavours or purports to organize or maintain an armed force, or
[GA](c) promotes or encourages the unlawful possession of firearms by its members, or
[GA](d) engages in, promotes, encourages, or advocates any act, enterprise, or course of action of a treasonable or seditious character, or promotes, encourages or advocates the attainment of any object of a treasonable or seditious character, or
[GA](e) promotes, encourages or advocates the commission of crimes or offences or the obstruction or interference with the administration of justice or the enforcement of the law, or
[GA](f) promotes, encourages, or advocates the non-payment of moneys payable to the Central Fund or any other public fund whether by way of taxation or otherwise or the non-payment of local taxation,
[GA]to be an unlawful association.
[GA](2) Every order made by the Executive Council under the foregoing sub-section shall continue in force until revoked by an order of the Executive Council.
[GA](3) Every order made by the Executive Council under this section declaring an association to be an unlawful association and every order of the Executive Council revoking any such order shall be published in the Iris Oifigiúil as soon as conveniently may be.
(4) Every order made by the Executive Council under this section declaring an association to be an unlawful association shall take effect as on and from the expiration of the day following the day on which such order is published in the Iris Oifigiúil.
[GA]Penalty for membership of unlawful association.
5.—Every person who is a member of an unlawful association at any time after it has become by virtue of this Act an unlawful association shall be guilty of a misdemeanour and shall be liable on conviction thereof to suffer penal servitude for any term not less than three years and not exceeding five years or imprisonment with or without hard labour for any term not exceeding two years.
[GA]Possession of documents relating to unlawful association.
6.—If any document (of whatsoever date or bearing no date) issued by or emanating from an unlawful association or appearing to be so issued or so to emanate or purporting to aid or abet an unlawful association or otherwise relating to or connected with an unlawful association is found on or in the possession of or on or in premises belonging to, occupied by, or under the control of any person, such person unless he satisfies the Court that he did not know such document was in his possession or on or in such premises or that he did not know the nature or contents of such document, shall be guilty of an offence under this section and shall be liable on summary conviction thereof to a fine not exceeding fifty pounds or at the discretion of the Court to imprisonment for any term not exceeding three months or to both such fine and such imprisonment.
[GA]Proof of membership of unlawful association.
7.—(1) Whenever a person is charged with the offence of being a member of an unlawful association and it is proved to the satisfaction of the Court that a document (of whatsoever date or bearing no date) issued by or emanating from or appearing to be issued by or to emanate from an unlawful association or purporting to aid or abet an unlawful association or otherwise relating to or connected with an unlawful association was found on or in the possession of such person or on or in premises belonging to or occupied by him or under his control such person shall be deemed to be a member of the unlawful association to or with which such document relates or is connected unless he proves that he is not then a member of such association and was not a member of such association at any time after it became by virtue of this Act an unlawful association.
[GA](2) A person who is deemed by virtue of this section to be a member of an unlawful association shall not be deemed to have proved that he is not then a member of such association and was not a member thereof since it became by virtue of this Act an unlawful association unless (in addition to such other evidence as satisfies the Court of such non-membership) he—
[GA](a) declares on oath (which declaration the Court shall give him an opportunity of making) that he is not then a member of such unlawful association and was not a member thereof at any time since it became by virtue of this Act an unlawful association, and
[GA](b) produces two reputable witnesses who depose on oath that they are well acquainted with him and that to the best of their knowledge, information, and belief he is not then a member of such unlawful association and was not a member thereof at any time since it became by virtue of this Act an unlawful association.
[GA]Punishment of youthful members of unlawful associations.
8.—(1) Where any person under the age of 16 years is convicted of the offence of being a member of an unlawful association the Court shall, in lieu of dealing with such person under the Children Act, 1908, sentence such person to be detained during the pleasure of the Minister for Justice, and if so sentenced such person shall be liable, notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained in the Children Act, 1908, to be detained in such place and under such conditions as the Minister for Justice may direct, and whilst so detained shall be deemed to be in legal custody.
[GA](2) The Minister for Justice shall from time to time publish in the Iris Oifigiúil a notice stating the place in which persons sentenced under this section are detained and the conditions of such detention.
[GA](3) When a person is sentenced to be detained during the pleasure of the Minister for Justice under this section, such person shall not be so detained for a longer period than one year.
[GA]Prohibition of printing, etc., of certain classes of documents.
9.—(1) It shall not be lawful to print, publish, distribute, sell or offer or expose for sale without the previous permission of the Minister for Justice any book, newspaper, magazine, periodical, pamphlet, leaflet, circular or other document containing any statement by or on behalf of or emanating from or purporting to be made by or on behalf of or to emanate from an unlawful association or any statement aiding or abetting or calculated to aid or abet an unlawful association.
[GA](2) Every person who shall print, publish, distribute, sell, or offer or expose for sale any book, newspaper, magazine, periodical, pamphlet, leaflet, circular, or other document in contravention of this section shall be guilty of an offence under this section and shall be liable on summary conviction thereof to a fine not exceeding one hundred pounds or, at the discretion of the Court, to imprisonment with or without hard labour for any term not exceeding six months or to both such fine and such imprisonment and also in any case to forfeiture of every copy of such document in his possession and also, in the case of a person found guilty of the offence of printing any such document, to forfeiture of all printing machinery in his possession.
[GA](3) Permission given by the Minister for Justice to any person to print or to publish or to print and publish in a document any such statement as is mentioned in sub-section (1) of this section shall operate and have effect as a permission to all persons to distribute and sell such document and to offer and expose the same for sale and, where the permission is limited to printing or to publishing a document, shall operate to authorise for the purposes of this section the publishing or the printing (as the case may require) of such document.
[GA](4) In this section references to printing include any mode of representing or reproducing words in a visible form and the words “print” and “printing” shall be construed accordingly.
[GA]Power to suppress certain periodicals.
10.—(1) A Judge of the High Court, on the application in a summary manner of the Minister for Justice and on being satisfied that a periodical published or printed in Saorstát Eireann has published in an issue published after the passing of this Act and not more than one month before the date of the application, any seditious libel or any statement inciting or calculated to incite, encourage, or lead to the commission of any of the offences mentioned in Part I. of the Schedule to this Act or any offence of a seditious or treasonable nature or any statement by or on behalf of or emanating from or purporting to be made by or on behalf of or to emanate from an unlawful association or any statement aiding or abetting or calculated to aid or abet an unlawful association, may make an order declaring the said Minister to be at liberty to suppress such periodical under this section.
[GA](2) Whenever a Judge of the High Court so declares the Minister for Justice to be at liberty to suppress a periodical the said Minister may within one month after the date of the order of such Judge by order suppress such periodical.
[GA](3) Whenever the Minister for Justice by an order under this section suppresses a periodical he may at any time thereafter by order suppress any other periodical published or printed in Saorstát Eireann which was first published after the date of the application to a Judge of the High Court for liberty to suppress such first-mentioned periodical and which though differing in name or otherwise is in the opinion of the said Minister substantially the same as such first-mentioned periodical.
[GA](4) Whenever the Minister for Justice, by an order under this section, suppresses a periodical, it shall not be lawful after the date of such order to print or publish the said periodical or any issue or copy thereof, or to distribute, sell, or offer or expose for sale the said periodical, or any issue or copy thereof, whether such issue or copy was printed before or after the date of such order, and every person who shall print, publish, distribute, sell or offer or expose for sale such periodical or any issue or copy thereof in contravention of this sub-section shall be guilty of an offence under this section, and shall be liable on summary conviction thereof to a fine not exceeding one hundred pounds, or, at the discretion of the Court, to imprisonment with or without hard labour for any term not exceeding six months, or to both such fine and such imprisonment, and also in any case to forfeiture of every copy of such periodical in his possession, and also, in the case of a person found guilty of the offence of printing such periodical, to forfeiture of all printing machinery in his possession.
[GA](5) Every application under this section by the Minister for Justice to a Judge of the High Court for liberty to suppress a periodical shall be made on notice (which may be served on a person outside Saorstát Eireann without special leave) to the printer, the proprietor, and the publisher of the periodical, unless a Judge of the High Court shall otherwise direct.
[GA](6) No appeal shall lie from an order of a Judge of the High Court on an application under this section by the Minister for Justice for liberty to suppress a periodical.
[GA]Prohibition of importation of certain newspapers, etc.
11.—(1) If in the opinion of the Executive Council any issue of a periodical printed or published outside Saorstát Eireann contains any seditious libel or any statement inciting or calculated to incite, encourage, or lead to the commission of any of the offences mentioned in Part I of the Schedule to this Act or any offence of a seditious or treasonable nature or any statement by or on behalf of or to emanating from or purporting to be made by or on behalf of or to emanate from an unlawful association or any statement aiding or abetting or calculated to aid or abet an unlawful association, the Executive Council may by order (in this section referred to as a prohibition order) prohibit the importation of that issue and all future issues of such periodical so long as such order remains in force.
[GA](2) Every prohibition order shall remain in force until revoked by order of the Executive Council.
[GA](3) Every prohibition order and every order revoking a prohibition order shall be published in the Iris Oifigiúil as soon as conveniently may be after it is made.
[GA](4) It shall be lawful for officers of customs and excise to arrest without warrant any person found importing any issue or copy of a periodical the importation of which is prohibited by a prohibition order and all such officers shall have the like powers in relation to a periodical in respect of which a prohibition order has been made and is in force and in relation to every issue and copy of such periodical as such officers have by law in relation to other articles the import of which is prohibited or restricted by law.
[GA](5) Section 16 of the Post Office Act, 1908 and regulations made thereunder shall apply to a periodical in respect of which a prohibition order has been made and is in force and to every issue and copy of such periodical as fully as they apply to the documents mentioned in the said section.
[GA](6) Every person who imports any issue or copy of a periodical printed or published outside Saorstát Eireann in contravention of a prohibition order then in force or distributes, sells, or offers or exposes for sale any issue or copy of any such periodical imported in contravention of such order shall be guilty of an offence under this section and shall be liable on summary conviction thereof to a fine not exceeding one hundred pounds, or, at the discretion of the Court, to imprisonment with or without hard labour for any term not exceeding six months, or to both such fine and such imprisonment, and also in any case to forfeiture of every copy of such periodical in his possession.
[GA](7) Any officer or member of the Gárda Síochána may arrest without warrant any person found importing any issue or copy of a periodical the importation of which is prohibited by a prohibition order.
[GA]Printer's name to be printed on documents.
12.—(1) It shall not be lawful for any person to print any book, newspaper, magazine, periodical, pamphlet, leaflet, circular, or other document which is intended to be published or distributed to the public unless such person shall print his name and usual place of abode or business on such document either at the beginning or the end thereof.
[GA](2) Every person who shall print any document in contravention of this section shall be guilty of an offence under this sub-section and shall be liable on summary conviction thereof to a fine not exceeding one hundred pounds.
[GA](3) Every person who shall publish, distribute, sell or offer or expose for sale to the public any document printed in contravention of this section shall be guilty of an offence under this sub-section and shall be liable on summary conviction thereof to a fine not exceeding twenty-five pounds.
[GA]Expulsion orders.
13.—(1) The Minister for Justice may by order (in this section called an expulsion order) require any person who in the opinion of the said Minister has been associated with any of the activities of an unlawful association whether as a member thereof or otherwise or has been associated with or concerned in any of the offences mentioned in Part I of the Schedule to this Act or any offence of a treasonable or seditious nature or any murder or other crime of violence and whose continued presence in Saorstát Eireann is in the opinion of the said Minister prejudicial to the public safety or the maintenance of law and order to depart from Saorstát Eireann within a specified time after the date of such order and not to return to Saorstát Eireann so long as such order remains in force.
[GA](2) The said Minister may at any time by order revoke an expulsion order made under this section and every such expulsion order shall remain in force until so revoked.
[GA](3) Every expulsion order and every order revoking an expulsion order shall be published in the Iris Oifigiúil as soon as conveniently may be after it is made.
[GA](4) Every expulsion order shall be served on the person to whom the same relates not less than forty-eight hours before the expiration of the time within which he is required by such order to depart from Saorstát Eireann and such service shall be effected either by personal service on such person or by leaving a copy of such order for him at his last known place of abode or address.
[GA](5) Every person in respect of whom an expulsion order is made who is found in Saorstát Eireann after the expiration of the time limited in such order for his departure from Saorstát Eireann and while such order remains in force shall on every occasion on which he is so found be guilty of an offence under this section and on conviction thereof by a court of summary jurisdiction shall be sentenced to six months imprisonment with hard labour.
[GA]Search orders.
14.—(1) If any superintendent of the Gárda Síochána is of opinion that there is reasonable ground for suspecting that there are treasonable or seditious documents in any place or premises, he may issue an order in writing (in this Act called a search order) to any one or more members of the Gárda Síochána under his command and named therein to search any place or premises named in such order.
[GA](2) A search order issued under this section shall authorize the member or members of the Gárda Síochána named therein to enter the place or premises to which such order relates at any time within twenty-four hours after the issuing of such search order, and if need be by force, and to search such place or premises for treasonable or seditious documents and to seize and remove all documents found on such search which appear to such member or members to be treasonable or seditious.
[GA](3) Any member of the Gárda Síochána making a search under a search order may do all or any one or more of the following things—
[GA](a) search any person found in the place or premises to which the order relates,
[GA](b) demand the name and address of any person found in such place or premises and (without prejudice to any other power of arrest vested in him by law or by virtue of any lawful warrant) arrest without warrant any such person who refuses to give his name or his address to such member or gives a name or address which such member knows or suspects to be false or misleading, or
[GA](c) arrest without warrant any person found on such place or premises whom such member suspects of having had in his possession any treasonable or seditious document in such place or premises.
[GA]Powers of Gárda Síochána.
15.—Any member of the Gárda Síochána may stop and search and may also arrest without warrant any person whom he believes to be carrying any treasonable or seditious documents, and may search any such person, and whether arresting him or not, may seize and detain all documents carried by him which appear to such member to be treasonable or seditious.
[GA]Detention of suspected persons.
16.—(1) It shall be lawful for a superintendent of the Gárda Síochána to arrest or cause to be arrested any person whom he suspects of being or having been engaged or concerned in the commission of any of the offences mentioned in Part I. of the Schedule to this Act, and whose detention is in the opinion of such superintendent necessary or desirable for the proper investigation of such offence or any other like offence.
[GA](2) Whenever any person is arrested under this section the superintendent of the Gárda Síochána responsible for such arrest shall, as soon as conveniently may be, bring such person before a Justice of the District Court, and, upon such superintendent stating to such Justice that in his opinion there is ground for suspecting such person of being or having been engaged or concerned in the commission of any of the offences mentioned in Part I. of the Schedule to this Act, and that his detention is necessary or desirable for the proper investigation of such offence, or any other like offence, such Justice shall order such person to be detained in custody for seven days.
[GA](3) Whenever a person is detained in custody by an order of a Justice of the District Court under this section, an Executive Minister, if satisfied that there is ground for suspecting such person of being or having been engaged or concerned in the commission of any of the offences mentioned in Part I. of the Schedule to this Act, and that the detention of such person is necessary for the proper investigation of such offence or any like offence, may, before the expiration of the period of detention of such person in pursuance of such order as aforesaid, make an order directing the detention of such person for such period not being more than two months from the date of such order as such Minister shall therein specify in that behalf.
[GA](4) Every person detained by virtue of an order made by an Executive Minister under this section shall not later than three months from the day of his arrest be either released from custody or charged with an offence and dealt with according to law.
[GA](5) Whenever a person is detained in custody under this section such person may at any time be released by order of an Executive Minister.
[GA](6) A person detained in custody under this section may be so detained in any prison, and while so detained shall be treated as a prisoner awaiting trial.
[GA](7) An order made by a Justice of the District Court or by an Executive Minister directing the detention of any person under this section shall be a sufficient authority to the governor of any prison in Saorstát Eireann to receive and detain in such prison in accordance with such order the person named in such order and an order by an Executive Minister for the release of such person shall be a sufficient authority to such governor for the release of such person.
[GA]Refusal to recognise the Court.
17.—Any person charged with any crime or offence (including a crime or offence under this Act) who when brought before a court for trial on such charge refuses to recognise the court or refuses to recognise the authority or jurisdiction of the court or does any act (other than standing mute or lawfully objecting in due form of law to the jurisdiction of the court to try him on such charge) which in the opinion of the court is equivalent to a refusal to recognise the court or the authority or jurisdiction thereof shall be guilty of contempt of court and thereupon the following consequences shall ensue, that is to say:—
[GA](a) the court shall direct a plea of not guilty to be entered for such person and the trial of such person on such charge shall then proceed according to law save that such person shall not be entitled or permitted to be represented by solicitor or counsel at such trial,
[GA](b) if on such trial such person is found guilty of the crime or offence with which he is so charged or of any other crime or offence the court when measuring the sentence to be imposed upon him shall take into consideration his said contempt of court and may increase such sentence on account of such contempt of court,
[GA](c) in the District Court, if the maximum punishment which may be imposed for the crime or offence of which such person is found guilty is a fine only or is imprisonment (with or without a fine) for a term of less than two years, such person shall be liable and may be sentenced to suffer imprisonment with or without hard labour for any term not exceeding two years, in addition to the fine (if any) which may lawfully be imposed on him,
[GA](d) in any court other than the District Court, if the maximum punishment which may be imposed for the crime or offence of which such person is found guilty is a fine only or is imprisonment (with or without a fine) or is penal servitude (with or without a fine) for a term of less than five years, such person shall be liable and may be sentenced to suffer penal servitude for any term not less than three years and not exceeding five years or imprisonment with or without hard labour for any term not exceeding two years, in addition to the fine (if any) which may lawfully be imposed on him,
[GA](e) if on such trial such person is not found guilty of any crime or offence he shall be liable and may be sentenced to suffer in respect of his said contempt of court imprisonment with or without hard labour for any term not exceeding two years,
[GA](f) if on such trial the jury fails to find a verdict any sentence imposed on such person in respect of his said contempt of court shall not prevent his being tried before another jury on the charge on which such first-mentioned jury failed to find a verdict.
[GA]Liability of parents or guardians of certain young offenders.
18.—(1) Where any person (in this section referred to as the offender) under the age of 16 years is convicted of the offence under this Act of being a member of an unlawful association the parent or guardian of the offender shall, unless he satisfies the Court that he has not conduced to the commission of the offence by neglecting to exercise due care of the offender be guilty of an offence under this section and shall be liable on summary conviction thereof to imprisonment for any term not exceeding six months.
[GA](2) In this section the word “guardian” includes any person who in the opinion of the Court has for the time being the charge of or control over the offender.
[GA]Forfeitures and disqualifications on certain convictions.
19.—(1) Whenever a person convicted after the passing of this Act of an offence to which this section applies holds at the time of such conviction an office or employment remunerated out of the Central Fund or moneys provided by the Oireachtas or moneys raised by local taxation or a place, office, employment, or emolument in any university or college or in or under any corporation created by charter, such person shall immediately on such conviction forfeit such office, employment, place, or emolument and the same shall forthwith become and be vacant.
[GA](2) Whenever a person convicted after the passing of this Act of an offence to which this section applies is at the time of such conviction in receipt of a pension or superannuation allowance payable out of the Central Fund or moneys provided by the Oireachtas or moneys raised by local taxation or the funds of any university or college or of any corporation created by charter, such person shall immediately upon such conviction forfeit such pension or superannuation allowance and such pension or superannuation allowance shall forthwith cease to be payable.
[GA](3) Every person convicted after the passing of this Act of an offence to which this section applies shall from and after such conviction be for seven years from the date of such conviction disqualified for holding any office or employment remunerated out of the Central Fund or moneys provided by the Oireachtas or moneys raised by local taxation or any place, office, employment or emolument in any university or college or in or under any corporation created by charter.
[GA](4) Whenever a conviction which occasions by virtue of this section any forfeiture or disqualification is quashed or annulled or the convicted person is granted a free pardon such forfeiture or disqualification shall be annulled, in the case of a quashing or annulment, as from the date of the conviction and, in the case of a free pardon, as from the date of such pardon.
[GA](5) This section applies to every offence which is declared by the Treasonable Offences Act, 1925 (No. 18 of 1925) to be treason or a felony or a misdemeanour and to every offence which is declared by this Act to be a misdemeanour.
Proclamation Authorising Special Courts.
[GA]Proclamation bringing Part IV. of this Act into force.
20.—(1) Whenever the Executive Council is of opinion that it is necessary in order to secure the due administration of justice and the sure punishment of crime that persons charged with any of the offences mentioned in the Schedule to this Act should be brought before and tried by special Courts established under this Act in lieu of the ordinary Courts, the Executive Council may by proclamation declare that Part IV of this Act shall come into operation.
[GA](2) A proclamation made under this section shall (unless continued under this section) remain in force for three months only and shall then expire, but any such proclamation may from time to time be continued in force for three months by proclamation made by the Executive Council before the expiration of the original proclamation or the last continuance thereof.
[GA](3) If at any time when a proclamation (whether original or continuing) is made under this section, the Oireachtas or either House thereof stands adjourned to a day and hour more than five days after the making of the proclamation, the proclamation shall be expressed and shall operate to summon the Oireachtas or such House thereof (as the case may be) to reassemble at a convenient hour to be specified in the proclamation on a convenient day to be similarly specified not less than three nor more than five days after the making of the proclamation, and in every such case the Oireachtas or such House thereof, as the case may be, shall reassemble on the day and at the hour so specified as if it had stood adjourned to that day and hour.
[GA](4) Every proclamation made under this section shall be forthwith published in the Iris Oifigiúil and shall also be laid before each House of the Oireachtas as soon as may be after it is made and if either such House shall, within the next subsequent twenty-one days on which that House has sat, pass a resolution revoking such proclamation such proclamation shall forthwith expire but without prejudice to the validity of anything previously done under such proclamation.
[GA]Effect of proclamation.
21.—(1) Whenever and so often as a proclamation is made by the Executive Council under this Part of this Act, Part IV of this Act shall forthwith come into force and shall continue in force for so long as such proclamation remains or is continued in force and when such proclamation finally expires Part IV of this Act shall forthwith cease to be in force but without prejudice to the validity of anything done thereunder or the continuing operation and effect of any conviction, sentence, order, or judgment made thereunder.
[GA](2) Part IV of this Act shall not have any force or effect save as and when provided by this section.
Establishment of Special Courts.
[GA]Establishment of special Courts.
22.—(1) As soon as may be after every occasion on which this Part of this Act comes into force there shall be established by the Executive Council one or more tribunals (in this Part of this Act referred to as special courts) consisting of three or more members of whom one (who may be or not be an officer in the Defence Forces of Saorstát Eireann) shall be a person certified by the Attorney-General to have legal knowledge and experienceand the others shall be officers of the Defence Forces of Saorstát Eireann not below the rank of commandant.
[GA](2) Whenever a special court is established under this section an Executive Minister may appoint such registrar, clerks, and servants for the purposes of such court as he thinks proper.
[GA](3) There may be paid, out of moneys to be provided by the Oireachtas, to any member, registrar, clerk or servant of a special court who is not in receipt of remuneration out of public funds, such fees or remuneration as the Minister for Finance may determine.
[GA]Persons triable by special Courts.
23.—(1) Whenever and so long as this Part of this Act is in force, every person charged with any of the offences mentioned in the Schedule to this Act shall, if he has before the commencement of this Part of this Act been sent forward for trial by any Court, and is at such commencement awaiting trial by such Court, be deemed to have been sent forward for trial by a special court, and, if he is sent forward for trial while this Part of this Act is in force, be sent forward notwithstanding anything contained in any other Act for trial by a special court.
[GA](2) Every person sent or deemed to have been sent forward for trial by a special court shall, save as is hereinafter otherwise provided, be brought for trial to and be tried by a special court under and in accordance with this Part of this Act.
[GA](3) Every person sent forward for trial by a special court who is when this Part of this Act ceases to be in force awaiting trial by a special court shall on such cesser be deemed to have been sent forward for trial by the Central Criminal Court, and shall be brought for trial to and be tried by that Court accordingly.
[GA]Confirmation of convictions and sentences of special Courts.
24.—(1) No conviction or sentence by a special court shall be valid save if and in so far as the same is confirmed by the confirming authority under this section.
[GA](2) The confirming authority shall be an officer of the Defence Forces of Saorstát Eireann nominated for the purpose by the Executive Council and not below the rank of colonel.
[GA](3) The confirming authority may, in respect of any conviction or sentence by a special court, confirm with or without modification or refuse to confirm the same or order a new trial of the convicted person.
[GA]Sentences by special Courts.
25.—(1) A special court shall whenever it finds a person to be guilty of treason or murder sentence such person to suffer death.
[GA](2) Save as is otherwise provided by this Act, a special court may inflict on any person found guilty by it of any offence other than treason or murder like punishment as but no greater punishment than the Central Criminal Court could lawfully inflict on a person found guilty before it of such offence.
[GA](3) Every sentence and every order and judgment of a special court shall be carried out by the civil authorities and officers by whom and in the like manner as a like sentence, order, or judgment of the Central Criminal Court is required by law to be carried out.
[GA](4) Every conviction, sentence, order, and judgment of a special court shall, save as is hereinafter provided, have the like consequences in law as a like conviction, sentence, order, or judgment of the Central Criminal Court would have and in particular shall confer on the civil authorities and officers carrying out the same the like protections and immunities as would be possessed by them when carrying out a like conviction, sentence, order, or judgment of the Central Criminal Court.
[GA](5) No appeal shall lie from any conviction, sentence, order, or judgment of a special court and no special court shall be liable to be restrained in the execution of its powers under this Part of this Act by any other court nor shall any proceedings before a special court be removed by certiorari to any other court.
[GA]Powers of special Courts in relation to witnesses, etc.
26.—Every special court with respect to the following matters, that is to say:—
[GA](a) the administering of oaths to witnesses,
[GA](b) the examination of witnesses orally,
[GA](c) enforcing the attendance of witnesses,
[GA](d) the production of deeds, books, papers, and documents,
[GA](e) the punishment of persons refusing to give evidence or to produce documents, or guilty of contempt of the court,
[GA]shall have all such powers, rights, and privileges as are possessed by the Central Criminal Court for such or the like purposes.
27.—(1) An Executive Minister shall by order make regulations—
[GA](a) prescribing the procedure and practice of special courts and the forms to be used in relation to trials before such courts;
[GA](b) securing to every person tried by a special court the right to be represented at such trial by solicitor and counsel;
[GA](c) the times and places of sittings of special courts;
[GA](d) whenever more than one special court is established, the particular special court by which any particular person is to be tried;
[GA](e) any other matter or thing expedient or necessary for the purpose of carrying this Part of this Act into execution so far as relates to the trial or punishment of persons triable by a special court.
[GA](2) Every regulation made under this section shall be laid before each House of the Oireachtas as soon as may be after it is made, and if a resolution is passed by either such House within the next subsequent twenty-one days on which that House has sat after such regulation is laid before it annulling such regulation, such regulation shall be annulled accordingly but without prejudice to the validity of anything previously done under such regulation.
[GA]Death penalty for unlawful possession of firearms.
28.—Any person found guilty by a special court of the offence under the Firearms Act, 1925 (No. 17 of 1925) of having possession of or using or carrying a firearm without holding a firearm certificate therefor, shall if the offence was committed while this Part of this Act is in force be liable to suffer death or penal servitude for life, or any term of years not less than three years, or to imprisonment with or without hard labour for any term not exceeding two years, and shall be sentenced by such court accordingly.
Part I.
1. Any offence which is declared by the Treasonable Offences Act, 1925 (No. 18 of 1925) to be treason or a felony or a misdemeanour.
2. Any offence which is declared by this Act to be a misdemeanour.
3. Murder or attempted murder of or conspiracy to murder the Governor-General or any member of the Oireachtas or any Judge of the Supreme Court, the High Court, or the Circuit Court or any Justice of the District Court.
Part II.
1. The offence under the Firearms Act, 1925 (No. 17 of 1925) of having possession of or using or carrying a firearm without holding a firearm certificate therefor.
2. Any murder or attempted murder or conspiracy to murder in respect of which the Attorney-General, while Part IV of this Act is in force, directs that the person charged therewith shall be sent forward for trial by a special court under the said Part IV.