As Ann Déscrolláil
Cuir Déscrolláil ar siúl chun an dá leagan a scrolláil le chéile.
Number 8 of 1925.
Section | |
Number 8 of 1925.
Time to be advanced one hour during summer time.
1.—(1) The time for general purposes in Saorstát Eireann shall during the period of summer time be one hour in advance of West-European time.
(2) Whenever any reference to a point of time occurs in any enactment, order in council, order, regulation, rule, bye-law, deed, notice, or other document whatsoever, the time referred to shall during the period of summer time be deemed, subject as hereinafter provided, to be the time as fixed for general purposes by this Act.
(3) Nothing in this Act shall affect the use of West-European time for purposes of astronomy, meteorology, or navigation, or affect the construction of any document mentioning or referring to a point of time in connection with any of those purposes.
Limits of period of summer time.
2.—For the purpose of this Act the period of summer time shall, subject as hereinafter provided, be taken to be the period beginning at two o'clock, West-European time, in the morning of the day next following the third Saturday in the month of April or, if that day is Easter Day, beginning at the said hour of the day next following the second Saturday in the month of April, and in either case ending at two o'clock, West-European time, in the morning of the day next following the third Saturday in the month of September.
Power of Minister for Justice to alter summer time.
3.—(1) The Minister for Justice may, whenever it appears expedient to him so to do, by order appoint that the period appointed by this Act or by any previous order made under this section to be the period of summer time for the purpose of this Act shall, either generally or in any particular years or year, not be the period of summer time for that purpose, and that, in lieu thereof some other period specified in such order shall, either generally or in such particular years or year (as the case may require), be the period of summer time for the purpose of this Act.
(2) An order made by the Minister for Justice under this section shall not come into operation unless or until it has been approved by resolution of each House of the Oireachtas, but such order when so approved shall have statutory effect as an amendment of this Act.
Definition of West-European time.
4.—In this Act the expression “West-European time” means Greenwich mean time.
Short title.
5.—This Act may be cited as the Summer Time Act, 1925.
Uimhir 8 de 1925.
Am do chur uair chun tosaigh ar feadh ama shamhraidh.
1.—(1) Beidh an t-am i Saorstát Éireann uair chun tosaigh ar am Iarthair na hEuróipe chun crícheanna generálta ar feadh tréimhse an ama shamhraidh.
(2) In aon chás ina bhfuil tagairt do phonc ama in aon achtachán, ordú i gcomhairle, ordú, rialachán, riail, fo-dhlí, cairt, fógra no scríbhinn ar bith eile, tuigfear, ar feadh tréimhse an ama shamhraidh, fé réir a bhforáltar ina dhiaidh seo, gurb é am dá dtagartar ná an t-am fé mar a socruítear é chun crícheanna generálta leis an Acht so.
(3) Ní dhéanfidh éinní san Acht so cur isteach ar úsáid ama Iarthair na hEuróipe chun crícheanna réalt-eolais, méteoraíochta, no máirnéalachta, ná cur isteach ar léiriú aon scríbhinne ina ndintar luadh no tagairt do phonc ama i dtaobh aon chríche dhíobh san.
Teoranta tréimhse ama shamhraidh.
2.—Chun críche an Achta so agus fé réir a bhforáltar ina dhiaidh seo anso isé rud é tréimhse an ama shamhraidh ná an tréimhse a thosnóidh ar a dó a chlog, am Iarthair na hEuróipe, ar maidin an chéad lae tar éis an tríú Sathairn i mí an Abráin no, más Domhnach Cásca an lá san, a thosnóidh an uair sin den chéad lá tar éis an dara Sathairn i mí an Abráin, agus a chríochnóidh, i gceachtar den dá chás san, ar a dó a chlog, am Iarthair na hEuróipe, ar maidin an chéad lae tar éis an tríú Sathairn i mí Mheán Fhomhair.
Comhacht don Aire Dlí agus Cirt chun am samhraidh d'atharú.
3.—(1) Féadfidh an tAire Dlí agus Cirt, aon uair a chífar do go bhfuil sé oiriúnach san a dhéanamh, a ordú, le hordú, nách í an tréimhse a ceaptar, leis an Acht so no le haon ordú a dineadh roimhe sin fén alt so, chun bheith ina tréimhse ama shamhraidh chun críche an Achta so, nách í a bheidh, go generálta no in aon bhlianta no bliain áirithe, ina tréimhse ama shamhraidh chun na críche sin agus, ina hionad san, gur tréimhse éigin eile a luadhfar san ordú san a bheidh, go generálta no sna blianta no sa bhliain áirithe sin (fé mar is gá sa chás), ina tréimhse ama shamhraidh chun críche an Achta so.
(2) Aon ordú a dhéanfidh an tAire Dlí agus Cirt fén alt so ní thiocfa sé i ngníomh mara ndintar no go dtí go ndéanfar é cheadú le rún a rithfidh gach Tigh den Oireachtas, ach nuair a bheidh an t-ordú san ceaduithe amhlaidh beidh éifeacht reachtúil aige mar leasú ar an Acht so.
Míniú ar am Iarthair na hEuróipe.
4.—San Acht so cialluíonn an focal “am Iarthair na hEuróipe” meadhon-am Greenwich.
5.—Féadfar an tAcht um Am Samhraidh, 1925, do ghairm den Acht so.