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Number 19 of 1927.


LAND ACT, 1927.




Application of the provisions in the Land Act, 1923, and the Land Bond Act, 1925, for creating and issuing 4½ per cent. Land Bonds, to this Act.


Compounded Arrears of Rent.


Prohibition of sub-division, sub-letting and cutting of trees without the consent of the Land Commission prior to the appointed day.


Prohibition of sub-division or letting of holdings purchased prior to the passing of the Land Act, 1923.


Prohibition of sub-division and letting of consolidated holdings.


Provisions as to consolidated annuities.


Provisions for tenanted land which is suitable for building ground.


Disused mills.


Stud farms.


Provision for the application of the Land Act, 1923, to tenancies on purchased holdings.


Fee Farm Grants, renewable leases, and leases for long terms.


Payment in lieu of rent where particulars of a holding are furnished after the date of this Act.


Alteration of gale days in certain cases.


Restitution of possession in certain cases.


Provisions for drainage maintenance rate.


Amendment of section 26 of the Land Act, 1923.


Provisions as to vesting holdings in tenants and registration of ownership.


Provisions as to arrears of rates.


Order for possession of lands vested in the Land Commission.


Repair of embankments, etc.


Transfer of the maintenance of embankments to county councils.


Provisions with respect to improvements.


Notice to owners of land after inspection.


Power to Land Commission to discontinue proceedings.


Power to Land Commission to refuse advances in certain cases and fix Standard Purchase Annuity.


Grouping of parcels for resale.


Provision for loss on resales.


Provision for the recovery of arrears of purchase annuities and other payments due to the Land Commission from the occupier of lands.


Provisions making the proceeds of lettings available to satisfy claims of the Land Commission.


Judgments and decrees to be in force for six years.


Provisions as to execution of orders at the suit of the Land Commission.


Provisions as to the sale of holdings by the Land Commission by private contract.


Notice of intended sales.


Lands held by local authority on lease under the Labourers (Ireland) Acts, 1883 to 1919.


Exemption of lands, etc., from liability for debts.


Effect of compulsory sale of a tenant's interest in a holding.


Order for possession of holdings which are liable to be sold by the Land Commission.


Purchase of lands by county councils.


Labourers cottages.


Turbary rights.


Provisions as to fishing rights.


Power to the Land Commission to purchase and resell lands in certain cases.


Provisions for resale of lands vested under Part III. of the Land Act, 1923.


Recovery of debts due by or to societies or bodies of Trustees.


Repayment of the deposit.


Provisions for repayment of advances.


Land Act, 1923 (Part III.) Fund to be opened in the Land Commission books.


Provisions as to rent charges under the Shannon Electricity Act, 1925.


Amendment of section 58 of the Land Act, 1923.


Payments to personal representatives of agents.


Registration to be compulsory in certain cases.


Rules as to registration of lands with a qualified or possessory title.


Vesting of holdings of tenants of the Land Commission.


Amendment of section 65 (2) of the Land Act, 1923.


Advances in the case of exchange of holdings.


Redemption of purchase annuities in the case of purchases under section 36 of the Land Act, 1923.


Power to make rules.


Short title and construction.


Number 19 of 1927.

LAND ACT, 1927.


Application of the provisions in the Land Act, 1923, and the Land Bond Act, 1925, for creating and issuing 4½ per cent. Land Bonds, to this Act.

1.—The powers conferred on the Minister for Finance by the Land Act, 1923, and the Land Bond Act, 1925, to create and issue bonds for the purposes of the Land Act, 1923, shall be extended so as to include power to create and issue bonds for any of the purposes of this Act and the provisions of the Land Act, 1923, and the Land Bond Act, 1925, shall apply to land bonds created and issued by the Minister for Finance for the purposes of this Act as if they were bonds created and issued for the purposes of the Land Act, 1923.


Compounded Arrears of Rent.

2.—(1) Notwithstanding the provisions of sub-sections (3) and (4) of section 19 of the Land Act, 1923, the Land Commission, where they deem it expedient so to do, may fix the appointed day for a holding notwithstanding that compounded arrears of rent payable in respect thereof may not have been collected by them from the tenant, and in such case a sum equivalent to the amount of the compounded arrears of rent remaining unpaid on the appointed day shall be added to the purchase money of the holding and repaid by a purchase annuity calculated at the rate of 4¾ per cent. on the amount thereof charged on the holding and added to and consolidated with the standard purchase annuity of the holding. The provisions of the Land Act, 1923, with respect to the additional annuity payable where one half-year's compounded arrears of rent is added to the purchase money pursuant to the proviso in sub-section (3) of section 19 thereof, shall apply to the annuity created under this section.


(2) Any sum added to the purchase money of a holding in respect of compounded arrears of rent shall be paid out of the purchase money to the person who would have been entitled to receive such compounded arrears of rent for his own use provided that the income tax, if any, due in respect of the holding shall be deducted from such added sum on the distribution of the purchase money.


Prohibition of sub-division, sub-letting and cutting of trees without the consent of the Land Commission prior to the appointed day.

3.—(1) The tenant of a holding to which the Land Act, 1923, applies shall not without the consent in writing of the Land Commission sub-divide the holding or sub-let the same or any part thereof, but it shall not be necessary for such tenant to procure the consent of the landlord to any sub-division or sub-letting or to any assignment of the holding.


(2) Where any holding is sub-divided with such consent as aforesaid, the rent, compounded arrears of rent, payment in lieu of rent and the standard purchase annuity shall be apportioned in such manner as the Land Commission deem expedient, and the several parts of the holding shall be deemed to be separate holdings to which the Land Act, 1923, applies, and in the case of a judicial holding the several proportionate parts of the original judicial rent shall be deemed to be separate judicial rents.


(3) The tenant of a holding to which the Land Act, 1923, applies shall not without the consent in writing of the Land Commission as well as that of any other person entitled to or having an interest in the timber on the holding cut down or uproot or permit to be cut down or uprooted any tree upon the holding which he had not the right to cut down or uproot before the date of the passing of the said Act (other than a fruit tree or osier or any tree planted by himself) and which is necessary for the ornament or shelter of the holding, and if any such tree is cut down or uprooted in violation of this condition the tenant shall be guilty of an offence under this Act and shall be liable on summary conviction to a penalty not exceeding five pounds for each tree so cut down or uprooted.


(4) The consent of the Land Commission to the sub-division or sub-letting of a holding shall not affect their powers to retain or resume the same or any part thereof on or after the appointed day.


Prohibition of sub-division or letting of holdings purchased prior to the passing of the Land Act, 1923.

4.—(1) Where the Land Commission have at any time prior to the passing of the Land Act, 1923, made an advance under the Land Purchase Acts for the purchase of a holding or parcel, the proprietor thereof shall not, until the whole of the advance made for the purchase thereof has been repaid, sub-divide or let the holding or parcel without the consent of the Land Commission, and every attempted sub-division or letting in contravention of this provision shall be void as against all persons and on any such contravention the Land Commission may cause the holding or parcel to be sold.


(2) Sub-sections (2) and (3) of section 30 of the Land Law (Ireland) Act, 1881, as amended by any enactment shall apply to any sale by the Land Commission under this section.


(3) Where the proprietor sub-divides his holding for a limited period by way of family arrangement or for other similar reason the Land Commission from time to time may by general regulations authorise the registering authority to register the person claiming under any instrument executed by the proprietor which creates such temporary sub-division and shall be deemed to have assented to any sub-division to which effect has been given by registration pursuant to such regulations.


Prohibition of sub-division and letting of consolidated holdings.

5.—Where either before or after the passing of this Act a holding or part of a holding, or part of demesne or other land the subject of an advance made to the owner for the purchase thereof, and another holding or part of a holding have been, or shall be, deemed to be one holding (in this section called the consolidated holding) the following provisions shall apply:—


(a) if an advance has been or shall be made for the purchase of any part of the consolidated holding after the passing of the Land Act, 1923, the consolidated holding shall be subject to the provisions of section 65 of that Act prohibiting sub-division and letting as if an advance had been made for its purchase after the passing of the said Act of 1923;


(b) if a part of the consolidated holding is part of demesne or other land subject to an advance made to the owner for the purchase thereof the consolidated holding shall be subject to the provisions of the Land Purchase Acts prohibiting sub-division and letting to which the other part or parts of the holding were subject prior to its consolidation, or became subject to on its consolidation pursuant to the foregoing provision of this section, as the case may be.


Provisions as to consolidated annuities.

6.—Where either before or after the passing of this Act two or more holdings subject to purchase annuities, or a holding subject to a purchase annuity and part of a holding, or part of demesne or other land for which an advance has been made to the owner for the purchase thereof, charged with a portion of another purchase annuity, have been, or shall be, deemed to be one holding (in this section called the consolidated holding) the consolidated annuity payable thereout in lieu of the several annuities or portions of annuities formerly payable, shall be deemed to have been and shall be charged on and recoverable out of the consolidated holding in the same manner and in the same priority as the several annuities or portions of annuities were charged on and recoverable out of the several parts of the consolidated holding on which they were originally charged.


Provisions for tenanted land which is suitable for building ground.

7.—(1) Notwithstanding the provisions of clause (e) of sub-section (2) of section 24 of the Land Act, 1923, a holding shall not be wholly excluded from the operation of sub-section (1) of the said section by reason of its potential or actual value or utility for building ground, if in the opinion of the Judicial Commissioner part only of the lands comprised in the holding possesses a potential or actual value or utility for building ground, and the Judicial Commissioner, having regard to all the circumstances, considers it expedient that the remainder of the holding should be treated as a separate holding to which the provisions of the Land Act, 1923, should apply, but in every such case the Judicial Commissioner may by order direct that the holding be sub-divided and the rent thereof apportioned and that the part of the holding possessing such potential or actual value or utility for building ground shall thenceforth be held during the continuance of the tenancy as a separate holding, to which the Land Act, 1923, does not apply at the rent apportioned upon it by the said order and subject to the terms and conditions to which the entire holding was subject before the making of the said order or to such of them as shall be still applicable to the said part of the holding, and that the remainder of the holding shall be treated as a separate holding to which the Land Act, 1923, does apply subject to the residue of the said entire rent and to the terms and conditions to which the entire holding was subject before the making of the said order or to such of them as shall be still applicable to the remainder of the holding.


(2) Where a holding or part of a holding which is excluded from the operation of the Land Act, 1923, solely by reason or on account of its potential or actual value or utility as building ground, was at the passing of the said Act held by the tenant under a lease (other than a building lease), the tenant shall at the expiration of such lease, if in bona fide occupation of the holding or the part thereof so excluded as aforesaid, be deemed to be a tenant of a present ordinary tenancy from year to year at the rent or apportioned rent as the case may be, and subject to the conditions of his lease, so far as such conditions are applicable to a tenancy from year to year although the lease may not have been existing at the passing of the Land Law (Ireland) Act, 1881.


(3) No order made under the above sub-section sub-dividing a holding shall alter or affect the liability of the tenant for rent or arrears of rent accrued due up to and including the gale day next preceding the date of the order, but from this gale day the liability of the tenant for payment in lieu of rent and of the Land Commission for payment of the sum equivalent to the sum to be collected as payment in lieu of rent pursuant to section 20 of the Land Act, 1923, shall commence.


(4) Where a holding is sub-divided pursuant to the last preceding sub-section the Land Commission shall have power to confer and define such right or rights of way over any part of the lands comprised in the holding to and from any other part of the lands therein comprised as they may consider necessary or expedient.


(5) No person shall be precluded from making an application to the Judicial Commissioner for an order under this section for the sub-division of a holding by reason only that an order has been made before the passing of this Act declaring that the holding is excluded from the provisions of the Land Act, 1923, by clause (e) of sub-section (2) of section 24 of the said Act.


(6) On the expiration of five years from the passing of this Act where any lands, which were at the passing of the Land Act, 1923, tenanted lands excepted from the provisions of sub-section (1) of section 24 of the said Act by reason or on account of their potential or actual value or utility as building ground, have not been resumed and utilised for building purposes during the said period, the Judicial Commissioner may order that the Land Act, 1923, shall apply to the whole or any part of the said lands and the provisions of the said Act shall apply thereto as from such date and subject to such conditions as the Judicial Commissioner may direct: Provided that no such order as aforesaid shall be made in respect of any lands if the landlord proves to the satisfaction of the Judicial Commissioner that he intends forthwith to resume the same (if not then resumed) with the definite purpose of utilising them as building ground, and the Judicial Commissioner is satisfied that the lands will be utilised for building purposes within such further period of time as may be fixed by him and provided also that when the landlord proves to the satisfaction of the Judicial Commissioner that he has expended money in developing the lands for building the said period of five years may be extended to such further period as the Judicial Commissioner may consider reasonable having regard to the amount of money so proved to have been expended.


Upon every application by a tenant for an order pursuant to this sub-section, the Judicial Commissioner shall have and may exercise the powers of sub-division and apportionment conferred on him by sub-section (1) of this section.


(7) Where a holding or part of a holding which is excluded from the operation of the Land Act, 1923, solely by reason of or on account of its potential or actual value as building ground is held by the tenant under a lease containing no provision enabling the landlord to resume possession of such land for building purposes, then notwithstanding the absence of such provision the landlord may at any time during the period of five years mentioned in the foregoing sub-section, or such extended period as the Judicial Commissioner may fix as aforesaid, resume the holding, or the part of the holding so excluded, for the purpose of building.


(8) During the aforesaid period of five years the tenant of the lands so excluded shall not be compelled to quit the same or any part thereof, except in consequence of the breach of some one or other of the conditions of his tenancy, unless the landlord is desirous of resuming the lands or part thereof for the immediate purpose of utilising the same as building ground.


Disused mills.

8.—A holding shall not be excluded from the provisions of sub-section (1) of section 24 of the Land Act, 1923, by reason only of the fact that there is a mill building upon it, where it is proved to the satisfaction of the Land Commission that the building has ceased to be used as a mill, and where, having regard to all the circumstances of the case, the Land Commission consider that the holding is substantially agricultural or pastoral or partly agricultural or partly pastoral in character.


Stud farms.

9.—(1) Notwithstanding the provisions of sub-sections (1) and (3) of section 24 of the Land Act, 1923, there shall not be vested in the Land Commission by virtue of the said Act otherwise than in pursuance of a voluntary agreement any untenanted land so long as the Land Commission are satisfied that such land is being used in a bona fide manner as a farm for the purpose of breeding thoroughbred stock which in the opinion of the Minister for Lands and Agriculture is of a nature and character suitable to the requirements of the country.


(2) Where the Land Commission are satisfied that any holding of tenanted land is being so used, then, notwithstanding the provisions of sub-section (6) of section 28 of the Land Act, 1923, such holding shall not be retained by them, unless the standard price exceeds the sum of five thousand pounds or such greater amount as the Land Commission may deem it expedient to advance and the tenant declines to pay to them in cash the difference between the amount to be advanced and the standard price.


Provision for the application of the Land Act, 1923, to tenancies on purchased holdings.

10.—(1) Notwithstanding the provisions of sub-section (4) of section 9 of the Purchase of Land (Ireland) Act, 1891, and of clause (a) of sub-section (2) of section 24 of the Land Act, 1923, tenanted land, constituting or forming part of a holding purchased under any Land Purchase Act passed prior to the Land Act, 1923, shall not, when the tenancy was in existence before the first day of September, nineteen hundred and twenty-two, be excluded from the provisions of the Land Act, 1923, by reason only of its having been so purchased and the provisions of section 20 of the Land Act, 1923, shall apply to such tenanted land, unless excluded by some other provision of that Act, from the gale day next preceding the passing of this Act as from which day the liability of the tenant for payment in lieu of rent and of the Land Commission for payment of the sum equivalent to the sum to be collected as payment in lieu of rent, pursuant to section 20 of the Land Act, 1923, shall commence, but this section shall not alter or affect the liability of the tenant for rent and arrears of rent up to and including such gale day as aforesaid provided that this section shall not apply (a) to tenanted lands, where by reason of the extent and character of the lands the Land Commission are of opinion that the provisions of the Land Act, 1923, should not apply, or, (b) to tenanted lands vested in the Land Commission under any Act prior to the Land Act, 1923, so long as the fee-simple thereof remains vested in the Land Commission.


(2) The provisions of section 14 of the Land Act, 1923, shall apply in case of the vesting of any tenanted land by virtue of this section.


Fee Farm Grants, renewable leases, and leases for long terms.

11.—(1) The owner of a parcel of untenanted land situate in a non-congested districts county, which is held under a fee farm grant, lease for lives or years renewable for ever, or lease for a term of years of which sixty or more were unexpired at the date of the passing of the Land Act, 1923 may apply to the Land Commission for an order declaring that the parcel shall vest in the Land Commission on the appointed day in like manner as if the parcel were situate in a congested districts county.


(2) Where an application is made to the Land Commission for a declaration pursuant to the last preceding sub-section and it is proved to the satisfaction of the Land Commission—


(a) that the applicant is in bona fide occupation of the parcel of untenanted land and uses and cultivates the same as an ordinary farmer in accordance with proper methods of husbandry; and


(b) that the rent payable by the applicant in respect of the parcel of untenanted land is equal to or exceeds what in the opinion of the Land Commission would have been the fair rent of the lands comprised in the parcel if the same had at the passing of the Land Act, 1923, constituted a holding held by the applicant as a statutory tenant thereof subject to a third term judicial rent; and


(c) that the applicant is willing to repurchase and that the parcel should be resold to the applicant,


the Land Commission may, unless in their opinion it is required for the relief of congestion, by order declare that the parcel of untenanted land shall vest in the Land Commission on the appointed day and the provisions of the Land Act, 1923, shall apply to such parcel in like manner and with the like consequences as if the parcel were situate in a congested districts county.


(3) Where a parcel of untenanted land so held as aforesaid, whether situated in a congested districts county or not, is vested in the Land Commission on the appointed day the Judicial Commissioner in fixing the redemption price of the superior interests payable out of the purchase money of the parcel shall have regard to the price received by the vendor for the parcel, and to the amount of the arrears of rent if any due by him up to the date of the passing of this Act, as well as to the security afforded by the parcel for such superior interests. In every such case arrears of rent which shall have accrued due up to and including the first gale day in the year 1924 shall not be payable by the vendor.


Payment in lieu of rent where particulars of a holding are furnished after the date of this Act.

12.—Where the particulars prescribed by section 22 of the Land Act, 1923, in respect of a holding to which that Act applies have not been furnished to the Land Commission prior to the passing of this Act and such particulars are furnished after the passing of this Act then the provisions of section 20 of the Land Act, 1923, shall apply to the holding from the gale day next preceding the date on which such particulars are furnished to the Land Commission, from which gale day the liability of the tenant for payment in lieu of rent and of the Land Commission for payment of the sum equivalent to the sum to be collected as payment in lieu of rent pursuant to section 20 of the Land Act, 1923, shall commence: Provided that the rent payable by the tenant from the gale day next preceding the passing of the Land Act, 1923, shall be reduced by 25 per cent. and that nothing in this section shall alter the mutual rights and liabilities of landlord and tenant under section 19 of the said Act.


Alteration of gale days in certain cases.

13.—In any case where prior to the Land Act, 1923, it was customary for a landlord to allow payment of rent to be made on any day other than a gale day, and the Land Commission is satisfied that such custom is analogous to the custom of a hanging gale, such day shall be deemed to be the gale day for the purposes of collection and payment of compounded arrears of rent and payment in lieu of rent.


Restitution of possession in certain cases.

14.—Where, in the case of a holding to which the provisions of the Land Act, 1923, are by this Act made applicable or would have been applicable were it not for the fact that the tenant of such holding has been ejected on or after the gale day next preceding the 16th day of June, 1926, such tenant shall on payment to the landlord of two years rent or such less sum as may be due in respect of arrears of rent together with the landlord's costs of the ejectment proceedings, be entitled to be reinstated in his holding as if a writ of restitution had been applied for and obtained by him under section seventy-one of the Landlord and Tenant Act (Ireland), 1860.


Provisions for drainage maintenance rate.

15.—(1) Where a holding which comes within the provisions of sub-section (1) of section 24 of the Land Act, 1923, and which at the passing of this Act has not been vested in the Land Commission is subject to drainage maintenance rate the standard purchase annuity shall be reduced by such sum as the Land Commission shall ascertain and determine in manner hereinafter provided to be the average annual drainage maintenance rate payable in respect of the holding unless the standard purchase annuity shall have been fixed by agreement between the landlord and tenant and the liability for and incidence of such maintenance rate has been taken into account by them when fixing such standard purchase annuity.


(2) The average annual drainage maintenance rate payable in respect of the holding shall be ascertained by taking for each of the last ten years preceding the passing of this Act in which a drainage maintenance rate was levied by the drainage trustees of the arterial drainage district in which the holding is situate the decimal proportion, applicable to the holding, of the total drainage maintenance rate levied for such year: Provided that if ten rates have not been struck during the period of twenty years next preceding the passing of this Act the average annual drainage maintenance rate shall be ascertained and determined by the Land Commission in such other manner as they may think fit.


(3) It shall be the duty of the Commissioners of Public Works and of drainage trustees of arterial drainage districts by their secretary or other proper officer to furnish at the request of the Land Commission the decimal proportion and total drainage maintenance rate aforesaid respectively and such further information as the Land Commission may require to enable them to carry out their duties under this section.


Amendment of section 26 of the Land Act, 1923.

16.—Sub-section (1) (c) of section 26 of the Land Act, 1923, shall be amended to read as follows:—


If portion of the holding is in the occupation of the tenant and the remainder is in the occupation of one or more sub-tenants, the portion in the occupation of the tenant shall be treated as a separate holding held at such an apportioned part of the rent payable in respect of the entire holding as may be determined by the Land Commission (other than the Judicial Commissioner) and the tenant shall be treated as tenant thereof, and so much of the remainder of the holding as is in the occupation of any sub-tenant shall be treated as a separate holding held at the rent payable in respect of the sub-tenancy, and the sub-tenant shall be treated as the tenant thereof.


Provisions as to vesting holdings in tenants and registration of ownership.

17.—(1) A holding of tenanted land vested in the Land Commission by virtue of the Land Act, 1923, to which holding section 28 of the said Act applies shall by virtue of this Act pass on the appointed day from the Land Commission to, and vest in the tenant of such holding or, if he be then dead, in his personal representatives as if an order had been made under the Land Purchase Acts in pursuance of the subsequent purchase agreement deemed by the said section to have been entered into by such tenant vesting the holding in the tenant subject to the standard purchase annuity for the holding and the additional annuity (if any) in respect of compounded arrears of rent added to the purchase money, and to an additional sum equivalent to a proportion of the said annuities in respect of the period between the gale day on which the first instalment of the said annuities shall become payable and the day on which the next dividends are payable on land bonds; and to any sum that may be due to the Land Commission by the tenant in respect of payment in lieu of rent.


(2) A final list published in pursuance of sub-section (4) of section 40 of the Land Act, 1923, comprising any holding to which section 28 of that Act applies shall specify separately each such holding, stating the name of the person appearing to the Land Commission to be in occupation thereof as tenant, or nominated by the Land Commission under section 67 of the said Act to represent the tenant, and such other particulars concerning the holding as may be necessary for the purposes of registration under the Local Registration of Title (Ireland) Act, 1891. The Land Commission shall furnish to the Registrar of Titles a copy of such final list, together with a map showing any holding therein comprised to which the said section 28 applies, and the registrar may thereupon register the person named in the final list as appearing to the Land Commission to be in occupation of the holding as tenant, or nominated by the Land Commission to represent the tenant, as the case may be, as the owner of the holding, subject as is mentioned in sub-section (1) of this section and subject to any rights or equities arising from the interest therein vested by virtue of this Act being a graft upon the previous interest of the tenant in the holding or arising in any other manner from the existence of such previous interest, and otherwise as is by the Local Registration of Title (Ireland) Act, 1891, and the Acts amending the same provided.


(3) An error in a final list may be corrected by the Land Commission but no correction shall be made after the appointed day except by order of the Judicial Commissioner, and only in so far, and upon such terms, if any, as may appear just having regard to the interests that may be thereby affected.


(4) Every holding vested in the tenant thereof on the appointed day pursuant to the provisions of this section shall be deemed to be registered land within the meaning of section 19 (1) of the Local Registration of Title (Ireland) Act, 1891, and subject to the provisions of that Act as from the beginning of that day. The holding shall accordingly be exempt from the provisions of the Acts relating to the Registry of Deeds as from the beginning of the appointed day, and registration thereof shall be completed in the Land Registry as of that day, and all deeds or documents dealing therewith shall on and after that day be lodged in the Land Registry.


(5) The memorial of the registration required to be given to the Registrar of Deeds by sub-section (4) of section 19 of the Local Registration of Title (Ireland) Act, 1891, shall be a copy of the final list.


(6) Sub-section (4) of section 28 of the Land Act, 1923, is hereby repealed.


(7) Where a holding or part of a holding of tenanted land not exceeding two statute acres to which the provisions of this section apply has been acquired by the Commissioners of Public Works for the purposes of the public services and the Commissioners certify to the Land Commission before the appointed day that the holding or part of the holding has been purchased by them for a sum not exceeding one hundred pounds from the tenant in occupation thereof, then the holding or part of the holding shall vest in the Commissioners under this section free from all rights and equities arising from the previous interest of the tenant therein referred to in section 8 of the Purchase of Land (Ireland) Act, 1885, and the person to whom the Commissioners shall have paid the purchase money shall be a trustee thereof for the persons beneficially entitled thereto.


Provisions as to arrears of rates.

18.—(1) In any case where untenanted lands become vested in the Land Commission under the provisions of the Land Act, 1923, all poor rates and other rates made or assessed in respect of such lands for the financial year current on the appointed day shall be apportioned up to that day such rates to be considered as accruing from day to day for the purpose of this provision, and the Land Commission or any persons in occupation of the lands as allottees or purchasers from them shall be liable only for the portion thereof apportioned in respect of the period between the appointed day and the end of the current financial year but shall not be liable for arrears of rates made or assessed in respect of the lands for the then current or any previous financial year.


(2) In every such case the owner or occupier of the lands prior to the appointed day shall be liable for the portion only of the rates made or assessed for the current financial year apportioned in respect of the period between the beginning of that year and the appointed day.


(3) The portions of any rates which shall become payable under the provisions of this section shall and may be collected and levied and sued for and recovered by such and the same ways and means from the person liable therefor under this section as the entire rate might have been collected, levied, sued for and recovered if this section had not been passed.


(4) In every such case where the interest on the purchase money is not available for the payment of the difference between the amount for which the Land Commission or any persons in occupation of the land as allottees or purchasers from them are made liable by sub-section (1) of this section and the total amount which would but for the provisions of the said sub-section have been legally recoverable from them in respect of rates and arrears of rates if proceedings for the recovery thereof had been instituted against them on the appointed day, there may be paid out of the purchase money in priority to all other claims affecting the same a sum not exceeding the amount of such difference. Every such payment shall be made by the transfer of land bonds equal in nominal value to the sum made payable by this sub-section and such payment shall be deemed to be satisfaction to the extent of the amount of the nominal value of the land bonds so transferred.


(5) In every case where a holding or part of a holding is resumed by the Land Commission in pursuance of their powers in that behalf, the provisions of the foregoing sub-sections shall apply with the substitution of “the day on which the Land Commission enter into occupation” for “the appointed day.”


(6) All land bonds transferred under this section in discharge of rates shall be forthwith sold by the rating authority to which the same shall have been transferred and the proceeds thereof paid into the appropriate fund to be applied to the like purposes as the rates and arrears of rates, in respect of which the land bonds were transferred, would have been applied if paid to the rating authority in cash.


Order for possession of lands vested in the Land Commission.

19.—(1) Where the Land Commission are entitled to enter upon and take possession of lands vested in them either before or after the passing of this Act and any person wrongfully neglects or refuses to give up possession thereof or hinders the Land Commission from entering upon or taking possession of the same or any part thereof, it shall be lawful for the Judicial Commissioner to issue an order to the under-sheriff to deliver possession of the same to the person nominated in such order, and upon receipt of such order the under-sheriff shall deliver possession of such lands accordingly and the Land Commission shall be entitled to recover from the person in default all costs and expenses incurred by them in connection with the issuing and execution of such order.


(2) An order for possession issued under this section shall be deemed to be an execution order within the meaning of the Enforcement of Court Orders Act, 1926.


Repair of embankments, etc.

20.—Where prior to the declaration of the appointed day for any lands, the landlord or, in the case of untenanted land, the owner thereof is or has been liable for the cleansing or maintenance in whole or in part of any watercourse, drain, embankment, or other work, either alone or in conjunction with other persons and whether under the terms of a contract of tenancy or otherwise, and has neglected to clean or maintain or to contribute to the cleansing or maintenance of the said work, so as to render necessary an expenditure of money on its cleansing, repair, or restoration, the Land Commission may, either before or after the appointed day, apply to the Judicial Commissioner for an order declaring them entitled to have transferred to them on the allocation of the purchase money such amount of land bonds as they shall certify to be required in order to recoup them for the expenditure made or proposed to be made by them in cleansing, repairing, or restoring such work; and if the Judicial Commissioner is satisfied that the landlord, or owner, either alone or in conjunction with other persons is or was so liable as aforesaid, and that the expenditure so made, or proposed to be made, by the Land Commission has been or is rendered necessary by such neglect, he may order that on the allocation of the purchase money such sum in land bonds as he may consider reasonable, having regard to all the circumstances of the case, but not exceeding the amount of the purchase money arising from the lands which the Land Commission certify will be substantially benefited by such expenditure, shall be transferred to the Land Commission out of the land bonds representing the purchase money.


Transfer of the maintenance of embankments to county councils.

21.—(1) The Land Commission with the concurrence of the Minister for Local Government and Public Health may if they deem it expedient so to do by order require a county council to undertake the cleansing or maintenance, but not including reconstruction, of any watercourse, drain, embankment or other similar work situate in their county, in respect of which a capital sum has before the passing of this Act been transferred by the Land Commission to the Public Trustee to be held and applied in accordance with any deed of trust or any scheme framed by the Land Commission or is hereafter transferred pursuant to the provisions of sub-sections (1) and (2) of section 44 of the Land Act, 1923, or in respect of which a capital sum retained and administered by the Land Commission shall hereafter be transferred to the Public Trustee to be held and applied in accordance with a scheme framed under this section and shall by the same or a subsequent order appoint the county council trustees of the deed of trust or scheme in place of the trustees thereof and the deed of trust or scheme shall be varied so far as necessary, or framed so as to provide for the application of the income of the capital sum in or towards the reimbursement to the county council of the expenditure properly and necessarily incurred in such cleansing or maintenance.


(2) A county council required under this section to undertake the cleansing or maintenance of any watercourse, drain, embankment or other work, shall have in relation thereto the like power of entry and of taking soil and materials and of doing necessary things as is conferred on the Land Commission by sub-section (4) of section 44 of the Land Act, 1923.


(3) The expenditure incurred by a county council under this section in the cleansing or maintenance of any watercourse, drain, embankment or other work shall be defrayed in the first instance out of the county fund and shall be raised by means of the poor rate as a county-at-large charge. Such expenditure shall be reimbursed in whole or in part out of income available under any deed of trust or scheme as aforesaid relating to the work on which such expenditure has been incurred and, in so far as such income shall prove insufficient, shall be reimbursed by means of an improvement rate assessed on the rated occupiers of the lands stated in an award made by the Land Commission to have been benefited by the work so cleansed or maintained in the proportions in which such lands are stated in such award to be liable to contribute to the improvement rate, which rate shall be made and shall be leviable payable and recoverable in like manner as if it were a drainage rate made under section 21 of the Arterial Drainage Act, 1925.


(4) Nothing in this section contained shall be taken to affect the powers of the Land Commission under section 44 of the Land Act, 1923, with respect to the reconstruction of any watercourse, drain, embankment or other work the cleansing or maintenance of which a county council has been required to undertake in pursuance of this section.


Provisions with respect to improvements.

22.—(1) The powers conferred on the Land Commission by any of the Land Purchase Acts to expend moneys for the improvement of lands may be exercised at any time for the improvement of lands which have been sold or are subject to an agreement for sale under any Land Purchase Act or which were vested in the Land Commission under the Land Law (Commission) Act, 1923.


(2) In the absence of agreement between the Land Commission and the purchaser, so much of the money so expended as the Land Commission shall certify in that behalf, shall be repayable by means of an annuity or annuities charged upon any land, which the Land Commission certify to have been benefited by such expenditure, as if the said sum had been advanced for the purchase of the land in pursuance of a subsequent purchase agreement under the Land Act, 1923, the said annuity to be consolidated so far as circumstances permit with any existing Land Purchase Annuity to which the land is subject.


(3) No such expenditure, unless previously sanctioned, shall be made by the Land Commission by way of free grant after the lands to be improved have been vested in a purchaser save with the approval of the Minister for Finance.


Notice to owners of land after inspection.

23.—When the Land Commission have caused lands to be inspected in order to ascertain such particulars thereof as may be required for the purposes of the Land Purchase Acts, they shall, after considering the reports of their inspectors and within such time as may be prescribed, notify the decision come to by them to the person who appears to be the owner of the lands.


Power to Land Commission to discontinue proceedings.

24.—Where the Land Commission shall have declared that untenanted land situate outside a congested districts county is required for the purpose of relieving congestion or of facilitating the resale of tenanted land, or that any land wherever situate which was excluded from the operation of sub-section (1) of section 24 of the Land Act, 1923, by sub-section (2) of that section is required for the purpose of relieving congestion, or shall have commenced proceedings to resume the whole or part of a retained holding, and at any time after the passing of this Act the price or compensation has been fixed by the Judicial Commissioner, the Land Commission, if they consider that the price fixed is such as to make the purchase of the land or the resumption of the holding or part thereof inexpedient, may, on serving notice within such time as may be prescribed, withdraw from the purchase or resumption on such terms as to costs as the Judicial Commissioner may determine: Provided that if the owner shall within fourteen days after the service of such notice serve notice on the Land Commission of objection to the withdrawal stating the grounds of such objection and that the Judicial Commissioner shall consider the objection reasonable then the notice of withdrawal shall become void and of no effect. Where the Land Commission have withdrawn from the purchase or resumption, then such untenanted land or holding shall not for a period of seven years thereafter be acquired or resumed by the Land Commission with out the consent of the owner or tenant thereof.


Power to Land Commission to refuse advances in certain cases and fix Standard Purchase Annuity.

25.—Where the landlord and tenant of a holding to which Part II of the First Schedule to the Land Act, 1923, applies, have agreed on a Standard Purchase Annuity for it of such an amount that the Land Commission are not satisfied that the holding is security therefor the Land Commission on serving notice on the parties in the prescribed manner may make an order refusing to advance the purchase money for the holding and may thereupon fix the Standard Purchase Annuity of the holding in manner provided under the Land Act, 1923, in cases where there had been no agreement between the landlord and tenant.


Grouping of parcels for resale.

26.—On the resale of untenanted lands the Land Commission, if they deem it expedient, may declare that two or more parcels of untenanted lands purchased by them under the Land Purchase Acts shall be grouped together and deemed to form one estate for the purpose of resale and disposal of the purchase annuities arising thereon, notwithstanding that such parcels may have been purchased from different owners and vested at different times.


Provision for loss on resales.

27.—Where the price fixed for untenanted land situated in a congested districts county is such that the resale thereof cannot be effected without loss or where a parcel or a group of parcels of untenanted land or the whole or part of a retained holding, which the Land Commission have deemed it expedient to acquire or resume, can only be resold at a loss, then interest at the rate of 4½ per cent. per annum and sinking fund at the rate of one quarter of one per cent. per annum upon so much of the purchase money as the Land Commission shall certify each half-year represents the difference between the total amount of the advances made for the purchase of the lands and the total prices paid or agreed to be paid by purchasers of the lands from the Land Commission, shall subject to the approval of the Minister for Finance be paid to the Land Commission out of moneys to be provided by the Oireachtas.


Provision for the recovery of arrears of purchase annuities and other payments due to the Land Commission from the occupier of lands.

28.—(1) All moneys payable to the Land Commission in respect of any lands shall be recoverable from the person in actual occupation of the lands at the time when proceedings for the recovery thereof are commenced as a personal liability of such occupier notwithstanding that the whole or part of such arrears may have accrued due before such person went into occupation of the lands.


(2) Nothing hereinbefore contained shall have the effect of relieving any other person from liability in respect of any such arrears and, as between successive owners or occupiers of the lands, all moneys paid by or recovered from an occupier in respect of arrears caused by the default of a former owner or occupier shall be recoverable by the occupier who has paid the same, or from whom the same has been recovered, as a debt due to him by the owner or occupier in default.


(3) Compounded arrears of rent and payment in lieu of rent shall be and shall be deemed to have been a charge on the holding in respect of which they are payable, having priority over all existing interests and incumbrances affecting the tenancy created either before or after the passing of this Act.


(4) The remedies given by this section to the Land Commission shall be in addition to and not in derogation of any other remedies that they already have for the recovery of any such arrears as aforesaid.


(5) A certificate purporting to be under the common seal of the Land Commission shall be evidence that every sum stated therein to be due to them is so due, and is payable by the person or persons named in such certificate as being liable therefor.


Provisions making the proceeds of lettings available to satisfy claims of the Land Commission.

29.—Where after the passing of this Act lands, in respect of which purchase annuities, rents, interest in lieu of rent, interest on purchase money, compounded arrears of rent or payments in lieu of rent are payable to the Land Commission, are let in conacre or otherwise by or on behalf of the proprietor or tenant, the annuities, rents, interest in lieu of rent, interest on purchase money, compounded arrears of rent and payment in lieu of rent, so payable as a foresaid, shall be a first charge on the proceeds of such lettings, and it shall be the duty of the person receiving such proceeds, after deducting his proper and necessary fees and expenses to apply the proceeds so far as required, in satisfaction of the claim of the Land Commission for moneys due to them on account of the said payments. All moneys so due to the Land Commission and not properly accounted for shall be recoverable by the Land Commission from the person who has received the proceeds of such lettings as a debt due by him to the State: Provided that nothing in this section shall affect the right of the Land Commission to exercise any other powers that they have for the recovery of the balance of any debt not recovered under the provisions of this section.


Judgments and decrees to be in force for six years.

30.—Every judgment order or decree recovered by the Land Commission either before or after the passing of this Act in preceedings in any court shall have full force and effect for six years from the date of such judgment order or decree notwithstanding that a period of more than one year from that date may have elapsed.


Provisions as to execution of orders at the suit of the Land Commission.

31.—(1) It shall be the duty of every under-sheriff with whom an execution order at the suit of the Land Commission, other than an order for delivery of possession of lands or premises, has been lodged to forthwith execute the same by seizure and sale so far as may be necessary of the goods, animals, or other chattels found in the house or other place of residence or on the lands of the debtor notwithstanding any claim or allegation on the part of the debtor or any other person that any such goods, animals, or other chattels are not the property of the debtor.


(2) No action shall lie against any under-sheriff for or on account of his having taken in execution under any execution order at the suit of the Land Commission, any goods, animals, or other chattels found in the house or other place of residence or on the lands of the debtor and claimed or alleged (whether such claim or allegation does or does not prove to have been well founded) to be the property of any person other than the debtor, and, in lieu of such action against the under-sheriff, the person to whom such goods, animals, or other chattels, so taken in execution in fact belonged shall (if such goods, animals, or other chattels, should prove not to have been the property of the debtor) be entitled to recover from the debtor by action the value of such goods, animals, and other chattels, together with such damages as such person shall have suffered by reason of such goods, animals, or other chattels having been so taken in execution.


Provisions as to the sale of holdings by the Land Commission by private contract.

32.—Where the Land Commission is entitled to cause a holding to be sold, they may, if they deem it expedient, and whether the holding is situated in a congested district or not, sell it by private contract, either as one holding or in lots, at such price or prices as the Commissioners, other than the Judicial Commissioner, shall consider to represent the selling value having regard to the conditions of the district in which the holding is situate, and all the circumstances of the case. The certificate of the Land Commission that the price realised on any such sale is adequate shall be binding and conclusive on all parties.


Notice of intended sales.

33.—Notice of every intended sale by the Land Commission, either by public auction or by private contract, of a holding which they are entitled to cause to be sold in exercise of a power conferred by any Act shall be published in the Iris Oifigiúil, a leading Dublin daily paper, and if there be a local paper, such local paper, at least ten days before the sale, and the Land Commission shall at least ten days before the sale transmit a copy of the said notice to the person who appears to them to be the owner, or the tenant of the holding, by registered post addressed to him at the holding and also to every person appearing from the folio (if any) in the Land Registry relating to the holding to have any charge, claim or interest on or in the holding, at the addresses mentioned in the folio.


Lands held by local authority on lease under the Labourers (Ireland) Acts, 1883 to 1919.

34.—Every parcel of land taken on lease under the Labourers (Ireland) Acts, 1883 to 1919 (which at the time the same was taken was agricultural or pastoral or partly agricultural and partly pastoral) shall, if held by a local authority under such lease, vest in the Land Commission on the appointed day in like manner and with the like consequences as if the parcel were tenanted land in the occupation of the local authority as tenant from year to year to the person entitled to the reversion expectant on the determination of such lease, the rent payable by the local authority to be deemed to be a judicial rent fixed after the 15th day of August, 1911.


Exemption of lands, etc., from liability for debts.

35.—No parcel of land purchased by an evicted tenant under the Land Purchase Acts, and no farming stock or other chattels provided for an evicted tenant by means of a grant or loan under the Land Purchase Acts, shall be made available in any bankruptcy or by any other process or proceeding of law to pay, satisfy or discharge, in whole or in part, any debt contracted by or incurred by such evicted tenant prior to the date on which the parcel of land became vested in him other than a debt due to the Land Commission.


Effect of compulsory sale of a tenant's interest in a holding.

36.—Where the Land Commission have put up for sale the tenancy in a holding which they are entitled to cause to be sold the holding shall be sold subject to the statutory liabilities of the tenant in respect of the holding, the interests of sub-tenants (if any), and to any charge under any Public Works Acts, but discharged from all other claims or incumbrances of all persons whomsoever against such interest and all such claims shall as from the date of the sale cease as against the holding and attach to the purchase money in like manner as immediately before the date of the sale they attached to the holding.


Order for possession of holdings which are liable to be sold by the Land Commission.

37.—(1) Where the Land Commission have at any time whether before or after the passing of this Act put up for sale by public auction a holding which they are entitled to cause to be sold and the holding has not been sold, the Judicial Commissioner may issue an order under this section directing the undersheriff to put the Land Commission into possession of the holding and the order shall when delivered to the under-sheriff be executed by him in like manner as a writ for delivery of possession. Upon the execution of the order by the under-sheriff the holding shall vest in the Land Commission without any conveyance or further order subject to the purchase annuity (if any) charged thereon and to any charge under the Public Works Acts, but discharged from all other claims or incumbrances of all persons whomsoever who are interested in the holding.


(2) In every such case where the holding has been put up for sale by reason of the non-payment of an annuity the Judicial Commissioner shall on making such order as aforesaid ascertain and determine the amount due to the Land Commission in respect of the holding, including their expenses in relation to the attempted sale thereof, and if within the time limited by such order the amount so found due together with the costs of and incidental to the obtaining of such order shall be paid to the Land Commission, the Judicial Commissioner shall direct that the order shall not be delivered to the under-sheriff for execution, and shall make such other order in the matter as the justice of the case may require.


(3) An order for possession issued under this section shall be deemed to be an execution order within the meaning of the Enforcement of Court Orders Act, 1926.


Purchase of lands by county councils.

38.—(1) Where the Land Commission have put up for sale by public auction any lands which they are entitled to cause to be sold for non-payment of a purchase annuity charged thereon and the lands have not been sold, they may offer the lands to the council of the county in which they are situate, and in every such case it shall be lawful for the county council, with the concurrence of the Minister for Local Government and Public Health, if he approves of the purpose for which the lands are being acquired, to purchase the lands from the Land Commission upon such terms as may be agreed upon notwithstanding that the lands are not required by them for the purpose of any of their statutory powers or duties.


(2) Any lands purchased by a county council under this section shall, so long as the council continues to hold the same, be administered in accordance with a scheme prepared by the county council and confirmed by the Minister for Local Government and Public Health who may confirm the same with or without modifications, and shall unless the said Minister otherwise directs be sold subject to the approval of the said Minister, within a period of five years from the purchase thereof by them or within such extended period as the said Minister may authorise.


(3) The proceeds of the sale of any lands under the foregoing sub-section shall be applied in repayment of any moneys borrowed and outstanding in respect of the said lands and if no such moneys are outstanding shall be carried to the credit of the rate or fund out of which the expenses of the county council in respect of the lands are defrayed.


(4) Any expenses incurred by a county council under this section shall be raised by means of the poor rate as a county-at-large charge, or as a separate charge off such area less than the county as the county council shall with the approval of the Minister for Local Government and Public Health determine.


(5) For the purposes of this section a county council may borrow money under Article 22 of the Schedule to the Local Government (Application of Enactments) Order, 1898, in like manner as if these purposes were mentioned in the said Article.


Labourers cottages.

39.—(1) Notwithstanding anything contained in section 7 of the Labourers (Ireland) Act, 1896, any local authority in whom is vested any cottage erected or acquired under the Labourers (Ireland) Acts, 1883 to 1919, which has ceased to be required for the purposes of those Acts, may, with the sanction of the Minister for Local Government and Public Health and subject to such conditions as he may prescribe, sell such cottage together with the land attached thereto to the Land Commission for a price payable in 4½ per cent. Land Bonds.


(2) The annual income from the Land Bonds or, if such Bonds are sold with the consent of the Minister for Local Government and Public Health, or are redeemed, then the capital sum arising from such sale or redemption shall be applied towards the repayment of any moneys borrowed and outstanding in respect of the improvement scheme in pursuance of which such cottage with any land attached thereto was provided, and if no such moneys are outstanding the annual income or the proceeds of sale or redemption of Land Bonds, as the case may be, shall be carried to the credit of the rate or fund out of which expenses under the Labourers (Ireland) Acts are defrayed.


Turbary rights.

40.—(1) The vesting of a holding in a tenant pursuant to a subsequent purchase agreement under the Land Act, 1923, shall not have the effect of transferring to the tenant any turbary rights to the enjoyment of which he was not entitled prior to such vesting, and all turbary rights which were vested in the landlord prior to the appointed day shall remain vested in the Land Commission.


(2) Where any such turbary rights so reserved to the Land Commission are subsequently let or sold by them, the Land Commission other than the Judicial Commissioner or the Judicial Commissioner on appeal from the Land Commission shall award such compensation in Land Bonds or otherwise, as in their discretion may appear to them reasonable and just, to the person who would have been entitled to such turbary rights if the holding had not become vested in the Land Commission.


(3) Regulations made by the Minister for Finance may provide for the issue to the Land Commission, in cases where they have sold such turbary rights in consideration of an annuity or annuities, of Land Bonds to such extent as may be required for the purposes of making any payments in pursuance of the foregoing sub-section.


(4) Regulations made by the Land Commission with respect to turbary remaining vested in them under this section may, if they think fit, provide for the payment by the persons authorised by them to cut turf on a holding under such regulations to the purchaser of the holding of such sums by way of turbary rents as the Land Commission may deem reasonable.


Provisions as to fishing rights.

41.—Regulations made by the Minister for Lands and Agriculture may provide for the sale by the Land Commission to tenant purchasers of fishing rights in any rivers or waters adjoining or intersecting the holdings purchased by them at such price repayable by means of purchase annuities as the Land Commission may consider reasonable, such annuities to be consolidated with the standard purchase annuities of the holdings.


Power to the Land Commission to purchase and resell lands in certain cases.

42.—(1) Where lands have been at any time within ten years before the passing of this Act purchased by or for the use of tenants or owners of uneconomic holdings, landless men or other suitable persons and the Land Commission consider that the purchase and resale of the lands is desirable in view of the wants and circumstances of the persons by or for whose benefit the lands had been purchased and are of opinion that undertakings can be obtained from such persons or others to purchase the lands at prices and on terms and conditions approved of by them, then the Land Commission may purchase the lands for a price payable in 4½ per cent. Land Bonds, which in any case shall not, without their consent in writing, be less than the amount, if any, remaining due and payable to the persons mentioned in sub-section (2) of this section in respect of any principal sum or sums of money which may have been lent or secured by them, together with all interest which shall have accrued thereon since the date of the loan, or, subject as aforesaid, to be agreed on with the consent of the Minister for Finance notwithstanding that such price cannot be recovered on the resale of the lands, and may resell the whole or any portion of the lands to such persons as if they were persons to whom advances might be made for the purchase of a parcel of land under the Land Act, 1923.


(2) The purchase money arising from any such purchase by the Land Commission shall be distributed by the Judicial Commissioner in such manner as the justice of the case may require, having regard to the claims of all persons who may have lent or secured the loan of money, or any part thereof paid or agreed to be paid when the lands were purchased by or for the use of any such persons as aforesaid, and all such claims whether they were previously charged on the lands or not shall be payable in Land Bonds of equal nominal value as if they were claims attaching to the purchase money of lands sold under the Land Purchase Acts and the provisions of section 4 of the Land Bond Act, 1925, shall apply accordingly.


(3) The provisions of section 14 of the Land Act, 1923, shall apply, where necessary, to a purchase under this section.


(4) From the date of the purchase of the lands by the Land Commission interest at the rate of 4½ per cent. per annum and sinking fund at the rate of one-quarter of one per cent. per annum upon so much of the purchase money as the Land Commission shall certify each half year represents the difference between the total amount of the advance made for the purchase of the lands and the total prices paid or agreed to be paid by purchasers of the lands from the Land Commission shall, subject to the approval of the Minister for Finance, be paid to the Land Commission out of moneys to be provided by the Oireachtas.


Provisions for resale of lands vested under Part III. of the Land Act, 1923.

43.—(1) The power given to the Land Commission by sub-section (2) of section 55 of the Land Act, 1923, to retain lands vested in them under Part III. of that Act may be exercised by them in any case where lands are so vested in them either before or after the passing of this Act notwithstanding that the conditions in sub-section (1) of the said section may have been fulfilled.


(2) In making advances to persons or bodies for the purchase by them of parcels of land retained by the Land Commission under sub-section (2) of section 55 of the Land Act, 1923, as amended by this section, the Land Commission may have regard to and give applicants credit for any sums previously paid by them to or on behalf of the society or body of trustees for the purchase of the lands.


(3) In deciding as to the suitability of applicants for the purchase of parcels of land so retained, the Land Commission may in any case if it seems equitable and expedient so to do make it a condition of the purchase agreement of any such applicant that the parcel shall not be vested in him until he lodges with the Land Commission such sum of money as they may consider properly payable by him in respect of contributions towards deposit, interest on purchase money, rent, purchase annuity or otherwise.


Recovery of debts due by or to societies or bodies of Trustees.

44.—(1) The vesting of lands in the Land Commission under Part III. of the Land Act, 1923, shall have and shall be deemed always to have had the effect of vesting in them the right to recover as a debt due to the State and receive any debt or other thing in action due or belonging to the society or body of trustees in respect of the lands so vested.


(2) It shall be the duty of every society or body of trustees when so required by the Land Commission to furnish an account of all debts and things in action due or belonging to them and of all sums received by them in respect of purchase money, deposit, rent, interest, the annual sums payable under section 54 of the Land Act, 1923, or other contributions towards the purchase or management of lands so vested in the Land Commission and it shall also be the duty of every person who has received any money on behalf of a society or body of trustees or any other persons in relation to lands so vested, when so required by the Land Commission to furnish an account of all moneys so received by him.


(3) All moneys found to have been so received by any society or body of trustees or other persons, and not properly accounted for, shall be recoverable by the Land Commission as a debt due to the State.


Repayment of the deposit.

45.—(1) It shall be lawful for any person who has contributed any portion of the deposit lodged with the Land Commission pursuant to section 52 of the Land Act, 1923, and for any person claiming through or under such contributor, to apply to the Land Commission within the prescribed time and in the prescribed manner for repayment of the amount so contributed; and if the Land Commission are satisfied that the said contribution or any part thereof should be repaid, an order shall be made for the sale of so much of the security in which such deposit is invested as represents the said contribution or part thereof, as the case may be, and for the payment of the proceeds of such sale, together with the proportion of interest received by the Land Commission from the investment of the deposit or such part thereof so sold, to the claimant or claimants or such other persons as may be found to be entitled to receive the same.


(2) Section 53 of the Land Act, 1923 is hereby repealed.


Provisions for repayment of advances.

46.—Where the Land Commission are satisfied that lands vested in them under Part III. of the Land Act, 1923, cannot be resold at the price ascertained under section 52 of the said Act and so certify to the Minister for Finance, they shall forthwith exercise the powers given them under sub-section (2) of section 55 of that Act as amended by this Act, and make the declaration prescribed therein, and thereupon the following provisions shall apply to the lands comprised in the declaration:—


(a) so much of the arrears, if any, of the annual sum payable by the society or body of trustees under section 54 of the Land Act, 1923, due up to the date of the declaration, as the Land Commission shall certify to the Minister for Finance should not be a charge upon the lands shall subject to the approval of the Minister for Finance be paid to the Land Commission out of the moneys to be provided by the Oireachtas;


(b) from the date of the declaration interest at the rate of 4½ per cent. per annum and sinking fund at the rate of one quarter of one per cent. per annum upon so much of the purchase money as the Land Commission shall certify each half-year should not be a charge on the lands shall subject to the approval of the Minister for Finance be paid to the Land Commission out of moneys to be provided by the Oireachtas.


Land Act, 1923 (Part III.) Fund to be opened in the Land Commission books.

47.—(1) All moneys received by the Land Commission under the provisions of Part III. of the Land Act, 1923, as amended by this Act, other than moneys payable into the Land Bond Fund, and such portions of the deposits as may be applied under this Act in satisfaction of the claims of contributors or persons claiming through them, shall be paid into the credit of an account to be opened in the books of the Irish Land Commission and to be called the Land Act, 1923 (Part III.) Fund, and shall be disposed of by the Land Commission under the direction of the Minister for Finance in discharge of claims allowed under sub-section (2) of this section, in payment of arrears of purchase annuities due for advances made under Part III. of the Land Act, 1923, in redemption of the annuities, or otherwise for the improvement of the lands so vested.


(2) All persons having claims against any moneys paid into the said fund shall furnish particulars of their claims within the prescribed time and in the prescribed manner and if the Land Commission is satisfied that any claim should be allowed they shall make such payment out of the fund to the claimant as the justice of the case may require.


Provisions as to rent charges under the Shannon Electricity Act, 1925.

48.—(1) Where any land subject to a rent charge created under section 14 of the Shannon Electricity Act, 1925, is sold under the Land Purchase Acts the rent charge shall not be redeemed out of the purchase money of the land on the sale thereof under the said Acts, but such land shall continue to be subject thereto notwithstanding any provision of the Land Purchase Acts or a Vesting Order made thereunder.


(2) An annuity charged on any lands in respect of any advance made under the Land Purchase Acts whether before or after the passing of the Shannon Electricity Act, 1925, shall have priority over any rent charge on the same lands created at any time under section 14 of the said Act.


Amendment of section 58 of the Land Act, 1923.

49.—Sub-section (6) of section 58 of the Land Act, 1923, shall be construed and have effect and shall be deemed always to have had effect as if there were inserted therein a reference to sub-section (3) of section 32 of the Land Law (Ireland) Act, 1896, in lieu of the reference contained therein to sub-section (3) of section 2 of that Act.


Payments to personal representatives of agents.

50.—Any sum which might be paid to an agent under sub-section (8) of section 40 of the Land Act, 1923, may in the event of his death before the allocation of the purchase money and whether the death occurred before or after the appointed day be paid to his personal representative, and the consent of the owner to the payment to such agent shall be sufficient to entitle the personal representative to receive such sum as may be sanctioned by the Land Commission.


Registration to be compulsory in certain cases.

51.—Registration under the Local Registration of Title (Ireland) Act, 1891, of the ownership of freehold land shall be compulsory in the following cases, that is to say:—


(a) where the land has been at any time sold and conveyed to or vested in a purchaser under any of the provisions of the Purchase of Land (Ireland) Acts and the purchase annuity has been redeemed before first registration;


(b) where the land has been or is vested by the Land Commission in a purchaser for cash; and


(c) where any rent formerly issuing out of the land has been or is redeemed under section 38 of the Land Act, 1923;


and the provisions of the Local Registration of Title (Ireland) Act, 1891, relating to freehold lands, the registration of the ownership of which is by that Act declared to be compulsory, shall apply to such cases when registered.


Rules as to registration of lands with a qualified or possessory title.

52.—Rules made pursuant to sub-section (5) of section 58 of the Land Act, 1923, may prescribe such method of registration and make such adaptation or modifications of any enactment relating to registration as may be required for the purpose of carrying into effect the object of the said section.


Vesting of holdings of tenants of the Land Commission.

53.—(1) If the tenant of any holding on an estate purchased by the Congested Districts Board refuses to enter into an agreement for the purchase of the holding, or of a new holding offered to him in exchange for the holding, upon the terms offered by the Land Commission and at the price which they are prepared to advance, then, notwithstanding that the tenants on the estate to the extent of three-fourths in number and rateable value may not have agreed to purchase their respective holdings, the Land Commission (other than the Judicial Commissioner) may, after serving notice upon the tenant and considering any objections made by him, make an order declaring him to be the purchaser of the holding or of the new holding, as the case may be, for such price and upon such terms and conditions as may be specified in the order, and the tenant shall thereupon be deemed to have entered into a Purchase Agreement on the date named in the order for the purchase of the holding, or for the surrender of the holding and for the purchase of the new holding offered to him in exchange, as the case may be, for the price, and upon the terms and conditions so specified, and the purchase shall be completed accordingly and the provisions of sub-sections (2), (3) and (5) of section 23 of the Irish Land Act, 1909, shall apply to an exchange of holdings effected by an order under this section.


(2) An appeal shall lie from any order under this section to the Judicial Commissioner who shall have power to reverse or confirm the order or to make any order which might have been made by the Land Commission.


Amendment of section 65 (2) of the Land Act, 1923.

54.—Sub-section (2) of section 65 of the Land Act, 1923, shall be amended to read as follows:—


(2) (a) In the case of any holding which is subject to any charges in respect of an annuity in favour of the Board of Works created in pursuance of the Landlord and Tenant (Ireland) Act, 1870, so much of the 44th and 45th sections of the Act as prohibits, without the consent of the Board, the alienation, assignment, sub-division or sub-letting of a holding charged as in the said sections mentioned and declares that, in the event of such prohibition being contravened, the holding shall be forfeited to the Board, and also so much of section 2 of the Landlord and Tenant (Ireland) Act, 1872, as relates to the sale of holdings in lieu of forfeiture, shall be repealed. During such time as any part of the annuity charged on such holding remains unpaid the proprietor shall not sub-divide or let the holding without the consent of the Commissioners of Public Works, and every attempted sub-division or letting in contravention of this provision shall be void as against all persons, and on any such contravention the Commissioners may, at their option, declare that the holding do vest in themselves, or they may cause it to be sold by public auction, due notice being given by them of the time, place, terms and conditions of such sale, and the Land Commission shall on the application of the Commissioners issue an order to the under-sheriff to put the purchaser into possession of the holding or any part thereof so sold, and such order shall when delivered to the under-sheriff be executed by him in like manner as a writ for delivery of possession. An order for possession issued under this section shall be deemed to be an execution order within the meaning of the Enforcement of Court Orders Act, 1926.


(b) The proceeds derived from every such sale shall in the first instance be applied by the Commissioners in payment of any moneys due on foot of the annuity, and in redemption of so much of the said annuity as shall at the time of such sale remain charged on the holding and of all costs and expenses incurred by them in relation to such sale or otherwise in respect of the said holding and the balance shall be paid to the person entitled by law to receive the same.


Advances in the case of exchange of holdings.

55.—(1) Notwithstanding anything contained in sub-section (4) of section 9 of the Purchase of Land (Ireland) Act, 1891, advances may be made to the persons or bodies mentioned in sub-section (1) of section 31 of the Land Act, 1923, for the purchase by them from the Land Commission of holdings or portions of holdings subject to Land Purchase Annuities acquired by the Land Commission in exchange for other lands.


(2) Advances made in pursuance of this section shall be repaid by means of purchase annuities calculated at such rates as shall be prescribed, and consolidated so far as circumstances admit with the existing purchase annuities to which the holdings or portions of holdings are subject, in accordance with rules made by the Minister for Finance.


Redemption of purchase annuities in the case of purchases under section 36 of the Land Act, 1923.

56.—Where the Land Commission have entered into an agreement under section 36 of the Land Act, 1923, for the purchase of lands which are already subject to a purchase annuity, then, notwithstanding anything contained in sub-section (4) of section 9 of the purchase of Land (Ireland) Act, 1891, an advance may be made under the Land Purchase Acts for the purchase of the said lands before the purchase annuity for the repayment of the original advance has been redeemed, and in such case the original purchase annuity shall be dealt with as a claim attaching to the purchase money of the said lands under section 4 of the Land Bond Act, 1925, subject however to the following modification of that section, that is to say:—


“the redemption price of the original annuity shall be payable by transferring to the Land Commission such sum in Land Bonds as at the price of the day shall be sufficient to redeem the said annuity.”


Power to make rules.

57.—(1) The Land Commission, after consultation with the President of the Incorporated Law Society of Ireland, shall have power to make any rules required for carrying the provisions of this Act into effect.


(2) The Minister for Finance shall have power to make rules or regulations for carrying the financial provisions of this Act into effect and for adapting to the requirements of this Act such provisions of any enactment passed prior to this Act as relate to land purchase finance.


Short title and construction.

58.—(1) This Act may be cited as the Land Act, 1927.


(2) This Act shall be construed as one with the Land Law Acts, the Land Purchase Acts and the Congested Districts Board (Ireland) Acts and may be cited with those Acts.


Uimhir 19 de 1927.




Na forálacha atá san Acht Talmhan, 1923, agus in Acht na mBannaí Talmhan, 1925, chun Bannaí Talmhan 4½ per cent. do bhunú agus do thabhairt amach, do chur i mbaint leis an Acht so.

1.—Déanfar na comhachta a bronntar ar an Aire Airgid leis an Acht Talmhan, 1923, agus le hAcht na mBannaí Talmhan, 1925, chun bannaí do bhunú agus do thabhairt amach chun crícheanna an Achta Talmhan, 1923, do leathnú i dtreo go bhfolóid comhacht chun bannaí do bhunú agus do thabhairt amach chun aon chríche de chrícheanna an Achta so agus bainfidh forálacha an Achta Talmhan, 1923, agus Achta na mBannaí Talmhan, 1925, le bannaí talmhan a bhunóidh agus a thabharfidh an tAire Airgid amach chun crícheanna an Achta so fé is dá mba bannaí iad a bunófí agus a tabharfí amach chun crícheanna an Achta Talmhan, 1923.


Riaráiste cíosa socruithe.

2.—(1) D'ainneoin forálacha fo-alt (3) agus fo-alt (4) d'alt 19 den Acht Talmhan, 1923, féadfidh Coimisiún na Talmhan, nuair is oiriúnach leo san do dhéanamh, an lá ceaptha do ghabháltas do cheapa d'ainneoin gan riaráiste cíosa socruithe is iníoctha ar scór an ghabháltais sin do bheith bailithe acu ón tionónta, agus sa chás san déanfar suim is có-ionann le méid an riaráiste chíosa shocruithe atá gan íoc ar an lá ceaptha do chur le hairgead ceannaigh an ghabháltais agus d'aisíoc tré bhlianacht cheannaigh a háireofar do réir ráta 4¾ per cent. ar mhéid na suime sin agus a bheidh muirearuithe ar an ngabháltas agus curtha agus códhlúite le riail-bhlianacht cheannaigh an ghabháltais. Bainfidh forálacha an Achta Talmhan, 1923, i dtaobh na blianachta breise is iníoctha nuair a cuirtar riaráiste cíosa socruithe leath-bhliana leis an airgead ceannaigh do réir an phrovísó i bhfo-alt (3) d'alt 19 den Acht san, bainfid leis an mblianacht a bunófar fén alt so.


(2) Aon tsuim a cuirfar le hairgead ceannaigh gabháltais ar scór riaráiste chíosa shocruithe íocfar amach as an airgead ceannaigh í leis an duine a bheadh i dteideal an riaráiste chíosa shocruithe sin d'fháil chun a úsáide féin ach go ndéanfar an cháin ioncuim, más ann di, a bheidh dlite ar scór an ghabháltais do bhaint as an suim bhreise sin ar roinnt an airgid cheannaigh.


Toirmeasc ar fhoroinnt agus ar fho-chur ar cíos agus ar chrainn do ghearra roimh an lá ceaptha gan toiliú Choimisiún na Talmhan.

3.—(1) Ní dhéanfidh tionónta gabháltais le n-a mbaineann an tAcht Talmhan, 1923, gan toiliú Choimisiún na Talmhan i scríbhinn, an gabháltas d'fho-roinnt ná an céanna no aon chuid de d'fho-chur ar cíos, ach ní bheidh sé riachtanach don tionónta san toiliú an tiarna talmhan d'fháil le haon fho-roinnt no fo-chur ar cíos ar an ngabháltas no le haon tsanna air.


(2) Más rud é go ndéanfar, agus toiliú den tsórt san roimhráite fachta, aon ghabháltas d'fho-roinnt, déanfar an cíos, an riaráiste cíosa socruithe, an íocaíocht in ionad cíosa agus an riail-bhlianacht cheannaigh do chion-roinnt i pé slí is oiriúnach le Coimisiún na Talmhan agus tuigfar gach cuid fé leith den ghabháltas do bheith ina gabháltas fé leith le n-a mbaineann an tAcht Talmhan, 1923, agus i gcás gabháltais bhreithiúntais tuigfar gur cíos breithiúntais fé leith gach cuid chothromúil fé leith den chíos bhreithiúntais bhunaidh.


(3) Gan toiliú i scríbhinn d'fháil o Choimisiún na Talmhan agus fós o éinne eile 'na bhfuil teideal aige chun an adhmaid ar an ngabháltas no 'na bhfuil leas aige ann, ní dhéanfidh tionónta gabháltais le n-a mbaineann an tAcht Talmhan, 1923, ná ní lomhálfa sé aon chrann ar an ngabháltas do ghearra anuas ná do statha ná raibh ceart aige chun é do ghearra anuas no do statha roimh dháta rithte an Achta san (lasmuich de chrann toraidh no de shailigh no d'aon chrann a phlanndáil sé féin) agus atá riachtanach chun an gabháltas d'ornáideadh no chun fothain do thabhairt do, agus má dintar aon chrann den tsórt san do ghearra anuas no do statha contrárdha don choiníoll so, beidh an tionónta ciontach i gcionta fén Acht so agus ar n-a chiontú ann ar an slí achmair dlighfar fíneáil ná raghaidh thar cúig púint do chur air in aghaidh gach crainn a gearradh anuas no a stathadh amhlaidh.


(4) Ní dhéanfidh toiliú Choimisiún na Talmhan chun gabháltas d'fho-roinnt no d'fho-chur ar cíos deifir do sna comhachta atá acu chun an céanna no aon chuid de do chimeád no d'athghlaca ar an lá ceaptha no dá éis sin.


Toirmeasc ar ghabháltaisí a ceannuíodh roimh rith an Achta Talmhan, 1923, d'fho-roinnt no do chur ar cíos.

4.—(1) Má dhin Coimisiún na Talmhan aon am roimh rith an Achta Talmhan, 1923, roimh-íoc d'íoc fé sna hAchtanna Talamh-Cheannaigh chun gabháltas no paiste talmhan do cheannach, ní dhéanfidh dílseánach an ghabháltais no an phaiste talmhan san go dtí go mbeidh iomlán an roimh-íoca d'íocadh chun a cheannuithe aisíoctha an gabháltas no an paiste talmhan d'fho-roinnt ná do chur ar cíos gan toiliú Choimisiún na Talmhan, agus gach iarracht ar fho-roinnt no ar chur-ar-cíos a déanfar contrárdha don fhoráil seo beidh sí gan éifeacht i gcoinne gach duine agus má dintar aon tsárú den tsórt san féadfidh Coimisiún na Talmhan a chur fé ndeár an gabháltas no an paiste talmhan do dhíol.


(2) Bainfidh fo-alt (2) agus fo-alt (3) d'alt 30 den Land Law (Ireland) Act, 1881, fé mar táid leasuithe le haon achtachán, le haon díol a dhéanfidh Coimisiún na Talmhan fén alt so.


(3) Má dhineann an dílseánach a ghabháltas d'fho-roinnt ar feadh tréimhse teoranta mar shocrú teaghlaigh no mar gheall ar réasún eile den tsórt san, féadfidh Coimisiún na Talmhan o am go ham le rialacháin ghenerálta a údarú don údarás chlárathachta clárú do dhéanamh ar an té a bheidh ag déanamh éilimh fé aon instruimid a dhin an dílseánach agus tré n-a gcruthuítear an fhoroinnt shealadach san agus tuigfar go mbeidh aontuithe ag Coimisiún na Talmhan le aon fho-roinnt dar tugadh éifeacht tré chlárú do réir na rialachán san.


Toirmeasc ar ghabháltaisí códhlúite d'fhoroinnt agus do chur ar cíos.

5.—Más rud é, pe'ca roimh rith an Achta so é no dá éis sin, gur tuigeadh no go dtuigfar gabháltas no cuid de ghabháltas no cuid d'fhearann oighreachta no de thalamh eile gur dineadh roimh-íoc leis an únaer ina thaobh chun í do cheannach, agus gabháltas eile no cuid de ghabháltas do bheith ina n-aon ghabháltas amháin (dá ngairmtear an gabháltas códhlúite san alt so) bainfidh na forálacha so a leanas leis an gcás:—


(a) más rud é gur dineadh no go ndéanfar roimh-íoc chun aon chuid den ghabháltas chódhlúite do cheannach tar éis rithte an Achta Talmhan, 1923, beidh an gabháltas códhlúite fé réir forálacha alt 65 den Acht san le n-a dtoirmeasctar fo-roinnt agus cur-ar-cíos fé is dá ndintí roimh-íoc chun é do cheannach tar éis rithte an Achta san 1923;


(b) má tá cuid den ghabháltas chódhlúite ina chuid d'fhearann oighreachta no de thalamh eile atá fé réir roimh-íoca a híocadh leis an únaer chun í do cheannach, beidh an gabháltas códhlúite fé réir na bhforálacha de sna hAchtanna Talamh-Cheannaigh le n-a dtoirmeasctar fo-roinnt agus cur-ar-cíos go raibh an chuid eile no na codacha eile den ghabháltas fé n-a réir roimh é do chódhlúthú no go dtáinig an chuid no na codacha san chun bheith fé n-a réir ar n-a chódhlúthú do réir na forála so roimhe seo den alt so, do réir mar bheidh.


Forálacha maidir le blianachtaí códhlúite.

6.—Más rud é, pe'ca roimh rith an Achta so é no dá éis sin, maidir le dhá cheann no níos mó de ghabháltaisí fé bhlianachtaí ceannaigh, no maidir le gabháltas fé bhlianacht cheannaigh agus cuid de ghabháltas, no cuid d'fhearann oighreachta no de thalamh eile gur íocadh roimh-íoc leis an únaer ar a scór chun í do cheannach, ar a bhfuil cuid de bhlianacht cheannaigh eile mar mhuirear uirthi, más rud é gur tuigeadh no go dtuigfar iad do bheith ina n-aon ghabháltas amháin (dá ngairmtear an gabháltas códhlúite san alt so), ansan, maidir leis an mblianacht chódhlúite is iníoctha as in ionad na mblianacht uile agus fé seach no na gcodacha uile agus fé seach de bhlianachtaí a bhí iníoctha roimhe sin, tuigfar go raibh sí agus beidh sí muirearuithe ar agus ionbhainte amach as an ngabháltas chódhlúite sa tslí chéanna agus sa tosaíocht chéanna ina raibh na blianachtaí uile agus fé seach no na codacha uile agus fé seach de bhlianachtaí muirearuithe ar agus ionbhainte amach as na codacha uile agus fé seach den ghabháltas chódhlúite ar ar muirearadh iad sa chéad dul síos.


Forálacha i dtaobh talmhan tionóntuithe atá oiriúnach chun tithe do thógáil uirthi.

7.—(1) D'ainneoin forálacha clás (e) d'fho-alt (2) d'alt 24 den Act Talmhan, 1923, ní bheidh gabháltas gearrtha amach ar fad o oibriú fho-alt (1) den alt san de bharr a luachmhaire no a úsáidí atá sé anois no a fhéadfadh sé a bheith ar ball chun tithe do thógáil air, más rud é, in oipineon an Choimisineura Bhreithiúntais, maidir leis na tailte atá sa ghabháltas, ná fuil ach cuid díobh atá anois no a fhéadfadh a bheith ar ball luachmhar no úsáideach chun tithe do thógáil uirthi, agus gur dó leis an gCoimisinéir Bhreithiúntais ag breithniú dho ar gach a mbaineann leis an scéal go bhfuil sé oiriúnach deighleáil leis an gcuid eile den ghabháltas mar ghabháltas ar leithligh le n-ar cheart forálacha an Achta Talmhan, 1923, do chur i mbaint, ach i ngach cás den tsórt san féadfidh an Coimisinéir Breithiúntais le hordú a ordú go ndéanfar an gabháltas d'fho-roinnt agus cíos an ghabháltais do chion-roinnt agus go ndéanfar as san amach an chuid sin den ghabháltas atá anois no a fhéadfadh a bheith ar ball luachmhar no úsáideach chun tithe do thógáil air do shealbhú, faid a mhairfidh an tionóntacht, mar ghabháltas ar leithligh ná baineann an tAcht Talmhan, 1923, leis, agus san ar an gcíos a bheidh cion-roinnte air leis an ordú san agus fé réir na dtéarmaí agus na gcoiníollacha go raibh an gabháltas uile fé n-a réir roimh dhéanamh an orduithe sin, no fé réir pé méid díobh a bheidh fós ionchurtha i mbaint leis an gcuid sin den ghabháltas agus go ndeighleálfar leis an gcuid eile den ghabháltas mar ghabháltas ar leithligh le n-a mbaineann an tAcht Talmhan, 1923, fé réir fuighleach an chíosa san uile agus fé réir na dtéarmaí agus na gcoiníollacha go raibh an gabháltas uile fé n-a réir roimh dhéanamh an orduithe sin no fé réir pé méid díobh a bheidh fós ionchurtha i mbaint leis an gcuid eile sin den ghabháltas.


(2) I gcás gabháltais no cuid de ghabháltas atá gearrtha amach o oibriú an Achta Talmhan, 1923, de bharr no ar scór a luachmhaire no a úsáidí atá sé anois no a fhéadfadh sé a bheith ar ball chun tithe do thógáil air agus dá bharr no ar scór san amháin, i gcás é do bheith le linn rithte an Achta so i seilbh ag an tionónta fé léas (nách léas tógála tithe), tuigfar an tionónta, ar bheith caithte don léas san, má bhíonn sé i seilbh bona fide an ghabháltais no na coda dhe atá gearrtha amach amhlaidh mar adubhradh, a bheith ina thionónta ar ghnáth-thionóntacht láithreach o bhliain go bliain ar an gcíos no ar an gcíos chion-roinnte do réir mar bheidh, agus fé réir choiníollacha a léasa chó fada agus atá na coiníollacha san ionchurtha i mbaint le tionóntacht o bhliain go bliain bíodh ná raibh an léas ar bith le linn rithte an Land Law (Ireland) Act, 1881.


(3) Aon ordú a déanfar fén bhfo-alt san thuas ag fo-roinnt gabháltais ní atharóidh sé fiachas an tionónta i gcíos no i riaráiste cíosa a tháinig dlite go dtí an lá gála deiridh roimh dháta an orduithe agus an lá san d'áireamh ná ní dhéanfidh sé deifir don bhfiachas san, ach ón lá gála so tosnóidh fiachas an tionónta in íocaíocht in ionad cíosa do dhéanamh agus fós fiachas Choimisiún na Talmhan in íoc na suime is có-ionann leis an suim atá le bailiú mar íocaíocht in ionad cíosa do réir alt 20 den Acht Talmhan, 1923.


(4) I gcás 'na ndintar gabháltas d'fho-roinnt do réir an fho-ailt deiridh sin roimhe seo, beidh comhacht ag Coimisiún na Talmhan pé ceart no cearta slí, thar aon pháirt de sna tailte atá sa ghabháltas go dtí agus o aon pháirt eile de sna tailte atá ann, is dó leo is gá no is oiriúnach do bhronna agus do mhíniú.


(5) Ní cosc é ar éinne ordú d'iarraidh ar an gCoimisinéir Bhreithiúntais fén alt so chun gabháltas d'fho-roinnt gur dineadh ordú roimh rith an Achta so á fhaisnéis go bhfuil an gabháltas gearrtha amach o fhorálacha an Achta Talmhan, 1923, tré chlás (e) d'fho-alt (2) d'alt 24 den Acht san.


(6) Ar bheith caithte do chúig bliana o am rithte an Achta so má bhíonn aon tailte, a bhí le linn rithte an Achta Talmhan, 1923, ina dtailte tionóntuithe a heisceadh o fhorálacha fo-alt (1) d'alt 24 den Acht san de bharr no ar scór a luachmhaire no a úsáidí a bhíodar an uair sin no a fhéadfidís a bheith ar ball chun tithe do thógáil ortha má bhíd gan ath-shealbhú agus gan úsáid chun tithe do thógáil ortha le linn na tréimhse sin féadfidh an Coimisinéir Breithiúntais a ordú go mbainfidh an tAcht Talmhan, 1923, le hiomlán na dtailte sin no le haon chuid díobh agus bainfidh forálacha an Achta san leis na tailte sin ón dáta san agus fé réir pé coiníollacha a ordóidh an Coimisinéir Breithiúntais: Ach ní déanfar aon ordú den tsórt san roimhráite maidir le haon tailte má chruthuíonn an tiarna talmhan chun sástachta an Choimisineura Bhreithiúntais go bhfuil sé ar intinn iad d'athshealbhú láithreach (mara bhfuilid ath-shealbhuithe an uair sin) d'aon ghnó chun iad d'úsáid mar thalamh chun tithe do thógáil air, agus má bhíonn an Coimisinéir Breithiúntais sásta go n-úsáidfar na tailte chun tithe do thógáil ortha laistigh de pé tréimhse breise ama a cheapfa sé agus fós, má chruthuíonn an tiarna talmhan chun sástachta an Choimisineura Bhreithiúntais go bhfuil sé tar éis airgead do chaitheamh ag saothrú na dtailte chun tithe do thógáil ortha, féadfar an tréimhse sin chúig mblian do shíne go dtí pé tréimhse bhreise is dó leis an gCoimisinéir Bhreithiúntais a bheith réasúnta ag breithniú dho ar an méid airgid a cruthófar amhlaidh a bheith caithte.


Ar gach iarratas a dhéanfidh tionónta ar ordú do réir an fho-ailt seo, beidh ag an gCoimisinéir Bhreithiúntais na comhachta fo-roinnte agus cion-roinnte a bronntar air le fo-alt (1) den alt so agus féadfa sé na comhachta san d'fheidhmiú.


(7) I gcás gabháltais no cuid de ghabháltas atá gearrtha amach o oibriú an Achta Talmhan, 1923, de bharr no ar scór a luachmhaire atá sé anois no a fhéadfadh sé a bheith ar ball chun tithe do thógáil air agus dá bharr no ar scór san amháin, i gcás é do bheith i seilbh ag an tionónta fé léas ná fuil aon fhoráil ann a chuireann ar chumas an tiarna talmhan seilbh d'ath-thógaint ar an talamh san chun tithe do thógáil air, ansan, d'ainneoin gan foráil den tsórt san a bheith ann, féadfidh an tiarna talmhan aon am i rith na tréimhse chúig mblian atá luaidhte sa bhfo-alt san roimhe seo, no i rith pé tréimhse is sia ná san a shocróidh an Coimisinéir Breithiúntais mar adubhradh, an gabháltas no an chuid den ghabháltas a bheidh gearrtha amach amhlaidh d'ath-shealbhú chun tithe do thógáil air.


(8) I rith na tréimhse sin chúig mblian roimhráite ní cuirfar d'fhiachaibh ar thionónta na dtailte atá gearrtha amach amhlaidh imeacht as an gcéanna no as aon pháirt díobh, ach amháin mar gheall ar cheann éigin de choiníollacha a thionóntachta do bhrise, maran rud é go mbeidh fonn ar an dtiarna talmhan na tailte no cuid díobh d'ath-shealbhú chun an céanna d'úsáid láithreach mar thalamh chun tithe do thógáil air.


Muillte díomhaoine.

8.—Ní déanfar gabháltas do ghearra amach o fhorálacha fo-alt (1) d'alt 24 den Acht Talmhan, 1923, de bharr foirgneamh muilinn do bheith air agus dá bharr san amháin, má cruthuítar chun sástachta Choimisiún na Talmhan gur scuireadh den bhfoirgneamh d'úsáid mar mhuileann, agus más dó le Coimisiún na Talmhan, ag breithniú dhóibh ar gach a mbaineann leis an gcás, go bhfuil furmhór an ghabháltais fé churadóireacht no fé fhéar no go bhfuil cuid de fé churadóireacht no cuid de fé fhéar.


Feirmeacha groighe.

9.—(1) D'ainneoin forálacha fo-alt (1) agus fo-alt (3) d'alt 24 den Acht Talmhan, 1923, ní dílseofar aon talamh nea-thionóntuithe i gCoimisiún na Talmhan de bhua an Achta san ar aon tslí eile seachas do réir chó-aontuithe thoilteanaigh faid a bheidh Coimisiún na Talmhan sásta go bhfuiltar ag úsáid na talmhan san i slí bona fide mar fheirm chun stoc fíor-chineálach do shíolrú atá, in oipineon an Aire Tailte agus Talmhaíochta, de shaghas agus de charachtar atá oiriúnach do riachtanaisí na tíre.


(2) Má bhíonn Coimisiún na Talmhan sásta go bhfuil aon ghabháltas talmhan tionóntuithe á úsáid amhlaidh, ansan, d'ainneoin forálacha fo-alt (6) d'alt 28 den Acht Talmhan, 1923, ní chimeádfa siadsan an gabháltas san maran rud é go dtéigheann an riail-phraghas thar cúig míle punt no thar pé suim is mó ná san is dó le Coimisiún na Talmhan is oiriúnach dóibh do roimh-íoc agus go ndiúltóidh an tionónta an deifríocht idir an méid a bheidh le roimh-íoc amhlaidh agus an riail-phraghas d'íoc leo in airgead.


Socrú chun an tAcht Talmhan, 1923, do chur i mbaint le tionóntachtaí ar ghabháltaisí ceannuithe.

10.—(1) D'ainneoin forálacha fo-alt (4) d'alt 9 den Purchase of Land (Ireland) Act, 1891, agus forálacha clás (a) d'fho-alt (2) d'alt 24 den Acht Talmhan, 1923, ní déanfar, i gcás an tionóntacht a bheith ar bith roimh an gcéad lá de Mheán Fhómhair, míle naoi gcéad a dó fichead, talamh tionóntuithe is cuid de ghabháltas a ceannuíodh fé aon Acht Talamh-Cheannaigh a ritheadh roimh an Acht Talmhan, 1923, do ghearra amach o fhorálacha an Achta Talmhan, 1923, de bharr gur ceannuíodh amhlaidh é agus dá bharr san amháin agus, maran rud é go mbeidh sé gearrtha amach ag foráil éigin eile den Acht san, bainfidh forálacha alt 20 den Acht Talmhan, 1923, leis an talamh tionóntuithe sin ón lá gála deiridh roimh rith an Achta so, agus ón lá san amach tosnóidh fiachas an tionónta in íocaíocht in ionad cíosa do dhéanamh agus fós fiachas Choimisiún na Talmhan in íoc na suime is có-ionann leis an suim atá le bailiú mar íocaíocht in ionad cíosa, do réir alt 20 den Acht Talmhan, 1923, ach ní dhéanfidh an t-alt so aon atharú ná maolú ar fhiachas an tionónta i dtaobh cíosa agus riaráiste cíosa suas go dtí an lá gála san roimhráite agus an lá gála san d'áireamh ach ní bhainfidh an t-alt so (a) le tailte tionóntuithe nár cheart in oipineon Choimisiún na Talmhan, mar gheall ar mhéid agus ar shaghas na dtailte, forálacha an Achta Talmhan, 1923, do chur i mbaint leo, ná (b) le tailte tionóntuithe atá dílsithe i gCoimisiún na Talmhan fé aon Acht roimh an Acht Talmhan, 1923, faid a fhanfidh bith-dhílse na dtailte sin dílsithe i gCoimisiún na Talmhan.


(2) Bainfidh forálacha alt 14 den Acht Talmhan, 1923, le cás ina ndílsítear aon talmh tionóntuithe de bhua an ailt seo.


Deontaisí Feirm-Dhílse, léasanna ion-athnuachainte, agus léasanna ar feadh téarmaí fada.

11.—(1) Féadfidh únaer paiste talmhan nea-thionóntuithe atá suidhte i gcontae nách contae go gcumhang-cheanntracha agus atá ar seilbh fé dheontas feirm-dhílse, fé léas ar feadh saolta no blianta agus ion-athnuachainte go bráthach, no fé léas ar feadh téarma blianta go raibh seasca ceann no níos mó díobh gan caitheamh ar dháta rithte an Achta Talmhan, 1923, féadfa sé ordú d'iarraidh ar Choimisiún na Talmhan á fhaisnéis go ndílseoidh an paiste i gCoimisiún na Talmhan ar an lá ceaptha sa tslí chéanna fé is dá mbeadh an paiste suidhte i gcontae go gcumhang-cheanntracha.


(2) Má dintar iarratas chun Coimisiún na Talmhan ag iarraidh faisnéise do réir an fho-ailt deiridh sin roimhe seo agus go gcruthuítar chun sástachta Choimisiún na Talmhan—


(a) go bhfuil an t-iarratasóir i seilbh an phaiste talmhan nea-thionóntuithe go bona fide agus go n-úsáideann sé agus go saothruíonn sé an céanna mar ghnáthfheirmeoir do réir slite cearta feirmeoireachta; agus


(b) go bhfuil an cíos is iníoctha ag an iarratasóir ar an bpaiste talmhan nea-thionóntuithe có-ionann leis an gcíos no níos mó ná an cíos a bheadh in oipineon Choimisiún na Talmhan ina chothrom-chíos ar na tailte a dhineann suas an paiste dá mbeadh an céanna le linn rithte an Achta Talmhan, 1923, ina ghabháltas a bhí i seilbh an iarratasóra mar thionónta reachtúil ar an ngabháltas san fé réir chíosa bhreithiúntais threasthéarma; agus


(c) go bhfuil an t-iarratasóir toilteannach athcheannach do dhéanamh agus gur cheart an paiste d'athdhíol leis an iarratasóir,


féadfidh Coimisiún na Talmhan, maran rud é go bhfuil gá leis dar leo chun cumhangracht do laigheadú, a fhaisnéis le hordú go ndílseoidh an paiste talmhan nea-thionóntuithe i gCoimisiún na Talmhan ar an lá ceaptha, agus bainfidh forálacha an Achta Talmhan, 1923, leis an bpaiste sin sa tslí chéanna agus tiocfidh na nithe céanna as san fé is dá mbeadh an paiste suidhte i gcontae go gcumhang-cheanntracha.


(3) I gcás paiste talmhan nea-thionóntuithe atá ar seilbh amhlaidh mar adubhradh, pe'ca tá sé suidhte i gcontae go gcumhang-cheanntracha no ná fuil, do dhílsiú i gCoimisiún na Talmhan ar an lá ceaptha ní dhéanfidh an Coimisinéir Bhreithiúntais, le linn do bheith ag socrú praghas fuascailte na leasanna uachtaracha is iníoctha amach as airgead ceannaigh an phaiste, dearmhad ar an bpraghas a fuair an díoltóir ar an bpaiste ná ar mhéid an riaráiste chíosa (más ann do) atá dlite ón díoltóir sin suas go dtí dáta rithte an Achta so, ná fós ar an urrús a dhineann an paiste ar na leasanna uachtaracha san. I ngach cás den tsaghas san ní bheidh riaráiste cíosa, a tháinig dlite suas go dtí an chéad la gála sa bhliain 1924 agus an lá gála san d'áireamh, iníoctha ag an díoltóir.


Iocaíocht in ionad cíosa i gcás mion-innste an ghabháltais do thabhairt tar éis dáta rithte an Achta so.

12.—I gcás nár dineadh na mion-innste atá orduithe le alt 22 den Acht Talmhan, 1923, ar scór gabháltais le n-a mbaineann an tAcht san do thabhairt do Choimisiún na Talmhan roimh rith an Achta so agus go dtugtar na mion-innste sin tar éis rithte an Achta so, ansan, bainfidh forálacha alt 20 den Acht Talmhan, 1923, leis an ngabháltas ón lá gála deiridh roimh an dáta ar a dtugtar na mion-innste sin do Choimisiún na Talmhan agus ón lá gála san tosnóidh fiachas an tionónta in íocaíocht in ionad cíosa do dhéanamh agus fós fiachas Choimisiún na Talmhan in íoc na suime is có-ionann leis an suim atá le bailiú mar íocaíocht in ionad cíosa do réir alt 20 den Acht Talmhan, 1923: Ach déanfar an cíos is iníoctha ag an tionónta ón lá gála deiridh roimh rith an Achta Talmhan, 1923, do laigheadú 25 per cent. agus ní atharóidh éinní san alt so na cearta agus na fiachaisí atá idir tiarna talmhan agus tionónta fé alt 19 den Acht san.


Atharú ar laetheanta gála i gcásanna áirithe.

13.—In aon chás gur ghnáth le tiarna talmhan, roimh rith an Achta Talmhan, 1923, a lomháil go n-íocfaí cíos aon lá seachas lá gála agus go bhfuil Coimisiún na Talmhan sásta gur gnás é sin atá ar có-réir le gnás gála reatha, tuigfar gurb é an lá san an lá gála chun crícheanna bailithe agus íoctha riaráiste chíosa shocruithe agus íocaíocht in ionad cíosa do dhéanamh.


Seilbh do thabhairt thar n-ais i gcásanna áirithe.

14.—I gcás gabháltais go ndineann an tAcht so forálacha an Achta Talmhan, 1923, do chur i mbaint leis no le n-a mbeadh na forálacha san ionchurtha-i-mbaint mara mbeadh gur dí-shealbhuíodh tionónta an ghabháltais sin ar no tar éis an lá gála deiridh roimh an 16adh lá de Mheitheamh, 1926, beidh an tionónta san, má íocann sé leis an tiarna talmhan cíos dhá bhliain no pé suim níos lú ná san a bheidh dlite ar scór riaráiste chíosa maraon le costaisí an tiarna talmhan sna himeachta dí-shealbhaíochta, i dteideal é do chur thar n-ais ina ghabháltas fé is dá n-iarradh sé agus dá bhfaghadh sé rit tabhartha thar n-ais fé alt a haon seachtód den Landlord and Tenant Act (Ireland), 1860.


Forálacha i dtaobh ráta chun dréineáil do choinneáil suas.

15.—(1) Más rud é, maidir le gabháltas a thagann laistigh d'fhorálacha fo-alt (1) d'alt 24 den Acht Talmhan, 1923, agus ná fuil le linn rithte an Achta so dílsithe i gCoimisiún na Talmhan, go bhfuil sé fé ráta chun dréineáil do choinneáil suas laigheadófar an riail-bhlianacht cheannaigh tré pé suim do bhaint as a ghcobhaidh Coimisiún na Talmhan amach agus a shocróid sa tslí a foráltar anso ina dhiaidh seo mar an meán-ráta bliantúil chun dréineáil do choinneáil suas atá iníoctha ar scór an ghabháltais maran rud é go mbeidh an riail-bhlianacht cheannaigh socruithe le haontú idir an tiarna talmhan agus an tionónta agus gur dhineadar san an fiachas maidir leis an ráta coinneála suas san agus truime an ráta san do ghlaca i gcuntas nuair a bhíodar ag socrú na riail-bhlianachta ceannaigh sin.


(2) Déanfar an meán-ráta bliantúil chun dréineáil do choinneáil suas atá iníoctha ar scór an ghabháltais d'fháil amach tré chionúireacht do thógaint in aghaidh gach bliana de sna deich mbliana deiridh roimh rith an Achta so, inar dhin iontaobhaithe dréineála an cheanntair dhréineála airtéirighe ina bhfuil an gabháltas suidhte ráta do ghearra chun dréineáil do choinneáil suas, agus isí cionúireacht í sin ná an chionúireacht deachúil is ionchurtha i mbaint leis an ngabháltas den ráta iomlán chun dréineáil do choinneáil suas a gearradh in aghaidh na bliana san: Ach más rud é nár bualadh deich rátaí i rith tréimhse an fhiche blian deiridh roimh rith an Achta so, déanfidh Coimisiún na Talmhan an meán-ráta chun dréineáil do choinneáil suas in aghaidh na bliana d'fháil amach agus do shocrú i pé slí eile is oiriúnach leo.


(3) Beidh sé de dhualgas ar Choimisinéirí na nOibreacha Puiblí agus ar iontaobhaithe dréineála ceanntar dréineála airtéirighe eolas do thabhairt uatha, tré n-a rúnaí no tré oifigeach cóir eile ar a iarraidh sin ortha do Choimisiún na Talmhan, ar an gcionúireacht deachúil agus ar an ráta iomlán chun dréineáil do choinneáil suas mar adubhradh fé seach, agus fós pé eolas eile a bheidh ag teastáil o Choimisiún na Talmhan chun a chur ar a gcumas a ndualgaisí fén alt so do chólíona.


Leasú ar alt 26 den Acht Talmhan, 1923.

16.—Déanfar fo-alt (1) (c) d'alt 26 den Acht Talmhan, 1923, do leasú chun go léighfe sé mar leanas:—


Má tá cuid den ghabháltas ar seilbh ag an tionónta agus go bhfuil an chuid eile dhe ar seilbh ag fo-thionónta no fo-thionóntaí, déanfar an chuid atá ar seilbh ag an tionónta d'áireamh mar ghabháltas fé leith agus é ar seilbh ar an gcuid chion-roinnte sin den chíos is iníoctha as an ngabháltas go léir a chinnfidh Coimisiún na Talmhan (ach gan an Coimisinéir Breithiúntais d'áireamh ortha) agus áireofar an tionónta mar thionónta don chuid sin agus áireofar a bhfuil den chuid eile den ghabháltas ar seilbh ag aon fho-thionónta, áireofar é mar ghabháltas fé leith agus é ar seilbh ar an gcíos is iníoctha as an bhfo-thionóntacht, agus áireofar an fo-thionónta mar thionónta dho.


Forálacha maidir le gabháltaisí do dhílsiú i dtionóntaí agus le clárú únaerachta.

17.—(1) Aon ghabháltas de thalamh thionóntuithe atá dílsithe i gCoimisiún na Talmhan de bhua an Achta Talmhan, 1923, agus le n-a mbaineann alt 28 den Acht san, aistreoidh a sheilbh de bhua an Achta so ar an lá ceaptha o Choimisiún na Talmhan chun tionónta an ghabháltais sin agus dílseoidh sí ann no, má bhíonn seisean marbh an uair sin, ina ionaduithe pearsanta fé is dá ndintí ordú fé sna hAchtanna Talamh-Cheannaigh do réir an chonnartha cheannaigh dhéanaigh a tuigtar leis an alt san a dhin an tionónta san agus le n-a ndílsítear an gabháltas sa tionónta fé réir na riail-bhlianachta ceannaigh ar an ngabháltas agus na blianachta breise (más ann di) ar scór an riaráiste chíosa shocruithe a cuireadh i dteanta an airgid cheannaigh agus fé réir suime breise is có-ionann le cionúireacht de sna blianachtaí sin ar scór na tréimhse idir an lá gála ar a dtiocfidh an chéad tráth-chuid de sna blianachtaí sin chun bheith iníoctha agus an lá ar a bhfuil na céad dividenda eile iníoctha ar bhannaí talmhan, agus fós fé réir aon tsuime a bheidh dlite do Choimisiún na Talmhan ón tionónta ar scór íocaíochta in ionad cíosa.


(2) I liost deiridh a foillseofar do réir fho-alt (4) d'alt 40 den Acht Talmhan, 1923, agus ina bhfuil aon ghabháltas le n-a mbaineann alt 28 den Acht san luadhfar ar leithligh gach gabháltas díobh san, ag tabhairt ainm an duine a chítar do Choimisiún na Talmhan a bheith i seilbh an ghabháltais sin mar thionónta, no a bheidh ainmnithe ag Coimisiún na Talmhan fé alt 67 den Acht san chun an tionónta d'ionadú, agus fós pé mion-innste eile a bhaineann leis an ngabháltas agus a bheidh riachtanach chun crícheanna clárathachta fén Local Registration of Title (Ireland) Act, 1891. Tabharfidh Coimisiún na Talmhan do Chlárathóir na dTeideal cóip den liost deiridh sin maraon le mapa ag taisbeáint aon ghabháltais atá ar an liost san agus le n-a mbaineann an t-alt san 28, agus féadfidh an clárathóir ansan an duine a bheidh ainmnithe sa liost deiridh mar dhuine a chítar do Choimisiún na Talmhan a bheith i seilbh an ghabháltais mar thionónta, no atá ainmnithe ag Coimisiún na Talmhan chun an tionónta d'ionadú, do réir mar bheidh, do chlárú mar únaer an ghabháltais, fé réir a luaidhtear i bhfo-alt (1) den alt so agus fé réir aon chearta no cothroma a thagann as an leas atá dílsithe ann de bhua an Achta so, eadhon, greamú ar an leas a bhí ag an tionónta roimhe sin sa ghabháltas no a thagann ar aon tslí eile as an leas san a bhí ann roimhe sin, agus ar gach slí eile mar a foráltar leis an Local Registration of Title (Ireland) Act, 1891, agus leis na hAchtanna le n-a leasuítear an céanna.


(3) Féadfidh Coimisiún na Talmhan earráid i liost deiridh do cheartú, ach ní déanfar aon cheartú i ndiaidh an lae cheaptha ach le hordú an Choimisineura Bhreithiúntais, agus amháin sa mhéid, agus ar pé téarmaí, más ann dóibh, a chífar a bheith ceart tar éis cuimhneamh ar na leasanna go bhféadfadh an ceartú san deifir do dhéanamh dóibh.


(4) Gach gabháltas a dílseofar i dtionónta an ghabháltais sin ar an lá ceaptha do réir forálacha an ailt seo, tuigfar é do bheith ina thalamh chláruithe do réir bhrí alt 19 (1) den Local Registration of Title (Ireland) Act, 1891, agus é do bheith fé réir forálacha an Achta san o thúis an lae sin. Beidh an gabháltas dá réir sin, o thúis an lae cheaptha, saor o fhorálacha na nAchtanna a bhaineann le hOifig Chlárathachta na nDintiúirí, agus déanfar clárú an ghabháltais sin do chríochnú in Oifig Chlárathachta na Talmhan mar chlárú den lá san, agus an lá san agus dá éis déanfar gach dintiúir no scríbhinn ag deighleáil leis an ngabháltas do lóisteáil in Oifig Chlárathachta na Talmhan.


(5) An cuimhneachán ar an gclárathacht is gá a thabhairt do Chlárathóir na nDintiúirí do réir fho-alt (4) d'alt 19 den Local Registration of Title (Ireland) Act, 1891, isé a bheidh ann ná cóip den liost deiridh.


(6) Athghairmtear leis seo fo-alt (4) d'alt 28 den Acht Talmhan, 1923.


(7) I gcás inar dhin Coimisinéirí na nOibreacha Puiblí gabháltas no cuid de ghabháltas de thalamh thionóntuithe nách mó ná dhá acra reachtúla agus 'na mbaineann forálacha an ailt seo leis do thógaint chun crícheanna na seirbhísí puiblí, agus go ndeimhneoidh na Coimisinéirí do Chomisiún na Talmhan roimh an lá ceaptha gur cheannuíodar an gabháltas no cuid den ghabháltas ar shuim nách mó ná céad punt ón tionónta a bhí ina sheilbh, ansan, dílseoidh an gabháltas no an chuid den ghabháltas sna Coimisinéirí fén alt so agus é saor o gach ceart agus cothrom a thagann as an leas a bhí ann roimhe sin ag an tionónta agus dá dtagartar in alt 8 den Purchase of Land (Ireland) Act, 1885, agus beidh an té le n-a n-íocfidh na Coimisinéirí an t-airgead ceannaigh ina iontaobhaí ar an airgead san do sna daoine atá i dteideal tairbhe an airgid sin d'fháil.


Forálacha i dtaobh riaráiste rátaí.

18.—(1) In aon chás ina dtagann tailte nea-thionóntuithe chun bheith dílsithe i gCoimisiún na Talmhan fé fhorálacha an Achta Talmhan, 1923, déanfar gach ráta dealbhais agus gach ráta eile a bualadh no a measadh ar scór na dtailte sin in aghaidh na bliana airgeadais a bheidh ann le linn an lae cheaptha do chion-roinnt suas go dtí an lá san agus féachfar ar na rátaí sin, chun críche na forála so, fé is dá mbeidís ag fás ó lá go lá, agus ní bheidh Coimisiún na Talmhan, ná aon daoine a bheidh i seilbh na dtailte mar leith-rannaithe no mar cheannathóirí uatha freagarthach ach sa chuid de sna rátaí sin a cion-roinneadh ar scór na tréimhse idir an lá ceaptha agus deire na bliana airgeadais reatha, agus ní bheid freagarthach i riaráiste rátaí a bualadh no a measadh ar scór na dtailte in aghaidh na bliana airgeadais reatha san no aon bhliana airgeadais roimhe sin.


(2) I ngach cás den tsórt san ní bheidh únaer no sealbhaire na dtailte roimh an lá ceaptha freagarthach ach amháin sa chuid sin de sna rátaí a bualadh no a measadh in aghaidh na bliana airgeadais reatha a cion-roinneadh ar scór na tréimhse idir tosach na bliana san agus an lá ceaptha.


(3) Na codacha d'aon rátaí a thiocfidh chun bheith iníoctha fé fhorálacha an ailt seo, déanfar agus féadfar iad do bhailiú agus do ghearra agus dul chun dlí ina dtaobh agus iad do bhaint amach ón duine 'na bhfuil siad mar fhiachas air fén alt so tré sna slite agus na meáin cheananna chéanna ina bhféadfaí an ráta iomlán do bhailiú, do ghearra, agus dul chun dlí ina thaobh agus é do bhaint amach dá mba rud é nár ritheadh an t-alt so.


(4) I ngach cás den tsórt san más rud é ná fuil ús an airgid cheannaigh ar fáil chun íoctha na deifríochta atá idir an méid a cuireadh le fo-alt (1) den alt so mar fhiachas ar Choimisiún na Talmhan no ar aon daoine atá i seilbh na talmhan mar leithrannaithe no mar cheannathóirí uatha agus an méid iomlán a bheadh mara mbeadh forálacha an fho-ailt sin ionbhainte amach do réir dlí uatha ar scór rátaí agus riaráiste rátaí dá ndintí imeachta dlí chun na rátaí sin do bhaint amach do chur ar siúl ina gcoinue ar an lá ceaptha, féadfar suim nách mó ná méid na deifríochta san d'íoc amach as an airgead ceannaigh i dtosach ar gach éileamh eile a bhaineann leis an gcéanna. Déanfar gach íocaíocht den tsórt san tré aistriú bannaí talmhan is ionann ainm-luach leis an suim a dintar iníoctha leis an bhfo-alt so, agus tuigfar an íocaíocht san a bheith ina sásamh sa mhéid a bheidh ainm-luach na mbannaí talmhan a haistríodh amhlaidh.


(5) I ngach cás ina n-ath-shealbhuíonn Coimisiún na Talmhan gabháltas no cuid de ghabháltas do réir na gcomhacht atá acu chuige sin, beidh baint ag forálacha na bhfo-alt san roimhe seo ach “an lá ar a dtéigheann Coimisiún na Talmhan i seilbh” do chur in ionad “an lá ceaptha.”


(6) Na bannaí talmhan go léir a haistreofar fén alt so chun rátaí do ghlana déanfidh an t-údarás rátúcháin chun a n-aistreofar an céanna iad do dhíol láithreach agus déanfar tora an díola san d'íoc isteach sa chiste oiriúnach chun é do chur chun na gcrícheanna céanna chun a gcuirfí na rátaí agus an riaráiste rátaí, gur ar a scór a haistríodh na bannaí talmhan, dá n-íoctaí chun an údaráis rátúcháin in airgead iad.


Ordú chun seilbh d'fháil ar thailte atá dílsithe i gCoimisiún na Talmhan.

19.—(1) I gcás ina bhfuil Coimisiún na Talmhan i dteideal dul isteach agus seilbh do thógaint ar thailte atá dílsithe ionta roimh rith an Achta so no dá éis, agus go ndineann éinne go héagcórach faillí no diúltú maidir le seilbh na dtailte sin do thabhairt suas no bac do chur le Coimisiún na Talmhan o dhul isteach no o sheilbh do ghlaca ar an gcéanna no ar aon chuid de, beidh sé dleathach don Choimisinéir Bhreithiúntais ordú do thabhairt amach don bhfo-shirriam chun seilbh an chéanna do thabhairt don té a bheidh ainmnithe san ordú san, agus ar fháil an orduithe sin do déanfidh an fo-shirriam seilbh na dtailte sin do thabhairt don duine sin agus beidh Coimisiún na Talmhan i dteideal na costaisi agus an caithteachas go léir a bhain le tabhairt amach agus le feidhmiú an orduithe sin agus fé n-ar chuadar do bhaint den té a dhin an fhaillí no an diúltú no an bac san.


(2) Tuigfar gur ordú feidhmiúcháin do réir bhrí an Achta um Fheidhmiú Orduithe Cúirte, 1926, ordú chun seilbh d'fháil a tabharfar amach fén alt so.


Deisiú bancánacht, etc.

20.—Más rud é, roimh an lá ceaptha i gcóir tailte d'fhaisnéis, go bhfuil no go raibh an tiarna talmhan no, i gcás talmhan nea-thionóntuithe, únaer na talmhan, freagarthach i nglana no i gcoinneáil suas, i bpáirt no go hiomlán, do dhéanamh ar aon chúrsa uisce, dréin, bancánacht no obair eile, pe'ca ina aonar no i bpáirt le daoine eile é, agus pe'ca fé théarmaí connra tionóntachta no ar aon tslí eile é, agus gur dhin sé faillí i nglana no i gcoinneáil suas no i gcabhair do thabhairt chun glana no coinneáil suas na hoibre sin i dtreo gur ghá airgead do chaitheamh ar í do ghlana, do dhéisiú, no d'athnuachaint, féadfidh Coimisiún na Talmhan, roimh an lá ceaptha no dá éis, ordú d'iarraidh ar an gCoimisinéir Breithiúntais á fhaisnéis go bhfuilid i dteideal go n-aistreofaí chúcha, ar leith-roinnt an airgid cheannaigh, pé méid de bhannaí talmhan a dheimhneoid is gá chun cúiteamh do dhéanamh leo sa chaithteachas a dhineadar no atá beartuithe acu a dhéanamh i nglana, i ndeisiú, no in athnuachaint na hoibre sin; agus má bhíonn an Coimisinéir Breithiúntais sásta go bhfuil no go raibh an tiarna talmhan no an t-únaer, pe'ca ina aonar no i bpáirt le daoine eile é, freagarthach amhlaidh mar adubhradh, agus go raibh no go bhfuil gá, de dheascaibh na faillí sin, leis an gcaithteachas a dhin Coimisiún na Talmhan amhlaidh no atá beartuithe acu a dhéanamh, féadfa sé a ordú go ndéanfar, ar leith-roinnt an airgid cheannaigh, aistriú chun Coimisiún na Talmhan amach as na bannaí talmhan a sheasuíonn in ionad an airgid cheannaigh ar pé suim i mbainnaí talmhan is dó leis, ag breithniú dho ar gach a mbaineann leis an gcás, a bheith réasúnta ach ná raghaidh thar méid an airgid cheannaigh a thagann as na tailte go ndeimhníonn Coimisiún na Talmhan go dtiocfidh tairbhe shubstainteach dóibh de bharr an chaithteachais sin.


Coinneáil-suas bancánacht d'aistriú chun comhairlí contae.

21.—(1) Más oiriúnach leo é, féadfidh Coimisiún na Talmhan, le có-aontú an Aire Rialtais Áitiúla agus Sláinte Puiblí, a cheangal ar chomhairle contae, tré ordú, a thógaint ortha féin glana no coinneáil suas, lasmuich d'ath-dhéanamh, do dhéanamh ar aon chúrsa uisce, dréin, bancánacht no obair eile den tsaghas chéanna atá suidhte ina gcontae, agus gur dhin Coimisiún na Talmhan, roimh rith an Achta so, suim chaipitiúil d'aistriú ar a scór chun an Iontaobhaí Phuiblí chun go ndéanfaí an tsuim sin do chimeád agus do chur in úsáid do réir aon dintiúir iontaobhais no do réir aon scéime a cheap Coimisiún na Talmhan no go ndéanfar ina dhiaidh seo suim chaipitiúil d'aistriú ar a scór do réir fhorálacha fho-alt (1) agus fho-alt (2) d'alt 44 den Acht Talmhan, 1923, no go ndéanfar, ar a scór, suim chaipitiúil a bhí á cimeád agus á riara ag Coimisiún na Talmhan d'aistriú ina dhiaidh seo chun an Iontaobhaí Phuiblí chun go ndéanfaí an tsuim sin do chimeád agus do chur in úsáid do réir scéime a bheidh ceaptha fén alt so, agus déanfid leis an ordú san, no le hordú ina dhiaidh sin, an chomhairle chontae do cheapa mar iontaobhaithe ar an dintiúir iontaobhais no ar an scéim in ionad iontaobhaithe an dintiúir iontaobhais no na scéime sin agus déanfar an dintiúir iontaobhais no an scéim d'atharú chó fada agus is gá san, no déanfar é do cheapa i dtreo is go bhforálfar leis go ndéanfar ioncum na suime caipitiúla do chur chun no mar chabhair chun aisíoc do dhéanamh leis an gcomhairle contae sa chaitheachas gur chuathas fé go ceart agus go riachtanach i ndéanamh an ghlanta no na coinneála-suas san.


(2) Aon chomhairle chontae ar a gceangailtear fén alt so a thógaint ortha féin aon chúrsa uisce, dréin, bancánacht no obair eile do ghlana no do choinneáil suas, beidh acu maidir leis an nglana no leis an gcoinneáil-suas san an chomhacht chéanna chun iontrála agus chun ithir agus abhar do thógaint agus chun nithe a bheidh riachtanach do dhéanamh a bronntar ar Choimisiún na Talmhan le fo-alt (4) d'alt 44 den Acht Talmhan, 1923.


(3) An caithteachas fé n-a raghaidh comhairle chontae fén alt so chun aon chúrsa uisce, dréin, bancánacht no obair eile do ghlana no do choinneáil suas, íocfar é, sa chéad dul síos, amach as ciste na contae agus cruinneofar é tríd an ráta dealbhais mar mhuirear ar an gcontae iomlán. Déanfar an caithteachas san d'aisíoc i bpáirt no go hiomlán amach as ioncum a bheidh ar fáil fé aon dintiúir iontaobhais no scéim mar adubhradh a bhaineann leis an obair gur mar gheall uirthi a chuathas fén gcaithteachas san agus, sa mhéid nách leor an t-ioncum san, déanfar é d'aisíoc tré ráta feabhsúcháin a measfar ar shealbhairí rátuithe na dtailte go ndeirtar i mola a dhéanfidh Coimisiún na Talmhan gur dhin an obair a glanadh no a coinníodh suas amhlaidh tairbhe dhóibh sna cionúireachtaí ina ndeirtar, sa mhola san, an ráta feabhsúcháin do bheith iníoctha ag na tailte sin, agus buailfear an ráta san agus beidh sé inghearrtha, iníoctha agus ionbhainte amach sa tslí chéanna fé is dá mba ráta dréineála é a buailfí fé alt 21 den Acht Dréineála Airtéirighe, 1925.


(4) Ní tuigfar éinní atá san alt so do dhéanamh aon deifre do chomhachta Choimisiún na Talmhan fé alt 44 den Acht Talmhan, 1923, maidir le haon chúrsa uisce, dréin, bancánacht no obair eile d'ath-dhéanamh gur ceangaladh ar chomhairle contae do réir an ailt seo a ghlana no a choinneáil-suas do thógaint ortha féin.


Forálacha maidir le feabhsuithe.

22.—(1) Na comhachta a bronntar ar Choimisiún na Talmhan le haon cheann de sna hAchtanna Talamh-Cheannaigh chun airgead do chaitheamh chun tailte d'fheabhsú, féadfar iad d'fheidhmiú aon am chun feabhsú do dhéanamh ar tailte a díoladh no atá fé chonnra chun iad do dhíol fé aon Acht Talamh-Cheannaigh no a bhí dílsithe i gCoimisiún na Talmhan fén Acht Dlí Thalmhan (Coimisiún), 1923.


(2) Mara ndintar co-aontú idir Coimisiún na Talmhan agus an ceannathóir beidh an méid sin den airgead a caitheadh amhlaidh, agus a dheimhneoidh Coimisiún na Talmhan chuige sin, ionaisíoctha tré bhlianacht no tré bhlianachtaí a cuirfar mar mhuirear ar aon talamh, a dheimhneoidh Comisiún na Talmhan a bheith tar éis tairbhiú de bharr an chaithteachais sin, fé mar a roimh-íocfí an tsuim sin chun an talamh do cheannach do réir chonnartha cheannaigh dhéanaigh fén Acht Talmhan, 1923, agus déanfar an bhlianacht san do chódhlúthú, sa mhéid gur féidir é, le haon bhlianacht Talamh-Cheannaigh a bheidh ar an talamh an uair sin.


(3) Mara mbeidh sé ceaduithe roimh ré ní dhéanfidh Coimisiún na Talmhan aon chaithteachas den tsaghas san mar shaor-dheontas tar éis na tailte atá le feabhsú do dhílsiú i gceannathóir ach amháin le haontú an Aire Airgid.


Fógra d'únaerí talmhan tar éis a hiniúchta.

23.—Nuair a bheidh Coimisiún na Talmhan tar éis a chur fé ndeár tailte d'iniúcha chun pé mion-innste ina dtaobh a bheidh ag teastáil chun crícheanna na nAchtanna Talamh-Cheannaigh d'fháil amach, déanfid, tar éis tuarasgabhála a gcigirí do bhreithniú agus laistigh de pé tréimhse a bheidh orduithe, an socrú ar ar thánadar do chur in úil don té a chítar a bheith ina únaer ar na tailte.


Comhacht do Choimisiún na Talmhan scur d'imeachta dlí.

24.—I gcás inar dhin Coimisiún na Talmhan a fhaisnéis go bhfuil talamh nea-thionóntuithe atá suidhte lasmuich de chontae go gcumhang-cheanntracha ag teastáil chun cumhangracht do laigheadú no chun athdhíol talmhan tionóntuithe do chur in usacht, no go bhfuil aon talamh, pé áit ina bhfuil sé suidhte, a gearradh amach o oibriú fho-alt (1) d'alt 24 den Acht Talmhan, 1923, le fo-alt (2) den alt san, ag teastáil chun cumhangracht do laigheadú, no inar dhineadar imeachta dlí do thosnú chun gabháltas coinnithe d'ath-shealbhú i bpáirt no go hiomlán, agus gur dhin an Coimisinéir Breithiúntais aon am tar éis rithte an Achta so an praghas no an cúiteamh do shocrú, féadfidh Coimisiún na Talmhan, más dó leo go bhfuil an praghas a socruíodh chó hárd go mbeadh sé neamh-oiriúnach an talamh do cheannach no an gabháltas no cuid de d'ath-shealbhú, féadfid, ar sheirbheáil fhógra dhóibh laistigh de pé am a bheidh ceaptha, tarrac siar as an gceannach no as an ath-shealbhú ar pé téarmaí maidir le costaisí a shocróidh an Coimisinéir Breithiúntais: Ach má dhineann an t-únaer, laistigh de cheithre lá déag tar éis seirbheála an fhógra san, fógra agóide i gcoinnibh an tarrac-siar do sheirbheáil ar Choimisiún na Talmhan, fógra ina luadhfar na fáthanna atá leis an agóid sin, agus gur dó leis an gCoimisinéir Breithiúntais go bhfuil an agóid réasúnta, ansan, beidh fógra an tarrac-siar gan bhrí gan éifeacht. I gcás inar dhin Coimisiún na Talmhan tarrac siar ón gceannach no ón ath-shealbhú, ansan, ar feadh tréimhse sheacht mblian ina dhiaidh sin, ní cheannóidh ná ní ath-shealbhóidh Coimisiún na Talmhan an talamh neathionóntuithe ná an gabháltas san gan aontú únaera no tionónta na talmhan no an ghabháltais sin.


Comhacht do Choimisiún na Talmhan chun diúltú do roimhíocanna do dhéanamh i gcásanna áirithe agus chun Riail-Bhlianacht Cheannaigh do shocrú.

25.—I gcás ina ndineann tiarna talmhan agus tionónta gabháltais le n-a mbaineann Cuid II. den Chéad Sceideal a ghabhann leis an Acht Talmhan, 1923, có-aontú ar Riail-Bhlianacht Cheannaigh ar an ngabháltas atá chó hárd san ná fuil Coimisiún na Talmhan sásta go bhfuil an gabháltas ina urrús uirthi, féadfidh Coimisiún na Talmhan, tar éis fógra do sheirbheáil ar na páirtithe sa tslí orduithe, ordú do dhéanamh ag diúltú don airgead ceannaigh le haghaidh an ghabháltais do roimh-íoc, agus féadfid ansan Riail-Bhlianacht Cheannaigh an ghabháltais do shocrú sa tslí a foráltar, fén Acht Talmhan, 1923, i gcásanna ná raibh aon chó-aontú idir an tiarna talmhan agus an tionónta.


Grúpáil paistí chun iad d'athdhíol.

26.—Ar athdhíol tailte nea-thionóntuithe féadfidh Coimisiún na Talmhan, más oiriúnach leo é, a fhaisnéis go ndéanfar dá cheann no níos mó de phaistí talmhan nea-thionóntuithe a cheannuíodar fé sna hAchtanna Talamh-Cheannaigh do ghrúpáil le chéile agus go dtuigfar gurb aon estát amháin iad chun críche athdhíola agus chun deighleáil leis na blianachtaí ceannaigh a thagann as, agus san d'ainneoin gur dineadh na paistí sin do cheannach o únaerí deifriúla agus iad do dhílsiú ar amanna deifriúla.


Foráil i dtaobh cailliúna ar athdhíolta.

27.—I gcás an praghas a socruítar do talamh nea-thionóntuithe atá suidhte i gcontae go gcumhang-cheanntracha a bheith chó hárd san nách féidir an talamh san d'athdhíol gan chailliúint no i gcás nách féidir paiste no grúpa de phaistí talmhan nea-thionóntuithe no an t-iomlán no cuid de ghabháltas choinnithe, gurbh oiriúnach le Coimisiún na Talmhan é do thógaint no d'ath-shealbhú, d'athdhíol ach amháin fé chaillúint, ansan, fé réir aontú an Aire Airgid, íocfar le Coimisiún na Talmhan amach as airgead a sholáthróidh an tOireachtas ús do réir ráta 4½ per cent. per annum agus ciste fiach-luíoduithe do réir ráta cheathrú d'aon per cent. per annum ar pé méid den airgead cheannaigh go ndeimhneoidh Coimisiún na Talmhan gach leath-bhliain gurb ionann é agus an deifríocht atá idir méid iomlán na roimh-íocanna a dineadh chun na tailte do cheannach agus iomlán na bpraghsanna a dhin ceannathóirí na dtailte o Choimisiún na Talmhan a íoc no a aontú a íoc.


Foráil i dtaobh riaráiste blianachtaí ceannaigh agus íocaíochtanna eile atá dlite do Choimisiún na Talmhan do bhaint de shealbhaire na dtailte.

28.—(1) Gach airgead is iníoctha le Coimisiún na Talmhan maidir le haon tailte, beidh sé ionbhainte amach ón té bheidh i seilbh achtúil na dtailte an t-am 'na dtosnuítar imeachta dlí chun an t-airgead san do bhaint amach, agus san mar fhiachas phearsanta ar an sealbhaire sin d'ainneoin an t-iomlán no cuid den riaráiste sin do bheith tagtha dlite roimh dhul i seilbh na dtailte don duine sin.


(2) Ní dhéanfidh éinní atá anso roimhe seo éinne eile do scaoile o fhiachas maidir le haon riaráiste den tsórt san agus, maidir le húnaerí no le sealbhairí a thagann i ndiaidh a chéile ar na tailte beidh gach airgead a bheidh íoctha ag sealbhaire no bainte dhe ar scór riaráiste gurb é faillí únaera no sealbhaire a tháinig roimhe fé ndeár é ionbhainte amach ag an sealbhaire a íoc an céanna, no dar baineadh an céanna, mar fhiacha a bheidh dlite do ón únaer no ón sealbhaire a dhin an fhaillí.


(3) Beidh agus tuigfar go raibh riaráiste cíosa socruithe agus íocaíocht in ionad cíosa ina muirear ar an ngabháltas gur ar a scór atáid iníoctha, agus beidh tosaíocht acu ar gach leas agus ualach atá ann agus a bhaineann leis an tionóntacht a cruthnuíodh pe'ca roimh rith an Achta so é no dá éis.


(4) Na leighiseanna a tugtar leis an alt so do Choimisiún na Talmhan beid mar bhreis agus ní mar laigheadú ar aon leighiseanna eile atá acu cheana féin chun aon riaráiste den tsórt san roimhráite do bhaint amach.


(5) Beidh deimhniú a thugann le tuisgint é do bheith fé chóshéala Choimisún na Talmhan ina fhianaise go bhfuil gach suim adeirtar ann a bheith dlite leo dlite amhlaidh, agus go bhfuil sí iníoctha ag an duine no na daoine adeirtar sa deimhniú san a bheith freagarthach inti.


Forálacha a dhineann an tora as curtha-ar-cíos do chur ar fáil chun éilithe Choimisiún na Talmhan do shásamh.

29.—Más rud é tar éis rithte an Achta so go mbeidh tailte, 'na bhfuil blianachtaí ceannaigh, cíosanna, ús in ionad cíosa, ús ar airgead ceannaigh, riaráiste cíosa socruithe no íocaíochtaí in ionad cíosa iníoctha ar a scór le Coimisiún na Talmhan, curtha ar cíos chun curadóireachta no ar aon tslí eile ag an sealbhaire no ag an tionónta no ar a shon, beidh na blianachtaí, na cíosanna, an t-ús in ionad cíosa, an t-ús ar airgead ceannaigh, an riaráiste cíosa socruithe agus an íocaíocht in ionad cíosa is iníoctha amhlaidh mar adubhradh, beid mar chéad mhuirear ar an tora as na curtha-ar-cíos san, agus beidh sé mar dhualgas ar an duine a gheibheann an tora san, tar éis do na táillí agus na costaisí atá ag dul do go cóir agus go riachtanach do bhaint as, an tora do chur, sa mhéid go mbeidh sé ag teastáil, chun éileamh Choimisiún na Talmhan ar airgead atá dlite dhóibh ar scór na n-íocaíocht san do shásamh. Gach airgead a bheidh dlite amhlaidh do Choimisiún na Talmhan agus ná tugtar cuntas ceart ina thaobh, beidh sé ionbhainte ag Coimisiún na Talmhan den duine a fuair tora na gcurtha-ar-cíos san, mar fhiacha atá dlite uaidh don Stát: Ach ní dhéanfidh éinní san alt so deifir do cheart Choimisiún na Talmhan chun aon chomhachta eile atá, acu d'fheidhmiú chun fuighleach aon fhiacha, nár baineadh amach fé fhorálacha an ailt seo, do bhaint amach.


Breitheanna agus aithní d'fhanúint i bhfeidhm go ceann sé mblian.

30.—Gach breith, ordú no aithne a bhain Coimisiún na Talmhan amach, pe'ca roimh rith an Achta so é no dá éis in imeachta in aon chúirt, beidh lán-fheidhm agus lán-éifeacht aige go ceann sé mblian o dháta na breithe, an orduithe no na haithne sin agus san d'ainneoin tréimhse is sia ná bliain ón dáta san a bheith caithte.


Forálacha maidir le feidhmiú orduithe ar agra Choimisiún na Talmhan.

31.—(1) Gach fo-shirriam gur dineadh ordú feidhmiúcháin ar agra Choimisiún na Talmhan, nách ordú chun seilbh tailte no áitreabh do thabhairt uaidh, do lóisteáil leis, beidh sé ina dhualgas air an céanna d'fheidhmiú láithreach tré ghabháil agus díol sa mhéid gur gá é do dhéanamh ar na hearraí, ar na hainmhithe, no ar an áirnéis eile a gheobhfar i dtigh an fhéichiún no ina áit chomhnuithe eile no ar a chuid tailte agus san d'ainneoin aon éilimh no ráitis ón bhféichiúin no o éinne eile á rá nách leis an bhféichiúin aon earraí, ainmhithe no áirnéis eile den tsórt san.


(2) Ní luighfidh aon aicsean i gcoinnibh aon fho-shirriaim i dtaobh no mar gheall ar gur dhin sé, fé aon ordú feidhmiúcháin ar agra Choimisiún na Talmhan, aon earraí, ainmhithe no áirnéis eile do thógaint i bhfeidhmiúchán a fuarthas i dtigh an fhéichiún no ina áit chomhnuithe eile no ar a chuid tailte agus go n-éilítear no go ndeirtar (pe'ca cruthuítar no ná cruthuítar réasún do bheith leis an éileamh no leis an ráiteas san) ina dtaobh gur maoin iad is le héinne eile seachas an féicheamh, agus, in ionad an aicsin i gcoinnibh an fho-shirriaim, beidh an duine gur leis dáiríribh na hearraí, na hainmhithe no an áirnéis eile sin a tógadh amhlaidh i bhfeidhmiúchán i dteideal (má cruithuítar, maidir leis na hearraí, na hainmhithe no an áirnéis eile sin, nár leis an bhféichiúin iad) luach na n-earraí, na n-ainmhithe, no na háirnéise eile sin do bhaint tré aicsean den bhféichiúin maraon le pé damáiste a tháinig don duine sin de dheascaibh na n-earraí, na n-ainmhithe, no na háirnéise eile do thógaint amhlaidh i bhfeidhmiúchán.


Forálacha maidir le Coimisiún na Talmhan do dhíol gabháltas tré chonnra phríobháideach.

32.—I gcás ina bhfuil Coimisiún na Talmhan i dteideal a chur fé ndeár gabháltas do dhíol féadfid, más oiriúnach leo é, agus pe'ca tá an gabháltas suidhte i gcumhang-cheanntar no ná fuil, é do dhíol tré chonnra phríobháideach, ina ghabháltas amháin no ina ranna, ar pé praghas no praghasanna is dó leis na Coimisinéirí, lasmuich den Choimisinéir Bhreithiúntais, is ionann le luach an díola ag cuimhneamh dóibh ar staid an cheanntair ina bhfuil an gabháltas suidhte agus ar gach a mbaineann leis an gcás. Beidh an deimhniú o Choimisiún na Talmhan á rá gur leor an praghas a fuarthas ar aon díol den tsórt san ina cheangal ar na páirtithe go léir agus ní bheidh aon dul thairis.


Fógra i dtaobh díolta atá beartuithe.

33.—Gach díol a bheidh beartuithe ag Coimisiún na Talmhan a dhéanamh, pe'ca tré cheant phuiblí no tré chonnra phríobháideach é, ar ghabháltas go bhfuilid i dteideal a chur fé ndeár é dhíol i bhfeidhmiú comhachta a bronntar ortha le haon Acht, déanfar fógra ina thaobh d'fhoillsiú san Iris Oifigiúil, i bpríomh pháipeur laethiúil de chuid Bhaile Atha Cliath, agus, má tá páipeur áitiúil ann, sa pháipeur áitiúil sin, deich lá ar a laighead roimh an díol, agus déanfidh Coimisiún na Talmhan, deich lá ar a laighead roimh an díol, cóip den bhfógra san do chur, tríd an bpost chláruithe, chun an té a chítar dóibh a bheith ina únaer no ina thionónta ar an ngabháltas agus í seolta chuige chun an ghabháltais agus fós cóip de do chur chun gach éinne go bhfeictar ón bhfolio (más ann do) in Oifig Chlárathachta na Talmhan a bhaineann leis an ngabháltas go bhfuil aon mhuirear no éileamh aige ar an ngabháltas no leas aige ann agus na cóipeanna san do chur chun na seolta a luaidhtear sa bhfolio.


Tailte ar seilbh údaráis áitiúla ar léas fé sna Labourers (Ireland) Acts, 1883 to 1919.

34.—Gach paiste talmhan a tógadh ar léas fé sna Labourers (Ireland) Acts, 1883 to 1919 (agus nuair a tógadh an céanna go raibh sé fé churadóireacht no fé fhéar no go raibh cuid de fé churadóireacht agus cuid de fé fhéar), agus atá ar seilbh údaráis áitiúla fén léas san, dílseoidh sé i gCoimisiún na Talmhan ar an lá ceaptha sa tslí chéanna agus tiocfidh na nithe céanna as san fé is dá mba talamh tionóntuithe an paiste a bheadh ar seilbh an údaráis áitiúla mar thionónta o bhliain go bliain don té go mbeadh teideal aige chun na frith-dhílse fheitheamhaí ar dhul in éag don léas san agus tuigfar an cíos is iníoctha ag an údarás áitiúil a bheith ina chíos bhreithiúntais a socruíodh tar éis an 15adh lá de Lúnasa, 1911.


Tailte, etc., d'eisceacht o fhreagarthacht i bhfiacha.

35.—Ní déanfar aon phaiste talmhan a cheannuigh tionónta díshealbhuithe fé sna hAchtanna Talamh-Cheannaigh, ná aon stoc feirme ná áirnéis eile a solátharuíodh do thionónta dhí-shealbhuithe tré dheontas no iasacht fé sna hAchtanna Talamh-Cheannaigh, do chur ar fáil in aon ghnó-bhrise ná tré aon chúrsa no imeacht eile dlí, chun íoc, sásamh, no glana i bpáirt no go hiomlán do dhéanamh in aon fhiacha, inar rith no fé n-ar chuaidh an tionónta dí-shealbhuithe sin roimh an dáta 'na dtáinig an paiste talmhan dílsithe ann, nách fiacha atá dlite do Choimisiún na Talmhan.


Cad a thiocfidh as leas tionónta i ngabháltas do dhíol go héigeanta.

36.—I gcás inar chuir Coimisiún na Talmhan ar díol an tionóntacht i ngabháltas go bhfuilid i dteideal a chur fé ndeár í do dhíol, díolfar an gabháltas fé fhiachaisí reachtúla an tionónta maidir leis an ngabháltas, le leasanna fo-thionóntaí (más ann dóibh), agus le haon mhuirear fé aon Achtanna Oibreacha Puiblí, ach beidh sé dí-mhuirearuithe o gach éileamh no ualach eile a bhí ag gach éinne in aon chor i gcoinnibh an leasa san agus, o dháta an díola, scuirfidh gach éileamh den tsórt san de bheith i gcoinnibh an ghabháltais agus ceanglóidh sé den airgead cheannaigh sa tslí chéanna inar cheangail sé den ghabháltas díreach roimh dháta an díola.


Ordú chun seilbh d'fháil ar ghabháltaisí is féidir do Choimisiún na Talmhan a dhíol.

37.—(1) I gcás inar dhin Coimisiún na Talmhan aon am, pe'ca roimh rith an Achta so é no dá éis, gabháltas do chur ar díol tré cheant phuiblí go bhfuilid i dteideal a chur fé ndeár é do dhíol agus nár díoladh an gabháltas, féadfidh an Coimisinéir Breithiúntais ordú do thabhairt amach fén alt so á ordú don bhfo-shirriam Coimisiún na Talmhan do chur i seilbh an ghabháltais agus, nuair a seachadfar an t-ordú dho, déanfidh an fo-shirriam é d'fheidhmiú sa tslí chéanna 'na bhfeidhmeodh sé rit chun seilbh do thabhairt uaidh. Ar bheith feidhmithe don ordú ag an bhfo-shirriam dílseoidh an gabháltas i gCoimisiún na Talmhan gan aon leithliú ná ordú breise agus fé réir na blianachta ceannaigh (más ann di) atá muirearuithe air agus fós fé réir aon mhuirir fé Achtanna na nOibreacha Puiblí ach beidh sé dí-mhuirearuithe o gach éileamh no ualach eile atá ag gach éinne in aon chor go bhfuil leas aca sa ghabháltas.


(2) I ngach cás den tsórt san inar cuireadh an gabháltas ar díol mar gheall ar bhlianacht do bheith gan íoc déanfidh an Coimisinéir Breithiúntais, ar dhéanamh an orduithe sin roimhráite dho, a fháil amach agus a shocrú cadé an méid atá dlite do Choimisiún na Talmhan ar scór an ghabháltais, maraon leis na costaisí fé n-ar chuadar ad' iarraidh an gabháltas do dhíol, agus más rud é, laistigh den am a bheidh ceaptha leis an ordú san, go n-íocfar le Coimisiún na Talmhan an méid a fuarthas a bheith dlite amhlaidh maraon le costaisí an orduithe sin agus leis na costaisí a bhain leis an ordú san d'fháil, ordóidh an Coimisinéir Breithiúntais ná déanfar an t-ordú do sheachada don bhfo-shirriam chun a fheidhmithe, agus déanfidh sé pé ordú eile sa scéal is gá do réir cheart an cháis.


(3) Tuigfar gur ordú feidhmiúcháin de réir bhrí an Achta um Fheidhmiú Orduithe Cúirte, 1926, ordú chun seilbh d'fháil a tabharfar amach fén alt so.


Comhairlí contae do cheannach tailte.

38.—(1) Más rud é gur dhin Coimisiún na Talmhan tré cheant phuiblí aon tailte do chur ar díol go bhfuilid i dteideal a chur fé ndeár iad do dhíol mar gheall ar bhlianacht cheannaigh atá mar mhuirear ortha do bheith gan íoc agus nár díoladh na tailte, féadfid na tailte do thairisgint do chomhairle na contae ina bhfuilid suidhte, agus, i ngach cás den tsórt san, beidh sé dleathach don chomhairle chontae, le toiliú an Aire Rialtais Áitiúla agus Sláinte Puiblí má aontuíonn sé leis an gcrích chun a bhfuiltar ag ceannach na dtailte, na tailte do cheannach o Choimisiún na Talmhan ar pé téarmaí ar a gcó-aontófar agus san d'ainneoin gan gá do bheith acu leis na tailte chun críche aon chinn dá gcomhachta ná dá ndualgaisí reachtúla.


(2) Aon tailte a cheannóidh comhairle chontae fén alt so déanfar, faid a leanfidh an chomhairle ina seilbh, iad do riara do réir scéime a ullmhóidh an chomhairle chontae agus a dhaingneoidh an tAire Rialtais Áitiúla agus Sláinte Puiblí agus féadfidh seisean an céanna do dhaingniú fé atharuithe no gan iad, agus fós déanfar, mara n-ordóidh an tAire sin a mhalairt, iad do dhíol, fé réir aontú an Aire sin, laistigh de thréimhse chúig mblian ón am a cheannuigh an chomhairle iad no laistigh de pé tréimhse bhreise a údaróidh an tAire sin.


(3) Déanfar tora díola aon tailte fén bhfo-alt san roimhe seo d'úsáid in aisíoc aon airgid a fuarthas ar iasacht agus atá amuich ar scór na dtailte sin agus, mara bhfuil aon airgead den tsórt san amuich, cuirfar an tora san chun creidiúna an ráta no an chiste as a n-íoctar costaisí na comhairle contae ar scór na dtailte.


(4) Aon chostaisí fé n-a raghaidh comhairle chontae fén alt so, déanfar iad do chruinniú tríd an ráta dealbhais mar mhuirear ar an gcontae iomlán, no mar mhuirear ar leithligh ar pé líomatáiste níos lugha ná an chontae a shocróidh an chomhairle chontae le haontú an Aire Rialtais Áitiúla agus Sláinte Puiblí.


(5) Chun crícheanna an ailt seo féadfidh comhairle chontae airgead d'fháil ar iasacht fé Airtiogal 22 den Sceideal a ghabhann leis an Local Government (Application of Enactments) Order, 1898, sa tslí chéanna fé is dá mbeadh na crícheanna so luaidhte san Airtiogal san.


Bothóga lucht oibre.

39.—(1) D'ainneoin éinní atá in alt 7 den Labourers (Ireland) Act, 1896, féadfidh aon údarás áitiúil ina bhfuil aon bhothóg dílsithe a tógadh no a ceannuíodh fé sna Labourers (Ireland) Acts, 1883 to 1919, agus ná fuil gá leis a thuille chun crícheanna na nAchtanna san, féadfa sé, le cead an Aire Rialtais Áitiúla agus Sláinte Puiblí agus fé réir pé coiníollacha a ordóidh seisean, an bhothóg san maraon leis an talamh a ghabhann léi do dhíol le Coimisiún na Talmhan ar phraghas is iníoctha i mBannaí Talmhan de 4½ per cent.


(2) Déanfar an t-ioncum bliantúil o sna Bannaí Talmhan no, má díoltar na Bannaí sin le toiliú an Aire Rialtais Áitiúla agus Sláinte Puiblí no má fuascailtar iad, déanfar an tsuim chaipitiúil a thagann ón díol no ón bhfuascailt sin d'úsáid chun aisíoca aon airgid a fuarthas ar iasacht agus atá amuich ar scór na scéime feabhsúcháin gur dá réir a solátharuíodh an bhothóg san agus aon talamh a ghabhann léi, agus mara bhfuil aon airgead den tsórt san amuich déanfar an t-ioncum bliantúil no tora díola no fuascailte na mBannaí Talmhan, do réir mar bheidh, do chur chun creidiúna an ráta no an chiste as a n-íoctar costaisí fé sna Labourers (Ireland) Acts.


Cearta móna.

40.—(1) Ní dhéanfidh dílsiú gabháltais i dtionónta do réir chonnartha cheannaigh dhéanaigh fén Acht Talmhan, 1923, aon chearta móna d'aistriú chun an tionónta ná raibh sé i dteideal a úsáid roimh an dílsiú san, agus gach ceart móna a bhí dílsithe sa tiarna talmhan roimh an lá ceaptha fanfa sé dílsithe i gCoimisiún na Talmhan.


(2) I gcás ina ndineann Coimisiún na Talmhan aon chearta móna den tsórt san a coinnítear acu amhlaidh do chur ar cíos no do dhíol ina dhiaidh sin, déanfidh Coimisiún na Talmhan, lasmuich den Choimisinéir Bhreithiúntais, no an Coimisinéir Breithiúntais ar athchomharc o Choimisiún na Talmhan pé cúiteamh i mBannaí Talmhan no in aon tslí eile, is dó leo a bheith cóir agus réasúnta, do mhola don duine go mbeadh teideal aige chun na gcearta móna san dá mba rud é nách dtáinig an gabháltas chun bheith dílsithe i gCoimisiún na Talmhan.


(3) Féadfar a shocrú le rialacháin a dhéanfidh an tAire Airgid go dtabharfar amach do Choimisiún na Talmhan, i gcásanna inar dhíoladar na cearta móna san ar bhlianacht no ar bhlianachtaí, pé méid Bannaí Talmhan is gá chun aon íocaíochtanna do dhéanamh do réir an fho-ailt sin roimhe seo.


(4) Le rialacháin a dhéanfidh Coimisiún na Talmhan mar gheall ar mhóin a fhanfidh dílsithe ionta fén alt so féadfar, más oiriúnach le Coimisiún na Talmhan é, a shocrú go ndéanfidh na daoine go mbeidh údarás acu uatha chun móin do bhaint ar ghabháltas fé sna rialacháin sin pé suimeanna is dó le Coimisiún na Talmhan a bheith réasúnta d'íoc le ceannathóir an ghabháltais mar mhóin-chíosanna.


Socruithe i dtaobh cearta iascaigh.

41.—Le rialacháin a dhéanfidh an tAire Tailte agus Talmhaíochta féadfar a shocrú go ndíolfidh Coimisiún na Talmhan le tionónta-cheannathóirí cearta iascaigh in aon aibhne no uiscí atá teoranta leis na gabháltaisí no a ghabhann tríd na gabháltaisí a cheannuíodar agus san ar pé praghas is iníoctha tré bhlianachtaí ceannaigh a mheasfidh Coimisiún na Talmhan a bheith réasúnta, agus déanfar na blianachtaí sin do chódhlúthú le riail-bhlianachtaí ceannaigh na ngabháltas.


Comhacht do Choimisiún na Talmhan chun tailte do cheannach agus d'athdhíol i gcásanna áirithe.

42.—(1) Más rud é, aon am laistigh de dheich mbliana roimh am rithe an Achta so, gur dhin tionóntaí no únaerí gabháltas neamh-economiciúla, fir gan talamh no daoine oiriúnacha eile no gur dineadh chun úsáide dhóibh tailte do cheannach, agus gur dó le Coimisiún na Talmhan gurb' oiriúnach an rud é na tailte do cheannach agus d'athdhíol mar gheall ar ghátar agus ar staid na ndaoine a cheannuigh no gur chun tairbhe dhóibh a ceannuíodh na tailte agus gurb é a dtuairim gur féidir geallúintí d'fháil o sna daoine sin no o dhaoine eile chun na tailte do cheannach ar phraghsanna agus ar théarmaí agus ar choiníollacha go n-aontóidh Coimisiún na Talmhan leo, ansan féadfidh Coimisiún na Talmhan na tailte do cheannach ar phraghas is iníoctha i mBannaí Talmhan de 4½ per cent. ná beidh in aon chás, gan toiliú uatha i scríbhinn, níos lugha ná an méid, más ann do, a fhanann dlite do sna daoine agus is iníoctha leis na daoine atá luaidhte i bhfo-alt (2) den alt so ar scór aon bhun-tsuime no bun-tsuimeanna airgid a thugadar ar iasacht no ar ar chuadar in urrús, maraon le gach ús a bheidh tar éis fáis ar na suimeanna san o dháta na hiasachta, no, fé réir adubhradh thuas, ar a gcó-aontófar le haontú an Aire Airgid d'ainneoin nách féidir an praghas san d'fháil thar n-ais ar athdhíol na dtailte, agus féadfid iomlán na dtailte no aon chuid díobh d'athdhíol leis na daoine sin fé is dá mba daoine iad go bhféadfaí roimh-íocanna do dhéanamh leo chun paiste talmhan do cheannach fén Acht Talmhan, 1923.


(2) An t-airgead ceannaigh a thagann o aon cheannach den tsórt san a dhin Coimisiún na Talmhan, roinnfidh an Coimisinéir Breithiúntais é i pé slí is gá do réir cheart an cháis, ag cuimhneamh do ar éilithe na ndaoine uile a dhin iasachtú no a chuaidh in urrús ar iasachtú ar airgead no ar aon chuid d'airgead a híocadh no a haontuíodh a íoc nuair a dhin aon daoine den tsórt san roimhráite no nuair a dineadh chun úsáide dhóibh na tailte do cheannach, agus beidh gach éileamh den tsórt san pe'ca bhíodar curtha roimh ré mar mhuirear ar na tailte no ná rabhadar iníoctha i mBannaí Talmhan den ainm-luach chéanna fé is dá mba éilithe iad i gceangal le hairgead ceannaigh tailte a díoladh fé sna hAchtanna Talamh-Cheannaigh agus bainfidh forálacha alt 4 d'Acht na mBannaí Talmhan, 1925, leis an scéal dá réir sin.


(3) Bainfidh forálacha alt 14 den Acht Talmhan, 1923, nuair is gá san, le ceannach fén alt so.


(4) O dháta cheannach na dtailte ag Coimisiún na Talmhan, íocfar, fé réir aontú an Aire Airgid, le Coimisiún na Talmhan, amach as airgead a sholáthróidh an tOireachtas, ús do réir ráta 4½ per cent. per annum agus ciste fiach-luíoduithe do réir ráta cheathrú d'aon per cent. per annum ar pé méid den airgead cheannaigh go ndeimhneoidh Coimisiún na Talmhan gach leath-bhliain gurb ionann é agus an deifríocht atá idir méid iomlán an roimhíoca a dineadh chun na tailte do cheannach agus iomlán na bpraghsanna a dhin ceannathóirí na dtailte o Choimisiún na Talmhan a íoc no a aontú a íoc.


Forálacha i dtaobh tailte d'athdhíol a dílsítear fé Chuid III. den Acht Talmhan, 1923.

43.—(1) An comhacht a tugtar do Choimisiún na Talmhan le fo-alt (2) d'alt 55 den Acht Talmhan, 1923, chun tailte atá dílsithe ionta fé Chuid III. den Acht san do choinneáil, féadfid é d'fheidhmiú in aon chás ina bhfuil tailte dílsithe ionta amhlaidh roimh rith an Achta so no dá éis d'ainneoin na coiníollacha i bhfo-alt (1) den alt san do bheith có-líonta.


(2) Nuair a beifar ag déanamh roimh-íocanna le daoine no le cóluchtaí chun go gceannóidís paistí talmhan a bheidh coinnithe ag Coimisiún na Talmhan fé fho-alt (2) d'alt 55 den Acht Talmhan, 1923, fé mar atá sé leasuithe leis an alt so, féadfidh Coimisiún na Talmhan aon tsuimeanna a íoc iarratasóirí leis an gcumann no leis an gcólucht iontaobhaithe, no thar a cheann chun na tailte do cheannach, do chur san áireamh agus creidiúin do thabhairt do sna hiarratasóirí sin ionta.


(3) Ag socrú dhóibh i dtaobh oiriúnachta iarrastasóirí chun paistí talmhan a bheidh coinnithe amhlaidh do cheannach, féadfidh Coimisiún na Talmhan in aon chás má dheabhruíonn sé gur rud cothrom oiriúnach san do dhéanamh é chur mar choiníoll i gconnra cheannaigh aon iarratasóra den tsórt san ná dílseofar an paiste ann go dtí go lóisteálfa sé le Coimisiún na Talmhan pé suim airgid is dó leo is iníoctha aige le ceart ar scór rann-íocanna mar chabhair chun éarlais, ús ar airgead cheannaigh, cíos, blianacht cheannaigh no éinní eile d'íoc.


Chun fiacha atá dlite ag cumainn no coluchtaí Iontaobhaithe no dóibh do bhaint amach.

44.—(1) Beidh mar éifeacht ag dílsiú tailte i gCoimisiún na Talmhan fé Chuid III. den Acht Talmhan, 1923, agus tuigfar go raibh riamh mar éifeacht ag an dílsiú san ceart do dhílsiú ionta chun aon fhiacha no ní eile ar fiunraoi a bheidh dlite don chumann no don chólucht iontaobhaithe no is le ceachtar acu, ar scór na dtailte a bheidh dílsithe amhlaidh, do bhaint amach mar fhiacha atá dlite don Stát agus fós iad do ghlaca.


(2) Beidh sé de dhualgas ar gach cumann no cólucht iontaobhaithe, nuair a iarrfidh Coimisiún na Talmhan ortha é, cuntas do thabhairt ar na fiacha agus ar na nithe ar fiunraoi go léir atá dlite dhóibh no is leo agus fós ar gach suim a ghlacadar ar scór airgid cheannaigh, éarlaise, cíosa, úis, na suimeanna bliantúla is iníoctha fé alt 54 den Acht Talmhan, 1923, no ranníocanna eile mar chabhair chun tailte atá dílsithe amhlaidh i gCoimisiún na Talmhan do cheannach no do bhainistí, agus beidh sé de dhualgas leis ar gach éinne a ghlac aon airgead thar ceann cumainn no cóluchta iontaobhaithe no thar ceann aon daoine eile ar scór tailte atá dílsithe amhlaidh, cuntas ar gach airgead a ghlac sé amhlaidh do thabhairt uaidh nuair a iarrfidh Coimisiún na Talmhan san air.


(3) Gach airgead a gheobhfar a bheith glactha amhlaidh ag aon chumann no cólucht iontaobhaithe no daoine eile, agus nár tugadh cuntas ceart air, beidh sé ionbhainte amach ag Coimisiún na Talmhan mar fhiacha atá dlite don Stát.


Aisíoc na héarlaise.

45.—(1) Beidh sé dleathach d'éinne do dhin rann-íoc in aon chuid den éarlais a lóisteáladh le Coimisiún na Talmhan do réir alt 52 den Acht Talmhan, 1923, agus d'éinne a éilíonn tríd an rann-íocaí sin no fé, a iarraidh ar Choimisiún na Talmhan laistigh den am orduithe agus sa tslí orduithe go n-aisíocfaí an tsuim a rann-íocadh amhlaidh; agus má bhíonn Coimisiún na Talmhan sásta gur cheart an rann-íoc san no aon chuid di d'aisíoc, déanfar ordú chun go ndíolfaí an méid sin den urrús ina bhfuil an éarlais sin súncálta is ionann leis an rann-íoc san no le cuid di do réir mar bheidh, agus fós chun go n-íocfaí tora an díola san, maraon leis an gcionúireacht den ús a fuair Coimisiún na Talmhan de bharr súncálta na héarlaise no na coda san di a díoladh amhlaidh, leis an éilitheoir no leis na héilitheoirí no le pé daoine eile a gheobhfar a bheith i dteideal an céanna d'fháil.


(2) Athghairmtear leis seo alt 53 den Acht Talmhan, 1923.


Forálacha i dtaobh aisíoc roimh-íocanna.

46.—Más rud é go mbeidh Coimisiún na Talmhan sásta nách féidir tailte atá dílsithe ionta fé Chuid III, den Acht Talmhan, 1923, d'athdhíol ar an bpraghas a fuarthas amach fé alt 52 den Acht san agus go ndeimhneoid amhlaidh don Aire Airgid, déanfid láithreach na comhachta a tugtar dóibh fé fho-alt (2) d'alt 55 den Acht san fé mar tá sé leasuithe leis an Acht so d'fheidhmiú, agus déanfid an fhaisnéis atá orduithe sa bhfo-alt san, agus leis sin bainfidh na forálacha so a leanas leis na tailte a bheidh sa bhfaisnéis sin:—


(a) íocfar, fé réir aontú an Aire Airgid, le Coimisiún na Talmhan, amach as an airgead a sholáthróidh an tOireachtas, an riaráiste, más ann do, den tsuim bhliantúil is iníoctha ag an gcumann no ag an gcólucht iontaobhaithe fé alt 54 den Acht Talmhan, 1923, agus a bheidh dlite suas go dtí dáta na faisnéise, pé méid de go ndeimhneoidh Coimisiún na Talmhan don Aire Airgid nár cheart é bheith ina mhuirear ar na tailte;


(b) o dháta na faisnéise íocfar, fé réir aontú an Aire Airgid, le Coimisiún na Talmhan, amach as airgead a sholáthróidh an tOireachtas, ús do réir ráta 4½ per cent. per annum agus ciste fiach-luíoduithe do réir ráta cheathrú d'aon per cent. per annum ar pé méid den airgead cheannaigh go ndeimhneoidh Coimisiún na Talmhan gach leath-bhliain nár cheart é bheith ina mhuirear ar na tailte.


Ciste an Achta Talmhan, 1923 (Cuid III.) a hosclófar i leabhra Choimisiún na Talmhan.

47.—(1) Gach airgead a gheobhaidh Coimisiún na Talmhan fé fhorálacha Chuid III. den Acht Talmhan, 1923, fé mar atá sé leasuithe leis an Acht so, lasmuich d'airgead is iníoctha isteach i gCiste na mBannaí Talmhan, agus fós pé codacha de sna héarlaisí a féadfar fén Acht so a úsáid in íoc éilithe rann-íocaithe no daoine a éilíonn tríotha san, íocfar isteach iad chun creidiúna cuntais a hosclófar i leabhra Choimisiún Talmhan na hÉireann, agus dá ngairmfear Ciste an Achta Talmhan, 1923 (Cuid III.), agus déanfidh Coimisiún na Talmhan, fé stiúra an Aire Airgid, iad do chur chun éilithe a lomháladh fé fho-alt (2) den alt so do ghlana, chun riaráiste blianachtaí ceannaigh a bheidh dlite mar gheall ar roimh-íocanna a dineadh fé Chuid III. den Acht Talmhan, 1923, d'íoc, chun na blianachtaí d'fhuascailt no ar aon tslí eile chun na tailte atá dílsithe amhlaidh d'fheabhsú.


(2) Na daoine uile ag a bhfuil éilithe i gcoinnibh aon airgid a bheidh íoctha isteach sa chiste sin, déanfid mion-innste i dtaobh a n-éilithe do chur isteach laistigh den am orduithe agus sa tslí orduithe agus má bhíonn Coimisiún na Talmhan sásta gur cheart aon éileamh áirithe do lomháil íocfid leis an éilitheoir amach as an gciste pé íocaíocht is gá do réir cheart an cháis.


Forálacha maidir le cíosmhuirearacha fé Acht Leictreachais na Sionainne, 1925.

48.—(1) Más rud é go ndéanfar aon talamh atá fé chíosmhuirear a cruthnuíodh fé alt 14 d'Acht Leictreachais na Sionainne, 1925, do dhíol fé sna hAchtanna Talamh-Cheannaigh ní déanfar an cíos-mhuirear d'fhuascailt amach as airgead cheannaigh na talmhan nuair a díolfar í fé sna hAchtanna san, ach leanfidh na tailte sin de bheith fén gcíos-mhuirear san d'ainneoin aon fhorála de sna hAchtanna Talamh-Cheannaigh no Ordú Dílsiúcháin a dineadh fútha.


(2) Aon bhlianacht a bheidh curtha mar mhuirear ar aon tailte ar scór aon roimh-íoca a dineadh fé sna hAchtanna Talamh-Cheannaigh, roimh rith Acht Leictreachais na Sionainne, 1925. no dá éis sin, beidh tosaíocht aici ar aon chíos-mhuirear ar na tailte céanna a bunuíodh aon am fé alt 14 den Acht san.


Leasú ar alt 58 den Acht Talmhan, 1923.

49.—Léireofar fo-alt (6) d'alt 58 den Acht Talmhan, 1923, agus beidh éifeacht aige agus tuigfar go raibh éifeacht riamh aige fé is dá gcuirtí isteach sa bhfo-alt san tagairt d'fho-alt (3) d'alt 32 den Land Law (Ireland) Act, 1896, in ionad na tagairte atá sa bhfo-alt san d'fho-alt (3) d'alt 2 den Acht san.


Iocaíochtaí le hionadaithe pearsanta gníomhairí.

50.—Aon tsuim a fhéadfaí a íoc le gníomhaire fé fho-alt (8) d'alt 40 den Acht Talmhan, 1923, féadfar, i gcás an gníomhaire d'fháil bháis roimh leith-roinnt an airgid cheannaigh agus pe'ca thárla an bás roimh an lá ceaptha na dá éis, í d'íoc le n-a ionadaí phearsanta, agus is leor an t-únaer d'aontú leis an íocaíocht do dhéanamh leis an ngníomhaire sin chun teideal a thabhairt don ionadaí phearsanta chun pé suim d'fháil a cheadóidh Coimisiún na Talmhan.


Beidh clárú éigeantach i gcásanna áirithe.

51.—Beidh clárú ar únaeracht talmhan saor-choinneála fén Local Registration of Title (Ireland) Act, 1891, éigeantach sna cásanna so a leanas, sé sin le rá:—


(a) i gcás inar dineadh aon uair an talamh do dhíol agus í do leithliú chun ceannathóra no do dhílsiú ann fé aon cheann d'fhorálacha na Purchase of Land (Ireland) Acts agus inar dineadh an bhlianacht cheannaigh d'fhuascailt roimh an chéad chlárú;


(b) i gcás inar dhin no ina ndineann Coimisiún na Talmhan an talamh do dhílsiú i gceannathóir ar airgead; agus


(c) i gcás inar dineadh no ina ndintar aon chíos a thagadh as an talamh d'fhuascailt fé alt 38 den Acht Talmhan, 1923;


agus nuair a bheidh na cásanna san cláruithe bainfidh leo na forálacha den Local Registration of Title (Ireland) Act, 1891, a bhaineann le tailte saor-choinneála go bhfaisnéistar leis an Acht san é bheith éigeantach únaeracht ionta do chlárú.


Rialacha i dtaobh clárú tailte fé theideal mhaoluithe no shealbhach.

52.—Le rialacháin a déanfar do réir fho-alt (5) d'alt 58 den Acht Talmhan, 1923, féadfar pé modh clárathachta d'ordú agus pé oiriúnú no atharuithe do dhéanamh ar aon achtachán a bhaineann le clárú is gá chun intinn an ailt sin do chur in éifeacht.


Dílsiú gabháltas tionóntuithe Choimisiún na Talmhan.

53.—(1) Más rud é go ndineann tionónta aon ghabháltais ar estát a cheannaigh Bórd na gCeanntar gCumhang diúltú do dhul fé chonnra chun an gabháltas, no gabháltas nua a tairgeadh do mar mhalairt ar an ngabháltas, do cheannach ar na téarmaí a thairg Coimisiún na Talmhan agus ar an bpraghas atáid toilteannach a roimh-íoc, ansan, d'ainneoin nár dhin na tionóntuithe ar an estát, oiread le trí cheathrú dá líon agus den luach ionrátuithe, a aontú a ngabháltaisí fé seach do cheannach, féadfidh Coimisiún na Talmhan (lasmuich den Choimisinéir Bhreithiúntais) tar éis dóibh fógra do sheirbheáil ar an tionónta agus aon agóidí a dhin sé do bhreithniú, ordú do dhéanamh á fhaisnéis gurb eisean ceannathóir an ghabháltais no an ghabháltais nua, do réir mar bheidh, ar pé praghas agus ar pé téarmaí agus coiníollacha a bheidh luaidhte san ordú, agus leis sin tuigfar gur chuaidh an tionónta fé Chonnra Cheannaigh ar an dáta a bheidh luaidhte san ordú chun an gabháltas do cheannach, no chun an gabháltas do thabhairt suas agus an gabháltas nua a tairgeadh do mar mhalairt do cheannach, do réir mar bheidh, ar an bpraghas, agus ar na téarmaí agus ar na coiníollacha a bheidh luaidhte amhlaidh, agus déanfar an ceannach do chríochnú dá réir sin agus bainfidh forálacha fo-alt (2), fo-alt (3), agus fo-alt (5) d'alt 23 den Irish Land Act, 1909, le malairtiú gabháltas a déanfar le hordú fén alt so.


(2) Luighfidh athchomharc i gcoinnibh aon ordú fén alt so chun an Choimisineura Bhreithiúntais agus beidh comhacht aigesean chun an t-ordú do chlaochló no do dhaingniú, no chun aon ordú do dhéanamh a fhéadfadh Coimisiún na Talmhan a dhéanamh.


Alt 65 (2) den Acht Talmhan, 1923, do leasú.

54.—Déanfar fo-alt (2) d'alt 65 den Acht Talmhan, 1923, do leasú chun go léighfe sé mar leanas:—


(2) (a) I gcás aon ghabháltais atá fé aon mhuirir mar gheall ar bhlianacht i bhfabhar do Bhórd na nOibreacha, blianacht a cruthnuíodh do réir an Landlord and Tenant (Ireland) Act, 1870, déanfar athghairm ar oiread den 44adh alt agus den 45adh alt den Acht agus choisceann aistriú, sanna, fo-roinnt no fo-chur ar cíos do dhéanamh, gan cead ón mBórd, ar ghabháltas fé mhuirear den tsórt a luaidhtear sna hailt sin, agus adeir, má sáruítear an cosc san, go ngeallbhruidfar na gabháltaisí chun an Bhúird, agus déanfar athghairm, leis, ar oiread d'alt 2 den Landlord and Tenant (Ireland) Act, 1872, agus bhaineann le gabháltaisí do dhíol in ionad iad do gheallbhruide. Ar feadh pé aimsir a bheidh aon chuid den bhlianacht a bheidh muirearuithe ar an ngabháltas san gan íoc ní dhéanfidh an dílseánach an gabháltas d'fho-roinnt ná do chur ar cíos gan cead o Choimisinéirí na nOibreacha Puiblí, agus gach fo-roinnt no cur-ar-cíos fé n-a dtabharfar contrárdha don fhoráil seo beidh sé gan bhrí i gcoinnibh gach duine, agus ar dhéanamh aon tsárú den tsórt san féadfidh na Coimisinéirí, más rogha leo é, a fhaisnéis go ndílsíonn an gabháltas ionta féin no féadfid a chur fé ndeár é dhíol tré cheant phuiblí tar éis dóibh fógra cuibhe do thabhairt i dtaobh am, áit, téarmai agus coiníollacha an díola san agus, ar iarratas o sna Coimisinéirí, déanfidh Coimisiún na Talmhan ordú do thabhairt amach don fho-shirriam chun an ceannathóir do chur i seilbh an ghabháltais no i seilbh aon choda dhe do díoladh amhlaidh, agus, nuair a seachadfar an t-ordú san don fhoshirriam, feidhmeoidh seisean é fé mar a fheidhmeofaí rit chun seilbh do thabhairt suas. Tuigfar gur ordú feidhmiúcháin do réir bhrí an Achta um Fheidhmiú Orduithe Cúirte, 1926, ordú chun seilbh d'fháil a tabharfar amach fén alt so.


(b) Déanfidh na Coimisinéirí an tora a gheobhfar o gach díol den tsórt san do chur sa chéad dul síos chun aon airgead a bheidh dlite ar scór na blianachta d'íoc agus chun fuascailt do dhéanamh ar pé méid den bhlianacht san a bheidh, le linn an díola san, ina mhuirear ar an ngabháltas agus ar gach costas agus caitheachas fé n-ar chuadar maidir leis an díol san no ar aon tslí eile i dtaobh an ghabháltais sin agus íocfar a mbeidh fágtha dhe leis an té go mbeidh teideal aige chuige do réir dlí.


Roimh-íocanna i gcás malairtiú gabháltas.

55.—(1) D'ainneoin éinní atá i bhfo-alt (4) d'alt 9 den Purchase of Land (Ireland) Act, 1891, féadfar roimh-íocanna do dhéanamh leis na daoine no leis na cóluchtaí atá luaidhte i bhfo-alt (1) d'alt 31 den Acht Talmhan, 1923, chun go gceannóidís o Choimisiún na Talmhan gabháltaisí no codacha de ghabháltaisí atá fé Bhlianachtaí Talamh-Cheannaigh agus a fuair Coimisiún na Talmhan mar mhalairt ar thailte eile.


(2) Déanfar roimh-íocanna a bheidh déanta do réir an ailt seo d'aisíoc tré bhlianachtaí ceannaigh a háireofar do réir pé rátaí a hordófar, agus déanfar iad do chódhlúthú sa mhéid gur féidir é leis na blianachtaí ceannaigh atá ann cheana agus fé n-a bhfuil na gabháltaisí no na codacha de ghabháltaisí, do réir rialacha a bheidh déanta ag an Aire Airgid.


Fuascailt bhlianachtaí ceannaigh i gcás ceannach fé alt 36 den Acht Talmhan, 1923.

56.—I gcás inar chuaidh Coimisiún na Talmhan fé chonnra fé alt 36 den Acht Talmhan, 1923, chun tailte do cheannach atá cheana fé bhlianacht cheannaigh, ansan, d'ainneoin éinní atá i bhfo-alt (4) d'alt 9 den Purchase of Land (Ireland) Act, 1891, féadfar roimh-íoc do dhéanamh fé sna hAchtanna Talamh-Cheannaigh chun na tailte sin do cheannach sara ndintar an bhlianacht cheannaigh chun aisíoca an roimh-íoca bhunaidh d'fhuascailt, agus i gcás den tsórt san deighleálfar leis an mblianacht cheannaigh bhunaidh mar éileamh atá i gceangal le hairgead ceannaigh na dtailte sin fé alt 4 d'Acht na mBannaí Talmhan, 1925, ach beidh san ámh fé réir an atharuithe seo a leanas ar an alt san, sé sin le rá:—


“beidh praghas fuascailte na blianachta bunaidh iníoctha tré pé suim i mBannaí Talmhan, is leor do réir phraghas an lae chun an bhlianacht san d'fhuascailt, d'aistriú chun Coimisiún na Talmhan.”


Comhacht chun rialacha do dhéanamh.

57.—(1) Beidh comhacht ag Coimisiún na Talmhan, tar éis dóibh dul i gcomhairle le hUachtarán Dlí-Chumann Ionchorpruithe na hÉireann, chun aon rialacha do dhéanamh is gá chun forálacha an Achta so do chur in éifeacht.


(2) Beidh comhacht ag an Aire Airgid chun rialacha no rialacháin do dhéanamh chun forálacha airgeadais an Achta so do chur in éifeacht agus chun pé forálacha a bhaineann le hairgeadas talamh-cheannaigh agus atá in aon achtachán a ritheadh roimh an Acht so d'oiriúnú do riachtanaisí an Achta so.


Gearr-theideal agus léiriú.

58.—(1) Féadfar an tAcht Talmhan, 1927, do ghairm den Acht so.


(2) Léireofar an tAcht so mar éinní amháin leis na hAchtanna Dlí Thalmhan, na hAchtanna Talamh-Cheannaigh, agus Achtanna Bhord na gCeanntar gCumhang (Éirinn), agus féadfar é do luadh i dteanta na nAcht san.