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Number 27 of 1926.
Section | |
The Supreme Court and the High Court
Appointment of temporary deputies for Master and Taxing-Masters. | |
The Circuit Court
Expenses, etc., heretofore payable to Clerk of Crown and Peace. | |
The District Court
Performance of their duties, etc., by principal officers and county registrars. | |
Acts Referred to | |
No. 10 of 1924 | |
No. 5 of 1924 | |
No. 12 of 1923 | |
No. 7 of 1924 | |
No. 6 of 1923 | |
No. 2 of 1924 |
Number 27 of 1926.
Short title and commencement.
1.—(1) This Act may be cited as the Court Officers Act, 1926.
(2) This Act shall come into operation on such day as shall be fixed by order of the Minister either generally or in respect of any particular Part of this Act, and different dates may be fixed for the commencement of different Parts of this Act.
2.—In this Act—
the expression “the Minister” means the Minister for Justice;
the expression “the Chief Justice” means the Chief Justice of the Irish Free State;
the word “court” means a court of justice established by the Courts of Justice Acts, 1924 and 1926 and does not include a court which though presided over by a judge or justice of one of those courts of justice was not established by those Acts.
The Supreme Court and the High Court.
Offices and principal officers.
3.—(1) There shall be attached to the High Court, the Supreme Court, and the Chief Justice respectively the following offices, that is to say:—
To the High Court,
The Central Office,
The Taxing-Master's Office,
The Probate Office,
The Bankruptcy Office,
The Examiner's Office,
The Accountant's Office;
To the Supreme Court,
The Office of the Registrar of the Supreme Court;
To the Chief Justice,
The Office of the Registrar to the Chief Justice.
(2) There shall be attached to the High Court, the Supreme Court, and the Chief Justice respectively the following officers (in this Part of this Act collectively referred to as principal officers), that is to say:—
To the High Court,
A Master who shall be styled the Master of the High Court,
Such number of Taxing-Masters as the Minister shall, with the sanction of the Minister for Finance, from time to time determine,
A Probate Officer,
A Registrar in Bankruptcy,
An Official Assignee in Bankruptcy,
An Examiner,
An Accountant;
To the Supreme Court,
A Registrar;
To the Chief Justice,
A Registrar.
(3) The Master of the High Court and the Taxing-Masters shall be appointed by the Executive Council and every other of the said principal officers shall be appointed by the Minister, and all the said principal officers (including the Master of the High Court and the Taxing-Masters) shall hold office at the pleasure of the Executive Council.
(4) No principal officer nor any officer for the time being nominated to be a registrar of the High Court shall be removed from his office without the concurrence of the Chief Justice and the President of the High Court.
(5) Subject to the persons respectively appointed thereto being in good health at the time of appointment, the offices of the Master of the High Court and of the Taxing-Masters shall be pensionable offices within the Superannuation Acts for the time being in force and there may be granted either to those officers themselves on retirement or to their legal personal representatives on death such superannuation and other allowances or gratuities as might under the Superannuation Acts for the time being in force have been granted had they been appointed to the permanent Civil Service of Saorstát Eireann with certificates from the Civil Service Commissioners.
(6) The Master of the High Court and every Taxing-Master shall retire from office on attaining the age of seventy years, but such age of retirement may, in the case of any Taxing-Master who was immediately before the commencement of this Part of this Act a Taxing-Master attached to the High Court, be extended by the Minister with the concurrence of the Minister for Finance to any age not exceeding seventy-five years.
The Central Office.
4.—(1) The Central Office shall be under the management of the Master of the High Court, and there shall be transacted in that office all such business as is from time to time directed by statute or rule of court to be transacted therein and also all other business of the High Court except such business as is for the time being required by law to be transacted by or before one or more judges or a master and except such business as is for the time being assigned by law to another office of the High Court.
(2) Such and so many as the Minister shall think proper of the officers for the time being serving in the Central Office shall be nominated by the Minister to be registrars of the High Court and every such registrar (in addition to any other duties which may be assigned to him by the Master of the High Court) shall act as registrar to the High Court as and when directed so to do by the Master of the High Court.
The Master of the High Court.
5.—(1) The Master of the High Court shall have the general superintendence and control of such of the offices established by this Part of this Act as are attached to the High Court but shall in the exercise of such superintendence and control be subject to the general direction of the Minister in regard to all matters of general administration and to the directions of the President of the High Court in regard to all matters relating to the conduct of that part of the business of the High Court which is for the time being required by law to be transacted by or before one or more of the Judges of that Court.
(2) In addition to the general superintendence and control aforesaid the Master of the High Court shall also have and exercise such powers and authorities and perform and fulfil such duties and functions as shall be from time to time conferred on or assigned to him by statute or rule of court, and in particular (unless and until otherwise provided by statute or rule of court) shall have and perform all such other powers, authorities, duties and functions as are or become vested in him by virtue of any other provision of this Act.
The Taxing-Master's Office.
6.—The Taxing-Master's Office shall be under the management of the Taxing-Master or, whenever there is more than one Taxing-Master, the senior Taxing-Master, and there shall be transacted in that office the business of the Taxing-Masters other than such business as is required by law to be performed by a Taxing-Master in person.
The Taxing Masters.
7.—The several Taxing-Masters shall have and exercise such powers and authorities and perform and fulfil such duties and functions as shall from time to time be conferred on or assigned to them by statute or rule of court and in particular (unless and until otherwise provided by statute or rule of court) shall have and exercise all such powers and authorities and perform and fulfil all such duties and functions in relation to the High Court, the Supreme Court, the Court of Criminal Appeal, and the Chief Justice as were formerly possessed and performed by the Taxing-Masters of the Supreme Court of Judicature in Ireland in relation to that Court, and shall also have, exercise, perform and fulfil such other powers, authorities, duties and functions as were immediately before the passing of the Courts of Justice Act, 1924 (No. 10 of 1924) vested or imposed by law in or on the Taxing Masters of the Supreme Court of Judicature then existing.
The Probate Office.
8.—The Probate Office shall be under the management of the Probate Officer and there shall be transacted therein all such business as shall from time to time be assigned thereto by statute or rule of court and in particular (unless and until otherwise provided by statute or rule of court) all the business which immediately before the passing of this Act was required by law to be transacted in the Principal Probate Registry and also such other business as has heretofore been transacted in the offices of the Principal Probate Registrar.
The Probate Officer.
9.—The Probate Officer shall have and exercise all such powers and authorities and perform and fulfil such duties and functions as shall from time to time be conferred on or assigned to him by statute or rule of court and in particular (unless and until otherwise provided by statute or rule of court) shall have and exercise all such powers and authorities as immediately before the passing of this Act were vested by law in the Principal Probate Registrar or an Assistant Probate Registrar and shall perform and fulfil such duties and functions as immediately before the passing of this Act were required by law to be or were in fact performed or fulfilled by the Principal Probate Registrar and the Assistant Probate Registrars respectively.
The Bankruptcy Office.
10.—(1) The Bankruptcy Office shall consist of two branches whereof one branch shall be styled the Registrar's Branch and the other shall be styled the Official Assignee's Branch.
(2) The Registrar's Branch of the Bankruptcy Office shall be under the management of the Registrar in Bankruptcy and there shall be transacted therein all such business as shall from time to time be assigned thereto by statute or rule of court and in particular (unless and until otherwise provided by statute or rule of court) all such business as was formerly transacted in the Bankruptcy Office of the King's Bench Division of the High Court of Justice in Ireland.
(3) The Official Assignee's Branch of the Bankruptcy Office shall be under the management of the Official Assignee in Bankruptcy and there shall be transacted therein all such business as shall from time to time be assigned thereto by statute or rule of court and in particular (unless and until otherwise provided by statute or rule of court) all such business as was formerly transacted in the Office of the Official Assignee of the King's Bench Division of the High Court of Justice in Ireland.
The Registrar in Bankruptcy.
11.—The Registrar in Bankruptcy shall have and exercise all such powers and authorities and perform and fulfil such duties and functions as shall from time to time be conferred on or assigned to him by statute or rule of court and in particular (unless and until otherwise provided by statute or rule of court) shall have and exercise all such powers and authorities as were formerly vested in the Chief Registrar in Bankruptcy of the King's Bench Division of the High Court of Justice in Ireland and shall perform and fulfil such duties and functions as were formerly required by law to be or were in fact performed or fulfilled by the said Chief Registrar and the Registrar and Deputy Registrar in Bankruptcy of the said King's Bench Division respectively.
The Official Assignee in Bankruptcy.
12.—The Official Assignee in Bankruptcy shall have and exercise all such powers and authorities and perform and fulfil such duties and functions as shall from time to time be conferred on or assigned to him by statute or rule of court and in particular (unless and until otherwise provided by statute or rule of court) shall have and exercise all such powers and authorities as were formerly vested by law in the Official Assignee in Bankruptcy of the King's Bench Division of the High Court of Justice in Ireland and shall perform and fulfil such duties and functions as were formerly required by law to be or were in fact performed or fulfilled by the said Official Assignee.
The Examiner's Office.
13.—The Examiner's Office shall be under the management of the Examiner and there shall be transacted in that office all such business as shall from time to time be assigned thereto by statute or rule of court and in particular (unless and until otherwise provided by statute or rule of court) all such business as was formerly transacted in the offices attached to the respective Chambers of the Master of the Rolls and the ordinary judge of the Chancery Division of the High Court of Justice in Ireland and also such business as was formerly transacted in the offices attached to the Land Judge of the said Chancery Division including the offices attached to that Judge in his capacity of Receiver Judge.
The Examiner.
14.—The Examiner shall have and exercise all such powers and authorities and perform and fulfil such duties and functions as shall from time to time be conferred on or assigned to him by statute or rule of court and in particular (unless and until otherwise provided by statute or rule of court) shall perform and fulfil such duties and functions as were formerly performed or fulfilled by the several Chief Clerks and Assistant Chief Clerks of the Master of the Rolls and the ordinary judge of the Chancery Division of the High Court of Justice in Ireland respectively and by the Chief Receiver or the Receiver-Examiner.
The Accountant's Office.
15.—The Accountant's Office shall be under the management of the Accountant and there shall be transacted in that office all such business as shall from time to time be assigned thereto by statute or rule of court and in particular (unless and until otherwise provided by statute or rule of court) all such business in relation to the High Court, the Supreme Court, and the Chief Justice as was formerly transacted in the Consolidated Accounting Office of the Supreme Court of Judicature in Ireland in relation to that Court and in relation to the Lord Chancellor for Ireland.
The Accountant.
16.—The Accountant (who shall be styled the Accountant of the Courts of Justice) shall have and exercise all such powers and authorities and perform and fulfil such duties and functions as shall from time to time be conferred on or assigned to him by statute or rule of court and in particular (unless and until otherwise provided by statute or rule of court) shall perform and fulfil in relation to the High Court, the Supreme Court, and the Chief Justice all such duties and functions as were formerly performed and fulfilled by the Accountant-General of the Supreme Court of Judicature in Ireland in relation to that Court and in relation to the Lord Chancellor for Ireland.
The Office of the Registrar of the Supreme Court.
17.—The Office of the Registrar of the Supreme Court shall be under the management of the Registrar of the Supreme Court and there shall be transacted in that office all the business of the Supreme Court (except such business as is for the time being required by law to be transacted by or before one or more of the judges of that Court) and also all the business of the Court of Criminal Appeal (except such business as is for the time being required by law to be transacted by or before one or more of the judges of that Court).
The Registrar of the Supreme Court.
18.—(1) The Registrar of the Supreme Court shall have the superintendence and control of the Office of the Registrar of the Supreme Court but shall in the exercise of such superintendence and control be subject to the general direction of the Minister in regard to all matters of general administration and to the directions of the Chief Justice in regard to all matters relating to the conduct of that part of the business of the Supreme Court and the Court of Criminal Appeal respectively which is for the time being required by law to be transacted by or before one or more of the judges of those courts respectively.
(2) In addition to the superintendence and control aforesaid the Registrar of the Supreme Court shall act as registrar to that Court and also as Registrar to the Court of Criminal Appeal and shall perform and fulfil in relation to those Courts all such duties and functions as are usually performed and fulfilled by the registrar of a court and shall also have and exercise such powers and authorities and perform and fulfil such duties and functions as shall from time to time be assigned to him by statute or rule of court.
The Office of the Registrar to the Chief Justice.
19.—The Office of the Registrar to the Chief Justice shall be under the management of the Registrar to the Chief Justice and there shall be transacted in that office all such business as shall from time to time be assigned thereto by statute or rule of court and in particular (unless and until otherwise provided by statute or rule of court) all such business in relation to the exercise of the jurisdictions transferred to the Chief Justice by section 10 of the Courts of Justice Act, 1924 (No. 10 of 1924), as was formerly transacted in relation to the exercise of those jurisdictions in the Lunacy Office of the Lord Chancellor of Ireland or in the offices attached to the Chambers of the said Lord Chancellor or in any other office attached to the former Supreme Court of Judicature.
The Registrar to the Chief Justice.
20.—(1) The Registrar to the Chief Justice shall have the superintendence and control of the Office of the Registrar to the Chief Justice and shall in the exercise of such superintendence and control be subject to the general direction of the Minister in regard to all matters of general administration and to the directions of the Chief Justice in regard to all matters relating to the exercise of the jurisdictions transferred to the Chief Justice by section 19 of the Courts of Justice Act, 1924 (No. 10 of 1924).
(2) In addition to the superintendence and control aforesaid the Registrar to the Chief Justice shall have and exercise all such powers and authorities and perform and fulfil such duties and functions in relation to the exercise of the jurisdictions transferred to the Chief Justice by section 19 of the Courts of Justice Act, 1924 (No. 10 of 1924), as shall from time to time be conferred on or assigned to him by statute or rule of court and in particular (unless and until otherwise provided by statute or rule of court) shall have and exercise all such powers and authorities as were formerly vested in the Registrar in Lunacy in Ireland or in the Chief Clerk to the Lord Chancellor for Ireland and shall perform and fulfil all such functions and duties in relation to the exercise of the jurisdictions aforesaid as were formerly performed and fulfilled by the said Registrar in Lunacy and the said Chief Clerk respectively.
Qualification for Master of the High Court.
21.—No person shall be appointed under this Act to be Master of the High Court unless at the time of his appointment he is either—
(a) a barrister of not less than ten years standing who is then actually practising, or
(b) a barrister who has practised for not less than ten years and is at the passing of this Act an officer attached to the Supreme Court, the High Court, or the Chief Justice.
Qualification for Taxing-Master.
22.—No person shall be appointed under this Act to be a Taxing-Master unless either—
(a) he is at the time of his appointment a solicitor of not less than ten years standing who either is then actually practising or has previously practised for not less than ten years, or
(b) he was, immediately before the commencement of this Part of this Act, a Taxing-Master attached to the High Court.
Qualification for Probate Officer.
23.—No person shall be appointed under this Act to be a Probate Officer unless either—
(a) he is at the time of his appointment employed in an office established under this Part of this Act and has during the whole of the twelve years next preceding been employed in an office or offices established under this Part of this Act or attached to the former Supreme Court of Judicature or a Judge thereof or the Lord Chancellor for Ireland or the Lord Chief Justice of Ireland, or
(b) he was immediately before the commencement of this Part of this Act a probate registrar or assistant probate registrar attached to the High Court.
Qualification for Examiner.
24.—No person shall be appointed under this Act to be an Examiner unless either—
(a) he is at the time of his appointment employed in an office established under this Part of this Act and has during the whole of the twelve years next preceding been employed in an office or offices established under this Part of this Act or attached to the former Supreme Court of Judicature or a Judge thereof or the Lord Chancellor for Ireland or the Lord Chief Justice of Ireland, or
(b) he was immediately before the commencement of Part I. of the Courts of Justice Act, 1924 (No. 10 of 1924) a chief clerk or assistant chief clerk in the Chambers of a Judge of the Chancery Division of the then existing High Court of Justice.
Qualification for Registrar to the Chief Justice.
25.—No person shall be appointed under this Act to be Registrar to the Chief Justice unless at the time of his appointment he either—
(a) is a barrister of not less than ten years' standing who is then actually practising, or
(b) is a barrister who is then employed in an office established under this Part of this Act and has during the next preceding twelve years been employed in one or more of such offices or of the offices formerly attached to the High Court, the Supreme Court, the former Supreme Court of Judicature, the Chief Justice, the Lord Chancellor for Ireland or the Lord Chief Justice of Ireland or any of them, or
(c) immediately before the commencement of this Part of this Act holds the office of Registrar or of Assistant Registrar in Lunacy or the office of Chief Clerk to the Chief Justice.
General staffs of offices.
26.—(1) In addition to the principal officers there shall be employed in the several offices established by this Part of this Act such and so many officers, clerks, messengers, criers, and servants as the Minister shall from time to time determine with the sanction of the Minister for Finance and after consultation with the President of the High Court in the case of an office attached to that court and with the Chief Justice in the case of an office attached to the Supreme Court or the Chief Justice.
(2) All officers (other than the principal officers), clerks, messengers, criers, and servants employed in any of the offices established by this Part of this Act shall be interchangeable amongst such offices and shall be liable to serve in any of those offices as the Minister shall from time to time direct after consultation with the President of the High Court in relation to an office attached to that court and with the Chief Justice in relation to an office attached to the Supreme Court or to the Chief Justice.
Appointment of temporary deputies for Master and Taxing-Masters.
27.—(1) In the event of the temporary absence or the temporary incapacity through illness of the Master of the High Court or any Taxing-Master or in the event of the office of such Master or Taxing-Master being vacant the Minister may appoint a deputy to execute the office of such Master or Taxing-Master during such absence, incapacity, or vacancy.
(2) A deputy appointed under this section shall while his appointment continues have and exercise all the powers and authorities and shall perform and fulfil all the duties and functions of the officer whose deputy he is.
(3) Except in the case of the temporary incapacity of an officer through illness no office shall be executed by a deputy appointed under this section for any period or periods exceeding in all three months in any year.
(4) No person shall be appointed under this section to be a Deputy Master of the High Court unless at the time of his appointment he either possesses the qualifications prescribed by this Act for persons appointed to be Master of the High Court or is an officer employed in the Central Office who has during the next preceding twelve years been employed in one or more of the offices established by this Part of this Act or of the offices the business of which is transferred by this Act to the offices established by this Part of this Act.
(5) No person shall be appointed under this section to be a Deputy-Taxing Master unless at the time of his appointment he possesses the qualifications prescribed by this Act for persons appointed to be Taxing Master.
Deputies for principal officers.
28.—(1) The Minister may in the case of each of the offices established by this Part of this Act (other than the Central Office and the Taxing-Master's Office) nominate one of the officers for the time being serving in the office to be the deputy for the principal officer having under this Act the management of such office, and every officer so nominated shall, during every temporary absence and every temporary incapacity through illness of such principal officer and every occasion on which the office of such principal officer is vacant occurring while such nomination remains unrevoked, have and exercise the powers and authorities and perform and fulfil the duties and functions for the time being vested by law in such principal officer.
(2) In this section the word “office” shall in its application to the Bankruptcy Office be construed as meaning a branch of an office.
Transfer of property vested in officials.
29.—(1) All securities and moneys which are immediately before the commencement of this Part of this Act standing in the books of the government of Saorstát Eireann or any foreign government or any bank or any company or other body corporate whatsoever (whether such bank, company, or body is within or outside Saorstát Eireann) in the name or to the account of the Accountant-General of the High Court of Justice of Saorstát Eireann or of the Accountant-General of the Supreme Court of Judicature in Southern Ireland shall immediately upon the commencement of this Part of this Act become and be vested in the Accountant for the time being of the Courts of Justice in Saorstát Eireann without any transfer, assignment, or other instrument.
(2) All real and personal property (including choses-in-action) whatsoever which is immediately before the commencement of this Part of this Act vested in the Official Assignee of the High Court shall immediately upon the commencement of this Part of this Act become and be (without any conveyance, transfer, or other instrument) vested in the Official Assignee in Bankruptcy for the time being of the High Court for all the estate and interest and subject to the trusts and for the purposes for and subject to which such property was respectively vested in the said Official Assignee, and accordingly all securities and moneys which are immediately before the commencement of this Part of this Act standing in the books of the government of Saorstát Eireann or any foreign government or any bank, or any company or other body corporate whatsoever (whether such bank, company, or body is within or outside Saorstát Eireann) in the name or to the account of the Official Assignee of the High Court of Justice of Saorstát Eireann or of the Official Assignee of the High Court of Justice in Southern Ireland shall immediately upon the commencement of this Part of this Act become and be vested in the Official Assignee in Bankruptcy of the High Court of Justice of Saorstát Eireann without any transfer, assignment, or other instrument.
(3) All chattels and all documents which immediately before the commencement of this Part of this Act are deposited for safe custody or otherwise with the Accountant-General of the High Court of Justice in Saorstát Eireann shall upon the commencement of this Part of this Act and without any further order be transferred to the Accountant of the Courts of Justice and be held by him for the same purposes as such chattels and documents were respectively held by the said Accountant-General immediately before such commencement.
(4) In this section—
the word “securities” includes every description of stocks, shares, debentures, bonds, mortgages, and other securities and all dividends and interest accrued or accruing thereon;
the word “moneys” includes moneys in bank on deposit or current accounts;
and references to the books of a government, bank, company, or other body corporate includes books kept for a government, bank, company, or body corporate by any bank, company, body, or person.
Application of Civil Service Regulation Act, 1924.
30.—(1) During the period of eighteen months from the commencement of this Part of this Act, the Civil Service Regulation Act, 1924 (No. 5 of 1924), shall not apply to any appointment of an existing officer to an office created by this Part of this Act or to a situation in any office established by this Part of this Act.
(2) In this section the expression “existing officer” means and includes all registrars, clerks, messengers, criers, and other officers and servants who at the commencement of this Part of this Act are attached to the Supreme Court, the Court of Criminal Appeal, the High Court, or the Chief Justice, and are pensionable officers or servants.
Abolition of existing posts and offices.
31.—(1) Whenever it is expressly enacted by this Part of this Act that any officer holding a post (in this sub-section referred to as the new post) created by this Part of this Act is to have or exercise the powers or authorities or perform or fulfil the duties or functions which were formerly vested in or imposed on the holder of a post (in this sub-section referred to as the existing post) existing immediately or at any other time before the commencement of this Part of this Act, the existing post if not abolished by virtue of any other provision of this Act is hereby abolished as from the commencement of this Part of this Act, and as from the abolition of the existing post (whether effected by this sub-section or by some other provision of this Act) every enactment referring to the existing post (other than enactments relating to the appointment to, qualification for, or remuneration or tenure of the existing post) shall, if and so far as such enactment continues in force and capable of taking effect, be construed and have effect as if in lieu of the references therein to the existing post there were inserted therein references to the new post.
(2) Whenever it is enacted by this Part of this Act that the business to be transacted in any office (in this sub-section referred to as the new office) is to be or to include the business formerly transacted in an office (in this sub-section referred to as the existing office) existing immediately or at any other time before the commencement of this Part of this Act, the existing office if not abolished by virtue of any other provision of this Act is hereby abolished as from the commencement of this Part of this Act, and as from the abolition of the existing office (whether effected by this sub-section or by some other provision of this Act) all references in any enactment to the existing office (other than references to the staff of the existing office) shall be construed as references to the new office and such enactment shall have effect accordingly.
(3) Every post—
(a) which is at the commencement of this Part of this Act attached to the Supreme Court, the High Court, the Court of Criminal Appeal, or the Chief Justice or was attached to the former Supreme Court of Judicature or the Lord Chancellor for Ireland, and
(b) was created by statute or rule of court, and
(c) the powers, authorities, duties, or functions of the holder of which are not expressly transferred by this Part of this Act to the holder of a post created by this Act,
is hereby abolished (unless abolished by virtue of any other provision of this Act) as from the commencement of this Part of this Act, and as from such abolition (whether effected by this sub-section or by any other provision of this Act) the powers, authorities, duties, and functions of the holder of the post shall, so far as they remain capable of being exercised or performed, be vested in the Master of the High Court unless and until otherwise provided by rules of court, and every enactment referring to the holder of such post (other than enactments relating to the appointment to, qualification for, or remuneration or tenure of such post) shall, if and so far as the same continues in force and capable of taking effect, be construed and have effect as referring to the Master of the High Court in lieu of the holder of such post.
(4) Every office—
(a) which is at the commencement of this Part of this Act attached to the Supreme Court, the High Court, the Court of Criminal Appeal, or the Chief Justice or was attached to the former Supreme Court of Judicature or the Lord Chancellor for Ireland, and
(b) was established by statute or rule of court, and
(c) the business of which is not transferred by this Part of this Act to any of the offices established by this Act,
is hereby abolished (unless abolished by virtue of some other provision of this Act) as from the commencement of this Part of this Act, and as from such abolition (whether effected by this sub-section or by some other provision of this Act) the business formerly transacted in such office shall, if and so far as the same shall require to be transacted, be transacted in the Central Office unless and until otherwise provided by rules of court, and every enactment referring to such office (other than enactments relating to the staff of such office) shall, if and so far as the same continues in force and capable of taking effect, be construed and have effect as referring to the Central Office in lieu of such office.
Saving for Land Registry.
32.—Nothing in this Act shall apply to the Central Office established under the Local Registration of Title (Ireland) Act, 1891 nor to any Local Office established under that Act which immediately before the commencement of Part II of this Act is under the management and control of a person who is not the Clerk of the Crown and Peace, and neither the said Central Office nor any such Local Office shall for the purposes of this Act be deemed to be or to have been attached to the High Court or to the former Supreme Court of Judicature or any branch or division thereof.
Saving for district probate registries.
33.—Save and except section 56 (which relates to the closing of district probate registries) and section 62 (which relates to the grant of Civil Service Certificates to certain officers) nothing in this Act shall apply to the District Probate Registries, and none of those Registries shall for the purposes of this Act (except section 62) be deemed to be or to have been attached to the High Court or to the former Supreme Court of Judicature or any branch or division thereof.
The Circuit Court.
Court Office.
34.—(1) There shall be established in and for every county and every county borough an office attached to the Circuit Court and styled the Circuit Court Office.
(2) The Minister may at any time and for so long as he thinks proper amalgamate any two or more counties or any county borough and one or more counties for the purposes of the Circuit Court, and while any such amalgamation continues there shall be only one circuit court office in and for such amalgamated counties or county borough and county or counties.
(3) The Minister may at any time divide any county into two or more parts for the purposes of the Circuit Court and whenever any county is so divided a separate circuit court office shall be established in and for every such part of such county.
The County Registrar.
35.—(1) There shall be attached to the Circuit Court so many County Registrars as the Minister, with the sanction of the Minister for Finance, shall from time to time direct.
(2) Every county registrar shall be appointed by the Executive Council and shall hold office at the pleasure of the Executive Council.
(3) No person shall be appointed to be a county registrar unless at the time of his appointment he is either—
(a) a solicitor of not less than eight years standing who is then actually practising or has previously practised for not less than eight years, or
(b) a Clerk of the Crown and Peace, or
(c) a person who has been a Clerk of the Crown and Peace or a county registrar.
(4) For the purposes of paragraph (a) of the foregoing sub-section, service as a Justice of the District Court shall in the case of a Justice of the District Court who was admitted as a solicitor before he was appointed to be such Justice, be deemed to be practice as a solicitor.
(5) Subject to the person appointed thereto being in good health at the time of appointment, the office of county registrar shall be a pensionable office within the Superannuation Acts for the time being in force and there may be granted either to a county registrar on retirement or to his legal personal representative on death such superannuation and other allowances or gratuities as might under the Superannuation Acts for the time being in force have been granted had such county registrar been appointed to the permanent Civil Service of Saorstát Eireann with a certificate from the Civil Service Commissioners.
(6) Every county registrar shall retire on attaining the age of sixty-five years, but such age of retirement may, in the case of any particular county registrar, be extended by the Minister with the concurrence of the Minister for Finance to any age not exceeding seventy years.
Assignment of county registrars to circuit court offices.
36.—(1) Every county registrar appointed under this Act shall be assigned to such circuit court office as the Minister shall from time to time direct.
(2) Every county registrar shall be known and is in this Act referred to as the county registrar for the county, county borough, or other area served by the circuit court office to which he is for the time being assigned.
(3) All references in this Act to a county registrar in relation to a circuit court office shall be construed as references to the county registrar for the time being assigned under this section to such office and all references in this Act to a county registrar in relation to a county, county borough, or other area shall be construed as references to the county registrar for the time being assigned to the circuit court office for that area.
The business of the circuit court office.
37.—Every circuit court office shall be under the control and management of the county registrar and there shall be transacted in every circuit court office all such business as is from time to time directed by statute or rule of court to be transacted therein and (unless and until otherwise directed by statute or rule of court) also all other business of the Circuit Court in the county, county borough, or other area served by such office except such business as is required by law to be transacted by or before the Circuit Judge.
Duties of the county registrar.
38.—(1) Every county registrar shall have and exercise such powers and authorities and shall perform and fulfil such duties and functions as shall be from time to time conferred or imposed on him by statute or rule of court and in particular shall perform and fulfil the duties and have and exercise the powers and authorities expressly imposed or conferred on him by this Act and (unless and until otherwise provided by statute or rule of court) shall also, save as is otherwise provided by this Act perform and fulfil all the duties and have and exercise all the powers and authorities which immediately before the commencement of this Part of this Act were by law imposed on or vested in the clerk of the crown and peace or the registrar of a civil bill court or, where a local bankruptcy court formerly existed, the registrar, or any other officer of that court except the official assignee.
(2) Rules of court made under section 66 of the Courts of Justice Act, 1924 (No. 10 of 1924), may provide for the hearing and determination (subject or not subject to an appeal to the Circuit Judge) by the county registrar of all or any class or classes of interlocutory applications and unopposed final applications in or in relation to suits or matters in the Circuit Court as well as the taking or making of all or any class or classes of accounts and inquiries in such suits or matters.
(3) The county registrar of the county, county borough, or other area in which the Central Criminal Court is for the time being sitting shall act as registrar ot that court and perform and fulfil such duties and functions in relation to that court as shall be assigned to him by rules of court.
Expenses, etc., heretofore payable to Clerk of Crown and Peace.
39.—(1) All expenses, allowances, and fees heretofore payable or receivable under the Electoral Act, 1923 (No. 12 of 1923), the Local Government Electors Registration Act, 1924 (No. 7 of 1924) and the Juries Acts, 1871 to 1924, respectively to or by the Clerk of the Crown and Peace (whether as registration officer or otherwise) shall be payable to and receivable by the county registrar in the same manner in all respects as the said expenses, allowances, and fees were heretofore payable to or receivable by the Clerk of the Crown and Peace.
(2) The amounts of the said expenses, allowances and fees shall be calculated in accordance with the scales for the time being in force for the purposes of such calculation under the said Acts mentioned in the foregoing sub-section respectively, and for the purpose of such scales all such expenses, allowances, and fees as were heretofore actually incurred by the Clerk of the Crown and Peace shall be deemed to be actually incurred by the county registrar although in fact not so incurred.
(3) Save as is hereinafter mentioned every county registrar shall surrender to the Exchequer so much of the expenses, allowances, and fees paid to and received by him by virtue of this section as is not required by him to meet disbursements and expenses payable or incurred by him under any of the said Acts mentioned in the foregoing sub-section and not payable or paid out of moneys provided by the Oireachtas.
(4) Notwithstanding the provisions of the foregoing sub-section, the fees and other sums mentioned in sub-section (4) of section 12 of the Electoral Act, 1923, shall be accounted for and paid by the county registrar in accordance with that sub-section and no portion of such fees or sums shall be surrendered to the Exchequer under the foregoing sub-section.
Appointment of temporary deputy county registrar.
40.—(1) In the event of the temporary absence or the temporary incapacity through illness of any county registrar or in the event of the office of county registrar for any circuit court office being vacant the Minister may appoint a deputy to execute the office of such county registrar during such absence, incapacity, or vacancy, but unless and until the Minister appoints such deputy the office of such county registrar shall (save as is hereinafter provided) be executed during such absence, incapacity, or vacancy by the senior officer in the circuit court office.
(2) A deputy appointed under this section shall, while his appointment continues, have and exercise all the powers and authorities and shall perform and fulfil all the duties and functions of the county registrar whose deputy he is.
(3) Rules of court may provide that specified powers, authorities, duties, and functions of a county registrar shall not be exercised or performed by the senior officer under this section, and where rules of court so provide the powers, authorities, duties, and functions so specified shall not be exercised or performed by the senior officer under this section.
(4) Except in the case of the temporary incapacity of a county registrar through illness no office shall be executed by a deputy appointed under this section for any period or periods exceeding in all three months in any year.
(5) No person shall be appointed under this section to be a deputy for a county registrar unless he possesses the qualifications prescribed by this Act for persons appointed to be county registrars.
(6) This section shall not operate to authorise the senior officer in a circuit court office to exercise the powers or authorities or perform the duties or functions of the county registrar as registration officer under the Electoral Act, 1923 (No. 12 of 1923) or any Act amending or extending that Act, and section 10 of that Act shall apply to the exercise and performance of those powers, authorities, duties and functions during any temporary absence or temporary incapacity through illness of the county registrar or any vacancy in the office of county registrar until a deputy is appointed under this section but not thereafter.
(7) After the powers, authorities, duties, and functions of any under-sheriff have become transferred under this Act to a county registrar, the powers, authorities, duties and functions of such under-sheriff as returning officer under the Electoral Act, 1923 (No. 12 of 1923) shall not be exercisable by the senior officer under this section, and in lieu thereof whenever such county registrar is temporarily absent or incapacitated through illness or his office is vacant the Minister for Local Government and Public Health may if he so thinks fit appoint a fit and proper person to exercise and perform those powers, authorities, duties and functions during such absence, incapacity, or vacancy until a deputy is appointed by the Minister for Justice under this section.
Money paid into the Circuit Court.
41.—(1) The Minister may by order prescribe the places at which and the post office savings banks and other banks in which money hereafter paid into the circuit court in any proceedings or heretofore paid under section 39 of the County Officers and Courts (Ireland) Act, 1877, into the former county court or into the circuit court shall be deposited in each circuit and may by the same or any other order make in respect of each circuit rules and regulations in respect of such deposits, and may by such rules and regulations make such provision as may appear to him to be necessary for the transfer of money heretofore paid into the former county court or into the circuit court as aforesaid to the bank or banks and into the names prescribed by such order for money hereafter paid into the circuit court.
(2) No order shall be made under this section without the concurrence of the judge of the circuit court assigned at the date of the order to the circuit to which the order relates.
(3) No order made under this section shall authorise the payment out otherwise than on an order of a judge of the circuit court of any money deposited under this section.
General staff of circuit court office.
42.—There shall be employed in every circuit court office established under this Act such and so many officers, clerks, messengers, and servants as the Minister shall, with the sanction of the Minister for Finance, from time to time determine and all such officers, clerks, messengers, and servants shall hold office on such terms and conditions as the Minister for Finance shall prescribe.
Staff attached to the circuit court and the judges thereof.
43.—(1) In addition to the persons employed under this Act in circuit court offices there may be attached to the circuit court such and so many officers and servants as the Minister shall, with the sanction of the Minister for Finance from time to time determine and all such officers and servants shall hold office on such terms and conditions as the Minister for Finance shall prescribe.
(2) Every officer and servant attached to the circuit court shall be assigned by the Minister to a particular circuit and any such officer or servant may with his own consent be transferred from one circuit to another circuit and every such officer and servant shall perform and fulfil in the circuit to which he is for the time being assigned such duties and functions in relation to the circuit court as the Minister shall from time to time prescribe.
(3) In addition to the officers and servants mentioned in the foregoing sub-sections of this section there may be attached to any judge of the circuit court by direction of the Minister and with the sanction of the Minister for Finance one servant to perform such duties in relation to such judge as the Minister shall prescribe, and every such servant shall be appointed by the Minister and shall hold office on such terms and conditions as the Minister shall, with the sanction of the Minister for Finance determine, and the Civil Service Regulation Act, 1924 (No. 5 of 1924) shall not apply to the situation of any such servant.
(4) The Minister for Finance may out of moneys to be provided by the Oireachtas pay to any judge of the circuit court to whom a servant is not attached under the foregoing sub-section an allowance of such amount as the said Minister shall determine in lieu of such servant.
44.—(1) There shall be attached to every circuit court office such and so many summons-servers as the county registrar, with the sanction of the Minister and (as regards numbers) of the Minister for Finance, shall think proper.
(2) Every such summons-server shall be appointed by the county registrar with and subject to the approval of the Minister and shall hold office at the will of and may be removed by the Minister and shall be paid out of moneys to be provided by the Oireachtas such salaries as the Minister shall, with the consent of the Minister for Finance, direct.
(3) Whenever there is in the opinion of the county registrar reason to believe that any such summons-server has misconducted himself or displayed gross incapacity in the performance of his duties, the county registrar may suspend such summons-server from the performance of his duties for any period or periods not exceeding altogether one month pending the decision of the Minister on the matter.
(4) Every such summons-server shall be and is hereby declared to be competent to serve within the area served by the circuit court office to which he is attached any writ, summons, process, notice or other document issued by or from any court.
Saving for official assignees of local bankruptcy courts.
45.—Nothing in this Act shall apply to the office of official assignee attached to a local bankruptcy court established under the Local Bankruptcy (Ireland) Act, 1888, before the passing of the Courts of Justice Act, 1924 (No. 10 of 1924) save that every such official assignee and his staff (if any) shall henceforth be attached to the circuit court and that sub-sections (1) and (2) of section 43 (which relate to the staff attached to the circuit court) of this Act shall apply to the post or situation of each such official assignee and of each member of his staff (if any) on and from the occurrence of the next vacancy in each such post or situation.
The District Court.
Appointment of district court clerks.
46.—(1) There shall be attached to the District Court such and so many district court clerks as the Minister shall, with the sanction of the Minister for Finance, from time to time direct.
(2) Subject to the provisions of this section, every district court clerk shall be appointed by the Minister and shall (unless he is a pensionable officer) hold office at the will of and may be removed by the Minister.
(3) Every person who immediately before the commencement of this Part of this Act holds the office of district court clerk under the District Justices (Temporary Provisions) Act, 1923 (No. 6 of 1923) or, in the Dublin Metropolitan Area and in the County Borough of Cork, the office of chief or other clerk of the District Court in that area and borough respectively shall, on the commencement of this Part of this Act, become and be a district court clerk under this Act and shall hold such office on the same terms and conditions in all respects as if he had been appointed thereto by the Minister under this Act.
(4) Every person who becomes a district court clerk under this Act by virtue of the next preceding sub-section of this section shall, when computing the period of his service for the purposes of the Superannuation Acts, 1834 to 1923, be entitled to reckon as continuous service for those purposes whatever period (if any) of service he was immediately before the commencement of this Part of this Act entitled to reckon as service for those purposes and his period of pensionable service as a district court clerk under this Act.
(5) The district court clerk's office shall for the purposes of this Act be deemed to be an office established by this Act.
District court areas.
47.—(1) The Minister shall divide every district prescribed by him under section 68 of the Courts of Justice Act, 1924 (No. 10 of 1924) into such and so many convenient areas (in this Part of this Act referred to as district court areas) as he shall think proper and may divide any such district into different district court areas for the purposes of different classes of business transacted in the District Court.
(2) The Minister shall appoint one or more convenient places in every district court area or within one mile of the boundary of such area in which, and such and so many convenient days and hours at which, the District Court shall be held for the purpose of transacting for such district court area the business for the transaction of which such area was delimited.
(3) It shall be lawful for the Minister from time to time, as he shall consider expedient, to do all or any of the following things, that is to say:—
(a) vary or abolish any district prescribed by him under the said section 68 of the Courts of Justice Act, 1924;
(b) create any new such district;
(c) vary or abolish any district court area;
(d) create any new district court area;
(e) vary the class or classes of business for which any district court area is delimited;
(f) alter the places or vary the days or hours appointed under this section for holding the District Court in or for any district court area.
(4) The district court areas created under this section shall for all purposes take the place of and be substituted for the court districts created under section 3 of the District Justices (Temporary Provisions) Act, 1923 (No. 6 of 1923), and the sittings of the District Court for the transaction for any such district court area of the business for which such district court area is delimited shall be held in the places on the days, and at the hours appointed therefor under this section.
Duties of district court clerks.
48.—(1) Every district court clerk shall be assigned to such one or more district court areas as the Minister shall from time to time direct and shall have and exercise all such powers and authorities and perform and fulfil all such duties and functions in relation to the District Court in such district court area or areas as shall from time to time be conferred or imposed on him by statute or rule of court and in particular (unless and until otherwise provided by statute or rules of court) shall have and exercise all such powers and authorities and perform and fulfil all such duties and functions in such district court area or areas as immediately before the commencement of this Part of this Act were vested by law in or required by law to be performed or fulfilled by the district court clerk or, in the Dublin Metropolitan Area and the County Borough of Cork, by the chief and other clerks of the District Court in that area and borough respectively.
(2) In addition to the powers, authorities, duties and functions mentioned in the foregoing sub-section, every district court clerk in the Dublin Metropolitan Area shall have, exercise, perform and fulfil, within so much of that Area as is within his district court area all the powers, authorities, duties and functions vested or imposed by any statutes in force immediately before the commencement of this Part of this Act in or on the chief clerk, or the principal clerk, or any other clerk of the Dublin Metropolitan Police Courts.
Payment of salaries of district court clerks.
49.—(1) From the commencement of this Part of this Act until the appointed day the salaries and allowances of all district court clerks assigned to any district or districts within the Dublin Metropolitan Area shall be paid out of moneys to be provided by the Oireachtas and the salaries and allowances of all district court clerks assigned to any district or districts outside the Dublin Metropolitan Area shall be paid out of the invested funds and other moneys for the time being in the hands of the registrar of district court clerks or standing in the name of that registrar either alone or jointly with any other public official, and any deficiency in such funds or moneys to meet the amounts of such salaries shall, to such extent as the Minister for Finance may sanction, be made good out of moneys to be provided by the Oireachtas.
(2) In this and the two following sections the expression “the appointed day” means such day as the Minister shall by order appoint to be the appointed day for the purpose of those sections, and the expression “registrar of district court clerks” means the person appointed under the Petty Sessions Clerk (Ireland) Act, 1858, to discharge the duties prescribed by that Act for the registrar to perform.
Abolition of Registrar of District Court Clerks.
50.—(1) As on the appointed day the office of registrar of district court clerks shall cease to exist and after that day such of the duties of that office as continue to exist shall be discharged by the principal officer of the Department of Justice or by such other officer of the Minister as the Minister shall from time to time direct.
(2) The fund known as the District Court Clerks' Fund shall; be wound up as on the appointed day and so soon as may be after that day all invested funds and all other moneys on that day in the hands of the registrar of district court clerks or standing in the name of that registrar either alone or jointly with any other public official and being or representing moneys collected by or under the control of the registrar of district court clerks shall be paid into or disposed for the benefit of the Exchequer in such manner as the Minister for Finance shall direct.
(3) From and after the appointed day all salaries, allowances, and expenses theretofore chargeable on or payable out of moneys collected by or under the control of the registrar of district court clerks shall, if and so far as the same continue to be payable, be paid out of moneys provided by the Oireachtas.
(4) If any person who immediately before the appointed day is employed in a pensionable capacity in the office of the registrar of district court clerks is appointed on or after the appointed day in a pensionable capacity to a situation in the Civil Service of Saorstát Eireann, the Acts which immediately before the appointed day authorised the grant to him of a pension or other allowance (from whatever fund or moneys such pension or allowance could have been granted) shall on his ceasing to hold a situation in a pensionable capacity in the Civil Service of Saorstát Eireann apply to him in the same manner and to the same extent as they applied to him immediately before the appointed day but with and subject to the following modifications, that is to say:—
(i) in computing the period of his service for the purpose of those Acts he shall be entitled to reckon as continuous service for those purposes his period of service in a pensionable capacity in the office of the registrar of district court clerks and his period of service in a pensionable capacity in a situation in the Civil Service of Saorstát Eireann and
(ii) the Minister for Finance shall be substituted for the person authorised by those Acts to grant to him a pension or allowance, and
(iii) any pension or allowance granted to him shall be paid out of moneys to be provided by the Oireachtas.
Disposal of fines, etc.
51.—(1) Save as is otherwise provided under this section, all fines, amerciaments, penalties and forfeited recognisances imposed or levied by any court after the appointed day shall be paid into or disposed for the benefit of the Exchequer in such manner as the Minister for Finance shall direct and notwithstanding any enactment to the contrary, no part of any such fine, amerciament, penalty, or recognisance shall be paid or allowed to any prosecutor, informer, or other person or paid into any fund.
(2) So much of any fine, amerciament, penalty, or forfeited recognisance imposed or levied by any court on or before the appointed day as is not received by the registrar of district court clerks on or before that day or lawfully paid before, on, or after that day to a prosecutor, informer, or other person shall (save as is otherwise provided under this section) be paid into or disposed for the benefit of the Exchequer in such manner as the Minister for Finance shall direct.
(3) Whenever any fine, amerciament, penalty, or forfeited recognisance is remitted in whole or in part after the same has been paid into or disposed for the benefit of the Exchequer under this section, such fine, amerciament, penalty or forfeited recognisance or the portion thereof so remitted (as the case may be) shall be repaid out of the Exchequer in such manner as the Minister for Finance shall direct.
(4) The Minister may, with the concurrence of the Minister for Finance, by order direct that the whole or any specified portion of every fine or penalty belonging to any particular class or classes of fines or penalties specified in the order shall not be paid into the Exchequer under this section and that, in lieu of being so paid, the whole or such specified portion (as the case may be) of every such fine or penalty shall be paid to such prosecutor, informer, or other person or into such fund and upon such terms and conditions as shall be specified in the order in respect of each particular class or classes of fines.
Abolition of High Sheriff.
52.—The office of high sheriff is hereby abolished in every county and county borough.
Execution of death sentences.
53.—It shall not henceforth be the duty of any under-sheriff to carry into effect sentences of death imposed by courts of justice and in lieu thereof the duty of carrying into effect such sentences shall henceforth be performed by the governor or other principal officer of the prison in which the person on whom the sentence was imposed is confined at the time when the sentence is to be carried into effect.
Transfer of duties of under-sheriff.
54.—(1) No appointment shall be made to the office of under-sheriff after the passing of this Act.
(2) In every county and county borough in which the office of under-sheriff is vacant at the commencement of this Part of this Act all the powers, duties, authorities, rights and obligations of the several under-sheriffs of such counties and county boroughs respectively shall as on and from such commencement become and be transferred to and vested in or imposed on the several county registrars of such counties and county boroughs respectively.
(3) In every county and county borough in which the office of under-sheriff is not vacant at the commencement of this Part of this Act all the powers, duties, authorities, rights and obligations of the several under-sheriffs of such counties and county boroughs respectively shall as on and from the respective dates on which the office of under-sheriff in such counties and county boroughs respectively first becomes vacant after the commencement of this Part of this Act become and be transferred to and vested in or imposed on the several county registrars of such counties and county boroughs respectively.
Winding-up of Lunacy Fund.
55.—(1) The Lunacy Fund referred to in sections 110 and 116 of the Lunacy Regulation (Ireland) Act, 1871 shall be wound up on such day (hereinafter referred to as the closing day) after the commencement of this Part of this Act and before the next following 1st day of April as the Minister shall, with the sanction of the Minister for Finance, appoint.
(2) All investments, securities, funds, and moneys standing to the credit of the lunacy fund on the closing day shall on that day or so soon thereafter as conveniently may be be paid into or disposed for the benefit of the Exchequer in such manner as the Minister for Finance shall direct.
(3) From and after the closing day the percentage charged on the estates of lunatics under sections 109 to 114 of the Lunacy Regulation (Ireland) Act, 1871 shall be paid into the Exchequer in such manner and at such times as the Minister for Finance shall direct.
(4) All salaries and pensions heretofore payable out of the Lunacy Fund shall after the closing day, if and so far as they respectively continue to be payable, be paid out of moneys provided by the Oireachtas as part of the expenses incurred in the execution of this Act, and all such expenses (other than salaries and pensions) as have heretofore been defrayed out of the Lunacy Fund shall after the closing day be defrayed either out of moneys provided by the Oireachtas or out of the said percentage charged on the estates of lunatics before the same is paid into the Exchequer as the Minister for Finance after consultation with the Chief Justice shall direct, and all such expenses (other than salaries and pensions) shall be so defrayed on the certificate of the Chief Justice certifying the amount and nature of each expense and that the same was duly incurred by his direction or with his approval.
(5) The Minister may, with the consent of the Minister for Finance and after consultation with the Chief Justice from time to time vary the rates of the said percentage charged on the estates of lunatics and may, if he so thinks fit but with the consent aforesaid, raise such rates above or reduce such rates below the rates and total amounts specified in section 109 of the Lunacy Regulation (Ireland) Act, 1871, but until such rates are varied under this section the said percentage shall be charged at the rates at which it was chargeable immediately before the commencement of this Part of this Act.
Closing of district probate registries.
56.—(1) The Minister may by order close any district probate registry as from such date (not being earlier than the date of the order) as he shall think proper.
(2) Whenever the Minister makes an order under this section closing a district probate registry such registry shall as from the date specified in the order for the closing thereof cease to exist and, save as hereinafter mentioned, the Probates and Letters of Administration Act (Ireland), 1857 shall have effect in the district previously served by such registry as if that district were omitted from Schedule (A) of that Act.
(3) Whenever the Minister makes an order under this section closing a district probate registry the Minister may by such order, if he so thinks fit, make provision for enabling applications for probates of wills and letters of administration in cases in which the testator or intestate (as the case may be) at the time of his death had a fixed place of abode within the district previously served by such registry to be lodged with the county registrar for the area in which such fixed place of abode was situate and for the transmission of such applications by the county registrar to the principal probate registry and the transmission of the probates and letters of administration (if and when issued) from the principal probate registry to the said county registrar for delivery to the person entitled thereto.
(4) The Minister may, if and when he so thinks fit, by order make provision for enabling applications for probates of wills and letters of administration in cases in which the testator or intestate (as the case may be) at the time of his death had a fixed place of abode in Saorstát Eireann but not within any of the districts served at the commencement of this Part of this Act by a district probate registry to be lodged with the county registrar for the area in which such fixed place of abode was situate and for the transmission of such application by the county registrar to the principal probate registry and the transmission of the probates and letters of administration (if and when issued) from the principal probate registry to the said county registrar for delivery to the person entitled thereto.
Court fees.
57.—(1) The Minister may, with the sanction of the Minister for Finance and the concurrence of the committee with whose concurrence or assistance the rules of the court to which the matter relates are made, by order prescribe and from time to time as occasion requires vary or otherwise revise the fees to be charged in the several offices established by this Act and may by any such order prescribe, in addition to the amounts of such fees, the persons by whom and the occasions on which such fees are to be paid and the officers by whom and the manner in which such fees are to be collected.
(2) All fees collected under an order made under this section shall be paid into or disposed for the benefit of the Exchequer in such manner as the Minister for Finance shall direct.
(3) Unless and until the fees to be charged in any office established by this Act are prescribed by an order under this section there shall be charged in such office the fees which immediately before the passing of this Act were chargeable in the office in which was then transacted the business assigned by this Act to the first-mentioned office.
(4) So much of the Courts of Justice Act, 1924 (No. 10 of 1924) as authorises the fees to be charged in any court or office to be fixed by rules of court is hereby repealed.
Performance of their duties, etc., by principal officers and county registrars.
58.—The several powers, authorities, duties and functions conferred or imposed by Part I. of this Act on the respective officers therein referred to as principal officers and by Part II. of this Act on the county registrars shall be exercised and performed by those officers and registrars with the assistance of the officers and servants employed in the offices under their management respectively, and every such principal officer and county registrar shall arrange for the exercise and performance by officers or servants employed in the office under his management of such of his powers, authorities, duties and functions (other than those which he is for the time being expressly required by statute or rule of court to exercise or perform in person) as he cannot conveniently exercise or perform himself.
Nomination of court stockbrokers, court receivers, etc.
59.—(1) All such stockbrokers, receivers, auctioneers, assessors, and other persons as shall from time to time be required to be retained to render occasional services in or for any court or for any judge or officer of any court shall be nominated and retained by the Minister on such terms and conditions as he shall (subject to the sanction of the Minister for Finance in respect of any payment of remuneration out of public moneys) think proper.
(2) Every nomination and retainer made by the Minister under the foregoing sub-section may be revoked by the Minister at any time.
(3) Every nomination or retainer by whomsoever made of any such person as aforesaid which is in force at the commencement of any Part (other than this Part) of this Act in relation to any court, judge, or officer to which such Part relates may be revoked by the Minister at any time after such commencement, but unless and until such nomination or retainer is so revoked the same shall continue in force according to the terms thereof including any term relating to the duration thereof.
(4) This section shall not apply to such solicitors, doctors, visitors, and other persons as have heretofore been retained or nominated by the Chief Justice in relation to the exercise of any of the jurisdictions transferred to him by section 19 of the Courts of Justice Act, 1924 (No. 10 of 1924) and all such persons shall continue to be nominated and retained by him as heretofore.
(5) This section shall not apply to the appointment in any suit or matter by the judge or by the parties with the approval of the judge of an auctioneer, receiver, assessor, liquidator, manager, agent or other like person to render services in relation to the subject matter of such suit or matter where the appointment does not extend to any other suit or matter and either there is no person retained under this section available to render such services or the judge is of opinion that it is not expedient in the special circumstances of the case to appoint the person or any of the persons so retained.
Application of Civil Service Regulation Act, 1924.
60.—Save as is otherwise provided in this Act, the Civil Service Regulation Act, 1924 (No. 5 of 1924) and every Act for the time being in force amending that Act shall apply to every office and situation under this Act other than offices and situations for the time being comprised in the Schedule to the said Civil Service Regulation Act, 1924.
Security to be given by certain officers.
61.—(1) Every person appointed to a post or situation to which this section for the time being applies shall before entering on the duties of such post or situation give security for the discharge of the duties of such post or situation in such manner and for such amount as shall be prescribed under this section.
(2) The Minister may with the sanction of the Minister for Finance from time to time by order prescribe the posts created by this Act and the posts and situations in the offices established by this Act to which this section shall apply and may by any such order prescribe, with the sanction of the Minister for Finance, the manner in which and the amount for which security is to be given under this section in respect of each such post and situation but so that the amount for which such security is to be given shall not in any case exceed twice the annual salary of the post or situation in respect of which the security is given.
Grant of civil service certificates to certain officers.
62.—(1) The Civil Service Commissioners may on the recommendation of the Minister, with the concurrence of the Minister for Finance, grant to any person (whether paid or not paid out of public moneys) who at the passing of this Act is employed during the whole of his time in an office attached to a court of justice a certificate of qualification in respect of the situation in which he is so employed in such office.
(2) A certificate of qualification granted under the foregoing sub-section may with the consent of the Minister for Finance be expressed to take effect from a date prior to the date on which it is granted, and when a certificate of qualification is so expressed to take effect from a date prior to the date on which it is granted the person to whom the certificate is granted shall be deemed to have been paid from moneys provided by the Oireachtas within the meaning of section 17 of the Superannuation Act, 1859 as from the said date from which the certificate is expressed to take effect.
(3) Whenever a person who at the passing of this Act is employed during the whole of his time in an office attached to a court of justice and is paid wholly or partly out of clerical allowances given out of public moneys to the head of that office is discharged from such employment or from any employment under this Act, the Minister for Finance may pay to such person on his discharge such gratuity as such Minister thinks proper, but not exceeding twice the amount of the salary and emoluments received by such person from whatsoever source during the last year of his employment.
Existing officers and servants.
63.—(1) All registrars, clerks, officers, messengers, criers, and servants (in this section referred to as existing officers and servants) who at the passing of the Courts of Justice Act, 1924 (No. 10 of 1924), were either attached to a court then existing or to the person of a judge then holding office or were employed in a court office then existing and are at the passing of this Act attached or performing duties in relation to any court or judge or are employed in any court office shall immediately upon the commencement of the Part of this Act relating to such court, judge, or office cease to hold office and their respective offices shall be and are hereby abolished as from such commencement.
(2) Sub-section (1) of this section shall not apply to any person who immediately before the commencement of Part III. of this Act holds the office of district court clerk under the District Justices (Temporary Provisions) Act, 1923 (No. 6 of 1923) or, in the Dublin Metropolitan Area and in the County Borough of Cork, the office of chief or other clerk of the District Court in that area and borough respectively, and no such person shall be an existing officer or servant for the purposes of this section.
(3) All existing officers and servants who are temporary officers or servants and whose functions are not expressly transferred by this Act to any officer created by this Act shall, notwithstanding the abolition of their respective offices or situations, continue until the Minister otherwise directs to perform the like duties as they respectively performed immediately before such abolition and while so performing such duties shall be entitled to receive remuneration on the same scale as that on which they were remunerated immediately before such abolition.
(4) Subject to the provisions of this Act prescribing qualifications for particular officers, every existing officer or servant who is not a temporary officer or servant shall (subject to the exceptions hereinafter mentioned) be offered employment in a situation under this Act carrying not less salary than the situation held by him as such existing officer or servant at the passing of this Act, except that this sub-section shall not apply to any existing officer or servant who is at the passing of this Act over the age of sixty-five years, or has then served for more than forty years in court offices or in posts or situations attached to a court or a judge, or is in the opinion of the Minister physically unfit for employment in a situation under this Act, and that the provision of this sub-section as to salary shall not apply in the case of a clerk of the crown and peace who is offered employment as a county registrar.
(5) The following provisions shall apply to every existing officer who accepts employment in a situation under this Act, that is to say:—
(a) the acceptance of such employment shall not prejudice or affect (save as is hereinafter mentioned) his rights arising under Article 10 of the Treaty of 1921 on the abolition of his office;
(b) he shall not be entitled to receive any annual allowance under the said Article 10 in respect of any period for which he receives salary in a situation under this Act nor to receive any gratuity or lump sum payment under the said Article 10 while receiving such salary;
(c) on his ceasing to hold a situation under this Act he shall be entitled to receive at his option either such compensation as he may be entitled to under the said Article 10 or such allowance or other compensation as he may be entitled to under the Superannuation Acts, 1834 to 1923 or other Acts authorising the grant to him of a pension or other allowance as modified for and applied to him by this sub-section;
(d) in lieu of the foregoing paragraphs, the offer of employment under this Act may be made conditional on his waiving all right to compensation under the said Article 10 in respect of abolition of or discharge from office, but every such waiver shall be subject to the condition that in the event of his subsequently retiring from such employment because of his having reached an age limit or being discharged from such employment for any reason other than misconduct, incapacity, or ill-health, his allowance or other compensation under the Superannuation Acts, 1834 to 1923 or other Acts authorising the grant to him of a pension or other allowance as modified for and applied to him by this sub-section shall not be less than the compensation he would have been entitled to under the said Article 10;
(e) he shall hold the situation under this Act by the tenure and on the conditions prescribed therefor by or under this Act;
(f) the Acts which, immediately before he ceased by virtue of this section to hold office, authorised the grant to him of a pension or other allowance (from whatever fund or moneys such pension or allowance could have been granted) shall on his ceasing to hold a situation under this Act apply to him in the same manner and to the same extent as they applied to him immediately before he so ceased to hold office but with and subject to the following modifications, that is to say:—
(i) in computing the period of his service for the purpose of those Acts he shall be entitled to reckon as continuous service for those purposes whatever period (if any) of service he was or is deemed by virtue of this sub-section to have been entitled immediately before he so ceased to hold office to reckon as service for those purposes and his period of service in a situation under this Act, and
(ii) the Minister for Finance shall be substituted for the person authorised by those Acts to grant to him a pension or allowance, and
(iii) any pension or allowance granted to him shall be paid out of the moneys provided by the Oireachtas;
(g) if he was first appointed to his office in a temporary capacity under the Court Officers (Temporary Appointments) Act, 1924 (No. 2 of 1924) and was subsequently appointed to the same office in a pensionable capacity, he shall be entitled and shall be deemed to have been entitled immediately before he ceased by virtue of this section to hold office to reckon as continuous service in a pensionable capacity for the purposes of the Superannuation Acts, 1834 to 1923, his total period of service in such office from the date of his first appointment thereto in a temporary capacity;
(h) he may on the recommendation of the Minister be retained, with his own consent and the sanction of the Minister for Finance, in a situation under this Act until he attains the age of seventy years.
(6) An existing officer who is offered employment in a situation under this Act may, with the consent of the Minister, accept such employment provisionally and postpone his final acceptance or rejection of such employment for any period not extending beyond eighteen months from the commencement of the Part of this Act relating to such situation, and if in any such case he finally accepts such employment within such period such acceptance shall relate back to and take effect as from the date of the provisional acceptance.
Saving for persons paid by county councils.
64.—Nothing in this Act shall apply to any person who at the passing of this Act is paid by the council of any county or county borough for rendering services to or in relation to any judge, court, or courthouse, and no such person shall for the purposes of this Act be deemed to be attached to a judge or court.
Preservation of judicial control of court business.
65.—(1) Nothing in this Act shall prejudice or affect the control of any judge or justice over the conduct of the business of his court.
(2) When an officer attached to any court is engaged on duties relating to business of that court which is for the time being required by law to be transacted by or before or under or pursuant to the order of a judge or judges of that court he shall observe and obey all directions given to him by such judge or judges.
(3) All proofs and all other documents and papers lodged in or handed in to any court in relation to or in the course of the hearing of any suit or matter shall be held by or at the order and disposal of the judge or the senior of the judges by or before whom such suit or matter is heard.
Salaries and expenses.
66.—(1) Every officer, servant, and other person holding or employed in any office or situation under this Act shall be paid out of moneys to be provided by the Oireachtas such salary as the Minister shall, with the sanction of the Minister for Finance, determine.
(2) All expenses (other than the salaries aforesaid) of carrying this Act into execution shall, to such extent as may be sanctioned by the Minister for Finance be paid out of moneys to be provided by the Oireachtas.
Uimhir 27 de 1926.
[9adh Iúl, 1926.]
Gearr-theideal agus tosach feidhme.
1.—(1) Féadfar an tAcht Oifigigh Cúirte, 1926, do ghairm den Acht so.
(2) Tiocfidh an tAcht so i ngniomh pé lá a socrófar le hordú an Aire go generálta no maidir le haon Chuid áirithe den Acht so, agus féadfar laetheanta difriúla do shocrú i gcóir tosach feidhme Cuideanna difriúla den Acht so.
2.—San Acht so—
cialluíonn an focal “an tAire” an tAire Dlí agus Cirt;
cialluíonn an focal “an Prímh-Bhreitheamh” Prímh-Bhreitheamh Shaorstáit Éireann;
cialluíonn an focal “cúirt” cúirt bhreithiúnais, do bunuíodh leis na hAchtanna Cúirteanna Breithiúnais, 1924 agus 1926 agus ní fholuíonn sé cúirt go mbíonn breitheamh de chúirt bhreithiúnais acu so ina ceannas ach nár bunuíodh leis na hAchtanna san.
An Chuirt Uachtarach agus an Ard-Chuirt.
Oifigí agus príomh-oifigigh.
3.—(1) Ag gabháil leis an Ard-Chúirt, leis an gCúirt Uachtarach, agus leis an bPrímh-Bhreitheamh fé seach beidh na hoifigí seo a leanas, sé sin le rá:—
Leis an Ard-Chúirt,
An Phríomh-Oifig,
Oifig an Mháistir Mhcasaireachta,
An Oifig Phromháide,
An Oifig um Ghnó-bhrise,
Oifig an Scrúdóra,
Oifig an Chuntasóra;
Leis an gCúirt Uachtarach,
Oifig Chlárathóir na Cúirte Uachtaraí;
Leis an bPrímh-Bhreitheamh,
Oifig Chlárathóir an Phrímh-Bhreithimh.
(2) Ag gabháil leis an Ard-Chúirt, leis an gCúirt Uachtarach, agus leis an bPrímh-Bhreitheamh fé seach beidh na hoifigigh seo a leanas (dá ngairmtear le chéile príomh-oifigigh sa Chuid seo den Acht so), sé sin le rá:—
Leis an Ard-Chúirt,
Máistir dá ngairmfar Máistir na hArd-Chúirte,
Pé méid Máistrí Measaireachta a shocróidh an tAire o am go ham le cead an Aire Airgid,
Oifigeach Promháide,
Clárathóir i nGnó-Bhrise,
Sannaí Oifigiúil i nGnó-Bhrise,
Leis an gCúirt Uachtarach,
Leis an bPrímh-Bhreitheamh,
(3) Isí an Ard-Chomhairle a cheapfidh Máistir na hArd-Chúirte agus na Máistrí Measaireachta agus isé an tAire a cheapfidh gach éinne eile de sna príomh-oifigigh sin agus beidh na príomh-oifigigh sin uile (ar a n-áirítear Máistir na hArd-Chúirte agus na Máistrí Measaireachta) i seilbh oifige faid is toil leis an Ard-Chomhairle é.
(4) Ní déanfar aon phríomh-oifigeach ná aon oifigeach a bheidh ainmnithe de thurus na huaire chun bheith ina chlárathóir don Ard-Chúirt do chur as a oifig gan aontú an Phrímh-Bhreithimh agus Uachtarán na hArd-Chúirte.
(5) Ach na daoine fé seach a ceapfar chucha do bheith go maith ina sláinte le linn a gceaptha, beidh oifigí Mháistir na hArd-Chúirte agus na Máistrí Measaireachta ina n-oifigí inphinsin do réir bhrí na nAchtanna Aois-liúntais a bheidh i bhfeidhm de thurus na huaire, agus do sna hoifigigh sin féin ar imeacht as oifig dóibh no dá n-ionadaithe pearsanta dlíthiúla tar éis bháis dóibh, féadfar pé aois-liúntaisí agus liúntaisí no aiscí eile do dheona a deonfí dhóibh fé sna hAchtanna Aois-liúntais a bheidh i bhfeidhm de thurus na huaire dá gceaptí iad chun Stát-Sheirbhíse buaine Shaorstáit Éireann agus deimhnithe bheith acu o Choimisinéirí na Stát-Sheirbhíse.
(6) Imeoidh Máistir na hArd-Chúirte agus gach Máistir Measaireachta as oifig nuair a bheid deich mbliana is trí fichid d'aois ach i gcás aon Mháistir Mheasaireachta a bhí, díreach roimh thosach feidhme na Coda so den Acht so, ina Mháistir Mheasaireachta a bhain leis an Ard-Chúirt féadfidh an tAire, le haontú an Aire Airgid, an aois sin chun imeacht as oifig d'árdú go dtí aon aois nách mó ná cúig bliana déag is trí fichid.
An Phríomh-Oifig.
4.—(1) Beidh an Phríomh-Oifig fé bhainistí Mháistir na hArd-Chúirte agus déanfar san oifig sin gach gnó a hordófar o am go ham le reacht no le riail chúirte a dhéanamh inti agus fós gach gnó eile de chuid na hArd-Chúirte lasmuich de pé gnó gur gá do réir dlí de thurus na huaire gur bhreitheamh no breithimh no máistir a dhéanfadh é no gur ina láthair a déanfí é agus de pé gnó a bheidh ceaptha de thurus na huaire do réir dlí d'oifig eile den Ard-Chúirt.
(2) Ainmneoidh an tAire chun bheith ina gclárathóirí don Ard-Chúirt pé oifigigh agus pé méid oifigeach is dó leis an Aire is ceart de sna hoifigigh a bheidh ag fónamh de thurus na huaire sa Phríomh-Oifig agus (i dteanta aon dualgaisí eile a cheapfidh Máistir na hArd-Chúirte dho do chólíona) gníomhóidh gach clárathóir den tsórt san mar chlárathóir don Ard-Chúirt fé mar a ordóidh agus nuair a ordóidh Máistir na hArd-Chúirte dho é dhéanamh.
Máistir na hArd-Chúirte.
5.—(1) Beidh ag Máistir na hArd-Chúirte maoirseacht agus smacht generálta na n-oifigí a bunuítear leis an gCuid seo den Acht so, pé oifigí acu atá ag gabháil leis an Ard-Chúirt, ach i bhfeidhmiú na maoirseachta agus an smachta san beidh sé fé stiúra ghenerálta an Aire i ngach a mbaineann le riara generálta agus fé orduithe Uachtarán na hArd-Chúirte i ngach a mbaineann le déanamh na coda san de ghnó na hArd-Chúirte gur gá do réir dlí de thurus na huaire gur duine no daoine de Bhreithiúin na Cúirte sin a dhéanfadh í no gur ina láthair sin a déanfí í.
(2) I dteanta na maoirseachta agus an smachta ghenerálta roimhráite beidh ag Máistir na hArd-Chúirte agus feidhmeoidh sé pé comhachta agus údaráis agus déanfidh agus cólíonfa sé pé dualgaisí agus feidhmeanna a bronnfar air no a ceapfar do o am go ham le reacht no le riail chúirte agus go sonnrách (mara bhforáltar agus go dtí go bhforálfar a mhalairt le reacht no le riail chúirte) beidh aige agus cólíonfa sé gach comhacht, údarás, dualgas agus feidhm eile a dílsítear no a dílseofar ann de bhua aon fhorála eile den Acht so.
Oifig an Mháistir Mheasaireachta.
6.—Beidh Oifig an Mháistir Mheasaireachta fé bhainistí an Mháistir Mheasaireachta no, má bhíonn níos mó ná aon Mháistir Measaireachta amháin ann, fé bhainistí an Mháistir Mheasaireachta shinsearaigh, agus déanfar san oifig sin gnó na Máistrí Measaireachta ach amháin pé méid de is gá do Mháistir Mheasaireachta do réir dlí a dhéanamh i bpearsain.
Na Máistrí Measaireachta.
7.—Beidh ag na Máistrí Measaireachta uile agus fé seach agus feidhmeoid pé comhachta agus údaráis agus déanfid agus cólíonfid pé dualgaisí agus feidhmeanna a bronnfar ortha no a ceapfar dóibh o am go ham le reacht no le riail chúirte agus go sonnrách (mara bhforáltar agus go dtí go bhforálfar a mhalairt le reacht no le riail chúirte) beidh acu agus feidhmeoid gach comhacht agus údarás agus cólíonfid agus déanfid gach dualgas agus feidhm, maidir leis an Ard-Chúirt, leis an gCúirt Uachtarach, leis an gCúirt Athchomhairc Choiriúla agus leis an bPrímh-Bhreitheamh a bhíodh ag Máistrí Measaireachta Chúirt Uachtarach an Údaráis in Éirinn, agus d'fheidhmídís, maidir leis an gCúirt sin, agus fós beidh acu, feidhmeoid, déanfid agus cólíonfid pé comhachta, údaráis, dualgaisí agus feidhmeanna eile a bhí, díreach roimh rith an Achta Cúirteanna Breithiúnais, 1924 (Uimh. 10 de 1924) dílsithe do réir dlí i Máistrí Measaireachta Chúirt Uachtarach an Údaráis a bhí ann an uair sin, no forchurtha ortha do réir dlí.
An Oifig Phromháide.
8.—Beidh an Oifig Phromháide fé bhainistí an Oifigigh Phromháide agus déanfar inti gach gnó a ceapfar di o am go ham le reacht no le riail chúirte agus go sonnrách (mara bhforáltar agus go dtí go bhforálfar a mhalairt le reacht no le riail chúirte) an gnó uile nárbh fholáir do réir dlí, díreach roimh rith an Achta so, a dhéanamh i bPríomh-Oifig na Clárathachta Promháide agus fós pé gnó eile a dintí roimhe seo in oifigí an Phríomh-Chlárathóra Phromháide.
An tOifigeach Promháide.
9.—Beidh ag an Oifigeach Promháide agus feidhmeoidh sé gach comhacht agus údarás agus déanfidh agus cólíonfa sé pé dualgaisí agus feidhmeanna a bronnfar air no a ceapfar do o am go ham le reacht no le riail chúirte agus go sonnrách (mara bhforáltar agus go dtí go bhforálfar a mhalairt le reacht no le riail chúirte) beidh aige agus feidhmeoidh sé gach comhacht agus údarás a bhí dílsithe do réir dlí sa Phríomh-Chlárathóir Promháide no i gClárathóir Promh áide Conganta díreach roimh rith an Achta so agus déanfidh agus cólíonfa sé pé dualgaisí agus feidhmeanna nárbh fholáir don Phríomh-Chlárathóir Phromháide agus do sna Clárathóirí Promháide Conganta fé seach do réir dlí, díreach roimh rith an Achta so, a dhéanamh no a chólíona no a dhineadh no a chólíonadh na hoifigigh sin fé seach díreach roimh rith an Achta so.
An Oifig um Ghnó-bhrise.
10.—(1) Beidh an Oifig um Ghnó-bhrise có-dhéanta de dhá bhrainse agus gairmfar Brainse an Chlárathóra de cheann acu agus gairmfar Brainse an tSannaí Oifigiúla den cheann eile.
(2) Beidh Brainse an Chlárathóra den Oifig um Ghnó-bhrise fé bhainistí an Chlárathóra i nGnó-bhrise agus déanfar inti gach gnó a ceapfar di o am go ham le reacht no le riail chúirte agus go sonnrách (mar bhforáltar agus go dtí go bhforálfar a mhalairt le reacht no le riail chúirte) gach gnó a dintí san Oifig um Ghnóbhrise de Roinn Bhinse an Rí den Ard-Chúirt Bhreithiúnais in Éirinn.
(3) Beidh Brainse an tSannaí Oifigiúla den Oifig um Ghnóbhrise fé bhainistí an tSannaí Oifigiúla i nGnó-bhrise agus déanfar inti gach gnó a ceapfar di o am go ham le reacht no le riail chúirte agus go sonnrách (mara bhforáltar agus go dtí go bhforálfar a mhalairt le reacht no le riail chúirte) gach gnó a dintí in Oifig Shannaí Oifigiúla Roinn Bhinse an Rí den Ard-Chúirt Bhreithiúnais in Éirinn.
An Clárathóir i nGnó-bhrise.
11.—Beidh ag an gClárathóir i nGnó-bhrise agus feidhmeoidh sé gach comhacht agus údarás agus déanfidh agus cólíonfa sé pé dualgaisí agus feidhmeanna a bronnfar air no a ceapfar do o am go ham le reacht no le riail chúirte agus go sonnrách (mara bhforáltar agus go dtí go bhforálfar a mhalairt le reacht no le riail chúirte) beidh aige agus feidhmeoidh sé gach comhacht agus údarás a bhí dílsithe roimhe seo sa Phríomh-Chlárathóir i nGnóbhrise do Roinn Bhinse an Rí den Ard-Chúirt Bhreithiúnais in Éirinn agus déanfidh agus cólíonfa sé pé dualgaisí agus feidhmeanna nárbh fholáir don Phríomh-Chlárathóir sin agus don Chlárathóir agus don Leas-Chlárathóir i nGnó-bhrise don Roinn sin Bhinse an Rí fé seach do réir dlí a dhéanamh no a chólíona roimhe seo no a dhineadh no a chólíonadh na hoifigigh sin fé seach.
An Sannaí Oifigiúil i nGnó-bhrise.
12.—Beidh ag an Sannaí Oifigiúil i nGnó-bhrise agus feidhmeoidh sé gach comhacht agus údarás agus déanfidh agus cólíonfa sé pé dualgaisí agus feidhmeanna a bronnfar air no a ceapfar do o am go ham le reacht no le riail chúirte agus go sonnrách (mara bhforáltar agus go dtí go bhforálfar a mhalairt le reacht no le riail chúirte) beidh aige agus feidhmeoidh sé gach comhacht agus údarás a bhí dílsithe roimhe seo do réir dlí sa tSannaí Oifigiúil i nGnó-bhrise do Roinn Bhinse an Rí den Ard-Chúirt Bhreithiúnais in Éirinn agus déanfidh agus cólíonfa sé pé dualgaisí agus feidhmeanna nárbh fholáir don tSannaí Oifigiúil sin do réir dlí a dhéanamh no a chólíona roimhe seo no a dhineadh no a chólíonadh an t-oifigeach san.
Oifig an Scrúdóra.
13.—Beidh Oifig an Scrúdóra fé bhainistí an Scrúdóra agus déanfar san oifig sin gach gnó a ceapfar di o am go ham le reacht no le riail chúirte agus go sonnrách (mara bhforáltar agus go dtí go bhforálfar a mhalairt le reacht no le riail chúirte) gach gnó a dintí sna hoifigí a bhain le Seomraí fé seach Mháistir na Rollaí agus gnáth-bhreitheamh Roinn an tSeansaileura den Ard-Chúirt Bhreithiúnais in Éirinn agus fós pé gnó a dintí sna hoifigí a bhain le Breitheamh Talmhan na Roinne sin an tSeansaileura ar a n-áirítear na hoifigí a bhain leis an mBreitheamh san mar Bhreitheamh Glacadóireachta.
An Scrúdóir.
14.—Beidh ag an Scrúdóir agus feidhmeoidh sé gach comhacht agus údarás agus déanfidh agus cólíonfa sé pé dualgaisí agus feidhmeanna a bronnfar air no a ceapfar do o am go ham le reacht no le riail chúirte agus go sonnrách (mara bhforáltar agus go dtí go bhforálfar a mhalairt le reacht no le riail chúirte) déanfidh agus cólíonfa sé pé dualgaisí agus feidhmeanna a dintí no a feidhmítí ag Prímh-Chléirigh agus ag Prímh-Chléirigh Chonganta uile agus fé seach Mháistir na Rollaí agus gnáthbhreitheamh Roinn an tSeansaileura den Ard-Chúirt Bhreithiúnais in Éirinn fé seach agus ag an bPríomh-Ghlacadóir no ag an Scrúdóir Glacadóireachta.
Oifig an Chuntasóra.
15.—Beidh Oifig an Chuntasóra fé bhainistí an Chuntasóra agus déanfar san oifig sin gach gnó a ceapfar di o am go ham le reacht no le riail chúirte agus go sonnrách (mara bhforáltar agus go dtí go bhforálfar a mhalairt le reacht no le riail chúirte) gach gnó, maidir leis an Ard-Chúirt, leis an gCúirt Uachtarach agus leis an bPrímh-Bhreitheamh, a dintí in Oifig Chuntasaíochta Chódhlúite Chúirt Uachtarach an Údaráis in Éirinn maidir leis an gCúirt sin agus maidir le Tiarna Seansaileur na hÉireann.
An Cuntasóir.
16.—Beidh ag an gCuntasóir (da ngairmfar Cuntasóir na gCúirteanna Breithiúnais) agus feidhmeoidh sé gach comhacht agus údarás agus déanfidh agus cólíonfa sé pé dualgaisí agus feidhmeanna a bronnfar air no a ceapfar do o am go ham le reacht no le riail chúirte agus go sonnrách (mara bhforáltar agus go dtí go bhforálfar a mhalairt le reacht no le riail chúirte) déanfidh agus cólíonfa sé, maidir leis an Ard-Chúirt, leis an gCúirt Uachtarach, agus leis an bPrímh-Bhreitheamh, gach gnó agus feidhm do dhineadh agus d'fheidhmíodh Ard-Chuntasóir Chúirt Uachtarach an Údaráis in Éirinn maidir leis an gCúirt sin agus maidir le Tiarna Seansaileur na hÉireann.
Oifig Chlárathóir na Cúirte Uachtaraí.
17.—Beidh Oifig Chlárathóir na Cúirte Uachtaraí fé bhainistí Chlárathóir na Cúirte Uachtaraí agus déanfar san oifig sin gnó uile na Cúirte Uachtaraí (lasmuich de pé gnó gur gá do réir dlí de thurus na huaire gur duine no daoine de bhreithiúin na Cúirte sin do dhéanfadh é no gur ina láthair a déanfí é) agus fós gnó uile na Cúirte Athchomhairc Choiriúla (lasmuich de pé gnó gur gá do réir dlí de thurus na huaire gur duine no daoine de bhreithiúin na Cúirte sin do dhéanfadh é no gur ina láthair a déanfí é).
Clárathóir na Cúirte Uachtaraí.
18.—(1) Beidh maoirseacht agus smacht Oifig Chlárathóir na Cúirte Uachtaraí ag Clárathóir na Cúirte Uachtaraí ach i bhfeidhmiú na maoirseachta agus an smachta san beidh sé fé stiúra ghenerálta an Aire i ngach a mbaineann le riara generálta agus fé orduithe an Phrímh-Bhreithimh i ngach a mbaineann le déanamh na coda san de ghnó na Cúirte Uachtaraí agus na Cúirte Athchomhairc Choiriúla fé seach gur gá do réir dlí de thurus na huaire gur duine no daoine de bhreithiúin na gcúirt sin fé seach a dhéanfadh í no gur ina láthair sin a déanfí í.
(2) I dteanta na maoirseachta agus an smachta roimhráite, gníomhóidh Clárathóir na Cúirte Uachtaraí mar Chlárathóir don Chúirt sin agus fós mar Chlárathóir don Chúirt Athchomhairc Choiriúla agus déanfidh agus cólíonfa sé, maidir leis na Cúirteanna san, gach dualgas agus feidhm a dhineann agus a chólíonann clárathóir cúirte do ghnáth agus fós beidh aige agus feidhmeoidh sé pé comhachta agus údaráis agus déanfidh agus cólíonfa sé pé dualgaisí agus feidhmeanna a ceapfar do o am go ham le reacht no le riail chúirte.
Oifig an Chlárathóra don Phrímh-Bhreitheamh.
19.—Beidh Oifig an Chlárathóra don Phrímh-Bhreitheamh fé bhainistí an Chlárathóra don Phrímh-Bhreitheamh agus déanfar san oifig sin gach gnó a ceapfar di o am go ham le reacht no le riail chúirte agus go sonnrách (mara bhforáltar agus go dtí go bhforálfar a mhalairt le reacht no le riail chúirte) maidir le feidhmiú na n-údarás a haistrítear chun an Phrímh-Bhreithimh le halt 19 den Acht Cúirteanna Breithiúnais, 1924 (Uimh. 10 de 1924), gach gnó a dintí, maidir le feidhmiú na n-údarás san, in oifig Thiarna Seansaileur na hÉireann um Ghnó Gealt no sna hoifigí a bhain le Seomraí an Tiarna Sheansaileura san no in aon oifig eile a bhaineadh le Cúirt Uachtarach an Údaráis a bhí ann tráth.
An Clárathóir don Phrímh-Bhreitheamh.
20.—(1) Beidh maoirseacht agus smacht Oifig an Chlárathóra don Phrímh-Bhreitheamh ag an gClárathóir don Phrímh-Bhreitheamh agus i bhfeidhmiú na maoirseachta agus an smachta san beidh sé fé stiúra ghenerálta an Aire i ngach a mbaineann le riara puiblí agus fé orduithe an Phrímh-Bhreithimh i ngach a mbaineann le feidhmiú na n-údarás a haistrítear chun an Phrímh-Bhreithimh le halt 19 den Acht Cúirteanna Breithiúnais, 1924 (Uimh. 10 de 1924).
(2) I dteanta na maoirseachta agus an smachta roimhráite beidh ag an Clárathóir don Phrímh-Bhreitheamh agus feidhmeoidh sé gach comhacht agus údarás agus déanfidh agus cólíonfa sé pé dualgaisí agus feidhmeanna a bronnfar air no a ceapfar do o am go ham le reacht no le riail chúirte maidir le feidhmiú na n-údarás a haistrítear chun an Phrímh-Bhreithimh le halt 19 den Acht Cúirteanna Breithiúnais, 1924 (Uimh. 10 de 1924) agus go sonnrách (mara bhforáltar agus go dtí go bhforálfar a mhalairt le reacht no le riail chúirte) beidh aige agus feidhmeoidh sé gach comhacht agus údarás a bhí dílsithe roimhe seo sa Chlárathóir i nGnó Gealt in Éirinn no sa Phrímh-Chléireach do Thiarna Seansaileur na hÉireann agus déanfidh agus cólíonfa sé gach feidhm agus dualgas, maidir le feidhmiú na n-údarás roimhráite, a dhineadh agus a chólíonadh an Clárathóir sin i nGnó Gealt agus an Prímh-Chléireach san fé seach.
Cáilíocht Mháistir na hArd-Chúirte.
21.—Ní ceapfar éinne fén Acht so chun bheith ina Mháistir don Ard-Chúirt maran rud é, le linn a cheaptha—
(a) gur abhcóide go ndeich mbliana cleachta ar a laighead é a bheidh ag cleachta a ghairme an uair sin, no
(b) gur abhcóide é do chleacht a ghairm ar feadh deich mblian ar a laighead agus, le linn rithte an Achta so, gurb oifigeach é a bhaineann leis an gCúirt Uachtarach, leis an Ard-Chúirt, no leis an bPrímh-Bhreitheamh.
Cáilíocht Mháistir Mheasaireachta.
22.—Ní ceapfar éinne fén Acht so chun bheith ina Mháistir Mheasaireachta maran rud é—
(a) le linn a cheaptha gur atúrnae go ndeich mbliana cleachta ar a laighead é a bheidh ag cleachta a ghairme an uair sin no a chleacht a ghairm roimhe sin ar feadh deich mblian ar a laighead, no
(b) go raibh sé, díreach roimh thosach feidhme na Coda so den Acht so, ina Mháistir Mheasaireachta a bhain leis an Ard-Chúirt.
Cáilíocht Oifigigh Phromháide.
23.—Ní ceapfar éinne fén Acht so chun bheith ina oifigeach phromháide, maran rud é—
(a) go mbeidh sé le linn a cheaptha ar fostú in oifig a bunuíodh fén gCuid seo den Acht so agus go raibh sé ar feadh iomlán an dá bhliain déag dheiridh roimhe sin ar fostú in oifig no in oifigí a bunuíodh fén gCuid seo den Acht so no a bhain le seana-Chúirt Uachtarach an Údaráis no le Breitheamh den Chúirt sin no le Tiarna Seansaileur na hÉireann no le Tiarna Prímh-Ghiúistís na hÉireann, no
(b) go raibh sé díreach roimh thosach feidhme na Coda so den Acht so ina chlárathóir phromháide no ina chlárathóir phromháide chonganta a bhain leis an Ard-Chúirt.
Cáilíocht Scrúdóra.
24.—Ní ceapfar éinne fén Acht so chun bheith ina Scrúdóirmaran rud é—
(a) go mbeidh sé le linn a cheaptha ar fostú in oifig a bunuíodh fén gCuid seo den Acht so agus go raibh sé ar feadh iomlán an dá bhliain déag dheiridh roimhe sin ar fostú in oifig no in oifigí a bunuíodh fén gCuid seo den Acht so no a bhain le seana-Chúirt Uachtarach an Údaráis no le Breitheamh den Chúirt sin no le Tiarna Seansaileur na hÉireann no le Tiarna Prímh-Ghiúistís na hÉireann, no
(b) go raibh sé díreach roimh thosach feidhme Chuid I. den Acht Cúirteanna Breithiúnais, 1924 (Uimh. 10 de 1924), ina phrímh-chléireach no ina phrímh-chléireach chonganta i Seomraí Breithimh de Roinn an tSeansaileura den Ard-Chúirt Bhreithiúnais a bhí ann an uair sin.
Cáilíocht Chlárathóra don Phrímh-Bhreitheamh.
25.—Ní ceapfar éinne fén Acht so chun bheith ina Chlárathóir don Phrímh-Bhreitheamh maran rud é, le linn a cheaptha—
(a) gur abhcóide go ndeich mbliana cleachta ar a laighead é agus é ag cleachta a ghairme an uair sin, no
(b) gur abhcóide é a bheidh ar fostú an uair sin in oifig a bunuíodh fén gCuid seo den Acht so agus a bhí ar fostú, ar feadh an dá bhliain déag dheiridh roimhe sin, i gceann no níos mó de sna hoifigí sin no de sna hoifigí a bhain leis an Ard-Chúirt, leis an gCúirt Uachtarach, le seana-Chúirt Uachtarach an Údaráis, leis an bPrímh-Bhreitheamh, le Tiarna Seansaileur na hÉireann no le Tiarna Prímh-Ghiúistís na hÉireann no le haon cheann acu, no
(c) go mbeidh sé i seilbh oifige Chlárathóra no Chlárathóra Chonganta i nGnó Gealt no i seilbh oifig an Phrímh-Chléirigh don Phrímh-Bhreitheamh díreach roimh thosach feidhme na Coda so den Acht so.
Fuirne generálta oifigí.
26.—(1) I dteanta na bpríomh-oifigeach beidh ar fostú sna hoifigí uile agus fé seach a bunuítear leis an gCuid seo den Acht so pé oifigigh, cléirigh, teachtairí, bollscairí agus seirbhísigh, agus pé méid acu, a shocróidh an tAire o am go ham le cead an Aire Airgid agus tar éis dul i gcomhairle le hUachtarán na hArd-Chúirte, i gcás oifige a bhaineann leis an gcúirt sin, agus leis an bPrimh-Bhreitheamh i gcás oifige a bhaineann leis an gCúirt Uachtarach no leis an bPrímh-Bhreitheamh.
(2) Gach oifigeach (nách príomh-oifigeach), cléireach, teachtaire, bollscaire agus seirbhíseach a bheidh ar fostú in aon oifig dá mbunuítear leis an gCuid seo den Acht so, beid ionmhalairtithe idir na hoifigí sin agus beidh ortha fónamh in aon oifig acu san fé mar a ordóidh an tAire o am go ham tar éis dul i gcomhairle le hUachtarán na hArd-Chúirte, maidir le hoifig a bhaineann leis an gcúirt san, agus leis an bPrímh-Bhreitheamh maidir le hoifig a bhaineann leis an gCúirt Uachtarách no leis an bPrímh-Bhreitheamh.
Lucht ionaid sealadach do cheapa don Mháistir agus do Mháistrí Measaireachta.
27.—(1) Má bhíonn Máistir na hArd-Chúirte no aon Mháistir Measaireachta seal as láthair no seal fé mhí-chumas de dheascaibh breoiteachta no má bhíonn oifig an Mháistir no an Mháistir Mheasaireachta san folamh, féadfidh an tAire fear ionaid do cheapa chun oifig an Mháistir no an Mháistir Mheasaireachta san d'fheidhmiú le linn na nea-láithreachta, an mhí-chumais, no an fholúntais sin.
(2) Faid a mhairfidh a cheapachán beidh ag fear ionaid a ceapfar fén alt so agus feidhmeoidh sé comhachta agus údaráis uile an oifigigh dar fear ionaid é agus déanfidh agus cólíonfa sé dualgaisí agus feidhmeanna uile an oifigigh sin.
(3) Ach amháin i gcás oifigeach do bheith seal fé mhí-chumas de dheascaibh breoiteachta ní dhéanfidh aon fhear ionaid a ceapfar fén alt so aon oifig d'fheidhmiú ar feadh aon tréimhse ná tréimhsí is sia ná trí mhí ar fad in aon bhliain.
(4) Ní ceapfar éinne fén alt so chun bheith ina Leas-Mháistir don Ard-Chúirt maran rud é, le linn a cheaptha, go mbeidh aige na cáilíochta a horduítear leis an Acht so do dhaoine a ceaptar chun bheith ina Máistir don Ard-Chúirt, no gur oifigeach ar fostú sa Phríomh-Oifig é a bhí ar fostú, ar feadh an dá bhliain déag dheiridh roimhe sin, i gceann no níos mó de sna hoifigí a bunuítear leis an gCuid seo den Acht so no de sna hoifigí go n-aistrítear a ngnó leis an Acht so chun na n-oifigí a bunuítear leis an gCuid seo den Acht so.
(5) Ní ceapfar éinne fén alt so chun bheith ina Leas-Mháistir Mheasaireachta mara mbeidh aige, le linn a cheaptha, na cáilíochta a horduítear leis an Acht so do dhaoine a ceaptar chun bheith ina Máistir Measaireachta.
Lucht ionaid do phríomhoifigigh.
28.—(1) Féadfidh an tAire, i gcás gach oifige fé leith dá mbunuítear leis an gCuid seo den Acht so (lasmuich den Phríomh-Oifig agus d'Oifig an Mháistir Mheasaireachta), oifigeach dá mbeidh ag fónamh de thurus na huaire san oifig d'ainmniú chun bheith ina fhear ionaid don phríomh-oifigeach 'na mbeidh bainistí na hoifige sin aige fén Acht so agus, le linn gach aimsire a bheidh an príomh-oifigeach san as láthair go sealadach agus le linn gach aimsire a bheidh sé fé mhí-chumas go sealadach de dheascaibh breoiteachta agus le linn gach ócáide ar a mbeidh oifig an phríomhoifigigh sin folamh agus an t-ainmniú san gan ceiliúra, beidh ag gach oifigeach a hainmneofar amhlaidh agus feidhmeoidh sé na comhachta agus na húdaráis agus déanfidh agus cólíonfa sé na dualgaisí agus na feidhmeanna a bheidh do réir dlí dílsithe de thurus na huaire sa phríomh-oifigeach san.
(2) San alt so déanfar an focal “oifig,” sa mhéid go mbaineann sé leis an Oifig um Ghnó-bhrise, do léiriú mar fhocal a chialluíonn brainse d'oifig.
Aistriú maoine atá dílsithe in oifigigh.
29.—(1) Gach urrús agus airgead a bheidh curtha síos, díreach roimh thosach feidhme na Coda so den Acht so, i leabhair rialtas Shaorstáit Éireann no aon rialtais iasachta no aon bhainc no aon chuideachtan no cóluchta chorparáidigh eile in aon chor (pe'ca laistigh no lasmuich de Shaorstát Éireann don bhanc, don chuideachtain, no don chólucht san) in ainm no chun cuntais Ard-Chuntasóir Ard-Chúirt Bhreithiúnais Shaorstáit Éireann no Ard-Chuntasóir Chúirt Uachtarach an Údaráis i nDeisceart Éireann, dílseofar iad agus beid dílsithe, díreach tar éis tosach feidhme na Coda so den Acht so, sa Chuntasóir a bheidh ann de thurus na huaire do sna Cúirteanna Breithiúnais i Saorstát Éireann agus déanfar san gan aon aistriú, sanna, ná instruimid eile.
(2) Gach aon mhaoin riamh, réalta agus pearsanta (agus rudaí-ar-fionnraí d'áireamh), a bheidh dílsithe i Sannaí Oifigiúil na hArd-Chúirte díreach roimh thosach feidhme na Coda so den Acht so dílseofar í agus beidh sí dílsithe díreach tar éis tosach feidhme na Coda so den Acht so (gan aon leithliú, aistriú ná instruimid eile) sa tSannaí Oifigiúil i nGnó-bhrise a bheidh ann de thurus na huaire don Ard-Chúirt chun an estáit agus an leasa uile agus fé réir na n-iontaobhaisí agus chun na gcrícheanna gur chucha agus fé n-a réir fé seach a bhí an mhaoin sin dílsithe sa tSannaí Oifigiúil sin agus dá réir sin gach urrús agus airgead a bheidh curtha síos, díreach roimh thosach feidhme na Coda so den Acht so, i leabhair rialtas Shaorstáit Éireann no aon rialtais iasachta no aon bhainc no aon chuideachtan no cóluchta chorparáidigh eile in aon chor (pe'ca laistigh no lasmuich de Shaorstát Éireann don bhanc, don chuideachtain, no don chólucht san) in ainm no chun cuntais Sannaí Oifigiúil Ard-Chúirt Bhreithiúnais Shaorstáit Éireann no Sannaí Oifigiúil na hArd-Chúirte Breithiúnais i nDeisceart Éireann, dílseofar iad agus beid dílsithe, díreach tar éis tosach feidhme na Coda so den Acht so, sa tSannaí Oifigiúil i nGnó-bhrise d'Ard-Chúirt Bhreithiúnais Shaorstáit Éireann gan aon aistriú, sanna, ná instruimid eile.
(3) Gach áirnéis agus gach scríbhinn a bheidh, díreach roimh thosach feidhme na Coda so den Acht so, fágtha chun a slánchimeádta no chun aon chríche eile le hArd-Chuntasóir Ard-Chúirt an Bhreithiúnais i Saorstát Éireann, aistreofar iad chun Cuntasóir na gCúirteanna Breithiúnais i dtosach feidhme na Coda so den Acht so gan aon ordú eile chuige agus beid ar seilbh aigesean chun na gcrícheanna céanna chun a raibh an áirnéis agus na scríbhinní sin fé seach ar seilbh ag an Ard-Chuntasóir sin díreach roimh an tosach feidhme sin.
(4) San alt so—
foluíonn an focal “urrús” gach saghas stuic, scaire, debentiúra, banna, morgáiste, agus urrúis eile agus gach dividendum agus ús d'fhás no atá ag fás ortha;
foluíonn an focal “airgead” airgead i dtaisce no i gcuntaisí reatha i mbanc;
agus foluíonn tagairtí do leabhair rialtais, bhainc, chuideachtan, no chóluchta chorparaidigh eile leabhair a chimeádann aon bhanc, cuideachta, cólucht, no duine do rialtas, do bhanc, do chuideachtain, no do chólucht chorparáideach.
Baint Acht Rialuithe na Stát-Sheirbhíse, 1924.
30.—(1) Ar feadh tréimhse ocht mí dhéag o thosach feidhme na Coda so den Acht so, beidh Acht Rialuithe na Stát-Sheirbhíse, 1924 (Uimh. 5 de 1924), gan baint le haon cheapa sean-oifigigh chun oifige a bunuítear leis an gCuid seo den Acht so no chun birte in aon oifig a bunuítear leis an gCuid seo den Acht so.
(2) San alt so cialluíonn agus foluíonn an focal “sean-oifigeach” gach clárathóir, cléireach, teachtaire, bollscaire, agus oifigeach agus seirbhíseach eile a bhainfidh leis an gCúirt Uachtarach, leis an gCúirt Athchomhairc Choiriúla, leis an Ard-Chúirt, no leis an bPrímh-Bhreitheamh i dtosach feidhme na Coda so den Acht so agus a bheidh ina n-oifigigh no ina seirbhísigh inphinsin an uair sin.
Deire le sean-phostanna agus le seanoifigí.
31.—(1) In aon chás ina n-achtuítear go soiléir leis an gCuid seo den Acht so, maidir le haon oifigeach i seilbh puist (dá ngairmtear an post nua sa bhfo-alt so) a bunuítear leis an gCuid seo den Acht so, go mbeidh aige no go bhfeidhmeoidh sé na comhachta no na húdaráis no go ndéanfidh no go gcólíonfa sé na dualgaisí no na feidhmeanna a bhí, tráth, dílsithe no forchurtha i sealbhóir no ar shealbhóir puist (dá ngairmtear an seana-phost sa bhfo-alt so) a bhí ann díreach no aon uair eile roimh thosach feidhme na Coda so den Acht so, dintar leis seo, mara ndintar san de bhua aon fhorála eile den Acht so, deire do chur leis an seanaphost o thosach feidhme na Coda so den Acht so agus, maidir le gach achtachán a thagrann don tseana-phost (lasmuich d'achtacháin i dtaobh duine do cheapa chun an tseana-phuist, i dtaobh na gcáilíocht ina chóir, no i dtaobh an luach saothair a ghabhann leis no i dtaobh a shealbhaíochta), má leanann agus sa mhéid go leanfidh an t-achtachán san i bhfeidhm agus ábalta ar dhul in éifeacht, léireofar é agus beidh éifeacht aige, ón uair a bheidh deire leis an seana-phost (pe'ca leis an bhfo-alt so no le foráil éigin eile den Acht so a cuireadh deire leis) fé is dá gcuirtí tagairtí don phost nua ann in ionad na dtagairtí atá ann don tseana-phost.
(2) In aon chás ina n-achtuítear leis an gCuid seo den Acht so gurb é gnó no gur cuid den ghnó a déanfar in aon oifig (dá ngairmtear an oifig nua sa bhfo-alt so) an gnó a dintí in oifig (dá ngairmtear an tsean-oifig sa bhfo-alt so) a bhí ann díreach no aon uair eile roimh thosach feidhme na Coda so den Acht so, dintar leis seo, mara ndintar san de bhua aon fhorála eile den Acht so deire do chur leis an sean-oifig o thosach feidhme na Coda so den Acht so agus ón uair a bheidh deire leis an sean-oifig (pe'ca leis an bhfo-alt so no le foráil éigin eile den Acht so a cuireadh deire léi) déanfar gach tagairt atá in aon achtachán don tseanoifig (nách tagairt d'fhuirinn na sean-oifige) do léiriú mar thagairt don oifig nua agus beidh éifeacht ag an achtachán san dá réir sin.
(3) Gach post—
(a) a bhainfidh leis an gCúirt Uachtarach, leis an Ard-Chúirt, leis an gCúirt Athchomhairc Choiriúla, no leis an bPrímh-Bhreitheamh i dtosach feidhme na Coda so den Acht so, no a bhain le seana-Chúirt Uachtarach an Údaráis no le Tiarna Seansaileur na hÉireann, agus
(b) a bunuíodh le reacht no le riail chúirte, agus
(c) ná dintar leis an gCuid seo den Acht so comhachta, údaráis, dualgaisí, ná feidhmeanna a shealbhóra d'aistriú go soiléir go dtí sealbhóir puist a bunuítear leis an Acht so,
dintar leis seo (mara gcuirtar deire leis de bhua aon fhorála eile den Acht so) deire do chur leis o thosach feidhme na Coda so den Acht so agus ón uair a bheidh deire leis an bpost san amhlaidh (pe'ca leis an bhfo-alt so no le haon fhoráil eile den Acht so a cuirtar deire leis) beidh comhachta, údaráis, dualgaisí, agus feidhmeanna sealbhóra an phuist dílsithe i Máistir na hArd-Chúirte sa mhéid gur féidir a bhfeidhmiú no a gcólíona agus mara bhforáltar agus go dtí go bhforálfar a mhalairt le rialacha cúirte, agus maidir le gach achtachán a thagrann do shealbhóir an phuist sin (lasmuich d' achtacháin i dtaobh duine do cheapa chun an phuist sin, i dtaobh na gcáilíocht ina chóir, no i dtaobh an luach saothair a ghabhann leis no i dtaobh a shealbhaíochta), má leanann agus sa mhéid go leanfidh sé i bhfeidhm agus ábalta ar dhul in éifeacht, léireofar é agus beidh éifeacht aige fé is dá dtagradh sé do Mháistir na hArd-Chúirte in ionad tagairt do shealbhóir an phuist sin.
(4) Gach oifig—
(a) a bhainfidh leis an gCúirt Uachtarach, leis an Ard-Chúirt, leis an gCúirt Athchomhairc Choiriúla, no leis an bPrímh-Bhreitheamh i dtosach feidhme na Coda so den Acht so no a bhain le seana-Chúirt an Údaráis no le Tiarna Seansaileur na hÉireann, agus
(b) a bunuíodh le reacht no le riail chúirte, agus
(c) ná dintar leis an gCuid seo den Acht so a gnó d'aistriú chun aon oifige dá mbunuítear leis an Acht so,
dintar leis seo (mara gcuirtar deire léi de bhua forála éigin eile den Acht so) deire do chur léi o thosach feidhme na Coda so den Acht so agus ón uair a bheidh deire leis an oifig sin amhlaidh (pe'ca leis an bhfo-alt so no le foráil éigin eile den Acht so a cuireadh deire léi) is sa Phríomh-Oifig a déanfar gach gnó a dintí san oifig sin más gá agus sa mhéid gur gá é dhéanamh agus mara bhforáltar agus go dtí go bhforálfar a mhalairt le rialacha cúirte, agus maidir le gach achtachán a thagrann don oifig sin (lasmuich d'achtacháin i dtaobh fuirinne na hoifige sin), má leanann agus sa mhéid go leanfidh sé i bhfeidhm agus ábalta ar dhul in éifeacht, léireofar é agus beidh éifeacht aige fé is dá dtagradh sé don Phríomh-Oifig in ionad tagairt don oifig sin.
Cosaint d'Oifig Chlárathacht na Talmhan.
32.—Ní bhainfidh éinní san Acht so leis an bPríomh-Oifig a bunuíodh fén Local Registration of Title (Ireland) Act, 1891 ná le haon Oifig Áitiúil a bunuíodh fen Acht san agus a bheidh, díreach roimh thosach feidhme Cuid II. den Acht so, fé bhainistí agus fé smacht duine nách é Cléireach na Coróineach agus na Síochána é, agus ní tuigfar chun crícheanna an Achta so go mbaineann ná gur bhain an Phríomh-Oifig sin ná aon Oifig Áitiúil den tsórt san leis an Ard-Chúirt ná le seana-Chúirt Uachtarach an Údaráis ná le haon bhrainse ná roinn den cheanna.
Cosaint d'oifigí clárathachta promháide ceanntair.
33.—Lasmuich d'alt 56 (alt a bhaineann le hoifigí clárathachta promháide ceanntair do dhúna) agus d'alt 62 (alt a bhaineann le Deimhnithe Stát-Sheirbhíse do dheona d'oifigigh áirithe) ní bhainfidh éinní san Acht so leis na hOifigí Clárathachta Promháide Ceanntair, agus ní tuigfar chun crícheanna an Achta so (ach amháin alt 62) go mbaineann ná gur bhain aon Oifig Chlár athachta acu san leis an Ard-Chúirt ná le seana-Chúirt Uachtarach an Údaráis ná le haon bhrainse ná roinn den chéanna.
An Chuirt Chuarda.
An Oifig Chúirte Cuarda.
34.—(1) Bunófar i ngach contae agus i ngach contae-bhuirg agus don chéanna oifig a bheidh ag gabháil leis an gCúirt Chuarda agus dá ngairmfear an Oifig Chúirte Cuarda.
(2) Féadfidh an tAire aon uair agus go ceann pé faid is dó leis is ceart aon dá chontae no níos mó, no aon chontae-bhuirg agus contae no contaethe, do chó-nasca chun crícheanna na Cúirte Cuarda, agus faid a mhairfidh aon chó-nasca den tsórt san ní bheidh ach aon oifig chúirte cuarda amháin sna contaethe cónasctha san agus dóibh no sa chontae-bhuirg agus sa chontae no sna contaethe có-nasctha san agus dóibh.
(3) Féadfidh an tAire aon uair aon chontae do roinnt ina dhá chuid no níos mó chun crícheanna na Cúirte Cuarda agus má roinntear aon chontae amhlaidh bunófar oifig chúirte cuarda fé leith i ngach cuid den tsórt san den chontae sin agus do.
An Clárathóir Contae.
35.—(1) Ag gabháil leis an gCúirt Chuarda beidh oiread Clárathóirí Contae agus ordóidh an tAire o am go ham le cead an Aire Airgid.
(2) Isí an Ard-Chomhairle a cheapfidh gach clárathóir contae agus beidh gach clárathóir contae i seilbh oifige faid is toil leis an Ard-Chomhairle é.
(3) Ní ceapfar éinne chun bheith ina chlárathóir chontae maran rud é, le linn a cheaptha—
(a) gur atúrnae go n-ocht mbliana cleachta ar a laighead é a bheidh ag cleachta a ghairme an uair sin no a chleacht í roimhe sin ar feadh ocht mblian ar a laighead, no
(b) gur Cléireach Coróineach agus Síochána é, no
(c) gur duine é a bhí ina Chléireach Coróineach agus Síochána no ina Chlárathóir Chontae.
(4) Chun crícheanna mír (a) den bhfo-alt san roimhe seo, tuigfar i gcás Breithimh den Chúirt Dúithche a ceaduíodh mar atúrnae sarar ceapadh é chun bheith in Bhreitheamh den tsórt san gur cleachta mar atúrnae seirbhís mar Bhreitheamh den Chúirt Duithche.
(5) Ach an té a ceapfar chúichi do bheith go maith ina shláinte le linn a cheaptha, beidh oifig an chlárathóra chontae ina hoifig inphinsin do réir bhrí na nAchtanna Aois-liúntais a bheidh i bhfeidhm de thurus na huaire, agus do chlárathóir chontae féin ar imeacht as oifig do no dá ionadaí phearsanta dhlíthiúil tar éis bháis do féadfar pé aois-liúntas agus liúntaisí no aiscí eile do dheona a deonfí fé sna hAchtanna Aois-liúntais a bheidh i bhfeidhm de thurus na huaire dá gceaptí an clárathóir contae sin chun Stát-Sheirbhíse buaine Shaorstáit Éireann agus deimhniú bheith aige o Choimisinéirí na Stát-Sheirbhíse.
(6) Imeoidh gach clárathóir contae as oifig nuair a bheidh sé cúig bliana is trí fichid d'aois, ach, i gcás aon chlárathóra chontae áirithe, féadfidh an tAire le haontú an Aire Airgid an aois sin chun imeacht as oifig d'árdú go dtí aon aois nach mó ná deich mbliana is trí fichid.
Clárathóirí contae do cheapa d'oifigí cúirte cuarda.
36.—(1) Gach clárathóir contae a ceapfar fén Acht so, ceapfar é do pé oifig chúirte cuarda a ordóidh an tAire o am go ham.
(2) Isé rud a gairmfear de gach clárathóir contae agus a gairmtear de san Acht so ná an clárathóir contae don chontae, don chontae-bhuirg, no don líomatáiste eile dá bhfónann an oifig chúirte cuarda dá mbeidh sé ceaptha de thurus na huaire.
(3) Gach tagairt san Acht so do chlárathóir chontae maidir le hoifig chúirte cuarda léireofar í mar thagairt don chlárathóir chontae a bheidh ceaptha don oifig sin de thurus na huaire fén alt so, agus gach tagairt san Acht so do chlárathóir chontae maidir le contae, le contae-bhuirg, no le líomatáiste eile léireofar í mar thagairt don chlárathóir chontae a bheidh ceaptha de thurus na huaire don oifig chúirte cuarda don líomatáiste sin.
Gnó na hoifige cúirte cuarda.
37.—Beidh gach oifig chúirte cuarda fé smacht agus fé bhainistí an chlárathóra chontae agus déanfar i ngach oifig chúirte cuarda gach gnó a hordófar o am go ham le reacht no le riail chúirte a dhéanamh inti agus fós (mara bhforáltar agus go dtí go bhforálfar a mhalairt le reacht no le riail chúirte) gach gnó eile de chuid na Cúirte Cuarda sa chontae, so chontaebhuirg, no sa líomatáiste eile dá bhfónann an oifig sin ach amháin pé gnó gur gá do réir dlí gurb é an Breitheamh Cuarda a dhéanfadh é no gur ina láthair a déanfí é.
Dualgaisí an chlárathóra chontae.
38.—(1) Beidh ag gach clárathóir contae agus feidhmeoidh sé pé comhachta agus údaráis agus déanfidh agus cólíonfa sé pé dualgaisí agus feidhmeanna a bronnfar no a cuirfar air o am go ham le reacht no le riail chúirte agus go sonnrách déanfidh agus cólíonfa sé na dualgaisí agus beidh aige agus feidhmeoidh sé na comhachta agus na húdaráis a cuirtar no a bronntar air go soiléir leis an Acht so agus fós (mara bhforáltar agus go dtí go bhforálfar a mhalairt le reacht no le riail chúirte) lasmuich d'aon chás ina bhforáltar a mhalairt leis an Acht so, déanfidh agus cólíonfa sé na dualgaisí uile agus beidh aige agus feidh meoidh sé na comhachta agus na húdaráis uile a bhí, díreach roimh thosach feidhme na Coda so den Acht so, forchurtha no dílsithe do réir dlí ar no in éinne acu so, eadhon, cléireach na coróineach agus na síochána no clárathóir chúirte bille shíbhialta no, in áit ina raibh cúirt áitiúil um ghnó-bhrise tráth, an clárathóir, no aon oifigeach eile don chúirt sin ach amháin an sannaí oifigiúil.
(2) Féadfar, le rialacha cúirte a bheidh déanta fé alt 66 den Acht Cúirteanna Breithiúnais, 1924 (Uimh. 10 de 1924), a shocrú go n-éistfidh agus go socróidh an clárathóir contae (fé réir athchomhairc chun an Bhreithimh Chuarda no gan an choiníoll san) gach saghas no aon tsaghas no saghsanna iarrataisí sealadacha agus iarrataisí deiridh gan freasabhra in no maidir le cúiseanna no nithe sa Chúirt Chuarda, maraon le tógaint no déanamh gach saghas no aon tsaghas no saghsanna cuntaisí agus fiosruithe sna cúiseanna no sna nithe sin.
(3) Déanfidh clárathóir contae na contae, na contae-bhuirge, no an líomatáiste eile ina mbeidh an Phríomh-Chúirt Choiriúil ina suidhe de thurus na huaire gníomhú mar chlárathóir don chúirt sin agus déanfidh agus cólíonfa sé pé dualgaisí agus feidhmeanna, maidir leis an gcúirt sin, a ceapfar do le rialacha cúirte.
Costaisí, etc., atá go dtí so iníoctha le Cléireach na Coróineach agus na Síochána.
39.—(1) Gach costas, liúntas agus táille atá go dtí so iníoctha no ionfhálta fén Acht Timpeal Toghachán, 1923 (Uimh. 12 de 1923), fén Acht chun Toghthóirí Rialtais Áitiúla do Chlárú, 1924 (Uimh. 7 de 1924) agus fé Achtanna na gCoistí Dháréag, 1871 go 1924 fé seach, le Cléireach na Coróineach agus na Síochána no aige (pe'ca mar oifigeach clárathachta é no ar a mhalairt de shlí), beid iníoctha leis an gclárathóir contae agus ionfhálta aige ar gach slí díreach mar a bhí na costaisí, na liúntaisí agus na taillí sin iníoctha le Cléireach na Coróineach agus na Síochána no ionfhálta aige go dtí so.
(2) Aireofar méideanna na gcostaisí, na liúntaisí agus na dtáillí sin do réir na scálaí a bheidh i bhfeidhm de thurus na huaire chun crícheanna an áirimh sin fé sna hAchtanna san fé seach a luaidhtear sa bhfo-alt san roimhe seo, agus chun críche na scálaí sin tuigfar gurb é an clárathóir contae a chuaidh fé gach costas, liúntas, agus táille den tsórt san fé n-a dtéigheadh Cléireach na Coróineach agus na Síochána roimhe seo bíodh nách é an clárathóir a chuaidh fútha dáiríribh.
(3) Ach amháin sa chás a luaidhtear ina dhiaidh seo anso tabharfidh gach clárathóir contae suas don Stát-Chiste na costaisí, na liúntaisí, agus na táillí a híocfar leis agus a gheobha sé de bhua an ailt seo, pé méid díobh ná teastóidh uaidh i gcóir íocaíochtaí agus costaisí a bheidh iníoctha aige no fé n-a ragha sé fé aon Acht acu san a luaidhtear sa bhfo-alt san roimhe seo agus ná beidh iníoctha ná ná híocfar amach as airgead a sholáthruigh an tOireachtas.
(4) In ainneoin forálacha an fho-ailt sin roimhe seo tabharfidh an clárathóir contae cuntas agus déanfa sé íoc, do réir fo-alt (4) d'alt 12 den Acht Timpeal Toghachán, 1923, sna táillí agus sna suimeanna eile a luaidhtear sa bhfo-alt san agus ní tabharfar suas aon chuid de sna táillí ná de sna suimeanna san don Stát-Chiste fén bhfo-alt san roimhe seo.
Leas-chlárathóir sealadach contae do cheapa.
40.—(1) Má bhíonn aon chlárathóir contae seal as láthair no seal fé mhí-chumas de dheascaibh breoiteachta no má bhíonn oifig an chlárathóra chontae d'aon oifig chúirte cuarda folamh, féadfidh an tAire fear ionaid do cheapa chun oifig an chlárathóra chontae sin d'fheidhmiú le linn na nea-láithreachta, an mhíchumais, no an fholúntais sin, ach mara gceapaidh agus go dtí go gceapfidh an tAire an fear ionaid sin isé an t-oifigeach sinsearach san oifig chúirte cuarda a fheidhmeoidh oifig an chlárathóra chontae sin (ach amháin mar a foráltar ina dhiaidh seo anso) le linn na nea-láithreachta, an mhí-chumais, no an fholúntais sin.
(2) Faid a mhairfidh a cheapachán beidh ag fear ionaid a ceapfar fén alt so agus feidhmeoidh sé comhachta agus údaráis uile an chlárathóra chontae dar fear ionaid é agus déanfidh agus cólíonfa sé dualgaisí agus feidhmeanna uile an chlárathóra san.
(3) Féadfar a fhoráil le rialacha cúirte ná feidhmeoidh ná ná déanfidh an t-oifigeach sinsearach fén alt so comhachta, údaráis, dualgaisí agus feidhmeanna áirithe clárathóra chontae, agus má foráltar amhlaidh le rialacha cúirte ní fheidhmeoidh ná ní dhéanfidh an t-oifigeach sinsearach fén alt so na comhachta, na húdaráis, na dualgaisí, ná na feidhmeanna áirithe sin.
(4) Ach amháin i gcás clárathóir contae do bheith seal fé mhíchumas de dheascaibh breoiteachta ní dhéanfidh aon fhear ionaid a ceapfar fén alt so aon oifig d'fheidhmiú ar feadh aon tréimhse ná tréimhsí is sia ná trí mhí ar fad in aon bhliain.
(5) Ní ceapfar éinne fén alt so chun bheith ina fhear ionaid do chlárathóir chontae mara mbeidh aige na cáilíochta a horduítear leis an Acht so do dhaoine a ceaptar chun bheith ina gclárathóirí contae.
(6) Ní oibreoidh an t-alt so chun a údarú don oifigeach shinsearach in oifig chúirte cuarda feidhmiú do dhéanamh ar chomhachta no ar údaráis no cólíona do dhéanamh ar dhualgaisí no ar fheidhmeanna an chlárathóra chontae mar oifigeach clárathachta fén Acht Timpeal Toghachán, 1923 (Uimh. 12 de 1923) no fé aon Acht le n-a leasuítear no le n-a leathnuítear an tAcht san agus bainfidh alt 10 den Acht san le feidhmiú agus le cólíona na gcomhacht, na n-údarás, na ndualgas agus na bhfeidhm sin le linn aon aimsire a bheidh an clárathóir contae as láthair go sealadach no fé mhí-chumas go sealadach de dheascaibh breoiteachta no le linn aon fholúntais in oifig an chlárathóra chontae go dtí go gceapfar fear ionaid fén alt so ach ní ina dhiaidh sin.
(7) Tar éis comhachta, údaráis, dualgaisí, agus feidhmeanna aon fho-shirriaim do bheith aistrithe fén Acht so chun clárathóra chontae, beidh comhachta, údaráis, dualgaisí agus feidhmeanna an fho-shirriaim sin, mar cheann chomhrimh fén Acht Timpeal Toghachán, 1923 (Uimh. 12 de 1923), gan bheith infheidhmithe ag an oifigeach sinsearach fén alt so, agus ina ionad san má bhíonn an clárathóir contae sin seal as láthair no seal fé mhí-chumas de dheascaibh breoiteachta no má bhíonn a oifig folamh féadfidh an tAire Rialtais Áitiúla agus Sláinte Puiblí, más oiriúnach leis é, duine ceart oiriúnach do cheapa chun na comhachta, na húdaráis, na dualgaisí agus na feidhmeanna san d'fheidhmiú agus do chólíona le linn na nea-láithreachta, an mhí-chumais, no an fholúntais sin go dtí go gceapfidh an tAire Dlí agus Cirt fear ionaid fén alt so.
Airgead a híocadh isteach sa Chúirt Chuarda.
41.—(1) Féadfidh an tAire le hordú, a ordú cadiad na háiteanna ag á lóisteálfar agus cadiad na bainc thaisce phost-oifige agus na bainc eile ina lóisteálfar, i ngach cuaird fé leith, airgead a híocfar isteach sa chúirt chuarda ina dhiaidh seo in aon imeachta no a híocadh roimhe seo, fé alt 39 den County Officers and Courts (Ireland) Act, 1877, isteach sa tseana-chúirt chontae no sa chúirt chuarda agus leis an ordú céanna no le haon ordú eile féadfa sé rialacha agus rialacháin i dtaobh a leithéidí sin de lóisteála do dhéanamh i gcóir gach cuarda fé leith, agus leis na rialacha agus na rialacháin sin féadfa sé pé socrú do dhéanamh a chífar do is gá chun airgead a híocadh isteach sa tseana-chúirt no sa chúirt chuarda roimhe seo mar adubhradh d'aistriú chun an bhainc no na mbanc agus sna hainmneacha a hordófar leis an ordú san i gcóir airgid a híocfar isteach sa chúirt chuarda ina dhiaidh seo.
(2) Ní déanfar aon ordú fén alt so gan aontú an bhreithimh den chúirt chuarda a bheidh ceaptha, ar dháta an orduithe, don chuaird le n-a mbaineann an t-ordú.
(3) Ní údaróidh aon ordú a déanfar fén alt so aon airgead a lóisteáladh fén alt seo d'íoc amach ach ar ordú breithimh den chúirt chuarda.
Fuireann ghenerálta na hoifige cúirte cuarda.
42.—Beidh ar fostú i ngach oifig chúirte cuarda a bunófar fén Acht so pé oifigigh, cléirigh, teachtairí, agus seirbhísigh, agus pé méid acu, a shocróidh an tAire o am go ham le cead an Aire Airgid agus beidh gach oifigeach, cléireach, teachtaire, agus seirbhíseach den tsórt san i seilbh oifige ar pé téarmaí agus coiníollacha a ordóidh an tAire Airgid.
An fhuireann a bheidh ag gabháil leis an gcúirt chuarda agus le breithiúin na cúirte sin.
43.—(1) I dteanta na ndaoine a bheidh ar fostú fén Acht so in oifigí cúirte cuarda, féadfidh pé oifigigh agus seirbhísigh agus pé méid acu a shocróidh an tAire o am go ham le cead an Aire Airgid bheith ag gabháil leis an gcúirt chuarda agus beidh na hoifigigh agus na seirbhísigh sin uile i seilbh oifige ar pé téarmaí agus coiníollacha a ordóidh an tAire Airgid.
(2) Déanfidh an tAire gach oifigeach agus seirbhíseach a bheidh ag gabháil leis an gcúirt chuarda do cheapa do chuaird áirithe agus féadfar aon oifigeach no seirbhíseach den tsórt san d'aistriú, le n-a thoil féin, o chuaird go cuaird eile agus déanfidh agus cólíonfidh gach oifigeach agus seirbhíseach den tsórt san, sa chuaird dá mbeidh sé ceaptha de thurus na huaire, pé dualgaisí agus feidhmeanna, maidir leis an gcúirt chuarda, a ordóidh an tAire o am go ham.
(3) I dteanta na n-oifigeach agus na seirbhíseach a luaidhtear sna fo-ailt sin roimhe seo den alt so, féadfidh aon tseirbhíseach amháin bheith ag gabháil le haon bhreitheamh den chúirt chuarda le hordú an Aire agus le cead an Aire Airgid chun pé dualgaisí a ordóidh an tAire do dhéanamh maidir leis an mbreitheamh san, agus isé an tAire a cheapfidh gach seirbhíseach den tsórt san agus beidh sé i seilbh oifige ar pé téarmaí agus coiníollacha a shocróidh an tAire le cead an Aire Airgid agus ní bhainfidh Acht Rialuithe na Stát-Sheirbhíse, 1924 (Uimh. 5 de 1924) le birt aon tseirbhísigh den tsórt san.
(4) Féadfidh an tAire Airgid liúntas de pé méid a shocróidh an tAire sin d'íoc amach as airgead a sholáthróidh an tOireachtas le haon bhreitheamh den chúirt chuarda ná beidh seirbhíseach ag gabháil leis fén bhfo-alt san roimhe seo in ionad an tseirbhísigh sin.
Seirbheálaithe gairme.
44.—(1) Ag gabháil le gach oifig chúirte cuarda beidh pé seirbheálaithe gairme agus pé méid acu is ceart dar leis an gclárathóir contae le cead an Aire agus (maidir le n-a líon) le cead an Aire Airgid.
(2) Isé an clárathóir contae, fé réir aontú agus le haontú an Aire, a cheapfidh gach seirbheálaí gairme den tsórt san agus beidh sé i seilbh oifige faid is toil leis an Aire é agus féadfidh an tAire é do chur as oifig, agus íocfar leis, amach as airgead a sholáthróidh an tOireachtas, pé tuarastal a ordóidh an tAire le toiliú an Aire Airgid.
(3) Má bhíonn, dar leis an gclárathóir contae, réasún chun a chreidiúint gur dhin aon tseirbheálaí gairme den tsórt san é féin do mhí-iompar no ró-mhí-ábaltacht do thaisbeáint agus é ag cólíona a dhualgaisí féadfidh an clárathóir contae an seirbheálaí gairme sin do chur ar fionnraí o chólíona a dhualgaisí ar feadh aon tréimhse no tréimhsí nách sia ar fad ná mí le linn bheith ag feitheamh le breith an Aire ar an scéal.
(4) Beidh gach seirbheálaí gairme den tsórt san agus faisnéistear leis seo é do bheith inniúil ar aon rit, gairm, próiseas, fógra no scríbhinn eile a tugadh amach ag aon chúirt no uaithi do sheirbheáil laistigh den líomatáiste dá bhfónann an oifig chúirte cuarda le n-a mbaineann sé.
Cosaint do shannaithe oifigiúla do chúirteanna áitiúla um ghnó-bhrise.
45.—Ní bhainfidh éinní san Acht so le hoifig an tsannaí oifigiúla a bhainfidh le cúirt áitiúil um ghnó-bhrise a bunuíodh fén Local Bankruptcy (Ireland) Act, 1888, roimh rith an Achta Cúirteanna Breithiúnais, 1924 (Uimh. 10 de 1924), ach amháin go mbeidh gach sannaí oifigiúil den tsórt san agus a fhuireann (má bhíonn aige) ag gabháil leis an gcúirt chuarda feasta agus go mbainfidh fo-ailt (1) agus (2) d'alt 43 (fo-ailt i dtaobh na fuirinne a bheidh ag gabháil leis an gcúirt chuarda) den Acht so le post no le birt gach sannaí oifigiúla fé leith acu agus gach baill fé leith dá fhuirinn (má bhíonn aige) an chéad uair eile a bheidh gach post no beart fé leith acu folamh agus as san amach.
An Chuirt Duithche.
Cléirigh chúirte dúithche do cheapa.
46.—(1) Ag gabháil leis an gCúirt Dúithche beidh pé cléirigh chúirte dúithche agus pé méid acu a ordóidh an tAire o am go ham le cead an Aire Airgid.
(2) Fé réir forálacha an ailt seo, isé an tAire a cheapfidh gach cléireach cúirte dúithche agus (marab oifigeach inphinsin é) beidh sé i seilbh oifige faid is toil leis an Aire é agus féadfidh an tAire é do chur as oifig.
(3) Gach éinne a bheidh, díreach roimh thosach feidhme na Coda so den Acht so, i seilbh oifig chléirigh chúirte dúithche fén Acht um Ghiúistísí Dúithche (Forálacha Sealadacha), 1923 (Uimh. 6 de 1923) no, i Líomatáiste Cathrach Bhaile Atha Cliath agus i gContae-bhuirg Chorcaighe, i seilbh oifig an phrímhchléirigh no cléirigh eile don Chúirt Dúithche sa líomatáiste agus sa bhuirg sin fé seach tiocfa sé chun bheith agus beidh sé ina chléireach chúirte dúithche fén Acht so ar theacht i bhfeidhm don Chuid seo den Acht so agus beidh sé i seilbh na hoifige sin ar na téarmaí agus ar na coiníollacha céanna ar gach slí fé is dá mbeadh an tAire tar éis é do cheapa chun na hoifige sin fén Acht so.
(4) Gach éinne a thiocfidh chun bheith ina chléireach chúirte dúithche fén Acht so de bhua an fho-ailt deiridh sin roimhe seo den alt so, nuair a bheidh sé ag déanamh amach tréimhse a sheirbhíse chun crícheanna na nAchtanna Aois-liúntais, 1834 go 1923, beidh teideal aige chun a áireamh mar sheirbhís leanúnach chun na gcrícheanna san pé tréimhse sheirbhíse (más ann di) go raibh aige, díreach roimh thosach feidhme na Coda so den Acht so, teideal chun í d'áireamh mar sheirbhís chun na gcrícheanna san agus, ina teanta san, a thréimhse sheirbhíse inphinsin mar chléireach cúirte dúithche fén Acht so.
(5) Chun crícheanna an Achta so tuigfar gur oifig a bunuíodh leis an Acht so oifig an chléirigh chúirte dúithche.
Líomatáistí cúirte dúithche.
47.—(1) Déanfidh an tAire de gach dúthaigh d'orduigh sé in alt 68 den Acht Cúirteanna Breithiúnais, 1924 (Uimh. 10 de 1924) pé líomatáistí caothúla (dá ngairmtear líomatáistí cúirte dúithche sa Chuid seo den Acht so) agus pé méid acu is dó leis is ceart agus féadfa sé líomatáistí difriúla cúirte dúithche do dhéanamh d'aon dúthaigh den tsórt san chun crícheanna saghasanna difriúla gnótha a dintar sa Chúirt Dúithche.
(2) Ceapfidh an tAire i ngach líomatáiste cúirte dúithche no laistigh de mhíle o theorainn an líomatáiste sin aon áit chaothúil amháin no níos mó ina ndéanfar agus na laethanta agus na huaireanta agus an méid laethanta agus uaireanta ar a ndéanfar an Chúirt Dúithche do chomóra chun an gnó dar teorannuíodh an líomatáiste cúirte dúithche sin do dhéanamh don líomatáiste sin.
(3) Beidh sé dleathach don Aire o am go ham, fé mar is oiriúnach leis é, gach ní no éinní acu so a leanas do dhéanamh, sé sin le rá:—
(a) aon dúthaigh d'orduigh sé fén alt san 68 den Acht Cúirteanna Breithiúnais, 1924, d'atharú no deire do chur léi;
(b) aon dúthaigh nua den tsórt san do bhunú;
(c) aon líomatáiste cúirte dúithche d'atharú no deire do chur leis;
(d) aon nua-líomatáiste cúirte dúithche do bhunú;
(e) an saghas no na saghasanna gnótha dar teorannuíodh aon líomatáiste cúirte dúithche d'atharú;
(f) atharú do dhéanamh ar na háiteanna no ar na laethanta no ar na huaireanta a ceapadh fén alt so chun an Chúirt Dúithche do chomóra in aon líomatáiste cúirte dúithche no dho.
(4) Na líomatáistí cúirte dúithche a bunófar fén alt so déanfar chun gach críche iad do chur in áit agus in ionad na ndúithchí cúirte a bunuíodh fé alt 3 den Acht um Ghiúistísí Dúithche (Forálacha Sealadacha), 1923 (Uimh. 6 de 1923), agus na suidh eanna a bheidh ag an gCúirt Dúithche chun an gnó dar teorannuíodh aon líomatáiste cúirte dúithche den tsórt san do dhéanamh don líomatáiste chúirte dúithche sin comórfar iad sna háiteanna agus ar na laetheanta agus ar na huaireanta a ceapfar dóibh fén alt so.
Dualgaisí cléireacha cúirte dúithche.
48.—(1) Ceapfar gach cléireach cúirte dúithche do pé líomatáiste no líomatáistí cúirte dúithche a ordóidh an tAire o am go ham agus beidh aige agus feidhmeoidh sé comhachta agus údaráis agus déanfidh agus cólíonfa sé dualgaisí agus feidhmeanna, maidir leis an gCúirt Dúithche sa líomatáiste no sna líomatáistí cúirte dúithche sin, gach ceann acu a bronnfar no a cuirfar air o am go ham le reacht no le riail chúirte agus go sonnrách (mara bhforáltar agus go dtí go bhforálfar a mhalairt le reacht no le rialacha cúirte) beidh aige agus feidhmeoidh sé comhachta agus údaráis agus déanfidh agus cólíonfa sé dualgaisí agus feidhmeanna sa líomatáiste no sna líomatáistí cúirte dúithche sin, gach ceann acu a bhí, do réir dlí, díreach roimh thosach feidhme na Coda so den Acht so, dílsithe sa chléireach chúirte dúithche, no oblagáideach air le déanamh no le cólíona, no, i Líomatáiste Cathrach Bhaile Atha Cliath agus i gContae-Bhuirg Chorcaighe, dílsithe no oblagáideach amhlaidh i gcás an phrímh-chléirigh agus na ngcléireach eile don Chúirt Dúithche sa líomatáiste agus sa bhuirg sin fé seach.
(2) I dteanta na gcomhacht, na n-údarás, na ndualgas agus na bhfeidhm a luaidhtear sa bhfo-alt san roimhe seo, beidh ag gach cléireach cúirte dúithche i Líomatáiste Cathrach Bhaile Atha Cliath agus feidhmeoidh, déanfidh, agus cólíonfa sé, laistigh de pé méid den Líomatáiste sin a bheidh laistigh dá líomatáiste cúirte dúithche gach comhacht, údarás, dualgas agus feidhm a bhí dílsithe sa phrímh-chléireach no san árd-chléireach no in aon chléireach eile do Chúirteanna Póilíneachta Cathrach Bhaile Atha Cliath, no curtha air, le haon reachtanna a bhí i bhfeidhm díreach roimh thosach feidhme na Coda so den Acht so.
Tuarastail chléireacha cúirte dúithche d'íoc.
49.—(1) O thosach feidhme na Coda so den Acht so go dtí an lá ceaptha is amach as airgead a sholáthróidh an tOireachtas a híocfar tuarastail agus liúntaisí na gcléireach cúirte dúithche uile a ceapfar d'aon dúthaigh no dúithchí laistigh de Líomatáiste Chathrach Bhaile Atha Cliath agus is amach as na cistí súncálta agus as airgead eile a bheidh de thurus na huaire i lámha clárathóir na gcléireach cúirte dúithche no curtha síos in ainm an chlárathóra san ina aonar no i dteanta aon oifigigh phuiblí eile a híocfar tuarastail agus liúntaisí na gcléireach cúirte dúithche uile a ceapfar d'aon dúthaigh no dúithchí lasmuich de Líomatáiste Chathrach Bhaile Atha Cliath agus sa mhéid go gceadóidh an tAire Airgid é is amach as airgead a sholáthróidh an tOireachtas a déanfar suas aon easnamh ar na cistí no ar an airgead san chun méideanna na dtuarastal san d'íoc.
(2) San alt so agus sa dá alt a leanas cialluíonn an focal “an lá ceaptha” pé lá a cheapfidh an tAire le hordú chun bheith ina lá ceaptha chun críche na n-alt san, agus cialluíonn an focal “clárathóir na gcléireach cúirte dúithche” an té a ceapadh fén Petty Sessions Clerk (Ireland) Act, 1858, chun na dualgaisí do chólíona a horduítear leis an Acht san don chlárathóir le cólíona.
Deire le Clárathóir na gCléireach Cúirte Dúithche.
50.—(1) Ar an lá ceaptha scuirfidh oifig chlárathóra na gcléireach cúirte dúithche de bheith ann agus tar éis an lae sin pé cinn de dhualgaisí na hoifige sin a bheidh fanta cólíonfar iad ag príomh-oifigeach na Roinne Dlí agus Cirt no ag pé oifigeach eile don Aire a ordóidh an tAire o am go ham.
(2) An ciste dá ngairmtear Ciste na gCléireach Cúirte Dúithche cuirfar deire leis ar an lá ceaptha agus chó luath agus is féidir é tar éis an lae sin íocfar isteach sa Stát-Chiste no cuirfar chun tairbhe don Stát-Chiste ar pé slí a ordóidh an tAire Airgid na cistí súncálta uile agus gach airgead eile a bheidh an lá san i lámha clárathóra na gcléireach cúirte dúithche no curtha síos in ainm an chlárathóra san ina aonar no i dteanta aon oifigigh phuiblí eile agus a bheidh ina n-airgead no ag seasamh d'airgead a bailíodh ag clárathóir na gcléireach cúirte dúithche no a bhí fé n-a chúram.
(3) Má leanaid agus sa mhéid go leanfid de bheith iníoctha, is amach as airgead a sholáthróidh an tOireachtas a híocfar, ón lá ceaptha amach, gach tuarastal, liúntas agus costas go mbíodh a muirear no a n-íoc roimhe sin ar airgead a bailítí ag clárathóir na gcléireach cúirte dúithche no a bhíodh fé n-a chúram.
(4) Más rud é, ar an lá ceaptha no dá éis, go gceapfar i bhfeadhmannacht inphinsin chun birte i Stát-Sheirbhís Shaorstáit Éireann éinne a bhí, díreach roimh an lá ceaptha, ar fostú i bhfeadhmannacht inphinsin in oifig chlárathóra na gcléireach cúirte dúithche, ansan, na hAchtanna le n-a n-údarófí, díreach roimh an lá ceaptha, pinsean no liúntas eile do dheona dho (pé ciste no airgead as a bhféadfí an pinsean no an liúntas san do dheona) bainfid leis, ar scur de bheith i seilbh birte i bhfeadhmannacht inphinsin i Stát-Sheirbhís Shaorstáit Éireann do, agus san sa tslí chéanna agus sa mhéid chéanna gur bhaineadar leis díreach roimh an lá ceaptha ach iad do bheith agus fé réir iad do bheith atharuithe mar leanas, sé sin le rá:—
(i) ag áireamh tréimhse a sheirbhíse chun críche na nAcht san do beidh teideal aige chun a thréimhse sheirbhíse i bhfeadhmannacht inphinsin in oifig chlárathóra na gcléireach cúirte dúithche agus a thréimhse sheirbhíse i bhfeadhmannacht inphinsin i mbirt i Stát-Sheirbhís Shaorstáit Éireann d'áireamh mar sheirbhís leanúnach chun na gcrícheanna san, agus
(ii) cuirfar an tAire Airgid in ionad an té dá n-údaruítear leis na hAchtanna san pinsean no liúntas do dheona dho, agus
(iii) is amach as airgead a sholáthróidh an tOireachtas a híocfar aon phinsean no liúntas a deonfar do.
Cad déanfar le fíneála, etc.
51.—(1) Ach amháin i gcás dá bhforáltar a mhalairt fén alt so íocfar isteach sa Stát-Chiste no socrófar chun tairbhe dho, ar pé slí a ordóidh an tAire Airgid gach fíneáil, meirse agus pionós, agus gach banna geallbhruidte, a forchuirfar no a gearrfar ag aon chúirt tar éis an lae cheaptha agus, in ainneoin aon achtacháin contrárdha dho san, ní híocfar le haon chúisitheoir, innsteoir, ná duine eile, ná ní lomhálfar do, ná ní híocfar isteach in aon chiste, aon chuid d'aon fhíneáil, meirse, pionós ná banna den tsórt san.
(2) Íocfar isteach sa Stát-Chiste no socrófar chun tairbhe dho (ach amháin i gcás dá bhforáltar a mhalairt fén alt so), ar pé slí a ordóidh an tAire Airgid, aon fhíneáil, meirse no pionós, no aon bhanna geallbhruidte, a forchuirfar no a gearrfar ag aon chúirt ar an lá ceaptha no roimhe, pé méid de ná fuighidh clárathóir na gcléireach cúirte dúithche ar an lá san no roimhe sin no ná híocfar go dleathach roimh an lá san no air no dá éis le cúisitheoir, le hinnsteoir, no le duine eile.
(3) Má maithtear aon fhíneáil, meirse no pionós, no aon bhanna geallbhruidte, i bpáirt no go hiomlán tar éis a bheith íoctha isteach sa Stát-Chiste no socruithe chun tairbhe dho fén alt so, aisíocfar amach as an Stát-Chiste, ar pé slí a ordóidh an tAire Airgid, an fhíneáil, an meirse, no an pionós san, no an banna geallbhruidte sin, no an chuid a maitheadh amhlaidh den chéanna (pe'ca aca é).
(4) Le haontú an Aire Airgid féadfidh an tAire, le hordú, a ordú go bhfágfar iomlán gach fíneála no pionóis a bhaineann le haon aicme no aicmí áirithe d'fhíneála no de phionóisí a bheidh luaidhte san ordú, no aon chuid áirithe den chéanna, gan íoc isteach sa Stát-Chiste fén alt so agus, in ionad a íoctha amhlaidh, go n-íocfar iomlán gach fíneála no pionóis den tsórt san no an chuid áirithe sin den chéanna (pe'ca aca é) le pé cúisitheoir, innsteoir, no duine eile no isteach i pé ciste agus ar pé téarmaí agus coiníollacha a bheidh luaidhte san ordú maidir le gach aicme áirithe no gach grúpa áirithe d'aicmí d'fhíneála.
Deire le hoifig an Ard-Shirriaim.
52.—Dintar leis seo deire do chur le hoifig an árd-shirriaim i ngach contae agus contae-bhuirg.
Feidhmiú breitheanna báis.
53.—Ní bheidh sé de dhualgas feasta ar aon fho-shirriam breitheanna báis do thug cúirteanna breithiúnais do chur in éifeacht agus ina ionad san isé duine ar a mbeidh sé de dhualgas feasta breitheanna den tsórt san do chur in éifeacht ná gobharnóir an phríosúin no príomh-oifigeach eile don phríosún go mbeidh an té ar ar tugadh an bhreith i mbraighdeanas ann nuair a bheidh an bhreith le cur in éifeacht.
Aistriú dualgaisí an fho-shirriaim.
54.—(1) Ní ceapfar éinne chun oifig an fho-shirriaim tar éis rithte an Achta so.
(2) I ngach contae agus contae-bhuirg ina mbeidh oifig an fho-shirriaim folamh i dtosach feidhme na Coda so den Acht so tiocfidh comhachta, dualgaisí, údaráis, cirt agus oblagáidí uile fo-shirriamacha uile agus fé seach na gcontaethe agus na gcontaebhuirgí sin fé seach chun bheith agus béid aistrithe agus dílsithe do chlárathóirí contae uile agus fé seach na gcontaethe agus na gcontae-bhuirgí sin fé seach no forchurtha ortha ar theacht i bhfeidhm don Chuid seo den Acht so agus as san amach.
(3) I ngach contae agus contae-bhuirg ná beidh oifig an fhoshirriaim folamh ionta i dtosach feidhme na Coda so den Acht so, tiocfidh comhachta, dualgaisí, údaráis, cirt agus oblagáidí uile fo-shirriamacha uile agus fé seach na gcontaethe agus na gcontaebhuirgí sin fé seach chun bheith agus beid aistrithe agus dílsithe do chlárathóirí contae uile agus fé seach na gcontaethe agus na gcontae-bhuirgí sin fé seach no forchurtha ortha ar na dátaí agus o sna dátaí fé seach ar a mbeidh oifig an fho-shirriaim sna contaethe agus sna contae-bhuirgí sin fé seach folamh mar an gcéad uair tar éis tosach feidhme na Coda so den Acht so.
Deire leis an gCiste um Ghealt-ghnó.
55.—(1) Cuirfar deire leis an gCiste um Ghealt-ghnó dá dtagartar in ailt 110 agus 116 den Lunacy Regulation (Ireland) Act, 1871, pé lá (dá ngairmtear an críoch-lá ina dhiaidh seo anso), tar éis tosach feidhme na Coda so den Acht so agus roimh an 1adh lá den chéad Abrán ina dhiaidh sin, a cheapfidh an tAire le cead an Aire Airgid.
(2) Ar an gcríoch-lá no chó luath agus bheidh sé caothúil ina dhiaidh sin íocfar isteach sa Stát-Chiste no socrófar chun tairbhe dho, ar pé slí a ordóidh an tAire Airgid, gach súncáil, urrús, ciste agus airgead a bheidh i gcreidiúint don chiste um ghealt-ghnó ar an gcríoch-lá.
(3) On gcríoch-lá amach déanfar an percentáiste a héilítear ar estáit geilteanna fé ailt 109 go 114 den Lunacy Regulation (Ireland) Act, 1871, d'íoc isteach sa Stát-Chiste ar pé slí agus pé tráthanna a ordóidh an tAire Airgid.
(4) Má leanann agus sa mhéid go leanfa siad fé seach de bheith iníoctha déanfar, tar éis an chríoch-lae, gach tuarastal agus pin sean atá go dtí so iníoctha amach as an gCiste um Ghealt-ghnó d'íoc amach as airgead a sholáthróidh an tOireachtas, mar chuid de sna costaisí fé n-ar chuathas i bhfeidhmiú an Achta so, agus tar éis an chríoch-lae déanfar gach costas (lasmuich de thuarastail agus pinsin) a híoctí amach as an gCiste um Ghealt-ghnó go dtí so d'íoc amach as airgead a sholáthróidh an tOireachtas no amach as an bpercentáiste sin a héilítear ar estáit gheilteanna sara n-íoctar an céanna isteach sa Stát-Chiste fé mar a ordóidh an tAire Airgid tar éis dul i gcomhairle leis an bPrímh-Bhreitheamh agus ar dheimhniú an Phrímh-Bhreithimh, ag deimhniú méid agus nádúir gach costais fé leith agus á dheimhniú gur chuathas fén gcéanna go cuibhe le hordú no le haontú uaidh, isea a híocfar amhlaidh gach costas den tsórt san (lasmuich de thuarastail agus pinsin).
(5) Féadfidh an tAire le haontú an Aire Airgid agus tar éis dul i gcomhairle leis an bPrímh-Bhreitheamh rátaí an phercentáiste sin a héilítear ar estáit gheilteanna d'atharú o am go ham agus féadfa sé, más oiriúnach leis é, ach leis an aontú roimhráite, na rátaí sin d'árdú no d'ísliú os cionn no fé bhun na rátaí agus na méideanna iomlána a luaidhtear in alt 109 den Lunacy Regulation (Ireland) Act, 1871, ach go dtí go n-atharófar na rátaí sin fén alt so éileofar an percentáiste sin do réir na rátaí go raibh sé inéilithe dá réir díreach roimh thosach feidhme na Coda so den Acht so.
Oifigí clárathachta promháide ceanntair do dhúna.
56.—(1) Féadfidh an tAire, le hordú, aon oifig chlárathachta promháide cheanntair do dhúna o pé dáta (nách luatha ná dáta an orduithe) is dó leis is ceart.
(2) Má dhineann an tAire ordú fén alt so ag dúna oifige clárathachta promháide ceanntair beidh deire leis an oifig sin ón dáta a luadhfar san ordú chun a dúnta agus, lasmuich de sna cásanna a luaidhtear ina dhiaidh seo anso, beidh éifeacht ag an Probates and Letters of Administration Act (Ireland), 1857, sa cheanntar dá bhfónadh an oifig sin roimhe sin fé is dá bhfágtí an ceanntar san amach as Sceideal (A) den Acht san.
(3) Má dhineann an tAire ordú fén alt so ag dúna oifige clárathachta promháide ceanntair féadfidh an tAire leis an ordú san, más oiriúnach leis é, socrú do dhéanamh chun go bhféadfar iarrataisí ar phromháidí uacht agus ar leitreacha riaracháin, i gcásanna ina raibh ag an uachtóir no ag an neamh-uachtóir (pe'ca aca é) le linn bháis do buan-áit chomhnaithe laistigh den cheanntar dá bhfónadh an oifig sin roimhe sin, do lóisteáil leis an gclárathóir contae don líomatáiste ina raibh an bhuan-áit chomhnaithe sin suidhte, agus chun an clárathóir contae do chur na n-iarrataisí sin chun na príomh-oifige clárathachta promháide agus chun na promháidí agus na leitreacha riaracháin (má tug tar amach agus nuair a tabharfar amach iad) do chur ón bpríomhoifig chlárathachta promháide chun an chlárathóra chontae sin le seachada don té go mbeidh teideal aige chucha.
(4) Féadfidh an tAire le hordú, más oiriúnach agus nuair is oiriúnach leis é, socrú do dhéanamh chun go bhféadfar iarrataisí ar phromháidí uacht agus ar leitreacha riaracháin, i gcásanna ina raibh buan-áit chomhnaithe i Saorstát Éireann ag an uachtóir no ag an neamh-uachtóir (pe'ca aca é) le linn bháis do ach ná raibh an bhuan-áit chomhnaithe sin laistigh d'aon cheann de sna ceanntair dá raibh oifig chlárathachta promháide cheanntair ag fónamh i dtosach feidhme na Coda so den Acht so, do lóisteáil leis an gclárathóir contae don líomatáiste ina raibh an bhuan-áit chomhnaithe sin suidhte, agus chun an clárathóir contae do chur an iarratais sin chun na príomh-oifige clárathachta promháide agus chun na promháidí agus na leitreacha riaracháin (má tugtar amach agus nuair a tabharfar amach iad) do chur ón bpríomhoifig chlárathachta promháide chun an chlárathóra chontae sin le seachada don té go mbeidh teideal aige chucha.
Táillí cúirte.
57.—(1) Le cead an Aire Airgid agus le haontú an choiste gur le n-a n-aontú no le n-a gcongnamh a dineadh na rialacha cúirte le n-a mbaineann an scéal, féadfidh an tAire, le hordú, a ordú cadiad na táillí a héileofar sna hoifigí uile agus fé seach a bunuítear leis an Acht so agus iad d'atharú no d'athscrúdú ar shlí eile o am go ham fé mar is gá é agus, i dteanta méideanna na dtáillí sin, féadfa sé a ordú le haon ordú den tsórt san cé hiad na daoine a íocfidh agus cadiad na hócáidí ar a n-íocfar na táillí sin agus cé hiad na hoifigigh a bhaileoidh agus conus a baileofar na táillí sin.
(2) Íocfar isteach sa Stát-Chiste no socrófar chun tairbhe dho ar pé slí a ordóidh an tAire Airgid gach táille a baileofar fé ordú a bheidh déanta fén alt so.
(3) Mara n-orduítear agus go dtí go n-ordófar le hordú fén alt so cadiad na táillí a héileofar in aon oifig a bunuítear leis an Acht so éileofar san oifig sin na táillí a bhí, díreach roimh rith an Achta so, inéilithe san oifig ina ndintí an uair sin an gnó a ceaptar leis an Acht so don oifig a céad-luaidhtear.
(4) Athghairmtear leis seo an méid den Acht Cúirteanna Breithiúnais, 1924 (Uimh. 10 de 1924) le n-a n-údaruítear na táillí atá le n'éileamh in aon chúirt no oifig do shocrú le rialacha cúirte.
Déanamh a ndualgaisí, etc., ag príomh-oifigigh agus ag clárathóirí contae.
58.—Na comhachta, na húdaráis, na dualgaisí agus na feidhmeanna uile agus fé seach a bronntar no a cuirtear le Cuid I. den Acht so ar na hoifigigh fé seach dá ngairmtear príomh-oifigigh sa Chuid sin agus le Cuid II. den Acht so ar na clárathóirí contae feidhmeoidh agus déanfidh na hoifigigh agus na clárathóirí sin iad le congnamh na n-oifigeach agus na seirbhíseach a bheidh ar fostú sna hoifigí a bheidh fé bhainistí acu fé seach agus déanfidh gach príomh-oifigeach agus clárathóir contae dhíobh socrú chun oifigigh no seirbhísigh ar fostú san oifig a bheidh fé n-a bhainistí d'fheidhmiú agus do dhéanamh pé cinn dá chuid comhacht, údarás, dualgaisí agus feidhmeanna (lasmuich díobh san a héilítear go soiléir air de thurus na huaire le reacht no le riail chúirte a fheidhmiú no a dhéanamh i bpearsain) nách ró-uiriste dho féin a fheidhmiú no a dhéanamh.
Brócaerí stuic, glacadóirí, etc., don chúirt d'ainmniú.
59.—(1) Gach brócaer stuic, glacadóir, ceainteálaí, meastóir agus duine eile is gá a chur in áirithe o am go ham chun fothsheirbhísí do dhéanamh in aon chúirt no dhi, no d'aon bhreitheamh no oifigeach d'aon chúirt, déanfidh an tAire é ainmniú agus é chur in áirithe ar pé téarmaí agus coiníollacha is dó leis is ceart (fé réir cead an Aire Airgid maidir le haon íoc luach saothair amach as airgead puiblí).
(2) Féadfidh an tAire gach ainmniú agus cur-in-áirithe a dhéanfidh an tAire fén bhfo-alt san roimhe seo do cheiliúra aon uair.
(3) Gach ainmniú no cur-in-áirithe a déanfar, pé duine a dhéanfidh é, ar éinne den tsórt san roimhráite agus a bheidh i bhfeidhm i dtosach feidhme aon Choda (ach an Chuid seo) den Acht so maidir le haon chúirt, breitheamh, no oifigeach le n-a mbaineann an Chuid sin, féadfidh an tAire é cheiliúra aon uair tar éis an tosach feidhme sin, ach mara ndintar agus go dtí go ndéanfar an t-ainmniú no an cur-in-áirithe sin do cheiliúra amhlaidh leanfa sé i bhfeidhm do réir a théarmaí féin ar a n-áirítear aon téarma i dtaobh a bhuaine.
(4) Ní bhainfidh an t-alt so le hatúrnaethe, dochtúirí, cuairteoirí, agus daoine eile den tsórt a cuirtí in áirithe no a hainmnítí ag an bPrímh-Bhreitheamh maidir le feidhmiú aon údaráis dar haistríodh chuige le halt 19 den Acht Cúirteanna Breithiúnais, 1924 (Uimh. 10 de 1924) agus leanfidh gach duine den tsórt san de bheith á ainmniú agus á chur in áirithe aige fé mar atá go dtí so.
(5) Ní bhainfidh an t-alt so leis an mbreitheamh do cheapa ceainteálaí, glacadóra, meastóra, socrathóra, bainisteora, gníomhaire no duine eile den tsórt san ná leis na páirtithe do dhéanamh an ruda san le haontú an bhreithimh, in aon chúis dlí ná in éinní, chun seirbhísí do dhéanamh maidir le habhar na cúise no an ní sin i gcás gan baint do bheith ag an gceapa le haon chúis eile ná ní eile agus i gcás gan éinne a cuireadh in áirithe fén alt so do bheith ar fáil chun na seirbhísí sin do dhéanamh no gan é bheith oiriúnach, dar leis an mbreitheamh, mar gheall ar chora fé leith sa scéal, an duine ná éinne de sna daoine a cuireadh in áirithe amhlaidh do cheapa.
Baint Acht Rialuithe na Stát-Sheirbhíse, 1924.
60.—Ach amháin i gcás dá bhforáltar a mhalairt san Acht so, bainfidh Acht Rialuithe na Stát-Sheirbhíse, 1924 (Uimh. 5 de 1924) agus gach Acht a bheidh i bhfeidhm de thurus na huaire agus le n-a leasuítear an tAcht san, bainfid le gach oifig agus beart fén Acht so lasmuich d'oifigí agus de bhearta a bheidh de thurus na huaire ortha san a luaidhtear sa Sceideal a ghabhann leis an Acht san Rialuithe na Stát-Sheirbhíse, 1924.
Oifigigh áirithe do thabhairt urrúis.
61.—(1) Gach éinne a ceapfar chun puist no birte le n-a mbaineann an t-alt so de thurus na huaire déanfa sé, roimh dhul i mbun dualgaisí an phuist no na birte sin do, urrús do thabhairt ar pé slí agus i pé méid a hordófar fén alt so ar dhualgaisí an phuist no na birte sin do chólíona.
(2) Le cead an Aire Airgid, féadfidh an tAire a ordú o am go ham, le hordú, cadiad na postanna dá mbunuítear leis an Acht so agus cadiad na postanna agus na bearta sna hoifigí a bunuítear leis an Acht so go mbainfidh an t-alt so leo, agus le cead an Aire Airgid féadfa sé, le haon ordú den tsórt san, a ordú cadé an tslí agus cadé an méid ina dtabharfar urrús fén alt so maidir le gach post agus beart fé leith acu ach gan an méid ina dtabharfar an t-urrús san do dhul in aon chás thar dhá oiread tuarastail bhliantúla an phuist no na birte 'na dtabharfar an t-urrús maidir leis.
Deimhnithe státsheirbhíse do dheona d'oifigigh áirithe.
62.—(1) Féadfidh Coimisinéirí na Stát-Sheirbhíse, ar a mhola san don Aire agus le haontú an Aire Airgid, deimhniú do dheona d'éinne (pe'ca amach as airgead puiblí a híoctar é no nách ea) a bheidh le linn rithte an Achta so ar fostú ar feadh a chuid aimsire go léir in oifig a bhaineann le cúirt bhreithiúnais, sé sin, deimhniú cáilíochta maidir leis an mbirt ina bhfuil sé ar fostú amhlaidh san oifig sin.
(2) Le toil an Aire Airgid féadfar a rá i ndeimhniú cáilíochta a deonfar fén bhfo-alt san roimhe seo go bhfuil sé le bheith in éifeacht o dháta roimh dháta a dheonta, agus má deirtar i ndeimhniú cáilíochta amhlaidh go bhfuil sé le bheith in éifeacht o dháta roimh dháta a dheonta tuigfar an té dá ndeonfar é do bheith á íoc as airgead a sholáthruigh an tOireachtas do réir bhrí alt 17 den Superannuation Act, 1859, ón dáta san o n-a ndeirtar sa deimhniú go bhfuil an deimhniú le bheith in éifeacht.
(3) Má dintar duine atá, le linn rithte an Achta so, ar fostú ar feadh a chuid aimsire go léir in oifig a bhaineann le cúirt bhreithiúnais agus a híoctar i bpáirt no go hiomlán as liúntaisí cléireachais a tugtar amach as airgead puiblí do cheann na hoifige sin, do scaoile as an bhfostaíocht san no as aon fhostaíocht fén Acht so, féadfidh an tAire Airgid pé aisce is dó leis an Aire sin is ceart do thabhairt don duine sin nuair a scaoilfar é, ach gan é dhul thar dhá oiread an tuarastail agus an tsochair oifige a fuair an duine sin, pé as go dtánadar, i rith bliana deiridh a fhostaíochta.
Sean-oifigigh agus seanasheirbhísigh.
63.—(1) Gach clárathóir, cléireach, oifigeach, teachtaire, bollscaire, agus seirbhíseach (dá ngairmtear sean-oifigigh agus seana-sheirbhísigh san alt so) a bhí, le linn rithte an Achta Cúirteanna Breithiúnais, 1924 (Uimh. 10 de 1924), ag gabháil le cúirt a bhí ann an uair sin no le pearsain bhreithimh a bhí i seilbh oifige an uair sin no ar fostú in oifig chúirte a bhí ann an uair sin agus atá, le linn rithte an Achta so, ag gabháil le haon chúirt no breitheamh no ag cólíona dualgaisí maidir leis an gcéanna no ar fostú in aon oifig chúirte, scuirfid de bheith i seilbh oifige díreach ar theacht i bhfeidhm don Chuid den Acht so a bhaineann leis an gcúirt, leis an mbreitheamh no leis an oifig sin agus beidh deire le n-a n-oifigí fé seach agus dintar leis seo deire do chur leo o thosach feidhme na Coda san den Acht so.
(2) Ní bhainfidh fo-alt (1) den alt so le héinne a bheidh, díreach roimh thosach feidhme Chuid III. den Acht so, i seilbh oifig chléirigh chúirte dúithche fén Acht um Ghiúistísí Dúithche (Forálacha Sealadacha), 1923 (Uimh. 6 de 1923) no, i Líomatáiste Cathrach Bhaile Atha Cliath agus i gContae-Bhuirg Chorcaighe, i seilbh oifig an phrímh-chléirigh no cléirigh eile don Chúirt Dúithche sa líomatáiste agus sa bhuirg sin fé seach, agus ní bheidh éinne den tsórt san ina shean-oifigeach ná ina sheanasheirbhíseach chun crícheanna an ailt seo.
(3) Gach sean-oifigeach agus seana-sheirbhíseach atá ina n-oifigigh no ina seirbhísigh shealadacha agus ná dintar go soiléir leis an Acht so a bhfeidhmeanna d'aistriú chun aon oifigigh a bunuítear leis an Acht so, leanfid, d'ainneoin deire do bheith le n-a n-oifigí no le n-a mbearta fé seach, go dtí go n-ordóidh an tAire a mhalairt, ag cólíona na ndualgaisí céanna a bhíodar fé seach a chólíona díreach sarar cuireadh deire leis na hoifigí no leis na bearta san agus le linn dóibh bheith ag cólíona na ndualgas san amhlaidh beidh teideal acu chun luach saothair d'fháil do réir an scála chéanna gur dá réir a bhíodar ag fáil luach saothair díreach sarar cuireadh deire leis na hoifigí no leis na bearta san.
(4) Fé réir na bhforálacha den Acht so le n-a n-orduítear cáilíochta oifigeach áirithe, tairgfar (fé réir na n-eisceacht a luaidhtear ina dhiaidh seo anso) do gach sean-oifigeach no seana-sheirbhí seach nách oifigeach ná seirbhíseach sealadach fostaíocht i mbirt fén Acht so nách lú an tuarastal a ghabhann léi ná leis an mbirt a bhí aige mar shean-oifigeach no mar sheana-sheirbhíseach den tsórt san le linn rithte an Achta so, ach ní bhainfidh an fo-alt so le haon tsean-oifigeach ná seana-sheirbhíseach atá os cionn cúig bliana is trí fichid d'aois le linn rithte an Achta so no atá an uair sin tar éis bheith ag fónamh breis is dachad bliain in oifigí cúirte no i bpostanna no i mbearta a bhí ag gabháil le cúirt no le breitheamh no is dó leis an Aire a bheith neamh-oiriúnach maidir le neart cuirp chun bheith ar fostú i mbirt fén Acht so, agus ní bhainfidh an fhoráil atá sa bhfo-alt so i dtaobh tuarastail le cás cléirigh choróinneach agus síochána dá dtairgfar a fhostú mar chlárathóir contae.
(5) Bainfidh na forálacha so a leanas le gach sean-oifigeach a ghlacfidh fostaíocht i mbirt fén Acht so, sé sin le rá:—
(a) ní dhéanfidh glaca na fostaíochta san dochar ná difir (ach amháin mar a luaidhtear ina dhiaidh seo anso) do sna cirt a bheidh aige fé Airtiogal 10 de Chonnra 1921 nuair a cuirfar deire le n-a oifig;
(b) ní bheidh sé i dteideal chun aon liúntas bliantúil d'fháil fén Airtiogal san 10 ar son aon tréimhse 'na bhfuighe sé tuarastal i mbirt fén Acht so ná chun aon aisce ná íocaíocht chnap-shuime d'fháil fén Airtiogal san 10 agus é ag fáil an tuarastail sin;
(c) ar scur de bheith i seilbh birte fén Acht so dho beidh sé i dteideal pé ní acu so is maith leis d'fháil: pé cúiteamh go mbeidh teideal aige chuige fén Airtiogal san 10 no pé liúntas no cúiteamh eile go mbeidh teideal aige chuige fé sna hAchtanna Aois-liúntas, 1834 go 1923, no fé Achtanna eile le n-a n-údaruítear pinsean no liúntas eile do dheona dho, mar a hatharuítear do agus mar a cuirtar i mbaint leis iad leis an bhfo-alt so;
(d) in ionad na míreanna san roimhe seo do chur i mbaint leis, féadfar a chur mar choiníoll leis an tairisgint fostaíochta fén Acht so go leigfe sé uaidh gach ceart chun cúitimh fén Airtiogal san 10 ar scór deire do chur le n-a oifig no a scaoilte as oifig, ach beidh gach leigint-uaidh den tsórt san fé réir an choiníll, má fhágann sé an fhostaíocht san ina dhiaidh sin toisc aois-teora do bheith sroiste aige no toisc a scaoilte aisti ar aon chúis seachas mí-iompar, mí-chumas, no easláinte, nách lú ná an cúiteamh chun a mbeadh teideal aige fén Airtiogal san 10 an liúntas no an cúiteamh eile a gheobha sé fé sna hAchtanna Aoisliúntas, 1834 go 1923, no fé Achtanna eile le n-a n-údaruítear pinsean no liúntas eile do dheona dho, mar a hatharuítear do agus mar a cuirtar i mbaint leis iad tríd an bhfo-alt so;
(e) is do réir na sealbhaíochta agus ar na coiníollacha a horduítear di leis an Acht so no fé a bheidh an bheart aige fen Acht so;
(f) na hAchtanna le n-a n-údarófí, díreach sarar scuir sé de bhua an ailt seo de bheith i seilbh oifige, pinsean no liúntas eile do dheona dho (pé ciste no airgead as a bhféadfí an pinsean no an liúntas san do dheona dho) bainfid leis, ar scur de bheith i seilbh birte fén Acht so dho, agus san sa tslí chéanna agus sa mhéid chéanna gur bhaineadar leis díreach sarar scuir sé amhlaidh de bheith i seilbh oifige, ach beidh ag gabháil leis an mbaint sin na hatharuithe seo a leanas, agus beidh sí fé n-a réir, sé sin le rá:—
(i) pé tréimhse sheirbhíse (más ann di) gur tuigeadh no go dtuigtear de bhua an fho-ailt seo go raibh teideal aige, díreach roimh scur amhlaidh de bheith i seilbh oifige dho, chun í d'áireamh mar sheirbhís chun crícheanna na nAcht san, beidh teideal aige chun í sin agus a thréimhse sheirbhíse i mbirt fén Acht so d'áireamh mar sheirbhís leanúnach chun na gcrícheanna san nuair a bheidh sé ag áireamh a thréimhse sheirbhíse chun na gcrícheanna san, agus
(ii) cuirfar an tAire Airgid in ionad an té dá n-údaruítear leis na hAchtanna san pinsean no liúntas do dheona dho, agus
(iii) is amach as airgead a sholáthróidh an tOireachtas a híocfar aon phinsean no liúntas a deonfar do;
(g) má céad-cheapadh é chun a oifige i bhfeadhmannacht shealadach fén Acht Oifigigh Cúirte (Ceapacháin Shealadacha), 1924 (Uimh. 2 de 1924) agus gur ceapadh é ina dhiaidh sin chun na hoifige céanna i bhfeadhmannacht inphinsin, beidh teideal aige, agus tuigfar go raibh teideal aige, díreach sarar scuir sé de bhua an ailt seo de bheith i seilbh oifige, chun a thréimhse sheirbhíse iomlán san oifig sin, o dháta a chéad-cheaptha chuichi i bhfeadhmannacht shealadach, d'áireamh mar sheirbhís leanúnach i bhfeadhmannacht inphinsin chun crícheanna na nAchtanna Aois-liúntas, 1834 go 1923;
(h) ar mhola an Aire agus le n-a thoil féin agus le cead an Aire Airgid féadfar é choinneáil i mbirt fén Acht so go dtí go mbeidh deich mbliana is trí fichid slán aige.
(6) Le toil an Aire, féadfidh sean-oifigeach dá dtairgfar fostaíocht i mbirt fén Acht so an fhostaíocht san do ghlaca go sealadach agus a glaca ar fad no diúlta ar fad di do chur ar athló go ceann aon tréimhse nách sia ná ocht mí dhéag o thosach feidhme na Coda den Acht so a bhaineann leis an mbirt sin, agus más rud é, in aon chás den tsórt san, go nglacfa sé ar fad an fhostaíocht san laistigh den tréimhse sin raghaidh an glaca san siar chun dáta an ghlactha shealadaigh agus beidh éifeacht aige ón dáta san aniar.
Ní bhainfidh an tAcht so le daoine a híoctar ag comhairlí contae.
64.—Ní bhainfidh éinní san Acht so le héinne atá, le linn rithte an Achta so, á íoc ag comhairle aon chontae no contae-bhuirg ar son seirbhísí do dhéanamh d'aon bhreitheamh, cúirt, no tigh cúirte no maidir leis an gcéanna, agus ní tuigfar chun crícheanna an Achta so go mbaineann éinne den tsórt san le breitheamh ná le cúirt.
Chun smacht na mbreithiún ar ghnó cúirte do bhuanchimeád.
65.—(1) Ní dhéanfidh éinní san Acht so dochar ná difir do smacht aon bhreithimh ar dhéanamh gnótha a chúirte.
(2) Nuair a bheidh oifigeach a bhaineann le haon chúirt i mbun dualgaisí a bhaineann le gnó de chuid na cúirte sin gur gá do réir dlí de thurus na huaire gur bhreitheamh no breithiúin den chúirt sin a dhéanfadh é no gur i láthair no fé ordú no do réir ordú breithimh no breithiún den chúirt sin a déanfí é, cimeádfidh agus cólíonfa sé gach ordú a thabharfidh an breitheamh no na breithiúin sin do.
(3) Gach cruthúnas agus gach scríbhinn agus páipeur eile a lóisteálfar in aon chúirt no a sínfar isteach chúichi i dtaobh no le linn éisteacht aon chúise dlí no ní, cimeádfar iad i seilbh no fé ordú agus fé dheighleáil an bhreithimh no sinsir na mbreithiún ag á mbeidh no gur ina láthair a bheidh an chúis no an ní sin á éisteacht.
Tuarastail agus costaisí.
66.—(1) Amach as airgead a sholáthróidh an tOireachtas íocfar le gach oifigeach, seirbhíseach agus duine eile a bheidh i seilbh aon oifige no birte no ar fostú in aon oifig no beart fén Acht so pé tuarastal a shocróidh an tAire le cead an Aire Airgid.
(2) Sa mhéid go gceadóidh an tAire Airgid é is amach as airgead a sholáthróidh an tOireachtas a híocfar gach costas (seachas na tuarastail roimhráite) a bhainfidh leis an Acht so do chur i bhfeidhm.