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Uimhir 27 de 1975
[An tiontú oifigiúil]
1.—(1) Más deimhin leis an Aire gur gá dó sin a dhéanamh ionas go leanfaí i gcoitinne, ar mhaithe le leas an náisiúin, de na Comhaontuithe Náisiúnta, féadfaidh sé, le hordú, lá a cheapadh a thiocfaidh an tAcht seo i ngníomh agus tiocfaidh an tAcht seo i ngníomh an lá sin.
[EN](2) Eagfaidh an tAcht seo cibé lá a cheapfaidh an tAire le hordú.
2.—San Acht seo—
[EN]ciallaíonn “banc” sealbhóir ceadúnais atá i bhfeidhm de thuras na huaire faoi alt 9 d'Acht an Bhainc Ceannais, 1971, agus aon chuideachta (de réir brí Acht na gCuideachtaí, 1963) arb éard í, nó, dá mba chuideachta (de réir na brí réamhráite) gach sealbhóir den sórt sin, arbh éard í, fochuideachta (de réir brí Acht na gCuideachtaí, 1963, a dúradh) d'aon sealbhóir den sórt sin;
[EN]ciallaíonn “na Comhaontuithe Náisiúnta” an Comhaontú Náisiúnta Fostóirí-Ceardchumainn a rinne an Chomhdháil Fostóirí-Lucht Saothair, agus a daingníodh an 7ú lá de Mhárta, 1974, agus an Comhaontú Náisiúnta Fostóirí-Ceardchumainn a rinne an Chomhdháil Fostóirí-Lucht Saothair, agus a daingníodh an 22ú lá d'Aibreán, 1975, agus a athbhreithníodh an 24ú lá de Mheán Fómhair, 1975;
[EN]ciallaíonn “an tAire” an tAire Saothair.
[EN]Méaduithe ar luach saothair, etc., a bheidh á n-íoc ag bainc a chur faoi bhráid na Cúirte Oibreachais agus cumhacht iad a thoirmeasc go sealadach.
3.—(1) I gcás aon bhainc a bheith, roimh dháta thosach feidhme an Achta seo, ar an dáta sin nó dá éis, tar éis méaduithe ar luach saothair a íoc nó tar éis comhaontú méaduithe den sórt sin a íoc le haon chuid dá bhfostaithe nó tar éis leasú nó athrú a dhéanamh nó tar éis comhaontú leasú nó athrú a dhéanamh ar aon téarmaí nó coinníollacha eile fostaíochta de chuid aon choda dá bhfostaithe le téarmaí nó coinníollacha fostaíochta feabhsaithe nó níos fabhraí a chur ar fáil dóibh—
[EN](a) féadfaidh an tAire an t-ábhar a chur faoi bhráid na Cúirte Oibreachais, agus
[EN](b) déanfaidh an Chúirt Oibreachais, má chuirtear an t-ábhar faoina bráid—
[EN](i) é a bhreithniú agus a chinneadh an bhfuil íoc nó déanamh na méaduithe, na bhfeabhsuithe nó na n-athruithe, nó (mura mbeidh siad íoctha nó déanta) an mbeidís, dá n-íocfaí nó dá ndéanfaí iad, ar neamhréir le forálacha nó críocha na gComhaontuithe Náisiúnta nó an Achta seo, agus
[EN](ii) tuarascáil air a thabhairt don Aire mar aon le cibé moltaí (más ann) is cuí léi,
[EN]agus beidh feidhm agus éifeacht ag na hAchtanna Caidrimh Thionscail, 1946 agus 1969, maidir leis an gcur faoi bhráid ionann is dá mba chur faoi bhráid é faoi alt 24 den Acht Caidrimh Thionscail, 1946, agus
[EN](c) má chinneann an tAire, tar éis dó tuarascáil na Cúirte Oibreachais i dtaobh an ábhair a bhreithniú, gan ordú faoi alt 4 den Acht seo a dhéanamh ina thaobh, cuirfidh sé faoi deara, a luaithe is féidir, fógra i dtaobh a chinnte a fhoilsiú san Iris Oifigiúil agus, má rinneadh ordú faoin alt seo i dtaobh an ábhair, measfar, air sin, chun críocha teidil aon fhostaithe lenar bhain sé chun aon mhéaduithe ar luach saothair nó chun leasuithe nó athruithe ar aon téarmaí nó coinníollacha eile fostaíochta, nach raibh sé i bhfeidhm riamh.
[EN](2) (a) I gcás ina bhfuil caibidlí ar siúl i ndáil le haon éileamh ó fhostaithe aon bhanc ar mhéaduithe ar a luach saothair nó ar leasuithe nó ar athruithe ar aon téarmaí nó coinníollacha eile fostaíochta dá gcuid, nó aon bhainc a bheith, roimh dháta thosach feidhme an Achta seo, ar an dáta sin nó dá éis, tar éis méaduithe ar luach saothair a íoc nó tar éis comhaontú méaduithe den sórt sin a íoc le haon chuid dá bhfostaithe nó tar éis leasú nó athrú a dhéanamh nó tar éis comhaontú leasú nó athrú a dhéanamh ar aon téarmaí nó coinníollacha eile fostaíochta de chuid aon choda dá bhfostaithe le téarmaí nó coinníollacha feabhsaithe nó níos fabhraí a chur ar fáil dóibh, féadfaidh an tAire, le hordú faoin alt seo, a thoirmeasc ar na bainc sin na méaduithe réamhráite a íoc ar dháta, nó tar éis dáta, nach luaithe ná dáta thosach feidhme an orduithe agus a thoirmeasc orthu freisin na leasuithe nó na hathruithe réamhráite a chur i bhfeidhm nó leanúint dá gcur i bhfeidhm ar dháta, nó tar éis dáta, nach luaithe ná dáta thosach feidhme an ordaithe.
[EN](b) Ordú faoin alt seo i dtaobh aon ábhair rachaidh sé, mura gcúlghairfear é, in éag—
[EN](i) ar dháta thosach feidhme ordaithe faoi alt 4 den Acht seo i dtaobh an ábhair,
[EN](ii) ar dháta fógra i dtaobh cinneadh ag an Aire faoi fho-alt (1) (c) den alt seo i dtaobh an ábhair a fhoilsiú san Iris Oifigiúil,
[EN](iii) ar dháta fógra i dtaobh cinneadh ag an Aire faoi mhír (c) den fho-alt seo i dtaobh an ábhair a fhoilsiú san Iris Oifigiúil, nó
[EN](iv) sé mhí tar éis dó teacht i bhfeidhm,
[EN]cibé acu sin is luaithe.
[EN](c) Má chinneann an tAire, tar éis dó ordú a dhéanamh faoin alt seo, gan an t-ábhar lena mbainfidh an t-ordú a chur faoi bhráid na Cúirte Oibreachais faoin alt seo, cuirfidh sé faoi deara, a luaithe is féidir, fógra i dtaobh a chinnte a fhoilsiú san Iris Oifigiúil, agus measfar, air sin, chun críocha teidil aon fhostaithe lenar bhain sé chun aon mhéaduithe ar luach saothair nó chun leasuithe nó athruithe ar aon téarmaí nó coinníollacha eile fostaíochta, nach raibh sé i bhfeidhm riamh.
[EN](d) Féadfaidh cibé forálacha teagmhasacha, forlíontacha agus iarmhartacha a bheith in ordú faoin alt seo is dóigh leis an Aire is gá chun críocha an ordaithe.
[EN](e) Féadfaidh an tAire, le hordú, ordú faoin alt seo a chúlghairm.
[EN](3) Banc a sháróidh nó a fhágfaidh gan chomhlíonadh foráil d'ordú faoin alt seo beidh sé ciontach i gcion faoin alt seo.
[EN]Cumacht a thoirmeasc ar bhainc méaduithe ar luach saothair a íoc.
4.—(1) I gcás—
[EN](a) aon bhainc a bheith, roimh dháta thosach feidhme an Achta seo, ar an dáta sin nó dá éis, tar éis méaduithe luach saothair a íoc nó tar éis comhaontú méaduithe den sórt sin a íoc le haon chuid dá bhfhostaithe nó tar éis leasú nó athrú a dhéanamh nó tar éis comhaontú leasú nó athrú a dhéanamh ar aon téarmaí nó coinníollacha eile fostaíochta de chuid aon choda dá bhfostaithe le téarmaí nó coinníollacha fostaíochta feabhsuithe nó níos fabhraí a chur ar fáil dóibh, agus
[EN](b) an Chúirt Oibreachais do chinneadh, i dtuarascáil chun an Aire faoi alt 3 den Acht seo, nó i dtuarascáil nó i moladh arna dhéanamh roimh dháta an tosach feidhme sin, ar an dáta sin nó dá éis, faoi alt 24 den Acht Caidrimh Thionscail, 1946, go mbeadh íoc nó déanamh na méaduithe, na bhfeabhsuithe nó na n-athruithe nó (mura mbeidh siad íoctha nó déanta) go mbeidís, dá n-íocfaí nó dá ndéanfaí iad, ar neamhréir le forálacha nó críocha cheachtar de na Comhaontuithe Náisiúnta nó an Achta seo,
[EN]féadfaidh an tAire, le hordú, luach saothair agus téarmaí agus coinníollacha eile fostaíochta na bhfostaithe sin a chinneadh go ceann nó i leith na tréimhse lena mbainfidh an t-ordú agus a thoirmeasc ar na bainc sin aon mhéaduithe ar an luach saothair a chinnfear amhlaidh a íoc, tar éis tosach feidhme an ordaithe, leis na fostaithe sin agus a thoirmeasc orthu freisin aon leasuithe nó athruithe a dhéanamh, le linn nó i leith na tréimhse réamhráite, ar théarmaí nó ar choinníollacha eile fostaíochta na bhfostaithe sin arna gcinneadh amhlaidh a chuirfeadh téarmaí nó coinníollacha fostaíochta feabhsaithe nó níos fabhraí ar fáil dóibh.
[EN](2) Banc a sháróidh nó a fhágfaidh gan chomhlíonadh foráil d'ordú faoin alt seo beidh sé ciontach i gcion.
[EN](3) (a) Féadfaidh ordú faoin alt seo baint a bheith aige le banc amháin nó níos mó agus le haicme amháin fostaithe nó níos mó de chuid bainc amháin nó níos mó agus foráil éagsúil a bheith ann i dtaobh aicmí éagsúla fostaithe sa bhanc céanna nó i mbainc éagsúla nó i dtaobh na n-aicmí céanna fostaithe i mbainc éagsúla.
[EN](b) Féadfar luach saothair agus téarmaí agus coinníollacha eile fostaíochta a shonrú in ordú faoin alt seo i cibé slí (ar a n-áirítear forálacha a leagan amach trínar féidir iad a fhionnadh) agus faoi threoir cibé ábhair a shonrófar san ordú.
[EN](c) Féadfaidh cibé forálacha teagmhasacha, forlíontacha agus iarmhartacha a bheith in ordú faoin alt seo is dóigh leis an Aire is gá chun críocha an ordaithe.
[EN](d) Ní bheidh éifeacht le hordú faoin alt seo—
[EN](i) maidir le híocaíochtaí a bheidh íoctha ag na bainc lena bhfostaithe roimh dháta an ábhair lena mbainfidh an t-ordú a chur faoi bhráid na Cúirte Oibreachais,
[EN](ii) maidir le leasuithe nó athruithe ar aon téarmaí nó coinníollacha eile fostaíochta de chuid na bhfostaithe sin feidhmiú nó oibriú roimh an dáta sin.
[EN](e) Féadfaidh an tAire, le hordú, ordú faoin alt seo, ar a n-áirítear ordú faoin bhfo-alt seo, a leasú nó a chúlghairm.
[EN](f) Beidh ordú a dhéanfaidh an tAire faoin alt seo ar comhréir le téarmaí iomchuí aon tuarascála nó molta ón gCúirt Oibreachais i dtaobh an ábhair.
[EN](g) Nuair a dhéanfar ordú faoi alt 3 den Acht seo i dtaobh aon ábhair, ní bheidh éifeacht le hordú faoin alt seo i dtaobh an ábhair sin i leith aon tréimhse roimh thosach feidhme an ordaithe faoin alt sin 3.
5.—(1) Aon duine a bheidh ciontach i gcion faoin Acht seo, dlífear—
[EN](a) ar é a chiontú go hachomair, fíneáil nach mó ná £400 a chur air, nó
[EN](b) ar é chiontú ar díotáil, fíneáil nach mó ná £10,000, agus, ina theannta sin, i gcás ciona faoi alt 3 nó 4 den Acht seo is cion leanúnach, fíneáil bhreise nach mó na £10,000 in aghaidh gach lae a leanfar den chion, a chur air.
[EN](2) (a) Ní dhlífidh duine ar ar cuireadh fíneáil ar é a chiontú i gcion faoin Acht seo príosúnacht a chur air mura n-íocfaidh sé an fhíneáil, ach féadfaidh an chúirt a chiontaigh an duine a ordú, le hordú, go n-áiritheofar íoc na fíneála tríd an sirriam nó an cláraitheoir contae iomchuí d'urghabháil maoin an duine, dul i seilbh na maoine sin agus, i gcás inar gá sin, dá díol agus féadfaidh an chúirt sin, le hordú, socrú a dhéanamh le haghaidh cibé ábhair fhoghabhálacha, chumhalda is gá chun an t-íoc sin a áirithiú.
[EN](b) San fho-alt seo—
[EN]folaíonn “maoin” scaireanna, bintiúir agus cearta nó leasanna i scaireanna nó i mbintiúir, urrúis de chuid an Rialtais, urrúis de chuid aon údaráis áitiúil agus cearta i leith airgead a tugadh ar iasacht d'aon chumann, nó a taisceadh le haon chumann, is cumann tionscail agus coigiltis, cara-chumann nó cumann foirgníochta ach, i gcás fíneála ar chiontú go hachomair, ní fholaíonn sé talamh;
[EN]ciallaíonn “scaireanna” scaireanna i scairchaipiteal comhlachta chorpraithe nó stoc comhlachta chorpraithe.
[EN]Feidhm alt 382 d'Acht na gCuideachtaí, 1963.
6.—Beidh feidhm le halt 382 d'Acht na gCuideachtaí, 1963, maidir le bainc nach cuideachtaí de réir brí an Achta sin mar atá feidhm aige maidir le bainc is cuideachtaí den sórt sin.
[EN]Cionta ag stiúrthóirí agus ag oifigigh áirithe banc.
7.—I gcás banc do dhéanamh ciona faoin Acht seo agus go gcruthófar go ndearnadh an cion sin amhlaidh le toiliú nó le ceadú, nó gur urasaíodh a dhéanamh trí aon fhaillí ar thaobh, aon duine agus é ina stiúrthóir ar an mbanc sin nó ina chomhalta de choiste bainistíochta nó d'údarás rialaithe eile an bhainc sin, nó ina bhainisteoir ar an mbanc sin nó ina rúnaí nó ina oifigeach eile dó, measfar go ndearna an duine sin freisin an cion agus dlífear imeachtaí a thionscnamh ina choinne agus é a phionósú dá réir sin.
[EN]Oifigigh údaraithe.
8.—(1) Féadfaidh an tAire cibé oifigigh, agus cibé méid oifigeach, de chuid Roinne Stáit is cuí leis a cheapadh ina n-oifigigh údaraithe chun críocha an Achta seo.
[EN](2) Tabharfar d'oifigeach údaraithe barántas a cheaptha mar oifigeach údaraithe agus, nuair a bheidh aon chumhacht a thugtar d'oifigeach údaraithe leis an Acht seo á feidhmiú aige, tabharfaidh sé an barántas ar aird d'aon duine lena mbainfidh má iarrann an duine sin air é.
[EN]Cumhachtaí oifigeach údaraithe.
9.—(1) Féadfaidh oifigeach údaraithe, d'fhonn aon eolas a fháil a theastóidh ón Aire le go bhféadfaidh sé a fheidhmeanna faoin Acht seo a fheidhmiú, aon ní nó nithe acu seo a leanas a dhéanamh:
[EN](a) dul isteach in áitreabh bainc gach tráth réasúnach,
[EN](b) a cheangal ar aon duine, is stiúrthóir ar an mbanc nó is comhalta de choiste bainistíochta nó d'údarás rialaithe eile an bhainc nó is fostaí don bhanc, aon taifid, leabhair nó doiciméid a bheidh ar chumas an duine sin nó faoina urláimh agus a mbeidh cúis réasúnach ag an oifigeach a chreidiúint gur taifid, leabhair nó doiciméid iad ina bhfuil eolas den chineál réamhráite a thabhairt ar aird dó agus cibé eolas a thabhairt dó a theastóidh uaidh le réasún maidir le haon ní in aon taifid, leabhair nó doiciméid den sórt sin,
[EN](c) aon taifid, leabhair nó doiciméid den sórt sin a iniúchadh agus cóipeanna díobh a dhéanamh nó sleachta a thógáil astu.
[EN](2) Má choisceann nó má bhacann aon duine oifigeach údaraithe agus é ag feidhmiú a chumhachtaí faoi fho-alt (1) den alt seo nó mura gcomhlíonfaidh sé ceanglas oifigigh údaraithe faoin bhfo-alt sin (1), beidh an duine sin ciontach i gcion.
[EN]Ní bheidh dliteanas sibhialta ar bhainc i gcásanna áirithe.
10.—Ní bheidh ábhar caingne in aon chúirt i leith aon mhainneachtana ag banc méadú luach saothair a íoc le fostaí nó leasú nó athrú a dhéanamh ar aon téarma nó coinníoll eile fostaíochta de chuid fostaí má ba de thoradh an banc do chomhlíonadh forálacha an Achta seo nó ordaithe faoi an mhainneachtain.
[EN]Orduithe a leagan faoi bhráid Thithe an Oireachtais.
11.—Gach ordú a dhéanfar faoi alt 3 nó faoi alt 4 den Acht seo leagfar é faoi bhráid gach Tí den Oireachtas a luaithe is féidir tar éis a dhéanta agus, má dhéanann ceachtar Teach acu sin, laistigh den lá is fiche a shuífidh an Teach sin tar éis an t-ordú a leagan faoina bhráid, rún a rith ag neamhniú an ordaithe, beidh an t-ordú ar neamhní dá réir sin, ach sin gan dochar do bhailíocht aon ní a rinneadh roimhe sin faoin ordú.
12.—Déanfar na caiteachais a thabhóidh an tAire ag riaradh an Achta seo a íoc, a mhéid a cheadóidh an tAire Airgeadais, as airgead a sholáthróidh an tOireachtas.
13.—Féadfar an tAcht um Rialú Banc (Luach Saothair agus Coinníollacha Fostaíochta) (Forálacha Sealadacha), 1975, a ghairm den Acht seo.
Number 27 of 1975
Section | |
Acts Referred to | |
1971, No. 24 | |
1963, No. 33 | |
1946, No. 26 |
Number 27 of 1975
Commencement and expiry.
1.—(1) If the Minister is satisfied that in order to maintain, in the national interest, general adherence to the National Agreements it is necessary for him to do so, he may by order appoint a day on which this Act shall come into operation and this Act shall come into operation on that day.
[GA](2) This Act shall expire on such day as the Minister may by order appoint.
2.—In this Act—
[GA]“bank” means the holder of a licence for the time being in force under section 9 of the Central Bank Act, 1971, and any company (within the meaning of the Companies Act, 1963) which is, or if every such holder were a company (within the meaning aforesaid), would be, a subsidiary (within the meaning of the said Companies Act, 1963) of any such holder;
[GA]“the National Agreements” means the Employer-Trade Union National Agreement of the Employer-Labour Conference ratified on the 7th day of March, 1974, and the Employer-Trade Union National Agreement of the Employer-Labour Conference ratified on the 22nd day of April, 1975, and revised on the 24th day of September, 1975;
[GA]“the Minister” means the Minister for Labour.
[GA]Reference to Labour Court and power to prohibit temporarily increases of remuneration, etc. paid by banks.
3.—(1) Where any banks, whether before, on or after the commencement of this Act, pay or agree to pay increases of remuneration to any of their employees or amend or vary or agree to amend or vary any other terms or conditions of employment of any of their employees so as to provide improved or more favourable terms or conditions of employment for them—
[GA](a) the Minister may refer the matter to the Labour Court, and
[GA](b) the Labour Court shall, if the matter is referred to it—
[GA](i) consider it and determine whether the payment or making of the increases, improvements or variations is, or (if they have not been paid or made) would, if they were paid or made, be, at variance with the provisions or purposes of the National Agreements and of this Act, and
[GA](ii) furnish a report thereon to the Minister together with such recommendations (if any) as it thinks proper,
[GA]and the Industrial Relations Acts, 1946 and 1969, shall apply and have effect in relation to the reference as if it were a reference under section 24 of the Industrial Relations Act, 1946, and
[GA](c) if, having considered the report of the Labour Court in relation to the matter, the Minister decides not to make an order under section 4 of this Act in relation thereto, he shall, as soon as may be, cause notice of his decision to be published in the Iris Oifigiúil and, if an order was made under this section in relation to the matter, thereupon it shall, for the purposes of the entitlement of any employees to whom it applied to any increases of remuneration or amendments or variations of any other terms or conditions of employment, be deemed never to have been in force.
[GA](2) (a) Where negotiations in relation to a claim by employees of any banks for increases of their remuneration or for amendments or variations of any other terms or conditions of their employment are in progress, or any banks, whether before, on or after the commencement of this Act, pay or agree to pay increases of remuneration to any of their employees or amend or vary or agree to amend or vary any other terms or conditions of employment of any of their employees so as to provide improved or more favourable terms or conditions of employment for them, the Minister may by order under this section prohibit the payment by those banks, on or after a date not earlier than the commencement of the order, of the increases aforesaid and the implementing or continued implementing by those banks, on or after a date not earlier than the commencement of the order, of the amendments or variations aforesaid.
[GA](b) An order under this section in relation to any matter shall, if it is not revoked, expire—
[GA](i) on the commencement of an order under section 4 of this Act in relation to the matter,
[GA](ii) on the date of the publication in the Iris Oifigiúil of a notice of a decision of the Minister under subsection (1) (c) of this section, in relation to the matter,
[GA](iii) on the date of the publication in the Iris Oifigiúil of the notice of a decision of the Minister under paragraph (c) of this subsection in relation to the matter, or
[GA](iv) six months after its commencement,
[GA]whichever is the earliest.
[GA](c) If, having made an order under this section, the Minister decides not to refer the matter to which the order relates to the Labour Court under this section, he shall, as soon as may be, cause notice of his decision to be published in the Iris Oifigiúil, and thereupon the order shall, for the purposes of the entitlement of any employees to whom it applied to any increases of remuneration or amendments or variations of any other terms or conditions of employment, be deemed never to have been in force.
[GA](d) An order under this section may contain such incidental, supplementary and consequential provisions as appear to the Minister to be necessary for the purposes of the order.
[GA](e) The Minister may by order revoke an order under this section.
[GA](3) A bank that contravenes or fails to comply with a provision of an order under this section shall be guilty of an offence under this section.
[GA]Power to prohibit increases of remuneration paid by banks.
4.—(1) Where—
[GA](a) any banks, whether before, on or after the commencement of this Act, pay or agree to pay increases of remuneration to any of their employees or amend or vary or agree to amend or vary any other terms or conditions of employment of any of their employees so as to provide improved or more favourable terms or conditions of employment for them, and
[GA](b) the Labour Court determines, in a report furnished to the Minister under section 3 of this Act, or a report or recommendation made, whether before, on or after, such commencement, under section 24 of the Industrial Relations Act, 1946, that the payment or making of the increases, improvements or variations is or (if they have not been paid or made) would, if they were paid or made, be at variance with the provisions or purposes of either of the National Agreements or this Act,
[GA]the Minister may by order determine, for or in respect of the period to which the order relates, the remuneration and other terms and conditions of employment of those employees and may prohibit the payment, after the commencement of the order, by those banks to those employees of any increases of the remuneration so determined and the making, during or in respect of the period aforesaid, by those banks of any amendments or variations of the other terms or conditions of employment of those employees as so determined that would provide improved or more favourable terms or conditions of employment for them.
[GA](2) A bank that contravenes or fails to comply with a provision of an order under this section shall be guilty of an offence.
[GA](3) (a) An order under this section may relate to one or more banks and to one or more classes of employee of one or more banks and may make different provision in relation to different classes of employees in the same bank or in different banks or in relation to the same classes of employees in different banks.
[GA](b) Remuneration and other terms and conditions of employment may be specified in an order under this section in such manner (including the setting out of provisions by means of which they may be ascertained) and by reference to such matters as may be specified in the order.
[GA](c) An order under this section may contain such incidental, supplementary and consequential provisions as appear to the Minister to be necessary for the purposes of the order.
[GA](d) An order under this section shall not have effect in relation to—
[GA](i) payments made by the banks to their employees before the date of the reference to the Labour Court of the matter to which the order relates,
[GA](ii) the application or operation, before such date, of amendments or variations of any other terms or conditions of employment of those employees.
[GA](e) The Minister may by order amend or revoke an order under this section, including an order under this subsection.
[GA](f) An order made by the Minister under this section shall accord with the relevant terms of any report or recommendation of the Labour Court relating to the matter.
[GA](g) When an order is made under section 3 of this Act in relation to any matter, an order under this section in relation to that matter, shall not have effect in respect of any period before the commencement of the order under the said section 3.
5.—(1) A person guilty of an offence under this Act shall be liable—
[GA](a) on summary conviction, to a fine not exceeding £400, or
[GA](b) on conviction on indictment, to a fine not exceeding £10,000, together with, in the case of an offence under section 3 or 4 of this Act which is a continuing offence, a further fine not exceeding £10,000 for each day upon which the offence is continued.
[GA](2) (a) A person who is fined upon conviction of an offence under this Act shall not be liable to imprisonment in default of payment of the fine, but the court by which the person is convicted may by order direct that payment of the fine be secured by the seizure, entry into possession and, where necessary, sale of the property of the person by the appropriate sheriff or county registrar and may by order provide for such subsidiary and ancillary matters as may be necessary to secure such payment.
[GA](b) In this subsection—
[GA]“property” includes shares, debentures and rights or interests in shares or debentures, securities of the Government, securities of any local authority and rights in respect of money lent to or deposited with any industrial and provident society, friendly society or building society but in the case of a fine on summary conviction, does not include land;
[GA]“shares” means shares in the share capital of a body corporate or stock of a body corporate.
[GA]Application of section 382 of Companies Act, 1963.
6.—Section 382 of the Companies Act, 1963, shall apply to banks that are not companies within the meaning of that Act as it applies to banks that are such companies.
[GA]Offences by directors and certain officers of banks.
7.—Where an offence under this Act is committed by a bank and is proved to have been so committed with the consent or approval of, or to have been facilitated by any neglect on the part of, any person, being a director, member of the committee of management or other controlling authority thereof, or manager, secretary, or other officer thereof, that person shall also be deemed to have committed the offence and shall be liable to be proceeded against and punished accordingly.
[GA]Authorised officers.
8.—(1) The Minister may appoint such and so many officers of a Department of State as he thinks fit to be authorised officers for the purposes of this Act.
[GA](2) An authorised officer shall be furnished with a warrant of his appointment as an authorised officer and when exercising any power conferred on an authorised officer by this Act shall, if requested by any person affected, produce the warrant to that person.
[GA]Powers of authorised officers.
9.—(1) An authorised officer may, for the purpose of obtaining any information which the Minister may require for enabling him to exercise his functions under this Act, do any one or more of the following things:
[GA](a) at all reasonable times enter premises of a bank,
[GA](b) require any person, being a director or a member of the committee of management or other controlling authority of the bank or an employee thereof, to produce to him any records, books or documents which are in the person's power or control and which the officer has reasonable grounds for believing to be records, books or documents containing information of the kind aforesaid and to give him such information as he may reasonably require in regard to any entries in any such records, books or documents,
[GA](c) inspect and copy or take extracts from any such records, books or documents.
[GA](2) If any person obstructs or impedes an authorised officer in the exercise of his powers under subsection (1) of this section or does not comply with a requirement of an authorised officer under the said subsection (1), that person shall be guilty of an offence.
[GA]Exclusion of civil liability of banks in certain cases.
10.—An action shall not lie in any court in respect of any failure or omission by a bank to pay an increase of remuneration to an employee or to amend or vary any other term or condition of employment of an employee if the failure or omission was the result of compliance by the bank with the provisions of this Act or an order thereunder.
[GA]Laying of orders before Houses of Oireachtas.
11.—Every order made under section 3 or section 4 of this Act shall be laid before each House of the Oireachtas as soon as may be after it is made and, if a resolution annulling the order is passed by either such House within the next twenty-one days on which that House has sat after the order is laid before it, the order shall be annulled accordingly, but without prejudice to the validity of anything previously done thereunder.
12.—The expenses incurred by the Minister in the administration of this Act shall, to such extent as may be sanctioned by the Minister for Finance, be paid out of moneys provided by the Oireachtas.
[GA]Short title.
13.—This Act may be cited as the Regulation of Banks (Remuneration and Conditions of Employment) (Temporary Provisions) Act, 1975.