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Uimhir 39 de 1959.
[An tiontó oifigiúil.]
Réamhráiteach agus Ginearálta.
1.—Féadfar an tAcht Printíseachta, 1959, a ghairm den Acht seo.
2.—(1) San Acht seo, ach amháin mar a n-éilíonn an comhthéacs a mhalairt—
[EN]tá le “An Chomhairle” an bhrí a shonraítear i bhfo-alt (1) d'alt 8 den Acht seo;
[EN]ciallaíonn “coiste printíseachta” coiste a bhunófar le hordú faoi alt 22 den Acht seo;
[EN]ciallaíonn “ceantar printíseachta” limistéar is ceantar printíseachta faoi ordú arna dhéanamh faoi alt 22 den Acht seo;
[EN]ciallaíonn “oifigeach údaraithe” duine arna cheapadh ag an Aire chun bheith ina oifigeach údaraithe chun críocha an Achta seo;
[EN]ciallaíonn “ceird ainmnithe” ceird a mbeidh dearbhaithe de thuras na huaire le hordú faoi alt 21 den Acht seo gur ceird ainmnithe í chun críocha an Achta seo agus, i gcás ceirde nach ceird ainmnithe ach amháin i gcuid den Stát, déanfar tagairtí do bheith ag gabháil do cheird ainmnithe agus d'fhostaíocht ar mhodh printíseachta le ceird ainmnithe a fhorléiriú, faoi seach, mar thagairtí do bheith ag gabháil don cheird agus d'fhostaíocht ar mhodh printíseachta leis an gceird sa chuid sin den Stát;
[EN]ciallaíonn “an lá bunaithe” an lá a cheapfar chun bheith ina lá bunaithe chun críocha an Achta seo le hordú ón Aire faoi alt 3 den Acht seo;
[EN]folaíonn “feidhmeanna” cumhachtaí agus dualgais;
[EN]ciallaíonn “an tAire” an tAire Tionscail agus Tráchtála;
[EN]ciallaíonn an briathar “forordú” forordú le rialacha ón gComhairle faoin Acht seo;
[EN]ciallaíonn “maor” duine arna cheapadh faoi alt 53 den Acht seo ina mhaor chun críocha an Achta seo;
[EN]ciallaíonn “ceird” aon tionscal, slí bheatha nó gnó, agus folaíonn sé freisin aon bhrainse áirithe ceirde, ach ní fholaíonn sé talmhaíocht, garnóireacht, déanamh ime, cáise nó táirgí eile déiríochta ná slite beatha gairmiúla nó cléireachais.
[EN](2) Aon tagairt san Acht seo do chomhlíonadh feidhmeanna, folaíonn sí, maidir le cumhachtaí, tagairt d'fheidhmiú na gcumhachtaí sin.
[EN]An lá bunaithe.
3.—Féadfaidh an tAire le hordú lá a cheapadh chun bheith ina lá bunaithe chun críocha an Achta seo.
[EN]Feidhm i gcás printísigh a bheidh ar fostú ag an Stát.
4.—Beidh feidhm ag an Acht seo i gcás daoine a bheidh ar fostú ar mhodh printíseachta ag an Stát nó faoin Stát.
[EN]Rialacha (ábhair fhorordaithe).
5.—Féadfaidh An Chomhairle rialacha a dhéanamh maidir le haon ábhar nó ní dá dtagraítear san Acht seo mar ábhar nó ní atá forordaithe nó le forordú.
[EN]Caiteachas Airí.
6.—Íocfar as airgead a sholáthróidh an tOireachtas, a mhéid a cheadóidh an tAire Airgeadais é, aon chaiteachas faoina rachaidh an tAire agus an tAire Oideachais ag riaradh an Achta seo.
7.—(1) Athghairtear leis seo an tAcht Printíseachta, 1931.
[EN](2) Tiocfaidh fo-alt (1) den alt seo i ngníomh an lá ceaptha.
[EN](3) Ní dhéanfar aon ordú faoi mhír (a) d'fho-alt (1) d'alt 2 den Acht Printíseachta, 1931, idir dáta an Achta seo a rith agus an lá ceaptha.
[EN](4) San alt seo ciallaíonn “an lá ceaptha” an lá a cheapfar le hordú ón Aire chun bheith ina lá ceaptha chun críocha an ailt seo.
An Cheard-Chomhairle.
[EN]An Cheard-Chomhairle a bhunú.
8.—(1) Déanfar comhlacht ar a dtabharfar an Cheard-Chomhairle (dá ngairtear An Chomhairle san Acht seo) a bhunú an lá ceaptha chun na feidhmeanna a thugtar dó leis an Acht seo a chomhlíonadh.
[EN](2) Beidh An Chomhairle ina comhlacht corpraithe le comharbas suthain agus beidh cumhacht agartha aici agus beidh sí inagartha faoina hainm corpraithe agus beidh cumhacht aici chun talamh a thógáil, a theachtadh agus a dhiúscairt.
9.—Cathaoirleach agus trí ghnáth-chomhalta dhéag a bheidh ar an gComhairle.
[EN]An cathaoirleach.
10.—(1) Is é an tAire a cheapfaidh cathaoirleach na Comhairle agus, mura dtarlaí dó roimhe sin é d'éag, d'éirí as, a theacht faoi dhícháilíocht nó a chur as oifig, beidh sé i seilbh oifige go ceann cibé tréimhse a shocróidh an tAire tráth a cheaptha.
[EN](2) An Stiúrthóir Printíseachta a thabharfar ar chathaoirleach na Comhairle agus beidh sé ina chomhalta lán-aimsire den Chomhairle.
[EN](3) Féadfaidh Cathaoirleach na Comhairle tráth ar bith éirí as a oifig trí litir a bheidh dírithe chun an Aire agus beidh éifeacht ag an éirí as amhail ar an agus ón dáta a gheobhaidh an tAire an litir.
[EN](4) Féadfaidh an tAire tráth ar bith cathaoirleach na Comhairle a chur as oifig.
[EN](5) Má thagann cathaoirleach na Comhairle chun bheith ina chomhalta de Cheachtar Teach den Oireachtas ansin ar é a theacht, faoi Bhuan-Ordaithe an Ti sin, chun bheith i dteideal suí sa Teach sin scoirfidh sé de bheith ina chathaoirleach ar an gComhairle.
[EN](6) Duine ag a mbeidh de thuras na huaire teideal faoi Bhuan-Orduithe cheachtar Tí den Oireachtas suí sa Teach sin beidh sé dícháilithe chun bheith ina chathaoirleach ar an gComhairle.
[EN](7) Íocfar le cathaoirleach na Comhairle cibé luach saothair a chinnfidh an tAire le toiliú an Aire Airgeadais.
[EN](8) Íocfar le cathaoirleach na Comhairle, as airgead a bheidh faoina réir ag an gComhairle, cibé liúntais, i leith caiteachais faoina rachaidh sé, a chinnfidh an tAire le toiliú an Aire Airgeadais.
[EN]Ceapadh, téarma oifige, etc., gnáthchomhaltaí.
11.—(1) Comhaltaí oibrithe a bheidh i gcúigear, comhaltaí fostóirí a bheidh i gcúigear, agus comhaltaí oideachais a bheidh i dtriúr, de ghnáth-chomhaltaí na Comhairle.
[EN](2) Déanfaidh an tAire, maidir le gach duine is comhalta oibrithe, eagras a bheidh ionadaitheach do cheardchumainn oibrithe a shonrú chun duine a ainmniú chun a cheaptha mar chomhalta oibrithe den Chomhairle agus ceapfaidh an tAire an duine a ainmneofar amhlaidh ina chomhalta oibrithe den Chomhairle.
[EN](3) Tabharfaidh an tAire cuireadh d'eagrais a bheidh ionadaitheach d'fhostóirí chun daoine a ainmniú chun a gceaptha mar chomhaltaí fostóirí na Comhairle agus ceapfaidh an tAire cúigear de na daoine a ainmneofar amhlaidh mar chomhaltaí fostóirí na Comhairle.
[EN](4) Déanfaidh an tAire, tar éis dó dul i gcomhairle leis an Aire Oideachais, triúr daoine a mheasfaidh sé a bheith ionadaitheach do leasa oideachais a cheapadh mar chomhaltaí oideachais na Comhairle.
[EN](5) Mura dtarlóidh roimhe sin go n-éagfaidh sé, go n-éireoidh sé as oifig, go ndícháileofar é nó go gcuirfear as oifig é, beidh gach gnáth-chomhalta den Chomhairle i seilbh oifige go ceann tréimhse chúig bliana.
[EN](6) Féadfar gnáth-chomhalta den Chomhairle a athcheapadh ar a théarma oifige do dhul in éag le himeacht aimsire.
[EN](7) Féadfaidh an tAire tráth ar bith gnáth-chomhalta den Chomhairle a chur as oifig.
[EN](8) Féadfaidh gnáth-chomhalta den Chomhairle éirí as a oifig trí litir a bheidh dírithe chun an Aire agus beidh éifeacht ag an éirí as amhail ar an agus ón dáta a gheobhaidh an tAire an litir.
[EN](9) Beidh gnáth-chomhalta den Chomhairle dícháilithe chun oifig a shealbhú agus scoirfidh sé d'oifig a shealbhú má bhreithnítear ina fhéimheach é nó má dhéanann sé imshocraíocht nó comhshocraíocht le creidiúnaithe, nó má thugann cúirt dlínse inniúla pianbhreith phríosúnachta nó phianseirbhíse air nó má scoireann sé de bheith ina ghnáth-chónaí sa Stát.
[EN](10) Íocfar le gach gnáth-chomhalta, as airgead a bheidh faoina réir ag an gComhairle, cibé liúntais, i leith caiteachais faoina rachaidh sé, a cheadóidh an tAire le toiliú an Aire Airgeadais.
12.—(1) Má tharlaíonn corrfholúntas i measc comhaltaí oibrithe na Comhairle, sonróidh an tAire eagras a bheidh ionadaitheach do cheardchumainn oibrithe chun duine a ainmniú le ceapadh chun an folúntas a líonadh agus ceapfaidh an tAire an duine a ainmneofar amhlaidh chun an folúntas a líonadh.
[EN](2) Má tharlaíonn corrfholúntas i measc comhaltaí fostóirí na Comhairle, tabharfaidh an tAire cuireadh d'eagrais a bheidh ionadaitheach d'fhostóirí chun daoine a ainmniú le ceapadh chun an folúntas a líonadh agus ceapfaidh an tAire duine de na daoine a ainmneofar amhlaidh chun an folúntas a líonadh.
[EN](3) Má tharlaíonn corrfholúntas i measc comhaltaí oideachais na Comhairle, déanfaidh an tAire, tar éis dó dul i gcomhairle leis an Aire Oideachais, duine a cheapadh a mheasfaidh sé a bheith ionadaitheach do leasa oideachais chun an folúntas a líonadh.
[EN](4) Beidh duine a cheapfar faoin alt seo i seilbh oifige ar feadh na coda a bheidh fágtha de théarma a réamhtheachtaí.
[EN]Cruinnithe agus nós imeachta.
13.—(1) Beidh ag an gComhairle cibé cruinnithe agus cibé méid cruinnithe is gá chun a feidhmeanna a chomhlíonadh.
[EN](2) Féadfaidh an tAire dáta, am agus ionad chéad chruinnithe na Comhairle a shocrú.
[EN](3) Isé is córam do chruinniú den Chomhairle cúigear comhaltaí (is comhaltaí ag a mbeidh teideal vóta a chaitheamh ag an gcruinniú).
[EN](4) Ag cruinniú den Chomhairle—
[EN](a) is é cathaoirleach na Comhairle, má bhíonn sé i láthair, a bheidh ina chathaoirleach ar an gcruinniú,
[EN](b) má bhíonn agus an fad a bheidh cathaoirleach na Comhairle as láthair nó má bhíonn oifig an chathaoirligh folamh, déanfaidh na comhaltaí den Chomhairle a bheidh i láthair duine dá líon a roghnú chun bheith ina chathaoirleach ar an gcruinniú.
[EN](5) Beidh vóta ag cathaoirleach na Comhairle agus ag gach comhalta oibrithe agus ag gach comhalta fostóirí den Chomhairle ag cruinniú den Chomhairle.
[EN](6) Ní bheidh vóta ag comhalta oideachais den Chomhairle ag cruinniú den Chomhairle, ach amháin i gcás inar comhalta den sórt sin a bheidh ina chathaoirleach ar an gcruinniú.
[EN](7) Má tharlaíonn, ag aon chruinniú den Chomhairle, nach ionann líon do ghrúpa na gcomhaltaí oibrithe agus do ghrúpa na gcomhaltaí fostóirí a bheidh i láthair—
[EN](a) féadfaidh cibé grúpa acu sin ag a mbeidh an tromlach a shocrú nach vótálfaidh aon duine nó daoine áirithe dá líon d'fhonn comhionannas a choinneáil,
[EN](b) mura ndéanfar aon socrú den sórt sin, féadfaidh cathaoirleach na Comhairle nó, má bhíonn sé as láthair, an duine a bheidh ina chathaoirleach ar an gcruinniú, an vótáil ar cheist ar bith a chur ar atráth go dtí cruinniú eile den Chomhairle.
[EN](8) Déanfar gach ceist ag cruinniú den Chomhairle a chinneadh, faoi réir fo-alt (4) d'alt 57 den Acht seo, le tromlach vótaí na gcomhaltaí a bheidh i láthair agus a vótálfaidh ar an gceist agus, i gcás comhionannas vótaí, beidh an dara vóta nó vóta réitigh ag cathaoirleach an chruinnithe.
[EN](9) Féadfaidh An Chomhairle gníomhú d'ainneoin folúntas nó folúntais i measc a comhaltaí.
[EN](10) Faoi réir forálacha an Achta seo, rialóidh An Chomhairle nós imeachta agus gnó na Comhairle le buan-orduithe nó ar shlí eile.
[EN]Oifigigh agus seirbhísigh.
14.—(1) Féadfaidh an tAire, le toiliú an Aire Airgeadais, cibé oifigigh agus seirbhísigh a cheapadh is dóigh leis is gá chun cabhrú leis an gComhairle ag comhlíonadh a feidhmeanna.
[EN](2) Beidh na hoifigigh agus na seirbhísigh a cheapfar amhlaidh i seilbh oifige ar cibé téarmaí agus gheobhaidh siad cibé luach saothair a chinnfidh an tAire Airgeadais.
[EN]Feidhm a bheith ag na hAchtanna Aoisliúntas, 1834 go 1956, maidir le seirbhís in oifig an chathaoirligh.
Edw. 7, 10.
956, Uimh. 10.
15.—(1) Measfar, chun críocha na nAchtanna Aoisliúntas, 1834 go 1956, gur seirbhís bhunaithe sa státseirbhís seirbhís a bheidh tugtha ag duine in oifig chathaoirligh na Comhairle, gan áireamh a dhéanamh ar aon seirbhís a bheidh tugtha aige tar éis trí mhí a bheith caite ón dáta a shlánaigh sé seasca a cúig bliana d'aois, agus beidh feidhm ag an Acht Aoisliúntas, 1956, i gcás nó i leith chathaoirleach na Comhairle sa slí chéanna ina bhfuil feidhm ag an Acht sin i gcás nó i leith státseirbhísigh bhunaithe.
[EN](2) Beidh feidhm ag forálacha fo-alt (1) d'alt 6 den Superannuation Act, 1909, maidir le duine a ceapadh ina chathaoirleach ar an gComhairle agus a scoirfidh de bheith ina chathaoirleach trí oibriú dlí nó mar gheall ar é a chur as oifig, ar chúis seachas mí-iompar nó éagumas a shonrú ina leith, nó ar dheireadh a bheith lena thréimhse oifige.
[EN](3) (a) Beidh éifeacht ag alt 67 den Acht Rialtais Áitiúil (Aoisliúntas), 1956, maidir le hoifigeach inphinsin d'údarás áitiúil a cheapfar ina chathaoirleach ar an gComhairle amhail mar bheadh dá mba chun poist bhunaithe sa státseirbhís a cheapfaí é.
[EN](b) I mír (a) den fho-alt seo tá le “oifigeach inphinsin d'údarás áitiúil” an bhrí a shanntar don abairt sin le halt 2 den Acht Rialtais Áitiúil (Aoisliúntas), 1956.
16.—(1) Soláthróidh An Chomhairle séala di féin a luaithe is féidir tar éis a bunaithe.
[EN](2) Fíordheimhneofar séala na Comhairle le síniú chathaoirleach na Comhairle nó chomhalta éigin eile den Chomhairle a mbeidh údarás aige ón gComhairle gníomhú chuige sin maraon le síniú oifigigh don Chomhairle a mbeidh údarás aige ón gComhairle gníomhú chuige sin.
[EN](3) Tabharfar aird bhreithiúnach ar shéala na Comhairle agus glacfar i bhfianaise gach doiciméad a airbheartóidh a bheith ina ionstraim a rinne An Chomhairle agus a bheith séalaithe le séala na Comhairle (á airbheartú gur fíordheimhníodh de réir an ailt seo é) agus measfar gurb í an ionstraim sin é gan chruthúnas, mura suítear a mhalairt.
[EN]Cuntais agus iniúchadh.
17.—(1) Coimeádfaidh An Chomhairle, i cibé foirm a cheadóidh an tAire, le comhthoiliú an Aire Airgeadais, na cuntais go léir is cuí agus is gnáth ar an airgead go léir a gheobhaidh sí nó a chaithfidh sí.
[EN](2) Cuirfidh An Chomhairle na cuntais a choimeádfar de bhun an ailt seo faoi bhráid an Ard-Reachtaire Cuntas agus Ciste in aghaidh na bliana lena n-iniúchadh cibé tráthanna a ordóidh an tAire le comhthoiliú an Aire Airgeadais.
[EN](3) Láithreach tar éis cuntais na Comhairle a bheith iniúchta faoin alt seo, déanfar achomaireacht ar na cuntais, arna ndeimhniú ag an Ard-Reachtaire Cuntas agus Ciste, maraon le cóip de thuarascáil an Ard-Reachtaire Cuntas agus Ciste a thabhairt don Aire.
[EN](4) Cuirfidh an tAire faoi deara go leagfar faoi bhráid gach Tí den Oireachtas cóipeanna de na doiciméid dá dtagraítear i bhfo-alt (3) den alt seo.
[EN]Tuarascáil bhliantúil.
18.—Tabharfaidh an Chomhairle gach bliain, ar cibé dáta a ordóidh an tAire, tuarascáil don Aire ar a himeachtaí faoin Acht seo ar feadh na bliana roimhe sin agus cuirfidh an tAire faoi deara go leagfar cóipeanna den tuarascáil faoi bhráid gach Tí den Oireachtas.
19.—I ngach bliain airgeadais féadfar deontas de cibé méid a cheadóidh an tAire, le comhthoiliú an Aire Airgeadais, a íoc, as airgead a sholáthróidh an tOireachtas, leis an gComhairle i leith caiteachais na Comhairle ag comhlíonadh a feidhmeanna.
Ceirdeanna Ainmnithe, Ceantair Phrintíseachta agus Coistí Printíseachta.
[EN]Modhanna earcaíochta agus tréineála a scrúdú.
20.—(1) Féadfaidh An Chomhairle scrúdú a dhéanamh ar na modhanna a úsáidtear in aon cheird chun printísigh a earcú agus a thréineáil.
[EN](2) Nuair a bheidh sí ag scrúdú na modhanna a úsáidtear i gceird chun printísigh a earcú agus a thréineáil, féadfaidh An Chomhairle, trí fhógra i scríbhinn a sheirbheálfar ar aon duine a earcaíonn agus a thréineálann printísigh leis an gceird, nó a dhéanann, go haonraic nó i dteannta daoine eile, an earcaíocht agus an tréineáil sin a bhainistí nó a rialú, a cheangal ar an duine sin aon eolas nó doiciméid sonraithe a thabhairt don Chomhairle laistigh de thréimhse shonraithe is eolas nó doiciméid a chreidfidh An Chomhairle le réasún a bheith riachtanach le haghaidh an scrúdaithe agus a bheith i seilbh an duine sin.
[EN](3) Sula ndéanfaidh sí scrúdú faoin alt seo, déanfaidh An Chomhairle cibé fógra is dóigh léi a bheith réasúnach a thabhairt, i cibé slí is oiriúnach léi, i dtaobh é bheith ar intinn aici an scrúdú a dhéanamh agus tabharfaidh sí cuireadh san fhógra sin do dhaoine leasmhara aighneachtaí i scríbhinn a dhéanamh chun na Comhairle maidir le hearcaíocht agus tréineáil printíseach leis an gceird a bheartófar a scrúdú.
[EN]Ceirdeanna ainmnithe.
21.—(1) Ar bheith críochnaithe do scrúdú faoi alt 20 den Acht seo ar na modhanna a úsáidtear i gceird chun printísigh a earcú agus a thréineáil, feadfaidh An Chomhairle, más cuí léi sin, a dhearbhú le hordú gur ceird ainmnithe an cheird chun críocha an Achta seo ar fud an Stáit nó in aon chuid shonraithe den Stát.
[EN](2) I gcás ceird a raibh, díreach roimh dháta an Achta seo a rith, ordú faoi alt 2 den Acht Printíseachta 1931, i bhfeidhm maidir léi, féadfaidh An Chomhairle, gan scrúdú a dhéanamh faoi alt 20 den Acht seo, a dhearbhú le hordú gur ceird ainmnithe chun críocha an Achta seo an cheird (i gcomhréir leis an ordú céadluaite) ar fud an Stáit nó in aon chuid shonraithe den Stát.
[EN](3) Féadfaidh An Chomhairle, le hordú, ordú faoin alt seo (lena n-áirítear ordú faoin bhfo-alt seo) a chúlghairm nó a leasú.
[EN](4) Más dóigh leis an gComhairle nuair a bheidh scrúdú faoi alt 20 den Acht seo déanta aici ar na modhanna a bhíonn, de bhun aon chomhaontaithe, scéime nó comhshocraíochta, á n-úsáid i gceird chun printísigh a earcú agus a thréineáil, gur leor é, in ionad ordú faoin alt seo a dhéanamh, dá modhnaítí an comhaontú, an scéim nó an chomhshocraíocht—
[EN](a) féadfaidh An Chomhairle a chur in iúl do na daoine ag a mbeidh teideal an comhaontú, an scéim nó an chomhshocraíocht a mhodhnú nach ndéanfar ordú faoin alt seo faoi threoir an scrúdaithe sin má dhéantar an comhaontú, an scéim nó an chomhshocraíocht a mhodhnú i slite sonraithe laistigh de thréimhse shonraithe, agus
[EN](b) má mhodhnaítear an céanna amhlaidh, ní dhéanfar ordú amhlaidh.
[EN](5) I gcás ina modhnófar comhaontú, scéim nó comhshocraíocht mar fhoráiltear i bhfo-alt (4) den alt seo agus go mbeartóidh na daoine a bheidh i dteideal é sin a dhéanamh tráth ar bith an comhaontú, an scéim nó an chomhshocraíocht a mhodhnú tuilleadh, ansin, sula ndéanfaidh siad an modhnú breise sin, cuirfidh na daoine sin in iúl don Chomhairle an sórt modhnú a bheidh beartaithe.
[EN](6) Gach ordú a dhéanfar faoin alt seo leagfar é faoi bhráid gach Tí den Oireachtas a luaithe is féidir tar éis a dhéanta agus, má dhéanann ceachtar Teach acu sin, laistigh den lá agus fiche a shuífidh an Teach sin tar éis an t-ordú a leagan faoina bhráid, rún a rith ag neamhniú an ordaithe, beidh an t-ordú ar neamhní dá réir sin, ach sin gan dochar do bhailíocht aon ní a rinneadh roimhe sin faoin ordú.
[EN]Ceantair phrintíseachta agus coistí printíseachta.
22.—(1) I gcás ina ndéanfaidh An Chomhairle ordú faoi alt 21 den Acht seo á dhearbhú gur ceird ainmnithe i limistéar ceird áirithe, déanfaidh An Chomhairle láithreach le hordú eile—
[EN](a) an limistéar a cheapadh ina cheantar printíseachta chun críocha na ceirde nó an limistéar a roinnt ina dhá cheantar printíseachta nó níos mó chun críocha na ceirde, agus
[EN](b) maidir leis an gceantar sin nó le gach ceantar acu sin, coiste printíseachta a bhunú don cheantar, mura dóigh leis an gComhairle nach so-oibrithe sin a dhéanamh, chun na feidhmeanna a chomhlíonadh a shanntar do Choiste printíseachta leis an Acht seo.
[EN](2) I gcás nach mbunóidh ordú faoi fho-alt (1) den alt seo coiste printíseachta do cheantar printíseachta áirithe, féadfaidh An Chomhairle le hordú, aon tráth dá éis sin, coiste printíseachta a bhunú don cheantar chun na feidhmeanna a chomhlíonadh a shanntar do choiste printíseachta leis an Acht seo.
[EN](3) Beidh in ordú faoin alt seo, maidir le coiste printíseachta a bhunóidh sé—
[EN](a) foráil go mbeidh an coiste comhdhéanta de chathaoirleach agus uimhir shonraithe gnáth-chomhaltaí,
[EN](b) foráil gurb í An Chomhairle a cheapfaidh duine ina chathaoirleach ar an gcoiste agus gur duine é nach mbeidh ionadaitheach do leasa oibrithe ná fostóirí,
[EN](c) foráil go mbeidh ar áireamh na ngnáth-chomhaltaí uimhir shonraithe de chomhaltaí oibrithe, uimhir shonraithe de chomhaltaí fostóirí (a bheidh comhionann leis an uimhir shonraithe de chomhaltaí oibrithe) agus uimhir shonraithe de chomhaltaí oideachais,
[EN](d) foráil go ndéanfaidh An Chomhairle—
[EN](i) tar éis dul i gcomhairle leis an Aire, eagraíocht a bheidh ionadaitheach do cheardchumainn oibrithe a shonrú, i leith gach comhalta oibrithe, chun duine a ainmniú chun a cheaptha mar chomhalta oibrithe agus go gceapfaidh sí an duine a ainmneofar amhlaidh chun bheith ina chomhalta oibrithe,
[EN](ii) tar éis dul i gcomhairle leis an Aire, cuireadh a thabhairt d'eagraíochtaí a bheidh ionadaitheach d'fhostóirí chun daoine a ainmniú chun a gceaptha mar chomhaltaí fostóirí agus go gceapfaidh sí an uimhir iomchuí a shonrófar san ordú de na daoine a ainmneofar amhlaidh chun bheith ina gcomhaltaí fostóirí,
[EN](iii) tar éis dul i gcomhairle le cibé comhlachtaí oideachais a mheasfaidh An Chomhairle a bheith oiriúnach an uimhir iomchuí daoine a shonrófar san ordú a cheapadh chun bheith ina gcomhaltaí oideachais,
[EN](e) foráil i dtaobh téarma oifige na gcomhaltaí,
[EN](f) foráil go mbeidh duine a rachaidh a théarma oifige in éag le himeacht aimsire i dteideal a athcheaptha,
[EN](g) foráil go bhféadfaidh An Chomhairle comhalta a chur as oifig,
[EN](h) foráil go bhféadfaidh comhalta éirí as a oifig mar chomhalta trí litir a bheidh dírithe chun na Comhairle agus go mbeidh éifeacht ag an éirí as amhail ar an agus ón dáta a gheobhaidh An Chomhairle an litir,
[EN](i) foráil go mbeidh comhalta dícháilithe chun oifig a a shealbhú agus go scoirfidh sé d'oifig a shealbhú má bhreithnítear ina fhéimheach é nó má dhéanann sé imshocraíocht nó comhshocraíocht le creidiúnaithe, nó má thugann cúirt dlínse inniúla pianbhreith phríosúnachta nó phianseirbhíse air nó má scoireann sé de bheith ina ghnáth-chónaí sa Stát,
[EN](j) foráil go ndéanfaidh An Chomhairle tar éis dul i gcomhairle leis an Aire, má tharlaíonn corrfholúntas i measc na gcomhaltaí oibrithe, eagraíocht a bheidh ionadaitheach do cheardchumainn oibrithe a shonrú chun duine a ainmniú chun a cheaptha chun an folúntas a líonadh agus go gceapfaidh An Chomhairle an duine a ainmneofar amhlaidh chun an folúntas a líonadh,
[EN](k) foráil go ndéanfaidh An Chomhairle, má tharlaíonn corrfholúntas i measc na gcomhaltaí fostóirí, cuireadh a thabhairt, tar éis di dul i gcomhairle leis an Aire, d'eagrais a bheidh ionadaitheach d'fhostóirí chun daoine a ainmniú chun a gceaptha chun an folúntas a líonadh agus go gceapfaidh An Chomhairle duine as líon na ndaoine a ainmneofar amhlaidh chun an folúntas a líonadh,
[EN](l) foráil go ndéanfaidh An Chomhairle, má tharlaíonn corrfholúntas i measc na gcomhaltaí oideachais, duine a cheapadh chun an folúntas a líonadh, tar éis di dul i gcomhairle le cibé comhlachtaí oideachais a mheasfaidh An Chomhairle a bheith oiriúnach,
[EN](m) foráil go mbeidh duine a cheapfar faoin bhforáil a dhéantar faoi mhír (j), (k) nó (l) den fho-alt seo i seilbh oifige go ceann na coda a bheidh fágtha de théarma a réamhtheachtaí,
[EN](n) foráil—
[EN](i) gurb é an cathaoirleach, má bhíonn sé i láthair ag cruinniú den choiste, a bheidh ina chathaoirleach ar an gcruinniú,
[EN](ii) mura mbeidh agus an fad nach mbeidh an cathaoirleach i láthair nó má bhíonn agus an fad a bheidh oifig an chathaoirligh folamh, go roghnóidh na comhaltaí a bheidh i láthair ag cruinniú den choiste duine dá líon chun bheith ina chathaoirleach ar an gcruinniú,
[EN](o) foráil go mbeidh vóta ag an gcathaoirleach, ag gach comhalta oibrithe agus ag gach comhalta fostóirí ag cruinniú den choiste,
[EN](p) foráil nach mbeidh vóta ag comhalta oideachais ag cruinniú den choiste ach amháin i gcás inarb é an comhalta sin cathaoirleach an chruinnithe,
[EN](q) foráil á fhoráil, muran comhionann líon na gcomhaltaí oibrithe agus líon na gcomhaltaí fostóirí a bheidh i láthair ag aon chruinniú den choiste—
[EN](i) go bhféadfaidh cibé grúpa acu sin ag a mbeidh an tromlach a shocrú go staonfaidh aon duine nó daoine áirithe dá líon ó vótáil d'fhonn comhionannas a choinneáil,
[EN](ii) mura ndéantar aon socrú den sórt sin, go bhféadfaidh an cathaoirleach nó, má bhíonn sé as láthair, an duine a bheidh ina chathaoirleach ar an gcruinniú, an vótáil ar aon cheist a chur siar go dtí cruinniú eile den choiste,
[EN](r) foráil á fhoráil, faoi réir forálacha an ordaithe, go ndéanfaidh an coiste, le buan-orduithe nó ar shlí eile, nós imeachta agus gnó an choiste a rialú,
[EN](s) foráil i dtaobh cibé nithe eile a mheasfaidh An Chomhairle is gá le haghaidh cuí-chomhlíonadh a fheidhmeanna ag an gcoiste.
[EN](4) Íocfar le cathaoirleach choiste phrintíseachta, as airgead a bheidh faoina réir ag an gComhairle, cibé táille as bheith i láthair ag cruinnithe an choiste a chinnfidh an tAire le toiliú an Aire Airgeadais agus, má bhíonn an cathaoirleach as láthair ó chruinniú den choiste, féadfar, más oiriúnach leis an gComhairle, an táille dob iníoctha leis a íoc leis an duine a ghníomhóidh mar chathaoirleach ar an gcruinniú.
[EN](5) Íocfar le gach comhalta de choiste printíseachta, as airgead a bheidh faoina réir ag an gComhairle, cibé liúntais, i leith caiteachais faoina rachaidh sé, a cheadóidh an tAire le toiliú an Aire Airgeadais.
[EN](6) Féadfaidh An Chomhairle duine dá hoifigigh a cheapadh chun gníomhú mar rúnaí do choiste printíseachta.
[EN]An Chomhairle ag gníomhú mar choiste printíseachta nó thar ceann an chéanna.
23.—(1) I gcás nach mbunóidh ordú faoi fho-alt (1) d'alt 22 den Acht seo coiste printíseachta do cheantar printíseachta áirithe, ansin, go dtí go mbunófar coiste printíseachta don cheantar, gníomhóidh An Chomhairle chun gach críche mar an coiste sin agus forléireofar dá réir sin tagairtí sna hailt ina dhiaidh seo den Acht seo do choiste printíseachta, don cheird ar ina leith a bheidh sé bunaithe agus do cheantar an chéanna.
[EN](2) Más rud é—
[EN](a) go n-iarrfaidh An Chomhairle ar choiste printíseachta aon rialacha a dhéanamh agus a chur faoi bhráid na Comhairle le daingniú, laistigh de thréimhse shonraithe, is rialacha a gcumhachtaítear don choiste nó a gceanglaítear air leis an Acht seo a dhéanamh, nó
[EN](b) go n-iarrfaidh An Chomhairle ar choiste printíseachta aon fheidhm a chomhlíonadh, laistigh de thréimhse shonraithe, is feidhm a gcumhachtaítear don choiste nó a gceanglaítear air le halt 38, alt 39 nó alt 41 den Acht seo a chomhlíonadh, agus
[EN](c) nach ndéanfaidh an coiste printíseachta sin de réir an iarratais,
[EN]féadfaidh An Chomhairle, más cuí léi, gníomhú thar ceann an choiste chun na rialacha a dhéanamh nó an fheidhm a chomhlíonadh, de réir mar bheidh.
[EN](3) Má dhiúltaíonn An Chomhairle rialacha a dhaingniú faoi aon alt den Acht seo a cuireadh faoina bráid le daingniú, féadfaidh An Chomhairle, más cuí léi, gníomhú thar ceann an choiste phrintíseachta lena mbaineann chun rialacha a dhéanamh faoin alt sin.
[EN](4) Ní gá rialacha a dhéanfar de bhua an ailt seo a dhaingniú.
[EN]Rialacha aicmithe printíseachta.
24.—(1) I gcás ina ndéanfaidh An Chomhairle ordú faoi alt 22 den Acht seo maidir le ceird—
[EN](a) déanfaidh An Chomhairle rialacha á dhearbhú gur fostaíocht ar mhodh printíseachta leis an gceird aon aicme shonraithe nó aicmí sonraithe daoine a bheith fostaithe leis an gceird i slí sonraithe, agus
[EN](b) go dtí go ndéanfar na rialacha sin, ní dhéanfar aon rialacha eile faoin Acht seo maidir leis an gceird.
[EN](2) An fhostaíocht a ndearbhófar le rialacha faoin alt seo gur fostaíocht ar mhodh printíseachta le ceird í is fostaíocht ar mhodh printíseachta le ceird í chun críocha an Achta seo.
[EN]Rialacha ag rialú cáilíochtaí oideachais.
25.—(1) Déanfaidh An Chomhairle rialacha i dtaobh na gcáilíochtaí oideachais nach mór a bheith ag daoine a bheidh ag tosú fostaíochta ar mhodh printíseachta le ceird ainmnithe agus, i gcás ina mbeidh níos mó ná ceantar printíseachta amháin ann chun críocha na ceirde, féadfaidh An Chomhairle rialacha éagsúla a dhéanamh do gach ceantar ar leithligh.
[EN](2) Sula ndéanfaidh An Chomhairle rialacha faoin alt seo, rachaidh sí i gcomhairle leis an Aire Oideachais agus leis an gcoiste printíseachta a bheidh bunaithe (má bhíonn) don cheantar ina mbeidh éifeacht ag na rialacha beartaithe.
[EN](3) Ní dhéanfaidh aon duine a bheidh ag gabháil don cheird lena mbainfidh rialacha faoin alt seo aon duine a ghlacadh isteach ina fhostaíocht ar mhodh printíseachta leis an gceird agus i gceantar printíseachta ina mbeidh éifeacht ag na rialacha mura mbeidh na cáilíochtaí oideachais a shonrófar sna rialacha ag an duine sin.
[EN]Rialacha ag rialú na haoise íosta le haghaidh printíseachta.
26.—(1) Déanfaidh an Chomhairle rialacha ag sonrú na haoise íosta ag a bhféadfar tosú ar fhostaíocht ar mhodh printíseachta le ceird ainmnithe agus, má bhíonn níos mó ná ceantar printíseachta amháin ann chun críocha na ceirde, féadfaidh An Chomhairle rialacha éagsúla a dhéanamh do gach ceantar ar leithligh.
[EN](2) Sula ndéanfaidh an Chomhairle rialacha faoin alt seo, rachaidh sí i gcomhairle leis an gcoiste printíseachta a bheidh bunaithe (má bhíonn) don cheantar ina mbeidh éifeacht ag na rialacha beartaithe.
[EN](3) Ní dhéanfaidh aon duine a bheidh ag gabháil don cheird lena mbainfidh rialacha faoin alt seo aon duine a ghlacadh isteach ina fhostaíocht ar mhodh printíseachta leis an gceird agus i gceantar printíseachta ina mbeidh éifeacht ag na rialacha mura mbeidh an aois a shonrófar sna rialacha slán ag an duine sin.
[EN]Rialacha do rialú díbhe.
27.—(1) Déanfaidh an Chomhairle rialacha i dtaobh na n-imthosca faoinar féidir duine a bheidh ar fostú ar mhodh printíseachta le ceird ainmnithe a dhíbhe as an bhfostaíocht agus, má bhíonn níos mó ná ceantar printíseachta amháin ann chun críocha na ceirde, féadfaidh An Chomhairle rialacha éagsúla a dhéanamh do gach ceantar ar leithligh.
[EN](2) Féadfaidh rialacha faoin alt seo a cheangal ar dhuine a bheidh ag gabháil don cheird lena mbainfidh na rialacha agus ag a mbeidh daoine ar fostú ar mhodh printíseachta leis an gceird cóipeanna de na rialacha a chur ar taispeáint agus a choimeád ar taispeáint de réir alt 61 den Acht seo.
[EN](3) Ní dhéanfaidh aon duine a bheidh ag gabháil don cheird lena mbainfidh rialacha faoin alt seo aon duine a bheidh ar fostú aige ar mhodh printíseachta leis an gceird agus i gceantar printíseachta ina mbeidh éifeacht ag na rialacha a dhíbhe ach amháin de réir na rialacha.
[EN]Rialacha i dtaobh tréimhse printíseachta.
28.—(1) Déanfaidh coiste printíseachta rialacha i dtaobh na tréimhse (ar a n-áirítear aon tréimhse phromhaidh) fostaíochta ar mhodh printíseachta leis an gceird dá mbeidh an coiste bunaithe agus i gceantar an choiste.
[EN](2) Aon duine a bheidh ar fostú ar mhodh printíseachta le ceird lena mbainfidh rialacha faoin alt seo agus i gceantar an choiste phrintíseachta measfar, i gcás inar thosaigh an fhostaíocht an fad a bhí na rialacha i bhfeidhm agus d'ainneoin aon chomhaontú dá mhalairt, é a bheith ar fostú faoi chomhaontú a shínigh an duine agus a fhostóir trína gcomhaontaíonn an fostóir an duine a fhostú, agus trína gcomhaontaíonn an duine fónamh don fhostóir, ar feadh na tréimhse printíseachta a shonrófar sna rialacha, ach féadfaidh an coiste, más oiriúnach sin leis, an dá pháirtí a urscaoileadh óna n-oibleagáidí faoi seach faoin gcomhaontú a urchiallaítear leis an bhfo-alt seo nó an comhaontú sin a mhodhnú nó, le toiliú—
[EN](a) i gcás ocht mbliana déag d'aois a bheith slán ag an duine, an duine, agus
[EN](b) i gcás gan ocht mbliana déag d'aois a bheith slán ag an duine, tuismitheoir (más ann) an duine,
[EN]sochair agus oibleagáidí an fhostóra faoin gcomhaontú sin a aistriú chun fostóra eile a bheidh ag gabháil don cheird sa cheantar.
[EN](3) I bhfo-alt (2) den alt seo, ciallaíonn “tuismitheoir”, maidir le duine ar fostú ar mhodh printíseachta nach bhfuil ocht mbliana déag d'aois slán aige, an phearsa ag a bhfuil coinneáil dlíthiúil an duine agus, i gcás nach bhfuil an duine ina chónaí leis an bpearsa sin nó i gcoinneáil iarbhír na pearsan sin mar gheall ar an duine sin a bheith as láthair nó mar gheall ar aon chúis eile, folaíonn sé an phearsa lena gcónaíonn an duine nó ar ina choinneáil iarbhír atá an duine.
[EN]Rialacha do rialú tréineála.
29.—(1) Déanfaidh coiste printíseachta rialacha á cheangal ar dhaoine a bheidh ag gabháil don cheird, dá mbeidh an coiste bunaithe, i gceantar an choiste chun a áirithiú go dtréineálfar agus go dteagascófar i slí shonraithe daoine a bheidh ar fostú acu ar mhodh printíseachta leis an gceird agus sa cheantar.
[EN](2) Féadfaidh rialacha faoin alt seo a cheangal ar dhaoine a bheidh ag gabháil don cheird lena mbainfidh na rialacha agus ag a mbeidh daoine ar fostú ar mhodh printíseachta leis an gceird cóipeanna de na rialacha a chur ar taispeáint agus a choimeád ar taispeáint de réir alt 61 de na rialacha.
[EN]Rialacha do thoirmeasc préimheanna printíseachta.
30.—Féadfaidh coiste printíseachta rialacha a dhéanamh á thoirmeasc ar dhaoine a bheidh ag gabháil don cheird, dá mbeidh an coiste bunaithe, i gceantar an choiste aon phréimh, táille ná comaoin eile a ghlacadh i leith iad d'fhostú aon duine ar mhodh printíseachta leis an gceird agus sa cheantar.
[EN]Rialacha maidir le tuarascála fostóirí ar ascnamh.
31.—Déanfaidh coiste printíseachta rialacha á cheangal ar dhaoine a bheidh ag gabháil don cheird, dá mbeidh an coiste bunaithe, i gceantar an choiste tuarascála i cibé foirm a luafar sna rialacha a thabhairt don choiste ar ascnamh daoine a bheidh ar fostú acu ar mhodh printíseachta leis an gceird agus sa cheantar.
[EN]Rialacha ag sonrú foirm chonartha phrintíseachta a dhéanfar trí ghníomhas.
32.—(1) Féadfaidh coiste a bheidh bunaithe do cheantar printíseachta chun críocha ceirde ainmnithe inar gnáth gur trí ghníomhas a dhéantar conarthaí printíseachta rialacha a dhéanamh ag sonrú foirme an chonartha a úsáidfear nuair a ghlacfar duine i bhfostaíocht ar mhodh printíseachta leis an gceird agus i gceantar an choiste.
[EN](2) I gcás ina mbeidh duine ag gabháil do cheird lena mbainfidh rialacha faoin alt seo i gceantar an choiste phrintíseachta, ní ghlacfaidh sé duine, faoi chonradh printíseachta a dhéanfar faoi ghníomhas, isteach ina fhostaíocht ar mhodh printíseachta leis an gceird agus sa cheantar muran san fhoirm a shonrófar sna rialacha a bheidh an gníomhas.
[EN]Cumhacht chun forálacha éagsúla a dhéanamh do limistéir éagsúla i gceantar printíseachta.
33.—(1) Féadfaidh forálacha éagsúla i leith limistéar éagsúla i gceantar printíseachta a bheith i rialacha a dhéanfaidh An Chomhairle faoi aon fhoráil den Acht seo.
[EN](2) Féadfaidh forálacha éagsúla i leith limistéar éagsúla i gceantar choiste phrintíseachta a bheith i rialacha a dhéanfaidh an coiste faoi aon fhoráil den Acht seo.
[EN](3) I gcás forálacha a bhainfidh le limistéar is cuid de cheantar printíseachta a bheith i rialacha faoi alt 25 den Acht seo, beidh éifeacht ag fo-alt (3) den alt sin, mar bhainfidh sé le duine a bheidh sa limistéar sin ag gabháil don cheird lena mbainfidh na rialacha, amhail is dá mba thagairt don limistéar sin an tagairt atá ann do cheantar printíseachta ina mbeidh éifeacht ag na rialacha.
[EN](4) I gcás forálacha a bhainfidh le limistéar is cuid de cheantar printíseachta a bheith i rialacha faoi alt 26 den Acht seo, beidh éifeacht ag fo-alt (3) den alt sin, mar bhainfidh sé le duine a bheidh, sa limistéar sin, ag gabháil don cheird lena mbainfidh na rialacha, amhail is dá mba thagairt don limistéar sin an tagairt sa chéanna do cheantar printíseachta ina mbeidh éifeacht ag na rialacha.
[EN](5) I gcás forálacha a bhainfidh le limistéar is cuid de cheantar printíseachta a bheith i rialacha faoi alt 27 den Acht seo, beidh éifeacht ag fo-alt (3) den alt sin, mar bhainfidh sé le duine a bheidh, sa limistéar sin, ag gabháil don cheird lena mbainfidh na rialacha, amhail is dá mba thagairt don limistéar sin an tagairt sa chéanna do cheantar printíseachta ina mbeidh éifeacht ag na rialacha.
[EN](6) I gcás forálacha a bhainfidh le limistéar is cuid de cheantar printíseachta a bheith i rialacha faoi alt 32 den Acht seo, beidh éifeacht ag fo-alt (2) den alt sin, mar bhainfidh sé le duine a bheidh, sa limistéar sin, ag gabháil don cheird lena mbainfidh na rialacha, amhail is dá mba thagairtí don limistéar sin an tagairt sa chéanna do cheantar choiste phrintíseachta agus an tagairt don cheantar.
[EN]Rialacha a dhéanfaidh coiste printíseachta a dhaingniú.
34.—(1) Cuirfear rialacha a dhéanfaidh coiste printíseachta faoin Acht seo faoi bhráid na Comhairle a luaithe is féidir tar éis a ndéanta agus ní bheidh feidhm ná éifeacht ag aon rialacha den sórt sin mura ndéanfar nó go dtí go ndéanfar iad a dhaingniú le hordú ón gComhairle, ach, nuair a dhaingneofar amhlaidh iad, tiocfaidh siad i bhfeidhm mar dhaingneofar iad ar cibé dáta (nach luaithe ná dáta an ordaithe) a shonrófar chuige sin san ordú nó, mura sonrófar dáta den sórt sin, ar dháta an ordaithe.
[EN](2) Féadfaidh An Chomhairle, maidir leis na rialacha a chuirfidh coiste printíseachta faoina bráid, na rialacha (modhnaithe nó gan mhodhnú) a dhaingniú le hordú nó diúltú iad a dhaingniú.
[EN](3) Sula ndaingneoidh An Chomhairle faoin alt seo aon rialacha modhnaithe, rachaidh sí i gcomhairle leis an gcoiste printíseachta maidir leis na modhnaithe beartaithe.
[EN](4) I gcás An Chomhairle do dhiúltú faoin alt seo rialacha a dhaingniú, féadfaidh an coiste printíseachta (ach amháin i gcás ina bhfeidhmeoidh An Chomhairle a cumhachtaí faoi fho-alt (3) d'alt 23 den Acht seo) rialacha nua a dhéanamh, agus bainfidh an t-alt seo leis na rialacha nua amhail mar bhainfidh sé leis na rialacha bunaidh.
[EN]Fógra go bhfuil ar intinn rialacha a dhéanamh nó a dhaingniú.
35.—(1) Sula ndéanfaidh nó sula ndaingneoidh An Chomhairle rialacha faoi aon fhoráil den Acht seo, foilseoidh sí fógra i dhá nuachtán ar a laghad a léitear sa cheantar ina mbeidh éifeacht ag na rialacha beartaithe á rá go bhfuil beartaithe na rialacha sin a dhéanamh, cad é an cineál rialacha iad, go gcuirfear cóipeanna díobh ar fáil, ar iad a iarraidh, do dhaoine leasmhara agus ag lua an ama, na slí agus na háite a bhféadfar agóidí agus uiríolla i dtaobh na rialacha beartaithe a dhéanamh.
[EN](2) Sula ndéanfaidh nó sula ndaingneoidh An Chomhairle rialacha faoi aon fhorálacha den Acht seo, breithneoidh sí aon agóidí nó uiríolla a gheofar, de réir fógra faoi fho-alt (1) den alt seo, i dtaobh na rialacha beartaithe.
[EN]Fógra a fhoilsiú i dtaobh rialacha a dhéanamh nó a dhaingniú.
36.—Déanfaidh an Chomhairle, a luaithe is féidir tar éis rialacha a dhéanamh nó a dhaingniú faoi aon fhoráil den Acht seo, fógra a fhoilsiú san Iris Oifigiúil agus i dhá nuachtán ar a laghad a léitear sa limistéar ina mbeidh éifeacht ag na rialacha á rá go ndearnadh na rialacha sin agus ag insint na háite ar féidir na rialacha a cheannach ar phraghas (arb é a bheidh ann cibé méid réasúnach a chinnfidh An Chomhairle) a shonrófar san fhógra.
[EN]Daoine a ghlacadh i bhfostaíocht mar phrintísigh.
37.—Duine a bheidh ag gabháil do cheird ainmnithe i gceantar printíseachta chun críocha na ceirde ní ghlacfaidh sé ina fhostaíocht ar mhodh printíseachta leis an gceird agus sa cheantar aon duine—
[EN](a) seachas duine a bheidh cláraithe sa chlár iarrthóirí a bheidh á choimeád, faoi alt 43 den Acht seo, ag an gcoiste printíseachta don cheird agus don cheantar, agus
[EN](b) ach amháin le toiliú an choiste sin.
[EN]An uimhir a ghlacfar i bhfostaíocht ar mhodh printíseachta.
38.—(1) Féadfaidh coiste printíseachta, tar éis dó dul i gcomhairle leis an gComhairle, an uimhir daoine a chinneadh a ghlacfar i bhfostaíocht ar feadh tréimhse sonraithe, ar mhodh printíseachta leis an gceird, dá mbeidh an coiste bunaithe, i gceantar an choiste agus, más cuí leis an gcoiste, féadfaidh sé, roimh dheireadh na tréimhse sin, cinneadh eile a dhéanamh, tar éis dó dul i gcomhairle leis an gComhairle, ag athrú na huimhreach a cinneadh roimhe sin.
[EN](2) I gcás ina ndéanfaidh coiste printíseachta, faoi fho-alt (1) den alt seo, uimhir a chinneadh, déanfaidh an coiste socrú le haghaidh an uimhir sin a ghlacadh i bhfostaíocht ar mhodh printíseachta leis an gceird dá mbeidh an coiste bunaithe, i gceantar an choiste, sa tréimhse a shonrófar sa chinneadh agus chuige sin, más deimhin leis—
[EN](a) nach mbeidh leor-uimhir daoine á ghlacadh san fhostaíocht sin, sa tréimhse a shonrófar sa chinneadh, leis an gceird agus sa cheantar, agus
[EN](b) na saoráidí chun daoine a thréineáil ar mhodh printíseachta leis an gceird agus sa cheantar a bheith ag duine a bheidh ag gabháil don cheird sa cheantar agus go bhfuil sé ag mainniú, gan chúis réasúnach, daoine a ghlacadh ina fhostaíocht ar mhodh printíseachta leis an gceird agus sa cheantar,
[EN]féadfaidh sé, trí fhógra i scríbhinn a sheirbheálfar ar an duine sin, a cheangal air uimhir shonraithe daoine a ghlacadh san fhostaíocht sin leis an gceird agus sa cheantar laistigh de thréimhse shonraithe.
[EN](3) Ní fheidhmeoidh coiste printíseachta an chumhacht a thugtar le fo-alt (2) den alt seo chun aon chomhshocraíocht a dhéanamh faoi alt 52 den Acht seo.
[EN]Printísigh a theagasc.
39.—(1) Féadfaidh An Chomhairle comhshocraíochtaí a dhéanamh le haghaidh coiste gairm-oideachais do chur cúrsaí teagaisc ar fáil arb éard a bheidh ann oideachas teicniúil de chineál a gcomhaontóidh An Chomhairle agus an coiste gairmoideachais a bheith oiriúnach do dhaoine a bheidh fostaithe ar mhodh printíseachta, le ceird ainmnithe, i gceantar printíseachta chun críocha na ceirde.
[EN](2) I gcás ina gcuirfidh coiste gairm-oideachais cúrsa teagaisc ar fáil faoi fho-alt (1) den alt seo le haghaidh daoine a bheidh fostaithe ar mhodh printíseachta, le ceird ainmnithe, i gceantar printíseachta chun críocha na ceirde, féadfaidh an coiste printíseachta don cheantar agus don cheird—
[EN](a) trí fhógra i scríbhinn a sheirbheálfar ar dhuine a bheidh fostaithe ar mhodh printíseachta leis an gceird agus sa cheantar, a cheangal air freastal ar an gcúrsa go léir, agus
[EN](b) trí fhógra i scríbhinn a sheirbheálfar ar fhostóir duine ar ar seirbheáladh fógra faoi mhír (a) den fho-alt seo, a cheangal ar an bhfostóir am agus saorchead a thabhairt don duine freastal ar an gcúrsa go léir agus aon scrúduithe a dhéanamh a chuirfear ar siúl i ndáil leis an gcúrsa le linn gnáth-uaireanta oibre gan aon asbhaint as pá ná aon bhreis a chur leis na huaireanta fostaíochta ná an t-am sin a áireamh mar am caillte.
[EN](3) I gcás ina mbeifear tar éis fógra a sheirbheáil ar dhuine faoi mhír (a) d'fho-alt (2) den alt seo agus go dtabharfar am agus saorchead don duine sin freastal, le linn gnáth-uaireanta oibre, ar theagasc is cuid de chúrsa a bheidh curtha ar fáil faoi fho-alt (1) den alt seo agus nach bhfreastalóidh an duine sin an teagasc, ansin, d'ainneoin aon ní ina chonradh lena fhostóir, ní bheidh teideal aige go bhfaighidh sé an chuid sin d'aon phá (is pá a mbeadh teideal aige é a fháil mura mbeadh sin) is inchionroinnte i leith na tréimhse a bheidh sé as láthair óna fhostaíocht ar mhodh printíseachta mura gcruthóidh sé dá fhostóir gur bhreoiteacht nó cúis dosheachanta eile ba chúis le gan é do fhreastal teagaisc.
[EN]Printísigh do choimeád taifead i dtaobh a dtréineála.
40.—Féadfaidh coiste printíseachta cibé comhshocraíochtaí is oiriúnach leis a dhéanamh le haghaidh daoine a bheidh fostaithe ar mhodh printíseachta leis an gceird, dá mbeidh an coiste bunaithe, i gceantar an choiste do choimeád cibé taifead i dtaobh a dtréineála a chinnfidh an coiste.
41.—(1) Socróidh coiste printíseachta ó am go ham leis an Aire Oideachais, tríd an gComhairle, go gcuirfear ar siúl, le haghaidh daoine a bheidh fostaithe ar mhodh printíseachta leis an gceird dá mbeidh an coiste bunaithe agus i gceantar an choiste—
[EN](a) scrúdú sóisearach do dhaoine a mbeidh tuairim leath a dtréimhsí printíseachta críochnaithe acu, agus
[EN](b) scrúdú sinsearach do dhaoine a mbeidh na tréimhsí sin críochnaithe nó gar do bheith críochnaithe acu.
[EN](2) (a) Is é an tAire Oideachais, tar éis dó dul i gcomhairle leis an gcoiste printíseachta lena mbainfidh, a chinnfidh na hábhair agus an caighdeán do scrúdú faoin alt seo.
[EN](b) Beidh triaileacha praiticiúla ina gcúid de scrúduithe faoin alt seo.
[EN](3) Is é an coiste printíseachta lena mbainfidh, tar éis dó dul i gcomhairle leis an Aire Oideachais, a chinnfidh na coinníollacha a bhainfidh le daoine a ligean isteach chun scrúduithe faoin alt seo.
[EN](4) Duine a dteipfidh air i scrúdú faoin alt seo féadfar, más rogha sin leis an gcoiste printíseachta lena mbainfidh, cead a thabhairt dó dul faoin scrúdú sin arís.
[EN]Deimhnithe a eisiúint.
42.—(1) I gcás ina ndéanfaidh duine a bheidh fostaithe ar mhodh printíseachta, i gceantar choiste phrintíseachta, leis an gceird dá mbeidh an coiste bunaithe—
[EN](a) a thréimhse phrintíseachta a chríochnú chun sástachta an choiste, agus
[EN](b) an scrúdú sinsearach a ghnóthú a shocraigh an coiste le haghaidh na ndaoine a bhí fostaithe amhlaidh,
[EN]cuirfidh an coiste é sin in iúl don Chomhairle agus air sin eiseoidh An Chomhairle deimhniú chuige á dheimhniú go bhfuil a thréimhse phrintíseachta críochnaithe amhlaidh aige agus gur ghnóthaigh sé an scrúdú sin.
[EN](2) (a) Bainfidh an fo-alt seo le duine ar dóigh leis an gComhairle go raibh sé fostaithe mar phrintíseach le ceird—
[EN](i) a ndearnadh scrúdú ina leith faoi alt 20 den Acht seo, agus
[EN](ii) nach ndearnadh aon ordú ina leith faoi alt 21 den Acht seo á dhearbhú gur ceird ainmnithe an cheird nó, má rinneadh ordú den sórt sin, nach bhfuil an t-ordú i bhfeidhm,
[EN]agus gur chríochnaigh sé a phrintíseacht leis an gceird sin.
[EN](b) Faoi réir cibé coinníollacha a chinnfidh sí, féadfaidh An Chomhairle cibé comhshocraíochtaí a dhéanamh a mheasfaidh sí is inmhianaithe le haghaidh na Comhairle d'eisiúint deimhniú chun duine lena mbaineann an fo-alt seo á dheimhniú gur chríochnaigh sé a phrintíseacht agus féadfaidh sonraí aon scrúduithe a ghnóthaigh sé a bheith sa deimhniú.
[EN]Clár iarrthóirí printíseachta.
43.—(1) Coimeádfaidh coiste printíseachta clár iarrthóirí printíseachta.
[EN](2) Taifeadfaidh coiste printíseachta sa chlár a choimeádfaidh an coiste faoin alt seo—
[EN](a) ainmneacha daoine ar mian leo go bhfostófaí iad ar mhodh printíseachta leis an gceird, dá mbeidh an coiste bunaithe, i gceantar an choiste, a d'iarr ar an gcoiste go gclárófaí iad sa chlár agus a chruthaigh don choiste go raibh acu aon cháilíochtaí maidir le hoideachas agus aois ba ghá de réir rialacha faoi ailt 25 agus 26 den Acht seo i ndáil leis an gceird agus leis an gceantar,
[EN](b) cibé sonraí a chuirfear chun an choiste de bhun alt 46 den Acht seo i dtaobh daoine cláraithe a thiocfaidh chun bheith fostaithe mar adúradh, agus
[EN](c) aon sonraí eile a bheidh forordaithe nó a mheasfaidh an coiste a bheith oiriúnach.
[EN](3) Tabharfaidh an duine ag a mbeidh coimeád an chláir a choimeádfar faoin alt seo cead, aon uair a iarrfar sin air, do dhuine leasmhar ar bith an clár a iniúchadh aon tráth réasúnach.
[EN]Clár printíseach.
44.—(1) Coimeádfaidh coiste printíseachta clár printíseach.
[EN](2) Taifeadfaidh coiste printíseachta sa chlár a bheidh á choimeád ag an gcoiste faoin alt seo—
[EN](a) cibé sonraí a chuirfear chun an choiste de bhun alt 46 den Acht seo i dtaobh daoine a bheidh fostaithe nó a scoirfidh de bheith fostaithe ar mhodh printíseachta leis an gceird dá mbeidh an coiste bunaithe agus i gceantar an choiste, agus
[EN](b) aon sonraí eile a bheidh forordaithe nó a mheasfaidh an coiste a bheith oiriúnach.
[EN](3) Tabharfaidh an duine ag a mbeidh coimeád an chláir a choimeádfar faoin alt seo cead, aon uair a iarrfar sin air, do dhuine leasmhar ar bith an clár a iniúchadh aon tráth réasúnach.
[EN]Fiosrúcháin i dtaobh díospóidí agus tuarascála a thabhairt.
45.—(1) Déanfaidh coiste printíseachta fiosrúchán i dtaobh aon díospóid (ar díospóid í maidir le hábhar is feidhm de chuid an choiste) idir duine a bheidh ag gabháil don cheird, dá mbeidh an coiste bunaithe, i gceantar an choiste agus aon duine a bheidh ar fostú aige ar mhodh printíseachta leis an gceird agus sa cheantar a chuirfidh ceachtar de na daoine sin faoina bhráid, agus déanfaidh sé iarracht an díospóid a shocrú agus tuairisceoidh sé don Chomhairle toradh an fhiosrúcháin.
[EN](2) Tabharfaidh an coiste printíseachta tuarascáil don Chomhairle i dtaobh aon ábhair a bhainfidh le fostaíocht ar mhodh printíseachta leis an gceird dá mbeidh an coiste bunaithe agus a chuirfidh An Chomhairle faoina bhráid le tuarascáil a fháil uaidh air.
46.—(1) I gcás duine a bheidh ag gabháil don cheird dá mbeidh coiste printíseachta bunaithe i gceantar an choiste do ghlacadh duine ina fhostaíocht ar mhodh printíseachta leis an gceird agus sa cheantar, cuirfidh sé chun an choiste, laistigh de dhá sheachtain ina dhiaidh sin, cibé sonraí i dtaobh an duine a bheidh forordaithe nó a shonróidh an coiste trí fhógra i scríbhinn a sheirbheálfar air.
[EN](2) I gcás duine a bheidh ag gabháil don cheird, i gceantar choiste phrintíseachta, dá mbeidh an coiste bunaithe do scor de dhuine a fhostú ar mhodh printíseachta leis an gceird agus sa cheantar, cuirfidh sé chun an choiste, laistigh de dhá sheachtain ina dhiaidh sin, cibé sonraí i dtaobh an duine a bheidh forordaithe nó a shonróidh an coiste trí fhógra i scríbhinn a sheirbheálfar air.
47.—(1) Beidh feidhm ag an alt seo maidir le daoine, seachas comhlachtaí a bunaíodh le reacht, a bheidh ag gabháil do cibé ceirdeanna ainmnithe a chinnfidh An Chomhairle, le toiliú an Aire, ó am go ham.
[EN](2) D'fhonn earcaíocht, tréineáil, ascnamh agus leas daoine a bheidh fostaithe ar mhodh printíseachta a chur ar aghaidh go sásúil, féadfaidh An Chomhairle, i gcásanna inar dóigh léi go ndearna duine lena mbaineann an t-alt seo daoine a bhí fostaithe aige ar mhodh printíseachta leis an gceird ainmnithe a raibh sé ag gabháil di a thréineáil go dúthrachtach críochnúil, aisce, a mbeidh inti cibé méid a chinnfidh An Chomhairle le toiliú an Aire agus an Aire Airgeadais, a íoc leis as airgead a bheidh faoina réir ag an gComhairle.
48.—(1) D'fhonn saoráidí feabhsaithe chun tréineáil agus teagasc a fháil ar cheird ainmnithe a chur ar fáil do dhaoine a bheidh fostaithe ar mhodh printíseachta leis an gceird, féadfaidh An Chomhairle, más oiriúnach sin léi, scoláireachtaí a dheonú do cibé daoine a bheidh fostaithe amhlaidh agus a roghnóidh An Chomhairle i cibé slí is cuí léi.
[EN](2) Féadfaidh socrú a bheith ag gabháil le scoláireachtaí a dheonófar do dhaoine faoin alt seo le haghaidh íoc táillí i bhforais oideachais agus cibé íocaíochtaí eile a chinnfidh An Chomhairle.
[EN]Duaiseanna, agus daoine a chur thar lear.
49.—(1) Féadfaidh An Chomhairle duaiseanna a dhámhadh do cibé daoine a bheidh fostaithe ar mhodh printíseachta le ceird ainmnithe agus a roghnóidh An Chomhairle i cibé slí is cuí léi.
[EN](2) Féadfaidh An Chomhairle cabhrú le cibé daoine a bheidh fostaithe ar mhodh printíseachta le ceird ainmnithe agus a roghnóidh An Chomhairle i cibé slí is cuí léi a chur go dtí tíortha eile chun bheith i láthair ag taispeántais, bheith páirteach in iomaíochtaí nó chun aon chríche eile.
[EN]Fostaíocht ar mhodh printíseachta a éascú.
50.—D'fhonn fostaíocht ar mhodh printíseachta le ceird ainmnithe a éascú, féadfaidh coiste printíseachta don cheird—
[EN](a) socrú a dhéanamh le haghaidh fostóir áirithe do ghlacadh duine áirithe i bhfostaíocht ar mhodh printíseachta leis an gceird agus i gceantar an choiste, nó
[EN](b) i gcás ina dteastóidh ó dhuine a bheidh fostaithe ar mhodh printíseachta leis an gceird go n-aistreofaí é ó fhostóir amháin go dtí fostóir eile i gceantar an choiste nó ó fhostóir i gceantar an choiste go dtí fostóir i gceantar printíseachta eile chun críocha na ceirde, socrú a dhéanamh chun an t-aistriú a chur í gcrích, nó
[EN](c) i gcás inar dóigh leis gur inmhianaithe duine a bheidh fostaithe ar mhodh printíseachta leis an gceird a aistriú ó fhostóir amháin go dtí fostóir eile i gceantar an choiste nó ó fhostóir i gceantar an choiste go dtí fostóir i gceantar printíseachta eile chun críocha na ceirde, socrú a dhéanamh chun an t-aistriú a chur i gcrích.
[EN]Cur isteach ar fhostóirí.
51.—(1) I gcás ina mbeidh aon rialacha a rinne An Chomhairle faoin Acht seo i bhfeidhm de thuras na huaire, ní dhéanfaidh aon duine aon ghníomh ná ní chun fostóir a bheidh ag gabháil don cheird ainmnithe lena mbainfidh na rialacha in aon cheantar printíseachta ina mbeidh éifeacht ag na rialacha a bhac nó a chosc ó na rialacha a chomhlíonadh.
[EN](2) I gcás ina mbeidh aon rialacha i bhfeidhm de thuras na huaire a rinne coiste printíseachta faoin Acht seo nó An Chomhairle ag gníomhú di mar choiste printíseachta nó thar ceann choiste phrintíseachta, ní dhéanfaidh aon duine aon ghníomh ná ní chun fostóir a bheidh ag gabháil don cheird ainmnithe lena mbainfidh na rialacha sa cheantar printíseachta ina mbeidh éifeacht ag na rialacha a bhac nó a chosc ó na rialacha a chomhlíonadh.
[EN](3) I gcás ina mbeifear tar éis fógra faoi fho-alt (2) d'alt 38 den Acht seo a sheirbheáil ar fhostóir, ní dhéanfaidh aon duine aon ghníomh ná ní chun an fostóir a bhac nó a chosc ó cheanglais an fhógra a chomhlíonadh.
[EN]Comhshocraíochtaí i gcás díospóid cheirde.
52.—(1) I gcás nach mbeidh daoine a bheidh fostaithe ar mhodh printíseachta le ceird ainmnithe ag gabháil dá bhfostaíocht de thuras na huaire mar gheall ar dhíospóid cheirde nó aon chúis eile, féadfaidh an Chomhairle cibé comhshocraíochtaí is cuí léi a dhéanamh chun a áirithiú go leanfar de thréineáil agus de theagasc na ndaoine.
[EN](2) San alt seo ciallaíonn “díospóid cheirde” aon díospóid nó aighneas idir fostóirí agus oibrithe nó idir oibrithe agus oibrithe maidir le fostú nó neamhfhostú, nó téarmaí fostaíochta, nó le coinníollacha fostaíochta, dhuine ar bith.
53.—Féadfaidh An Chomhairle daoine a cheapadh ina maoirseoirí chun críocha an Achta seo agus cibé táillí agus liúntais a cheadóidh an tAire, le toiliú an Aire Airgeadais, a íoc leis na daoine sin, as airgead a bheidh faoina réir ag an gComhairle, i leith caiteachais faoina rachaidh siad.
[EN]Coistí Comhairleacha.
54.—Féadfaidh An Chomhairle cibé coistí agus cibé méid coistí a cheapadh is oiriúnach léi chun An Chomhairle a chomhairliú i dtaobh nithe a bhainfidh le fostaíocht ar mhodh printíseachta agus i dtaobh obair choistí printíseachta a chomheagrú.
[EN]Táillí is iníoctha leis an gComhairle.
55.—(1) I gcás ina nglacfar duine i bhfostaíocht ar mhodh printíseachta le ceird ainmnithe, íocfaidh sé leis an gComhairle cibé méid de tháille a bheidh forordaithe (is táille i leith cláraithe sa chlár printíseach a bheidh á choimeád faoi alt 44 den Acht seo).
[EN](2) An fad a bheidh duine fostaithe ar mhodh printíseachta le ceird ainmnithe, íocfaidh sé leis an gComhairle cibé táillí bliantúla a bheidh forordaithe.
[EN](3) Is gá toiliú an Aire le rialacha chun críocha an ailt seo.
[EN](4) Mura n-íocfar táille léi faoin alt seo, féadfaidh An Chomhairle í a ghnóthú ón duine (lena n-áirítear duine nach mbeidh bliain is fiche d'aois slán aige) a mbeidh sí dlite de mar fhiach gnáth-chonartha in aon chúirt dlínse inniúla.
[EN](5) Féadfaidh An Chomhairle, más cuí léi in aon chás áirithe, duine a dhíolmhadh ó íoc aon táille faoin alt seo.
[EN]Cumhacht chun comhaontuithe, scéimeanna agus comhshocraíochtaí áirithe printíseachta a eisiamh.
56.—(1) Más dóigh leis an gComhairle, i gcás duine a bheidh ag gabháil do cheird ainmnithe i gceantar printíseachta chun críocha na ceirde, go bhfuil i bhfeidhm aige maidir leis an gceird agus sa cheantar comhaontú, scéim nó comhshocraíocht i leith earcaíocht agus tréineáil printíseach atá oiriúnach le haghaidh deimhnithe faoin alt seo, féadfaidh An Chomhairle, trí dheimhniú, a dhearbhú go bhfuil an comhaontú, an scéim nó an chomhshocraíocht, cibé acu é, eisiata maidir le forálacha sonraithe den Acht seo agus air sin, maidir leis na forálacha sin—
[EN](a) measfar gur duine é an duine sin nach bhfuil ag gabháil don cheird sa cheantar, agus
[EN](b) na daoine a bheidh fostaithe aige ar mhodh printíseachta leis an gceird agus sa cheantar measfar nach bhfuil siad fostaithe amhlaidh.
[EN](2) I gcás ina ndearbhóidh deimhniú faoin alt seo comhaontú, scéim nó comhshocraíocht a bheith eisiata maidir le forálacha sonraithe den Acht seo agus go ndéanfar, tar éis an deimhniú a eisiúint, an comhaontú, an scéim nó an chomhshocraíocht a mhodhnú in aon slí, ag na daoine ag a mbeidh teideal sin a dhéanamh, cuirfidh na daoine sin in iúl láithreach don Chomhairle cén sórt modhnú é.
[EN](3) Déanfaidh An Chomhairle cibé bearta is cuí léi chun a chur in iúl do dhaoine lena mbainfidh deimhniú faoin alt seo gur eisíodh an deimhniú sin.
[EN](4) Féadfaidh An Chomhairle, trí dheimhniú, deimhniú faoin alt seo a leasú nó a chúlghairm.
[EN]Cumhacht chun fostóirí a dhíolmhadh i gcásanna áirithe.
57.—(1) Féadfaidh An Chomhairle, más cuí léi i gcás duine áirithe a bheidh fostaithe ar mhodh printíseachta ag fostóir áirithe, an fostóir a dhíolmhadh ó cheanglais fo-alt (3) d'alt 25 nó fo-alt (3) d'alt 26 den Acht seo.
[EN](2) Féadfaidh coiste printíseachta, más cuí leis i gcás duine áirithe a bheidh fostaithe ar mhodh printíseachta ag fostóir áirithe, an fostóir a dhíolmhadh ó cheanglais sonraithe rialacha faoi alt 29 nó alt 31 den Acht seo agus ó cheanglas fo-alt (2) d'alt 32 den Acht seo.
[EN](3) Féadfaidh coiste printíseachta, más cuí leis i gcás fostóir áirithe do ghlacadh duine áirithe i bhfostaíocht ar mhodh printíseachta, an fóstóir a dhíolmhadh ó cheanglas alt 37 den Acht seo.
[EN](4) Ní dheonófar díolúine faoi fho-alt (1) den alt seo muran rud é, ag cruinniú den Chomhairle, go ndéanfaidh cathaoirleach na Comhairle nó, má bhíonn sé as láthair, cathaoirleach an chruinnithe, agus tromlach comhaltaí oibrithe agus comhaltaí fostóirí na Comhairle a bheidh i láthair agus a vótálfaidh ar dheonú na díolúine, vótaí a chaitheamh i bhfabhar an díolúine a dheonú.
[EN](5) Ní dheonófar díolúine faoi fho-alt (2) nó fo-alt (3) den alt seo mura rud é, ag cruinniú den choiste phrintíseachta, go ndéanfaidh cathaoirleach an choiste nó, má bhíonn sé as láthair, cathaoirleach an chruinnithe agus tromlach comhaltaí oibrithe agus comhaltaí fostóirí an choiste a bheidh i láthair agus a vótálfaidh ar dheonú na díolúine, vótaí a chaitheamh i bhfabhar an díolúine a dheonú.
[EN]Cumhachtaí oifigeach údaraithe.
58.—(1) Féadfaidh oifigeach údaraithe gach ní nó aon ní acu seo a leanas a dhéanamh :
[EN](a) dul isteach gach tráth réasúnach in aon áitreabh ina mbeifear ag gabháil do cheird ainmnithe nó a mbeidh cúis réasúnach aige a chreidiúint go bhfuil duine ar bith fostaithe san áitreabh,
[EN](b) gach duine a gheobhaidh sé in aon áitreabh a mbeidh teideal aige faoin alt seo dul isteach ann a scrúdú ina aonar nó i láthair aon duine eile, mar is oiriúnach leis, maidir le hábhair faoin Acht seo, agus a cheangal ar an duine sin freagra a thabhairt ar aon cheisteanna a fhiafróidh sé de i dtaobh na n-ábhar sin, agus dearbhú a shíniú go bhfuil na freagraí ar na ceisteanna fíor.
[EN](2) Ní cheanglófar ar aon duine de bhua míre (b) d'fho-alt (1) den alt seo aon cheist a fhreagairt ná aon fhianaise a thabhairt a chabhródh chun é féin a ionchoiriú.
[EN](3) Féadfaidh oifigeach údaraithe, trí fhógra i scríbhinn a sheirbheálfar ar dhuine a bheidh ag gabháil do cheird ainmnithe, a cheangal air eolas sonraithe a thabhairt don oifigeach laistigh d'am sonraithe agus i slí sonraithe, maidir leis na daoine nó le haon duine sonraithe a bheidh fostaithe aige ar mhodh printíseachta leis an gceird.
[EN]Cumhachtaí maoirseoirí.
59.—Féadfaidh maoirseoir gach tráth réasúnach dul isteach in aon áitreabh ina mbeifear ag gabháil do cheird ainmnithe agus a mbeidh cúis réasúnach aige a chreidiúint go bhfuil duine ar bith fostaithe san áitreabh agus na modhanna a scrúdú a bheidh á n-úsáid i dtréineáil agus i dteagasc aon duine a gheobhaidh sé fostaithe ar mhodh printíseachta leis an gceird agus san áitreabh agus cúnamh agus comhairle a thabhairt i dtaobh na tréineála agus an teagaisc sin.
[EN]Deimhnithe oifigeach údaraithe agus maoirseoirí.
60.—(1) Gheobhaidh oifigeach údaraithe deimhniú ón Aire ar a cheapadh mar oifigeach údaraithe agus, le linn dó a bheith ag feidhmiú aon chumhachta dá dtugtar dó leis an Acht seo, déanfaidh sé, má iarrtar sin air, an deimhniú a thabhairt ar aird d'aon duine lena mbainfidh.
[EN](2) Gheobhaidh maoirseoir deimhniú ón gComhairle ar a cheapadh mar mhaoirseoir agus, le linn dó a bheith ag feidhmiú aon chumhachta dá dtugtar dó leis an Acht seo, déanfaidh sé, má iarrtar sin air, an deimhniú a thabhairt ar aird d'aon duine lena mbainfidh.
[EN]Cóipeanna de rialacha a chur ar taispeáint.
61.—(1) I gcás ina gceanglófar le rialacha faoin Acht seo cóipeanna clóbhuailte de na rialacha a chur, agus a choimeád, ar taispeáint, cuirfear, agus coimeádfar, ar taispeáint na cóipeanna sin—
[EN](a) in áit fheiceálach i ngach áitreabh ina mbeidh daoine fostaithe ar mhodh printíseachta leis an gceird lena mbainfidh na rialacha, agus
[EN](b) i litreacha agus in ionad de shórt gur féidir le daoine a bheidh fostaithe amhlaidh san áitreabh sin iad a léamh go caothúil.
[EN](2) Ní dhéanfaidh duine go toiliúil aon chóip de rialacha a chuirfear ar taispeáint de bhun an ailt seo a stracadh anuas, a dhíobhálú ná a aghlot.
[EN]Cionta agus pionóis.
62.—(1) I gcás duine ar a seirbheálfar fógra faoi fho-alt (2) d'alt 20 den Acht seo maidir le haon eolas nó doiciméid do mhainniú nó d'fhaillí déanamh de réir cheanglas an fhógra, beidh sé ciontach i gcion mura gcruthóidh sé don chúirt nár ghá an t-eolas nó na doiciméid le haghaidh an scrúdaithe iomchuí ag an gComhairle nó nach raibh siad ina sheilbh.
[EN](2) I gcás duine ar a seirbheálfar fógra faoi fho-alt (2) d'alt 20 den Acht seo maidir le haon eolas do thabhairt eolais is feasach dó a bheith bréagach nó míthreorach in aon phonc ábhartha, beidh sé ciontach i gcion.
[EN](3) Duine ar bith a sháróidh fo-alt (3) d'alt 25, fo-alt (3) d'alt 26, fo-alt (3) d'alt 27, fo-alt (2) d'alt 32, alt 37, fo-alt (1), (2) nó (3) d'alt 51 nó fo-alt (2) d'alt 61 den Acht seo, beidh sé ciontach i gcion.
[EN](4) I gcás duine ar a mbeidh de cheanglas le rialacha faoi alt 27 den Acht seo cóipeanna de na rialacha a chur, agus a choimeád, ar taispeáint, de réir alt 61 den Acht seo, do mhainniú nó d'fhaillí déanamh de réir an cheanglais, beidh sé ciontach i gcion.
[EN](5) I gcás duine ar a gcuirfear ceanglas le rialacha faoi alt 29 nó alt 31 den Acht seo do mhainniú nó d'fhaillí déanamh de réir an cheanglais, beidh sé ciontach i gcion.
[EN](6) Má sháraíonn duine rialacha faoi alt 30 den Acht seo, beidh sé ciontach i gcion.
[EN](7) I gcás duine ar a seirbheálfar fógra faoi fho-alt (2) d'alt 38 nó faoi fho-alt (3) d'alt 58 den Acht seo do mhainniú nó d'fhaillí déanamh de réir cheanglas an fhógra, beidh sé ciontach i gcion.
[EN](8) I gcás duine ar a seirbheálfar fógra faoi mhír (b) d'fho-alt (2) d'alt 39 den Acht seo do mhainniú nó d'fhaillí déanamh de réir cheanglas an fhógra, beidh sé ciontach i gcion.
[EN](9) Aon duine a mhainneoidh nó a fhailleoidh déanamh de réir cheanglas fo-alt (1) nó (2) d'alt 46 den Acht seo nó de réir cheanglas fógra faoi cheachtar de na fo-ailt sin a sheirbheálfar air, beidh sé ciontach i gcion.
[EN](10) Más rud é—
[EN](a) go gcuirfidh duine cosc le duine, nó go ndéanfaidh sé iarracht ar chosc a chur le duine, láithriú os comhair oifigigh údaraithe a bheidh ag feidhmiú aon chumhachta dá dtugtar d'oifigeach údaraithe le fo-alt (1) d'alt 58 den Acht seo,
[EN](b) go ndiúltóidh duine go toiliúil freagra a thabhairt ar cheisteanna a chuirfidh oifigeach údaraithe air go dleathach faoin bhfo-alt sin,
[EN](c) go ndiúltóidh duine dearbhú a shíniú a cheanglóidh oifigeach údaraithe air go dleathach a shíniú faoin bhfo-alt sin, nó
[EN](d) go gcuirfidh duine cosc nó bac in aon slí eile ar oifigeach údaraithe agus é ag feidhmiú aon chumhachta dá dtugtar d'oifigeach údaraithe leis an bhfo-alt sin,
[EN]beidh sé ciontach i gcion.
[EN](11) Má chuireann duine cosc nó bac ar mhaoirseoir agus é ag feidhmiú aon chumhachta dá dtugtar do mhaoirseoir le halt 59 den Acht seo, beidh sé ciontach i gcion.
[EN](12) (a) Aon duine a bheidh ciontach i gcion faoi fho-alt (8) den alt seo dlífear ar a chiontú go hachomair fíneáil nach mó ná deich bpunt a chur air.
[EN](b) Aon duine a bheidh ciontach i gcion faoi aon fho-alt eile den alt seo dlífear ar a chiontú go hachomair fíneáil nach mó ná fiche punt a chur air.
[EN]Inchúiseamh i leith cionta.
63.—Féadfaidh An Chomhairle inchúiseamh a dhéanamh i leith ciona faoin Acht seo.
[EN]Srian le comhaontuithe agus orduithe áirithe faoin Acht Caidrimh Thionscail, 1946.
64.—(1) Ar theacht i bhfeidhm d'aon rialacha faoin Acht seo—
[EN](a) scoirfidh aon fhorálacha de chomhaontú fostaíochta a bheidh i bhfeidhm an tráth sin agus a bheidh cláraithe sa Chlár agus a bhainfidh le nithe is ábhar do na rialacha, agus
[EN](b) scoirfidh aon fhorálacha d'ordú a bheidh i bhfeidhm an tráth sin agus a rinne an Chúirt Oibreachais faoi alt 43 den Acht agus a bhainfidh le nithe is ábhar do na rialacha,
[EN]d'éifeacht a bheith acu in aon cheantar printíseachta ina mbeidh éifeacht ag na rialacha.
[EN](2) Ar thosú do thréimhse a shonróidh coiste printíseachta faoi fho-alt (1) d'alt 38 den Acht seo—
[EN](a) scoirfidh aon fhorálacha de chomhaontú fostaíochta a bheidh i bhfeidhm an tráth sin agus a bheidh cláraithe sa Chlár agus a bhainfidh leis an méid daoine a ghlacfar i bhfostaíocht ar mhodh printíseachta leis an gceird, dá mbeidh an coiste bunaithe, i gceantar an choiste, agus
[EN](b) scoirfidh aon fhorálacha d'ordú a bheidh i bhfeidhm an tráth sin agus a rinne an Chúirt Oibreachais faoi alt 43 den Acht agus a bhainfidh leis an méid daoine a ghlacfar sa bhfostaíocht sin leis an gceird sin agus sa cheantar sin, d'éifeacht a bheith acu sa cheantar sin ar feadh na tréimhse sin.
[EN](3) I gcás ina ndéanfar, le linn rialacha faoin Acht seo a bheith i bhfeidhm, comhaontú fostaíochta a chlárú sa Chlár, ní bheidh éifeacht, in aon cheantar printíseachta ina mbeidh éifeacht ag na rialacha, ag aon fhorálacha den chomhaontú a bhainfidh le nithe is ábhar do na rialacha.
[EN](4) I gcás ina ndéanfar, tráth ar bith i rith tréimhse a bheidh sonraithe ag coiste printíseachta faoi fho-alt (1) d'alt 38 den Acht seo, comhaontú fostaíochta a chlárú sa Chlár, ansin, aon fhorálacha den chomhaontú a bhainfidh leis an méid daoine a ghlacfar i bhfostaíocht ar mhodh printíseachta leis an gceird, dá mbeidh an coiste bunaithe, i gceantar an choiste, ní bheidh éifeacht acu sa cheantar sin ar feadh na coda a bheidh gan chaitheamh den tréimhse sin.
[EN](5) I gcás ina ndéanfaidh an Chúirt Oibreachais ordú faoi alt 43 den Acht le linn rialacha faoin Acht seo a bheith i bhfeidhm, ní bheidh éifeacht, in aon cheantar printíseachta ina mbeidh éifeacht ag na rialacha, ag aon fhorálacha den ordú a bhainfidh le nithe is ábhar do na rialacha.
[EN](6) Más rud é go ndéanfaidh an Chúirt Oibreachais, tráth ar bith i rith tréimhse a bheidh sonraithe ag coiste printíseachta faoi fho-alt (1) d'alt 38 den Acht seo, ordú faoi alt 43 den Acht, ansin, aon fhorálacha den ordú a bhainfidh leis an méid daoine a ghlacfar i bhfostaíocht ar mhodh printíseachta leis an gceird dá mbeidh an coiste bunaithe, i gceantar an choiste, ní bheidh éifeacht acu sa cheantar sin ar feadh na coda a bheidh gan chaitheamh den tréimhse sin.
[EN](7) San alt seo—
[EN]ciallaíonn “an tAcht” an tAcht Caidrimh Thionscail, 1946;
[EN]ciallaíonn “an Clár” an Clár de Chomhaontuithe Fostaíochta atá á choimeád ag an gCúirt Oibreachais faoi alt 26 den Acht.
65.—(1) Féadfaidh An Chomhairle glacadh le bronntanais airgid, talún nó maoine eile ar cibé iontaobhais agus coinníollacha, más ann, a shonróidh an deontóir.
[EN](2) Ní ghlacfaidh an Chomhairle le bronntanas má bhíonn na coinníollacha a chuirfidh an deontóir ag gabháil lena ghlacadh ar neamhréir le feidhmeanna na Comhairle.
[EN]Cruthú ar orduithe agus ar rialacha.
66.—Bainfidh alt 4 den Acht um Fhianaise Scríbhinne, 1925 (Uimh. 24 de 1925), le gach ordú agus riail faoin Acht seo.
[EN]Fógraí a sheirbheáil agus a shíniú.
67.—(1) Féadfar fógra a thabharfar de bhun an Achta seo nó de bhun rialacha faoin Acht seo a sheirbheáil ar dhuine—
[EN](a) trína sheachadadh dó, nó
[EN](b) trína chur leis an bpost cláraithe i gclúdach a bheidh dírithe chuige ag an seoladh ag a bhfuil gnáthchónaí air nó ina mbíonn gnó á sheoladh aige.
[EN](2) Aon fhógra a thabharfaidh An Chomhairle nó coiste printíseachta de bhun an Achta seo nó de bhun rialacha faoin Acht seo is cead gur oifigeach don Chomhairle nó don choiste (cibé acu é) a bheidh údaraithe chuige sin a shíneoidh é.
[EN](3) Chun críocha fo-alt (1) den alt seo measfar, i gcás cuideachta a bheidh cláraithe faoi Achtanna na gCuideachtaí, 1908 go 1924, gur ag a hoifig chláraithe a bhíonn gnó á sheoladh aici agus, i gcás gach comhlacht corpraithe agus gach comhlachta neamhchorpraithe eile, measfar gur ag a phríomh-oifig nó a phríomháit ghnótha a bhíonn gnó á sheoladh aige.
Number 39 of 1959.
Preliminary and General.
Section | |
An Cheard-Chomhairle.
Application of Superannuation Acts, 1834 to 1956, to service in the office of chairman. | |
Designated Trades, Apprenticeship Districts and Apprenticeship Committees.
Restriction on certain agreements and order under the Industrial Relations Act, 1946. | |
Acts Referred to | |
1931, No. 56 | |
1956, No. 38 | |
1956, No. 10 | |
1946, No. 26 |
Number 39 of 1959.
Preliminary and General.
[GA]Short title.
1.—This Act may be cited as the Apprenticeship Act, 1959.
2.—(1) In this Act, save where the context otherwise requires—
[GA]“An Chomhairle” has the meaning specified in subsection (1) of section 8 of this Act;
[GA]“apprenticeship committee” means a committee established by an order under section 22 of this Act;
[GA]“apprenticeship district” means an area which is an apprenticeship district under an order under section 22 of this Act;
[GA]“authorised officer” means a person appointed by the Minister to be an authorised officer for the purposes of this Act;
[GA]“designated trade” means a trade which is for the time being declared by an order under section 21 of this Act to be a designated trade for the purposes of this Act and references to the carrying on of a designated trade and to employment by way of apprenticeship in a designated trade shall, in the case of a trade which is a designated trade in part only of the State, be construed, respectively, as referring to the carrying on of the trade and to employment by way of apprenticeship in the trade in that part of the State;
[GA]“the establishment day” means the day appointed to be the establishment day for the purposes of this Act by order of the Minister under section 3 of this Act;
[GA]“functions” includes powers and duties;
[GA]“the Minister” means the Minister for Industry and Commerce;
[GA]“prescribed” means prescribed by rules made by An Chomhairle under this Act;
[GA]“supervisor” means a person appointed under section 53 of this Act to be a supervisor for the purposes of this Act;
[GA]“trade” means any industry, occupation or business, and also includes any distinct branch of a trade, but does not include agriculture, horticulture, the making of butter, cheese or other dairy products or professional or clerical occupations.
[GA](2) A reference in this Act to performance of functions includes, as respects powers, a reference to exercise of those powers.
[GA]Establishment day.
3.—The Minister may by order appoint a day to be the establishment day for the purposes of this Act.
[GA]Application where apprentices employed by the State.
4.—This Act applies where persons are employed by way of apprenticeship by or under the State.
[GA]Rules (prescribed matters).
5.—An Chomhairle may make rules in relation to any matter or thing referred to in this Act as prescribed or to be prescribed.
[GA]Expenses of Ministers.
6.—Any expenses incurred by the Minister and the Minister for Education in the administration of this Act shall, to such extent as may be sanctioned by the Minister for Finance, be paid out of moneys provided by the Oireachtas.
7.—(1) The Apprenticeship Act, 1931, is hereby repealed.
[GA](2) Subsection (1) of this section shall come into operation on the appointed day.
[GA](3) Between the passing of this Act and the appointed day, no order shall be made under paragraph (a) of subsection (1) of section 2 of the Apprenticeship Act, 1931.
[GA](4) In this section “the appointed day” means the day appointed by order made by the Minister to be the appointed day for the purposes of this section.
An Cheard-Chomhairle.
[GA]Establishment of An Cheard-Chomhairle.
8.—(1) On the establishment day there shall be established a body to be known as An Cheard-Chomhairle (in this Act referred to as An Chomhairle) to perform the functions assigned to it by this Act.
[GA](2) An Chomhairle shall be a body corporate with perpetual succession and power to sue and be sued in its corporate name and to acquire, hold and dispose of land.
9.—An Chomhairle shall consist of a chairman and thirteen ordinary members.
10.—(1) The chairman of An Chomhairle shall be appointed by the Minister and shall, unless he sooner dies, resigns, becomes disqualified or is removed, hold office for such period as the Minister may fix at the time of his appointment.
[GA](2) The chairman of An Chomhairle shall be known as the Director of Apprenticeship and shall be a whole-time member of An Chomhairle.
[GA](3) The chairman of An Chomhairle may at any time resign his office by letter addressed to the Minister and the resignation shall take effect as on and from the date of the receipt of the letter by the Minister.
[GA](4) The Minister may at any time remove the chairman of An Chomhairle from office.
[GA](5) Where the chairman of An Chomhairle becomes a member of either House of the Oireachtas, he shall, upon his becoming entitled under the Standing Orders of that House to sit therein, cease to be the chairman of An Chomhairle.
[GA](6) A person who is for the time being entitled under the Standing Orders of either House of the Oireachtas to sit therein shall be disqualified from being the chairman of An Chomhairle.
[GA](7) The chairman of An Chomhairle shall be paid such remuneration as the Minister, with the consent of the Minister for Finance, determines.
[GA](8) The chairman of An Chomhairle shall be paid, out of moneys at the disposal of An Chomhairle, such allowances for expenses incurred by him as the Minister, with the consent of the Minister for Finance, determines.
[GA]Appointment, term of office, etc., of ordinary members.
11.—(1) Of the ordinary members of An Chomhairle, five shall be workers' members, five shall be employers' members and three shall be educational members.
[GA](2) The Minister shall, in respect of each workers' member, designate an organisation representative of trade unions of workers to nominate a person for appointment as a workers' member of An Chomhairle and the Minister shall appoint the person so nominated to be a workers' member of An Chomhairle.
[GA](3) The Minister shall invite organisations representative of employers to nominate persons for appointment as employers' members of An Chomhairle and the Minister shall appoint five of the persons so nominated to be the employers' members of An Chomhairle.
[GA](4) The Minister shall, after consultation with the Minister for Education, appoint three persons whom he considers to be representative of educational interests to be the educational members of An Chomhairle.
[GA](5) Each ordinary member of An Chomhairle shall, unless he sooner dies resigns, becomes disqualified or is removed, hold office for a period of five years.
[GA](6) An ordinary member of An Chomhairle whose term of office expires by effluxion of time shall be eligible for re-appointment.
[GA](7) The Minister may at any time remove an ordinary member of An Chomhairle from office.
[GA](8) An ordinary member of An Chomhairle may resign his office as member by letter addressed to the Minister and the resignation shall take effect as on and from the date of the receipt of the letter by the Minister.
[GA](9) An ordinary member of An Chomhairle shall be disqualified from holding and shall cease to hold office if he is adjudged bankrupt or makes a composition or arrangement with creditors, or is sentenced by a court of competent jurisdiction to suffer imprisonment or penal servitude or ceases to be ordinarily resident in the State.
[GA](10) Each ordinary member shall be paid, out of moneys at the disposal of An Chomhairle, such allowances for expenses incurred by him as the Minister, with the consent of the Minister for Finance, may sanction.
[GA]Casual vacancies.
12.—(1) Where a casual vacancy occurs among the workers' members of An Chomhairle, the Minister shall designate an organisation representative of trade unions of workers to nominate a person for appointment to fill the vacancy and the Minister shall appoint the person so nominated to fill the vacancy.
[GA](2) Where a casual vacancy occurs among the employers' members of An Chomhairle, the Minister shall invite organisations representative of employers to nominate persons for appointment to fill the vacancy and the Minister shall appoint a person from among the persons so nominated to fill the vacancy.
[GA](3) Where a casual vacancy occurs among the educational members of An Chomhairle, the Minister shall, after consultation with the Minister for Education, appoint a person whom he considers to be representative of educational interests to fill the vacancy.
[GA](4) A person appointed under this section shall hold office for the remainder of his predecessor's term.
[GA]Meetings and procedure.
13.—(1) An Chomhairle shall hold such and so many meetings as may be necessary for the performance of its functions.
[GA](2) The Minister may fix the date, time and place of the first meeting of An Chomhairle.
[GA](3) The quorum for a meeting of An Chomhairle shall be five members (being members who are entitled to vote at the meeting).
[GA](4) At a meeting of An Chomhairle—
[GA](a) the chairman of An Chomhairle shall, if present, be chairman of the meeting,
[GA](b) if and so long as the chairman of An Chomhairle is not present or if the office of chairman is vacant, the members of An Chomhairle who are present shall choose one of their number to be chairman of the meeting.
[GA](5) The chairman of An Chomhairle and each workers' member and each employers' member of An Chomhairle at a meeting thereof shall have a vote.
[GA](6) An educational member of An Chomhairle at a meeting thereof shall not, except where such member is chairman of the meeting, have a vote.
[GA](7) If, at any meeting of An Chomhairle, the group of workers' members does not equal in number the group of employers' members present—
[GA](a) whichever of the said groups is in the majority may arrange that any one or more of its number shall refrain from voting so as to preserve equality,
[GA](b) if no such arrangement is made, the chairman of An Chomhairle or, in his absence, the person who is chairman of the meeting, may adjourn the voting on any question to another meeting of An Chomhairle.
[GA](8) Every question at a meeting of An Chomhairle shall, subject to subsection (4) of section 57 of this Act, be determined by a majority of the votes of the members present and voting on the question and, in the case of an equal division of votes, the chairman of the meeting shall have a second or casting vote.
[GA](9) An Chomhairle may act notwithstanding one or more than one vacancy among its members.
[GA](10) Subject to the provisions of this Act, An Chomhairle shall regulate, by standing orders or otherwise, the procedure and business of An Chomhairle.
[GA]Officers and servants.
14.—(1) The Minister, with the consent of the Minister for Finance, may appoint such officers and servants as he thinks necessary to assist An Chomhairle in the performance of its functions,
[GA](2) The officers and servants so appointed shall hold office on such terms and receive such remuneration as the Minister for Finance determines.
[GA]Application of Superannuation Acts, 1834 to 1956, to service in the office of chairman.
15.—(1) Service by a person in the office of chairman of An Chomhairle, excluding any service rendered by him after the expiry of three months from the date on which he reaches the age of sixty-five years, shall be deemed for the purposes of the Superannuation Acts, 1834 to 1956, to be established service in the civil service, and the Superannuation Act, 1956, shall apply to or in respect of the chairman of An Chomhairle in like manner as that Act applies to or in respect of an established civil servant.
[GA](2) The provisions of subsection (1) of section 6 of the Superannuation Act, 1909, shall apply to a person who was appointed chairman of An Chomhairle and who ceases to be chairman by operation of law or by reason of his removal from office, other than for stated misconduct or incapacity, or the expiration of his period of office.
[GA](3) (a) Section 67 of the Local Government (Superannuation) Act, 1956, shall have effect in relation to a pensionable officer of a local authority who is appointed chairman of An Chomhairle in like manner as if he were appointed to an established position in the civil service.
[GA](b) In paragraph (a) of this subsection “pensionable officer of a local authority” has the meaning assigned to that expression by section 2 of the Local Government (Superannuation) Act, 1956.
16.—(1) An Chomhairle shall, as soon as may be after its establishment, provide itself with a seal.
[GA](2) The seal of An Chomhairle shall be authenticated by the signature of the chairman of An Chomhairle or some other member thereof authorised by An Chomhairle to act in that behalf and the signature of an officer of An Chomhairle authorised by An Chomhairle to act in that behalf.
[GA](3) Judicial notice shall be taken of the seal of An Chomhairle, and every document purporting to be an instrument made by An Chomhairle and to be sealed with the seal (purporting to be authenticated in accordance with this section) of An Chomhairle shall be received in evidence and be deemed to be such instrument without proof unless the contrary is shown.
[GA]Accounts and audits.
17.—(1) An Chomhairle shall keep, in such form as may be approved by the Minister, with the concurrence of the Minister for Finance, all proper and usual accounts of all moneys received or expended by it.
[GA](2) Accounts kept in pursuance of this section shall be submitted annually by An Chomhairle to the Comptroller and Auditor General for audit at such times as the Minister, with the concurrence of the Minister for Finance, directs.
[GA](3) Immediately after audit under this section of the accounts of An Chomhairle, an abstract of the accounts, certified by the Comptroller and Auditor General, and a copy of the Comptroller and Auditor General's report shall be presented to the Minister.
[GA](4) The Minister shall cause copies of the documents referred to in subsection (3) of this section to be laid before each House of the Oireachtas.
[GA]Annual report.
18.—An Chomhairle shall, in each year, at such date as the Minister may direct, make a report to the Minister of its proceedings under this Act during the preceding year and the Minister shall cause copies of the report to be laid before each House of the Oireachtas.
19.—In each financial year there may be paid to An Chomhairle, out of moneys provided by the Oireachtas, a grant of such amount as the Minister, with the concurrence of the Minister for Finance, may sanction towards the expenses of An Chomhairle in the performance of its functions.
Designated Trades, Apprenticeship Districts and Apprentice-ship Committees.
[GA]Examination of methods for recruitment and training.
20.—(1) An Chomhairle may carry out an examination of the methods used in any trade for the recruitment and training of apprentices.
[GA](2) When carrying out an examination of the methods used in a trade for the recruitment and training of apprentices, An Chomhairle may, by notice in writing served on any person who recruits and trains apprentices in the trade, or who, either alone or with others, manages or controls such recruitment and training, require the person to furnish to An Chomhairle within a specified period any specified information or documents, being information or documents which An Chomhairle reasonably believes to be necessary for the purposes of the examination and to be in the possession of the person.
[GA](3) Before carrying out an examination under this section, An Chomhairle shall, in such manner as it thinks fit, give such notice as it considers reasonable of its intention to carry out the examination and inviting persons interested to make submissions in writing to An Chomhairle in relation to the recruitment and training of apprentices in the trade which is proposed to be examined.
[GA]Designated trades.
21.—(1) On completion of an examination under section 20 of this Act of the methods used in a trade for the recruitment and training of apprentices, An Chomhairle may, if it so thinks proper, by order declare the trade to be a designated trade for the purposes of this Act either throughout the State or in any specified part of the State.
[GA](2) In the case of a trade in respect of which, immediately before the passing of this Act, an order under section 2 of the Apprenticeship Act, 1931, was in force, An Chomhairle may, without carrying out an examination under section 20 of this Act, by order declare the trade to be a designated trade for the purposes of this Act either (in conformity with the first-mentioned order) throughout the State or in any specified part of the State.
[GA](3) An Chomhairle may by order revoke or amend an order under this section (including an order under this subsection).
[GA](4) Where An Chomhairle, having completed an examination under section 20 of this Act of the methods which, pursuant to any agreement, scheme or arrangement, are used in a trade for the recruitment and training of apprentices, is of opinion that, instead of making an order under this section, it would be sufficient if the agreement, scheme or arrangement were modified—
[GA](a) An Chomhairle may inform the persons entitled to modify the agreement, scheme or arrangement that, if it is modified in specified respects within a specified period, an order will not be made under this section by reference to that examination, and
[GA](b) if it is so modified, an order shall not be so made.
[GA](5) Where an agreement, scheme or arrangement is modified as provided for in subsection (4) of this section and the persons entitled to do so at any time propose to modify further the agreement scheme or arrangement, those persons shall, before making such further modification, inform An Chomhairle of the nature of the proposed modification.
[GA](6) Every order under this section shall be laid before each House of the Oireachtas as soon as may be after it is made and, if a resolution annulling the order is passed by either such House within the next subsequent twenty-one days on which that House has sat after the order is laid before it, the order shall be annulled accordingly, but without prejudice to the validity of anything previously done under the order.
[GA]Apprenticeship districts and apprenticeship committees.
22.—(1) Where An Chomhairle makes an order under section 21 of this Act declaring a trade to be a designated trade in an area, An Chomhairle shall by another order forthwith—
[GA](a) either constitute the area to be an apprenticeship district for the purposes of the trade or divide the area into two or more apprenticeship districts for the purposes of the trade, and
[GA](b) with respect to such district or each of such districts, establish, unless An Chomhairle considers that it would be impracticable to do so, an apprenticeship committee for the district to perform the functions assigned to an apprenticeship committee by this Act.
[GA](2) Where an order under subsection (1) of this section does not establish an apprenticeship committee for a particular apprenticeship district, An Chomhairle may at any subsequent time by order establish an apprenticeship committee for the district to perform the functions assigned to an apprenticeship committee by this Act.
[GA](3) An order under this section shall, as respects an apprenticeship committee established by it—
[GA](a) provide that the committee shall consist of a chairman and a specified number of ordinary members,
[GA](b) provide that An Chomhairle shall appoint a person to be the chairman of the committee and that he shall be a person who is not representative of either workers' or employers' interests,
[GA](c) provide that the ordinary members shall include a specified number of workers' members, a specified number of employers' members (which shall be equal to the specified number of workers' members) and a specified number of educational members,
[GA](d) provide that An Chomhairle shall—
[GA](i) after consultation with the Minister, designate, in respect of each workers' member, an organisation representative of trade unions of workers to nominate a person for appointment as a workers member and shall appoint the person so nominated to be a workers' member,
[GA](ii) after consultation with the Minister, invite organisations representative of employers to nominate persons for appointment as employers' members and shall appoint the appropriate number specified in the order of the persons so nominated to be the employers' members,
[GA](iii) after consultation with such educational bodies as An Chomhairle considers suitable, appoint the appropriate number of persons specified by the order to be the educational members,
[GA](e) provide for the term of office of the members,
[GA](f) provide that a member whose term of office expires by effluxion of time shall be eligible for re-appointment,
[GA](g) provide that An Chomhairle may remove a member from office,
[GA](h) provide that a member may resign his office as member by letter addressed to An Chomhairle and that the resignation shall have effect as on and from the date of the receipt of the letter by An Chomhairle,
[GA](i) provide that a member shall be disqualified from holding office and shall cease to hold office if he is adjudged bankrupt or makes a composition or arrangement with creditors, or is sentenced by a court of competent jurisdiction to suffer imprisonment or penal servitude or ceases to be ordinarily resident in the State,
[GA](j) provide that, where a casual vacancy occurs among the workers' members, An Chomhairle shall, after consultation with the Minister, designate an organisation representative of trade unions of workers to nominate a person for appointment to fill the vacancy and that An Chomhairle shall appoint the person so nominated to fill the vacancy,
[GA](k) provide that, where a casual vacancy occurs among the employers' members, An Chomhairle shall, after consultation with the Minister, invite organisations representative of employers to nominate persons for appointment to fill the vacancy and that An Chomhairle shall appoint a person from among the persons so nominated to fill the vacancy,
[GA](l) provide that, where a casual vacancy occurs among the educational members, An Chomhairle shall, after consultation with such educational bodies as An Chomhairle considers suitable, appoint a person to fill the vacancy,
[GA](m) provide that a person appointed under the provision made under paragraph (j), (k) or (l) of this subsection shall hold office for the remainder of his predecessor's term,
[GA](n) provide that at a meeting of the committee—
[GA](i) the chairman shall, if present, be chairman of the meeting,
[GA](ii) if and so long as the chairman is not present or the office of chairman is vacant, the members who are present shall choose one of their number to be chairman of the meeting,
[GA](o) provide that the chairman, each workers' member and each employers' member at a meeting of the committee shall have a vote,
[GA](p) provide that an educational member at a meeting of the committee shall not, except where such member is chairman of the meeting, have a vote,
[GA](q) provide that, if at any meeting of the committee the group of workers' members does not equal in number the group of employers' members present—
[GA](i) whichever of the said groups is in the majority may arrange that any one or more of its number shall refrain from voting so as to preserve equality,
[GA](ii) if no such arrangement is made, the chairman or, in his absence, the person who is chairman of the meeting, may adjourn the voting on any question to another meeting of the committee,
[GA](r) provide that, subject to the provisions of the order, the committee shall regulate, by standing orders or otherwise, the procedure and business of the committee,
[GA](s) provide for such other matters as An Chomhairle considers necessary for the proper performance of its functions by the committee.
[GA](4) The chairman of an apprenticeship committee shall be paid, out of moneys at the disposal of An Chomhairle, such fee for attendance at meetings of the committee as the Minister, with the consent of the Minister for Finance, determines and, in the absence of the chairman from a meeting of the committee, the fee that would be payable to him may, if An Chomhairle thinks fit, be paid to the person who acts as chairman of the meeting.
[GA](5) Each member of an apprenticeship committee shall be paid, out of moneys at the disposal of An Chomhairle, such allowances for expenses incurred by him as the Minister, with the consent of the Minister for Finance, may sanction.
[GA](6) An Chomhairle may appoint one of its officers to act as secretary of an apprenticeship committee.
[GA]An Chomhairle acting as or for apprenticeship committee.
23.—(1) Where an order under subsection (1) of section 22 of this Act does not establish an apprenticeship committee for a particular apprenticeship district, then, until an apprenticeship committee is established for the district, An Chomhairle shall act for all purposes as that committee and references in the subsequent sections of this Act to an apprenticeship committee, the trade for which it is established and the district thereof shall be construed accordingly.
[GA](2) Where an apprenticeship committee—
[GA](a) is requested by An Chomhairle to make and submit for confirmation, within a specified period, any rules which the committee is empowered or required by this Act to make, or
[GA](b) is requested by An Chomhairle to perform, within a specified period, any function which the committee is empowered or required by section 38, section 39 or section 41 of this Act to perform, and
[GA](c) fails to comply with the request,
[GA]An Chomhairle, if it so thinks proper, may act for the committee for the purpose of making the rules or performing the function, as the case may be.
[GA](3) Where An Chomhairle refuses to confirm rules under any section of this Act submitted for confirmation, An Chomhairle, if it so thinks proper, may act for the apprenticeship committee concerned for the purpose of making rules under that section.
[GA](4) Rules made by virtue of this section shall not require confirmation.
[GA]Apprenticeship classification rules.
24.—(1) Where An Chomhairle makes an order under section 22 of this Act in relation to a trade—
[GA](a) An Chomhairle shall make rules declaring that employment in the trade of any specified class or classes of persons in a specified manner shall constitute employment by way of apprenticeship in the trade, and
[GA](b) until those rules are made, no other rules shall be made under this Act in relation to the trade.
[GA](2) The employment declared by rules under this section to constitute employment by way of apprenticeship in a trade shall for the purposes of this Act be employment by way of apprenticeship in the trade.
[GA]Rules regulating educational qualifications.
25.—(1) An Chomhairle shall make rules in relation to the educational qualifications to be possessed by persons entering on employment by way of apprenticeship in a designated trade and, where there is more than one apprenticeship district for the purposes of the trade, An Chomhairle may make different rules for each district.
[GA](2) Before making rules under this section, An Chomhairle shall consult with the Minister for Education and the apprenticeship committee (if any) established for the district in which the proposed rules are to have effect.
[GA](3) A person carrying on the trade to which rules under this section relate shall not take into his employment by way of apprenticeship in the trade and in an apprenticeship district in which the rules have effect, a person unless that person possesses the educational qualifications specified in the rules.
[GA]Rules regulating minimum age of entry.
26.—(1) An Chomhairle shall make rules specifying the minimum age at which employment by way of apprenticeship may commence in a designated trade and, where there is more than one apprenticeship district for the purposes of the trade, An Chomhairle may make different rules for each district.
[GA](2) Before making rules under this section, An Chomhairle shall consult with the apprenticeship committee (if any) established for the district in which the proposed rules are to have effect.
[GA](3) A person carrying on the trade to which rules under this section relate shall not take into his employment by way of apprenticeship in the trade and in an apprenticeship district in which the rules have effect, a person unless that person has reached the age specified in the rules.
[GA]Rules regulating dismissal.
27.—(1) An Chomhairle shall make rules in relation to the circumstances under which a person employed by way of apprenticeship in a designated trade may be dismissed from the employment and, where there is more than one apprenticeship district for the purposes of the trade, An Chomhairle may make different rules for each district.
[GA](2) Rules under this section may require a person carrying on the trade to which the rules relate who employs persons by way of apprenticeship in the trade to post and keep posted, in accordance with section 61 of this Act, copies of the rules.
[GA](3) A person carrying on the trade to which rules under this section relate shall not dismiss a person employed by him by way of apprenticeship in the trade and in an apprenticeship district in which the rules have effect save in accordance with the rules,
[GA]Rules in relation to period of apprenticeship.
28.—(1) An apprenticeship committee shall make rules in relation to the period (including any probationary period) of employment by way of apprenticeship in the trade for which the committee is established and in the district of the committee.
[GA](2) A person who is employed by way of apprenticeship in a trade to which rules under this section relate and in the district of the apprenticeship committee shall, where the employment commenced while the rules were in force and notwithstanding any agreement to the contrary, be deemed to be employed under an agreement signed by the person and his employer whereby the employer agrees to employ the person, and the person agrees to serve the employer, for the period of apprenticeship specified in the rules, but the committee may, if it so thinks fit, release both parties from their respective obligations under the agreement implied by this subsection or modify such agreement or, with the consent of—
[GA](a) in case the person has attained the age of eighteen years, the person, and
[GA](b) in case the person has not attained the age of eighteen years, the parent (if any) of the person,
[GA]transfer the benefits and obligations of the employer under such agreement to another employer carrying on the trade in the district.
[GA](3) In subsection (2) of this section “parent”, in relation to a person employed by way of apprenticeship who has not attained the age of eighteen years, means the individual having the legal custody of the person and where, owing to the absence of that individual or for any other reason, the person is not living with or in the actual custody of that individual, includes the individual with whom the person is living or in whose actual custody the person is.
[GA]Rules regulating training.
29.—(1) An apprenticeship committee shall make rules requiring persons carrying on the trade, for which the committee is established, in the district of the committee to ensure the training and instruction in a specified manner of persons whom they employ by way of apprenticeship in the trade and in the district.
[GA](2) Rules under this section may require persons carrying on the trade to which the rules relate who employ persons by way of apprenticeship in the trade to post and keep posted, in accordance with section 61 of this Act, copies of the rules.
[GA]Rules prohibiting apprenticeship premiums.
30.—An apprenticeship committee may make rules prohibiting persons carrying on the trade, for which the committee is established, in the district of the committee from taking any premium, fee or other consideration in respect of the employment by them of any person by way of apprenticeship in the trade and in the district.
[GA]Rules as to reports by employers on progress.
31.—An apprenticeship committee shall make rules requiring persons carrying on the trade, for which the committee is established, in the district of the committee to make to the committee reports, in such form as shall be indicated in the rules, on the progress of persons employed by them by way of apprenticeship in the trade and in the district.
[GA]Rules specifying form of contract of apprenticeship effected by deed.
32.—(1) An apprenticeship committee established for an apprenticeship district for the purposes of a designated trade in which contracts of apprenticeship are normally effected by deed may make rules specifying the form of the contract to be used when a person is taken into employment by way of apprenticeship in the trade and in the district of the committee.
[GA](2) Where a person carries on the trade to which rules under this section relate in the district of the apprenticeship committee, he shall not take into his employment by way of apprenticeship in the trade and in the district a person under a contract of apprenticeship effected by deed unless the deed is in the form specified in the rules.
[GA]Power to make different provisions for different areas in an apprenticeship district.
33.—(1) Rules made by An Chomhairle under any provision of this Act may contain different provisions in respect of different areas in an apprenticeship district.
[GA](2)Rules made by an apprenticeship committee under any provision of this Act may contain different provisions in respect of different areas in the district of the committee.
[GA](3)Where rules under section 25 of this Act contain provisions which apply to an area comprising part only of an apprenticeship district, subsection (3) of that section shall, in its application to a person carrying on in that area the trade to which the rules relate, have effect as if the reference therein to an apprenticeship district in which the rules have effect were a reference to that area.
[GA](4)Where rules under section 26 of this Act contain provisions which apply to an area comprising part only of an apprenticeship district, subsection (3) of that section shall, in its application to a person carrying on in that area the trade to which the rules relate, have effect as if the reference therein to an apprenticeship district in which the rules have effect were a reference to that area.
[GA](5) Where rules under section 27 of this Act contain provisions which apply to an area comprising part only of an apprenticeship district, subsection (3) of that section shall, in its application to a person carrying on in that area the trade to which the rules relate, have effect as if the reference therein to an apprenticeship district in which the rules have effect were a reference to that area.
[GA](6) Where rules under section 32 of this Act contain provisions which apply to an area which comprises part only of an apprenticeship district, subsection (2) of that section shall, in its application to a person carrying on in that area the trade to which the rules relate, have effect as if the reference therein to the district of an apprenticeship committee and the reference to the district were references to that area.
[GA]Confirmation of rules made by apprenticeship committee.
34.—(1) Rules made by an apprenticeship committee under this Act shall be submitted to An Chomhairle as soon as may be after they are made and no such rules shall be of any force or effect unless or until they are confirmed by order of An Chomhairle, but on being so confirmed, shall come into force as confirmed on such date (not earlier than the date of the order) as is specified in that behalf in the order or, if no such date is so specified, the date of the order.
[GA](2) An Chomhairle may, in respect of rules submitted to it by an apprenticeship committee, either by order confirm the rules (with or without modifications) or refuse to confirm them.
[GA](3) Before confirming under this section with modifications any rules, An Chomhairle shall consult the apprenticeship committee with respect to the proposed modifications.
[GA](4) Where An Chomhairle refuses under this section to confirm rules, the apprenticeship committee may (save where An Chomhairle exercises its powers under subsection (3) of section 23 of this Act) make new rules, and this section shall apply to the new rules in like manner as it applies to the original rules.
[GA]Notice of intention to make or confirm rules.
35.—(1) Before making or confirming rules under any provision of this Act, An Chomhairle shall publish notice in at least two newspapers circulating in the area in which the proposed rules are to have effect, stating that it is intended to make such rules, the nature of the proposed rules, that copies thereof shall be made available, on request, to interested persons and the time, manner and place in which objections and representations in relation to the proposed rules may be made.
[GA](2) An Chomhairle shall, before making or confirming rules under any provisions of this Act, consider any objections or representations received, in accordance with a notice under subsection (1) of this section, in relation to the proposed rules.
[GA]Publication of notice of making or confirmation of rules.
36.—An Chomhairle shall, as soon as may be after making or confirming rules under any provision of this Act, publish a notice in Iris Oifigiúil and in at least two newspapers circulating in the area in which the rules have effect stating that such rules have been made and the place where copies of the rules may be purchased at a price (which shall be of such reasonable amount as An Chomhairle determines) specified in the notice.
[GA]Taking of persons into employment as apprentices.
37.—A person who carries on a designated trade in an apprenticeship district for the purposes of the trade shall not take into: his employment by way of apprenticeship in the trade and in the district any person—
[GA](a) other than a person who is registered in the register of candidates kept, under section 43 of this Act, by the apprenticeship committee for the trade and the district, and
[GA](b) save with the consent of such committee.
[GA]Number to be taken into employment by way of apprenticeship.
38.—(1) An apprenticeship committee may, after consultation with An Chomhairle, determine the number of persons that, during a specified period, is to be taken into employment by way of apprenticeship in the trade, for which the committee is established in the district of the committee and the committee, if it so thinks proper, may, before the expiration of such period, make, after consultation with An Chomhairle, a further determination altering the number previously determined.
[GA](2) Where an apprenticeship committee determines, under subsection (1) of this section, a number, the committee shall arrange for the taking into employment by way of apprenticeship in the trade, for which the committee is established, in the district of the committee of that number in the period specified in the determination and for that purpose may, if it is satisfied—
[GA](a) that a sufficient number of persons is not being taken into such employment, in the period specified in the determination, in the trade and in the district, and
[GA](b) that a person who carries on the trade in the district has the facilities for training persons by way of apprenticeship in the trade and in the district and is, without reasonable cause, failing to take persons into his employment by way of apprenticeship in the trade and in the district,
[GA]by notice in writing served on that person require him, within a specified period to take into such employment in the trade and in the district a specified number of persons.
[GA](3) An apprenticeship committee shall not exercise the power conferred by subsection (2) of this section for the purpose of making any arrangement under section 52 of this Act.
[GA]Education of apprentices.
39.—(1) An Chomhairle may make arrangements for the provision by a vocational education committee of courses of instruction in the nature of technical education of a type which An Chomhairle and the vocational education committee agree is suitable for persons employed by way of apprenticeship, in a designated trade, in an apprenticeship district for the purposes of the trade.
[GA](2) Where a course of instruction is provided under subsection (1) of this section by a vocational education committee for persons employed by way of apprenticeship, in a designated trade, in an apprenticeship district for the purposes of the trade, the apprenticeship committee for the district and the trade may—
[GA](a) by notice in writing served on a person employed by way of apprenticeship in the trade and in the district require him to attend the whole of the course, and
[GA](b) by notice in writing served on the employer of a person upon whom a notice under paragraph (a) of this subsection has been served require the employer to afford to the person time and liberty to attend the whole of the course and to sit for any examinations held in relation to the course during normal working hours without any deduction from wages or any addition to the hours of employment or reckoning such time as lost.
[GA](3) Where a person upon whom a notice under paragraph (a) of subsection (2) of this section has been served is allowed time and liberty to attend, during normal working hours, an instruction which is part of a course provided under subsection (1) of this section and fails to attend, then, notwithstanding anything contained in his contract with his employer, he shall not be entitled to receive the amount of any pay (being pay which he would otherwise be entitled to receive) which is apportionable to the period of his absence from his employment by way of apprenticeship unless he satisfies his employer that his failure to attend the instruction was due to sickness or other unavoidable cause.
[GA]Records by apprentices of training.
40.—An apprenticeship committee may make such arrangements as it considers suitable for the keeping by persons employed by way of apprenticeship in the trade, for which the committee is established, in the district of the committee of such records of their training as the committee determines.
41.—(1) An apprenticeship committee shall from time to time arrange, through An Chomhairle, with the Minister for Education for the holding, for persons employed by way of apprenticeship in the trade for which the committee is established and in the district of the committee, of—
[GA](a) a junior examination for persons who have completed approximately half their periods of apprenticeship, and
[GA](b) a senior examination for persons who arc nearing the completion of, or have completed, those periods.
[GA](2) (a) The subjects to be included in, and the standard for, examinations under this section shall be determined by the Minister for Education after consultation with the apprenticeship committee concerned.
[GA](b) Examinations under this section shall include practical tests.
[GA](3) The conditions governing entry for examinations under this section shall be determined by the apprenticeship committee concerned after consultation with the Minister for Education.
[GA](4) A person who fails an examination under this section may, at the discretion of the apprenticeship committee concerned, be allowed to undergo such examination again.
[GA]Issue of certificates.
42.—(1) Where a person employed by way of apprenticeship, in the district of an apprenticeship committee, in the trade for which the committee is established—
[GA](a) completes his period of apprenticeship to the satisfaction of the committee, and
[GA](b) has passed the senior examination arranged by the committee for persons so employed,
[GA]the committee shall inform An Chomhairle thereof and An Chomhairle shall thereupon issue to him a certificate certifying that he has so completed his period of apprenticeship and has passed that examination.
[GA](2) (a) This subsection applies to a person who, in the opinion of An Chomhairle, has been employed as an apprentice in a trade in respect of which—
[GA](i) an examination under section 20 of this Act has been carried out, and
[GA](ii) no order has been made under section 21 of this Act declaring the trade to be a designated trade or, where such an order has been made, the order is not in force,
[GA]and has completed his apprenticeship in that trade.
[GA](b) Subject to such conditions as it may determine, An Chomhairle may make such arrangements as it considers desirable for the issue by An Chomhairle to a person to whom this subsection applies of a certificate certifying that he has completed his apprenticeship and the certificate may contain particulars of any examinations passed by him.
[GA]Register of candidates for apprenticeship.
43.—(1) An apprenticeship committee shall keep a register of candidates for apprenticeship.
[GA](2) An apprenticeship committee shall enter in the register kept by the committee under this section—
[GA](a) the names of persons who desire to be employed by way of apprenticeship in the trade, for which the committee is established, in the district of the committee, who have applied to the committee for registration in the register and who have satisfied the committee that they possess any qualifications as to education and age required by rules under sections 25 and 26 of this Act in relation to the trade and the district,
[GA](b) such particulars of registered persons becoming employed as aforesaid as may be sent to the committee pursuant to section 46 of this Act, and
[GA](c) any other particulars which may be prescribed or which the committee may consider appropriate.
[GA](3) The person having custody of a register kept under this section shall, upon request, permit the register to be inspected at any reasonable time by any interested person.
[GA]Register of apprentices.
44.—(1) An apprenticeship committee shall keep a register ofapprentices.
[GA](2) An apprenticeship committee shall enter in the register kept by the committee under this section—
[GA](a) such particulars of persons employed or ceasing to be employed by way of apprenticeship in the trade for which the committee is established and in the district of the committee as may be sent to the committee pursuant to section 46 of this Act, and
[GA](b) any other particulars which may be prescribed or which the committee may consider appropriate.
[GA](3) The person having custody of a register kept under this section shall, upon request, permit the register to be inspected at any reasonable time by any interested person.
[GA]Investigations of disputes and reports.
45.—(1) An apprenticeship committee shall hold an investigation into any dispute (being a dispute in relation to a matter which is a function of the committee) between a person carrying on the trade, for which the committee is established, in the district of the committee and any person employed by him by way of apprenticeship in the trade and in the district which may be referred to it by either of those persons, and shall endeavour to effect a settlement of the dispute and shall report to An Chomhairle the result of the investigation.
[GA](2) An apprenticeship committee shall report to An Chomhairle on any matter relating to employment by way of apprenticeship in the trade for which the committee is established which An Chomhairle may refer to it for its report.
46.—(1) Where a person who carries on the trade for which an apprenticeship committee is established in the district of the committee takes into his employment by way of apprenticeship a person in the trade and in the district, he shall, within two weeks thereafter, send to the committee such particulars in relation to the person as may be prescribed or as the committee may, by notice in writing served on him, specify.
[GA](2) Where a person who carries on in the district of an apprenticeship committee the trade for which the committee is established ceases to employ by way of apprenticeship a person in the trade and in the district, he shall, within two weeks thereafter, send to the committee such particulars in relation to the person as may be prescribed or as the committee may, by notice in writing served, on him, specify.
47.—(1) This section applies in relation to persons, other than bodies established by statute, carrying on such designated trades as An Chomhairle, with the consent of the Minister, from time to time determines.
[GA](2) For the furtherance of the satisfactory recruitment, training, progress and welfare of persons employed by way of apprenticeship, An Chomhairle may, in cases where it considers that a person to whom this section applies has zealously and successfully trained persons employed by him by way of apprenticeship in the designated trade carried on by him, pay to him, out of moneys at the disposal of An Chomhairle, a gratuity of such amount as may be determined by An Chomhairle with the consent of the Minister and of the Minister for Finance.
48.—(1) For the purpose of making available for persons employed by way of apprenticeship in a designated trade better facilities for receiving training and instruction in the trade, An Chomhairle may, if it so thinks fit, grant scholarships to such persons so employed as An Chomhairle selects in such manner as it considers appropriate.
[GA](2) Scholarships granted to persons under this section may provide for the payment of fees at educational establishments and such other payments as An Chomhairle determines.
[GA]Prizes and sending abroad.
49.—(1) An Chomhairle may award prizes to such persons employed by way of apprenticeship in a designated trade as An Chomhairle selects in such manner as it considers appropriate.
[GA](2) An Chomhairle may promote the sending to other countries, for the purpose of attending at exhibitions, taking part in competitions or any other purpose, of such persons employed by way of apprenticeship in a designated trade as An Chomhairle selects in such manner as it considers appropriate.
[GA]Facilitating employment by way of apprenticeship.
50.—For the purpose of facilitating employment by way of apprenticeship in a designated trade, an apprenticeship committee for the trade—
[GA](a) may arrange for the taking of a particular person into employment by way of apprenticeship in the trade and in the district of the committee by a particular employer, or
[GA](b) where a person employed by way of apprenticeship in the trade desires to be transferred from one employer to another in the district of the committee or from an employer in the district of the committee to an employer in another apprenticeship district for the purposes of the trade, may arrange for the carrying out of the transfer, or
[GA](c) where it considers it desirable that a person employed by way of apprenticeship in the trade should be transferred from one employer to another in the district of the committee or from an employer in the district of the committee to an employer in another apprenticeship district for the purposes of the trade, may arrange for the carrying out of the transfer.
[GA]Interference with employers.
51.—(1) Where any rules made by An Chomhairle under this Act are for the time being in force, a person shall not do any act or thing for the purpose either of preventing or obstructing an employer carrying on in any apprenticeship district in which the rules have effect the designated trade to which the rules relate from complying with the rules.
[GA](2) Where any rules made by an apprenticeship committee under this Act or by An Chomhairle acting as or for an apprenticeship committee are for the time being in force, a person shall not do any act or thing for the purpose either of preventing or obstructing an employer carrying on in the apprenticeship district in which the rules have effect the designated trade to which the rules relate from complying with the rules.
[GA](3) Where a notice under subsection (2) of section 38 of this Act has been served on an employer, a person shall not do any act or thing for the purpose either of preventing or obstructing the employer from complying with the requirements of the notice.
[GA]Arrangements in case of trade dispute.
52.—(1) Where persons employed by way of apprenticeship in a designated trade are, on account of a trade dispute or for any other reason, for the time being not engaged in their employment, An Chomhairle may make such arrangements for safeguarding the continued training and instruction of the persons as it thinks proper.
[GA](2) In this section “trade dispute” means any dispute or difference between employers and workers or between workers and workers connected with the employment or non-employment, or the terms of the employment, or with the conditions of employment of any person.
53.—An Chomhairle may appoint persons to be supervisors for the purposes of this Act and may pay to such persons, out of moneys at its disposal, such fees and allowances for expenses incurred by them as the Minister, with the consent of the Minister for Finance, may sanction.
[GA]Advisory Committees.
54.—An Chomhairle may appoint such and so many committees as it thinks fit to advise An Chomhairle on matters connected with employment by way of apprenticeship and on the co-ordination of the work of apprenticeship committees.
[GA]Fees payable to An Chomhairle.
55.—(1) Where a person is taken into employment by way of apprenticeship in a designated trade, there shall be paid by him to An Chomhairle a fee (being a fee in respect of registration in the register of apprentices kept under section 44 of this Act) of such amount as may be prescribed.
[GA](2) During the period during which a person remains employed by way of apprenticeship in a designated trade, there shall be paid by him to An Chomhairle such annual fees as may be prescribed.
[GA](3) Rules for the purposes of this section shall require the consent of the Minister.
[GA](4) In default of being paid a fee under this section, An Chomhairle may recover it from the person (including a person who has not attained the age of twenty-one years) liable therefor as a simple contract debt in any Court of competent jurisdiction.
[GA](5) An Chomhairle may, where it so thinks proper in any particular case, exempt a person from payment of any fee under this section.
[GA]Power to exclude certain apprenticeship agreements, schemes and arrangements.
56.—(1) Where An Chomhairle is of opinion that a person, carrying on a designated trade in an apprenticeship district for the purposes of the trade, has in operation in the trade and in the district an agreement, scheme or arrangement for the recruitment and training of apprentices which is suitable for certification under this section, An Chomhairle may by certificate declare the agreement, scheme or arrangement, as the case may be, to be excluded in relation to specified provisions of this Act and thereupon, in relation to those provisions—
[GA](a) the person shall be regarded as not carrying on the trade in the district, and
[GA](b) persons employed by him by way of apprenticeship in the trade and in the district shall be regarded as not being so employed.
[GA](2) Where a certificate under this section declares an agreement, scheme or arrangement to be excluded in relation to specified provisions of this Act and, after the issue of the certificate, the agreement, scheme or arrangement is modified in any respect by the persons entitled to do so, those persons shall forthwith inform An Chomhairle of the nature of the modification.
[GA](3) An Chomhairle shall take such steps as it considers appropriate for informing persons affected by a certificate under this section of the issue of such certificate.
[GA](4) An Chomhairle may by certificate amend or revoke a certificate under this section.
[GA]Power to exempt employers in certain cases.
57.—(1) An Chomhairle may, if it so thinks proper in the case of the employment by way of apprenticeship of a particular person by a particular employer, exempt the employer from the requirements of subsection (3) of section 25 or subsection (3) of section 26 of this Act.
[GA](2) An apprenticeship committee may, if it so thinks proper in the case of the employment by way of apprenticeship of a particular person by a particular employer, exempt the employer from specified requirements of rules under section 29 or section 31 of this Act and from the requirement of subsection (2) of section 32 of this Act.
[GA](3) An apprenticeship committee may, if it so thinks proper in the case of the taking of a particular person into employment by way of apprenticeship by a particular employer, exempt the employer from the requirement of section 37 of this Act.
[GA](4) An exemption shall not be granted under subsection (1) of this section unless, at a meeting of An Chomhairle, the chairman of An Chomhairle or, in his absence, the chairman of the meeting, and a majority of the workers' members and of the employers' members of An Chomhairle present and voting on the grant of the exemption vote in favour of granting the exemption.
[GA](5) An exemption shall not be granted under subsection (2) or subsection (3) of this section unless, at a meeting of the apprenticeship committee, the chairman of the committee or, in his absence, the chairman of the meeting and a majority of the workers' members and of the employers' members of the committee present and voting on the grant of the exemption vote in favour of granting the exemption.
[GA]Powers of authorised officers.
58.—(1) An authorised officer may do all or any of the following things:
[GA](a) at all reasonable times enter upon any premises in which a designated trade is carried on where he has reasonable cause to believe any person is employed in the premises,
[GA](b) examine either alone or in the presence of any other person, as he thinks fit, with respect to matters under this Act, every person whom he finds in any premises upon which he is entitled under this section to enter and require the person to answer such questions as he may put touching such matters, and to sign a declaration of the truth of the answers to the questions.
[GA](2) No one shall be required by virtue of paragraph (b) of subsection (1) of this section to answer any question or to give any evidence tending to criminate himself.
[GA](3) An authorised officer may, by notice in writing served on a person carrying on a designated trade, require him to furnish to the officer, within a specified time and in a specified manner, specified particulars with respect to the persons or any specified person employed by him by way of apprenticeship in the trade.
[GA]Powers of supervisors.
59.—A supervisor may at all reasonable times enter upon any premises in which a designated trade is carried on where he has reasonable cause to believe any person is employed in the premises and may examine the methods used in the training and instruction of any person whom he finds employed by way of apprenticeship in the trade and in the premises and give assistance and advice in such training and instruction.
[GA]Certificates of authorised officers and supervisors.
60.—(1) An authorised officer shall be furnished by the Minister with a certificate of his appointment as an authorised officer and, when exercising any of the powers conferred on him by this Act, shall, if so required, produce the certificate to any person affected.
[GA](2) A supervisor shall be furnished by An Chomhairle with a certificate of his appointment as a supervisor and, when exercising any of the powers conferred on him by this Act, shall, if so required, produce the certificate to any person affected.
[GA]Posting of copies of rules.
61.—(1) Where rules under this Act require printed copies of the rules to be posted and kept posted, such copies shall be posted and kept posted—
[GA](a) in a prominent place in every premises in which persons are employed by way of apprenticeship in the trade to which the rules relate, and
[GA](b) in such characters and in such position as to be conveniently read by persons so employed in such premises.
[GA](2) A person shall not wilfully pull down, injure or deface any copy of rules posted in pursuance of this section.
[GA]Offence and penalties.
62.—(1) Where a person on whom a notice is served under subsection (2) of section 20 of this Act in respect of any information or documents fails or neglects to comply with the requirements of the notice, he shall be guilty of an offence unless he satisfies the Court that the information or documents were not necessary for the purposes of the relevant examination by An Chomhairle or were not in his possession.
[GA](2) Where a person on whom a notice is served under subsection (2) of section 20 of this Act in respect of any information furnishes information which to his knowledge is false or misleading in any material particular, he shall be guilty of an offence.
[GA](3) A person who contravenes subsection (3) of section 25, subsection (3) of section 26, subsection (3) of section 27, subsection (2) of section 32, section 37, subsection (1), (2) or (3) of section 51 or subsection (2) of section 61 of this Act shall be guilty of an offence.
[GA](4) Where a person who is required by rules under section 27 of this Act to post and keep posted, in accordance with section 61 of this Act, copies of the rules, fails or neglects to comply with the requirement, he shall be guilty of an offence.
[GA](5) Where a person on whom a requirement is made by rules under section 29 or section 31 of this Act fails or neglects to comply with the requirement, he shall be guilty of an offence.
[GA](6) Where a person contravenes rules under section 30 of this Act, he shall be guilty of an offence.
[GA](7) Where a person upon whom a noticec under subsection (2) of section 38 or subsection (3) of section 58 of this Act is served fails or neglects to comply with the requirements of the notice, he shall be guilty of an offence.
[GA](8) Where a person on whom a notice under paragraph (b) of subsection (2) of section 39 of this Act is served fails or neglects to comply with the requirement of the notice, he shall be guilty ol an offence.
[GA](9) A person who fails or neglects to comply with the requirements of subsection (1) or (2) of section 46 of this Act or of a notice under either of those subsections served on him shall be guilty of an offence.
[GA](10) Where a person—
[GA](a) prevents or attempts to prevent a person from appearing before an authorised officer exercising any of the powers conferred on an authorised officer by subsection (1) of section 58 of this Act,
[GA](b) wilfully refuses to answer questions lawfully put to him by an authorized officer under that subsection,
[GA](c) refuses to sign a declaration which he is lawfully required by an authorised officer to sign under that subsection, or
[GA](d) in any other manner obstructs or impedes an authorized officer in the exercise of any of the powers conferred upon an authorised officer by that subsection,
[GA]he shall be guilty of an offence.
[GA](11) Where a person obstructs or impedes a supervisor in the exercise of any of the powers conferred upon a supervisor by section 59 of this Act, he shall be guilty of an offence.
[GA](12) (a) A person who is guilty of an offence under subsection (8) of this section shall be liable on summary conviction to a fine not exceeding ten pounds.
[GA](b) A person who is guilty of an offence under any other subsection of this section shall be liable on summary conviation to a fine not exceeding twenty pounds.
[GA]Prosecution of offences.
63.—An offence under this Act may be prosecuted by An Chomhairle.
[GA]Restriction on certain agreements and orders under the Industrial Relations Act, 1946.
64.—(1) Upon the coming into force of any rules under this Act—
[GA](a) any provisions of an employment agreement then in force registered in the Register which relate to matters the subject of the rules, and
[GA](b) any provisions of an order then in force made by the Labour Court under section 43 of the Act which relate to matters the subject of the rules,
[GA]shall cease to have effect in any apprenticeship district in which the rules have effect.
[GA](2) Upon the commencement of a period specified by an apprenticeship committee under subsection (1) of section 38 of this Act—
[GA](a) any provisions of an employment agreement then in force registered in the Register which relate to the number of persons to be taken into employment by way of apprenticeship in the trade, for which the committee is established, in the district of the committee, and
[GA](b) any provisions of an order then in force made by the Labour Court under section 43 of the Act which relate to the number of persons to be taken into such employment in that trade and in that district,
[GA]shall cease to have effect in that district during that period.
[GA](3) Where an employment agreement is, at a time when rules under this Act are in force, registered in the Register, any provisions of the agreement which relate to matters the subject of the rules shall not have effect in any apprenticeship district in which the rules have effect.
[GA](4) Where an employment agreement is, at any time during a period specified by an apprenticeship committee under subsection (1) of section 38 of this Act, registered in the Register, any provisions of the agreement which relate to the number of persons to be taken into employment by way of apprenticeship in the trade, for which the committee is established, in the district of the committee shall not have effect in that district during the unexpired portion of that period.
[GA](5) Where an order is, at a time when rules under this Act are in force, made by the Labour Court under section 43 of the Act, any provisions of the order which relate to matters the subject of the rules shall not have effect in any apprenticeship district in which the rules have effect.
[GA](6) Where an order is, at any time during a period specified by an apprenticeship committee under subsection (1) of section 38 of this Act, made by the Labour Court under section 43 of the Act, any provisions of the order which relate to the number of persons to be taken into employment by way of apprenticeship in the trade, for which the committee is established, in the district of the committee shall not have effect in that district during the unexpired portion of that period.
[GA](7) In this section—
[GA]“the Act” means the Industrial Relations Act, 1946;
“the Register” means the Register of Employment Agreements maintained by the Labour Court under section 26 of the Act.
65.—(1) An Chomhairle may accept gifts of money, land or other property upon such trusts and conditions, if any, as may be specified by the donor.
[GA](2) An Chomhairle shall not accept a gift if the conditions attached by the donor to its acceptance are inconsistent with the functions of An Chomhairle.
[GA]Proof of orders and rules.
66.—Section 4 of the Documentary Evidence Act, 1925 (No. 24 of 1925), shall apply to all orders and rules under this Act.
[GA]Service and signing of notices.
67.—(1) A notice given pursuant to this Act or rules thereunder may be served on a person—
[GA](a) by delivering it to him, or
[GA](b) by sending it by registered post in an envelope addressed to him at the address at which he ordinarily resides or carries on business.
[GA](2) A notice given pursuant to this Act or rules thereunder by An Chomhairle or an apprenticeship committee may be signed by an officer of An Chomhairle or the committee (as the case may be) authorised in that behalf.
[GA](3) For the purposes of subsection (1) of this section, a company registered under the Companies Acts, 1908 to 1924, shall be deemed to carry on business at its registered office and every other body corporate and every unincorporated body shall be deemed to carry on business at its principal officse or place of business.