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Uimhir 1 de 1930.




[18adh Feabhra, 1930.]



1.—San Acht so—


cialluíonn an abairt “an tAire” an tAire Rialtais Áitiúla agus Sláinte Puiblí;


cialluíonn an abairt “toghachán Seanaid” toghachán a comórfar do réir Airtiogal 32 den Bhunreacht chun baill do thogha chun Seanad Éireann;


cialluíonn an abairt “toghachán corra Seanaid” toghachán a comórfar do réir Airtiogal 34 den Bhunreacht chun duine do thogha chun áit bhaill de Sheanad Éireann do fuair bás, d'eirigh as no do tháinig fé mhí-cháilíocht do líona;


cialluíonn an focal “orduithe” orduithe ag an Aire le rialacháin a déanfar fén Acht so.


Dátaí toghachán corra Seanaid do cheapa.

2.—(1) Pé uair a thiocfaidh folúntas i mballraíocht Sheanad Éireann tré bhall de d'fháil bháis, d'eirghe as no do theacht fé mhí-cháilíocht, ansan, d'fhonn a chur fé ndeár an folúntas san do líona, déanfaidh Cléireach an tSeanaid, ar a ordú san do Sheanad Éireann, fógra (dá ngairmtear fógra foth-fholúntais san Acht so) i scríbhinn i dtaobh an fholúntais sin do chur chun an Aire.


(2) Chó luath agus bheidh caoi aige air agus, in aon chás, ar dháta nách déanaí ná sé mhí tar éis fógra foth-fholúntais d'fháil do ordóidh an tAire le hordú (dá ngairmtear ordú toghacháin chorra san Acht so) toghachán corra do chomóra chun an folúntas a bheidh luaidhte sa bhfógra san do líona no, má bhíonn níos mó ná aon fhógra amháin den tsórt san fachta ag an Aire gan ordú toghacháin chorra do bheith déanta dá ndruim, chun na foth-fholúntaisí uile agus fé seach a bheidh luaidhte sna fógraí sin fé seach do líona.


(3) Ceapfar le gach ordú toghacháin chorra—


(a) lá (dá ngairmtear san Acht so an lá deiridh chun ainmniúcháin do ghlaca) nách luatha ná lá is fiche ná nách déanaí ná ocht lá fichead tar éis dáta an orduithe sin chun bheith ar an lá deiridh chun ainmniúcháin iarrthóirí i gcóir an toghacháin chorra is abhar don ordú san do sheachada do cheann chomhrimh an tSeanaid, agus


(b) an lá (dá ngairmtear san Acht so lá tabhartha amach na bpáipéirí ballóide) a tabharfar amach agus a postálfar chun toghthóirí na páipéirí ballóide i gcóir an toghacháin chorra san, agus


(c) an lá agus an uair (dá ngairmtear san Acht so deire na vótaíochta) a cuirfear deire leis an vótaíocht sa toghachán chorra san.


(4) Luadhfar i ngach ordú toghacháin chorra ainm agus seola oifigiúil cheann comhrimh an tSeanaid don toghachán chorra le n-a mbaineann an t-ordú san.


(5) Foillseofar gach ordú toghacháin chorra san Iris Oifigiúil chó luath agus is féidir é tar éis a dhéanta.


Ceann comhrimh Seanaid agus costaisí.

3.—(1) Chun crícheanna gach toghacháin chorra Sheanaid beidh ceann comhrimh Seanaid ann a cheapfaidh an tAire do gach toghachán fé leith den tsórt san ar dháta nách déanaí ná dáta an orduithe thoghacháin chorra a déanfar i dtaobh an toghacháin chorra san.


(2) Beidh sé de dhualgas ar cheann chomhrimh an tSeanaid an toghachán corra dá gceapfar é do stiúra, na vótanna a tabharfar ann do chomhreamh agus a thora d'fháil amach agus do chraola do réir an Achta so agus pé nithe agus rudaí eile do dhéanamh i dtaobh an toghacháin sin a ceangaltar air leis an Acht so no fé do dhéanamh.


(3) Ullamhóidh an tAire Airgid scála d'éilithe maximum do chinn chomhrimh Sheanaid i dtoghacháin chorra agus íocfaidh an tAire sin le gach ceann comhrimh Seanaid, amach as an bPrímh-Chiste no as a thora fáis, a chuid éilithe réasúnta ar son a sheirbhísí agus a chostaisí maidir leis an toghachán corra dar ceapadh é, ach ní bheidh na héilithe sin in aon chás níos mó ná na héilithe maximum a bheidh luaidhte sa scála san d'éilithe maximum a bheidh i bhfeidhm de thurus na huaire.


Iarrthóirí d'ainmniú i dtoghacháin chorra.

4.—(1) Déanfar iarrthóir a bheidh á iarraidh go dtoghfaí i dtoghachán corra Seanad é d'ainmniú i scríbhinn agus sighneoidh beirt bhall den Oireachtas an t-ainmniúchán scríbhte sin mar thairgtheoir agus mar chuiditheoir fé seach agus sighneoidh deichniúr ball eile den Oireachtas é mar dhaoine a thoilíonn chun an ainmniúcháin.


(2) Ainmneofar gach iarrthóir le páipeur ainmniúcháin fé leith agus is sa bhfuirm orduithe a bheidh an páipeur ainmniúcháin agus beidh ann na mion-innste a héilítear sa bhfuirm sin maraon le ráiteas ar cháilíochta an iarrthóra chun bheith ina bhall de Sheanad Éireann fé Airtiogal 30 den Bhunreacht.


(3) Athghairmtear leis seo fo-alt (3) d'alt 3 den Acht Timpeal Toghachán (Leasú) (Uimh. 2), 1927 (Uimh. 33 de 1927), agus achtuítear leis seo ina ionad san ná beidh aon ainmniú ar iarrthóir i dtoghachán corra Seanaid dleathach ná iomlán mara mbeidh mionn-scríbhinn sa bhfuirm atá curtha síos sa Sceideal a ghabhann leis an Acht san seachadtha do cheann chomhrimh an tSeanaid ag an iarrthóir sin, no ag á thairgtheoir no ag á chuiditheoir thar a cheann, roimh a dó dhéag a' chlog meán lae an lá deiridh chun ainmniúcháin do ghlaca sa toghachán chorra san, mionn-scríbhinn do mhionnuigh an t-iarrthóir sin i bhfianaise choimisineura mhionn (mar a mínítear san leis an Acht san) no i bhfianaise fheadhmannaigh shíochána darb aithnid go pearsanta é.


(4) Déanfaidh ceann comhrimh an tSeanaid oiread fuirmeacha páipéir ainmniúcháin agus is leor do sholáthar agus iad do thabhairt do Chléireach na Dála agus do Chléireach an tSeanaid fé seach ar n-a éileamh dóibh agus cuirfidh na Cléirigh sin na fuirmeacha san ar fáil do bhaill den Oireachtas ar n-a éileamh dóibh.


(5) Féadfaidh iarrthóir a ainmniúchán do tharrac siar tré fhógra i scríbhinn fé n-a láimh do sheachada do cheann chomhrimh an tSeanaid roimh a dó dhéag a' chlog meán lae an lá deiridh chun ainmniúcháin do ghlaca, agus féadfaidh tairgtheoir agus cuiditheoir iarrthóra ná beidh in Éirinn ainmniúchán an iarrthóra san do tharrac siar tré fhógra i scríbhinn fé n-a láimh, agus ráiteas ann ná fuil an t-iarrthóir sin in Éirinn, do sheachada do cheann chomhrimh an tSeanaid roimh a dó dhéag a' chlog meán lae an lá deiridh chun ainmniúcháin do ghlaca.


Páipéirí ainmniúcháin do sheachada.

5.—(1) Gach páipeur ainmniúcháin ina n-ainmneofar iarrthóir i dtoghachán corra Seanaid déanfaidh an t-iarrthoir sin no a thairgtheoir no a chuiditheoir é do sheachada do cheann chomhrimh an tSeanaid i bpearsain aon uair tar éis an t-ordú toghacháin chorra do bheith déanta agus roimh a deich a' chlog ar maidin an lá deiridh chun ainmniúcháin do ghlaca no tar éis a deich a' chlog ar maidin agus roimh a dó dhéag a' chlog meán lae an lá deiridh chun ainmniúcháin do ghlaca.


(2) Aon pháipeur ainmniúcháin a seachadfar do cheann chomhrimh an tSeanaid roimh a deich a' chlog ar maidin an lá deiridh chun ainmniúcháin do ghlaca féadfar é do sheachada dho in aon áit ina bhfuighfear é, agus aon pháipeur ainmniúcháin a seachadfar do cheann chomhrimh an tSeanaid tar éis a deich a' chlog ar maidin agus roimh a dó dhéag a' chlog meán lae an lá deiridh chun ainmniúcháin do ghlaca seachadfar do é san áit ina mbeidh sé i láthair do réir an Achta so idir na huaire sin chun páipéirí ainmniúcháin do ghlaca.


(3) Gach páipeur ainmniúcháin a seachadfar go cuibhe do cheann chomhrimh an tSeanaid roimh a deich a' chlog ar maidin an lá deiridh chun ainmniúcháin do ghlaca, coinneoidh sé sin é go dtí an lá san agus an uair sin.


(4) Pé uair a seachadfar páipeur ainmniúcháin do cheann chomhrimh an tSeanaid go cuibhe ar uair a ceaduítear leis an Acht so ach roimh a ceathair a' chlog um thráthnóna an lá roimh an lá deiridh chun ainmniúcháin do ghlaca, cuirfidh ceann comhrimh an tSeanaid in úil láithreach do Chléireach na Dála agus do Chléireach an tSeanaid i scríbhinn go bhfuiltear tar éis an páipeur ainmniúcháin sin do sheachada amhlaidh agus fós ainm, tuairisc, seola agus cáilíochta an iarrthóra a tairgeadh tríd an bpáipeur ainmniúcháin sin mar a bheid curtha síos ann agus ainmneacha tairgtheora agus cuiditheora an iarrthóra san mar a bheid curtha síos sa pháipeur ainmniúcháin sin, agus déanfaidh na Cléirigh sin fé seach an t-eolas do chur ceann comhrimh an tSeanaid in úil dóibh amhlaidh do chur in úil do bhaill Dháil Éireann agus do bhaill Sheanad Éireann ach má theipeann ar na Cléirigh sin an t-eolas san do chur in úil do sna baill sin no má bhíonn an t-eolas a chuirfid in úil nea-chruinn ní bheidh an t-ainmniúchán ná an toghachán corra nea-dhleathach dá dheascaibh sin.


Agóidí i gcoinnibh páipéirí ainmniúcháin.

6.—(1) Ar a deich a' chlog ar maidin an lá deiridh chun ainmniúcháin do ghlaca i dtoghachán corra Seanaid tiocfaidh ceann comhrimh an tSeanaid i láthair in áit chaothúil a bheidh sé tar éis a fhógairt san Iris Oifigiúil roimhe sin agus taisbeánfa sé san áit agus san am san gach páipeur ainmniúcháin do seachadadh go cuibhe roimhe sin do agus glacfa sé gach páipeur ainmniúcháin eile a seachadfar go cuibhe dho san áit sin tar éis a deich a' chlog ar maidin agus roimh a dó dhéag a' chlog meán lae an lá san.


(2) Idir a deich a' chlog ar maidin agus a haon a' chlog um thráthnóna an lá deiridh chun ainmniúcháin do ghlaca déanfaidh ceann comhrimh an tSeanaid, san áit a luaidhtear sa bhfo-alt san roimhe seo, pé agóidí is oiriúnach leis do chur i gcoinnibh aon pháipéir ainmniúcháin do seachadadh go cuibhe dho agus breithneoidh sé pé agóidí, i gcoinnibh aon pháipéir ainmniúcháin den tsórt san, a chuirfidh éinne bheidh i láthair go dleathach in úil do san áit agus san am san agus tabharfa sé a bhreith maidir le dleathacht gach páipéir ainmniúcháin den tsórt san.


(3) Aon agóid a chuirfidh ceann comhrimh an tSeanaid féin no a chuirfidh éinne eile in úil do i gcoinnibh aon pháipéir ainmniúcháin ar an scór nách leor an méid atá ann i dtaobh ainm, seola, tuairisc no cáilíochta an iarrthóra a hainmnítear tríd no ná fuil an méid sin do réir an Achta so ní lomhálfar í ná ní tuigfear í do bheith dleathach mara gcuirtear an agóid sin in úil roimh a dó dhéag a' chlog meán lae an lá deiridh chun ainmniúcháin do ghlaca.


(4) Gach páipeur ainmniúcháin d'iarrthóir go gcuirtear ina luighe ar cheann chomhrimh an tSeanaid roimh dheire scrúdú na bpáipeur ainmniúcháin é bheith marbh diúltóidh an ceann comhrimh do mar pháipeur ainmniúcháin atá nea-dhleathach.


(5) Gach breith a thabharfaidh ceann comhrimh an tSeanaid fén alt so maidir le dleathacht pháipéir ainmniúcháin beidh sí gan aon dul tháirse más breith i bhfabhar do dhleathacht an pháipéir ainmniúcháin í, agus, más breith i gcoinnibh dleathacht an pháipéir ainmniúcháin í, féadfar í do chlaochló ar éisteacht achuinghe le n-a gcuirfear an toghachán no an tora in amhrus.


(6) Beidh gach iarrthóir a hainmneofar tré pháipeur ainmniúcháin agus a thairgtheoir agus a chuiditheoir agus éinne amháin eile a thoghfa sé amach agus ní duine ar bith eile (seachas ceann comhrimh an tSeanaid agus a chongantóirí) i dteideal bheith i láthair ag na himeachta bheidh ann fén alt so.


Ainmneacha na n-iarrthóirí do hainmníodh go cuibhe do chraola.

7.—(1) Ar a haon a' chlog um thráthnóna an lá deiridh chun ainmniúcháin do ghlaca i dtoghachán corra Seanaid craolfaidh ceann comhrimh an tSeanaid ainmneacha na n-iarrthóirí do hainmníodh go cuibhe agus go dleathach agus, maran mó líon na n-iarrthóirí sin ná líon na bhfolúntas a bheidh le líona sa toghachán chorra san, craolfa sé na hiarrthóirí sin do bheith toghtha go cuibhe sa toghachán chorra san agus deimhneoidh sé i scríbhinn do Chléireach na Dála agus fós do Chléireach an tSeanaid na hiarrthóirí sin do bheith toghtha.


(2) Más rud é, ar a haon a' chlog um thráthnóna an lá deiridh chun ainmniúcháin do ghlaca i dtoghachán corra Seanaid, gur mó líon na n-iarrthóirí do hainmníodh go cuibhe agus go dleathach ná líon na bhfolúntas a bheidh le líona sa toghachán chorra san, cromfaidh ceann comhrimh an tSeanaid ar an scéal do chur ar vóta fén Acht so agus dá réir.


(3) Pé uair is mó líon na n-iarrthóirí do hainmníodh go cuibhe agus go dleathach i dtoghachán corra Seanaid ná líon na bhfolúntas a bheidh le líona sa toghachán chorra san déanfaidh ceann comhrimh an tSeanaid, chó luath agus is féidir é tar éis a haon a' chlog um thráthnóna an lá deiridh chun ainmniúcháin do ghlaca, liost de sna hiarrthóirí do hainmníodh amhlaidh d'ullamhú agus socróidh sé na hiarrthóirí sin sa liost san ar ord aibítire a sloinnte agus, i gcás iarrthóirí aon tsloinne, ar ord aibítire a n-ainmneacha eile, agus luadhfa sé sa liost san seola agus tuairisc gach iarrthóra fé leith acu san agus na cáilíochta atá aige chun bheith ina bhall de Sheanad Éireann fé Airtiogal 30 den Bhunreacht agus ainmneacha a thairgtheora agus a chuiditheora, agus cuirfe sé cóip den liost san go dtí Cléireach na Dála agus go dtí Cléireach an tSeanaid agus déanfaidh na Cléirigh sin fé seach a mbeidh sa liost san do chur in úil do bhaill Dháil Éireann agus do bhaill Sheanad Éireann ach má theipeann ar na Cléirigh sin a mbeidh sa liost san do chur in úil do sna baill sin no má bhíonn an méid a chuirfid in úil nea-chruinn ní bheidh ainmniúchán aon iarrthóra den tsórt san ná an toghachán corra san nea-dhleathach dá dheascaibh sin.


Iarrthóir d'fháil bháis le linn an toghacháin.

8.—(1) Más rud é, tar éis a dó dhéag a' chlog meán lae an lá deiridh chun ainmniúcháin do ghlaca agus sara dtosnófar ar pháipéirí ballóide do thabhairt amach, i dtoghachán corra Seanaid ina gceangaltar ar cheann comhrimh an tSeanaid do réir an Achta so an scéal do chur ar vóta go bhfuighidh ceann comhrimh an tSeanaid fógra go bhfuil iarrthóir tar éis bháis do hainmníodh go cuibhe agus go dleathach sa toghachán chorra san, déanfaidh ceann comhrimh an tSeanaid an vótaíocht sa toghachán chorra san do chur ar ceal más deimhin leis an t-iarrthóir sin do bheith tar éis bháis.


(2) Nuair a déanfar an vótaíocht i dtoghachán corra Seanaid do chur ar ceal fén alt so, tiocfaidh an t-ordú toghacháin chorra don toghachán chorra san agus gach imeacht a bhí ann go dtí san fén ordú san, tiocfaid chun bheith agus beid gan brí gan éifeacht láithreach agus laistigh de sheachtain tar éis an churar-ceal san déanfaidh an tAire ordú nua toghacháin chorra don toghachán chorra san.


(3) Nuair a cuirfear an vótaíocht i dtoghachán corra Seanaid ar ceal agus a déanfar ordú nua toghacháin chorra fén alt so tuigfear, gan aon ainmniúchán nua, gach iarrthóir do bhí ainmnithe go cuibhe agus go dleathach le linn an chur-ar-ceal san (lasmuich den iarrthóir gurbh é a bhás fé ndeár an cur-ar-ceal san) do bheith ainmnithe go cuibhe agus go dleathach sa toghachán chorra Sheanaid a comórfar do réir an orduithe nua thoghacháin chorra san maran rud é, roimh a dó dhéag a' chlog meán lae an lá deiridh chun ainmniúcháin do ghlaca fén ordú nua toghacháin chorra san, go bhfuighidh ceann comhrimh an tSeanaid fógra go bhfuil an t-iarrthóir sin tar éis bháis agus gur deimhin leis go bhfuil.


(4) Tuairisceofar na hiarrthóirí seo leanas i dtoghachán corra Seanaid do bheith toghtha sa toghachán chorra san, má toghtar amhlaidh iad agus (gan dochar do chomhacht cúirte dlighinse achmaire a dhearbhú go bhfuil a dtogha gan brí) tuigfear iad do bheith toghtha go cuibhe amhlaidh agus iad d'fhágaint a suíochán díreach tar éis do cheann chomhrimh an tSeanaid a dheimhniú ar ainmneacha na n-iarrthóirí do toghadh do shigniú, sé sin le rá:—


(a) gach iarrthóir toghtha a bheidh marbh le linn sighniú an deimhnithe sin amhlaidh, agus


(b) gach iarrthóir toghtha go dtárlóidh do, le linn sighniú an deimhnithe sin amhlaidh, gan bheith cáilithe no a bheidh fé mhí-cháilíocht chun bheith ina bhall de Sheanad Éireann.


Coda d'Acht Toghacháin an tSeanaid, 1928, do chur i mbaint.

9.—Na hailt seo leanas d'Acht Toghacháin an tSeanaid, 1928 (Uimh. 29 de 1928), sé sin le rá, ailt 8 go 13, alt 14 lasmuich de mhíreanna (a), (b), (c), agus (d) d'fho-alt (1) de, ailt 15 agus 16, agus fós an Chéad Sceideal agus an Dara Sceideal a ghabhann leis an Acht san, bainfid le toghacháin chorra Sheanaid chó hiomlán is dá n-ath-achtuítí na hailt agus na sceidil sin san Acht so, tar éis na hatharuithe seo leanas do dhéanamh agus fé réir na n-atharuithe sin, sé sin le rá:—


(a) léireofar tagairtí do thoghacháin Sheanaid mar thagairtí do thoghacháin chorra Sheanaid,


(b) léireofar tagairtí do cheann chomhrimh an tSeanaid mar thagairtí do cheann chomhrimh an tSeanaid a ceapfar fén Acht so,


(c) léireofar tagairtí do lá tabhartha amach na bpáipéirí ballóide agus do dheire na vótaíochta mar thagairtí fé seach do lá tabhartha amach na bpáipéirí ballóide agus do dheire na vótaíochta a ceapfar fén Acht so,


(d) léireofar tagairtí don ainmliost d'iarrthóirí mar thagairtí do pháipéirí ainmniúcháin na n-iarrthóirí,


(e) léireofar an focal “orduithe” mar fhocal a chialluíonn orduithe le rialacháin a dhéanfaidh an tAire fén Acht so.



10.—(1) Féadfaidh an tAire, le hordú, rialacháin do dhéanamh ag ordú éinní no aon ruda dá dtagartar san Acht so, no in aon alt no sceideal d'Acht Toghacháin an tSeanaid, 1928 (Uimh. 29 de 1928) a cuirtear i mbaint tríd an Acht so, mar ní no mar rud atá orduithe no le hordú.


(2) Gach rialachán a dhéanfaidh an tAire fén alt so leagfar é fé bhráid gach Tighe den Oireachtas chó luath agus is féidir é tar éis a dhéanta, agus má dheineann ceachtar Tigh den Oireachtas, laistigh den lá is fiche a shuidhfidh an Tigh sin tar éis an rialachán san do bheith leagtha fé n-a bhráid, rún do rith ag cur an rialacháin sin ar nea-mbrí, beidh an rialachán san curtha ar nea-mbrí dá réir sin ach beidh san gan dochar do dhleathacht éinní do deineadh fé roimhe sin.


Gearr-theideal agus luadh.

11.—(1) Féadfar an tAcht um Thoghacháin Chorra an tSeanaid, 1930, do ghairm den Acht so.


(2) Féadfar Achtanna Toghacháin an tSeanaid, 1928 agus 1930, do ghairm d'Acht Toghacháin an tSeanaid, 1928 (Uimh. 29 de 1928) agus den Acht so le chéile.



Number 1 of 1930.








Appointment of dates of Seanad bye-elections.


Seanad returning officer and expenses.


Nomination of candidates at bye-elections.


Delivery of nomination papers.


Objections to nomination papers.


Announcement of names of candidates duly nominated.


Death of candidate during election.


Application of portions of the Seanad Electoral Act, 1928.




Short title and citation.

Acts Referred to

Electoral (Amendment) (No. 2) Act, 1927

No. 33 of 1927

Seanad Electoral Act, 1928

No. 29 of 1928


Number 1 of 1930.




1.—In this Act—


the expression “the Minister” means the Minister for Local Government and Public Health;


the expression “Seanad election” means an election of members of Seanad Eireann held in pursuance of Article 32 of the Constitution;


the expression “Seanad bye-election” means an election held in pursuance of Article 34 of the Constitution to elect a person to fill the place of a member of Seanad Eireann who has died, resigned or become disqualified;


the word “prescribed” means prescribed by the Minister by regulations made under this Act.


Appointment of dates of Seanad bye-elections.

2.—(1) Whenever a vacancy occurs in the membership of Seanad Eireann by the death, resignation, or disqualification of a member thereof in order to cause such vacancy to be filled the Clerk of the Seanad shall, on the direction of Seanad Eireann, send to the Minister notice (in this Act referred to as notice of a casual vacancy) in writing of such vacancy.


(2) As soon as conveniently may be and, in any case, not more than six months after receiving notice of a casual vacancy, the Minister shall by order (in this Act referred to as a bye-election order) direct a bye-election to be held to fill the vacancy mentioned in such notice or, where more than one such notice has been received by the Minister without a bye-election order having been made in consequence thereof, to fill the several vacancies mentioned in such notices respectively.


(3) Every bye-election order shall appoint—


(a) a day (in this Act referred to as the last day for receiving nominations) not less than twenty-one nor more than twenty-eight days after the date of such order which shall be the last day on which nominations of candidates for the bye-election the subject of such order may be delivered to the Seanad returning officer, and


(b) the day (in this Act referred to as the day of issue of ballot papers) on which the ballot papers for the said bye-election are to be issued and posted to electors, and


(c) the day and hour (in this Act referred to as the close of the poll) at which the poll at the said bye-election is to be closed.


(4) Every bye-election order shall state the name and official address of the Seanad returning officer for the bye-election to which such order relates.


(5) Every bye-election order shall be published in the Iris Oifigiúil as soon as may be after it is made.


Seanad returning officer and expenses.

3.—(1) For the purposes of every Seanad bye-election there shall be a Seanad returning officer who shall be appointed for each such election by the Minister not later than the date of the bye-election order made in respect of such bye-election.


(2) It shall be the duty of the Seanad returning officer to conduct the bye-election for which he is appointed, to count the votes cast thereat and to ascertain and announce the results thereof in accordance with this Act and to do such other matters and things in respect of such election as he is required by or under this Act to do.


(3) The Minister for Finance shall prepare a scale of maximum charges for Seanad returning officers at Seanad bye-elections and every Seanad returning officer shall be paid by the said Minister out of the Central Fund or the growing produce thereof his reasonable charges in respect of his services and expenses in relation to the bye-election for which he was appointed but not exceeding in any case the maximum charges specified in the said scale of maximum charges for the time being in force.


Nomination of candidates at bye-elections.

4.—(1) A candidate for election at a Seanad bye-election shall be nominated in writing and such written nomination shall be subscribed by two members of the Oireachtas as proposer and seconder respectively and by ten other members of the Oireachtas as assenting to the nomination.


(2) Every candidate shall be nominated by a separate nomination paper and the nomination paper shall be in the prescribed form and shall contain the particulars required by such form, including a statement of the qualifications of the candidate for membership of Seanad Eireann under Article 30 of the Constitution.


(3) Sub-section (3) of section 3 of the Electoral (Amendment) (No. 2) Act, 1927 (No. 33 of 1927), is hereby repealed and in lieu thereof it is hereby enacted that no nomination of a candidate at a Seanad bye-election shall be valid or complete unless such candidate or his proposer or seconder on his behalf shall have delivered to the Seanad returning officer before twelve o'clock noon on the last day for receiving nominations at such bye-election an affidavit in the form set out in the Schedule to the said Act sworn by such candidate in the presence of a commissioner for oaths (as defined by the said Act) of a peace commissioner to whom he is personally known.


(4) The Seanad returning officer shall provide and furnish on demand to the Clerk of the Dáil and the Clerk of the Seanad respectively a sufficient number of forms of nomination paper and the said Clerks shall make such forms available on demand to members of the Oireachtas.


(5) A candidate may, by notice in writing signed by him and delivered to the Seanad returning officer before twelve o'clock noon on the last day for receiving nominations, withdraw his nomination, and the proposer and seconder of a candidate who is out of Ireland may, by notice in writing signed by them and containing a statement of the absence of such candidate from Ireland and delivered to the Seanad returning officer before twelve o'clock noon on the last day for receiving nominations, withdraw the nomination of such candidate.


Delivery of nomination papers.

5.—(1) Every nomination paper nominating a candidate at a Seanad bye-election shall be delivered by such candidate or his proposer or seconder to the Seanad returning officer in person either at any time after the making of the bye-election order and before ten o'clock in the forenoon on the last day for receiving nominations or after ten o'clock in the forenoon and before twelve o'clock noon on the last day for receiving nominations.


(2) A nomination paper delivered to the Seanad returning officer before ten o'clock in the forenoon on the last day for receiving nominations may be delivered to him at any place at which he may be found, and a nomination paper delivered to the Seanad returning officer after ten o'clock in the forenoon and before twelve o'clock noon on the last day for receiving nominations shall be delivered to him at the place at which he attends in pursuance of this Act between those hours to receive nomination papers.


(3) Every nomination paper duly delivered to the Seanad returning officer before ten o'clock in the forenoon on the last day for receiving nominations shall be retained by him until the said day and hour.


(4) Whenever a nomination paper is duly delivered to the Seanad returning officer at a time permitted by this Act but before four o'clock in the afternoon on the day before the last day for receiving nominations, the Seanad returning officer shall forthwith communicate in writing to the Clerk of the Dáil and to the Clerk of the Seanad the fact of such nomination paper having been so delivered and the name, description, address, and qualifications as stated in such nomination paper of the candidate thereby proposed and the names as stated in such nomination paper of the proposer and seconder of such candidate, and the said Clerks shall respectively communicate to the members of Dáil Eireann and to the members of Seanad Eireann the information so communicated to them by the Seanad returning officer but a failure to communicate or an inaccuracy in the communication of such information to such members by such Clerks shall not invalidate the nomination nor the bye-election.


Objections to nomination papers.

6.—(1) At ten o'clock in the forenoon on the last day for receiving nominations at a Seanad bye-election the Seanad returning officer shall attend at a convenient place previously notified by him in the Iris Oifigiúil and shall there and then produce all nomination papers previously duly delivered to him and shall receive all such other nomination papers as shall be duly delivered to him at the said place after ten o'clock in the forenoon and before twelve o'clock noon on the said day.


(2) Between the hours of ten o'clock in the forenoon and one o'clock in the afternoon on the last day for receiving nominations the Seanad returning officer shall, at the place mentioned in the foregoing sub-section, make such objections as he shall think fit to any nomination paper duly delivered to him and consider such objections to any such nomination paper as shall there and then be made to him by any person lawfully present and shall rule on the validity of every such nomination paper.


(3) No objection made by the Seanad returning officer himself or to him by any other person to any nomination paper on the ground that the statement therein of the name, address, description, or qualifications of the candidate thereby nominated is insufficient or is not in compliance with this Act shall be allowed or deemed valid unless the same is made before twelve o'clock noon on the last day for receiving nominations.


(4) The Seanad returning officer shall reject as invalid every nomination paper for a candidate who is shown to his satisfaction before the conclusion of the examination of nomination papers to be dead.


(5) Every ruling of the Seanad returning officer under this section on the validity of a nomination paper shall, if such ruling is in favour of the validity of the nomination paper, be final and shall, if such ruling is against the validity of the nomination paper, be subject to reversal on petition questioning the election or return.


(6) Every candidate nominated by a nomination paper and his proposer and seconder and one other person selected by him and no other person whatsoever (other than the Seanad returning officer and his assistants) shall be entitled to be present at the proceedings under this section.


Announcement of names of candidates duly nominated.

7.—(1) At one o'clock in the afternoon on the last day for receiving nominations at a Seanad bye-election the Seanad returning officer shall announce the names of the candidates who have been duly and validly nominated and, if the number of such candidates does not exceed the number of vacancies to be filled at such bye-election, shall declare such candidates to have been duly elected at such bye-election and shall certify in writing such election to the Clerk of the Dáil and also to the Clerk of the Seanad


(2) If at one o'clock in the afternoon on the last day for receiving nominations at a Seanad bye-election the number of candidates who have been duly and validly nominated exceeds the number of vacancies to be filled at such bye-election, the Seanad returning officer shall proceed to take a poll under and in accordance with this Act.


(3) Whenever the number of candidates duly and validly nominated at a Seanad bye-election exceeds the number of vacancies to be filled at such bye-election, the Seanad returning officer shall as soon as may be after one o'clock in the afternoon on the last day for receiving nominations prepare a list of the candidates so nominated and shall arrange such candidates in such list in the alphabetical order of their surnames and, in the case of candidates having the same surname, the alphabetical order of their other names, and shall state in such list the address and description of each such candidate and his qualifications for membership of Seanad Eireann under Article 30 of the Constitution and the names of his proposer and seconder, and shall send to the Clerk of the Dáil and to the Clerk of the Seanad a copy of such list, and the said Clerks shall respectively communicate to the members of Dáil Eireann and to the members of Seanad Eireann the contents of such list but a failure to communicate or an inaccuracy in the communication of such contents to such members by such Clerks shall not invalidate the nomination of any such candidate nor the said bye-election.


Death of candidate during election.

8.—(1) If, after twelve o'clock noon on the last day for receiving nominations and before the commencement of the issue of ballot papers, at a Seanad bye-election at which the Seanad returning officer is required by this Act to take a poll, the Seanad returning officer receives notice of the death of a candidate who was duly and validly nominated at such bye-election, the Seanad returning officer, if satisfied of the fact of such death, shall countermand the poll at such election.


(2) When the poll at a Seanad bye-election is countermanded under this section, the bye-election order for such bye-election and all proceedings theretofore had under that order shall forthwith become and be null and void and the Minister shall within one week after such countermand make a new bye-election order for such bye-election.


(3) When the poll at a Seanad bye-election is countermanded and a new bye-election order is made under this section every candidate who stood duly and validly nominated at the time of such countermand (other than the candidate whose death occasioned such countermand) shall without any new nomination be deemed to have been duly and validly nominated at the Seanad bye-election held in pursuance of such new bye-election order unless before twelve o'clock, noon on the last day for receiving nominations under such new bye-election order the Seanad returning officer receives notice and is satisfied of the death of such candidate.


(4) The following candidates at a Seanad bye-election shall, if elected at such bye-election, be returned as having been so elected and shall (without prejudice to the power of a court of competent jurisdiction to declare their election void) be deemed to have been duly so elected and to vacate their seats immediately after the signing by the Seanad returning officer of his certificate of the names of the candidates elected, that is to say:—


(a) every elected candidate who is dead at the time of the said signing of the said certificate, and


(b) every elected candidate who at the time of the said signing of the said certificate is not qualified to be or is disqualified for being a member of Seanad Eireann.


Application of portions of the Seanad Electoral Act, 1928.

9.—The following sections of the Seanad Electoral Act, 1928 (No. 29 of 1928), that is to say, sections 8 to 13, section 14 except paragraphs (a), (b), (c), and (d) of sub-section (1) thereof, sections 15 and 16, and also the First and Second Schedules to the said Act shall apply to Seanad bye-elections as fully as if those sections and schedules were re-enacted in this Act with and subject to the following modifications, that is to say:—


(a) references to Seanad elections shall be construed as references to Seanad bye-elections,


(b) references to the Seanad returning officer shall be construed as references to the Seanad returning officer appointed under this Act,


(c) references to the day of issue of ballot papers and to the close of the poll shall be construed as references respectively to the day of issue of ballot papers and the close of the poll appointed under this Act,


(d) references to the panel of candidates shall be construed as references to the nomination papers of the candidates,


(e) the word “prescribed” shall be construed as meaning prescribed by regulations made by the Minister under this Act.



10.—(1) The Minister may by order make regulations prescribing any matter or thing which is referred to in this Act or in any section or schedule of the Seanad Electoral Act, 1928 (No. 29 of 1928), applied by this Act as prescribed or to be prescribed.


(2) Every regulation made by the Minister under this section shall be laid before each House of the Oireachtas as soon as may be after it is made, and if either such House shall, within twenty-one days on which such House has sat after such regulation is laid before it, pass a resolution annulling such regulation, such regulation shall be annulled accordingly but without prejudice to the validity of anything previously done thereunder.


Short title and citation.

11.—(1) This Act may be cited as the Seanad Bye-elections Act, 1930.


(2) The Seanad Electoral Act, 1928 (No. 29 of 1928) and this Act may be cited together as the Seanad Electoral Acts, 1928 and 1930.