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Number 17 of 1963.
Acts Referred to | |
1950, No. 12 | |
1958, No. 19 | |
Public Offices Fees Act, 1879 | 1879, c. 58 |
Acquisition of Land (Assessment of Compensation) Act, 1919 | 1919. c. 57 |
Transport Act, 1950 (Additional Powers) Order, 1955 | 1955, S.I. No. 214 |
Transport Act, 1950 (Additional Powers) Order, 1959 | 1959, S.I. No. 192 |
1955, No. 25 | |
1958, No. 20 |
Number 17 of 1963.
1.—In this Act—
[GA]“the Act of 1950” means the Transport Act, 1950;
[GA]“the Act of 1958” means the Transport Act, 1958;
[GA]“the Board” means Córas Iompair Éireann;
[GA]“the Company” means Ostlanna Iompair Éireann Teoranta;
[GA]“the Minister” means the Minister for Transport and Power;
[GA]“railway works order” means an order made under section 6 of this Act;
[GA]“railway works” means any works being a railway, a tramway or a light railway or any part of a railway, a tramway or a light railway.
[GA]Application for railway works order.
2.—(1) The Board may apply to the Minister for a railway works order authorising the Board to construct, maintain, operate, alter and extend railway works of a particular kind.
[GA](2) Every application for a railway works order shall be accompanied by—
[GA](a) a draft of the proposed order,
[GA](b) a plan of the proposed railway works, and
[GA](c) a book of reference to the plan,
[GA]and the draft, plan and book of reference shall be in such form as the Minister may direct.
[GA]Deposit of draft order, plan and book of reference and notice of application.
3.—(1) Whenever an application is made for a railway works order the Board shall, as soon as may be, do the following things, that is to say:—
[GA](a) deposit and keep deposited, at the place or each of the places appointed by the Minister, a copy of the draft order, the plan and the book of reference to the plan which accompanied the application;
[GA](b) publish, in such newspaper or newspapers as the Minister may direct, a notice (which states that objections and representations in relation to the proposed order may be furnished in writing to the Minister during a specified period) of the making of the application and of the deposit of a copy of the draft order, plan and book of reference and of the place or places of the deposit;
[GA](c) send to the Commissioners of Public Works in Ireland, the Irish Land Commission and such persons (if any) as the Minister may direct a copy of the draft order, plan and book of reference.
[GA](2) Any person may inspect at all reasonable hours the copy of any draft order, plan or book of reference deposited under this section.
[GA]Fees on application.
4.—(1) There shall be paid to the Minister on every application for a railway works order such fee (if any) as the Minister, with the consent of the Minister for Finance, may fix.
[GA](2) The following provisions shall have effect in relation to all fees payable under this section, that is to say:—
[GA](a) the fees shall be collected in money and taken in such manner as the Minister for Finance may from time to time direct, and shall be paid into or disposed of for the benefit of the Exchequer in accordance with the directions of the Minister for Finance;
[GA](b) the Public Offices Fees Act, 1879, shall not apply in respect of such fees.
[GA]Local inquiry into application for railway works order.
5.—(1) (a) Where an application is made to the Minister for a railway works order, the Minister may, if he thinks fit, direct a public inquiry to be held into the application in the locality in which it is proposed to construct the railway works the subject of the application.
[GA](b) Where the Minister directs a public inquiry to be held into an application for a railway works order, he shall appoint a person to hold the inquiry, and the Board, every owner, lessee and occupier of the land on or over which it is proposed to construct the railway works the subject of the application, every local authority within whose area the works are intended to pass, and every other person who, in the opinion of the person holding the inquiry, is substantially interested in the subject matter of the inquiry shall be entitled to appear and be heard at the inquiry.
[GA](2) Evidence given before a person appointed to hold an inquiry under this section shall, if the person so requires, be given on oath (which the person is hereby empowered to administer) and any person who gives false evidence before any such person shall be guilty of perjury and punishable accordingly.
[GA]Grant of railway works order.
6.—Where the Minister, after consideration of an application for a railway works order and, in case an inquiry was held under section 5 of this Act into the application, the report of the person who held it, and after consultation with the Minister for Local Government, and having had regard to the objections and representations (if any) furnished in accordance with the terms of the notice under section 3 of this Act, is of opinion that the application should be granted, he shall make an order authorising the Board to construct, maintain and operate the railway works specified in the order in such manner, subject to such restrictions and provisions and on such terms and conditions as the Minister thinks proper and specifies in the order.
[GA]Provisions in relation to railway works order.
7.—The following provisions shall have effect in relation to a railway works order, that is to say:—
[GA](a) the order shall contain such provisions as the Minister thinks necessary or expedient for the purpose of the order;
[GA](b) without prejudice to the generality of paragraph (a) of this subsection—
[GA](i) the order may contain provisions authorising the Board to acquire compulsorily any land the acquisition of which is, in the opinion of the Minister, necessary for giving effect to the order,
[GA](ii) the order may grant to the Board any rights in or over land or water, or, subject to the consent of the Minister for Local Government, in or over any public road, the grant of which is, in the opinion of the Minister, necessary for giving effect to the order,
[GA](iii) the order shall, in respect of any land so acquired or any right over land or water so granted, provide for the payment of compensation by the Board to the several persons having estates or interests in the land or water, and shall provide that any question of disputed compensation shall be determined under and in accordance with the Acquisition of Land (Assessment of Compensation) Act, 1919, and for this purpose the Board shall be deemed to be a public authority within the meaning of the said Act,
[GA](iv) the order may incorporate all or any of the provisions of the Lands Clauses Acts, with such modifications and adaptations as the Minister thinks proper,
[GA](v) the order shall specify the manner in which the railway works to which the order relates are to be constructed,
[GA](vi) the order may fix the period within which the construction of the railway works is to be completed,
[GA](vii) the order may contain provisions as to the manner in which the railway works are to be operated and maintained,
[GA](viii) the order shall contain all such provisions as the Minister thinks proper for the protection of the public generally and any persons affected by the order,
[GA](ix) the order may provide that where the Board acts in contravention (whether by commission or omission) of any specified provision of the order, the Board shall be guilty of an offence under the order and shall be liable on summary conviction thereof to such fine (not exceeding one hundred pounds) as may be specified in the order in respect of the offence and, in the case of a continuing offence, such further fine (not exceeding twenty pounds) as may be specified in the order in respect of the offence for each day during which the offence is continued after conviction thereof,
[GA](x) the order may incorporate any provisions (including penal provisions) contained in any enactment relating to railways, with such adaptations and modifications as the Minister thinks proper,
[GA](xi) the order may contain provisions authorising the Board at any time before conveyance of, or ascertainment of price or compensation for, land being compulsorily acquired by the Board under the order to enter and take possession of the land, and provisions—
[GA](I) requiring the Board, if it so enters and takes possession of the land, to pay to the occupier of the land interest on the amount of the price or compensation payable under this Act to the occupier at the rate of three per cent, per annum from the date of the entry until payment of the price or compensation,
[GA](II) requiring the Board, if it so enters and takes possession of the land, to give to the occupier of the land at least one month's or, in the case of an occupied dwelling-house, three months', previous notice in writing of its intention to enter on or take possession of any land under this section,
[GA](III) authorising the Board to serve the notice aforesaid on a person by sending it by prepaid post in an envelope addressed to the person at his usual or last known address and deeming the notice to have been served on the person at the time at which the envelope would be delivered in the ordinary course of post and authorising the addressing of the envelope to the person for whom it is intended (in case it cannot be addressed in the manner aforesaid) in either or both of the following ways; that is to say:
[GA](A) by the description “the owner” or “the occupier” (as the case may be) without stating his name,
[GA](B) at the land or the situation of the property to which the notice contained in the envelope relates,
[GA](xii) the order shall provide that whenever, under the order, the Board acquires, or enters on and takes possession of, any land which is subject, either alone or in conjunction with other land, to a land purchase annuity or a reclamation annuity, payment in lieu of rent or other sum payable periodically (not being merely rent under a contract of tenancy) payable to the Irish Land Commission or to the Commissioners of Public Works in Ireland, the Board shall—
[GA](I) as from the date on which it acquires, or enters on and takes possession, of the land, whichever date is the earlier, become and be liable for payment to the Irish Land Commission or the said Commissioners (as the case may be) of such periodical sum, or such portion thereof as shall be apportioned by the Irish Land Commission or the said Commissioners (as the case may be) on the land, as if the land had been transferred to the Board by the owner thereof on that date,
[GA](II) be entitled, if the Board so thinks fit, to redeem the periodical sum or the portion thereof aforesaid, and
[GA](III) be obliged, if required by the Irish Land Commission or the said Commissioners (as the case may be) so to do, to redeem the periodical sum or the portion thereof aforesaid,
[GA](xiii) the order may provide for the determination by arbitration of any specified questions arising thereunder,
[GA](xiv) the order may contain such provisions ancillary or incidental to any of the matters aforesaid as the Minister considers necessary and proper.
[GA]Amendment of railway works order.
8.—The Minister may from time to time amend a railway works order.
[GA]Effect of railway works order.
9.—Every railway works order shall have the force of law.
[GA]Expenses of Minister in exercise of powers under a railway works order.
10.—The expenses incurred by the Minister in the exercise of his powers and functions under a railway works order shall, to such extent as may be determined by the Minister for Finance, be paid to the Minister by the Board.
[GA]Validation of certain orders.
11.—(1) The Orders specified in subsection (2) of this section shall be, and shall be deemed always to have been, as valid for all purposes as if they were duly made under this Act and this Act had been in operation when they were made.
[GA](2) The Orders referred to in subsection (1) of this section are the Transport Act, 1950 (Additional Powers) Order, 1955, and the Transport Act, 1950 (Additional Powers) Order, 1959.
[GA]Borrowing powers of Board.
12.—Section 28 of the Act of 1950 is hereby amended by—
[GA](a) the insertion in paragraph (a) of subsection (1) (which provides for temporary borrowing by the Board) after “bankers” of “or otherwise”, and
[GA](b) the substitution in paragraph (b) of subsection (2) (which imposes a limit on borrowing for capital purposes) of “fifteen million pounds” for “twelve million pounds” (inserted by the Transport Act, 1955).
[GA]Advances to Board by the Minister for Finance.
13.—(1) For the purpose of enabling the Board to perform its functions the Minister for Finance may, on the recommendation of the Minister, advance from time to time to the Board such sums (not exceeding in the aggregate two million pounds) as the Board may from time to time request.
[GA](2) Advances under subsection (1) of this section shall be made on such terms as to repayment, interest and other matters as may be determined by the Minister for Finance.
[GA](3) All sums paid by the Board in repayment of an advance under this section or in pursuance of any term or condition subject to which an advance was made under this section shall be paid into or disposed of for the benefit of the Exchequer.
[GA](4) All moneys from time to time required by the Minister for Finance to meet sums which may become payable by him under this section shall be advanced out of the Central Fund or the growing produce thereof.
[GA](5) The Minister for Finance may, for the purpose of providing for the advance of sums out of the Central Fund under this section, borrow on the security of the Central Fund or the growing produce thereof any sums required for that purpose, and for the purpose of such borrowing, he may create and issue securities bearing such rate of interest and subject to such conditions as to repayment, redemption or otherwise as he thinks fit, and shall pay all moneys so borrowed into the Exchequer.
[GA](6) The principal of and interest on all securities issued under this section and the expenses incurred in connection with the issue of such securities shall be charged on and payable out of the Central Fund or the growing produce thereof.
[GA]Compensation for employees of Company whose services are dispensed with or conditions worsened.
14.—(1) Where—
[GA](a) either before or after the passing of this Act, the employment with the Board of a person who is an officer or servant of the Board (including an officer or servant transferred or seconded under section 14 of the Great Northern Railway Act, 1958) is terminated for the purpose of enabling the person to enter the employment of the Company,
[GA](b) upon such termination, the person enters the employment of the Company, and
[GA](c) before the 31st day of March, 1964, the services of the person are dispensed with by the Company, or he is transferred from one position to another in the service of the Company, as a consequence of any of the matters referred to in subsection (1) or (6) of section 14 of the Act of 1958 or paragraph (a), (bb) (inserted by this Act) or (c) of subsection (1) of section 17 of the Great Northern Railway Act, 1958, and by reason thereof he suffers any direct pecuniary loss or is in a worse position in respect of the conditions of his service as a whole (including tenure of office or employment, remuneration, gratuities, superannuation, sick fund or other benefits or allowances, whether obtaining legally or by customary practice and whether applicable to himself or his widow or children or other dependants) as compared with those obtaining in respect of him before the transfer or is required by the Company to perform in the position to which he is so transferred duties which are not analogous to or are an unreasonable addition to those which before the transfer he was required to perform in the position from which he was so transferred—
[GA](i) in case his services are dispensed with as aforesaid, he shall be entitled to compensation under section 14 of the Act of 1958 (subject, in the case of a person to whom subsection (3) of section 17 of the Great Northern Railway Act, 1958, applies, to the provisions relating to the Second Schedule to the Act of 1958 contained in that subsection) payable by the Company to the same extent and on the same conditions as a person to whom that section applies, and for the purpose of such entitlement the employment of the person with the Company shall be deemed to be employment with the Board and the interval (if any) between such termination aforesaid and the commencement of the employment with the Company shall be deemed for such purpose not to be a break in the person's employment with the Board, and
[GA](ii) in case he is transferred as aforesaid, he shall be paid by the Company compensation consisting of a lump sum of such amount as is reasonable.
[GA](2) Sections 41, 42 and 43 of the Act of 1950 (which relate to the determination of compensation under that Act) shall apply to compensation under this section and the references in the said sections to the Board shall, for the purposes of such application, be construed as references to the Company.
[GA](3) (a) The Minister may by order extend the provisions of this section to any case in which, before the 31st day of March, 1964, the services of an officer or servant of the Company (being an officer or servant who was formerly employed by the Board or was transferred or seconded under section 14 of the Great Northern Railway Act, 1958, and whose services with the Board were terminated (whether before or after the passing of this Act) for the purpose of enabling him to enter the employment of the Company) are dispensed with or he is transferred to another position because of redundancy arising from any scheme for the re-organisation and more economical operation of any department of the Company affecting any section or category of workers, and may by order amend any such order.
[GA](b) Every order under this subsection shall be laid before each House of the Oireachtas as soon as may be after it is made, and if a resolution annulling the order is passed by either House within the next subsequent twenty-one days on which that House has sat after the order is laid before it, the order shall be annulled accordingly but without prejudice to the validity of anything previously done thereunder.
[GA]Continuance of superannuation benefits for persons transferred from Board to Company.
15.—Where, either before or after the passing of this Act, the employment with the Board of a person who is an officer or servant of the Board (including an officer or servant transferred or seconded under section 14 of the Great Northern Railway Act, 1958) is terminated for the purpose of enabling the person to enter the employment of the Company, and upon such termination, the person enters the employment of the Company—
[GA](a) the person and any person claiming through him shall have the same right to membership of and benefits under any superannuation scheme for officers or servants of the Board (other than the Board's welfare scheme for regular wages staff) as he would have if his employment with the Company were employment with the Board,
[GA](b) except where otherwise agreed upon between the Board and the Company, upon such entry the obligations (whether obtaining legally or by customary practice) in respect of any such scheme and in respect of the members thereof attaching before such termination to the Board shall, as respects the person and any person claiming through him, attach to the Company,
[GA](c) the interval (if any) between such termination aforesaid and the commencement of the employment with the Company shall be deemed, for the purposes of any such scheme, not to be a break in the person's employment, and
[GA](d) the Board may include in a scheme or schemes amending any such scheme provisions giving effect to this section and, where the Minister is given power to confirm such scheme or schemes, such power may be exercised notwithstanding the inclusion of such provisions and such confirmation may be either without modification of the provisions or with such modifications (whether by way of addition, omission or variation) as the Minister thinks proper.
[GA]Restriction on alteration of memorandum and articles of association of Company.
16.—Notwithstanding anything contained in the Companies Acts, 1908 to 1959, or in the memorandum or articles of association of the Company, an alteration in the said memorandum or articles shall not be valid or effectual unless made with the previous approval of the Minister.
[GA]Application of sections 16 and 34 of Act of 1950 to Company.
17.—Sections 16 and 34 of the Act of 1950 (which sections relate respectively to the giving of information by the Board to the Minister and to the accounts of the Board and the auditing thereof) shall apply and have effect in relation to the Company as they apply and have effect in relation to the Board.
[GA]Abandonment of railways.
18.—(1) The power conferred by section 21 of the Act of 1950 to make abandonment orders (within the meaning of that section) shall extend to the making of abandonment orders in relation to railway lines or sections vested in the Board and over which the services of trains have been terminated at any time—
[GA](a) either before or after such vesting, and
[GA](b) either before the passing of this Act (including a time before the passing of the Act of 1950) or after such passing,
[GA]and (in the case of services of trains which have not been operated since before the date of the passing of the Act of 1958) whether or not orders referred to in paragraph (a) of subsection (2) of the said section 21 have been made in respect of the services.
(2) Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in the said section 21 or in any other enactment, a railway company may sell any land under or adjoining an abandoned railway line by private treaty to any tenant of the land on either side of the line or to the Commissioners of Public Works in Ireland or to the Irish Land Commission.
[GA]Amendment of section 14 of Act of 1958.
19.—(1) Section 14 of the Act of 1958 (which provides for compensation for certain employees of the Board whose services are dispensed with or conditions of service worsened) is hereby amended by the substitution in subsections (1) and (6) of “on or before the 31st day of March, 1964” for “within five years after the passing of this Act”.
[GA](2) For the purpose of reckoning the pensionable service under the Fourth Schedule to the Transport Act, 1950, of a person to whom the said section 14 applies, if the person was taken into the employment of the Board as a specially qualified person at an age exceeding that at which transport service usually began, his pensionable service may be increased by the addition of such number of years as may seem just.
[GA]Amendment of section 17 of Great Northern Railway Act, 1958.
20.—Section 17 (which provides for compensation for certain employees of the Board and former employees of the Great Northern Railway Board whose services are dispensed with or conditions of service worsened) of the Great Northern Railway Act, 1958, is hereby amended by—
[GA](a) the substitution in paragraph (a) of subsection (1) of “on or before the 31st day of March, 1964” for “within five years after the passing of this Act”,
[GA](b) the insertion in the said subsection (1) after paragraph (b) of the following paragraph:
[GA]“(bb) where, in the circumstances referred to in subsection (6) of section 14 of the Transport Act, 1958, the services of an officer or servant (being an officer or servant transferred or seconded under section 14 of this Act) are dispensed with or he is transferred to another position in the service of the Board and an order is made under the said subsection (6) in respect of the case;”, and
[GA](c) the substitution in paragraph (c) of the said subsection (1) of “on or before the 31st day of March, 1964” for “within five years after the passing of that Act”.
[GA]Amendment of Second Schedule to Act of 1958.
21.—The Second Schedule to the Act of 1958 is, as respects persons whose services with the Board or the Company are dispensed with after the passing of this Act, hereby amended by—
[GA](a) the substitution in paragraph 5 of “Industrial Engineering Company Limited” for “Dundalk Engineering Works Limited”,
[GA](b) the insertion in the said paragraph 5 after “on behalf of a State-sponsored company” of “, any board or body aforesaid or Industrial Engineering Company Limited”, and
[GA](c) the insertion in paragraph 6 after “reference to the Board” of “and to the Company”.
[GA]Short title.
22.—This Act may be cited as the Transport Act, 1963.
Uimh. 17 de 1963.
[An tiontú oifigiúil.]
1.—San Acht seo—
[EN]ciallaíonn “Acht 1950” an tAcht Iompair, 1950;
[EN]ciallaíonn “Acht 1958” an tAcht Iompair, 1958;
[EN]ciallaíonn “an Bord” Córas Iompair Éireann;
[EN]ciallaíonn “an Chuideachta” Ostlanna Iompair Éireann, Teoranta;
[EN]ciallaíonn “an tAire” an tAire Iompair agus Cumhachta;
[EN]ciallaíonn “ordú oibreacha iarnróid” ordú arna dhéanamh faoi alt 6 den Acht seo;
[EN]ciallaíonn “oibreacha iarnróid” aon oibreacha is iarnród, trambhealach nó iarnród éadrom nó aon chuid d'iarnród, de thrambhealach nó d'iarnród éadrom.
[EN]Iarratas ar ordú oibreacha iarnróid.
2.—(1) Féadfaidh an Bord iarratas a dhéanamh chun an Aire ag iarraidh ordú oibreacha iarnróid á údarú don Bhord oibreacha iarnróid de chinéal áirithe a fhoirgniú, a chothabháil, a oibriú, a athrú agus a mhéadú.
[EN](2) Beidh ag gabháil le gach iarratas ag iarraidh ordú oibreacha iarnróid—
[EN](a) dréacht den ordú a bheidh beartaithe,
[EN](b) plean de na hoibreach iarnróid a bheidh beartaithe, agus
[EN](c) leabhar tagartha don phlean,
[EN]agus is i cibé foirm a ordóidh an tAire a bheidh an dréacht, an plean agus an leabhar tagartha.
[EN]An dréacht-ordú, an plean agus an leabhar tagartha agus fógra i dtaobh an iarratais a thaisceadh.
3.—(1) Aon uair a dhéanfar iarratas ag iarraidh ordú oibreacha iarnróid, déanfaidh an Bord, a luaithe is féidir, na nithe seo a leanas, is é sin le rá:—
[EN](a) cóip den dréacht-ordú, den phlean agus den leabhar tagartha don phlean a bhí i dteannta an iarratais a thaisceadh agus a choimeád i dtaisce san áit nó i ngach ceann de na háiteanna a bheidh ceaptha ag an Aire;
[EN](b) fógra (a déarfaidh go bhféadfar agóidí agus uiríolla i dtaobh an ordaithe a bheidh beartaithe a thabhairt don Aire i scríbhinn i rith tréimhse sonraithe) a fhoilsiú, i cibé nuachtán nó nuachtáin a ordóidh an tAire, ag insint go ndearnadh an t-iarratas agus gur taisceadh cóip den dréacht-ordú, den phlean agus den leabhar tagartha agus na háite nó na n-áiteanna ar taisceadh iad;
[EN](c) cóip den dréacht-ordú, den phlean agus den leabhar tagartha a chur go dtí Coimisinéirí na nOibreacha Poiblí in Éirinn, go dtí Coimisiún Talún na hÉireann agus go dtí cibé daoine (más aon daoine) a ordóidh an tAire.
[EN](2) Féadfaidh duine ar bith an chóip d'aon dréacht-ordú de phlean nó de leabhar tagartha a bheidh arna taisceadh faoin alt seo a iniúchadh gach tráth réasunach.
[EN]Táillí ar iarratas.
1879, c. 58.
4.—(1) Íocfar leis an Aire ar gach iarratas ag iarraidh ordú oibreacha iarnróid cibé táille (más aon táille é) a shocróidh an tAire le toiliú an Aire Airgeadais.
[EN](2) Beidh éifeacht ag na forálacha seo a leanas maidir leis na táillí uile is iníoctha faoin alt seo, is é sin le rá:—
[EN](a) is in airgead a bhaileofar na táillí agus glacfar iad i cibé slí a ordóidh an tAire Airgeadais ó am go ham, agus íocfar isteach sa Státchiste iad nó cuirfear chun tairbhe don Státchiste iad i cibé slí a ordóidh an tAire Airgeadais;
[EN](b) ní bheidh feidhm ag an Public Offices Fees Act, 1879, maidir le táillí den sórt sin.
[EN]Fiosrúchán áitiúil i dtaobh iarratais ag iarraidh ordú oibreacha iarnróid.
5.—(1) (a) I gcás ina ndéanfar iarratas chun an Aire ag iarraidh ordú oibreacha iarnróid, féadfaidh an tAire, más oiriúnach leis é, a ordú fiosrúchán poiblí i dtaobh an iarratais a sheoladh sa cheantar a mbeartófar na hoibreacha iarnróid is ábhar don iarratas a dhéanamh ann.
[EN](b) I gcás ina n-ordóidh an tAire fiosrúchán poiblí a sheoladh i dtaobh iarratais ag iarraidh ordú oibreacha iarnróid, ceapfaidh sé duine chun an fiosrúchán a sheoladh agus beidh teideal ag an mBord, ag gach duine is úinéir, léasaí nó áititheoir ar an talamh ar air nó thairis a bheidh beartaithe na hoibreacha iarnróid is ábhar don iarratas a dhéanamh, agus ag gach údarás áitiúil a mbeidh sé beartaithe go rachadh na hoibreacha trína limistéir agus ag gach duine eile ag a mbeidh, i dtuairim an duine a bheidh ag seoladh an fhiosrúcháin, leas substaintiúil, in ábhar an fhiosrúchain, a bheith i láthair agus éisteacht a fháil ag an bhfiosrúchán.
[EN](2) Aon fhianaise a thabharfar os comhair duine a bheidh ceaptha chun fiosrúchán a sheoladh faoin alt seo, má cheanglaíonn an duine é, is faoi mhionn a thabharfar é (agus tugtar cumhacht leis seo don duine daoine a chur faoi mhionn) agus beidh aon duine a thabharfaidh fianaise bhréagach os comhair aon duine den sórt sin ciontach i mionnú éithigh agus féadfar é a phionósú dá réir sin.
[EN]Ordú oibreacha iarnróid a dheonú.
6.—I gcás inarb é tuairim an Aire, tar éis dó breithniú a dhéanamh ar iarratas ag iarraidh ordú oibreacha iarnróid, agus, i gcás fiosrúchán a sheoladh faoi alt 5 den alt seo maidir leis an iarratas, ar thuarascáil an duine a sheol é, agus tar éis dó dul i gcomhairle leis an Aire Rialtais Áitiúil, agus aird a thabhairt ar na hagóidí agus ar na huiríolla (más ann) a tugadh de réir téarmaí an fhógra faoi alt 3 den Acht seo, gur cóir géilleadh don iarratas, déanfaidh sé ordú á údarú don Bhord na hoibreacha iarnróid a shonraítear san ordú a dhéanamh, a chothabháil agus a oibriú i cibé modh, faoi réir cibé sriantachtaí agus forálacha agus ar cibé téarmaí agus coinníollacha is cuí leis an Aire agus a shonróidh sé san ordú.
[EN]Forálacha maidir le hordú oibreacha iarnróid.
1919, c. 57.
7.—Beidh éifeacht ag na forálacha seo a leanas maidir le hordú oibreacha iarnróid, is é sin le rá:—
[EN](a) beidh san ordú cibé forálacha a mheasfaidh an tAire is gá nó is cuí chun críche an ordaithe;
[EN](b) gan dochar do ghinearáltacht mhír (a) den fho-alt seo—
[EN](i) féadfaidh forálacha a bheith san ordú á údarú don Bhord aon talamh a ghlacadh go héigeanta ar gá, i dtuairim an Aire, é a ghlacadh chun éifeacht a thabhairt don ordú,
[EN](ii) féadfaidh an t-ordú aon chearta i dtalamh nó uisce nó thar talamh nó uisce, nó, faoi réir toiliú an Aire Rialtais Áitiúil, in aon bhóthar poiblí nó thairis, a dheonú don Bhord, ar gá i dtuairim an Aire, iad a dheonú chun éifeacht a thabhairt don ordú.
[EN](iii) foráilfear san ordú, maidir le haon talamh a ghlacfar amhlaidh nó aon cheart thar uisce nó talamh a dheonófar amhlaidh, go n-íocfaidh an Bord cúiteamh leis na daoine uile agus faoi seach ag a mbeidh eastáit nó leasanna sa talamh nó san uisce, agus foráilfear ann go ndéanfar aon cheist cúitimh faoina mbeidh díospóid a chinneadh faoi réim agus de réir an Acquisition of Land (Assessment of Compensation) Act, 1919, agus chun na críche sin measfar gur údarás poiblí de réir bhrí an Achta sin an Bord,
[EN](iv) féadfaidh gach ceann nó aon cheann d'fhorálacha Achtanna na gClásal Talún, modhnaithe agus oiriúnaithe mar is cuí leis an Aire, a bheith san ordú,
[EN](v) luafar san ordú an modh ina ndéanfar na hoibreacha iarnróid lena mbainfidh an t-ordú,
[EN](vi) féadfaidh an t-ordú an tréimhse a shocrú a mbeidh na hoibreacha iarnróid le críochnú laistigh di,
[EN](vii) féadfaidh forálacha a bheith san ordú maidir leis an modh ar a ndéanfar na hoibreacha iarnróid a oibriú agus a chothabháil,
[EN](viii) beidh san ordú na forálacha sin uile is cuí leis an Aire chun an pobal i gcoitinne agus aon daoine lena mbainfidh an t-ordú a chosaint,
[EN](ix) féadfar a fhoráil san ordú, nuair a sháróidh an Bord (trí ghníomh nó neamhghníomh) aon fhoráil shonraithe den ordú, go mbeidh an Bord ciontach i gcion faoin ordú agus go ndlífear ar é a chiontú go hachomair cibé fíneáil (nach mó ná céad punt) a shonrófar san ordú i leith an chiona a chur air agus, i gcás ciona leanúnaigh, cibé fíneáil bhreise (nach mó ná fiche punt) a shonrófar san ordú i leith an chiona in aghaidh gach lae a leanfar den chion tar éis a chiontaithe ann,
[EN](x) féadfaidh aon fhorálacha (lena n-áirítear pianfhorálacha) atá in aon achtachán a bhaineann le hiarnróid a bheith, oiriúnaithe agus modhnaithe mar is cuí leis an Aire, san ordú,
[EN](xi) féadfaidh forálacha a bheith san ordú á údarú don Bhord, tráth ar bith sula dtíolacfar talamh a bheidh á ghlacadh go héigeanta ag an mBord faoin ordú nó sula ndéanfar amach a phraghas nó an cúiteamh ina leith, dul isteach ar an talamh agus seilbh a ghlacadh air, agus ina dteannta sin forálacha—
[EN](I) á cheangal ar an mBord, má théann sé isteach agus seilbh a ghlacadh ar an talamh amhlaidh, ús a íoc le háititheoir na talún ar mhéid an phraghais nó an chúitimh is iníoctha faoin Acht seo leis an áititheoir de réir ráta trí faoin gcéad sa bhliain ó dháta an dula isteach go dtí go n-íocfar an praghas nó an cúiteamh,
[EN](II) á cheangal ar an mBord, má théann sé isteach agus seilbh a ghlacadh ar an talamh amhlaidh, fógra a thabhairt d'áititheoir na talún mí nó, i gcás tí chónaithe áirithe, trí mhí, roimh ré i scríbhinn á rá go bhfuil ar intinn aige dul isteach, nó seilbh a ghlacadh, ar aon talamh faoin alt seo,
[EN](III) á údarú don Bhord an fógra a dúradh a sheirbheáil ar dhuine trína chur leis an bpost réamhíoctha i gclúdach arna sheoladh chun an duine ag a ghnáthsheoladh nó ag an seoladh is deireanaí is eol a bheith aige agus á mheas gur seirbheáladh an fógra ar an duine an tráth a sheachadfaí an clúdach i ngnáthchúrsa an phoist agus á údarú an clúdach a sheoladh chun an duine dá mbeidh sé ceaptha (i gcás nach féidir é a sheoladh sa mhodh a dúradh anseo roimhe seo) i gceachtar slí acu seo a leanas, is é sin le rá:—
[EN](A) faoin tuairisc “an t-úinéir” nó “an t-áititheoir” (de réir mar a bheidh) gan a ainm a lua,
[EN](B) ag an talamh san áit ina mbeidh an mhaoin lena mbainfidh an fógra a bheidh sa chlúdach,
[EN](xii) foráilfear san ordú, aon uair a ghlacfaidh an Bord nó a rachaidh sé isteach agus a ghlacfaidh sé seilbh ar aon talamh faoin ordú, is talamh atá, leis féin nó maraon le talamh eile, faoi réir bhlianacht talamhcheannaigh nó bhlianacht mhíntíriúcháin, is iníoctha in ionad cíosa nó in ionad suim eile is iníoctha go tréimhsiúil (nach éard é amháin cíos faoi chonradh tionóntachta) is iníoctha le Coimisiún Talún na hÉireann nó le Coimisinéirí na nOibreacha Poiblí in Éirinn, ansin—
[EN](I) amhail ón dáta a ghlacfaidh an Bord nó a rachaidh sé isteach agus a ghlacfaidh sé seilbh ar an talamh, cibé dáta is túisce, tiocfaidh ar Bord chun bheith agus beidh sé faoi dhliteanas an tsuim thréimhsiúil sin nó cibé tráthchuid de a leithroinnfidh Coimisiún Talún na hÉireann nó na Coimisinéirí sin (de réir mar a bheidh) ar an talamh a íoc le Coimisiún Talún na hÉireann nó leis na Coimisinéirí sin (de réir mar a bheidh), ionann agus dá mbeadh úinéir na talún tar éis an talamh a aistriú chun an Bhoird ar an dáta sin;
[EN](II) beidh teideal ag an mBord, más oiriúnach leis é, an tsuim thréimhsiúil nó an chuid réamhráite sin di a fhuascailt, agus
[EN](III) beidh d'oibleagáid ar an mBord, má cheanglaíonn Coimisiún Talún na hÉireann nó na Coimisinéirí sin (de réir mar a bheidh) air é a dhéanamh, an tsuim thréimhsiúil sin nó an chuid réamhráite sin di a fhuascailt,
[EN](xiii) féadfaidh an t-ordú a fhoráil go gcinnfear le headráin aon cheisteanna sonraithe a éireoidh faoi.
[EN](xiv) féadfaidh cibé forálacha is forálacha foghabhálacha nó teagmhasacha i leith aon cheann de na hábhair réamhráite agus a mheasfaidh an tAire is gá nó is cuí a bheith san ordú.
[EN]Ordú oibreacha iarnróid a leasú.
8.—Féadfaidh an tAire ó am go ham ordú oibreacha iarnróid a leasú.
[EN]Éifeacht ordaithe oibreacha íarnróid.
9.—Beidh feidhm dlí ag gach ordú oibreacha iarnróid.
[EN]Caiteachais an Aire ag feidhmiú cumhachtaí faoi ordú oibreacha iarnróid.
10.—Íocfaidh an tAire leis an mBord, a mhéid a chinnfidh an tAire Airgeadais é, an caiteachas faoina rachaidh an tAire ag feidhmiú a chumhachtaí agus a fheidhmeanna faoi ordú oibreacha iarnróid.
[EN]Orduithe áirithe a dhéanamh bailí.
1955, I.R. Uimh. 214.
1959, I.R. Uimh. 192.
11.—(1) Beidh na hOrduithe a shonraítear i bhfo-alt (2) den alt seo, agus measfar go raibh siad riamh, chomh bailí chun gach críche agus dá mba faoin Acht seo a rinneadh iad go cuí agus dá mbeadh an tAcht seo i ngníomh nuair a rinneadh iad.
[EN](2) Is iad na hOrduithe dá dtagraítear i bhfo-alt (1) den alt seo an tOrdú um an Acht Iompair, 1950 (Cumhachta Breise), 1955, agus an tOrdú um an Acht Iompair, 1950 (Cumhachtaí Breise), 1959.
[EN]Cumhachtaí an Bhoird chun airgead a fháil ar iasacht.
12.—Déantar leis seo alt 28 d'Acht 1950 a leasú—
[EN](a) trí “nó ar shlí eile” a chur isteach i mír (a) d'fho-alt (1) (a dhéanann foráil i dtaobh an Bord d'fháil airgid ar iasacht go sealadach) i ndiaidh “bancaeirí”, agus
[EN](b) trí “cúig mhilliún déag punt” a chur in ionad “dhá mhilliún déag punt” (a cuireadh isteach leis an Acht Iompair, 1955) i mír (b) d'fho-alt (2) (a chuireann teorainn le hiasachtaí chun críocha caipitiúla)
[EN]Airleacain don Bhord ón Aire Airgeadais.
13.—(1) Chun a chur ar chumas an Bhoird a fheidhmeanna a chomhlíonadh féadfaidh an tAire Airgeadais, ar mholadh an Aire, cibe suimeanna (nach mó san iomlán ná dhá mhilliún punt) a iarrfaidh an Bord ó am go ham a airleacan chun an Bhoird ó am go ham.
[EN](2) Is ar cibé téarmaí a chinnfidh an tAire Airgeadais maidir le haisíoc, ús agus ábhair eile a thabharfar airleacain faoi fho-alt (1) den alt seo.
[EN](3) Déanfar na suimeanna go léir a íocfaidh an Bord ag aisíoc airleacain faoin alt seo nó de bhun aon téarma nó coinníoll ar faoina réir a tugadh airleacan faoin alt seo a íoc isteach sa Státchiste nó a chur chun tairbhe don Státchiste.
[EN](4) Airleacfar as an bPríomh-Chiste nó a thoradh fáis an t-airgead go léir a theastóidh ón Aire Airgeadais ó am go ham faoi chomhair suimeanna a thiocfaidh chun bheith iníoctha aige faoin alt seo.
[EN](5) Féadfaidh an tAire Airgeadais, d'fhonn soláthar a dhéanamh le haghaidh suimeanna a airleacan as an bPríomh-Chiste faoin alt seo, aon suimeanna a bheidh ag teastáil chuige sin a fháil ar iasacht ar urrús an Phríomh-Chiste nó a thoradh fáis, agus, chun an céanna a fháil ar iasacht, féadfaidh sé urrúis a bhunú agus a eisiúint agus iad faoi cibé ráta úis agus faoi réir cibé coinníollacha i dtaobh aisíoca nó fuascailte nó eile is oiriúnach leis, agus íocfaidh sé isteach sa Státchiste an t-airgead go léir a gheofar ar iasacht amhlaidh.
[EN](6) Is ar an bPríomh-Chiste nó a thoradh fáis a bheidh muirear agus íoc príomhshuime agus úis na n-urrús go léir a eiseofar faoin alt seo agus na gcaiteachas faoina rachfar i ndáil leis na hurrúis sin a eisiúint.
[EN]Cúiteamh d'fhostaithe don Chuideachta a scaoilfear lena seirbhísí nó a ndéanfar dochar dá gcoinníollacha.
14.—(1) I gcás—
[EN](a) fostaíocht duine faoin mBord is oifigeach nó seirbhíseach don Bhord (lena n-áirítear oifigeach nó seirbhíseach a aistríodh nó a tugadh ar iasacht faoi alt 14 d'Acht Mhór-Iarnród an Tuaiscirt, 1958) a fhoirceannadh, roimh dháta an Achta seo a rith nó dá éis sin, chun a chumasú don duine dul i bhfostaíocht na Cuideachta,
[EN](b) an duine do dhul, ar an bhfoirceannadh sin a dhéanamh, i bhfostaíocht na Cuideachta, agus
[EN](c) an Chuideachta do scaoileadh le seirbhísí an duine sin, nó é a aistriú ó phost go dtí post eile i seirbhís na Cuideachta, roimh an 31 Márta, 1964, de dheasca aon cheann de na hábhair dá dtagraítear i bhfo-alt (1) nó (6) d'alt 17 d'Acht Mhór-Iarnród an Tuaiscirt, 1958, agus, dá dhroim sin, gur chaill sé aon airgead go díreach nó gur measa a staid maidir le coinníollacha a sheirbhíse ina n-iomláine (ar a n-áirítear sealbhaíocht oifige nó fostaíochta, luach saothair, aiscí, aoisliúntas, sochair ó chiste breoiteachta nó sochair nó liúntais eile, cibé acu dlí nó gnás is foras dóibh agus cibé acu maidir leis féin nó lena bhaintreach nó lena chlann nó le cleithiúnaithe eile leis atá feidhm acu) i gcomórtas leis na coinníollacha a bhain leis roimh an aistriú nó má cheanglaíonn an Chuideachta air dualgais a chomhlíonadh sa phost chun ar aistríodh amhlaidh é nach bhfuil i gcosúlacht nó nach breis réasúnach leis na dualgais a bhí de cheangal air a chomhlíonadh sa phost ónar aistríodh amhlaidh é—
[EN](i) i gcás ina mbeifear tar éis scaoileadh lena sheirbhísí mar a dúradh, beidh teideal aige chun cúitimh faoi alt 14 d'Acht 1958 (ach, i gcás duine lena mbaineann fo-alt (3) d'alt 17 d'Acht Mhór-Iarnród an Tuaiscirt, 1958, faoi réir na bhforálacha a bhaineann leis an Dara Sceideal a ghabhann le hAcht 1958 atá san fho-alt sin) a bheidh iníoctha ag an gCuideachta sa mhéid chéanna agus ar na coinníollacha céanna le duine lena mbaineann an t-alt sin, agus chun críocha an teidil sin measfar gur fostaíocht faoin mBord fostaíocht an duine faoin gCuideachta agus measfar nach briseadh ar fhostaíocht an duine faoin mBord an t-eatramh (más ann) idir an foirceannadh a dúradh agus tosach na fostaíochta faoin gCuideachta, agus
[EN](ii) i gcás é a aistriú mar a dúradh, íocfaidh an Chuideachta leis cúiteamh ina chnapshuim a mbeidh cibé méid ann a bheidh réasúnach.
[EN](2) Beidh feidhm ag ailt 41, 42 agus 43 d'Acht 1950 (a bhaineann le cúiteamh a chinneadh faoin Acht sin) le cúiteamh faoin alt seo agus, chun críocha na feidhme sin, forléireofar na tagairtí atá sna hailt sin don Bhord mar thagairtí don Chuideachta.
[EN](3) (a) Féadfaidh an tAire, le hordú, réim a thabhairt d'fhorálacha an ailt seo in aon chás ina mbeifear tar éis scaoileadh le seirbhísí oifigigh nó seirbhísigh de chuid na Cuideachta (is oifigeach nó seirbhíseach a bhí i bhfostaíocht an Bhoird nó a aistríodh nó a tugadh ar iasacht faoi alt 14 d'Acht Mhór-Iarnród an Tuaiscirt, 1958, agus a ndearnadh a sheirbhísí faoin mBord a fhoirceannadh (roimh an Acht seo a rith nó dá éis sin) chun a chumasú dó dul i bhfostaíocht na Cuideachta), nó ina mbeifear tar éis é a aistriú go dtí post eile mar gheall ar iomarcacht de dhroim aon scéime chun aon roinn den Chuideachta a atheagrú agus a oibriú ar shlí níos tíobhasaí agus is scéim a dhéanann difear d'aon dream nó aicme oibrithe, agus féadfaidh, le hordú, aon ordú den sórt sin a leasú.
[EN](b) Gach ordú a dhéanfar faoin bhfo-alt seo leagfar é faoi bhráid gach Tí den Oireachtas a luaithe is féidir tar éis a dhéanta, agus, má dhéanann ceachtar Teach laistigh den lá is fiche a shuífidh an Teach sin tar éis an t-ordú a leagan faoina bhráid rún a rith ag neamhniú an ordaithe, beidh an t-ordú ar neamhní dá réir sin, ach sin gan dochar do bhailíocht aon ní a rinneadh roimhe sin faoi.
[EN]Leanfaidh sochair aoisliúntas de bheith iníoctha i gcás daoine a aistríodh ón mBord go dtí an Chuideachta.
15.—I gcás fostaíocht duine faoin mBord is oifigeach nó seirbhíseach don Bhord (lena n-áirítear oifigeach nó seirbhíseach a aistríodh nó a tugadh ar iasacht faoi alt 14 d'Acht Mhór-Iarnród an Tuaiscirt, 1958) a fhoirceannadh, roimh dháta an Achta seo a rith nó dá éis sin, chun a chumasú don duine dul i bhfostaíocht na Cuideachta, agus, ar an bhfoirceannadh sin a dhéanamh, an duine do dhul i bhfostaíocht na Cuideachta—
[EN](a) beidh an ceart céanna ag an duine agus ag aon duine ɐ bheidh ag éileamh tríd chun comhaltais in aon scéim aoisliúntas d'oifigigh nó seirbhísigh de chuid an Bhoird (seachas an scéim leasa atá ag an mBord don ghnáthfhoireann tuarastail) a bheadh aige dá mb'fhostaíocht faoin mBord a fhostaíocht faoin gCuideachta,
[EN](b) ach amháin i gcás ina gcomhaontófar ar a mhalairt idir an Bord agus an Chuideachta, ar an duine sin a dhul san fhostaíocht sin beidh na hoibleagáidí (cibé acu dlí nó gnás is foras dóibh) i leith aon scéime den sórt sin agus i leith comhaltaí na scéime sin a bhí ina gceangal ar an mBord roimh an bhfoirceannadh sin beidh siad ina gceangal feasta ar an gCuideachta i leith an duine féin agus aon duine a bheidh ag éileamh tríd,
[EN](c) measfar, chun críocha aon scéime den sórt sin, nach briseadh ar fhostaíocht an duine an t-eatramh (más ann) idir an foirceannadh sin a dúradh agus tosach na fostaíochta faoin gCuideachta, agus
[EN](d) féadfaidh an Bord forálacha ag tabhairt éifeachta don alt seo a chur i scéim nó i scéimeanna ag leasú aon scéime den sórt sin agus, i gcás ina dtugtar cumhacht don Aire an scéim nó na scéimeanna sin a dhaingniú, féadfar an chumhacht sin a fheidhmiú d'ainneoin na forálacha sin a bheith curtha isteach agus féadfar an daingniú sin a dhéanamh gan na forálacha a mhodhnú, nó maraon le cibé modhnuithe (trí cur leo, fágáil ar lár nó athrú) is oiriúnach leis an Aire.
[EN]Srian le hathrú ar mheabhrán comhlachais agus ar airteagail chomhlachais na Cuideachta.
16.—D'ainneoin aon ní atá in Achtanna na gCuideachtaí, 1908 go 1959, nó i meabhrán comhlachais nó in airteagail chomhlachais na Cuideachta, ní bheidh athrú ar an meabhrán nó ar na hairteagail sin bailí ná éifeachtúil mura mbeidh toilithe roimh ré ag an Aire lena dhéanamh.
[EN]Feidhm ailt 16 agus 34 d'Acht 1950 maidir leis an gCuideachta.
17.—Beidh feidhm agus éifeacht ag ailt 16 agus 34 d'Acht 1950 (ailt a bhaineann faoi seach leis an mBord do thabhairt eolais don Aire agus le cuntais an Bhoird agus lena n-iniúchadh) maidir leis an gCuideachta mar atá feidhm agus éifeacht acu maidir leis an mBord.
[EN]Iarnróid a thréigean.
18.—(1) An chumhacht a thugtar le halt 21 d'Acht 1950 chun orduithe tréigin (de réir bhrí an ailt sin) a dhéanamh beidh réim aici maidir le línte nó ranna iarnróid a bheidh dílsithe don Bhord agus a mbeifear tar éis an tseirbhís traenacha orthu a fhoirceannadh tráth ar bith—
[EN](a) roimh an dílsiú sin nó dá éis, agus
[EN](b) roimh an Acht seo a rith (lena n-áirítear tráth sular ritheadh Acht 1950) nó tar éis an rite sin, agus (i gcás seirbhísí traenacha nár oibríodh ó dháta roimh dháta Acht 1958 a rith) is cuma cé acu a rinneadh nó nach ndearnadh orduithe dá dtagraítear i mír (a) d'fho-alt (2) den alt sin 21 i leith na seirbhísí.
[EN](2) D'ainneoin aon ní contrártha dó sin atá san alt sin 21 nó in aon achtachán eile, féadfaidh cuideachta iarnróid aon talamh faoi, nó tadhlach le, líne iarnróid thréigthe a dhíol trí chonradh príobháideach le haon tionónta ar ceachtar taobh den líne nó le Coimisinéirí na nOibreacha Poiblí in Éirinn nó le Coimisiún Talún na hÉireann.
[EN]Leasú ar alt 14 d'Acht 1958.
19.—(1) Leasaítear leis seo alt 14 d'Acht 1958 (a fhoráileann go dtabharfar cúiteamh d'fhostaithe áirithe a scaoilfear lena seirbhísí nó a ndéanfar dochar dá gcoinníollacha seirbhíse) trí “an 31ú lá de Mhárta, 1964, nó roimhe” a chur isteach i bhfo-ailt (1) agus (6) in ionad “laistigh de chúig bliana tar éis dáta an Achta seo a rith”.
[EN](2) Chun seirbhís inphinsin duine lena mbaineann an t-alt sin 14 a ríomh faoin gCeathrú Sceideal a ghabhann leis an Acht Iompair, 1950, má glacadh an duine i bhfostaíocht an Bhoird mar dhuine saincháilithe in aois ba shine ná an aois ina dtosaítí de ghnáth ar sheirbhís iompair, féadfar a sheirbhís inphinsin a mhéadú trí cibé méid blianta a chur léi a mheasfar a bheith cóir.
[EN]Leasú ar alt 17 d'Acht Mhór-Iarnród an Tuaiscirt, 1958.
20.—(1) Leasaítear leis seo alt 17 (a fhoráileann go dtabharfar cúiteamh d'fhostaithe áirithe de chuid an Bhoird agus do sheanfhostaithe de chuid Bhord Mhór-Iarnród an Tuaiscirt a scaoilfear lena seirbhísí nó a ndéanfar dochar dá gcoinníollacha seirbhíse) d'Acht Mhór-Iarnród an Tuaiscirt, 1958, trí—
[EN](a) “an 31ú lá de Mhárta, 1964, nó roimhe” a chur isteach i mír (a) d'fho-alt (1) in ionad “laistigh de chúig bliana tar éis dáta an Achta seo a rith”,
[EN](b) an mhír seo a leanas a chur isteach san fho-alt sin (1) i ndiaidh mír (b):
[EN]“(bb) má tharlaíonn, sna cúinsí dá dtagraítear i bhfo-alt (6) d'alt 14 den Acht Iompair, 1958, go scaoilfear le seirbhísí oifigigh nó seirbhísigh (is oifigeach nó seirbhíseach a aistríodh nó a tugadh ar iasacht faoi alt 14 den Acht seo) nó go n-aistreofar é go dtí post eile i seirbhís an Bhoird agus go ndéanfar ordú faoin bhfo-alt sin (6) i dtaobh an cháis;”, agus
[EN](c) “an 31ú lá de Mhárta, 1964, nó roimhe” a chur isteach i mír (c) den fo-alt sin (1) in ionad “laistigh de chúig bliana tar éis dáta an Achta sin a rith”.
[EN]Leasú ar an Dara Sceideal a ghabhann le hAcht 1958.
21. Déantar leis seo an Dara Sceideal a ghabhann le hAcht 1958, maidir le daoine a scaoilfear lena seirbhísí faoin mBord nó faoin gCuideachta tar éis dáta an Achta seo a rith, a leasú trí—
[EN](a) “an Chuideachta Innealtóireachta Tionscail Teoranta” a chur isteach i mír 5 in ionad “Oibreacha Innealtóireachta Dhún Dealgan, Teoranta”,
[EN](b) “aon bhoird nó comhlachta mar a dúradh nó an Chuideachta Innealtóireachta Tionscail Teoranta nó ar seilbh thar ceann an chéanna” a chur in ionad “nó ar seilbh thar a ceann”, agus
[EN](c) “agus don Chuideachta” a chur isteach i mír 6 i ndiaidh “tagairt don Bhord”.
22.—Féadfar an tAcht Iompair, 1963, a ghairm den Acht seo.