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Uimhir 22 de 1936.
An Príomh-Acht.
1.—(1) San Acht so cialluíonn an abairt “an Príomh-Acht” an tAcht Timpeal Toghachán, 1923 (Uimh. 12 de 1923).
[EN](2) Gach focal agus abairt le n-a gcuireann an Príomh-Acht brí áirithe chun crícheanna an Achta san tá leis san Acht so an brí cuirtear leis amhlaidh, ach amháin go gcialluíonn an focal “orduithe” orduithe le hordú dhéanfaidh an tAire Rialtais Áitiúla agus Sláinte Puiblí.
[EN]Líostaí fóirlíontacha de thoghthóirí príomh-scoile.
2.—(1) Chó luath agus is féidir é tar éis an Achta so do rith bainfidh gach oifigeach clárathachta as an gclár de thoghthóirí bheidh i bhfeidhm do gach dáilcheanntar príomh-scoile fé leith ainm agus cruinn-tuairiscí oiriúnacha eile gach duine bheidh cláruithe mar thoghthóir sa chlár san agus go mbeidh a áit chomhnuithe, mar a bheidh sí curtha síos sa chlár san, suidhte i líomatáiste clárathachta an oifigigh chlárathachta san agus cuirfidh i liost ar leithligh, dá ngairmtear liost fóirlíontach san Acht so, an ainm agus na cruinn-tuairiscí eile bainfear as an gclár san amhlaidh.
[EN](2) Maidir le gach liost fóirlíontach—
[EN](a) déanfar amach sa bhfuirm orduithe é, agus
[EN](b) leagfar amach é i slí go mbeidh páirt ar leith ann do gach aonad clárathachta sa líomatáiste chlárathachta, agus
[EN](c) clóbhuailfear é, agus
[EN](d) foillseofar agus cuirfear ar díol é do réir na bhforálacha (seachas forálacha bhaineann le ham) atá sa Chéad Sceideal a ghabhann leis an bPríomh-Acht agus a bhaineann le foillsiú agus díol an chláir.
[EN](3) Bainfidh alt 12 den Phríomh-Acht leis na costaisí uile fé n-a raghaidh oifigeach clárathachta chun liost fóirlíontach d'ullamhú, do chlóbhualadh, d'fhoillsiú agus do chur ar díol amhail is gur chostaisí clárathachta do réir bhrí an ailt sin na costaisí sin.
[EN]Toghacháin roimh an ladh Meitheamh, 1937.
3.—(1) Má scuireann an tOireachtas tar éis an Achta so do rith i slí gur roimh an 1adh lá de Mheitheamh, 1937, a bheidh an lá vótaíochta sa tóghachán generálta leanfaidh as an scur san beidh éifeacht ag na forálacha so leanas maidir le gach liost fóirlíontach a hullamhófar do réir an Achta so, sé sin le rá:—
[EN](a) i gcás gach liosta fhóirlíontaigh den tsórt san a bhainfidh le líomatáiste clárathachta bheidh ar fad laistigh d'aon dáilcheanntar amháin tiocfaidh an liost fóirlíontach san i bhfeidhm sa dáilcheanntar san agus tiocfaidh chun bheith agus beidh, chun gach críche, ina pháirt den chlár de thoghthóirí don dáilcheanntar san díreach tar éis an scurtha san no, má bhíonn níos mó ná aon scur amháin den tsórt san ann, díreach tar éis an chéad scurtha dhíobh, agus
[EN](b) i gcás gach liosta fhóirlíontaigh den tsórt san a bhainfidh le líomatáiste clárathachta bheidh go leathrannach i ngach ceann de dhá dháilcheanntar no níos mó tiocfaidh an liost fóirlíontach san, an méid de bhainfidh leis an gcuid den líomatáiste chlárathachta san a bheidh suidhte in aon dáilcheanntar áirithe acu san, i bhfeidhm sa dáilcheanntar san agus tiocfaidh chun bheith agus beidh, chun gach críche, ina pháirt den chlár de thoghthóirí don dáilcheanntar san díreach tar éis an scurtha san no, má bhíonn níos mó ná aon scur amháin den tsórt san ann, díreach tar éis an chéad scurtha dhíobh.
[EN](2) Gach éinne go mbeidh a ainm i liost fóirlíontach beidh sé i dteideal vótáil mar Dháil-toghthóir, sa dáilcheanntar ina mbeidh an liost fóirlíontach san no an chuid de go mbeidh a ainm ann i bhfeidhm mar pháirt den chlár de thoghthóirí, i ngach toghachán generálta ina dtiocfaidh an lá vótaíochta roimh an 1adh lá de Mheitheamh, 1937, agus i ngach toghachán corra sa dáilcheanntar san ina dtiocfaidh an lá vótaíochta tar éis teacht i bhfeidhm don liost fhóirlíontach san no don chuid sin de mar pháirt den chlár de thoghthóirí don dáilcheanntar san agus roimh an 1adh lá de Mheitheamh 1937.
[EN]Togacháin tar éis an 1adh Meitheamh, 1937.
4.—(1) Le linn gach athscrúduithe déanfar ar liost de thoghthóirí fé Chuid I den Phríomh-Acht tar éis an Achta so do rith agus roimh an gcéad uair ina dhiaidh sin a scuirfidh an tOireachtas cuirfear no coimeádfar (pe'ca aca is gá sa chás) sa liost san de thoghthóirí, agus cuirfear sa chlár de thoghthóirí a hullamhófar ón liost san, ainm gach duine bheidh cláruithe i gclár de thoghthóirí bheidh i bhfeidhm an uair sin i ndáilcheanntar príomh-scoile agus do bheadh, mara mbeadh sé cláruithe amhlaidh, i dteideal a ainm do bheith sa liost san de thoghthóirí agus sa chlár san a hullamhófar uaidh ach comharthófar an ainm sin sa liost san agus sa chlár san leis an gcomhartha orduithe.
[EN](2) Gach duine go mbeidh a ainm i gclár de thoghthóirí agus í comharthuithe sa chlár san leis an gcomhartha orduithe luaidhtear sa bhfo-alt deiridh sin roimhe seo den alt so beidh sé i dteideal vótáil sa dáilcheanntar le n-a mbainfidh an clár san i ngach toghachán generálta ina dtiocfaidh an lá vótaíochta le linn an chláir sin do bheith i bhfeidhm, agus fós i ngach toghachán corra déanfar sa dáilcheanntar san tar éis na céad uaire scuirfidh an tOireachtas i ndiaidh an Achta so do rith agus ina dtiocfaidh an lá vótaíochta le linn an chláir sin do bheith i bhfeidhm, ach ní bheidh sé i dteideal vótáil sa dáilcheanntar san in aon toghachán corra sa dáilcheanntar san a déanfar sara scuirfidh an tOireachtas amhlaidh agus ina dtiocfaidh an lá vótaíochta le linn an chláir sin do bheith i bhfeidhm.
[EN]Forálacha áirithe den Phríomh-Acht dathghairm.
5.—Na forálacha uile agus fé seach den Phríomh-Acht a luaidhtear sa chéad cholún den Sceideal a ghabhann leis an Acht so, athghairmtear leis seo iad sa mhéid a luaidhtear sa dara colún den sceideal san ón gcéad uair a scuirfidh an tOireachtas tar éis an Achta so do rith.
[EN]Gearr-theideal agus luadh.
6.—(1) Féadfar an tAcht Toghacháin (Dáilcheanntair Phríomh-Scoile), 1936, do ghairm den Acht so.
[EN](2) Féadfar na hAchtanna Toghacháin, 1923 go 1936, do ghairm de sna hAchtanna Toghacháin, 1923 go 1935, agus den Acht so le chéile.
Na forálacha den Phríomh-Acht a hathghairmtear ón gcéad uair a scuirfidh an tOireachtas tar éis an Achta so do rith.
Alt. | Méid na hAthghairme |
1 | Mír (c) d'fho-alt (2). |
8 | Gach tagairt do dháilcheanntair phríomh-scoile. |
9 | I bhfo-alt (1) na focail “agus gach dáilcheanntar Príomhscoile”: fo-alt (3). |
10 | Fo-alt (3). |
11 | Fo-alt (3). |
12 | Fo-alt (8). |
15 | An t-alt iomlán. |
16 | Sna provísóna le fo-alt (1), gach tagairt do dháilcheanntair phríomh-scoile. |
21 | Fo-alt (2). |
23 | I bhfo-alt (1) na focail “nach dáilcheanntar Príomhscoile”: fo-alt (2). |
41 | Mír (c) d'fho-alt (2). |
48 | I bhfo-alt (1) na focail “(agus na dáilcheanntair Phríomhscoile d'áireamh ortha)”. |
50 | Gach tagairt do dháilcheanntair phríomh-scoile no do Chuid III den Ochtú Sceideal. |
An Dara Sceideal. | An Sceideal iomlán. |
An Cúigiú Sceideal. | I gCuid III, gach tagairt do dháilcheanntair phríomhscoile. |
An tOchtú Sceideal. | Cuid III. |
Number 22 of 1936.
Section | |
Act Referred to | |
No. 12 of 1923 |
Number 22 of 1936.
The Principal Act.
1.—(1) In this Act the expression “the Principal Act” means the Electoral Act, 1923 (No. 12 of 1923).
[GA](2) Every word and expression to which a particular meaning is given by the Principal Act for the purposes of that Act has in this Act the meaning so given, save that the word “prescribed” means prescribed by order made by the Minister for Local Government and Public Health.
[GA]Supplemental lists of university electors.
2.—(1) As soon as may be after the passing of this Act, every registration officer shall extract from the register of electors in force for each university constituency the name and other relevant particulars of every person who is registered as an elector in such register and whose place of residence as stated in such register is situate in the registration area of such registration officer and shall enter the name and other particulars so extracted in a separate list, in this Act referred to as a supplemental list.
[GA](2) Every supplemental list shall—
[GA](a) be in the prescribed form, and
[GA](b) be framed in separate parts for each registration unit in the registration area, and
[GA](c) be printed, and
[GA](d) be published and put on sale in accordance with the provisions (other than provisions relating to time) contained in the First Schedule to the Principal Act in relation to the publication and sale of the register.
[GA](3) Section 12 of the Principal Act shall apply to all expenses incurred by a registration officer in the preparation, printing, publishing, and putting on sale of a supplemental list as if those expenses were registration expenses within the meaning of that section.
[GA]Elections prior to 1st June, 1937.
3.—(1) In the event of a dissolution of the Oireachtas taking place after the passing of this Act in such circumstances that the polling day at the general election consequent on such dissolution is prior to the 1st day of June, 1937, the following provisions shall have effect in respect of every supplemental list prepared in pursuance of this Act, that is to say:—
[GA](a) in the case of every such supplemental list which relates to a registration area situate wholly within one constituency, such supplemental list shall, immediately upon the happening of such dissolution or, if more than one such dissolution takes place, immediately upon the happening of the first of such dissolutions, come into force in such constituency and become and be, for all purposes, part of the register of electors for such constituency, and
[GA](b) in the case of every such supplemental list which relates to a registration area situate partly in each of two or more constituencies, so much of such supplemental list as relates to the portion of such registration area situate in any one of such constituencies shall, immediately upon the happening of such dissolution or, if more than one such dissolution takes place, immediately upon the happening of the first of such dissolutions, come into force in such constituency and become and be, for all purposes, part of the register of electors for such constituency.
[GA](2) Every person whose name is entered in a supplemental list shall be entitled to vote as a Dáil elector in the constituency in which such supplemental list or the portion thereof containing his name is in force as part of the register of electors at every general election in which the polling day is prior to the 1st day of June, 1937, and at every bye-election in such constituency at which the polling day is subsequent to the coming into force of such supplementallist or such portion thereof as part of the register of electors for such constituency and is prior to the 1st day of June, 1937.
[GA]Elections subsequent to 1st June, 1937.
4.—(1) At every revision of an electors list under Part I of the Principal Act which takes place after the passing of this Act and before the next following dissolution of the Oireachtas, the name of every person who is registered in a register of electors then in force in a university constituency and would, if he was not so registered, be entitled to have his name entered in such electors list and in the register of electors prepared therefrom shall be entered or retained (as the case may require) in such electors list and be entered in the register of electors prepared therefrom but shall be distinguished in the said list and the said register by the prescribed mark.
[GA](2) Every person whose name is entered in a register of electors and distinguished therein by the prescribed mark mentioned in the next preceding sub-section of this section shall be entitled to vote, in the constituency to which such register relates, at every general election at which the polling day occurs while such register is in force, and also at every bye-election which takes place in such constituency after the dissolution of the Oireachtas next after the passing of this Act and at which the polling day occurs while such register is in force, but shall not be entitled to vote in such constituency at any bye-election in such constituency which takes place before the said dissolution of the Oireachtas and at which the polling day occurs while such register is in force.
[GA]Repeal of certain provisions of the Principal Act.
5.—The several provisions of the Principal Act which are mentioned in the first column of the Schedule to this Act are hereby repealed to the extent mentioned in the second column of the said Schedule as on and from the happening of the first dissolution of the Oireachtas after the passing of this Act.
[GA]Short title and citation.
6.—(1) This Act may be cited as the Electoral (University Constituencies) Act, 1936.
[GA](2) The Electoral Acts, 1923 to 1935, and this Act may be cited together as the Electoral Acts, 1923 to 1936.
Provisions of Principal Act repealed as on and from the first dissolution of the Oireachtas after the passing of this Act.
Section. | Extent of Repeal. |
1 | Paragraph (c) of sub-section (2). |
8 | All references to university constituencies. |
9 | In sub-section (1) the words “and each University constituency”: sub-section (3). |
10 | Sub-section (3). |
11 | Sub-section (3). |
12 | Sub-section (8). |
15 | The whole section. |
16 | In the provisoes to sub-section (1), all references to university constituencies. |
21 | Sub-section (2). |
23 | In sub-section (1) the words “other than a University constituency”: sub-section (2). |
41 | Paragraph (c) of sub-section (2). |
48 | In sub-section (1) the words “(including University constituencies).” |
50 | All references to university constituencies or to Part III of the Eighth Schedule. |
Second Schedule. | The whole Schedule. |
Fifth Schedule. | In Part III, all references to university constituencies. |
Eighth Schedule. | Part III. |