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Number 3 of 1927.








Duties to be performed by board of health in county health district.


Duties to be performed by boards of health in joint districts.


Borrowing by boards of health.


Expenses of Labourers (Ireland) Acts.


Expenses of county councils.


Demand notes for rates.


Amendment of section 44 of the Principal Act.


Contributions to superannuation in respect of service under committees.


Payment of superannuation to ex-officers of boards of guardians and rural district councils.


Rating of new buildings.


Partial suspension of increases in valuations of buildings.


Amendment of section 60 of the Principal Act.


Amendment of section 86 of the Principal Act.


Minor amendments of the Principal Act.


Short title, citation, and construction.




Acts Referred to

Local Government Act, 1925

No. 5 of 1925


Number 3 of 1927.




1.—(1) In this Act—


the expression “the Principal Act” means the Local Government Act, 1925 (No. 5 of 1925);


the expression “rateable value” when used in relation to a hereditament, or hereditaments, or area, means the annual rateable value under the Valuation Acts of such hereditament, or of all such hereditaments or of all the hereditaments comprised in such area (as the case may be);


the expression “agricultural land” means and includes any hereditament or tenement entered as land in the valuation list within the meaning of the Valuation Acts which is not part of a railway or canal and which was not at the date of the passing of the Local Government (Ireland) Act, 1898, situate within the boundary of a borough or of any town which was then (for the time being) an urban sanitary district;


the expression “other hereditament” means and includes any hereditament or tenement which is not agricultural land;


the expression “agricultural grant” means the total amount of the sums payable to a county council under section 48 of the Local Government (Ireland) Act, 1898, and under the Local Government (Rates on Agricultural Land) Act, 1925, for the purpose of being applied in relief of rates on the agricultural land in the county (exclusive of any urban district therein) in a local financial year;


every expression used in this Act which is also used in the Principal Act shall, save where otherwise expressly so stated, have the same meaning as it has in the Principal Act.


(2) In this Act the expression “joint district” means, as the case may require, either—


(a) an area in a county consisting of a county health district which has no urban district adjoining thereto and situate in such county, or


(b) an area in a county composed of a county health district and every urban district adjoining thereto and situate in such county:


Provided always that where an urban district adjoins two or more county health districts situate in the same county as such urban district, the Minister shall determine to which of such county health districts such urban district is for the purpose of this sub-section to be deemed to adjoin and thereupon this sub-section shall apply in such county as if such urban district adjoined only the county health district so determined by the Minister.


Duties to be performed by board of health in county health district.

2.—(1) In addition to the powers and duties of a county council as sanitary authority for a county health district every other power and duty of a county council in relation to a county health district or any part thereof which was transferred by the Principal Act from the Council of a rural district to the county council, other than the powers and duties specified in the First Schedule to this Act, shall be exercised and performed through and by the board of health for such county health district.


(2) The expenses of the exercise or performance of any power or duty under this section or under section 10 of the Principal Act by the board of health for a county health district shall be raised by the county council in such district by means of the poor rate, and shall, subject to the provisions of the Public Health (Ireland) Acts, 1878 to 1919, in regard to the raising of special expenses of a rural sanitary authority and to the provisions of any enactment which directs any expenses to be raised as such special expenses are raised, be raised equally over the whole of such district.


(3) Sub-section (3) of section 14 of the Principal Act is hereby repealed.


(4) This section shall come into operation on the 1st day of April, 1927.


Duties to be performed by boards of health in joint districts.

3.—(1) The powers and duties of a county council under or in pursuance of any of the enactments specified in the Second Schedule to this Act and, save where the Minister shall otherwise direct, under the Tuberculosis Prevention (Ireland) Acts, 1908 and 1913, shall be exercised and performed in a joint district through and by the board of health for the county health district co-terminous therewith or included therein.


(2) A board of health shall not appoint under the Tuberculosis Prevention (Ireland) Acts, 1908 and 1913, a committee of management for a hospital or dispensary established under those Acts, but shall themselves exercise the powers and duties of such committee subject to any delegation of such powers and duties made by them under section 13 of the Principal Act.


(3) The expenses of the exercise and performance by a board of health in a joint district of any powers and duties under this section shall be raised equally over the whole of such joint district by means of the poor rate.


(4) Section 15 of the Principal Act is hereby repealed.


(5) This section shall come into operation on the 1st day of April, 1927.


Borrowing by boards of health.

4.—(1) A board of health shall not without the previous consent of the county council exercise any power to borrow.


(2) Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained in any county scheme, neither a board of health and public assistance in the performance of their duties under the county scheme nor any other body to whom under a county scheme is entrusted the administration of the relief of the poor shall exercise any power to borrow without the consent of the council of every county or county borough to which the county scheme relates.


(3) A consent under this section by the council of a county or county borough to the exercise of a power to borrow shall only be given by resolution passed by the council after not less than one month's notice of the intention to propose the resolution at the meeting at which it is passed has been given to every member of the council.


(4) On and after the 1st day of April, 1927, all payments due on foot of any loan borrowed by a county or rural district council before the passing of this Act for the purpose of the exercise and performance of any power or duty now vested in a board of health shall be made through and by such board of health: Provided always that nothing in this sub-section shall affect the area of charge for any such payment.


(5) Sub-section (1) of section 11 of the Principal Act is hereby repealed.


Expenses of Labourers (Ireland) Acts.

5.—(1) All expenses incurred in the execution of the Labourers (Ireland) Acts, 1883 to 1919, in a county health district (including the repayment of moneys borrowed for the purposes of the said Acts whether before or after the appointed day) shall be special expenses within the meaning of the Public Health (Ireland) Acts, 1878 to 1919.


(2) The area of charge for such of the said expenses as are incurred in connection with the erection or provision, before the appointed day, of cottages or plots in a rural district or in connection with the maintenance of cottages or plots so erected or provided shall (subject to any alteration of such area of charge duly made under the Public Health (Ireland) Acts, 1878 to 1919, after the passing of this Act) be the area of the rural district as constituted immediately before the appointed day.


(3) This section shall come into operation on the 1st day of April, 1927, and shall not apply to the County or the City of Dublin.


(4) Save in the County and City of Dublin sub-section (4) of section 57 of the Local Government (Ireland) Act, 1898, shall cease to have effect.


Expenses of county councils.

6.—(1) A county council shall apportion every amount to be raised off any area which includes an urban district between the urban district and the remainder of such area in proportion to rateable value, and every amount so apportioned to an urban district and also the amount of any expenses incurred by the county council which by virtue of any enactment or any direction given under any enactment may be raised off the urban district shall be paid by the council of that district to the county council upon the prescribed demand.


(2) The county council shall raise the several amounts apportioned as aforesaid to any part of the county which is not an urban district by means of the poor rate.


(3) The council shall, either immediately prior to or at the beginning of each local financial year, make one poor rate for the whole local financial year and shall collect such poor rate in equal moities, one such moiety for each half year of such local financial year.


(4) The council shall make the poor rate for any local financial year in respect of every hereditament and tenement in the county without distinguishing between agricultural land and other hereditaments.


(5) The council shall divide the agricultural grant amongst all the agricultural lands in the county (exclusive of any urban district therein) in proportion to the rateable value of such agricultural lands assessable to the poor rate, and shall allow the amount assigned on such division to any agricultural land by way of abatement from the amount of the poor rate made in respect of such land or the hereditament or tenement of which such agricultural land forms part.


(6) This section shall apply with the necessary modifications to the making of a poor rate by the council of a county or other borough or an urban district.


(7) Save in the County and City of Dublin sub-sections (1) to (6) and sub-section (9) of section 51 of the Local Government (Ireland) Act, 1898, shall cease to have effect.


(8) Save in the County and City of Dublin sub-section (1) of section 96 of the Local Government (Ireland) Act, 1898, shall cease to have effect.


(9) This section shall not apply to the County or the City of Dublin.


(10) This section shall apply only to the raising of the expenses of the service of the local financial year commencing on the 1st day of April, 1927, or any subsequent local financial year.


Demand notes for rates.

7.—(1) Every demand note for rates shall show separately on the front or the back thereof the portion of the rate in the pound of every rate which is raised for the construction, maintenance, or abandonment of roads and also the portion of the rate in the pound of every rate which is raised for any other purpose in respect of which the Minister shall direct that the same shall be so shown separately.


(2) On every demand note for poor rate by the council of a county there shall also be shown the rate in the pound on the rateable value assessable to the poor rate of the agricultural land in the county to which the agricultural grant is equivalent.


(3) Paragraph (e) of sub-section (1) of section 27 of the Principal Act is hereby repealed.


(4) This section shall not apply to the County or the City of Dublin.


(5) This section shall apply only to rates for raising the expenses of the services of the local financial year commencing on the 1st day of April, 1927, or any subsequent local financial year.


Amendment of section 44 of the Principal Act.

8.—Sub-section (5) of section 44 of the Principal Act shall be construed and have effect and be deemed always to have had effect as though after paragraph (b) of the proviso thereto a new paragraph were inserted in such proviso as follows, that is to say:—


“(c) Any period of service under a local body which has been abolished before or after the passing of this Act shall be deemed to have been service under the local body to whom the debts and liabilities of such abolished local body have been transferred.”


Contributions to superannuation in respect of service under committees.

9.—For the purposes of section 47 of the Principal Act an officer's service under a committee of a local body shall be deemed to have been service under such local body, and an officer's service under a joint committee of two or more local bodies shall be deemed to have been service under every such local body.


Payment of superannuation to ex-officers of boards of guardians and rural district councils.

10.—(1) On and after the 1st day of April, 1927, the payment by a county council of any sums on foot of an allowance or gratuity granted to a person as compensation for his having ceased to hold office under a board of guardians, or on foot of a contribution in respect of the service of any person under a board of guardians to an allowance or gratuity granted to such person by another local body as compensation for his having ceased to hold office under such other local body shall be raised equally over the whole of the county.


(2) On and after the 1st day of April, 1927, the payment by a county council of any sums on foot of an allowance or gratuity granted to a person as compensation for his having ceased to hold office under a rural district council, or on foot of a contribution in respect of the service of any person under a rural district council to an allowance or gratuity granted to such person by another local body as compensation for his having ceased to hold office under such other local body shall be raised equally over the whole of the county excluding any urban district therein.


(3) This section shall not apply to the Council of the County of Dublin.


Rating of new buildings.

11.—(1) In this section the expression “the Commissioner” means the Commissioner of Valuation and Boundary Surveyor; the word “valuation” means valuation under the Valuation Acts, and the word “value” shall be construed accordingly;


the expressions “new building” and “exemption year” have the same meanings respectively as in section 69 of the Principal Act.


(2) For the purposes of section 69 of the Principal Act and of this section the valuation of a new building which is not separately valued shall be deemed to be and always to have been such portion of the valuation of the rateable tenement or hereditament in which the new building is comprised as the Commissioner shall have determined whether before or after the passing of this Act to be properly attributable to the new building, and every such determination by the Commissioner shall be final and conclusive and not subject to any appeal.


(3) For the purposes of section 69 of the Principal Act and of this section a garage, conservatory, domestic office, or other out-office comprised in the same rateable tenement or hereditament with a private dwelling-house and primarily adapted for use and occupation in conjunction with such dwelling-house shall be deemed not to be and never to have been a separate building but to be part of the structure of such dwelling-house.


(4) A determination by the Minister that a building is or is not a new building made as a decision of a doubt, dispute, or question shall take effect at and not before the expiration of the local financial year in which such doubt, dispute, or question was raised and in any subsequent local financial year which is an exemption year the valuation of the building shall be reduced or not be reduced in pursuance of sub-section (2) of section 69 of the Principal Act according as the Minister has determined the building to be, or not to be a new building.


(5) The Minister may make rules for the following matters, that is to say:—


(i) the preparation, keeping, and publication of lists of the buildings which have been determined to be new buildings;


(ii) the amendment of rate books, demand notes, and other documents, and the refunding, reducing, or increasing of rates;


in such manner as may be necessary to give effect to a determination that a building is or is not a new building, or to the alteration of the valuation of a rateable tenement or hereditament consisting of or comprising a new building, but no such regulation whereby any duty is imposed on the Commissioner shall be made without the consent of the Minister for Finance.


(6) The reference in sub-section (5) of section 69 of the Principal Act to the said section 69 shall be construed and have effect as a reference to that section as amended by this present section.


Partial suspension of increases in valuations of buildings.

12.—(1) In this section the expressions ‘The Commissioner’ and ‘new building’ and the word ‘valuation’ have the same meaning as in the preceding section; the word ‘tenement’ means any rateable tenement or hereditament; and the expression ‘the exemption period’ when used in relation to a tenement the valuation of which has been increased means either a period of five years from the date of such increase or the period from such date to the next date on which a general revision of valuation in an area in which such tenement is situate becomes effective, which ever of such periods is the shorter.


(2) This section shall apply to every building except the following, that is to say:—


(a) houses erected under the Labourers (Ireland) Acts, 1883 to 1919,


(b) houses in respect of which grants are made under the Housing Acts, 1925 and 1926,


(c) buildings which are new buildings.


(3) This section shall apply to any increase in the valuation of a tenement, not forming part of a general revision of valuation in an area including such tenement, on an application for the revision of such valuation by reason of the erection, enlargement or improvement of a building to which this section applies which is included in such tenement, which erection, enlargement or improvement has been begun and completed during the period from the passing of this Act to the 1st day of October, 1930.


(4) Where an increase to which this section applies is made in the valuation of any tenement, the valuation of such tenement shall, for the purposes of the assessment and levying of any rate raised by a local authority for the service of any local financial year commencing during the exemption period, be deemed to be reduced by two-thirds of such increase; and any reduction in the valuation of such tenement which under section 69 of the Principal Act or this section has, previous to the making of such increase, been deemed to be made for the purposes of the assessment and levying of rates for the service of any local financial year, shall be made for the same purposes in the valuation reduced under this sub-section after the making of such increase.


(5) The Commissioner shall determine whether any increase in the valuation of a tenement made after the passing of this Act and not forming part of a general revision of valuation in an area including such tenement was so made on an application for the revision of such valuation by reason of the erection, enlargement or improvement of a building to which this section applies which is included in such tenement, and such decision shall be indicated by the Commissioner on the appropriate revised valuation list, and as so indicated shall be final and conclusive and not subject to any appeal.


(6) Where an increase to which this section applies is made in the valuation of any tenement and at the time of or after the making of such increase a separate valuation is assigned by the Commissioner to a portion of such tenement not previously valued separately, the valuation of such portion immediately before the making of such increase shall, for the purposes of this section, be deemed to have been an amount bearing to the total valuation of such tenement then in force such proportion as shall be determined by the Commissioner, who shall indicate such determination on the appropriate revised valuation list, and such determination as so indicated shall be final and conclusive and not subject to any appeal.


(7) Subject to the provisions of sub-section (5) of this section any doubt, dispute or question which shall arise as to whether an increase in the valuation of any tenement is an increase to which this section applies, or as to the duration of the exemption period for any tenement shall be decided by the Circuit Court on an application by any person interested, and such decision shall be final and conclusive and not subject to any appeal and any amendments which may be necessary to give effect to such a decision shall be made in the rate books and demand notes for rates.


(8) Section 15 of the Finance Act, 1925, shall have effect in relation to any tenement the valuation of which is deemed to be reduced under this section for the purposes of the assessment and levying of rates as it has effect in respect of a new building under section 69 of the Principal Act.


Amendment of section 60 of the Principal Act.

13.—Sub-section (3) of section 60 of the Principal Act is hereby repealed and in lieu thereof it is hereby enacted that an offence under the said section 60 may be prosecuted by or at the suit of the Minister or of any person who is registered as a local government elector.


Amendment of section 86 of the Principal Act.

14.—The expression “this Act” whenever it occurs in section 86 of the Principal Act shall be construed and have effect as meaning the Principal Act as amended by this present Act and (except in sub-paragraphs (iii) and (v) of paragraph (c) of sub-section (1)), as including this present Act.


Minor amendments of the Principal Act.

15.—The amendments specified in the second column of the Third Schedule to this Act, which relate to minor details, shall be made in the sections and sub-sections of the Principal Act specified in the first column of that Schedule.


Short title, citation, and construction.

16.—(1) This Act may be cited as the Local Government Act, 1927.


(2) This Act and the Principal Act may be cited together as the Local Government Acts, 1925 and 1927.


(3) This Act shall be construed as one with the Principal Act.



Powers and Duties Excluded from Section 2.

Powers and duties under any of the following enactments:—

1. Sub-section (2) of section 5 of the Principal Act.

2. Section 6 of the Principal Act.

3. The Technical Instruction Acts, 1889 and 1891.

4. The Public Libraries (Ireland) Acts, 1855 to 1920.



Enactments to be Administered by Boards of Health in Joint Districts.

The Public Health (Prevention and Treatment of Disease) (Ireland) Act, 1917.

The Midwives (Ireland) Act, 1918.

The Public Health (Medical Treatment of School Children) (Ireland) Act, 1919.

The Blind Persons Act, 1920.



Amendments of the Local Government Act, 1925.

Portions amended.

Manner and extent of amendment.

Section 10, sub-section (1).

Add at the end of the sub-section the words “(with the addition of the name of the county and of any distinguishing name of the county health district).”

Section 10, sub-section (2).

For the words:—“for such county health district” at the end of the sub-section substitute the words—“(with the addition of the name of the county and of any distinguishing name of the county health district).”

Section 13, sub-section (2).

For the expression “county health district,” in both places where the said expression occurs, substitute the expression “functional area of the board of health.”

Section 13, sub-section (5).

Delete the words “with the approval of the Minister.”

Section 35, sub-section (2).

Delete the words “under this Act.”

Section 51, sub-section (1).

For the words “twenty years' service” substitute the words “twenty-five years' service.”

Section 56, sub-section (3).

In paragraph (b), immediately after the word “emoluments” insert the words “for each completed year of his service.”

Section 58, sub-section (5).

Delete the words “with the approval of the Minister.”

Section 69, sub-section (1).

In paragraph (i) for the word and figure “section 7” substitute the word and figure “section 6.”

Section 69, sub-section (3).

For the words “the Housing (Building Facilities) Act, 1924,” substitute the words “any house,” and for the words “that Act” at the end of the sub-section substitute the words “the Housing (Building Facilities) Act, 1924.”


Uimhir 3 de 1927.





1.—(1) San Acht so—


cialluíonn an focal “an Príomh-Acht” an tAcht Rialtais Áitiúla, 1925 (Uimh. 5 de 1925);


nuair a húsáidtear an focal “luach ionrátuithe” i dtaobh ionoighreachta, no ionoighreachtaí, no líomatáiste, cialluíonn sé luach ionrátuithe bliantúil na hionoighreachta san no gach ionoighreachta den tsórt san no na n-ionoighreachtaí uile sa líomatáiste sin (pe'ca aca é) fé sna hAchtanna Luachála;


cialluíonn agus foluíonn an focal “talamh talmhaíochta” aon ionoighreachta no tionóntachán atá curtha síos mar thalamh sa liost luachála do réir bhrí na nAchtanna Luachála agus nách cuid de bhóthar iarainn ná de chanáil agus ná raibh, ar dháta rithte an Local Government (Ireland) Act, 1898, suidhte laistigh de theorainn bhuirge ná de theorainn aon bhaile ba bhailecheanntar sláintíochta an uair sin (de thurus na huaire);


cialluíonn agus foluíonn an focal “ionoighreachta eile” aon ionoighreachta no tionóntachán nách talamh talmhaíochta;


cialluíonn an focal “deontas talmhaíochta” méid iomlán na suim is iníoctha le comhairle chontae fé alt 48 den Local Government (Ireland) Act, 1898, agus fén Acht Rialtais Áitiúla (Rátaí ar Thalamh Thalmhaíochta), 1925, le cur chun rátaí ar an talamh talmhaíochta sa chontae (lasmuich d'aon bhailecheanntar sa chontae) do mhaitheamh i mbliain airgeadais áitiúil;


gach focal a húsáidtear san Acht so agus a húsáidtear, leis, sa Phríomh-Acht beidh an brí céanna leis atá leis sa Phríomh-Acht ach amháin i gcás ina ndeirtar a mhalairt go soiléir.


(2) San Acht so cialluíonn an focal “có-cheanntar” pé ní acu so is gá sa chás—


(a) líomatáiste i gcontae atá có-dhéanta de cheanntar shláinte chontae ná fuil aon bhailecheanntar teoranta leis atá suidhte sa chontae sin, no


(b) líomatáiste i gcontae atá có-dhéanta de cheanntar shláinte chontae agus de gach bailecheanntar atá teoranta leis agus atá suidhte sa chontae sin:


Ach i gcás bailecheanntar do bheith teoranta le dhá cheanntar shláinte chontae no níos mó atá suidhte san aon chontae amháin leis an mbailecheanntar san, socróidh an tAire ce'ca ceann de sna ceanntracha sláinte contae sin go dtuigfar chun críche an fho-ailt seo an bailecheanntar san do bheith teoranta leis agus leis sin bainfidh an fo-alt so leis an gcás sa chontae sin fé is dá mbeadh an bailecheanntar san teoranta leis an gceanntar sláinte contae sin amháin a bheidh an tAire tar éis a shocrú amhlaidh.


Isé an bord sláinte a chólíonfidh dualgaisí áirithe i gceanntar sláinte contae.

2.—(1) I dteanta comhacht agus dualgas comhairle chontae mar údarás sláintíochta do cheanntar shláinte chontae feidhmeofar agus cólíonfar tríd agus ag an mbord sláinte don cheanntar shláinte chontae sin gach comhacht agus dualgas eile comhairle chontae maidir le ceanntar sláinte contae no le haon chuid de a haistríodh leis an bPríomh-Acht o chomhairle thuathcheanntair go dtí an chomhairle chontae, lasmuich de sna comhachta agus de sna dualgaisí a luaidhtear sa Chéad Sceideal a ghabhann leis an Acht so.


(2) Na costaisí a bhainfidh leis an mbord sláinte do cheanntar shláinte chontae d'fheidhmiú no do chólíona aon chomhachta no dualgais fén alt so no fé alt 10 den Phríomh-Acht cruinneoidh an chomhairle chontae sa cheanntar san tríd an ráta dealbhais iad agus, fé réir na bhforálacha de sna Public Health (Ireland) Acts, 1878 to 1919, a bhaineann le cruinniú costaisí speisialta tuath-údaráis sláintíochta agus fé réir na bhforálacha d'aon achtachán le n-a n-orduítear aon chostaisí do chruinniú mar a cruinnítear costaisí speisialta den tsórt san, is go cothrom o iomlán an cheanntair sin a cruinneofar iad.


(3) Athghairmtear leis seo fo-alt (3) d'alt 14 den Phríomh-Acht.


(4) Tiocfidh an t-alt so i ngníomh an 1adh lá d'Abrán, 1927.


Isiad na búird shláinte a chólíonfidh dualgaisí áirithe i gcó-cheanntair.

3.—(1) Déanfar comhachta agus dualgaisí comhairle chontae fé aon achtachán no do réir aon achtacháin dá luaidhtear sa Dara Sceideal a ghabhann leis an Acht so agus, lasmuich de chás ina n-ordóidh an tAire a mhalairt, fé sna Tuberculosis Prevention (Ireland) Acts, 1908 and 1913, d'fheidhmiú agus do chólíona i gcó-cheanntar tríd agus ag an mbord sláinte don cheanntar shláinte chontae atá có-theoranta leis no ina chuid de.


(2) Ní dhéanfidh bord sláinte fé sna Tuberculosis Prevention (Ireland) Acts, 1908 and 1913, coiste bainistí do cheapa d'ospideul ná d'íclainn a bunuíodh fé sna hAchtanna san ach déanfid féin comhachta agus dualgaisí coiste den tsórt san d'fheidhmiú fé réir aon leigint-uatha a dhéanfid ar na comhachta agus ar na dualgaisí sin fé alt 13 den Phríomh-Acht.


(3) Na costaisí a bhainfidh le bord sláinte i gcó-cheanntar d'fheidhmiú agus do chólíona aon chomhachtanna agus dualgaisí fén alt so is go cothrom o iomlán an chó-cheanntair sin, tríd an ráta dealbhais, a cruinneofar iad.


(4) Athghairmtear leis seo alt 15 den Phríomh-Acht.


(5) Tiocfidh an t-alt so i ngníomh an 1adh lá d'Abrán, 1927.


Búird shláinte d'fháil iasachtaí.

4.—(1) Gan an chomhairle chontae do thoiliú chuige roimh ré ní fheidhmeoidh bord sláinte aon chomhacht chun iasacht d'fháil.


(2) D'ainneoin éinní contrárdha dho san atá in aon scéim chontae ní dhéanfidh bord sláinte agus conganta phuiblí i gcólíona a ndualgas fén scéim chontae ná aon chólucht eile 'na bhfuil riara fóirithin na mbocht curtha mar chúram ortha fé scéim chontae feidhmiú ar aon chomhacht chun iasacht d'fháil gan comhairle gach contae no contae-bhuirge le n-a mbaineann an scéim chontae do thoiliú chuige.


(3) Ní thoileoidh comhairle chontae ná chontae-bhuirge fén alt so chun feidhmithe comhachta chun iasacht d'fháil ach tré rún a rithfidh an chomhairle tar éis fógra nách giorra ná mí do bheith tabhartha do gach ball den chomhairle go bhfuiltar chun an rún do thairisgint ag an gcruinniú ag á rithfar é.


(4) Ar an 1adh lá d'Abrán, 1927, agus dá éis sin, gach íocaíocht a bheidh dlite ar scór aon iasachta a fuair comhairle chontae no thuathcheanntair roimh rith an Achta so chun aon chomhacht no dualgas atá dílsithe i mbord sláinte fé láthair d'fheidhmiú agus do chólíona, is tríd agus ag an mbord sláinte sin a híocfar í: Ach ní dhéanfidh éinní sa bhfo-alt so deifir maidir le líomatáiste muirir aon íocaíochta den tsórt san.


(5) Athghairmtear leis seo fo-alt (1) d'alt 11 den Phríomh-Acht.


Costaisí na Labourers (Ireland) Acts.

5.—(1) Na costaisí uile fé n-ar chuathas i bhfeidhmiú na Labourers (Ireland) Acts, 1883 to 1919, i gceanntar sláinte contae (costaisí ar a n-áirítear aisíoc airgid a fuarthas ar iasacht chun crícheanna na nAcht san roimh an lá ceaptha no dá éis sin) beid ina gcostaisí speisialta do réir bhrí na Public Health (Ireland) Acts, 1878 to 1919.


(2) Isé bheidh mar líomatáiste mhuirir do pé cuid de sna costaisí sin fé n-ar chuathas maidir le botháin no plásáin do thógáil no do sholáthar i dtuathcheanntar roimh an lá ceaptha do maidir le botháin no plásáin a tógadh no a soláthruíodh amhlaidh do choinneáil i dtreo ná (fé réir aon atharú a déanfar go cuibhe ar an líomatáiste muirir sin fé sna Public Health (Ireland) Acts, 1878 to 1919, tar éis rithte an Achta so) líomatáiste an tuathcheanntair fé mar a bhí sé có-dhéanta díreach roimh an lá ceaptha.


(3) Tiocfidh an t-alt so i ngníomh an 1adh lá d'Abrán, 1927, agus ní bhainfe sé le Contae ná le Cathair Bhaile Atha Cliath.


(4) Ní bheidh aon éifeacht feasta ag fo-alt (4) d'alt 57 den Local Government (Ireland) Act, 1898, ach amháin i gContae agus i gCathair Bhaile Atha Cliath.


Costaisí comhairlí contae.

6.—(1) Déanfidh comhairle chontae gach suim a bheidh le cruinniú o aon líomatáiste go mbeidh bailecheanntar ina chuid de do leaga ar an mbailecheanntar agus ar an gcuid eile den líomatáiste sin do réir a luacha ionrátuithe agus gach suim a leagfar ar bhaileacheanntar amhlaidh agus fós suim aon chostaisí fé n-ar chuaidh an chomhairle chontae agus is féidir a chruinniú ón mbailecheanntar de bhua aon achtacháin no de bhua aon ordú a bheidh tugtha fé aon achtachán, déanfidh comhairle an cheanntair sin iad d'íoc leis an gcomhairle chontae nuair a déanfar an t-éileamh orduithe.


(2) Is tríd an ráta dealbhais a chruinneoidh an chomhairle chontae na suimeanna uile agus fé seach a bheidh leagtha mar adubhradh ar aon chuid den chontae nách bailecheanntar.


(3) Díreach roimh thosach no i dtosach gach bliana airgeadais áitiúla déanfidh an chomhairle chontae aon ráta dealbhais amháin i gcóir na bliana airgeadais áitiúla iomláine agus baileoid an ráta dealbhais sin ina dhá leath chothroma, eadhon, leath acu san in aghaidh gach leath-bhliana den bhliain airgeadais áitiúil sin.


(4) Is ar scór gach ionoighreachta agus tionóntacháin sa chontae, gan idirdhealú idir talmh talmhaíochta agus ionoighreachtaí eile, a dhéanfidh an chomhairle an ráta dealbhais i gcóir aon bhliana airgeadais áitiúla.


(5) Roinnfidh an chomhairle an deontas talmhaíochta ar na tailte talmhaíochta go léir sa chontae (lasmuich d'aon bhailecheanntar ann) do réir luacha ionrátuithe na dtaílte talmhaíochta san is ionchurtha fén ráta dealbhais, agus déanfid an tsuim a ceapfar de bharr na roinnte sin d'aon talamh talmhaíochta do lomháil mar lascaine i suim an ráta dhealbhais a bheidh déanta ar scór an talaimh sin no ar scór na hionoighreachta no an tionóntacháin 'na bhfuil an talamh talmhaíochta san ina chuid de.


(6) Bainfidh an t-alt so agus na hatharuithe is gá déanta air le déanamh ráta dhealbhais ag comhairle chontae-bhuirge no bhuirge eile no bhailecheanntair.


(7) Ní bheidh éifeacht feasta ag fo-ailt (1) go (6) ná ag fo-alt (9) d'alt 51 den Local Government (Ireland) Act, 1898, ach amháin i gContae agus i gCathair Bhaile Atha Cliath.


(8) Ní bheidh éifeacht feasta ag fo-alt (1) d'alt 96 den Local Government (Ireland) Act, 1898, ach amháin i gContae agus i gCathair Bhaile Atha Cliath.


(9) Ní bhainfidh an t-alt so le Contae ná le Cathair Bhaile Atha Cliath.


(10) Ní bhainfidh an t-alt so ach le cruinniú costaisí seirbhís na bliana airgeadais áitiúla dar tosach an 1adh lá d'Abrán, 1927, no aon bhliana airgeadais áitiúla ina dhiaidh sin.


Nótaí éilithe rátaí.

7.—(1) Taisbeánfar ar leithligh ar éadan no ar chúl gach nóta éilithe rátaí an chuid den ráta sa phunt de gach ráta a cruinneofar chun bóithre do dhéanamh, do choinneáil i dtreo, no do thréigean agus fós an chuid den ráta sa phunt de gach ráta a cruinneofar chun aon chríche eile 'na n-ordóidh an t-Aire ina taobh í do thaisbeáint ar leithligh amhlaidh.


(2) Taisbeánfar fós ar gach nóta éilithe ráta dhealbhais o chomhairle chontae an ráta sa phunt ar luach ionrátuithe an talaimh thalmhaíochta sa chontae is ionchurtha fén ráta dealbhais, eadhon, an ráta sa phunt le n-a mbeidh an deontas talmhaíochta có-ionann.


(3) Athghairmtear leis seo mír (e) d'fho-alt (1) d'alt 27 den Phríomh-Acht.


(4) Ní bhainfidh an t-alt so le Contae ná le Cathair Bhaile Atha Cliath.


(5) Ní bhainfidh an t-alt so ach le rátaí chun costaisí seirbhísí na bliana airgeadais áitiúla dar tosach an 1adh lá d'Abrán, 1927, no aon bhliana airgeadais áitiúla ina dhiaidh sin do chruinniú.


Leasú ar alt 44 den Phríomh-Acht.

8.—Léireofar fo-alt (5) d'alt 44 den Phríomh-Acht agus beidh éifeacht aige agus tuigfar go raibh éifeacht riamh aige fé is dá ndintí i ndiaidh mír (b) den phrovísó a ghabhann leis mír nua do chur isteach sa phrovísó san mar leanas, sé sin le rá:—


“(c) Aon tréimhse sheirbhíse fé chólucht áitiúil 'nar cuireadh deire leis roimh rith an Achta so no dá éis sin tuigfar gur sheirbhís í fén gcólucht áitiúil chun ar haistríodh fiacha agus fiachaisí an chóluchta áitiúla san 'nar cuireadh deire leis.”


Rann-íocanna chun aoisliúntais ar scór seirbhíse fé choistí.

9.—Chun crícheanna alt 47 den Phríomh-Acht tuigfar, maidir le seirbhís oifigigh fé choiste de chólucht áitiúil, gur seirbhís fén gcólucht áitiúil sin í agus tuigfar, maidir le seirbhís oifigigh fé chó-choiste de dhá chólucht áitiúla no níos mó, gur seirbhís fé gach cólucht áitiúil acu í.


Ioc aoisliúntais le sean-oifigigh do bhúird chaomhnóirí agus do chomhairlí tuathcheanntair.

10.—(1) Ar an 1adh lá d'Abrán, 1927, agus dá éis sin, is go cothrom o iomlán na contae a cruinneofar an íocaíocht a dhéanfidh comhairle chontae in aon tsuimeanna ar scór liúntais no aisce a deonadh do dhuine mar chúiteamh ina scur de bheith i seilbh oifige fé bhord chaomhnóirí no ar scór rann-íoca, ar son seirbhís éinne fé bhord chaomhnóirí, chun liúntais no aisce a deonadh ag cólucht áitiúil eile don duine sin mar chúiteamh ina scur de bheith i seilbh oifige fén gcólucht áitiúil eile sin.


(2) Ar an 1adh lá d'Abrán, 1927, agus dá éis sin, is go cothrom o iomlán na contae, lasmuich d'aon bhailecheanntar ann, a cruinneofar an íocaíocht a dhéanfidh comhairle chontae in aon tsuimeanna ar scór liúntais no aisce a deonadh do dhuine mar chúiteamh ina scur de bheith i seilbh oifige fé chomhairle thuathcheanntair no ar scór rann-íoca, ar son seirbhís éinne fé chomhairle thuathcheanntair, chun liúntais no aisce a deonadh ag cólucht áitiúil eile don duine sin mar chúiteamh ina scur de bheith i seilbh oifige fén gcólucht áitiúil eile sin.


(3) Ní bhainfidh an t-alt so le Comhairle Chontae Bhaile Atha Cliath.


Rátú foirgintí nua

11.—(1) San alt so cialluíonn an focal “an Coimisinéir” an té is Coimisinéir Luachála agus Suirbhéir Teorann;


cialluíonn an focal “luacháil” luacháil fé sna hAchtanna Luachála, agus is dá réir sin a léireofar an focal “luach”;


cialluíonn na focail “foirgint nua” agus “bliain shaoirse” na nithe céanna fé seach a chialluíd in alt 69 den Phríomh-Acht.


(2) Chun crícheanna alt 69 den Phríomh-Acht agus an ailt seo tuigfar gurb é is luacháil d'fhoirgint nua ná fuil luacháil ar leithligh déanta uirthi agus gurb é ba luacháil riamh di ná cuid de luacháil an tionóntacháin no na hionoighreachta ionrátuithe gur páirt de an fhoirgint nua, pé cuid a socruíodh ag an gCoimisinéir, roimh rith an Achta so no dá éis sin, a bheith ionchurtha i leith na foirginte nua le ceart, agus beidh gach socrú den tsórt san ón gCoimisinéir ina shocrú dheiridh gan aon dul thairis ná aon athchomharc ina choinnibh.


(3) Aon gharáiste, tigh gloine, oifig thighis, no mion-tigh eile a bheidh áirithe san aon tionóntachán no ionoighreachta ionrátuithe amháin le tigh comhnaithe príobháideach agus a bheidh ceaptha o thús chun é úsáid agus chun é shealbhú i dteanta an tighe chomhnaithe sin, tuigfar chun crícheanna alt 69 den Phríomh-Acht agus an ailt seo, nách foirgint ar leithligh é agus nárbh ea riamh ach gur cuid de dhéanmhacht an tighe chomhnaithe sin é.


(4) Má dhineann an tAire, mar réiteach ar amhrus, ar aighneas, no ar cheist, a shocrú gur foirgint nua foirgint áirithe no nách ea, raghaidh an socrú san in éifeacht ag deire agus ní roimh dheire na bliana airgeadais áitiúla in ar eirigh an t-amhrus, an t-aighneas, no an cheist sin agus in aon bhliain airgeadais áitiúil ina dhiaidh sin a bheidh ina bliain shaoirse is do réir mar a shocruigh an tAire an fhoirgint do bheith ina foirgint nua no gan a bheith a déanfar no ná déanfar luacháil na foirginte do laigheadú do réir fo-alt (2) d'alt 69 den Phríomh-Acht.


(5) Féadfidh an tAire rialacha do dhéanamh i gcóir na nithe seo a leanas, sé sin le rá:—


(i) ullamhú, cimeád, agus foillsiú liostaí de sna foirgintí a socruíodh a bheith ina bhfoirgintí nua;


(ii) leasú leabhra rátaí, nótaí éilithe, agus scríbhinní eile, agus aisíoc, laigheadú, no méadú rátaí;


i pé slí is gá chun éifeacht do thabhairt do shocrú gur foirgint nua foirgint áirithe no nách ea, no d'atharú ar luacháil tionóntacháin no ionoighreachta ionrátuithe is foirgint nua no go mbeidh foirgint nua ina chuid de, ach ní déanfar gan toil an Aire Airgid aon rialachán den tsórt san tré n-a gcuirfar aon dualgas ar an gCoimisinéir.

(6) An tagairt atá i bhfo-alt (5) d'alt 69 den Phríomh-Acht don alt san 69 léireofar í agus beidh éifeacht aici mar thagairt don alt san mar a leasuítear leis an alt so anso é.


Méaduithe ar luachála foirgintí do chur ar fiúnraoi go leathrannach.

12.—(1) San alt so cialluíonn na focail ‘an Coimisinéir’ agus ‘foirgint nua’ agus an focal ‘luacháil’ na nithe céanna a chialluíd san alt san roimhe seo; cialluíonn an focal ‘tionóntachán’ aon tionóntachán no ionoighreachta ionrátuithe; agus nuair a húsáidtear an focal ‘an tréimhse saoirse’ i dtaobh tionóntacháin gur méaduíodh a luacháil cialluíonn sé tréimhse chúig mblian o dháta an mhéaduithe sin no an tréimhse ón dáta san go dtí an chéad dáta eile ar a dtiocfidh aith-bhreithniú generálta luachála, i líomatáiste ina bhfuil an tionóntachán san suidhte, in éifeacht, pe'ca de sna tréimhsí sin is giorra.


(2) Bainfidh an t-alt so le gach foirgint ach amháin na cinn seo a leanas, sé sin le rá:—


(a) tithe a tógadh fé sna Labourers (Ireland) Acts, 1883 to 1919,


(b) tithe go ndeontar deontaisí ina dtaobh fé Achtanna na dTithe, 1925 agus 1926,


(c) foirgintí is foirgintí nua.


(3) Bainfidh an t-alt so le haon mhéadú ar luacháil tionóntacháin, nách cuid d'aith-bhreithniú ghenerálta luachála i líomatáiste ina mbeidh an tionóntachán san, a déanfar de bharr iarratais ar an luacháil sin d'aith-bhreithniú mar gheall ar thógáil, ar mhéadú, no ar fheabhsú foirginte le n-a mbaineann an t-alt so agus is cuid den tionóntachán san, sé sin, tógáil, méadú no feabhsú a tosnuíodh agus a críochnuíodh i rith na tréimhse o am rithte an Achta so go dtí an 1adh lá de Dheire Fomhair, 1930.


(4) Má dintar ar luacháil aon tionóntacháin méadú le n-a mbaineann an t-alt so tuigfar, chun crícheanna meas agus gearra aon ráta a chruinneoidh údarás áitiúil chun seirbhís aon bhliana airgeadais áitiúla a thosnóidh i rith na tréimhse saoirse, luacháil an tionóntacháin sin do bheith laigheaduithe dhá dtrian an mhéaduithe sin; agus aon laigheadú ar luacháil an tionóntacháin sin a tuigeadh, fé alt 69 den Phríomh-Acht no fén alt so, agus roimh dhéanamh an mhéaduithe sin, a bheith déanta chun crícheanna meas agus gearra rátaí chun seirbhís aon bhliana airgeadais áitiúla, déanfar é chun na gcrícheanna céanna ar an luacháil a laigheaduíodh fén bhfo-alt so tar éis déanamh an mhéaduithe sin.


(5) Socróidh an Coimisinéir, maidir le haon mhéadú a dineadh ar luacháil tionóntacháin tar éis rithte an Achta so agus nách cuid d'aith-bhreithniú ghenerálta luachála i líomatáiste ina bhfuil an tionóntachán san, an amhlaidh a dineadh é mar sin de bharr iarratais ar an luacháil sin d'aith-bhreithniú mar gheall ar thógáil, ar mhéadú no ar fheabhsú foirginte le n-a mbaineann an t-alt so agus is cuid den tionóntachán san, agus cuirfidh an Coimisinéir an bhreith sin in úil ar an liost luachála aith-bhreithnithe is cóir agus, fé mar a cuirfar in úil amhlaidh í, beidh sí ina breith dheiridh gan aon dul tháirsi ná aon athchomharc ina coinnibh.


(6) Má dintar ar luacháil aon tionóntacháin méadú le n-a mbaineann an t-alt so agus, le linn no tar éis déanamh an mhéaduithe sin, go gcuirfidh an Coimisinéir luacháil fé leith ar chuid den tionóntachán san nár dineadh luacháil fé leith air roimhe sin, tuigfar, chun crícheanna an ailt seo, gurb é ba luacháil don chuid sin díreach sarar dineadh an méadú san ná suim a bheidh chó mór agus a shocróidh an Coimisinéir a bheidh sí i gcompráid leis an luacháil iomláin a bheidh ar an tionóntachán san an uair sin, agus cuirfe sé an socrú san in úil ar an liost luachála aith-bhreithnithe is cóir agus, fé mar a cuirfar in úil amhlaidh é, beidh sé ina shocrú dheiridh gan aon dul thairis ná aon athchomharc ina choinnibh.


(7) Fé réir forálacha fo-alt (5) den alt so, isí an Chúirt Chuarda a thabharfidh breith ar aon amhrus, aighneas no ceist a eireoidh i dtaobh ce'ca méadú le n-a mbaineann an t-alt so méadú a dineadh ar luacháil aon tionóntacháin no nách ea no i dtaobh faid na tréimhse saoirse i gcóir aon tionóntacháin, ar a iarraidh sin d'éinne le n-a mbainfidh an scéal, agus beidh an bhreith sin ina breith dheiridh gan aon dul tháirsi ná aon athchomharc ina coinnibh agus déanfar sna leabhra rátaí agus sna nótaí éilithe rátaí aon leasuithe is gá chun éifeacht do thabhairt do bhreith den tsórt san.


(8) Beidh éifeacht ag alt 15 den Acht Airgid, 1925, maidir le haon tionóntachán 'na dtuigfar a luacháil do bheith laigheaduithe fén alt so chun crícheanna meas agus gearra rátaí fé mar atá éifeacht aige maidir le foirgint nua fé alt 69 den Phríomh-Acht.


Leasú ar alt 60 den Phríomh-Acht.

13.—Athghairmtear leis seo fo-alt (3) d'alt 60 den Phríomh-Acht agus achtuítear leis seo ina ionad go bhféadfidh an tAire no éinne a bheidh cláruithe mar thoghthóir rialtais áitiúla, no go bhféadfar ar agra éinne acu, an dlí do chur ar dhuine mar gheall ar chionta fén alt san 60.


Leasú ar alt 86 den Phríomh-Acht.

14.—I ngach áit ina bhfuil an focal “an tAcht so” in alt 86 den Phríomh-Acht léireofar é agus beidh éifeacht aige mar fhocal a chialluíonn an Príomh-Acht agus é leasuithe leis an Acht so anso agus (ach amháin i bhfo-mhíreanna (iii) agus (v) de mhír (c) d'fho-alt (1), mar fhocal a fholuíonn an tAcht so anso.


Mion-leasuithe ar an bPríomh-Acht.

15.—Na leasuithe a luaidhtear sa dara colún den Tríú Sceideal a ghabhann leis an Acht so agus a bhaineann le mion-nithe, déanfar iad sna hailt agus sna fo-ailt den Phríomh-Acht a luaidhtear sa chéad cholún den Sceideal san.


Gearr-theideal, luadh, agus léiriú.

16.—(1) Féadfar an tAcht Rialtais Áitiúla, 1927, do ghairm den Acht so.


(2) Féadfar na hAchtanna Rialtais Áitiúla, 1925 agus 1927, do ghairm den Acht so agus den Phríomh-Acht le chéile.


(3) Léireofar an tAcht so mar éinní amháin leis an bPríomh-Acht.



comhachta agus dualgaisi ata dunta amach as alt 2.

Comhachta agus dualgaisí fé aon achtachán acu so a leanas:—

1. Fo-alt (2) d'alt 5 den Phríomh-Acht.

2. Alt 6 den Phríomh-Acht.

3. The Technical Instruction Acts, 1889 and 1891.

4. The Public Libraries (Ireland) Acts, 1855 to 1920.


lachtachain a riarfidh buird shlainte i gco-cheanntair.

The Public Health (Prevention and Treatment of Disease) (Ireland) Act, 1917.

The Midwives (Ireland) Act, 1918.

The Public Health (Medical Treatment of School Children) (Ireland) Act, 1919.

The Blind Persons Act, 1920.


leasuithe ar an acht rialtais áitiúla, 1925.

Na coda a leasuítear.

Modh agus méid an leasuithe.

Alt 10, fo-alt (1).

Cuirtar i ndeire an fho-ailt na focail “(maraon le hainm na contae agus le haon ainm aitheantais ar an gceanntar sláinte contae).”

Alt 10, fo-alt (2).

In ionad na bhfocal:—“don cheanntar shláinte chontae sin” i ndeire an fho-ailt cuirtar na focail—“(maraon le hainm na contae agus le haon ainm aitheantais ar an gceanntar sláinte contae).”

Alt 13, fo-alt (2).

In ionad an fhocail “ceanntar sláinte contae,” sa dá áit ina bhfuil an focal san, cuirtar an focal “líomatáiste feidhmiúcháin an bhúird shláinte.”

Alt 13, fo-alt (5).

Scriostar amach na focail “le ceadú an Aire.”

Alt 35, fo-alt (2).

Scriostar amach na focail “fén Acht so.”

Alt 51, fo-alt (1).

In ionad na bhfocal “seirbhís fiche blian” cuirtar na focail “seirbhís cúig mblian fichead.”

Alt 56, fo-alt (3).

I mír (b) díreach i ndiaidh an fhocail “sé” cuirtar isteach na focail “in aghaidh gach bliana críochnuithe dá sheirbhís.”

Alt 58, fo-alt (5).

Scriostar amach na focail “agus a cheadóidh an tAire.”

Alt 69, fo-alt (1).

I mír (i) in ionad an fhocail agus an fhigiúra “alt 7” cuirtar an focal agus an figiúir “alt 6.”

Alt 69, fo-alt (3).

In ionad na bhfocal “fé Acht na dTithe (Saoráidí Tógála), 1924” cuirtar na focail “i gcás aon tighe,” agus in ionad na bhfocal “den Acht san” i ndeire an fho-ailt cuirtar na focail “d'Acht na dTithe (Saoráidí Togála), 1924.”