As Ann Déscrolláil


Cuir Déscrolláil ar siúl chun an dá leagan a scrolláil le chéile.


Uimhir 29 de 1949.



[An tiontó oifigiúil.]



Reamhraiteach agus Ginearalta.


Gearrtheideal agus comhlua.

1.—(1) Féadfar Acht na bPinsean Seirbhíse Míleata (Leasú), 1949, a ghairm den Acht seo.


(2) Féadfar Achta na bPinsean Seirbhíse Míleata, 1924 go 1949, a ghairm d'Achta na bPinsean Seirbhíse Míleata, 1924 go 1945, agus den Acht seo le chéile.



2.—San Acht seo—

[EN]Acht 1924.

ciallaíonn an abairt “Acht 1924” Acht na bPinsean Seirbhíse Míleata, 1924 (Uimh. 48 de 1924), arna leasú le hAcht 1925, Acht na bPinsean Seirbhíse Míleata, 1930 (Uimh. 8 de 1930), Acht 1934, Acht 1944, agus Acht Uimh. 2 de 1945;

[EN]Acht 1925.

ciallaíonn an abairt “Acht 1925” Acht na bPinsean Seirbhíse Míleata, 1925 (Uimh. 15 de 1925);

[EN]Acht 1934.

ciallaíonn an abairt “Acht 1934” Acht na bPinsean Seirbhíse Míleata, 1934 (Uimh. 43 de 1934), arna leasú le hAcht 1944, Acht na bPinsean Seirbhíse Míleata (Leasú), 1945 (Uimh. 11 de 1945), agus Acht Uimh. 2 de 1945;

Acht 1944.

ciallaíonn an abairt “Acht 1944” Acht na bPinsean Seirbhíse Míleata (Leasú), 1944 (Uimh. 5 de 1944);

Acht Uimh. 2 de 1945.

ciallaíonn an abairt “Acht Uimh. 2 de 1945Acht na bPinsean Seirbhíse Míleata (Leasú) (Uimh. 2), 1945 (Uimh. 34 de 1945);

dáta feidhme.

ciallaíonn an abairt “an dáta feidhme” dáta an Achta seo a rit


Asbhaintí i leith éilithe poiblí as pinsin faoi Acht 1924 nó Acht 1934.

3.—(1) Féadfar, as aon phinsean is iníoctha faoi Acht 1924 nó faoi Acht 1934, aon airgead d'asbhaint a bheas dlite d'údarás Stáit ón duine lenarb iníoctha an pinsean.


(2) I gcás ina bhféadfar asbhaint a dhéanamh as pinsean, faoi fho-alt (1) den alt seo, féadfar íoc an phinsin a choimeád siar go dtí go bhfionnfar méid na hasbhainte.


(3) Chun críche an ailt seo, is údarás Stáit gach ceann acu seo a leanas—


(a) Aire Stáit,


(b) Coimisinéirí na nOibreacha Poiblí in Éirinn;


(c) Coimisiún Talún na hÉireann.



4.—Déantar leis seo na hachtacháin a luaitear i gcolún (2) den Sceideal a ghabhas leis an Acht seo d'athghairm a mhéid a luaitear i gcolún (3) den Sceideal sin.


Leasuithe ar Acht 1924.


Léiriú Coda II.

5.—(1) Sa Chuid seo ciallaíonn an abairt “an Bord” an bord measúnóirí a bunaíodh faoi alt 3 d'Acht 1924.


(2) Forléireofar mar aon ní amháin an Chuid seo agus Acht 1924.


Iarratais áirithe faoi Acht 1924 d'athscrúdú.

6.—(1) I gcás—


(a) iarratas ar dheimhniú seirbhíse míleata a dhéanamh roimh an dáta feidhme, agus


(b) an tAire dá dhiúltú, faoi fho-alt (2) d'alt 2 d'Acht 1924, deimhniú seirbhíse míleata a dheonadh don iarratasóir, agus


(c) an t-iarratasóir do chur achainí i scríbhinn, tráth nach déanaí ná ocht mí dhéag tar éis an dáta feidhme, chun an Bhoird, tríd an Aire, á iarraidh orthu an t-iarratas d'athscrúdú ar an bhforas go bhfuil ar a chumas fíorais a chruthú is leor chun a shuíomh gur duine é a mbaineann Acht 1924 leis, agus


(d) an achainí dá rá cad iad na fíorais sin,


beidh éifeacht ag na forála seo a leanas—


(i) más é tuairim an Bhoird (ag féachaint do na fíorais a líomhantar san achainí agus don fhianaise a tugadh cheana os comhair an Bhoird in aon imeachta a bhí ar siúl maidir leis an iarratas faoi Acht 1924) go bhfuil cás prima facie ann gur duine é a mbaineann Acht 1924 leis, athscrúdóidh an Bord an t-iarratas,


(ii) mura bhfuil an Bord ar an tuairim sin, diúltóidh an Bord an t-iarratas d'athscrúdú agus cuirfid sin in iúl don Aire.


(2) I gcás ina gceanglann fo-alt (1) den alt seo ar an mBord iarratas ar dheimhniú seirbhíse míleata d'athscrúdú—


(a) beidh feidhm ag forála Achta 1924 amhail is—


(i) nach ndearna an tAire, roimh an dáta feidhme, an t-iarratas a tharchur chun an Bhoird faoi fho-alt 2 d'alt 2 d'Acht 1924, agus


(ii) go ndearna an tAire, ar an dáta feidhme nó dá éis, an t-iarratas a tharchur amhlaidh,


(b) má deontar pinsean faoi Acht 1924 don iarratasóir, ansin, d'ainneoin aon ní in Acht 1924, tosnóidh an pinsean—


(i) i gcás an t-iarratasóir a bheith ag fónamh sna Fórsaí Cosanta ar an dáta feidhme, ar dháta a urscaoilte as na Fórsaí Cosanta,


(ii) in aon chás eile, ar pé dáta (nach luaithe ná an dáta feidhme) a cheapfas an tAire.


(3) Féadfaidh an tAire rialacha a dhéanamh ag ordú nós imeachta an Bhoird faoi fho-alt (1) den alt seo.


(4) San alt seo folaíonn an focal “fianaise” aon eolas a fuarthas de thoradh fiosrúchán ag an mBord nó thar a gceann nó a sholáthraigh duine ar bith.


Deimhnithe seirbhíse míleata a dheonadh d'iarratasóirí ar diúltaíodh dóibh faoi fho-alt (3) d'alt 2 d'Acht 1924.

7.—I gcás inar dhiúltaigh an tAire, faoi fho-alt (3) d'alt 2 d'Acht 1924, deimhniú seirbhíse míleata a dheonadh d'iarratasóir a bhí á lorg—


(a) féadfaidh an tAire, faoina rogha féin, deimhniú seirbhíse míleata a dheonadh don iarratasóir,


(b) má dhéanann an tAire amhlaidh, tosnóidh aon phinsean a deonfar don iarratasóir ar an dáta a deonfar an deimhniú seirbhíse míleata don iarratasóir.


Aisiriú pinsean faoi Acht 1924 a forghéilleadh nó a cúlghairmeadh.

8.—(1) I gcás pinsean faoi Acht 1924 d'fhorghéilleadh faoi alt 6 d'Acht 1924 nó a chúlghairm faoi Acht 1925 féadfaidh an tAire le hordú, arna dhéanamh le toiliú an Aire Airgeadais, an pinsean sin d'aisiriú go hiomlán nó go páirteach.


(2) I gcás pinsean d'aisiriú go páirteach faoi fho-alt (1) den alt seo, féadfaidh an tAire le hordú, arna dhéanamh le toiliú an Aire Airgeadais, iarmhéid an phinsin sin d'aisiriú.


(3) Déanfar aon phinsean nó aon chuid d'aon phinsean a haisireofar faoin alt seo d'íoc ó pé dáta (nach luaithe ná dáta an orduithe á aisiriú) a chinnfeas an tAire.


Dáta tosnuithe pinsean áirithe faoi Acht 1924.

9.—I gcás—


(a) deimhniú seirbhíse míleata a dheonadh do dhuine de bhun iarratais arna dhéanamh tar éis an dáta feidhme, agus


(b) pinsean faoi Acht 1924 a dheonadh don duine sin,


ansin, d'ainneoin aon ní in Acht 1924, tosnóidh an pinsean,—


(i) i gcás an duine sin a bheith ag fónamh sna Fórsaí Cosanta ar an dáta feidhme, ar dháta a urscaoilte as na Fórsaí Cosanta,


(ii) in aon chás eile, ar pé dáta (nach luaithe ná an dá ta feidhme) a cheapfas an tAire.



Leasuithe ar Acht 1934.


Léiriú Coda III.

10.—Forléireofar mar aon ní amháin an Chuid seo agus Acht 1934.


Iarratais áirithe faoi Acht 1934 d'athscrúdú.

11.—(1) I gcás—


(a) iarratas ar dheimhniú seirbhíse a dhéanamh roimh an dáta feidhme, agus


(b) an tAire dá dhiultú, faoi fho-alt (1) d'alt 10 d'Acht 1934, deimhniú seirbhíse a dheonadh don iarratasóir, agus


(c) an t-iarratasóir do chur achainí i scríbhinn, tráth nach déanaí ná ocht mí dhéag tar éis an dáta feidhme, chun an Réiteora, tríd an Aire, á iarraidh air an t-iarratas d'athscrúdú ar an bhforas go bhfuil ar a chumas fíorais a chruthú is leor chun a shuíomh gur duine é a mbaineann Acht 1934 leis, agus


(d) an achainí dá rá cad iad na fíorais sin,


beidh éifeacht ag na forála seo a leanas—


(i) más é tuairim an Réiteora (ag féachaint do na fíorais a líomhantar san achainí agus don fhianaise a tugadh cheana os comhair an Réiteora in aon imeachta a bhí ar siúl maidir leis an iarratas faoi Acht 1934) go bhfuil cás prima facie ann gur duine é an t-iarratasóir a mbaineann Acht 1934 leis, athscrúdóidh an Réiteoir an t-iarratas,


(ii) mura bhfuil an Réiteoir ar an tuairim sin, diúltóidh sé an t-iarratas d'athscrúdú agus cuirfidh sin in iúl don Aire.


(2) I gcás ina gceanglann fo-alt (1) den alt seo ar an Réiteoir iarratas ar dheimhniú seirbhíse d'athscrúdú—


(a) beidh feidhm ag forála Achta 1934 amhail is—


(i) nach ndearna an tAire, roimh an dáta feidhme, an t-iarratas a tharchur chun an Réiteora faoi fho-alt (1) d'alt 8 d'Acht 1934, agus


(ii) go ndearna an tAire, tar éis an dáta feidhme, an t-iarratas a tharchur amhlaidh,


(b) má deontar pinsean faoi Acht 1934 don iarratasóir, ansin, d'ainneoin aon ní in Acht 1934, tosnóidh an pinsean—


(i) i gcás an t-iarratasóir a bheith ag fónamh sna Fórsaí Cosanta ar an dáta feidhme, ar dháta a urscaoilte as na Fórsaí Cosanta,


(ii) in aon chás eile, ar pé dáta (nach luaithe ná an dáta feidhme) a cheapfas an tAire.


(3) Féadfaidh an tAire rialacha a dhéanamh ag ordú nós imeachta an Réiteora faoi fho-alt (1) den alt seo.


(4) San alt seo folaíonn an focal “fianaise” aon eolas a fuarthas de thoradh fiosrúchán ag an Réiteoir nó thar a cheann nó a sholáthraigh duine ar bith.


Deimhnithe seirbhíse a dheonadh d'iarratasóirí ar diúltaíodh dóibh faoi dho-alt (3) d'alt 10 d'Acht 1934.

12.—I gcás inar dhiúltaigh an tAire, faoi fho-alt (3) d'alt 10 d'Acht 1934, deimhniú seirbhíse a dheonadh d'iarratasóir a bhí á lorg—


(a) féadfaidh an tAire, faoina rogha féin, deimhniú seirbhíse a dheonadh don iarratasóir,


(b) má dhéanann an tAire amhlaidh, tosnóidh aon phinsean a deonfar don iarratasóir ar an dáta a deonfar an deimhniú seirbhíse don iarratasóir.


Aisiriú pinsean faoi Acht 1934 a cúlghairmeadh nó a forghéilleadh.

13.—(1) I gcás pinsean faoi Acht 1934 a chúlghairm faoi alt 12 d'Acht 1934 nó d'fhorghéilleadh faoi alt 18 d'Acht 1934, féadfaidh an tAire le hordú, arna dhéanamh le toiliú an Aire Airgeadais, an pinsean sin d'aisiriú go hiomlán nó go páirteach.


(2) I gcás pinsean d'aisiriú go páirteach faoi fho-alt (1) den alt seo, féadfaidh an tAire le hordú, arna dhéanamh le toiliú an Aire Airgeadais, iarmhéid an phinsin sin d'aisiriú.


(3) Déanfar aon phinsean nó aon chuid de phinsean a haisireofar faoin alt seo d'íoc ó pé dáta (nach luaithe ná dáta an orduithe á aisiriú) a chinnfeas an tAire.


Dáta tosnuithe pinsean áirithe faoi Acht 1934.

14.—I gcás—


(a) deimhniú seirbhíse a dheonadh do dhuine de bhun iarratais arna dhéanamh tar éis an dáta feidhme, agus


(b) pinsean faoi Acht 1934 a dheonadh don duine sin,


ansin, d'ainneoin aon ní in Acht 1934, tosnóidh an pinsean—


(i) i gcás an duine sin a bheith ag fónamh sna Fórsaí Cosanta ar an dáta feidhme, ar dháta a urscaoilte as na Fórsaí Cosanta,


(ii) in aon chás eile, ar pé dáta (nach luaithe ná an date feidhme) a cheapfas an tAire.


Alt 4.

Uimhir agus Bliain


Méid na hAthghairme




Uimh. 48 de 1924

Acht na bPinsean Seirbhíse Míleata, 1924.

Fo-alt (6) d'alt 3; fo-alt (3) d'alt 5.

Uimh. 8 de 1930

Acht na bPinsean Seirbhíse Míleata, 1930.

In alt 2, na focail uile ó na focail “ach beidh san fé réir” go dtí deireadh an ailt.

Uimh. 43 de 1934.

Acht na bPinsean Seirbhíse Míleata 1934.

Fo-alt (3) d'alt 15; alt 17.



Number 29 of 1949.





Preliminary and General



Short title and collective citation.




Deductions in respect of public claims from pensions under the Act of 1924 or the Act of 1934.




Amendments of the Act of 1924


Interpretation of Part II.


Re-examination of certain applications under the Act of 1924.


Grant of certificates of military service to applicants refused grant under subsection (3) of section 2 of the Act of 1924.


Restoration of pensions under the Act of 1924 forfeited or revoked.


Date of commencement of certain pensions under the Act of 1924.


Amendments of the Act of 1934


Interpretation of Part III.


Re-investigation of certain applications under the Act of 1934.


Grant of service certificates to applicants refused grant under subsection (3) of section 10 of the Act of 1934.


Restoration of pensions under the Act of 1934 revoked or forfeited.


Date of commencement of certain pensions under the Act of 1934.


Acts Referred to

Military Service Pensions Act, 1924

No. 48 of 1924

Military Service Pensions Act, 1930

No. 8 of 1930

Military Service Pensions Act, 1925

No. 15 of 1925

Military Service Pensions Act, 1934

No. 43 of 1934

Military Service Pensions (Amendment) Act, 1945

No. 11 of 1945

Military Service Pensions (Amendment) Act, 1944

No. 5 of 1944

Military Service Pensions (Amendment) (No. 2) Act, 1945

No. 34 of 1945


Number 29 of 1949.




Preliminary and General.


Short title and collective citation.

1.—(1) This Act may be cited as the Military Service Pensions (Amendment) Act, 1949.


(2) The Military Service Pensions Acts, 1924 to 1945, and this Act may be cited together as the Military Service Pensions Acts, 1924 to 1949.



2.—In this Act—


the expression “the Act of 1924” means the Military Service Pensions Act, 1924 (No. 48 of 1924), as amended by the Act of 1925, the Military Service Pensions Act, 1930 (No. 8 of 1930), the Act of 1934, the Act of 1944, and the No. 2 Act of 1945;


the expression “the Act of 1925” means the Military Service Pensions Act, 1925 (No. 15 of 1925);


the expression “the Act of 1934” means the Military Service Pensions Act, 1934 (No. 43 of 1934), as amended by the Act of 1944, the Military Service Pensions (Amendment) Act, 1945 (No. 11 of 1945), and the No. 2 Act of 1945;


the expression “the Act of 1944” means the Military Service Pensions (Amendment) Act, 1944 (No. 5 of 1944);


the expression “the No. 2 Act of 1945” means the Military Service Pensions (Amendment) (No. 2) Act, 1945 (No. 34 of 1945);


the expression “the operative date” means the date of the passing of this Act.


Deductions in respect of public claims from pensions under the Act of 1924 or the Act of 1934.

3.—(1) There may be deducted, from any pension payable under the Act of 1924 or under the Act of 1934, any moneys due or owing to a State authority by the person to whom the pension is payable.


(2) Where a deduction from a pension may be made under subsection (1) of this section, payment of the pension may be withheld until the amount of the deduction is ascertained.


(3) For the purpose of this section, each of the following shall be a State authority—


(a) a Minister of State,


(b) the Commissioners of Public Works in Ireland,


(c) the Irish Land Commission.



4.—The enactments mentioned in column (2) of the Schedule to this Act are hereby repealed to the extent mentioned in column (3) of the said Schedule.



Amendments of the Act of 1924.


Interpretation of Part II.

5.—(1) In this Part the expression “the Board” means the board of assessors constituted under section 3 of the Act of 1924.


(2) This Part shall be construed as one with the Act of 1924.


Re-examination of certain applications under the Act of 1924.

6.—(1) Where—


(a) an application for a certificate of military service was made before the operative date, and


(b) the Minister, under subsection (2) of section 2 of the Act of 1924, refused to grant a certificate of military service to the applicant, and


(c) the applicant, not later than eighteen months after the operative date, sends to the Board, through the Minister, a petition in writing requesting them to re-examine the application on the ground that he is in a position to prove facts sufficient to establish that he is a person to whom the Act of 1924 applies, and


(d) the petition contains a statement of the said facts,


the following provisions shall have effect—


(i) if the Board are of opinion that (having regard to the facts alleged in the petition and to the evidence previously before the Board in any proceedings had in relation to the application under the Act of 1924) there is a prima facie case that he is a person to whom the Act of 1924 applies, the Board shall re-examine the application,


(ii) if the Board are not of that opinion, the Board shall refuse to re-examine the application and inform the Minister accordingly.


(2) Where the Board are required by subsection (1) of this section to re-examine an application for a certificate of military service—


(a) the provisions of the Act of 1924 shall apply as if—


(i) the Minister had not, before the operative date, referred the application to the Board under subsection (2) of section 2 of the Act of 1924, and


(ii) the Minister had, on or after the operative date, so referred the application,


(b) if a pension under the Act of 1924 is granted to the applicant, the pension shall, notwithstanding anything contained in the Act of 1924, commence on—


(i) in case the applicant is serving in the Defence Forces on the operative date, the date of his discharge therefrom,


(ii) in any other case, such date (not being earlier than the operative date) as the Minister may appoint.


(3) The Minister may make rules prescribing the procedure of the Board under subsection (1) of this section.


(4) In this section the word “evidence” includes any information obtained as the result of inquiries made by the Board or on their behalf or furnished by any person.


Grant of certificates of military service to applicants refused grant under subsection (3) of section 2 of the Act of 1924.

7.—Where the Minister, under subsection (3) of section 2 of the Act of 1924, has refused to grant a certificate of military service to an applicant therefor—


(a) the Minister may, in his absolute discretion, grant to the applicant a certificate of military service,


(b) if the Minister does so, any pension granted to the applicant shall commence on the date on which the certificate of military service is granted to the applicant.


Restoration of pensions under the Act of 1924 forfeited or revoked.

8.—(1) Where a pension under the Act of 1924 has been forfeited under section 6 of the Act of 1924 or revoked under the Act of 1925 the Minister may by order, made with the consent of the Minister for Finance, restore such pension either in whole or in part.


(2) Where a pension is restored in part under subsection (1) of this section, the Minister may by order, made with the consent of the Minister for Finance, restore the balance of such pension.


(3) Payment of any pension or part of any pension which has been restored under this section shall be made from such date (not being earlier than the date of the order restoring it) as the Minister may determine.


Date of commencement of certain pensions under the Act of 1924.



(a) a certificate of military service is granted to a person in pursuance of an application made after the operative date, and


(b) a pension under the Act of 1924 is granted to that person,


the pension shall, notwithstanding anything contained in the Act of 1924, commence on,—


(i) in case that person is serving in the Defence Forces on the operative date, the date of his discharge therefrom,


(ii) in any other case, such date (not being earlier than the operative date) as the Minister may appoint.



Amendments of the Act of 1934.


Interpretation of Part III.

10.—This Part shall be construed as one with the Act of 1934.


Re-investigation of certain applications under the Act of 1934.

11.—(1) Where—


(a) an application for a service certificate was made before the operative date, and


(b) the Minister, under subsection (1) of section 10 of the Act of 1934, refused to grant a service certificate to the applicant, and


(c) the applicant, not later than eighteen months after the operative date, sends to the Referee, through the Minister, a petition in writing requesting him to re-investigate the application on the ground that the applicant is in a position to prove facts sufficient to establish that he is a person to whom the Act of 1934 applies, and


(d) the petition contains a statement of the said facts,


the following provisions shall have effect—


(i) if the Referee is of opinion that (having regard to the facts alleged in the petition and to the evidence previously before the Referee in any proceedings had in relation to the application under the Act of 1934) there is a prima facie case that the applicant is a person to whom the Act of 1934 applies, the Referee shall re-investigate the application,


(ii) if the Referee is not of that opinion, he shall refuse to re-investigate the application and inform the Minister accordingly.


(2) Where the Referee is required by subsection (1) of this section to re-investigate an application for a service certificate—


(a) the provisions of the Act of 1934 shall apply as if—


(i) the Minister had not, before the operative date, referred the application to the Referee under subsection (1) of section 8 of the Act of 1934, and


(ii) the Minister had, after the operative date, so referred the application,


(b) if a pension under the Act of 1934 is granted to the applicant, the pension shall, notwithstanding anything contained in the Act of 1934, commence on—


(i) in case the applicant is serving in the Defence Forces on the operative date, the date of his discharge therefrom,


(ii) in any other case, such date (not being earlier than the operative date) as the Minister may appoint.


(3) The Minister may make rules prescribing the procedure of the Referee under subsection (1) of this section.


(4) In this section the word “evidence” includes any information obtained as the result of inquiries made by the Referee or on his behalf or furnished by any person.


Grant of service certificates to applicants refused grant under subsection (3) of section 10 of the Act of 1934.

12.—Where the Minister, under subsection (3) of section 10 of the Act of 1934, has refused to grant a service certificate to an applicant therefor—


(a) the Minister may, in his absolute discretion, grant to the applicant a service certificate,


(b) if the Minister does so, any pension granted to the applicant shall commence on the date on which the service certificate is granted to the applicant.


Restoration of pensions under the Act of 1934 revoked or forfeited.

13.—(1) Where a pension under the Act of 1934 has been revoked under section 12 of the Act of 1934 or forfeited under section 18 of the Act of 1934, the Minister may by order, made with the consent of the Minister for Finance, restore such pension either in whole or in part.


(2) Where a pension is restored in part under subsection (1) of this section, the Minister may by order, made with the consent of the Minister for Finance, restore the balance of such pension.


(3) Payment of any pension or part of a pension which has been restored under this section shall be made from such date (not being earlier than the date of the order restoring it) as the Minister may determine.


Date of commencement of certain pensions under the Act of 1934.



(a) a service certificate is granted to a person in pursuance of an application made after the operative date, and


(b) a pension under the Act of 1934 is granted to that person,


the pension shall, notwithstanding anything contained in the Act of 1934, commence on—


(i) in case that person is serving in the Defence Forces on the operative date, the date of his discharge therefrom,


(ii) in any other case, such date (not being earlier than the operative date) as the Minister may appoint.



Section 4.

Number and Year

Short title

Extent of Repeal




No. 48 of 1924

Military Service Pensions Act, 1924.

Subsection (6) of section 3; subsection (3) of section 5.

No. 8 of 1930

Military Service Pensions Act, 1930.

In section 2, all words from the words “but subject” to the end of the section.

No. 43 of 1934

Military Service Pensions Act, 1934.

Subsection (3) of section 15; section 17.