As Ann Déscrolláil


Cuir Déscrolláil ar siúl chun an dá leagan a scrolláil le chéile.


Uimhir 44 de 1935.





Roimhraiteach agus Generalta.



1.—Féadfar Acht Ospidéil Fhiabhrais Chorcaighe, 1935, do ghairm den Acht so.



2.—San Acht so—


cialluíonn an abairt “an tAire” an tAire Rialtais Áitiúla agus Sláinte Puiblí;


cialluíonn an abairt “Acht 1925” an tAcht Rialtais Áitiúla, 1925 (Uimh. 5 de 1925);


cialluíonn an abairt “Acht 1927” an tAcht Rialtais Áitiúla, 1927 (Uimh. 3 de 1927);


cialluíonn an abairt “an Bárdas” Tiarna Méara, Seanóirí, agus Buirgéisigh Chorcaighe;


cialluíonn an abairt “comhairle na cathrach” comhairle chontacbhuirge Chorcaighe;


cialluíonn an abairt “an ceanntar sláinte contae” ceanntar sláinte contae Chorcaighe Theas;


cialluíonn an abairt “an bord sláinte” bord sláinte puiblí Chorcaighe Theas;


cialluíonn an abairt “an có-cheanntar” an líomatáiste atá códhéanta den cheanntar shláinte chontae agus de sna bailecheanntair atá, i dteanta an cheanntair shláinte chontae, ina gcó-cheanntar do réir bhrí Achta 1927;


cialluíonn an abairt “an sean-óspidéal fiabhrais” Ospidéal Fiabhrais agus Teach Eadarshláinte Chorcaighe;


cialluíonn an abairt “an seana-choiste” có-choiste an tsean-óspidéil fhiabhrais;


cialluíonn an abairt “an cólucht corpruithe” an cólucht corpruithe do bunuíodh fén Hospitals (Ireland) Act, 1818, agus ar a dtugtar Uachtarán agus Congantóirí an Ospidéil Fhiabhrais do Chorcaigh;


cialluíonn an abairt “bliain airgeadais áitiúil” tréimhse de dhá mhí dhéag dar críoch an 31adh lá de Mhárta.


Fiosrúcháin áitiúla.

3.—(1) Sara ndeinidh an tAire aon chomhacht no dualgas a bronntar no cuirtear air leis an Acht so d'fheidhmiú no do chólíonadh féadfaidh a chur fé ndeár fiosrúchán áitiúil do dhéanamh i dtaobh an ní is abhar don chomhacht san d'fheidhmiú no don dualgas san do chólíonadh.


(2) Beidh feidhm ag fo-airtiogail (1) agus (3) d'Airtiogal 32 den Sceideal a ghabhann leis an Local Government (Application of Enactments) Order, 1898, maidir le gach fiosrúchán áitiúil a déanfar fén alt so.


Costaisí an Aire.

4.—Sa mhéid go gceadóidh an tAire Airgid é, is amach as airgead a sholáthróidh an tOireachtas a híocfar gach costas fé n-a raghaidh an tAire fén Acht so.



Tosach Feidhme Coda III den Acht so.


An Bárdas do chur scéime fé bhráid an Aire chun Ospidéil fhiabhrais nua do bhunú i gcathair Chorcaighe no in aice léi.

5.—(1) Féadfaidh an Bárdas, más oiriúnach leo é, scéim (dá ngairmtear an scéim san Acht so) d'ullamhú agus do chur fé bhráid an Aire chun óspidéil fhiabhrais nua (le n-a n-áirmhítear cóiríocht dá fhuirinn) do thógáil agus do bhunú i gcathair Chorcaighe no in aice léi.


(2) Beidh sa scéim—


(a) tuairisc ar ionad bheartuithe an óspidéil,


(b) pleananna agus áireamhachtaí an óspidéil bheartuithe (le n-a n-áirmhítear cóiríocht dá fhuirinn), agus


(c) meastachán ar an méid a chosnóidh sé an scéim do thabhairt chun críche.


(3) Féadfaidh an tAire, ar an scéim d'fháil, an scéim do cheadú gan atharú no an scéim do cheadú go pé atharuithe is oiriúnach leis, no diúltú don scéim do cheadú.


(4) Chun crícheanna Achta Bhainistí Chathair Chorcaighe, 1929 (Uimh. 1 de 1929), beidh ullamhú na scéime fén alt so ina fheidhm fhorcoimeádtha.


(5) Aon chostaisí fé n-a raghaidh an Bárdas fén alt so déanfaidh an Bárdas, i gcás gan Cuid III den Acht so do theacht i bhfeidhm, iad do chruinniú agus d'íoc sa tslí chéanna ina ndeintear costaisí fé n-a dtéigheann an Bárdas i bhfeidhmiú na nAchtanna Sláinte Puiblí, 1878 go 1931, do chruinniú agus d'íoc.


Tosach feidme Coda III den Acht so.

6.—(1) Más rud é, fé cheann dhá bhlian tar éis an Achta so do rith—


(a) go gceadóidh an tAire an scéim fén alt deiridh sin roimhe seo, agus


(b) go dtabharfar, fé alt 25 d'Acht na nOispidéal Puiblí, 1933 (Uimh. 18 de 1933), don Bhárdas, chun sochair don óspidéal le n-a mbaineann an scéim, deontas as Ciste Iontaobhais na nOispidéal de mhéid nách lugha ná leath costais mheasta na scéime do thabhairt chun críche, mar a luaidhtear san sa scéim agus í ceaduithe amhlaidh, agus chun gach críche no aon chríche dá luaidhtear i míreanna (a) (b) (c) agus (d) d'fho-alt (7) den alt san 25,


dearbhóidh an tAire le hordú go dtiocfaidh Cuid III den Acht so i ngníomh o dháta luadhfar san ordú san, agus ar bheith déanta don ordú san tiocfaidh an Chuid sin III i ngníomh ar an dáta luadhfar amhlaidh.


(2) Ní thiocfaidh Cuid III den Acht so i ngníomh ach amháin de bhuadh orduithe ar n-a dhéanamh fén bhfo-alt deiridh sin roimhe seo.



Ospideal Fiabhrais Chorcaighe.


Rann-íoc an tseana-choiste.

7.—(1) Díreach i dtosach feidhme na Coda so den Acht so íocfaidh an seana-choiste leis an mBárdas aon airgead do híocadh leo fé sna hAchtanna um Oispidéil Phuiblí Dhéirciúla, 1930 go 1932, agus aon mhéaduithe ar an airgead san, lugha-de aon chuid den chéanna do caitheadh roimh dháta an Achta so do rith agus lugha-de aon chuid den chéanna do caitheadh le ceadú an Aire tar éis dáta an Achta so do rith agus roimh thosach feidhme na Coda so den Acht so, agus an t-airgead is gá don tseana-choiste do réir an fho-ailt seo d'íoc leis an mBárdas gairmtear “rann-íoc an tseana-choiste” dhe sna forálacha ina dhiaidh seo den Acht so.


(2) Beidh rann-íoc an tseana-choiste ina fhiacha bheidh dlite ar an seana-choiste ag an mBárdas agus féadfaidh an Bárdas é do bhaint amach mar fhiacha gnáth-chonnartha.


(3) Cuirfidh an Bárdas rann-íoc an tseana-choiste chun íocaíochtaí d'íoc a húdaruítear leis an Acht so d'íoc amach as agus ní chun aon chrícheanna eile.


(4) An méid de rann-íoc an tseana-choiste ná beidh ag teastáil de thurus na huaire chun íocaíochtaí d'íoc a húdaruítear leis an Acht so d'íoc amach as súncálfaidh an Bárdas é in urrúis a bheidh ceaduithe ag an Aire agus déanfar aon ioncum a thiocfaidh as aon tsúncála den tsórt san do chur le rann-íoc an tseana-choiste agus tuigfear chun crícheanna na Coda so den Acht so gur cuid den rann-íoc san é.


E d'oblagáid ar an mBárdas óspidéal fiabhrais nua do bhunú.

8.—(1) Laistigh de pé tréimhse cheapfaidh an tAire déanfaidh an Bárdas óspidéal, chun cóir leighis do chur ar othair ar a mbeidh galair thógálacha, ar a dtabharfar Ospidéal Fiabhrais Chorcaighe (dá ngairmtear an t-óspidéal fiabhrais nua san Acht so) do thógáil agus do bhunú do réir na scéime, mar a cheadóidh an tAire í go pé atharuithe uirthi, más aon cheann é, le n-a n-aontóidh an tAire o am go ham ar iarratas an Bhárdais, agus cuirfid ar fáil don óspidéal san an gléasra uile is gá.


(2) Chun an óspidéil fhiabhrais nua do bhunú beidh ag an mBárdas na comhachta céanna chun talamh do thógaint chúcha atá acu chun crícheanna na nAchtanna Sláinte Puiblí, 1878 go 1931, agus beidh feidhm agus éifeacht dá réir sin ag na hAchtanna san, mar a leasuítear iad le halt 68 d'Acht 1925, ach amháin go bhféadfar na fógráin a luaidhtear i bhfo-alt (2) d'alt 203 den Public Health (Ireland) Act, 1878, d'fhoillsiú mí ar bith agus go ndéanfar na fógraí luaidhtear sa bhfo-alt san do sheirbheáil an mí ina dhiaidh sin.


(3) Chun crícheanna Achta Bhainistí Chathair Chorcaighe, 1929 (Uimh. 1 de 1929), beidh sé ina fheidhm fhorcoimeádtha atharú ar an scéim d'iarraidh fén alt so.


(4) San alt so foluíonn an focal “talamh” aon éasáid no ceart i dtalamh no in uisce no air no chuige.


Costaisí an tseana-choiste.

9.—Na costaisí fé n-a ndeachaidh no fé n-a raghaidh an seanachoiste chun an tsean-óspidéil fhiabhrais do chothabháil agus do bhainistí ní raghaid, in aon bhliain airgeadais áitiúil no cuid de bhliain sa tréimhse idir tosach feidhme na Coda so den Acht so agus an lá ceaptha, thar pé méid ar a gcó-aontóidh an seana-choiste agus an Bárdas no, cheal có-aontuithe, a shocróidh an tAire, agus íocfaidh an Bárdas na costaisí sin sa mhéid nách leor cistí an tseanachoiste chun iad d'íoc.


Costaisí an Bhárdais maidir leis an scéim.

10.—Na costaisí uile fé n-a raghaidh an Bárdas chun na scéime d'ullamhú agus fén dá alt deiridh sin roimhe seo íocfar iad, sa chéad dul síos, as rann-íoc an tseana-choiste agus, sa mhéid nách leor rann-íoc an tseana-choiste chun na gcostas san d'íoc, íocfar iad as an deontas do bhéarfar don Bhárdas as Ciste Iontaobhais na nOispidéal chun sochair an óspidéil fhiabhrais nua, agus maran leor an rann-íoc agus an deontas san chun na gcostas san d'íoc beidh éifeacht ag na forálacha so leanas, sé sin le rá:—


(a) déanfaidh an Bárdas an méid sin a bheidh in easnamh do chruinniú agus d'íoc sa tslí chéanna ina ndeintear costaisí fé n-a dtéigheann an Bárdas i bhfeidhmiú na nAchtanna Sláinte Puiblí, 1878 go 1931, do chruinniú agus d'íoc, agus chuige seo féadfaidh an Bárdas airgead d'fháil ar iasacht sa tslí chéanna ina bhféadfaid agus fé réir na bhforálacha céanna gur fé n-a réir fhéadfaid airgead d'fháil ar iasacht chun crícheanna na nAcht san, agus


(b) déanfaidh Bord Ospidéil Fhiabhrais Chorcaighe, a bunófar fén gCuid seo den Acht so, suim is có-ionann leis an méid sin a bheidh in easnamh d'íoc leis an mBárdas an tráth no na tráthanna san, agus sa tslí sin, agus maraon leis an ús san uirthi, ordóidh an tAire o am go ham.


An lá ceaptha.

11.—(1) Sé mhí ar a laighead roimh an dáta 'na mbeidh súil ag an mBárdas an t-óspidéal fiabhrais nua do bheith críochnuithe agus ullamh chun othair do ghlacadh isteach ann, cuirfidh an Bárdas an dáta san in úil don Aire agus leis sin ceapfaidh an tAire an dáta (ná beidh níos túisce ná an dáta cuirfear in úil do amhlaidh) a bheidh an t-óspidéal le bunú.


(2) Déanfar tagairtí sa Chuid seo den Acht so don lá cheaptha do léiriú mar thagairtí don lá ceapfar le hordú ón Aire fén alt so.


(3) Chun crícheanna Achta Bhainistí Chathair Chorcaighe, 1929 (Uimh. 1 de 1929), beidh an dualgas a cuirtear leis an alt so ar an mBárdas ina fheidhm fhorcoimeádtha.


“Bliain toghacháin.”

12.—Gach bliain a dearbhófar le hordú ón Aire do bheith ina bliain toghacháin chun crícheanna na Coda so den Acht so beidh sí ina bliain toghacháin chun na gcrícheanna san.


Có-dhéanamh Búird Ospidéil Fhiabhrais Chorcaighe.

13.—(1) Déanfar ar an lá ceaptha bord (dá ngairmtear an Bord san Acht so) ar a dtabharfar mar ainm agus mar theideal Bord Ospidéil Fhiabhrais Chorcaighe do bhunú chun na bhfeidhmeanna ceaptar do leis an gCuid seo den Acht so do chólíonadh.


(2) Beidh an Bord ina gcólucht corpruithe agus síor-chomharbas acu agus séala oifigiúil (ar a dtabharfar áird i gcúrsaí breithiúntais) agus féadfaid dul chun dlí agus féadfar dul chun dlí leo fé n-a n-ainm chorpruithe agus féadfaid talamh do bheith ar seilbh acu.


(3) Beidh an Bord có-dhéanta—


(a) de bhaill (dá ngairmtear baill chathrach san Acht so) a thoghfaidh comhairle na cathrach do réir an Achta so,


(b) de bhaill (dá ngairmtear baill bhúird shláinte san Acht so) a thoghfaidh an bord sláinte do réir an Achta so, agus


(c) fé réir forálacha an ailt seo, de bhaill (dá ngairmtear baill nea-ghnáthacha san Acht so) a thoghfaidh an seanachoiste do réir an Achta so.


(4) Go dtí éag, eirghe as no dí-cháiliú an chéad bhaill neaghnáthaigh éagfaidh, eireoidh as no thiocfaidh chun bheith dícháilithe tar éis an lae cheaptha beidh an Bord có-dhéanta—


(a) de chúig baill chathrach;


(b) de chúig baill bhúird shláinte, agus


(c) de chúig baill nea-ghnáthacha.


(5) Ar éag, ar eirghe as no ar dhí-cháiliú gach baill neaghnáthaigh fé leith tar éis an lae cheaptha beidh éifeacht ag na forálacha so leanas—


(a) másé an ball san an chéad bhall nea-ghnáthach éagfaidh, eireoidh as no thiocfaidh chun bheith dí-cháilithe, beidh an Bord có-dhéanta—


(i) de shé baill chathrach,


(ii) de chúig baill bhúird shláinte, agus


(iii) de cheithre baill nea-ghnáthacha:


(b) másé an ball san an dara ball nea-ghnáthach éagfaidh, eireoidh as no thiocfaidh chun bheith dí-cháilithe, beidh an bord có-dhéanta—


(i) de shé baill chathrach,


(ii) de shé baill bhúird shláinte, agus


(iii) de thrí baill nea-ghnáthacha;


(c) másé an ball san an tríú ball nea-ghnáthach éagfaidh, eireoidh as no thiocfaidh chun bheith dí-cháilithe, beidh an Bord có-dhéanta—


(i) de sheacht mbaill chathrach,


(ii) de shé baill bhúird shláinte, agus


(iii) de dhá bhall nea-ghnáthacha;


(d) másé an ball san an ceathrú ball nea-ghnáthach éagfaidh, eireoidh as no thiocfaidh chun bheith dí-cháilithe, beidh an bord có-dhéanta—


(i) de sheacht mbaill chathrach,


(ii) de sheacht mbaill bhúird shláinte, agus


(iii) d'aon bhall nea-ghnáthach amháin;


(e) másé an ball san an cúigiú ball nea-ghnáthach éagfaidh, eireoidh as no thiocfaidh chun bheith dí-cháilithe, beidh an Bord có-dhéanta feasta—


(i) d'ocht mbaill chathrach, agus


(ii) de sheacht mbaill bhúird shláinte.


Cáilíocht do bhaill chathrach agus do bhaill bhúird shláinte.

14.—(1) Ní bheidh duine cáilithe chun é do thogha mar bhall chathrach maran ball de chomhairle na cathrach é ar dháta a thoghtha.


(2) Ní bheidh duine cáilithe chun é do thogha mar bhall búird shláinte maran ball den bhord sláinte é ar dháta a thoghtha.


Togha agus téarma oifige ball cathrach.

15.—(1) Déanfar an chéad toghachán do bhaill chathrach pé lá cheapfaidh an tAire chuige sin agus nách túisce ná trí mhí ná nách déanaí ná mí roimh an lá ceaptha, agus toghfaidh comhairle na cathrach cúig baill chathrach sa toghachán san.


(2) Déanfaidh comhairle na cathrach gach bliain toghacháin oiread ball cathrach agus a bheidh ar an mBord de thurus na huaire do thogha ag an gcéad chruinniú ráithiúil de chomhairle na cathrach a bheidh ann tar éis an 22adh lá de Mheitheamh an bhliain sin, agus beidh an toghachán san ina chuid den ghnó bheidh le déanamh ag gach cruinniú ráithiúil den tsórt san.


(3) Gach ball cathrach a toghfar ag an gcéad toghachán do bhaill chathrach tosnóidh a théarma oifige an lá ceaptha.


(4) Gach ball cathrach (seachas ball cathrach a toghfar sa chéad toghachán do bhaill chathrach no duine toghfar chun fothfholúntais imeasc na mball cathrach) tosnóidh a théarma oifige an lá i ndiaidh lae an chruinnithe ráithiúla de chomhairle na cathrach ag ar toghadh é.


(5) Gach ball cathrach (seachas duine toghfar chun fothfholúntais imeasc na mball cathrach) beidh sé, marab éag no eirghe as no teacht fé dhí-cháilíocht roimhe sin do, i seilbh oifige go dtí an lá i ndiaidh lae an chéad chruinnithe ráithiúla eile de chomhairle na cathrach ag ar gá do chomhairle na cathrach do réir an ailt seo baill chathrach do thogha.


Togha agus téarma oifige ball búird shláinte.

16.—(1) Déanfar an chéad toghachán do bhaill bhúird shláinte pé lá cheapfaidh an tAire chuige sin agus nách túisce ná trí mhí ná nách déanaí ná mí roimh an lá ceaptha, agus toghfaidh an bord sláinte cúig baill bhúird shláinte sa toghachán san.


(2) Déanfaidh an bord sláinte gach bliain toghacháin oiread ball búird shláinte agus a bheidh ar an mBord de thurus na huaire do thogha ag an gcruinniú bliantúil den bhord shláinte bheidh ann an bhliain sin, agus beidh an toghachán san ina chuid den ghnó bheidh le déanamh ag gach cruinniú bliantúil den tsórt san den bhord shláinte.


(3) Gach ball búird shláinte toghfar ag an gcéad chruinniú de bhaill bhúird shláinte tosnóidh a théarma oifige an lá ceaptha.


(4) Gach ball búird shláinte (seachas ball búird shláinte toghfar sa chéad toghachán do bhaill bhúird shláinte no duine toghfar chun foth-fholúntais imeasc na mball búird shláinte) tosnóidh a théarma oifige an lá i ndiaidh lae an chruinnithe bhliantúla den bhord shláinte ag ar toghadh é.


(5) Gach ball búird shláinte (seachas duine toghfar chun fothfholúntais imeasc na mball búird shláinte) beidh sé, marab éag no eirghe as no teacht fé dhí-cháilíocht roimhe sin do, i seilbh oifige go dtí an lá i ndiaidh lae an chéad chruinnithe bhliantúla eile den bhord shláinte ag ar gá don bhord shláinte do réir an ailt seo baill bhúird shláinte do thogha.


Togha agus téarma oifige ball neaghnáthach.

17.—(1) Ag cruinniú den tseana-choiste bheidh ann pé lá cheapfaidh an tAire chuige sin agus nách túisce ná trí mhí ná nách déanaí ná mí roimh an lá ceaptha, toghfaidh an seana-choiste cúig baill nea-ghnáthacha as baill an chóluchta chorpruithe.


(2) Tosnóidh téarma oifige gach baill nea-ghnáthaigh an lá ceaptha.


(3) Beidh gach ball nea-ghnáthach i seilbh oifige go héag no eirghe as no teacht fé dhí-cháilíocht do, pé ní acu san is túisce thárlóidh.


(4) I gcás éinne toghfar chun bheith ina bhall nea-ghnáthach d'éag no d'eirghe as roimh an lá ceaptha, déanfaidh an tAire duine is ball den chólucht chorpruithe roimh an lá ceaptha d'ainmniú chun bheith ina bhall nea-ghnáthach, agus beidh an té a hainmneofar amhlaidh i seilbh oifige ón lá ceaptha no o dháta a ainmnithe (pe'ca aca is déanaí) go héag no eirghe as no teacht fé dhí-cháilíocht do, pé ní acu san is túisce thárlóidh.


Baill den Bhord d'eirighe as no do theacht fé dhí-cháilíocht.

18.—(1) Féadfaidh ball den Bhord tráth ar bith eirghe as a oifig tré leitir a cuirfear chun an Bhúird agus raghaidh gach eirghe-as den tsórt san in éifeacht i dtosach an chéad chruinnithe den Bhord a bheidh ann tar éis na leitre sin do chur chun an Bhúird.


(2) Pé uair a scuirfidh ball cathrach de bheith ina bhall de chomhairle na cathrach beidh sé dí-cháilithe chun leanúint de bheith agus scuirfidh láithreach de bheith ina bhall cathrach.


(3) Pé uair a scuirfidh ball búird shláinte de bheith ina bhall den bhord shláinte beidh sé dí-cháilithe chun leanúint de bheith agus scuirfidh láithreach de bheith ina bhall búird shláinte.


(4) Bainfidh Airtiogal 12 den Sceideal a ghabhann leis an Local Government (Application of Enactments) Order, 1898, mar a leasuítear san tré aon achtachán ina dhiaidh sin, leis an mBord agus le baill an bhúird fé mar a bhaineann sé le comhairle chontae agus le baill chomhairle contae.


Foth-fholúna-aisí imeasc ball cathrach agus ball búird shláinte.

19.—(1) Pé uair a thárlóidh foth-fholúntas imeasc na mball cathrach déanfaidh comhairle na cathrach, chó luath agus a bheidh caoi ann chuige sin, duine bheidh cáilithe chun a thoghtha mar bhall cathrach do thogha chun an fholúntais sin.


(2) Pé uair a tharlóidh foth-fholúntas imeasc na mball búird shláinte déanfaidh an bord sláinte, chó luath agus a bheidh caoi ann chuige sin, duine bheidh cáilithe chun a thoghtha mar bhall búird shláinte do thogha chun an fholúntais sin.


(3) Duine toghfar chun foth-fholúntais imeasc na mball cathrach beidh sé, marab éag no eirghe as no teacht fe dhí cháilíocht roimhe sin do, i seilbh oifige go dtí an lá i ndiaidh lae an chéad chruinnithe ráithiúla eile de chomhairle na cathrach ag ar gá do chomhairle na cathrach do réir an Achta so baill chathrach do thogha.


(4) Duine toghfar chun foth-fholúntais imeasc na mball búird shláinte beidh sé, marab éag no eirghe as no teacht fé dhí-cháilíocht roimhe sin do, i seilbh oifige go dtí an lá i ndiaidh lae an chéad chruinnithe bhliantúla eile den bhord shláinte ag ar gá don bhord shláinte do réir an Achta so baill bhúird shláinte do thogha.


(5) Chun crícheanna an ailt seo—


(a) tuigfear foth-fholúntas do thárlachtaint imeasc na mbail cathrach pé uair éagfaidh ball cathrach no eireoidh sé as no thiocfa sé chun bheith dí-cháilithe no pé uair a déanfar, fé sna forálacha den Acht so bhaineann le có-dhéanamh Búird Ospidéil Fhiabhrais Chorcaighe, aon do chur le líon na mball cathrach,


(b) tuigfear foth-fholúntas do thárlachtaint imeasc na mball búird shláinte pé uair éagfaidh ball búird shláinte no eireoidh sé as no thiocfa sé chun bheith dí-cháilithe no pé uair a déanfar, fé sna forálacha den Acht so bhaineann le có-dhéanamh Búird Ospidéil Fhiabhrais Chorcaighe, aon do chur le líon na mball búird shláinte.


Cruinnithe an Bhúird.

20.—(1) Beidh a gcéad chruinniú ag an mBord an lá ceaptha pé uair agus i pé áit a cheapfaidh an tAire.


(2) Gach bliain a thosnóidh tar éis an lae cheaptha beidh cruinniú ag an mBord (dá ngairmtear cruinniú bliantúil san Acht so) ar pé dáta cheapfaidh an tAire.


(3) Beidh cruinniú amháin ar a laighead ag an mBord gach mí.


(4) Fé réir forálacha an ailt seo beidh ag an mBord pé cruinnithe agus pé méid cruinnithe is gá chun a ndualgaisí d'fheidhmiú go cuibhe.


Cathaoirleach agus Leas-Chathaoirleach.

21.—(1) Déanfaidh an Bord, ag á gcéad chruinniú agus fós ag gach cruinniú bliantúil, duine dá mbaill do thogha chun bheith ina chathaoirleach ar an mBord agus duine eile dá mbaill do thogha chun bheith ina leas-chathaoirleach ar an mBord.


(2) Gach duine toghfar chun bheith ina chathaoirleach no ina leas-chathaoirleach ar an mBord beidh sé, marab éag no eirghe as no teacht fé dhí-cháilíocht roimhe sin do, i seilbh oifige mar chathaoirleach no mar leas-chathaoirleach go dtí go dtoghfar a chomharba.


(3) Pé uair a thiocfaidh oifig an chathaoirligh no an leaschathaoirligh chun bheith folamh tríd an gcathaoirleach no an leaschathaoirleach d'éag no d'eirghe as no do theacht fé dhí-cháilíocht déanfaidh an Bord, ag an gcéad chruinniú eile tar éis don fholúntas san do thárlachtaint, duine dá mbaill do thogha chun bheith ina chathaoirleach no ina leas-chathaoirleach.


(4) Féadfaidh cathaoirleach no leas-chathaoirleach an Bhúird tráth ar bith eirghe as a oifig mar chathaoirleach no mar leaschathaoirleach tré leitir a díreofar chun an Bhúird, agus raghaidh gach eirghe as den tsórt san in éifeacht i dtosach an chéad chruinnithe den Bhord a bheidh ann tar éis don Bhord an t-eirgheas san d'fháil.


(5) Pé uair a scuirfidh cathaoirleach no leas-chathaoirleach an Bhúird, i rith a théarma oifige mar chathaoirleach no mar leaschathaoirleach den tsórt san, de bheith ina bhall den Bhord beidh sé dí-cháilithe chun bheith agus scuirfidh láithreach de bheith ina chathaoirleach no ina leas-chathaoirleach ar an mBord.


(6) Pé uair, agus cathaoirleach an Bhúird á thogha, a bheidh có-ionannas vótanna ann do bheirt no níos mó toghfar duine acu so tré chrannchur.


Nós imeachta ag cruinnithe.

22.—(1) Triúr a bheidh mar quorum do chruinniú den Bhord.


(2) Ag cruinniú den Bhord—


(a) má bhíonn cathaoirleach an Bhúird i láthair isé bheidh ina chathaoirleach ar an gcruinniú;


(b) mara mbeidh cathaoirleach an Bhúird i láthair no má bhíonn oifig an chathaoirligh folamh isé leas-chathaoirleach an Bhúird, má bhíonn sé i láthair, a bheidh ina chathaoirleach ar an gcruinniú;


(c) más rud é ná beidh cathaoirleach an Bhúird i láthair no go mbeidh oifig an chathaoirligh folamh agus ná beidh an leas-chathaoirleach i láthair no go mbeidh oifig an leas-chathaoirligh folamh déanfaidh na baill den Bhord a bheidh i láthair duine dá líon do cheapadh chun bheith ina chathaoirleach ar an gcruinniú.


(3) Déanfar gach ceist ag cruinniú den Bhord do shocrú le móráireamh de vótanna na mball a bheidh i láthair agus a vótálfaidh ar an gceist, agus i gcás na vótanna bheith roinnte go có-ionann beidh an dara vóta no vóta réitigh ag cathaoirleach an chruinnithe ach amháin nuair a bheidh an cathaoirleach á thogha.


(4) Féadfaidh an Bord gníomhú d'ainncoin folúntais no folúntas imeasc a gcuid ball.


(5) Féadfaidh an tAire, le rialacháin ar n-a ndéanamh aige fén Acht so, nós imeachta agus gnó an Bhúird do rialáil.


(6) Fé réir forálacha an Achta so agus aon rialachán a déanfar fé, déanfaidh an Bord, le buan-orduithe no ar shlí eile, nós imeachta agus gnó an Bhúird do rialáil.


Connartha dhéanfaidh an Bord.

23.—(1) Féadfaidh an Bord gach connradh do dhéanamh is gá chun crícheanna a bhfeidhmeanna fén gCuid seo den Acht so.


(2) Beidh feidhm ag alt 201 den Public Health (Ireland) Act, 1878, maidir le connartha dhéanfaidh an Bord fén alt so fé is dá mb' údarás sláintíochta an Bord agus gur chonnartha déanfaí fén gcéad Acht san a luaidhtear na connartha san.


Dochtúir Ceannais Comhnaithe.

24.—(1) Ceapfaidh an Bord oifigeach ar a dtabharfar mar ainm agus mar theideal Dochtúir Ceannais Comhnaithe Ospidéil Fhiabhrais Chorcaighe (dá ngairmtear an Dochtúir Ceannais Comhnaithe san Acht so) agus féadfaid, fé réir an Aire dá cheadú, na dualgaisí bheidh le cólíonadh ag an oifigeach san do cheapadh.


(2) Beidh an Dochtúir Ceannais Comhnaithe freagarthach don Bhord i riaradh inmheánach an óspidéil fhiabhrais nua agus, ag cólíonadh a dhualgas do, déanfaidh do réir aon orduithe do bhéarfaidh príomh-dhochtúir oifigiúil sláinte chontae-bhuirge Chorcaighe uaidh.


(3) Íocfaidh an Bord leis an Dochtúir Ceannais Comhnaithe pé luach saothair agus liúntaisí cheapfaidh an tAire o am go ham.


Oifigigh don Bhord.

25.—(1) Féadfaidh an Bord, le ceadú an Aire, pé oifigigh agus pé méid oifigeach do cheapadh, is ceart dar leis an mBord o am go ham, chun na ndualgas san do chólíonadh a cheapfaidh an Bord dóibh o am go ham.


(2) Íocfaidh an Bord le gach oifigeach don Bhord agus bhéarfaidh do pé luach saothair agus liúntaisí cheapfaidh an tAire o am go ham no cheapfaidh an Bord o am go ham le ceadú an Aire.


(3) Ní bheidh feidhm ag forálacha an ailt seo maidir leis an Dochtúir Ceannais Comhnaithe.


Forálacha ilghnéitheacha. maidir le hoifigigh don Bhord.

26.—(1) Féadfaidh an Bord, le ceadú an Aire, aon oifigeach don Bhord do chur as oifig.


(2) Féadfaidh an tAire, tráth ar bith, aon oifigeach don Bhord do chur as oifig.


(3) Tuigfear an Bord do bheith ina údarás áitiúil do réir bhrí Achta na nÚdarás nÁitiúil (Oifigigh agus Fostaithe), 1926 (Uimh. 29 de 1926), agus chuige sin ciallóidh an abairt “an tAire” san Acht san, maidir leis an mBord, an tAire Rialtais Áitiúla agus Sláinte Puiblí.


(4) Tuigfear an Bord do bheith ina chólucht áitiúil do réir bhrí Coda IV d'Acht 1925, mar a leasuítear san le hAcht 1927, agus bainfidh Cuid IV d'Acht 1925, agus é leasuithe amhlaidh, leis an mBord agus le hoifigigh an Bhúird dá réir sin.


(5) I gcás aon oifigigh don tseana-choiste a thiocfaidh, de bhuadh an Achta so, chun bheith ina oifigeach don Bhord déanfar, chun crícheanna Coda IV d'Acht 1925, mar a leasuítear í le hAcht 1927, agus mar a bheirtear feidhm di leis an alt so, seirbhís an oifigigh sin fén seana-choiste d'áireamh mar sheirbhís mar oifigeach don Bhord.


(6) Déanfar tagairtí san alt so d'oifigeach don Bhord do léiriú mar thagairtí fholuíonn tagairtí d'oifigeach don tseana-choiste a haistreofar chun an Bhúird fén Acht so.


(7) San alt so foluíonn an focal “oifigeach” an Dochtúir Ceannais Comhnaithe.


(8) Ma eiríonn aon cheist fén Acht so i dtaobh duine atá no bhí i seirbhís an Bhúird do bheith no gan a bheith ina oifigeach cuirfear an cheist fé bhráid an Aire agus ní bheidh dul thar a bhreith-sean uirthi.


Achtacháin áirithe do bhaint leis an mBord.

27.—(1) Tuigfear, chun crícheanna Achta na nUdarás nAitiúil (Có-Cheannach), 1925 (Uimh. 20 de 1925), agus Achtanna na nUdarás nAitiúil (Comhar-Arachas), 1926 agus 1928, gur údarás áitiúil an Bord.


(2) Tuigfear an Bord do bheith ina údarás áitiúil do réir bhrí ailt 60 d'Acht 1925, mar a leasuítear san le halt 13 d'Acht 1927, agus alt 61, 62 agus 70 d'Acht 1925, agus ailt 72 d'Acht 1925, mar a leasuítear san le hachtacháin ina dhiaidh sin agus bainfidh na hailt sin 60 (agus é leasuithe amhlaidh), 61, 62, 70 agus 72 (agus é leasuithe amhlaidh) leis an mBord agus le n-a mbaill agus le n-a n-oifigigh dá réir sin.


(3) Tuigfear an Bord do bheith ina údarás áitiúil do réir bhrí alt 4 agus 5 den Acht Rialtais Áitiúla, 1933 (Uimh. 5 de 1933), agus bainfidh na hailt sin 4 agus 5 leis an mBord agus le n-a n-oifigigh dá réir sin.


An t-óspidéal fiabhrais nua d'aistriú chun an Bhúird.

28.—An lá ceaptha tiocfaidh an t-óspidéal fiabhrais nua agus a ghléasra chun bheith agus beid dílsithe sa Bhord, agus san gan leithliú ná sannadh ar bith, chun an estáit, an téarma no an leasa uile chun a rabhdar, díreach roimh an lá ceaptha, dílsithe sa Bhárdas.


An t-Ospidéal fiabhrais nua do leathnú, etc.

29.—(1) Féadfaidh an Bord, le toiliú an Aire, an t-óspidéal fiabhrais nua do leathnú, d'atharú, do mhéadú no d'fheabhsú ar shlí eile.


(2) Féadfaidh an Bord, le ceadú an Aire, aon talamh do cheannach no do thógaint ar léas chun crícheanna an ailt seo.


(3) Chun na gcrícheanna bhaineann leis an mBord do thógaint tailimh chúcha beidh feidhm ag ailt 203, 214 agus 215 den Public Health (Ireland) Act, 1878, mar a leasuítear san le halt 8 den Public Health (Ireland) Act, 1896, agus ag alt 68 d'Acht 1925, fé is dá ndeintí anso iad d'achtú agus do chur i mbaint leis an mBord ach go bhféadfar na fógráin a luaidhtear i bhfo-alt (2) d'alt 203 den Public Health (Ireland) Act, 1878, d'fhoillsiú mí ar bith agus go ndéanfar na fógraí luaidhtear sa bhfo-alt san do sheirbheáil an mí ina dhiaidh sin.


(4) San alt so foluíonn an focal “talamh” aon éasáid no ceart i dtalamh no in uisce no air no chuige.


Bronntanais do ghlacadh.

30.—Beidh comhacht ag an mBord aon mhaoin, réalta no pearsanta, do ghlacadh mar bhronntanas go generálta no ar iontaobhas chun aon chrícheanna bhainfidh leis an óspidéal fiabhrais nua.


Talamh barrachais do dhíol.

31.—(1) Féadfaidh an Bord, le toiliú an Aire, aon talamh a bheidh dílsithe ionta agus ná beidh ag teastáil chun crícheanna an óspidéil fhiabhrais nua do dhíol no do chur ar cíos.


(2) Aon airgead a gheobhaidh an Bord ar thalamh do dhíol no do chur ar cíos fén alt so cuirfear é i gciste coitiann an Bhúird.


An t-óspidéal fiabhrais nua do bhainistí agus do rialú.

32.—(1) An lá ceaptha agus as san amach déanfaidh an Bord an t-óspidéal fiabhrais nua do bhainistí agus do rialú agus, fé réir forálacha an Achta so (ar a n-áirmhítear rialacha ar n-a ndéanamh fén alt so), déanfaid gach ní is gá chuige sin.


(2) Féadfaidh an Bord o am go ham, le ceadú an Aire, gach riail do dhéanamh is gá chun an óspidéil fhiabhrais nua agus na n-othar ann do stiúradh agus do bhainistí.


Othair do leigint isteach.

33.—(1) Fé réir forálacha an ailt seo féadfaidh an Bord o am go ham, le ceadú an Aire, rialacha do dhéanamh chun othair do leigint isteach, ar a n-áirmhítear othair a leigfear isteach ar théarmaí speisialta maidir le híocaíocht agus cóiríocht.


(2) Glacfaidh an Bord isteach san óspidéal fiabhrais nua, chó fada agus a lomhálfaidh an chóiríocht é—


(a) aon othair (dá ngairmtear othair chathrach san Acht so) ar a mbeidh galair thógálacha agus a cuirfear go dtí an t-óspidéal fiabhrais nua ar ordú—


(i) ón bpríomh-dhochtúir oifigiúil sláinte do chontaebhuirg Chorcaighe, no


(ii) ón dochtúir oifigiúil sláinte conganta do chontaebhuirg Chorcaighe, no


(iii) o aon dochtúir oifigiúil sláinte do cheanntar íclainne i gcontae-bhuirg Chorcaighe;


(b) aon othair (dá ngairmtear othair chó-cheanntair san Acht so) a cuirfear go dtí an t-óspidéal fiabhrais nua ar ordú—


(i) ón dochtúir oifigiúil sláinte contae do chontae Chorcaighe agus é ag gníomhú mar phríomhdhochtúir oifigiúil sláinte don cheanntar sláinte chontae no d'aon bhailecheanntar sa chó-cheanntar,


(ii) ón dochtúir oifigiúil sláinte conganta contae don cheanntar sláinte chontae,


(iii) o aon dochtúir oifigiúil sláinte do cheanntar íclainne sa chó-cheanntar.


(3) Féadfaidh an Bord, le ceadú an Aire, có-aontú do dhéanamh le haon údarás sláintíochta (seachas an Bárdas, an bord sláinte, no comhairlí na mbailecheanntar sa chó-cheanntar) chun áitreabhaigh o cheanntar shláintíochta an údaráis sin ar a mbeidh galair thógálacha do ghlacadh isteach san óspidéal fiabhrais nua ar na téarmaí sin ar a gcó-aontófar.


Ceart ag dochtúirí oifigiúla sláinte áirithe chun dul isteach san óispidéal fiabhrais nua, etc.

34.—Beidh an príomh-dhochtúir oifigiúil sláinte do chontae bhuirg Chorcaighe agus an dochtúir oifigiúil sláinte contae do chontae Chorcaighe i dteideal, fé seach, dul isteach san óspidéal fiabhrais nua gach tráth réasúnta agus é d'iniúchadh maraon leis an socrú bheidh déanta chun aire do thabhairt do sna hothair a bheidh ann agus na hothair chathrach agus na hothair chócheanntair a bheidh ann d'iniúchadh agus do scrúdú, fé seach, agus beidh gach duine fé leith de sna hoifigigh sin i dteideal, freisin, bheith ag gabháil d'obair thaighdthe ann, i gcomhairle leis an Dochtúir Ceannais Comhnaithe, maidir le galair thógálacha do chosc agus do chur fé chóir leighis.


Cosaint maidir le hothair do dhí-cháiliú.

35.—Ní bheidh duine dí-cháilithe chun é do thoghadh no chun bheith ina bhall den Bhord no d'aon chólucht puiblí eile de bhíthin é féin no éinne dá líntighe do leigint isteach san óspidéal fiabhrais nua agus do chothabháil ann.


Costaisí an Bhúird.

36.—(1) Na costaisí uile fé n-a raghaidh an Bord fén Acht so déanfaidh an Bord iad d'íoc amach as ciste ar a dtabharfar an ciste coitiann, sa chéad dul síos, agus déanfar gach suim do gheobhaidh an Bord no bhainfid amach fén Acht so d'íoc isteach sa chiste choitiann agus do chur sa chuntas oiriúnach den chiste sin.


(2) Sa chiste choitiann coimeádfar cuntas ar leithligh don Bhárdas alos othar cathrach agus don bhord sláinte alos othar có-cheanntair.


(3) Na costaisí fé n-a raghaidh an Bord fén Acht so i ngach bliain airgeadais áitiúil íocfaidh an Bárdas agus an bord sláinte, fé seach, iad do réir an chothruim a bheidh idir an líon iomlán de laetheanta comhnaithe othar cathrach an bhliain sin agus an líon iomlán de laetheanta comhnaithe othar có-cheanntair an bhliain sin.


(4) An t-airgead is gá chun costaisí an Bhúird fén Acht so in aghaidh bliana airgeadais áitiúla d'íoc cuirfidh an Bárdas agus an bord sláinte é ar fáil ar an mBord do dhéanamh an éilimh orduithe agus beidh an t-airgead a héileofar amhlaidh ina fhiacha bheidh dlite ar an mBárdas no ar an mbord sláinte (pe'ca aca é).


(5) Eileamh a déanfar fén alt so in aghaidh aon bhliana airgeadais áitiúla, á iarraidh ar an mBárdas agus ar an mbord sláinte costaisí an Bhúird d'íoc, beidh sé ina éileamh ar an gcion measta, is iníoctha ag an mBárdas agus ag an mbord sláinte fé seach, de chostaisí measta an Bhúird in aghaidh na bliana airgeadais sin.


(6) Chó luath agus is féidir é tar éis deireadh gach bliana airgeadais áitiúla bhéarfaidh an Bord don Bhárdas agus don bhord sláinte ráiteas ina dtaisbeánfar na méideanna is inéilithe le ceart ar an mBárdas agus ar an mbord sláinte in aghaidh na bliana san fé fho-alt (3) den alt so.


(7) San alt so cialluíonn an abairt “laetheanta comhnaithe” maidir le haon bhliain airgeadais áitiúil an méid laetheanta bhí othar ina chomhnaí san óspidéal fiabhrais nua an bhliain sin agus an lá do leigeadh isteach é agus an lá do scaoileadh chun siúil é d'áireamh mar aon lá amháin.


Costaisí an Bhárdais agus an bhúird shláinte do chruinniú.

37.—(1) Na costaisí uile is iníoctha ag an mBárdas fén gCuid seo den Acht so cruinneoidh agus íocfaidh an Bárdas iad sa tslí chéanna ina gcruinnítear agus ina n-íoctar na costaisí fé na dtéigheann comhairle na cathrach chun na nAchtanna Sláinte Puiblí, 1878 go 1931, d'fheidhmiú.


(2) Na costaisí uile is iníoctha ag an mbord sláinte fén gCuid seo den Acht so cruinneofar iad go cothrom ar fuaid iomláin an chó-cheanntair tríd an ráta dealbhais.


An Bord d'fháil iasachtaí.

38.—(1) Féadfaidh an Bord iasachtaí d'fháil chun crícheanna na Coda so den Acht so sa tslí chéanna ina bhféadfaidís agus fé réir na bhforálacha céanna gur fé n-a réir a fhéadfaidís san d'fháil dá mb' údarás sláintíochta iad fé sna hAchtanna Sláinte Puiblí, 1878 go 1931.


(2) Beidh na comhachta céanna ag an mBord chun iasachtaí d'fháil a bronntar ar údarás áitiúil le halt 3 den Local Authorities (Financial Provisions) Act, 1921, mar a leasuítear san le halt 3 den Acht Rialtais Áitiúla (Forálacha Sealadacha) (Leasú), 1924 (Uimh. 13 de 1924).


Cuntaisí an Bhúird.

39.—(1) Cuirfidh an Bord fé ndeár go ndéanfar na cuntaisí ar fháltaisí agus ar íocaíochtaí an Bhúird do choimeád i pé fuirm ordóidh an tAire.


(2) Déanfar suas cuntaisí an Bhúird go bliantúil go deireadh gach bliana airgeadais áitiúla.


(3) Isé iniúchfaidh cuntaisí an Bhúird ná iniúchóir a cheapfaidh an tAire agus bainfidh na hachtacháin seo leanas, sé sin le rá ailt 12 go 15 den Local Government (Ireland) Act, 1871, fo-alt (2) d'alt 63 den Local Government (Ireland) Act, 1898, agus ailt 20 agus 21 den Local Government (Ireland) Act, 1902, mar a leasuítear no a hoiriúnuítear iad tré aon achtachán ina dhiaidh sin no fé, le hiniúchadh agus le hiniúchóir cuntaisí an Bhúird fé mar a bhaineann na hachtacháin sin, agus iad leasuithe no oiriúnuithe amhlaidh, le hiniúchadh agus le hiniúchóir cuntaisí na gcóluchtaí puiblí luaidhtear ionta.


(4) Déanfaidh an tAire, o am go ham fé mar is gá é, a fháil amach agus a chinneadh cadé an cion den tuarastal, a bheidh á íoc leis an iniúchóir a ceapfar chun cuntaisí an Bhúird d'iniúchadh, a héileofar alos an iniúchta san agus íocfaidh an Bord méid an cheana san den tuarastal san leis an Aire.


An cólucht corpruithe do scur.

40.—Ar an lá ceaptha scuirfidh an cólucht corpruithe agus beidh deireadh leis, de bhuadh an ailt seo, agus scuirfidh forálacha an Hospitals (Ireland) Act, 1818, d'fheidhm do bheith acu maidir le contae-bhuirg Chorcaighe.


Maoin an chóluchta chorpruithe agus an t-seanachoiste d'aistriú.

41.—(1) Gach maoin, réalta no pearsanta (agus rudaí-arfiunraoi d'áireamh), a bheidh, díreach roimh an lá ceaptha, dílsithe sa chólucht chorpruithe no sa tseana-choiste no dá gcuid féin acu no i seilbh ar iontaobhas dóibh agus gach ceart, comhacht agus príbhléid a bhaineann no ghabhann le haon mhaoin den tsórt san tiocfaid chun bheith agus beid, ar an lá ceaptha, agus gan leithliú ná sannadh ar bith ach fé réir a n-aistrithe i leabhair aon bhainc corpráide no cuideachtan más gá san, dílsithe sa Bhord no dá gcuid féin acu no i seilbh ar iontaobhas dóibh (fé mar is gá sa chás) chun an estáit, an téarma no an leasa go léir chun a rabhdar, díreach roimh an lá ceaptha, dílsithe sa chólucht chorpruithe no sa tseana-choiste no dá gcuid féin acu no i seilbh ar iontaobhas dóibh.


(2) An mhaoin uile a haistrítear leis an alt so agus a bheidh, díreach roimh an lá ceaptha, i leabhair aon bhainc no cláruithe i leabhair aon bhainc, corpráide no cuideachtan in ainm an chóluchta chorpruithe no an tseana-choiste, déanfaidh an banc, an chorpráid no an chuideachta san, ar n-a iarraidh sin don Bhord an lá ceaptha no aon uair ina dhiaidh sin, í d'aistriú sna leabhair sin chun ainm an Bhúird.


(3) Gach rud-ar-fiunraoi a haistrítear leis an alt so ón gcólucht corpruithe no ón seana-choiste chun an Bhúird féadfaidh an Bord, an lá ceaptha agus dá éis, dul chun dlí mar gheall air no é do bhaint amach no é d'fhoirfheidhmiú ina n-ainm féin agus ní gá don Bhord fógra i dtaobh an aistrithe deintear leis an alt so do thabhairt don té ar a mbeidh an rud-ar-fiunraoi sin ina cheangal.


(4) An t-airgead uile a haistrítear chun an Bhúird leis an alt so agus an t-airgead uile thiocfaidh as díol aon mhaoine a haistrítear chun an Bhúird leis an alt so agus gach ioncum a thiocfaidh as an maoin sin cuirfear é i gciste coitiann an Bhúird.


Fiachaisí an chóluchta chorpruithe agus an tseana-choiste d'aistriú.

42.—Na fiacha agus na fiachaisí eile go léir (ar a n-áirmhítear fiachaisí nea-shocruithe do tháinig as torta no as sáruithe connartha) a bheidh, díreach roimh an lá ceaptha, dlite ar an gcólucht corpruithe no ar an seana-choiste agus gan íoc ag an gcéanna no curtha suas agus gan glanadh ag an gcéanna tiocfaid chun bheith agus beid, ar an lá ceaptha, ina bhfiacha no ina bhfiachas ar an mBord agus íocfaidh no glanfaidh an Bord iad agus féadfar iad do bhaint den Bhord no iad d'fhoirfheidhmiú ina gcoinnibh dá réir sin.


Oifigigh don tseana-choiste d'aistriú.

43.—(1) Gach duine is oifigeach íoctha don tseana-choiste an lá roimh an lá ceaptha aistreofar chun an Bhúird é, agus beidh sé agus tiocfa sé chun bheith ina oifigeach don Bhord, ar an lá ceaptha agus fé réir forálacha an ailt seo.


(2) Gach duine a haistreofar leis an alt so cólíonfa sé, fé réir forálacha an ailt seo, dualgaisí i bhfostaíocht an Bhúird a bheidh cosúil leo san do bhí á gcólíonadh aige i bhfostaíocht an tseanachoiste roimh é d'aistriú.


(3) Gan é féin do thoiliú chuige, ní bhfuighidh aon duine a haistreofar leis an alt so luach saothair is lugha ná an luach saothair chun a raibh teideal aige, ná ní bheidh sé fé choinníollacha seirbhíse is lugha tairbhe ná na coinníollacha seirbhíse fé n-a raibh sé, i bhfostaíocht an tseana-choiste.


(4) Féadfaidh an Bord, le ceadú an Aire, na dualgaisí bheidh le cólíonadh ag oifigigh a haistreofar chúcha leis an alt so d'athroinnt no d'athshocrú agus beidh sé de cheangal ar gach oifigeach den tsórt san na dualgaisí do chólíonadh ceapfar do ar aon athroinnt no athshocrú den tsórt san agus ní tuigfear gur cur as oifig no deireadh do chur le hoifig chun crícheanna Coda IV d'Acht 1925, mar a leasuítear san le hAcht 1927, agus mar do bheirtear feidhm do leis an Acht so, aon athroinnt no athshocrú den tsórt san.


(5) Féadfaidh an Bord, le ceadú an Aire, agus déanfaid, nuair ordóidh an tAire dhóibh é, deireadh do chur le hoifig aon oifigigh a haistreofar chúcha leis an alt so agus gach oifigeach go gcuirfear deireadh le n-a oifig amhlaidh tuigfear, chun crícheanna Coda IV d'Acht 1925, mar a leasuítear san le hAcht 1927, agus mar do bheirtear feidhm do leis an Acht so, gur ar chúis seachas mí-iompar no mí-chumas do chuir an Bord as oifig é.


(6) Chun crícheanna Coda IV d'Acht 1925, mar a leasuítear san le hAcht 1927, agus mar do bheirtear feidhm do leis an Acht so, tuigfear oifigeach a haistreofar leis an alt so agus go gcuirfear deireadh le n-a oifig fén bhfo-alt deiridh sin roimhe seo do bheith ina oifigeach inphinsin don Bhord d'ainneoin gan é do thabhairt a chuid aimsire uile i seirbhís an Bhúird.


(7) Go dtí go ndúnfar an sean-óspidéal fiabhrais fén Acht so fanfaidh éinne a haistreofar leis an alt so sa tsean-óspidéal fhiabhrais má cheanglann an Bord san air agus cólíonfaidh ann pé dualgaisí a cheanglóidh an Bord air a chólíonadh.


(8) Má eiríonn aon cheist fé fho-alt (3) den alt so maidir le haon duine a haistreofar leis an alt so cuirfear an cheist sin fé bhráid an Aire agus ní bheidh dul thar a bhreith sin uirthe.


Connartha seirbhíse bheidh déanta leis an seanachoiste do bhuanchoimeád.

44.—Gach connradh seirbhíse, ráite no iontuigthe, a bheidh i bhfeidhm díreach roimh an lá ceaptha idir an seana-choiste agus duine ar bith nách oifigeach don tseana-choiste leanfa sé i bhfeidhm an lá ceaptha agus dá éis sin, ach léireofar é agus beidh éifeacht aige fé is dá gcuirtí an Bord ann in ionad an tseana-choiste agus beidh gach connradh den tsórt san ionfhoirfheidhmithe ag an mBord no ina gcoinnibh dá réir sin.


An seanóspidéal fiabhrais do dhúnadh.

45.—(1) An lá ceaptha agus dá éis sin agus go dtí go ndúnfar an sean-óspidéal fiabhrais do réir an ailt seo isé an Bord a bhainisteoidh an seana-óspidéal fiabhrais.


(2) An lá ceaptha agus dá éis sin ní glacfar aon othair isteach sa tsean-óspidéal fiabhrais agus dúnfaidh an Bord an sean-óspidéal fiabhrais chó luath agus is féidir é agus féadfaid, chun na críche sin, othair d'aistriú ón sean-óspidéal fiabhrais go dtí an t-óspidéal fiabhrais nua.


(3) Chun crícheanna na bhforálacha den Chuid seo den Acht so bhaineann le costaisí an Bhúird beidh éifeacht ag na forálacha so leanas, sé sin le rá:—


(a) gach othar a bheidh ina chomhnaí sa tsean-óspidéal fhiabhrais an lá ceaptha no a haistreofar ón seanóspidéal fiabhrais go dtí an t-óspidéal fiabhrais nua fén alt so tuigfear, má bhí sé ina chomhnaí i gcontae-bhuirg Chorcaighe an dáta leigeadh isteach é sa tsean-óspidéal fhiabhrais, gur othar cathrach é no, má bhí sé ina chomhnaí sa chó-cheanntar an dáta leigeadh isteach é sa tsean-óspidéal fhiabhrais, tuigfear gur othar cócheanntair é;


(b) gach duine tuigfear amhlaidh do bheith ina othar chathrach no ina othar chó-cheanntair tuigfear, an lá ceaptha agus dá éis sin faid a bheidh sé ina chomhnaí sa tsean-óspidéal fhiabhrais, é do bheith ina chomhnaí san óspidéal fiabhrais nua.


An seanachoiste do scur.

46.—Scuirfidh an seana-choiste an lá ceaptha.



47.—Féadfaidh an tAire, le hordú, rialacháin do dhéanamh chun gach críche no aon chríche acu so leanas—


(a) chun rialáil do dhéanamh maidir leis na scríbhinní ón mBord go dtí an Bárdas agus an bord sláinte i dtaobh na méideanna fé seach a bheidh le n'íoc ag an mBárdas agus ag an mbord sláinte i ngach bliain airgeadais áitiúil no in aon chuid di;


(b) chun na meastachán a dhéanfaidh an Bord ar a bhfáltaisí agus ar a gcaiteachas i ngach bliain airgeadais áitiúil do rialáil;


(c) chun éinní no aon rud d'ordú dá dtagartar sa Chuid seo den Acht so mar ní no mar rud atá orduithe;


(d) go generálta chun na Coda so den Acht so do chur in éifeacht.



Number 44 of 1935.






Short title.




Local inquiries.


Expenses of the Minister.


Submission by the Corporation of scheme for establishment of new fever hospital in or near Cork city.


Commencement of Part III of this Act.


Existing committee's contribution.


Obligation of the Corporation to establish a new fever hospital.


Expenses of existing committee.


Expenses of the Corporation in relation to the scheme.


The appointed day.


“Election year.”


Constitution of the Cork Fever Hospital Board.


Qualification for city members and board of health members.


Election and term of office of city members.


Election and term of office of board of health members.


Election and term of office of extraordinary members.


Resignation and disqualification of members of the Board.


Casual vacancies amongst city members and board of health members.


Meetings of the Board.


Chairman and Vice-Chairman.


Procedure at meetings.


Contracts by the Board.


Resident Medical Superintendent.


Officers of the Board.


Miscellaneous provisions in relation to officers of the Board.


Application of certain enactments to the Board.


Transfer of new fever hospital to the Board.


Extension, etc., of new fever hospital.


Acceptance of endowments.


Sale of surplus land.


Management and control of the new fever hospital.


Admission of patients.


Right of entry to new fever hospital, etc., of certain medical officers of health.


Saving of disqualification of patients.


Expenses of the Board.


Raising of expenses of the Corporation and the board of health.


Borrowing by the Board.


Accounts of the Board.


Dissolution of the body corporate.


Transfer of property of the body corporate and existing committee.


Transfer of liabilities of the body corporate and the existing committee.


Transfer of officers of existing committee.


Preservation of existing contracts of service with existing committee.


Closing of existing fever hospital.


Dissolution of the existing committee.



Acts Referred to

Local Government Act, 1925

No. 5 of 1925

Local Government Act, 1927

No. 3 of 1927

Public Hospitals Act, 1933

No. 18 of 1933

Cork City Management Act, 1929

No. 1 of 1929

Local Authorities (Officers and Employees) Act, 1926

No. 29 of 1926

Local Authorities (Combined Purchasing) Act, 1925

No. 20 of 1925

Local Government Act, 1983

No. 5 of 1933

Local Government (Temporary Provisions) (Amendment) Act, 1924

No. 13 of 1924


Number 44 of 1935.




Preliminary and General.


Short title.

1.—This Act may be cited as the Cork Fever Hospital Act, 1935.



2.—In this Act—


the expression “the Minister” means the Minister for Local Government and Public Health;


the expression “the Act of 1925” means the Local Government Act, 1925 (No. 5 of 1925);


the expression “the Act of 1927” means the Local Government Act, 1927 (No. 3 of 1927);


the expression “the Corporation” means the Lord Mayor, Aldermen, and Burgesses of Cork;


the expression “the city council” means the council of the county borough of Cork;


the expression “the county health district” means the South Cork county health district;


the expression “the board of health” means the South Cork board of public health;


the expression “the joint district” means the area composed of the county health district and the urban districts which, with the the county health district, form a joint district within the meaning of the Act of 1927;


the expression “the existing fever hospital” means the Cork Fever Hospital and House of Recovery;


the expression “the existing committee” means the joint committee of the existing fever hospital;


the expression “the body corporate” means the body corporate established under the Hospitals (Ireland) Act, 1818, and known as the President and Assistants of the Fever Hospital for Cork;


the expression “local financial year” means a period of twelve months ending on the 31st day of March.


Local inquiries.

3.—(1) The Minister may, before exercising or performing any power or duty conferred or imposed on him by this Act, cause a local inquiry to be held into the matter which is the subject of the exercise of such power or the performance of such duty.


(2) Sub-articles (1) and (3) of Article 32 of the Schedule to the Local Government (Application of Enactments) Order, 1898, shall apply in respect of every local inquiry held under this section.


Expenses of the Minister.

4.—All expenses incurred by the Minister under this Act shall, to such extent as may be sanctioned by the Minister for Finance, be paid out of moneys provided by the Oireachtas.



Commencement of Part III of this Act.


Submission by the Corporation of scheme for establishment of new fever hospital in or near Cork city.

5.—(1) The Corporation may, if they think fit, prepare and submit to the Minister a scheme (in this Act referred to as the scheme) for the erection, and establishment of a new fever hospital (including accommodation for the staff thereof) in or near the city of Cork.


(2) The scheme shall—


(a) specify the proposed site of the hospital,


(b) incorporate the plans and specifications of the proposed hospital (including accommodation for the staff thereof), and


(c) state the estimated cost of carrying out the scheme.


(3) The Minister may, on receipt of the scheme, either, approve of the scheme without modification or approve of the scheme with such modifications as he shall think fit, or refuse to approve of the scheme.


(4) For the purposes of the Cork City Management Act, 1929 (No. 1 of 1929) the preparation of the scheme under this section shall be a reserved function.


(5) Any expenses incurred by the Corporation under this section shall, in case Part III of this Act does not come into operation, be raised and defrayed by the Corporation in like manner in which expenses incurred by the Corporation in the execution of the Public Health Acts, 1878 to 1931, are raised and defrayed.


Commencement of Part III of this Act.

6.—(1) If within two years after the passing of this Act—


(a) the scheme is approved of by the Minister under the immediately preceding section, and


(b) there is made, under section 25 of the Public Hospitals Act, 1933 (No. 18 of 1933), to the Corporation for the benefit of the hospital to which the scheme relates a grant out of the Hospitals Trust Fund of an amount not less than one half of the estimated cost, as stated in the scheme, as so approved, of carrying out the scheme, and for all or any of the purposes mentioned in paragraphs (a) (b) (c) and (d) of sub-section (7) of the said section 25,


the Minister shall by order declare that Part III of this Act shall come into operation as from a date specified in such order, and upon such order being made the said Part III shall come into operation on the date so specified.


(2) Part III of this Act shall not come into operation save by virtue of an order made under the immediately preceding sub-section.



The Cork Fever Hospital.


Existing committee's contribution.

7.—(1) The existing committee shall immediately upon the commencement of this Part of this Act pay to the Corporation any moneys paid to them under the Public Charitable Hospitals Acts, 1930 to 1932, and any accumulations on such moneys, less any part thereof actually expended before the date of the passing of this Act and any part thereof expended with the approval of the Minister after the date of the passing of this Act, and before the commencement of this Part of this Act, and the moneys required by this sub-section to be paid by the existing committee to the Corporation are in the subsequent provisions of this Act referred to as “the existing committee's contribution.


(2) The existing committee's contribution shall be a debt due by the existing committee to the Corporation and may be recovered by the Corporation as a simple contract debt.


(3) The existing committee's contribution shall be applied by the Corporation for the purposes of making payments authorised by this Act to be made thereout and for no other purposes.


(4) So much of the existing committee's contribution as is not for the time being required to make payments authorised by this Act to be made thereout shall be invested by the Corporation in securities approved by the Minister, and any income arising from any such investments shall be added to and deemed for the purposes of this Part of this Act to form part of the existing committee's contribution.


Obligation of the Corporation to establish a new fever hospital.

8.—(1) Within such period as the Minister may fix the Corporation shall erect and establish a hospital for the treatment of patients suffering from infectious diseases to be known as the Cork Fever Hospital (in this Act referred to as the new fever hospital) in accordance with the scheme, as approved by the Minister, with such modifications, if any, as the Minister may on the application of the Corporation, from time to time sanction, and shall provide all necessary equipment for such hospital.


(2) For the purposes of establishing the new fever hospital the Corporation shall have the same powers of acquiring land as they have for the purposes of the Public Health Acts, 1878 to 1931, and those Acts, as amended by section 68 of the Act of 1925, shall apply and have effect accordingly with the modification that the advertisements mentioned in sub-section (2) of section 203 of the Public Health (Ireland) Act, 1878, maybe published in any month, and that the notices mentioned in the said sub-section shall be served in the succeeding month.


(3) For the purposes of the Cork City Management Act, 1929 (No. 1 of 1929), the making of an application for a modification of the scheme under this section shall be a reserved function.


(4) In this section the word “land” includes any easement or right in to or over land or water.


Expenses of existing committee.

9.—The expenditure incurred or to be incurred by the existing committee in the maintenance and management of the existing fever hospital shall not in any local financial year or portion of a year during the period between the commencement of this Part of this Act and the appointed day exceed such amount as may be agreed upon by the existing committee and the Corporation or in default of agreement as may be fixed by the Minister, and such expenses shall, in so far as the funds of the existing committee are insufficient to defray them, be defrayed by the Corporation.


Expenses of the Corporation in relation to the scheme.

10.—All expenses incurred by the Corporation in the preparation of the scheme and under the two immediately preceding sections shall in the first instance be defrayed out of the existing committee's contribution, and to the extent to which the existing committee's contribution is insufficient to defray those expenses, be defrayed out of the grant made for the benefit of the new fever hospital to the Corporation out of the Hospitals Trust Fund, and if the said contribution and grant are insufficient to defray those expenses, the following provisions shall have effect, that is to say:—


(a) the said insufficiency shall be raised and defrayed by the Corporation in the like manner in which expenses incurred by the Corporation in the execution of the Public Health Acts, 1878 to 1931, are raised and defrayed, and for this purpose the Corporation may borrow in like manner and subject to the like provisions as they may borrow for the purposes of the said Acts, and


(b) a sum equal to the said insufficiency shall, at such time or times and in such manner and with such interest thereon as the Minister may from time to time direct, be paid by the Cork Fever Hospital Board, established under this Part of this Act, to the Corporation.


The appointed day.

11.—(1) Not less than six months before the date on which the Corporation anticipate that the new fever hospital will be completed and ready for the reception of patients therein, the Corporation shall communicate to the Minister such date and the Minister shall thereupon fix the date (which shall not be earlier than the date so communicated to him) on which the hospital is to be established.


(2) References in this Part of this Act to the appointed day shall be construed as references to the day fixed by order of the Minister under this section.


(3) For the purposes of the Cork City Management Act, 1929 (No. 1 of 1929), the duty imposed by this section on the Corporation shall be a reserved function.


“Election year.”

12.—Every year which is declared by order of the Minister to be an election year for the purposes of this Part of this Act shall be an election year for the said purposes.


Constitution of the Cork Fever Hospital Board.

13.—(1) There shall be established on the appointed day a board (in this Act referred to as the Board) to be styled and known as the Cork Fever Hospital Board to fulfil the functions assigned to it by this Part of this Act.


(2) The Board shall be a body corporate with perpetual succession and an official seal (which shall be judicially noticed) and power to sue and be sued in its corporate name and to hold land.


(3) The Board shall consist of—


(a) members (in this Act referred to as city members) elected, in accordance with this Act, by the city council,


(b) members (in this Act referred to as board of health members), elected, in accordance with this Act, by the board of health, and


(c) subject to the provisions of this section, members (in this Act referred to as extraordinary members) elected in accordance with this Act by the existing committee.


(4) Until the death, resignation or disqualification of the first extraordinary member to die, resign, or become disqualified after the appointed day the Board shall consist of—


(a) five city members,


(b) five, board of health members, and


(c) five extraordinary members.


(5) Upon the death, resignation or disqualification of each extraordinary member after the appointed day, the following provisions shall have effect—


(a) if such member is the first extraordinary member to die, resign, or become disqualified, the Board shall consist of—


(i) six city members,


(ii) five board of health members, and


(iii) four extraordinary members;


(b) if such member is the second extraordinary member to die, resign, or become disqualified, the Board shall consist of—


(i) six city members,


(ii) six board of health members, and


(iii) three extraordinary members;


(c) if such member is the third extraordinary member to die, resign, or become disqualified the Board shall consist of—


(i) seven city members,


(ii) six board of health members, and


(iii) two extraordinary members;


(d) if such member is the fourth extraordinary member to die, resign, or become disqualified, the Board shall consist of—


(i) seven city members,


(ii) seven board of health members, and


(iii) one extraordinary member;


(e) if such member is the fifth extraordinary member to die, resign, or become disqualified, the Board shall thereafter consist of—


(i) eight city members,



(ii) seven board of health members.


Qualification for city members and board of health members.

14.—(1) A person shall not be qualified to be elected a city member unless at the date of his election he is a member of the city council.


(2) A person shall not be qualified to be elected a board of health member unless at the date of his election he is a member of the board of health.


Election and term of office of city members.

15.—(1) The first election of city members shall take place on such day, not being more than three months nor less than one month before the appointed day, as the Minister may appoint for the purpose, and the city council shall at the said election elect five city members.


(2) The city council shall in every election year elect at the quarterly meeting of the city council held next after the 22nd day of June in that year such number of city members as the Board for the time being includes, and such election shall be included in the business to be transacted at every such quarterly meeting.


(3) The term of office of every city member elected at the first election of city members shall commence on the appointed day.


(4) The term of office of every city member (other than a city member elected at the first election of city members or a person elected to fill a casual vacancy amongst the city members) shall commence on the day next following the day of the quarterly meeting of the city council at which he was elected.


(5) Every city member (other than a person elected to fill a casual vacancy amongst the city members) shall unless he sooner dies, resigns, or becomes disqualified, hold office until the day next following the day of the next quarterly meeting of the city council at which the city council is required by this section to elect city members.


Election and term of office of board of health members.

16.—(1) The first election of board of health members shall take place on such day, not being more than three months nor less than one month before the appointed day, as the Minister may appoint for the purpose, and the board of health shall at the said election elect five board of health members.


(2) The board of health shall in every election year elect at the annual meeting of the board of health held in that year such number of board of health members as the Board for the time being includes, and such election shall be included in the business to be transacted at every such annual meeting of the board of health.


(3) The term of office of every board of health member elected at the first election of board of health members shall commence on the appointed day.


(4) The term of office of every board of health member (other than a board of health member elected at the first election of board of health members or a person elected to fill a casual vacancy amongst the board of health members) shall commence on the day next following the day of the annual meeting of the board of health at which he was elected.


(5) Every board of health member (other than a person elected to fill a casual vacancy amongst the board of health members) shall, unless he sooner dies, resigns or becomes disqualified, hold office until the day next following the day of the next annual meeting of the board of health at which the board of health are required by this section to elect board of health members.


Election and term of office of extraordinary members.

17.—(1) At a meeting of the existing committee to be held on such day, not being more than three months nor less than one month before the appointed day, as the Minister shall appoint for the purpose, the existing committee shall from amongst the members of the body corporate elect five extraordinary members.


(2) The term of office of every extraordinary member shall commence on the appointed day.


(3) Every extraordinary member shall hold office until his death, resignation, or disqualification, whichever first happens.


(4) If any person elected to be an extraordinary member dies or resigns before the appointed day, the Minister shall nominate a person who is a member of the body corporate before the appointed day to be an extraordinary member, and the person so nominated shall hold office from the appointed day or the date of his nomination (whichever is the later) until his death, resignation, or disqualification, whichever first happens.


Resignation and disqualification of members of the Board.

18.—(1) A member of the Board may at any time resign his office by letter sent to the Board and every such resignation shall take effect at the commencement of the meeting of the Board held next after the sending of such letter.


(2) Whenever a city member ceases to be a member of the city council he shall be disqualified for continuing to be and shall forthwith cease to be a city member.


(3) Whenever a board of health member ceases to be a member of the board of health he shall be disqualified for continuing to be and shall forthwith cease to be a board of health member.


(4) Article 12 of the Schedule to the Local Government (Application of Enactments) Order, 1898, as amended by any subsequent enactment, shall apply to the Board and the members thereof in like manner as it applies to a county council and the members thereof.


Casual vacancies amongst city members and board of health members.

19.—(1) Whenever a casual vacancy occurs amongst the city members the city council shall, as soon as conveniently may be, elect a person qualified to be elected a city member to fill such vacancy.


(2) Whenever a casual vacancy occurs amongst the board of health members, the board of health shall, as soon as conveniently may be, elect a person qualified to be elected a board of health member to fill such vacancy.


(3) A person elected to fill a casual vacancy amongst the city members shall, unless he sooner dies, resigns or becomes disqualified hold office until the day next following the day of the next quarterly meeting of the city council at which the city council are required by the Act to elect city members.


(4) A person elected to fill a casual vacancy amongst the board of health members shall, unless he sooner dies, resigns, or becomes disqualified, hold office until the day next following the day of the next annual meeting of the board of health at which the board of health are required by this Act to elect board of health members.


(5) For the purposes of this section—


(a) a casual vacancy shall be deemed to have happened amongst the city members whenever a city member dies, resigns or becomes disqualified or whenever the number of city members is, under the provisions of this Act relating to the constitution of the Cork Fever Hospital Board, increased by one,


(b) a casual vacancy shall be deemed to have happened amongst the board of health members whenever a board of health member dies, resigns or becomes disqualified or whenever the number of board of health members is, under the provisions of this Act relating to the constitution of the Cork Fever Hospital Board, increased by one.


Meetings of the Board.

20.—(1) The Board shall hold its first meeting on the appointed day at such time and in such place as the Minister may appoint.


(2) The Board shall in every year commencing after the appointed day hold a meeting (in this Act referred to as an annual meeting) on such date as the Minister may appoint.


(3) The Board shall hold at least one meeting in every month.


(4) Subject to the provisions of this section, the Board shall hold such and so many meetings as may be necessary for the due execution of its duties.


Chairman and Vice-Chairman.

21.—(1) The Board shall, at its first meeting and also at every annual meeting, elect one of its members to be chairman of the Board and another of its members to be vice-chairman of the Board.


(2) Every person elected to be chairman or vice-chairman of the Board shall, unless he sooner dies, resigns or becomes disqualified, hold office as chairman or vice-chairman until his successor is elected.


(3) Whenever the office of chairman or vice-chairman becomes vacant through the death, resignation, or disqualification of the chairman or vice-chairman, the Board shall at the next meeting after such vacancy has taken place elect one of its members to be chairman or vice-chairman.


(4) The chairman or vice-chairman of the Board may at any time resign his office as chairman or vice-chairman by letter addressed to the Board, and every such resignation, shall take effect at the commencement of the meeting of the Board held next after the receipt of such resignation by the Board.


(5) Whenever the chairman or the vice-chairman of the Board ceases during his term of office as such chairman or vice-chairman to be a member of the Board he shall be disqualified from being and shall forthwith cease to be such chairman or vice-chairman.


(6) Whenever at the election of chairman of the Board, there is an equality of votes for two or more persons, one of these persons shall be elected by lot.


Procedure at meetings.

22.—(1) The quorum for a meeting of the Board shall be three.


(2) At a meeting of the Board—


(a) the chairman of the Board shall, if he is present, be chairman of the meeting;


(b) if the chairman of the Board is not present or if the office of chairman is vacant, the vice-chairman of the Board shall, if he is present, be chairman of the meeting;


(c) if the chairman of the Board is not present or if the office of chairman is vacant and the vice-chairman is not present or the office of vice-chairman is vacant, the members of the Board who are present shall choose one of their number to be chairman of the meeting.


(3) Every question at a meeting of the Board shall be determined by a majority of the votes of the members present and voting on the question, and in case of an equal division of votes the chairman of the meeting shall have a second or casting vote save where the question is the election of the chairman.


(4) The Board may act notwithstanding one or more vacancies amongst its members.


(5) The Minister may, by regulations made by him under this Act, regulate the procedure and business of the Board.


(6) Subject to the provisions of this Act and any regulations made thereunder, the Board shall regulate, by standing orders or otherwise, the procedure and business of the Board.


Contracts by the Board.

23.—(1) The Board may make all such contracts as may be necessary for the purposes of its functions under this Part of this Act.


(2) Section 201 of the Public Health (Ireland) Act, 1878, shall apply in respect of contracts made by the Board under this section in like manner as if the Board were a sanitary authority and such contracts were contracts made under the said first mentioned Act.


Resident Medical Superintendent.

24.—(1) The Board shall appoint an officer to be called and known as the Resident Medical Superintendent of the Cork Fever Hospital (in this Act referred to as the Resident Medical Superintendent), and may, subject to the approval of the Minister, fix the duties to be performed by such officer.


(2) The Resident Medical Superintendent shall be responsible to the Board for the internal administration of the new fever hospital, and shall in the performance of his duties observe and carry out any directions given by the medical superintendent officer of health of the county borough of Cork.


(3) There shall be paid by the Board to the Resident Medical Superintendent such remuneration and allowances as the Minister may from time to time fix.


Officers of the Board.

25.—(1) The Board may, with the approval of the Minister, appoint such and so many officers, as the Board may from time to time think proper, to perform such duties as the Board may from time to time assign to them.


(2) The Board shall pay and make to every officer of the Board such remuneration and allowances as the Minister may from time to time fix or as the Board may from time to time, with the approval of the Minister, fix.


(3) The provisions of this section shall not apply in respect of the Resident Medical Superintendent.


Miscellaneous provisions in relation to officers of the Board.

26.—(1) The Board may, with the approval of the Minister, remove from office any officer of the Board.


(2) The Minister may at any time remove from office any officer of the Board.


(3) The Board shall be deemed to be a local authority within the meaning of the Local Authorities (Officers and Employees) Act, 1926 (No. 29 of 1926), and for that purpose the expression “the Minister” in that Act shall, in relation to the Board, mean the Minister for Local Government and Public Health.


(4) The Board shall be deemed to be a local body within the meaning of Part IV of the Act of 1925, as amended by the Act of 1927, and Part IV of the Act of 1925, so amended, shall apply to the Board and the officers of the Board accordingly.


(5) In the case of any officer of the existing committee who becomes by virtue of this Act an officer of the Board, the service of such officer under the existing committee shall, for the purposes of Part IV of the Act of 1925, as amended by the Act of 1927, and as applied by this section, be reckoned as service as an officer of the Board.


(6) References in this section to an officer of the Board shall be construed as including references to an officer of the existing committee who is transferred to the Board under this Act.


(7) In this section the word “officer” includes the Resident Medical Superintendent.


(8) If any question arises under this Act whether a person who is or was in the service of the Board is or was an officer the question shall be referred to the Minister whose decision shall be final.


Application of certain enactments to the Board.

27.—(1) The Board shall be deemed, for the purposes of the Local Authorities (Combined Purchasing) Act, 1925 (No. 20 of 1925) and the Local Authorities (Mutual Assurance) Acts, 1926 and 1928, to be a local authority.


(2) The Board shall be deemed to be a local authority within the meaning of section 60 of the Act of 1925, as amended by section 13 of the Act of 1927, and of sections 61, 62, and 70 of the Act of 1925, and of section 72 of the Act of 1925, as amended by subsequent enactments and the said sections 60 (as so amended), 61, 62, 70, and 72 (as so amended) shall apply to the Board and its members and officers accordingly.


(3) The Board shall be deemed to be a local authority within the meaning of sections 4 and 5 of the Local Government Act, 1933 (No. 5 of 1933), and the said sections 4 and 5 shall apply to the Board and its officers accordingly.


Transfer of new fever hospital to the Board.

28.—The new fever hospital and the equipment thereof shall on the appointed day and without any conveyance or assignment become and be vested in the Board for all the estate, term or interest for which the same was immediately before the appointed day vested in the Corporation.


Extension, etc., of new fever hospital.

29.—(1) The Board may, with the consent of the Minister, extend, alter, enlarge or otherwise improve the new fever hospital.


(2) The Board may, with the approval of the Minister, purchase or take on lease any land for the purposes of this section.


(3) For the purposes of the acquisition of land by the Board, sections 203, 214 and 215 of the Public Health (Ireland) Act, 1878, as amended by section 8 of the Public Health (Ireland) Act, 1896, and section 68 of the Act of 1925, shall apply as if herein enacted and made applicable to the Board with the modification that the advertisements mentioned in sub-section (2) of section 203 of the Public Health (Ireland) Act, 1878, may be published in any month, and that the notices mentioned in the said sub-section shall be served in the succeeding month.


(4) In this section the word “land” includes any easement or right in to or over land or water.


Acceptance of endowments.

30.—The Board shall have power to accept any real or personal property as an endowment generally or upon trust for any purposes connected with the new fever hospital.


Sale of surplus land.

31.—(1) The Board may, with the consent of the Minister, sell or let any land which is vested in it and which is not required for the purposes of the new fever hospital.


(2) Any moneys received by the Board on a sale or letting under this section shall be carried to the common fund of the Board.


Management and control of the new fever hospital.

32.—(1) As on and from the appointed day the Board shall manage and control the new fever hospital and, subject to the provisions of this Act (including rules made under this section), do all such things as may be necessary for that purpose.


(2) The Board may from time to time, with the approval of the Minister, make all necessary rules for the conduct and management of the new fever hospital and the patients therein.


Admission of patients.

33.—(1) Subject to the provisions of this section, the Board may, from time to time, with the approval of the Minister, make rules for the admission of patients, including patients admitted on special terms as to payment and accommodation.


(2) The Board shall, so far as accommodation permits, receive into the new fever hospital—


(a) any patients (in this Act referred to as city patients) suffering from infectious diseases sent to the new fever hospital on the order of—


(i) the medical superintendent officer of health of the county borough of Cork, or


(ii) the assistant medical officer of health of the county borough of Cork, or


(iii) any medical officer of health of a dispensary district in the county borough of Cork;


(b) any patients (in this Act referred to as joint district patients) sent to the new fever hospital on the order of—


(i) the county medical officer of health for the county of Cork acting in his capacity as medical superintendent officer of health for the county health district or any urban district comprised in the joint district,


(ii) the assistant county medical officer of health for the county health district,


(iii) any medical officer of health of a dispensary district in the joint district.


(3) The Board may, with the approval of the Minister, enter into an agreement with any sanitary authority (other than the Corporation, the board of health, or the councils of the urban districts comprised in the joint district) for the reception into the new fever hospital upon such terms as may be agreed upon of inhabitants of the sanitary district of such authority who are suffering from infectious diseases.


Right of entry to new fever hospital, etc., of certain medical officers of health.

34.—The medical superintendent officer of health of the county borough of Cork and the county medical officer of health for the county of Cork shall, respectively, be entitled, at all reasonable times, to enter the new fever hospital and to inspect the same and the arrangements made for the care of the patients therein and to inspect and examine, respectively, the city patients and joint district patients therein, and each of the said officers shall also be entitled, in consultation with the Resident Medical Superintendent, to engage therein in research work in relation to the prevention and treatment of infectious diseases.


Saving of disqualification of patients.

35.—A person shall not be disqualified for being elected or being a member of the Board or any other public body by reason of his or any member of his family being admitted into and maintained in the new fever hospital.


Expenses of the Board.

36.—(1) All expenses incurred by the Board under this Act shall in the first instance be defrayed by the Board out of a fund to be called the common fund, and all sums received or recovered by the Board under this Act shall be paid into the common fund and carried to the appropriate account thereof.


(2) In the common fund a separate account shall be kept for the Corporation in respect of city patients and for the board of health in respect of joint district patients.


(3) The expenses incurred under this Act by the Board in each local financial year shall be defrayed by the Corporation and the board of health respectively in the proportion which the total number of in-patient days of city patients in such year bears to the total number of in-patient days of joint district patients in such year.


(4) The money required to meet the expenses of the Board under this Act in respect of a local financial year shall be supplied by the Corporation and the board of health upon the prescribed demand of the Board, and the money so demanded shall be a debt due by the Corporation or the board of health (as the case may be).


(5) A demand under this section in respect of any local financial year upon the Corporation and the board of health for payment of the expenses of the Board shall be a demand for the estimated proportion, payable by the Corporation and the board of health respectively, of the estimated expenses of the Board in respect of such financial year.


(6) As soon as may be after the expiration of each local financial year, the Board shall supply to the Corporation and the board of health a statement showing the actual amounts properly chargeable in respect of such year to the Corporation and the board of health under sub-section (3) of this section.


(7) In this section the expression “in-patient days” in relation to any local financial year means the number of days in such year during which a patient has been resident in the new fever hospital, the day of admission and the day of discharge being reckoned as one day.


Raising of expenses of the Corporation and the board of health.

37.—(1) All expenses payable by the Corporation under this Part of this Act shall be raised and defrayed by the Corporation in the like manner in which the expenses incurred by the city council in the execution of the Public Health Acts, 1878 to 1931, are raised and defrayed.


(2) All expenses payable by the board of health under this Part of this Act shall be raised equally over the whole of the joint district by means of the poor rate.


Borrowing by the Board.

38.—(1) The Board may borrow for the purposes of this Part of this Act in like manner and subject to the like provisions as if it were a sanitary authority under the Public Health Acts, 1878 to 1931.


(2) The Board shall have the powers of borrowing conferred on a local authority by section 3 of the Local Authorities (Financial Provisions) Act, 1921, as amended by section 3 of the Local Government (Temporary Provisions) (Amendment) Act, 1924 (No. 13 of 1924).


Accounts of the Board.

39.—(1) The Board shall cause to be kept in such form as the Minister may direct the accounts of the receipts and payments of the Board.


(2) The accounts of the Board shall be made up annually to the end of each local financial year.


(3) The accounts of the Board shall be audited by an auditor appointed by the Minister and the following; enactments, that is to say, sections 12 to 15 of the Local Government (Ireland) Act, 1871, sub-section (2) of section 63 of the Local Government (Ireland) Act, 1898, and sections 20 and 21 of the Local Government (Ireland) Act, 1902, as amended or adapted by or under any subsequent enactment shall apply to the audit and auditor of the accounts of the Board in the same manner as such enactments as so amended or adapted apply to the audit and auditor of the accounts of the public bodies specified therein.


(4) The Minister shall from time to time as occasion requires ascertain and determine what proportion of the salary paid to the auditor appointed to audit the accounts of the Board shall be charged in respect of such audit, and the amount of such proportion of such salary shall be paid by the Board to the Minister.


Dissolution of the body corporate.

40.—Upon the appointed day the body corporate shall by virtue of this section be dissolved and cease to exist and the provisions of the Hospitals (Ireland) Act, 1818, shall cease to apply in respect of the county borough of Cork.


Transfer of property of the body corporate and existing committee.

41.—(1) All property, whether real or personal (including choses-in-action) which immediately before the appointed day is vested in or belongs to or is held in trust for the body corporate or the existing committee and all rights, powers, and privileges relating to or connected with any such property shall, on the appointed day and without any conveyance or assignment but subject where necessary to transfer in the books of any bank, corporation, or company, become and be vested in or the property of or held in trust for (as the case may require) the Board for all the estate, term, or interest for which the same immediately before the appointed day was vested in or belonged to or was held in trust for the body corporate or the existing committee.


(2) All property transferred by this section which, immediately before the appointed day, is standing in the books of any bank or is registered in the books of any bank, corporation, or company in the name of the body corporate or the existing committee shall, upon the request of the Board made on or at any time after the appointed day, be transferred in such books by such bank, corporation, or company into the name of the Board.


(3) On and after the appointed day, every chose-in-action transferred by this section from the body corporate or the existing committee to the Board may be sued upon, recovered, or enforced by the Board in its own name and it shall not be necessary for the Board to give notice to the person bound by such chose-in-action of the transfer effected by this section.


(4) All moneys transferred to the Board by this section and all moneys arising out of the sale of any property transferred to the Board by this section and all income arising from such property shall be carried to the common fund of the Board.


Transfer of liabilities of the body corporate and the existing committee.

42.—Every debt and other liability (including unliquidated liabilities arising from torts or breaches of contract) which immediately before the appointed day is owing and unpaid or has been incurred and is undischarged by the body corporate or the existing committee shall, on the appointed day, become and be the debt or liability of the Board and shall be paid or discharged by and may be recovered from or enforced against the Board accordingly.


Transfer of officers of existing committee.

43.—(1) Every person who on the day before the appointed day is a paid officer of the existing committee shall on the appointed day and, subject to the provisions of this section, be transferred to and be and become an officer of the Board.


(2) Every person transferred by this section shall, subject to the provisions of this section, perform in the employment of the Board duties analogous to those performed by him in the employment of the existing committee before his transfer.


(3) Every person transferred by this section shall not without his consent receive less remuneration or be subject to less beneficial conditions of service than the remuneration to which he was entitled and the conditions of service to which he was subject in the employment of the existing committee.


(4) The Board may, with the approval of the Minister, redistribute or rearrange the duties to be performed by officers transferred to it by this section, and every such officer shall be bound to perform the duties allotted to him on any such redistribution or rearrangement, and no such redistribution or rearrangement shall be deemed to be a removal from or abolition of office for the purposes of Part IV of the Act of 1925, as amended by the Act of 1927, and as applied by this Act.


(5) The Board may, with the sanction of the Minister, and shall when so directed by the Minister, abolish the office of any officer transferred to it by this section, and every officer whose office is so abolished shall, for the purposes of Part IV of the Act of 1925, as amended by the Act of 1927, and as applied by this Act, be deemed to have been removed from office by the Board for a cause other than misconduct or incapacity.


(6) For the purposes of Part IV of the Act of 1925, as amended by the Act of 1927, and as applied by this Act, an officer transferred by this section whose office is abolished under the immediately preceding sub-section shall, notwithstanding that he does not devote his whole time to the service of the Board, be deemed to be a pensionable officer of the Board.


(7) Until the existing fever hospital is closed under this Act any person transferred by this section shall, if so required by the Board, remain at the existing fever hospital and perform such duties there as the Board may require.


(8) If any question arises under sub-section (3) of this section in relation to any person transferred by this section such question shall be referred to the Minister whose decision shall be final.


Preservation of existing contracts of service with existing committee.

44.—Every contract of service, express or implied, which is in force immediately before the appointed day between the existing committee and any person not being an officer of the existing committee, shall continue in force on and after the appointed day, but shall be construed and have effect as if the Board were substituted therein for the existing committee and every such contract shall be enforceable by or against the Board accordingly.


Closing of existing fever hospital.

45.—(1) On and after the appointed day and until the existing fever hospital is closed in accordance with this section, the Board shall manage the existing fever hospital.


(2) On and after the appointed day no patients shall be received into the existing fever hospital, and the Board shall as soon as may be close the existing fever hospital and for that purpose may remove patients from the existing fever hospital to the new fever hospital.


(3) For the purposes of the provisions of this Part of this Act relating to expenses of the Board, the following provisions shall have effect, that is to say:—


(a) every patient who is resident in the existing fever hospital on the appointed day or who is removed from the existing fever hospital to the new fever hospital under this section shall, if he was, at the date of his admission to the existing fever hospital, resident in the county borough of Cork, be deemed to be a, city patient or, if he was, at the date of his admission to the existing fever hospital, resident in the joint district, be deemed to be a joint district patient;


(b) every person who is so deemed to be a city patient or a joint district patient shall on and after the appointed day while resident in the existing fever hospital be deemed to be resident in the new fever hospital.


Dissolution of the existing committee.

46.—On the appointed day the existing committee shall be dissolved.



47.—The Minister may by order make regulations for all or any of the following purposes—


(a) for regulating the communications by the Board to the Corporation and the board of health of the respective amounts to be paid by the Corporation and the board of health in each local financial year or any part thereof;


(b) for regulating the estimates to be made by the Board of their receipts and expenditure in each local financial year;


(c) for prescribing any matter or thing referred to in this Part of this Act as prescribed;


(d) generally for the purpose of carrying this Part of this Act into effect.