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Uimhir 16 de 1966.
[An tiontú oifigiúil.]
1906, c. 58.
1.—(1) San Acht seo, ach amháin mar a n-éilíonn an comhthéacs a mhalairt—
[EN]ciallaíonn “na hAchtanna” na hAchtanna Leasa Shóisialaigh, 1952 go 1966;
[EN]ciallaíonn “printíseach” duine a bhfuil oiliúint lánaimsire á fháil aige le haghaidh aon cheirde, gnó, gairme, oifige nó fostaíochta;
[EN]tá le “cóireáil ospidéil cheadaithe” an bhrí a shonraítear i bhfo-alt (2) d'alt 33;
[EN]ciallaíonn “leanbh atá cáilithe chun críocha an Achta seo” duine—
[EN](a) atá faoi bhun ocht mbliana déag d'aois,
[EN](b) a bhfuil gnáth-chónaí air sa Stát,
[EN](c) nach bhfuil faoi choinneáil i scoil cheartúcháin nó i scoil saothair, agus
[EN](d) mura bhfuil sé faoi bhun sé bliana déag d'aois—
[EN](i) atá ag fáil teagaisc lánaimsire i scoil lae,
[EN](ii) is printíseach nach bhfuil luach saothair á fháil aige nó nach bhfuil luach saothair thar caoga scilling sa tseachtain á fháil aige, nó
[EN](iii) atá éagumasach, de dheasca laige coirp nó meabhrach, ar ghabháil d'aon slí bheatha ar luach saothair agus ar dócha dó bheith éagumasach amhlaidh go ceann tréimhse fada;
[EN]ciallaíonn “éilitheoir” duine atá ag éileamh sochair dhíobhálacha ceirde, agus folaíonn sé freisin iarratasóir ar dhearbhú gur thionóisc cheirde nó nár thionóisc cheirde tionóisc áirithe, agus déanfar tagairt d'éileamh a fhorléiriú dá réir sin;
[EN]ciallaíonn “an t-éagach”, maidir le sochar báis, an duine ar i leith a bháis a éilítear nó is iníoctha an sochar;
[EN]tá le “aisce mhíthreorach” an bhrí a shonraítear i bhfo-alt (7) d'alt 9;
[EN]tá le “pinsean míthreorach” an bhrí a shonraítear i bhfo-alt (8) nó i bhfo-alt (9) d'alt 9;
[EN]ciallaíonn” tréimhse shochar díobhála”, maidir le haon tionóisc, an tréimhse céad caoga agus sé lá (gan Domhnaigh a áireamh) dar tosach lá na tionóisce, nó an chuid den tréimhse sin nach bhfuil, faoi fho-alt (2) d'alt 9 den Acht seo, sochar míthreorach ar fáil don duine árachaithe i leith na tionóisce;
[EN]tá le “fostaíocht inárachaithe (díobhálacha ceirde)” an bhrí a shonraítear in alt 3;
[EN]folaíonn “scrúdú dochtúra” tástálacha baictéareolaíochta agus raideagrafaíochta agus iniúchadh dá samhail sin, agus déanfar tagairtí do dhul faoi scrúdú dochtúra a fhorléiriú dá réir sin;
[EN]tá le “cóireáil liachta” an bhrí a shonraítear i bhfo-alt (1) d'alt 33;
[EN]tá le “tionóisc cheirde” an bhrí a shonraítear in alt 29;
[EN]tá le “árachas díobhálacha ceirde” an bhrí a shonraítear i bhfo-alt (2) d'alt 2;
[EN]ciallaíonn “dílleachta agus é cáilithe chun críocha an Achta seo”—
[EN](a) leanbh atá cáilithe chun críocha an Achta seo, ar leanbh dlisteanach é, a bhfuil a bheirt tuismitheoir marbh, agus, i gcás leas-tuismitheoir a bheith aige, nach mbíonn cónaí rialta air i dteannta an leas-tuismitheora nó i dteannta duine atá pósta leis an leas-tuismitheoir nó in aontíos leis an leas-tuismitheoir, nó
[EN](b) leanbh atá cáilithe chun críocha an Achta seo, ar leanbh neamhdhlisteanach é, a bhfuil a mháthair marbh agus a bhfuil a athair marbh nó nach eol cé hé féin agus, má mhaireann fearchéile a mháthar, nach gcónaíonn go rialta leis an bhfearchéile sin nó le bean atá pósta leis an bhfearchéile sin agus in aontíos leis;
[EN]ciallaíonn “An Príomh-Acht” an tAcht Leasa Shóisialaigh, 1952;
[EN]ciallaíonn “tionóisc iomchuí” agus “díobháil iomchuí”, faoi seach, maidir le haon sochar, an tionóisc agus an díobháil ar ina leith a éilítear nó is iníoctha an sochar; agus ciallaíonn “cailleadh iomchuí cumais” an cailleadh cumais de dheasca na díobhála iomchuí;
[EN]tá le “forlíonadh do-fhostaitheachta” an bhrí a shonraítear i bhfo-alt (3) d'alt 12;
[EN]ciallaíonn “na hAchtanna um Chúiteamh do Lucht Oibre” na hAchta um Chúiteamh do Lucht Oibre, 1934 go 1955, nó na hachtacháin a aisghairtear leis an Acht um Chúiteamh do Lucht Oibre, 1934, nó na hachtacháin a aisghairtear leis an Workmen's Compensation Act, 1906.
[EN](2) Déanfar na tagairtí san Acht seo do chumas coirp a chailleadh a fhorléiriú mar thagairtí a fholaíonn tagairtí do mháchailiú, cibé acu a ghabhann nó nach ngabhann aon chailleadh cumais iarbhír leis.
[EN](3) Ach amháin i gcás ina n-éilíonn an comhthéacs a mhalairt, déanfar tagairtí san Acht seo d'aon achtachán a fhorléiriú mar thagairtí don Acht sin arna leasú le haon achtachán ina dhiaidh sin lena n-áirítear an tAcht seo.
[EN](4) San Acht seo ciallaíonn “an lá ceaptha” cibé lá a cheapfaidh an tAire le hordú agus féadfar laethanta éagsúla a cheapadh chun críocha éagsúla den Acht seo nó chun na críche céanna maidir le cásanna nó aicmí cásanna éagsúla.
[EN](5) Ceist ar bith a bhaineann le cónaí rialta linbh atá cáilithe chun críocha an Achta seo déanfar, chun críocha an Achta seo, í a chinneadh de réir fho-alt (2) d'alt 5 den Acht Liúntais Leanbhaí (Leasú), 1946, agus na rialacha faoin bhfo-alt sin.
[EN](6) I gcás ina ndearnadh nó ina ndéanfar leanbh atá cáilithe chun críocha an Achta seo a uchtáil de bhun na nAchtanna Uchtála, 1952 agus 1964, ansin chun críocha an Achta seo—
[EN](a) áireofar an leanbh ionann agus dá mba leanbh é leis an uchtóir nó leis na huchtóirí, a rugadh dó, di, nó dóibh de phósadh dleathach agus nárbh é leanbh aon duine eile é agus, má ba dhílleachta agus é cáilithe chun críocha an Achta seo é díreach roimh an uchtáil, ionann agus dá mba rud é gur scoir sé de bheith ina dhílleachta den sórt sin, agus
[EN](b) mura bhfuil ann ach uchtóir amháin, in aon fheidhmiú, tar éis na huchtála, maidir leis an leanbh ar an míniú ar “dílleachta agus é cáilithe chun críocha an Achta seo” atá i bhfo-alt (1) den alt seo, cuirfear “a bhfuil a thuismitheoir marbh” in ionad “a bhfuil a bheirt tuismitheoir marbh” mír (a) den mhíniú sin.
[EN](7) Forléireofar alt 3 (seachas fo-alt (4) de) den Phríomh-Acht agus beidh éifeacht aige—
[EN](a) ionann agus dá mbeadh ar na tagairtí ann do chumhacht chun rialacháin a dhéanamh tagairtí d'aon chumhacht chun rialacháin a dhéanamh faoin Acht seo, agus
[EN](b) ionann agus dá mbeadh ar na tagairtí ann do rialacháin tagairtí d'aon rialacháin faoin Acht seo.
[EN](8) (a) Déantar leis seo an míniú ar “méadú” atá i bhfo-alt (1) d'alt 2 den Phríomh-Acht a leasú trí “den Acht seo nó faoi alt 10, alt 11, alt 12, alt 13, alt 14 nó alt 19 den Acht Leasa Shóisialaigh (Díobhálacha Ceirde), 1966” a chur isteach i ndiaidh “nó alt 27”.
[EN](b) Leasaítear leis seo fo-alt (2) d'alt 31 den Phríomh-Acht trí “nó méadú faoi alt 10 den Acht Leasa Shóisialaigh (Díobhálacha Ceirde), 1966, i leith an fhearchéile nó an bhanchéile sin” a chur isteach i ndiaidh “an duine sin”.
[EN]Árachas díobhálacha ceirde.
1887, c. 67.
2.—(1) Faoi réir forálacha na nAchtanna, déanfar gach duine, is cuma cad is aois dó, a bheidh fostaithe an lá ceaptha nó dá éis i bhfostaíocht inárachaithe (díobhálacha ceirde) a árachú faoi na hAchtanna in aghaidh díobhála pearsanta a bhainfidh dó an lá ceaptha nó dá éis de thionóisc a tharlóidh de dhroim agus i gcúrsa na fostaíochta sin.
[EN](2) Déanfar aon tagairt san Acht seo d'árachas díobhálacha ceirde a fhorléiriú mar thagairt don árachas dá bhforáiltear leis an alt seo.
[EN](3) Ní dhéanfar aon liúntas ná aisce a dheonú faoi alt 1 den Superannuation Act, 1887, i gcás inar do dhuine ag a raibh árachas díobhálacha ceirde a bhain an díobháil.
[EN]Fostaíocht inárachaithe (díobhálacha ceírde).
I.R. Uimh. 373 de 1952.
1913, seis. 1, c. 31.
3.—(1) Faoi réir na bhfo-alt ina dhiaidh seo den alt seo, déanfar aon tagairt atá san Acht seo d'fhostaíocht inárachaithe (díobhálacha ceirde) a fhorléiriú mar thagairt d'aon fhostaíocht atá de thuras na huaire sonraithe i gCuid I den Chéad Sceideal a ghabhann leis an bPríomh-Acht agus nach fostaíocht a shonraítear i gCuid II den Sceideal sin.
[EN](2) (a) Chun críocha an ailt seo, measfar na fostaíochtaí seo a leanas a bheith curtha leis na fostaíochtaí a shonraítear i gCuid I den Chéad Sceideal a ghabhann leis an bPríomh-Acht:
[EN](i) fostaíocht sa Stát ag lorg fruilithe le haon fheithicil, árthach, aerárthach, inneall nó ainmhí, a bhfaightear a úsáid faoi aon chonradh earbtha (seachas comhaontú fruilcheannaigh) i gcomaoin suim chinnte a íoc nó scair den tuilleamh nó eile,
[EN](ii) fostaíocht faoi aon chonradh seirbhíse nó printíseachta arna dhéanamh sa Stát (seachas mar chaptaen, mar mháistir nó mar chomhalta den fhoireann) ar bord loinge nó aerárthaigh, ar fostaíocht í chun críche na loinge nó an aerárthaigh nó aon phaisinéirí nó lasta nó poist a iompraíonn an long nó an t-aerárthach,
[EN](iii) fostaíocht sa Stát mar chomhalta nó mar dhuine faoi oiliúint chun bheith ina chomhalta d'aon bhriogáid dóiteáin, briogáid tarrthála, buíon gharchabhrach nó buíon tarrthálais i monarcha, i mianach nó in oibreacha, a bheidh forordaithe, nó d'aon eagraíocht dá samhail sin a bheidh forordaithe.
[EN](b) I bhfomhír (ii) den mhír sin roimhe seo—
[EN]ciallaíonn “long”—
[EN](i) aon long atá cláraithe sa Stát, nó
[EN](ii) aon long nó árthach eile a bhfuil a húinéir nó, má tá níos mó ná úinéir amháin uirthi, a bhfuil a húinéir bainistí nó a bainisteoir, ina chónaí, nó a bhfuil a príomh-áit ghnó aige, sa Stát;
[EN]ciallaíonn “aerárthach”—
[EN](i) aon aerárthach atá cláraithe sa Stát, nó
[EN](ii) aon aerárthach eile a bhfuil a húinéir nó, má tá níos mó ná úinéir amháin uirthi, a bhfuil a húinéir bainistí nó a bainisteoir, ina chónaí, nó a bhfuil a phríomh-áit ghnó aige, sa Stát.
[EN](3) Chun críocha an ailt seo, measfar na fostaíochtaí seo a leanas a bheith curtha leis na fostaíochtaí a shonraítear i gCuid II den Dara Sceideal a ghabhann leis an bPríomh-Acht:
[EN](a) fostaíocht mar chomhalta d'Óglaigh na hÉireann,
[EN](b) fostaíocht, nach fostaíocht lánaimsire mar a bheidh mínithe i rialacháin nó faoi chonradh seirbhíse, mar chomhalta d'fhoireann báid iascaigh i gcás inarb é luach saothair iomlán an duine fhostaithe cion de na brabúis nó den mhór-thuilleamh as an árthach a oibriú,
[EN](c) fostaíocht, ar shlí seachas faoi chonradh seirbhíse nó printíseachta, mar eachtar-oibrí,
[EN](d) fostaíocht faoi aon údarás áitiúil nó údarás poiblí eile ag comhlíonadh aon chonartha i leith seirbhísí.
[EN](4) Chun críocha an ailt seo, measfar nach bhfuil fostaíocht ócáideach chun críocha aon oibre in áit chónaithe an fhostóra nó ina timpeall ar áireamh i mír 3 de Chuid II den Chéad Sceideal a ghabhann leis an bPríomh-Acht.
[EN](5) Chun críocha an ailt seo, measfar nach bhfuil fostaíocht faoi aon chonradh seirbhíse nó printíseachta ar áireamh i míreanna 7, 9 agus 10 de Chuid II den Chéad Sceideal a ghabhann leis an bPríomh-Acht (is míreanna a cuireadh leis an gCuid sin leis na Rialacháin Leasa Shóisialaigh (Aireamh agus Eisiamh i leith Arachais), 1952.
[EN](6) Chun críocha an ailt seo, i gcás piolóta lena mbaineann an Pilotage Act, 1913, measfar, nuair a bheidh sé fostaithe ar aon long (mar a mhínítear i mír (b) d'fho-alt (2) den alt seo), gur comhalta d'fhoireann na loinge sin é.
[EN](7) Féadfaidh an tAire, maidir le míreanna 5 agus 6 de Chuid II den Chéad Sceideal a ghabhann leis an bPríomh-Acht, a fhoráil, le rialacháin, go ndéanfar, i gcás fostaíocht a sonraítear gur fofhostaíocht í nó i gcás fostaíocht a sonraítear gur mionfhostaíocht í, a mheas chun críocha an ailt seo gur fostaíocht í nach sonraítear amhlaidh.
[EN](8) Féadfaidh an tAire le rialacháin, a bheidh faoi réir cheadú an Aire Airgeadais, a fhoráil go ndéanfar, i gcás aon fhostaíochta sonraithe faoi aon údarás áitiúil nó údarás poiblí eile, a mheas chun críocha an ailt seo í a bheith curtha le Cuid II den Chéad Sceideal a ghabhann leis an bPríomh-Acht.
[EN](9) I gcás inar dóigh leis an Aire—
[EN](a) go bhfuil cineál nó cúrsaí eile na seirbhíse nó na hoibre a dhéantar in aon fhostaíocht arb éard í, ar leith ón bhfo-alt seo, fostaíocht inárachaithe (díobhálacha ceirde) agus in aon fhostaíocht nach fostaíocht den sórt sin í ar leith ón bhfo-alt seo (toisc gur fostaíocht eiscthe nó eile í) chomh cosúil lena chéile go dtiocfadh aimhrialtachtaí díobh in oibriú na nAchtanna, agus
[EN](b) (i) gur féidir an fhostaíocht chéadluaite a áireamh go caothúil ar na fostaíochtaí eiscthe, nó
[EN](ii) gur féidir an fhostaíocht a luaitear sa dara áit a áireamh go caothúil ar na fostaíochtaí inárachaithe (díobhálacha ceirde),
[EN]féadfaidh an tAire le rialacháin, a bheidh faoi réir cheadú an Aire Airgeadais, a fhoráil go mbeidh an fhostaíocht ar áireamh amhlaidh.
[EN](10) Féadfaidh an tAire le rialacháin, a bheidh faoi réir cheadú an Aire Airgeadais, forálacha na nAchtanna a mhodhnú maidir lena bhfeidhm i gcás daoine ar fostú i bhfostaíochtaí a shonraítear i bhfomhír (ii) de mhír (a) d'fho-alt (2) den alt seo.
[EN]Leathnú ar bhrí tagairtí do tharlú de dhroim agus i gcúrsa fostaíochta.
4.—(1) Aon tionóisc a tharlóidh i gcúrsa fostaíochta dhuine árachaithe measfar chun críocha na nAchtanna, cheal fianaise dá mhalairt, í do tharlú de dhroim na fostaíochta sin freisin.
[EN](2) Déanfar, chun críocha na nAchtanna, tionóisc a áireamh, i gcás nach ndéanfaí ar leith ón alt seo í a áireamh amhlaidh, mar thionóisc a tharla de dhroim fostaíochta duine árachaithe más rud é—
[EN](a) gur i gcúrsa na fostaíochta a tharla an tionóisc,
[EN](b) maidir leis an tionóisc—
[EN](i) gurb é is cúis léi mí-iompar, ábhaillí nó faillí duine eile, beartanna a rinneadh de dhroim aon mhí-iompair, ábhaillí nó faillí den sórt sin nó an chuma inar iompair ainmhí (lena n-áirítear éan, iasc nó feithid) é féin nó ainmhí a bheith sa láthair, nó
[EN](ii) gurb é is cúis léi nó gurb é atá inti rud ar bith nó tintreach do bhualadh an duine árachaithe, agus
[EN](c) nach ndearna an duine árachaithe go díreach ná go neamhdhíreach trína iompar lasmuigh den fhostaíocht nó trí aon ghníomh nár bhain leis an bhfostaíocht tarlú na tionóisce a aslú nó cabhrú lena tarlú.
[EN](3) Chun críocha na nAchtanna, measfar tionóisc do tharlú de dhroim agus i gcúrsa fostaíochta duine árachaithe, d'ainneoin an duine a beith tráth na tionóisce ag gníomhú contrártha d'aon rialacháin reachtúla nó rialacháin eile a bhaineann lena fhostaíocht, nó d'aon orduithe a bheidh tugtha ag fostóir nó thar a cheann, nó é a bheith ag gníomhú gan treoracha óna fhostóir, más rud é—
[EN](a) go measfaí chun críocha na nAchtanna an tionóisc do tharlú amhlaidh dá mba nach ndearnadh an gníomh contrártha mar a dúradh nó gan treoracha óna fhostóir, cibé acu é, agus
[EN](b) gur chun críocha thrádáil nó ghnó an fhostóta nó i ndáil leis an trádáil nó an gnó sin a rinneadh an gníomh.
[EN](4) Aon tionóisc a tharlóidh agus duine árachaithe ag taisteal, le cead sainráite nó intuigthe óna fhostóir, mar phaisinéir in aon fheithicil go dtí a ionad oibre nó uaidh, measfar chun críocha na nAchtanna, d'ainneoin gan é a bheith faoi aon oibleagáid ag a fhostóir taisteal san fheithicil sin, gur tionóisc í a tharla de dhroim agus i gcúrsa a fhostaíochta, más rud é—
[EN](a) go measfaí chun na gcríocha sin an tionóisc tarlú amhlaidh dá mbeadh sé faoi oibleagáid den sórt sin, agus
[EN](b) tráth na tionóisce—
[EN](i) go mbeidh an fheithicil á hoibriú ag an bhfostóir nó thar a cheann nó ag nó thar ceann duine éigin eile a sholáthraigh í de bhun comhshocraíochtaí a rinneadh lena fhostóir, agus
[EN](ii) nach mbeidh sí á hoibriú i ngnáth-chúrsa seirbhíse iompair phoiblí.
[EN]San fho-alt seo folaíonn tagairtí d'fheithicil tagairtí do long, árthach nó aerárthach.
[EN](5) Aon tionóisc a tharlóidh do dhuine árachaithe in aon áitreabh nó timpeall aon áitribh a mbeidh sé fostaithe ann de thuras na huaire chun críocha trádála nó gnó a fhostóra measfar chun críocha na nAchtanna í tarlú de dhroim agus i gcúrsa a fhostaíochta má tharlaíonn sí agus beartanna á ndéanamh aige, in éigeandáil iarbhír nó cheaptha san áitreabh sin, chun daoine a tharrtháil, a fhurtacht nó a chosaint atá nó a mheastar a bheith, nó a mheastar a d'fhéadfadh a bheith, díobháilte nó i nguais, nó chun mórdhamáiste do mhaoin a chosc nó a laghdú.
[EN](6) Aon tionóisc a tharlóidh do dhuine árachaithe, ar printíseach é, agus é ag freastal ar cheardscoil nó áit eile le haghaidh oiliúna nó teagaisc (cibé acu le linn guáth-uaire fostaíochta nó eile), measfar chun críocha na nAchtanna, cheal fianaise dá mhalairt, gur de dhroim agus i gcúrsa a fhostaíochta a tharla an tionóisc más le toiliú a fhostóra nó faoi cheanglas orduithe a fhostóra nó faoina chonradh printíseachta a bhíonn sé ag freastal ar an scoil sin nó san áit sin.
[EN]Tionóiscí i gcúrsa fostaíochta neamhdhleathaí, etc.
5.—(1) I gcás ina ndéanfar éileamh ar shochar díobhálacha ceirde faoi na hAchtanna maidir le haon tionóisc nó aon ghalar nó díobháil a bheidh forordaithe chun críocha alt 23 den Acht seo, nó ina ndéanfar iarratas faoin gcéanna ar dhearbhú gur thionóisc ceirde aon tionóisc áirithe nó ar dhearbhú comhréireach i dtaobh aon ghalair nó díobhála den sórt sin, féadfaidh an tAire a ordú go ndéanfar chun críocha na nAchtanna an fhostaíocht iomchuí a áireamh, maidir leis an tionóisc, an galar nó an díobháil sin, mar fhostaíocht inárachaithe (díobhálacha ceirde), d'ainneoin gur tharla, mar gheall ar shárú nó neamhchomhlíonadh forála éigin atá in aon achtachán, nó ag a bhfuil éifeacht faoi aon achtachán, a ritheadh chun daoine fostaithe nó aon aicme daoine fostaithe a chosaint, go raibh an conradh a d'airbheartaigh an fhostaíocht a rialú ar neamhní nó nach raibh an duine fostaithe ar fostú go dleathach léi san am nó san áit ar tharla an tionóisc nó ar tolgadh an galar nó ar tharla an díobháil.
[EN](2) I bhfo-alt (1) den alt seo ciallaíonn “fostaíocht iomchuí”, maidir le tionóisc, an fhostaíocht ar dá droim agus ina cúrsa a tharla an tionóisc agus, maidir le galar nó díobháil, an fhostaíocht arb é a cineál is cúis leis an ngalar nó an díobháil.
[EN]Tionóiscí lasmuigh den Stát.
6.—Ach amháin i gcás ina bhforálfaidh rialacháin a mhalairt, ní bheidh sochar díobhálacha ceirde iníoctha i leith tionóisc a tharlóidh le linn don duine árachaithe a bheith lasmuigh den Stát.
[EN]Sochar díobhálacha ceirde.
7.—Leasaítear leis seo alt 14 den Phríomh-Acht tríd an mír seo a leanas a chur le deireadh fho-alt (1) de:
[EN]“(h) sochar díobhálacha ceirde, a mbeidh sochar díobhála, sochar míthreorach agus sochar báis ar áireamh ann.”
[EN]Sochar díobhála.
8.—(1) Faoi réir forálacha na nAchtanna, duine árachaithe dá mbainfidh díobháil phearsanta arb é is cúis léi tionóisc a tharlóidh an lá ceaptha nó dá éis de dhroim agus i gcúrsa a fhostaíochta, is fostaíocht inárachaithe (díobhálacha ceirde), beidh sé i dteideal sochair dhíobhála in aghaidh aon lae a bheidh sé, de dheasca na díobhála, éagumasach chun oibre sa tréimhse shochar díobhála:
[EN]Ar choinníoll nach mbeidh duine árachaithe, faoi réir mhír (b) d'fho-alt (1) d'alt 15 den Acht seo, i dteideal sochair dhíobhála in aghaidh an chéad trí lá acu sin mura mbeidh sé, de dheasca na díobhála, éagumasach chun oibre dhá lá dhéag ar a laghad sa tréimhse sin.
[EN](2) Nuair a bheifear a chinneadh i dtaobh duine árachaithe a bheith éagumasach chun oibre lá na tionóisce, ní thabharfar aird ar aon chuid den lá sin roimh an tionóisc tarlú.
[EN](3) Is é a bheidh i sochar díobhála liúntas is iníoctha de réir ráta seachtainiúil—
[EN](a) i gcás an tairbhí—
[EN](I) a bheith faoi bhun ocht mbliana déag d'aois, nó
[EN](II) a bheith os cionn ocht mbliana déag d'aois agus gur bean phósta í seachas bean phósta a chónaíonn ar leith óna fearchéile agus nach féidir léi aon chúnamh airgid a fháil uaidh,
[EN]agus gan teideal ag an tairbhí sin chun méadú sochair i leith leanbh atá cáilithe chun críocha an Achta seo nó i leith leanaí atá cáilithe amhlaidh nó i leith cleithiúnaí aosaithe—seachtó a seacht scilling agus sé phingin, agus
[EN](b) in aon chás eile—céad agus cúig scilling déag.
[EN](4) Is é an méid is iníoctha mar shochar díobhála in aghaidh aon lae áirithe éagumais an séú cuid den ráta seachtainiúil iomchuí.
[EN](5) Ní bheidh duine faoi bhun sé bliana déag d'aois i dteideal sochair dhíobhála ach amháin a mhéid a fhoráiltear le rialacháin.
[EN]Sochar míthreorach.
9.—(1) Faoi réir forálacha na nAchtanna, duine árachaithe a fhulaingeoidh díobháil phearsanta arb é is cúis léi tionóisc a tharlóidh an lá ceaptha nó dá éis de dhroim agus i gcúrsa a fhostaíochta, is fostaíocht inárachaithe (díobhálacha ceirde) beidh sé i dteideal sochair mhíthreorach má fhulaingíonn sé cailleadh cumais choirp nó mheabhrach de dheasca na tionóisce ionas nach lú ná aon faoin gcéad méid na míthreorach dá dhroim sin arna mheasúnú de réir na bhforálacha seo a leanas den alt seo; agus chun críocha na bhforálacha sin measfar gan aon chailleadh cumais iomchuí a bheith ann nuair nár mhó ná aon faoin gcéad méid na míthreorach de dhroim na tionóisce dá measúnófaí amhlaidh é.
[EN](2) Ní bheidh sochar míthreorach ar fáil do dhuine árachaithe go dtí tar éis an tríú lá den tréimhse céad caoga agus sé lá (gan Domhnaigh a áireamh) dar tosach lá na tionóisce iomchuí nó go dtí tar éis an lae dheiridh, más aon lá é, den tréimhse ar a mbeidh sé éagumasach chun oibre mar gheall ar an tionóisc iomchuí:
[EN]Ar choinníoll go bhféadfaidh sé, mura mbeidh sé éagumasach amhlaidh aon lá áirithe, arb é an ceathrú lá é nó lá níos déanaí tar éis na tionóisce iomchuí, roimh dheireadh na tréimhse sin, sochar míchumais a éileamh, agus má bhíonn sé ina theideal ar shlí eile, go bhféadfar sochar míthreorach a dhámhadh dó, amhail ón lá sin, ach sa chás sin nach dtabharfar, chun críocha an fho-ailt seo, aird ar é a bheith nó go bhféadfadh sé a bheith éagumasach aon lá ina dhiaidh sin sa tréimhse.
[EN](3) Chun críocha an ailt seo, déanfar méid na míthreorach a mheasúnú, faoi threoir na míchumas a thabhaigh an t-éilitheoir mar gheall ar an gcailleadh cumais iomchuí, de réir na bprionsabal ginearálta seo a leanas:
[EN](a) ach amháin mar a fhoráiltear ina dhiaidh seo san fho-alt seo, is iad na míchumais a bheidh le cur i gcuntas na míchumais uile (cibé acu a ghabhann nó nach ngabhann cailleadh cumhacht tuillimh nó caiteachas breise leo) a bhféadfaidh súil a bheith leis a thiocfadh ar an éilitheoir, ag féachaint dá staid choirp agus mheabhrach ar dháta an mheasúnaithe i gcaitheamh na tréimhse a chuirfear i gcuntas leis an measúnú i gcomparáid le duine den aois agus den ghnéas céanna ar ghnáth-staid choirp agus mheabhrach;
[EN](b) déanfar gach míchumas den sórt sin a áireamh mar mhíchumas a tabhaíodh mar gheall ar an gcailleadh cumais iomchuí ach amháin, faoi réir forálacha aon rialacháin arna ndéanamh faoin gcéad fho-alt eile, nach ndéanfar é a áireamh amhlaidh sa mhéid—
[EN](i) go mbeadh an míchumas sin ag cur ar an éilitheoir ar aon nós mar gheall ar éalaing ó bhroinn nó mar gheall ar dhíobháil a tharla nó galar a tolgadh roimh an tionóisc iomchuí, nó
[EN](ii) nach mbeadh an míchumas sin ag cur ar an éilitheoir mura mbeadh díobháil éigin a tharla nó galar éigin a tolgadh tar éis na tionóisce sin agus nach inchurtha go díreach ina leith;
[EN](c) déanfar an measúnú ar neamhshuim le himthosca áirithe an éilitheora seachas aois, gnéas agus staid choirp agus mheabhrach;
[EN](d) na míchumais de bharr an chailleadh cumais sin a bheidh forordaithe measfar gur céad faoin gcéad míthreorach a bheidh iontu agus déanfar míchumais eile a mheasúnú dá réir sin.
[EN](4) Féadfar foráil a dhéanamh le rialacháin chun na prionsabail ar dá réir a bheidh méid na míthreorach le measúnú a shonrú tuilleadh agus féadfaidh na rialacháin sin a ordú go háirithe go ndéanfar cailleadh cumais forordaithe a áireamh mar ní ar tháinig grád forordaithe míthreorach dá dheasca; agus, maidir le haon ordachán den sórt sin, ní ghlacfar le haon ní i mír (c) den fho-alt deiridh roimhe seo mar ní a choisceann foráil dá mhalairt a dhéanamh, i gcás cailleadh cumais i láimh nó i sciathán nó a bhaineann le láimh nó sciathán, do dhaoine deasógacha agus do dhaoine ciotógacha.
[EN](5) Is í an tréimhse a bheidh le cur i gcuntas trí mhéid míthreorach éilitheora a mheasúnú an tréimhse (dar tosach dáta nach luaithe ná deireadh na tréimhse sochair dhíobhála, agus a bheidh teorannaithe faoi threoir shaol an éilitheora nó dháta chinnte) a mbeidh an t-éilitheoir tar éis an cailleadh cumais iomchuí, agus a bhféadfaidh súil a bheith ann go leanfaidh sé den chailleadh cumais iomchuí, a fhulaingt:
[EN]Ar choinníoll, mura rud é ar aon mheasúnú nach amhlaidh do staid an éilitheora, ag féachaint don dóchúlacht athruithe teacht ar an staid sin (cibé acu is féidir nó nach féidir iad a thuar), gur féidir measúnú críochnaitheach a dhéanamh suas go dtí deireadh na tréimhse sin—
[EN](a) go ndéanfar measúnú sealadach, agus nach gcuirfear i gcuntas ach amháin cibé tréimhse is giorra ná sin a dhealraíonn a bheith réasúnach ag féachaint dá staid agus don dóchúlacht a dúradh, agus
[EN](b) ar an gcéad mheasúnú eile go dtosóidh an tréimhse a bheidh le cur i gcuntas nuair a bheidh deireadh leis an tréimhse a cuireadh i gcuntas leis an measúnú sealadach.
[EN](6) Luafar i measúnú an grád míthreorach mar chéatadán agus sonrófar ann an tréimhse a bheidh le cur i gcuntas leis agus, i gcás ina mbeidh sí teorannaithe faoi threoir dháta chinnte, luafar cé acu measúnú sealadach nó measúnú críochnaitheach é:
[EN]Ar choinníoll—
[EN](a) nach ndéanfar an céatadán agus an tréimhse sin a shonrú níos beaichte ná mar is gá chun cearta an éilitheora maidir le sochar míthreorach a chinneadh de réir an ailt seo, agus
[EN](b) go ndéanfar céatadán idir fiche agus céad nach iolrú ar dheich a áireamh—
[EN](i) más iolrú é ar chúig, mar an gcéad chéatadán eile is airde ná sin ar iolrú é ar dheich, agus
[EN](ii) murab iolrú é ar chúig, mar an gcéatadán is gaire is iolrú ar dheich.
[EN](7) I gcás ina ndéanfar méid na míthreorach a mheasúnú don tréimhse a chuirfear i gcuntas mar mhéid is lú ná fiche faoin gcéad, is é a bheidh i sochar míthreorach aisce (dá ngairtear aisce míthreorach san Acht seo)—
[EN](a) a mbeidh inti an méid a shocrófar, de réir fad na tréimhse sin agus de réir an ghráid mhíthreorach, trí scála forordaithe, ach nach rachaidh in aon chás thar trí chéad agus ochtó punt, agus
[EN](b) is iníoctha, má fhorálann na rialacháin é agus i cibé cásanna a fhorálfaidh siad amhlaidh, ina thráthchodanna.
[EN]Is é an scála céanna a fhorordófar chun críocha an fho-ailt seo do gach uile dhuine, ach amháin go bhféadfar méid níos lú a shocrú leis sin le haghaidh cásanna a mbeidh an tairbhí, i dtosach na tréimhse a chuirfear i gcuntas leis an measúnú, faoi bhun ocht mbliana déag d'aois, agus féadfar a shocrú go mbraithfidh sé ar an dáta a shroichfidh an tairbhí an aois sin, nó inarb éard an tairbhí agus í os cionn ocht mbliana déag d'aois, bean phósta seachas bean phósta a chónaíonn ar leith óna fearchéile agus nach féidir léí aon chúnamh airgid a fháil uaidh:
[EN]Ar choinníoll—
[EN](i) nach mbeidh an méid níos lú sin níos lú in aon chás ná dhá thrian an mhéid a mbeadh teideal ag an tairbhí chuige thairis sin, agus
[EN](ii) i gcás ceachtar aicme tairbhí mar a dúradh, go mbeidh an ráta níos mó iníoctha dá mbeadh teideal ag an tairbhí, i gcás eisean nó ise a bheith ag fáil sochair dhíobhála in ionad aisce mhíthreorach, chun méadú ar an sochar sin a fháil i leith leanbh atá cáilithe chun críocha an Achta seo nó i leith leanaí atá cáilithe amhlaidh nó i leith cleithiúnaí aosaithe.
[EN](8) I gcás ina measúnófar gur fiche faoin gcéad nó níos mó méid na míthreorach in aghaidh na tréimhse a chuirfear i gcuntas, is é a bheidh i sochar míthreorach pinsean (dá ngairtear pinsean míthreorach san Acht seo) in aghaidh na tréimhse sin de réir an ráta sheachtainiúil is iomchuí de réir Tábla I a ghabhann leis an bhfo-alt seo:
[EN]Ar choinníoll—
[EN](a) i gcás an tréimhse sin a bheith teorannaithe faoi réir dháta chinnte, go scoirfidh an pinsean ar an tairbhí d'éag roimh an dáta sin, agus
[EN](b) i gcás ina mbeidh an tairbhí faoi bhun ocht mbliana déag d'aois nó, má bhíonn an tairbhí os cionn na haoise sin, gur bean phósta í seachas bean phósta a chónaíonn ar leith óna fearchéile agus nach féidir léi aon chúnamh airgid a fháil uaidh, is de réir an ráta sheachtainiúil iomchuí de réir Tábla II a ghabhann leis an bhfo-alt seo a bheidh an ráta seachtainiúil i leith aon ghráid mhíthreorach mura rud é go mbeadh teideal ag an tairbhí, i gcás í a bheith ag fáil sochair dhíobhála in ionad pinsin mhíthreorach, chun méadú ar an sochar sin a fháil i leith leanbh atá cáilithe chun críocha an Achta seo nó i leith leanaí atá cáilithe amhlaidh nó i leith cleithiúnaí aosaithe.
TÁBLA I | ||
An grád míthreorach | An ráta seachtainiúil | |
100 faoin gcéad | 115s. | 0d. |
90 ,, ,, | 103s. | 6d. |
80 ,, ,, | 92s. | 0d. |
70 ,, ,, | 80s. | 6d. |
60 ,, ,, | 69s. | 0d. |
50 ,, ,, | 57s. | 6d. |
40 ,, ,, | 46s. | 0d. |
30 ,, ,, | 34s. | 6d. |
20 ,, ,, | 23s. | 0d. |
An grád míthreorach | An ráta seachtainiúil | |
100 faoin gcéad | 77s. | 6d. |
90 ,, ,, | 69s. | 9d. |
80 ,, ,, | 62s. | 0d. |
70 ,, ,, | 54s. | 3d. |
60 ,, ,, | 46s. | 6d. |
50 ,, ,, | 38s. | 9d. |
40 ,, ,, | 31s. | 0d. |
30 ,, ,, | 23s. | 3d. |
20 ,, ,, | 15s. | 6d. |
(9) (a) Más rud é, ar leith ón bhfo-alt seo, go mbeadh aisce le híoc faoi fho-alt (7) den alt seo i gcás inarb í an tréimhse a chuirfear i gcuntas leis an measúnú míthreorach tréimhse saoil an éilitheora nó tréimhse is mó ná seacht mbliana, beidh éifeacht ag na forálacha seo a leanas má roghnaíonn an t-éilitheoir sula n-íocfar an aisce, pinsean a chur in ionad na haisce:
[EN](i) ní íocfar an aisce,
[EN](ii) is é a bheidh sa sochar míthreorach pinsean (dá ngairtear pinsean míthreorach freisin san Acht seo) de réir an ráta sheachtainiúil iomchuí de réir scála fhorordaithe,
[EN](iii) pinsean míthreorach a bheidh ann in aghaidh na tréimhse a chuirfear i gcuntas leis an measúnú míthreorach faoi réir an choinníll, má bhíonn an tréimhse sin teorannaithe faoi threoir dháta chinnte, go scoirfidh an pinsean ar an tairbhí d'éag roimh an dáta sin.
[EN](b) Beidh feidhm ag na forálacha seo a leanas maidir leis an scála a fhorordófar chun críocha an fho-ailt seo:
[EN](i) is é an scála céanna a bheidh ann do gach uile dhuine, ach amháin go bhféadfar méid níos lú a shocrú leis sin do chásanna a mbeidh an tairbhí faoi bhun ocht mbliana déag d'aois nó, má bhíonn an tairbhí os cionn na haoise sin agus gur bean phósta í a chónaíonn ar leith óna fearchéile agus nach féidir léi aon chúnamh airgid a fháil uaidh mura rud é go mbeadh teideal ag an tairbhí, i gcás í a bheith ag fáil sochair dhíobhála in ionad pinsin mhíthreorach, chun méadú ar an sochar sin a fháil i leith leanbh atá cáillithe chun críocha an Achta seo nó i leith leanaí atá cáilithe amhlaidh nó i leith cleithiúnaí aosaithe,
[EN](ii) féadfar méideanna éagsúla a shonrú maidir leis na céatadáin éagsúla faoi bhun fiche faoin gcéad, ach, maidir le gach méid den sórt sin, ní bheidh sé níos lú ná an méid a mbeidh idir é agus an pinsean míthreorach is iomchuí do ghrád míthreorach fiche faoin gcéad (is é sin, 23s. 0d. nó 15s 6d. de réir mar is iomchuí) an chomhréir chéanna a bheidh idir an céatadán ar ina leith a shonrófar é agus fiche faoin gcéad.
[EN](10) D'ainneoin fo-alt (1) d'alt 44 den Phríomh-Acht, ní bheidh ábhar achomhairc ann in aghaidh measúnú sealadach ar mhéid na míthreorach roimh cheann dá bhliain ón dáta a dhéanfar an chéad mheasúnú ar mhéid na míthreorach sa chás, ná i gcás ina mbeidh an tréimhse uile a bheidh curtha i gcuntas leis an measúnú laistigh den dá bhliain sin.
[EN]Méadú ar shochar díobhála agus ar phinsean míchumais do chleithiúnaithe aosaithe.
10.—(1) Déanfar an ráta seachtainiúil sochair dhíobhála a mhéadú daichead scilling in aghaidh aon tréimhse—
[EN](a) a bheidh an tairbhí ina chónaí lena bhanchéile nó a bheidh sí á cothabháil ar fad nó go formhór aige, nó
[EN](b) a bheidh a fearchéile, agus é éagumasach ar é féin a chothabháil mar gheall ar laige éigin choirp nó mheabhrach, á chothabháil ar fad nó go formhór ag an tairbhí, nó
[EN](c) a bheidh an tairbhí, ar fear singil nó baintreach fir é, ag cothabháil (ar fad nó go formhór) baineannach os cionn sé bliana déag d'aois ar a mbeidh cúram linbh amháin nó níos mó ná leanbh amháin atá cáilithe chun críocha an Achta seo agus a chónaíonn leis go rialta,
[EN]faoi réir na sriantachta nach mbeidh teideal ag tairbhí in aghaidh na tréimhse céanna chun méadú sochair dhíobhála faoin alt seo i leith níos mó ná duine amháin a shonraítear i mír (c) den fho-alt seo.
[EN](2) Beidh feidhm ag fo-alt (1) den alt seo maidir le pinsean míthreorach, mar atá feidhm aige maidir le sochar díobhála, in aghaidh aon tréimhse a bheidh teideal ag an tairbhí chun forlíonadh do-fhostaitheachta nó a bheidh cóireáil ospidéil cheadaithe á fáil aige.
[EN]Méadú ar shochar díobhála agus ar phinsean míthreorach i gcás leanbh nó leanaí atá cáilithe chun críocha an Achta seo.
11.—(1) Déanfar an ráta seachtainiúil sochair dhíobhála a mhéadú trí scilling déag i leith leanbh atá cáilithe chun críocha an Achta seo nó i leith gach linbh de bheirt leanaí atá cáilithe amhlaidh a chónaíonn go rialta leis an tairbhí agus, ina theannta sin, i gcás ina mbeidh níos mó ná beirt leanbh den sórt sin ann, ocht scilling i leith gach linbh den sórt sin de bhreis ar bheirt.
[EN](2) Beidh feidhm ag fo-alt (1) den alt seo maidir le pinsean míthreorach mar atá feidhm aige maidir le sochar díobhála, in aghaidh aon tréimhse a bheidh teideal ag an tairbhí chun forlíonadh do-fhostaitheachta nó a bheidh cóireáil ospidéil cheadaithe á fáil aige.
[EN]Méadú ar phinsean míthreorach mar gheall ar dhofhostaitheacht.
12.—(1) Déanfar an ráta seachtainiúil pinsin mhíthreorach a mhéadú—
[EN](a) i gcás an tairbhí—
[EN](i) a bheith faoi bhun ocht mbliana déag d'aois, nó
[EN](ii) a bheith os cionn ocht mbliana déag d'aois agus gur bean phósta í seachas bean phósta a chónaíonn ar leith óna fearchéile agus nach féidir léi aon chúnamh airgid a fháil uaidh,
[EN]agus gan teideal aici chun méadú pinsin i leith leanbh atá cáilithe chun críocha an Achta seo ná i leith leanaí atá cáilithe amhlaidh ná i leith cleithiúnaí aosaithe— daichead scilling, agus
[EN](b) in aon chás eile—caoga a dó scilling agus sé phingin,
[EN]más rud é, mar gheall ar an gcailleadh cumais iomchuí, go bhfuil an tairbhí éagumasach chun oibre agus gur dóigh dó bheith éagumasach amhlaidh go buan.
[EN](2) (a) Chun críocha an ailt seo, féadfar a áireamh go bhfuil duine éagumasach chun oibre agus gur dóigh dó bheith éagumasach go buan chun oibre, d'ainneoin nach cailleadh cumais é de shórt a choisceann é ó bheith i gcumas oibre, más dóigh go gcoimeádfaidh sé é ó bhreis agus céad agus ceithre phunt sa bhliain a thuilleamh.
[EN](b) Sa mhír sin roimhe seo folaíonn an tagairt do thuilleamh tagairt d'aon luach saothair nó brabús ó phost sochair.
[EN](3) Beidh méadú pinsin faoin alt seo (dá ngairtear forlíonadh do-fhostaitheachta san Acht seo) iníoctha in aghaidh cibé tréimhse a chinnfear tráth a dheonaithe, ach féadfar é a athnuachan ó am go ham.
[EN]Méadú ar phinsean míthreorach i gcás inar gá síorfhreastal.
13.—(1) I gcás inar iníoctha pinsean míthreorach i leith measúnú céad faoin gcéad, ansin, más rud é, mar gheall ar an gcailleadh cumais iomchuí, go mbeidh an tairbhí i ngá síor-fhreastail, méadófar ráta seachtainiúil an phinsin de mhéid a chinnfear de réir rialachán faoi threoir mhéid agus chineál an fhreastail is gá a bheith ag an tairbhí, faoi réir na teorann nach rachaidh an méid sin thar daichead scilling, ach amháin i gcásanna dian-mhíchumais, nó ochtó scilling in aon chás.
[EN](2) Beidh méadú pinsin faoin Acht seo iníoctha in aghaidh cibé tréimhse a chinnfear tráth a dheonaithe, ach féadfar é a athnuachan ó am go ham:
[EN]Ar choinníoll nach mbeidh aon mhéadú den sórt sin iníoctha in aghaidh aon tréimhse a bheidh cóireáil leighis á fáil ag an tairbhí mar othar istigh in ospidéal nó i bhforas dá samhail.
[EN]Méadú ar shochar míthreorach le linn cóireála ospidéil ceadaithe.
14.—I gcás ina ndámhfar sochar míthreorach do dhuine, ach go measúnófar gur lú ná céad faoin gcéad méid a mhíchumais don tréimhse a chuirfear i gcuntas leis an measúnú, áireofar go bhfuil sé measúnaithe gur céad faoin gcéad méid a mhíthreorach aon chuid den tréimhse sin a gheobhfaidh sé cóireáil ospidéil cheadaithe (cibé acu roimh an measúnú a dhéanamh nó an sochar a dhámhadh nó ina dhiaidh sin é):
[EN]Ar choinníoll, i gcás méid na míthreorach a bheith measúnaithe amhlaidh ar mhéid is lú ná fiche faoin gcéad, nach ndéanfaidh an t-alt seo difear d'oibriú na bhforálacha a bhaineann le haiscí míthreorach, ach, i gcás pinsean míthreorach is iníoctha de bhua an ailt seo le duine dar dámhadh aisce míthreorach go hiomlán nó go páirteach in aghaidh na tréimhse céanna, go ndéanfar an ráta seachtainiúil pinsin (tar éis lamháil a dhéanamh i leith aon mhéadaithe dá bhforáiltear leis an Acht seo) a laghdú an méid a bhforordófar gurb é luach seachtainiúil a aisce é.
[EN]Coigeartuithe i gcás tionóiscí comhleanúnacha.
15.—(1) I gcás ina bhfulaingeoidh duine dhá thionóisc nó níos mó í ndiaidh a chéile a bhfuil sé árachaithe ina n-aghaidh le hárachas díobhálacha pearsanta—
[EN](a) ní bheidh an duine i dteideal (ar leith ó aon mhéadú sochair mar a luaitear sa chéad fho-alt eile) sochar a fháil in aghaidh na tréimhse céanna ar mhodh sochair dhíobhála agus aon phinsin mhíthreorach nó pinsean míthreorach nó ar mhodh dhá phinsean míthreorach nó níos mó, de réir ráta chomhiomláin sheachtainiúil is mó ná—
[EN](i) i gcás an duine—
[EN](I) a bheith faoi bhun ocht mbliana déag d'aois, nó
[EN](II) a bheith os cionn ocht mbliana déag d'aois agus gur bean phósta í seachas bean phósta a chónaíonn ar leith óna fearchéile agus nach féidir léi aon chúnamh airgid a fháil uaidh,
[EN]agus, más iníoctha sochar díobhála, gan teideal chun méadú sochair i leith leanbh atá cáilithe chun críocha an Achta seo nó i leith leanaí atá cáilithe amhlaidh nó i leith cleithiúnaí aosaithe nó, más iníoctha pinsin mhíthreorach, nach mbeadh i dteideal amhlaidh dá mba shochar díobhála agus nár phinsin mhíthreorach ab iníoctha—seachtó a seacht scilling agus sé phingin, agus
[EN](ii) in aon chás eile—céad agus cúig scilling déag,
[EN](b) an fhoráil den Acht seo a eisceann ceart chun sochair dhíobhála don chéad trí lá míchumais de dheasca na tionóisce iomchuí mura bhfuil dhá lá dhéag den sórt sin ann i gcaitheamh na tréimhse sochair dhíobhála beidh feidhm aici, maidir le dhá thionóisc nó níos mó a tharlóidh i gceann eatramh nach faide ná trí sheachtain déag a mbeidh an duine éagumasach chun oibre dá ndeasca lá éigin i gcaitheamh a tréimhse sochair dhíobhála, ionas go gceadófar go gcuirfí i gcuntas, d'fhonn an dá lá dhéag a dúradh a dhéanamh suas i gcás gach tionóisce acu sin, aon laethanta a fhéadfar a chur i gcuntas amhlaidh i gcás aon chinn eile acu,
[EN](c) féadfaidh foráil a bheith i rialacháin chun coigeartú a dhéanamh—
[EN](i) ar shochar díobhála nó sochar míthreorach, nó ar na coinníollacha lena fháil, in aon chás ina bhfuair an duine aisce mhíthreorach nó ina bhféadfadh teideal a bheith aige chuici,
[EN](ii) ar aon mhéadú sochair den sórt a luaitear sa chéad fho-alt eile, nó ar na coinníollacha lena fháil.
[EN](2) Na méaduithe sochair dá dtagraítear san fho-alt sin roimhe seo is méaduithe iad ar an ráta sochair dhíobhála nó an phinsin mhíthreorach faoi ailt 10, 11, 12 agus 13 den Acht seo.
[EN]Teideal chun sochair bháis.
16.—Faoi réir forálacha na nAchtanna, i gcás duine árachaithe d'éag de dheasca díobháil phearsanta a bhain dó an lá ceaptha nó dá éis mar gheall ar thionóisc a tharla de dhroim agus i gcúrsa a fhostaíochta, arbh fhostaíocht inárachaithe (díobhálacha ceirde) í, beidh sochar báis iníoctha mar a fhoráiltear sna chéad sé alt eile ina dhiaidh seo.
[EN]Sochar báis— baintreacha.
17.—(1) Beidh baintreach an éagaigh i dteideal sochair bháis más rud é go raibh sí, tráth a bháis, ina cónaí leis nó go raibh sí, nó go mbeadh sí mura mbeadh an tionóisc iomchuí, á cothabháil ar fad nó go formhór aige.
[EN](2) I gcás baintrí, is é a bheidh i sochar báis pinsean de réir ráta sheachtainiúil nócha agus cúig scilling.
[EN](3) Ní bheidh pinsean faoin alt seo iníoctha in aghaidh aon tréimhse tar éis don bhaintreach athphósadh.
[EN](4) Beidh baintreach dícháilithe chun pinsean a fháil faoin alt seo má bhíonn sí féin, agus an fad a bheidh sí féin, agus aon duine ag maireachtáil i bhfochair a chéile mar lánúin phósta.
[EN]Sochar báis— baintreacha fir.
18.—(1) Beidh baintreach fir an éagaigh i dteideal sochair bháis más rud é go raibh sé, tráth a báis, á chothabháil ar fad nó go formhór aici nó go mbeadh sé á chothabháil amhlaidh mura mbeadh an tionóisc iomchuí.
[EN](2) I gcás baintreach fir a bhí, ar bhás an éagaigh, éagumasach ar é féin a chothabháil mar gheall ar easláine éigin choirp nó mheabhrach agus ar dóigh dó a bheith éagumasach amhlaidh go buan, is é a bheidh i sochar báis pinsean de réir ráta sheachtainiúil nócha agus cúig scilling.
[EN](3) I gcás aon bhaintreach fir eile, is é a bheidh i sochar báis aisce dhá chéad daichead agus seacht bpunt.
[EN](4) Ní bheidh pinsean faoin alt seo iníoctha in aghaidh aon tréimhse tar éis an duine lenarb iníoctha é scor de bheith éagumasach ar é féin a chothabháil mar gheall ar easláine éigin choirp nó mheabhrach.
[EN]Sochar báis— pinsean baintrí nó baintrí fir a mhéadú i leith leanbh nó leanaí atá cáilithe chun críocha an Achta seo.
19.—Déanfar ráta seachtainiúil pinsin faoi alt 17 nó alt 18 den Acht seo a mhéadú trí scilling déag i leith leanbh atá cáilithe chun críocha an Achta seo nó i leith gach linbh de bheirt leanbh atá cáilithe amhlaidh agus a chónaíonn go rialta leis an tairbhí agus—
[EN](a) a chónaigh go rialta leis an tairbhí nó leis an éagach díreach roimh bhás an éagaigh, nó
[EN](b) is leanbh, ua nó leas-leanbh, nó leanaí, uanna nó leasleanaí, leis an éagach nó leis an tairbhí, agus a tháining chun cónaí go rialta leis an tairbhí tar éis bhás an éagaigh, nó
[EN](c) a d'uchtaigh an tairbhí de bhun forálacha na nAchtanna Uchtála, 1952 agus 1964, tar éis bhás an éagaigh,
[EN]agus, ina theannta sin, i gcás ina mbeidh níos mó ná beirt leanbh den sórt sin ann, méadófar é ocht scilling i leith gach linbh den sórt sin de bhreis ar bheirt.
[EN]Sochar báis— tuismitheoirí.
20.—(1) Beidh tuismitheoir de chuid an éagaigh i dteideal sochair bháis más rud é, ar bhás an éagaigh, go raibh seisean nó sise, á chothabháil nó á cothabháil ar fad nó go formhór ag an éagach, nó go mbeadh seisean á chothabháil amhlaidh nó sise á cothabháil amhlaidh mura mbeadh an tionóisc iomchuí.
[EN](2) I gcás tuismitheora, má ba dhuine pósta an t-éagach tráth an bháis, is é a bheidh i sochar báis pinsean de réir ráta sheachtainiúil ceithre scilling agus fiche.
[EN](3) I gcás tuismitheora, má ba bhaintreach fir nó baintreach nó duine neamhphósta an t-éagach tráth an bháis, is é a bheidh i sochair báis—
[EN](a) i gcás inarb é an t-athair an tuismitheoir—pinsean de réir ráta sheachtainiúil nócha agus cúig scilling i gcás é a bheith, ar bhás an éagaigh, éagumasach ar é féin a chothabháil mar gheall ar easláine éigin choirp nó mheabhrach agus gur dóigh dó a bheith éagumasach amhlaidh go buan agus de réir ráta sheachtainiúil ceithre scilling is fiche in aon chás eile,
[EN](b) i gcás inarb í an mháthair an tuismitheoir, agus í, ar bhás an éagaigh, ina baintreach nó a theacht chun bheith ina baintreach dá éis sin—pinsean de réir ráta sheachtainiúil nócha agus cúig scilling,
[EN](c) i gcás inarb í an mháthar an tuismitheoir agus nach baintreach í—pinsean de réir ráta sheachtainiúil ceithre scilling agus fiche i gcás pinsean de réir ráta sheachtainiúil nócha agus cúig scilling a bheith iníoctha lena fearchéile faoi mhír (a) den fho-alt seo agus de réir ráta sheachtainiúil nócha agus cúig scilling in aon chás eile.
[EN](4) I gcás duine lenarb iníoctha pinsean de réir ráta sheachtainiúil nócha agus cúig scilling faoi mhír (a) den fho-alt sin roimhe seo scor tráth ar bith de bheith éagumasach ar é féin a chothabháil mar gheall ar easláine éigin choirp nó mheabhrach, is de réir ráta sheachtainiúil ceithre scilling agus fiche a bheidh an pinsean iníoctha ina dhiaidh sin agus, más rud é go mbeidh pinsean de réir ráta sheachtainiúil ceithre scilling agus fiche iníoctha an tráth sin lena bhanchéile faoi mhír (c) den fho-alt sin, is de réir ráta sheachtainiúil nócha agus cúig scilling a bheidh an pinsean sin iníoctha ina dhiaidh sin.
[EN](5) I gcás ina raibh tuismitheoir á chothabháil go páirteach ag gach duine de bheirt daoine árachaithe nó níos mó a d'éag de dheasca tionóiscí a tharla de dhroim agus i gcúrsa a bhfostaíochtaí ab fhostaíochtaí inárachaithe (díobhálacha ceirde), féadfar a áireamh chun críocha an ailt seo go bhfuair an tuismitheoir ón duine ba dhéanaí a d'éag de na daoine árachaithe sin ranníocaí i leith a chothabhála nó a cothabhála is comhionann leis an méid comhshuimithe a bhí á ranníoc i dteannta a chéile ag na daoine árachaithe sin sular tharla an tionóisc agus nach bhfuair sé nó sí aon rud ón duine nó ó na daoine eile.
[EN](6) Aon phinsean ab iníoctha faoin alt seo le bean ar bhaintreach nó bean neamhphósta í tráth an t-éagach d'éag ní bheidh sé iníoctha in aghaidh aon tréimhse tar éis a hathphósta nó a pósta.
[EN](7) Beidh baintreach nó bean neamhphósta dícháilithe chun pinsean a fháil faoin alt seo má bhíonn sí féin, agus an fad a bheidh sí féin, agus aon duine ag maireachtáil i bhfochair a chéile mar lánúin phósta.
[EN](8) (a) Maidir le “tuismitheoir” sna fo-ailt sin roimhe seo den alt seo—
[EN](i) má uchtaíodh an t-éagach de bhun forálacha na nAchtanna Uchtála, 1952 agus 1964, measfar go dtagraíonn sé do na huchtaitheoirí nó don uchtaitheoir, agus
[EN](ii) folaíonn sé leastuismitheoir, agus forléireofar dá réir sin “athair” agus “máthair”.
[EN](b) Faoi réir fhomhír (i) den mhír sin roimhe seo, measfar, má ba dhuine neamhdhlisteanach an t-éagach, gur do mháthair an éagaigh a thagraíonn “tuismitheoir” sna fo-ailt sin roimhe seo den alt seo.
[EN]Sochar báis— dílleachtaí atá cáilithe chun críocha an Achta seo.
21.—(1) Beidh sochar báis iníoctha i gcás dílleachta atá cáilithe chun críocha an Achta seo agus is leanbh nó leas-leanbh de chuid an éagaigh, agus i leith dílleachta atá cáilithe amhlaidh agus a bhí á chothabháil go hiomlán nó go formhór ag an éagach ar dháta a bháis.
[EN](2) I gcás dílleachta, is é a bheidh i sochar báis pinsean de réir ráta sheachtainiúil seacht scilling agus daichead is sé phingin.
[EN](3) Beidh feidhm ag alt 24 den Phríomh-Acht maidir le pinsean faoin alt seo mar atá feidhm aige maidir le liúntas dílleachta (ranníocach).
[EN]Sochar báis— costais sochraide.
22.—(1) Beidh sochar báis ar mhodh caoga punt de dheontas i leith costas sochraide iníoctha, faoi réir na bhforálacha ina dhiaidh seo den alt seo, i leith báis an éagaigh.
[EN](2) I gcás ar bith den sórt sin a shonrófar le rialacha, forléireofar an tagairt do chaoga punt i bhfo-alt (1) den alt seo mar thagairt do cibé méid is lú ná caoga punt a shonrófar leis na rialacháin i leith an cháis sin.
[EN](3) Ach amháin i gcás ina bhforálfaidh rialacháin a mhalairt, ní bheidh deontas faoin alt seo iníoctha i leith bás a tharlóidh lasmuigh den Stát.
[EN]Árachas in aghaidh galar forordaithe agus díobhálacha nach tionóisc is cúis leo.
23.—(1) Faoi réir forálacha an ailt seo, duine atá árachaithe faoi na hAchtanna in aghaidh díobhála pearsanta arbh é is cúis léi tionóisc a tharla de dhroim agus i gcúrsa a fhostaíochta beidh sé árachaithe freisin in aghaidh aon ghalair fhorordaithe agus in aghaidh aon díobhála pearsanta forordaithe nach é sin is cúis leis nó léi, is galar nó díobháil de bharr cineál na fostaíochta sin agus a tolgadh an lá ceaptha nó dá éis.
[EN](2) Déanfar galar nó díobháil a fhorordú chun críocha an ailt seo maidir le haon daoine árachaithe, más deimhin leis an Aire—
[EN](a) gur chóir a áireamh, ag féachaint do na cúiseanna a bhí leis nó léi agus d'aon nithe iomchuí eile, gur fiontar é nó í a ghabhann lena slí bheatha agus nach fiontar é nó í a bhaineann i gcoitinne le gach uile dhuine, agus
[EN](b) gur galar nó díobháil é nó í de shórt ar féidir, d'éagmais imthosca speisialta, a chruthú nó a thoimhdeadh le cinnteacht réasúnach gurb é cineál na fostaíochta is cúis le cásanna áirithe den ghalar nó den díobháil sin.
[EN](3) Féadfaidh rialacháin a fhorordóidh aon ghalar nó díobháil chun críocha an ailt seo a fhoráil, maidir le duine a tholg an galar nó an díobháil tráth ar bith tar éis dáta a shonraítear sna rialacháin, is dáta roimh dháta na rialacháin a theacht i bhfeidhm ach nach dáta roimh an lá ceaptha, go ndéileálfar leis an duine sin chun críocha an ailt seo, faoi réir aon mhodhnuithe forordaithe, ionann agus dá mbeadh na rialacháin i bhfeidhm nuair a tholg sé an galar nó an díobháil.
[EN](4) Féadfar foráil a dhéanamh le rialacháin chun a chinneadh cad é an tráth a mbeidh sé le háireamh chun críocha na nAchtanna a tholg duine aon díobháil nó galar a fhorordófar chun críocha an ailt seo, agus maidir le haon ghalar nó díobháil den sórt sin, i gcás an duine a bheidh i gceist d'fhulaingt uaidh nó uaithi roimhe sin, cad iad na himthosca a mbeidh sé le háireamh go bhfuil sé nó sí tagtha in athchúrsa ar an duine sin, nó tolgtha aige, nó tar éis tarlú dó, an athuair.
[EN](5) Is é an sochar is iníochta de bhun an ailt seo maidir le galar forordaithe nó díobháil fhorordaithe an sochar is iníochta, agus is iad na coinníollacha a bhaineann le fáil an tsochair sin na coinníollacha ag a mbeidh feidhm, i gcás díobhála pearsanta ó thionóisc a tharla de dhroim agus i gcúrsa fostaíochta duine, ach sin faoi réir na cumhachta chun foráil dá mhalairt a dhéanamh le rialacháin maidir le haon ábhar a bheidh le forordú agus faoi réir na bhforálacha seo a leanas den alt seo.
[EN](6) Féadfaidh foráil a bheith i rialacháin, i ndáil le galair fhorordaithe agus díobhálacha forordaithe, chun forálacha an Achta seo maidir le sochar díobhála agus sochar míthreorach a mhodhnú agus chun tagairtí san Acht seo do thionóiscí a oiriúnú, agus chun forálacha na nAchtanna a mhodhnú ina bhfeidhm maidir le héilimh ar shochar agus maidir le ceisteanna a éireoidh i ndáil leis an gcéanna nó i ndáil le dámhachtain sochair ar aon éileamh den sórt sin.
[EN](7) Gan dochar do ghinearáltacht an fho-ailt sin roimhe seo, féadfaidh, go sonrach, foráil a bheith sna rialacháin sin—
[EN](a) chun go dtoimhdeofar i gcás aon ghalair fhorordaithe nó aon díobhála forordaithe—
[EN](i) gurb é is trúig leis nó léi, mura gcruthófar a mhalairt, cineál fostaíochta duine i gcás é bheith fostaithe le haon slí bheatha forordaithe an tráth a tholg sé an galar nó an díobháil nó laistigh de thréimhse fhorordaithe nó ar feadh faid fhorordaithe ama (cibé acu comhleanúnach dó nó nach ea) sular tholg sé an galar nó an díobháil;
[EN](ii) gurb é cineál fostaíochta duine is trúig leis nó léi mura raibh sé ar fostú le fostaíocht fhorordaithe éigin an tráth a tholg sé an galar nó an díobháil nó laistigh de thréimhse fhorordaithe nó ar feadh faid fhorordaithe ama (cibé acu comhleanúnach dó nó nach ea) sular tholg sé an galar nó an díobháil;
[EN](b) le haghaidh cibé nithe is dóigh leis an Aire a bheith foghabhálach nó iarmartach maidir le forálacha a bheidh sna rialacháin de bhua na bhforálacha sin roimhe seo den alt seo.
[EN](8) Ní dhéanfaidh aon ní san alt seo difear do cheart aon duine chun sochair maidir le galar is díobháil phearsanta ó thionóisc de réir brí an Achta seo, ach amháin nach mbeidh duine i dteideal sochair i leith galair ionann is gur díobháil é ó thionóisc a tharla de dhroim agus i gcúrsa aon fhostaíochta más rud é tráth na tionóisce gur ghalar forordaithe maidir leis an galar de bhua na slí bheatha dá raibh sé ag gabháil san fhostaíocht sin.
[EN]Forlíonadh ar íocaíochtaí cúitimh do lucht oibre.
24.—(1) Beidh foráil i rialacháin chun go dtabharfar do dhaoine—
[EN](a) atá nó a bhí an 1ú lá de Dheireadh Fómhair, 1965, nó dá éis sin, i dteideal íocaíochtaí seachtainiúla ar mhodh cúitimh faoi na hAchtanna um Chúiteamh do Lucht Oibre i leith aon díobhála nó galair, agus
[EN](b) atá, nó a bhféadfaí a áireamh chun críche na bhforálacha den Acht seo a bhaineann le forlíonadh dofhostaitheachta go bhfuil siad éagumasach chun oibre, agus gur dóigh dóibh a bheith éagumasach amhlaidh go buan, de dheasca na díobhála nó an ghalair,an ceart céanna chun íocaíochtaí faoin Acht seo ar mhodh forlíonadh do-fhostaitheachta agus an ceart céanna chun íocaíochtaí faoin Acht seo i leith linbh nó cleithiúnaí aosaithe ionann is dá mba dhíobháil nó galar a mbeadh pinsean míthreorach iníoctha de thuras na huaire ina leith an díobháil nó an galar.
[EN](2) Beidh foráil freisin i rialacháin chun go dtabharfar do dhaoine—
[EN](a) atá nó a bhí an 1ú lá de Dheireadh Fómhair, 1965, nó dá éis sin, i dteideal íocaíochtaí seachtainiúla ar mhodh cúitimh faoi na hAchtanna um Chúiteamh do Lucht Oibre i leith aon díobhála nó galair, agus
[EN](b) a mbíonn síor-fhreastal ag teastáil uathu mar gheall ar an díobháil nó an galar sin,
[EN]an ceart céanna chun íocaíochtaí faoin Acht seo i ndáil leis an ngá le síor-fhreastal ionann agus dá mba dhíobháil nó galar é arbh iníoctha pinsean míthreorach maidir leis de thuras na huaire i leith measúnacht chéad faoin gcéad.
[EN](3) Féadfaidh foráil a bheith sna rialacháin sin freisin chun go ndéanfar, i ndáil le híocaíochtaí faoin alt seo, na forálacha de na hAchtanna a bhaineann le sochar agus le héilimh a dhéanamh agus le héilimh agus ceisteanna a chinneadh sa mhéid go mbeidh feidhm ag na forálacha sin maidir le forlíonadh do-fhostaitheachta a chur chun feidhme maidir le méadú ar phinsean míthreorach i leith linbh nó cleithiúnaí aosaithe, nó maidir le méadú ar phinsean míthreorach i ndáil leis an ngá le síor-fhreastal, de réir mar a bheidh, faoi réir aon bhreisithe nó modhnuithe.
[EN](4) Ní dhéanfar aon íocaíocht faoin alt seo in aghaidh aon tréimhse roimh an lá ceaptha.
[EN](5) Déanfar gach íocaíocht faoin alt seo a íoc amach as Ciste na nDíobhálacha Ceirde.
[EN]Gan sochair a dhul thar tuilleamh roimh thionóisc.
25.—(1) Ní rachaidh an ráta seachtainiúil sochair dhíobhála, lena n-áirítear aon mhéadú air, ná an ráta seachtainiúil pinsin mhíthreorach, lena n-áirítear aon mhéadú air, thar tuilleamh seachtainiúil an tairbhí ó fhostaíocht inárachaithe (díobhálacha ceirde) tráth na tionóisce iomchuí.
[EN](2) Más rud é, maidir le hiomlán nó le cuid d'aon tseachtain a bhfuil tairbhí i dteideal pinsean míthreorach a íoc leis ina haghaidh, go mbeidh aon cheann acu seo a leanas iníoctha leis freisin ina haghaidh—
[EN](a) sochar míchumais,
[EN](b) sochar dífhostaíochta,
[EN](c) cúnamh dífhostaíochta faoi na hAchtanna um Chúnamh Dífhostaíochta, 1933 go 1965,
[EN]agus mura mbeadh sin go mbeadh barrachas ag comhshuim an dá íocaíocht ar thuilleamh seachtainiúil an tairbhí ó fhostaíocht inárachaithe (díobhálacha ceirde) tráth na tionóisce iomchuí, déanfar ráta seachtainiúil an phinsin mhíthreorach, lena n-áirítear aon mhéadú air, a laghdú i leith na seachtaine sin de mhéid an bharrachais.
[EN](3) Beidh na fo-ailt sin roimhe seo den alt seo faoi réir an choinníll nach ndéanfar i gcás ar bith an ráta is iníoctha, lena n-áirítear aon mhéadú air, a laghdú faoi bhun—
[EN](a) i gcás an tairbhí—
[EN](i) a bheith faoi bhun ocht mbliana déag d'aois, nó
[EN](ii) a bheith os cionn ocht mbliana déag d'aois agus gur bean phósta í seachas bean phósta a chónaíonn ar leith óna fearchéile agus nach féidir léi aon chúnamh airgid a fháil uaidh,
[EN]agus, i gcás sochar díobhála a bheith iníoctha, gan teideal aici chun méadú sochair i leith leanbh atá cáilithe chun críocha an Achta seo ná i leith leanaí atá cáillithe amhlaidh ná i leith cleithiúnaí aosaithe ná, i gcás pinsean míthreorach a bheith iníoctha, nach mbeadh sí i dteideal amhlaidh dá mba shochar díobhála agus nár phinsean míthreorach ab iníoctha— cúig scilling déag agus sé phingin, agus
[EN](b) in aon chás eile—trí scilling agus fiche.
[EN](4) Chun críocha na bhfo-alt sin roimhe seo den alt seo, is é tuilleamh seachtainiúil duine ó fhostaíocht inárachaithe (díobhálacha ceirde) tráth na tionóisce iomchuí a ráta luach saothair an tráth sin in aghaidh gnáth-sheachtaine iomláine oibre leis an bhfostaíocht inar tharla an tionóisc, agus gan aird a thabhairt ar bhreis-am chun na críche sin, nó, mura raibh sé fostaithe go lánaimseartha leis an bhfostaíocht sin tráth na tionóisce iomchuí, an ráta luach saothair a chuirfeadh a fhostóir ar fáil i leith gnáthsheachtaine iomláine oibre leis an bhfostaíocht sin, agus gan aird a thabhairt ar bhreis-am:
[EN]Ar choinníoll—
[EN](a) i gcás luach saothair a bheith á fháil ag duine ar shlí seachas de réir ráta sheachtainiúil, gurb é tuilleamh seachtainiúil an duine sin ó fhostaíocht inárachaithe (díobhálacha ceirde) tráth na tionóisce iomchuí ráta an luach saothair a thuillfeadh sé in aghaidh ghnáthsheachtaine iomláine oibre leis an bhfostaíocht sin, agus gan aird a thabhairt ar bhreis-am,
[EN](b) i gcás nach indéanta, mar gheall ar gur chorrfhostaíocht an fhostaíocht nó mar gheall ar théarmaí na fostaíochta, an ráta luach saothair a ríomh a chuirfeadh an fostóir ar fáil in aghaidh gnáth-sheachtaine iomláine oibre tráth na tionóisce iomchuí, go bhféadfar aird a thabhairt ar an méid seachtainiúil a bhí á thuilleamh an tráth sin ag duine a bhí fostaithe leis an obair chéanna ag an bhfostóir céanna, nó mura raibh aon duine fostaithe amhlaidh, ag duine sa ghrád céanna a bhí fostaithe leis an aicme chéanna fostaíochta agus sa cheantar céanna, agus
[EN](c) chun críocha fho-alt (1) den alt seo i gcás pinsin mhíthreorach agus chun críocha fho-alt (2) den alt seo, go bhféadfar an luach saothair seachtainiúil, agus gan aird a thabhairt ar bhreis-am, a cuireadh ar fáil i gcaitheamh aon tréimhse tar éis na tionóisce iomchuí i bhfostaíocht lena raibh duine fostaithe tráth na tionóisce iomchuí a chur, maidir leis an tréimhse sin, in ionad a thuillimh sheachtainiúil iarbhír tráth na tionóisce iomchuí más tairbhiúla sin dó; agus go gcuirfear sa chuntas chun na críche sin (más iomchuí) ionchas réasúnach an duine sin dul ar aghaidh chun lánráta luach saothair duine aosaithe a fháil.
[EN](5) Más rud é—
[EN](a) go bhfuil duine, de bhua rialachán faoi alt 24 den Acht seo, i dteideal íocaíochtaí seachtainiúla faoin Acht seo, agus
[EN](b) go bhfuil barrachas ag méid aon íocaíochta nó íocaíochtaí den sórt sin in aghaidh aon tseachtaine mar aon leis an íocaíocht sheachtainiúil cúitimh a bhfuil sé ina theideal faoi na hAchtanna um Chúiteamh do Lucht Oibre (nó i gcás inar scoir sé de bheith i dteideal íocaíochtaí seachtainiúla cúitimh faoi na hAchtanna sin, an íocaíocht sheachtainiúil deiridh acu sin) ar mhéid an tuillimh sheachtainiúil, agus gan aird a thabhairt ar bhreis-am, a cuireadh ar fáil de thuras na huaire san fhostaíocht inar tharla an tíonóisc iomchuí nó ar mar gheall ar a cinéal a tolgadh an galar iomchuí, agus ionchas réasúnach duine chun lánráta luach saothair duine aosaithe a fháil a chur sa chuntas chun na críche sin (más iomchuí).
[EN]déanfar méid na híocaíochta nó na n-íocaíochtaí seachtainiúla faoin Acht seo in aghaidh na seachtaine sin a laghdú méid an bharrachais.
[EN]San fho-alt seo ciallaíonn “tionóisc iomchuí” an tionóisc ar ina leith a tháinig an íocaíocht sheachtainiúil chúitimh chun bheith iníoctha agus ciallaíonn “galar iomchuí” an galar ar ina leith a tháinig an íocaíocht sin chun bheith iníoctha.
[EN](6) Chun críocha an ailt seo, i gcás inarb é atá i méid an tuillimh sheachtainiúil slánuimhir scillingí agus cuid de scilling, glacfar gurb í an chéad slánuimhir eile scillingí is mó an méid sin.
[EN]Costas cúram liachta a íoc.
26.—(1) Faoi réir forálacha an ailt seo, déanfar costas an chúraim liachta a mheasfaidh an tAire a thabhaigh duine árachaithe go réasúnach agus go riachtanach de dheasca díobháil nó galar a raibh sé, nuair a bhain sí dó nó nuair a tholg sé é, faoi árachas ina haghaidh nó ina aghaidh faoi na hAchtanna a íoc amach as Ciste na nDíobhálacha Ceirde a mhéid nach nglanfar an costas sin faoi na hAchtanna Sláinte, 1947 go 1966, nó faoi na hAchtanna Cóireála Meabhair-Ghalar, 1945 go 1966, nó faoi rialacháin faoi alt 25 den Phríomh-Acht.
[EN](2) I gcás ina mbeidh an duine árachaithe cáilithe chun leas a bhaint dó féin as seirbhísí arna soláthar faoi na hAchtanna Sláinte, 1947 go 1966, nó faoi na hAchtanna Cóireála Meabhair-Ghalar, 1945 go 1966, nó as sochar cóireála faoi rialacháin arna ndéanamh faoi alt 25 den Phríomh-Acht, ach nach ndéanfaidh sé amhlaidh, ní rachaidh an méid is iníoctha faoin alt seo thar an méid ab iníoctha dá mba rud é gur bhain sé leas as na seirbhísí nó an sochar sin.
[EN](3) I gcás ina bhfaighidh duine árachaithe cúram liachta i gcaitheamh aon tréimhse a bheidh sé ina othar istigh in ospidéal nó i bhforas dá shamhail, ní rachaidh an méid is iníoctha faoin alt seo i leith an chúraim sin thar—
[EN](a) an méid uasta ab inmhuirir faoi fho-alt (4) d'alt 15 den Acht Sláinte, 1953, i gcás duine árachaithe a gcuirfí na seirbhísí forais arna soláthar faoin alt sin ar fáil dó in aghaidh na tréimhse sin, nó
[EN](b) an méid uasta ab inmhuirir faoin alt 231A den Acht Cóireála Meabhair-Ghalar, 1945, i gcás duine árachaithe a gcuirfí cúnamh ospidéil meabhair-ghalar ar fáil dó in aghaidh na tréimhse sin,
[EN]cibé méid acu sin is iomchuí.
[EN](4) An méid is iníoctha faoin alt seo i leith cúram liachta a cuireadh ar fáil ar shlí seachas i gcaitheamh tréimhse a bhí an duine árachaithe ina othar istigh in ospidéal nó i bhforas dá shamhail is é a bheidh ann cibé suim a mheasfaidh an tAire is iomchuí don chúram a tugadh dó, ag féachaint don ghá réasúnach a bhí leis an gcúram sin agus don táille is gnách ina leith, ach, i gcás scrúdú X-gha nó seirbhíse speisialta eile, ní rachaidh an méid is iníoctha amhlaidh thar an méid uasta ab inmhuirir faoi fho-alt (5) d'alt 15 den Acht Sláinte, 1953, i gcás duine árachaithe.
[EN](5) I gcás ina dteastóidh cúram liachta ó dhuine árachaithe de dheasca díobháil nó galar a raibh sé árachaithe ina haghaidh nó ina aghaidh faoi na hAchtanna an tráth a bhain an díobháil dó nó a tholg sé an galar, déanfaidh seisean nó cibé duine eile a bheidh forordaithe fógra i scríbhinn a thabhairt don Aire, laistigh de cibé tréimhse a bheidh forordaithe, i dtaobh an chúraim a bheidh ag teastáil uaidh, agus tabharfaidh sé cibé sonraí a iarrfar i dtaobh an chúraim sin, agus ní dhéanfar aon íocaíocht faoin alt seo mura dtabharfar an fógra agus, má iarrtar aon sonraí mar a dúradh, na sonraí sin.
[EN](6) I gcás ina dtabharfar fógra faoin bhfo-alt sin roimhe seo, féadfar a cheangal ar an duine árachaithe dul faoi scrúdú dochtúra d'fhonn a chruthú gur gá an cúram liachta de dheasca na tionóisce nó an ghalair iomchuí agus gur cúram é atá réasúnach ina chás, agus ní dhéanfar aon íocaíocht faoin alt seo mura gcomhlíonfaidh sé an ceanglas.
[EN](7) Is le cibé daoine is iomchuí leis an Aire a dhéanfar íocaíochtaí faoin alt seo agus go sonrach, más d'údarás sláinte a bheidh costas an chúraim liachta faoin alt seo dlite, féadfar íocaíocht a dhéanamh leis an údarás sin.
[EN](8) Féadfaidh foráil a bheith i rialacháin chun go gcuirfear chun feidhme maidir le híocaíochtaí faoin alt seo aon cheann d'fhorálacha na nAchtanna a bhaineann le sochair agus le héilimh a dhéanamh, faoi réir aon bhreisithe nó modhnuithe.
[EN](9) Chun críocha an ailt seo áireofar ar chúram liachta, faoi réir aon bhreisithe a fhéadfar a dhéanamh le rialacháin,—
[EN](a) cúram gnáthdhochtúra agus cúram sainliachta, lena n-áirítear cuairteanna baile,
[EN](b) cúram altranais sa bhaile ach amháin i gcás ina nglanfar an costas trí mhéadú faoi alt 13 den Acht i leith síorfhreastail, agus cúram altranais agus cothabháil in ospidéil, i dtithe téarnaimh, i sanatoria nó i bhforais liachta eile,
[EN](c) soláthairtí cógaiseoireachta agus soláthairtí liachta nó máinliachta eile, lena n-áirítear fearais phróistéiteacha agus chluasfhearais, arna bhforordú ag liachleachtóir cláraithe, iad sin a choinneáil i ndeisriocht, agus iad a athsholáthar nuair is gá sin,
[EN](d) déadchóireáil agus déadfhearais agus súilchóireáil agus súilfhearais,
[EN](e) cúram, ar oideas liachleachtóra chláraithe, ag comhaltaí de ghairmeacha atá gaolmhar do ghairm na liachta, lena n-áirítear fisiteiripithe agus cosleá.
[EN]Fógra i dtaobh tionóiscí.
27.—(1) Féadfaidh foráil a bheith i rialacháin á cheangal ar an duine árachaithe an fógra forordaithe a thabhairt laistigh den tréimhse fhorordaithe faoi aon tionóisc a bhféadfadh sochar díobhálacha ceirde nó aon mhéid faoi alt 26 den Acht seo a bheith iníoctha ina leith, nó, más rud é go bhfaighidh sé bás de dheasca na tionóisce laistigh den tréimhse sin, ar cibé duine eile a bheidh forordaithe an fógra sin a thabhairt d'fhostóir an duine árachaithe nó don duine forordaithe eile.
[EN](2) Má mhainnítear gan chúis mhaith an fógra forordaithe a thabhairt dá dtagraítear san fho-alt sin roimhe seo (lena n-áirítear, i gcás éileamh ar shochar báis, mainneachtain ag duine éigin eile an fógra forordaithe faoin tionóisc iomchuí a thabhairt) féadfar foráil a bheith i rialacháin le haghaidh dícháiliú chun sochar díobhálacha ceirde nó aon mhéid a fháil faoi alt 26 den Acht seo in aghaidh cibé tréimhse a chinnfear de réir na rialachán.
[EN]Fostóirí do thuairisciú tionóiscí.
28.—Féadfaidh foráil a bheith i rialacháin á cheangal ar fhostóirí—
[EN](a) tuarascálacha a thabhairt, do cibé duine agus i cibé foirm agus laistigh de cibé am a fhorordófar, i dtaobh tionóiscí a bhféadfadh sochar díobhálacha ceirde nó aon mhéid faoi alt 26 den Acht seo a bheith iníoctha ina leith,
[EN](b) aon eolas a thabhairt don duine forordaithe is gá le haghaidh cinneadh a dhéanamh ar éilimh ar shochar díobhálacha ceirde nó ar cheisteanna a éireoidh i ndáil le héilimh ar an sochar sin nó i ndáil leis an sochar sin a dhámhachtain,
[EN](c) cibé bearta eile a dhéanamh a fhorordófar chun a urasú fógraí a thabhairt i dtaobh tionóiscí a bhféadfadh sochar díobhálacha ceirde nó aon mhéid faoi alt 26 den Acht seo a bheith iníoctha ina leith, éilimh a dhéanamh ar an sochar sin, agus cinneadh a dhéanamh as éilimh ar an sochar sin agus ar cheisteanna a éireoidh i ndáil le héilimh ar an sochar sin nó i ndáil leis an sochar sin a dhámhachtain.
[EN]Dearbhú gur tionóisc cheirde tionóisc áirithe.
29.—(1) Más rud é, maidir le haon éileamh ar shochar díobhálacha ceirde, go gcinnfear gur thionóisc cheirde nó nárbh ea an tionóisc iomchuí déanfar agus taifeadfar dearbhú sainráite ar an ní sin agus (faoi réir forálacha fho-alt (3) den alt seo) beidh sé de theideal ag an éilitheoir go ndéanfaí cinneadh ar an gceist i dtaobh an tionóisc iomchuí a bheith ina tionóisc cheirde d'ainneoin go ndiúltófar ar fhorais eile dá éileamh.
[EN](2) Faoi réir forálacha an chéad fho-ailt eile ina dhiaidh seo, beidh duine a fhulaingíonn ó dhíobháil phearsanta de dheasca tionóisce i dteideal, má éilíonn sé gur tionóisc cheirde an tionóisc, go ndéanfar cinneadh ar an gceist sin, agus go ndéanfar dearbhú agus go dtaifeadfar é dá réir sin, d'ainneoin nach mbeidh aon éileamh déanta ar shochar díobhálacha ceirde ar maidir leis a éiríonn an cheist, agus beidh feidhm ag forálacha na nAchtanna chun na críche sin ionann agus dá mba rud é gur maidir le héileamh ar shochar díobhálacha ceirde a d'éirigh an cheist.
[EN](3) D'ainneoin aon ní atá sna fo-ailt sin roimhe seo den alt seo, féadfaidh an t-oifigeach breithiúnachta nó an t-oifigeach achomhairc, cibé acu é, diúltú cinneadh a dhéanamh ar an gceist i dtaobh ar thionóisc cheirde tionóisc áirithe más deimhin leis nach dócha go mbeidh sé riachtanach an cheist a chinneadh chun críocha aon éilimh ar shochar díobhálacha ceirde, ach aon diúltú den sórt sin ag oifigeach breithiúnachta déanfar, ar fhógra achomhairc a thabhairt don Aire laistigh den tréimhse fhorordaithe, é a tharchur chun oifigeach achomhairc.
[EN](4) Faoi réir forálacha na nAchtanna maidir le hachomharc agus athbhreithniú, beidh aon dearbhú faoin alt seo á dhearbhú gur thionóisc cheirde nó nárbh ea tionóisc áirithe críochnaitheach chun críocha aon éilimh ar shochar díobhálacha ceirde maidir leis an tionóisc sin, cibé acu arb é nó nach é an t-éilitheoir an duine arb ar a thionscnamh a rinneadh an dearbhú.
[EN](5) Chun críocha an ailt seo, aon tionóisc a bhfulaingíonn duine díobháil phearsanta dá dheasca measfar gur tionóisc cheirde í maidir leis an duine sin más rud é—
[EN](a) gur tharla sí de dhroim agus i gcúrsa a fhostaíochta,
[EN](b) gur fostaíocht inárachaithe (díobhálacha ceirde) an fhostaíocht sin, agus
[EN](c) nach bhfuil íoc sochair díobhálacha ceirde coiscthe toisc an tionóisc tarlú le linn dó a bheith lasmuigh den Stát,
[EN]agus forléireofar dá réir sin tagairtí in altanna eile den Acht seo do thionóisc cheirde.
[EN]Leathnú ar alt 47 den Phríomh-Acht maidir le híocaíochtaí áirithe.
30.—D'ainneoin aon ní atá sna hAchtanna, féadfaidh rialacháin arna ndéanamh de bhun alt 47 den Phríomh-Acht maidir le ham íoca sochair díobhálacha ceirde seachas sochar díobhála foráil a dhéanamh chun coigeartú a dhéanamh ar dháta tosaithe agus críochnaithe sochair, nó ar aon athruithe ar an ráta sochair, ionas nach ndéanfar íocaíochtaí in aghaidh tréimhsí is giorra ná seachtain ná íocaíochtaí de réir rátaí éagsúla i leith codanna éagsúla de sheachtain.
[EN]Dícháiliú chun sochair dhíobhála nó sochair mhíthreorach agus imeachtaí a fhionraí.
31.—(1) Féadfaidh foráil a bheith i rialacháin chun duine a dhícháiliú chun sochar díobhála nó sochar míthreorach a fháil in aghaidh aon tréimhse is faide ná sé sheachtain, nó chun go bhfionrófar imeachtaí ar aon éileamh ar shochar díobhála nó ar shochar míthreorach nó ar aon íocaíocht shochair dhíobhála nó shochair mhíthreorach, má mhainníonn an duine gan chúis mhaith—
[EN](a) chur dul faoi scrúdú dochtúra ó am go ham d'fhonn éifeacht na tionóisce iomchuí a chinneadh, d'fhonn a chinneadh ar tháinig cailleadh cumais den tionóisc, cén grád ar dá réir atá méid na míthreorach a tharla de dheasca cailleadh cumais le measúnú agus cén tréimhse atá le cur i gcuntas sa mheasúnacht, nó cén chóireáil is oiriúnach don díobháil iomchuí nó don chailleadh cumais iomchuí,
[EN](b) dul ó am go ham faoi chóireáil liachta oiriúnach don díobháil iomchuí nó don chailleadh cumais iomchuí,
[EN](c) teacht i láthair i cibé áiteanna agus amanna is gá chun críocha an scrúdaithe dochtúra nó na cóireála liachta sin, nó
[EN](d) aon rialacha forordaithe iompair a chomhlíonadh.
[EN](2) Beidh foráil i rialacháin faoin alt seo chun íocaíocht a thabhairt d'aon duine a thiocfaidh i láthair le haghaidh scrúdú nó cóireála liachta mar a dúradh a mbeidh cibé méid inti a chinnfidh an tAire gurb é méid na gcostas taistil agus na gcostas eile (lena n-áirítear aon chostas arb é a bhí ann cailleadh ama lenar ghabh luach saothair) é a thabhaigh an duine go réasúnach agus go riachtanach i leith teacht i láthair.
[EN]Duine a áireamh mar dhuine atá éagumasach chun oibre, etc.
32.—Féadfaidh foráil a bheith i rialacháin chun duine a áireamh chun críocha an Achta seo mar dhuine atá éagumasach chun oibre de dheasca tionóisce nó díobhála nuair nach n-áireofaí amhlaidh é ar leith ó na rialacháin agus féadfaidh foráil a bheith iontu freisin—
[EN](a) maidir leis na laethanta a bheidh nó nach mbeidh, i gcás duine a áirítear nó atá le háireamh am ar bith mar dhuine éagumasach chun oibre de dheasca tionóisce nó díobhála, le háireamh chun críocha sochair díobhálacha ceirde mar laethanta a bhí an duine éagumasach chun oibre, agus
[EN](b) maidir leis an lá a bheidh, i gcás oibrithe oíche agus cásanna speisialta eile, le háireamh chun críocha díobhálacha ceirde mar lá na tionóisce.
[EN]Cóireáil liachta agus cóireáil ospidéil cheadaithe.
33.—(1) Chun críocha an Achta seo, ciallaíonn “cóireáil liachta” cóireáil liachta, máinliachta nó athinmheachain (lena n-áirítear aon bhiachúrsa nó regimen eile) agus forléireofar dá réir sin tagairtí san Acht seo do dhuine a bhfuil cóireáil liachta á fháil aige nó atá ag dul faoi chóireáil liachta.
[EN](2) Déanfar na tagairtí san Acht seo do dhuine a bhfuil cóireáil ospidéil cheadaithe á fáil aige a fhorléiriú, maidir le haon sochar díobhálacha ceirde is iníoctha leis, mar thagairtí a thagraíonn do chóireáil liachta a bheith á fáil aige don díobháil iomchuí nó don chailleadh cumais iomchuí, mar othar istigh in ospidéal nó i bhforas dá shamhail, le ceadú an Aire.
[EN](3) Féadfaidh foráil a bheith i rialacháin chun go ndéanfar, i gcás duine d'fháil cóireáil liachta mar othar istigh in ospidéal ar feadh dhá thréimhse ar leithligh nó níos mó a raibh eatramh nó eatraimh eatarthu ba ghiorra ná fad sonraithe, é a áireamh chun críocha an Achta seo mar dhuine a bhí á fáil go leanúnach ó thosach na chéad tréimhse go dtí deireadh na tréimhse deiridh.
34.—(1) Féadfaidh an tAire cibé ranníocaí a chinnfidh sé, le toiliú an Aire Airgeadais, a thabhairt i leith costas seirbhísí athinmheachain (lena n-áirítear seirbhísí athinmheachain arna soláthar faoi alt 50 den Acht Sláinte, 1953) do dhaoine a bheidh i dteideal sochair mhíthreorach.
[EN](2) Déanfar na méideanna a bheidh ag teastáil le haghaidh aon ranníocaí faoin alt seo a íoc amach as Ciste na nDíobhálacha Ceirde.
35.—(1) Féadfaidh an tAire taighde a chur chun cinn faoi chúiseanna agus minicíocht, agus faoi mhodhanna coiscthe—
[EN](a) tionóiscí agus díobhálacha a soláthraítear árachas díobhálacha ceirde ina n-aghaidh, nó
[EN](b) galair a soláthraítear árachas den sórt sin ina n-aghaidh nó a bhfuiltear ar intinn é a fhorordú chun críocha alt 23 den Acht seo,
[EN]trí dhaoine a fhostú é féin chun an taighde a stiúradh nó trí ranníoc a thabhairt i leith costas daoine eile, nó trí chabhrú ar shlí eile le daoine eile, a bheidh ag gabháil don taighde.
[EN](2) Féadfaidh an tAire cibé tuarastail nó luach saothair eile, agus cibé liúntais taistil nó liúntais eile, a chinnfidh sé le toiliú an Aire Airgeadais a íoc le daoine a fhostófar mar a dúradh.
[EN](3) Déanfar na méideanna a bheidh ag teastáil le haghaidh aon íocaíochtaí faoin alt seo a íoc amach as Ciste na nDíobhálacha Ceirde.
[EN]Ranníocaí fostaíochta.
36.—(1) Gach uile dhuine, is cuma cén aois é, a bheidh, an lá ceaptha nó dá éis, fostaithe le fostaíocht inárachaithe (díobhálacha ceirde) is ranníocóir fostaithe é agus déanfar tagairtí sna hAchtanna do ranníocóir fostaithe a fhorléiriú dá réir sin.
[EN](2) Maidir le ranníocóir fostaithe nár ranníocóir mura mbeadh fo-alt (1) den alt seo—
[EN](a) i gcás é a bheith faoi bhun sé bliana déag d'aois, ní bheidh aon ranníocaí fostaíochta iníoctha,
[EN](b) in aon chás eile (lena n-áirítear cás ina mbeidh sé os cionn aoise inphinsin) is é a bheidh sna ranníocaí fostaíochta seachtainiúla ranníocaí fostóirí 2s. 1d., agus sin amháin, i gcás ranníocóra fhostaithe fhireann agus 1s. 6d., agus sin amháin, i gcás ranníocóra fhostaithe bhaineann.
[EN](3) Maidir le ranníocóir fostaithe is ranníocóir fostaithe de bhua alt 4 den Phríomh-Acht agus fho-alt (1) den alt seo, déanfar gach ceann de na rátaí seachtainiúla ranníocaí fostóirí atá leagtha amach sa Dara Sceideal a ghabhann leis an bPríomh-Acht a mhéadú 2s. 1d. i gcás ranníocóra fhostaithe fhireann agus 1s. 6d. i gcás ranníocóra fhostaithe bhaineann.
[EN](4) Ní dhéanfar nníoc fostaíochta is iníoctha de bhua mhír (b) d'fho-alt (2) den alt seo a ríomh chun duine ar bith a cháiliú nó a athcháiliú le haghaidh aon cheann de na sochair dá dtagraítear i míreanna (a) go (g) d'fho-alt (1) d'alt 14 den Phríomh-Acht.
[EN](5) Ní thabharfar aird ar árachas díobhálacha ceirde aon duine nuair a bheidh cinneadh á dhéanamh ar a cheart chun bheith, agus leanúint de bheith, ina ranníocóir saorálach agus ní dhéanfaidh an t-árachas sin difear don ráta ranníoca shaorálaigh is iníoctha in aon chás.
[EN](6) Leathnaítear leis seo mír (b) d'fho-alt (4) d'alt 6 den Phríomh-Acht d'fhonn éifeacht a bheith aici i gcás nár thug an ranníocóir fostaithe aon seirbhísí i gcaitheamh seachtaine áirithe agus a raibh sé ag fáil sochair dhíobhála in aghaidh, nó ag fáil forlíonadh do-fhostaitheachta is inchurtha i leith, na seachtaine go léir nó aon choda di.
[EN](7) Déanfar tagairtí d'fhostaíocht inárachaithe i bhfo-ailt (4) agus (5) d'alt 2, i bhfo-alt (1) d'alt 42 agus i bhfo-ailt (3) agus (6) d'alt 49 den Phríomh-Acht a fhorléiriú mar thagairtí freisin d'fhostaíocht inárachaithe (díobhálacha ceirde).
[EN]Ciste na nDíobhálacha Ceirde.
37.—(1) Bunófar ciste (dá ngairfear Ciste na nDíobhálacha Ceirde) arb é a bheidh ann cuntas reatha, a bhainisteoidh agus a rialóidh an tAire, agus cuntas infheistíochta, a bhainisteoidh agus a rialóidh an tAire Airgeadais.
[EN](2) (a) D'ainneoin aon fhoráil contrártha dó sin, déanfar sochair dhíobhálacha ceirde, mar aon le haon íocaíochtaí eile faoin Acht seo is iníoctha as Ciste na nDíobh-álacha Ceirde, a íoc amach as cuntas reatha an Chiste sin, agus, chun airgead a sholáthar le haghaidh an chaiteachais ar shochair agus íocaíochtaí eile den sórt sin, déanfar ranníocaí fostaíochta a íocadh isteach sa Chiste Árachais Shóisialaigh de dhroim fho-alt (2) d'alt 36 den Acht seo agus méaduithe ar ranníocaí fostaíochta a íocadh amhlaidh de dhroim fho-alt (3) den chéanna a íoc amach as an gCiste sin le cuntas reatha Chiste na nDíobhálacha Ceirde.
[EN](b) Déanfar na suimeanna seo a leanas a bheifear tar éis a íoc amach as an gCiste Árachais Shóisialaigh a aisíoc leis an gCiste sin as Ciste na nDíobhálacha Ceirde:
[EN](i) suimeanna a bheifear tar éis a íoc ar mhodh sochair mhíchumais i leith éagumas chun oibre mar gheall ar thionóisc cheirde, nó ghalar nó dhíobháil a fhorordófar chun críocha alt 23 den Acht seo, le duine i dteideal sochair mhíthreorach i leith na tionóisce, an ghalair nó na díobhála sin,
[EN](ii) suimeanna a bheifear tar éis a íoc i leith aon tréimhse a thosóidh lá nach luaithe ná an lá ceaptha, ar mhodh sochair éagumais i leith éagumas chun oibre mar gheall ar dhíobháil nó galar, ar suimeanna iad a bheifear tar éis a íoc le duine a bheidh nó a bhí an 1ú lá de Dheireadh Fómhair, 1965, nó dá éis sin, i dteideal íocaíochtaí seachtainiúla cúitimh faoi na hAchtanna um Chúiteamh do Lucht Oibre i leith na díobhála nó an ghalair sin.
[EN](3) Aon airgead a bheidh chun creidiúna do chuntas reatha Chiste na nDíobhálacha Ceirde agus nach mbeidh ag teastáil faoi chomhair caiteachais reatha aistreofar é go dtí cuntas infheistíochta an Chiste sin.
[EN](4) Aon uair nach leor an t-airgead i gcuntas reatha Chiste na nDíobhálacha Ceirde faoi chomhair dliteanais an chuntais sin aistreofar chun an chuntais sin ó chuntas infheistíochta an Chiste sin cibé suimeanna is gá chun na dliteanais sin a ghlanadh.
[EN](5) Faoi réir fho-alt (4) den alt seo, aon airgead a bheidh chun creidiúna chuntas infheistíochta Chiste na nDíobhálacha Ceirde infheisteoidh an tAire Airgeadais é agus íocfar isteach sa chuntas sin aon ioncam ó aon infheistíocht den sórt sin.
[EN](6) Aon infheistíocht a dhéanfar de bhun fho-alt (5) den alt seo féadfar í a dhéanamh in aon urrúis a mbeidh cumhacht ag iontaobhaithe de thuras na huaire de réir dlí cistí iontaobhais a infheistiú iontu nó in aon chuid de na stoic, de na cistí agus de na hurrúis a bheidh de thuras na huaire údaraithe le dlí mar infheistíochtaí do Chistí Bhanc Taisce an Phoist.
[EN](7) Déanfar cuntais Chiste na nDíobhálacha Ceirde a ullmhú i cibé foirm agus cibé tráthanna a ordóidh an tAire Airgeadais agus déanfaidh an tArd-Reachtaire Cuntas agus Ciste gach cuntas den sórt sin a scrúdú agus a dheimhniú agus déanfar cóip de, mar aon le tuarascáil an Ard-Reachtaire Cuntas agus Ciste air, a leagan faoi bhráid gach Tí den Oireachtas.
[EN](8) Beidh na caiteachais seo a leanas inghnóthaithe ó Chiste na nDíobhálacha Ceirde cibé tráthanna agus i cibé slí a ordóidh an tAire Airgeadais—
[EN](a) caiteachais an Aire (arna gcinneadh ar cibé foras is cuí leis) i ndáil le réim árachais shóisialaigh a leathnú de bhun an Achta seo, agus
[EN](b) caiteachais aon Aire eile (arna gcinneadh ar cibé foras ar a gcomhaontófar idir é féin agus an tAire) maidir leis an leathnú réime sin.
[EN](9) Déanfar aon airgead a gheofar de bhun fho-alt (8) den alt seo a íoc isteach sa Státchiste nó a chur chun tairbhe don Státchiste i cibé slí a ordóidh an tAire Airgeadais.
[EN](10) Nuair a bheidh caiteachais á meas chun críocha fho-alt (8) den alt seo, áireofar orthu cibé méid is ionann, dar leis an Aire Airgeadais, agus méid an dliteannais a fhaibhreoidh i leith aon aoisliúntais nó liúntais scoir, cnapshuimeanna nó aiscí eile a fhaibhreoidh maidir le fostaíocht aon oifigigh nó duine eile chun críocha an Achta seo.
[EN](11) (a) I gcaitheamh na tréimhse dhá bhliain dar tosach an lá ceaptha, féadfaidh an tAire Airgeadais aon suimeanna a airleacan, as an bPríomh-Chiste nó a thoradh fáis, is gá chun dliteanais Chiste na nDíobhálacha Ceirde a ghlanadh, agus féadfaidh an tAire Airgeadais, d'fhonn soláthar a dhéanamh le haghaidh na suimeanna a bheidh le hairleacan amhlaidh, airgead a fháil ar iasacht i cibé slí is cuí leis agus déanfar an t-airgead go léir a gheofar ar iasacht amhlaidh a íoc isteach sa Státchiste.
[EN](b) Aon suimeanna a airleacfar faoin mír sin roimhe seo, mar aon leis an ús (más aon ús é) orthu de réir cibé ráta a shocróidh an tAire Airgeadais, beidh siad ina muirear ar Chiste na nDíobhálacha Ceirde agus inaisíoctha as agus nuair a aisíocfar amhlaidh iad íocfar isteach sa Státchiste iad.
[EN](c) Is ar an bPríomh-Chiste nó a thoradh fáis a bheidh muirear agus íoc príomhshuime agus úis aon urrúis a eiseoidh an tAire Airgeadais chun airgead a fháil ar iasacht faoin bhfo-alt seo agus na gcaiteachas faoina rachfar i ndáil leis na hurrúis sin a eisiúint.
[EN](12) (a) Cuirfidh an tAire faoi deara go ndéanfar athbhreithnithe achtúireachta ar staid airgeadais Chiste na nDíobhálacha Ceirde, ag féachaint, go háirithe, do dhóthanacht, nó neamhdhóthanacht, na ranníocaí le haghaidh na sochar agus na n-íocaíochtaí eile, agus cuirfidh sé faoi deara cóip de gach tuarascáil ón achtúire faoin bhfo-alt seo a leagan faoi bhráid gach Tí den Oireachtas.
[EN](b) Déanfar athbhreithniú faoin bhfo-alt seo i leith na tréimhse dar críoch an chéad 31ú lá de Mhárta i ndiaidh deireadh na tréimhse chúig bliana dar tosach an lá ceaptha agus dá éis sin i leith na tréimhse dar críoch an 31ú lá de Mhárta gach cúigiú bliain, faoi réir an choinníll go bhféadfaidh an tAire an tréimhse lena mbainfidh aon athbhreithniú den sórt sin a athrú.
[EN](13) Déanfar tagairtí in ailt 32, 52, 54 agus 57 den Phríomh-Acht don Chiste a fhorléiriú mar thagairtí do Chiste na nDíobhálacha Ceirde freisin.
[EN]Modhnú ar ailt 44, 45 agus 46 den Phríomh-Acht.
38.—Beidh éifeacht ag ailt 44, 45 agus 46 den Phríomh-Acht ionann agus nach raibh ar áireamh sna focail “aon cheist dá sonraítear i mír (a), (b) nó (c) d'fho-alt (1) d'alt 42 den Acht seo” in alt 44 ná sna focail “ceist a sonraítear i mír (a), (b) nó (c) d'fho-alt (1) d'alt 42 den Acht seo” in ailt 45 agus 46 tagairt do cheist faoin Acht seo i dtaobh ar de dhroim agus i gcúrsa fostaíochta a tharla tionóisc.
[EN]Sochar a chur i gcuntas agus damáistí á measúnú.
39.—(1) D'ainneoin alt 2 den Acht um Dhliteanas Sibhialta (Leasú), 1964, agus alt 34 den Phríomh-Acht, i gcaingean i leith damáistí mar gheall ar dhíobhálacha pearsanta (lena n-áirítear non chaingean den sórt sin de dhroim conartha), cuirfear i gcuntas, agus na damáistí sin á measúnú, in aghaidh aon chailleadh tuillimh nó brabús a d'fhaibhrigh nó ar dóigh dó faibhriú chun an duine dhíobhálaithe ó na díobhálacha, luach aon chearta a d'fhaibhrigh nó ar dócha dó faibhriú chuige uaidh sin i leith sochair dhíobhála nó sochair mhíthreorach (gan aird a thabhairt ar aon mhéadú air sin faoi alt 13 den Acht seo i leith síor-fhreastail) do na cúig bliana dar tosach an tráth a d'fhaibhrigh an chúis chaingne.
[EN](2) An tagairt atá i bhfo-alt (1) den alt seo do mheasúnú na ndamáistí i leith díobhálacha pearsanta glacfar, i gcásanna ina bhfuil na damáistí is inghnóthaithe ar aon bhealach eile faoi réir a laghdaithe faoin dlí a bhaineann le faillí rannpháirteach nó teorannaithe le haon Acht nó faoi aon Acht nó le conradh, gur tagairt í d'iomlán na ndamáistí ab inghnóthaithe ar leith ón laghdú nó ón teorainniú.
[EN](3) D'ainneoin alt 50 den Acht um Dhliteanas Sibhialta, 1961, nuair a bheidh damáistí á measúnú i leith bás duine faoi Chuid IV den Acht sin, féadfar aon sochar báis, ar mhodh deontais faoi alt 22 den Acht seo i leith costas sochraide, a tháinig de bhás an duine sin, a chur i gcuntas.
1906, c. 58.
40.—Ní bheidh cúiteamh do lucht oibre faoi na hAchtanna um Chúiteamh do Lucht Oibre, 1934 go 1955, arna leasú le Cuid V den Acht um Dhliteanas Sibhialta, 1961, iníoctha i leith aon fhostaíochta an lá ceaptha nó dá éis, agus dá réir sin aisghairtear leis seo amhail ón lá sin na hAchtanna um Chúiteamh do Lucht Oibre, 1934 go 1955, agus Cuid V den Acht um Dhliteanas Sibhialta, 1961:
[EN]Ar choinníoll—
[EN](a) go leanfaidh na hAchtanna sin d'fheidhm a bheith acu maidir le cásanna a mbeadh feidhm acu maidir leo dá mba nár ritheadh an tAcht seo, is cásanna ina n-éiríonn nó inar éirigh ceart chun cúitimh i leith fostaíochta roimh an lá ceaptha, ach amháin, i gcás galar nó díobháil atá forordaithe chun críocha alt 23 den Acht seo, nuair nach n-éireoidh an ceart roimh an lá ceaptha agus go mbeidh an t-oibrí, roimh é d'éirí, árachaithe faoin Acht seo in aghaidh an ghalair nó na díobhála sin;
[EN](b) nach ndéanfaidh aisghairm an Achta um Chúiteamh do Lucht Oibre, 1934, difear d'aon rialacha cúirte arna ndéanamh faoin Acht sin ná don chumhacht chun rialacha cúirte nua a dhéanamh chun críocha an Achta sin; agus
[EN](c) nach ndéanfaidh aisghairm fho-alt (1) d'alt 13 den Acht um Chúiteamh do Lucht Oibre, 1934, difear d'fheidhmiú na nAchtanna a aisghairtear leis an Acht sin nó leis an Workmen's Compensation Act, 1906, maidir le cásanna a bhfuil siad le leanúint d'fheidhm a bheith acu maidir leo de bhua an fho-ailt sin.
[EN]Cumhacht chun deacrachtaí a chur ar neamhní.
41.—(1) Más rud é i gcúrsa ar bith go dtarlóidh aon deacracht ag tabhairt an Achta seo, nó aon leasaithe nó aisghairme a dhéantar leis an Acht seo, i ngníomh, féadfaidh an tAire, faoi réir cheadú an Aire Airgeadais, rud ar bith a dhéanamh le hordú a dhealraíonn a bheith riachtanach nó fóirsteanach chun an tAcht seo a thabhairt i ngníomh, agus féadfaidh aon ordú den sórt sin forálacha na nAchtanna a mhodhnú a mhéid a dhealróidh sé a bheith riachtanach nó fóirsteanach chun an t-ordú a chur in éifeacht.
[EN](2) Gach ordú a dhéanfaidh an tAire faoin Acht seo leagfar é faoi bhráid gach Tí den Oireachtas a luaithe is féidir tar éis a dhéanta, agus má dhéanann ceachtar Teach den Oireachtas, laistigh den lá agus fiche a shuífidh an Teach sin tar éis an t-ordú a leagan faoina bhráid, rún a rith ag neamhniú an ordaithe sin beidh an t-ordú ar neamhní dá réir sin, ach sin gan dochar do bhailíocht aon ní a rinneadh roimhe sin faoin ordú.
[EN](3) Ní fhéadfar aon ordú a dhéanamh faoin alt seo tar éis bliain a bheith caite ón lá ceaptha.
[EN]Leasú ar an Acht Rialtais Áitiúil (Aoisliúntas), 1956.
42.—(1) An míniú ar “lá seirbhíse” atá in alt 2 den Acht Rialtais Áitiúil (Aoisliúntas), 1956, leasaítear é leis seo tríd an mír seo a leanas a chur isteach i ndiaidh mhír (b):
[EN]“(bb) lá (seachas Domhnach) ar íocadh sochar díobhála nó sochar mhíthreorach leis an seirbhíseach ina leith faoin Acht Leasa Shóisialaigh (Díobhálacha Ceirde), 1966, ar choinníoll—
[EN](i) gur lá mar a luaitear i mír (a) den mhíniú seo a tharla an tionóisc (nó, cibé acu é, a tharla an díobháil nó a tolgadh an galar),
[EN](ii) (I) nárbh fhaide ná bliain an tréimhse go léir ar íocadh an sochar ina leith, nó
[EN](II) má b'fhaide ná bliain an tréimhse go léir ar íocadh an sochar ina leith, gur lá é sa chuid sin den tréimhse a bhí laistigh de bhliain óna tosach, agus
[EN](iii) i gcás lá ar íocadh sochar míthreorach leis an seirbhíseach ina leith, gur lá é a bhí sé éagumasach chun oibre nó neamhábalta, de dheasca na tionóisce, na díobhála nó an ghalair sin agus dá dheasca sin amháin, obair a dhéanamh sa tslí dá dtagraítear i mír (a) den mhíniú seo,”.
[EN](2) An míniú ar “páigh” atá in alt 2 den Acht Rialtais Áitiúil (Aoisliúntas), 1956, leasaítear é leis seo tríd an mír seo a leanas a chur isteach i ndiaidh mhír (a):
[EN]“(aa) i gcás seirbhíseach a bhfuil sochar díobhála nó sochar míthreorach á íoc leis faoin Acht Leasa Shóisialaigh (Díobhálacha Ceirde), 1966, folaíonn sé, má tharla an tionóisc (nó, cibé acu é, má tharla an díobháil nó má tolgadh an galar) lá den sórt dá dtagraítear i mír (a) den mhíniú ar ‘lá seirbhíse’ atá san alt seo agus más rud é, i gcás sochar míthreorach a bheith á íoc leis, go bhfuil sé éagumasach chun oibre nó neamhábalta, de dheasca na tionóisce, na díobhála nó an ghalair sin agus dá dheasca sin amháin, obair a dhéanamh sa tslí dá dtagraítear sa mhír sin (a), an pháigh a gheobhadh sé dá mba rud é nach raibh an sochar sin á fháil aige, agus”.
[EN](3) Leasaítear leis seo fo-alt (1) d'alt 43 den Acht Rialtais Áitiúil (Aoisliúntas), 1956, tríd an méid seo a leanas a chur leis i ndeireadh an fho-ailt sin:—“nó i leith tréimhse ar íocadh sochar díobhála nó sochar míthreorach leis ina haghaidh faoin Acht Leasa Shóisialaigh (Díobhálacha Ceirde), 1966, má tharla an tionóisc (nó, cibé acu é, má tharla an díobháil nó má tolgadh an galar) lá den sórt dá dtagraítear i mír (a) den mhíniú ar ‘lá seirbhíse’ atá in alt 2 den Acht seo agus más rud é, i gcás tréimhse ar íocadh sochar míthreorach leis ina haghaidh, go raibh sé, ar a feadh, éagumasach chun oibre nó neamhábalta, de dheasca na tionóisce, na díobhála nó an ghalair sin agus dá dheasca sin amháin, obair a dhéanamh sa tslí dá dtagraítear sa mhír sin (a)”.
[EN]Gearrtheideal, forléiriú agus comhlua.
43.—(1) Féadfar an tAcht Leasa Shóisialaigh (Díobhálacha Ceirde), 1966, a ghairm den Acht seo agus forléireofar mar aon ní amháin an tAcht seo agus na hAchtanna Leasa Shóisialaigh, 1952 go 1965.
[EN](2) Féadfar na hAchtanna Leasa Shóisialaigh, 1952 go 1966, a ghairm de na hAchtanna Leasa Shóisialaigh, 1952 go 1965, agus den Acht seo le chéile.
Number 16 of 1966.
Acts Referred to | |
1952, No. 11 | |
1934, No. 9 | |
Workmen's Compensation Act, 1906 | 1906, c. 58 |
1946, No. 8 | |
Superannuation Act, 1887 | 1887, c. 67 |
Social Welfare (Insurance Inclusions and Exclusions) Regulations, 1952 | S.I. No. 373 of 1952 |
Pilotage Act, 1913 | 1913, sess. 1, c. 31 |
1945, No. 19 | |
1953, No. 26 | |
1964, No. 17 | |
1961, No. 41 | |
1956, No. 10 |
Number 16 of 1966.
1.—(1) In this Act, save where the context otherwise requires—
[GA]“the Acts” means the Social Welfare Acts, 1952 to 1966;
[GA]“apprentice” means a person undergoing full-time training for any trade, business, profession, office, employment or vocation;
[GA]“approved hospital treatment” has the meaning specified in subsection (2) of section 33;
[GA]“child qualified for the purposes of this Act” means a person who—
[GA](a) is under the age of eighteen,
[GA](b) is ordinarily resident in the State,
[GA](c) is not detained in a reformatory or an industrial school, and
[GA](d) if not under the age of sixteen—
[GA](i) is undergoing full-time instruction in a day school,
[GA](ii) is an apprentice either not remunerated or at a rate of remuneration not exceeding fifty shillings per week, or
[GA](iii) is, by reason of physical or mental infirmity, incapable of engaging in any remunerative occupation and likely to remain so incapable for a prolonged period;
[GA]“claimant” means a person claiming occupational injuries benefit, and also includes an applicant for a declaration that an accident was or was not an occupational accident, and reference to a claim shall be construed accordingly;
[GA]“the deceased” means, in relation to death benefit, the person in respect of whose death the benefit is claimed or payable;
[GA]“disablement gratuity” has the meaning specified in subsection (7) of section 9;
[GA]“disablement pension” has the meaning specified in subsection (8) or subsection (9) of section 9;
[GA]“injury benefit period” means, in relation to any accident, the period of one hundred and fifty-six days (Sundays being disregarded) beginning with the day of the accident, or the part of that period for which, under subsection (2) of section 9 of this Act, disablement benefit in respect of the accident is not available to the insured person;
[GA]“insurable (occupational injuries) employment” has the meaning specified in section 3;
[GA]“medical examination” includes bacteriological and radiographical tests and similar investigations, and references to being medically examined shall be construed accordingly;
[GA]“medical treatment” has the meaning specified in subsection (1) of section 33;
[GA]“occupational accident” has the meaning specified in section 29;
[GA]“occupational injuries insurance” has the meaning specified in subsection (2) of section 2;
[GA]“orphan qualified for the purposes of this Act” means—
[GA](a) a child qualified for the purposes of this Act, being a legitimate child, both of whose parents are dead and who, where he has a stepparent, does not normally reside with the stepparent or a person married to and living with the stepparent, or
[GA](b) a child qualified for the purposes of this Act, being an illegitimate child, whose mother is dead and whose father is dead or unknown and who, if there is a surviving husband of his mother, does not normally reside with that husband or a woman married to and living with that husband;
[GA]“the Principal Act” means the Social Welfare Act, 1952;
[GA]“relevant accident” and “relevant injury” mean respectively, in relation to any benefit, the accident and injury in respect of which the benefit is claimed or payable; and “relevant loss of faculty” means the loss of faculty resulting from the relevant injury;
[GA]“unemployability supplement” has the meaning specified in subsection (3) of section 12;
[GA]“the Workmen's Compensation Acts” means the Workmen's Compensation Acts, 1934 to 1955, or the enactments repealed by the Workmen's Compensation Act, 1934, or the enactments repealed by the Workmen's Compensation Act, 1906.
[GA](2) References in this Act to loss of physical faculty shall be construed as including references to disfigurement, whether or not accompanied by any actual loss of faculty.
[GA](3) References in this Act to any enactment shall, save where the context otherwise requires, be construed as references to that Act as amended by any subsequent enactment including this Act.
[GA](4) In this Act “the appointed day” means such day as the Minister may by order appoint and different days may be appointed for different purposes of this Act or for the same purpose in relation to different cases or classes of case.
[GA](5) Any question relating to the normal residence of a child qualified for the purposes of this Act shall, for the purposes of this Act, be decided in accordance with subsection (2) of section 5 of the Children's Allowances (Amendment) Act, 1946, and the rules under that subsection.
[GA](6) Where a child qualified for the purposes of this Act has been or becomes adopted pursuant to the Adoption Acts, 1952 and 1964, then for the purposes of this Act—
[GA](a) the child shall be treated as if he were the child of the adopter or adopters born to him, her or them in lawful wedlock and were not the child of any other person and, if he was an orphan qualified for the purposes of this Act immediately before the adoption, as having ceased to be such an orphan, and
[GA](b) if there is one adopter only, in any application after the adoption with respect to the child of the definition of “orphan qualified for the purposes of this Act” contained in subsection (1) of this section, “the parent of whom is dead” shall be substituted in paragraph (a) of that definition for “both of whose parents are dead”.
[GA](7) Section 3 (other than subsection (4) thereof) of the Principal Act shall be construed and have effect as if—
[GA](a) references therein to a power to make regulations included references to any power to make regulations under this Act, and
[GA](b) references therein to regulations included references to any regulations under this Act.
[GA](8) (a) The definition of “increase” contained in subsection (1) of section 2 of the Principal Act is hereby amended by the insertion after “or section 27”of “of this Act or under section 10, section 11, section 12, section 13, section 14 or section 19 of the Social Welfare (Occupational Injuries) Act, 1966”.
[GA](b) Subsection (2) of section 31 of the Principal Act is hereby amended by the insertion after “such person,” of “or an increase under section 10 of the Social Welfare (Occupational Injuries) Act, 1966, in respect of such husband or wife,”.
[GA]Occupational injuries insurance.
2.—(1) Subject to the provisions of the Acts, every person, irrespective of age, who, on or after the appointed day, is employed in insurable (occupational injuries) employment shall be insured under the Acts against personal injury caused on or after the appointed day by accident arising out of and in the course of such employment.
[GA](2) Any reference in this Act to occupational injuries insurance shall be construed as a reference to the insurance provided for by this section.
[GA](3) An allowance or gratuity shall not be granted under section 1 of the Superannuation Act, 1887, in a case in which the injury was sustained by a person having occupational injuries insurance.
[GA]Insurable (occupational injuries) employment.
3.—(1) Any reference in this Act to insurable (occupational injuries) employment shall, subject to the subsequent subsections of this section, be construed as a reference to any employment for the time being specified in Part I of the First Schedule to the Principal Act, not being an employment specified in Part II of that Schedule.
[GA](2) (a) For the purposes of this section, the following employments shall be taken as being added to the employments specified in Part I of the First Schedule to the Principal Act:
[GA](i) employment in the State in plying for hire with any vehicle, vessel, aircraft, machine or animal, the use of which is obtained under any contract of bailment (other than a hire purchase agreement) in consideration of the payment of a fixed sum or a share in the earnings or otherwise,
[GA](ii) employment under any contract of service or apprenticeship entered into in the State (otherwise than as captain, master or a member of the crew) on board a ship or aircraft, being employment for the purpose of the ship or aircraft or of any passengers or cargo or mails carried by the ship or aircraft,
[GA](iii) employment in the State as a member or as a person training to become a member of any such fire brigade, rescue brigade, first-aid party or salvage party at a factory, mine or works, as may be prescribed, or of any such similar organisation as may be prescribed.
[GA](b) In subparagraph (ii) of the foregoing paragraph—
[GA]“ship” means—
[GA](i) any ship registered in the State, or
[GA](ii) any other ship or vessel of which the owner, or, if there is more than one owner, the managing owner or manager, resides or has his principal place of business in the State;
[GA]“aircraft” means—
[GA](i) any aircraft registered in the State, or
[GA](ii) any other aircraft of which the owner, or, if there is more than one owner, the managing owner or manager, resides or has his principal place of business in the State.
[GA](3) For the purposes of this section, the following employments shall be taken as being added to the employments specified in Part II of the First Schedule to the Principal Act:
[GA](a) employment as a member of the Defence Forces,
[GA](b) employment, which is neither wholetime as may be defined in regulations nor under contract of service, as a member of the crew of a fishing vessel where the employed person is wholly remunerated by a share in the profits or the gross earnings of the working of the vessel,
[GA](c) employment, otherwise than under contract of service or apprenticeship, as an outworker,
[GA](d) employment under any local or other public authority in the execution of any contract for services.
[GA](4) For the purposes of this section, paragraph 3 of Part II of the First Schedule to the Principal Act shall be taken as not including employment of a casual nature for the purposes of any work in or about the residence of the employer.
[GA](5) For the purposes of this section, paragraphs 7, 9 and 10 of Part II of the First Schedule to the Principal Act (being paragraphs added to that Part by the Social Welfare (Insurance Inclusions and Exclusions) Regulations, 1952) shall be taken as not including employment under any contract of service or apprenticeship.
[GA](6) For the purposes of this section, a pilot to whom the Pilotage Act, 1913, applies, shall, when employed on any ship (as defined in paragraph (b) of subsection (2) of this section), be deemed to be a member of the crew of that ship.
[GA](7) The Minister may, in relation to paragraphs 5 and 6 of Part II of the First Schedule to the Principal Act, by regulations provide that an employment specified as being subsidiary employment or an employment specified as being of inconsiderable extent shall be taken for the purposes of this section as not being so specified.
[GA](8) The Minister may by regulations, which shall be subject to the sanction of the Minister for Finance, provide that any specified employment under any local or other public authority shall be taken for the purposes of this section as being added to Part II of the First Schedule to the Principal Act.
[GA](9) Where it appears to the Minister—
[GA](a) that the nature or other circumstances of the service rendered or the work performed in any employment which, apart from this subsection, is insurable (occupational injuries) employment and in any employment which, apart from this subsection, is not such employment (whether by reason of the fact that it is an excepted employment or otherwise) are so similar as to result in anomalies in the operation of the Acts, and
[GA](b) that either—
[GA](i) the first-mentioned employment can conveniently be included among the excepted employments, or
[GA](ii) the second-mentioned employment can conveniently be included among the insurable (occupational injuries) employments,
[GA]the Minister may by regulations, which shall be subject to the sanction of the Minister for Finance, provide that the employment shall be so included.
(10) The Minister may by regulations, which shall be subject to the sanction of the Minister for Finance, modify the provisions of the Acts in their application in the case of persons employed in employments specified in subparagraph (ii) of paragraph (a) of subsection (2) of this section.
[GA]Extension of meaning of references to arising out of and in the course of employment.
4.—(1) An accident arising in the course of an insured person's employment shall be deemed for the purposes of the Acts, in the absence of evidence to the contrary, also to have arisen out of that employment.
[GA](2) An accident shall be treated for the purposes of the Acts, where it would not apart from this section be so treated, as arising out of an insured person's employment if—
[GA](a) the accident arises in the course of the employment,
[GA](b) the accident either—
[GA](i) is caused by another person's misconduct, skylarking or negligence, or by steps taken in consequence of any such misconduct, skylarking or negligence or by the behaviour or presence of an animal (including a bird, fish or insect), or
[GA](ii) is caused by or consists in the insured person's being struck by any object or by lightning, and
[GA](c) the insured person did not directly or indirectly induce or contribute to the happening of the accident by his conduct outside the employment or by any act not incidental to the employment.
[GA](3) An accident shall be deemed for the purposes of the Acts to arise out of and in the course of an insured person's employment, notwithstanding that he is at the time of the accident acting in contravention of any statutory or other regulations applicable to his employment, or of any orders given by or on behalf of his employer, or that he is acting without instructions from his employer, if—
[GA](a) the accident would have been deemed for the purposes of the Acts so to have arisen had the act not been done in contravention as aforesaid or without instructions from his employer, as the case may be, and
[GA](b) the act is done for the purposes of and in connection with the employer's trade or business.
[GA](4) An accident happening while an insured person is, with the express or implied permission of his employer, travelling as a passenger by any vehicle to or from his place of work shall, notwithstanding that he is under no obligation to his employer to travel by that vehicle, be deemed for the purposes of the Acts to arise out of and in the course of his employment, if—
[GA](a) the accident would have been deemed for those purposes so to have arisen had he been under such an obligation, and
[GA](b) at the time of the accident, the vehicle—
[GA](i) is being operated by or on behalf of his employer or some other person by whom it is provided in pursuance of arrangements made with his employer, and
[GA](ii) is not being operated in the ordinary course of a public transport service.
[GA]In this subsection references to a vehicle include references to a ship, vessel or aircraft.
[GA](5) An accident happening to an insured person in or about any premises at which he is for the time being employed for the purposes of his employer's trade or business shall be deemed for the purposes of the Acts to arise out of and in the course of his employment if it happens while he is taking steps, in an actual or supposed emergency at those premises, to rescue, succour or protect persons who are, or are thought to be or possibly to be, injured or imperilled, or to avert or minimise serious damage to property.
[GA](6) An accident happening to an insured person, who is an apprentice, while he is in attendance at a technical school or other place for training or instruction (whether during ordinary hours of employment or otherwise), shall be deemed for the purposes of the Acts, in the absence of evidence to the contrary, to have arisen out of and in the course of his employment if his attendance at that school or place is with his employer's consent or is required by direction of his employer or under his contract of apprenticeship.
[GA]Accidents in course of illegal employment, etc.
5.—(1) Where a claim for occupational injuries benefit is made under the Acts in respect of any accident or of any disease or injury prescribed for the purposes of section 23 of this Act, or an application is made thereunder for a declaration that any accident was an occupational accident or for a corresponding declaration as to any such disease or injury, the Minister may direct that for the purposes of the Acts the relevant employment shall, in relation to that accident, disease or injury, be treated as having been insurable (occupational injuries) employment, notwithstanding that, by reason of a contravention of or noncompliance with some provision contained in or having effect under any enactment passed for the protection of employed persons or of any class of employed persons, the contract purporting to govern the employment was void or the employed person was not lawfully employed therein at the time when or in the place where the accident happened or the disease or injury was contracted or received.
[GA](2) In subsection (1) of this section “relevant employment” means, in relation to an accident, the employment out of and in the course of which the accident arises and, in relation to a disease or injury, the employment to the nature of which the disease or injury is due.
[GA]Accidents outside the State.
6.—Except where regulations otherwise provide, occupational injuries benefit shall not be payable in respect of an accident happening while the insured person is outside the State.
[GA]Occupational injuries benefit.
7.—Section 14 of the Principal Act is hereby amended by the addition at the end of subsection (1) thereof of the following paragraph:
[GA]“(h) occupational injuries benefit, which shall comprise injury benefit, disablement benefit and death benefit.”.
[GA]Injury benefit.
8.—(1) Subject to the provisions of the Acts, an insured person who suffers personal injury caused on or after the appointed day by accident arising out of and in the course of his employment, being insurable (occupational injuries) employment, shall be entitled to injury benefit in respect of any day on which, as the result of the injury, he is incapable of work during the injury benefit period:
[GA]Provided that, subject to paragraph (b) of subsection (1) of section 15 of this Act, an insured person shall not be entitled to injury benefit in respect of the first three such days unless, as the result of the injury, he is incapable of work during the said period on not less than twelve days.
[GA](2) In determining whether the insured person is incapable of work on the day of the accident, any part of that day before the happening of the accident shall be disregarded.
[GA](3) Injury benefit shall be an allowance payable at a weekly rate of—
[GA](a) in case the beneficiary is—
[GA](I) under the age of eighteen years, or
[GA](II) being over the age of eighteen years, a married woman other than a married woman living apart from and unable to obtain any financial assistance from her husband,
[GA]and is not entitled to an increase of benefit in respect of a child qualified for the purposes of this Act or children so qualified or for an adult dependant—seventy-seven shillings and sixpence, and
[GA](b) in any other case—one hundred and fifteen shillings.
[GA](4) The amount payable by way of injury benefit for any day of incapacity shall be one-sixth of the appropriate weekly rate.
[GA](5) A person under the age of sixteen years shall not be entitled to injury benefit except in so far as may be provided by regulations.
[GA]Disablement benefit.
9.—(1) Subject to the provisions of the Acts, an insured person who suffers personal injury caused on or after the appointed day by accident arising out of and in the course of his employment, being insurable (occupational injuries) employment, shall be entitled to disablement benefit if he suffers as a result of the accident from loss of physical or mental faculty such that the extent of the resulting disablement assessed in accordance with the following provisions of this section amounts to not less than one per cent.; and for the purposes of those provisions there shall be deemed not to be any relevant loss of faculty when the extent of the resulting disablement, if so assessed, would not amount to one per cent.
[GA](2) Disablement benefit shall not be available to an insured person until after the third day of the period of one hundred and fifty-six days (Sundays being disregarded) beginning with the day of the relevant accident nor until after the last day, if any, of that period on which he is incapable of work as the result of the relevant accident:
[GA]Provided that if he is not so incapable on any day, being the fourth or a later day after the relevant accident, before the end of that period, he may claim, and if otherwise entitled, be awarded disablement benefit as from that day, but in that event the fact that he is or may be so incapable on a subsequent day of the period shall be disregarded for the purposes of this subsection.
[GA](3) For the purposes of this section, the extent of disablement shall be assessed, by reference to the disabilities incurred by the claimant as a result of the relevant loss of faculty, in accordance with the following general principles:
[GA](a) save as hereafter provided in this subsection, the disabilities to be taken into account shall be all disabilities (whether or not involving a loss of earning power or additional expense) to which the claimant may be expected, having regard to his physical and mental condition at the date of the assessment, to be subject during the period taken into account by the assessment as compared with a person of the same age and sex whose physical and mental condition is normal;
[GA](b) any such disability shall be treated as having been incurred as a result of the relevant loss of faculty except that, subject to the provisions of any regulations made under the next subsection, it shall not be so treated in so far as the claimant either—
[GA](i) would in any case have been subject thereto as the result of a congenital defect or of an injury or disease received or contracted before the relevant accident, or
[GA](ii) would not have been subject thereto but for some injury or disease received or contracted after, and not directly attributable to, that accident;
[GA](c) the assessment shall be made without reference to the particular circumstances of the claimant other than age, sex and physical and mental condition;
[GA](d) the disabilities resulting from such loss of faculty as may be prescribed shall be taken as amounting to one hundred per cent. disablement and other disabilities shall be assessed accordingly.
[GA](4) Provision may be made by regulations for further defining the principles on which the extent of disablement is to be assessed, and such regulations may in particular direct that a prescribed loss of faculty shall be treated as resulting in a prescribed degree of disablement; and, in connection with any such direction, nothing in paragraph (c) of the last foregoing subsection shall be taken as preventing the making of different provision, in the case of loss of faculty in or affecting hand or arm, for right-handed and for left-handed persons.
[GA](5) The period to be taken into account by an assessment of the extent of a claimant's disablement shall be the period (beginning not earlier than the end of the injury benefit period, and limited by reference either to the claimant's life or to a definite date) during which the claimant has suffered and may be expected to continue to suffer from the relevant loss of faculty:
[GA]Provided that, if on any assessment the condition of the claimant is not such, having regard to the possibility of changes therein (whether predictable or not), as to allow of a final assessment being made up to the end of the said period—
[GA](a) a provisional assessment shall be made, taking into account such shorter period only as seems reasonable having regard to his condition and the possibility aforesaid, and
[GA](b) on the next assessment the period to be taken into account shall begin with the end of the period taken into account by the provisional assessment.
[GA](6) An assessment shall state the degree of disablement in the form of a percentage and shall specify the period taken into account thereby and, where that is limited by reference to a definite date, whether the assessment is provisional or final:
[GA]Provided that—
[GA](a) the said percentage and period shall not be specified more particularly than is necessary for the purpose of determining in accordance with this section the claimant's rights as to disablement benefit, and
[GA](b) a percentage between twenty and one hundred which is not a multiple of ten shall be treated—
[GA](i) if it is a multiple of five, as being the next higher percentage which is a multiple of ten, and
[GA](ii) if it is not a multiple of five, as being the nearest percentage which is a multiple of ten.
[GA](7) Where the extent of the disablement is assessed for the period taken into account as amounting to less than twenty per cent., disablement benefit shall be a gratuity (in this Act referred to as a disablement gratuity)—
[GA](a) of an amount fixed, in accordance with the length of the said period and the degree of disablement, by a prescribed scale, but not in any case exceeding three hundred and eighty pounds, and
[GA](b) payable, if and in such cases as regulations so provide, by instalments.
[GA]The scale prescribed for the purposes of this subsection shall be the same for all persons, except that a lower amount may be fixed thereby for cases where, at the beginning of the period taken into account by the assessment, the beneficiary is under the age of eighteen years, and may be made to depend on the date on which the beneficiary will attain that age, or the beneficiary, being over the age of eighteen years, is a married woman other than a married woman living apart from and unable to obtain any financial assistance from her husband:
[GA]Provided that—
[GA](i) the said lower amount shall not in any case be less than two-thirds the amount to which the beneficiary would otherwise be entitled, and
[GA](ii) in the case of either class of beneficiary as aforesaid, the higher rate shall be payable if the beneficiary would, if he or she were in receipt of injury benefit rather than disablement gratuity, be entitled to an increase of that benefit for a child qualified for the purposes of this Act or children so qualified or for an adult dependant.
[GA](8) Where the extent of the disablement is assessed for the period taken into account as amounting to twenty per cent. or more, disablement benefit shall be a pension (in this Act referred to as a disablement pension) for that period at the weekly rate appropriate in accordance with Table I annexed to this subsection:
[GA]Provided that—
[GA](a) where that period is limited by reference to a definite date, the pension shall cease on the death of the beneficiary before that date, and
[GA](b) where the beneficiary is under the age of eighteen years or, being over that age, is a married woman other than a married woman living apart from and unable to obtain any financial assistance from her husband, the weekly rate for any degree of disablement shall be at the weekly rate appropriate in accordance with Table II annexed to this subsection unless the beneficiary would, if in receipt of injury benefit rather than disablement pension, be entitled to an increase of that benefit for a child qualified for the purposes of this Act or children so qualified or for an adult dependant.
Degree of disablement | Weekly rate | |||
100 | per | cent. | 115s. | 0d. |
90 | [html] | [html] | 103s. | 6d. |
80 | [html] | [html] | 92s. | 0d. |
70 | [html] | [html] | 80s. | 6d. |
60 | [html] | [html] | 69s. | 0d. |
50 | [html] | [html] | 57s. | 6d. |
40 | [html] | [html] | 46s. | 0d. |
30 | [html] | [html] | 34s. | 6d. |
20 | [html] | [html] | 23s. | 0d. |
Degree of disablement | Weekly rate | |||
100 | per | cent. | 77s. | 6d. |
90 | [html] | [html] | 69s. | 9d. |
80 | [html] | [html] | 62s. | 0d. |
70 | [html] | [html] | 54s. | 3d. |
60 | [html] | [html] | 46s. | 6d. |
50 | [html] | [html] | 38s. | 9d. |
40 | [html] | [html] | 31s. | 0d. |
30 | [html] | [html] | 23s. | 3d. |
20 | [html] | [html] | 15s. | 6d. |
(9) (a) Where, apart from this subsection, a gratuity would fall to be paid under subsection (7) of this section in a case in which the period taken into account by the assessment of disablement is the period of the claimant's life or a period exceeding seven years, the following provisions shall have effect if the claimant opts, before the gratuity is paid, for the substitution of a pension for the gratuity:
[GA](i) the gratuity shall not be paid,
[GA](ii) disablement benefit shall be a pension (in this Act also referred to as a disablement pension) at the weekly rate appropriate in accordance with a prescribed scale,
[GA](iii) the disablement pension shall be for the period taken into account by the assessment of disablement subject to the proviso that, where that period is limited by reference to a definite date, the pension shall cease on the death of the beneficiary before that date.
[GA](b) The following provisions shall apply with respect to the scale prescribed for the purposes of this subsection:
[GA](i) the scale shall be the same for all persons, except that a lower amount may be fixed thereby for cases where the beneficiary is under the age of eighteen years or, being over that age, is a married woman other than a married woman living apart from and unable to obtain any financial assistance from her husband unless the beneficiary would, if in receipt of injury benefit rather than disablement pension, be entitled to an increase of that benefit for a child qualified for the purposes of this Act or children so qualified or for an adult dependant,
(ii) different amounts may be specified in relation to the different percentages under twenty per cent., but, as respects each such amount, it shall be not less than the amount which bears to the disablement pension appropriate to a degree of disablement of twenty per cent. (that is to say, 23s. 0d. or 15s. 6d., as may be appropriate) the same proportion as the percentage with respect to which it is specified bears to twenty per cent.
(10) Notwithstanding subsection (1) of section 44 of the Principal Act, an appeal shall not lie against a provisional assessment of the extent of disablement before the expiration of two years from the date of the first assessment of the extent of disablement in the case, nor where the period taken into account by the assessment falls wholly within those two years.
[GA]Increase of injury benefit and disablement pension for adult dependants.
10.—(1) The weekly rate of injury benefit shall be increased by forty shillings for any period during which—
[GA](a) the beneficiary is living with or wholly or mainly maintaining his wife, or
[GA](b) the beneficiary is wholly or mainly maintaining her husband who is incapable of self-support by reason of some physical or mental infirmity, or
[GA](c) the beneficiary, being a single man or a widower, is maintaining wholly or mainly a female person over the age of sixteen years having the care of one or more than one child qualified for the purposes of this Act who normally resides or reside with him,
[GA]subject to the restriction that a beneficiary shall not be entitled for the same period to an increase of injury benefit under this section in respect of more than one person specified in paragraph (c) of this subsection.
[GA](2) Subsection (1) of this section shall, for any period for which the beneficiary either is entitled to an unemployability supplement or is receiving approved hospital treatment, apply to a disablement pension as it applies to injury benefit.
[GA]Increase of injury benefit and disablement pension for child or children qualified for purposes of this Act.
11.—(1) The weekly rate of injury benefit shall be increased by thirteen shillings in respect of a child qualified for the purposes of this Act or each of two children so qualified who normally resides or reside with the beneficiary and, in addition, where there are more than two such children, by eight shillings in respect of each such child in excess of two.
[GA](2) Subsection (1) of this section shall, for any period for which the beneficiary either is entitled to an unemployability supplement or is receiving approved hospital treatment, apply to a disablement pension as it applies to injury benefit.
[GA]Increase of disablement pension on account of unemployability.
12.—(1) The weekly rate of a disablement pension shall be increased—
[GA](a) in case the beneficiary is—
[GA](i) under the age of eighteen years, or
[GA](ii) being over the age of eighteen years, a married woman other than a married woman living apart from and unable to obtain any financial assistance from her husband,
[GA]and is not entitled to an increase of the pension for a child qualified for the purposes of this Act or children so qualified or for an adult dependant—by forty shillings, and
[GA](b) in any other case—by fifty-two shillings and sixpence,
[GA]if, as a result of the relevant loss of faculty, the beneficiary is incapable of work and likely to remain permanently so incapable.
[GA](2) (a) For the purposes of this section, a person may be treated as being incapable of work and likely to remain permanently incapable of work, notwithstanding that the loss of faculty is not such as to prevent him being capable of work, if it is likely to restrict him to earning not more than one hundred and four pounds in a year.
[GA](b) In the foregoing paragraph the reference to earning includes a reference to receiving any remuneration or profit derived from gainful occupation.
[GA](3) An increase of pension under this section (in this Act referred to as an unemployability supplement) shall be payable for such period as may be determined at the time it is granted, but may be renewed from time to time.
[GA]Increase of disablement pension where constant attendance needed.
13.—(1) Where a disablement pension is payable in respect of an assessment of one hundred per cent., then, if as a result of the relevant loss of faculty the beneficiary requires constant attendance, the weekly rate of the pension shall be increased by an amount determined in accordance with regulations by reference to the extent and nature of the attendance required by the beneficiary, subject to the limitation that such amount shall not exceed forty shillings, except in cases of exceptionally severe disablement, or eighty shillings in any case.
[GA](2) An increase of pension under this section shall be payable for such period as may be determined at the time it is granted, but may be renewed from time to time:
[GA]Provided that no such increase shall be payable in respect of any period during which the beneficiary is receiving medical treatment as an in-patient in a hospital or similar institution.
[GA]Increase of disablement benefit during approved hospital treatment.
14.—Where a person is awarded disablement benefit, but the extent of his disablement is assessed for the period taken into account by the assessment at less than one hundred per cent., it shall be treated as assessed at one hundred per cent. for any part of that period during which he receives approved hospital treatment (whether before or after the making of the assessment or the award of the benefit):
[GA]Provided that, where the extent of the disablement is so assessed at less than twenty per cent., this section shall not affect the operation of the provisions relating to disablement gratuities, but, in the case of a disablement pension payable by virtue of this section to a person awarded a disablement gratuity wholly or partly in respect of the same period, the weekly rate of the pension (after allowing for any increase provided for by this Act) shall be reduced by the amount prescribed as being the weekly value of his gratuity.
[GA]Adjustments for successive accidents.
15.—(1) Where a person suffers two or more successive accidents against which he is insured by occupational injuries insurance—
[GA](a) the person shall not for the same period be entitled (apart from any increase of benefit such as is mentioned in the next subsection) to receive benefit, either by way of injury benefit and any disablement pension or pensions or by way of two or more disablement pensions, at an aggregate weekly rate exceeding—
[GA](i) in case the person is—
[GA](I) under the age of eighteen years, or
[GA](II) being over the age of eighteen years, a married woman other than a married woman living apart from and unable to obtain any financial assistance from her husband,
[GA]and, if injury benefit is payable, is not entitled to an increase of benefit in respect of a child qualified for the purposes of this Act or children so qualified or for an adult dependant or, if disablement pensions are payable, would not be so entitled if injury benefit rather than disablement pensions were payable—seventy-seven shillings and sixpence, and
[GA](ii) in any other case—one hundred and fifteen shillings,
[GA](b) the provision of this Act excluding the right to injury benefit for the first three days of incapacity resulting from the relevant accident unless there are twelve such days during the injury benefit period shall, in relation to two or more accidents happening at intervals not greater than thirteen weeks as the result of each of which the person is incapable of work on some day during its injury benefit period, apply so as to permit of there being taken into account, for the purpose of making up the said twelve days in the case of each of those accidents, any days which may be so taken into account in the case of any other of them,
[GA](c) regulations may provide for adjusting—
[GA](i) injury benefit or disablement benefit, or the conditions for the receipt thereof, in any case where the person has received or may be entitled to a disablement gratuity,
[GA](ii) any increase of benefit such as is mentioned in the next subsection, or the conditions for the receipt thereof.
[GA](2) The increases of benefit referred to in the foregoing subsection are increases in the rate of injury benefit or of disablement pension under sections 10, 11, 12 and 13 of this Act.
[GA]Entitlement to death benefit.
16.—Subject to the provisions of the Acts, where an insured person dies as a result of personal injury caused on or after the appointed day by accident arising out of and in the course of his employment, being insurable (occupational injuries) employment, death benefit shall be payable as provided for in the next following six sections.
[GA]Death benefit—widows.
17.—(1) The widow of the deceased shall be entitled to death benefit if at his death she either was living with him or was being, or would but for the relevant accident have been, wholly or mainly maintained by him.
[GA](2) In the case of a widow, death benefit shall be a pension at the weekly rate of ninety-five shillings.
[GA](3) A pension under this section shall not be payable for any period after the remarriage of the widow.
[GA](4) A widow shall be disqualified for receiving a pension under this section if and so long as she and any person are cohabiting as man and wife.
[GA]Death benefit—widowers.
18.—(1) The widower of the deceased shall be entitled to death benefit if at her death he was being wholly or mainly maintained by her or would, but for the relevant accident, have been so maintained.
[GA](2) In the case of a widower who was, at the death of the deceased, incapable of self-support by reason of some physical or mental infirmity and likely to remain permanently so incapable, death benefit shall be a pension at the weekly rate of ninety-five shillings.
[GA](3) In the case of any other widower, death benefit shall be a gratuity of two hundred and forty-seven pounds.
[GA](4) A pension under this section shall not be payable for any period after the person to whom it is payable ceases to be incapable of self-support by reason of some physical or mental infirmity.
[GA]Death benefit—increase of pension of widow or widower for child or children qualified for purposes of this Act.
19.—The weekly rate of a pension under section 17 or section 18 of this Act shall be increased by thirteen shillings in respect of a child qualified for the purposes of this Act or each of two children so qualified who normally resides or reside with the beneficiary and who—
[GA](a) normally resided with the beneficiary or the deceased immediately before the death of the deceased, or
[GA](b) being a child, grand-child or step-child, or children, grand-children or step-children, of the deceased or of the beneficiary, became normally resident with the beneficiary subsequent to the death of the deceased, or
[GA](c) was or were adopted by the beneficiary pursuant to the provisions of the Adoption Acts, 1952 and 1964, subsequent to the death of the deceased,
[GA]and, in addition, where there are more than two such children, by eight shillings in respect of each such child in excess of two.
[GA]Death benefit—parents.
20.—(1) A parent of the deceased shall be entitled to death benefit if, at the deceased's death, he or she was being wholly or mainly maintained by the deceased, or would but for the relevant accident have been so maintained.
[GA](2) In the case of a parent, the deceased having been at death a married person, death benefit shall be a pension at the weekly rate of twenty-four shillings.
[GA](3) In the case of a parent, the deceased having been at death a widower or widow or an unmarried person, death benefit shall be—
[GA](a) where the parent is the father—a pension at the weekly rate of ninety-five shillings in case he was, at the death of the deceased, incapable of self-support by reason of some physical or mental infirmity and likely to remain permanently so incapable and at the weekly rate of twenty-four shillings in any other case,
[GA](b) where the parent is the mother, having been, at the death of the deceased, a widow or having thereafter become a widow—a pension at the weekly rate of ninety-five shillings,
[GA](c) where the parent is the mother, not being a widow—a pension at the weekly rate of twenty-four shillings in case a pension at the weekly rate of ninety-five shillings under paragraph (a) of this subsection is payable to her husband and at the weekly rate of ninety-five shillings in any other case.
[GA](4) Where a person to whom a pension at the weekly rate of ninety-five shillings under paragraph (a) of the foregoing subsection is payable ceases at any time to be incapable of self-support by reason of some physical or mental infirmity, the pension shall thereafter be payable at the weekly rate of twenty-four shillings and, if at that time a pension at the weekly rate of twenty-four shillings under paragraph (c) of that subsection is payable to his wife, that pension shall thereafter be payable at the weekly rate of ninety-five shillings.
[GA](5) Where a parent was partly maintained by each of two or more insured persons who have died as a result of accidents arising out of and in the course of their employments, being insurable (occupational injuries) employments, the parent may be treated for the purposes of this section as having received from the last of those insured persons to die contributions to his or her maintenance equal to the aggregate amount which those insured persons were together contributing before the accident happened, and as having received nothing from the other or others.
[GA](6) A pension under this section payable to a woman who, at the deceased's death, was a widow or an unmarried woman shall not be payable for any period after her remarriage or marriage.
[GA](7) A widow or an unmarried woman shall be disqualified for receiving a pension under this section if and so long as she and any person are cohabiting as man and wife.
[GA](8) (a) In the foregoing subsections of this section “parent”—
[GA](i) if the deceased was adopted pursuant to the provisions of the Adoption Acts, 1952 and 1964, shall be taken as referring to the adopters or the adopter, and
[GA](ii) includes a stepparent,
[GA]and “father” and “mother” shall be construed accordingly.
(b) Subject to subparagraph (i) of the foregoing paragraph, in the foregoing subsections of this section “parent”, if the deceased was illegitimate, shall be taken as referring to the mother of the deceased.
[GA]Death benefit—orphans qualified for purposes of this Act.
21.—(1) Death benefit shall be payable in respect of an orphan qualified for the purposes of this Act who is a child or step-child of the deceased, and in respect of an orphan so qualified who was wholly or mainly maintained by the deceased at the date of his death.
[GA](2) In the case of an orphan, death benefit shall be a pension at the weekly rate of forty-seven shillings and sixpence.
[GA](3) Section 24 of the Principal Act shall apply to a pension under this section as it applies to an orphan's (contributory) allowance.
[GA]Death benefit—funeral expenses.
22.—(1) Death benefit by way of a grant of fifty pounds in respect of funeral expenses shall, subject to the subsequent provisions of this section, be payable in respect of the death of the deceased.
[GA](2) In any such case as may be specified by regulations, the reference to fifty pounds in subsection (1) of this section shall be construed as a reference to such amount less than fifty pounds as may be specified by the regulations for that case.
[GA](3) Except where regulations otherwise provide, a grant under this section shall not be payable in respect of a death occurring outside the State.
[GA]Insurance against prescribed diseases and injuries not caused by accident.
23.—(1) Subject to the provisions of this section, a person who is insured under the Acts against personal injury caused by accident arising out of and in the course of his employment shall be insured also against any prescribed disease and against any prescribed personal injury not so caused, being a disease or injury due to the nature of that employment and developed on or after the appointed day.
[GA](2) A disease or injury shall be prescribed for the purposes of this section in relation to any insured persons, if the Minister is satisfied that—
[GA](a) it ought to be treated, having regard to its causes and any other relevant considerations, as a risk of their occupations and not as a risk common to all persons, and
[GA](b) it is such that, in the absence of special circumstances, the attribution of particular cases to the nature of the employment can be established or presumed with reasonable certainty.
[GA](3) Regulations prescribing any disease or injury for the purposes of this section may provide that a person who developed the disease or injury on or at any time after a date specified in the regulations, being a date before the regulations came into force but not before the appointed day, shall be treated for the purposes of this section, subject to any prescribed modifications, as if the regulations had been in force when he developed the disease or injury.
[GA](4) Provision may be made by regulations for determining the time at which a person is to be treated for the purposes of the Acts, as having developed any disease or injury prescribed for the purposes of this section, and the circumstances in which any such disease or injury is, where the person in question has previously suffered therefrom, to be treated as having recrudesced or as having been contracted or received afresh.
[GA](5) The benefit payable pursuant to this section in respect of a prescribed disease or injury, and the conditions for the receipt of such benefit, shall be the same as in the case of personal injury by accident arising out of and in the course of a person's employment, subject, however, to the power to make different provision by regulations as respects any matter which is to be prescribed and to the following provisions of this section.
[GA](6) Regulations may provide, in relation to prescribed diseases and injuries, for modifying the provisions of this Act relating to injury benefit and disablement benefit and for adapting references in this Act to accidents, and for modifying the provisions of the Acts in their application in relation to claims for benefit and in relation to questions arising in connection therewith or with an award of benefit on any such claim.
[GA](7) Without prejudice to the generality of the foregoing subsection, the said regulations may in particular include provision—
[GA](a) for presuming any prescribed disease or injury—
[GA](i) to be due, unless the contrary is proved, to the nature of a person's employment where he was employed in any prescribed occupation at the time when, or within a prescribed period or for a prescribed length of time (whether continuous or not) before, he developed the disease or injury,
[GA](ii) not to be due to the nature of a person's employment unless he was employed in some prescribed employment at the time when, or within a prescribed period or for a prescribed length of time (whether continuous or not) before, he developed the disease or injury;
[GA](b) for such matters as appear to the Minister to be incidental to or consequential on provisions included in the regulations by virtue of the foregoing provisions of this section.
[GA](8) Nothing in this section shall affect the right of any person to benefit in respect of a disease which is a personal injury by accident within the meaning of this Act, except that a person shall not be entitled to benefit in respect of a disease as being an injury by accident arising out of and in the course of any employment if at the time of the accident the disease is in relation to him a prescribed disease by virtue of the occupation in which he is engaged in that employment.
[GA]Supplements to workmen's compensation payments.
24.—(1) Regulations shall provide for conferring on persons who—
[GA](a) are or have been on or after the 1st day of October, 1965, entitled in respect of any injury or disease to weekly payments by way of compensation under the Workmen's Compensation Acts, and
[GA](b) as the result of the injury or disease are, or could for the purpose of the provisions of this Act relating to unemployability supplement be treated as being, incapable of work and likely to remain permanently so incapable,
[GA]the like right to payments under this Act by way of unemployability supplement and the like right to payments under this Act in respect of a child or adult dependant as if the injury or disease were one in respect of which a disablement pension were for the time being payable.
[GA](2) Regulations shall also provide for conferring on persons who—
[GA](a) are or have been on or after the 1st day of October, 1965, entitled in respect of any injury or disease to weekly payments by way of compensation under the Workmen's Compensation Acts, and
[GA](b) as the result of that injury or disease require constant attendance,
[GA]the like right to payments under this Act in respect of the need of constant attendance as if the injury or disease were one in respect of which a disablement pension were for the time being payable in respect of an assessment of one hundred per cent.
[GA](3) Such regulations may further provide for applying, in relation to payments under this section, the provisions of the Acts relating to benefit and to the making of claims and the determination of claims and questions in so far as those provisions apply in relation to an unemployability supplement, to an increase of a disablement pension in respect of a child or adult dependant, or to an increase of a disablement pension in respect of the need of constant attendance, as the case may be, subject to any additions or modifications.
[GA](4) No payment shall be made under this section in respect of any period before the appointed day.
(5) All payments under this section shall be paid out of the Occupational Injuries Fund.
[GA]Limitation of benefits by pre-accident earnings.
25.—(1) The weekly rate of injury benefit, including any increase thereof, or of disablement pension, including any increase thereof, shall not exceed the beneficiary's weekly earnings from insurable (occupational injuries) employment at the time of the relevant accident.
[GA](2) Where, in respect of the whole or part of any week for which a beneficiary is entitled to payment of a disablement pension, any one of the following is also payable to him—
[GA](a) disability benefit,
[GA](b) unemployment benefit,
[GA](c) unemployment assistance under the Unemployment Assistance Acts, 1933 to 1965,
[GA]and the aggregate of the two payments would otherwise exceed the beneficiary's weekly earnings from insurable (occupational injuries) employment at the time of the relevant accident, the weekly rate of the disablement pension, including any increase thereof, shall be reduced in respect of that week by the amount of the excess.
[GA](3) The foregoing subsections of this section shall be subject to the proviso that in no case shall the rate payable, including any increase thereof, be reduced below—
[GA](a) in case the beneficiary is—
[GA](i) under the age of eighteen years, or
[GA](ii) being over the age of eighteen years, a married woman other than a married woman living apart from and unable to obtain any financial assistance from her husband,
[GA]and, if injury benefit is payable, is not entitled to an increase of benefit in respect of a child qualified for the purposes of this Act or children so qualified or for an adult dependant or, if disablement pension is payable, would not be so entitled if injury benefit rather than disablement pension were payable—fifteen shillings and sixpence, and
[GA](b) in any other case—twenty-three shillings.
[GA](4) For the purposes of the foregoing subsections of this section, the weekly earnings of a person from insurable (occupational injuries) employment at the time of the relevant accident shall be the rate of his remuneration at that time for a full normal working week in the employment in which the accident occurred, overtime being disregarded for this purpose, or, if he was not employed full time in that employment at the time of the relevant accident, the rate of remuneration which would be provided by his employer for a full normal working week in that employment, overtime being disregarded:
[GA]Provided that—
[GA](a) where a person was being remunerated otherwise than at a weekly rate, the weekly earnings of such person from insurable (occupational injuries) employment at the time of the relevant accident shall be the rate of remuneration which he would earn for a full normal working week in that employment, overtime being disregarded,
[GA](b) where by reason of the casual nature of the employment or the terms of the employment, it is impracticable to compute the rate of remuneration which would be provided by the employer for a full normal working week at the time of the relevant accident, regard may be had to the weekly amount which was being earned at that time by a person employed at the same work by the same employer, or if there is no person so employed, by a person in the same grade employed in the same class of employment and in the same district, and
[GA](c) for the purposes of subsection (1) of this section in the case of disablement pension and for the purposes of subsection (2) of this section, the weekly remuneration, overtime being disregarded, provided during any period after the relevant accident in an employment in which a person was employed at the time of the relevant accident may be substituted with respect to that period for his actual weekly earnings at the time of the relevant accident if, this would be more beneficial to him; and account shall be taken for this purpose (where appropriate) of a person's reasonable prospects of advancement to full adult rate of remuneration.
[GA](5) Where—
[GA](a) a person is, by virtue of regulations under section 24 of this Act, entitled to weekly payments under this Act, and
[GA](b) the amount of any such payment or payments for any week together with the weekly payment of compensation to which he is entitled under the Workmen's Compensation Acts (or where he has ceased to be entitled to weekly payments of compensation under those Acts, the last such weekly payment) is in excess of the weekly earnings, overtime being disregarded, for the time being provided in the employment in which the relevant accident happened or due to the nature of which the relevant disease was contracted, account being taken for this purpose (where appropriate) of a person's reasonable prospects of advancement to full adult rate of remuneration,
[GA]the amount of the weekly payment or payments under this Act for that week shall be reduced by the excess.
[GA]In this subsection “relevant accident” means the accident in respect of which the weekly payment of compensation became payable and “relevant disease” means the disease in respect of which that payment became payable.
[GA](6) For the purposes of this section, where the amount of weekly earnings consists of a whole number of shillings and a part of a shilling, the amount shall be taken as being the next higher whole number of shillings.
[GA]Payment of cost of medical care.
26.—(1) Subject to the provisions of this section, the cost of medical care which, in the opinion of the Minister, is reasonably and necessarily incurred by an insured person as a result of an injury or disease against which, when it was sustained or contracted, he was insured under the Acts shall be payable out of the Occupational Injuries Fund to the extent that such cost is not met under the Health Acts, 1947 to 1966, or the Mental Treatment Acts, 1945 to 1966, or regulations made under section 25 of the Principal Act.
[GA](2) Where an insured person is eligible to avail himself of services provided under the Health Acts, 1947 to 1966, or the Mental Treatment Acts, 1945 to 1966, or treatment benefit under regulations made under section 25 of the Principal Act, but does not do so, the amount payable under this section shall not exceed that which would have been payable had he availed himself of such services or benefit.
[GA](3) Where an insured person receives medical care during any period in which he is an in-patient in a hospital or similar institution, the amount payable under this section in respect of such care shall not exceed—
[GA](a) the maximum amount which would be chargeable under subsection (4) of section 15 of the Health Act, 1953, to an insured person to whom the institutional services provided under that section are made available for that period, or
[GA](b) the maximum amount which would be chargeable under section 231A of the Mental Treatment Act, 1945, to an insured person to whom mental hospital assistance is made available for that period,
[GA]as may be appropriate.
[GA](4) The amount payable under this section in respect of medical care provided otherwise than during a period in which the insured person is an in-patient in a hospital or similar institution shall be such sum as is, in the opinion of the Minister, reasonably appropriate to the care afforded, having regard to the reasonable necessity for such care and the customary charge therefor, but, in respect of an X-ray examination or other specialist service, the amount so payable shall not exceed the maximum amount which would be chargeable under subsection (5) of section 15 of the Health Act, 1953, to an insured person.
[GA](5) Where an insured person requires medical care as a result of an injury or disease against which, when it was sustained or contracted, he was insured under the Acts, he or such other person as may be prescribed shall, within such period as may be prescribed, give notice in writing to the Minister of the care required by him, and shall furnish such particulars as may be required of such care, and no payment under this section shall be made unless the notice is given and, where any particulars are required as aforesaid, those particulars are furnished.
[GA](6) Where notice is given under the foregoing subsection, the insured person may be required to submit himself to medical examination for the purpose of establishing that the medical care is necessary as a result of the relevant accident or disease and that it is reasonable in his case, and no payment shall be made under this section if he fails to comply with the requirement.
[GA](7) Payments under this section shall be made to such persons as the Minister thinks fit and, in particular, where the cost of the medical care payable under this section is due to a health authority, payment may be made to that authority.
[GA](8) Regulations may provide for applying in relation to payments under this section any of the provisions of the Acts relating to benefit and to the making of claims, subject to any additions or modifications.
[GA](9) For the purposes of this section medical care shall comprise, subject to any additions which may be made by regulations,—
[GA](a) general practitioner and specialist care, including domiciliary visiting,
[GA](b) nursing care at home except where the cost is met by an increase under section 13 of this Act in respect of constant attendance, and nursing care and maintenance in hospitals, convalescent homes, sanatoria or other medical institutions,
[GA](c) pharmaceutical and other medical or surgical supplies, including prosthetic and aural appliances, prescribed by a registered medical practitioner, kept in repair, and replaced where necessary,
[GA](d) dental and optical treatment and appliances,
[GA](e) the care furnished, on the prescription of a registered medical practitioner, by members of professions allied to the medical profession, including physiotherapists and chiropodists.
[GA]Notice of accidents.
27.—(1) Regulations may provide for requiring the prescribed notice of any accident in respect of which occupational injuries benefit or any amount under section 26 of this Act may be payable to be given within the prescribed time by the insured person, or, where within that time his death results from the accident, by such other person as may be prescribed, to the insured person's employer or other prescribed person.
[GA](2) In a case of failure without good cause to give the prescribed notice referred to in the foregoing subsection (including, in the case of a claim for death benefit, a failure on the part of some other person to give the prescribed notice of the relevant accident), regulations may provide for disqualification for receipt of occupational injuries benefit or any amount under section 26 of this Act for such period as may be determined in accordance with the regulations.
[GA]Reporting of accidents by employers.
28.—Regulations may provide for requiring employers—
[GA](a) to make reports, to such person and in such form and within such time as may be prescribed, of accidents in respect of which occupational injuries benefit or any amount under section 26 of this Act may be payable,
[GA](b) to furnish to the prescribed person any information required for the determination of claims for occupational injuries benefit or of questions arising in connection with claims for or awards of that benefit,
[GA](c) to take such other steps as may be prescribed to facilitate the giving of notices of accidents in respect of which occupational injuries benefit or any amount under section 26 of this Act may be payable, the making of claims for that benefit, and the determination of claims for that benefit and of questions arising in connection with claims for or awards of that benefit.
[GA]Declaration that accident is an occupational accident.
29.—(1) Where, in relation to any claim for occupational injuries benefit, it is decided that the relevant accident was or was not an occupational accident, an express declaration of that fact shall be made and recorded and (subject to the provisions of subsection (3) of this section) a claimant shall be entitled to have the question whether the relevant accident was an occupational accident decided notwithstanding that his claim is disallowed on other grounds.
[GA](2) Subject to the provisions of the next following subsection, any person suffering personal injury by accident shall be entitled, if he claims that the accident was an occupational accident, to have that question decided, and a declaration made and recorded accordingly, notwithstanding that no claim for occupational injuries benefit has been made in connection with which the question arises, and the provisions of the Acts shall apply for that purpose as if the question had arisen in relation to a claim for occupational injuries benefit.
[GA](3) Notwithstanding anything contained in the foregoing subsections of this section, the deciding officer or appeals officer, as the case may be, may refuse to determine the question whether an accident was an occupational accident if satisfied that it is unlikely that it will be necessary to decide the question for the purposes of any claim for occupational injuries benefit, but any such refusal of a deciding officer shall, on notice of appeal being given to the Minister within the prescribed time, be referred to an appeals officer.
[GA](4) Subject to the provisions of the Acts as to appeal and revision, any declaration under this section that an accident was or was not an occupational accident shall be conclusive for the purposes of any claim for occupational injuries benefit in respect of that accident, whether or not the claimant is the person at whose instance the declaration was made.
[GA](5) For the purposes of this section, an accident whereby a person suffers personal injury shall be deemed, in relation to him, to be an occupational accident if—
[GA](a) it arises out of and in the course of his employment,
[GA](b) that employment is insurable (occupational injuries) employment, and
[GA](c) payment of occupational injuries benefit is not precluded because the accident happened while he was outside the State,
[GA]and references in other sections of this Act to an occupational accident shall be construed accordingly.
[GA]Extension of section 47 of Principal Act with respect to certain payments.
30.—Regulations made pursuant to section 47 of the Principal Act as to the time of payment of occupational injuries benefit other than injury benefit may provide, notwithstanding anything contained in the Acts, for adjusting the commencement and termination of benefit, or of changes in the rate of benefit, so that payment shall not be made in respect of periods less than a week or at different rates for different parts of a week.
[GA]Disqualifications for injury benefit or disablement benefit and suspensions of proceedings.
31.—(1) Regulations may provide for disqualifying a person for receiving injury benefit or disablement benefit for any period not exceeding six weeks, or for suspending proceedings on any claim for, or on any payment of, injury benefit or disablement benefit, if the person fails without good cause—
[GA](a) to submit himself from time to time to medical examination for the purpose of determining the effect of the relevant accident, whether the accident has resulted in a loss of faculty, at what degree the extent of disablement resulting from a loss of faculty is to be assessed and what period is to be taken into account by the assessment, or the treatment appropriate to the relevant injury or loss of faculty,
[GA](b) to submit himself from time to time to appropriate medical treatment for the relevant injury or loss of faculty,
[GA](c) to attend at such places and times as may be required for the purposes of the said medical examination or treatment, or
[GA](d) to observe any prescribed rules of behaviour.
[GA](2) Regulations under this section shall provide for payment to any person attending for medical examination or treatment as aforesaid of such amount as may be determined by the Minister as the amount of the reasonable and necessary travelling and other expenses (including any expense consisting of loss of remunerative time) incurred by the person in respect of the attendance.
[GA]Treating person as incapable of work, etc.
32.—Regulations may provide for treating a person for the purposes of this Act as incapable of work as the result of an accident or injury when he would not be so treated apart from the regulations, and may also make provision—
[GA](a) as to the days which, in the case of a person who at any time is or is to be treated as incapable of work as the result of an accident or injury, are or are not to be treated for the purpose of occupational injuries benefit as days of incapacity for work, and
[GA](b) as to the day which, in the case of night workers and other special cases, is to be treated for the purpose of occupational injuries benefit as the day of the accident.
[GA]Medical treatment and approved hospital treatment.
33.—(1) For the purposes of this Act “medical treatment” means medical, surgical or rehabilitative treatment (including any course of diet or other regimen), and references in this Act to a person receiving or submitting himself to medical treatment shall be construed accordingly.
[GA](2) References in this Act to a person receiving approved hospital treatment shall be construed, in relation to any occupational injuries benefit payable to him, as referring to his receiving, as an in-patient in a hospital or similar institution, with the approval of the Minister medical treatment for the relevant injury or loss of faculty.
[GA](3) Regulations may provide that where a person receives medical treatment as an in-patient for two or more distinct periods separated by an interval or intervals of less than a specified duration, he shall be treated for the purposes of this Act as receiving it continuously from the beginning of the first period until the end of the last.
34.—(1) The Minister may make, towards the cost of rehabilitation services (including rehabilitation services provided under section 50 of the Health Act, 1953) for persons entitled to disablement benefit, such contributions as he may, with the consent of the Minister for Finance, determine.
[GA](2) The amounts required for any contributions under this section shall be paid out of the Occupational Injuries Fund.
35.—(1) The Minister may promote research into the causes and incidence, and methods of prevention of—
[GA](a) accidents and injuries against which occupational injuries insurance is provided, or
[GA](b) diseases against which such insurance is provided or which it is contemplated may be prescribed for the purposes of section 23 of this Act,
[GA]either by himself employing persons to conduct the research or by contributing to the expenses of, or otherwise assisting, other persons engaged in the research.
[GA](2) The Minister may pay to persons employed as aforesaid such salaries or other remuneration, and such travelling or other allowances, as he may, with the consent of the Minister for Finance, determine.
[GA](3) The amounts required for any payments under this section shall be paid out of the Occupational Injuries Fund.
[GA]Employment contributions.
36.—(1) Every person, irrespective of age, who, on or after the appointed day, is employed in insurable (occupational injuries) employment shall be an employed contributor and references in the Acts to an employed contributor shall be construed accordingly.
[GA](2) As respects an employed contributor who, but for subsection (1) of this section, would not be an employed contributor—
[GA](a) in case he is under the age of sixteen years, no employment contributions shall be payable,
[GA](b) in any other case (including a case in which he is over pensionable age) the weekly employment contributions shall consist of employers' contributions only of 2s. 1d. in the case of a male employed contributor and 1s. 6d. in the case of a female employed contributor.
[GA](3) As respects an employed contributor who is an employed contributor by virtue of both section 4 of the Principal Act and subsection (1) of this section, the weekly rates of employers' contributions set out in the Second Schedule to the Principal Act shall each be increased by 2s. 1d. in the case of a male employed contributor and by 1s. 6d. in the case of a female employed contributor.
[GA](4) An employment contribution payable by virtue of paragraph (b) of subsection (2) of this section shall not be reckoned for the purposes of qualifying or re-qualifying any person for any of the benefits referred to in paragraphs (a) to (g) of subsection (1) of section 14 of the Principal Act.
[GA](5) The occupational injuries insurance of any person shall be disregarded in determining his right to become or to continue to be a voluntary contributor and the rate of voluntary contribution payable in any case shall not be affected by such insurance.
[GA](6) Paragraph (b) of subsection (4) of section 6 of the Principal Act is hereby extended so as to have effect where no services have been rendered during a week by the employed contributor and he has been in receipt of injury benefit for, or unemployability supplement referable to, the whole or any part of the week.
[GA](7) References in subsections (4) and (5) of section 2, subsection (1) of section 42 and subsections (3) and (6) of section 49 of the Principal Act to insurable employment shall be construed as referring also to insurable (occupational injuries) employment.
[GA]Occupational Injuries Fund.
37.—(1) There shall be established a fund (to be called the Occupational Injuries Fund) comprising a current account, to be managed and controlled by the Minister, and an investment account, to be managed and controlled by the Minister for Finance.
[GA](2) (a) Notwithstanding any provision to the contrary, occupational injuries benefits, together with any other payments which under this Act are payable out of the Occupational Injuries Fund, shall be paid out of the current account of that Fund, and, for the purpose of providing the moneys for meeting the expenditure on such benefits and other payments, employment contributions paid into the Social Insurance Fund consequent upon subsection (2) of section 36 of this Act and increases of employment contributions so paid consequent upon subsection (3) thereof shall be paid out of that Fund to the current account of the Occupational Injuries Fund.
[GA](b) The following sums paid out of the Social Insurance Fund shall be repaid to that Fund out of the Occupational Injuries Fund:
[GA](i) sums paid by way of disability benefit in respect of incapacity for work arising out of an occupational accident, or a disease or injury prescribed for the purposes of section 23 of this Act, to a person who is entitled to disablement benefit in respect of such accident, disease or injury,
[GA](ii) sums paid, in respect of any period commencing not earlier than the appointed day, by way of disability benefit in respect of incapacity for work arising out of an injury or disease, being sums paid to a person who is or has been on or after the 1st day of October, 1965, entitled to weekly payments of compensation under the Workmen's Compensation Acts in respect of such injury or disease.
[GA](3) Moneys standing to the credit of the current account of the Occupational Injuries Fund and not required to meet current expenditure shall be transferred to the investment account of that Fund.
[GA](4) Whenever the moneys in the current account of the Occupational Injuries Fund are insufficient to meet the liabilities of that account, there shall be transferred to that account from the investment account of that Fund such sums as may be necessary for the purpose of discharging those liabilities.
[GA](5) Subject to subsection (4) of this section, moneys standing to the credit of the investment account of the Occupational Injuries Fund shall be invested by the Minister for Finance and income arising from any such investment shall be paid into that account.
[GA](6) An investment pursuant to subsection (5) of this section may be in any securities in which trustees are for the time being by law empowered to invest trust funds or in any of the stocks, funds and securities as are for the time being authorised by law as investments for Post Office Savings Bank Funds.
[GA](7) Accounts of the Occupational Injuries Fund shall be prepared in such form, in such manner and at such times as the Minister for Finance may direct and the Comptroller and Auditor General shall examine and certify every such account and a copy thereof, together with the report thereon of the Comptroller and Auditor General, shall be laid before each House of the Oireachtas.
[GA](8) There shall be recoverable from the Occupational Injuries Fund at such times and in such manner as may be directed by the Minister for Finance—
[GA](a) expenses of the Minister (determined on such basis as he considers proper) relating to the extension pursuant to this Act of social insurance, and
[GA](b) expenses of any other Minister (determined on such basis as may be agreed upon between him and the Minister) relating to that extension.
[GA](9) Moneys received pursuant to subsection (8) of this section shall be paid into or disposed of for the benefit of the Exchequer in such manner as the Minister for Finance may direct.
[GA](10) In estimating expenses for the purposes of subsection (8) of this section, there shall be included such amount as, in the opinion of the Minister for Finance, represents the amount of the accruing liability in respect of any superannuation or other retiring allowances, lump-sums or gratuities accruing in respect of the employment of any officer or other person for the purposes of this Act.
[GA](11) (a) During the period of two years beginning on the appointed day, the Minister for Finance may, out of the Central Fund or the growing produce thereof, advance any sums required for the purpose of discharging the liabilities of the Occupational Injuries Fund, and for the purpose of providing the sums to be so advanced the Minister for Finance may borrow money in such manner as he may think proper and all moneys so borrowed shall be paid into the Exchequer.
[GA](b) Any sums advanced under the foregoing paragraph, together with interest (if any) thereon at such rate as may be fixed by the Minister for Finance, shall be charged on and be repayable out of the Occupational Injuries Fund and when so repaid shall be paid into the Exchequer.
[GA](c) The principal of and interest on any securities issued by the Minister for Finance for the purpose of borrowing under this subsection and the expenses incurred in connection with the issue of such securities shall be charged on and payable out of the Central Fund or the growing produce thereof.
[GA](12) (a) The Minister shall cause actuarial reviews to be made into the financial condition of the Occupational Injuries Fund, having regard, in particular, to the adequacy, or otherwise, of the contributions to support the benefits and other payments, and shall cause a copy of every report of the actuary under this subsection to be laid before each House of the Oireachtas.
[GA](b) A review under this subsection shall be made in respect of the period ending with the 31st day of March next after the expiration of the period of five years beginning on the appointed day and thereafter in respect of the period ending with the 31st day of March in every fifth year, subject to the proviso that the Minister may vary the period to be covered by any such review.
[GA](13) References in sections 32, 52, 54 and 57 of the Principal Act to the Fund shall be construed as referring also to the Occupational Injuries Fund.
[GA]Modification of sections 44, 45 and 46 of Principal Act.
38.—Sections 44, 45 and 46 of the Principal Act shall have effect as if the words “question specified in paragraph (a), (b) or (c) of subsection (1) of section 42 of this Act”, wherever they occur in those sections, did not include a reference to a question arising under this Act as to whether an accident arose out of and in the course of employment.
[GA]Taking of benefit into account in assessing damages.
39.—(1) Notwithstanding section 2 of the Civil Liability (Amendment) Act, 1964, and section 34 of the Principal Act, in an action for damages for personal injuries (including any such action arising out of a contract), there shall in assessing those damages be taken into account, against any loss of earnings or profits which has accrued or probably will accrue to the injured person from the injuries, the value of any rights which have accrued or probably will accrue to him therefrom in respect of injury benefit or disablement benefit (disregarding any increase thereof under section 13 of this Act in respect of constant attendance) for the five years beginning with the time when the cause of action accrued.
[GA](2) The reference in subsection (1) of this section to assessing the damages for personal injuries shall, in cases where the damages otherwise recoverable are subject to reduction under the law relating to contributory negligence or are limited by or under any Act or by contract, be taken as referring to the total damages which would have been recoverable apart from the reduction or limitation.
[GA](3) Notwithstanding section 50 of the Civil Liability Act, 1961, in assessing damages in respect of a person's death under Part IV of that Act, account may be taken of any death benefit, by way of grant under section 22 of this Act in respect of funeral expenses, resulting from that person's death.
40.—Workmen's compensation under the Workmen's Compensation Acts, 1934 to 1955, as amended by Part V of the Civil Liability Act, 1961, shall not be payable in respect of any employment on or after the appointed day, and accordingly the Workmen's Compensation Acts, 1934 to 1955, and Part V of the Civil Liability Act, 1961, are hereby repealed as from that day:
[GA]Provided that—
[GA](a) those Acts shall continue to apply to cases to which they would have applied if this Act had not been passed, being cases where a right to compensation arises or has arisen in respect of employment before the appointed day, except where, in the case of a disease or injury prescribed for the purposes of section 23 of this Act, the right does not arise before the appointed day and the workman, before it does arise, has been insured under this Act against that disease or injury;
[GA](b) the repeal of the Workmen's Compensation Act, 1934, shall not affect any rules of court made under that Act or the power to make new rules of court for the purposes of that Act; and
[GA](c) the repeal of subsection (1) of section 13 of the Workmen's Compensation Act, 1934, shall not affect the application of the Acts repealed by that Act or by the Workmen's Compensation Act, 1906, to cases to which by virtue of that subsection they are to continue to apply.
[GA]Power to remove difficulties.
41.—(1) If in any respect any difficulty arises in bringing into operation this Act or any amendment or repeal effected by this Act, the Minister may, subject to the sanction of the Minister for Finance, by order do anything which appears to be necessary or expedient for bringing this Act into operation, and any such order may modify the provisions of the Acts so far as may appear necessary or expedient for carrying the order into effect.
[GA](2) Every order made by the Minister under this section shall be laid before each House of the Oireachtas as soon as may be after it is made, and if a resolution is passed by either House of the Oireachtas within the next twenty-one days on which that House has sat after the order is laid before it annulling such order, the order shall be annulled accordingly, but without prejudice to the validity of anything previously done under the order.
[GA](3) No order may be made under this section after the expiration of one year after the appointed day.
[GA]Amendment of Local Government (Superannuation) Act, 1956.
42.—(1) The definition of “service day” contained in section 2 of the Local Government (Superannuation) Act, 1956, is hereby amended by the insertion after paragraph (b) of the following paragraph:
[GA]“(bb) a day (other than a Sunday) in respect of which the servant was paid injury benefit or disablement benefit under the Social Welfare (Occupational Injuries) Act, 1966, provided that—
[GA](i) the accident occurred (or, as the case may be, the injury was sustained or the disease was contracted) on a day such as is referred to in paragraph (a) of this definition,
[GA](ii) either—
[GA](I) the whole of the period in respect of which the benefit was paid was not more than one year, or
[GA](II) where the whole of the period in respect of which the benefit was paid was more than one year, the day occurred during such portion of the period as was before the expiration of one year from its commencement, and
[GA](iii) in the case of a day in respect of which the servant was paid disablement benefit, it was a day on which he was incapable of work or unable, solely because of the said accident, injury or disease, to work in the manner referred to in paragraph (a) of this definition,”.
[GA](2) The definition of “wages” contained in section 2 of the Local Government (Superannuation) Act, 1956, is hereby amended by the insertion after paragraph (a) of the following paragraph:
[GA]“(aa) in the case of a servant who is being paid injury benefit or disablement benefit under the Social Welfare (Occupational Injuries) Act, 1966, includes, if the accident occurred (or, as the case may be, the injury was sustained or the disease was contracted) on a day such as is referred to in paragraph (a) of the definition of ‘service day’ contained in this section and if, where he is being paid disablement benefit, he is incapable of work or unable, solely because of the said accident, injury or disease, to work in the manner referred to in the said paragraph (a), the wages that he would have received if he had not been in receipt of such benefit, and”.
(3) Subsection (1) of section 43 of the Local Government (Superannuation) Act, 1956, is hereby amended by the addition at the end of the subsection of “or in respect of a period in respect of which he was paid injury benefit or disablement benefit under the Social Welfare (Occupational Injuries) Act, 1966, if the accident occurred (or, as the case may be, the injury was sustained or the disease was contracted) on a day such as is referred to in paragraph (a) of the definition of ‘service day’ contained in section 2 of this Act and if, in the case of a period in respect of which he was paid disablement benefit, he was, during it, incapable of work or unable, solely because of the said accident, injury or disease, to work in the manner referred to in the said paragraph (a)”.
[GA]Short title, construction and collective citation.
43.—(1) This Act may be cited as the Social Welfare (Occupational Injuries) Act, 1966, and shall be construed as one with the Social Welfare Acts, 1952 to 1965.
[GA](2) The Social Welfare Acts, 1952 to 1965, and this Act may be cited together as the Social Welfare Acts, 1952 to 1966.