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Number 42 of 1937.
Section | |
Amendment and Extension of the Housing (Financial and Miscellaneous Provisions) Acts, 1932 TO 1936
Amendment of sub-section (1) of section 5 of the Principal Act. | |
Further restrictions on grants under section 5 of the Principal Act. | |
Limit of grants under section 5 of the Principal Act and this Act. | |
Amendment of the Labourers Act, 1936
Amendment of sections 16 and 17 of the Principal Act and consequential provisions. |
Enactments Repealed
Acts Referred to | |
No. 19 of 1932 | |
Housing (Financial and Miscellaneous Provisions) (Amendment) Act, 1934 | No. 30 of 1934 |
No. 27 of 1936 | |
No. 50 of 1931 | |
No. 24 of 1936 |
Number 42 of 1937.
Short title and citation.
1.—(1) This Act may be cited as the Housing and Labourers Act, 1937.
(2) The Housing (Financial and Miscellaneous Provisions) Acts, 1932 to 1936, and Part II of this Act may be cited together as the Housing (Financial and Miscellaneous Provisions) Acts, 1932 to 1937.
(3) The Labourers Acts, 1883 to 1936, and Part III of this Act may be cited together as the Labourers Acts, 1883 to 1937.
Amendment and Extension of the Housing (Financial and Miscellaneous Provisions) Acts, 1932 to 1936.
Definitions for purposes of Part II.
2.—In this Part of this Act—
the expression “the Principal Act” means the Housing (Financial and Miscellaneous Provisions) Act, 1932 (No. 19 of 1932);
the expression “the Minister” “urban area” and “urban authority” and the words “person” “house” and “erected” have the same meanings as they respectively have in Part II of the Principal Act.
Amendment of sub-section (1) of section 5 of the Principal Act.
3.—Sub-section (1) of section 5 of the Principal Act is hereby amended in the following respects and the said section shall be construed and have effect accordingly, that is to say:—
(a) by the insertion in paragraph (b) of the said sub-section (1) of the following sub-paragraph, in lieu of sub-paragraph (iv) now (by virtue of paragraph (b) of section 2 of the Housing (Financial and Miscellaneous Provisions) (Amendment) Act, 1934 (No. 30 of 1934) ) contained in the said paragraph (b), that is to say:—
“(iv) forty-five pounds, if the erection of such house shall have been commenced on or after the 12th day of May, 1932, but before the 1st day of January, 1937, and shall have been completed before the 1st day of April, 1938;”
(b) the reference to the 1st day of April, 1935, contained in each of the paragraphs (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) (h) and (i) of the said sub-section (1) shall be construed as a reference to the 1st day of April, 1939;
(c) the reference to the 1st day of April, 1938, set out in paragraph (b) of sub-section (1) of section 2 of the Housing Act, 1936 (No. 27 of 1936) shall be construed in all cases as a reference to the 1st day of October, 1938;
(d) by the substitution in sub-paragraph (ii) of paragraph (i) of the said sub-section (1) of the figures “800” for the figures “750” now contained in the said sub-paragraph (ii);
(e) by the insertion in paragraph (j) of the said sub-section (1) of the words and figures “before the 1st day of April, 1939” after the words “in respect of any house acquired” and after the words “repairing such house” now contained in the said paragraph (j).
Further restrictions on grants under section 5 of the Principal Act.
4.—In addition to the restrictions imposed by sub-section (3) of section 5 of the Principal Act the Minister shall not make a grant under section 5 of the Principal Act, as amended by any subsequent enactment (including this Act), in respect of—
(a) a house which is erected on or on any part of the site of a building in respect of the destruction of which—
(i) compensation has been paid on foot of either a decree or report made under the Damage to Property (Compensation) Acts, 1923 to 1933, or
(ii) payment has been made on foot of an award made by the Compensation (Ireland) Commission; or
(b) a reconstructed house where, in respect of damage to the building before reconstruction—
(i) compensation has been paid on foot of either a decree or report made under the Damage to Property (Compensation) Acts, 1923 to 1933, or
(ii) payment has been made on foot of an award made by the Compensation (Ireland) Commission; or
(c) a house in respect of which a grant was made under the Housing (Gaeltacht) Acts, 1929 and 1934; or
(d) a house in respect of which a grant was made under the Principal Act, as amended by any subsequent enactment (including this Act).
Grants by Minister and urban authorities in respect of certain works executed on houses in urban areas.
5.—(1) Where after the passing of this Act a notice has been served under section 19 of the Housing (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act, 1931 (No. 50 of 1931), by an urban authority on a person having control of a house in an urban area and such person has executed on such house the works specified in such notice, then, subject to the provisions of this section:—
(a) the Minister may, with the consent of the Minister for Finance and subject to the prescribed regulations, make, out of moneys provided by the Oireachtas, to such person a grant in respect of such works, and
(b) such urban authority may also make to such person a grant in respect of such works.
(2) No grant made under this section by the Minister or an urban authority in respect of any works executed on a house shall exceed whichever of the following amounts is the smaller, that is to say:—
(a) £40 for each separate dwelling forming part of such house after the execution of such works,
(b) one quarter of the cost of such works.
(3) The Minister shall not make under this section a grant in respect of works executed on a house to which this section applies where it is shown to his satisfaction that throughout such execution rates of wages have not been paid or conditions of labour observed at least as advantageous to the persons employed on such execution as the appropriate rates of wages or conditions of labour generally recognised by trade unions at the commencement of such works.
(4) No grant shall be made under this section in respect of works executed on a house situate in a county borough or in the borough of Dun Laoghaire unless the Minister and the urban authority agree to make grants of equal amount in respect of such works.
(5) An urban authority shall not make a grant under this section in respect of works executed on a house situate in an urban area (other than a county borough or the borough of Dun Laoghaire), unless the Minister also makes in respect of such works a grant of an equal or greater amount.
(6) Sub-section (3) of section 5 of the Principal Act and the immediately preceding section of this Act shall apply in respect of grants by the Minister under this section in like manner as if such grants were grants under section 5 of the Principal Act as amended by any subsequent enactment (including this Act).
(7) For the purposes of this section an urban authority shall have the like powers of raising expenses and of borrowing money as are conferred on them by Part III of the Housing of the Working Classes Act, 1890, as amended by any subsequent enactments.
(8) Where the Minister makes a grant under this section to any person in respect of works executed on a house, the following provisions shall apply and have effect, that is to say:—
(a) the Minister may require such person as a condition of receiving a grant to enter into any undertaking which seems proper to the Minister in respect of the maximum rent to be charged by such person for such house or for any separate dwelling forming part of such house after the execution of such works;
(b) where such undertaking is so entered into, no rent shall be payable by the tenant of such house or such separate dwelling which is greater than the maximum rent permitted by such undertaking;
(c) the Minister may require such person as a condition of his receiving a grant to enter into any undertaking which seems proper to the Minister in respect of the rates of wages to be paid or the conditions of labour to be observed in the execution of such works.
(9) The Minister may make regulations providing for any matter or thing which under this section is to be provided for by the prescribed regulations.
Limit of grants under section 5 of the Principal Act and this Act.
6.—The aggregate amount of grants to be made by the Minister under section 5 of the Principal Act, as amended by any subsequent enactment (including this Act) and under the immediately preceding section of this Act shall not exceed the sum of three million five hundred thousand pounds.
Amendment of Section 8 of the Principal Act.
7.—Section 8 of the Principal Act is hereby amended by the insertion of the following sub-section at the end of the said section, that is to say:—
“(4) The Minister may, as a condition of his making a grant to any person or public utility society in respect of the erection of a house to which in his opinion this section applies require such person or public utility society (as the case may be) to enter into any undertaking which seems proper to the Minister as to the rates of wages to be paid or the conditions of labour to be observed in such erection.”
Enforcement of undertaking.
8.—Where the Minister has, whether before or after the passing of this Act, paid to any person or public utility society under section 5 of the Principal Act or this Act, any grant or instalment of a grant and as a condition to his receiving such grant such person or public utility society (as the case may be) has given any undertaking to the Minister and such undertaking has not been complied with the following provisions shall have effect that is to say:—
(1) such person or public utility society (as the case may be) shall be liable to repay to the Minister the amount of such grant;
(2) such amount may be recovered from such person or public utility society (as the case may be) as a civil debt in any court of competent jurisdiction.
9.—The enactments mentioned in the Schedule to this Act are hereby repealed to the extent specified in the third column of the said Schedule.
Amendment of the Labourers Act, 1936.
Definition for purposes of Part III.
10.—In this Part of this Act the expression “the Principal Act” means the Labourers Act, 1936 (No. 24 of 1936).
Amendment of sections 16 and 17 of the Principal Act and consequential provisions.
11.—(1) Sub-section (1) of section 16 of the Principal Act is hereby amended by the deletion of paragraph (c) of the said sub-section, and the said sub-section shall be construed and have effect accordingly.
(2) Sub-section (1) of section 17 of the Principal Act is hereby amended by the insertion at the end of the said sub-section of the following words, that is to say:—
“subject however to the following restrictions, namely, that if any rent is due in respect of such cottage, such vesting order shall not be made unless and until—
(i) in case the amount of rent due does not exceed one quarter year's rent, the said amount is paid to such board of health, or
(ii) in case the amount of rent due exceeds one quarter year's rent, a sum not less than one quarter year's rent is paid to such board of health on account of the said amount.”
and the said sub-section shall be construed and have effect accordingly.
(3) Where the board of health for a county health district make, under sub-section (1) of section 17 of the Principal Act as amended by this section, a vesting order in relation to a cottage in respect of which any sum (in this sub-section referred to as the arrears) in respect of rent remains due at the time of the making of such vesting order, the following provisions shall have effect, that is to say:—
(a) for the purposes of this sub-section—
the expression “the principal annuity” means the terminable annuity specified in relation to such cottage in the purchase scheme (within the meaning of the Principal Act) applicable to such cottage,
the expression “gale days” means the days specified in such vesting order in pursuance of paragraph (b) of sub-section (2) of the said section 17;
(b) the arrears shall be paid to such board of health within such number of years (in this sub-section referred to as the funding period), commencing with and expiring not later than the payment period (within the meaning of the said sub-section (2)) in respect of such cottage, as such board of health may appoint, and shall, if such board of health so directs, be paid with interest at such rate (not exceeding 4¾ per cent. per annum) as such board of health may appoint for such county health district;
(c) the arrears with interest thereon (if any) shall be paid by means of an annuity (in this sub-section referred to as the funding annuity) payable during the funding period;
(d) the funding annuity shall—
(i) in case such board of health direct that the arrears are to be paid with interest, be of such amount as, in the opinion of such board of health, will, during the funding period, repay the arrears, with interest at the rate so appointed, by equal instalments on the gale days falling within the funding period, or
(ii) in any other case, be an amount equal to the arrears divided by a number equal to the number of years in the funding period;
(e) such cottage shall, by virtue of this paragraph, be subject to and charged with the payment to such board of health of the funding annuity;
(f) the funding annuity shall be paid by equal instalments on the gale days falling within the funding period, and the statutory conditions applicable to such cottage shall, during the funding period, include a condition that on each gale day during the funding period an instalment of the funding annuity shall be punctually paid to such board of health, and the expression “instalment of an annuity” contained in sections 22 and 24 of the Principal Act shall be construed as including an instalment of the funding annuity;
(g) reference in section 27 of the Principal Act to the cottage purchase annuity shall during the funding period be construed as references to the principal annuity increased by an amount equal to the funding annuity;
(h) in calculating the amount of the funding annuity or the amount of any instalment of the funding annuity, any fraction of a penny less than a halfpenny shall be disregarded and any fraction of a penny equal to or greater than a halfpenny shall be reckoned as a penny;
(i) such vesting order shall state that the provisions of this sub-section are applicable to such cottage and shall specify the funding period and the amount of the funding annuity and of an instalment thereof.
Enactments Repealed.
No. and Year | Short Title | Extent of Repeal |
No. 19 of 1932. | The Housing (Financial and Miscellaneous Provisions) Act, 1932. | Sub-paragraph (iv) of paragraph (b) of sub-section (1) of Section 5; paragraphs (c), (d) and (f) of sub-section (3) of Section 5. |
No. 30 of 1934. | The Housing (Financial and Miscellaneous Provisions) (Amendment) Act, 1934. | Paragraph (b) of Section 2. |
No. 27 of 1936. | The Housing (Financial and Miscellaneous Provisions) (Amendment) (No. 2) Act, 1936. |
Uimhir 42 de 1937.
Gearr-theideal agus luadh.
1.—(1) Féadfar Acht na dTithe agus na Sclábhaithe, 1937, do ghairm den Acht so.
(2) Féadfar Achtanna na dTithe (Forálacha Airgid agus Forálacha Ilghnéitheacha), 1932 go 1937, do ghairm d'Achtanna na dTithe (Forálacha Airgid agus Forálacha Ilghnéitheacha), 1932 go 1936, agus de Chuid II den Acht so le chéile.
(3) Féadfar Achtanna na Sclábhaithe, 1883 go 1937, do ghairm d'Achtanna na Sclábhaithe, 1883 go 1936, agus de Chuid III den Acht so le chéile.
Achtanna na dTithe (Foralacha Airgid agus Foralacha Ilghneitheacha), 1932 go 1936, do Leasu agus do Leathnu.
Mínithe chun crícheanna Coda II.
2.—Sa Chuid seo den Acht so—
cialluíonn an abairt “an Príomh-Acht” Acht na dTithe (Forálacha Airgid agus Forálacha Ilghnéitheacha), 1932 (Uimh. 19 de 1932); tá leis na habairtí “an tAire”, “baile-líomatáiste”, agus “baile-údarás” agus leis na focail “duine”, “tigh” agus “tógtha” na bríonna céanna atá leo fé seach i gCuid II den Phríomh-Acht.
Fo-alt (1) d'alt 5 den Phríomh-Act do leasú.
3.—Leasuítear leis seo fo-alt (1) d'alt 5 den Phríomh-Acht sna slite seo leanas agus léireofar an t-alt san agus beidh éifeacht aige dá réir sin, sé sin le rá:—
(a) tríd an bhfo-mhír seo leanas do chur isteach i mír (b) den fho-alt san (1) in ionad fo-mhíre (iv) atá sa mhír sin (b) anois (de bhuadh míre (b) d'alt (2) d'Acht na dTithe (Forálacha Airgid agus Forálacha Ilghnéitheacha) (Leasú), 1934 (Uimh. 30 de 1934)), sé sin le rá:—
“(iv) cúig púint is dachad, más ar an 12adh lá de Bhealtaine, 1932, no dá éis sin, agus roimh an 1adh lá d'Eanar, 1937, a tosnuíodh no a tosnófar ar thógáil an tighe sin agus go mbeidh sí críochnuithe roimh an 1adh lá d'Abrán, 1938;”
(b) léireofar mar thagairt don 1adh lá d'Abrán, 1939, an tagairt, don 1adh lá d'Abrán, 1935, atá i ngach ceann de sna míreanna (c), (d), (e), (f), (g), (h) agus (i) den fho-alt san (1);
(c) i ngach cás léireofar mar thagairt don 1adh lá de Dheireadh Fómhair, 1936, an tagairt don 1adh lá d'Abrán, 1938, atá i mír (b) d'fho-alt (1) d'alt 2 d'Acht na dTithe (Forálacha Airgid agus Forálacha Ilghnéitheacha) (Leasú) (Uimh. 2), 1936 (Uimh. 27 de 1936);
(d) tré sna figiúirí “800” do chur i bhfo-mhír (ii) de mhír (i) den fho-alt san (1) in ionad na bhfigiúirí “750” atá anois sa bhfo-mhír sin (ii);
(e) tré sna focail agus na figúirí “roimh an 1adh lá d'Abrán. 1939” do chur isteach i mír (j) den fho-alt san (1) i ndiaidh na bhfocal “gheobhaidh an t-údarás áitiúil sin” agus i ndiaidh na bhfocal “do dheisiú” atá anois sa mhír sin (j).
Srianta breise le deontaisí fé Alt 5 den Phríomh-Acht
4.—I dteanta na srian a forchuirtear le fo-alt (3) d'alt 5 den Phríomh-Acht ní dheonfaidh an tAire deontas fé alt 5 den Phríomh-Acht, fé mar a leasuítear san le haon achtachán ina dhiaidh sin (agus an tAcht so d'áireamh)—
(a) alos tighe a tógadh ar ionad no ar aon chuid d'ionad foirginte go ndearnadh mar gheall ar a léirscrios—
(i) cúiteamh d'íoc ar scór aithne do rinneadh no tuairisce do tugadh fé sna hAchtanna um Dhíobháil do Mhaoin (Cúiteamh), 1923 go 1933, no
(ii) íocaíocht d'íoc ar scór mholta do rinne an Coimisiún Cúitimh (Éirinn); ná
(b) alos tighe athdhéanta go ndearnadh, mar gheall ar dhamáiste do rinneadh don fhoirgint sarar hathrinneadh í,—
(i) cúiteamh d'íoc ar scór aithne do rinneadh no tuairisce do tugadh fé sna hAchtanna um Dhíobháil do Mhaoin (Cúiteamh), 1923 go 1933, no
(ii) íocaíocht d'íoc ar scór mholta do rinne an Coimisiún Cúitimh (Éirinn); ná
(c) alos tighe gur deonadh deontas ina thaobh fé Achtanna na dTithe (Gaeltacht), 1929 agus 1934; ná
(d) alos tighe gur deonadh deontas ina thaobh fén bPríomh-Acht, fé mar a leasuítear san le haon achtachán ina dhiaidh sin (agus an tAcht so d'áireamh).
Deontaisí ón Aire agus o bhaile-údaráis alos oibreacha áirithe do rinneadh ar thithe i mbailelíomatáistí.
5.—(1) Má dheineann baile-údarás, tar éis an Achta so do rith, fógra do sheirbheáil fé alt 19 d'Acht na dTithe (Forálacha Ilghnéitheacha), 1931 (Uimh. 50 de 1931), ar dhuine go n-urláimh aige ar thigh i mbaile-líomatáiste agus go ndéanfaidh an duine sin na hoibreacha luadhfar san ordú san ar an tigh sin, ansan, fé réir forálacha an ailt seo:—
(a) féadfaidh an tAire, le toiliú an Aire Airgeadais agus fé réir na rialachán orduithe, deontas alos na n-oibreacha san do dheonadh don duine sin amach as airgead a sholáthróidh an tOireachtas, agus
(b) féadfaidh an baile-údarás san freisin deontas do dheonadh don duine sin alos na n-oibreacha san.
(2) Ní raghaidh aon deontas a dheonfaidh an tAire no baile-údarás fén alt so alos aon oibreacha déanfar ar thigh thar pé suim acu so leanas is lugha, sé sin le rá:—
(a) £40 in aghaidh gach áite comhnaithe fé leith a bheidh sa tigh sin tar éis na n-oibreacha san do dhéanamh,
(b) an ceathrú cuid de chostas na n-oibreacha san.
(3) Ní dheonfaidh an tAire deontas fén alt so alos oibreacha do rinneadh ar thigh le n-a mbaineann an t-alt so má cuirtear ina luighe air ná dearnadh, faid do bhí na hoibreacha san á ndéanamh, rátaí tuarastail d'íoc no coinníollacha oibre do chólíonadh a bhí chó tairbheach ar a laighead do sna daoine bhí ar fostú ag déanamh na n-oibreacha san agus a bheadh na rátaí oiriúnacha tuarastail no na coinníollacha oiriúnacha oibre le n-a raibh glactha ag cumainn chéirde i gcoitinne le linn tosnú ar na hoibreacha san.
(4) Ní deonfar aon deontas fén alt so alos oibreacha do rinneadh ar thigh i gcontae-bhuirg no i mbuirg Dhún Laoghaire mara n-aontuighidh an tAire agus an baile-údarás deontaisí có-mhéide do dheonadh alos na n-oibreacha san.
(5) Ní dheonfaidh baile-údarás deontas fén alt so alos oibreacha do rinneadh ar thigh i mbaile-líomatáiste (seachas contae-bhuirg no buirg Dhún Laoghaire) mara ndeinidh an tAire freisin deontas a bheidh chó mór leis no níos mó ná é do dheonadh alos na n-oibreacha san.
(6) Bainfidh fo-alt (3) d'alt 5 den Phríomh-Acht agus an t-alt deiridh sin roimhe seo den Acht so le deontaisí dheonfaidh an tAire fén alt so fé is dá mba dheontaisí fé alt (5) den Phríomh-Acht, mar a leasuítear san le haon achtachán ina dhiaidh sin (agus an tAcht so d'áireamh), na deontaisí sin.
(7) Chun crícheanna an ailt seo beidh na comhachta céanna ag baile-údarás chun costaisí do chruinniú agus chun airgead d'fháil ar iasacht a bronntar ortha le Cuid III den Housing of the Working Classes Act, 1890, mar a leasuítear é le haon achtachán ina dhiaidh sin.
(8) Má dheonann an tAire deontas fén alt so do dhuine ar bith alos oibreacha do rinneadh ar thigh, beidh feidhm agus éifeacht ag na forálacha so leanas, sé sin le rá:—
(a) féadfaidh an tAire a cheangal ar an duine sin, mar choinníoll a ghabhann le deontas, aon gheallúint do thabhairt uaidh is dóich leis an Aire is ceart i dtaobh an chíosa mhaximum éileoidh an duine sin ar an tigh sin no ar aon áit chomhnaithe fé leith a bheidh sa tigh sin tar éis na n-oibreacha san do dhéanamh;
(b) má bheirtear an gheallúint sin ní bheidh aon chíos iníoctha ag tionónta an tighe sin no na háite comhnaithe fé leith sin is mó ná an cíos maximum a cheaduíonn an gheallúint sin;
(c) féadfaidh an tAire a cheangal ar an duine sin, mar choinníoll a ghabhann le deontas, aon gheallúint do thabhairt uaidh is dóich leis an Aire is ceart i dtaobh na rátaí tuarastail a híocfar no na coinníollacha oibre a cólíonfar agus na hoibreacha san á ndéanamh.
(9) Féadfaidh an tAire rialacháin do dhéanamh ag socrú i dtaobh éinní no aon ruda go mbeidh socrú le déanamh ina thaobh fén alt so leis na rialacháin orduithe.
Méid iomlán na ndeontas fé alt 5 den Phríomh-Acht agus fén Acht so.
6.—Ní raghaidh méid iomlán na ndeontas a dheonfaidh an tAire fé alt 5 den Phríomh-Acht, mar a leasuítear san le haon achtachán ina dhiaidh sin (agus an tAcht so d'áireamh), agus fén alt deiridh sin roimhe seo den Acht so, thar suim trí mhilleon agus cúig chéad míle punt.
Alt 8 den Phríomh-Acht do leasú.
7.—Leasuítear leis seo alt 8 den Phríomh-Acht tríd an bhfo-alt so leanas do chur isteach i ndeireadh an ailt sin, sé sin le rá:—
“(4) Féadfaidh an tAire a cheangal ar aon duine no cumann maitheasa puiblí, mar choinníoll ar a ndeonfaidh deontas don duine no don chumann san (do réir mar a bheidh) alos tigh do thógáil le n-a mbaineann an t-alt so dar leis an Aire, aon gheallúint do thabhairt is dóich leis an Aire is ceart i dtaobh na rátaí tuarastail a híocfar no na gcoinníollacha oibre cólíonfar le linn an tighe sin do thógáil.”
Geallúint d'fhoirfheidhmiú.
8.—Má rinne an tAire roimh an Acht so do rith no má dheineann dá éis sin aon deontas no tráthchuid de dheontas d'íoc le haon duine no cumann maitheasa puiblí fé alt 5 den Phríomh-Acht agus aon gheallúint do bheith tugtha ag an duine sin no ag an gcumann san (do réir mar a bheidh) don Aire mar choinníoll a ghabhann leis an deontas san agus gan an gheallúint sin do bheith cólíonta beidh éifeacht ag na forálacha leanas, sé sin le rá:—
(1) dlighfidh an duine no an cumann maitheasa puiblí sin (do réir mar a bheidh) méid an deontais sin d'aisíoc leis an Aire;
(2) féadfar an méid sin do bhaint den duine sin no den chumann mhaitheasa phuiblí sin (do réir mar a bheidh) mar fhiacha síbhialta in aon chúirt dlighinse inniúla.
9.—Deintear leis seo na hachtacháin a luaidhtear sa Sceideal a ghabhann leis an Acht so d'athghairm sa mhéid a luaidhtear sa tríú colún den Sceideal san.
Acht na Sclabhaithe, 1936, do Leasu.
Míniú chun crícheanna Coda III.
10.—Sa Chuid seo den Acht so cialluíonn an abairt “an Príomh-Acht” Acht na Sclábhaithe, 1936 (Uimh. 24 de 1936).
Ailt 16 agus 17 den Phríomh-Acht do leasú agus forálacha iarmartacha.
11.—(1) Leasuítear leis seo fo-alt (1) d'alt 16 den Phríomh-Acht tré mhír (c) den fho-alt san do scriosadh amach, agus léireofar an fo-alt san agus beidh éifeacht aige dá réir sin.
(2) Leasuítear leis seo fo-alt (1) d'alt 17 den Phríomh-Acht tré sna focail seo leanas do chur isteach i ndeireadh an fho-ailt sin, sé sin le rá:—
“ach má bhíonn aon chíos dlite ar an iostán san ní déanfar an t-ordú dílsiúcháin sin mara ndeintear ná go dtí go ndéanfar—
(i) méid an chíosa bheidh dlite d'íoc leis an mbord sláinte sin maran mó ná cíos ráithe é, no
(ii) suim nach lugha ná cíos ráithe d'íoc leis an mbord sláinte sin ar cuntas an méid cíosa bheidh dlite más mó san ná cíos ráithe.”
agus léireofar an fo-alt san agus beidh éifeacht aige dá réir sin.
(3) Má dheineann bord sláinte ceanntair shláinte chontae ordú dílsiúcháin, fé fho-alt (1) d'alt 17 den Phríomh-Acht mar a leasuítear san leis an alt so, i dtaobh iostáin go mbeidh aon tsuim (dá ngairmtear an riaráiste sa bhfo-alt so) dlite air alos cíosa tráth déanta an orduithe dhílsiúcháin sin, beidh éifeacht ag na forálacha so leanas, sé sin le rá:—
(a) chun crícheanna an fho-ailt seo—
cialluíonn an abairt “an phrímh-bhlianacht” an bhlianacht inchríochnuithe luaidhtear maidir leis an iostán san sa scéim cheannaigh (do réir bhrí an Phríomh-Achta) a bhaineann leis an iostán san,
cialluíonn an abairt “laetheanta gála” na laetheanta luadhfar san ordú dílsiúcháin sin do réir mhíre (b) d'fho-alt (2) den alt san 17;
(b) íocfar an riaráiste leis an mbord sláinte sin fé cheann pé méid blian (dá ngairmtear an tréimhse chistiúcháin sa bhfo-alt so) a cheapfaidh an bord sláinte sin, ag tosnú i dtosach na tréimhse íocaíochta (do réir bhrí an fho-ailt sin (2)) i leith an iostáin sin agus ag críochnú tráth nach déanaí ná deireadh na tréimhse sin, agus má orduíonn an bord sláinte sin amhlaidh íocfar é go n-ús do réir pé ráta (nach mó na 4¾per cent. sa bhliain) a cheapfaidh an bord sláinte sin don cheanntar sláinte chontae sin;
(c) déanfar an riaráiste agus aon ús a bheidh air d'íoc tré bhlianacht (dá ngairmtear an bhlianacht chistiúcháin sa bhfo-alt so) a bheidh iníoctha i rith na tréimhse cistiúcháin;
(d) isé an méid seo leanas a bheidh sa bhlianacht chistiúcháin, eadhon,—
(i) má orduíonn an bord sláinte sin an riaráiste sin d'íoc go n-ús air, pé méid is dóich leis an mbord sláinte sin is leor chun an riaráiste, go n-ús do réir an ráta bheidh ceaptha amhlaidh, d'íoc i rith na tréimhse cistiúcháin ina thráthchoda codroma ar na laetheanta gála bheidh sa tréimhse chistiúcháin, no
(ii) in aon chás eile, pé méid is có-ionann leis an riaráiste ar n-a roinnt ar uimhir is có-ionann leis an uimhir de bhlianta bheidh sa tréimhse chistiúcháin;
(e) beidh íoc na blianachta cistiúcháin leis an mbord sláinte sin ina mhuirear ar an iostán san de bhuadh na míre seo;
(f) íocfar an bhlianacht chistiúcháin ina tráthchoda codroma ar na laetheanta gála bheidh sa tréimhse chistiúcháin, agus i rith na tréimhse cistiúcháin beidh sé ina choinníoll de sna coinníollacha reachtúla bhainfidh leis an iostán san tráthchuid den bhlianacht chistiúcháin d'íoc go féiltiúil leis an mbord sláinte sin gach lá gála i rith na tréimhse cistiúcháin, agus déanfar an abairt “tráthchuid de bhlianacht” atá in ailt 22 agus 24 den Phríomh-Acht do léiriú mar abairt a fholuíonn tráthchuid den bhlianacht chistiúcháin;
(g) déanfar an tagairt atá in alt 27 den Phríomh-Acht do bhlianacht cheannaigh an iostáin do léiriú i rith na tréimhse cistiúcháin mar thagairt don phrímhbhlianacht agus í méaduithe de shuim is có-ionann leis an mblianacht chistiúcháin;,
(h) nuair bheidh méid na blianachta cistiúcháin no méid aon tráthchoda den bhlianacht chistiúcháin á dhéanamh amach ní tabharfar áird ar aon chodán de phingin is luath na leath-phingin agus áirmheofar mar phingin aon chodán de phingin is có-ionann le leath-phingin no is mó ná leath-phingin;
(i) déarfar san ordú dilsiúcháin sin go mbainfidh forálacha an fho-ailt seo leis an iostán san agus luadhfar an tréimhse chistiúcháin ann agus méid na blianachta cistiúcháin agus an méid a bheidh i dtráthchuid di.
Achtachain a hAthghairmtear.
Uimh. agus Bliain | Gearr-theideal | Méid na hAthghairme |
Acht na dTithe (Forálacha Airgid agus Forálacha Ilghnéitheacha), 1932. | Fo-mhír (iv) de mhír (b) d'fho-alt (1) d'Alt 5; míreanna (c), (d) agus (f) d'fho-alt (3) d'Alt 5. | |
Acht na dTithe (Forálacha Airgid agus Forálacha Ilghnéitheacha) (Leasú), 1934. | Mír (b) d'Alt 2. | |
Acht na dTithe (Forálacha Airgid agus Forálacha Ilghnéitheacha) (Leasú) (Uimh. 2), 1936. | Mír (a) d'fho-alt (1) d'Alt 2; Alt 3. |