As Ann Déscrolláil


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Uimhir 18 de 1944.



[An tionntó oifigiúil.]



Cáin Ioncaim.


Cáin ioncaim agus forcháin in aghaidh na bliana 1944-45.

1.—(1) Éileofar cáin ioncaim in aghaidh na bliana dar tosach an 6ú lá dAbrán, 1944, do réir seacht scillinge agus réal fén bpunt.


(2) Éileofar forcháin (seachas forcháin bhreise) in aghaidh na bliana dar tosach an 6ú lá dAbrán, 1944, ar ioncam aon phearsan ar mó ná míle agus cúig céad punt iomlán a ioncaim ó gach taobh, agus is ar na rátaí ar a n-éilítear í in aghaidh na bliana dar tosach an 6ú lá dAbrán, 1943, a héileofar amhlaidh í.


(3) I gcás ioncam iomlán, do réir bhrí ailt 5 den Acht Airgeadais, 1941 (Uimh. 14 de 1941), aon phearsan in aghaidh na bliana dar tosach an 6ú lá dAbrán, 1944, do bheith níos mó ná míle agus cúig céad punt agus aon bhrabús den tsórt a luaitear san alt san 5 do bheith ina chuid de, déanfar diúité breise forchánach (dá ngairmtear forcháin bhreise san alt so) d'éileamh in aghaidh na bliana san dar tosach an 6ú lá dAbrán, 1944, do réir seacht scillinge agus réal fén bpunt alos an oiread den ioncam san agus is ionchurtha fé de bhuaidh fo-ailt (1) den alt san 5 arna mhodhnú agus arna thonasc trí na forála ina dhiaidh seo den alt so.


(4) Na forála, reachtúil agus eile, do bhí i bhfeidhm an 5ú lá dAbrán, 1944, i dtaobh cánach ioncaim agus forchánach (lena n-áirítear forcháin bhreise), beidh éifeacht acu uile agus fé seach, fé réir forál an Achta so, i dtaobh na cánach ioncaim agus na forchánach (lena n-áirítear forcháin bhreise) a héileofar mar adúradh in aghaidh na bliana dar tosach an 6ú lá dAbrán, 1944.


(5) Le linn Cuid II den Acht Airgeadais, 1941 (Uimh. 14 de 1941), do bheith á tonasc (de bhuaidh an fho-ailt deiridh sin roimhe seo den alt so) leis an bhforcháin bhreise a héileofar mar adúradh in aghaidh na bliana dar tosach an 6ú lá dAbrán, 1944, beidh éifeacht ag an gCuid sin II i dteannta agus fé réir na modhnuithe seo leanas, sé sin la rá:—


(a) cuirfear an abairt “an 6ú lá dAbrán, 1944” in ionad na habairte “an 6ú lá dAbrán, 1941” i ngach áit ina bhfuil an abairt sin sa Chuid sin II;


(b) i mír (b) d'fho-alt (3) d'alt 7 den Acht san, cuirfear an abairt “an 5ú lá dAbrán, 1945” in ionad na habairte “an 5ú lá dAbrán, 1942” agus cuirfear an focal “ocht” in ionad an fhocail “cúig” agus cuirfear an abairt “an 5ú lá dAbrán, 1944” in ionad na habairte “an 5ú lá dAbrán, 1941”.


Riail 6 de na Rialacha bhaineann le Cáis I agus II de Sceideal D do leasú.

2.—Beidh éifeacht ag mír (2) de Riail 6 de na Rialacha bhaineann le Cáis I agus II de Sceideal D den Income Tax Act, 1918, fé is dá ndéantaí na focail “provided that the burden of the wear and tear of the machinery or plant will in fact fall directly on him” do chur isteach i ndeireadh na míre sin.


Achtacháin do leasú do dhruim an ráta cathartha do chur in ionad an ráta dhealúis agus rátaí áirithe eile sna contae-bhuirgí agus i mbuirg Dhún Laoghaire.

3.—(1) Déanfar na leasuithe luaitear sa dara colún den Sceideal a ghabhbann leis an Acht so ar na hachtacháin a luaitear sa chéad cholún den Sceideal san.


(2) I gcás ina bhfuil, de bhuaidh an ailt seo, an abairt “an ráta cathartha” in aon Acht a luaitear sa Sceideal a ghabhann leis an Acht so, léireofar an abairt sin mar abairt a chiallaíonn aon ráta is ionann agus—


(a) an ráta is inghearrtha ag Árd-Mhéara Ró-Onórach, Seanóirí agus Buirgéisigh Bhaile Átha Cliath fé alt 63 den Acht Rialtais Áitiúil (Baile Átha Cliath), 1930 (Uimh. 27 de 1930), nó


(b) an ráta is inghearrtha ag Bárdas Dhún Laoghaire fé alt 63 den Acht Rialtais Áitiúil (Baile Átha Cliath), 1930, adúradh, nó


(c) an ráta is inghearrtha fé alt 25 dAcht Bainistí Chathair Luimnigh, 1934 (Uimh. 35 de 1934), nó


(d) an ráta is inghearrtha fé alt 24 dAcht Bainistí Chathair Phortláirge, 1939 (Uimh. 25 de 1939), nó


(e) an ráta is inghearrtha fé alt 16 dAcht Bainistí Chathair Chorcaighe (Leasú), 1941 (Uimh. 5 de 1941).


(3) Is tuigthe fo-ailt (1) agus (2) den alt so do theacht i bhfeidhm an 6ú lá dAbrán, 1931, agus éifeacht do bheith acu amhail ar an lá san agus ón lá san amach.


(4) I gcás aon cháinmheas do rinneadh no tugadh le tuigsint do rinneadh fé fho-alt (6) d'alt 187 den Income Tax Act, 1918, agus ar tugadh fógra achomhairc go cuibhe ina choinne roimh an 3ú lá de Bhealtaine, 1944, éistfear agus cinnfear an t-achomharc san fé is ná déanfaí na forála san roimhe seo den alt so d'achtú.


Liúntas leanbh do shaoradh ó cháin ioncaim agus asbhaintí fé alt 21 den Finance Act, 1920, do laghdú.

4.—(1) Beidh liúntas leanbh fé Acht 1944 saor ó cháin ioncaim (lena n-áirítear forcháin) agus ní háireofar é le linn ioncam do dhéanamh amach chun críoch na nAcht Cánach Ioncaim.


(2) I gcás éilitheora do bheadh, mura mbeadh an t-alt so, i dteideal fé alt 21 den Finance Act, 1920, arna leasú le haon achtachán iaraimseartha asbhaint de sheasca punt do lomháil dó i leith aon linbh ina bheathaidh agus fé bhun sé bliana déag d'aois i dtosach bliana cáinmheasa, laghdófar an asbhaint sin i leith aon linbh den tsórt san de bhreis ar bheirt leanbh den tsórt san go dtí ocht bpuint cheathrachad in aghaidh na bliana dar thosach an 6ú lá dAbrán, 1944, agus go dtí trí puint cheathrachad in aghaidh na bliana dar tosach an 6ú lá dAbrán, 1945, no aon bhliana ina dhiaidh sin.


(3) Ní bheidh feidhm ag fo-alt (2) den alt so maidir le héilitheoir a bheidh, toisc a bheith air comhnaí lasmuich den Stát mar gheall ar thosca a chéirde nó a ghairme nó a fhostaíochta, gan bheith ina chomhnaí in aon réigiún ar aon dáta (is dáta cáilitheach maidir le haon tréimhse íoca don réigiún san) sa bhliain cháinmheasa lena mbainfidh a éileamh.


(4) San Alt so—


ciallaíonn an abairt “Acht 1944” an tAcht Liúntaisí Leanbhaí, 1944 (Uimh. 2 de 1944);


tá leis na habairtí “an dáta cáilitheach”, “tréimhse íoca” agus “réigiún” na bríonna atá leo in Acht 1944.


Alt 22 den Finance Act, 1920, do leasú.

5.—Beidh éifeacht ag fo-alt (1) d'alt 22 (a bhaineann le hasbhaint alos gaol cleithiúnach) den Finance Act, 1920, fé is dá gcuirtí na focail “a person (being a son or daughter of the claimant)” in ionad na bhfocal “a daughter”.


Alt 3 den Acht Airgeadais, 1925, do leasú.

6.—Déantar leis seo alt 3 (a bhaineann le saoirse do phinsin agus aiscí míleata áirithe) den Acht Airgeadais, 1925 (Uimh. 28 de 1925), do leasú tríd an bhfo-alt so leanas do chur isteach ann in ionad fo-ailt (2) atá anois (de bhuaidh ailt 4 den Acht Airgeadais, 1938 (Uimh. 25 de 1938)) san alt san 3, sé sin le rá—


“(2) Ar na pinsin chréachta agus mhí-chumais lena mbaineann alt 16 den Finance Act, 1919, beidh agus is tuigthe go raibh riamh gach pinsean créachta agus mí-chumais arna dheonadh fé na hAchta Arm-Phinsean, 1923 go 1943, agus fós gach aisce alos créacht nó mí-chumas arna deonadh amhlaidh, agus léireofar an t-alt san 16 agus beidh éifeacht aige dá réir sin.”


Saoirse i leith brabúis áirithe as scuab-ghill arna mbunú ag Cumann Croise Deirge na hÉireann.

7.—(1) Bhéarfar saoirse ó cháin fé Sceideal D den Income Tax Act, 1918, i leith brabúis aon scuab-ghill arna chur ar siúl fé Acht 1933 ag Cumann Croise Deirge na hÉireann, do bheadh, mara mbeadh an t-alt so, ion-cháinmheasta fé Chás I den Sceideal san ar Chumann Croise Deirge na hÉireann nó ar an gCoiste scuab-ghill arna cheapadh de bhun Achta 1933, chun críche an scuab-ghill sin, ag Cumann Croise Deirge na hÉireann.


(2) San alt so—


ciallaíonn an abairt “Acht 1933” Acht na nÓspidéal Poiblí, 1933 (Uimh. 18 de 1933), arna leasú le hAcht na nÓspidéal Poiblí (Leasú) (Uimh. 2), 1939 (Uimh. 29 de 1939);


tá leis an bhfocal “scuab-gheall” an bhrí do bheirtear dó le halt 1 dAcht 1933.


(3) Is tuigthe an t-alt so do theacht i bhfeidhm an 6ú lá dAbrán, 1939, agus éifeacht do bheith aige amhail ar an lá san agus ón lá san amach.


Liúntais éigeandála i leith innealra nó gléasra áirithe.

8.—(1) I gcás—


(a) duine dá chur ina luighe ar na Coimisinéirí Ioncaim—


(i) go bhfuair sé innealra nó gléasra i rith na tréimhse ceaptha d'aon-aidhm chun deacrachta do réiteach a bhaineann le hé do sheoladh trádála is ionchurtha fé cháin fé Sceideal D den Income Tax Act, 1918, agus


(ii) gur tosca thagann nó éiríonn as an éigeandáil náisiúnta atá ann fé láthair (ar a n-áirítear tosca mhairfidh tar éis deireadh do bheith leis an éigeandáil sin) is aon-chúis leis na deacrachta san, agus


(iii) gur deallrathach go scoirfidh an duine sin, sara mbeidh an tréimhse cheaptha caite, den innealra nó den ghléasra san d'úsáid chun an trádáil sin do sheoladh, agus


(b) an duine sin dá iarraidh, do réir an ailt seo, ar na Coimisinéirí Ioncuim liúntas do thabhairt dó fén alt so maidir leis an innealra nó leis an ngléasra san in aghaidh aon bhliana cáinmheasa bheidh i bpáirt nó go hiomlán laistigh den tréimhse cheaptha, agus


(c) an duine sin dá chur ina luighe ar na Coimisinéirí Ioncaim an t-innealra nó an gléasra san do bheith ar seilbh aige feadh na bliana cáinmheasa lena mbainfidh an t-iarratas san,


féadfaidh na Coimisinéirí Ioncaim a chur fé ndear pé liúntas (dá ngairmtear liúntas éigeandála san alt so) a mheasfaid is cóir do dhéanamh, trí aisíoc nó ar shlí eile, maidir leis an innealra nó leis an ngléasra san as an gcáinmheas a bheidh déanta air in aghaidh na bliana cáinmheasa lena mbainfidh an t-iarratas maidir le brabús na trádála san.


(2) Féadfar iarratas chun na gCoimisinéirí Ioncaim ar liúntas éigeandála in aghaidh aon bhliana cáinmheasa dar chríoch an 5ú lá dAbrán, 1944, nó roimhe sin do dhéanamh fé cheann dhá mhí dhéag tar éis dáta an Achta so do rith agus féadfar iarratas den tsórt chéanna do dhéanamh in aghaidh aon bhliana cáinmheasa ina dhiaidh sin fé cheann dhá mhí dhéag tar éis deireadh na bliana san.


(3) Má thárlann, roimh dheireadh na tréimhse ceaptha, go ndíolfar innealra nó gléasra a mbeidh liúntais éigeandála tugtha do dhuine ar bith ina thaobh nó go scoirfidh an duine sin de bheith á úsáid chun an trádáil do sheoladh chun a bhfuarthas é, féadfaidh na Coimisinéirí Ioncaim na liúntais éigeandála san d'athbhreithniú—


(a) i gcás an t-innealra nó an gléasra san do dhíol amhlaidh, tar éis an díola, nó


(b) i gcás gan an t-innealra nó an gléasra san do dhíol amhlaidh ach go scoirfear de bheith á úsáid amhlaidh, tar éis an tréimhse cheaptha do bheith caite.


(4) Beidh éifeacht ag na forála so leanas i dtaobh nó de dhruim athbhreithnithe fé fho-alt (3) den alt so ar na liúntais éigeandála bheidh tugtha do dhuine ar bith, sé sin le rá:—


(a) chun críche an athbhreithnithe sin féadfaidh na Coimisinéirí Ioncaim na méideanna so leanas do chur i gcomparáid, sé sin le rá:—


(i) an costas glan (mar a mínítear anso ina dhiaidh seo sa bhfo-alt so) do bhí ar an duine sin maidir leis an innealra nó leis an ngléasra ar ina thaobh do tugadh na liúntais éigeandála san, agus


(ii) iomlán na liúntas (mar a mínítear anso ina dhiaidh seo sa bhfo-alt so) do tugadh don duine sin;


(b) chun críoch na comparáide sin, is tuigthe gurb é is méid don chostas ghlan san ná an méid a bheidh de bhreis ag an méid iarbhfír do chosain sé ar an duine sin an t-innealra nó an gléasra san do chur isteach ar an iomlán a dhéanfaidh—


(i) an tsuim nó na suimeanna (más ann) do cuireadh ar fáil i bhfoirm chúnaimh airgid nó deontais as cistí poiblí mar chabhair chun an t-innealra nó an gléasra san do chur isteach, agus


(ii) má díoltar an t-innealra nó an gléasra san roimh dheireadh na tréimhse ceaptha, an méid ar ar díoladh an t-innealra nó an gléasra san nó, mara ndíoltar an t-innealra nó an gléasra san roimh dheireadh na tréimhse ceaptha ach go scoirfear, roimh dheireadh na tréimhse ceaptha, de bheith á úsáid chun an trádáil do sheoladh chun a bhfuarthas é, an méid dob fhiú, dar leis na Coimisinéirí Ioncaim, an t-innealra nó an gléasra i gcás é do dhíol ag deireadh na tréimhse ceaptha;


(c) chun críoch na comparáide sin, is tuigthe gurb é is méid d'iomlán na liúntas san ná an t-iomlán a dhéanfaidh—


(i) na liúntais éigeandála uile do tugadh don duine sin maidir leis an innealra nó leis an ngléasra san, agus


(ii) na liúntais uile do tugadh don duine sin maidir leis an innealra nó leis an ngléasra san, fé réim nó de bhíthin Rialach 6 nó Rialach 7 de na Rialacha bhaineann le Cáis I agus II de Sceideal D den Income Tax Act, 1918, nó ailt 3 den Acht Airgeadais, 1942, (Uimh. 14 de 1942) in aghaidh na bliana cáinmheasa ar lena linn a raghaidh an tréimhse cheaptha in éag agus in aghaidh aon bhliana cáinmheasa roimhe sin a raibh an t-innealra nó an gléasra san ina sheilbh nó, má díoltar an t-innealra nó an gléasra san roimh dheireadh na tréimhse ceaptha, in aghaidh na bliana cáinmheasa inar díoladh an céanna agus in aghaidh aon bhliana roimhe sin a raibh an t-innealra nó an gléasra san ar seilbh aige;


(d) más mó an costas glan san ná iomlán na liúntas san, féadfaidh na Coimisinéirí Ioncaim pé liúntas éigeandála eile is dóigh leo is cóir do thabhairt trí aisíoc nó ar shlí eile;


(e) más mó iomlán na liúntas san ná an costas glan san, féadfar na liúntais éigeandála do tugadh don duine sin d'athbhreithniú agus féadfar pé cáinmheasa breise is dóigh leis na Coimisinéirí Ioncaim is gá do dhéanamh ar an duine sin in aghaidh aon bhliana cáinmheasa ar deonadh aon liúntas éigeandála dhó ina haghaidh.


(5) Más rud é, tar éis an tréimhse cheaptha do bheith caite, go leanfaidh innealra nó gléasra ar tugadh liúntais éigeandála ina leith do dhuine ar bith de bheith á úsáid ag an duine sin chun an trádáil do sheoladh chun a bhfuarthas é, féadfaidh na Coimisinéirí Ioncaim na liúntais éigeandála san d'athbhreithniú agus féadfaid pé cáinmheasa breise do dhéanamh is gá chun na liúntais éigeandála san do chúlghairm.


(6) San alt so, ciallaíonn an abairt “an tréimhse cheaptha” an tréimhse thosnaigh ar dháta an Achta Cumhachta Práinne, 1939 (Uimh. 28 de 1939), do rith, agus a chríochnóidh dhá mhí dhéag tar éis dáta an Achta san do dhul in éag.


Ceanntair Cháinmheasa Sceidil D agus Sceidil E.

9.—(1) D'ainneoin éinní atá sna hAchta Cánach Ioncaim, déanfar cáinmheasa chun cánach ioncaim fé Sceidil D agus E i leith pé ceanntar a ordóidh na Coimisinéirí Ioncaim ó am go ham.


(2) Beidh feidhm ag an alt so maidir le haon cháinmheas a déanfar tar éis dáta an Achta so do rith maidir le cáin is inéilithe in aghaidh aon bhliana cáinmheasa, pé aca thosnaigh sí roimh dháta an Achta so do rith nó thosnóidh dá éis.


Tuarascála ar chás ríofa dfhoillsiú.

10.—I gcás an Árd-Chúirt nó an Chúirt Uachtarach do thabhairt éisteachta (pé aca roimh dháta an Achta so do rith nó dá éis sin é) in camera, de bhun fo-ailt (9) d'alt 5 den Acht Airgeadais, 1929 (Uimh. 32 de 1929), do chás ríofa fé na hachtacháin a luaitear sa bhfo-alt san, ní chuirfidh san cosc le tuarascáil ar na himeachta os cóir na hÁrd-Chúirte nó na Cúirte Uachtaraí nó ar na breithe a bhéarfaidh an céanna dfhoillsiú sna dlí-thuarascála arna bhfoillsiú ag Comhairle Chorpraithe na hÉireann um Dhlí-Thuairisciú nó in aon dlí-thuarascála aitheanta eile nó in aon tuarascála arna gclóbhualadh le cead na Comhairle Corpraithe sin, ach ní nochtfar in aon tuarascáil den tsórt san ainm an duine arb í a ionmhuirearacht chun cánach is abhar don chás.


Cáin Bhrabúis Chorparáide.


Míniú sa Chuid seo den Acht so.

11.—Sa Chuid seo den Acht so, ciallaíonn an abairt “Acht 1941” an tAcht Airgeadais, 1941 (Uimh. 14 de 1941), arna leasú nó arna leathnú le hachtacháin iaraimseartha.


Brí na habairte “luach saothair” maidir le stiúrthóir.

12.—Chun deireadh do chur le hamhrais achtaítear agus dearbhaítear leis seo go léireofar an abairt “luach saothair”, nuair a húsáitear í i dtaobh stiúrthóra cuideachtan in aon achtachán a bhaineann le cáin bhrabúis chorparáide (ar a n-áirítear cáin bhrabúis chorparáide bhreise), mar abairt a chiallaíonn agus a chiallaigh riamh gach luach saothair, i bhfoirm táillí nó tuarastail nó bónais nó coimisiúin nó eile, is iníoctha nó dob iníoctha ag cuideachtain le duine i leith tréimhse ina mbeidh no ina raibh sé ina stiúrthóir ar an gcuideachtain sin, pé aca bheidh nó bhí an luach saothair sin iníoctha leis i gcáil stiúrthóra ar an gcuideachtain sin agus sa cháil sin amháin dó, nó i gcáil éigin eile agus sa cháil sin amháin dó, nó go leathrannach i gcáil stiúrthóra den tsórt san dó agus go leathrannach i gcáil éigin eile dhó.


Forála i dtaobh asbhaintí i gcóir luach saothair stiúrthóirí maidir le cáin bhrabúis chorparáide bhreise.

13.—(1) Beidh feidhm agus éifeacht ag na forála so leanas maidir lena fhionnachtain, chun cáin bhrabúis chorparáide bhreise do mhuirearú, cadé an brabús do rinneadh in aghaidh aon tréimhse cuntasaíochta chríochnóidh tar éis an 31ú lá de Mhí na Nollag, 1943, ag cuideachtain go leas urlámhach ag á stiúrthóirí inti, sé sin le rá:—


(a) i gcás cuideachtan ar brabús bliana trádála a brabús caighdeánach, ní raghaidh méid na hasbhainte maidir le luach saothair iomlán na stiúrthóirí uile (dá ngairmtear an asbhaint iomlán sa bhfo-alt so) a lomhálfar thar an asbhaint iomlán a lomháladh nuair a bhí áireamh á dhéanamh, fé na hachtacháin a bhí i bhfeidhm de thuras na huaire maidir le cáin bhrabúis chorparáide, ar bhrabús na cuideachtan don bhliain trádála sin;


(b) i gcás cuideachtan arb é an caighdeán ionaid nó suim dhá mhíle agus cúig céad punt a brabús caighdeánach agus ag á raibh bliain amháin agus gan ach bliain amháin trádála (is bliain trádála a chríochnaigh sa bhliain dar chríoch an 31ú lá de Lúnasa, 1939) nó ag á raibh dhá bhliain agus gan ach dhá bhliain trádála as a chéile ar chríochnaigh an bhliain deiridh díobh sa bhliain dar chríoch an 31ú lá de Lúnasa, 1939, nó ag á raibh trí cinn nó níos mó de bhlianta trádála as a chéile ar chríochnaigh an ceann deiridh díobh sa bhliain dar chríoch an 31ú lá de Lúnasa, 1939, ní raghaidh an asbhaint iomlán a lomhálfar thar an asbhaint iomlán a lomháladh nuair a bhí áireamh á dhéanamh, fé na hachtacháin sin, ar bhrabús na uideachtan—


(i) má bhí aon bhliain amháin agus gan ach aon bhliain amháin trádála den tsórt san ann, in aghaidh na bliana san, nó


(ii) má bhí dhá bhliain agus gan ach dhá bhliain trádála den tsórt san as a chéile ann, in aghaidh pé bliana trádála dhíobh san ar lomháladh amhlaidh an asbhaint iomlán is mó ina haghaidh, nó


(iii) má bhí trí bliana agus gan ach trí bliana trádála den tsórt san as a chéile ann, in aghaidh pé bliana trádála dhíobh san ar lomháladh amhlaidh an asbhaint iomlán is mó ina haghaidh, nó


(iv) má bhí ceithre cinn nó níos mó de bhlianta trádála den tsórt san as a chéile ann, in aghaidh pé ceann de na trí bliana trádála deiridh sin ar lomháladh amhlaidh an asbhaint iomlán is mó ina haghaidh;


(c) i gcás cuideachtan arb é an caighdeán ionaid nó suim dhá mhíle agus cúig céad punt a brabús caighdeánach agus ná raibh aon bhliain trádála aici chríochnaigh sa bhliain dar chríoch an 31ú lá de Lúnasa, 1939, ní raghaidh an asbhaint iomlán a lomhálfar thar suim is ionann agus trí fén gcéad de chaipital lán-íoctha eisithe na cuideachtan maran rud é, i gcás gur cúig mhíle dhéag punt ar a laghad an caipital lán-íoctha eisithe, go n-ordóidh na Coimisinéirí Ioncaim a mhalairt, agus sa chás san is é asbhaint iomlán a lomhálfar ná an méid a luafar san ordú;


(d) na tagairtí atá i mír (b) den fho-alt so do bhrabús cuideachtan in aghaidh bliana trádála déanfar, i gcás caillteanas do bheith ar an gcuideachtain in aghaidh na bliana trádála san, iad do léiriú mar thagairtí do chaillteanas na cuideachtan in aghaidh na bliana trádála san agus déanfar an caillteanas san d'áireamh sa tslí inar gá do réir dlí brabús d'áireamh chun cáin bhrabúis chorparáide bhreise do mhuirearú;


(e) nuair a beifear ag feidhmiú forál na míreanna san roimhe seo den fho-alt so maidir le cáin bhrabúis chorparáide bhreise do cháinmheas i leith tréimhse cuntasaíochta no coda de thréimhse chuntasaíochta is giorra ná dhá mhí dhéag, déanfar an méid uasta is ceadaithe d'asbhaint fé na forála san maidir leis an asbhaint iomlán do laghdú go dtí suim a mbeidh idir í agus an méid uasta luaitear i pé foráil aca san a bhainfidh leis an gcás an cothrom céanna bheidh idir an tréimhse chuntasaíochta san no an chuid sin de thréimhse chuntasaíochta agus dhá mhí dhéag;


(f) má thárlann, i gcás cuideachtan a raibh aon bhliain amháin trádála nó níos mó aici, go raibh duine is stiúrthóir dar ghá a chuid aimsire iomlán go substainteach do thabhairt do sheirbhís na cuideachtan i bhfeadhmanas bainistí nó teicniúil gan bheith ina stiúrthóir i rith na bliana trádála ar dá réir a háireofar an asbhaint iomlán fé mhír (a) no mír (b) den fho-alt so ach go raibh sé i rith na bliana trádála san ar fostú ag an gcuideachtain, ansan, d'ainneoin éinní atá sa bhfo-alt san, féadfaidh na Coimisinéirí Ioncaim, más oiriúnach leo é, an asbhaint iomlán do mhéadú pé méid (nach mó ná an luach saothair do híocadh leis an duine sin in aghaidh na bliana trádála san) a mheasfaid is ceart;


(g) sa bhfo-alt so—


tá leis an bhfocal “caipital” an bhrí chéanna atá leis i bhfo-mhír (i) de mhír (c) dfho-alt (2) d'alt 16 den Acht Airgeadais, 1942 (Uimh. 14 de 1942),


folaíonn an focal “stiúrthóir” duine ar bith ar gnáth do stiúrthóirí cuideachtan gníomhú do réir a orduithe no a threoracha, ach ní fholaíonn stiúrthóir dar gá a chuid aimsire iomlán go substainteach do thabhairt do sheirbhís na cuideachtan i bhfeadhmanas bainistí nó teicniúil agus ná fuil ina únaer thairbheach ar, ná ábalta (go díreach nó trí mheán cuidéachtana eile nó trí aon tslí neamh-dhíreach eile) ar urláimh do dhéanamh ar, níos mó ná cúig fén gcéad de ghnáthstoc no gnáth-scaireanna na cuideachtan.

(2) Scoirfidh alt 43 dAcht 1941, arna leasú le halt 18 den Acht Airgeadais, 1942 (Uimh. 14 de 1942), dfheidhm do bheith aige maidir le haon tréimhse chuntasaíochta a chríochnóidh tar éis an 31ú lá de Mhí na Nollag, 1943.



14.—(1) I gcás cuideachta iar-lá-ceaptha do bheith ina cuideachtain chúnta ag cuideachtain ré-lá-ceaptha, is tuigthe, chun críoch an ailt seo, an chuideachta iar-lá-ceaptha do bheith ina fochuideachtain ag an gcuideachtain ré-lá-ceaptha.


(2) I gcás—


(a) cuideachta iar-lá-ceaptha (dá ngairmtear an dara cuideachta sa bhfo-alt so) do bheith ina cuideachtain chúnta ag cuideachtain iar-lá-ceaptha eile (dá ngairmtear an chéad chuideachta sa bhfo-alt so), agus


(b) gur tuigthe trí fho-alt (1) den alt so an chéad chuideachta do bheith ina fo-chuideachtain ag cuideachtain ré-láceaptha,


is tuigthe, chun críoch an ailt seo, an dara cuideachta freisin do bheith ina fo-chuideachtain ag an gcuideachtain ré-lá-ceaptha.


(3) I gcás—


(a) gur tuigthe, trí fho-alt (1) den alt so, aon chuideachta amháin de thrí cinn nó níos mó de chuideachtana iarlá-ceaptha do bheith ina fo-chuideachtain ag cuideachtain ré-lá-ceaptha, agus


(b) gach ceann de na cuideachtana iar-lá-ceaptha eile do bheith ina cuideachtain chúnta ag aon cheann áirithe de na cuideachtana iar-lá-ceaptha,


is tuigthe, chun críoch an ailt seo, gach ceann de na cuideachtana iar-lá-ceaptha eile do bheith freisin ina fo-chuideachtain ag an gcuideachtain ré-lá-ceaptha.


(4) I gcás gur tuigthe, de bhuaidh na bhforál san roimhe seo den alt so, cuideachta iar-lá-ceaptha do bheith, mara mbeadh an fo-alt so, ina fo-chuideachtain ag dhá chuideachtain ré-lá-ceaptha no níos mó, áireofar í mar fho-chuideachtain ag an aon cheann amháin sin de na cuideachtana ré-lá-ceaptha a ordóidh na Coimisinéirí Ioncaim.


(5) I gcás gur tuigthe tríd an alt so cuideachta iar-lá-ceaptha do bheith ina fo-chuideachtain ag cuideachtain ré-lá-ceaptha, ansan, mara n-ordaí na Coimisinéirí Ioncaim a mhalairt, beidh éifeacht, chun cáin bhrabúis chorparáide do mhuirearú, ag na forála so leanas, sé sin le rá:—


(a) is tuigthe gan an chuideachta iar-lá-ceaptha do bheith ina cuideachtain;


(b) is tuigthe i dtaobh na trádála nó an ghnótha nó an ghnóthais dá shamhail, ar a n-áirítear suncála do shealbhú, a bheidh á sheoladh ag an gcuideachtain iar-lá-ceaptha é bheith á sheoladh ag an gcuideachtain ré-lá-ceaptha;


(c) is tuigthe gurb iad sócmhainní na cuideachtan iar-lá-ceaptha sócmhainní na cuideachtan ré-lá-ceaptha.


(6) (a) Más deimhin leis na Coimisinéirí Ioncaim maidir le cuid de chaipital eisithe cuideachtan iar-lá-ceaptha is tuigthe tríd an alt so do bheith ina fo-chuideachtain ag cuideachtain ré-lá-ceaptha go dtabharfadh sé, dá ndéanadh an chuideachta ré-lá-ceaptha an caipital san d'eisiúin mar chaipital dá cuid féin, an chuideachta ré-lá-ceaptha do bheith i dteideal go ndéanfaí asbhaint as a brabús fé alt 41 dAcht, 1941, nó go ndéanfaí aon mhéadú ar a caighdeán ionaid fé alt 39 dAcht, 1941, féadfaid, chun críoch na n-alt san, an chuid sin de chaipital eisithe na cuideachtan iar-lá-ceaptha d'áireamh mar chaipital arna eisiúin ag an gcuideachtain ré-lá-ceaptha.


(b) So bhfo-alt so tá an bhrí chéanna leis an bhfocal “caipital” atá leis i bhfo-mhír (i) de mhír (c) d'fho-alt (2) d'alt 16 den Acht Airgeadais, 1942 (Uimh. 14 de 1942).


(7) Má thárlann, de dhruim na forála atá leagtha amach i bhfo-alt (5) den alt so do thonasc le cuideachtain ré-lá-ceaptha agus le haon chuideachtain iar-lá-ceaptha amháin agus gan ach aon chuideachta iar-lá-ceaptha amháin, go ndlífidh an chuideachta ré-lá-ceaptha cáin bhrabúis chorparáide d'íoc de mhéid is mó ná an méid a dhlífeadh d'íoc mura mbeadh san, beidh éifeacht ag na forála so leanas, sé sin le rá:—


(a) dlífidh na cuideachtana san, in éineacht agus ar leithligh, an bhreis d'íoc;


(b) má íocann an chuideachta ré-lá-ceaptha an bhreis sin, féadfaidh an chuideachta ré-lá-ceaptha méid is cóionann leis an mbreis sin do bhaint den chuideachtain iar-lá-ceaptha.


(8) Má thárlann, de dhruim na forála atá leagtha amach i bhfo-alt (5) den alt so do thonasc le cuideachtain ré-lá-ceaptha agus le dhá chuideachtain iar-lá-ceaptha nó níos mó, go ndlífidh an chuideachta ré-lá-ceaptha cáin bhrabúis chorparáide d'íoc de mhéid is mó ná an méid do dhlífeadh mura mbeadh san, beidh éifeacht ag na forála so leanas, sé sin le rá:—


(a) dlífidh an chuideachta ré-lá-ceaptha agus gach ceann de na cuideachtana iar-lá-ceaptha dlífid, in éineacht agus ar leithligh, an bhreis d'íoc;


(b) má íocann an chuideachta ré-lá-ceaptha an bhreis sin, féadfaidh na Coimisinéirí Speisialta, ar an gcuideachtain ré-lá-ceaptha dá iarraidh orthu, an bhreis sin do chionroinnt (agus ní bheidh dul thar an gcionroinnt sin) idir na cuideachtana iar-lá-ceaptha i pé cionúireachta a mheasfaidh na Coimisinéirí Speisialta is ceart, agus, sa chás san, beidh an cion a cuirfear ar aon chuideachtain iar-lá-ceaptha áirithe ionbhainte den chuideachtain iar-lá-ceaptha san ag an gcuideachtain ré-lá-ceaptha.


(9) (a) Is tuigthe chun críoch an ailt seo cuideachta (dá ngairmtear an dara cuideachta sa mhír seo) do bheith ina cuideachtain chúnta ag cuideachtain eile (dá ngairmtear an chéad chuideachta sa mhír seo) i gcás—


(i) an dara cuideachta do chorprú tar éis na céad chuideachtan, agus


(ii) an chéad chuideachta do shealbhú níos mó ná caoga fén gcéad de ghnáth-chaipital eisithe lán-íoctha na dara cuideachtan.


(b) Chun críoch an fho-ailt seo—


(i) aon scaireanna le cuideachtain a bheidh ar seilbh ag ainmnithe nó scaireánaigh cuideachtan eile, is tuigthe iad do bheith ar seilbh ag an gcuideachtain eile sin,


(ii) is tuigthe stoc tosaíochta (seachas stoc tosaíochta ná gabhann cirt vótála leis ach i gcás díbhinní do bheith i riaráiste) lena ngabhann cirt vótála, no scaireanna tosaíochta (seachas scaireanna tosaíochta ná gabhann cirt vótála leo ach i gcás díbhinní do bheith i riaráiste) lena ngabhann cirt vótála, do bheith ina ghnáth-stoc nó ina ngnáth-scaireanna.


(10) San alt so—


ciallaíonn an abairt “cuideachta ré-lá-ceaptha” cuideachta arna corprú roimh an 7ú lá de Bhealtaine, 1941;


ciallaíonn an abairt “cuideachta iar-lá-ceaptha” cuideachta arna corprú an 7ú lá de Bhealtaine, 1941, nó dá éis;

léireofar tagairtí do cháin bhrabúis chorparáide mar thagairtí fholaíonn tagairtí do cháin bhrabúis chorparáide bhreise.

(11) (a) Fé réir míre (b) den fho-alt so, beidh feidhm agus éifeacht ag forála an ailt seo maidir le haon tréimhse chuntasaíochta dar críoch dáta i ndiaidh an 31ú lá de Mhí na Nollag, 1943.

(b) I gcás na forála atá leagtha amach i bhfo-alt (5) den alt so do bhaint le cuideachtain ré-lá-ceaptha agus le cuideachtain iar-lá-ceaptha, agus na cuideachtana san dá chur in iúl do na Coimisinéirí Ioncaim gur mian leo feidhm agus éifeacht do bheith ag forála an ailt seo maidir leis na tréimhsí cuntasaíochta uile dar críoch dáta i ndiaidh dáta corpruithe na cuideachtan iar-lá-ceaptha, ansan, beidh feidhm agus éifeacht ag forála an ailt seo dá réir sin.


Eadarbhearta d'intinn dliteanas i gcáin bhrabúis chorparáide do seachaint.

15.—(1) I gcás na Coimisinéirí Ioncaim do bheith ar an tuairim gurb é is príomh-chuspóir d'aon eadarbheart nó eadarbhearta do rinneadh roimh dháta an Achta so do rith nó déanfar dá éis ná dliteanas i gcáin bhrabúis chorparáide do sheachaint nó do laghdú, féadfaid, más oiriúnach leo é, a ordú go ndéanfar pé coigeartuithe maidir le dliteanas, in aghaidh aon tréimhse cuntasaíochta dar críoch dáta i ndiaidh an 31ú lá de Mhí na Nollag, 1943, i gcáin bhrabúis chorparáide a mheasfaid is cuibhe chun frithghníomhú i gcoinne na seachana nó an laghduithe, ar an dliteanas i gcáin bhrabúis chorparáide, do thiocfadh d'éamais na gcoigeartuithe sin den eadarbheart nó de na headarbhearta san.


(2) Gan dochar do gheneráltacht na gcumhacht do bheirtear le fo-alt (1) den alt so, sroichfidh na cumhachta do bheirtear leis an bhfo-alt san—


(a) cáin bhrabúis chorparáide do mhuirearú ar chuideachtana ná beadh aon cháin bhrabúis chorparáide nó oiread cánach brabúis chorparáide ionmhuirir orthu d'éamais na gcoigeartuithe,


(b) níos mó cánach brabúis chorparáide do mhuirearú ná mar bheadh ionmhuirir d'éamais na gcoigeartuithe.


(3) Féadfaidh aon chuideachta ar a ngoillfidh ordú ó na Coimisinéirí Ioncaim fén alt so achomharc do dhéanamh chun na gCoimisinéirí Speisialta pé acu ar an bhforas nárbh é ba phríomhchuspóir don eadarbheart nó do na headarbhearta san dliteanas i gcáin bhrabúis chorparáide do sheachaint nó do laghdú, nó ar an bhforas ná raibh sé ceart aon ordú do thabhairt nó go raibh na coigeartuithe a hordaíodh a dhéanamh neamh-chuibe, agus beidh feidhm, maidir le haon achomharc den tsórt san, ag na forála uile bhaineann le hachomharc i gcoinne cáinmheasta chun cánach brabúis chorparáide.


(4) Léireofar na tagairtí atá san alt so do cháin bhrabúis chorparáide mar thagairtí fholaíonn tagairtí do cháin bhrabúis chorparáide bhreise.


Brabús caighdeánach cuideachtana nua áirithe.

16.—I gcás—


(a) cuideachta (dá ngairmtear an chuideachta nua san alt so) dá iarraidh i scríbhinn ar na Coimisinéirí Ioncaim cionroinnt do dhéanamh fén alt so, agus


(b) an chuideachta nua dá chur ina luighe ar na Coimisinéirí Ioncaim—


(i) gur tar éis an 31ú lá de Lúnasa, 1939, do corpraíodh í agus chun trádáil nó gnó do sheoladh a bhí ar aon-ghné ach ná raibh chomh mór le trádáil nó gnó cuideachtan (dá ngairmtear an tsean-chuideachta san alt so) do scoireadh agus ag á raibh aon bhliain trádála amháin nó níos mó, agus


(ii) go mbíonn an trádáil nó an gnó san á sheoladh aici amhlaidh, agus


(iii) go bhfuil níos mó ná caoga fén gcéad de ghnáthchaipital eisithe na cuideachtan nua ar seilbh ag daoine a raibh seilbh acu san iomlán ar níos mó ná caoga fén gcéad de ghnáth-chaipital eisithe na seanchuideachtan, agus


(iv) go bhfuil cuid substainteach d'eagras na seanchuideachtan tógtha ar láimh ag an gcuideachtain nua, agus


(v) go ndearnadh an chuideachta nua do chorprú i gcionn mí ar a dhéana tar éis an tsean-chuideachta do scor, agus


(c) an chuideachta nua do thabhairt pé cuntas agus sonnraí agus eolais do na Coimisinéirí Ioncaim a theastóidh ó na Coimisinéirí Ioncaim chun críoch an iarratais,


beidh éifeacht ag na forála so leanas—


(1) cionroinnfidh na Coimisinéirí Ioncaim ar an gcuideachtain nua méid is comhionann le hoiread, de bhrabús na seanchuideachtan in aghaidh na bliana trádála ar fé threoir a brabúis a háireofaí brabús caighdeánach na seanchuideachtan dá mba ná scoirfí í, a mheasfaidh na Coimisinéirí Ioncaim is iomchuibhe don trádáil nó don ghnó bheidh á sheoladh ag an gcuideachtain nua, agus


(2) an méid a cionroinnfear amhlaidh ar an gcuideachtain nua is é bheidh, más mian leis an gcuideachtain nua é, mar bhrabús caighdeánach ag an gcuideachtain nua in aghaidh gach tréimhse cuntasaíochta dar críoch dáta tar éis an lú lá dEanar, 1941.


Saoirsí áirithe do bhuanú.

17.—Na saoirsí ó cháin bhrabúis chorparáide a bheirtear le halt 33 den Acht Airgeadais, 1939 (Uimh. 32 de 1939), arna leasú le halt 30 den Acht Airgeadais, 1931 (Uimh. 31 de 1931), agus le mír (b) dfho-alt (1) d'alt 47 den Acht Airgeadais, 1932 (Uimh. 20 de 1932), agus a buanaíodh go dtí an 31ú lá de Mhí na Nollag, 1943, le halt 44 dAcht, 1941, déanfar agus déantar leis seo iad do bhuanú go dtí an 31ú lá de Mhí na Nollag, 1946.


An Chuid seo den Acht so do léiriú.

18.—Léighfear agus léireofar an Chuid seo den Acht so i dteannta Coda V den Finance Act, 1930, arna leasú nó arna leathnú le hachtacháin iaraimseartha, agus, go sonnruch, léighfear agus léireofar í i dteannta Coda V dAcht 1941, Coda IV den Acht Airgeadais, 1942 (Uimh. 14 de 1942), agus Coda III den Acht Airgeadais, 1943 (Uimh. 16 de 1943).


Ilghnéitheach agus Generálta.


Alt 34 den Acht Airgeadais, 1931, do leasú.

19.—Déantar leis seo fo-alt (1) d'alt 34 den Acht Airgeadais, 1931 (Uimh. 31 de 1931), do leasú tríd an mír seo leanas do chur isteach ann in ionad míre (b) den fho-alt san, sé sin le rá:—


“(b) in aghaidh na bliana airgeadais dar tosach an lú lá dAbrán, 1945, agus gach bliana airgeadais ina dhiaidh sin, pé suim, nach mó ná dachad míle punt, a chinnfidh an tAire Airgeadais ó am go ham.”


Airgead d'aistriú ón Ród-Chiste go dtí an Stát-Chiste.

20.—Dfhonn airgead do sholáthar chun íoctha éilithe generálta thuitfidh ar an bPrímh-Chiste, déanfar suim céad míle punt d'aistriú agus d'íoc as an Ród-Chiste isteach sa Stát-Chiste pé tráth nó trátha sa bhliain airgeadais dar críoch an 31ú lá de Mhárta, 1945, agus i pé slí ordóidh an tAire Airgeadais.


Cumhacht don Aire Airgeadais chun a ordú sócmhainní cistí foirceanta d'aistriú chun Cúl-Chiste na gCairteacha Coigiltis.

21.—Ar aon chiste no cuntas dfhoirceannadh a ndlitear a shócmhainní d'íoc isteach sa Stát-Chiste nó do chur chun tairbhe don Stát-Chiste, féadfaidh an tAire Airgeadais a ordú go ndéanfar, sa mhéid is dóigh leis is ceart, na sócmhainní sin d'íoc le Cúl-Chiste na gCairteacha Coigiltis agus d'aistriú chun an chiste sin agus do chur i gcreidiúnas don Chúl-chuntas Colla.


Cúram agus bainistí cánacha agus diúitéthe.

22.—Cuirtear fé chúram agus bainistí na gCoimisinéirí Ioncaim leis seo na cánacha agus na diúitethe uile forchuirtear leis an Acht so.


Gearr-theideal, léiriú agus tosach feidhme.

23.—(1) Féadfar an tAcht Airgeadais, 1944, do ghairm den Acht so.


(2) Léireofar Cuid I den Acht so i dteannta na nAcht Cánach Ioncaim.


(3) Lasmuigh de chás dá bhforáltar a mhalairt inti go soiléir, is tuigthe Cuid I den Acht so do theacht i bhfeidhm an 6ú lá dAbrán, 1944, agus beidh éifeacht aici amhail ar an lá san agus ón lá san amach.


Achtacháin do leasú de dhruim an ráta cathartha do chur in ionad an ráta dhealúis agus rátaí áirithe eile sna contae-bhuirg í agus i mbuirg Dhún Laoghaire.

Na hachtacháin atá le leasú

An leasú

An Income Tax Act, 1918: alt 187.

I bhfo-alt (1), cuirfear na focail “under the Valuation Acts” in ionad na bhfocal “for the purposes of poor rates”.

I bhfo-alt (2), cuirfear na focail “or the municipal rate” i ndiaidh na bhfocal “poor rates”.

I bhfo-alt (6)—

(a) cuirfear na focail “or which is assessable to the municipal rate on a proportion only of the valuation under the Valuation Acts” i ndiaidh na bhfocal “poor rates”, agus

(b) cuirfear na focail “or is liable to be assessed in respect of that rent to the municipal rate on a proportion only of the valuation under the Valuation Acts” i ndiaidh na bhfocal “any poor rate”.

An Income Tax Act, 1918: alt 191.

I bhfo-alt (1), cuirfear na focail “or the municipal rate” i ndiaidh na bhfocal “poor rates”.

An Income Tax Act, 1918: alt 192.

I bhfo-alt (1), cuirfear na focail “or the municipal rate” i ndiaidh na bhfocal “poor rates”.

An Income Tax Act, 1918: alt 193.

I bhfo-alt (1), cuirfear na focail “under the Valuation Acts” in ionad na bhfocal “for the purposes of the poor rates”.

An Income Tax Act, 1918: alt 194.

I mír (a), cuirfear na focail “or of the proportion applicable to the relief of the poor of the municipal rate” i ndiaidh na bhfocal “poor rates”.

I mír (b), cuirfear na focail “or of the proportion applicable to the relief of the poor of the municipal rate” i ndiaidh na bhfocal “poor rate”.

An Income Tax Act, 1918: alt 201.

Cuirfear na focail “or of the proportion applicable to the relief of the poor of the municipal rate” i ndiaidh na bhfocal “poor rates” i ngach áit ina bhfuil na focail deiridh sin.

An Income Tax Act, 1918: alt 203.

Cuirfear na focail “or of the proportion applicable to the relief of the poor of the municipal rate” i ndiaidh na bhfocal “poor rates”.

An tAcht Airgeadais, 1923: alt 5.

I bhfo-alt (2), cuirfear na focail “under the Valuation Acts” in ionad na bhfocal “for the purposes of poor rates”.

An tAcht Airgeadais, 1930: alt 3.

I bhfo-alt (2), cuirfear na focail “no an ráta chathartha” i ndiaidh na bhfocal “ráta dhealúis”.

An tAcht Airgeadais, 1935: alt 3.

I bhfo-alt (7), cuirfear na focail “no an ráta chathartha” i ndiaidh na bhfocal “ráta dhealúis” i ngach áit ina bhfuil na focail deiridh sin.



Number 18 of 1944.





Income Tax.



Income tax and sur-tax for year 1944-45.


Amendment of Rule 6 of the Rules applicable to Cases I and II of Schedule D.


Amendments of enactments consequent upon the substitution in county boroughs and the borough of Dun Laoghaire of the municipal rate for the poor rate and certain other rates.


Exemption of children's allowance from income tax and reduction of deductions under section 21 of the Finance Act, 1920.


Amendment of section 22 of the Finance Act, 1920.


Amendment of section 3 of the Finance Act, 1925.


Exemption in respect of certain profits from sweepstakes organised by the Irish Red Cross Society.


Emergency allowances in respect of certain machinery or plant.


Schedule D and Schedule E Assessment Districts.


Publication of reports of case stated.


Corporation Profits Tax.


Definition in this Part of this Act.


Meaning of word “remuneration” in relation to a director.


Provisions in respect of deductions for the remuneration of directors in relation to excess corporation profits tax.


Subsidiary companies.


Transactions designed to avoid liability to corporation profits tax.


Standard profits of certain new companies.


Continuance of certain exemptions.


Construction of this Part of this Act.


Miscellaneous and General.


Amendment of section 34 of the Finance Act, 1931.


Transfer of money from the Road Fund to the Exchequer.


Power of Minister for Finance to direct transfer of assets of wound-up funds to the Savings Certificates Reserve Fund.


Care and management of taxes and duties.


Short title, construction and commencement.


Amendments of enactments consequent upon the substitution in county boroughs and the borough of Dun Laoghaire of the municipal rate for the poor rate and certain other rates.

Acts Referred to

Finance Act, 1941

No. 14 of 1941

Local Government (Dublin) Act, 1930

No. 27 of 1930

Limerick City Management Act, 1934

No. 35 of 1934

Waterford City Management Act, 1939

No. 25 of 1939

Cork City Management (Amendment) Act, 1941

No. 5 of 1941

Children's Allowances Act, 1944

No. 2 of 1944

Finance Act, 1938

No. 25 of 1938

Public Hospitals Act, 1933

No. 18 of 1933

Public Hospitals (Amendment) (No. 2) Act, 1939

No. 29 of 1939

Finance Act, 1942

No. 14 of 1942

Emergency Powers Act, 1939

No. 28 of 1939

Finance Act, 1929

No. 32 of 1929

Finance Act, 1931

No. 31 of 1931

Finance Act, 1932

No. 20 of 1932

Finance Act, 1943

No. 16 of 1943

Finance Act, 1925

No, 28 of 1925


Number 18 of 1944.




Income Tax.


Income tax and sur-tax for year 1944-45.

1.—(1) Income tax shall be charged for the year beginning on the 6th day of April, 1944, at the rate of seven shillings and sixpence in the pound.


(2) Sur-tax (other than excess sur-tax) for the year beginning on the 6th day of April, 1944, shall be charged in respect of the income of any individual the total of which from all sources exceeds one thousand five hundred pounds and shall be so charged at the same rates as those at which it is charged for the year beginning on the 6th day of April, 1943.


(3) Where the total income, within the meaning of section 5 of the Finance Act, 1941 (No. 14 of 1941), of any individual for the year beginning on the 6th day of April, 1944, exceeds one thousand five hundred pounds and includes any such profits as are mentioned in the said section 5, an additional duty of surtax (in this section referred to as excess sur-tax) shall be charged for the said year beginning on the 6th day of April, 1944, at the rate of seven shillings and sixpence in the pound in respect of so much of the said income as is made chargeable therewith by subsection (1) of the said section 5 as modified and applied by the subsequent provisions of this section.


(4) The several statutory and other provisions which were in force on the 5th day of April, 1944, in relation to income tax and sur-tax (including excess sur-tax) shall, subject to the provisions of this Act, have effect in relation to the income tax and sur-tax (including excess sur-tax) to be charged as aforesaid for the year beginning on the 6th day of April, 1944.


(5) In the application (by virtue of the next preceding sub-section of this section) of Part II of the Finance Act, 1941 (No. 14 of 1941), to the excess sur-tax to be charged as aforesaid for the year beginning on the 6th day of April, 1944, the said Part II shall have effect with and subject to the following modifications, that is to say:—


(a) the expression “the 6th day of April, 1944” shall be substituted for the expression “the 6th day of April, 1941,” wherever that expression occurs in the said Part II;


(b) in paragraph (b) of sub-section (3) of section 7 of the said Act, the expression “the 5th day of April, 1945” shall be substituted for the expression “the 5th day of April, 1942,” and the word “eight” shall be substituted for the word “five” and the expression “the 5th day of April, 1944,” shall be substituted for the expression “the 5th day of April, 1941”.


Amendment of Rule 6 of the Rules applicable to Cases I and II of Schedule D.

2.—Paragraph (2) of Rule 6 of the Rules applicable to Cases I and II of Schedule D of the Income Tax Act, 1918, shall have effect as if the words “provided that the burden of the wear and tear of the machinery or plant will in fact fall directly on him.” were added at the end of the said paragraph.


Amendments of enactments consequent upon the substitution in county boroughs and the borough of Dun Laoghaire of the municipal rate for the poor rate and certain other rates.

3.—(1) The amendments specified in the second column of the Schedule to this Act shall be made in the enactments specified in the first column of that Schedule.


(2) Where, by virtue of this section, the expression “the municipal rate” occurs in any enactment specified in the Schedule to this Act, that expression shall be construed as meaning any rate which is—


(a) the rate leviable by the Right Honourable the Lord Mayor, Aldermen and Burgesses of Dublin under section 63 of the Local Government (Dublin) Act, 1930 (No. 27 of 1930), or


(b) the rate leviable by the Corporation of Dun Laoghaire under section 63 of the said Local Government (Dublin) Act, 1930, or


(c) the rate leviable under section 25 of the Limerick City Management Act, 1934 (No. 35 of 1934), or


(d) the rate leviable under section 24 of the Waterford City Management Act, 1939 (No. 25 of 1939), or


(e) the rate leviable under section 16 of the Cork City Management (Amendment) Act, 1941 (No. 5 of 1941).


(3) Sub-sections (1) and (2) of this section shall be deemed to have come into force on and to have had effect as on and from the 6th day of April, 1931.


(4) In the case of any assessment made or purporting to have been made under sub-section (6) of section 187 of the Income Tax Act, 1918, against which due notice of appeal has been given before the 3rd day of May, 1944, such appeal shall be heard and determined as if the foregoing provisions of this section had not been enacted.


Exemption of children's allowance from income tax and reduction of deductions under section 21 of the Finance Act, 1920.

4.—(1) A children's allowance under the Act of 1944 shall be exempt from income tax (including sur-tax) and shall not be reckoned in computing income for the purposes of the Income Tax Acts.


(2) Where, but for this sub-section, a claimant would be entitled, under section 21 of the Finance Act, 1920, as amended by any subsequent enactment, to a deduction of sixty pounds in respect of any child living and under the age of sixteen years at the commencement of a year of assessment, the said deduction in respect of any such child in excess of two such children shall be reduced, for the year beginning on the 6th day of April, 1944, to forty-eight pounds and, for the year beginning on the 6th day of April, 1945 or any subsequent year, to forty-three pounds.


(3) Sub-section (2) of this section shall not apply in the case of a claimant who, because he is compelled to reside outside the State by reason of the circumstances of his trade, profession or employment, is not resident in any region on any date (being the qualifying date in relation to any payment period for that region) in the year of assessment to which his claim relates.


(4) In this section—


the expression “the Act of 1944” means the Children's Allowances Act, 1944 (No. 2 of 1944);


the expressions “qualifying date”, “payment period” and “region” have the same meanings as in the Act of 1944.


Amendment of section 22 of the Finance Act, 1920.

5.—Sub-section (1) of section 22 (which relates to deduction in respect of dependent relatives) of the Finance Act, 1920, shall have effect as if the words “a person (being a son or daughter of the claimant)” were substituted for the words “a daughter”.


Amendment of section 3 of the Finance Act, 1925.

6.Section 3 (which relates to exemption of certain military pensions and gratuities) of the Finance Act, 1925 (No, 28 of 1925), is hereby amended by the insertion therein of the following sub-section section in lieu of sub-section (2) now (by virtue of section 4 of the Finance Act, 1938 (No. 25 of 1938)) contained in the said section 3, that is to say—


“(2) The wounds and disabilities pensions to which section 16 of the Finance Act, 1919, applies shall include and be deemed always to have included all wound and disability pensions granted under the Army Pensions Acts, 1923 to 1943, and all gratuities in respect of wounds or disabilities similarly granted, and the said section 16 shall be construed and have effect accordingly.”


Exemption in respect of certain profits from sweepstakes organised by the Irish Red Cross Society.

7.—(1) Exemption shall be granted from tax under Schedule D of the Income Tax Act, 1918, in respect of the profits of any sweepstake held under the Act of 1933 by the Irish Red Cross Society which, but for this section, would have been assessable under Case 1 of the said Schedule on the Irish Red Cross Society or on the sweepstake committee appointed in pursuance of the Act of 1933 for the purpose of such sweepstake by the Irish Red Cross Society.


(2) In this section—


the expression “the Act of 1933” means the Public Hospitals Act, 1933 (No. 18 of 1933), as amended by the Public Hospitals (Amendment) (No. 2) Act, 1939 (No. 29 of 1939);


the word “sweepstake” has the meaning given to it by section 1 of the Act of 1933.


(3) This section shall be deemed to have come into force on and to have had effect as on and from the 6th day of April, 1939.


Emergency allowances in respect of certain machinery or plant.

8.—(1) Where—


(a) a person shows to the satisfaction of the Revenue Commissioners—


(i) that machinery or plant has been acquired by him during the appointed period for the sole purpose of overcoming difficulties in the carrying on by him of a trade chargeable to tax under Schedule D of the Income Tax Act, 1918, and


(ii) that those difficulties are due exclusively to circumstances created by or arising from the present national emergency (including circumstances continuing after the termination of that emergency), and


(iii) that it is likely that the said machinery or plant will, before the expiration of the appointed period, cease to be employed by that person for the purpose of carrying on the said trade, and


(b) that person applies, in accordance with this section, to the Revenue Commissioners for an allowance under this section in respect of the said machinery or plant in respect of any year of assessment falling wholly or partly within the appointed period, and


(c) that person shows to the satisfaction of the Revenue Commissioners that, during the year of assessment to which the application relates, he was possessed of the said machinery or plant,


the Revenue Commissioners may cause such allowance (in this section referred to as an emergency allowance) as they consider just to be made, by repayment or otherwise, in respect of the said machinery or plant from the assessment made on him for the year of assessment to which the application relates in respect of the profits of the said trade.


(2) Application to the Revenue Commissioners for an emergency allowance in relation to any year of assessment ended on or before the 5th day of April, 1944, may be made within twelve months after the passing of this Act and a similar application in relation to any subsequent year of assessment may be made within twelve months after the end of such year.


(3) Where, before the expiration of the appointed period, machinery or plant, in respect of which emergency allowances have been made to any person, either is sold or has ceased to be employed by that person for the purpose of carrying on the trade for which it was acquired, the Revenue Commissioners may review the said emergency allowances—


(a) in case the said machinery or plant is so sold, after the sale, or


(b) in case the said machinery or plant is not so sold, but has ceased to be so employed, after the expiration of the appointed period.


(4) The following provisions shall have effect in relation to or in consequence of a review under sub-section (3) of this section of the emergency allowances made to any person, that is to say—


(a) for the purpose of such review the Revenue Commissioners may compare the following amounts, that is to say:—


(i) the net cost (as hereinafter defined in this sub-section) to the said person of the machinery or plant in respect of which the said emergency allowances were made, and


(ii) the total allowances (as hereinafter defined in this sub-section) made to the said person;


(b) for the purposes of the said comparison, the said net cost shall be taken to be the amount by which the actual cost to the said person of the installation of the said machinery or plant exceeds the aggregate of—


(i) the sum or sums (if any) provided by way of subsidy or grant out of public funds towards the said installation, and


(ii) if the said machinery or plant is sold before the expiration of the appointed period, the amount for which the said plant or machinery was sold, or, if the said machinery or plant is not sold before the expiration of the appointed period but ceases before the expiration of the appointed period to be employed for the purposes of carrying on the trade for which it was acquired, the amount for which, in the opinion of the Revenue Commissioners, the said plant or machinery is worth to be sold at the expiration of the appointed period;


(c) for the purposes of the said comparison, the said total allowances shall be taken to be the aggregate of—


(i) all emergency allowances made to the said person in respect of the said machinery or plant, and


(ii) all allowances made to the said person, in respect of the said machinery or plant, under or by reason of Eule 6 or Rule 7 of the Rules applicable to Cases I and II of Schedule D of the Income Tax Act, 1918, or section 3 of the Finance Act, 1942 (No. 14 of 1942), for the year of assessment during which the appointed period expires and for any previous year of assessment during which the said machinery or plant was possessed by him or, if the said machinery or plant is sold before the expiration of the appointed period, for the year of assessment in which it was sold and for any previous year during which the said machinery or plant was possessed by him;


(d) if the said net cost exceeds the said total allowances, the Revenue Commissioners may, by repayment or otherwise, make such further emergency allowance as is in their opinion just;


(e) if the said total allowances exceed the said net cost, the emergency allowances made to the said person may be revised and such additional assessments as the Revenue Commissioners consider to be necessary may be made on the said person for any year of assessment in respect of which any emergency allowance was granted to him.


(5) Where, after the expiration of the appointed period, machinery or plant, in respect of which emergency allowances are made to any person, continues to be employed by that person for the purpose of carrying on the trade for which it was acquired, the Revenue Commissioners may review the said emergency allowances and may make such additional assessments as may be necessary to revoke the said emergency allowances.


(6) In this section, the expression “the appointed period” means the period which commenced on the date of the passing of the Emergency Powers Act, 1939 (No. 28 of 1939), and which will end twelve months after the expiration of that Act.


Schedule D and Schedule E Assessment Districts.

9.—(1) Notwithstanding anything contained in the Income Tax Acts, assessments to income tax under Schedules D and E shall be made for such districts as the Revenue Commissioners shall from time to time direct.


(2) This section shall apply in respect of any assessment made after the passing of this Act, in relation to tax chargeable for any year of assessment, whether beginning before or after the passing of this Act.


Publication of reports of case stated.

10.—The holding (whether before or after the passing of this Act) in camera, in pursuance of sub-section (9) of section 5 of the Finance Act, 1929 (No. 32 of 1929), of the hearing by the High Court or the Supreme Court of a case stated under the enactments mentioned in that sub-section shall not preclude the publication, in the law reports published by the Incorporated Council of Law Reporting for Ireland or in any other recognised law reports or in any reports printed with the permission of the said Incorporated Council, of a report of the proceedings before, or the judgments given by, the High Court or the Supreme Court, but no such report shall disclose the name of the person whose chargeability to tax is the subject of the case.



Corporation Profits Tax.


Definition in this Part of this Act.

11.—In this Part of this Act, the expression “the Act of 1941” means the Finance Act, 1941 (No. 14 of 1941), as amended or extended by subsequent enactments.


Meaning of word “remuneration” in relation to a director.

12.—For the purpose of removing doubts, it is hereby enacted and declared that the word “remuneration”, when used in relation to a director of a company in any enactment relating to corporation profits tax (including excess corporation profits tax), shall be construed as meaning, and as having always meant, all remuneration, whether by way of fees, salary, bonus, commission or otherwise howsoever, payable by a company to a person in respect of a period during which he is or was a director of that company, whether that remuneration is or was payable to him wholly in his capacity as director of that company or wholly in some other capacity or partly in his capacity as such director and partly in some other capacity.


Provisions in respect of deduetions for the remuneration of directors in relation to excess corporation profits tax.

13.—(1) The following provisions shall apply and have effect in relation to the ascertainment, for the purpose of a charge to excess corporation profits tax, of the profits, for any accounting period ending after the 31st day of December, 1943, of a company the directors whereof have a controlling interest therein, that is to say:—


(a) in the case of a company, the standard profits of which are the profits of a trade year, the amount of the deduction in respect of the total remuneration of all directors (in this sub-section referred to as the total deduction) to be allowed shall not exceed the total deduction which was allowed in computing, under the enactments for the time being in force in relation to corporation profits tax, the profits of the company for that trade year;


(b) in the case of a company, the standard profits of which are the substituted standard or the sum of two thousand five hundred pounds, and which had one and only one trade year (being a trade year ended in the year ended on the 31st day of August, 1939) or which had two and only two consecutive trade years the later of which ended in the year ended on the 31st day of August, 1939, or which had three or more consecutive trade years the last of which ended in the year ended on the 31st day of August, 1939, the total deduction to be allowed shall not exceed the total deduction which was allowed in computing, under the said enactments, the profits of the company for—


(i) if there was one and only one such trade year, that trade year, or


(ii) if there were two and only two such consecutive trade years, whichever of those trade years there was so allowed the greater total deduction, or


(iii) if there were three and only three such consecutive trade years, whichever of those trade years there was so allowed the greatest total deduction, or


(iv) if there were four or more such consecutive trade years, whichever of the last three of those trade years there was so allowed the greatest total deduction;


(c) in the case of a company the standard profits of which are the substituted standard or the sum of two thousand five hundred pounds and which had no trade year ended in the year ended on the 31st day of August, 1939, the total deduction to be allowed shall not exceed a sum representing three per cent. of the paid up issued capital of the company, unless, where the paid up issued capital is not less than fifteen thousand pounds, the Revenue Commissioners otherwise direct, in which case the total deduction to be allowed shall be the amount specified in the direction;


(d) the references in paragraph (b) of this sub-section to the profits of a company for a trade year shall, where the company has incurred a loss for that trade year, be construed as references to the loss of the company for that trade year, and such loss shall be computed in like manner as profits are required by law to be computed for the purposes of a charge to corporation profits tax;


(e) in the application of the provisions of the foregoing paragraphs of this sub-section to the assessment of excess corporation profits tax in respect of an accounting period or part of an accounting period which is less than twelve months, the maximum amount which may be allowed to be deducted under those provisions in respect of the total deduction shall be reduced to a sum which bears to the maximum amount specified in whichever of those provisions is applicable the same proportion as the said accounting period or part of an accounting period bears to twelve months;


(f) where, in the case of a company which had one or more trade years, a person, who is a director required to devote substantially the whole of his time to the service of the company in a managerial or technical capacity, was not a director during the trade year, by reference to which the total deduction under paragraph (a) or paragraph (b) of this sub-section is computed, but was during that trade year employed by the company, then, notwithstanding anything contained in this sub-section, the Revenue Commissioners, if they so think fit, may increase the total deduction by such amount (not exceeding the remuneration paid to that person for the said trade year) as they think proper;


(g) in this sub-section—


the word “capital” has the same meaning as it has in sub-paragraph (i) of paragraph (c) of sub-section (2) of section 16 of the Finance Act, 1942 (No. 14 of 1942),


the word “director” includes any person in accordance with whose directions or instructions the directors of a company are accustomed to act, but does not include a director who is required to devote substantially the whole of his time to the service of the company in a managerial or technical capacity and is not the beneficial owner of, or able (directly or through the medium of other companies or by any other indirect means) to control more than five per cent. of the ordinary stock or shares of the company.


(2) Section 43 of the Act of 1941 as amended by section 18 of the Finance Act, 1942 (No. 14 of 1942), shall cease to apply in respect of any accounting period ending after the 31st day of December, 1943.


Subsidiary companies.

14.—(1) Where a post-appointed day company is an auxiliary of a pre-appointed day company, the post-appointed day company shall be deemed, for the purposes of this section, to be a subsidiary of the pre-appointed day company.


(2) Where—


(a) a post-appointed day company (in this sub-section referred to as the second company) is an auxiliary of another post-appointed day company (in this sub-section referred to as the first company), and


(b) the first company is deemed by sub-section (1) of this section to be a subsidiary of a pre-appointed day company,


the second company shall also be deemed, for the purposes of this section, to be a subsidiary of the pre-appointed day company.


(3) Where—


(a) of three or more post-appointed day companies, one is deemed by sub-section (1) of this section to be a subsidiary of a pre-appointed day company, and


(b) each of the other post-appointed day companies is an auxiliary of any one of the post-appointed day companies,


each of the other post-appointed day companies shall also be deemed, for the purposes of this section, to be a subsidiary of the pre-appointed day company.


(4) Where by virtue of the preceding provisions of this section a post-appointed day company would, but for this sub-section, be deemed to be a subsidiary of two or more pre-appointed day companies, it shall be treated as being a subsidiary of such one only of those pre-appointed day companies as the Revenue Commissioners may direct.


(5) Where a post-appointed day company is deemed by this section to be a subsidiary of a pre-appointed day company, then, unless the Revenue Commissioners otherwise direct, the following provisions shall, for the purpose of a charge to corporation profits tax, apply, that is to say—


(a) the post-appointed day company shall be deemed not to be a company;


(b) the trade or business or undertaking of a similar character, including the holding of investments, carried on by the post-appointed day company shall be deemed to be carried on by the pre-appointed day company;


(c) the assets of the post-appointed day company shall be deemed to be the assets of the pre-appointed day company.


(6) (a) Where the Revenue Commissioners are satisfied that part of the issued capital of a post-appointed day company, which is deemed by this section to be a subsidiary of a pre-appointed day company, would, if the said capital had been issued by the pre-appointed day company as its own capital, have entitled the pre-appointed day company either to a deduction from profits under section 41 of the Act of 1941 or to any increase in its substituted standard under section 39 of the Act of 1941, they may, for the purposes of the said sections, deem the said part of the issued capital of the post-appointed day company to be capital issued by the pre-appointed day company.


(b) In this sub-section the word “capital” has the same meaning as in sub-paragraph (i) of paragraph (c) of sub-section (2) of section 16 of the Finance Act, 1942 (No. 14 of 1942).


(7) Where, as the result of the application to a pre-appointed day company and one and only one post-appointed day company of the provisions set out in sub-section (5) of this section, the pre-appointed day company is liable to pay corporation profits tax of an amount in excess of the amount for which it would other wise be liable, the following provisions shall have effect, that is to say—


(a) the said companies shall be liable jointly and severally to pay the excess;


(b) if the said excess is paid by the pre-appointed day company, the pre-appointed day company may recover from the post-appointed day company an amount equal to the said excess.


(8) Where, as the result of the application to a pre-appointed day Company and two or more post-appointed day companies of the provisions set out in sub-section (5) of this section, the pre-appointed day company is liable to pay corporation profits tax of an amount in excess of the amount for which it would other wise be liable, the following provisions shall have effect, that is to say—


(a) the pre-appointed day company and each of the post-appointed day companies shall be liable jointly and severally to pay the excess;


(b) if the said excess is paid by the pre-appointed day company, the Special Commissioners may, on the application of the pre-appointed day company, apportion (which apportionment shall be final) the said excess between the post-appointed day companies in such proportions as the Special Commissioners think proper, and in that case the amount so apportioned to any post-appointed day company shall be recoverable from that post-appointed day company by the pre-appointed day company.


(9) (a) A company (in this paragraph referred to as the second company) shall, for the purposes of this section, be deemed to be an auxiliary of another company (in this paragraph referred to as the first company) if—


(i) the second company is incorporated after the first company, and


(ii) the first company holds more than fifty per cent. of the paid up ordinary issued capital of the second company.


(b) For the purposes of this sub-section—


(i) any shares of a company held by the nominees or the shareholders of another company shall be deemed to be held by that other company,


(ii) preference stock (other than preference stock carrying voting rights only when dividends are in arrear) which carry voting rights or preference shares (other than preference shares carrying voting rights only when dividends are in arrear) which carry voting rights shall be deemed to be ordinary stock or ordinary shares.


(10) In this section—


the expression “pre-appointed day company” means a company incorporated before the 7th day of May, 1941;


the expression “post-appointed day company” means a company incorporated on or after the 7th day of May, 1941;


references to corporation profits tax shall be construed as including references to excess corporation profits tax.


(11) (a) Subject to paragraph (b) of this sub-section, the provisions of this section shall apply and have effect in relation to any accounting period ending after the 31st day of December, 1943.


(b) Where the provisions set out in sub-section (5) of this section apply to a pre-appointed day company and a post-appointed day company, and the said companies inform the Revenue Commissioners that they desire the provisions of this section to apply and have effect in relation to all accounting periods ending after the date of the incorporation of the post-appointed day company, then the provisions of this section shall apply and have effect accordingly.


Transactions designed to avoid liability to corporation profits tax.

15.—(1) Where the Revenue Commissioners are of opinion that the main purpose for which any transaction or transactions was or were effected (whether before or after the passing of this Act) was the avoidance or reduction of liability to corporation profits tax, they may, if they think fit, direct that such adjustments shall be made as respects liability, in respect of any accounting period ending after the 31st day of December, 1943, to corporation profits tax as they consider appropriate so as to counteract the avoidance or reduction of liability to corporation profits tax which would otherwise be effected by the transaction or transactions.


(2) Without prejudice to the generality of the powers conferred by sub-section (1) of this section, the powers conferred by the said sub-section shall extend to—


(a) the charging with corporation profits tax of companies which, but for the adjustments, would not be chargeable with any corporation profits tax or would not be chargeable to the same extent,


(b) the charging of a greater amount of corporation profits tax than would be chargeable but for the adjustments.


(3) Any company aggrieved by a direction of the Revenue Commissioners under this section may appeal to the Special Commissioners, whether on the ground that the main purpose of the transaction or transactions was not the avoidance or reduction of liability to corporation profits tax or on the ground that no direction ought to have been given or that the adjustments directed to be made are inappropriate and in relation to any such appeal all the provisions relating to appeals against assessments to corporation profits tax shall apply.


(4) References in this section to corporation profits tax shall be construed as including references to excess corporation profits tax.


Standard profits of certain new companies.



(a) a company (in this section referred to as the new company) applies in writing to the Revenue Commissioners to make an apportionment under this section, and


(b) the new company satisfies the Revenue Commissioners—


(i) that it was incorporated after the 31st day of August, 1939, to carry on a trade or business similar in character to, but smaller in scale than, the trade or business of a company (in this section referred to as the old company) which has been dissolved and which had one or more trade years, and


(ii) that it does so carry on such trade or business, and


(iii) that more than fifty per cent. of the ordinary issued capital of the new company is held by persons who held in the aggregate more than fifty per cent. of the ordinary issued capital of the old company, and


(iv) that a substantial part of the organisation of the old company has been taken over by the new company, and


(v) that the new company was incorporated not later than one month after the dissolution of the old company, and


(c) the new company furnishes to the Revenue Commissioners such accounts, particulars and information as the Revenue Commissioners require for the purposes of the application,


the following provisions shall have effect—


(1) the Revenue Commissioners shall apportion to the new company an amount equal to so much of the profits of the old company for the trade year by reference to the profits of which the standard profits of the old company would have been computed if it had not been dissolved as the Revenue Commissioners consider appropriate to the trade or business carried on by the new company, and


(2) the amount so apportioned to the new company shall, if the new company so desires be the standard profits of the new company in respect of every accounting period ending after the 1st day of January, 1941.


Continuance of certain exemptions.

17.—The exemptions from corporation profits tax given by section 33 of the Finance Act, 1929 (No. 32 of 1929), as amended by section 30 of the Finance Act, 1931 (No. 31 of 1931) and paragraph (b) of sub-section (1) of section 47 of the Finance Act, 1932 (No. 20 of 1932), and continued until the 31st day of December, 1943, by section 44 of the Act of 1941, shall be and are hereby continued until the 31st day of December, 1946.


Construction of this Part of this Act.

18.—This part of this Act shall be read and construed together with Part V of the Finance Act, 1920, as amended or extended by subsequent enactments, and, in particular, shall be read and construed together with Part V of the Act of 1941, Part IV of the Finance Act, 1942 (No, 14 of 1942), and Part III of the Finance Act, 1943 (No. 16 of 1943).



Miscellaneous and General.


Amendment of section 34 of the Finance Act, 1931.

19.—Sub-section (1) of section 34 of the Finance Act, 1931 (No. 31 of 1931), is hereby amended by the substitution, for paragraph (b) of the said sub-section, of the following paragraph, that is to say:—


“(b) in respect of the financial year commencing on the 1st day of April, 1945, and of each subsequent financial year, such sum, not exceeding forty thousand pounds, as the Minister for Finance may from time to time determine.”


Transfer of money from the Road Fund to the Exchequer.

20.—With a view to providing moneys to meet general charges which will fall upon the Central Fund, the sum of one hundred thousand pounds shall be transferred and paid from the Road Fund to the Exchequer at such time or times in the financial year ending on the 31st day of March, 1945, and in such manner as the Minister for Finance shall direct.


Power of Minister for Finance to direct transfer of assets of wound-up funds to the Savings Certificates Reserve Fund.

21.—On the winding up of any fund or account the assets of which fall to be paid into or disposed of for the benefit of the Exchequer, the Minister for Finance may direct that such assets shall, to such extent as he may think proper, be paid and transferred to the Savings Certificates Reserve Fund and placed to the credit of the Principal Reserve Account.


Care and management of taxes and duties.

22.—All taxes and duties imposed by this Act are hereby placed under the care and management of the Revenue Commissioners.


Short title, construction and commencement.

23.—(1) This Act may be cited as the Finance Act, 1944.


(2) Part I of this Act shall be construed together with the Income Tax Acts.


(3) Part I of this Act shall, save as is otherwise expressly provided therein, be deemed to come into force on and shall take effect as on and from the 6th day of April, 1944.



Amendments of enactments consequent upon the substitution in county boroughs and the borough of Dun Laoghaire of the municipal rate for the poor rate and certain other rates.

Enactments to be amended

Nature of amendment

The Income Tax Act, 1918: section 187.

In sub-section (1), the words “under the Valuation Acts” shall be substituted for the words “for the purposes of poor rates”.

In sub-section (2), the words “or the municipal rate” shall be inserted after the words “poor rates”.

In sub-section (6)—

(a) the words “or which is assessable to the municipal rate on a proportion only of the valuation under the Valuation Acts” shall be inserted after the words “poor rates”, and

(b) the words “or is liable to be assessed in respect of that rent to the municipal rate on a proportion only of the valuation under the Valuation Acts” shall be inserted after the words “any poor rate”.

The Income Tax Act, 1918: section 191.

In sub-section (1), the words “or the municipal rate” shall be inserted after the words “poor rates”.

The Income Tax Act, 1918: section 192.

In sub-section (1), the words “or the municipal rate” shall be inserted after the words “poor rates”.

The Income Tax Act, 1918: section 193.

In sub-section (1), the words “under the Valuation Acts” shall be substituted for the words “for the purposes of the poor rates”.

The Income Tax Act, 1918: section 194.

In paragraph (a), the words “or of the proportion applicable to the relief of the poor of the municipal rate” shall be inserted after the words “poor rates”.

In paragraph (b), the words “or of the proportion applicable to the relief of the poor of the municipal rate” shall be inserted after the words “poor rate”.

The Income Tax Act, 1918: section 201.

The words “or of the proportion applicable to the relief of the poor of the municipal rate” shall be inserted after the words “poor rates” wherever the latter words occur.

The Income Tax Act, 1918: section 203.

The words “or of the proportion applicable to the relief of the poor of the municipal rate” shall be inserted after the words “poor rates”.

The Finance Act, 1923: section 5.

In sub-section (2), the words “under the Valuation Acts” shall be substituted for the words “for the purposes of poor rates”.

The Finance Act, 1930: section 3.

In sub-section (2), the words “or the municipal rate” shall be inserted after the words “poor rate”.

The Finance Act, 1935: section 3.

In sub-section (7), the words “or the municipal rate” shall be inserted after the words “poor rate” wherever the latter words occur.