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Number 39 of 1927.








Short title.




Saving for dissolved authorities.


Elections, Etc., Outside Dublin City and County.


Application of Part II of this Act.


Ordinary day of election in counties.


Ordinary of day of election in county boroughs.


Ordinary day of retirement of councillors, etc.


Annual meetings of county councils.


Annual meetings of urban district councils and commissioners of towns.


Quarterly meetings of county and other borough councils.


Failure to hold annual or quarterly meeting.


Saving from disqualification in certain cases.


Members of joint committees and joint board.


Appointment of polling districts and polling places.


Hours of poll.


Local elections in the year 1928.


Terms of office terminating in 1928.


Provisions for Sundays, bank holidays, etc.


Partial repeal of section 94 of Local Government (Ireland) Act, 1898.


Elections in the County of Dublin.


Application of Part III of this Act.


Postponement of local election.


Extension of terms of office.


Annual and quarterly meetings.

Acts Referred to

Local Government (Temporary Provisions) Act, 1923

No. 9 of 1923

Local Government Act, 1925

No. 5 of 1925

Local Elections (Dissolved Authorities) Act, 1926

No. 22 of 1926

Local Elections Postponement Act, 1925

No. 42 of 1925


Number 39 of 1927.






Short title.

1.—This Act may be cited as the Local Elections Act, 1927.



2.—In this Act—


the expression “the Minister” means the Minister for Local Government and Public Health;


the expression “local authority” means and includes the council of a county, the council of a county or other borough, the council of an urban district, the commissioners of a town and, in relation to the county of Dublin, a rural district council and a board of guardians;


the expression “local electoral area” means a local electoral area constituted under the Local Government (Ireland) Act, 1919;


the word “town” means a town as defined in the Local Government (Ireland) Act, 1898, which is not an urban district;


every other word and expression to which a particular meaning is assigned by the Local Government (Ireland) Act, 1898, has the meaning so assigned to it.


Saving for dissolved authorities.

3.—Nothing in this Act shall prejudice or affect the operation of any order under section 12 of the Local Government (Temporary Provisions) Act, 1923 (No. 9 of 1923) or section 72 of the Local Government Act, 1925 (No. 5 of 1925) nor of the Local Elections (Dissolved Authorities) Act, 1926 (No. 22 of 1926).



Elections, etc., Outside Dublin City and County.


Application of Part II of this Act.

4.—This Part of this Act applies to every local authority whose functional area is outside the county and the county borough of Dublin and also applies to the Commissioners of the town of Balbriggan.


Ordinary day of election in counties.

5.—(1) In every county the ordinary day of election of county councillors shall be such day, not earlier than the 23rd day of June nor later than the 1st day of July, as shall be fixed by the county council.


(2) Every election of aldermen and councillors of a borough other than a county borough and of urban district councillors and town commissioners shall be held on the day which is fixed under this section as the ordinary day of election of county councillors for the county in which such borough, urban district, or town is situate, and every such election shall be held together with the election of county councillors for such county.


(3) In any year in which, by virtue of this Act or otherwise, a triennial election of commissioners of the town of Balbriggan is required to be held but no election of councillors of the county of Dublin is held between the 22nd day of June and the 2nd day of July, such triennial election of commissioners of the town of Balbriggan shall be held on such day in that year, not earlier than the 23rd day of June nor later than the 1st day of July, as the council of the county of Dublin shall fix after consultation with the commissioners of the said town.


Ordinary day of election in county boroughs.

6.—In every county borough the ordinary day of election of aldermen and councillors shall be such day, not earlier than the 23rd day of June nor later than the 1st day of July, as shall be fixed by the county borough council.


Ordinary day of retirement of councillors, etc.

7.—(1) The ordinary day of retirement of county councillors shall be the seventh day after the ordinary day of election of such councillors and on such ordinary day of retirement the old councillors shall retire and the newly elected councillors shall come into office


(2) The ordinary day of retirement of councillors of an urban district which is not a borough and of commissioners of a town shall be the fifth day after the ordinary day of election of such council or such commissioners and on such ordinary day of retirement the old councillors or commissioners (as the case may be) shall retire and the newly elected councillors or commissioners shall come into office.


(3) The ordinary day of retirement of aldermen and councillors of a county or other borough shall be the fifth day after the ordinary day of election of such aldermen and councillors and on such ordinary day of retirement the old aldermen and councillors shall retire and the newly elected aldermen and councillors shall come into office.


Annual meetings of county councils.

8.—(1) In every year in which a triennial election to a county council is held the annual meeting of such council shall be held at noon on the fourteenth day after the day of such election and in every other year the annual meeting of such council shall be held at such time on such day not earlier than the 23rd day of June nor later than the 1st day of July as such council shall fix.


(2) The first business at every annual meeting of the council of a county shall be the election of the chairman and vice-chairman, and every such chairman and vice-chairman shall come into office as soon after his election as he has made the declaration accepting office and shall continue in office until his successor has been elected and made the declaration accepting office.


Annual meetings of urban district councils and commissioners of towns.

9.—(1) In every year in which a triennial election to the council of an urban district which is not a borough is held the annual meeting of such council shall be held at noon on the tenth day after the day of such election and in every other year the annual meeting of such council shall be held at such time on such day not earlier than the 23rd day of June nor later than the 1st day of July as such council shall fix.


(2) In every year in which a triennial election of the commissioners of a town is held the annual meeting of such commissioners shall be held at noon on the tenth day after the day of such election and in every other year the annual meeting of such commissioners shall be held at such time on such day not earlier than the 23rd day of June nor later than the 1st day of July as such commissioners shall fix.


(3) The first business at every annual meeting of the council of an urban district which is not a borough or of the commissioners of a town shall be the election of the chairman and vice-chairman and every such chairman and vice-chairman shall come into office as soon after his election as he has made the declaration accepting office and shall continue in office until his successor has been elected and made the declaration accepting office.


Quarterly meetings of county and other borough councils.

10.—(1) The first quarterly meeting of the council of a county or other borough after a triennial election to such council shall be held at noon on the tenth day after the day of such election and a quarterly meeting of such council shall be held at such hour on such other three days before the next following 23rd day of June as such council shall fix at such first-mentioned quarterly meeting.


(2) In every year in which no triennial election to the council of a county or other borough is held a quarterly meeting of such council shall be held at such hour on such day not earlier than the 23rd day of June nor later than the 1st day of July as such council shall fix at the last previous quarterly meeting and a quarterly meeting of such council shall also be held at such hour on such other three days before the next following 23rd day of June as such council shall fix at such first mentioned quarterly meeting.


(3) The first business (after the determination of the question which of the members are to be aldermen if and when that question arises) at the quarterly meeting of the council of a county or other borough held next after the 22nd day of June in any year shall be the election of the mayor, and every such mayor shall come into office as soon after his election as he has made the declaration accepting office and shall continue in office until his successor has been elected and made the declaration accepting office.


Failure to hold annual or quarterly meeting.

11.—(1) Whenever an annual meeting of the council of a county or an urban district which is not a borough or of the commissioners of a town is for any reason (including a quorum not being present) not held on the day appointed under this Act for the holding of such meeting, the county secretary or the town clerk (as the case may be) shall as soon as may be summon a meeting of such council or commissioners for a convenient hour on the day which appears to him to be the earliest convenient date for the purpose and the meeting held in pursuance of such summons shall be for all purposes an annual meeting held on a date appointed under this Act.


(2) Whenever a quarterly meeting of the council of a county or other borough is for any reason (including a quorum not being present) not held on the day appointed under this Act for the holding of such meeting, the town clerk shall as soon as may be summon a meeting of such council for a convenient hour on the day which appears to him to be the earliest convenient date for the purpose and the meeting held in pursuance of such summons shall be for all purposes a quarterly meeting held on a date appointed under this Act.


Saving from disqualification in certain cases.

12.—(1) A councillor of a county or an urban district or an alderman or a councillor of a county or other borough or a commissioner of a town who ceases to be a local government elector in such county, urban district, borough, or town on the coming into force of a new register of local government electors on the 1st day of June next before a triennial election shall not by reason only of such cesser be disqualified from continuing to hold office as such councillor, alderman, or commissioner until the ordinary day of retirement of the councillors of such county or urban district, the aldermen and councillors of such borough, or the commissioners of such town (as the case may be) next after such triennial election.


(2) The chairman of a county council, urban district council, or commissioners of a town or the mayor of a county or other borough who ceases to be a local government elector in such county, urban district, town, or borough on the coming into force of a new register of local government electors on any 1st day of June shall not by reason only of such cesser be disqualified from continuing to hold office as such chairman or mayor until his successor has been elected at the next ensuing annual meeting or quarterly meeting (as the case may be) of such council or commissioners and has made the declaration accepting office.


Members of joint committees and joint boards.

13.—(1) The business to be transacted by a local authority at an annual meeting or quarterly meeting (as the case may be) next after a triennial election shall include the consideration of the election or nomination of all members of joint committees and joint boards elected or nominated by such local authority.


(2) Every member of a joint committee or joint board who is elected or nominated by a local authority and is in office as such member at the date of a triennial election to such local authority shall continue to hold office as such member of such joint committee or joint board until the day after the annual meeting or quarterly meeting (as the case may be) of such local authority next after such triennial election.


Appointment of polling districts and polling places.

14.—(1) The Minister shall as soon as conveniently may be after the passing of this Act make rules for the performance by the councils of counties and county boroughs of the duties imposed or powers conferred on them by this section in relation to polling districts and polling places.


(2) The council of every county and county borough shall within three months after the said rules have been made by the Minister prepare and submit to the Minister in accordance with the said rules a scheme for the division of every local electoral area in their county or county borough into polling districts and the appointment of polling places in every such polling district in such manner as to give to all local government electors in every such local electoral area such reasonable facilities for voting as are practicable.


(3) The council of a county when preparing or amending a scheme under this section shall consult in accordance with the said rules with the council of every borough (other than a county borough) and urban district and the commissioners of every town in their county in respect of so much of such scheme or amendment as relates to such borough, urban district, or town.


(4) The Minister shall consider every scheme duly submitted to him by a council under this section and shall within one month after such scheme is so submitted to him either, as he shall think fit, confirm such scheme without alteration or confirm such scheme with such alterations as he may think proper to make therein or refuse to confirm such scheme.


(5) If the council of any county or county borough fails to submit to the Minister within the time limited by this section any such scheme as is required by this section or if the Minister refuses to confirm the scheme so submitted by such council, the Minister shall himself prepare and confirm such scheme for such county or county borough as is required by this section.


(6) Every scheme duly confirmed by the Minister under this section shall have effect when and as so confirmed and thenceforth every local electoral area in the county or county borough to which such scheme relates shall be divided into polling districts and polling places shall be appointed therein in accordance with such scheme.


(7) The council of a county or county borough may at any time amend the scheme then in force under this section in relation to their county or county borough and every such amendment if approved by the Minister shall have effect as from the date of such approval.


(8) If the council of a borough (other than a county borough) or urban district or the commissioners of a town or not less than thirty local government electors in a county or county borough satisfy the Minister that the polling districts or polling places in the county or county borough in which such borough, urban district, or town is situate or in which such electors are entitled to vote do not meet the reasonable requirements of the local government electors in such county or county borough or in some particular part thereof, the Minister may require the council of such county or county borough to amend the scheme then in force in such county or county borough under this section and if such council does not within one month after being so required duly make in such scheme all such amendments as the Minister considers to be necessary and approves of the Minister may himself amend such scheme as he thinks proper and every amendment so made by the Minister shall have effect as from the date of the making thereof.


(9) Every scheme duly confirmed by the Minister under this section and every amendment of a scheme duly approved of or made by the Minister under this section shall be published in such manner as shall be prescribed by the said rules to be made by the Minister under this section.


(10) The Minister may hold such inquiries as he may consider necessary or expendient for the purposes of this section and Article 32 of the Local Government (Application of Enactments) Order, 1898 shall apply to every such inquiry.


(11) No election shall be questioned on the ground of any non-compliance with the provisions of this section or any informality in relation to polling districts or polling places.


Hours of poll.

15.—(1) The poll, if any, at an election of members of a local authority shall commence at nine o'clock in the forenoon and be kept open till nine o'clock in the afternoon and no longer.


(2) Paragraph (c) of sub-article (2) of article 5 of the Local Government(Application of Enactments) Order, 1898 and so much of all Rules made under the said article 5 as relates to the hours during which a poll is to be kept open shall cease to have effect in respect of any local authority to which this Part of this Act applies.


Local elections in the year 1928.

16.—(1) In every county, the election of county councillors and the elections of aldermen and councillors of boroughs (other than county boroughs), urban district councillors, and commissioners of towns which were postponed by the Local Elections Postponement Act, 1925 (No. 42 of 1925) until the year 1928 shall be held on the day in that year which is under this Act the ordinary day of election of county councillors in that county, and every such election shall be deemed to be a triennial election and this Part of this Act shall apply thereto accordingly.


(2) In every county borough the election of aldermen and councillors which was postponed by the Local Elections Postponement Act, 1925 until the year 1928 shall be held on the day in that year which is under this Act the ordinary day of election of aldermen and councillors in that county borough and every such election shall be deemed to be a triennial election and this Part of this Act shall apply thereto accordingly.


(3) In every county, county and other borough, urban district, and town, triennial elections of councillors, aldermen and councillors, or commissioners (as the case may be) shall, notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained in the Local Government (Ireland) Act, 1919, be held in every third year after the year 1928 and in no other year.


Terms of office terminating in 1928.

17.—(1) Every term of office of a member of a local authority which is at the passing of this Act due to terminate in the year 1928 shall terminate on the day which is by virtue of this Act the ordinary day of retirement of members of such local authority in that year in lieu of the day on which such term of office would have terminated if this Act had not been passed, and every such term of office shall be extended or curtailed (as the case may require) accordingly.


(2) Every term of office of a member of any board, committee, joint board, or joint committee who is nominated or elected to such membership by a local authority in respect of which a statutory election is due to be held in the year 1928 shall terminate on the day appointed by this Act for the holding of the first annual meeting or quarterly meeting (as the case may be) of such local authority after such election in lieu of the day on which such term of office would have terminated if this Act had not been passed, and every such term of office shall be extended or curtailed (as the case may require) accordingly.


(3) Every term of office of a chairman or a vice-chairman of the council of a county or of the council of an urban district or of the commissioners of a town which is at the passing of this Act due to terminate in the year 1928 shall terminate when his successor has been elected at the annual meeting of such council or commissioners held next after the triennial elections in the year 1928 and has made the declaration accepting office and such term of office shall be extended or curtailed (as the case may require) accordingly.


Provision for Sundays, bank holidays, etc.

18.—Whenever the day on which anything is required by this Part of this Act to be done falls on a Sunday or on a bank holiday that thing shall be done on the next following day which is neither a Sunday, nor a bank holiday.


Partial repeal of section 94 of Local Government (Ireland) Act, 1898.

19.—Sub-sections (6) to (15) of section 94 of the Local Government (Ireland) Act, 1898 shall cease to have effect in respect of any local authority to which this Part of this Act applies.



Elections in the County of Dublin.


Application of Part III. of this Act.

20.—This Part of this Act applies to the council of the county of Dublin and to every local authority whose functional area is situate within the county of Dublin except the commissioners of the town of Balbriggan.


Postponement of local elections.

21.—(1) Section 2 of the Local Elections Postponement Act, 1925 (No. 42 of 1925) shall cease to apply to the local authorities to which this Part of this Act applies and in lieu thereof it is hereby enacted that the statutory elections of members of such local authorities which but for that Act would have been held in the year 1926 shall be postponed until and shall be held on such date not being later than the 31st day of March, 1929 as the Minister shall by order prescribe.


(2) An order under this section (including an order under this sub-section) may be revoked by a subsequent order but in every such case a new date for the holding of such election shall be prescribed by such subsequent order.


(3) In this Part of this Act the expression “the prescribed date” means the date prescribed under this section for the holding of the statutory elections of the local authority in relation to which the expression is used.


Extension of terms of office.

22.—(1) The term of office of every member of a local authority to which this Part of this Act applies shall be extended until the day after the prescribed date.


(2) The term of office of every member of a board, committee, joint board or joint committee who is nominated or elected by a local authority to which this Part of this Act applies is hereby extended until the annual meeting of such local authority held next after the prescribed date.


(3) The term of office of every chairman and vice-chairman of or appointed by a local authority to which this Part of this Act applies who is in office on the prescribed date shall terminate when and so soon as his successor has been elected at the annual meeting of such local authority held next after the prescribed date and has made the declaration accepting office and such term of office shall be extended or curtailed (as the case may require) accordingly.


Annual and quarterly meetings.

23.—(1) The Minister shall in every order made by him under this Part of this Act prescribing a date on which a statutory election of a local authority is to be held prescribe the day and hour on and at which the first annual meeting of such local authority after such election is to be held.


(2) Every local authority to which this Part of applies shall hold an annual meeting on the day and at the hour prescribed in that behalf under this section and shall transact at such meeting all the business which such local authority is by law required to transact at an annual meeting held next after a statutory election.


Uimhir 39 de 1927.








1.—Féadfar an tAcht um Thoghacháin Áitiúla, 1927, do ghairm den Acht so.



2.—San Acht so—


cialluíonn an focal “an tAire” an tAire Rialtais Áitiúla agus Sláinte Puiblí;


cialluíonn agus foluíonn an focal “údarás áitiúil” comhairle chontae, comhairle chontae-bhuirge no bhuirge eile, comhairle bhailecheanntair, coimisinéirí baile agus, maidir le contae Bhaile Atha Cliath, comhairle thuathcheanntair agus bord caomhnóirí;


cialluíonn an focal “togh-líomatáiste áitiúil” togh-líomatáiste áitiúil do bunuíodh fén Local Government (Ireland) Act, 1919;


cialluíonn an focal “baile” baile mar a mínítear é sa Local Government (Ireland) Act, 1898, nách bailecheanntar;

gach focal agus abairt eile go ndintar leis an Local Government (Ireland) Act, 1898, brí áirithe do chur leis, tá an brí sin leis a cuirtar leis amhlaidh.


Cosaint d'údaráis scurtha.

3.—Ní dhéanfidh éinní san Acht so dochar ná deifir d'oibriú aon ordú fé alt 12 den Acht um Rialtas Áitiúil (Forálacha Sealadacha), 1923 (Uimh. 9 de 1923) no fé alt 72 den Acht Rialtais Áitiúla, 1925 (Uimh. 5 de 1925), ná d'oibriú an Achta um Thoghacháin Áitiúla (Údaráis Scurtha), 1926 (Uimh. 22 de 1926).



Toghachain, etc., Lasmuich de Chathair agus de Chontae Bhaile Atha Cliath.


Baint Chuid II.den Acht so.

4.—Baineann an Chuid seo den Acht so le gach údarás áitiúil go bhfuil a líomatáiste feidhmiúcháin lasmuich de chontae agus de chontae-bhuirg Bhaile Atha Cliath agus fós baineann sí le Coimisinéirí Bhaile Bhrigín.


An gnáth-lá toghacháin i gcontaethe.

5.—(1) I ngach contae isé a bheidh mar ghnáth-lá toghacháin do chomhairleoirí contae ná pé lá a shocróidh an chomhairle chontae agus nách luatha ná an 23adh lá de Mheitheamh ná nách déanaí ná an 1adh lá d'Iúl.


(2) Gach toghachán do sheanóirí agus do chomhairleoirí buirge nách contae-bhuirg agus do chomhairleoirí bailecheanntair agus do bhailechoimisinéirí beidh sé ann an lá a bheidh socair fén alt so mar ghnáth-lá toghacháin do chomhairleoirí contae don chontae ina mbeidh an bhuirg, an bailecheanntar, no an baile sin suidhte, agus beidh gach toghachán den tsórt san ann i dteanta toghacháin na gcomhairleoirí contae don chontae sin.


(3) Aon bhliain is gá, de bhua an Achta so no éinní eile, toghachán cinn trí mblian do choimisinéirí Bhaile Bhrigín do bheith ann, ach ná beidh aon toghachán do chomhairleoirí chontae Bhaile Atha Cliath ann idir an 22adh lá de Mheitheamh agus an 2adh lá d'Iúl, beidh an toghachán cinn trí mblian san do choimisinéirí Bhaile Bhrigín ann pé lá sa bhliain sin a shocróidh comhairle chontae Bhaile Atha Cliath tar éis di dul i gcomhairle le coimisinéirí an bhaile sin agus nách luatha ná an 23adh lá de Mheitheamh ná nách déanaí ná an 1adh lá d'Iúl.


An gnáth-lá toghacháin i gcontae-bhuirgí.

6.—I ngach contae-bhuirg isé a bheidh mar ghnáth-lá toghacháin do sheanóirí agus do chomhairleoirí ná pé lá a shocróidh an chomhairle chontae-bhuirge agus nách luatha ná an 23adh lá de Mheitheamh ná nách déanaí ná an 1adh lá d'Iúl.


An gnáth-lá do chomhairleoirí, etc., chun dul as oifig.

7.—(1) Isé a bheidh mar ghnáth-lá do chomhairleoirí contae chun dul as oifig ná an seachtú lá tar éis an ghnáth-lae thoghacháin do chomhairleoirí den tsórt san agus ar an ngnáth-lá san chun dul as oifig raghaidh na seana-chomhairleoirí as oifig agus tiocfidh na comhairleoirí nua-thoghtha in oifig.


(2) Isé a bheidh mar ghnáth-lá do chomhairleoirí bailecheanntair nách buirg agus do choimisinéirí baile chun dul as oifig ná an cúigiú lá tar éis an ghnáth-lae thoghacháin do chomhairle no do choimisinéirí den tsórt san agus ar an ngnáth-lá san chun dul as oifig raghaidh na seana-chomhairleoirí no na seana-choimisinéirí (pe'ca aca é) as oifig agus tiocfidh na comhairleoirí no na coimisinéirí nua-thoghtha in oifig.


(3) Isé a bheidh mar ghnáth-lá do sheanóirí agus do chomhairleoirí contae-bhuirge no buirge eile chun dul as oifig ná an cúigiú lá tar éis an ghnáth-lae thoghacháin do sheanóirí agus do chomhairleoirí den tsórt san agus ar an ngnáth-lá san chun dul as oifig raghaidh na seana-sheanóirí agus na seana-chomhairleoirí as oifig agus tiocfidh na seanóirí agus na comhairleoirí nuathoghtha in oifig.


Cruinnithe bliantúla comhairlí contae.

8.—(1) Gach bliain a bheidh toghachán cinn trí mblian chun comhairle contae ann beidh cruinniú bliantúil na comhairle sin ann ar mheán lae an ceathrú lá déag tar éis lá an toghacháin sin agus gach bliain eile beidh cruinniú bliantúil na comhairle sin ann pé uair agus pé lá a shocróidh an chomhairle sin ach nách luatha an lá ná an 23adh lá de Mheitheamh ná nách déanaí é ná an 1adh lá d'Iúl.


(2) Isé céad ghnó a déanfar ag gach cruinniú bliantúil de chomhairle chontae ná an cathaoirleach agus an leas-chathaoirleach do thogha, agus tiocfidh gach cathaoirleach agus leas-chathaoirleach den tsórt san in oifig chó luath tar éis a thoghtha agus bheidh faisnéis ghlactha na hoifige déanta aige agus leanfa sé in oifig go dtí go mbeidh a chomharba toghtha agus faisnéis ghlactha na hoifige déanta ag an gcomharba san.


Cruinnithe bliantúla comhairlí bailecheanntair agus coimisinéirí bailte.

9.—(1) Gach bliain a bheidh toghachán cinn trí mblian chun comhairle bailecheanntair nách buirg ann beidh cruinniú bliantúil na comhairle sin ann ar mheán lae an deichiú lá tar éis lá an toghacháin sin agus gach bliain eile beidh cruinniú bliantúil na comhairle sin ann pé uair agus pé lá a shocróidh an chomhairle sin ach nách luatha an lá ná an 23adh lá de Mheitheamh ná nách déanaí é ná an 1adh lá d'Iúl.


(2) Gach bliain a bheidh toghachán cinn trí mblian do choimisinéirí baile ann beidh cruinniú bliantúil na gcoimisinéirí sin ann ar mheán lae an deichiú lá tar éis lá an toghacháin sin agus gach bliain eile beidh cruinniú bliantúil na gcoimisinéirí sin ann pé uair agus pé lá a shocróidh na gcoimisinéirí sin ach nách luatha an lá ná an 23adh lá de Mheitheamh ná nách déanaí é ná an 1adh lá d'Iúl.


(3) Isé cead ghnó a déanfar ag gach cruinniú bliantúil de chomhairle bhailecheanntair nách buirg no de choimisinéirí baile ná an cathaoirleach agus an leas-chathaoirleach do thogha agus tiocfidh gach cathaoirleach agus leas-chathaoirleach den tsórt san in oifig chó luath tar éis a thoghtha agus bheidh faisnéis ghlactha na hoifige déanta aige agus leanfa sé in oifig do dtí go mbeidh a chomharba toghtha agus faisnéis ghlactha na hoifige déanta ag an gcomharba san.


Cruinnithe ráithiúla comhairlí contaebhuirgí agus buirgí eile.

10.—(1) An chéad chruinniú ráithiúil a bheidh ag comhairle chontae-bhuirge no bhuirge eile tar éis toghachán cinn trí mblian chun na comhairle sin beidh sé ann ar mheán lae an deichiú lá tar éis lá an toghacháin sin agus beidh cruinniú ráithiúil den chomhairle sin ann pé uair agus pé trí lá eile, roimh an gcéad 23adh lá de Mheitheamh ina dhiaidh sin, a shocróidh an chomhairle sin ag an gcruinniú ráithiúil céad-luaidhte sin.


(2) Gach bliain ná beidh aon toghachán cinn trí mblian chun comhairle contae-bhuirge no buirge eile ann beidh cruinniú ráithiúil den chomhairle sin ann pé uair agus pé lá a shocróidh an chomhairle sin ag an gcruinniú ráithiúil deiridh roimhe sin ach nách luatha an lá ná an 23adh lá de Mheitheamh ná nách déanaí é ná an 1adh lá d'Iúl agus beidh cruinniú ráithiúil den chomhairle sin ann, leis, pé uair agus pé trí lá eile, roimh an gcéad 23adh lá de Mheitheamh ina dhiaidh sin, a shocróidh an chomhairle sin ag an gcruinniú ráithiúil céad-luaidhte sin.


(3) Isé an méara do thogha an chéad ghnó a déanfar (tar éis an cheist do shocrú ce'ca de sna baill a bheidh ina seanóirí má eiríonn agus nuair a eireoidh an cheist sin) ag an gcéad chruinniú ráithiúil de chomhairle chontae-bhuirge no bhuirge eile a bheidh ann tar éis an 22adh lá de Mheitheamh aon bhliain, agus tiocfidh gach méara den tsórt san in oifig chó luath tar éis a thoghtha agus bheidh faisnéis ghlactha na hoifige déanta aige agus leanfa sé in oifig go dtí go mbeidh a chomharba toghtha agus faisnéis ghlactha na hoifige déanta ag an gcomharba san.


Teip maidir le cruinniú bliantúil no ráithiúil do bheith ann.

11.—(1) Pé uair a bheidh cruinniú bliantúil de chomhairle chontae no bhailecheanntair nách buirg no de choimisinéirí baile ar aon chúis (le n-a n-áirítear gan quorum do bheith i láthair) gan bheith ann an lá a ceapadh fén Acht so chun an cruinniú san do bheith ann, déanfidh an rúnaí contae no an bailechléireach (pe'ca aca é) chó luath agus is féidir é cruinniú den chomhairle no de sna coimisinéirí sin do ghairm chun teacht le chéile ar uair oiriúnaigh ar an lá is dó leis is luatha a bheidh oiriúnach mar dháta chun na críche sin agus, an cruinniú a bheidh ann do réir na gairme sin, beidh sé chun gach críche ina chruinniú bhliantúil a bheidh ann ar dháta a ceapadh fén Acht so.


(2) Pé uair a bheidh cruinniú ráithiúil de chomhairle chontaebhuirge no bhuirge eile ar aon chúis (le n-a n-áirítear gan quorum do bheith i láthair) gan bheith ann an lá a ceapadh fén Acht so chun an cruinniú san do bheith ann, déanfidh an baile-chléireach chó luath agus is féidir é cruinniú den chomhairle sin do ghairm chun teacht le chéile ar uair oiriúnaigh ar an lá is dó leis is luatha a bheidh oiriúnach mar dháta chun na críche sin agus, an cruinniú a bheidh ann do réir na gairme sin, beidh sé chun gach críche ina chruinniú ráithiúil a bheidh ann ar dháta a ceapadh fén Acht so.


Cosaint ar dhícháiliú i gcásanna áirithe.

12.—(1) Ní bheidh comhairleoir contae no bailecheanntair na seanóir ná comhairleoir contae-bhuirge no buirge eile ná coimisinéir baile, a scuirfidh de bheith ina thoghthóir rialtais áitiúla sa chontae, sa bhailecheanntar, sa bhuirg, no sa bhaile sin ar theacht i bhfeidhm do chlár nua de thoghthóirí rialtais áitiúla ar an 1adh lá den Mheitheamh dheiridh roimh thoghachán cinn trí mblian, ní bheidh sé de dheascaibh an scuir sin amháin dí-cháilithe o leanúint i seilbh oifige mar chomhairleoir, mar sheanóir, no mar choimisinéir den tsórt san go dtí an chéad ghnáth-lá, tar éis an toghachán cinn trí mblian san, do chomhairleoirí na contae no an bhailecheanntair sin, no seanóirí agus comhairleoirí na buirge sin, no coimisinéirí an bhaile sin (pe'ca aca é) chun dul as oifig.


(2) Ní bheidh cathaoirleach comhairle contae, comhairle bailecheanntair, no coimisinéirí baile, ná méara contae-bhuirge no buirge eile, a scuirfidh de bheith ina thoghthóir rialtais áitiúla sa chontae, sa bhailecheanntar, sa bhaile, no sa bhuirg sin ar theacht i bhfeidhm do chlár nua de thoghthóirí rialtais áitiúla ar aon 1adh lá de Mheitheamh, ní bheidh sé de dheascaibh an scuir sin amháin dí-cháilithe o leanúint i seilbh oifige mar chathaoirleach no mar mhéara den tsórt san go dtí go mbeidh a chomharba toghtha ag an gcéad chruinniú bliantúil no ag an gcéad chruinniú ráithiúil (pe'ca aca é) a bheidh ina dhiaidh sin ag an gcomhairle no ag na coimisinéirí sin, agus faisnéis ghlactha na hoifige déanta ag an gcomharba san.


Baill de chóchoistí agus de chó-bhúird.

13.—(1) Beidh sé mar chuid den ghnó a dhéanfidh údarás áitiúil ag an gcéad chruinniú bliantúil no ag an gcéad chruinniú ráithiúil (pe'ca aca é) a bheidh ann tar éis toghachán cinn trí mblian, breithniú do dhéanamh ar thogha no ar ainmniú na mball uile de chó-choistí agus de chó-bhúird a bheidh le togha no le hainmniú ag an údarás áitiúil sin.


(2) Gach ball de chó-choiste no de chó-bhord a toghfar no a hainmneofar ag údarás áitiúil agus a bheidh in oifig mar bhall den tsórt san ar dháta toghachán cinn trí mblian chun an údaráis áitiúla san, leanfa sé i seilbh oifige mar bhall den tsórt san den chó-choiste no den chó-bhord san go dtí an lá tar éis an chéad chruinnithe bhliantúla no an chéad chruinnithe ráithiúla (pe'ca aca é) a bheidh ag an údarás áitiúil sin tar éis an toghachán cinn trí mblian san.


Ceanntair vótaíochta agus áiteanna vótaíochta do cheapa.

14.—(1) Chó luath tar éis rithte an Achta so agus bheidh caoi ann chuige déanfidh an tAire rialacha chun comhairlí contaethe agus contae-bhuirgí do chólíona na ndualgaisí a cuirtar ortha no na comhachta a bronntar ortha leis an alt so maidir le ceanntair vótaíochta agus le háiteanna vótaíochta.


(2) Déanfidh comhairle gach contae agus contae-bhuirge, laistigh de ráithe tar éis don Aire na rialacha san do dhéanamh, scéim d'ullamhú agus do chur fé bhráid an Aire do réir na rialacha san chun gach togh-líomatáiste áitiúil ina gcontae no ina gcontae-bhuirg do roinnt ina cheanntair vótaíochta agus chun áiteanna vótaíochta do cheapa i ngach ceanntar vótaíochta den tsórt san i slí is go mbeidh ag gach toghthóir rialtais áitiúla i ngach togh-líomatáiste áitiúil den tsórt san pé saoráidí réasúnta is féidir chun vótála.


(3) Nuair a bheidh comhairle chontae ag ullamhú no ag leasú scéime fén alt so raghaid i gcomhairle, do réir na rialacha san, le comhairle gach buirge (nách contae-bhuirg) agus le comhairle gach bailecheanntair agus le coimisinéirí gach baile ina gcontae maidir le pé méid den scéim sin no den leasú san a bhaineann leis an mbuirg, leis an mbailecheanntar, no leis an mbaile sin.


(4) Breithneoidh an tAire gach scéim a chuirfidh comhairle fé n-a bhráid go cuibhe fén alt so agus laistigh de mhí tar éis an scéim sin do bheith curtha fé n-a bhráid amhlaidh déanfa sé pé ní aca so is oiriúnach leis, eadhon, an scéim sin do dhaingniú gan í atharú no an scéim sin do dhaingniú tar éis pé atharuithe is dó leis is ceart do dhéanamh uirthi no diúltú don scéim sin do dhaingniú.


(5) Má theipeann ar chomhairle aon chontae no contae-bhuirge aon scéim den tsórt is gá do réir an ailt seo do chur fé bhráid an Aire laistigh den aimsir a ceaptar leis an alt so no má dhiúltuíonn an tAire don scéim a chuirfidh an chomhairle sin fé n-a bhráid amhlaidh do dhaingniú, déanfidh an tAire féin scéim den tsórt is gá do réir an ailt seo d'ullamhú agus do dhaingniú don chontae no don chontae-bhuirg sin.


(6) Gach scéim a dhaingneoidh an tAire go cuibhe fén alt so beidh éifeacht aici nuair a bheidh agus fé mar a bheidh sí daingnithe amhlaidh agus as san amach beidh gach togh-líomatáiste áitiúil sa chontae no sa chontae-bhuirg le n-a mbaineann an scéim sin roinnte ina cheanntair vótaíochta agus beidh áiteanna vótaíochta ceaptha ionta san do réir na scéime sin.


(7) Féadfidh comhairle chontae no chontae-bhuirge aon uair an scéim a bheidh i bhfeidhm an uair sin fén alt so maidir le n-a gcontae no le n-a gcontae-bhuirg do leasú agus beidh ag gach leasú den tsórt san, má aontuíonn an tAire leis, éifeacht o dháta an aontuithe sin.


(8) Má dhineann comhairle bhuirge (nách contae-bhuirg) no bhailecheanntair no coimisinéirí baile no triocha toghthóir rialtais áitiúla ar a laighead i gcontae no i gcontae-bhuirg a chur ina luighe ar an Aire, maidir leis na ceanntair vótaíochta no na háiteanna vótaíochta sa chontae no sa chontae-bhuirg ina bhfuil an bhuirg, an bailecheanntar, no an baile sin suidhte no ina bhfuil teideal ag na toghthóirí sin vótáil do dhéanamh, nách leor iad chun riachtanaisí réasúnta na dtoghthóirí rialtais áitiúla sa chontae no sa chontae-bhuirg sin no i bpáirt éigin áirithe dhí do shásamh, féadfidh an tAire a cheangal ar chomhairle na contae no na contae-bhuirge sin an scéim a bheidh i bhfeidhm an uair sin sa chontae no sa chontae-bhuirg sin fén alt so do leasú agus más rud é laistigh de mhí tar éis san a bheith ceangailte ortha amhlaidh ná déanfidh an chomhairle sin go cuibhe sa scéim sin gach leasú a mheasfidh an tAire do bheith riachtanach agus le n-a n-aontóidh sé, féadfidh an tAire féin an scéim sin do leasú fé mar is dó leis is ceart agus gach leasú a dhéanfidh an tAire amhlaidh beidh éifeacht aige o dháta a dhéanta.


(9) Foillseofar i pé slí a hordófar leis na rialacha san atá le déanamh ag an Aire fén alt so gach scéim a dhaingneoidh an tAire go cuibhe fén alt so agus gach leasú scéime le n-a n-aontóidh no a dhéanfidh an tAire go cuibhe fén alt so.


(10) Féadfidh an tAire pé fiosrúcháin do chur ar siúl is dó leis is gá no is oiriúnach chun crícheanna an ailt seo agus bainfidh Airtiogal 32 den Local Government (Application of Enactments) Order, 1898, le gach fiosrúchán den tsórt san.


(11) Ní cuirfar aon toghachán in amhrus ar scór aon neachólíona ar fhorálacha an ailt seo ná ar scór aon neamhfhuirmeáltachta maidir le ceanntair vótaíochta no le háiteanna vótaíochta.


Uaire vótaíochta.

15.—(1) Tosnóidh an vótaíocht, más ann di, ag toghachán balla údaráis áitiúla ar a naoi a chlog ar maidin agus cimeádfar ar oscailt í go dtí a naoi a chlog um thráthnóna agus ní níos sia ná san.


(2) Scuirfidh mír (c) d'fho-airtiogal (2) d'airtiogal 5 den Local Government (Application of Enactments) Order, 1898, agus oiread de sna Rialacha uile a dineadh fén airtiogal san 5 is bhaineann leis na huaire gur le n-a linn atá vótaíocht le cimeád ar oscailt, scuirfid d'éifeacht do bheith acu maidir le haon údarás áitiúil le n-a mbaineann an Chuid seo den Acht so.


Toghacháin áitiúla sa bhliain 1928.

16.—(1) I ngach contae beidh an toghachán do chomhairleoirí contae agus na toghacháin do sheanóirí agus do chomhairleoirí buirgí (nách contae-bhuirgí), do chomhairleoirí bailecheanntair, agus do choimisinéirí baile, gur dineadh leis an Acht chun Toghacháin Áitiúla do chur ar Ath-ló, 1925 (Uimh. 42 de 1925). iad do chur ar athló go dtí an bhliain 1928, beid ann an lá sa bhliain sin a bheidh, fén Acht so, mar ghnáth-lá toghacháin do chomhairleoirí contae sa chontae sin, agus tuigfar gur toghachán cinn trí mblian gach toghachán den tsórt san agus bainfidh an Chuid seo den Acht so leis dá réir sin.


(2) I ngach contae-bhuirg beidh an toghachán do sheanóirí agus do chomhairleoirí gur dineadh leis an Acht chun Toghacháin Áitiúla do chur ar Athló, 1925, é do chur ar athló go dtí an bhliain 1928, beidh sé ann an lá sa bhliain sin a bheidh, fén Acht so, mar ghnáth-lá toghacháin do sheanóirí agus do chomhairleoirí sa chontae-bhuirg sin agus tuigfar gur toghachán cinn trí mblian gach toghachán den tsórt san agus bainfidh an Chuid seo den Acht so leis dá réir sin.


(3) I ngach contae, contae-bhuirg agus buirg eile, bailecheanntar, agus baile, d'ainneoin éinní ina choinnibh atá sa Local Government (Ireland) Act, 1919, beidh toghacháin chinn trí mblian do chomhairleoirí, no do sheanóirí agus do chomhairleoirí, no do choimisinéirí (pe'ca aca é) ann gach tríú bliain tar éis na bliana 1928 agus ní hin aon bhliain eile.


Téarmaí oifige a bheidh caithte i 1928.

17.—(1) Gach téarma oifige atá ag ball d'údarás áitiúil agus atá, le linn rithte an Achta so, le bheith caithte sa bhliain 1928 beidh sé caithte ar an lá a bheidh, de bhua an Achta so, mar ghnáth-lá do bhaill den údarás áitiúil sin chun dul as oifig an bhliain sin in ionad ar an lá ar a mbeadh an téarma oifige sin caithte dá mba ná rithfí an tAcht so, agus déanfar gach téarma oifige den tsórt san d'fhaidiú no do ghiorrú (pe'ca aca is gá sa chás) dá réir sin.


(2) Gach téarma oifige atá ag ball d'aon bhord, coiste, có-bhord, no có-choiste atá ainmnithe no toghtha chun na ballraíochta san ag údarás áitiúil go bhfuil toghachán reachtúil le bheith ann maidir leis sa bhliain 1928, beidh sé caithte ar an lá a ceaptar leis an Acht so chun an chéad chruinniú bliantúil no an chéad chruinniú ráithiúil (pe'ca aca é) do bheith ag an údarás áitiúil sin tar éis an toghacháin sin in ionad ar an lá ar a mbeadh an téarma oifige sin caithte dá mba ná rithfí an tAcht so, agus déanfar gach téarma oifige den tsórt san d'fhaidiú no do ghiorrú (pe'ca aca is gá sa chás) dá réir sin.


(3) Gach téarma oifige atá ag cathaoirleach no ag leaschathaoirleach comhairle contae no comhairle bailecheanntair no coimisinéirí baile agus atá, le linn rithte an Achta so, le bheith caithte sa bhliain 1928, beidh sé caithte nuair a bheidh a chomharba toghtha ag an gcéad chruinniú bliantúil a bheidh ag an gcomhairle no ag na coimisinéirí sin tar éis na dtoghachán cinn trí mblian sa bhliain 1928 agus faisnéis ghlactha na hoifige déanta ag an gcomharba san agus déanfar an téarma oifige sin d'fhaidiú no do ghiorrú (pe'ca aca is gá sa chás) dá réir sin.


Socrú i gcóir Domhntaí, laetheanta saoire bainc, etc.

18.—Pé uair gur ar an Domhnach no ar lá saoire bainc a thuitfidh an lá ar ar gá do réir na Coda so den Acht so éinni áirithe do dhéanamh is ar an gcéad lá ina dhiaidh sin nách Domhnach ná lá saoire bainc a déanfar an ní sin.


Athghairm leathrannach ar alt 94 den Local Government (Ireland) Act, 1898.

19.—Scuirfidh fo-ailt (6) go (15) d'alt 94 den Local Government (Ireland) Act, 1898, d'éifeacht do bheith acu maidir le haon údarás áitiúil le n-a mbaineann an Chuid seo den Acht so.



Toghachain i gContae Bhaile Atha Cliath.


Baint Chuid III. den Acht so.

20.—Baineann an Chuid seo den Acht so le comhairle chontae Bhaile Atha Cliath agus le gach údarás áitiúil go bhfuil a líomatáiste feidhmiúcháin suidhte laistigh de chontae Bhaile Atha Cliath ach amháin coimisinéirí Bhaile Bhrigín.


Toghacháin áitiúla do chur ar athló.

21.—(1) Scuirfidh alt 2 den Acht chun Toghacháin Áitiúla do chur ar Ath-ló, 1925 (Uimh 42 de 1925) de bhaint do bheith aige leis na húdaráis áitiúla le n-a mbaineann an Chuid seo den Acht so agus ina ionad san achtuítear leis seo, maidir leis na toghacháin reachtúla do bhaill de sna húdaráis áitiúla san do bheadh ann sa bhliain 1926 mara mbeadh an tAcht san, go gcuirfar iad ar athló, go dtí pé dáta agus go mbeid ann ar pé dáta a ordóidh an tAire le hordú agus nách déanaí ná an 31adh lá de Mhárta, 1929.


(2) Féadfar ordú fén alt so (le n-a n-áirítear ordú fén bhfo-alt so) do cheiliúra le hordú ina dhiaidh sin ach i ngach cás den tsórt san ordófar leis an ordú san ina dhiaidh sin dáta nua chun an toghachán san do bheith ann.


(3) Sa Chuid seo den Acht so cialluíonn an focal “an dáta orduithe” an dáta a bheidh orduithe fén alt so chun toghacháin reachtúla an údaráis áitiúla do bheith ann go n-úsáidtear an focal ina thaobh.


Téarmaí oifige d'fhaidiú.

22.—(1) Faideofar go dtí an lá tar éis an dáta orduithe téarma oifige gach baill d'údarás áitiúil le n-a mbaineann an Chuid seo den Acht so.


(2) Dintar leis seo téarma oifige gach baill de bhord, de choiste, de chó-bhord no de chó-choiste, atá ainmnithe no toghtha ag údarás áitiúil le n-a mbaineann an Chuid seo den Acht so, d'fhaidiú go dtí an chéad chruinniú bliantúil a bheidh ag an údarás áitiúil sin tar éis an dáta orduithe.


(3) Beidh téarma oifige gach cathaoirligh agus leas-chathaoirligh atá ar údarás áitiúil no atá ceaptha ag údarás áitiúil le n-a mbaineann an Chuid seo den Acht so, agus a bheidh in oifig ar an dáta orduithe, beidh sé caithte nuair a bheidh agus chó luath agus bheidh a chomharba toghtha ag an gcéad chruinniú bliantúil a bheidh ag an údarás áitiúil sin tar éis an dáta orduithe agus faisnéis ghlactha na hoifige déanta ag an gcomharba san agus déanfar an téarma oifige sin d'fhaidiú no do ghiorrú (pe'ca aca is gá sa chás) dá réir sin.


Cruinnithe bliantúla agus ráithiúla.

23.—(1) I ngach ordú a dhéanfidh an tAire fén gCuid seo den Acht so ag ordú dáta ar a mbeidh toghachán reachtúil údaráis áitiúla ann ordóidh sé an lá agus an uair a bheidh an chéad chruinniú bliantúil den údarás áitiúil sin ann tar éis an toghacháin sin.


(2) Beidh cruinniú bliantúil ar an lá agus an uair a hordófar chuige fén alt so ag gach údarás áitiúil le n-a mbaineann an Chuid seo den Acht so agus déanfa sé ag an gcruinniú san gach gnó is gá don údarás áitiúil sin do réir dlí a dhéanamh ag an gcéad chruinniú bliantúil a beidh aige tar éis toghacháin reachtúla.