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Uimhir 4 de 1946.



[An tiontó oifigiúil.]



Reamhraiteach agus Generalta.


Gearr-theideal agus ré feidhme.

1.—(1) Féadfar an tAcht Srianta Cíosa, 1946, a ghairm den Acht seo.


(2) Leanfaidh an tAcht seo i bhfeidhm go dtí an 31ú lá de Nollaig, 1950.


Léiriú go generálta.

2.—(1) San Acht seo—

[EN]Acht 1923.

ciallaíonn an abairt “Acht 1923” an tAcht um Méadú Cíosa agus Uis Mhorgáiste (Coscanna), 1923 (Uimh. 19 de 1923);

[EN]Acht 1926.

ciallaíonn an abairt “Acht 1926” an tAcht um Méadú Cíosa agus Uis Mhorgáiste (Coscanna), 1926 (Uimh. 24 de 1926);


ciallaíonn an abairt “bun-chíos”—


(a) maidir le háitreabh rialaithe (Acht 1923), bun-chíos an áitribh arna chinneadh faoi alt 8 nó alt 9 (pé acu é) den Acht seo,


(b) maidir le háitreabh rialaithe (seachas faoi Acht 1923), bunchíos an áitribh arna chinneadh faoi alt 14, alt 15 nó alt 16 (pé acu é) den Acht seo;

[EN]áitreabh gnótha.

ciallaíonn an abairt “áitreabh gnótha” áitreabh a húsáitear chun críocha aon ghótha, céirde nó gairme nó le haghaidh na seirbhíse poiblí;

[EN]áitreabh rialaithe.

ciallaíonn an abairt “áitreabh rialaithe” aon áitreabh lena mbaineann an tAcht seo de bhuaidh ailt 3 den Acht seo;

[EN]áitreabh rialaithe (Acht 1923).

ciallaíonn an abairt “áitreabh rialaithe (Acht 1923)” áitreabh rialaithe lena mbaineann Caibidil I de Chuid II den Acht seo de bhuaidh ailt 7 den Acht seo;

[EN]áitreabh rialaithe (seachas faoi Acht 1923).

ciallaíonn an abairt “áitreabh rialaithe (seachas faoi Acht 1923)” áitreabh rialaithe lena mbaineann Caibidil 2 de Chuid II den Acht seo de bhuaidh ailt 13 den Acht seo;

[EN]Breitheamh Dúiche.

ciallaíonn an abairt “Breitheamh Dúiche” Breitheamh den Chúirt Dúiche;

[EN]áit chomhnaithe.

ciallaíonn an abairt “áit chomhnaithe” tigh arna ligean mar áit chomhnaithe ar leithligh, nó cuid, arna ligean amhlaidh, d'aon tigh, pé acu roinneann nó ná roinneann an tionónta le haon daoine eile aon chuid de nó aon chóiríocht, sócail nó saoráid a bhaineas leis;

[EN]tiarna tighe.

folaíonn an abairt “tiarna tighe”, nuair a húsáitear í maidir le haon áitreabh, aon duine a mbeidh aige ó am go ham teideal faoi thiarna tighe bunaidh an áitribh, agus folaíonn fós aon duine, seachas an tionónta, atá, nó a bheadh mura mbeadh an tAcht seo, i dteideal seilbhe an áitribh;

[EN]breis dleathach.

ciallaíonn an abairt “breis dleathach”—


(a) maidir le bun-chíos áitribh rialaithe (Acht 1923), aon tsuim is breis dleathach ar an mbun-chíos de bhuaidh ailt 11 den Acht seo,


(b) maidir le bun-chíos áitribh rialaithe (seachas faoi Acht 1923), aon tsuim is breis dleathach ar an mbun-chíos de bhuaidh ailt 17 den Acht seo;

[EN]cíos dleathach.

ciallaíonn an abairt “cíos dleathach”—


(a) maidir le háitreabh rialaithe (Acht 1923), an tsuim a ndearbhaítear le halt 12 den Acht seo gurb í is cíos dleathach ar an áitreabh,


(b) maidir le háitreabh rialaithe (seachas faoi Acht 1923), an tsuim a ndearbhaítear le halt 18 den Acht seo gurb í is cíos dleathach ar an áitreabh;


folaíonn an focal “ligean” fo-ligean;

[EN]an tAire.

ciallaíonn an abairt “an tAire” an tAire Dlí agus Cirt;

[EN]tionónta neamhreachtúil.

ciallaíonn an abairt “tionónta neamhreachtúil” tionónta nach tionónta reachtúil;

an dáta feidhme.

ciallaíonn an abairt “an dáta feidhme” dáta an Achta seo a rith;

Ordú 1944.

ciallaíonn an abairt “Ordú 1944” an tOrdú Cumhachta Práinne (Uimh. 313), 1944 (R. & O. R., Uimh. 29 de 1944), arna leasú leis an Ordú um an Ordú Cumhachta Práinne (Uimh. 313), 1944 (Leasú), 1945 (R. & O. R., Uimh. 188 de 1945);


ciallaíonn an focal “áitreabh” aon áitreabh is áit chomhnaithe nó áitreabh gnótha;


ciallaíonn rud a bheith “ordaithe” é a bheith ordaithe ag an Aire le rialacháin arna ndéanamh faoin Acht seo;


ciallaíonn an focal “rátaí”, maidir le haon áitreabh, na rátaí (lena n-áirítear rátaí uisce) a bheas leagtha ag údarás áitiúil (is comhairle chontae, bárdas contae-bhuirge nó buirge eile, comhairle bhailecheantair nó coimisinéirí baile) i leith an áitribh chun seirbhíse aon bhliana airgeadais áitiúla agus a bheas do réir aon Achta, nó a bheadh mura mbeadh aon Acht, inmhuirir ar lonnaitheoir an áitribh;


tá leis an bhfocal “riail-chíos” an bhrí atá leis in Acht 1923;

tionóntacht reachtúil.

ciallaíonn an abairt “tionóntacht reachtúil” leas tionónta reachtúil san áitreabh a n-úsáitear an abairt maidir leis;

tionónta reachtúil.

ciallaíonn an abairt “tionónta reachtúil” duine is—

(a) duine a choinneos seilbh ar aon áitreabh rialaithe tar éis a thionóntacht chonnarthach ann (nach tionóntacht lena mbaineann alt 45 den Acht seo) a bheith foirceannta, nó

(b) duine a choinneos seilbh ar aon áitreabh rialaithe faoi fho-alt (2) nó fo-alt (3) d'alt 39 den Acht seo, nó

(c) duine a choinneos seilbh ar aon áitreabh rialaithe faoi fhomhír (iii) de mhír (a), nó faoi mhír (b), d'fho-alt (5) d'alt 40 den Acht seo, nó

(d) duine a choinneos seilbh ar aon áitreabh rialaithe faoi alt 57 den Acht seo;


mura n-éilí an comhthéacs a mhalairt, folaíonn an focal “tionónta”, maidir le haon áitreabh, tionónta reachtúil, agus folaíonn sé aon duine a mbeidh aige ó am go ham teideal faoin tionónta bunaidh, agus folaíonn sé freisin fo-thionónta.

(2) Déanfar tagairtí san Acht seo d'ordú chun seilbh a aisghabháil ar aon áitreabh a léiriú mar thagairtí a fholaíos tagairtí d'ordú chun tionónta a eisiachtain as an áitreabh.

(3) Déanfar tagairtí san Acht seo d'aon achtachán a léiriú mar thagairtí a fholaíos tagairtí don achtachán sin arna leasú le haon achtachán iardain.


Aitreabh rialaithe.

3.—(1) Faoi réir fo-ailt (2) den alt seo, baineann an tAcht seo le gach áitreabh.


(2) Ní bhaineann an tAcht seo—


(a) le háitreabh ar mó a luacháil inrátuithe ná—


(i) i gcás an t-áitreabh a bheith suite i gcontae-bhuirg Bhaile Atha Cliath nó i mbuirg Dhún Laoghaire, seasca punt,


(ii) in aon chás eile, ceathracha punt,


(b) le háitreabh a tógadh tar éis an 7ú lá de Bhealtaine, 1941, nó a bhí á thógáil ar an dáta sin,


(c) le háit chomhnaithe arna cur ar fáil ag údarás áitiúil faoi Achta na Sclábhaithe, 1883 go 1941, nó faoi Achta Tithe an Lucht Oibre, 1890 go 1931, agus arb údarás áitiúil is tiarna tighe uirthi de thuras na huaire, ná


(d) le háitreabh gnótha ar aon mhargadh nó aonach i gcás an cíos nó na coinníollacha tionóntachta a bheith rialaithe nó rialálta faoi réim nó do réir aon reachta nó cairte,


(e) le háitreabh gnótha arna ligean ar feadh téarma de bhlianta nó arna ligean ó bhliain go bliain faoi thionóntacht nach foláir fógra trí mhí ar a laghad a thabhairt chun í a fhoirceannadh (ar chúis seachas briseadh téarma de théarmaí na tionóntachta),


(f) le háit chomhnaithe arna ligean ar cíos (dá ngairmtear an cíos forcoimeáta anseo feasta) a fholaíos íocaíoctha i leith bordála, freastail nó úsáide troscáin, nó i leith teas, uisce te, abhar tine, leictreachas, nó aon earra eile a sholáthar don áit chomhnaithe nó i leith aon tseirbhísí a thabhairt maidir leis an áit chomhnaithe, mura rud é, ar an gCúirt do chionroinnt an chíosa fhorcoimeáta, go mbeidh an chuid den chíos fhorcoimeáta is dóigh leis an gCúirt is inchurtha i leith na háite comhnaithe amháin comhionann le trí cheathrú nó níos mó ná trí cheathrú den chíos fhorcoimeáta, agus sa chás sin is tuigthe, chun críocha an Achta seo, gurb é is cíos ar an áit chomhnaithe ná an chuid den chíos fhorcoimeáta is inchurtha amhlaidh i leith na háite comhnaithe amháin,


(g) le haon áit chomhnaithe nó áitreabh gnótha arna ligean i dteannta tailimh seachas láithreán na háite comhnaithe nó an áitribh ghnótha, más mó luacháil inrátuithe an tailimh ná an ceann is lú acu seo leanas:—


(i) a leath de luacháil inrátuithe an láithreáin, agus an fhoirgint nó na foirgintí air a chur san áireamh, nó


(ii)  (I) i gcás an áit chomhnaithe nó an t-áitreabh gnótha a bheith suite i gcontae-bhuirg Bhaile Atha Cliath nó i mbuirg Dhún Laoghaire, cúig puint déag,


(II) in aon chás eile, deich bpuint.


Aiteanna comhnaithe a n-úsáitear coda dhíobh chun críocha gnótha, etc.

4.—Ní bheidh an tAcht seo arna chur ó bhaint le háit chomhnaithe de bhíthin amháin go n-úsáitear cuid de chun críocha aon ghnótha, céirde nó gairme.


Athghairm agus oiriúnú ar thagairtí d'Achta athghairmthe.

5.—(1) Athghairmtear leis seo na hachtacháin a luaitear sa Sceideal a ghabhas leis an Acht seo a mhéid a sonnraítear sa tríú colún den Sceideal sin.


(2) An athghairm a déantar le fo-alt (1) den alt seo ar an gcuing atá ag gabháil le mír (b) d'fho-alt (1) d'alt (2) d'Acht 1923, beidh éifeacht aici amhail ó dháta Achta 1923 a rith ach ní dhéanfaidh an athghairm sin—


(a) teideal a thabhairt do thiarna tighe chun aon tsuimeanna a haisghabhadh ón tiarna tighe roimh an 1ú lá de Dheireadh Fómhair, 1945, trí asbhaint as cíos nó ar shlí eile, nó chun aon chíos nár híocadh toisc na hasbhaintí sin a thógaint as, a aisghabháil ó thionónta, ná


(b) difir don cheart chun aon bhreith a fhorfheidhmiú a thug cúirt dlínse inniúla roimh an 1ú lá de Dheireadh Fómhair, 1945, ná a thabhairt go bhféadfar aon tsuim a híocadh faoin mbreith sin a aisghabháil.


(3) Déanfar tagairtí in aon Acht do na hAchta um Méadú Cíosa agus Uis Mhorgáiste (Coscanna), 1923 go 1930, nó d'aon Acht acu sin, a léiriú mar thagairtí don Acht seo.



6.—Na costais faoina raghaidh an tAire chun an tAcht seo a riaradh, déanfar, a mhéid a cheadós an tAire Airgeadais, iad a íoc as airgead a sholáthrós an tOireachtas.


Srian le Cios Aitreabh Rialaithe.

Caibidil 1.

Cíos Dleathach Aitreabh Rialaithe (Acht 1923).


Aitribh rialaithe (Acht 1923)

7.—(1) Faoi réir fo-ailt (2) den alt seo, baineann an Chaibidil seo le gach áitreabh rialaithe nach mó a luacháil inrátuithe ná—


(a) tríocha punt i gcás an t-áitreabh a bheith suite—


(i) i gcontae-bhuirg Bhaile Atha Cliath mar bhí díreach roimh dháta an Achta Rialtais Áitiúil (Baile Atha Cliath), 1930 (Uimh. 27 de 1930), a rith, nó


(ii) sa líomatáiste atá comhdhéanta de shean-bhailecheantair Phembróc, agus Ráth Maonas agus Rath Garbh, mar bhí díreach roimh dháta an Achta sin a rith, nó


(iii) i mbuirg Dhún Laoghaire.


(b) cúig puint fhichead in aon chás eile.


(2) (a) Ní bhaineann an Chaibidil seo le háitreabh a tógadh tar éis an 2ú lá d'Aibreán, 1919, nó a bhí á thógáil ar an dáta sin nó ar a raibh á dhéanamh ar an dáta sin nó ar a ndearnadh ón dáta sin i leith athchóiriú bona fide trí dhá bhabhta nó tionóntán chomhlána ar leithligh nó níos mó a dhéanamh dhe.


(b) Ní bhaineann an Chaibidil seo le háitreabh dob áitreabh rialaithe (seachas faoi Acht 1923) agus a thiocfadh, de dhruim laghdú ar a luacháil inrátuithe, chun bheith ina áitreabh lena mbaineann an Chaibidil seo mura mbeadh an mhír seo.


(c) Ní bhaineann an Chaibidil seo le háitreabh ar thárla, trí oibriú ailt 5 d'Acht 1926, Acht 1923 a scor, roimh an dáta feidhme, de bhaint leis.


Bun-chíos áitreabh rialaithe (Acht 1923) a ndearnadh a riail-chíos a chinneadh ag an gCúirt nó trí eadráin.

8.—(1) Baineann an t-alt seo le háitreabh rialaithe (Acht 1923) a gcuirfear ar fáil ina leith fianaise ar an dá fhíoras seo leanas:—


(a) go ndearna an Chúirt riail-chíos an áitribh a chinneadh roimh an dáta feidhme, agus


(b) méid an riail-chíosa.


(2) Baineann an t-alt seo freisin le háitreabh rialaithe (Acht 1923) a gcuirfear ar fáil ina leith fianaise ar an dá fhíoras seo leanas:—


(a) go raibh riail-chíos an áitribh ina abhar dámhachtana eadrána roimh an dáta feidhme, agus


(b) méid an riail-chíosa.


(3) Is é is bun-chíos ar áitreabh lena mbaineann an t-alt seo ná suim is comhionann le hiomlán na méideanna seo leanas:—


(a) riail-chíos an áitribh, agus


(b) (i) i gcás áite comhnaithe, fiche faoin gcéad den riail-chíos nó


(ii) in aon chás eile, cúig is fiche faoin gcéad den riailchíos.


Bun-chíos áitreabh rialaithe (Acht 1923) ná baineann alt 8 leo.

9.—(1) Baineann an t-alt seo le gach áitreabh rialaithe (Acht 1923) nach áitreabh lena mbaineann alt 8 den Acht seo.


(2) Cinnfidh an Chúirt bun-chíos áitribh lena mbaineann an t-alt seo agus is é a bheas ann cíos de pé méid is réasúnach leis an gCúirt, faoi aon chonnradh áirithe tionóntachta nach sia ná cúig bliana a théarma, ag féachaint do bhun-chíosa áitreabh rialaithe (Acht 1923) eile agus, i gcás ina gcuirfear ar fáil fianaise ar an dá fhíoras seo leanas,—


(i) go raibh an t-áitreabh a mbeidh a bhun-chíos le cinneadh ar seilbh, an 3ú lá de Lúnasa, 1914, ag tionónta a bhí á lonnú faoi chonnradh tionóntachta nár shia ná cúig bliana a théarma, nó ná raibh sé ar seilbh amhlaidh ach go raibh sé ar seilbh amhlaidh go deireannach ar dháta trí bliana ar a mhéid roimh an 3ú lá de Lúnasa, 1914 agus


(ii) an cíos ar a rabhdar ar seilbh amhlaidh,


ansin, ag féachaint freisin do mhéid an chíosa sin.


(3) Chun an Chúirt do chinneadh an bhun-chíosa faoin alt seo is tuigthe an tionónta a bheith freagarthach sna rátaí.


Aitreabh do leanúin de bheith ina áitreabh rialaithe (Acht 1923) d'ainneoin méadú a theacht ar a luacháil inrátuithe.

10.—(1) Má thárlann, de dhruim méaduithe ar luacháil inrátuithe áitribh a bhí, díreach roimh dháta an mhéaduithe, ina áitreabh rialaithe (Acht 1923), go dtiocfadh an t-áitreabh chun bheith ina áitreabh rialaithe (seachas faoi Acht 1923) mura mbeadh an t-alt seo, ansin, d'ainneoin an mhéaduithe sin, leanfaidh an t-áitreabh de bheith ina áitreabh lena mbaineann an Chaibidil seo.


(2) Ní bhainfidh fo-alt (1) den alt seo le háitreabh a dtiocfaidh an méadú ar a luacháil inrátuithe de dhruim feabhsuithe nó athruithe déanmhais a rinne an tiarna tighe faid a bhí sé i seilbh an áitribh iomláin.


Breiseanna dleathacha ar bhun-chíos áitreabh rialaithe (Acht 1923).

11.—(1) I bhfo-alt (2) den alt seo ciallaíonn an abairt “an dáta cinnteach”—


(a) i gcás áitribh lena mbaineann alt 8 den Acht seo, an dáta feidhme,


(b) i gcás áitribh lena mbaineann alt 9 den Acht seo, dáta bunuithe na n-imeacht ina gcinnfear bun-chíos an áitribh.


(2) Chun críocha an Achta seo, is breis dleathach ar bhun-chíos áitribh rialaithe (Acht 1923), sa chás atá leagtha amach in aon mhír den fho-alt seo, an tsuim a luaitear sa mhír sin:—


(a) i gcás ina ndéanfaidh tiarna tighe an áitribh na rátaí nó aon chuid díobh a íoc, nó asbhaint nó comhlogha a lomháil ina n-aghaidh, nó an tionónta a shlánú ina leith, suim is comhionann leis an méid a bheas, de thuras na huaire, san íocaíocht, san asbhaint, sa chomhlogha nó sa tslánú sin (pé acu é);


(b) i gcás ina ndéanfaidh an tiarna tighe, ar an dáta cinnteach nó dá éis, aon mhéid airgid (gan aon mhéid a áireamh a caithfear ar mhaisiú nó deisiú) a chaitheamh ar fheabhsú nó ar athrú déanmhais an áitribh, suim is comhionann le hocht faoin gcéad sa bhliain den mhéid sin;


(c) i gcás ina ndéanfaidh an tiarna tighe, ar an dáta cinnteach nó dá éis, aon mhéid airgid a chaitheamh ar an áitreabh i leith deisiúcháin a bheas riachtanach ar fad nó go formhór de dheascaibh an tionónta nó éinne in éintíos leis nó éinne dá lóistéirí nó dá fho-thionóntaithe do dhéanamh bearta diomailte, nó do dhéanamh mainneachtana nó faillí, suim is comhionann le hocht faoin gcéad sa bhliain den mhéid sin;


(d) (i) i gcás ina mbeidh an tiarna tighe freagarthach in iomlán an deisiúcháin ar an áitreabh, suim ná raghaidh thar an dóú cuid déag den bhun-chíos,


(ii) i gcás ná beidh an tiarna tighe freagarthach ach i gcuid den deisiúchán, pé suim is lú ná sin ar a gcomhaontóidh an tiarna tighe agus an tionónta nó a chinnfeas an Chúirt ar cheachtar den dá pháirtí sin dá iarraidh sin, nó, cheal aon chomhaontaithe nó cinnte den tsórt sin, suim ná raghaidh thar an gceathrú cuid fichead den bhun-chíos;


(e) i gcás áitribh lena mbaineann alt 8 den Acht seo, má rinne an tiarna tighe, sa bhliain 1922, méid a chaitheamh is mó ná an tríú cuid den riail-chíos, nó má rinne sé, i rith an dá bhlian 1923 agus 1924, nó 1925 agus 1926, nó 1927 agus 1928, méid a chaitheamh is mó ná dhá dtrian den riail-chíos, ag cur deis réasúnach ar an áitreabh, suim is comhionann le cúig déag faoin gcéad sa bhliain den bharrachas nó de na barrachais sin a caitheadh;


(f) i gcás áitribh lena mbaineann alt 8 den Acht seo, má rinne an tiarna tighe, tar éis an 4ú lá de Lúnasa, 1914, agus roimh an dáta cinnteach, aon mhéid airgid a chaitheamh ar fheabhsú nó ar athrú déanmhais an áitribh (ach gan aon mhéid a áireamh a chaith sé ar mhaisiú nó deisiú), suim is comhionann le hocht faoin gcéad sa bhliain den mheid sin;


(g) i gcás ina ndéanfaidh an tiarna tighe, i rith an dá bhlian 1945 agus 1946, nó 1946 agus 1947, nó 1947 agus 1948, nó 1948 agus 1949, nó 1949 agus 1950, méid a chaitheamh is mó ná dhá dtrian de bhun-chíos an áitribh ag cur deis réasúnach ar an áitreabh, suim is comhionann le cúig déag faoin gcéad sa bhliain den bharrachas nó de na barrachais sin a caitheadh.


(3) Chun críocha fo-ailt (2) den alt seo, ní déanfar méid aon deontais faoi Achta na dTithe (Forála Airgid agus Forála Ilghnéitheacha), 1932 go 1944, arna leasú nó arna leathnú le haon achtachán iardain, a áireamh mar chuid d'aon mhéid a caitheadh ar aon fheabhsú, athrú déanmhais nó deisiúchán lena mbaineann an fo-alt sin.


(4) Maidir le feidhm na Caibidle seo i gcás áite comhnaithe bige, is tigh comhnaithe beag do réir bhrí an Achta Rialtais Áitiúil (Rátaí ar Thithe Comhnaithe Beaga), 1928 (Uimh. 4 de 1928), beidh éifeacht ag na forála seo leanas:—


(a) ní fholóidh an focal “rátaí” i mír (a) d'fho-alt (2) den alt seo ráta arna leagadh de bhuaidh an Achta dheiridh a luadh ar únaer na háite comhnaithe bige sin, agus


(b) an tsuim a bheas curtha mar mhéadú le cíos na háite comhnaithe bige sin de bhuaidh ailt 6 den Acht deiridh a luadh cuirfear san áireamh í mar bhreis dleathach nuair a beifear ag ríomh cíosa dhleathaigh na háite comhnaithe bige sin.


Cíos dleathach áitreabh rialaithe (Acht 1923).

12.—Is é is cíos dleathach ar áitreabh rialaithe (Acht 1923)—


(a) i gcás gan aon bhreis dleathach a bheith curtha le bunchíos an áitribh, bun-chíos an áitribh,


(b) in aon chás eile, bun-chíos an áitribh maraon leis na breiseanna dleathacha ar an gcéanna.

Caibidil 2.

Cíos Dleathach Aitreabh Rialaithe (seachas faoi Acht 1923).


Aitribh rialaithe (seachas faoi Acht 1923).

13.—Baineann an Chaibidil seo le gach áitreabh rialaithe nach áitreabh rialaithe a gcuirfear ar fáil ina leith fianaise gur áitreabh rialaithe (Acht 1923) é.


Bun-chíos áitreabh áirithe is áitribh rialaithe (seachas faoi Acht 1923).

14.—(1) Faoi réir fo-ailt (2) den alt seo, baineann an t-alt seo—


(a) le háitreabh rialaithe (seachas faoi Acht 1923) a gcuirfear ar fáil ina leith fianaise ar an dá fhíoras seo leanas—


(i) go raibh sé ar seilbh, an 7ú lá de Bhealtaine, 1941 (dá ngairmtear an dáta iomchuibhe san alt seo), ag tionónta a bhí á lonnú faoi chonnradh tionóntachta nár shia ná cúig bliana a théarma, agus


(ii) an cíos ar a raibh sé ar seilbh amhlaidh;


(b) le háitreabh rialaithe (seachas faoi Acht 1923) a gcuirfear ar fáil ina leith fianaise ar na fíorais seo leanas go léir—


(i) ná raibh sé ar seilbh amhlaidh an 7ú lá de Bhealtaine, 1941,


(ii) go raibh sé ar seilbh amhlaidh go deireannach ar dháta (dá ngairmtear an dáta iomchuibhe freisin san alt seo) cúig bliana ar a mhéid roimh an 7ú lá de Bhealtaine, 1941, agus


(iii) an cíos ar a raibh sé ar seilbh amhlaidh.


(2) Ní bhainfidh an t-alt seo le háitreabh lenar bhain Acht 1923 ar an dáta iomchuibhe.


(3) Is é is bun-chíos ar áitreabh lena mbaineann an t-alt seo ná an glan-chíos ar a raibh sé ar seilbh ar an dáta iomchuibhe.


(4) Chun críche an ailt seo is tuigthe gurb é glan-chíos ar a raibh áitreabh ar seilbh ar an dáta iomchuibhe ná—


(a) i gcás inar ghnáth leis an tiarna tighe ar an dáta iom chuibhe na rátaí nó aon chuid díobh a íoc, nó asbhaint nó comhlogha a lomháil ina n-aghaidh, nó an tionónta a shlánú ina leith, an cíos dob iníoctha ar an dáta sin lúide méid na híocaíochta, an liúntais, na hasbhainte, an chomhlogha nó an tslánuithe sin (pé acu é);


(b) in aon chás eile, an cíos dob iníoctha ar an dáta sin.


(5) Déanfar tagairtí in ailt 15 agus 17 den Acht seo don dáta iomchuibhe a léiriú mar thagairtí don dáta is dáta iomchuibhe chun críocha an ailt seo.


Bun-chíos áitreabh lena mbaineann alt 14 a athscrúdú.

15.—(1) Más rud é, i gcás an tionónta ar áitreabh lena mbaineann alt 14 den Acht seo do dhéanamh iarratais chun na Cúirte faoin bhfo-alt seo, go gcruthaítear don Chúirt—


(a) go raibh i bhfeidhm de bhuaidh aon reachta, sa bhliain airgeadais áitiúil ina raibh an dáta iomchuibhe, maitheamh dhá dtrian de na rátaí i leith an áitribh nó laghdú ar luacháil an áitribh chun críocha rátaí a mheisiúnú agus a thobhach, agus


(b) ná fuil an maitheamh nó an laghdú sin i bhfeidhm a thuilleadh ar dháta an iarratais, agus


(c) gur mó bun-chíos an áitribh ná an cíos (dá ngairmtear an cíos barúlach sa bhfo-alt seo) a bhféadfadh an tiarna tighe, dá mba ná raibh an maitheamh nó an laghdú sin i bhfeidhm, súil réasúnach a bheith aige, ar an dáta iomchuibhe, lena fháil faoi chonnradh tionóntachta sna téarmaí céanna ina raibh an connradh tionóntachta a bhí ann ar an dáta sin, á chur i gcás (murab amhlaidh a bhí) gurb é an tionónta a bhí freagarthach sna rátaí,


cinnfidh an Chúirt bun-chíos an áitribh agus is é méid a bheas ann ná an tsuim is dóigh leis an gCúirt is ionann agus an cíos barúlach, agus uaidh sin amach beidh an t-áitreabh sin, gan dochar don bhaint a bhí ag mír (a) d'alt 23 den Acht seo leis roimhe sin, ina áitreabh lena mbainfidh alt 16 den Acht seo amhail is dá mba faoin alt sin a rinneadh an cinneadh sin.


(2) Más rud é, i gcás an tiarna tighe ar áitreabh lena mbaineann alt 14 den Acht seo do dhéanamh iarratais chun na Cúirte faoin bhfo-alt seo, go gcruthaítear don Chúirt—


(a) go raibh i bhfeidhm de bhuaidh aon reachta, sa bhliain airgeadais áitiúil direach roimh an bhliain airgeadais áitiúil ina raibh an dáta iomchuibhe, maitheamh dhá dtrian de na rátaí i leith an áitribh nó laghdú ar luacháil an áitribh chun críche rátaí a mheisiúnú agus a thobhach, agus


(b) ná raibh an maitheamh nó an laghdú sin i bhfeidhm a thuilleadh ar an dáta iomchuibhe, agus


(c) gur ghnáth leis an tiarna tighe ar an dáta iomchuibhe na rátaí nó aon chuid díobh a íoc, nó asbhaint nó comhlogha a lomháil ina n-aghaidh, nó an tionónta a shlánú ina leith, agus


(d) gur lú bun-chíos an áitribh ná an cíos (dá ngairmtear an cíos barúlach sa bhfo-alt seo) a bhféadfadh an tiarna tighe, dá mba gur lean an maitheamh nó an laghdú sin de bheith i bhfeidhm, súil réasúnach a bheith aige, ar an dáta iomchuibhe, lena fháil faoi chonnradh tionóntachta sna téarmaí céanna ina raibh an connradh tionóntachta a bhí ann ar an dáta sin, á chur i gcás gurb é an tionónta a bhí freagarthach sna rátaí,


cinnfidh an Chúirt bun-chíos an áitribh agus is é méid a bheas ann ná an tsuim is dóigh leis an gCúirt is ionann agus an cíos barúlach, agus uaidh sin amach beidh an t-áitreabh sin, gan dochar don bhaint a bhí ag mír (a) d'alt 23 den Acht seo leis roimhe sin, ina áitreabh lena mbainfidh alt 16 den Acht seo amhail is dá mba faoin alt sin a rinneadh an cinneadh sin.


(3) Más rud é, i gcás an tiarna tighe nó an tionónta ar áitreabh lena mbaineann alt 14 den Acht seo do dhéanamh iarratais chun na Cúirte faoin bhfo-alt seo, go gcruthaítear don Chúirt gur mó nó gur lú bun-chíos an áitribh, de mhéid is mó ná an cúigiú cuid den bhun-chíos, ná an cíos (dá ngairmtear an cíos barúlach sa bhfo-alt seo) a gcinnfeadh an Chúirt, dá mba áitreabh lena mbaineann alt 16 den Acht seo an t-áitreabh, gurbh é bun-chíos an áitribh é, cinnfidh an Chúirt bun-chíos an áitribh agus is é méid a bheas ann ná an tsuim is dóigh leis an gCúirt is ionann agus an cíos barúlach, agus uaidh sin amach beidh an t-áitreabh sin, gan dochar don bhaint a bhí ag mír (a) d'alt 23 den Acht seo leis roimhe sin, ina áitreabh lena mbainfidh alt 16 den Acht so, amhail is dá mba faoin alt sin a rinneadh an cinneadh sin.


Bun-chíos áitreabh rialaithe (seachas faoi Acht 1923) nó baineann alt 14 leo.

16.—(1) Baineann an t-alt seo le gach áitreabh rialaithe (seachas faoi Acht 1923) nach áitreabh lena mbaineann alt 14 den Acht seo.


(2) Déanfaidh an Chúirt an bun-chíos ar áitreabh lena mbaineann an t-alt seo a chinneadh mar leanas:—


(a) i gcás áitribh arb é atá ann babhta nó tionóntán comhlán ar leithligh is cuid d'aon fhoirgintí a bheas, tar éis an 7ú lá de Bhealtaine, 1941, arna n-athchóiriú, nó a bhí ar an dáta sin á n-athchóiriú, bona fide trí dhá bhabhta nó tionóntán nó níos mó den tsaghas sin a dhéanamh dhíobh, is é is bun-chíos ar an áitreabh ná an cíos ar dóigh leis an gCúirt go bhféadfadh an gar-thiarna tighe ar thionónta ag lonnú an áitribh, dá mba go raibh an t-áitreabh, arna athchóiriú, ann sa bhliain dar chríoch an 7ú lá de Bhealtaine, 1941, súil réasúnach a bheith aige leis sa bhliain sin faoi aon chonnradh áirithe tionóntachta nár shia ná cúig bliana a théarma;


(b) in aon chás eile is é is bun-chíos ar an áitreabh ná an cíos ar dóigh leis an gCúirt go bhféadfadh an gar-thiarna tighe ar thionónta ag lonnú an áitribh súil réasúnach a bheith aige leis, sa bhliain dar chríoch an 7ú lá de Bhealtaine 1941, faoi aon chonnradh áirithe tionóntachta nár shia ná cúig bliana a théarma.


(3) Chun an Chúirt do chinneadh an bhun-chíosa faoin alt seo is tuigthe an tionónta a bheith freagarthach sna rátaí.


(4) I gcás ina ndearna an Chúirt, faoi Airteagal 5 d'Ordú 1944, bun-chíos aon áitribh a chinneadh, is tuigthe, chun críocha an Achta seo, an cinneadh sin a bheith arna dhéanamh faoin alt seo agus is é an bun-chíos sin is bun-chíos ar an áitreabh.


Breiseanna dleathacha ar bhun-chíos áitreabh rialaithe (seachas faoi Acht 1923).

17.—(1) 1 bhfo-alt (2) den alt seo ciallaíonn an abairt “an dáta cinnteach”—


(a) i gcás áitribh lena mbaineann alt 14 den Acht seo, an dáta feidhme,


(b) i gcás áitribh lena mbaineann alt 16 den Acht seo, dáta bunuithe na n-imeacht ina gcinnfear bun-chíos an áitribh.


(2) Chun críocha an Achta seo, is breis dleathach ar bhunchíos áitribh rialaithe (seachas faoi Acht 1923), sa chás atá leagtha amach in aon mhír den fho-alt seo, an tsuim a luaitear sa mhír sin:—


(a) i gcás ina ndéanfaidh tiarna tighe an áitribh na rátaí nó aon chuid díobh a íoc, nó asbhaint nó comhlogha a lomháil ina n-aghaidh, nó an tionónta a shlánú ina leith, suim is comhionann leis an méid a bheas, de thuras na huaire, san íocaíocht, san asbhaint, sa chomhlogha nó sa tslánú sin (pé acu é);


(b) i gcás ina ndéanfaidh an tiarna tighe, ar an dáta cinnteach nó dá éis, aon mhéid airgid (gan aon mhéid a áireamh a caithfear ar mhaisiú nó ar dheisiú) a chaitheamh ar fheabhsú nó ar athrú déanmhais an áitribh, suim is comhionann le hocht faoin gcéad sa bhliain den mhéid sin;


(c) i gcás ina ndéanfaidh an tiarna tighe, ar an dáta cinnteach nó dá éis, aon mhéid airgid a chaitheamh ar an áitreabh i leith deisiúcháin a bheas riachtanach ar fad nó go formhór de dheascaibh an tionónta nó éinne in éintíos leis nó éinne dá lóistéirí nó dá fho-thionóntaithe do dhéanamh bearta diomailte, nó do dhéanamh mainneachtana nó faillí, suim is comhionann le hocht faoin gcéad sa bhliain den mhéid sin;


(d) i gcás áitribh lena mbaineann alt 14 den Acht seo, má rinne an tiarna tighe, ar an dáta iomchuibhe nó dá éis, agus roimh an dáta cinnteach, aon mhéid a chaitheamh ar fheabhsú nó ar athrú déanmhais an áitribh (ach gan aon tsuim a áireamh a chaith sé ar mhaisiú nó deisiú) suim is comhionann le hocht faoin gcéad sa bhliain den mhéid sin;


(e) i gcás ina ndéanfaidh an tiarna tighe, i rith an dá bhlian 1945 agus 1946, nó 1946 agus 1947, nó 1947 agus 1948, nó 1948 agus 1949, nó 1949 agus 1950, méid a chaitheamh is mó ná dhá dtrian de bhun-chíos an áitribh ag cur deis réasúnach ar an áitreabh, suim is comhionann le cúig déag faoin gcéad sa bhliain den bharrachas nó de na barrachais sin a caitheadh;


(f) i gcás áitribh lena mbaineann mír (a) d'fho-alt (2) d'alt 16 den Acht seo, suim is comhionann le hocht faoin gcéad sa bhliain de pé méid a mbeidh idir é agus costas iomlán athchóirithe na bhfoirgintí dá dtagartar sa mhír sin an cothrom céanna a bheas idir luacháil inrátuithe an áitribh agus luacháil ionrátuithe (nó comhshuim luachál inrátuithe) na bhfoirgintí sin arna n-athchóiriú.


(3) Chun críocha fo-ailt (2) den alt seo, ní déanfar méid aon deontais faoi Achta na dTithe (Forála Airgid agus Forála Ilghnéitheacha), 1932 go 1944, arna leasú nó arna leathnú le haon achtachán iardain, a áireamh mar chuid d'aon mhéid a caitheadh ar aon fheabhsú, athrú déanmhais nó deisiúchán lena mbaineann an fo-alt sin.


(4) Maidir le feidhm na Caibidle seo i gcás áite comhnaithe bige, is tigh comhnaithe beag do réir bhrí an Achta Rialtais Áitiúil (Rátaí ar Thithe Comhnaithe Beaga), 1928 (Uimh. 4 de 1928), beidh éifeacht ag na forála seo leanas:


(a) ní fholóidh an focal “rátaí” i mír (a) d'fho-alt (2) den alt seo ráta arna leagadh de bhuaidh an Achta dheiridh a luadh ar únaer na háite comhnaithe bige sin, agus


(b) an tsuim a bheas curtha mar mhéadú le cíos na háite comhnaithe bige sin de bhuaidh ailt 6 den Acht deiridh a luadh cuirfear san áireamh í mar bhreis dleathach nuair a beifear ag ríomh cíosa dhleathaigh na háite comhnaithe bige sin.


Cíos dleathach áitreabh rialaithe (seachas faoi Acht 1923).

18.—Is é is cíos dleathach ar áitreabh rialaithe (seachas faoi Acht 1923)—


(a) i gcás gan aon bhreis dleathach a bheith curtha le bun-chíos an áitribh, bun-chíos an áitribh,


(b) in aon chás eile, bun-chíos an áitribh maraon leis na breiseanna dleathacha ar an gcéanna.

Caibidil 3.

Cíos a Chinneadh agus Ró-íocaíochta a Aisghabháil.


An tiarna tighe agus díoltóirí do thabhairt eolais i dtaobh an bhun-chíosa.

19.—(1) Déanfaidh an tiarna tighe ar áitreabh rialaithe, ar sin a iarraidh air i scríbhinn, ráiteas i scríbhinn a thabhairt don tionónta ina dtabharfar aon eolas, a bheas ar seilbh nó ar fáil ag an tiarna tighe, is gá chun a chumasú don tionónta bun-chíos an áitribh a chinneadh nó cinneadh a fháil air on gCúirt, agus má fhaillíonn an tiarna tighe, gan leithscéal réasúnach, san a dhéanamh laistigh d'ocht lá fichead nó má thugann ráiteas uaidh a bheas bréagach nó míthreorach in aon phone abhartha agus ná cruthófar ina thaobh gur go neamhurchóideach agus gan rún meallta a rinneadh é, beidh sé ciontach i gcion faoin alt seo agus, ar a chiontú ann ar an slí achomair, dlífear fíneáil nach mó ná deich bpuint a chur air.


(2) Gach connradh, a déanfar ar an dáta feidhme nó dá éis, chun aon leas in áitreabh rialaithe a dhíol, is tuigthe (mura mbeidh sí ann cheana go follas) foráil a bheith ann á cheangal ar an díoltóir aon eolas a thabhairt don cheannaitheoir a bheas ar seilbh nó ar fáil ag an díoltóir agus is gá chun a chumasú don cheannaitheoir bunchíos an áitribh nó aon choda dhe a chinneadh.


(3) Gach comha i gconnradh chun áitreabh rialaithe a dhíol, trína gcoiscfear ar an gceannaitheoir foréilimh a dhéanamh maidir leis na nithe a luaitear i bhfo-alt (2) den alt seo, beidh sé gan bhrí.


An cíos a bheas le n-íoc ag tionóntaithe a chinneadh.

20.—(1) Déanfar, faoi réir an Achta seo, an cíos a bheas le n-íoc ag tionónta i leith áitribh rialaithe a chinneadh do réir na bhforál seo leanas:—


(a) i gcás ina gcomhaontóidh an tiarna tighe agus an tionónta ar an gcíos a bheas le n-íoc ag an tionónta agus nach mó an cíos ar a gcomhaontófar amhlaidh ná an tsuim is cíos dleathach ar an áitreabh an tráth sin, is é an cíos ar a gcomhaontófar amhlaidh an cíos a bheas le n-íoc agus a leanfas de bheith le n-íoc, go dtí go n-athrófar é trí chomhaontú nó trí fhógra faoin alt seo, ag an tionónta i leith an áitribh;


(b) i gcás inar lú an cíos is iníoctha de thuras na huaire ag an tionónta ná an cíos is cíos dleathach de thuras na huaire agus ina seirbheálfaidh an tiarna tighe fógra faoin alt seo ar an tionónta ag méadú an chíosa go dtí suim nach mó ná an cíos dleathach de thuras na huaire, ansin, amhail ón dáta ar a dtiocfaidh an fógra in éifeacht is é an cíos arna mhéadú amhlaidh an cíos a bheas le n-íoc agus a leanfas de bheith le n-íoc, go dtí go n-athrófar é trí chomhaontú nó trí fhógra faoin alt seo, ag an tionónta i leith an áitribh;


(c) i gcás inar mó an cíos is iníoctha de thuras na huaire ag an tionónta ná an cíos is cíos dleathach de thuras na huaire agus ina seirbheálfaidh an tionónta fógra faoin alt seo ar an tiarna tighe ag laghdú an chíosa go dtí suim is comhionann leis an gcíos dleathach de thuras na huaire, ansin, amhail ón dáta ar a dtiocfaidh an fógra in éifeacht, is é an cíos arna laghdú amhlaidh an cíos a bheas le n-íoc agus a leanfas de bheith le n-íoc, go dtí go n-athrófar é trí chomhaontú nó trí fhógra faoin alt seo, ag an tionónta i leith an áitribh;


(d) i gcás ina mbeidh an cíos a bheas le n-íoc ag tionónta reachtúil gan cinneadh faoi aon mhír acu sin roimhe seo den fho-alt seo, ansin, faoi réir an ailt seo, is é cíos a bheas le n-íoc agus a leanfas de bheith le n-íoc i leith an áitribh ná an cíos dob iníoctha ag an tionónta de thuras na huaire i leith an áitribh ar an dáta feidhme, nó an cíos is cíos dleathach an tráth sin (pé acu sin is lú) nó, má bhí an tionónta reachtúil i seilbh ón dáta feidhme faoi aon chonnradh tionóntachta, an cíos is déanaí dob iníoctha aige faoin gconnradh sin nó an cíos dleathach an tráth sin (pé acu sin is lú);


(e) i gcás ina mbeidh an cíos a bheas le n-íoc ag tionónta neamhreachtúil gan cinneadh faoi aon mhír acu sin roimhe seo den fho-alt seo, ansin, faoi réir an ailt seo, is é cíos a bheas le n-íoc agus a leanfas de bheith le n-íoc i leith an áitribh, ná an cíos dob iníoctha ag an tionónta de thuras na huaire i leith an áitribh ar an dáta feidhme, nó an cíos is cíos dleathach an tráth sin (pé acu sin is lú) nó, má bhíonn an tionónta i seilbh faoi aon chonnradh tionóntachta, ar tar éis an dáta feidhme a thosnaigh an tionóntacht faoi, an cíos dob iníoctha aige i dtosach na tionóntachta nó an cíos dleathach an tráth sin (pé acu sin is lú).


(2) Gach fógra a seirbheálfar faoin alt seo ní foláir é a bheith sa bhfoirm ordaithe, nó í bhfoirm sa chéill chéanna go substainteach, agus na sonnraí iomchuibhe a bheith ann a hiarrfar sa bhfoirm.


(3) Beidh éifeacht ag na forála seo leanas maidir le fógraí faoi fho-alt (1) den alt seo:—


(a) i gcás ina n-airbheartóidh an fógra an cíos is iníoctha ag tionónta neamhreachtúil a mhéadú go dtí suim is mó ná an tsuim dob iníoctha, faoi théarmaí a chonnartha thionóntachta agus gan áird ar aon achtachán (lena n-áirítear an tAcht seo) trína modhnaítear aon téarma ann a bhaineas le cíos, an tráth adéarfar sa bhfógra a thiocfas an fógra in éifeacht, tiocfaidh an fógra in éifeacht ar an dáta a luaitear i pé fo-mhír acu seo leanas is infheidhme:—


(i) dá bhféadtaí an tionóntacht a fhoirceannadh go dlíthiúil lá ar bith is déanaí ná dáta an fhógra a sheirbheáil ach nach déanaí ná an dáta adéarfar sa bhfógra a thiocfas an fógra in éifeacht, an dáta sin;


(ii) mura bhféadfaí an tionóntacht a fhoirceannadh amhlaidh, an dáta is luaithe ar a mbeadh éifeacht ag an bhfógra, dá mb'fhógra imeachta é, chun an tionóntacht a fhoirceannadh;


(b) in aon chás eile, tiocfaidh an fógra in éifeacht ar sheacht lá glan a bheith caite ó dháta a sheirbheála.


(4) Má bhíonn i bhfógra a seirbheálfar faoin alt seo aon ráiteas nó cúis-aithris atá bréagach nó míthreorach in aon phonc abhartha beidh an duine a rinne an ráiteas nó an chúis-aithris sin nó a chur faoi ndear é a dhéanamh ciontach i gcion faoin alt seo agus, ar a chiontú ann ar an slí achomair, dlífear fíneáil nach mó ná deich bpuint a chur air mura gcruthaí sé gur go neamhurchóideach agus gan rún meallta a rinneadh an ráiteas nó an chúis-aithris.


(5) Tráth ar bith tar éis dul in éag d'fhógra faoi mhír (b) d'fho-alt (1) den alt seo ag méadú cíosa aon áitribh rialaithe de mhéid is comhionann le haon tsuim, nó a fholaíos aon tsuim, i leith na nithe a luaitear i mír (b), (c), (f) nó (g) d'fho-alt (2) d'alt 11, nó mír (b), (c), (d) nó (e) d'fho-alt (2) d'alt 17, den Acht seo, féadfaidh an Chúirt, ar an tionónta dá iarraidh sin agus má cruthaítear di maidir leis an gcaiteachas (a mhéid a bhaineas sé le haon ní acu sin) ar seirbheáladh an fógra ina leith ná deachthas faoi nó go raibh sé neamhriachtanach ar fad nó i bpáirt, an méadú a neamhlomháil nó a laghdú dá réir, amhail ó pé dáta (pé acu dáta roimh dháta an iarratais é nó nach ea) is oiriúnach leis an gCúirt.


An éifeacht a bheas ag aistriú a déanfar chun tionónta ar eirí a bhí roimhe sin ar an tiarna. tighe.

21.—(1) Aon aistriú a déanfar chun tionónta ar aon eire nó dliteanas a bhí roimhe sin ar an tiarna tighe déanfar chun críocha an Achta seo é a áireamh mar athrú cíosa, agus más rud é, de dhruim aistrithe den tsaghas sin, ná beidh na téarmaí ar a sealbhófar aon áitreabh chomh fábhrúil don tionónta, tríd is tríd, leis na téarmaí a bhí ann roimhe sin, is tuigthe an cíos a bheith arna mhéadú, pé acu méadaíodh nó nár méadaíodh an tsuim dob iníoctha go tréimhsiúil mar chíos, agus aon mhéadú cíosa i leith aon aistrithe a déanfar chun tiarna tighe ar aon eire nó dliteanas a bhí roimhe sin ar an tionónta agus ina dtárlóidh, de dhruim an aistrithe, go mbeidh na téarmaí ar a sealbhófar aon áitreabh chomh fábhrúil ar a laghad don tionónta, tríd is tríd, leis na téarmaí a bhí ann roimhe sin, is tuigthe nach méadú cíosa é chun críocha an Acht seo.


(2) Chun críche an ailt seo ní tuigthe an cíos a bheith arna mhéadú i gcás ina ndéanfar an dliteanas i leith rátaí a aistriú ón tiarna tighe chun an tionónta má déantar a chothrom sin de laghdú ar an gcíos.


Laghdú ar chíos toisc an tiarna tighe dá fhaillí an t-áitreabh a choimeád i ndeis mhaith.

22.—(1) Féadfaidh an tionónta nó an t-údarás sláintíochta, ar fhógra a thabhairt don tiarna tighe, iarratas a dhéanamh tráth ar bith chun na Cúirte ag lorg orduithe ag laghdú cíosa aon áitribh rialaithe (Acht 1923) ar an bhforas ná fuil an t-áitreabh i ndeis mhaith intionóntuithe ar gach slí.


(2) I gcás ina ndéanfar iarratas faoin alt seo féadfaidh an Chúirt, ar é a chruthú dhi ná fuil an t-áitreabh lena mbaineann an t-iarratas i ndeis mhaith intionóntuithe ar gach slí agus ar é a chruthú dhi freisin gurb é is cúis ar fad nó go formhór leis an mbail atá ar an áitreabh an tiarna tighe dá fhaillí pé deisiúchán a dhéanamh a ceangaltar air a dhéanamh de bhuaidh aon chumhnanta, comhaontuithe, nó ar shlí eile trí oibriú an dlí (lena n-áirítear an tAcht seo), a ordú an cíos a bheas le n-íoc ar an áitreabh a laghdú pé méid, nach mó ná fiche faoin gcéad den chíos dleathach, is cuibhe leis an gCúirt.


(3) In aon iarratas a déanfar faoin alt seo, beidh deimhniú ón údarás sláintíochta á dheimhniú ná fuil an t-áitreabh lena mbaineann an t-iarratas i ndeis mhaith intionóntuithe ar gach slí ina fhianaise prima facie ar na fíorais a bheas deimhnithe amhlaidh.


(4) I gcás ina ndéanfar ordú faoi fho-alt (2) den alt seo, beidh éifeacht ag na forála seo leanas:—


(a) fanfaidh an t-ordú i bhfeidhm mura ndéana agus go dtí go ndéanfaidh an Chúirt, ar an tiarna tighe dá iarraidh sin, agus ar é a chruthú dhi go ndearnadh an deisiúchán go léir arb é an mhainneachtain ann dob fhoras leis an ordú a dhéanamh, ordú ag foirceannadh an laghduithe;


(b) má cruthaítear don Chúirt, ar an iarratas sin a dhéanamh, gurb é is cúis ar fad nó go formhór leis an deisiúchán sin a bheith riachtanach an tiarna tighe do leanúint de bheith ag déanamh mainneachtana nó faillí, féadfaidh an Chúirt, d'ainneoin éinní dá bhfuil san Acht seo, a ordú gurb é cíos a bheas le n-íoc agus a leanfas de bheith le n-íoc i leith an áitribh go ceann pé tréimhse is cuibhe leis an gCúirt ná an cíos laghdaithe sin nó pé suim eile, nach lú ná ochtó faoin gcéad den chíos dleathach, a chinnfeas an Chúirt.


(5) Ar aon iarratas a dhéanamh chun údaráis sláintíochta ag lorg deimhnithe chun críocha an ailt seo beidh táille chúig scilling iníoctha ach ar iarratas a dhéanamh chun na Cúirte faoin alt seo féadfaidh an Chúirt a ordú go mbeidh an tionónta i dteideal an táille a bhaint as aon íocaíocht chíosa iardain.


(6) Má thárlann ar an dáta feidhme go mbeidh imeachta ar feitheamh faoi fho-alt (2) d'alt 8 d'Acht 1923, leanfaidh na himeachta agus deighleálfar leo amhail is dá mba imeachta faoi fho-alt (1) den alt seo iad.


(7) San alt seo ciallaíonn an abairt “údarás sláintíochta” an t-údarás sláintíochta faoi na hAchta Sláinte Poiblí, 1878 go 1931.


Suimeanna a dearbhaítear a bheith do-aisghabhála.

23.—Más rud é—


(a) go mbeidh cíos áitribh rialaithe (is áitreabh lena mbaineann alt 8 nó alt 14 den Acht seo) in aghaidh aon tréimhse dar tús an dáta feidhme nó dáta dá éis sin níos mó ná an cíos a bheas le n-íoc (do réir an Achta seo) ar an áitreabh sin in aghaidh na tréimhse sin, nó


(b) go mbeidh cíos áitribh rialaithe (is áitreabh lena mbaineann alt 9 nó alt 16 den Acht seo) in aghaidh aon tréimhse dar tús an dáta ar a gcinnfidh an Chúirt an bun-chíos nó dáta dá éis sin níos mó ná an cíos a bheas le n-íoc (do réir an Achta seo) ar an áitreabh sin in aghaidh na tréimhse sin,


ansin, d'ainneoin aon chomhaontuithe contrártha dhó sin, beidh méid an bharrachais do-aisghabhála ó thionónta an áitribh.


Ró-íocaíochta a aisghabháil.

24.—(1) I gcás aon tsuim—


(a) a bheith arna híoc i leith aon chíosa a thiocfas chun bheith dlite tar éis an dáta feidhme, agus


(b) a bheith ina suim a dearbhaítear le halt 23 den Acht seo a bheith do-aisghabhála ón tionónta,


beidh an tsuim sin, faoi réir ailt 25 den Acht seo, inaisghabhála ón tiarna tighe lenar híocadh í nó óna ionadaí pearsanta dlíthiúil ag an tionónta d'íoc í nó ag á ionadaí pearsanta dlíthiúil.


(2) Má chuireann duine ar bith in aon chíos-leabhar nó doiciméad dá shamhail iontráil a thaispeánfas nó a airbheartós a thaispeáint go bhfuil tionónta ar bith i riaráiste maidir le haon tsuim a dearbhaítear leis an Acht seo a bheith do-aisghabhála, beidh an duine sin ciontach i gcion faoin alt seo agus, ar a chiontú ann ar an slí achomair, dlífear fíneáil nach mó ná deich bpuint a chur air, mura gcruthaí sé gur go neamhurchóideach agus gan rún meallta a ghníomhaigh sé.


Teora le ró-íocaíochta a aisghabháil.

25.—Ní bheidh duine ar bith i dteideal aisghabháil a dhéanamh in aon tslí ar aon tsuim a bheas íoctha i leith cíosa a dearbhaítear le halt 23 den Acht seo nó alt 12 d'Acht 1923 a bheith do-aisghabhála ón tionónta ach amháin laistigh de na sé bliana díreach tar éis an tsuim sin a íoc.


Forala Speisialta chun Faoiseamh a Thabhairt do Thionontaithe Aitreabh Beag.


Tosach feidhme Coda III.

26.—Tiocfaidh an Chuid seo i ngníomh pé lá a cheapfas an tAire chuige sin le hordú.


Léiriú Coda III.

27.—Sa Chuid seo—

[EN]líomatáiste ceaptha.

ciallaíonn an abairt “líomatáiste ceaptha” aon líomatáiste is—


(a) contae-bhuirg,


(b) buirg Dhún Laoghaire, nó


(c) aon líomatáiste a mbeidh ordaithe le rialacháin a bheas i bhfeidhm de thuras na huaire é a bheith ina líomatáiste ceaptha chun críocha na Coda seo;

[EN]cíos láithreach.

ciallaíonn an abairt “cíos láithreach” an cíos is iníoctha ag tionónta ar áitreabh beag díreach roimh é do dhéanamh iarratais ag lorg orduithe shealadaigh maidir leis an áitreabh;

[EN]ordú sealadach.

ciallaíonn an abairt “ordú sealadach” ordú faoi alt 29 den Acht seo;

áitreabh beag.

ciallaíonn an abairt “áitreabh beag” áitreabh arb é atá ann—

(a) áitreabh rialaithe (Acht 1923) atá suite i líomatáiste ceaptha, is contae-bhuirg nó buirg Dhún Laoghaire, agus nach mó a luacháil inrátuithe ná deich bpuint, nó

(b) áitreabh rialuithe (Acht 1923) atá suite in aon líomatáiste ceaptha eile agus nach mó a luacháil inrátuithe ná pé méid (nach mó ná deich bpuint) a hordófar.


Iarratais ar orduithe sealadacha.

28.—(1) Féadfaidh an tionónta ar áitreabh a mbeidh sé á shuíomh gur áitreabh beag é iarratas a dhéanamh chun Breithimh Dhúiche, a bheas dáilithe don cheantar ina mbeidh an t-áitreabh, ag lorg orduithe shealadaigh ag cinneadh cíosa dhleathaigh an áitribh.


(2) Gach iarratas a déanfar faoin alt seo, déanfar é tríd an tionónta a theacht, i bpearsain nó trí ghníomhaire, i láthair an Chléirigh Chúirte Dúiche don líomatáiste cúirte dúiche ina mbeidh an t-áitreabh a bheas i gceist agus do thabhairt sonnraí mar thacaíocht lena shuíochan don Chléireach Cúirte Dúiche sin agus déanfaidh seisean na sonnraí sin a chur ar breacadh agus an t-iarratas a chur faoi bhráid an Bhreithimh Dhúiche iomchuibhe a luaithe is féidir.


(3) Duine ar bith a thabharfas nó a chuirfeas faoi ndear go dtabharfar, d'fhonn tacaíocht a dhéanamh le hiarratas faoin alt seo, sonnraí a bheas bréagach nó míthreorach in aon phonc abhartha don Chléireach Cúirte Dúiche, beidh sé, mura gcruthaí sé gur go neamhurchóideach agus gan rún meallta a ghníomhaigh sé, ciontach i gcion faoin alt seo agus, ar a chiontú ann ar an slí achomair, dlífear fíneáil nach mó ná deich bpuint a chur air.


(4) Má ghníomhaíonn duine, nach aturnae, mar ghníomhaire do dhuine ar bith i gcás iarratais faoin alt seo go díreach nó go neamhdhíreach le haghaidh nó de shúil luaíochta, nó má gheibheann sé luach saothair go díreach nó go neamhdhíreach as cistí aon chomhlachta chorpraithe nó neamhchorpraithe daoine a mbeidh nó a raibh an tionónta ina chomhalta dhe nó a dtug sé síntiús dá chiste, beidh sé ciontach i gcion faoin bhfo-alt seo agus, gan dochar d'é bheith inchiontuithe in aon chion eile a mbeadh sé ciontach ann, dlífear, ar a chiontú ann ar an slí achomair, fíneáil nach mó ná céad punt a chur air nó, más rogha leis an gCúirt, príosúntacht ar feadh téarma nach sia ná sé mhí nó an fhíneáil sin agus an phríosúntacht sin le chéile.


Orduithe sealadacha a dhéanamh.

29.—(1) Is mar seo leanas a dheighleálfas Breitheamh Dúiche le gach iarratas a cuirfear faoina bhráid faoi alt 28 den Acht seo:—


(a) deighleálfaidh sé leis an iarratas go príobháideach;


(b) i gcás ina bhfeicfear dó—


(i) gur áitreabh beag lena mbaineann alt 8 den Acht seo an t-áitreabh, nó


(ii) gur áitreabh beag lena mbaineann alt 9 den Acht seo an t-áitreabh agus gur cinneadh a bhun-chíos cheana ag an gCúirt agus gur féidir méid an bhun chíosa sin a fhionnachtain,


féadfaidh sé, faoi réir míre (d) den fho-alt seo, na nithe seo leanas a chinneadh go sealadach le hordú—


(I) na breiseanna dleathacha ar bhun-chíos an áitribh, agus


(II) cíos dleathach an áitribh;


(c) i gcás ina bhfeicfear dó gur áitreabh beag ná baineann mír (b) den fho-alt seo leis an t-áitreabh, féadfaidh sé, faoi réir míre (d) den fho-alt seo, na nithe seo leanas a chinneadh go sealadach le hordú—


(i) bun-chíos an áitribh faoi alt 9 den Acht seo,


(ii) na breiseanna dleathacha ar bhun-chíos an áitribh, agus


(iii) cíos dleathach an áitribh;


(d) i gcás ina bhfeicfear dó go mbeadh cíos dleathach an áitribh, dá gcinntí é le hordú sealadach, comhionann leis an gcíos láithreach nó níos mó ná é, díbhfidh sé an t-iarratas agus bhéarfaidh sé go gcuirfear sin in úil don tionónta;


(e) mura mbeidh luacháil ar leithligh déanta ar an áitreabh faoi na hAchta Luachála, ansin, chun críocha an Achta seo, féadfaidh sé, leis an ordú sealadach, pé cuid is cuibhe leis de luacháil inrátuithe na maoine ina bhfuil an t-áitreabh a chionroinnt go sealadach ar an áitreabh.


(2) Ní luífidh achomharc chun na Cúirte Cuarda i gcoinne cinneadh Breithimh Dhúiche maidir le hiarratas faoi alt 28 den Acht seo.


Forála maidir le horduithe sealadacha.

30.—(1) Má dhéanann Breitheamh Dúiche ordú sealadach maidir le haon áitreabh, bhéarfaidh sé, a luaithe is féidir, go seirbheálfar cóip de ar an tiarna tighe agus ar an tionónta, agus féadfar an chóip sin a sheirbheáil amhail mar a seirbheálfaí toghairm faoi rialacha na Cúirte Dúiche de thuras na huaire.


(2) Faoi réir míre, (a) d'fho-alt (1) d'alt 31 agus d'ainneoin ailt 20 den Acht seo, is é cíos a bheas le n-íoc ar áitreabh lena mbaineann ordú sealadach, amhail ar an gcéad lá gála tar éis an t-ordú a dhéanamh agus ón lá sin amach agus faid a leanfas an t-ordú sealadach i bhfeidhm, ná an cíos dleathach a cinnfear leis an ordú sealadach.


(3) Ní bunófar aon imeachta faoi Chuid II den Acht seo chun bun-chíos aon áitribh a chinneadh faid a bheas ordú sealadach i bhfeidhm ina leith nó faid a bheas iarratas ina leith ar feitheamh faoin gCuid seo.


Iarratas ón tiarna tighe maidir le hordú sealadach.

31.—(1) Féadfaidh an tiarna tighe ar aon áitreabh a mbeidh ordú sealadach déanta ina leith, laistigh de thrí mhí tar éis cóip den ordú sealadach a sheirbheáil air, a iarraidh ar an gCúirt Dúiche téarmaí an orduithe shealadaigh a chúlghairm nó a mhodhnú agus air sin beidh éifeacht ag na forála seo leanas:—


(a) má chítear don Chúirt, ar an iarratas a éisteacht, nach áitreabh beag an t-áitreabh, cúlghairmfidh an Chúirt an t-ordú sealadach le héifeacht chúlghabhálach ó dháta a dhéanta;


(b) in aon chás eile, féadfaidh an Chúirt, mar mheasfaidh is cuibhe—


(i) téarmaí an orduithe shealadaigh a dhaingniú le hordú, fara modhnú nó gan modhnú, nó


(ii) an t-ordú sealadach a chúlghairm, agus pé ordú nua a dhéanamh is gá sa chás maidir leis an áitreabh;


(c) má déantar ordú faoi mhír (b) den fho-alt seo, ansin, amhail ar dháta a dhéanta agus ón dáta sin amach agus d'ainneoin éinní dá bhfuil in aon fhoráil eile den Acht seo,—


(i) beidh éifeacht ag an ordú sin amhail is dá mba é an cinneadh deiridh é ag an gCúirt Dúiche maidir leis na nithe lena mbainfidh an t-ordú sin,


(ii) scoirfidh an t-ordú sealadach de bheith i bhfeidhm, agus


(iii) is tuigthe chun críche feidhme ailt 20 den Acht seo an tionónta a bheith tar éis comhaontú a dhéanamh leis an tiarna tighe chun cíos d'íoc i leith an áitribh is comhionann le cíos dleathach an áitribh mar cinneadh sin leis an ordú sin a rinneadh faoi mhír (b) den fho-alt seo;


(d) féadfaidh an Chúirt, ar an iarratas a éisteacht, ordú a dhéanamh á ordú go n-íocfar, i pé slí a ordós an Chúirt, aon tsuim a bheas dlite de cheachtar páirtí ag an bpáirtí eile maidir leis an áitreabh, pé acu i leith cíosa é nó faoi aon fhoráil den Acht seo.


(2) Is mar chinnfeas an Chúirt a bheas maidir le costais na bpáirtithe in aon iarratas faoin alt seo, ach ní lomhálfar aon chostais i gcoinne an tionónta in aon chás ina gcruthófar gur mhó an cíos láithreach ná an cíos dleathach.


(3) Más rud é, ar an tiarna tighe do dhéanamh achomhairc chun na Cúirte Cuarda i gcoinne orduithe arna dhéanamh ag an gCúirt Dúiche faoin alt seo, go ndeimhneoidh an Chúirt Chuarda gur cuibhe, ag féachaint do chúrsaí uile an cháis, iomlán an mhéide nó cuid shonnraithe den mhéid a dhlífeas an tionónta i leith costas an achomhairc (lena n-áirítear costais an tionónta féin agus na costais (más ann) a dhlífeas an tionónta, faoi ordú na Cúirte, a íoc leis an tiarna tighe) a íoc as cistí Stáit, déanfaidh an tAire méid na gcostas a mbeidh an deimhniú sin tugtha ina dtaobh a íoc as airgead arna sholáthar ag an Oireachtas.


Forála is infheidhme cheal iarratais ón tiarna tighe.

32.—(1) Mura ndéana an tiarna tighe ar aon áitreabh, laistigh de thrí mhí tar éis an dáta ar a seirbheálfar ordú sealadach air i leith an áitribh, iarratas chun na Cúirte Dúiche ag lorg orduithe faoi alt 31 den Acht seo, beidh éifeacht ag na forála seo leanas, d'ainneoin éinní dá bhfuil in aon fhoráil eile den Acht seo:—


(a) is tuigthe téarmaí an orduithe shealadaigh a bheith arna ndaingniú ag an gCúirt Dúiche le hordú faoi fho-alt (1) d'alt 31 den Acht seo agus beidh feidhm ag forála míre (c) den fho-alt sin dá réir sin;


(b) ní luífidh achomharc chun na Cúirte Cuarda i gcoinne orduithe dhaingnithe is tuigthe a bheith arna dhéanamh amhlaidh.


(2) A luaithe is féidir tar éis forála fo-ailt (1) den alt seo a theacht in éifeacht maidir le haon áitreabh, bhéarfaidh an Breitheamh Dúiche ag á mbeidh dlínse chun críocha an Achta seo sa dúthaigh ina mbeidh an t-áitreabh, go seirbheálfar (ar mhodh a húdaraítear chun cóip d'ordú shealadach a sheirbheáil faoi alt 30 den Acht seo) ar an tiarna tighe agus ar an tionónta fógra, sa bhfoirm ordaithe, á chur sin in iúl do na daoine sin, ach má tugtar faillí i gcomhlíonadh forál an fho-ailt seo ní léireofar sin mar ní a dhéanann difir d'oibriú an fho-ailt (1) sin.


An tionónta a bheith saor ó tháillí cúirte.

33.—Ní bheidh aon táillí cúirte iníoctha ag an tionónta in aon imeachta (lena n-áirítear aon achomharc nó cás ríofa) faoin gCuid seo.


Orduithe a gheobhfar trí ráitis bhréagacha.

34.—Más deimhin leis an gCúirt go bhfuarthas ordú sealadach trí aon ráiteas nó cúis-aithris ón tionónta a bhí, go bhfios don tionónta, bréagach nó míthreorach, féadfaidh an Chúirt an t-ordú sin a chúlghairm, agus féadfaidh pé orduithe nua agus breise a dhéanamh is gá do réir ceartais, lena n-áirítear ordú á cheangal ar an tionónta aon chostais a íoc a ndeachaigh an tiarna tighe fúthu maidir leis an ní.


Luachálaithe cúirte dúiche.

35.—(1) Féadfaidh an tAire, le ceadú an Aire Airgeadais, pé daoine agus pé méid daoine is oiriúnach leis a cheapadh chun bheith ina luachálaithe cúirte dúiche chun críocha na Coda seo.


(2) Beidh gach luachálaí cúirte dúiche i seilbh oifige faid is toil leis an Aire agus féadfaidh an tAire é a chur as oifig.


(3) Is é an tAire Airgeadais a chinnfeas luach saothair, agus coinníollacha seirbhíse go gcnerálta, luachálaithe cúirte dúiche.


(4) Dáileofar gach luachálaí cúirte dúiche do pé ceantar a ordós an tAire ó am go ham.


(5) Ní bheidh feidhm ag Achta Rialuithe na Stát-Sheirbhíse, 1924 agus 1926, maidir le post luachálaí chúirte dúiche.


Breithimh Dhúiche do chur ceisteanna a bhainfeas le luacháil inrátuithe ní le cíos áitreabh beag faoi bhráid luachálaithe.

36.—(1) Féadfaidh an Breitheamh Dúiche a bheas dáilithe do dhúthaigh dá mbeidh luachálaí cúirte dúiche dáilithe aon cheist a chur faoi bhráid an luachálaí chúirte dúiche sin chun a fiosruithe agus chun tuairisc ina taobh a thabhairt dó is ceist a bhainfeas le luacháil inrátuithe nó le cíos áitribh bhig is abhar d'aon imeachta os a chóir faoin gCuid seo nó is ceist a bhainfeas leis an gcíos a bheas á íoc nó a bheas iníoctha ar áitribh bheaga eile.


(2) Féadfaidh an Breitheamh Dúiche a bheas dáilithe do dhúthaigh ná beidh luachálaí cúirte dúiche dáilithe dhi aon cheist a bhainfeas le luacháil inrátuithe nó le cíos aon áitribh bhig is abhar d'imeachta os a chóir faoin gCuid seo den Acht seo nó a bhainfeas leis an gcíos a bheas á íoc nó a bheas iníoctha ar áitribh bheaga eile a chur faoi bhráid pé duine (dá ngairmtear luachálaí speisialta san alt seo) is oiriúnach leis chun a fiosruithe agus chun tuairisc ina taobh a thabhairt dó.


(3) Íocfaidh an tAire luach saothair le luachálaithe speisialta do réir pé rátaí a ordós an tAire Airgeadais.


(4) Aon luachálaí cúirte dúiche nó luachálaí speisialta a mbeidh Breitheamh Dúiche tar éis aon cheist a chur faoina bhráid faoi fho-alt (1) nó fo-alt (2) den alt seo, féadfaidh sé, má bhíonn údarás aige i scríbhinn ón mBreitheamh Dúiche chuige sin agus ar é do thaispeáint an údaráis sin, má hiarrtar sin air, dul isteach agus iniúchadh a dhéanamh gach tráth réasúnach in aon áitreabh a bheas sonnraithe chuige sin san údarás sin.


(5) Má dhiúltaíonn duine ar bith ligean do luachálaí cúirte dúiche nó do luachálaí speisialta dul isteach nó iniúchadh a dhéanamh in aon áitreabh i bhfeidhmiú a chumhacht faoi fho-alt (4) den alt seo, nó má choisceann nó má bhacann é agus é ag feidhmiú na gcumhacht sin, beidh sé ciontach i gcion faoin bhfo-alt seo agus, ar a chiontú ann ar an slí achomair, dlífear príosúntacht ar feadh téarma nach sia ná mí a chur air nó fíneáil nach mó ná deich bpuint nó an phríosúntacht sin agus an fhíneáil sin le chéile.


Srianta le Seilbh Aitreabh Rialaithe a Aisghabhail.


Srianta le ceart an tiarna tighe chun seilbhe áitribh rialaithe.

37.—(1) Faoi réir fo-alt (2) agus (3) den alt seo, ní déanfar ordú chun seilbh áitribh rialaithe a aisghabháil mura measfaidh an Chúirt é a bheith réasúnach an t-ordú a dhéanamh agus mura rud é—


(a) nár híocadh aon chíos a bhí dlite go dleathach den tionónta, nó gur briseadh nó nár comhlíonadh aon oblagáid eile a ghabh leis an tionóntacht, pé acu faoin gconnradh tionóntachta (a mhéid a bheas sin ar comhréir leis an Acht seo) nó faoin Acht seo é, nó


(b) go raibh aon duine (arb é an tionónta é, nó aon duine ar éintíos leis an tionónta, nó éinne de lóistéirí nó d'fhothionóntaithe an tionónta) ciontach in iompar is cráiteas nó ciapadh ar lonnaitheoirí comhtheorantacha, nó gur ciontaíodh é i dtaobh an t-áitreabh a úsáid nó a cheadú é a úsáid chun críche mí-mhorálta nó neamhdhlíthiúla, nó


(c) gurb é tuairim na Cúirte go dtáinig mí-bhail ar an áitreabh de dheascaibh aon duine den tsórt sin do dhéanamh bearta diomailte nó do dhéanamh mainneachtana nó faillí, nó


(d) go dtug an tionónta fógra imeachta, agus de dheascaibh an fhógra sin go ndearna an tiarna tighe connradh chun an t-áitreabh a dhíol nó a ligean nó go ndearna aon nithe eile arb é tuairim na Cúirte go dtiocfadh dochar mór dó astu mura bhféadfadh sé seilbh a fháil, nó


(e) i gcás áite comhnaithe—


(i) go bhfuil an áit chomhnaithe ag teastáil go réasúnach ón tiarna tighe chun a lonnuithe mar ionad comhnaithe dhó féin nó d'aon duine atá, nó atá le bheith, bona fide in éintíos leis, agus—


(I) gurb é tuairim na Cúirte gur mó an cruatan a thiocfadh, toisc cúrsaí speisialta an cháis, den ordú seilbhe a dhiúltú ná d'é a dheonadh, nó


(II) go gcruthaítear don Chúirt go bhfuil cóiríocht ar fáil ina hionad atá comhionann do réir réasúin ó thaobh cíosa agus oiriúnachta ar gach slí, nó


(ii) go bhfuil an áit chomhnaithe ag teastáil go réasúnach ón tiarna tighe chun a lonnuithe mar ionad comhnaithe do dhuine éigin atá ar fostú lánaimsire aige nó ar fostú lán-aimsire ag tionónta éigin faoi, agus go gcruthaítear don Chúirt go bhfuil cóiríocht ar fáil ina hionad atá comhionann do réir réasúin ó thaobh cíosa agus oiriúnachta ar gach slí, nó


(f) i gcás áitribh ghnótha—


(i) go bhfuil an t-áitreabh ag teastáil go réasúnach ón tiarna tighe chun críche aon ghnótha, céirde nó gairme, nó le haghaidh na seirbhíse poiblí, agus go gcruthaítear don Chúirt go bhfuil cóiríocht ar fáil ina ionad atá comhionann do réir réasúin ó thaobh cíosa agus oiriúnachta ar gach slí, nó


(ii) go bhfuil seilbh an áitribh ag teastáil bona fide le haghaidh scéime athchóirithe nó feabhsuithe a chítear don Chúirt a bheith inmhianuithe chun leasa an phobail, nó


(g) go bhfuil an t-áitreabh ag teastáil go réasúnach chun feidhmithe dualgas, cumhacht nó ceanglas Aire Stáit nó Choimisiún na Talún nó Coimisinéirí na nOibreacha Poiblí in Éirinn nó údaráis áitiúil nó gnóthaire reachtúil.


(2) Ní dhéanfaidh éinní i bhfo-alt (1) den alt seo difir do cheart an tiarna tighe chun ordú a fháil i gcoinne tionónta chun seilbh a aisghabháil ar aon áitreabh rialaithe i gcás—


(a) ina mbeidh an tionónta tar éis an t-áitreabh a fho-ligean, ar shlí seachas mar áis sealadach, chun fo-thionónta, agus


(b) ina mbeidh an fo-thionónta nó aon duine ag á mbeidh teideal faoi i dteideal seilbh a choinneáil ar an áitreabh faoin Acht seo, d'ainneoin an orduithe i gcoinne an tionónta.


(3) Ní dhéanfaidh éinní i bhfo-alt (1) den alt seo difir d'oibriú ailt 26 nó ailt 34 d'Acht na dTithe (Forála Ilghnéitheacha), 1931 (Uimh. 50 de 1931).


Cosaint do chearta fothionóntaithe.

38.—Ní dhéanfaidh ordú i gcoinne tionónta chun seilbh áitribh rialaithe a aisghabháil difir do cheart aon fho-thionónta chun seilbh a choinneáil faoin Acht seo is fo-thionónta a ndearnadh go dleathach an t-áitreabh nó aon chuid de a fho-ligean chuige sar ar bunaíodh imeachta chun seilbh a aisghabháil.


Tionóntacht reachtúil.

39.—(1) Má dhiúltaíonn an Chúirt ordú chun seilbh a aisghabháil ar áitreabh rialaithe ar an bhforas go bhfuil an tionónta i dteideal seilbh a choinneáil ar an áitreabh de bhuaidh an Achta seo, déanfaidh an Chúirt ordú á dhearbhú aon tionóntacht a bheith foirceannta a bhí ag an tionónta ar shlí seachas de bhuaidh an Achta seo agus nuair a bheas aon ordú den tsórt adúradh á dhéanamh aici féadfaidh ordú a dhéanamh i dtaobh an tionónta d'íoc aon riaráiste chíosa nó aon eadar-rátaí.


(2) I gcás ina dtiocfaidh leas tionónta áitribh rialaithe chun bheith foirceannta mar gheall ar ordú seilbhe nó ar aon chúis eile, beidh fo-thionónta a ndearnadh go dleathach an t-áitreabh nó aon chuid de a fho-ligean chuige i dteideal, faoi réir an Achta seo, seilbh a choinneáil ar an áitreabh agus é a shealbhú ón tiarna tighe ar na téarmaí céanna ar a sealbhódh ón tionónta dá mba nár foirceannadh tionóntacht an tionónta.


(3) Ar thionónta reachtúil áitribh rialaithe d'fháil bháis beidh éifeacht ag na forála seo leanas:—


(a) i gcás ina bhfágfaidh an tionónta reachtúil ar marthain dá éis a bhean chéile, a bhí in éintíos leis tráth a bháis, beidh sise i dteideal seilbh a choinneáil ar an áitreabh faoi na téarmaí agus na coinníollacha céanna faoina raibh sé ar seilbh ag an tionónta reachtúil a fuair bás;


(b) i gcás ná fágfaidh an tionónta reachtúil bean chéile a bhí in éintíos leis amhlaidh, beidh pé duine, a bhí in éintíos leis amhlaidh, de theaghlach an tionónta reachtúil nó, má bhíonn níos mó ná duine amháin den tsórt sin ann, pé duine acu ar a gcomhaontóid eatarthu, nó a thoghfas an Chúirt mura gcomhaontaíd, i dteideal seilbh a choinneáil mar adúradh;


(c) i gcás inar bhean an tionónta reachtúil, beidh éifeacht ag míreanna (a) agus (b) den fho-alt seo maidir lena fear céile agus a teaghlach amhail mar atá éifeacht acu maidir le bean chéile agus teaghlach thionónta reachtúil nuair is fear é;


(d) in aon chás ná baineann aon mhír acu sin roimhe seo leis, tiocfaidh leas an tionónta reachtúil chun bheith foirceannta ar é d'fháil bháis.


Coinníollacha tionóntachta reachtúla

40.—(1) Faid a choinneos sé seilbh ar áitreabh rialaithe de bhuaidh an Achta seo, déanfaidh tionónta reachtúil téarmaí agus coinníollacha uile an chonnartha thionóntachta bhunaidh, a mhéid a bheid i gcomhréir leis an Acht seo, a chomhlíonadh agus beidh i dteideal a dtairbhe, agus ní bheidh sé i dteideal seilbh an áitribh a thabhairt suas ach amháin ar pé fógra a thabhairt ba ghá faoin gconnradh tionóntachta bunaidh nó, murar ghá aon fhógra a thabhairt amhlaidh, ar fhógra trí mhí ar a laghad a thabhairt.


(2) D'ainneoin éinní i bhfo-alt (1) den alt seo, ní bheidh ar thiarna tighe áitribh rialaithe, chun feidhmiú a dhéanamh ar aon cheart faoin Acht seo nó ar aon cheart is infheidhme ar an Acht seo a dhul in éag nó dá éis sin, aon fhógra imeachta a thabhairt do thionónta reachtúil ar an áitreabh.


(3)  (a) Ní dhéanfaidh tionónta reachtúil, mar choinníoll ar a sannfaidh nó ar a dtabharfaidh suas seilbh áitribh rialaithe, íoc aon tsuime, ná aon chomaoin eile, a iarraidh ar éinne ná a ghlacadh ó éinne seachas an tiarna tighe.


(b) Duine ar bith a dhéanfas éinní contrártha do mhír (a) den fho-alt seo, beidh sé ciontach i gcion faoin bhfo-alt seo agus, ar a chiontú ann ar an slí achomair, dlífear fíneáil nach mó ná céad punt a chur air.


(c) Má ciontaítear duine i gcion faoin bhfo-alt seo, féadfaidh an Chúirt a chiontaigh é a ordú aon íocaíocht nó comaoin den tsórt sin a aisíoc leis an duine a rinne nó a thug í.


(d) Ní bhainfidh mír (a) den fho-alt seo le háitreabh a ndéanfar go dleathach é a úsáid i bpáirt nó go hiomlán chun críocha aon ghnótha, céirde nó gairme.


(4) Is tuigthe é a bheith ag gabháil mar choinníoll le tionóntacht reachtúil in aon áitreabh rialaithe—


(a) go ligfidh an tionónta don tiarna tighe dul isteach ann chun bail agus deis an áitribh a fheicsint, agus go dtabharfaidh gach saoráid réasúnach chun aon deisiúchán a dhéanamh ann a bheas an tiarna tighe i dteideal a dhéanamh;


(b) ná déanfaidh an tionónta an t-áitreabh ná aon chuid de a shannadh gan toiliú i scríbhinn ón tiarna tighe, toiliú ná féadfar a dhiúltú ach amháin i gcás inar mhó an cruatan a thiocfadh, toisc cúrsaí speisialta an cháis, den toiliú a dheonadh ná d'é a dhiúltú;


(c) go mbeidh an tiarna tighe freagarthach in aon deisiúchán ná beidh aon fhreagarthacht ar an tionónta ina thaobh pé acu is freagarthacht í a bheas follas sa chonnradh nó freagarthacht a bheas intuigthe faoi alt 42 den Landlord and Tenant Law Amendment Act (Ireland), 1860.


(5) Má dhéanann an tionónta reachtúil (dá ngairmtear an sannóir sa bhfo-alt seo) áitreabh rialaithe a shannadh go dleathach ar an dáta feidhme nó dá éis, ansin, cheal aon chomhaontuithe fhollais idir an tiarna tighe agus an sannaí, beidh éifeacht ag na forála seo leanas:—


(a) má bhíonn an t-áitreabh, ar dháta an tsannuithe, á úsáid go dleathach i bpáirt nó go hiomlán chun críocha aon ghnótha, céirde nó gairme, is tuigthe, ón dáta sin, an sannaí do shealbhú an áitribh do réir pé fo-mhíre acu seo leanas is infheidhme:—


(i) i gcás ina gcuirfear fianaise ar fáil go raibh an t-áitreabh, díreach sar ar cruthnaíodh an tionóntacht reachtúil ann, ar seilbh ag a thionónta connarthach faoi thionóntacht ó bhliain go bliain nó do théarma blian nó do thréimhse chinnte eile (nach giorra ná bliain) nó faoi thionóntacht a bhí ag brath ar thuitim saoil nó ar aon teagmhas neamhchinnte eile, is tuigthe an sannaí do shealbhú an áitribh ón tiarna tighe faoi thionóntacht ó bhliain go bliain is infhoirceannta, ar an gcéad bhliain díobh a bheith caite nó dá éis sin, ag ceachtar páirtí trí fhógra dhá mhí a rachas in éag lá gála agus, faoina réir sin, ar na téarmaí agus na coinníollacha céanna ar ar shealbhaigh an sannóir é;


(ii) i gcás ina gcuirfear fianaise ar fáil go raibh an t-áitreabh ar seilbh amhlaidh faoi chonnradh tionóntachta ná baineann fo-mhír (i) den mhír seo leis, is tuigthe an sannaí do shealbhú an áitribh ón tiarna tighe faoi chonnradh tionóntachta arb ionann faid dó agus don chonnradh tionóntachta faoina rabhdar ar seilbh amhlaidh agus, faoina réir sin, ar na téarmaí agus na coinníollacha céanna ar ar shealbhaigh an sannóir é;


(iii) in aon chás eile beidh an sannaí i dteideal seilbh a choinneáil ar an áitreabh ar na téarmaí agus na coinníollacha céanna ar ar shealbhaigh an sannóir é;


(b) más áitreabh ná baineann mír (a) den fho-alt seo leis an t-áitreabh, beidh an sannaí i dteideal seilbh a choinneáil ar an áitreabh ar na téarmaí agus na coinníollacha céanna ar ar shealbhaigh an sannóir é.


Cumhachta na Cúirte in imeachta eisiachtana.

41.—I gcás ina ndéanfaidh an Chúirt, nó ina ndearna an Chúirt roimh an dáta feidhme, ordú chun seilbh áitribh rialaithe a aisghabháil, féadfaidh an Chúirt, tráth an orduithe a dhéanamh nó aon tráth roimh é a fhorghníomhú, forghníomhú an orduithe a anadh nó dáta an tsealbhuithe a chur siar go ceann pé tréimhse nó tréimhsí, agus faoi réir pé coinníoll, is oiriúnach leis an gCúirt, agus má comhlíontar na coinníollacha sin féadfaidh an Chúirt, más oiriúnach léi, an t-ordú a chur ar ceal nó a athrú.


Leasuithe ar alt 15 den Summary Jurisdiction (Ireland) Act, 1851.

42.—(1) D'ainneoin éinní dá bhfuil in alt 15 den Summary Jurisdiction (Ireland) Act, 1851, leanfaidh gach barántas chun seilbh a sheachadadh, nó chun dul isteach agus seilbh a thabhairt, ar áitreabh rialaithe, de bheith i ngníomh go ceann trí mhí ón lá díreach i ndiaidh an lae dheiridh a bheas ainmnithe san ordú chun seilbh a sheachadadh nó, i gcás barántais faoin Summary Juris diction (Ireland) Act, 1851, ó dháta eisiúna an bharántais, agus i gceachtar cás go ceann pé tréimhse nó tréimhsí breise, más ann, a ordós an Chúirt ó am go ham, pé acu roimh an trí mhí sin a bheith caite nó dá éis sin é.


(2) Bainfidh alt 15 den Summary Jurisdiction (Ireland) Act, 1851, le gach áitreabh rialaithe a bheas á lonnú ag tionónta reachtúil agus nach mó ná deich bpuint a luacháil inrátuithe, d'ainneoin gur mó ná punt sa mhí an cíos.


An tiarna tighe do ghlacadh cíosa tar éis fógra imeachta a dhul in éag.

43.—I gcás ina seirbheálfaidh an tiarna tighe ar áitreabh rialaithe fógra imeachta ar thionónta an áitribh, ní dhéanfaidh sé dochar do cheart (más ann) an tiarna tighe chun seilbh an áitribh a aisghabháil é do ghlacadh aon tsuime a airbheartós gur cíos í in aghaidh na tréimhse a luaitear i pé fo-mhír acu seo leanas is infheidhme, sé sin le rá:—


(a) má bhunaíonn sé imeachta chun seilbh an áitribh a aisghabháil laistigh de thrí mhí tar éis an fógra imeachta a dhul in éag, an tréimhse dar tosach dáta an fhógra imeachta a dhul in éag agus dar críoch an dáta ar a ndéanfar an cinneadh deiridh ar na himeachta,


(b) in aon chás eile, an tréimhse de thrí mhí dar tosach dáta an fhógra imeachta a dhul in éag,


agus má déantar ordú seilbhe maidir leis an áitreabh, áireofar mar eadar-shochair aon tsuim a glacadh amhlaidh.


Ordú seilbhe a gheobhfar trí mhíthuairisc.

44.—Má chítear don Chúirt gur trí mhíthuairisc nó trí fhíorais abharta a cheilt a fuair an tiarna tighe ordú seilbhe maidir le háitreabh rialaithe, féadfaidh an Chúirt a ordú don tiarna tighe pé suim is cuibhe leis an gCúirt a íoc leis an sean-tionónta mar chúiteamh in aon damáiste nó caillteanas a bhain don tionónta de dheascaibh an orduithe sheilbhe.


Gan feidhm a bheith ag ailt 37 agus 38 maidir le ligean mar áis sealadach, etc.

45.—Ní bheidh feidhm ag ailt 37 agus 38 den Acht seo maidir le háitreabh a bheas arna ligean chun duine faid a leanfas in aon oifig, ceapachán nó fostaíocht, nó a bheas arna ligean bona fide mar áis sealadach don tiarna tighe nó don tionónta nó chun riar ar a riachtanas sealadach.


Cosaint do chearta údarás áitiúla faoi Achta Tithe an Lucht Oibre.

46.—Ní choiscfidh éinní dá bhfuil sa Chuid seo ar údarás áitiúil seilbh a fháil ar aon áitreabh a mbeidh a sheilbh ag teastáil uathu chun iad d'fheidhmiú a gcumhacht faoi aon achtachán a bheas i bhfeidhm de thuras na huaire nó faoi aon scéim arna déanamh faoi aon achtachán den tsórt sin.




Freagarthacht i ndeisiúchán.

47.—Chun críocha míre (d) d'fho-alt (2) d'alt 11 agus alt 21, 22 agus 48 den Acht seo, is tuigthe an tiarna tighe a bheith freagarthach in aon deisiúchán ná beidh aon fhreagarthacht ar an tionónta ina thaobh, pé acu is freagarthacht í a bheas follas sa chonnradh nó freagarthacht a bheas intuigthe faoi alt 42 den Landlord and Tenant Law Amendment Act (Ireland), 1860.


Cúiteamh i ndroch-dheis áitreabh rialaithe de dheascaibh faillí an tiarna tighe.

48.—(1) I gcás ina dtárlóidh de dheascaibh faillí an tiarna tighe ná beidh áitreabh rialaithe i ndeis mhaith intionóntuithe, féadfaidh an Chúirt a ordú don tiarna tighe pé suim a íoc leis is dóigh leis an gCúirt is gá chun an t-áitreabh a chur i ndeis mhaith intionóntuithe.


(2)  (a) Ní dhéanfaidh ceart an tionónta chun faoiseamh a fháil faoin alt seo dochar dá cheart chun faoiseamh a lorg in aon tsaghas eile imeacht.


(b) Má thárlann tráth aon orduithe a iarraidh nó a dhéanamh faoin alt seo go ngeallfaidh an tiarna tighe an t-áitreabh iomchuibhe a chur in ndeis mhaith intionóntuithe, féadfaidh an Chúirt an t-iarratas a chur ar athló, nó forghníomhú an orduithe a anadh nó a fhionnraí, agus má comhlíontar an gealltanas féadfaidh an Chúirt an t-ordú a chur ar ceal.


(c) Aon tsuim a ndéanfar í a dhámhachtain do thionónta le hordú faoin alt seo caithfear í ar dheisiúchán oiriúnach ar an áitreabh lena mbainfidh an t-ordú, agus féadfar pé coinníollacha a chur ag gabháil leis an ordú is oiriúnach leis an gCúirt a fhorchur chun a áirithiú go gcaithfear an tsuim sin amhlaidh.


An Coimisinéir Luachála do chionroinnt luachála inrátuithe.

49.—(1) I gcás ná beidh luacháil ar leithligh déanta ar áitreabh faoi na hAchta Luachála, féadfaidh an Coimisinéir Luachála agus Suirbhéir Teorann, ar thiarna tighe nó tionónta an áitribh dá iarraidh sin, pé cuid is cuibhe leis de luacháil inrátuithe na maoine ina mbeidh an t-áitreabh a chionroinnt ar an áitreabh, agus déanfar an chuid a cionroinnfear amhlaidh ar an áitreabh sin a áireamh mar luacháil inrátuithe an áitribh chun críocha an Achta seo ach ní chun aon chríche eile ná ar aon tslí eile.


(2) Féadfaidh an tAire Airgeadais, tar éis dul i gcomhairle leis an Aire, rialacháin a dhéanamh ag socrú scála de na táillí a bheas le n-íoc leis an gCoimisinéir Luachála agus Suirbhéir Teorann as cionroinnt a dhéanamh faoi fho-alt (1) den alt seo.


(3) Beidh éifeacht ag na forála seo leanas maidir leis na táillí uile is iníoctha faoin alt seo:—


(a) cruinneofar agus glacfar na táillí sin i pé slí a ordós an tAire Airgeadais ó am go ham agus íocfar isteach sa Stát-Chiste nó cuirfear chun tairbhe don Stát-Chiste iad do réir mar ordós an tAire sin;


(b) ní bheidh feidhm ag an Public Offices Fees Act, 1879, maidir leis na táillí sin.


Srian le préamaí.

50.—(1) Ní éileoidh duine ar bith, mar choinníoll ar a ndeonfar, ar a n-athnuafar nó ar a mbuanófar tionóntacht nó fo-thionóntacht aon áitribh rialaithe, go n-íocfar aon fhíneáil, préama, nó suim eile dá samhail, nó go dtabharfar aon chomaoin luachmhar, de bhreis ar an gcíos, agus, i gcás ina dtabharfar aon íocaíocht nó comaoin den tsaghas sin i leith aon áitribh den tsaghas sin, féadfar a méid nó a luach a aisghabháil laistigh de shé bliana, ar a dhéanaí, ón dáta a tugadh í.


(2) I gcás ina mbeidh duine ar bith a d'aisghabh aon tsuim a déantar inaisghabhála leis an alt seo tar éis a leas sa tionóntacht a shannadh nó a chur thar barra ar shlí eile ar chomaoin luachmhar, déanfaidh sé an tsuim d'aisghabh sé a choimeád ar iontaobhas do pé duine a bhfeicfear don Chúirt teideal cothromais a bheith aige chuici.


(3) Duine ar bith a éileos aon íocaíocht nó comaoin eile contrártha don alt seo beidh sé ciontach i gcion faoin bhfo-alt seo agus, ar a chiontú ann ar an slí achomair, dlífear fíneáil nach mó ná céad punt a chur air, agus féadfaidh an Chúirt a chiontós é a ordú an méid a híocadh nó luach na comaoine a aisíoc leis an duine a thug an íocaíocht nó an chomaoin eile.


(4)  (a) Duine ar bith a bhéarfas aon íocaíocht nó comaoin, nó a thairgfeas aon íocaíocht nó comaoin a thabhairt, a mbeadh sé contrártha don alt seo í a éileamh, nó a fhógrós nó a fhoilseos aon tairgsint den tsórt sin, beidh sé ciontach i gcion faoin bhfo-alt seo agus, ar a chiontú ann ar an slí achomair, dlífear fíneáil nach mó ná fiche punt a chur air.


(b) Ní bunófar aon imeachta faoin bhfo-alt seo i gcoinne aon duine a bheas tar éis aon imeachta a bhunú faoi fho-alt (1) den alt seo, nó a bheas tar éis aon eolas a thabhairt chun aon imeachta a bhunú faoi fho-alt (3) den alt seo.


(5) Aon deonadh, athnuachain nó buanú tionóntachta a mbeifear, ar choinníoll a dhéanta, tar éis aon íocaíocht nó comaoin a thabhairt contrártha don alt seo, beidh sé, gan dochar d'oibriú an ailt seo, inchurtha ar neamhbhrí más rogha le ceachtar de na páirtithe ann é, gan dochar do cheart an tionónta, má bhíonn sé tar éis dul i seilbh an áitribh lena mbaineann, chun seilbh a choinneáil ar an áitreabh de bhuaidh forál an Achta seo tar éis aon rogha den tsórt sin a bheith arna feidhmiú.


(6) Ní bhainfidh an t-alt seo le deonadh, athnuachain nó buanú aon tionóntachta go ceann téarma cheithre blian déag nó os a chionn.


Srian le tocsal a thobhach i leith cíosa.

51.—(1) Ní déanfar aon tocsal a thobhach i leith cíosa áitribh rialaithe ach amháin le hordú ón gCúirt.


(2) I gcás ina ndéanfaidh an Chúirt ordú faoi fho-alt (1) den alt seo, féadfaidh an Chúirt pé coinníollacha is oiriúnach leis an gCúirt a chur ag gabháil le forghníomhú an orduithe.


Modh aisghabhála suimeanna a bheas dlite de thiarnaí tighe ag tionóntaithe.

52.—Aon tsuim a bheas, faoin Acht seo, inaisghabhála ag tionónta de thiarna tighe nó iníoctha nó inaisíoctha le tionónta ag tiarna tighe, féadfaidh an tionónta, gan dochar d'aon mhodh eile aisghabhála, í a bhaint as aon chíos a bheas iníoctha aige leis an tiarna tighe.



53.—(1) Féadfaidh an tAire rialacháin a dhéanamh i dtaobh gach ní nó aon ní acu seo leanas:—


(a) tiarnaí tighe ar áitribh rialaithe nó ar aon chineál d'áitribh rialaithe do sholáthar cíos-leabhar i bhfoirm a hordófar sna rialacháin do thionóntaithe na n-áitreabh sin;


(b) coimeád na gcíos-leabhar sin;


(c) sonnraí a sonnrófar a iontráil sna cíos-leabhair sin;


(d) aon nithe eile maidir le húsáid na gcíos-leabhar sin ar cuibhe leis an Aire foráil a dhéanamh ina dtaobh;


(e) aon ní nó rud dá dtagartar san Acht seo mar ní nó rud atá ordaithe;


(f) cláir a thiomsú d'áitribh rialaithe, a mbeidh a riail-chíosa nó a mbun-chíosa cinnte ag an gCúirt, nó d'aon chineálacha áitreabh den tsórt sin, agus iad i pé foirm agus pé sonnraí iontu a hordófar sna rialacháin, iniúchadh na gclár sin ag baill den phobal agus pé nithe eile maidir leo ar cuibhe leis an Aire foráil a dhéanamh ina dtaobh;


(g) tiarnaí tighe do sholáthar uimhreacha aitheantais do choda (is áitribh rialaithe) d'aon tithe nó d'aon chineálacha tithe.


(2) Gach duine a fhailleos aon rialachán a chomhlíonadh a déanfar faoi fho-alt (1) (ach amháin mír (e) den alt seo agus a bheas i bhfeidhm de thuras na huaire, beidh sé ciontach i gcion faoin alt seo agus, ar a chiontú ann ar an slí achomair, dlífear fíneáil nach mó ná deich bpuint a chur air.


(3) (a) Ar thiarna tighe áitribh rialaithe dá iarraidh sin, féadfaidh an Chúirt, le hordú, an tiarna tighe a shaoradh ó chomhlíonadh rialachán arna ndéanamh faoi fho-alt (1) den alt seo maidir le cíos-leabhair.


(b) Ní déanfar ordú faoin bhfo-alt seo mura gcruthaitear don Chúirt—


(i) go bhfuil socrú sásúil eile déanta ag an iarratasóir chun breacacháin a choimeád d'íocaíochta cíosa ag a thionóntaithe agus chun admháil chuibhe a thabhairt in aghaidh gach íocaíochta den tsórt sin, agus


(ii) go mbeadh sé míréasúnach, ag féachaint don tsocrú sin agus do chúrsaí uile an cháis, a cheangal ar an iarratasóir na rialacháin a chomhlíonadh.


(c) Féadfaidh an Chúirt pé coinníollacha, is oiriúnach leis an gCúirt a fhorchur, a chur ag gabháil le hordú arna dhéanamh faoin bhfo-alt seo, ar a n-áirítear, go sonnrach, coinníoll go dtabharfaidh an t-iarratasóir do gach tionónta ar áitreabh rialaithe, a mbeidh sé ina thiarna tighe air ó am go ham, pé sonnraí, maidir leis an gcíos is iníoctha ag an tionónta agus le cearta agus oblagáidí tiarnaí tighe agus tionóntaithe faoin Acht seo, is gá do réir na rialachán a shonnrú i gcíos-leabhair.


(d) Duine ar bith a fhailleos aon choinníoll a chomhlíonadh a bheas ag gabháil le hordú arna dhéanamh maidir leis faoin bhfo-alt seo, beidh sé ciontach i gcion faoin alt seo agus, ar a chiontú ann ar an slí achomair, dlífear fíneáil nach mó ná deich bpuint a chur air.


(4) Gach rialachán a dhéanfas an tAire faoi fho-alt (1) den alt seo leagfar é faoi bhráid gach Tighe den Oireachtas a luaithe is féidir tar éis a dhéanta, agus má dhéanann ceachtar Teach den Oireachtas, laistigh den lá is fiche a shuífeas an Teach sin tar éis an rialachán a leagadh faoina bhráid, rún a rith ag cur an rialacháin ar neamhbhrí, beidh an rialachán arna chur ar neamhbhrí dá réir sin, ach beidh sin gan dochar do bhailíocht éinní a rinneadh roimhe sin faoin rialachán.


Cumhachta na Cúirte go generálta.

54.—(1) Más gá, chun luacháil inrátuithe a chinneadh ar áitreabh a líomhantar a bheith ina áitreabh rialaithe, cionroinnt a dhéanamh ar luacháil inrátuithe na maoine ina mbeidh an t-áitreabh, féadfaidh an Chúirt, ar cheachtar páirtí dá iarraidh sin, pé cionroinnt a dhéanamh is cuibhe léi.


(2) I gcás ina mbeidh nó ina raibh áitreabh arna ligean, ar an dáta ar ina leith a bheas an bun-chíos le socrú, ar cíos a n-áireofar nó ar háiríodh ann íocaíocht as cothú, freastal nó úsáid troscáin, féadfaidh an Chúirt, chun aon chríche de chríocha an Achta seo, pé cionroinnt a dhéanamh is cuibhe léi.


(3) Ar éisteacht dlíbhirt chun seilbh a aisghabháil ar áitreabh rialaithe nó chun aon chíos a aisghabháil a mbeidh tiarna tighe á shuíomh é a bheith dlite, nó aon tsuim a aisghabháil a mbeidh tionónta á shuíomh í a bheith inaisghabhála, i leith áitribh rialaithe, féadfaidh an Chúirt, ar cheachtar páirtí dá iarraidh sin ag an éisteacht sin, éinní a chinneadh a éireos faoin Acht seo agus is dóigh leis an gCúirt a d'fhéadfaí a chinneadh go caothúil ag an éisteacht sin.


(4) Más deimhin leis an gCúirt gurb é faoi ndear aon earráid nó easpa i bhfógra arna sheirbheáil faoi alt 20 den Acht seo an páirtí a sheirbheáil é do dhéanamh dearmaid bona fide, beidh de chumhacht aici an fógra a leasú trí aon earráidí ann a cheartú agus aon easpaí ann a shlánú, pé acu d'fhágfadh nó ná fágfadh na hearráidí nó na heaspaí sin, dá mba ná ceartófaí nó ná slánófaí iad, an fógra a bheith neamhbhailí, ar pé téarmaí agus coinníollacha is cuibhe leis an gCúirt agus, má ordaíonn an Chúirt amhlaidh, beidh éifeacht ag an bhfógra, arna leasú amhlaidh, agus is tuigthe éifeacht a bheith aige riamh, mar fhógra bailí faoin alt sin 20.


(5) I dteannta na gcumhacht a bheirtear go sonnrach don Chúirt leis an Acht seo, féadfaidh an Chúirt deighleáil le héinní a éireos faoin Acht seo, pé acu d'éirigh díospóid i dtaobh an ní sin nó nár éirigh.


Dlínse na Cúirte a fheidhmiú.

55.—(1) Féadfar an dlínse agus na cumhachta a bheirtear don Chúirt leis an Acht seo a fheidhmiú—


(a) ag an gCúirt Chuarda, nó


(b) i gcás gan luacháil inrátuithe an áitribh iomchuibhe a bheith os cionn £10, nó má chomhaontaíonn na páirtithe i scríbhinn leis an bhfeidhmiú sin, ag an gCúirt Dúiche.


(2) Féadfaidh an tAire ó am go ham duine amháin nó níos mó de na Breithimh Dúiche a bheas dáilithe de thuras na huaire do Dhúthaigh Cathrach Bhaile Atha Cliath a ainmniú chun bheith ina Bhreitheamh nó ina mBreithimh ag a mbeidh aon-dlínse sa Dúthaigh sin i ngach cás, faoi dhlínse na Cúirte Dúiche, a éireos faoin Acht seo, agus cuirfear gach cás den tsórt sin faoi bhráid an Bhreithimh nó duine de na Breithimh a bheas ainmnithe amhlaidh.


(3) Féadfaidh an tAire tráth ar bith ainmniú faoi fho-alt (2) den alt seo a tharraing siar.


(4) Ní luífidh aon achomharc i gcoinne breithe na Cúirte Cuarda maidir le haon chionroinnt chíosa nó luachála inrátuithe.


Leanúin d'imeachta a bheas ar feitheamh.

56.—I gcás ina mbeidh imeachta ar feitheamh ar an dáta feidhme chun riail-chíos nó bun-chíos (do réir bhrí Orduithe 1944) aon áitribh a chinneadh, leanfar de na himeachta agus deighleálfar leo mar deighleálfaí dá mba imeachta faoin Acht seo iad chun bun-chíos an áitribh a chinneadh.


Tionóntaithe reachtúla faoi Acht 1923 agus Ordú 1944.

57.—Chun deireadh a chur le hamhrais, dearbhaítear leis seo maidir le haon duine a bhí, díreach roimh an dáta feidhme, i seilbh áitribh de bhuaidh forál Achta 1923 nó Orduithe 1944, go mbeidh sé i dteideal, faoi réir an Achta seo, seilbh a choinneáil ar an áitreabh.


Rialacha maidir le nós imeachta.

58.—(1) Go dtí go ndéanfar rialacha ag rialú cleachta agus nós imeachta na Cúirte Cuarda chun críocha an Achta seo, beidh ag na rialacha a rinneadh faoi alt 19 d'Acht 1923, a mhéid a bhainid leis an gCúirt Chuarda, feidhm chun críocha an Achta seo fara na modhnuithe is gá.


(2) Go dtí go ndéanfar rialacha ag rialú cleachta agus nós imeachta na Cúirte Dúiche chun críocha an Achta seo, beidh ag na rialacha a rinneadh faoi alt 19 d'Acht 1923, a mhéid a bhainid leis an gCúirt Dúiche, feidhm chun críocha an Achta seo fara na modhnuithe is gá.


Achtachain a hAthghairmtear.

Alt 5.

Uimhir agus Bliain


Méid na hathghairme

Uimh. 19 de 1923

An tAcht um Méadú Cíosa agus Uis Mhorgáiste (Coscanna), 1923.

An tAcht iomlán.

Uimh. 24 de 1926

An tAcht um Méadú Cíosa agus Uis Mhorgáiste (Coscanna), 1926.

An tAcht iomlán.

Uimh. 4 de 1928

An tAcht Rialtais Áitiúil (Rátaí ar Thithe Comhnaithe Beaga), 1928.

Fo-alt (5) d'alt 6.

Uimh. 5 de 1928

An tAcht um Méadú Cíosa agus Uis Mhorgáiste (Coscanna), 1928.

An tAcht iomlán.

Uimh. 15 de 1929

An tAcht um Méadú Cíosa agus Uis Mhorgáiste (Coscanna), 1929.

An tAcht iomlán.

Uimh. 18 de 1930

An tAcht um Méadú Cíosa agus Uis Mhorgáiste (Coscanna), 1930.

An tAcht iomlán.



Number 4 of 1946.




Part I.

Preliminary and General



Short title and duration.


Interpretation generally.


Controlled premises.


Dwellings used in part for business purposes, etc.


Repeals and adaptation of references to repealed Acts.



Part II.

Restriction of Rent of Controlled Premises.

Chapter 1.

Lawful Rent of Controlled (1923 Act) Premises.


Controlled (1923 Act) premises.


Basic rent of controlled (1923 Act) premises the standard rent whereof has been determined by Court or by arbitration.


Basic rent of controlled (1923 Act) premises to which section 8 does not apply.


Premises not to cease to be controlled (1923 Act) premises by reason of increase of rateable valuation.


Lawful additions to basic rent of controlled (1923 Act) premises.


Lawful rent of controlled (1923 Act) premises.

Chapter 2.

Lawful Rent of Controlled (Non-1923 Act) Premises.


Controlled (non-1923 Act) premises.


Basic rent of certain controlled (non-1923 Act) premises.


Revision of basic rents of premises to which section 14 applies.


Basic rent of controlled (non-1923 Act) premises to which section 14 does not apply.


Lawful additions to basic rent of controlled (non-1923 Act) premises.


Lawful rent of controlled (non-1923 Act) premises.

Chapter 3.

Determination of Rent and Recovery of Overpayments.


Information as to basic rent to be supplied by landlords and vendors.


Determination of rent to be paid by tenants.


Effect of transfer to tenant of burdens previously borne by landlord.


Reduction of rent owing to default of landlord in keeping premises in repair.


Sums declared to be irrecoverable.


Recovery of overpayments.


Limitation on recovery of overpayments.

Part III.

Special Provisions for the Relief of Tenants of Small Premises.


Commencement of Part III.


Interpretation of Part III.


Applications for provisional orders.


Making of provisional orders.


Provisions as to provisional orders.


Application by landlord in relation to provisional order.


Provisions applicable in default of application by landlord.


Exemption from court fees.


Orders obtained by false statements.


District court valuers.


Reference by District Justices of questions affecting rateable valuation or rent of small premises to valuers.

Part IV.

Restrictions on Recovery of Possession of Controlled Premises.


Restrictions on landlord's right to possession of controlled premises.


Saving for rights of subtenants.


Statutory tenancy.


Conditions of statutory tenancy.


Powers of Court in ejectment proceedings.


Amendments of section 15 of Summary Jurisdiction (Ireland) Act, 1851.


Acceptance of rent by landlord after expiration of notice to quit.


Order for possession obtained by misrepresentation.


Non-application of sections 37 and 38 to lettings for temporary convenience, etc.


Saving for rights of local authorities under the Housing of the Working Classes Acts.

Part V.



Liability for repairs.


Compensation for disrepair of controlled premises owing to default of landlord.


Apportionment of rateable valuation by Commissioner of Valuation.


Restriction on premiums.


Restriction on levy of distress for rent.


Method of recovery of sums due by landlords to tenants.




Powers of the Court generally.


Exercise of jurisdiction of Court.


Continuance of pending proceedings.


Position of statutory tenants under Act of 1923 and Order of 1944.


Rules as to procedure.


Acts Referred to

Increase of Rent and Mortgage Interest (Restrictions) Act, 1923

No. 19 of 1923

Increase of Rent and Mortgage Interest (Restrictions) Act, 1926

No. 24 of 1926

Local Government (Dublin) Act, 1930

No. 27 of 1930

Local Government (Rates on Small Dwellings) Act, 1928

No. 4 of 1928

Housing (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act, 1931

No. 50 of 1931


Number 4 of 1946.




Preliminary and General.


Short title and duration.

1.—(1) This Act may be cited as the Rent Restrictions Act, 1946.


(2) This Act shall continue in operation until the 31st day of December, 1950.


Interpretation generally.

2.—(1) In this Act—


the expression “the Act of 1923” means the Increase of Rent and Mortgage Interest (Restrictions) Act, 1923 (No. 19 of 1923);


the expression “the Act of 1926” means the Increase of Rent and Mortgage Interest (Restrictions) Act, 1926 (No. 24 of 1926);


the expression “basic rent” means—


(a) in relation to controlled (1923 Act) premises, the basic rent of the premises determined under section 8 or section 9 (as the case may be) of this Act,


(b) in relation to controlled (non-1923 Act) premises, the basic rent of the premises determined under section 14, section 15 or section 16 (as the case may be) of this Act;


the expression “business premises” means premises used for the purposes of any business, trade or profession or for the public service;


the expression “controlled premises” means any premises to which, by virtue of section 3 of this Act, this Act applies;


the expression “controlled (1923 Act) premises” means controlled premises to which, by virtue of section 7 of this Act, Chapter 1 of Part II of this Act applies;


the expression “controlled (non-1923 Act) premises” means controlled premises to which, by virtue of section 13 of this Act, Chapter 2 of Part II of this Act applies;


the expression “District Justice” means a Justice of the District Court;


the word “dwelling” means a house let as a separate dwelling, or a part, so let, of any house, whether or not the tenant shares with any other persons any portion thereof or any accommodation, amenity or facility in connection therewith;


the word “landlord”, when used in relation to any premises, includes any person from time to time deriving title under the original landlord of the premises, and also includes any person, other than the tenant, who is or would but for this Act be entitled to possession of the premises;


the expression “lawful addition” means—


(a) in relation to the basic rent of controlled (1923 Act) premises, any sum which is, by virtue of section 11 of this Act, a lawful addition to the basic rent,


(b) in relation to the basic rent of controlled (non-1923 Act) premises, any sum which is, by virtue of section 17 of this Act, a lawful addition to the basic rent;


the expression “lawful rent” means—


(a) in relation to controlled (1923 Act) premises, the sum declared by section 12 of this Act to be the lawful rent of the premises,


(b) in relation to controlled (non-1923 Act) premises, the sum declared by section 18 of this Act to be the lawful rent of the premises;


the word “let” includes sublet;


the expression “the Minister” means the Minister for Justice;


the expression “non-statutory tenant” means a tenant who is not a statutory tenant;


the expression “the operative date” means the date of the passing of this Act;


the expression “the Order of 1944” means the Emergency Powers (No. 313) Order, 1944 (S. R. & O., No. 29 of 1944), as amended by the Emergency Powers (No. 313) Order, 1944 (Amendment) Order, 1945 (S. R. & O., No. 188 of 1945);


the word “premises” means any premises being a dwelling or business premises;


the word “prescribed” means prescribed by the Minister by regulations made under this Act;


the word “rates” means, in relation to any premises, the rates (including water rates) which are made by a local authority (being the council of a county, the corporation of a county or other borough, the council of an urban district or the commissioners of a town) in respect of the premises for the service of any local financial year and which by any Act are, or but for any Act would be, chargeable on the occupier of the premises;


the expression “standard rent” has the same meaning as it has in the Act of 1923;


the expression “statutory tenancy” means the interest of a statutory tenant in the premises in relation to which the expression is used;


the expression “statutory tenant” means a person being either—


(a) a person who retains possession of any controlled premises after his contractual tenancy therein (not being a tenancy to which section 45 of this Act applies) has terminated, or


(b) a person who retains possession of any controlled premises under subsection (2) or subsection (3) of section 39 of this Act, or


(c) a person who retains possession of any controlled premises under subparagraph (iii) of paragraph (a) or under paragraph (b) of subsection (5) of section 40 of this Act, or


(d) a person who retains possession of any controlled premises under section 57 of this Act;


the word “tenant”, unless the context otherwise requires, includes in relation to any premises a statutory tenant, and includes any person from time to time deriving title under the original tenant, and also includes a subtenant.


(2) References in this Act to an order for the recovery of possession of any premises shall be construed as including references to an order for the ejectment of a tenant therefrom.


(3) References in this Act to any enactment shall be construed as references to that enactment as amended by any subsequent enactment.


Controlled premises.

3.—(1) Subject to subsection (2) of this section, this Act applies to every premises.


(2) This Act does not apply to—


(a) premises the rateable valuation whereof exceeds—


(i) in case the premises are situate in the county borough of Dublin or the borough of Dún Laoghaire, sixty pounds,


(ii) in any other case, forty pounds,


(b) premises erected after, or in course of being erected on, the 7th day of May 1941,


(c) a dwelling provided by a local authority under the Labourers Acts, 1883 to 1941, or under the Housing of the Working Classes Acts, 1890 to 1931, and of which a local authority is for the time being the landlord, or


(d) business premises in any market or fair where the rent or conditions of tenancy are controlled or regulated by or under any statute or charter,


(e) business premises let for a term of years or let from year to year under a tenancy, notice to determine which (otherwise than for breach of a term of the tenancy) must be a notice of not less than three months,


(f) a dwelling let at a rent (hereinafter called the reserved rent) which includes payments for board, attendance or the use of furniture, or for the supply to the dwelling of heat, hot water, fuel, electricity or any other commodity or for the rendering of any services in connection with the dwelling, unless, on apportionment of the reserved rent by the Court, the portion of the reserved rent which, in the opinion of the Court, is attributable to the dwelling alone equals or exceeds three quarters of the reserved rent, in which case the rent of the dwelling shall be taken, for the purposes of this Act, to be the portion of the reserved rent so attributable to the dwelling alone,


(g) any dwelling or business premises let together with land other than the site of the dwelling or business premises, if the rateable valuation of the land exceeds the lesser of the following:—


(i) half the rateable valuation of the site including the building or buildings thereon, or


(ii) (I) in case the dwelling or business premises are situate in the county borough of Dublin or the borough of Dún Laoghaire, fifteen pounds,


(II) in any other case, ten pounds.


Dwellings used in part for business purposes, etc.

4.—The application of this Act to a dwelling shall not be excluded by reason only of the fact that part of it is used for the purposes of any business, trade or profession.


Repeals and adaptation of references to repealed Acts.

5.—(1) The enactments mentioned in the Schedule to this Act are hereby repealed to the extent specified in the third column of that Schedule.


(2) The repeal, effected by subsection (1) of this section, of the proviso to paragraph (b) of subsection (1) of section 2 of the Act of 1923 shall have effect as from the date of the passing of the Act of 1923 but such repeal shall not—


(a) entitle a landlord to recover from a tenant any sums which have been recovered from the landlord before the 1st day of October, 1945, by means of a deduction from rent or otherwise or any rent which has not been paid by reason of such deductions having been made therefrom, or


(b) affect the right to enforce any judgment of a court of competent jurisdiction given before the 1st day of October, 1945, or render recoverable any sum paid under such judgment.


(3) References in any Act to the Increase of Rent and Mortgage Interest (Restrictions) Acts, 1923 to 1930, or to any of those Acts shall be construed as references to this Act.



6.—The expenses incurred by the Minister in the administration of this Act shall, to such extent as may be sanctioned by the Minister for Finance, be paid out of moneys provided by the Oireachtas.



Restriction of Rent of Controlled Premises.


Chapter 1.

Lawful Rent of Controlled (1923 Act) Premises.


Controlled (1923 Act) premises.

7.—(1) Subject to subsection (2) of this section, this Chapter applies to every controlled premises the rateable valuation whereof does not exceed—


(a) thirty pounds in case the premises are situate in either—


(i) the county borough of Dublin as existing immediately before the passing of the Local Government (Dublin) Act, 1930 (No. 27 of 1930), or


(ii) the area comprising the former urban districts of Pembroke, and Rathmines and Rathgar, as existing immediately before the passing of the said Act, or


(iii) the borough of Dún Laoghaire,


(b) twenty-five pounds in any other case.


(2) (a) This Chapter does not apply to premises erected after, or in course of being erected on, the 2nd day of April, 1919, or which at that date were being or have since been bona fide reconstructed by way of conversion into two or more separate and self-contained flats or tenements.


(b) This Chapter does not apply to premises which, having been controlled (non-1923 Act) premises, would, by reason of a reduction of the rateable valuation thereof, become, but for this paragraph, premises to which this Chapter applies.


(c) This Chapter does not apply to premises to which the Act of 1923 had, by the operation of section 5 of the Act of 1926, ceased, before the operative date, to apply.


Basic rent of controlled (1923 Act) premises the standard rent whereof has been determined by Court or by arbitration.

8.—(1) This section applies to controlled (1923 Act) premises in respect of which evidence is forthcoming of both the following facts:—


(a) that the standard rent of the premises was determined by the Court before the operative date, and


(b) the amount of the standard rent.


(2) This section also applies to controlled (1923 Act) premises in respect of which evidence is forthcoming of both the following facts:—


(a) that the standard rent of the premises was, before the operative date, the subject of an arbitration award, and


(b) the amount of the standard rent.


(3) The basic rent of premises to which this section applies shall be an amount equal to the sum of the following:—


(a) the standard rent of the premises, and


(b) (i) in the case of a dwelling, twenty per cent. of the standard rent, or


(ii) in any other case, twenty-five per cent. of the standard rent.


Basic rent of controlled (1923 Act) premises to which section 8 does not apply.

9.—(1) This section applies to every controlled (1923 Act) premises other than premises to which section 8 of this Act applies.


(2) The basic rent of premises to which this section applies shall be determined by the Court and shall be a rent of such amount as the Court considers reasonable, under any given contract of tenancy not being for more than a term of five years, having regard to the basic rents of other controlled (1923 Act) premises and, in case evidence is forthcoming of both the following facts,—


(i) that the premises the basic rent whereof is to be determined were on the 3rd day of August, 1914, held by an occupying tenant thereof under a contract of tenancy not being for more than a term of five years, or that they were not so held but were last so held on a date not being more than three years before the 3rd day of August, 1914, and


(ii) the rent at which they were so held,


then, having regard also to the amount of the said rent.


(3) For the purpose of the determination by the Court of the basic rent under this section the tenant shall be deemed to be responsible for the rates.


Premises not to cease to be controlled (1923 Act) premises by reason of increase of rateable valuation.

10.—(1) Where, by reason of an increase in the rateable valuation thereof, premises which were, immediately before the date of the increase, controlled (1923 Act) premises would, but for this section, become controlled (non-1923 Act) premises, then, notwithstanding such increase, the premises shall continue to be premises to which this Chapter applies.


(2) Subsection (1) of this section shall not apply to premises the increase in the rateable valuation whereof arises from improvements or structural alterations carried out by the landlord while in possession of the whole of the premises.


Lawful additions to basic rent of controlled (1923 Act) premises.

11.—(1) In subsection (2) of this section, the expression “the critical date” means—


(a) in the case of premises to which section 8 of this Act applies, the operative date,


(b) in the case of premises to which section 9 of this Act applies, the date of the institution of the proceedings in which the basic rent of the premises is determined.


(2) For the purposes of this Act, the sum mentioned in any paragraph of this subsection shall, in the case set out in that paragraph, be a lawful addition to the basic rent of controlled (1923 Act) premises:—


(a) in case the landlord of the premises pays or allows a deduction or set-off against, or indemnifies the tenant in respect of, the rates or any part thereof, a sum equal to the amount for the time being of such payment, deduction, set-off or indemnity (as the case may be);


(b) in case the landlord, on or after the critical date, expends any amount (excluding any amount expended on decoration or repairs) on the improvement or structural alteration of the premises, a sum equal to eight per cent. per annum of that amount;


(c) in case the landlord, on or after the critical date, expends any amount on repairs to the premises which are wholly or mainly rendered necessary because of acts of waste by, or the neglect or default of, the tenant or any person residing with him or any of his lodgers or subtenants, a sum equal to eight per cent. per annum of that amount;


(d) (i) in case the landlord is responsible for the whole of the repairs to the premises, an amount not exceeding one-twelfth part of the basic rent,


(ii) in case the landlord is responsible for part only of the repairs, such lesser amount as may be agreed upon between the landlord and the tenant or as may, on the application of either of the said parties, be determined by the Court, or, in the absence of any such agreement or determination, an amount not exceeding one twenty-fourth part of the basic rent;


(e) in the case of premises to which section 8 of this Act applies, if the landlord has, in the year 1922, expended an amount in excess of one-third of the standard rent, or has, during a period comprising the two years 1923 and 1924, or 1925 and 1926, or 1927 and 1928, expended an amount in excess of two-thirds of the standard rent, on putting the premises into a reasonable state of repair, a sum equal to fifteen per cent. per annum of such excess or excesses of expenditure;


(f) in the case of premises to which section 8 of this Act applies, if the landlord has, after the 4th day of August, 1914, and before the critical date, expended any amount on the improvement or structural alteration of the premises (but not including therein any amount expended on decoration or repairs) a sum equal to eight per cent. per annum of that amount;


(g) in case the landlord, during a period comprising the two years 1945 and 1946, or 1946 and 1947, or 1947 and 1948, or 1948 and 1949, or 1949 and 1950, expends an amount in excess of two-thirds of the basic rent of the premises on putting the premises into a reasonable state of repair, a sum equal to fifteen per cent. per annum of such excess or excesses of expenditure.


(3) For the purposes of subsection (2) of this section, the amount of any grant under the Housing (Financial and Miscellaneous Provisions) Acts, 1932 to 1944, as amended or extended by any subsequent enactment, shall not be reckoned as part of any amount expended on any improvement, structural alteration or repairs to which that subsection applies.


(4) In the application of this Chapter to a small dwelling, within the meaning of the Local Government (Rates on Small Dwellings) Act, 1928 (No. 4 of 1928), the following provisions shall have effect:


(a) the word “rates” in paragraph (a) of subsection (2) of this section shall not include a rate made by virtue of the last-mentioned Act on the owner of such small dwelling, and


(b) the amount by which the rent of such small dwelling is increased by virtue of section 6 of the last-mentioned Act shall be taken into account as a lawful addition in calculating the lawful rent of such small dwelling,


Lawful rent of controlled (1923 Act) premises.

12.—The lawful rent of controlled (1923 Act) premises shall be—


(a) in case there is no lawful addition to the basic rent of the premises, the basic rent of the premises,


(b) in any other case, the sum of the basic rent of the premises and the lawful additions thereto.


Chapter 2.

Lawful Rent of Controlled (Non-1923 Act) Premises.


Controlled (non 1923 Act) premises.

13.—This Chapter applies to every controlled premises, other than premises in respect of which evidence is forthcoming that they are controlled (1923 Act) premises.


Basic rent of certain controlled (non-1923 Act) premises.

14.—(1) Subject to subsection (2) of this section, this section applies to—


(a) controlled (non-1923 Act) premises in respect of which evidence is forthcoming of both the following facts—


(i) that they were, on the 7th day of May, 1941 (in this section referred to as the relevant date) held by an occupying tenant thereof under a contract of tenancy not being for more than a term of five years, and


(ii) the rent at which they were so held;


(b) controlled (non-1923 Act) premises in respect of which evidence is forthcoming of all the following facts—


(i) that they were not so held on the 7th day of May, 1941,


(ii) that they were last so held on a date (in this section also referred to as the relevant date) being not more than five years before the 7th day of May, 1941, and


(iii) the rent at which they were so held.


(2) This section shall not apply to premises to which, on the relevant date, the Act of 1923 applied.


(3) The basic rent of premises to which this section applies shall be the net rent at which they were held on the relevant date.


(4) For the purpose of this section, the net rent at which premises were held on the relevant date shall be taken to be—


(a) in case the landlord at the relevant date habitually paid or allowed a deduction or set-off against, or indemnified the tenant in respect of the rates or any part thereof, the rent payable at that date less the amount of such payment, allowance, deduction, set-off or indemnity (as the case may be);


(b) in any other case, the rent payable at that date.


(5) References in sections 15 and 17 of this Act to the relevant date shall be construed as references to the date which is the relevant date for the purposes of this section.


Revision of basic rents of promises to which section 14 applies.

15.—(1) If, on an application to the Court under this subsection by the tenant of premises to which section 14 of this Act applies, the Court is satisfied—


(a) that, in the local financial year which includes the relevant date, there was in force, by virtue of any statute, a remission of two-thirds of the rates in respect of the premises or a reduction of the valuation of the premises for the purposes of the assessment and levying of rates, and


(b) that at the date of the application such remission or reduction is no longer in force, and


(c) that the basic rent of the premises exceeds the rent (in this subsection referred to as the notional rent) which, if the said remission or reduction had not been in force, the landlord might, at the relevant date, reasonably have expected under a contract of tenancy in the same terms as the contract of tenancy subsisting at the said date, assuming (if it was not the case) that the tenant was responsible for the rates,


the basic rent of the premises shall be determined by the Court and shall be the amount which, in the opinion of the Court, represents the notional rent, and thenceforth the premises shall, without prejudice to the previous application thereto of paragraph (a) of section 23 of this Act, become premises to which section 16 of this Act applies as if such determination had been made under that section.


(2) If, on an application to the Court under this subsection by the landlord of premises to which section 14 of this Act applies, the Court is satisfied—


(a) that, in the local financial year immediately preceding the local financial year which includes the relevant date, there was in force, by virtue of any statute, a remission of two-thirds of the rates in respect of the premises or a reduction of the valuation of the premises for the purpose of the assessment and levying of rates, and


(b) that, at the relevant date, such remission or reduction was no longer in force, and


(c) that at the relevant date the landlord habitually paid or allowed a deduction or set-off against, or indemnified the tenant in respect of the rates or any part thereof, and


(d) that the basic rent of the premises is less than the rent (in this subsection referred to as the notional rent) which, if the said remission or deduction had continued to be in force, the landlord might, at the relevant date, reasonably have expected under a contract of tenancy in the same terms as the contract of tenancy subsisting at the said date, assuming that the tenant was responsible for the rates,


the basic rent of the premises shall be determined by the Court and shall be the amount which, in the opinion of the Court, represents the notional rent, and thenceforth the premises shall, without prejudice to the previous application thereto of paragraph (a) of section 23 of this Act, become premises to which section 16 of this Act applies as if such determination had been made under that section.


(3) If, on an application to the Court under this subsection by the landlord or tenant of premises to which section 14 of this Act applies, the Court is satisfied that the basic rent of the premises either exceeds, or falls short of, by an amount exceeding one-fifth of the basic rent, the rent (in this subsection referred to as the notional rent) which, if the premises were premises to which section 16 of this Act applies, would be determined by the Court as the basic rent thereof, the basic rent of the premises shall be determined by the Court and shall be the amount which, in the opinion of the Court, represents the notional rent, and thenceforth the premises shall, without prejudice to the previous application thereto of paragraph (a) of section 23 of this Act, become premises to which section 16 of this Act applies as if such determination had been made under that section.


Basic rent of controlled (non-1923 Act) premises to which section 14 does not apply.

16.—(1) This section applies to every controlled (non-1923 Act) premises other than premises to which section 14 of this Act applies.


(2) The basic rent of premises to which this section applies shall be determined by the Court as follows:—


(a) in the case of premises consisting of a separate and self-contained contained flat or tenement forming part of any buildings which, after the 7th day of May, 1941, are or which at that date were being bona fide reconstructed by way of conversion into two or more such flats or tenements, the basic rent of the premises shall be the rent which, in the opinion of the Court, the immediate landlord of an occupying tenant of the premises might, if the premises, as reconstructed, had been in existence in the year ending on the 7th day of May, 1941, reasonably have expected in that year under any given contract of tenancy not being for more than a term of five years;


(b) in any other case, the basic rent shall be the rent which, in the opinion of the Court, the immediate landlord of an occupying tenant of the premises might, in the year ending on the 7th day of May, 1941, reasonably have expected under any given contract of tenancy not being for more than a term of five years.


(3) For the purpose of the determination by the Court of the basic rent under this section the tenant shall be deemed to be responsible for the rates.


(4) Where, under Article 5 of the Order of 1944, the basic rent of any premises was determined by the Court, the said determination shall, for the purposes of this Act, be deemed to have been made under this section and the said basic rent shall be the basic rent of the premises.


Lawful additions to basic rent of controlled (non-1923 Act) premises.

17.—(1) In subsection (2) of this section, the expression “the critical date” means—


(a) in the case of premises to which section 14 of this Act applies, the operative date,


(b) in the case of premises to which section 16 of this Act applies, the date of the institution of the proceedings in which the basic rent of the premises is determined.


(2) For the purposes of this Act, the sum mentioned in any paragraph of this subsection shall, in the case set out in that paragraph, be a lawful addition to the basic rent of controlled (non-1923 Act) premises:


(a) in case the landlord of the premises pays or allows a deduction or set-off against, or indemnifies the tenant in respect of, the rates or any part thereof, a sum equal to the amount for the time being of such payment, deduction, set-off or indemnity (as the case may be);


(b) in case the landlord, on or after the critical date, expends any amount (excluding any amount expended on decoration or repairs) on the improvement or structural alteration of the premises, a sum equal to eight per cent. per annum of that amount;


(c) in case the landlord, on or after the critical date, expends any amount on repairs to the premises which are wholly or mainly rendered necessary because of acts of waste by, or the neglect or default of, the tenant or any person residing with him or any of his lodgers or subtenants a sum equal to eight per cent. per annum of that amount;


(d) in the case of premises to which section 14 of this Act applies, if the landlord has, on or after the relevant date, and before the critical date, expended any amount on the improvement or structural alteration of the premises (but not including therein any amount expended on decoration or repairs) a sum equal to eight per cent. per annum of that amount;


(e) in case the landlord, during a period comprising the two years 1945 and 1946, or 1946 and 1947, or 1947 and 1948, or 1948 and 1949, or 1949 and 1950, expends an amount in excess of two-thirds of the basic rent of the premises on putting the premises into a reasonable state of repair, a sum equal to fifteen per cent. per annum of such excess or excesses of expenditure;


(f) in the case of premises to which paragraph (a) of subsection (2) of section 16 of this Act applies, a sum equal to eight per cent. per annum of such amount as bears to the total cost of the reconstruction of the buildings referred to in that paragraph the same proportion as the rateable valuation of the premises bears to the rateable valuation (or the total of the rateable valuations) of the said buildings as reconstructed.


(3) For the purposes of subsection (2) of this section, the amount of any grant under the Housing (Financial and Miscellaneous Provisions) Acts, 1932 to 1944, as amended or extended by any subsequent enactment, shall not be reckoned as part of any amount expended on any improvement, structural alteration or repairs to which that subsection applies.


(4) In the application of this Chapter to a small dwelling, within the meaning of the Local Government (Rates on Small Dwellings) Act, 1928 (No. 4 of 1928), the following provisions shall have effect:


(a) the word “rates” in paragraph (a) of subsection (2) of this section shall not include a rate made by virtue of the last-mentioned Act on the owner of such small dwelling, and


(b) the amount by which the rent of such small dwelling is increased by virtue of section 6 of the last-mentioned Act shall be taken into account as a lawful addition in calculating the lawful rent of such small dwelling.


Lawful rent of controlled (non-1923 Act) premises.

18.—The lawful rent of controlled (non-1923 Act) premises shall be—


(a) in case there is no lawful addition to the basic rent of the premises, the basic rent of the premises,


(b) in any other case, the sum of the basic rent of the premises and the lawful additions thereto.


Chapter 3.

Determination of Rent and Recovery of Overpayments.


Information as to basic rent to be supplied by landlords and vendors.

19.—(1) The landlord of controlled premises shall, on being so requested in writing, supply the tenant with a statement in writing affording any information in the landlord's possession or procurement requisite to enable the tenant to determine the basic rent of the premises or have it determined by the Court, and if, without reasonable excuse, the landlord fails within twenty-eight days to do so or supplies a statement which is false or misleading in any material particular and not proved to have been made innocently and without intent to deceive, he shall be guilty of an offence under this section and shall, on summary conviction thereof, be liable to a fine not exceeding ten pounds.


(2) There shall be implied in every contract, made on or after the operative date, for the sale of any interest in controlled premises (if not already expressly included) a provision binding the vendor to give to the purchaser any information in the vendor's possession or procurement requisite to enable the purchaser to determine the basic rent of the premises or any part thereof.


(3) Every stipulation in a contract for the sale of controlled premises, whereby the purchaser is precluded from making requisitions as to the matters mentioned in subsection (2) of this section, shall be void.


Determination of rent to be paid by tenants.

20.—(1) The rent to be paid by a tenant in respect of controlled premises shall, subject to this Act, be determined in accordance with the following provisions:—


(a) where the landlord and the tenant agree upon the rent to be paid by the tenant and the rent so agreed upon does not exceed the amount which is then the lawful rent of the premises, the rent so agreed upon shall, until varied by agreement or by a notice under this section, be and continue to be the rent to be paid by the tenant in respect of the premises;


(b) where the rent for the time being payable by the tenant is less than the lawful rent for the time being and the landlord serves on the tenant a notice under this section increasing the rent to an amount not exceeding the lawful rent for the time being, then, as from the date on which the notice takes effect, the rent as so increased shall, until varied by agreement or by a notice under this section, be and continue to be the rent to be paid by the tenant in respect of the premises;


(c) where the rent for the time being payable by the tenant exceeds the lawful rent for the time being and the tenant serves on the landlord a notice under this section reducing the rent to an amount equal to the lawful rent for the time being, then, as from the date on which the notice takes effect, the rent as so reduced shall, until varied by agreement or a notice under this section, be and continue to be the rent to be paid by the tenant in respect of the premises;


(d) where the rent to be paid by a statutory tenant has not been determined under any of the foregoing paragraphs of this subsection, the rent payable by the tenant for the time being in respect of the premises on the operative date, or the then lawful rent (whichever is the lesser), or if the statutory tenant has since the operative date held under any contract of tenancy, the rent last payable by him under that contract or the then lawful rent (whichever is the lesser) shall, subject to this section, be and continue to be the rent to be paid in respect of the premises;


(e) where the rent to be paid by a non-statutory tenant has not been determined under any of the foregoing paragraphs of this subsection, the rent payable by the tenant for the time being in respect of the premises on the operative date, or the then lawful rent (whichever is the lesser), or if the tenant holds under any contract of tenancy, the tenancy whereunder commenced subsequent to the operative date, the rent payable by him at the commencement of the tenancy or the then lawful rent (whichever is the lesser) shall, subject to this section, be and continue to be the rent to be paid in respect of the premises.


(2) Every notice served under this section shall be in the prescribed form, or a form substantially to the same effect, and shall contain the relevant particulars indicated by the form.


(3) The following provisions shall have effect with respect to notices under subsection (1) of this section:


(a) in case the notice purports to increase the rent payable by a non-statutory tenant to an amount exceeding the amount which would, under the terms of his contract of tenancy and disregarding any enactment (including this Act) by which any term thereof relating to rent is modified, be payable at the time when the notice is expressed to take effect, the notice shall take effect on the date mentioned in whichever of the following subparagraphs is applicable:


(i) if the tenancy could be legally determined on any day subsequent to service of the notice but not later than the date on which the notice is expressed to take effect, that date;


(ii) if the tenancy could not be so determined, the earliest date on which, if the notice were a notice to quit, it would be effective to determine the tenancy;


(b) in any other case, the notice shall take effect on the expiry of seven clear days from the date of service.


(4) If a notice served under this section contains any statement or representation which is false or misleading in any material respect the person making or causing to be made such statement or representation shall be guilty of an offence under this section and shall, on summary conviction thereof, be liable to a fine not exceeding ten pounds unless he proves that the statement or representation was made innocently and without intent to deceive.


(5) At any time after the expiry of a notice under paragraph (b) of subsection (1) of this section increasing the rent of any controlled premises by an amount consisting of or including any sum in respect of the matters mentioned in paragraph (b), (c), (f) or (g) of subsection (2) of section 11, or paragraph (b), (c), (d) or (e) of subsection (2) of section 17, of this Act, the Court may, on the application of the tenant, if satisfied that the expenditure (in so far as it is applicable to any of the said matters) in respect of which the notice was served was not incurred or was unnecessary in whole or in part, disallow or reduce the increase accordingly, as from such date (whether before the date of the application or otherwise) as the Court thinks fit.


Effect of transfer to tenant of burdens previously borne by landlord.

21.—(1) Any transfer to a tenant of any burden or liability previously borne by the landlord shall, for the purposes of this Act, be treated as an alteration of rent, and where, as the result of such a transfer, the terms on which any premises are held are on the whole less favourable to the tenant than the previous terms, the rent shall be deemed to be increased, whether or not the sum periodically payable by way of rent is increased, and any increase of rent in respect of any transfer to a landlord of any burden or liability previously borne by the tenant where, as the result of the transfer, the terms on which any premises are held are, on the whole, not less favourable to the tenant than the previous terms, shall be deemed not to be an increase of rent for the purposes of this Act.


(2) For the purpose of this section, the rent shall not be deemed to be increased where the liability for rates is transferred from the landlord to the tenant if a corresponding reduction is made in the rent.


Reduction of rent owing to default of landlord in keeping premises in repair.

22.—(1) The tenant or the sanitary authority may at any time apply to the Court on notice to the landlord for an order reducing the rent of any controlled (1923 Act) premises on the ground that the premises are not in all respects in good and tenantable repair.


(2) Where an application is made under this section the Court, on being satisfied that the premises to which the application relates are not in all respects in good and tenantable repair and on being further satisfied that the condition of the premises is wholly or mainly due to the failure of the landlord to carry out such repairs as he is by virtue of any covenant, agreement, or otherwise by operation of law (including this Act) bound to carry out, may order that the rent to be paid for the premises be reduced by such amount, not exceeding twenty per cent. of the lawful rent, as the Court thinks proper.


(3) In any application under this section, a certificate of the sanitary authority that the premises to which the application relates are not in all respects in good and tenantable repair shall be prima facie evidence of the facts so certified.


(4) Where an order is made under subsection (2) of this section, the following provisions shall have effect:—


(a) the order shall remain in force unless and until the Court, on the application of the landlord, being satisfied that all repairs, the neglect to carry out which was the ground for the making of the order, have been carried out, makes an order terminating the reduction;


(b) if, on such application, the Court is satisfied that such repairs have wholly or mainly been rendered necessary by the persistent neglect or default of the landlord, the Court may, notwithstanding anything contained in this Act, order that the said reduced rent, or such other amount, not being less than eighty per cent. of the lawful rent, as the Court shall determine, shall be and continue to be the rent to be paid for the premises for such time as the Court thinks proper.


(5) On any application to a sanitary authority for a certificate for the purposes of this section a fee of five shillings shall be payable but on an application made to the Court under this section the Court may order that the tenant shall be entitled to deduct the fee from any subsequent payment of rent.


(6) Where on the operative date proceedings are pending under subsection (2) of section 8 of the Act of 1923, the proceedings shall continue and shall be treated as if they were proceedings under subsection (1) of this section.


(7) In this section the expression “sanitary authority” means the sanitary authority under the Public Health Acts, 1878 to 1931.


Sums declared to be irrecoverable.



(a) the rent of controlled premises (being premises to which section 8 or section 14 of this Act applies) in respect of any period beginning on or after the operative date exceeds the rent to be paid (in accordance with this Act) for those premises in respect of that period, or


(b) the rent of controlled premises (being premises to which section 9 or section 16 of this Act applies) in respect of any period beginning on or after the date on which the basic rent is determined by the Court exceeds the rent to be paid (in accordance with this Act) for those premises in respect of that period,


the amount of the excess shall, notwithstanding any agreement to the contrary, be irrecoverable from the tenant of the premises.


Recovery of overpayments.

24.—(1) Where any sum—


(a) has been paid on account of any rent which has accrued due after the operative date, and


(b) is a sum declared by section 23 of this Act to be irrecoverable from the tenant,


such sum shall, subject to section 25 of this Act, be recoverable from the landlord who received the payment or his legal personal representative by the tenant by whom it was paid or his legal personal representative.


(2) If any person in any rent book or similar document makes an entry showing or purporting to show any tenant as being in arrear in respect of any sum declared by this Act to be irrecoverable that person shall be guilty of an offence under this section and shall, on summary conviction thereof, be liable to a fine not exceeding ten pounds, unless he proves that he acted innocently and without intent to deceive.


Limitation on recovery of overpayments.

25.—No person shall be entitled to recover in any manner any sum paid on account of rent which is by section 23 of this Act or section 12 of the Act of 1923 declared to be irrecoverable from the tenant save within six years next after the payment of that sum.



Special Provisions for the Relief of Tenants of Small Premises.


Commencement of Part III.

26.—This Part shall come into operation on such day as the Minister by order appoints for the purpose.


Interpretation of Part III.

27.—In this Part—


the expression “appointed area” means any area being—


(a) a county borough,


(b) the borough of Dún Laoghaire, or


(c) any area prescribed by regulations for the time being in force as an appointed area for the purposes of this Part;


the expression “existing rent” means the rent payable by a tenant for small premises immediately prior to his making an application for a provisional order in respect of the premises;


the expression “provisional order” means an order under section 29 of this Act;


the expression “small premises” means premises being—


(a) controlled (1923 Act) premises situate in an appointed area which is a county borough or the borough of Dún Laoghaire, the rateable valuation whereof does not exceed ten pounds, or


(b) controlled (1923 Act) premises situate in any other appointed area, the rateable valuation whereof does not exceed such amount (not being more than ten pounds) as may be prescribed.


Applications for provisional orders.

28.—(1) The tenant of premises which he claims to be small premises may apply to a District Justice assigned to the district in which the premises are situate for a provisional order fixing the lawful rent of the premises.


(2) Every application under this section shall be made by the tenant attending, in person or by agent, the District Court Clerk of the district court area in which the premises concerned are situate and furnishing particulars in support of his claim to the said District Court Clerk who shall record such particulars and refer the application as soon as may be to the appropriate District Justice.


(3) Any person who, in support of an application under this section, furnishes or causes to be furnished to the District Court Clerk particulars which are false or misleading in any material respect, shall, unless he proves that he acted innocently and without intent to deceive, be guilty of an offence under this section and shall, on summary conviction thereof, be liable to a fine not exceeding ten pounds.


(4) Where a person, not being a solicitor, acts as agent for any person on an application under this section directly or indirectly for or in expectation of reward or is remunerated directly or indirectly out of the funds of any body corporate or unincorporated body of persons of which the tenant is or was a member or to the funds of which he has been a subscriber, he shall be guilty of an offence under this subsection and shall, without prejudice to his liability to be convicted of any other offence of which he may be guilty, be liable on summary conviction thereof to a fine not exceeding one hundred pounds or, at the discretion of the Court, to imprisonment for a term not exceeding six months or to both such fine and imprisonment.


Making of provisional orders.

29.—(1) Every application referred to a District Justice under section 28 of this Act shall be dealt with by him as follows:—


(a) he shall deal with the application privately,


(b) in case it appears to him—


(i) that the premises are small premises to which section 8 of this Act applies, or


(ii) that the premises are small premises to which section 9 of this Act applies, the basic rent whereof has already been determined by the Court, and that the amount of that basic rent is ascertainable,


he may, subject to paragraph (d) of this subsection, by order determine provisionally—


(I) the lawful additions to the basic rent of the premises, and


(II) the lawful rent of the premises;


(c) in case it appears to him that the premises are small premises to which paragraph (b) of this subsection does not apply, he may subject to paragraph (d) of this subsection by order determine provisionally—


(i) the basic rent of the premises under section 9 of this Act,


(ii) the lawful additions to the basic rent of the premises, and


(iii) the lawful rent of the premises;


(d) in case it appears to him that the lawful rent of the premises, if determined by a provisional order, would equal or exceed the existing rent, he shall dismiss the application and cause the tenant to be informed accordingly;


(e) if the premises are not separately valued under the Valuation Acts, then, for the purposes of this Act, he may by the provisional order provisionally apportion to the premises such part as he thinks proper of the rateable valuation of the property in which the premises are comprised.


(2) An appeal shall not lie to the Circuit Court from the determination of a District Justice on an application under section 28 of this Act.


Provisions as to provisional orders.

30.—(1) Where a District Justice makes a provisional order in relation to any premises, he shall as soon as may be cause a copy thereof to be served on the landlord and on the tenant, which copy may be served in the same manner as a summons under the rules of the District Court for the time being.


(2) Subject to paragraph (a) of subsection (1) of section 31 and notwithstanding section 20 of this Act, the lawful rent fixed by a provisional order shall, as on and from the gale day next following the making of the order and for so long as the provisional order remains in force, be the rent to be paid for the premises to which the order applies.


(3) No proceedings shall be taken under Part II of this Act for the determination of the basic rent of any premises while a provisional order in respect thereof is in force or an application in respect thereof is pending under this Part.


Application by landlord in relation to provisional order.

31.—(1) The landlord of any premises in respect of which a provisional order has been made may, within three months after the service of a copy of the provisional order upon him, apply to the District Court to revoke, or modify the terms of the provisional order and thereupon the following provisions shall have effect:—


(a) if on the hearing of the application it appears to the Court that the premises are not small premises, the Court shall revoke the provisional order with effect retrospectively from the date of the making thereof;


(b) in any other case, the Court may, as it thinks proper—


(i) by order confirm the terms of the provisional order with or without modification, or


(ii) revoke the provisional order and make such new order in relation to the premises as the circumstances may require;


(c) if an order is made under paragraph (b) of this subsection, then, as on and from the making thereof and notwithstanding anything in any other provision of this Act,—


(i) the said order shall have effect as the final determination of the District Court in respect of the matters to which the said order relates,


(ii) the provisional order shall cease to be in force, and


(iii) for the purpose of the application of section 20 of this Act the tenant shall be deemed to have entered into an agreement with the landlord to pay in respect of the premises a rent equal to the lawful rent of the premises as determined by the said order made under paragraph (b) of this subsection;


(d) on the hearing of the application the Court may make an order for the payment, in such manner as the Court may direct, of any amount due by either party to the other in relation to the premises, whether on account of rent or under any provision of this Act.


(2) The costs of the parties in an application under this section shall be in the discretion of the Court, but no costs shall be awarded against the tenant in any case in which it is proved that the existing rent was higher than the lawful rent.


(3) If, on an appeal by the landlord to the Circuit Court against an order made by the District Court under this section, the Circuit Court certifies that having regard to all the circumstances of the case it is proper that the whole or a specified part of the amount for which the tenant is liable in respect of the costs of the appeal (including the tenant's own costs and the costs (if any) which, under the order of the Court, the tenant is liable to pay to the landlord) shall be defrayed out of State funds, the Minister shall defray out of moneys provided by the Oireachtas the amount of the costs in respect of which it has been so certified.


Provisions applicable in default of application by landlord.

32.—(1) If the landlord of any premises does not, within three months after the date of service on him of a provisional order in respect of the premises, apply to the District Court for an order under section 31 of this Act, the following provisions shall have effect, notwithstanding anything in any other provision of this Act:


(a) the terms of the provisional order shall be deemed to have been confirmed by the District Court by order under subsection (1) of section 31 of this Act and the provisions of paragraph (c) of the said subsection shall apply accordingly;


(b) an appeal shall not lie to the Circuit Court from a confirming order which is deemed to have been so made.


(2) As soon as may be after the provisions of subsection (1) of this section have taken effect in relation to any premises, the District Justice having jurisdiction for the purposes of this Act in the district in which the premises are situate shall cause to be served (in a manner authorised for the service of a copy of a provisional order under section 30 of this Act) on the landlord and on the tenant a notice, in the prescribed form, informing such persons thereof accordingly, but failure to comply with the provisions of this subsection shall not be construed as affecting the operation of the said subsection (1).


Exemption from court fees.

33.—No court fees shall be payable by the tenant in any proceedings (including any appeal or case stated) under this Part.


Orders obtained by false statements.

34.—If the Court is satisfied that a provisional order has been obtained by means of any statement or representation on the part of the tenant which was, to the knowledge of the tenant, untrue or misleading, the Court may revoke such order, and make such new and further orders as justice may require including an order requiring the tenant to pay any costs incurred by the landlord in the matter.


District court valuers.

35.—(1) The Minister may, with the sanction of the Minister for Finance, appoint such and so many persons as he thinks fit to be district court valuers for the purposes of this Part.


(2) Every district court valuer shall hold office at the will of the Minister and may be removed from office by the Minister.


(3) The remuneration and conditions of employment generally of district court valuers shall be determined by the Minister for Finance.


(4) Every district court valuer shall be assigned to such district as the Minister shall from time to time direct.


(5) The Civil Service Regulation Acts, 1924 and 1926, shall not apply to the situation of district court valuer.


Reference by District Justices of questions affecting rateable valuation or rent of small premises to valuers.

36.—(1) The District Justice assigned to a district to which a district court valuer is assigned may refer to such district court valuer for investigation and report to him any question affecting the rateable valuation or rent of small premises the subject of any proceedings before him under this Part or involving the rent being paid or payable for other small premises.


(2) The District Justice assigned to a district to which a district court valuer is not assigned may refer to such person (in this section referred to as a special valuer) as he thinks fit for investigation and report to him any question affecting the rateable valuation or rent of any small premises the subject of proceedings before him under this Part of this Act or involving the rent being paid or payable for other small premises.


(3) Special valuers shall be remunerated by the Minister at such rates as may be prescribed by the Minister for Finance.


(4) A district court valuer or a special valuer to whom a District Justice has referred any question under subsection (1) or subsection (2) of this section may, if authorised in writing by the District Justice so to do, and on production, if demanded, of such authorisation, at all reasonable hours enter and inspect any premises specified in that behalf in such authorisation.


(5) If any person refuses to permit a district court valuer or a special valuer to enter or inspect any premises in exercise of his powers under subsection (4) of this section, or obstructs or interferes with him in the exercise of those powers, he shall be guilty of an offence under this subsection and shall, on summary conviction thereof, be liable to imprisonment for a term not exceeding one month or a fine not exceeding ten pounds or both such imprisonment and such fine.



Restrictions on Recovery of Possession of Controlled Premises.


Restrictions on landlord's right to possession of controlled premises.

37.—(1) Subject to subsections (2) and (3) of this section, an order for the recovery of possession of controlled premises shall not be made unless the Court considers it reasonable to make the order and—


(a) any rent lawfully due from the tenant has not been paid, or any other obligation of the tenancy, whether under the contract of tenancy (so far as it is consistent with this Act) or under this Act, has been broken or not performed, or


(b) any person (being the tenant, any individual residing with the tenant, or any of the tenant's lodgers or subtenants) has been guilty of conduct which is a nuisance or annoyance to adjoining occupiers, or has been convicted of using the premises or allowing the premises to be used for an immoral or illegal purpose, or


(c) the condition of the premises has, in the opinion of the Court, deteriorated owing to acts of waste by or the neglect or default of any such person, or


(d) the tenant has given notice to quit, and in consequence of that notice the landlord has contracted to sell or let the premises or has taken any other steps as a result of which he would, in the opinion of the Court, be seriously prejudiced if he could not obtain possession, or


(e) in the case of a dwelling—


(i) the dwelling is reasonably required by the landlord for occupation as a residence for himself or for any person bona fide residing or to reside with him, and either—


(I) in the opinion of the Court greater hardship would, owing to the special circumstances of the case, be caused by refusing the order for possession than by granting it, or


(II) the Court is satisfied that alternative accommodation, reasonably equivalent as regards rent and suitability in all respects, is available, or


(ii) the dwelling is reasonably required by the landlord for occupation as a residence for some person in his whole time employment or in the whole time employment of some tenant from him, and the Court is satisfied that alternative accommodation, reasonably equivalent as regards rent and suitability in all respects, is available, or


(f) in the case of business premises—


(i) the premises are reasonably required by the landlord for the purpose of any business, trade or profession, or for the public service, and the Court is satisfied that alternative accommodation, reasonably equivalent as regards rent and suitability in all respects, is available, or


(ii) possession of the premises is bona fide required for the purpose of a scheme of reconstruction or improvement which appears to the Court to be desirable in the public interest, or


(g) the premises are reasonably required for the purpose of the execution of the duties, powers or requirements of a Minister of State or the Land Commission or the Commissioners of Public Works in Ireland or a local authority or statutory undertaker.


(2) Nothing in subsection (1) of this section shall affect the right of the landlord to obtain an order against a tenant for the recovery of possession of any controlled premises where—


(a) the tenant has sublet the premises, otherwise than for temporary convenience, to a subtenant, and


(b) the subtenant or any person deriving title under him will be entitled to retain possession of the premises under this Act, notwithstanding the order against the tenant.


(3) Nothing in subsection (1) of this section shall affect the operation of section 26 or section 34 of the Housing (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act, 1931 (No. 50 of 1931).


Saving for rights of subtenants.

38.—An order against a tenant for the recovery of possession of controlled premises shall not affect the right of any subtenant, to whom the premises or any part thereof have been lawfully sublet before proceedings for recovery of possession were commenced, to retain possession under this Act.


Statutory tenancy.

39.—(1) If an order for the recovery of possession of controlled premises is refused by the Court on the ground that the tenant is entitled to retain possession of the premises by virtue of this Act, the Court shall make an order declaring that any tenancy of the tenant otherwise than by virtue of this Act has terminated, and when making any such order as aforesaid may make an order as to the payment by the tenant of any arrears of rent or any mesne rates.


(2) Where the interest of the tenant of controlled premises terminates, either as the result of an order for possession, or for any other reason, a subtenant to whom the premises or any part thereof have been lawfully sublet shall, subject to this Act, be entitled to retain possession of the premises and to hold from the landlord on the same terms as he would have held from the tenant if the tenancy of the tenant had not been terminated.


(3) On the death of the statutory tenant of controlled premises the following provisions shall have effect:


(a) in case the statutory tenant leaves him surviving his wife, who was residing with him at the time of his death, she shall be entitled to retain possession of the premises under the same terms and conditions as the deceased statutory tenant;


(b) in case the statutory tenant does not leave a wife so residing, such member of the statutory tenant's family so residing or, where there is more than one such member, such one of them as may be agreed upon between them or as may be selected by the Court in default of agreement shall be entitled to retain possession as aforesaid;


(c) in case the statutory tenant was a woman paragraphs (a) and (b) of this subsection shall have effect with respect to her husband and family as they have effect with respect to the wife and family of a statutory tenant being a man;


(d) in any case to which none of the foregoing paragraphs applies, the interest of the statutory tenant shall determine at his death.


Conditions of statutory tenancy.

40.—(1) A statutory tenant shall, so long as he retains possession of controlled premises by virtue of this Act, observe and be entitled to the benefit of all the terms and conditions of the original contract of tenancy, so far as they are consistent with this Act, and shall be entitled to give up possession of the premises only on giving such notice as would have been required under the original contract of tenancy, or, if no notice would have been so required, on giving not less than three months' notice.


(2) Notwithstanding anything in subsection (1) of this section, a landlord of controlled premises shall not, for the purpose of exercising any right under this Act or any right exercisable on or after the expiration of this Act, be required to give any notice to quit to a statutory tenant of the premises.


(3) (a) A statutory tenant shall not, as a condition of the assignment or giving up possession of controlled premises ask or receive the payment of any sum, or any other consideration by any person other than the landlord.


(b) Any person who acts in contravention of paragraph (a) of this subsection shall be guilty of an offence under this subsection and shall, on summary conviction thereof, be liable to a fine not exceeding one hundred pounds.


(c) Where a person is convicted of an offence under this subsection, the Court by which he was convicted may order that any such payment or consideration be repaid to the person by whom it was made or given.


(d) Paragraph (a) of this subsection shall not apply to premises lawfully used wholly or in part for the purposes of any business, trade or profession.


(4) It shall be deemed to be a condition of a statutory tenancy in any controlled premises—


(a) that the tenant shall afford to the landlord access thereto for the purpose of viewing the condition and state of repair of the premises and shall afford all reasonable facilities for executing therein any repairs which the landlord is entitled to execute;


(b) that the tenant will not assign the premises or any part thereof without the consent in writing of the landlord, which consent may be withheld only if greater hardship would, owing to the special circumstances of the case, be caused by granting the consent than by withholding it;


(c) that the landlord shall be responsible for any repairs for which the tenant is not under any liability, whether expressed in the contract or implied under section 42 of the Landlord and Tenant Law Amendment Act (Ireland), 1860.


(5) Where, on or after the operative date, controlled premises are lawfully assigned by the statutory tenant (in this subsection referred to as the assignor), then, in the absence of any express agreement between the landlord and the assignee, the following provisions shall have effect:—


(a) if the premises are, at the date of the assignment, being lawfully used wholly or in part for the purposes of any business, trade or profession, the assignee shall, from the said date, be deemed to hold the premises in accordance with whichever of the following subparagraphs is applicable:—


(i) in case evidence is forthcoming that the premises were, immediately before the creation of the statutory tenancy therein, held by the contractual tenant thereof under a tenancy from year to year or for a term of years or other certain period (not being less than one year), or depending on the fall of a life or any other uncertain event, the assignee shall be deemed to hold the premises from the landlord under a tenancy from year to year, terminable, on or after the expiration of the first year thereof, by either party by two months' notice expiring on a gale day and, subject thereto, on the same terms and conditions as the assignor;


(ii) in case evidence is forthcoming that the premises were so held under a contract of tenancy to which subparagraph (i) of this paragraph does not relate, the assignee shall be deemed to hold the premises from the landlord under a contract of tenancy of like duration as the contract of tenancy under which they were so held, and, subject thereto, on the same terms and conditions as the assignor;


(iii) in any other case, the assignee shall be entitled to retain possession of the premises on the same terms and conditions as the assignor;


(b) if the premises are premises to which paragraph (a) of this subsection does not relate, the assignee shall be entitled to retain possession of the premises on the same terms and conditions as the assignor.


Powers of Court in ejectment proceedings.

41.—Where an order for the recovery of possession of controlled premises is made by the Court, or was so made before the operative date, the Court may, at the time of the order or at any time before the execution thereof, stay execution on the order or postpone the date of possession for such period or periods, and subject to such conditions, as the Court thinks fit, and if such conditions are complied with the Court may, if it thinks fit, discharge or vary the order.


Amendments of section 15 of Summary Jurisdiction (Ireland) Act, 1851.

42.—(1) Notwithstanding anything in section 15 of the Summary Jurisdiction (Ireland) Act, 1851, every warrant for delivery of possession of, or to enter and give possession of, controlled premises shall remain in force for three months from the day next after the last day named in the order for delivery of possession or, in the case of a warrant under the Summary Jurisdiction (Ireland) Act, 1851, from the date of the issue of the warrant, and in either case for such further period or periods if any, as the Court shall from time to time, whether before or after the expiration of such three months, direct.


(2) Section 15 of the Summary Jurisdiction (Ireland) Act 1851, shall apply to every controlled premises occupied by a statutory tenant, the rateable valuation whereof does not exceed ten pounds, notwithstanding that the rent exceeds one pound by the month.


Acceptance of rent by landlord after expiration of notice to quit.

43.—Where the landlord of controlled premises serves a notice to quit on the tenant of the premises, the acceptance of any sum purporting to be rent by the landlord for the period mentioned in whichever of the following paragraphs is applicable shall not prejudice his right (if any) to recover possession of the premises, that is to say,—


(a) if he institutes proceedings for the recovery of possession of the premises within three months of the expiration of the notice to quit, the period beginning on the expiration of the notice to quit and ending on the date on which the proceedings are finally determined,


(b) in any other case, the period of three months beginning on the expiration of the notice to quit,


and if an order for possession of the premises is made, any such sum so accepted shall be treated as mesne profits.


Order for possession obtained by misrepresentation.

44.—Where it appears to the Court that an order for possession of controlled premises was obtained by the landlord by misrepresentation or concealment of material facts, the Court may order the landlord to pay to the former tenant such sum as the Court thinks proper by way of compensation for damage or loss sustained by the tenant as the result of the order for possession.


Non-application of sections 37 and 38 to lettings for temporary convenience, etc.

45.Sections 37 and 38 of this Act shall not apply to premises let to a person during his continuance in any office, appointment or employment, or let bona fide for the temporary convenience or to meet a temporary necessity of the landlord or the tenant.


Saving for rights of local authorities under the Housing of the Working Classes Acts.

46.—Nothing in this Part shall prevent a local authority from obtaining possession of any premises the possession of which is required by them for the purpose of exercising their powers under any enactment for the time being in force or under any scheme made under any such enactment.





Liability for repairs.

47.—For the purposes of paragraph (d) of subsection (2) of section 11 and sections 21, 22 and 48 of this Act, the landlord shall be deemed to be responsible for any repairs for which the tenant is not under any liability, whether expressed in the contract or implied under section 42 of the Landlord and Tenant Law Amendment Act (Ireland), 1860.


Compensation for disrepair of controlled premises owing to default of landlord.

48.—(1) Where owing to the default of the landlord controlled premises are not in good and tenantable repair, the Court may order the landlord to pay to the tenant such sum as, in the opinion of the Court, will be required to put the premises into good and tenantable repair.


(2) (a) The right of the tenant to obtain relief under this section shall not prejudice his right to seek relief in any other form of proceedings.


(b) If at the time of the application for or the making of any order under this section the landlord undertakes to put the relevant premises into good and tenantable repair, the Court may adjourn the application, or stay or suspend execution on the order, and if the undertaking is fulfilled the Court may discharge the order.


(c) A sum awarded to a tenant by an order under this section shall be expended on suitable repairs to the premises to which the order relates, and the order may be made subject to such conditions as the Court thinks fit to impose for the purpose of ensuring that the said sum is so expended.


Apportionment of rateable valuation by Commissioner of Valuation.

49.—(1) Where premises are not separately valued under the Valuation Acts, the Commissioner of Valuation and Boundary Surveyor may, on the application of the landlord or tenant of the premises, apportion to the premises such part as he thinks proper of the rateable valuation of the property in which the premises are comprised, and the part so apportioned to the said premises shall be taken to be the rateable valuation of the premises for the purposes of this Act, but not further or otherwise.


(2) The Minister for Finance, after consultation with the Minister, may make regulations fixing a scale of the fees to be paid to the Commissioner of Valuation and Boundary Surveyor for apportionments under subsection (1) of this section.


(3) The following provisions shall have effect in relation to all fees payable under this section:


(a) such fees shall be collected and taken in such manner as the Minister for Finance shall from time to time direct and shall be paid into or disposed of for the benefit of the Exchequer in accordance with the directions of the said Minister;


(b) the Public Offices Fees Act, 1879, shall not apply in respect of such fees.


Restriction on premiums.

50.—(1) A person shall not, as a condition of the grant, renewal, or continuance of a tenancy or subtenancy of any controlled premises, require the payment of any fine, premium, or other like sum, or the giving of any valuable consideration, in addition to the rent, and, where any such payment or consideration is made or given in respect of any such premises, the amount or value thereof may be recovered within, but not later than, six years after the date on which it was made or given.


(2) If any person who recovers any sum made recoverable by this section has assigned or otherwise disposed of his interest in the tenancy for valuable consideration, the sum recovered by him shall be held by him in trust for such person as shall seem to the Court to be equitably entitled thereto.


(3) A person requiring any payment or other consideration in contravention of this section shall be guilty of an offence under this subsection and shall, on summary conviction thereof, be liable to a fine not exceeding one hundred pounds, and the Court by which he is convicted may order the amount paid or the value of the consideration to be repaid to the person by whom the payment or other consideration was made or given.


(4) (a) Any person making or offering to make any payment or giving or offering to give any consideration the requiring of which would be in contravention of this section, or advertising or publishing any such offer shall be guilty of an offence under this subsection and shall, on summary conviction thereof, be liable to a fine not exceeding twenty pounds.


(b) No proceedings under this subsection shall be taken against any person who has instituted any proceedings under subsection (1) of this section, or who has supplied any information for the purpose of the institution of any proceedings under subsection (3) of this section.


(5) Any grant, renewal, or continuance of a tenancy as a condition of which any payment or consideration has been made or given in contravention of this section shall, without prejudice to the operation of this section, be voidable at the option of either party thereto, without prejudice to the right of the tenant, if he has entered into possession of the premises comprised therein, to retain possession thereof by virtue of the provisions of this Act after any such option has been exercised.


(6) This section shall not apply to the grant, renewal or continuance for a term of fourteen years or upwards of any tenancy.


Restriction on levy of distress for rent.

51.—(1) No distress for the rent of controlled premises shall be levied except by order of the Court.


(2) Where the Court makes an order under subsection (1) of this section, the Court may attach to the execution of the order such conditions as the Court thinks fit.


Method of recovery of sums due by landlords to tenants.

52.—Any sum which under this Act is recoverable by a tenant from a landlord or payable or repayable by a landlord to a tenant may, without prejudice to any other method of recovery, be deducted by the tenant from any rent payable by him to the landlord.



53.—(1) The Minister may make regulations providing for any or all of the following matters:


(a) the supply of rent-books in a form prescribed in the regulations by landlords of controlled premises or any class of controlled premises to the tenants of such premises;


(b) the custody of such rent-books;


(c) the entry of specified particulars in such rent-books;


(d) any other matters relating to the user of such rent-books which the Minister may think proper to provide for;


(e) any matter or thing referred to in this Act as prescribed;


(f) the compilation of registers of controlled premises, the standard rents or basic rents of which have been determined by the Court, or any classes of such premises, in such form and containing such particulars as may be prescribed in the regulations, the inspection thereof by members of the public and such other matters relating thereto as the Minister may think proper to provide for;


(g) the provision by landlords of identifying numbers for parts (being controlled premises) of any houses or classes of houses.


(2) Every person who fails to comply with any regulation made under subsection (1) (other than paragraph (e) ) of this section and for the time being in force shall be guilty of an offence under this section and shall, on summary conviction thereof, be liable to a fine not exceeding ten pounds.


(3) (a) On an application by a landlord of controlled premises, the Court may by order exempt the landlord from compliance with regulations relating to rent-books made under subsection (1) of this section.


(b) An order shall not be made under this subsection unless the Court is satisfied—


(i) that the applicant has made satisfactory alternative arrangements for keeping records of payments of rent made by his tenants and for furnishing a proper receipt for each such payment, and


(ii) that, having regard to those arrangements and to all the circumstances of the case, it would be unreasonable to require the applicant to comply with the regulations.


(c) The Court may attach to an order made under this subsection such conditions as the Court thinks fit to impose, including, in particular, a condition that the applicant shall furnish each tenant of controlled premises, of which he may from time to time be landlord, with such particulars, relating to the rent payable by the tenant and the rights and obligations of landlords and tenants under this Act, as are required by the regulations to be specified in rent-books.


(d) A person who fails to comply with any condition attached to an order made under this subsection in relation to him shall be guilty of an offence under this section and shall, on summary conviction thereof, be liable to a fine not exceeding ten pounds.


(4) Every regulation made by the Minister under subsection (1) of this section shall be laid before each House of the Oireachtas as soon as may be after it is made, and if a resolution is passed by either House of the Oireachtas within the next subsequent twenty-one days on which that House has sat after the regulation is laid before it annulling the regulation, the regulation shall be annulled accordingly, but without prejudice to the validity of anything previously done under the regulation.


Powers of the Court generally.

54.—(1) Where, for the purpose of determining the rateable valuation of premises which are alleged to be controlled premises, it is necessary to apportion the rateable valuation of the property in which the premises are comprised, the Court may, on the application of either party, make such apportionment as it thinks proper.


(2) Where premises are let or were let at the date in relation to which the basic rent is to be fixed, at a rent which includes or included payment for board, attendance or the use of furniture, the Court may for any of the purposes of this Act make such apportionment as it thinks proper.


(3) On the hearing of an action for the recovery of possession of controlled premises or for the recovery of any rent claimed to be due by a landlord or any sum claimed to be recoverable by a tenant in respect of controlled premises, the Court may on the application of either party at such hearing determine any matter arising under this Act which can in the opinion of the Court be conveniently determined on such hearing.


(4) The Court shall, if satisfied that any error or omission in a notice served under section 20 of this Act is due to a bona fide mistake on the part of the party serving it, have power to amend the notice by correcting any errors and supplying any omissions therein, whether or not such errors or omissions, if not corrected or supplied, would render the notice invalid, on such terms and conditions as appear to the Court to be proper and, if the Court so directs, the notice as so amended shall have effect and be deemed to have had effect as a valid notice under the said section 20.


(5) In addition to the powers specifically conferred on the Court by this Act the Court may deal with any matter arising under this Act whether a dispute has or has not arisen in relation to that matter.


Exercise of jurisdiction of Court.

55.—(1) The jurisdiction and powers conferred on the Court by this Act may be exercised—


(a) by the Circuit Court, or


(b) where the rateable valuation of the relevant premises does not exceed £10, or if the parties consent in writing to such exercise, by the District Court.


(2) The Minister may from time to time nominate one or more of the District Justices for the time being assigned to the Dublin Metropolitan District as the Justice or Justices who shall have sole jurisdiction in that District in all cases, within the jurisdiction of the District Court, arising under this Act, and all such cases shall be referred to the Justice or one of the Justices so nominated.


(3) A nomination under subsection (2) of this section may be withdrawn at any time by the Minister.


(4) No appeal shall lie from the decision of the Circuit Court as to any apportionment of rent or rateable valuation.


Continuance of pending proceedings.

56.—Where on the operative date proceedings are pending for the determination of the standard rent or the basic rent (within the meaning of the Order of 1944) of any premises, the proceedings shall continue and shall be treated as if they were proceedings under this Act to determine the basic rent of the premises.


Position of statutory tenants under Act of 1923 and Order of 1944.

57.—To avoid doubts, it is hereby declared that any person who, immediately before the operative date, was in possession of premises by virtue of the provisions of the Act of 1923 or the Order of 1944 shall, subject to this Act, be entitled to retain possession of the premises.


Rules as to procedure.

58.—(1) Until rules are made regulating the practice and procedure of the Circuit Court for the purposes of this Act, the rules made under section 19 of the Act of 1923, so far as they relate to the Circuit Court, shall apply for the purposes of this Act with the necessary modifications.


(2) Until rules are made regulating the practice and procedure of the District Court for the purposes of this Act, the rules made under section 19 of the Act of 1923, so far as they relate to the District Court, shall apply for the purposes of this Act with the necessary modifications.



Enactments Repealed.

Section 5.

Number and Year

Short Title

Extent of repeal

No. 19 of 1923

Increase of Rent and Mortgage Interest (Restrictions) Act, 1923.

The whole Act.

No. 24 of 1926

Increase of Rent and Mortgage Interest (Restrictions) Act, 1926.

The whole Act.

No. 4 of 1928

Local Government (Rates on Small Dwellings) Act, 1928.

Subsection (5) of section 6.

No. 5 of 1928

Increase of Rent and Mortgage Interest (Restrictions) Act, 1928.

The whole Act.

No. 15 of 1929

Increase of Rent and Mortgage Interest (Restrictions) Act, 1929.

The whole Act.

No. 18 of 1930

Increase of Rent and Mortgage Interest (Restrictions) Act, 1930

The whole Act.