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Uimhir 14 de 1970
[An tiontú oifigiúil]
Cáin Ioncaim agus Cáin Bhrabús Corparáide
Caibideal I
Cáin Ioncaim
[EN]Cáin íoncaim agus forcháin don bhliain 1970-71.
1.—(1) Déanfar cáin ioncaim don bhliain dar tosach an 6ú lá d'Aibreán, 1970, a mhuirearú de réir seacht scilling sa phunt nó de réir (ráta a chomhionann) tríocha a cúig faoin gcéad.
[EN](2) Déanfar forcháin don bhliain dar tosach an 6ú lá d'Aibreán, 1970, a mhuirearú ar ioncam aon aonaí ar mó ná dhá mhíle cúig chéad punt iomlán a ioncaim ó gach bunadh agus muirearófar amhlaidh í de réir na rátaí céanna ar dá réir a mhuirearaítear í don bhliain dar tosach an 6ú lá d'Aibreán, 1969.
[EN]Ráta faoisimh laghdaithe.
2.—(1) Aon aonaí a dhéanfaidh, sa tslí a fhorordaítear leis na hAchtanna Cánach Ioncaim, éileamh chuige sin agus a thabharfaidh tuairisceán san fhoirm fhorordaithe ar a ioncam iomlán beidh sé i dteideal go muirearófar é de réir dhá thrian an ráta chaighdeánaigh chánach ar an gcéad £100 dá ioncam inchánach.
[EN](2) Beidh feidhm maidir le laghdú ráta a lamháiltear faoi fho-alt (1) ag na forálacha sin uile de na hAchtanna Cánach Ioncaim ag a bhfuil feidhm maidir le gach asbhaint a shonraítear in ailt 138 go 143 den Acht Cánach Ioncaim, 1967.
[EN](3) Leasaítear leis seo alt 153 (1) den Acht Cánach Ioncaim, 1967, tríd an mír seo a leanas a chur isteach i ndiaidh mhír (d)—
[EN]“(dd) ní bheidh sé i dteideal shochar na forála atá in alt 2 den Acht Airgeadais, 1970, trínar de réir ráta cánach laghdaithe is inmhuirir in imthosca áirithe an chéad £100 d'ioncam inchánach.”.
[EN](4) Leasaítear leis seo alt 193 (6) den Acht Cánach Ioncaim, 1967, trí “, nó faoi alt 2 den Acht Airgeadais, 1970” a chur isteach i ndiaidh “1969”.
[EN](5) Leasaítear leis seo alt 497 den Acht Cánach Ioncaim, 1967, trí “mar a fhoráiltear a mhalairt leis an Acht seo, de réir an ráta chaighdeánaigh cánach don bhliain sin, nó de réir dhá thrian an ráta sin, de réir mar a bheidh, agus aon aisíoc cánach ioncaim in aghaidh aon bhliana measúnachta a mbeidh teideal ag duine ar bith chuige maidir le haon laghdú ar an ráta cánach ar an gcéad £100 d'ioncam inchánach faoi alt 2 den Acht Airgeadais, 1970, déanfar é, ach amháin mar a fhoráiltear a mhalairt leis an Acht seo, de réir an ráta chaighdeánaigh cánach don bhliain sin” a chur in ionad “mar a bhforáiltear a mhalairt leis an Acht seo”.
[EN]Leasú ar alt 6 den Acht Cánach Ioncaim, 1967.
3.—(1) Leasaítear leis seo alt 6 den Acht Cánach Ioncaim, 1967, trí “pingin nua” a chur in ionad “pingin”.
[EN](2) Tiocfaidh an t-alt seo i ngníomh an 15ú lá d'Fheabhra, 1971.
[EN]Leasú ar alt 11 den Acht Airgeadais, 1967, agus ar alt 4 den Acht Airgeadais, 1969.
4.—(1) Leasaítear leis seo alt 11 (1) den Acht Airgeadais, 1967—
[EN](a) trí “ainmnithe” a chur in ionad “neamhfhorbartha”, agus
[EN](b) tríd an míniú ar “limistéar neamhfhorbartha” a scriosadh agus an míniú seo a leanas a chur isteach:
[EN]“tá le ‘limistéar ainmnithe’ an bhrí chéanna atá leis san Acht um Fhorbairt Tionscail, 1969.”.
[EN](2) Leasaítear leis seo alt 4 (1) den Acht Airgeadais, 1969—
[EN](a) trí “seachas limistéar ainmnithe” a chur in ionad “seachas limistéar neamhfhorbartha”, agus
[EN](b) tríd an míniú ar “limistéar neamhfhorbartha” a scriosadh agus an míniú seo a leanas a chur isteach:
[EN]“tá le ‘limistéar ainmnithe’ an bhrí chéanna atá leis san Acht um Fhorbairt Tionscail, 1969.”.
(3) Beidh, agus measfar go raibh, éifeacht ag an alt seo amhail ar an agus ón lú lá d'Aibreán, 1970.
[EN]Leasú ar alt 127 den Acht Cánach Ioncaim, 1967.
5.—Leasaítear leis seo alt 121 (1) den Acht Cánach Ioncaim, 1967, tríd an mír seo a leanas a chur isteach i ndiaidh mhír (f):
[EN]“(ff) chun a cheangal ar fhostóir fógra a thabhairt do na Coimisinéirí Ioncaim—
[EN](i) faoi fhostaithe d'aicme shonraithe nó d'aicmí sonraithe nach dóigh dá gcuid díolaíochtaí lena mbaineann an Chaibidil seo a bheith níos mó, don bhliain mheasúnachta, ná méid sonraithe, agus
[EN](ii) faoi fhostaithe d'aicme shonraithe nó d'aicmí sonraithe ar mhó, aon tráth in imeacht bliana measúnachta, ná méid sonraithe comhiomlán a gcuid díolaíochtaí lena mbaineann an Chaibidil seo;”.
[EN]Leasú ar alt 134 den Acht Cánach Ioncaim, 1967.
6.—Leasaítear leis seo alt 134 den Acht Cánach Ioncaim, 1967, tríd an gcoinníoll seo a leanas a chur leis:
[EN]“Ar choinníoll—
[EN](a) gurb í, i gcás aonaí ag a bhfuil teideal faoi alt 138 (1) chun asbhainte £424 nó £524, an asbhaint is l ú is inlamháilte faoin alt seo £225 nó méid a ioncaim thuillte, cibé acu is lú, agus
[EN](b) gurb í, i gcás aonaí a bhfuil teideal aige faoi alt 138 chun asbhainte £249 nó £274, an asbhaint is lú is inlamháilte faoin alt seo £125 nó méid a ioncaim thuillte, cibé acu is lú.”.
[EN]Leasú ar alt 135 den Acht Cánach Ioncaim, 1967.
7.—Leasaítear leis seo alt 135 den Acht Cánach Ioncaim, 1967, tríd an gcoinníoll seo a leanas a chur in ionad an choinníll a ghabhann le fo-alt (1):
[EN]“Ar choinníoll—
[EN](a) má éilíonn an t-aonaí asbhaint faoin alt seo, go mbeidh éifeacht ag alt 134 maidir leis an aonaí ionann is dá bhfágfaí ar lár an coinníoll (a cuireadh isteach le halt 6 den Acht Airgeadais, 1970) a ghabhann leis;
[EN](b) más £500 an méid, an ceathrú cuid dá ioncaim thuillte, d'asbhaint a bheidh an t-aonaí i dteideal faoi alt 134, nach lamhálfar aon asbhaint faoin alt seo;
[EN](c) más lú ná £500 a méid, an ceathrú cuid dá ioncam tuillte, d'asbhaint a bheidh an t-aonaí i dteideal faoi alt 134, nach mbeidh an asbhaint faoin alt seo níos mó nó an méid a bheidh an asbhaint faoi alt 134 níos lú ná £500;
[EN](d) má bhíonn teideal faoi alt 138 ag an aonaí chun asbhainte £249 nó £274—
[EN](i) mura mó ná £500 a ioncam iomlán, gurb í an asbhaint faoin alt seo an méid a bheidh ceathrú cuid dá ioncam tuillte d'asbhaint faoi alt 134 níos lú ná £125, agus
[EN](ii) más mó ná £500 a ioncam iomlán, nach mbeidh an asbhaint faoin alt seo níos mó ná £150 nó an méid a mbeidh sé ina theideal faoi mhír (c), cibé acu is lú;
[EN](e) má bhíonn teideal faoi alt 138 (1) ag an aonaí chun asbhainte £424 nó £524—
[EN](i) mura mó ná £900 a ioncam iomlán, gurb í an asbhaint faoin alt seo an méid a bheidh an ceathrú cuid dá ioncam tuillte d'asbhaint faoi alt 134 níos lú ná £225, agus
[EN](ii) más mó ná £900 a ioncam iomlán, nach mbeidh an asbhaint faoin alt seo níos mó ná £225 nó an méid a mbeidh sé ina theideal faoi mhír (c), cibé acu is lú”.
[EN]Leasú ar alt 136 den Acht Cánach Ioncaim, 1967.
8.—Leasaítear leis seo alt 136 den Acht Cánach Ioncaim, 1967—
[EN](a) trí “£500” a chur in ionad “£450” gach áit a bhfuil sé, agus
[EN](b) tríd an gcoinníoll seo a leanas a chur le fo-alt (2)—
[EN]“Ar choinníoll gurb í, i gcás inar lú ná £500 an t-ioncam iomchuí, an asbhaint íosta £125 faoin bhfo-alt seo nó méid an ioncaim iomchuí, cibé acu is lú.”.
[EN]Leasú ar alt 138 den Acht Cánach Ioncaim, 1967.
9.—Leasaítear leis seo alt 138 (3) den Acht Cánach Ioncaim, 1967, trí “£74” a chur in ionad “£45”.
[EN]Leasú ar alt 141 den Acht Cánach Ioncaim, 1967.
10.—Leasaítear alt 141 den Acht Cánach Ioncaim, 1967, tríd an gcoinníoll seo a leanas a chur in ionad an choinníll a ghabhann le fo-alt (1A) (a) (a cuireadh isteach leis an Acht Airgeadais, 1969):
[EN]“Ar choinníoll go ndéanfar, i gcás ina mbeidh an t-éilitheoir nó ina mbeadh sé ar iarratas cuí a dhéanamh i dteideal liúntais leanaí in imeacht na bliana measúnachta i leith níos mó ná leanbh amháin, an asbhaint a thabharfar faoi fho-ailt (1) agus (2)—
[EN](i) i gcás aon linbh amháin aonair den sórt sin a laghdú £15, agus
[EN](ii) i gcás aon leanaí den sórt sin de bhreis ar bheirt, a laghdú £19 an duine don bhliain 1970-71 agus £23 do gach bliain ina dhiaidh sin”.
[EN]Leasú ar alt 142 den Acht Cánach Ioncaim, 1967.
11.—Leasaítear leis seo alt 142 (1) den Acht Cánach Ioncaim, 1967, trí “£282” a chur in ionad “£256” sa dá áit a bhfuil sé agus trí £222” a chur in ionad “£196”.
[EN]12.—Leasaítear leis seo alt 221 (2) (h) (i) den Acht Cánach Ioncaim, 1967, trí “£70” a chur in ionad “£5”.
[EN]Leasú ar alt 236 agus ar Sceideal 5 den Acht Cánach Ioncaim, 1967.
13.—(1) Leasaítear leis seo alt 236 (1) den Acht Cánach Ioncaim, 1967, trí “£750” a chur in ionad “£500” gach áit a bhfuil sé.
[EN](2) Leasaítear leis seo Sceideal 5 a ghabhann leis an Acht Cánach Ioncaim, 1967—
[EN](a) trí “£750” a chur in ionad “£500” gach áit a bhfuil sé, agus
[EN](b) trí “£825” a chur in ionad “£550”, “£900” a chur in ionad “£600”, “£975” a chur in ionad “£650”, “£1,050” a chur in ionad “£700” agus “£1,125” a chur in ionad “£750”.
[EN]Leasú ar alt 241 den Acht Cánach Ioncaim, 1967.
14.—(1) San alt seo—
[EN]ciallaíonn “liúntas caithimh agus cuimilte” liúntas a lamháiltear faoi alt 241 den Acht Cánach Ioncaim, 1967, ar shlí seachas de bhua alt 11 den Acht Airgeadais, 1967, nó de bhua alt 4 den Acht Airgeadais, 1969;
[EN]ciallaíonn “gnáth-liúntas caithimh agus cuimilte” cibé liúntas caithimh agus cuimilte nó cibé liúntas caithimh agus cuimilte níos mó ná sin, más ann, a bheadh le tabhairt do dhuine i leith aon innealra nó gléasra a d'úsáid sé i rith aon bhliana measúnachta dá mba go ndearnadh na coinníollacha go léir a shonraítear i bhfo-alt (3) a chomhlíonadh maidir leis an mbliain sin.
[EN](2) Mura dtabharfar aon liúntas caithimh agus cuimilte nó más liúntas níos lú ná an gnáth-liúntas caithimh agus cuimilte a thabharfar do duine i leith aon innealra nó gléasra d'aon bhliain mheasúnachta (lena n-áirítear bliain mheasúnachta roimh an mbliain 1970-71) a d'úsáid an duine sin an t-innealra nó an gléasra, measfar, chun críocha fho-ailt (6) agus (7) den alt sin 241, gur tugadh an gnáth-liúntas caithimh agus cuimilte dó i leith an innealra nó an ghléasra don bhliain sin.
[EN](3) Is iad na coinníollacha dá dtagraítear i bhfo-alt (1):
[EN](a) go raibh an trádáil á seoladh ag an duine a bheidh i gceist ariamh ón dáta a fuair sé an t-innealra nó an gléasra agus go raibh sí á seoladh aige in imthosca de shórt gurbh inmhuirir i leith cánach na brabúis nó na gnóchain go léir ón trádáil sin,
[EN](b) nárbh oibríochtaí trádála díolmhaithe aon tráth de réir brí Chaibidil I de Chuid XXV den Acht Cánach Ioncaim, 1967, an trádáil go léir nó aon chuid di,
[EN](c) gur chun críocha na trádála go heisiatach a d'úsáid sé an t-innealra nó an gléasra ariamh ón dáta sin,
[EN](d) go ndearna sé éileamh cuí ar liúntas caithimh agus cuimilte i leith an innealra nó an ghléasra in aghaidh gach bliana measúnachta iomchuí, agus
[EN](e) nár éirigh aon cheist i ndáil le haon bhliain mheasúnachta i dtaobh aon suimeanna i leith caitheamh agus cuimilt, nó ar chuntas a thógáil ar chaitheamh agus cuimilt, innealra nó gléasra a bheith iníoctha díreach nó neamhdhíreach leis.
[EN](4) Beidh feidhm ag na forálacha sin roimhe seo den alt seo, agus aon mhodhnú déanta orthu is gá, maidir le gairmeacha, fostaíochtaí agus oifigí mar atá feidhm acu maidir le trádála.
[EN](5) Leasaítear leis seo alt 241 (7) den Acht Cánach Ioncaim, 1967, trí “ghairme, fostaíochta nó oifige” a chur in ionad “nó ghairme”.
[EN]Leasú ar alt 331 den Acht Cánach Ioncaim, 1967.
15.—(1) Leasaítear leis seo alt 331 den Acht Cánach Ioncaim, 1967, tríd an gcoinníoll seo a leanas a chur le fo-alt (3):
[EN]“Ar choinníoll go bhféadfar faoiseamh nó aisíoc a thabhairt i leith na díbhinne nó an úis sin i gcás—
[EN](a) inar íocadh an díbhinn nó an t-ús sin laistigh den tréimhse dhá bhliain roimh dháta an deimhnithe sin, agus
[EN](b) gur íocadh an díbhinn nó an t-ús ar stoic, scaireanna nó urrúis a ndearnadh na coinníollacha a shonraítear i míreanna (a) go (c) d'alt 329 (2) agus in alt 330 (2) a chomhlíonadh ina leith—
[EN](i) i gcaitheamh na tréimhse dhá bhliain sin, nó
[EN](ii) más i rith na tréimhse sin a eisíodh na stoic, na scaireanna nó na hurrúis sin, i gcaitheamh na tréimhse ó dháta na heisiúna go dtí dáta an deimhnithe sin.”.
[EN](2) Beidh éifeacht agus measfar go raibh éifeacht ag an alt seo maidir le haon díbhinn nó ús a íocadh nó a íocfar an 6ú lá d'Aibreán, 1966, nó dá éis, agus féadfar faoiseamh ó cháin a thabhairt dá réir sin trí aisíoc nó ar shlí eile, mar is cuí leis na Coimisinéirí Ioncaim.
[EN]Leasú ar alt 332 den Acht Cánach Ioncaim, 1967.
16.—(1) Leasaítear leis seo alt 332 den Acht Cánach Ioncaim, 1967, tríd an gcoinníoll seo a leanas a chur le fo-alt (8):
[EN]“Ar choinníoll go bhféadfar faoiseamh nó aisíoc a thabhairt i leith na díbhinne nó an úis sin i gcás—
[EN](a) inar íocadh an díbhinn nó an t-ús sin laistigh den tréimhse dhá bhliain roimh dháta an deimhnithe sin, agus
[EN](b) gur íocadh an díbhinn nó an t-ús ar stoic, scaireanna nó urrúis a ndearnadh na coinníollacha a shonraítear i míreanna (a) agus (b) d'fho-alt (2) a chomhlíonadh ina leith—
[EN](i) i gcaitheamh na tréimhse dhá bhliain sin, nó
[EN](ii) más i rith na tréimhse sin a eisíodh na stoic, na scaireanna nó na hurrúis sin, i gcaitheamh na tréimhse ó dháta na heisiúna go dtí dáta an deimhnithe sin.”.
[EN](2) Beidh éifeacht agus measfar go raibh éifeacht ag an alt seo maidir le haon díbhinn nó ús a íocadh nó a íocfar an 6ú lá d'Aibreán, 1966, nó dá éis, agus féadfar faoiseamh ó cháin a thabhairt dá réir sin trí aisíoc nó ar shlí eile, mar is cuí leis na Coimisinéirí Ioncaim.
[EN]Cáin a bhaint as íocaíochtaí le fochonraitheoirí sa tionscal foirgníochta.
17.—(1) San Alt seo—
[EN]ciallaíonn “conradh foirgníochta” conradh (nach conradh fostaíochta) trína ndlíonn duine (dá ngairtear an conraitheoir san alt seo) do dhuine eile (dá ngairtear an príomhaí san alt seo)—
[EN](a) oibríochtaí foirgníochta a dhéanamh; nó
[EN](b) a bheith freagrach sna hoibríochtaí sin a dhéanamh ag daoine eile, faoi fhochonradh idir iad is eisean nó faoi chomhshocraíochtaí eile atá déanta aige nó a dhéanfaidh sé;
[EN](c) a shaothar féin nó saothar daoine eile a chur ag déanamh na n-oibríochtaí sin;
[EN]ciallaíonn “oibríochtaí foirgníochta” oibríochtaí d'aon tuairisc acu seo a leanas—
[EN](a) foirgnimh nó déanmhais a fhoirgniú, a athrú, a dheisiú, a mhéadú, a scartáil nó a dhíchómáil;
[EN](b) aon oibreacha a fhoirgniú, a athrú, a dheisiú, a mhéadú nó a scartáil arb oibreacha iad is cuid, nó a bheidh ina gcuid, den talamh, lena n-áirítear ballaí, oibreacha bóthair, línte cumhachta, ruidbhealaí aerárthach, duganna agus cuanta, iarnróid, uiscebhealaí intíre, píplínte, toibreacha, séaraigh, gléasra tionscail agus feistis chun talamh a shilt;
[EN](c) córais téacháin, soilsiúcháin, aeroiriúnaithe, fuaimdhíonaithe, aeraithe, cumhacht-sholáthair, siltin, sláintíochta, sholáthar uisce, cosaint in aghaidh buirgléireachta nó dóiteáin a fheisteadh in aon fhoirgneamh nó déanmhas;
[EN](d) an taobh amuigh d'fhoirgnimh a ghlanadh (seachas aon chuid d'fhoirgneamh a ghlanadh i gcúrsa gnáthchothabhála); an taobh istigh d'fhoirgnimh agus de dhéanmhais a ghlanadh, a mhéid a dhéantar sin le linn iad a fhoirgniú, a athrú, a mhéadú, a dheisiú nó a aisiriú;
[EN](e) oibríochtaí is cuid dílis d'oibríochtaí den sórt a thuairiscítear thuas nó is ullmhúchán chucu nó is oibríochtaí chun iad a chríochnú, lena n-áirítear glanadh láithreán, uachtar talún a aistriú, tochailt, tunaileoireacht agus tolladh, leagan bunsraitheanna, tógáil scafall, aisiriú láithreán, tírdhreachú, agus bóithre agus oibreacha rochtana eile a sholáthar.
[EN](2) Faoi réir forálacha an ailt seo, má tharlaíonn le linn conradh foirgníochta a bheith á chomhlíonadh, cibé acu roimh thosach feidhme nó tar éis tosach feidhme an ailt seo a rinneadh é, i gcás inarb é duine an príomhaí—
[EN](a) duine arb é féin, maidir leis na hoibríochtaí foirgníochta go léir, nó aon chuid de na hoibríochtaí foirgníochtaí, lena mbaineann an conradh, an conraitheoir faoi chonradh foirgníochta eile, nó
[EN](b) duine a sheolann gnó ar cuid de foirgnimh a thógáil,
[EN]go dtabharfaidh an príomhaí íocaíocht do dhuine eile (cibé acu is é an conraitheoir é nó nach é agus dá ngairtear an fochonraitheoir anseo feasta), bainfidh an príomhaí as an íocaíocht agus íocfaidh sé leis an mBailitheoir cáin de réir 7s. 0d. sa phunt (nó de réir ráta, arb é a chomhionann de ráta é, tríocha a cúig faoin gcéad) ar mhéid na híocaíochta sin.
[EN](3) Le linn ríomh a bheith á dhéanamh, chun críocha Sceideal D, ar na brabúis nó na gnóchain a tháinig nó a d'fhaibhrigh chun fochonraitheora a fuair íocaíocht ar baineadh cáin aisti de réir fho-alt (2), measfar gurb é méid na híocaíochta suim is comhionann le comhiomlán an mhéid a fuarthas tar éis an cháin a asbhaint agus mhéid na cánach a asbhaineadh amhlaidh.
[EN](4) A mhéid is inmhuirir cáin ar fhochonraitheoir i leith brabúis nó gnóchain a tháinig nó a d'fhaibhrigh chuige ó aon cheird nó gairm déileálfar leis ionann is gur íoc sé ar chuntas cáin ab inmhuirir amhlaidh aon cháin a baineadh as íocaíochtaí a cuireadh i gcuntas le linn na brabúis nó na gnóchain sin a bheith á ríomh agus nár aisíocadh agus nár tugadh fritháireamh ina leith; agus déanfaidh na Coimisinéirí Ioncaim rialacháin chun éifeacht a thabhairt don fho-alt seo agus go háirithe féadfaidh foráil a bheith iontu—
[EN](a) i dtaobh na slí a ndéanfar, agus na tréimhsí arb ina n-aghaidh a dhéanfar cáin a asbhaineadh faoin alt seo a chur i gcuntas mar shuim a íocadh ar chuntas dliteanais fochonraitheora i leith cánach,
[EN](b) chun go n-aisíocfar, ar éileamh cuí a dhéanamh in aghaidh tréimhse (dá ngairtear an tréimhse aisíoca anseo feasta) dar tosach an 6ú lá d'Aibreán bliain mheasúnachta agus dar críoch an 5ú lá den mhí i ndiaidh dáta an íoca nó, más é an 5ú lá de mhí nó aon lá roimhe sin a rinneadh an t-íoc, dar críoch an 5ú lá den mhí sin, an chuid sin den cháin a baineadh as íocaíochtaí a fuair fochonraitheoir i rith na tréimhse aisíoca (arna laghdú d'aon mhéid den cháin sin a aisíocadh nó a fritháiríodh) a mheasfaidh na Coimisinéirí Ioncaim a bheith níos mó ná an chuid chomhréireach den mhéid cánach a bhfuil dliteanas air, nó a meastar dliteanas a bheith air, ina leith don bhliain mheasúnachta sin, agus
[EN](c) le haghaidh aisíoc i gcásanna inar mó iomlán na cánach a asbhaineadh as íocaíochtaí a fuair fochonraitheoir ná an méid cánach a dhlíonn sé a íoc.
[EN](5) Déanfaidh na Coimisinéirí Ioncaim rialacháin maidir le measúnú (lena n-áirítear measúnú measta), muirearú, bailiú agus gnóthú cánach is inasbhainte faoi fho-alt (2) agus féadfaidh, go háirithe, aon fhoráil, maidir leis an gcáin sin, a d'fhéadfadh a bheith i rialacháin faoi alt 127 den Acht Cánach Ioncaim, 1967, a bheith sna rialacháin sin.
[EN](6) Beidh feidhm ag alt 132 den Acht Cánach Ioncaim, 1967, maidir le suimeanna a bheidh dlite ar chuntas cánach is inasbhainte faoi fho-alt (2) mar atá feidhm aige maidir le suimeanna a bhfuil fostóir faoi dhliteanas ina leith faoin alt sin.
[EN](7) I gcás ina ndeimhneoidh fochonraitheoir, aon bhliain mheasúnachta, do na Coimisinéirí Ioncaim go bhfuil áit bhunaithe gnó aige agus—
[EN](a) gur sheachaid sé dóibh cuntais ar a thrádáil nó ar a ghairm d'fhonn go ríomhfaí na brabúis nó na gnóchain arb inmhuirir cáin air ina leith don bhliain roimh an mbliain mheasúnachta, nó
[EN](b) gur sheachaid sé, nó go bhfuil geallta aige go seachadfaidh sé, dóibh cuntais ar a thrádáil nó ar a ghairm d'fhonn go ríomhfaí na brabúis nó na gnóchain arb inmhuirir cáin air ina leith,
[EN]eiseoidh na Coimisinéirí Ioncaim chuige deimhniú in aghaidh bliana measúnachta a thabharfaidh teideal dó, ar é á thabhairt ar aird do phríomhaí, go bhfaighidh sé gan cáin a asbhaint aon íocaíochtaí a íocfaidh an príomhaí leis an bhliain mheasúnachta lena mbainfidh an deimhniú agus a dhéanfar tar éis an deimhniú a thabhairt ar aird.
[EN](8) Leasaítear leis seo Sceideal 15 a ghabhann leis an Acht Cánach Ioncaim, 1967, trí “Rialacháin faoi alt 17 den Acht Airgeadais, 1970” a chur i gcolún (2) de.
[EN](9) Gach rialachán a dhéanfar faoin Acht seo leagfar é faoi bhráid Dháil Éireann a luaithe is féidir tar éis a dhéanta agus má dhéanann Dáil Éireann, laistigh den lá is fiche a shuífidh Dáil Éireann tar éis an rialachán a leagan faoina bhráid, rún a rith ag neamhniú an rialacháin, beidh an rialachán ar neamhní dá réir sin ach sin gan dochar d'aon ní a rinneadh roimhe sin faoin rialachán.
[EN](10) Aon duine a sheolann gnó ní mheasfar gur duine é de shórt a shonraítear i bhfo-alt (2) (b) ar an aon-chúis go dtógann sé, i gcúrsa an ghnó sin, foirgnimh chun é féin nó fostaithe dá chuid á n-úsáid nó á n-áitiú.
[EN](11) Tiocfaidh an t-alt seo i ngníomh cibé lá a cheapfaidh an tAire le hordú.
[EN]Díolúine do bhónas nó d'ús a íocadh faoi scéimeanna tráthchoigiltis.
18.—Déanfar neamhshuim chun críocha uile na nAchtanna Cánach Ioncaim d'aon bhónas nó ús is iníoctha le haonaí faoi scéim thráthchoigiltis (de réir brí alt 53) má bhíonn, agus a mhéid a bheidh, an bónas nó an t-ús iníoctha i leith suime nach mó ná an tsuim is cead dó faoin scéim a íoc.
[EN]Liúntas foirgníochta tionscail maidir le foirgnimh agus déanmhais a cheannófar gan bheith úsáidte.
19.—(1) I gcás ina mbeidh caiteachas tabhaithe ag foirgniú foirgnimh nó déanmhais agus go ndéanfar, sula n-úsáidfear an foirgneamh nó an déanmhas sin, an leas iomchuí ann a dhíol—
[EN](a) fágfar as cuntas chun críocha ailt 254, 264, 265, agus 266 den Acht Cánach Ioncaim, 1967, an caiteachas a tabhaíodh iarbhír á fhoirgniú; ach
[EN](b) an duine a cheannóidh an leas sin measfar chun na críocha sin gur thabhaigh sé, ar an dáta a tháinig an praghas ceannaigh chun bheith iníoctha, caiteachas á fhoirgniú ar cóimhéid leis an gcaiteachas sin nó leis an bpraghas glan a d'íoc sé ar an leas sin, cibé acu is lú:
[EN]Ar choinníoll, i gcás ina ndíolfar an leas iomchuí san fhoirgneamh nó sa déanmhas níos minice ná uair amháin sula n-úsáidfear an foirgneamh nó an déanmhas, gur maidir leis an díolachán deiridh acu sin amháin a bheidh éifeacht ag forálacha mhír (b).
[EN](2) I gcás an caiteachas a tabhaíodh ag foirgniú foirgnimh nó déanmhais a thabhú ag duine a sheolann gnó arb éard é, maidir lena iomlán nó aon chuid de, foirgniú foirgneamh nó déanmhas lena ndíol, agus go ndéanfaidh sé, sula n-úsáidfear an foirgneamh nó an déanmhas sin, an leas iomchuí ann a dhíol i gcúrsa na trádála sin, nó, de réir mar a bheidh, i gcúrsa na coda sin den trádáil sin, beidh éifeacht ag mír (b) d'fho-alt (1) faoi réir na modhnuithe seo a leanas—
[EN](a) más é a díol sin an t-aon díol ar an leas iomhchuí sula n-úsáidfear an foirgneamh nó an déanmhas beidh éifeacht ag an mír sin (b) ionann is dá bhfágfaí “leis an gcaiteachas sin nó” agus “cibé acu is lú” ar lár, agus
[EN](b) má bhíonn níos mó ná díol amháin ann ar an leas iomchuí sula n-úsáidfear an foirgneamh nó an déanmhas, beidh éifeacht ag an mír sin (b) ionann is dá mba thagairt don phraghas a íocadh ar an díol sin an tagairt don chaiteachas a tabhaíodh iarbhír ag foirgniú an fhoirgnimh nó an déanmhais.
[EN](3) Beidh éifeacht ag na hAchtanna Cánach Ioncaim, agus forléireofar na forálacha sin roimhe seo den alt seo, ionann is dá mbeadh na forálacha sin i gCaibidil II de Chuid XV den Acht Cánach Ioncaim, 1967.
[EN](4) Maidir le caiteachas a bheidh tabhaithe iarbhír ag foirgniú foirgnimh nó déanmhais an 6ú lá d'Aibreán, 1970, nó dá éis beidh, agus measfar go raibh, éifeacht ag an alt seo amhail ar an agus ón 6ú lá d'Aibreán, 1970.
[EN](5) Maidir le caiteachas a tabhaíodh iarbhír ag foirgniú foirgnimh nó déanmhais roimh an 6ú lá d'Aibreán, 1970, beidh, agus measfar go raibh, éifeacht ag an alt seo amhail ar an agus ón 6ú lá d'Aibreán, 1964, agus tabharfar na liúntais agus na haisíocaíochtaí cánach ioncaim (lena n-áirítear forcháin) agus cánach brabús corporáide sin go léir is iomchuí ag féachaint d'fhorálacha an ailt seo:
[EN]Ar choinníoll nach mbeidh éifeacht ag an bhfo-alt seo maidir le haon chaiteachas den sórt sin má tugadh liúntas foirgníochta tionscail ina leith.
Caibidil II
Cáin Ioncaim, Forcháin agus Cáin Bhrabús Corparáide maidir le Fáltais Airithe tar éis Scor de Thrádáil nó de Ghairm agus Nithe Gaolmhara
[EN]Fáltais a fhaibhreoidh taréis scor de thrádáil nó de ghairm.
20.—(1) I gcás aon trádáil nó gairm arb inmhuirir cáin faoi Chás I nó faoi Chás II de Sceideal D ar a bhrabúis nó a gnóchain a bheith buanscortha, muirearófar cáin faoi Chás IV den Sceideal sin i leith aon suimeanna lena mbaineann an t-alt seo a gheofar tar éis an scoir faoi réir aon asbhaint den sórt a údaraítear le fo-alt (4).
[EN](2) Faoi réir fho-alt (3), baineann an t-alt seo leis na suimeanna a d'éirigh ón trádáil nó ón ngairm a sheoladh i rith aon tréimhse roimh an scor (nach suimeanna ar arb inmhuirir cáin ar son slí eile) a mhéid nár cuireadh méid nó luach na suimeanna i gcuntas le linn ríomh a dhéanamh ar na brabúis nó na gnóchain d'aon tréimhse roimh an scor agus cibé acu a rinneadh nó nach ndearnadh na brabúis nó na gnóchain don tréimhse a ríomh ar fhoras tuillimh nó ar gnáthfhoras.
[EN](3) Ní bhaineann an t-alt seo le haon suim acu seo a leanas—
[EN](a) suimeanna a fuair aon duine a raibh teideal tairbheach aige chucu agus nach sa Stát a chónaoínn sé, nó a fuair duine ag gníomhú thar a cheann, is suimeanna in ionannas ioncaim go díreach nó go neamhdhíreach ó thír nó críoch lasmuigh den Stát, nó
[EN](b) cnapshuim a íocadh le hionadaithe pearsanta údair shaothair litríochta, dramaíochta, ceoil nó ealaíne i gcomaoin iad do shannadh an chóipchirt sa saothar go hiomlán nó go páirteach, nó
[EN](c) suimeanna a tháinig ó stoc trádála de chuid trádála le linn an trádáil sin scor a aistriú, nó, i gcás ina ndearnadh brabúis nó gnóchain gairme a ríomh ar fhoras tuillimh an tráth a scoireadh di, suimeanna a fuarthas tríd an saothar de chuid na gairme a bhí ar siúl le linn an scoir a aistriú, nó
[EN](d) suimeanna a tháinig chun aonaí ó shaothar ar saothar é a ndéanfaí, de réir alt 2 (3) den Acht Airgeadais, 1969, aon bhrabúis nó gnóchain a bheadh tagtha chuig an aonaí sin óna fhoilsiú, óna tháirgeadh nó óna dhíol, de réir mar a d'fhéadfadh a bheith, a fhágáil gan ríomh chun críocha uile na nAchtanna Cánach Ioncaim dá mba roimh an dáta a scoireadh dá ghairm a tháinig siad, nó
[EN](e) suimeanna a fuarthas roimh dháta an Achta seo a rith.
[EN](4) Le linn ríomh a dhéanamh ar an muirear i leith cánach maidir le suimeanna a fuair aon duine arb inmhuirir cáin orthu de bhua an ailt seo (ar a n-áirítear méideanna lena ndéileáiltear mar shuimeanna a fuair sé de bhua alt 24), bainfear as an méid ar arbh inmhuirir cáin ar leith ón bhfo-alt seo—
[EN](a) aon chaillteanas, caiteachas nó féichiúnas (nach caillteanas, caiteachas ná féichiúnas díreach nó neamhdhíreach de bharr an scoir féin) a dhéanfaí, dá mba nár scoireadh den trádáil nó den ghairm, a asbhaint le linn ríomh a dhéanamh chun críocha cánach ar bhrabúis nó ar ghnóchain an duine a bhí á seoladh roimh an scor nó a bhainfí as na brabúis nó na gnóchain sin, nó a fhrithaireofaí i gcoinne na mbrabús nó na ngnóchan sin, arna ríomh amhlaidh; agus
[EN](b) aon liúntas caipitiúil a raibh an duine ag a raibh an trádáil nó an ghairm á seoladh ina theideal díreach roimh an scor agus nach raibh éifeacht tugtha dó ar mhodh faoisimh roimh an scor,
[EN](5) Chun críocha na Caibidle seo—
[EN](a) ciallaíonn “liúntas caipitiúil” aon liúntas, seachas liúntas a bheidh le tabhairt le linn brabúis nó gnóchain a ríomh, faoi alt 241 nó faoi Chuid XIV, XV, XVI nó XVII den Acht Cánach Ioncaim, 1967;
[EN](b) áireofar brabúis nó gnóchain thrádála nó ghairme in aon tréimhse a bheith arna ríomh faoi threoir tuillimh i gcás ina ndéanfar na creidiúnais agus na dliteanais go léir a d'fhaibhrigh in imeacht na tréimhse sin de dhroim an trádáil nó an ghairm a sheoladh a chur i gcuntas le linn na brabúis nó na gnóchain sin a ríomh chun críocha cánach, agus ní ar aon slí eile, agus forléireofar “foras tuillimh” dá réir sin;
[EN](c) áireofar brabúis nó gnóchain thrádála nó ghairme in aon tréimhse a bheith arna ríomh ar ghnáthfhoras más ar shlí seachas faoi threoir tuillimh a bheidh siad ríofa, agus
[EN](d) déanfar luach aon suime a fuarthas d'íocaíocht ar fhiach a áireamh mar luach nár cuireadh i gcuntas sa ríomh a mhéid a bheidh asbhaint ceadaithe i leith na suime sin faoi alt 61 (i) den Acht Cánach Ioncaim, 1967.
[EN]Forálacha forlíontacha maidir le cáin faoi alt 20 no 26.
1920, c. 18.
21.—(1) I gcás an ceart aon suimeanna den sórt a thuairiscítear in alt 20 (2) nó 26 a aistriú ar luach, déanfar aon cháin is inmhuirir de bhua na n-alt sin a mhuirearú i leith méid nó luach na comaoine (nó, i gcás aistriú ar shlí seachas ar neamhthuilleamaí, i leith luach na comaoine a aistrítear amhail idir na páirtithe ar neamhthuilleamaí le chéile), agus déanfar tagairtí sna hailt sin do shuimeanna a fuarthas a fhorléiriú dá réir sin.
[EN](2) I gcás cáin a bheith inmhuirir ar dhuine de bhua alt 20 i leith aon suimeanna a fuarthas tar éis scor de thrádáil nó de ghairm, agus go raibh na brabúis nó na gnóchain ón trádáil nó ón ngairm a raibh teideal aige chucu roimh an scor le háireamh mar ioncam tuillte chun críocha na nAchtanna Cánach Ioncaim, áireofar na suimeanna sin freisin mar ioncam tuillte chun na gcríocha sin ach sin tar éis aon laghdú air faoi alt 25.
[EN](3) Má bhíonn aon duine a bhí ag gabháil don trádáil nó don ghairm, nó má bhíonn a ionadaithe pearsanta, tar éis aon suim ar arb inmhuirir cáin de bhua alt 20 nó 26 a fháil aon bhliain mheasúnachta dar thosach tráth nár dhéanaí ná deich mbliana tar éis an scoir nó, de réir mar a bheidh, an foras a athrú, féadfaidh an duine sin nó (i gceachtar cás) a ionadaithe pearsanta, trí fhógra i scríbhinn a chuirfear chuig an gcigire laistigh de dhá bhliain tar éis deireadh na bliana measúnachta sin, a roghnú go ndéanfar an cháin is inmhuirir mar a dúradh a mhuirearú ionann is gurbh é tráth a fuarthas an tsuim sin an dáta ar ar tharla an scor, nó de réir mar a bheidh, lá deireadh na tréimhse arb ina deireadh a tharla an t-athrú; agus, in aon chás den sórt sin, déanfar measúnú breise (d'ainneoin aon ní in alt 186 (2) den Acht Cánach Ioncaim, 1967) dá réir sin; agus i ndáil leis an measúnú sin ní dhéanfar ná ní thabharfar aon asbhaint ná faoiseamh breise i leith aon chaillteanas ná aon liúntas a asbhaint de bhun alt 20 (4).
[EN](4) I gcás ina ndéanfar saothar a bheidh ar siúl le linn scor de ghairm, nó an fhreagracht ina chríochnú, a aistriú, folóidh na suimeanna lena mbaineann alt 20 aon suimeanna a gheofar ar mhodh comaoine i leith an aistrithe agus aon suimeanna a gheobhaidh an t-aistrí ar mhodh réadú a dhéanamh thar ceann an aistreora ar an obair a bheidh ar siúl a aistreofar.
[EN](5) Ní asbhainfear aon mhéid faoi alt 20 (4) má bhíonn an méid sin lamháilte faoi aon fhoráil eile de na hAchtanna Cánach Ioncaim nó de Chuid V den Finance Act, 1920, arna leasú nó arna leathnú le hachtacháin ina dhiaidh sin.
[EN](6) Ní asbhainfear aon mhéid thar uair amháin faoi alt 20 (4) agus maidir le suimeanna is inmhuirir in aghaidh bliana measúnachta nó tréimhse cuntasaíochta agus suimeanna is inmhuirir in aghaidh bliana measúnachta ina dhiaidh sin nó tréimhse cuntasaíochta ina dhiaidh sin, is in aghaidh suimeanna is inmhuirir in aghaidh na bliana measúnachta nó na tréimhse cuntasaíochta is luaithe a dhéanfar aon asbhaint i leith caillteanais nó liúntais chaipitiúil ach, i gcás caillteanas a lamhálfar de bhua an fho-ailt seo nó an ailt sin 20 (4) tar éis an scoir, ní dhéanfar asbhaint as aon suim is inmhuirir in aghaidh bliana measúnachta nó tréimhse cuntasaíochta roimh an gceann inar tharla an caillteanas.
[EN]Fáltais agus caillteanais a fhaibhreoidh taréis athrú aáireofar mar scor.
22.—(1) Beidh feidhm ag na forálacha seo a leanas in aon chás ina ndéileáiltear, de thoradh malairt daoine dul i mbun trádáil nó gairm a sheoladh, leis an trádáil nó leis an ngairm chun aon cheann de chríocha na nAchtanna Cánach Ioncaim ionann is dá mbeifí tar éis buanscor de agus go raibh gnó nua bunaithe agus tosaithe.
[EN](2) Beidh feidhm ag ailt 20 agus 21 i gcás aon athrú den sórt a dúradh ionann is dá mbeifí tar éis buanscor den trádáil nó den ghairm:
[EN]Ar choinníoll nach ndéanfar, i gcás ina ndéanfar nó ina ndearnadh aon suimeanna lena mbaineann alt 20 a aistriú, tráth an athraithe, chuig na daoine a bhí nó a bheidh ag seoladh na trádála nó na gairme tar éis an athraithe, cáin a mhuirearú de bhua an ailt sin, ach (ach amháin más roimh dháta an Achta seo a rith a tharla an t-athrú) go ndéanfar aon suimeanna a bheidh faighte ag na daoine sin de bhua an aistrithe a áireamh chun gach críche mar fháltais a bheidh le cur sa ríomh ar bhrabúis nó gnóchain na trádála nó na gairme sa tréimhse a fuarthas iad.
[EN](3) Le linn ríomh a dhéanamh chun críocha cánach ar bhrabúis nó gnóchain thrádála in aon tréimhse tar éis an athraithe, féadfar suim a asbhaint ar cóimhéid le haon mhéid a cruthaíodh i rith na tréimhse sin a bheith neamhinghnóthaithe maidir le haon fhiacha a creidiúnaíodh le linn ríomh a dhéanamh chun críocha cánach ar bhrabúis nó gnóchain d'aon tréimhse roimh an athrú (is é sin, fiacha a ndearnadh a sochar a shannadh do na daoine a bhí ag seoladh na trádála nó na gairme tar éis an athraithe), a mhéid gur mó an méid iomlán a cruthaíodh a bheith neamhinghnóthaithe i leith na bhfiacha sin ná aon asbhaint a lamháladh ina leith faoi alt 61 (i) den Acht Cánach Ioncaim, 1967, i ríomh in aghaidh aon tréimhse roimh an athrú.
[EN]Obair ar siúl le linn scoir.
23.—(1) I gcás ina ndéanfar, le linn ríomh a dhéanamh chun críocha na nAchtanna Cánach Ioncaim ar bhrabúis nó gnóchain gairme atá buanscortha, luacháil ar obair na gairme a bhí ar siúl le linn an scoir, luachálfar an obair sin mar a leanas—
[EN](a) má bhítear tar éis an obair a aistriú ar airgead nó ar luach airgid nó ar chomaoin luachmhar eile chuig duine a sheolann gairm, nó a bheartaíonn gairm a bheith á seoladh aige, sa Stát, agus go bhféadfaidh an duine sin costas na hoibre a asbhaint mar chaiteachas le linn ríomh a dhéanamh chun aon chríche den sórt sin ar bhrabúis nó gnóchain na gairme sin, measfar gurb é luach na hoibre an méid a íocadh nó an chomaoin eile a tugadh i leith an aistrithe;
[EN](b) mura mbeidh an obair le luacháil faoi mhír (a), measfar gurb é a luach an méid a íocfaí i leith í a aistriú ar dháta an scoir amhail idir páirtithe ar neamhthuilleanaí le chéile.
[EN](2) I gcás ina mbeifear tar éis scor de ghairm agus go roghnóidh an duine a bhí á seoladh díreach roimh an scor, trí fhógra i scríbhinn a chuirfear chuig an gcigire aon tráth laistigh de dhá mhí dhéag tar éis an scoir, ní dhéanfar an méid, más ann, a bheidh de bhreis ag luach na hoibre a bhí ar siúl le linn an scoir (arna dhéanamh amach faoi fho-alt (1)) ar chostas iarbhír na hoibre a chur i gcuntas le linn ríomh a bheith á dhéanamh ar bhrabúis nó gnóchain na tréimhse díreach roimh an scor, ach déanfar an méid a bheidh de bhreis ar chostas iarbhír na hoibre ag aon suimeanna a bheidh faighte i leith an obair a aistriú a áireamh ar na suimeanna ar arb inmhuirir cáin faoi alt 20 ionann is dá mba shuim é lena mbaineann an t-alt sin agus a fuarthas tar éis an scoir.
[EN](3) Tá feidhm ag na forálacha sin roimhe seo den alt seo i gcás ina meastar chun aon cheann de chríocha na nAchtanna Cánach Ioncaim go bhfuil buanscortha di mar atá feidhm acu i gcás scoir iarbhír, ach ní bheidh feidhm acu i gcás gairm a bhí á seoladh ag aonaí aonair scor mar gheall ar é d'fháil bháis.
[EN](4) Chun críocha alt 62 den Acht Cánach Ioncaim, 1967, folaíonn “stoc trádála”, maidir le trádáil, aon seirbhísí, earra nó ábhar a áireofaí, dá mba ghairm an trádáil, mar obair le linn í a bheith ar siúl chun críocha an ailt seo, agus forléireofar dá réir sin tagairtí do stoc trádála a dhíol nó a aistriú.
[EN](5) Déanfar tagairtí san alt seo d'obair ar siúl le linn scor de ghairm a fhorléiriú mar thagairtí—
[EN](a) d'aon seirbhísí a dhéantar i ngnáthchúrsa na gairme, a raibh a ndéanamh críochnaithe go hiomlán nó go páirteach tráth an scoir agus a mba réasúnach an rud a cheapadh go n-éileofaí táille ar iad a bheith críochnaithe dá mba nár scoireadh den ghairm, agus
[EN](b) d'aon earra a tháirgtear, agus d'aon earra a úsáidtear, ag déanamh aon seirbhísí den sórt sin,
[EN]agus aon tagairtí san alt seo d'obair atá ar siúl a aistriú folóidh siad tagairtí d'aon sochair agus ceartanna a fhaibhreoidh, nó ar réasúnach an rud a cheapadh go bhfaibhreodh siad, ón obair a dhéanamh.
[EN](6) Ní bhaineann an t-alt seo ach amháin le scor a tharlóidh tar éis dáta an Achta seo a rith.
[EN]Fiacha a fhritháireofar i gcoinne brabús agus a scaoilfear ina dhiaidh sin.
24.—(1) I gcás ina mbeifear, le linn ríomh a bheith á dhéanamh chun críocha cánach ar bhrabúis nó gnóchain trádála nó gairme, tar éis asbhaint a lamháil i leith aon fhéich a tabhaíodh chun críocha na trádála nó na gairme, ansin, má scaoiltear ina dhiaidh sin iomlán an fhéich sin nó aon chuid de, déanfar an méid a scaoilfear a áireamh mar fháltas de chuid na trádála nó na gairme sin a d'éirigh sa tréimhse a dhéanfar an scaoileadh.
[EN](2) (a) Má tharlaíonn in aon chás den sórt sin a dúradh gur buanscoireadh den trádáil nó den ghairm i ndeireadh nó tar éis deireadh na tréimhse dar lamháladh an asbhaint agus sula ndearnadh an scaoileadh, nó go ndéileáfar léi chun críocha cánach ionann is dá mbeifí tar éis buanscor di amhlaidh, beidh feidhm ag alt 20 ionann is gurbh shuim a fuarthas tar éis an bhuanscoir an méid a scaoileadh.
[EN](b) Chun críocha cánach brabús corporáide, déanfar, i gcás ina ndéanfar measúnú faoi Chás IV de Sceideal D de bhua mhír (a), nó ina ndéanfaí sin amhlaidh dá mbeadh cáin inmhuirir ar na brabúis nó na gnóchain, an méid a mheasúnófar amhlaidh nó a mheasúnófaí amhlaidh a áireamh mar ioncam de chuid na cuideachta a fuarthas ar an dáta ar a ndearnadh an scaoileadh.
[EN](3) Baineann an t-alt seo le scaoileadh a dhéanfar tar éis dáta an Achta seo a rith.
[EN]Foras airgid, etc.: faoiseamh d'aonaithe.
25.—(1) Má bhíonn aonaí a rugadh roimh an 6ú lá d'Aibreán, 1919, nó ionadaí pearsanta aonaí den sórt sin inmhuirir i leith cánach faoi alt 20 nó 26 agus—
[EN](a) go raibh an t-aonaí ag gabháil don trádáil nó don ghairm a sheoladh ar dháta an Achta seo a rith, agus
[EN](b) nár ríomhadh brabúis nó gnóchain na trádála nó na gairme faoi threoir tuillimh sa tréimhse inar tharla an dáta a shonraítear i mír (a), nó in aon tréimhse ina dhiaidh sin dar críoch an dáta iomchuí nó dáta roimhe sin,
[EN]déanfar an glanmhéid arb inmhuirir cáin air ina leith a laghdú tríd an nglanmhéid sin a iolrú ar an gcodán a thugtar thíos.
[EN](2) I gcás feidhm a bheith ag alt 26 maidir le hathrú forais a tharla ar dháta roimh dháta an Achta seo a rith, ansin, maidir le cáin is inmhuirir faoi threoir an athraithe forais sin, beidh éifeacht ag fo-alt (1)—
[EN](a) ionann is dá gcuirfí an dáta is luaithe in ionad an dáta a shonraítear i mír (a), agus
[EN](b) ionann is dá scriosfaí mír (b).
[EN](3) Is é an codán sin—
[EN](a) i gcás nach raibh dhá bhliain is caoga d'aois slán ag an aonaí an 6ú lá d'Aibreán, 1970, a naoi déag d'fhichithe,
[EN](b) i gcás ina raibh dhá bhliain is caoga d'aois slán aige ach nach raibh ceithre bliana is caoga d'aois slán aige ar an dáta sin, a hocht déag d'fhichithe, agus mar sin de, ag laghdú an chodáin fichiú cuid in aghaidh gach bliana a bhí slán aige, suas go dtí ceithre bliana is seasca d'aois.
[EN](c) i gcás ina raibh cúig bliana is seasca d'aois nó aon aois is mó ná sin slán aige ar an dáta sin, cúig fichiú.
[EN](4) San alt seo—
[EN]ciallaíonn “an glanmhéid” arb inmhuirir cáin ar dhuine ina leith faoi alt 20 an méid arb inmhuirir é ina leith amhlaidh tar éis aon asbhaint a dhéanamh a údaraítear le halt 20 (4) ach sula dtabharfar faoiseamh faoin alt seo;
[EN]ciallaíonn “dáta iomchuí”—
[EN](a) maidir le cáin faoi alt 20, dáta an bhuanscoir,
[EN](b) maidir le cáin faoi alt 26, dáta an foras a athrú.
[EN]Gnáthfhoras: muirear ginearálta ar fháltais tar éis foras a athrú.
26.—(1) Más rud é, i gcás aon trádáil nó gairm arb inmhuirir cáin faoi Chás I nó faoi Chás II de Sceideal D ar a brabúis nó a gnóchain—
[EN](a) gur athraíodh ó ghnáthfhoras go dtí an foras tuillimh, nó
[EN](b) gur athraíodh gnáthfhoras ionas gur dóigh d'fháltais imeacht ó ríomh,
[EN]muirearófar cáin faoi Chás IV de Sceideal D i leith suimeanna lena mbaineann an fo-alt seo agus a gheofar tar éis an t-athrú, agus sula mbuanscoirfear den trádáil nó den ghairm.
[EN]Baineann an t-alt seo leis na suimeanna uile a bheidh tagtha ón trádáil nó ón ngairm a sheoladh i rith aon tréimhse roimh an athrú (nach suimeanna is inmhuirir i leith cánach ar aon slí eile) a mhéid nár cuireadh a méid nó a luach i gcuntas le linn ríomh a dhéanamh ar na brabúis nó na gnóchain d'aon tréimhse.
[EN](2) Más rud é, i gcás aon ghairm arb inmhuirir cáin faoi Chás II de Sceideal D ar a brabúis nó a gnóchain—
[EN](a) gur athraíodh ó ghnáthfhoras go dtí an foras tuillimh, nó gur athraíodh gnáthfhoras, agus
[EN](b) go ndearnadh luach na hoibre a bhí ar siúl tráth an athraithe a fhéichiúnú sna cuntais agus a lamháil mar asbhaint le linn ríomh a bheith á dhéanamh chun críocha cánach do thréimhse tar éis an athraithe,
[EN]ansin, a mhéid nár cuireadh creidmheas cothromaíochta i gcuntas le linn ríomh a bheith á dhéanamh ar bhrabúis chun críocha cánach d'aon tréimhse dar chríoch dáta an athraithe nó dáta roimhe sin, muirearófar cáin faoi fho-alt (1) i leith an mhéid sin don bhliain mheasúnachta a tharla an t-athrú ionann is dá mba shuim lena mbaineann an fo-alt sin (1) an méid sin, agus gurbh athrú den chineál a thuairiscítear san fho-alt sin an t-athrú forais sin.
[EN](3) San alt seo déanfar tagairtí d'obair a bhí ar siúl le linn foras a athrú a fhorléiriú de réir alt 23 (5) agus tagairtí don athrú forais a chur ann chuige sin in ionad tagairtí don scor.
[EN](4) Bíonn athrú ó ghnáthfhoras ann go dtí an foras tuillimh ag deireadh tréimhse arb ar ghnáthfhoras a ríomhadh a brabúis nó a gnóchain más faoi threoir tuillimh a ríomhfar brabúis nó gnóchain na céad tréimhse eile ina diaidh; agus, más ar ghnáthfhorais éagsúla a ríomhfar brabúis nó gnóchain dhá thréimhse chomhleanúnacha, bíonn athrú gnáthfhorais ann ag deireadh na tréimhse is luaithe.
[EN](5) Ní bheidh feidhm ag an alt seo más roimh dháta an Achta seo a rith a tharla an t-athrú agus roimh an dáta sin—
[EN](a) go raibh an cinneadh déanta cuntais a ullmhú ag taispeáint an athraithe, nó
[EN](b) go rabhthas tar éis buanscor den trádáil nó den ghairm,
ach faoi réir mar a dúradh, tá feidhm aige maidir le suimeanna a fuarthas aon tráth roimh an dáta sin nó dá éis.
Custaim agus Mál
[EN]Biotáille a bhuidéalú i stórais.
1880, c.24.
27.—(1) Leasaítear leis seo alt 68 den Spirits Act, 1880—
[EN](a) tríd an bhfo-alt seo a leanas a chur in ionad fho-alt (3) (a cuireadh isteach leis an Acht Airgid, 1926):
[EN]“(3) If the spirits are for home consumption they shall be drawn off into such bottles or containers and packed in such cases as the Commissioners may from time to time approve.”, agus
[EN](b) tríd an bhfo-alt seo a leanas a chur in ionad fho-alt (7) (a cuireadh isteach leis an Acht Airgid, 1926):
[EN]“(7) Spirits so bottled shall not be removed for home consumption in a quantity less than such quantity as the Commissioners may from time to time prescribe.”.
[EN](2) Leasaítear leis seo alt 28 den Acht Airgid, 1929, trí “i mbuidéil cháirt no phiúint reachtúla no i mbuidéil adeirtar is buidéil cháirt no phiúint” agus “i gcásanna ina mbeidh dosaen no dosaein bhuidéil cáirt den tsórt san no dhá cheann no níos mó de dhosaein de bhuidéil phiúint den tsórt san” a scriosadh.
[EN](3) Aisghairtear leis seo alt 19 den Acht Airgid, 1926.
[EN]Ioc dleachta máil ar bhiotáille a chur siar.
28.—(1) Déanfar an dleacht máil a fhorchuirtear le halt 3 (2) den Finance Act, 1920, a mhuirearú, a thobhach agus a íoc, amhail ar an agus ón 1ú lá de Dheireadh Fómhair, 1970, de réir ceithre phunt déag agus cúig phingin an galún (arna ríomh de réir profa) in ionad an ráta is inmhuirir de bhua alt 35 (4) den Acht Airgeadais, 1969.
[EN](2) (a) Baineann an fo-alt seo le biotáille ar arb inmhuirir an dleacht custam a fhorchuirtear le halt 3 (2) den Finance Act, 1920.
[EN](b) I gcás ina ndéanfar biotáille lena mbaineann an fo-alt seo a sheachadadh as bannastóras an 1ú lá de Dheireadh Fómhair, 1970, nó dá éis, féadfaidh na Coimisinéirí Ioncaim, faoi réir comhlíonadh cibé coinníollacha is cuí leo a fhorchur d'áirithiú go n-íocfar an dleacht, a cheadú íoc na dleachta máil a mhuirearófar ar an mbiotáille a chur siar go dtí lá nach déanaí ná—
[EN](i) más i mí Feabhra aon bhliain a sheachadfar amhlaidh an bhiotáille, an 25ú lá de Mhárta an bhliain chéanna, nó
[EN](ii) in aon chás eile, lá deiridh na míosa i ndiaidh na míosa a sheachadfar an bhiotáille amhlaidh.
[EN](c) I gcás ina ndéanfar biotáille lena mbaineann an fo-alt seo a sheachadadh as bannastóras i mí Márta aon bhliain, ní dhéanfar íoc dleachta a chur siar mar a fhoráiltear chuige sin leis an bhfo-alt seo a lamháil i leith na biotáille.
[EN](3) Lamhálfar lacáiste de réir ocht bpingin an galún (arna ríomh de réir profa) ar an mbiotáille go léir a sheachadfar as bannastóras an 1ú lá de Dheireadh Fómhair, 1970, nó dá éis, agus ar a muirearófar an dleacht máil sin nach ndéanfar íoc dleachta ina leith a chur siar de bhun fho-alt (2) den alt seo.
[EN](4) Ní oibreoidh aon ní san alt seo chun faoiseamh a thabhairt ón dleacht máil bhreise, ná ní dhéanfaidh sé dochar ná difear don dleacht máil bhreise, i leith biotáille neamhaibí a fhorchuirtear le halt 9 den Acht Airgid, 1926.
[EN]Ola éadrom hiodracarbóin mhianrach.
29.—Chun críocha alt 1 den Acht Airgid (Diúitéthe Custum) (Uimh. 4), 1931, agus alt 1 den Acht Airgid (Forálacha Ilghnéitheacha), 1935, measfar nach bhfolaíonn ola éadrom hiodracarbóin mhianrach biotáille bhán.
[EN]Leasú ar alt 10 den Acht Airgeadais, 1957.
30.—Leasaítear leis seo alt 10 den Acht Airgeadais, 1957, trí “nó laistigh de cibé tréimhse is faide ná sin a cheadóidh na Coimisinéirí Ioncaim in aon chás áirithe” a chur isteach ag deireadh fho-alt (8).
[EN]Leasú ar alt 5 den Acht Airgeadais, 1962.
31.—(1) Leasaítear leis seo alt 5 (5) den Acht Airgeadais, 1962, trí “4s. 6d. an lb. in aghaidh gach lb. di” a chur in ionad “1s. 6d. an 1b. in aghaidh gach 1b. di”.
[EN](2) Beidh, agus measfar go raibh, éifeacht ag an alt seo i leith tobac a fuair monaróirí ceadúnaithe tobac an 11ú lá d'Aibreán, 1970, nó dá eis.
[EN]Orduithe a dhaingniú.
I.R. Uimh. 252 de 1969.
I.R. Uimh. 263 de 1969.
32.—Daingnitear leis seo an tOrdú d'Fhorchur Dleachtanna (Uimh. 182) (Biotáille Neamhaibí), 1969, agus an tOrdú d'Fhorchur Dleachtanna (Uimh. 183) (Dleachtanna Máil) (Feithiclí), 1969.
Dleachtanna Báis
[EN]Leasú ar alt 21 den Acht Airgeadais, 1956.
1894, c. 30.
33.—(1) I gcás—
[EN](a) stoic, scaireanna nó urrúis a d'aistrigh ar bhás a tharla tar éis an 5ú lá d'Aibreán, 1966, agus nach stoic, scaireanna ná urrúis iad a bhfuil deimhniú faoi alt 329 den Acht Cánach Ioncaim, 1967, nó deimhniú faoi alt 332 den Acht sin tugtha ina leith ach ar stoic, scaireanna nó urrúis iad a raibh na coinníollacha a shonraítear i míreanna (a) go (c) d'fho-alt (2) den alt sin 329 agus in alt 330 (2) den Acht Cánach Ioncaim, 1967, nó na coinníollacha a shonraítear i míreanna (a) agus (b) d'fho-alt (2) den alt sin 332 comhlíonta ina leith le linn an aistrithe sin, agus
[EN](b) deimhniú faoin alt sin 329 nó deimhniú faoin alt sin 332 a thabhairt laistigh de dhá bhliain tar éis an aistrithe sin.
[EN]beidh feidhm ag forálacha alt 21 den Acht Airgeadais, 1956, maidir leis na stoic, leis na scaireanna nó leis na hurrúis sin ionann is dá mbeadh feidhm ag an alt sin 329 nó ag an alt sin 332, de réir mar a bheidh, maidir leo le linn an aistrithe sin.
[EN](2) I gcás ina mbeidh, in aon chás den sórt sin, dleacht eastáit íoctha ar luach iomlán aon stoic, scaireanna nó urrús ar na mheas de réir forálacha alt 7 (5) den Finance Act, 1894, déanfaidh na Coimisinéirí Ioncaim abé aisíoc is iomchuí ag féachaint d'fhorálacha an ailt seo
[EN]Leasú ar alt 20 den Acht Airgeadais, 1965.
34.—(1) Leasaítear leis seo alt 20 den Acht Airgeadais, 1965—
[EN](a) trí “cuideachta ar chuideachta í a bhí an tráth sin nó a tháinig dá éis sin faoi rialú an éagaigh” a chur in ionad “cuideachta faoi rialú an éagaigh” i bhfo-ailt (3) (a) agus (4) (a) (i), agus
[EN](b) tríd an mír seo a leanas a chur isteach ag deireadh fho-alt (4):
[EN]“(d) Más rud é, i gcás lena mbaineann mír (a) (i), gur chuideachta neamhthrádálach an chuideachta a bhí faoi rialú an éagaigh, beidh éifeacht ag an bhfo-alt seo ionann is dá scriosfaí ‘seachas díbhinní nó ús ar stoc, scaireanna, nó bintiúir de chuid na cuideachta’ as mír (a) (ii).”
[EN](2) I gcás ina measfar, chun críocha fho-alt (5) den alt sin 20, cuideachta a bheith foirceanta go saorálach agus a sócmhainní a bheith réadaithe ar dháta áirithe, is é an méid a mheasfar a bheith réadaithe amhlaidh an méid is dóigh leis na Coimisinéirí Ioncaim a rachadh na sócmhainní dá ndíolfaí iad ar an margadh oscailte ar an dáta sin.
[EN](3) Ní bheidh éifeacht ag an alt seo ach amháin maidir le bás a tharlóidh tar éis dáta an Achta seo a rith.
[EN]Leasú ar alt 24 den Acht Airgeadais, 1965
35.—(1) Leasaítear leis seo alt 24 (1) den Acht Airgeadais, 1965, tríd an míniú seo a leanas a chur in ionad an mhínithe ar “leanbh cleithiúnach”:
[EN]“ciallaíonn ‘leanbh cleithiúnach’—
[EN](i) leanbh (lena n-áirítear leas-leanbh agus leanbh arna uchtáil faoi fhorálacha na nAchtanna Uchtála, 1952 agus 1964) nach raibh 16 bliana d'aois slán aige ar dháta báis an éagaigh nó a bhí an tráth sin ag fáil teagaisc lánaimsire in aon ollscoil, coláiste, scoil nó bunachas eile oideachais nó á oiliúint ag aon duine d'aon cheird nó gairm in imthosca de shórt go raibh ar an leanbh a am go léir a chaitheamh leis an oiliúint ar feadh tréimhse dhá bhliain ar a laghad; agus
[EN](ii) leanbh (lena n-áirítear leas-leanbh agus leanbh arna uchtáil faoi fhorálacha na nAchtanna Uchtála, 1952 agus 1964) a bhí ar dháta báis an éagaigh buanéagumasach, mar gheall ar éiglíocht mheabhrach nó choirp, ar é féin a chothabháil nó a tháinig chun bheith buanéagumasach amhlaidh sula raibh 21 bliain d'aois slán aige nó le linn dó a bheith ag fáil teagaisc lánaimsire in aon ollscoil, coláiste, scoil nó bunachas eile oideachais nó á oiliúint ag aon duine d'aon cheird nó gairm in imthosca de shórt go raibh ar an leanbh a am go léir a chaitheamh leis an oiliúint ar feadh tréimhse dhá bhliain ar a laghad;”.
[EN](2) Ní bheidh éifeacht ag an alt seo ach amháin maidir le bás a tharlóidh tar éis dáta an Achta seo a rith.
[EN]Leasú ar alt 45 den Acht Airgeadais, 1969.
36.—(1) Leasaítear leis seo alt 24 (1) den Acht Airgeadais, 1969, tríd an míniú seo a leanas a chur in ionad an mhínithe ar “leanbh”:
[EN]“ciallaíonn ‘leanbh’—
[EN](i) leanbh (lena n-áirítear leas-leanbh arna uchtáil faoi fhorálacha na nAchtanna Uchtála, 1952 agus 1964) leis an éagach a bhí beo le linn báis an éagaigh agus nach raibh 16 bliana d'aois slán aige an tráth sin nó a bhí an tráth sin ag fáil teagaisc lánaimsire in aon ollscoil, coláiste, scoil nó bunachas eile oideachais nó á oiliúint ag aon duine d'aon cheird nó gairm in imthosca de shórt go raibh ar an leanbh a am go léir a chaitheamh leis an oiliúint ar feadh tréimhse dhá bhliain ar a laghad, agus
[EN](ii) leanbh (lena n-áirítear leas-leanbh agus leanbh arna uchtáil faoi fhorálacha na nAchtanna Uchtála, 1952 agus 1964) a bhí ar dháta báis an éagaigh buanéagumasach, mar gheall ar éiglíocht mheabhrach nó choirp, ar é féin a chothabháil nó a tháinig chun bheith buanéagumasach amhlaidh sula raibh 21 bliain d'aois slán aige nó le linn dó a bheith ag fáil teagaisc lánaimsire in aon ollscoil, cólaiste, scoil nó bunachas eile oideachais nó á oiliúint ag aon duine d'aon cheird nó gairm in imthosca de shórt go raibh ar an leanbh a am go léir a chaitheamh leis an oiliúint ar feadh tréimhse dhá bhliain ar a laghad;”.
[EN](2) Ní bheidh éifeacht ag an alt seo ach amháin maidir le bás a tharlóidh tar éis dáta an Achta seo a rith.
[EN]Faoiseamh ó mhuirear dleachta dúbailte i gcásanna áirithe.
37.—(1) Más rud é, i ndáil le bás a tharlóidh tar éis dáta an Achta seo a rith, go n-éireoidh, de dhroim fho-alt (4) d'alt 20 den Acht Airgeadais, 1965, éileamh ar dhleacht eastáit i leith sócmhainní cuideachta a bhí faoi rialú an éagaigh de réir brí an ailt sin 20, agus gurb iníoctha dleacht eastáit i ndáil leis an mbás céanna i leith stoic nó scaireanna (seachas bintiúir) sa chuideachta, ansin chun críocha alt 7 (10) den Finance Act, 1894, measfar gur féichiúnas i leith glansócmhainní na cuideachta an féichiúnas mar gheall ar dhleacht eastáit i leith an stoic nó na scaireanna sin ionann is mba ar iontaobhas do chomhaltaí na cuideachta a bhí na sócmhainní sin ar teachtadh aici ag glacadh le leasanna na gcomhaltaí sin mar a bhí siad díreach roimh bhás an éagaigh agus beidh éifeacht ag alt 7 (10) dá réir sin.
[EN](2) Chun críocha an ailt seo ciallaíonn “comhalta”, maidir le cuideachta, úinéir tairbhiúil aon stoic nó scaireanna sa chuideachta agus beidh éifeacht ag an tagairt do chuideachta a theachtann a sócmhainní ar iontaobhas dá comhaltaí ionann is dá mbeadh na sócmhainní ar teachtadh ar iontaobhas do na comhaltaí de réir na gceartanna a ghabhann leis an stoc nó leis na scaireanna sa chuideachta agus ionann agus dá mbeadh gníomhaithe ag an gcuideachta i bhfeidhmeannas iontaobhaí go heisiatach le cumhacht gnó na cuideachta a sheoladh agus sócmhainní na cuideachta a úsáid sa chéanna.
[EN]Díolúine a shíneadh go dtí bronntanais don Stát.
38.—(1) I gcás bronntanas don Stát (de réir brí alt 23 (4) den Acht Airgeadais, 1961) a bheith teorannaithe chun éifeacht dochloíte a ghlacadh ar bhás mharthanóir an deontóra agus céile an deontóra agus an dá bhás tarlú tar éis dáta an Achta seo a rith, ní dhéanfar an mhaoin is ábhar an bhronntanais a áireamh ar an maoin a aistreoidh nó a mheasfar a aistreoidh ar cheachtar bás tarlú.
[EN](2) Beidh feidhm ag fo-alt (2) den alt sin 23 maidir leis an díolúine a dheonaítear le fo-alt (1) den alt seo agus beidh feidhm ag fo-alt (3) den alt sin 23 maidir leis an dleacht a thiocfaidh chun bheith iníoctha ar an díolúine sin foirceannadh.
[EN]Urrúis áirithe srianta ó dhíolúine ó dhleacht.
39.—(1) San alt seo—
[EN]ciallaíonn “cuideachta” cuideachta faoi rialú an éagaigh de réir brí alt 20 den Acht Airgeadais, 1965;
[EN]ciallaíonn “éagach” duine ar bhás a fháil dó tar éis dáta an Achta seo a rith agus a raibh sainchónaí nó gnáthchónaí air sa Stát díreach roimh a bhás;
[EN]ciallaíonn “comhalta”, maidir le cuideachta, duine is sealbhóir dá cheart féin ar aon scair sa chuideachta nó ar bhintiúr de chuid na cuideachta agus duine ag a bhfuil leas in aon scair nó bintiúr sa chuideachta atá ar teachtadh aige féin nó ag duine eile, seachas de cheart an tsealbhóra féin agus aon duine eile a bhfuil an chuideachta faoi dhliteanas aige seachas chun críocha gnó na cuideachta go hiomlán, eisiatach;
[EN]ciallaíonn “urrúis” urrúis (lena n-áirítear bintiúir, stoc bintiúir, bannaí morgáiste agus stoc morgáiste agus deimhnithe muirir faoi na hAchtanna Cáirde Talmhaíochta, 1927 go 1965) arna n-eisiúint, roimh dháta nó tar éis dáta an Achta seo rith, agus coinníoll leo go mbeidh siad díolmhaithe ó chánachas le linn dóibh a bheith ar úinéireacht tairbhiúil ag daoine nach bhfuil sainchónaí ná gnáthchónaí orthu sa Stát.
[EN](2) I gcás ina mbeidh, maidir le haon urrúis, feidhm i ndáil le bás an éagaigh ag an díolúine ó chánachas, ansin, faoi réir na n-eisceachtaí a fhoráiltear leis na forálacha seo a leanas den alt seo—
[EN](a) measfar chun críocha dleachta eastáit, dleachta leagáide nó dleachta comharbais, de réir mar a bheidh, suim airgid ar cóimhéid leis an luach ar a mbeadh dleacht iníoctha mura mbeadh an díolúine ar áireamh ar an maoin arb intobhaigh dleacht ina leith ar an mbás.
[EN](b) maidir le dleacht eastáit—
[EN](i) chun críocha comhshuimithe agus chun na daoine atá freagrach i ndleacht a chinneadh, déanfar an tsuim a mheasfar amhlaidh a bheith ar áireamh a chur i gcuntas mar shuim ba mhaoin a raibh teideal iomlán ag an éagach chuici le linn a bháis, ach murarbh é an t-éagach a bhunaigh na himthosca ina mbeidh feidhm amhlaidh ag an díolúine maidir leis na hurrúis, ní bheidh d'fheidhm ag mír (a) den fho-alt seo ionadaithe pearsanta an éagaigh a dhéanamh freagrach sa dleacht nó chun méid na dleachta a mhéadú thar an méid a bheadh dlite mura mbeadh aon díolúine ann;
[EN](ii) a mhéid nach mbeidh an dleacht a fhorchuirtear leis an mír sin (a) íoctha ag ionadaithe pearsanta an éagaigh, forchuirfear freagracht sa dleacht ar aon duine a bheadh, dá mbeadh an díolúine gan feidhm maidir leis na hurrúis, freagrach sa dleacht orthu faoi na hachtacháin a bhaineann le dleacht eastáit;
[EN](iii) áireofar chun críocha an fho-ailt seo aon íocaíocht ó ionadaithe pearsanta an éagaigh mar íoc na dleachta a fhorchuirtear leis an mír sin (a) ach sin amháin an méid nach intobhaigh aon dleacht eastáit ar an mbás a bhfuil siad freagrach inti agus nach mbeidh íoctha;
[EN](c) maidir le dleacht leagáide nó dleacht comharbais, de réir mar a bheidh, déanfar, chun an ráta dleachta agus na daoine atá freagrach i ndleachta agus na daoine atá freagrach i ndleacht a chinneadh, an tsuim a mheasfar amhlaidh a bheith ar áireamh a chur i gcuntas mar leagáid nó comharbas a dhíorthaigh ón tiomnóir céanna nó ón gcomharba céanna ónar dhíorthaigh na hurrúis agus atá faoi réir na n-iontaobhas céanna leis na hurrúis.
[EN](3) Ní bheidh feidhm ag fo-alt (2) den alt seo i gcás ina suífear chun sástacht na gCoimisinéirí Ioncaim nó, ar achomharc faoi alt 10 den Finance Act, 1894, chun sástacht na cúirte a bhreithneoidh an t-achomharc, nach ndearnadh na himthosca ina bhfuil feidhm ag an díolúine i leith na n-urrús a bhunú d'aon-chrích, nó chun críocha ar ceann díobh críoch, sochar na díolúine a fháil, díreach nó neamhdhíreach, le haghaidh, nó le haghaidh eastáit, duine ar a bhfuil sainchónaí nó gnáthchónaí sa Stát nó le haghaidh cuideachta a bhfuil sainchónaí nó gnáthchónaí sa Stát ar aon chomhalta di.
[EN](4) Ní bheidh feidhm ag fo-alt (2) den alt seo i leith aon urrúis mura duine ar a bhfuil sainchónaí nó gnáthchónaí sa Stát aon duine a bheadh freagrach sa dleacht ab intobhaigh, ar an éagach d'fháil bháis, i leith na n-urrús sin agus ar an mbonn tuisceana nach raibh feidhm ag an díolúine maidir leo.
[EN](5) Má fhaigheann deontaí nó duine eile, agus freagracht teagmhasach air i ndleacht ar an mbonn tuisceana a shonraítear i bhfo-alt (4) den alt seo, bás roimh an éagach beidh feidhm ag an bhfo-alt sin, a mhéid a bhaineann sé leis an deontaí nó leis an duine eile sin, maidir leis féin agus ní bheidh maidir lena ionadaithe pearsanta nó lena chomharbaí i dteideal agus de réir na háite a raibh sainchónaí nó gnáthchónaí air le linn a bháis.
[EN](6) (a) Dá mba iad na daoine, nó dá mbeadh ar áireamh na ndaoine, a bheadh ar an mbonn tuisceana a shonraítear i bhfo-alt (4) den alt seo, freagrach amhlaidh iontaobhaithe socraíochta a bunaíodh roimh an mbás, cibé ann nó gan bheith ann di le linn an bháis, ní bheidh éifeacht ag an bhfo-alt sin (4) ach ní bheidh feidhm ag fo-alt (2) den alt seo maidir leis na hurrúis má shuítear agus a mhéid a shuífear chun sástacht na gCoimisinéirí Ioncaim, nó, ar achomharc, faoi alt 10 den Finance Act, 1894, chun sástacht na cúirte a bhreithneoidh an t-achomharc, gurb aon duine nach bhfuil sainchónaí ná gnáthchónaí air sa Stát a mbeadh iompar eire na dleachta air ag féachaint do na leasa a bhí ann díreach tar éis an bháis, agus chun críocha an fho-ailt seo, cuirfear i gcuntas leasanna in ioncam, leasanna i gcaipiteal, leasanna i seilbh agus leasanna frithdhílse.
[EN](b) I gcás ina mbeadh, ar an mbonn tuisceana a shonraítear i bhfo-alt (4) den alt seo, iompar eire na dleachta, go hiomlán nó go páirteach, ar chuideachta, beidh éifeacht ag mír (a) den fho-alt seo ionann is dá mba ar iontaobhas do chomhaltaí na cuideachta a bhí sócmhainní na cuideachta ar teachtadh aici ag glacadh le leasanna na gcomhaltaí sin mar a bhí siad díreach roimh bhás an éagaigh.
[EN](7) Má bhíonn leasanna faoi iontaobhas a bhí ann le linn an bháis le cur i gcuntas faoi fho-alt (6) den alt seo, agus gur leasanna a bhraitheann ar aon iontaobhaí nó ar aon duine eile d'fheidhmiú rogha na leasanna eile san iontaobhas seachas leasanna frithdhílse, ní chuirfidh fo-alt (6) fo-alt (2) den alt seo do leataobh má tá sainchónaí nó gnáthchónaí sa Stát ar aon duine de na daoine ag a bhfuil leas san iontaobhas.
[EN](8) Beidh feidhm ag fo-alt (6), agus ní bheidh feidhm ag fo-alt (4), den alt seo dá mba chuideachta na daoine, nó dá mbeadh cuideachta ar áireamh ar na daoine a bheadh, ar an mbonn tuisceana a shonraí-i bhfo-alt (4) den alt seo, freagrach amhlaidh ionann is dá mbeadh sócmhainní na cuideachta ar teachtadh ar iontaobhas aici dá comhaltaí ag glacadh le leasanna na gcomhaltaí sin sa chuideachta mar a bhí siad ann díreach roimh bhás an éagaigh.
[EN](9) Ní choiscfidh aon ní i bhfo-alt (4) go (8) den alt seo fo-alt (2) den alt seo ó fheidhm a bheith aige maidir le haon urrúis atá socraithe faoi shocraíocht is inaisghairthe go hiomlán nó go páirteach aon tráth tar éis báis an éagaigh ar thionscnamh aon duine.
[EN](10) Beidh feidhm ag alt 8 (4) den Finance Act, 1894, ionann is dá scriosfaí “and his executor is not accountable for the estate duty in respect of such property” chun críocha freagrachta i leith dleachta is iontobhaigh de bhua an ailt seo agus freisin chun críocha an ailt seo mar a bhaineann sé leis na daoine a bheadh freagrach i ndleacht ar na boinn thuisceana a shonraítear i bhfo-ailt (2), (4) agus (6) den alt seo.
[EN](11) Chun críocha an ailt seo—
[EN](a) beidh éifeacht ag na tagairtí atá i bhfo-alt (6) agus i bhfo-alt (8) den alt seo do chuideachta a theachtann a sócmhainní ar iontaobhas dá comhaltaí ionann is dá mbeadh na scaireanna ar teachtadh ar iontaobhas do na comhaltaí de réir na gceartanna a ghabhann leis na scaireanna sa chuideachta agus le bintiúir na cuideachta agus leis na téarmaí ar ar tabhaíodh aon dliteanas den sórt a luaitear i bhfo-alt (1) den alt seo agus ionann agus nár gníomhaigh an chuideachta ach amháin i bhfeidhmeanas iontaobhaí agus cumhacht aici gnó na cuideachta a sheoladh agus sócmhainní na cuideachta a úsáid chuige sin;
[EN](b) aon leasanna a bhraitheann ar fheidhmiú rogha dá dtagraítear i bhfo-alt (7) den alt seo folaíonn siad leasanna, cibé acu leasanna i gcaipiteal nó in ioncam iad, dá ndéanann sé difear rogha a fheidhmiú i bhfabhar duine éigin seachas an duine atá i dteideal an leasa.
Dleachtanna Stampa
[EN]Leasú ar an gCéad Sceideal a ghabhann leis an Stamp Act, 1891.
1891, c.39.
40.—(1) Leasaítear leis seo an Chéad Sceideal a ghabhann leis an Stamp Act, 1891, tríd an ábhar atá sa Chéad Sceideal a ghabhann leis an Acht seo a chur in ionad an ábhair atá sa Sceideal sin.
[EN](2) Tiocfaidh an t-alt seo i ngníomh an 1ú lá de Lúnasa, 1970, nó ar dháta an Achta seo a rith, cibé acu is déanaí, agus ní bheidh éifeacht aige maidir le haon ionstraim a forghníomhaíodh roimh theacht i ngníomh don alt seo.
[EN]Dleacht stampa ar bhilli malairte agus ar nótaí geallúna.
41.—(1) Cuirfear pingin nua de dhleacht in ionad na dleachta is inmhuirir faoin Stamp Act, 1891, ar bhille malairte nó ar nóta geallúna a tharraingeofar sa Stát agus a shonraítear faoin mírcheann sin sa Chéad Sceideal a ghabhann leis an Acht sin.
[EN](2) Féadfar an dleacht ar bhille malairte nó ar nóta geallúna faoi fho-alt (1) den alt seo a chur in iúl le stampa greamaitheach a dhéanfaidh an duine a shíneoidh an bille nó an nóta a chealu sula seachadfaidh as a lámha, as a choinneáil nó as a chumhacht é.
[EN](3) Aon duine a eiseoidh, a fhormhuineoidh, a aistreoidh, a iomairleoidh, a thairgfidh lena íoc, nó a íocfaidh aon bhille malairte nó nóta geallúna is inchurtha faoi dhleacht agus nach mbeidh stampáilte go cuí, tabhóidh sé fíneáil deich bpunt, agus an duine a thógfaidh nó a gheobhaidh ó aon duine eile aon bhille nó nóta den sórt sin mar íocaíocht nó urrús, nó trí cheannach nó ar aon slí eile, ní bheidh teideal aisghabhála aige ina leith ná an céanna a chur ar fáil chun aon chríche ar aon chor: Ar choinníoll, má dhéantar aon bhille malairte gan stampáil a thíolacadh le haghaidh íocaíochta, go bhféadfaidh an duine dá dtíolaicfear é stampa greamaitheach pingne in airgead reatha nua a ghreamú de, agus an stampa sin a chealú, ionann is dá mba eisean tarraingteoir an bhille, agus air sin go bhféadfaidh sé an tsuim a bheidh sa bhille a luaitear a íoc agus an dleacht i gcuntas a mhuirearú i gcoinne an duine a tharraing an bille, nó an dleacht a bhaint as an tsuim sin, agus go measfar an bille a bheith, a mhéid a bhaineann leis an dleacht, bailí agus ar fáil. Ach ní thabharfaidh an coinníoll sin roimhe seo aon fhaoiseamh d'aon duine ó aon fhíneáil nó pionós a thabhaigh sé i ndáil leis an mbille sin.
[EN](4) In alt 57 (1) den Acht Airgeadais, 1958, léifear an tagairt don mhírcheann “Bill of Exchange payable on demand” ionann is dá mba thagairt í don mhírcheann i bhfo-alt (1) den alt seo.
[EN](5) Tiocfaidh na forálacha sin roimhe seo den alt seo i ngníomh an 15ú lá d'Fheabhra, 1971.
[EN](6) An dleacht is inmhuirir faoin Stamp Act, 1891, ar bhille malairte nó ar nóta geallúna a tarraingíodh lasmuigh den Stát agus a shonraítear faoin mírcheann sin sa Chéad Sceideal a ghabhann leis an Acht sin scoirfidh sé de bheith inmhuirir ar an agus ón 1ú lá d'Fheabhra, 1971.
[EN](7) Déantar leis seo alt 35 den Stamp Act, 1891, a aisghairm le héifeacht ar an agus ón 1ú lá d'Fheabhra, 1971, agus alt 38 den Stamp Act, 1891, agus alt 31 den Acht Airgeadais, 1961, a aisghairm le héifeacht ar an agus ón 15ú lá d'Fheabhra, 1971.
[EN]Dleacht ar chaipiteal iasachta.
1899, c. 9.
1907, c. 13.
42.—(1) Leasaítear leis seo alt 8 (2) den Finance Act, 1899, trí “five shillings” a chur in ionad “two shillings and sixpence” agus “two hundred pounds” a chur in ionad “hundred pounds” agus “a hundred pounds” gach áit ina bhfuil na focail sin is déanaí a luaitear.
[EN](2) Leasaítear leis seo alt 10 (1) den Finance Act, 1907, trí “four shillings” a chur in ionad “two shillings” agus “two hundred pounds” a chur in ionad “hundred pounds”.
[EN](3) Tiocfaidh an t-alt seo i ngnníomh an 1ú lá de Lúnasa, 1970, nó ar dháta an Achta seo a rith, cibé acu is déanaí.
[EN]Polasaithe árachais saoil gearr-théarma.
43.—(1) Chun críche an mhuirir i leith dleachta stampa measfar polasaí árachais saoil a bheith arna dhéanamh in aghaidh téarma is faide ná dhá bhliain má bhíonn aon fhoráil ann trína bhféadfaidh sé teacht chun bheith ar fáil in aghaidh tréimhse is faide ná dhá bhliain san iomlán.
[EN](2) I gcás ina ndéanfar, aon tráth tar éis polasaí a dhéanamh in aghaidh tréimhse nach faide ná dhá bhliain, an polasaí a athrú ionas go dtiocfaidh sé, nó go bhféadfaidh sé teacht chun bheith, ar fáil in aghaidh tréimhse is faide ná dhá bhliain san iomlán, tiocfaidh an polasaí chun an dleacht céanna a bheith inmhuirir air ab inmhuirir dá mbeadh sé arna dhéanamh ar dháta an athraithe in aghaidh tréimhse is faide ná dhá bhliain, agus féadfar é a stampáil dá réir sin, gan phionós, aon tráth laistigh de thríocha lá tar éis an dáta sin.
[EN](3) Tiocfaidh an t-alt seo i ngníomh an lú lá de Lúnasa, 1970, nó ar dháta an Achta seo a rith, cibé acu is déanaí.
[EN]Deireadh le dleacht stampa i gcás stoc áirithe a aistriú.
44.—(1) San alt seo ciallaíonn “stoc” stoc de chuid cuideachta atá cláraithe nó bunaithe sa Stát nó Bhord atá bunaithe le hAcht nó faoi Acht ón Oireachtas nó ó Oireachtas Shaorstát Éireann a bhfuil íoc an úis air ráthaithe ag an Aire Airgeadais.
[EN](2) Beidh aistriú stoic díolmhaithe ó gach dleacht stampa.
[EN](3) Scoirfidh aon chomhaontú faoi alt 115 den Stamp Act, 1891, i leith stoic d'éifeacht a bheith aige.
[EN](4) Tiocfaidh an t-alt seo i ngníomh an 1ú lá de Lúnasa, 1970, nó ar dháta an Achta seo a rith, cibé acu is déanaí.
[EN]Leasú ar alt 50 den Acht Airgeadais, 1969.
45.—(1) Leasaítear leis seo alt 50 den Acht Airgeadais, 1969, trí na míreanna seo a leanas a chur le fo-alt (7):
[EN]“(d) maidir le foirgniú, athrú nó méadú foirgnimh lena úsáid mar oifigí má bhíonn úinéir an fhoirgnimh chun formhór an fhoirgnimh a áitiú;
[EN](e) maidir le foirgniú, athrú nó méadú foirgnimh lena úsáid mar oifigí más comhlacht corpraithe úinéir an fhoirgnimh agus go bhfuil sé beartaithe go mbeidh formhór an fhoirgnimh á áitiú ag comhlacht corpraithe atá i gcomhlachas leis an úinéir an mhéid sin gur ceann acu úinéir tairbhiúil nócha faoin gcéad ar a laghad de scairchaipiteal eisithe an chinn eile nó go bhfuil nócha faoin gcéad ar a laghad de scairchaipiteal eisithe gach aon cheann acu ar úinéireacht tairbhiúil ag tríú comhlacht corpraithe.”
[EN](2) Más rud é, i gcás inar géilleadh d'éileamh ar dhíolúine ó dhleacht de bhua mhír (d) nó (e) (a cuireadh isteach leis an alt seo) d'alt 50 (7) den Acht Airgeadais, 1969, go mbeidh athrú ar an áitíocht maidir le formhór an fhoirgnimh lenar bhain an t-éileamh laistigh de chúig bliana tar éis dáta an chonartha lenar bhain an t-éileamh, measfar nár ceadaíodh an díolúine, agus beidh suim ar cóimhéid leis an dleacht a maitheadh ina fiach a bheidh dlite láithreach don Aire Airgeadais chun sochair don Phríomh-Chiste agus iníoctha leis na Coimisinéirí Ioncaim, agus beidh an tsuim sin (mar aon le hús uirthi de réir cúig faoin gcéad sa bhliain ó dháta an chonartha chun an foirgneamh a fhoirgniú, a athrú nó a mhéadú) inghnóthaithe ar agra an Ard-Aighne in aon chúirt dlínse inniúil ón úinéir nó, má bhíonn níos mó ná úinéir amháin ann, ó gach úinéir i gcomhar agus go leithleach.
[EN](3) (a) Leasaítear leis seo tuilleadh an t-alt sin 50 trí “limistéar ainmnithe de réir brí an Achta um Fhorbairt Tionscail, 1969,” a chur i bhfo-alt (7) (c) in ionad “limistéar neamhfhorbartha de réir bhrí an Achta um Limistéirí Neamhfhorbartha, 1952”.
[EN](b) Tiocfaidh an fo-alt seo i ngníomh an 1ú lá de Lúnasa, 1970, nó ar dháta an Achta seo a rith, cibé acu is déanaí.
[EN]Leasuithe illghnéitheacha ar an Stamp Act, 1891.
46.—(1) Leasaítear leis seo an Stamp Act, 1891—
[EN](a) trí “one shilling” a chur in ionad “two shillings and sixpence” in alt 7,
[EN](b) trí “shall be exempt from duty” a chur in ionad “shall be deemed to be an agreement, and shall be charged with duty accordingly” i bhfo-ailt (1) agus (2) d'alt 23,
[EN](c) trí “but shall not otherwise be chargeable with duty except (where appropriate) with the fixed duty of ten shillings” a chur in ionad “and in any other case with the fixed duty of ten shillings or of sixpence, as the case may require” in alt 59 (2), agus
[EN](d) trí “Provided that where any such contract or agreement is stamped with the fixed duty of ten shillings (where appropriate)” a chur in ionad “Provided also that where any such contract or agreement is stamped with the said fixed duty” in alt 59 (5).
[EN](2) Tiocfaidh an t-alt seo i ngníomh an 1ú lá de Lúnasa, 1970, nó ar dháta an Achta seo a rith, cibé acu is déanaí.
[EN]Leasú ar alt 7 denFinance Act, 1907.
47.—(1) Leasaítear leis seo alt 7 den Finance Act, 1907, trí “shall only be charged with stamp duty if under seal and shall then be so charged as a deed” a chur in ionad na bhfocal ó “shall be charged” go dtí deireadh an ailt.
[EN](2) Tiocfaidh an t-alt seo i ngníomh an 1ú lá de Lúnasa, 1970, nó ar dháta an Achta seo a rith, cibé acu is déanaí.
[EN]Dleacht stampa ar bhlianachtaí saoil ceannaithe.
48.—(1) Beidh dleacht stampa inmhuirir ar ionstraim, is deontas nó conradh chun blianacht saoil cheannaithe a íoc, faoi mhír (3) den mhírcheann “BOND, COVENANT or INSTRUMENT of any kind whatsoever” atá sa Chéad Sceideal a ghabhann leis an Acht seo agus ní bheidh ar aon slí eile, cibé acu is blianacht aoisliúntais mar a mhínítear sa mhír sin nó nach ea an bhlianacht.
[EN](2) San alt seo ciallaíonn “blianacht saoil cheannaithe” blianacht saoil arna deonú ar chomaoin in airgead nó luach airgid i ngnáthchúrsa gnó dheonta blianachtaí ar shaol daoine.
Cáin Láimhdeachais
[EN]Ráta cánach láimhdeachais.
49.—(1) Leasaítear leis seo an tAcht Airgeadais, 1963—
[EN](a) trí “cúig faoin gcéad” a chur in ionad “dó go leith faoin gcéad” in alt 53 (1),
[EN](b) trí “mar aon le dó go leith faoin gcéad den láimhdeachas inchánach” a chur i ndiaidh “5s.” in alt 53 (2) (a),
[EN](c) trí “£2 15s. 0d.” a chur in ionad “5s.” in alt 53 (2) (b), agus
[EN](d) trí “cúig faoin gcéad” a chur in ionad “dó go leith faoin gcéad” in alt 64 (1).
[EN](2) Beidh éifeacht, agus measfar éifeacht a bheith, ag an alt seo amhail ar an agus ón 1ú lá de Bhealtaine, 1970.
[EN]Leasú ar alt 48 den Acht Airgeadais, 1963.
50.—(1) Leasaítear leis seo alt 48 den Acht Airgeadais, 1963—
[EN](a) trí “£1,000” a chur in ionad “£750” i bhfo-alt (3) (b) (i), agus
[EN](b) trí “£1,000” a chur in ionad “£750” i bhfo-alt (3) (e).
[EN](2) Gach duine ar dhuine freagrach é an lá díreach roimh lá an ailt seo a theacht i ngníomh ach, dá mbeadh an t-alt sin i bhfeidhm an lá is luaithe acu sin, nár dhuine freagrach é ó tharla nár ghlac sé rogha de réir alt 48 (3) (b) (i) den Acht Airgeadais, 1963, measfar rogha den sórt sin a bheith glactha aige agus leanfaidh sé de bheith freagrach i gcáin ar an airgead a bheidh faighte aige i ndáil leis na gníomhaíochtaí dá mbeidh sé ag gabháil go dtí deireadh na míosa a ndéanfar lena linn a chlárú a chealú de réir na rialachán.
[EN](3) Tiocfaidh an t-alt seo i ngníomh an chéad lá den mhí díreach tar éis na míosa a rithfear an tAcht seo.
[EN]Suimeanna a chur le híocaíochtaí áirithe.
51.—Más airgead a íocadh faoi chonradh a rinneadh roimh an 1ú lá de Bhealtaine, 1970, iomlán láimhdeachais inchánaigh, nó cuid de láimhdeachas inchánach, duine fhreagraigh, féadfaidh an duine freagrach, mura mbeidh comhaontú a mhalairte ann, suim ar cóimhéid le haon mhéid breise is iníoctha aige i leith an airgid mar gheall ar an méadú ar an ráta cánach láimhdeachais a dhéantar le halt 49 den Acht seo a aisghabháil mar bhreis leis na híocaíochtaí a shonraítear sa chonradh.
[EN]An Cuntas Fuascailte Seirbhísí Caipitiúla.
52.—(1) San alt seo—
[EN]ciallaíonn “an príomh-alt” alt 22 den Acht Airgeadais, 1950;
[EN]ciallaíonn “alt leasaitheach 1969” alt 61 den Acht Airgeadais, 1969;
[EN]ciallaíonn “an fichiú blianacht bhreise” an tsuim a mhuirearófar ar an bPríomh-Chiste faoi fho-alt (4) den alt seo;
[EN]tá le “an tAire”, “an Cuntas” agus “seirbhísí caipitiúla” na bríonna céanna faoi seach atá leo sa phríomh-alt.
[EN](2) Beidh éifeacht ag fo-alt (4) d'alt leasaitheach 1969 maidir leis na naoi mbliana airgeadais is fiche comhleanúnacha dar tosach an bhliain airgeadais dar críoch an 31ú lá de Mhárta, 1961, ach “£3,291,553” a chur in ionad “£3,000,128”.
[EN](3) Beidh éifeacht ag fo-alt (6) d'alt leasaitheach 1969 ach “£2,088,170” a chur in ionad “£1,904,575”.
[EN](4) Déanfar suim £3,590,509, chun iasachtaí, mar aon le hús ar an gcéanna, i leith seirbhísí caipitiúla a fhuascailt, a mhuirearú go bliantúil ar an bPríomh-Chiste nó a thoradh fáis sna tríocha bliain airgeadais chomhleanúnacha a thosóidh leis an mbliain airgeadais dar críoch an 31ú lá de Mhárta, 1971.
[EN](5) Déanfar an fichiú blianacht bhreise a íoc isteach sa Chuntas ar cibé modh agus cibé tráthanna sa bhliain airgeadais iomchuí a chinnfidh an tAire.
[EN](6) Féadfar aon mhéid den fhichiú blianacht bhreise, nach mó ná £2,322,880 aon bhliain airgeadais áirithe, a úsáid chun an t-ús ar an bhfiach poiblí a íoc.
[EN](7) Déanfar iarmhéid an fhichiú blianacht bhreise a úsáid i gceann amháin nó níos mó de na slite a shonraítear i bhfo-alt (6) den phríomh-alt.
[EN]Scéimeanna tráthchoigiltis.
53.—(1) San alt seo—
[EN]ciallaíonn “scéim thráthchoigiltis” scéim choigiltis—
[EN](a) (i) atá arna bunú agus á riaradh ag an Aire, nó
[EN](ii) atá arna bunú agus á riaradh ag banc, ag banc taisce iontaobhais nó ag cumann foirgníochta agus atá arna ceadú ag an Aire,
[EN](b) atá arna deimhniú ag an Aire mar scéim atá cáilithe chun díolúine faoi alt 18 den Acht seo, agus
[EN](c) a dhéanann socrú chun aonaithe d'íoc ranníocaí tréimhsiúla ar feadh tréimhse sonraithe leis an duine a riarann an scéim agus chun na ranníocaí a aisíoc agus, faoi réir coinníollacha sonraithe, chun méideanna breise ar mhodh bónais nó úis a íoc;
[EN]ciallaíonn “an tAire” an tAire Airgeadais;
[EN]ciallaíonn “banc taisce iontaobhais” banc taisce iontaobhais atá deimhnithe faoi na hAchtanna um Bainc Thaisce Iontaobhais, 1863 go 1965.
[EN](2) Féadfaidh an tAire airgead a chruinniú don Státchiste trí scéim thráthchoigiltis agus beidh aige na cumhachtaí go léir is gá chuige sin.
[EN](3) Cuirfear chun creidiúna don Státchiste an t-airgead go léir a chruinneoidh an tAire nó banc taisce iontaobhais trí scéim thráthchoigiltis agus beidh sé ina chuid den Phríomh-Chiste agus ar fáil in aon slí ina mbeidh an Príomh-Chiste ar fáil.
[EN](4) Is ar an bPríomh-Chiste nó ar a thoradh fáis a bheidh muirear na ranníocaí a íocfar faoi scéim thráthchoigiltis a bhunaigh an tAire nó banc taisce iontaobhais agus aon bhónais nó úis is iníoctha faoi scéim den sórt sin.
[EN](5) Is ar an bPríomh-Chiste nó ar a thoradh fáis a bheidh muirear na gcaiteachas a thabhóidh an tAire nó banc taisce iontaobhais ag riaradh scéime tráthchoigiltis.
[EN]An tAire Airgeadais do bhunú agus d'eisiúint urrús.
54.—(1) D'fhonn airgead a chruinniú don Státchiste, féadfaidh an tAire Airgeadais, aon uair agus a mhinice is oiriúnach leis, urrúis a bhunú agus a eisiúint agus iad faoi cibé ráta úis agus faoi cibé coinníollacha i dtaobh aisíoca nó fuascailte nó eile is oiriúnach leis nó gan bheith faoi ús.
[EN](2) Is ar an bPríomh-Chiste nó ar a thoradh fáis a bheidh muirear príomh-shuime agus úis (más ann) agus phréimh fhuascailte (más ann) aon urrúis a eiseofar faoin alt seo agus na gcostas a thabhófar i ndáil leis na hurrúis sin a eisiúint.
[EN](3) Cuirfear chun creidiúna do chuntas an Státchiste an t-airgead a gheobhfar ar iasacht faoin alt seo agus beidh sé ina chuid den Phríomh-Chiste agus ar fáil in aon slí ina mbeidh an Príomh-Chiste ar fáil.
[EN]Fuascailt iasachtaí áirithe Rialtais a chur siar.
55.—(1) (a) Más é tuairim an Aire Airgeadais nach féidir, mar gheall ar Bhanc na hÉireann a dhúnadh, an stoc neamhíoctha de Bhannaí Státchiste 3½%, 1965/70, den Cheathrú Iasacht Náisiúnta 3½%, 1960/70 agus de Bhannaí Státchiste 3%, 1965/70 a fhuascailt an 15ú lá d'Iúil, 1970, féadfaidh sé, le hordú a dhéanfar roimh an lá sin, nó más i ndiaidh an lae sin a rithfear an tAcht seo, le hordú a dhéanfar a luaithe is féidir le réasún tar éis an tAcht seo a rith, an fhuascailt sin a chur siar.
[EN](b) Más tar éis an 15ú lá d'Iúil, 1970, a dhéanfar ordú faoin bhfo-alt seo, beidh éifeacht aige, agus measfar éifeacht a bheith aige, amhail ar an agus ón lá sin.
[EN](2) A luaithe is féidir le réasún tar éis deireadh a bheith leis an dúnadh réamhráite, socróidh an tAire, le hordú, dáta nach faide ná trí mhí tar éis deireadh a bheith leis an dúnadh sin, chun an stoc réamhráite a fhuascailt agus, faoi réir an Achta um Iasachta Rialtais (Comhshó), 1951, fuasclófar an stoc ar an dáta sin.
[EN](3) Má dhéantar ordú faoi fho-alt (2) den alt seo, íocfar ús de réir cibé ráta a shonrófar san ordú ar an stoc neamhíoctha réamhráite in aghaidh na tréimhse ón 15ú lá d'Iúil, 1970, go dtí an dáta a fhuasclófar, mar a shocrófar faoin alt seo, an stoc sin.
[EN](4) Féadfaidh an tAire, le hordú, ordú faoin alt seo, lena n-áirítear ordú faoin bhfo-alt seo, a aisghairm nó a leasú.
[EN](5) Leagfar gach ordú faoin alt seo faoi bhráid gach Tí den Oireachtas a luaithe is féidir tar éis a dhéanta agus má dhéanann ceachtar Teach, laistigh den lá is fiche a shuífidh an Teach sin tar éis an t-ordú a leagan faoina bhráid, rún a rith ag neamhniú an ordaithe beidh an t-ordú ar neamhní dá réir sin ach sin gan dochar do bhailíocht aon ní a rinneadh roimhe sin faoin ordú.
[EN]Tobhach ar mhuca.
56.—(1) San alt seo—
[EN]ciallaíonn “an Coimisiún” an Coimisiún Muc agus Bagúin;
[EN]ciallaíonn “ceadúnas” ceadúnas de réir brí alt 23 den Acht Muc agus Bagúin, 1935, nó ceadúnas onnmhaireora bagúin de réir brí alt 12 (2) den Acht Tora Talmhaíochta (Feoil Ur), 1930.
[EN](2) Féadfaidh an tAire Airgeadais le hordú, tar éis dul i gcomhairle leis an Aire Talmhaíochta agus Iascaigh, aon ní amháin nó níos mó acu seo a leanas a dhéanamh:
[EN](a) tobhach a mbeidh cibé méid ann is cuí leis a fhorchur ar gach muc a thabharfar isteach in áitreabh lena mbaineann ceadúnas agus a fhoráil go n-íocfaidh sealbhóir an cheadúnais leis an gCoimisiún méid aon tobhaigh den sórt sin ar aon mhuca a thabharfar isteach san áitreabh lena mbaineann an ceadúnas,
[EN](b) socrú a dhéanamh le haghaidh tobhaigh a fhorchuirfear faoin alt seo a íoc i gceann eatramh sonraithe agus i slí shonraithe,
[EN](c) rátaí éagsúla tobhaigh a fhorchur ar mhuca d'aicmí éagsúla agus a fhoráil nach mbeidh tobhaigh iníoctha ar mhuca d'aicme shonraithe nó d'aicmí sonraithe,
[EN](d) a údarú don Choimisiún—
[EN](i) díolúine a dheonú, más cuí leis agus aon uair is cuí leis, ó íoc tobhach faoin alt seo (go ceann tréimhse sonraithe nó gan teorainn maidir le ham) ar uimhir shonraithe muc nó ar mhuca d'aicme nó d'aicmí a shonrófar faoi mhír (e) den fho-alt seo nó ar mhuca d'earnáil nó d'earnálacha a shonróidh an Coimisiún (faoi threoir cibé nithe is cuí leis an gCoimisiún) sa díolúine, agus
[EN](ii) díolúine a deonaíodh de bhua na míre seo a chúlghairm más cuí agus aon uair is cuí leis an gCoimisiún,
[EN](e) aicmí éagsúla muc á shonrú (faoi threoir cibé nithe is oiriúnach leis an Aire) chun críocha mhíreanna (c) agus (d) den fho-alt seo,
[EN](f) forálacha alt 38 agus alt 39 den Acht Muc agus Bagúin (Leasú), 1939, a chur chun feidhme maidir le tobhaigh is iníoctha faoin alt seo,
[EN](g) aon ordú faoin alt seo a chúlghairm nó a leasú.
[EN](3) Is tobhach i dteannta agus ní tobhach in ionad aon tobhach is iníoctha faoi na hAchtanna Muc agus Bagúin, 1935 go 1961, aon tobhach is iníoctha de bhun ordaithe faoin alt seo.
[EN](4) Íocfar isteach sa Státchiste nó cuirfear chun tairbhe don Státchiste de réir orduithe an Aire Airgeadais an t-airgead go léir a gheobhaidh an Coimisiún i leith tobhach faoin alt seo.
[EN](5) Leagfar gach ordú faoin alt seo faoi bhráid gach Tí den Oireachtas a luaithe is féidir tar éis a dhéanta agus, má dhéanann ceachtar Teach, laistigh den lá is fiche a shuífidh an Teach sin tar éis an t-ordú a leagan faoina bhráid, rún a rith ag neamhniú an ordaithe, beidh an t-ordú ar neamhní dá réir sin ach sin gan dochar do bhailíocht aon ní a rinneadh roimhe sin faoin ordú.
[EN]Mar a dhéileálfar chun críocha faoisimh dhúbailte le faoiseamh brostaitheach ó cháin choigríche.
57.—(1) San alt seo ciallaíonn “na hAchtanna Cánach Brabús Corporáide” Cuid V den Finance Act, 1920, agus na hachtacháin ag leasú nó ag leathnú na Coda sin.
[EN](2) Chun críocha alt 361 den Acht Cánach Ioncaim, 1967, agus Sceideal 10 a ghabhann leis an Acht sin, agus an mhínithe ar “faoiseamh ó chánachas dúbailte” in alt 363 den Acht sin, áireofar gurbh iníoctha aon mhéid cánach faoi dhlí aon chríche lasmuigh den Stát ab iníoctha mura mbeadh faoiseamh lena mbaineann an t-alt seo agus a tugadh faoin dlí sin (is faoiseamh a bhfuil socrú déanta ina leith i gcomhshocraíochtaí i dtaobh faoiseamh ó chánachas dúbailte is comhshocraíochtaí is ábhar d'ordú faoin alt sin 361); agus forléireofar dá réir sin tagairtí sna hailt sin agus sa Sceideal sin do chánachas dúbailte, do cháin is iníoctha nó is inmhuirir nó do cháin nach inmhuirir go díreach nó trí asbhaint.
[EN](3) Féadfaidh na Coimisinéirí Ioncaim rialacháin a dhéanamh go ginearálta chun forálacha an ailt seo nó aon chomhshocraíochtaí ag a bhfuil feidhm dlí faoin alt sin 361 a chur i bhfeidhm agus féadfaidh, go háirithe ach gan dochar do ghinearáltacht an mhéid sin roimhe seo, foráil a chur sna rialacháin—
[EN](a) chun críocha an ailt seo nó na rialachán, chun go gcuirfear chun feidhme (gan mhodhnú nó mar aon le modhnú) aon fhoráil atá sna hAchtanna Cánach Ioncaim nó in aon rialacháin a rinneadh fúthu nó sna hAchtanna Cánach Brabús Corporáide nó in aon rialacháin a rinneadh fúthu, lena n-áirítear na forálacha a bhaineann le hathéisteacht achomhairc agus le cás a shonrú le haghaidh tuairime na hArd-Chúirte ar phonc dlí, agus
[EN](b) nach ndéanfar iomlán aon díbhinne, ná aon chuid de dhíbhinn, a íocadh as brabúis nó gnóchain arb éard iad nó ar cuid díobh brabúis nó gnóchain a dtabharfar faoiseamh ó chánachas dúbailte ina leith de bhua an ailt seo a áireamh mar ioncam nó brabúis chun aon chríche de chuid na nAchtanna Cánach Ioncaim nó na nAchtanna Cánach Brabús Corporáide.
[EN](4) Baineann an t-alt seo le haon fhaoiseamh a thabharfar d'fhonn forbairt thionscail, thráchtála, eolaíochta, oideachais nó aon fhorbairt eile a chur ar aghaidh i gcríoch lasmuigh den Stát.
[EN](5) Chun críocha aon chomhshocraíochtaí ag a bhfuil feidhm dlí faoin alt sin 361 agus a bhaineann le haon tréimhse roimh dháta an Achta seo a rith, beidh éifeacht ag an alt seo maidir leis an tréimhse sin.
[EN]Leasú ar alt 35 den Acht Airgeadais, 1968.
1958 Uimh. 28.
58.—(1) Leasaítear leis seo alt 35 (3) (b) den Acht Airgeadais, 1968—
[EN](a) trí “nó” a chur isteach i ndiaidh “amhlaidh,”, agus
[EN](b) tríd an bhformhír seo a leanas a chur isteach i ndiaidh an fhomhír (ii)—
[EN]“(iii) brabúis a d'éirigh as gníomhaíochtaí trádála díolmhaithe nach ndéantar, de bhua Chaibidil I de Chuid XXV den Acht Cánach Ioncaim, 1967, nó Chodanna I agus II den Acht Airgeadais (Forálacha Ilghnéitheacha), 1958, a chur i gcuntas, maidir leis an gcuideachta a dhéanann na gníomhaíochtaí sin, chun aon chríocha de chuid na nAchtanna Cánach Ioncaim nó chun aon chríche de chuid Chuid V den Finance Act, 1920, agus na n-achtachán a leasaíonn nó a leathnaíonn an Chuid sin V.”.
[EN](2) Beidh éifeacht ag an alt seo maidir le cáin ioncaim don bhliain dar tosach an 6ú lá d'Aibreán, 1970, agus blianta measúntachta dá éis sin agus maidir le cáin bhrabús corporáide d'aon bhliain chuntasaíochta dar tosach an 6ú lá d'Aibreán, 1970, nó aon lá dá éis sin agus don chuid gan chaitheamh d'aon tréimhse chuntasaíochta ar rith ar an dáta sin.
[EN]Ús ar urrúis Státurraithe a íoc gan cáin a asbhaint.
59.—(1) Baineann an t-alt seo le haon urrúis (seachas urrúis lena mbaineann alt 467, 468, 471 nó 473 den Acht Cánach Ioncaim, 1967), a d'eisigh comhlacht corpraithe agus a bhfuil íoc úis agus aisíoc príomhsuime ina leith urraithe ag Aire Stáit faoi údarás reachtúil.
[EN](2) Measfar gurb urrúis arna n-eisiúint faoi údarás an Aire Airgeadais de réir brí alt 466 den Acht Cánach Ioncaim, 1967, aon urrúis lena mbaineann an t-alt seo agus beidh feidhm dá réir sin ag an alt sin.
[EN](3) D'ainneoin aon ní atá sna hAchtanna Cánach Ioncaim, nuair a bheidh ríomh á dhéanamh chun críocha measúnachta faoi Chás I de Sceideal D ar mhéid brabús nó gnóchan comhlachta chorpraithe a d'eisigh na hurrúis lena mbaineann an t-alt seo, in aghaidh aon tréimhse dá mbeidh na cuntais ríofa, lamhálfar mar asbhaint méid an úis ar na hurrúis den sórt sin a dhéanfaidh an comhlacht corpraithe, ar ordú ón Aire Airgeadais faoi alt 466 den Acht Cánach Ioncaim, 1967, arna chur chun feidhme leis an alt seo, a íoc gan cáin a asbhaint in aghaidh na tréimhse sin.
[EN](4) Leasaítear leis seo alt 34 den Acht Airgeadais, 1956, trí “nó alt 59 den Acht Airgeadais, 1970” a chur isteach ag deireadh fho-alt (1).
[EN](5) Leasaítear leis seo alt 474 den Acht Cánach Ioncaim, 1967, trí “nó alt 59 den Acht Airgeadais, 1970” a chur isteach ag deireadh fho-alt (1).
[EN](6) Bainfidh alt 63 den Acht Airgeadais, 1969, le hurrúis lena mbaineann an t-alt seo.
60.—(1) Déantar leis seo gach achtachán a luaitear i gcolún (2) den Dara Sceideal a ghabhann leis an Acht seo a aisghairm a mhéid a shonraítear i gcolún (3) den Sceideal sin.
[EN](2) Tiocfaidh an t-alt seo i ngníomh an 1ú lá de Lúnasa, 1970, nó ar dháta an Achta seo a rith, cibé acu is déanaí.
[EN]Cúram agus bainistí cánacha agus dleachtanna.
61.—Déantar leis seo na cánacha agus na dleachtanna uile a fhorchuirtear leis an Acht seo (seachas tobhach faoi alt 56 den Acht seo) a chur faoi chúram agus faoi bhainistí na gCoimisinéirí Ioncaim.
[EN]Gearrtheideal, forléiriú agus tosach feidhme.
62.—(1) Féadfar an tAcht Airgeadais, 1970, a ghairm den Acht seo.
[EN](2) Déanfar Caibidil I de Chuid I agus (a mhéid a bhaineann le cáin ioncaim, lena n-áirítear forcháin) Caibidil II de Chuid I, agus ailt 57 go 59 den Acht seo a fhorléiriú i dteannta na nAchtanna Cánach Ioncaim.
[EN](3) A mhéid a bhaineann le cáin bhrabús corparáide, déanfar Caibidil II de Chuid I agus ailt 57 go 59 den Acht seo a fhorléiriú i dteannta Chuid V den Finance Act, 1920, agus na n-achtachán a leasaíonn nó a leathnaíonn an Chuid sin.
[EN](4) Déanfar Cuid II den Acht seo, a mhéid a bhaineann sí le custaim, a fhorléiriú i dteannta na nAchtanna Custam agus, a mhéid a bhaineann sí le dleachtanna máil, a fhorléiriú i dteannta na Reachtanna a bhaineann leis na dleachtanna máil agus le bainistí na ndleachtanna sin.
[EN](5) Déanfar Cuid IV den Acht seo a fhorléiriú i dteannta an Stamp Act, 1891, agus na n-achtachán a leasaíonn nó a leathnaíonn an tAcht sin.
[EN](6) Déanfar Cuid V den Acht seo a fhorléiriú i dteannta Chuid VI den Acht Airgeadais, 1963, agus na n-achtachán a leasaíonn nó a leathnaíonn an Chuid sin.
[EN](7) Ach amháin sa mhéid go bhforáiltear a mhalairt iontu go sainráiteach, measfar gur tháinig Cuid I agus ailt 57 go 59 den Acht seo i ngníomh, agus beidh éifeacht acu, ar an agus ón 6ú lá d'Aibreán, 1970.
[EN](8) Aon tagairt atá san Acht seo d'aon achtachán eile déanfar, ach amháin a mhéid go n-éilíonn an comhthéacs a mhalairt, í a fhorléiriú mar thagairt don achtachán sin arna leasú le haon achtachán eile nó faoi aon achtachán eile, lena n-éirítear an tAcht seo.
Dleachtanna Stampa ar Ionstraimí
Duty | |||
£ | s. | d. | |
AGREEMENT or CONTRACT, accompanied with a deposit. See MORTGAGE, &c. AGREEMENT for a Lease, or for any letting. See LEASE. AGREEMENT for sale of property. See CONVEYANCE ON SALE. ANNUITY, conveyance in consideration of. See CONVEYANCE ON SALE. purchase of. See CONVEYANCE ON SALE. creation of, by way of security. See MORTGAGE, &c. instruments relating to, upon any other occasion. See BOND, COVENANT, &c. |
APPOINTMENT of a new trustee, and APPOINTMENT in execution of a power of any property, or of any use, share, or interest in any property, by any instrument not | ||||||||||
being a will. | .. | .. | .. | .. | .. | .. | .. | 0 | 10 | 0 |
ASSIGNMENT. | ||||||||||
By way of security, or of any security. | ||||||||||
See MORTGAGE, &c. | ||||||||||
Upon a sale or otherwise. | ||||||||||
See CONVEYANCE. | ||||||||||
ASSURANCE. | ||||||||||
drawn in the State | .. | .. | .. | .. | .. | .. | 0 | 0 | 3 |
drawn outside the State | .. | .. | .. | .. | .. | 0 | 0 | 2 |
Exemptions. (1) Bill or note issued by the Bank of England or the Bank of Ireland. (2) Draft or order drawn by any banker in the State upon any other banker in the State, not payable to bearer or to order, and used solely for the purpose of settling or clearing any account between such bankers. (3) Letter written by a banker in the State to any other banker in the State, directing the payment of any sum of money, the same not being payable to bearer or to order, and such letter not being sent or delivered to the person to whom payment is to be made or to any person on his behalf. (4) Letter of credit granted in the State, authorising drafts to be drawn out of the State payable in the State. (5) Draft or order drawn by the Accountant of the Courts of Justice. (6) Coupon or warrant for interest attached to and issued with any security, or with an agreement or memorandum for the renewal or extension of time for payment of a security. (7) Bill drawn on any form supplied by the Commissioners for the purpose of remitting amounts of tax in accordance with Regulation 31 (1) of the Income Tax (Employments) Regulations, 1960 (S.I. No. 28 of 1960). (8) Bill drawn on any form supplied by the Commissioners for the purpose of remitting amounts of turnover tax or wholesale tax. BILL OF SALE— Absolute. See CONVEYANCE ON SALE. By way of security. See MORTGAGE, &c. BOND for securing the payment or repayment of money or the transfer or retransfer of stock. See MORTGAGE, &c. and MARKETABLE SECURITY. BOND in relation to any annuity upon the original creation and sale thereof. See CONVEYANCE ON SALE. BOND, COVENANT, or INSTRUMENT of any kind whatsoever. (1) Being the only or principal or primary security for any annuity (except upon the original creation thereof by way of sale or security, and except a superannuation annuity), or for any sum or sums of money at stated periods, not being interest for any principal sum secured by a duly stamped instrument, nor rent reserved by a lease. |
For a definite and certain period, so that the total amount to be ultimately payable can be ascertained. | The same ad valorem duty as a bond or covenant for such total amount. |
For the term of life or any other indefinite period. |
For every £10, and also for any fractional part of £10, | |||||
of the annuity or sum periodically payable | .. | .. | 0 | 5 | 0 |
(2) Being a collateral or auxiliary or additional or substituted security for any of the above-mentioned purposes where the principal or primary instrument is duly stamped. |
Where the total amount to be ultimately payable can be ascertained. | The same ad valorem duty as a bond or covenant of the same kind for such total amount. |
In any other case:
For every £10, and also for any fractional part of | ||||
£10, of the annuity or sum periodically payable. | .. | 0 | 1 | 0 |
(3) Being a grant or contract for payment of a superannuation annuity, that is to say a deferred life annuity granted or secured to any person in consideration of annual premiums payable until he attains a specified age and so as to commence on his attaining that age. |
For every £10, and also for any fractional part of £10, | |||||||||
of the annuity. | .. | .. | .. | .. | .. | .. | 0 | 1 | 0 |
BOND of any kind whatsoever not specifically charged with any duty or specifically exempted from any duty: |
Where the amount limited to be recoverable does not exceed £300. | The same ad valorem duty as a bond for the amount limited. |
In any other case | .. | .. | .. | .. | .. | 0 | 10 | 0 |
Exemption. Bond on obtaining letters of administration. BOND, accompanied with a deposit of title deeds, for making a mortgage, or other security on any estate or property therein comprised. See MORTGAGE, &c. BOND, DECLARATION, or other DEED or WRITING for making redeemable any disposition apparently absolute, but intended only as a security. See MORTGAGE, &c. CHEQUE. See BILL OF EXCHANGE. CONTRACT. See AGREEMENT. CONVEYANCE or TRANSFER on sale. Of any stocks or marketable securities. | |||
Where the amount or value of the consideration for the sale does not exceed £5 | 0 | 1 | 0 |
Exceeds £5 and does not exceed £100:— | |||
For every £10 or part of £10 of such amount or value | 0 | 2 | 0 |
Exceeds £100 and does not exceed £300:— | |||
For every £20 or part of £20 of such amount or value | 0 | 4 | |
Exceeds £300:— | |||
For every £50 or part of £50 of such amount or value | 0 | 10 | 0 |
CONVEYANCE or TRANSFER on sale, Of any property other than stocks or marketable securities. (1) Where the amount or value of the consideration for the sale does not exceed five hundred pounds and the instrument contains a statement certifying that the transaction thereby effected does not form part of a larger transaction or of a series of transactions, in respect of which the amount or value, or the aggregate amount or value, of the consideration exceeds five hundred pounds:— |
If the amount or value of the consideration does not | |||||||||
exceed £50 | .. | .. | .. | .. | .. | .. | 0 | 5 | 0 |
Exceeds | £50 and | does not exceed | £100 | .. | .. | 0 | 10 | 0 |
,, | £100 | ,, | £200 | 0 | 15 | 0 | ||
,, | £200 | ,, | £300 | 1 | 0 | 0 | ||
,, | £300 | ,, | £400 | 1 | 5 | 0 | ||
,, | £400 | ,, | £500 | 1 | 10 | 0 |
(2) Where the amount or value of the consideration for the sale exceeds five hundred pounds but does not exceed two thousand five hundred pounds and the instrument contains a statement certifying that the transaction thereby effected does not form part of a larger transaction or of a series of transactions in respect of which the amount or value, or the aggregate amount or value, of the consideration exceeds two thousand five hundred pounds:— |
If the amount or value of the consideration— | ||||||||
Exceeds | £500 | and does not exceed | £600 | .. | .. | 4 | 0 | 0 |
,, | £600 | ,, | £700 | .. | .. | 5 | 0 | 0 |
,, | £700 | ,, | £800 | .. | .. | 6 | 0 | 0 |
,, | £800 | ,, | £900 | .. | .. | 7 | 0 | 0 |
,, | £900 | ,, | £1,000 | .. | .. | 8 | 0 | 0 |
,, | £1,000 | ,, | £1,100 | .. | .. | 10 | 0 | 0 |
,, | £1,100 | ,, | £1,200 | .. | .. | 12 | 10 | 0 |
,, | £1,200 | ,, | £1,300 | .. | .. | 15 | 0 | 0 |
,, | £1,300 | ,, | £1,400 | .. | .. | 17 | 10 | 0 |
,, | £1,400 | ,, | £,1500 | .. | .. | 20 | 0 | 0 |
,, | £1,500 | ,, | £1,600 | .. | .. | 22 | 10 | 0 |
,, | £1,600 | ,, | £1,700 | .. | .. | 25 | 0 | 0 |
,, | £1,700 | ,, | £1,800 | .. | .. | 27 | 10 | 0 |
,, | £1,800 | ,, | £1,900 | .. | .. | 30 | 0 | 0 |
,, | £1,900 | ,, | £2,000 | .. | .. | 33 | 0 | 0 |
,, | £2,000 | ,, | £2,100 | .. | .. | 36 | 10 | 0 |
,, | £2,100 | ,, | £2,200 | .. | .. | 40 | 0 | 0 |
,, | £2,200 | ,, | £2,300 | .. | .. | 43 | 10 | 0 |
,, | £2,300 | ,, | £2,400 | .. | .. | 47 | 0 | 0 |
,, | £2,400 | ,, | £2,500 | .. | .. | 50 | 0 | 0 |
(3) Where the amount or value of the consideration for the sale does not exceed six thousand pounds and the instrument contains a statement certifying that the transaction thereby effected does not form part of a larger transaction or of a series of transactions in respect of which the amount or value, or the aggregate amount or value, of the consideration exceeds six thousand pounds:— |
For every £50, or fractional part of £50, of the | ||||||||||
consideration | .. | .. | .. | .. | .. | .. | .. | 1 | 0 | 0 |
(4) Where the amount or value of the consideration for the sale exceeds six thousand pounds but does not exceed fifty thousand pounds and the instrument contains a statement certifying that the transaction thereby effected does not form part of a larger transaction or of a series of transactions in respect of which the amount or value, or the aggregate amount or value, of the consideration exceeds fifty thousand pounds:— |
For every £50, or fractional part of £50, of the | |||||||||
consideration | .. | .. | .. | .. | .. | .. | 1 | 10 | 0 |
(5) If, in the case of a conveyance or transfer on sale or a conveyance or transfer operating as a voluntary disposition inter vivos, where the person becoming entitled to the entire beneficial interest in the property (or, where more than one person becomes entitled to a beneficial interest therein, each of them) is related to the person or each of the persons immediately theretofore entitled to the entire beneficial interest in the property in one or other of the following ways, that is to say, as a lineal descendant, parent, grandparent, step-parent, husband or wife, brother or sister of a parent of brother or sister, or lineal descendant of a parent, husband or wife or brother or sister, and the instrument contains a certificate to that effect by the party to whom the property is being conveyed or transferred, and— (a) The amount or value of the consideration for the sale, or, in the case of a conveyance or transfer operating as a voluntary disposition inter vivos the value of the property, does not exceed five hundred pounds and the instrument contains a statement certifying that the transaction thereby effected does not form part of a larger transaction or of a series of transactions, in respect of which the amount or value, or the aggregate amount or value, of the consideration for the sale, or, in the case of a voluntary disposition inter vivos, the value of the property conveyed or transferred exceeds five hundred pounds:— |
If the amount or value does not exceed | £50 | .. | .. | 0 | 5 | 0 | ||
Exceeds | £50 | and does not exceed | £100 | .. | .. | 0 | 10 | 0 |
,, | £100 | ,, | £200 | .. | .. | 0 | 15 | 0 |
,, | £200 | ,, | £300 | .. | .. | 1 | 0 | 0 |
,, | £300 | ,, | £400 | .. | .. | 1 | 5 | 0 |
,, | £400 | ,, | £500 | .. | .. | 1 | 10 | 0 |
or (b) The amount or value of the consideration for the sale, or, in the case of a conveyance or transfer operating as a voluntary disposition inter vivos the value of the property, exceeds five hundred pounds but does not exceed one thousand one hundred pounds and the instrument contains a statement certifying that the transaction thereby effected does not form part of a larger transaction or of a series of transactions in respect of which the amount or value, or the aggregate amount or value, of the consideration for the sale, or, in the case of a voluntary disposition inter vivos, the value of the property conveyed or transferred exceeds one thousand one hundred pounds:— If the amount or value— |
Exceeds | £500 | and does not exceed | £600 | .. | .. | 4 | 0 | 0 |
,, | £600 | ,, | £700 | .. | .. | 5 | 0 | 0 |
,, | £700 | ,, | £800 | .. | .. | 6 | 0 | 0 |
,, | £800 | ,, | £900 | .. | .. | 7 | 0 | 0 |
,, | £900 | ,, | £1,000 | .. | .. | 8 | 0 | 0 |
,, | £1,000 | ,, | £1,100 | .. | .. | 10 | 0 | 0 |
or (c) The case is not a case specified in subparagraph (a) or (b) of this paragraph: |
For every £50, or fractional part of £50 of the amount | ||||||||||
or value | .. | .. | .. | .. | .. | .. | .. | 0 | 10 | 0 |
(6) Of any other kind whatsoever not hereinbefore described:— | ||||||||||
For every £50, or fractional part of £50, of the amount or value of the consideration for the sale, or, in the case of a conveyance or transfer operating as a voluntary disposition inter vivos, of the value of the | ||||||||||
property conveyed or transferred | .. | .. | .. | 2 | 10 | 0 | ||||
CONVEYANCE or TRANSFER by way of security of any property, or of any security. See MORTGAGE, &c. and MARKETABLE SECURITY. | ||||||||||
CONVEYANCE or TRANSFER of any kind not herein- | ||||||||||
before described | .. | .. | .. | .. | .. | .. | 0 | 10 | 0 | |
COUNTERPART. See DUPLICATE. COVENANT for securing the payment or repayment of money, or the transfer or retransfer of stock. See MORTGAGE, &c. COVENANT in relation to any annuity upon the original creation and sale thereof. See CONVEYANCE ON SALE. COVENANT in relation to any annuity (except upon the original creation and sale thereof) or to other periodical payments. See BOND, COVENANT, &c. COVENANT. Any separate deed of covenant (not being an instrument chargeable with ad valorem duty as a conveyance on sale or mortgage) made on the sale or mortgage of any property, and relating solely to the conveyance or enjoyment of, or the title to, the property sold or mortgaged, or to the production of the muniments of title relating thereto, or to all or any of the matters aforesaid. |
Where the ad valorem duty in respect of the consideration or mortgage money does not exceed 10s. | A duty equal to the amount of such ad valorem duty. |
In any other case | .. | .. | .. | .. | .. | .. | 0 | 10 | 0 |
DEBENTURE for securing the payment or repayment of money or the transfer or retransfer of stock. See MORTGAGE, &c. and MARKETABLE SECURITY. | |||||||||
DECLARATION of any use or trust of or concerning any property by any writing, not being a will, or an instrument | |||||||||
chargeable with ad valorem duty as a settlement | .. | .. | 0 | 10 | 0 | ||||
DEED of any kind whatsoever, not described in this schedule (other than an award, a charter-party or an agreement or contract made or entered into pursuant to the Highway Acts for or relating to the making, | |||||||||
maintaining or repairing of highways) | .. | .. | .. | 0 | 10 | 0 | |||
DEFEAZANCE. Instrument of defeazance of any conveyance, transfer or disposition, apparently absolute, but intended only as a security for money or stock. See MORTGAGE, &c. DEPOSIT of title deeds. See MORTGAGE, &c. DRAFT for money. See BILL OF EXCHANGE. DUPLICATE or COUNTERPART of any instrument chargeable with any duty. |
Where such duty does not amount to 5s. | The same duty as the original instrument. |
In any other case | .. | .. | .. | .. | 0 | 5 | 0 | ||
EQUITABLE MORTGAGE. See MORTGAGE, &c. EXCHANGE—Instruments effecting. In the case specified in section 12 of the Finance Act, 1953, see that section. | |||||||||
In any other case | .. | .. | .. | .. | .. | .. | 0 | 10 | 0 |
FOREIGN SECURITY. See MARKETABLE SECURITY. FURTHER CHARGE or FURTHER SECURITY. See MORTGAGE, &c. INSURANCE. See POLICY. LEASE. (1) For any definite term not exceeding a year: | |||||||||
Of any dwelling-house or part of a dwelling-house at | |||||||||
a rent not exceeding the rate of £10 per annum | .. | 0 | 1 | 0 | |||||
(2) For any definite term less than a year: | |||||||||
(a) Of any furnished dwelling-house or apartments | |||||||||
where the rent for such term exceeds £25 | .. | .. | 0 | 5 | 0 |
(b) Of any lands, tenements, or heritable subjects except or otherwise than as aforesaid. | The same duty as a lease for a year at the rent reserved for the definite term. |
(3) For any other definite term or for any indefinite term of any lands, tenements, or heritable subjects— Where the consideration, or any part of the consideration (other than rent), moving either to the lessor or to any other person, consists of any money, stock, or security, and— (a) The amount or value of such consideration does not exceed five hundred pounds, and (i) the lease contains a statement certifying that the transaction thereby effected does not form part of a larger transaction or of a series of transactions in respect of which the amount or value, or the aggregate amount or value, of the consideration other than rent exceeds five hundred pounds, and (ii) the lease is not a lease as respects which part of the consideration therefor consists of a rent exceeding twenty pounds a year:— |
If the amount or value does not exceed | £50 | .. | 0 | 5 | 0 | ||
Exceeds | £50 and | does not exceed | £100 | .. | 0 | 10 | 0 |
,, | £100 | ,, | £200 | .. | 0 | 15 | 0 |
,, | £200 | ,, | £300 | .. | 1 | 0 | 0 |
,, | £300 | ,, | £400 | .. | 1 | 5 | 0 |
,, | £400 | ,, | £500 | .. | 1 | 10 | 0 |
(b) The amount or value of such consideration exceeds five hundred pounds but does not exceed two thousand five hundred pounds, and (i) the lease contains a statement certifying that the transaction thereby effected does not form part of a larger transaction or of a series of transactions in respect of which the amount or value, or the aggregate amount or value, of the consideration other than rent exceeds two thousand five hundred pounds, and (ii) the lease is not a lease as respects which part of the consideration therefor consists of a rent exceeding twenty pounds a year:— If the amount or value— |
Exceeds | £500 | and does not exceed | £600 | .. | .. | 4 | 0 | 0 |
,, | £600 | ,, | £700 | .. | .. | 5 | 0 | 0 |
,, | £700 | ,, | £800 | .. | .. | 6 | 0 | 0 |
,, | £800 | ,, | £900 | .. | .. | 7 | 0 | 0 |
,, | £900 | ,, | £1,000 | .. | .. | 8 | 0 | 0 |
,, | £1,000 | ,, | £1,100 | .. | .. | 10 | 0 | 0 |
,, | £1,100 | ,, | £1,200 | .. | .. | 12 | 10 | 0 |
,, | £1,200 | ,, | £1,300 | .. | .. | 15 | 0 | 0 |
,, | £1,300 | ,, | £1,400 | .. | .. | 17 | 10 | 0 |
,, | £1,400 | ,, | £1,500 | .. | .. | 20 | 0 | 0 |
,, | £1,500 | ,, | £1,600 | .. | .. | 22 | 10 | 0 |
,, | £1,000 | ,, | £1,700 | .. | .. | 25 | 0 | 0 |
,, | £1,700 | ,, | £1,800 | .. | .. | 27 | 10 | 0 |
,, | £1,800 | ,, | £1,900 | .. | .. | 30 | 0 | 0 |
,, | £1,900 | ,, | £2,000 | .. | .. | 33 | 0 | 0 |
,, | £2,000 | ,, | £2,100 | .. | .. | 36 | 10 | 0 |
,, | £2,100 | ,, | £2,200 | .. | .. | 40 | 0 | 0 |
,, | £2,200 | ,, | £2,300 | .. | .. | 43 | 10 | 0 |
,, | £2,300 | ,, | £2,400 | .. | .. | 47 | 0 | 0 |
,, | £2,400 | ,, | £2,500 | .. | .. | 50 | 0 | 0 |
(c) The amount or value of such consideration does not exceed six thousand pounds and the lease contains a statement certifying that the transaction thereby effected does not form part of a larger transaction or of a series of transactions in respect of which the amount or value, or the aggregate amount or value, of the consideration other than rent exceeds six thousand pounds:— |
For every £50, or fractional part of £50, of the | ||||||||
amount or value | .. | .. | .. | .. | .. | 1 | 0 | 0 |
(d) The amount or value of such consideration exceeds six thousand pounds but does not exceed fifty thousand pounds and the lease contains a statement certifying that the transaction thereby effected does not form part of a larger transaction or of a series of transactions in respect of which the amount or value, or the aggregate amount or value, of the consideration other than rent exceeds fifty thousand pounds:— | ||||||||
For every £50, or fractional part of £50, of the | ||||||||
amount or value | .. | .. | .. | .. | .. | 1 | 10 | 0 |
(e) The case is of any other kind whatsoever not hereinbefore described: | ||||||||
For every £50, or fractional part of £50, of the | ||||||||
amount of value | .. | .. | .. | .. | .. | 2 | 10 | 0 |
Where the consideration or any part of the consideration is any rent: In respect of such consideration: If the rent, whether reserved as a yearly rent or otherwise, is at a rate or average rate: |
If the term does not exceed 35 years, or is indefinite. | If the term exceeds 35 years, but does not exceed 100 years. | If the term exceeds 100 years. | ||||||||||
£ | s. | d. | £ | s. | d. | £ | s. | d. | ||||
Not exceeding £5 per annum | .. | 0 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 6 | 0 | 0 | 12 | 0 | ||
Exceeding— | ||||||||||||
£5 and | not exceeding | £10 | .. | 0 | 2 | 0 | 0 | 12 | 0 | 1 | 4 | 0 |
£10 | ,, | £15 | .. | 0 | 3 | 0 | 0 | 18 | 0 | 1 | 16 | 0 |
£15 | ,, | £20 | .. | 0 | 4 | 0 | 1 | 4 | 0 | 2 | 8 | 0 |
£20 | ,, | £25 | .. | 0 | 5 | 0 | 1 | 10 | 0 | 3 | 0 | 0 |
£25 | ,, | £50 | .. | 0 | 10 | 0 | 3 | 0 | 0 | 6 | 0 | 0 |
£50 | ,, | £75 | .. | 0 | 15 | 0 | 4 | 10 | 0 | 9 | 0 | 0 |
£75 | ,, | £100 | .. | 1 | 0 | 0 | 6 | 0 | 0 | 12 | 0 | 0 |
£100 | ||||||||||||
For every full sum of £50, and also for any fractional part of | ||||||||||||
£50 thereof .. | .. | .. | 0 | 10 | 0 | 3 | 0 | 0 | 6 | 0 | 0 |
(4) Lease made subsequently to, and in conformity with an agreement duly stamped under the provisions | £ | s. | d. | ||||||
of section 75 of the Stamp Act, 1891 | .. | .. | 0 | 1 | 0 | ||||
(5) Of any other kind whatsoever not hereinbefore | |||||||||
described | .. | .. | .. | .. | .. | .. | 1 | 0 | 0 |
(1) Being a security not transferable by delivery —For or in respect of the money thereby secured | The same ad valorem. duty according to the nature of the security as upon a mortgage. |
(2)Transfer, Assignment, or Disposition of a marketable security of any description— Upon a sale thereof—See conveyance or transfer on sale Upon a mortgage thereof—See mortgage of stock or marketable security. |
In any other case than a sale or mortgage | .. | .. | 0 | 10 | 0 | |||||
(3) Being a security transferable by delivery: | ||||||||||
(a) made or issued by or on behalf of any company or body of persons corporate or unincorporate formed or established in the State, or (b) made or issued by or on behalf of any foreign State or Government, or foreign municipal body, corporation, or company, and assigned, transferred, or in any manner negotiated in the State:— | ||||||||||
(i) For every £20, or fractional part of £20 of the money secured, if that money is to be paid off within a term not exceeding one year from the date on which | ||||||||||
the duty is payable | .. | .. | .. | .. | 0 | 1 | 0 | |||
(ii) For every £10, or fractional part of £10 of the money secured, if that money is to be paid off within a term exceeding one year but not exceeding three | ||||||||||
years from the date on which the duty is payable | .. | 0 | 1 | 0 | ||||||
(iii) For every £10, or fractional part of £10 of the money secured, if that money is to be paid off at a time exceeding three years after the date on which | ||||||||||
the duty is payable | .. | .. | .. | .. | .. | 0 | 4 | 0 | ||
(iv) For every £20, or fractional part of £20 of the money secured, in the case of a security given in substitution for a like security stamped under (iii) | ||||||||||
above | .. | .. | .. | .. | .. | .. | .. | 0 | 2 | 0 |
(4) Being a foreign share warrant or stock certificate to bearer (including any instrument by whatever name called, having the like effect as a share warrant issued under the provisions of the Companies Act, 1963, or as a stock certificate to bearer): | ||||||||||
For every £10, or fractional part of £10, of the nominal value of the share or stock to which the warrant, | ||||||||||
certificate, or instrument relates | .. | .. | .. | 0 | 4 | 0 | ||||
(5) Being an instrument to bearer (not being a share warrant, stock certificate to bearer, or other instrument chargeable with duty under the foregoing heading) by means of which any share or stock of any company or body of persons formed or established out of the State assigned, transferred, or in any manner negotiated in the State: | ||||||||||
For every £100, or fractional part of £100, of the | ||||||||||
nominal value of the share or stock | .. | .. | .. | 0 | 1 | 0 | ||||
MARRIAGE SETTLEMENT. See SETTLEMENT. MORTGAGE, BOND, DEBENTURE, COVENANT (except a marketable security otherwise specially charged with duty), and WARRANT OF ATTORNEY to confess and enter up judgment. (1) Being the only or principal or primary security (other than an equitable mortgage) for the payment or repayment of money— | ||||||||||
Not exceeding £300:— | ||||||||||
For every £50 or part of £50 of the amount secured | .. | 0 | 1 | 0 | ||||||
Exceeding £300:— | ||||||||||
For every £200 or part of £200 of the amount secured | 0 | 5 | 0 | |||||||
(2) Being a collateral, or auxiliary, or additional, or substituted security (other than an equitable mortgage), or by way of further assurance for the above-mentioned purpose where the principal or primary security is duly stamped— Where the amount secured does not exceed two thousand pounds: | ||||||||||
For every £200, and also for any fractional part of | ||||||||||
£200 | .. | .. | .. | .. | .. | .. | .. | 0 | 1 | 0 |
In any other case | .. | .. | .. | .. | .. | 0 | 10 | 0 | ||
(3) Being an equitable mortgage: | ||||||||||
For every £100, and any fractional part of £100, of the | ||||||||||
amount secured | .. | .. | .. | .. | .. | .. | 0 | 1 | 0 | |
(4) TRANSFER, ASSIGNMENT, or DISPOSITION of any mortgage, bond, debenture, or covenant (except a marketable security), or of any money or stock secured by any such instrument, or by any warrant of attorney to enter up judgment, or by any judgment. | ||||||||||
For every £200, and also for any fractional part of £200, of the amount transferred, assigned, or disposed, | ||||||||||
exclusive of interest which is not in arrear | .. | .. | 0 | 1 | 0 |
And also where any further money is added to the money already secured. | The same duty as a principal security for such further money. |
(5) RECONVEYANCE, RELEASE, DISCHARGE, SURRENDER, RESURRENDER, or RENUNCIATION of any such security as aforesaid, or of the benefit thereof, or of the money thereby secured: | £ | s. | d. | |||||||
For every £200, and also for any fractional part of £200, of the total amount or value of the money at any time | ||||||||||
secured | .. | .. | .. | .. | .. | .. | .. | 0 | 1 | 0 |
MORTGAGE OF STOCK or Marketable Security. By deed. See MORTGAGE. ORDER for the payment of money. See BILL OF EXCHANGE. PARTITION or DIVISION—Instruments effecting. In the case specified in section 73 of the Stamp Act, 1891, see that section. | ||||||||||
In any other case | .. | .. | .. | .. | .. | .. | 0 | 10 | 0 | |
POLICY OF LIFE INSURANCE. Where the sum insured exceeds £50 but does not exceed £1,000: | ||||||||||
For every full sum of £100, and also for any fractional | ||||||||||
part of £100, of the amount insured | .. | .. | .. | 0 | 1 | 0 | ||||
Exceeds £1,000: | ||||||||||
For every full sum of £1,000, and also for any fractional | ||||||||||
part of £1,000, of the amount insured | .. | .. | .. | 0 | 10 | 0 | ||||
POLICY OF LIFE INSURANCE made for a period not | ||||||||||
exceeding two years | .. | .. | .. | .. | .. | 0 | 1 | 0 | ||
PROMISSORY NOTE. See BILL OF EXCHANGE. RECONVEYANCE, RELEASE, or RENUNCIATION of any security. See MORTGAGE, &c. RELEASE or RENUNCIATION of any property, or of any right or interest in any property— Upon a sale. See CONVEYANCE ON SALE. | ||||||||||
By way of security. See MORTGAGE, &c. | ||||||||||
In any other case .. | .. | .. | .. | .. | .. | 0 | 10 | 0 | ||
REVOCATION of any use or trust of any property by | ||||||||||
any writing, not being a will | .. | .. | .. | .. | 0 | 10 | 0 | |||
SETTLEMENT. Any instrument, whether voluntary or upon any good or valuable consideration, other than a bona fide pecuniary consideration, whereby any definite and certain principal sum of money (whether charged or chargeable on lands or other hereditaments or heritable subjects, or not, or to be laid out in the purchase of lands or other hereditaments or heritable subjects or not), or any definite and certain amount of stock, or any security, is settled or agreed to be settled in any manner whatsoever: | ||||||||||
For every £100, and also for any fractional part of £100, of the amount or value of the property settled or | ||||||||||
agreed to be settled | .. | .. | .. | .. | .. | 0 | 5 | 0 | ||
Exemption. Instrument of appointment relating to any property in favour of persons specially named or described as the objects of a power of appointment, where duty has been duly paid in respect of the same property upon the settlement creating the power or the grant of representation of any will or testamentary instrument creating the power. SHARE CERTIFICATE. FOREIGN. See MARKETABLE SECURITY. |
SHARE WARRANT issued under the provisions of the Companies Acts, and STOCK CERTIFICATE to bearer. | A duty of an amount equal to three times the amount of the ad valorem stamp duty which would be chargeable on a deed transferring the share or shares or stock specified in the warrant or certificate if the consideration for the transfer were the nominal value of such share or shares or stock. |
£ | s. | d. | |||
See BOND, COVENANT, &c. | |||||
SURRENDER, not being an instrument chargeable with | |||||
duty as a conveyance on sale or a mortgage. | .. | .. | 0 | 10 | 0 |
TRANSFER. See CONVEYANCE or TRANSFER. WARRANT OF ATTORNEY to confess and enter up a judgment given as a security for the payment or repayment of money, or for the transfer or retransfer of stock. See MORTGAGE, &c. |
(1) Transfers of shares in
(i) stocks or funds of the Government or Oireachtas,
(ii) stocks or funds of the Government or Parliament of the late United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland which are registered in the books of the Bank of Ireland in Dublin, and
(iii) stocks or funds of the Government or Parliament of Great Britain which are registered in the books of the Bank of Ireland in Dublin.
(2) Instruments for the sale, transfer, or other disposition, either absolutely or by way of mortgage, or otherwise, of any ship or vessel, or any part, interest, share, or property of or in any ship or vessel.
(3) Testaments and testamentary instruments.
(4) Bonds given to sheriffs or other persons upon the replevy of any goods or chattels, and assignments of such bonds.
(5) Instruments made by, to, or with the Commissioners of Public Works in Ireland.
Achtacháin a Aisghairtear
Seisiún agus Caibideal nó Uimhir agus Bliain | Gearrtheideal | Méid na hAisghairme |
33 & 34 Vict., c. 46. | Landlord and Tenant (Ireland) Act, 1870. | Alt 57. |
42 & 43 Vict., c. 19. | Habitual Drunkards Act, 1879. | Alt 14. |
50 & 51 Vict., c. 57. | Deeds of Arrangement Act, 1887. | Alt 6(2). |
54 & 55 Vict., c. 39. | Stamp Act, 1891. | Ailt 18 go 22, 24, 25, 27, 28, 42, 49 go 51 agus 59 (4); alt 61(1) agus na focail “In any other case” in alt 61(2); ailt 63, 65 go 68 agus 75(2); in alt 78(1) na focail “or (b) any furnished dwelling-house or apartments for any definite term less than a year; and upon the duplicate or counterpart of any such instrument,”; alt 82; in alt 86(1)(a) na focail “Conditional surrender any way of mortgage”; alt 87(4) agus (5); ailt 89, 99, 101(2), 102, 103, 111, 116 agus 120. Sa Dara Sceideal, an Dara Cuid. |
58 & 59 Vict., c. 16. | Finance Act, 1895. | Ailt 9 agus 14. |
61 & 62 Vict., c. 46. | Revenue Act, 1898. | Alt 8. |
62 & 63 Vict., c. 9. | Finance Act, 1899. | Alt 4. |
3 Edw. VII, c. 46. | Revenue Act, 1903. | Alt 7. |
5 Edw. VII, c. 4. | Finance Act, 1905. | Alt 5. |
6 Edw. VII, c. 20. | Revenue Act, 1906. | Alt 9. |
7 Edw. VII, c. 13. | Finance Act, 1907. | Ailt 6 agus 11. |
8 Edw. VII, c. 16. | Finance Act, 1908. | Alt 5. |
10 Edw. VII, c. 8. | Finance (1909-10) Act, 1910 | Ailt 73 agus 75 go 79. |
1 Geo. V, c. 2. | Revenue Act, 1911. | Alt 15. |
1 & 2 Geo. V, c. 48. | Finance Act, 1911. | Alt 13. |
7 & 8 Geo. V, c. 31. | Finance Act, 1917. | Alt 30. |
10 & 11 Geo. V,c. 18. | Finance Act, 1920. | Ailt 34, 36, 38 agus 40. |
Alt 38. | ||
Alt 5 (2). | ||
Alt 35. | ||
Alt 31. | ||
Alt 42. | ||
Alt 30 (3) (e). | ||
Alt 18. | ||
Alt 13. | ||
Alt 12. | ||
Alt 24 (1), (2) agus (3) agus ailt 25 agus 27. | ||
Ailt 17 agus 18. | ||
Ailt 17 go 20. | ||
Ailt 20 agus 21. | ||
Ailt 13 agus 14. | ||
Ailt 24 go 27. | ||
In alt 17, fomhír (b) (i). | ||
Alt 29. | ||
An tAcht Airgeadais (Forálacha Ilghnéitheacha), 1956. | Alt 24 (b), (c) agus (d). | |
Alt 24. | ||
Alt 58. | ||
Alt 294 (4). | ||
Alt 75 (1), (2), (3) agus (4) (c). | ||
Ailt 35 agus 37. | ||
Ailt 44 agus 49 (6). | ||
Alt 10. | ||
Ailt 47 agus 48. |
Number 14 of 1970
Income Tax and Corporation Profits Tax
Income Tax
Income Tax, Sur-Tax and Corporation Profits Tax in Relation to Certain Receipts after Discontinuance of Trade or Profession and Related Matters.
Customs and Excise
Death Duties
Stamp Duties
Abolition of stamp duty in the case of transfers of certain stock. | |
Turnover Tax
Treatment for double taxation relief purposes of foreign tax incentive reliefs. | |
Payment of interest on State-guaranteed securities without deduction of tax. | |
Stamp Duties on Instruments
Enactments Repealed
Acts Referred to | |
1967, No. 6 | |
1967, No. 17 | |
1969, No. 32 | |
1969, No. 21 | |
Finance Act, 1920 | 1920, c. 18 |
Spirits Act, 1880 | 1880, c. 24 |
1926, No. 35 | |
1929, No. 32 | |
1931, No. 43 | |
1935, No. 7 | |
1957, No. 20 | |
1962, No. 15 | |
Imposition of Duties (No. 182) (Immature Spirits) Order, 1969 | S.I. No. 252 of 1969 |
Imposition of Duties (No. 183) (Excise Duties) (Vehicles) Order, 1969 | S.I. No. 263 of 1969 |
1956, No. 22 | |
Finance Act, 1894 | 1894. c. 30 |
1965, No. 22 | |
1961, No. 23 | |
Stamp Act, 1891 | 1891, c. 39 |
1958, No. 25 | |
Finance Act, 1907 | 1907, c. 13 |
1952, No. 1 | |
1963, No. 23 | |
1950, No. 18 | |
1951, No. 12 | |
1935, No. 24 | |
1930, No. 10 | |
1939, No. 35 | |
1968, No. 33 | |
1958, No. 28 |
Number 14 of 1970
Income Tax and Corporation Profits Tax
[GA]Chapter I
Income Tax
[GA]Income tax and sur-tax for the year 1970-71.
1.—(1) Income tax shall be charged for the year beginning on the 6th day of April, 1970, at the rate of seven shillings in the pound or at the rate (to which it is equivalent) of thirty-five per cent.
[GA](2) Sur-tax for the year beginning on the 6th day of April, 1970, shall be charged in respect of the income of any individual the total of which from all sources exceeds two thousand five hundred pounds and shall be so charged at the same rates as those at which it is charged for the year beginning on the 6th day of April, 1969.
[GA]Reduced rate relief.
2.—(1) An individual who makes, in the manner prescribed by the Income Tax Acts, a claim in that behalf and makes a return in the prescribed form of his total income shall be entitled to be charged at two-thirds of the standard rate of tax on the first £100 of his taxable income.
[GA](2) All such provisions of the Income Tax Acts as apply in relation to every deduction specified in sections 138 to 143 of the Income Tax Act, 1967, shall apply in relation to a reduction of rate allowed under subsection (1).
[GA](3) Section 153 (1) of the Income Tax Act, 1967, is hereby amended by the insertion of the following paragraph after paragraph (d)—
[GA]“(dd) he shall not be entitled to the benefit of the provision contained in section 2 of the Finance Act, 1970, whereby the first £100 of taxable income is chargeable at a reduced rate of tax in certain circumstances.”.
[GA](4) Section 193 (6) of the Income Tax Act, 1967, is hereby amended by the insertion after “Finance Act, 1969” of “, or section 2 of the Finance Act, 1970”.
[GA](5) Section 497 of the Income Tax Act, 1967, is hereby amended by the insertion after “standard rate of tax for that year” of “, or at two-thirds of that rate, as the case may be, and any repayment of income tax for any year of assessment to which any person may be entitled in respect of the reduction of the rate of tax on the first £100 of taxable income under section 2 of the Finance Act, 1970, shall, save as otherwise provided by this Act, be made at one-third of the standard rate of tax for that year”.
[GA]Amendment of section 6 of Income Tax Act, 1967.
3.—(1) Section 6 of the Income Tax Act, 1967, is hereby amended by the substitution of “new penny” for “penny”.
[GA](2) This section shall come into operation on the 15th day of February, 1971.
[GA]Amendment of section 11 of Finance Act, 1967, and section 4 of Finance Act, 1969.
4.—(1) Section 11 (1) of the Finance Act, 1967, is hereby amended—
[GA](a) by the substitution of “any designated area” for “any undeveloped area”, and
[GA](b) by the deletion of the definition of “undeveloped area”, and the insertion of the following definition:
[GA]“‘designated area’ has the same meaning as in the Industrial Development Act, 1969.”.
[GA](2) Section 4 (1) of the Finance Act, 1969, is hereby amended—
[GA](a) by the substitution of “a designated area” for “an undeveloped area”, and
[GA](b) by the deletion of the definition of “undeveloped area” and the insertion of the following definition:
[GA]“‘designated area’ has the same meaning as in the Industrial Development Act, 1969.”.
[GA](3) This section shall have, and be deemed to have had, effect as on and from the 1st day of April, 1970.
[GA]Amendment of section 127 of Income Tax Act, 1967.
5.—Section 127 (1) of the Income Tax Act, 1967, is hereby amended by the insertion of the following paragraph after paragraph (f):
[GA]“(ff) for requiring an employer to notify the Revenue Commissioners—
[GA](i) of employees in a specified class or classes whose emoluments to which this Chapter applies are not likely to exceed, for the year of assessment, a specified amount, and
[GA](ii) of employees in a specified class or classes the aggregate of whose emoluments to which this Chapter applies have, at any time in a year of assessment, exceeded a specified amount;”.
[GA]Amendment of section 134 of Income Tax Act, 1967.
6.—Section 134 of the Income Tax Act, 1967, is hereby amended by the addition of the following proviso:
[GA]“Provided that—
[GA](a) in the case of an individual who is entitled under section 138 (1) to a deduction of £424 or £524, the minimum deduction allowable under this section shall be £225 or the amount of his earned income, whichever is the less, and
[GA](b) in the case of an individual who is entitled under section 138 to a deduction of £249 or £274, the minimum deduction allowable under this section shall be £125 or the amount of his earned income, whichever is the less.”.
[GA]Amendment of section 135 of Income Tax Act, 1967.
7.—Section 135 of the Income Tax Act, 1967, is hereby amended by the substitution of the following proviso for the proviso to subsection (1):
[GA]“Provided that—
[GA](a) if the individual claims a deduction under this section, section 134 shall have effect in relation to the individual as if the proviso thereto (inserted by section 6 of the Finance Act, 1970) were omitted;
[GA](b) in case the deduction of one-fourth of earned income to which the individual is entitled under section 134 is £500, there shall be no deduction under this section;
[GA](c) in case the deduction of one-fourth of earned income to which the individual is entitled under section 134 is less than £500, the deduction under this section shall not be greater than the amount by which the deduction under section 134 falls short of £500;
[GA](d) in case the individual is entitled under section 138 to a deduction of £249 or £274—
[GA](i) in case his total income does not exceed £500, the deduction under this section shall be the amount by which the deduction of one-fourth of earned income under section 134 falls short of £125, and
[GA](ii) in case his total income exceeds £500, the deduction under this section shall not be greater than £150 or the amount to which he is entitled under paragraph (c), whichever is the less;
[GA](e) in case the individual is entitled under section 138 (1) to a deduction of £424 or £524—
[GA](i) in case his total income does not exceed £900, the deduction under this section shall be the amount by which the deduction of one-fourth of earned income under section 134 falls short of £225, and
[GA](ii) in case his total income exceeds £900, the deduction under this section shall not be greater than £225 or the amount to which he is entitled under paragraph (c), whichever is the less”.
[GA]Amendment of section 136 of Income Tax Act, 1967.
8.—Section 136 of the Income Tax Act, 1967, is hereby amended—
[GA](a) by the substitution of “£500” for “£450” in each place where it occurs, and
[GA](b) by the addition to subsection (2) of the following proviso—
[GA]“Provided that where the relevant income is less than £500, the minimum deduction under this subsection shall be £125 or the amount of the relevant income, whichever is the less.”.
[GA]Amendment of section 138 of Income Tax Act, 1967.
9.—Section 138 (3) of the Income Tax Act, 1967, is hereby amended by the substitution of “£74” for “£45”.
[GA]Amendment of section 141 of Income Tax Act, 1967.
10.—Section 141 of the Income Tax Act, 1967, is hereby amended by the substitution of the following proviso for the proviso to subsection (1A) (a) (inserted by the Finance Act, 1969):
[GA]“Provided that where the claimant is or would on due application be entitled throughout the year of assessment to a children's allowance in respect of more than one child, the deduction to be given under subsections (1) and (2) shall—
[GA](i) in the case of one such child be reduced by £15, and
[GA](ii) in the case of any such children in excess of two, be reduced by £19 each for the year 1970-71 and by £23 each for any subsequent year.”.
[GA]Amendment of section 142 of Income Tax Act, 1967.
11.—Section 142 (1) of the Income Tax Act, 1967, is hereby amended by the substitution of “£282” for “£256” in both places where it occurs and by the substitution of “£222” for “£196”.
[GA]Amendment of section 221 of Income Tax Act, 1967.
12.—Section 221 (2) (h) (i) of the Income Tax Act, 1967, is hereby amended by the substitution of “£70” for “£5”.
[GA]Amendment of section 236 of and Schedule 5 to Income Tax Act, 1967.
13.—(1) Section 236 (1) of the Income Tax Act, 1967, is hereby amended by the substitution of “£750” for “£500” in each place where it occurs.
[GA](2) Schedule 5 to the Income Tax Act, 1967, is hereby amended—
[GA](a) by the substitution of “£750” for “£500” in each place where it occurs, and
[GA](b) by the substitution in the Table to paragraph 4 of “£825” for “£550”, “£900” for “£600”, “£975” for “£650”, “£1,050” for “£700” and “£1,125” for “£750”.
[GA]Amendment of section 241 of Income Tax Act, 1967.
14.—(1) In this section—
[GA]“wear and tear allowance” means a deduction allowed under section 241 of the Income Tax Act, 1967, otherwise than by virtue of section 11 of the Finance Act, 1967, or section 4 of the Finance Act, 1969;
[GA]“normal wear and tear allowance” means such wear and tear allowance or greater wear and tear allowance, if any, as would have fallen to be made to a person in respect of any machinery or plant used by him during any year of assessment if all the conditions specified in subsection (3) had been fulfilled in relation to that year.
[GA](2) Where for any year of assessment (including a year of assessment before the year 1970-71) during which any machinery or plant has been used by a person, no wear and tear allowance or a wear and tear allowance less than the normal wear and tear allowance is made to that person in respect of the machinery or plant, the normal wear and tear allowance shall be deemed, for the purposes of subsections (6) and (7) of the said section 241, to have been made to him in respect of the machinery or plant for that year.
[GA](3) The conditions referred to in subsection (1) are:
[GA](a) that the trade had been carried on by the person in question ever since the date on which he acquired the machinery or plant and had been so carried on by him in such circumstances that the full amount of the profits or gains thereof was liable to be charged to income tax,
[GA](b) that the trade had at no time consisted wholly or partly of exempted trading operations within the meaning of Chapter I of Part XXV of the Income Tax Act, 1967,
[GA](c) that the machinery or plant had been used by him solely for the purposes of the trade ever since that date,
[GA](d) that a proper claim had been duly made by him for wear and tear allowance in respect of the machinery or plant for every relevant year of assessment, and
[GA](e) that no question arose in connection with any year of assessment as to there being payable to him, directly or indirectly, any sums in respect of, or taking account of, the wear and tear of the machinery or plant.
[GA](4) The preceding provisions of this section shall, with any necessary modifications, apply in relation to professions, employments and offices as they apply in relation to trades.
[GA](5) Section 241 (7) of the Income Tax Act, 1967, is hereby amended by the substitution of “trade, profession, employment or office” for “trade or profession”.
[GA]Amendment of section 331 of Income Tax Act, 1967.
15.—(1) Section 331 of the Income Tax Act, 1967, is hereby amended by the addition to subsection (3) of the following proviso:
[GA]“Provided that relief or repayment may be granted in respect of such dividend or interest where—
[GA](a) the dividend or interest was paid within the period of two years prior to the date of the said certificate, and
[GA](b) the dividend or interest was paid on stocks, shares or securities in respect of which the conditions specified in paragraphs (a) to (c) of section 329 (2) and in section 330 (2) were complied with either—
[GA](i) throughout the said period of two years, or
[GA](ii) if the stocks, shares or securities were issued during the said period, throughout the period from the date of such issue to the date of the said certificate.”.
[GA](2) This section shall have, and be deemed to have had, effect in relation to any dividend or interest paid on or after the 6th day of April, 1966, and relief from tax may be given accordingly by repayment or otherwise, as the Revenue Commissioners think proper.
[GA]Amendment of section 332 of Income Tax Act, 1967.
16.—(1) Section 332 of the Income Tax Act, 1967, is hereby amended by the addition to subsection (8) of the following proviso:
[GA]“Provided that relief or repayment may be granted in respect of such dividend or interest where—
[GA](a) the dividend or interest was paid within the period of two years prior to the date of the said certificate, and
[GA](b) the dividend or interest was paid on stocks, shares or securities in respect of which the conditions specified in paragraphs (a) and (b) of subsection (2) were complied with either—
[GA](i) throughout the said period of two years, or
[GA](ii) if the stocks, shares or securities were issued during the said period, throughout the period from the date of such issue to the date of the said certificate.”.
[GA](2) This section shall have, and be deemed to have had, effect in relation to any dividend or interest paid on or after the 6th day of April, 1966, and relief from tax may be given accordingly by repayment or otherwise as the Revenue Commissioners think proper.
[GA]Tax deductions from payments to sub-contractors in the construction industry.
17.—(1) In this section—
[GA]“construction contract” means a contract (not being a contract of employment) whereby a person (in this section referred to as the contractor) is liable to another person (in this section referred to as the principal)—
[GA](a) to carry out construction operations; or
[GA](b) to be answerable for the carrying out of such operations by others, whether under sub-contract to him or under other arrangements made, or to be made by him; or
[GA](c) to furnish his own labour or the labour of others, in the carrying out of such operations;
[GA]“construction operations” means operations of any of the following descriptions—
[GA](a) the construction, alteration, repair, extension, demolition or dismantling of buildings or structures;
[GA](b) the construction, alteration, repair, extension or demolition of any works forming, or to form, part of the land, including walls, road-works, power-lines, aircraft runways, docks and harbours, railways, inland waterways, pipelines, wells, sewers, industrial plant and installations for purposes of land drainage;
[GA](c) the installation in any building or structure of systems of heating, lighting, air-conditioning, sound-proofing, ventilation, power supply, drainage, sanitation, water supply, burglar or fire protection;
[GA](d) the external cleaning of buildings (other than cleaning of any part of a building in the course of normal maintenance); internal cleaning of buildings and structures, so far as carried out in the course of their construction, alteration, extension, repair or restoration;
[GA](e) operations which form an integral part of, or are preparatory to, or are for rendering complete such operations as are described above, including site clearance, earth-moving, excavation, tunnelling and boring, laying of foundations, erection of scaffolding, site restoration, landscaping and the provision of roadways and other access works.
[GA](2) Subject to the provisions of this section, where in the performance of a construction contract, whether made before or after the commencement of this section, in the case of which the principal is—
[GA](a) a person who, in respect of the whole or any part of the construction operations to which the contract relates, is himself the contractor under another construction contract, or
[GA](b) a person carrying on a business which includes the erection of buildings,
[GA]the principal makes a payment to another person (whether the contractor or not and hereinafter referred to as the sub-contractor), the principal shall deduct from the payment and pay to the Collector tax at the rate of 7s. 0d. in the pound (or at the rate, to which it is equivalent, of thirty-five per cent.) on the amount of such payment.
[GA](3) In computing, for the purposes of Schedule D, the profits or gains arising or accruing to a sub-contractor who receives a payment from which tax has been deducted in accordance with subsection (2), the payment shall be treated as being of an amount equal to the aggregate of the net amount received after deduction of the tax and the amount of the tax deducted.
[GA](4) In so far as a sub-contractor is chargeable to tax in respect of any profits or gains arising or accruing to him from a trade or vocation, he shall be treated as having paid on account of tax so chargeable any tax which was deducted from payments brought into account in the computation of those profits or gains and which has not been repaid or for which a set-off has not been given; and the Revenue Commissioners shall make regulations for giving effect to this subsection and those regulations shall in particular include provision—
[GA](a) as to the manner in which, and the periods for which, tax deducted under this section is to be brought into account as a sum paid on account of the liability to tax of a sub-contractor,
[GA](b) for repayment, on due claim made for a period (hereinafter referred to as the repayment period) commencing on the 6th day of April in a year of assessment and ending on the 5th day of the month following the date of the payment or, if the payment was made on or before the 5th day of a month, ending on the 5th day of that month, of such portion of the tax deducted from payments received by a sub-contractor during the repayment period (reduced by any amount of such tax repaid or set off) as appears to the Revenue Commissioners to exceed the proportionate part of the amount of tax for which he is liable, or is estimated to be liable, for that year of assessment, and
[GA](c) for repayments in cases where the total of the tax deducted from payments received by a sub-contractor and not repaid to him exceeds the amount of tax for which he is liable.
[GA](5) The Revenue Commissioners shall make regulations with respect to the assessment (including estimated assessment), charge, collection and recovery of tax deductible under subsection (2) and those regulations may in particular include, in relation to such tax, any provision which is or might be contained in regulations made under section 127 of the Income Tax Act, 1967.
[GA](6) Section 132 of the Income Tax Act, 1967, shall apply in relation to sums due on account of tax deductible under subsection (2) as it applies in relation to sums for which an employer is liable under that section.
[GA](7) Where, in any year of assessment, a sub-contractor satisfies the Revenue Commissioners that he has an established place of business and—
[GA](a) had delivered to them accounts of his trade or vocation for the purpose of computing the profits or gains on which he is chargeable to tax for the year preceding the year of assessment, or
[GA](b) has delivered, or has undertaken to deliver, to them accounts of his trade or vocation for the purpose of computing the profits or gains on which he is chargeable to tax for the year of assessment,
[GA]the Revenue Commissioners shall issue to him a certificate in respect of a year of assessment which will, on production thereof by him to a principal, entitle him to receive without deduction of tax any payments which are made to him by the principal in the year of assessment to which the certificate relates and which are made subsequent to the production of the certificate.
[GA](8) Schedule 15 to the Income Tax Act, 1967, is hereby amended by the insertion in column (2) thereof of “Regulations under section 17 of the Finance Act, 1970”.
[GA](9) Every regulation made under this section shall be laid before Dáil Éireann as soon as may be after it is made and, if a resolution annulling the regulation is passed by Dáil Éireann within the next twenty-one days on which Dáil Éireann has sat after the regulation is laid before it, the regulation shall be annulled accordingly, but without prejudice to the validity of anything previously done thereunder.
[GA](10) A person carrying on a business shall not be deemed to be a person of a kind specified in subsection (2) (b) by reason only of the fact that, in the course of that business, he erects buildings for the use or occupation of himself or employees of his.
[GA](11) This section shall come into operation on such day as the Minister for Finance by order appoints.
[GA]Exemption of bonus or interest paid under instalment savings schemes.
18.—Any bonus or interest payable to an individual under an instalment savings scheme (within the meaning of section 53) shall be disregarded for all the purposes of the Income Tax Acts if, or in so far as, the bonus or interest is payable in respect of an amount not exceeding the amount permitted under the scheme to be paid by him.
[GA]Industrial building allowance in relation to buildings and structures bought unused.
19.—(1) Where expenditure is incurred on the construction of a building or structure and, before that building or structure is used, the relevant interest therein is sold—
[GA](a) the expenditure actually incurred on the construction thereof shall be left out of account for the purposes of sections 254, 264, 265 and 266 of the Income Tax Act, 1967; but
[GA](b) the person who buys that interest shall be deemed for those purposes to have incurred, on the date when the purchase price becomes payable, expenditure on the construction thereof equal to the said expenditure or to the net price paid by him for the said interest, whichever is the less:
[GA]Provided that, where the relevant interest in the building or structure is sold more than once before the building or structure is used, the provisions of paragraph (b) shall have effect only in relation to the last of those sales.
[GA](2) Where the expenditure incurred on the construction of a building or structure was incurred by a person carrying on a trade which consists, as to the whole or any part thereof, in the construction of buildings or structures with a view to their sale, and, before the building or structure is used, he sells the relevant interest therein in the course of that trade, or, as the case may be, of that part of that trade, paragraph (b) of subsection (1) shall have effect subject to the following modifications—
[GA](a) if that sale is the only sale of the relevant interest before the building or structure is used, the said paragraph (b) shall have effect as if “the said expenditure or to” and “whichever is the less” were omitted, and
[GA](b) if there is more than one sale of the relevant interest before the building or structure is used, the said paragraph (b) shall have effect as if the reference to the expenditure actually incurred on the construction of the building or structure were a reference to the price paid on the said sale.
[GA](3) The Income Tax Acts shall have effect, and the preceding provisions of this section shall be construed, as if those provisions were contained in Chapter II of Part XV of the Income Tax Act, 1967.
[GA](4) In relation to expenditure actually incurred on the construction of a building or structure on or after the 6th day of April, 1970, this section shall have, and be deemed to have had, effect as on and from the said 6th day of April.
[GA](5) In relation to expenditure actually incurred on the construction of a building or structure prior to the 6th day of April, 1970, this section shall have, and be deemed to have had, effect as on and from the 6th day of April, 1964, and all such industrial building allowances and repayments of income tax (including sur-tax) and corporation profits tax shall be made as may be appropriate having regard to the provisions of this section:
[GA]Provided that this subsection shall not have effect in relation to any such expenditure if an industrial building allowance in respect thereof has been made.
[GA][GA]Chapter II
Income Tax, Sur-Tax and Corporation Profits Tax in Relation to Certain Receipts after Discontinuance of Trade or Profession and Related Matters.
[GA]Receipts accruing after discontinuance of trade or profession.
20.—(1) Where any trade or profession the profits or gains of which are chargeable to tax under Case I or Case II of Schedule D has been permanently discontinued, tax shall be charged under Case IV of that Schedule in respect of any sums to which this section applies which are received after the discontinuance subject to any such deduction as is authorised by subsection (4).
[GA](2) Subject to subsection (3), this section applies to all sums arising from the carrying on of the trade or profession during any period before the discontinuance (not being sums otherwise chargeable to tax), in so far as the amount or value of the sums was not brought into account in computing the profits or gains for any period before the discontinuance and whether or not the profits or gains for the period were computed on an earnings basis or on a conventional basis.
[GA](3) This section does not apply to any of the following sums—
[GA](a) sums received by a person beneficially entitled thereto who is not resident in the State, or by a person acting on his behalf, which represent income arising directly or indirectly from a country or territory outside the State, or
[GA](b) a lump sum paid to the personal representatives of the author of a literary, dramatic, musical or artistic work as a consideration for the assignment by them, wholly or partially, of the copyright in the work, or
[GA](c) sums realised by the transfer of trading stock belonging to a trade at the discontinuance thereof, or, in a case in which the profits or gains of a profession were computed on an earnings basis at the discontinuance thereof, sums realised by the transfer of the work of the profession in progress at the discontinuance, or
[GA](d) sums arising to an individual from a work which is such that any profits or gains that might have arisen to that individual from its publication, production or sale, as the case might be, would, in accordance with section 2 (3) of the Finance Act, 1969, have been disregarded for all purposes of the Income Tax Acts if they had arisen before the discontinuance of his profession, or
[GA](e) sums received before the date of the passing of this Act.
[GA](4) In computing the charge to tax in respect of sums received by any person which are chargeable to tax by virtue of this section (including amounts treated as sums received by him by virtue of section 24), there shall be deducted from the amount which, apart from this subsection, would be chargeable to tax—
[GA](a) any loss, expense or debit (not being a loss, expense or debit arising directly or indirectly from the discontinuance itself) which, if the trade or profession had not been discontinued, would have been deducted in computing for tax purposes the profits or gains of the person by whom it was carried on before the discontinuance, or would have been deducted from or set off against those profits or gains as so computed; and
[GA](b) any capital allowance to which the person who carried on the trade or profession was entitled immediately before the discontinuance and to which effect has not been given by way of relief before the discontinuance.
[GA](5) For the purposes of this Chapter—
[GA](a) “capital allowance” means any allowance, other than an allowance falling to be made in computing profits or gains, under section 241 or Part XIV, XV, XVI or XVII of the Income Tax Act, 1967;
[GA](b) the profits or gains of a trade or profession in any period shall be treated as computed by reference to earnings where all credits and liabilities accruing during that period as a consequence of the carrying on of the trade or profession are brought into account in computing those profits or gains for tax purposes, and not otherwise, and “earnings basis” shall be construed accordingly;
[GA](c) the profits or gains of a trade or profession in any period shall be treated as computed on a conventional basis where they are computed otherwise than by reference to earnings, and
[GA](d) the value of any sum received in payment of a debt shall be treated as not brought into account in the computation to the extent that a deduction has been allowed in respect of that sum under section 61 (i) of the Income Tax Act, 1967.
[GA]Supplementary provisions as to tax under section 20 or 26.
21.—(1) In the case of a transfer for value of the right to receive any such sums as are described in section 20 (2) or 26, any tax chargeable by virtue of those sections shall be charged in respect of the amount or value of the consideration (or, in the case of a transfer otherwise than at arm's length, in respect of the value of the right transferred as between parties at arm's length), and references in those sections to sums received shall be construed accordingly.
[GA](2) Where an individual is chargeable to tax by virtue of section 20 in respect of any sums received after the discontinuance of a trade or profession, and the profits or gains of the trade or profession to which he was entitled before the discontinuance fell to be treated as earned income for the purposes of the Income Tax Acts, those sums shall also be treated as earned income for those purposes but after any reduction therein under section 25.
[GA](3) Where any sum chargeable to tax by virtue of section 20 or 26 is received, in any year of assessment beginning not later than ten years after the discontinuance or, as the case may be, change of basis by the person by whom the trade or profession was carried on before the discontinuance or change or by his personal representatives, that person or (in either case) his personal representatives may, by notice in writing sent to the inspector within two years after the end of that year of assessment, elect that the tax chargeable as aforesaid shall be charged as if the sum in question were received on the date on which the discontinuance took place or, as the case may be, on the last day of the period at the end of which the change took place; and, in any such case, an additional assessment shall (notwithstanding anything in section 186 (2) of the Income Tax Act, 1967) be made accordingly; and in connection with that assessment no further deduction or relief shall be made or given in respect of any loss or allowance deducted in pursuance of section 20 (4).
[GA](4) Where work in progress at the discontinuance of a profession, or the responsibility for its completion is transferred, the sums to which section 20 applies include any sums received by way of consideration for the transfer and any sums received by way of realisation by the transferee, on behalf of the transferor, of the work in progress transferred.
[GA](5) No amount shall be deducted under section 20 (4) if that amount has been allowed under any other provision of the Income Tax Acts or of Part V of the Finance Act, 1920, as amended or extended by subsequent enactments.
[GA](6) No amount shall be deducted more than once under section 20 (4) and as between sums chargeable for one year of assessment or accounting period and sums chargeable for a subsequent year of assessment or accounting period, any deduction in respect of a loss or capital allowance shall be made against sums chargeable for the earlier year of assessment or accounting period but, in the case of a loss which by virtue of this subsection or the said section 20 (4) is to be allowed after the discontinuance, a deduction shall not be made from any sum chargeable for a year of assessment or accounting period preceding that in which the loss is incurred.
[GA]Receipts and losses accruing after change treated as discontinuance.
22.—(1) The following provisions of this section shall apply in any case where, as a result of a change in the persons engaged in carrying on a trade or profession, the trade or profession is treated for any of the purposes of the Income Tax Acts as if it had been permanently discontinued and a new trade or profession set up and commenced.
[GA](2) Sections 20 and 21 shall apply in the case of any such change as aforesaid as if the trade or profession had been permanently discontinued:
[GA]Provided that where the right to receive any sums to which section 20 applies is or was transferred, at the time of the change, to the persons carrying on the trade or profession after the change, tax shall not be charged by virtue of that section, but (save where the change took place before the date of the passing of this Act) any sums received by those persons by virtue of the transfer shall be treated for all purposes as receipts to be brought into the computation of profits or gains of the trade or profession in the period in which they are received.
[GA](3) In computing for tax purposes the profits or gains of the trade or profession in any period after the change there may be deducted a sum equal to any amount proved during that period to be irrecoverable in respect of any debts credited in computing for tax purposes the profits or gains for any period before the change (being debts the benefit of which was assigned to the persons carrying on the trade or profession after the change), in so far as the total amount proved to be irrecoverable in respect of those debts exceeds any deduction allowed in respect of them under section 61 (i) of the Income Tax Act, 1967, in a computation for any period before the change.
[GA]Work in progress at discontinuance.
23.—(1) Where, in computing for any of the purposes of the Income Tax Acts the profits or gains of a profession which has been discontinued, a valuation is taken of the work of the profession in progress at the discontinuance, that work shall be valued as follows—
[GA](a) if the work is transferred for money or any other valuable consideration to a person who carries on, or intends to carry on, a profession in the State, and the cost of the work may be deducted by that person as an expense in computing for any such purpose the profits or gains of that profession, the value of the work shall be taken to be the amount paid or other consideration given for the transfer;
[GA](b) if the work does not fall to be valued under paragraph (a), its value shall be taken to be the amount which would have been paid for a transfer thereof on the date of the discontinuance as between parties at arm's length.
[GA](2) Where a profession is discontinued, and the person by whom it was carried on immediately before the discontinuance so elects, by notice in writing sent to the inspector at any time within twelve months after the discontinuance, the amount, if any, by which the value of the work in progress at the discontinuance (as ascertained under subsection (1)) exceeds the actual cost of the work shall not be brought into account in computing the profits or gains of the period immediately before the discontinuance, but the amount by which any sums received for the transfer of the work exceed the actual cost of the work shall be included in the sums chargeable to tax under section 20 as if it were a sum to which that section applies received after the discontinuance.
[GA](3) The foregoing provisions of this section apply where a profession is treated for any of the purposes of the Income Tax Acts as permanently discontinued as they apply in the case of an actual discontinuance, but shall not apply in a case where a profession carried on by a single individual is discontinued by reason of his death.
[GA](4) For the purposes of section 62 of the Income Tax Act, 1967 “trading stock”, in relation to a trade, includes any services, article or material which would, if the trade were a profession, be treated as work in progress thereof for the purposes of this section, and references to the sale or transfer of trading stock shall be construed accordingly.
[GA](5) References in this section to work in progress at the discontinuance of a profession shall be construed as references to—
[GA](a) any services performed in the ordinary course of the profession, the performance of which was wholly or partly completed at the time of the discontinuance and for which it would be reasonable to expect that a charge would have been made on their completion if the profession had not been discontinued, and
[GA](b) any article produced, and any such material as is used, in the performance of any such services,
[GA]and references in this section to the transfer of work in progress shall include references to the transfer of any benefits and rights which accrue, or might reasonably be expected to accrue, from the carrying out of the work.
[GA](6) This section applies only to a discontinuance occurring after the date of the passing of this Act.
[GA]Debts set off against profits and subsequently released.
24.—(1) Where, in computing for tax purposes the profits or gains of a trade or profession, a deduction has been allowed for any debt incurred for the purposes of the trade or profession, then, if the whole or any part of that debt is thereafter released, the amount released shall be treated as a receipt of the trade or profession arising in the period in which the release is effected.
[GA](2) (a) If in any such case as aforesaid the trade or profession has been permanently discontinued at or after the end of the period for which the deduction was allowed and before the release was effected, or is treated for tax purposes as if it had been so discontinued, section 20 shall apply as if the amount released were a sum received after the discontinuance.
[GA](b) For the purposes of corporation profits tax, where an assessment under Case IV of Schedule D is made by virtue of paragraph (a), or would have been so made if the profits or gains were chargeable to income tax, the amount so assessed or which would have been so assessed shall be treated as income of the company received on the date on which the release was effected.
[GA](3) This section applies to a release effected after the date of the passing of this Act.
[GA]Cash basis, etc.: relief for individuals.
25.—(1) If an individual born before the 6th day of April, 1919, or the personal representative of such an individual, is chargeable to tax under section 20 or 26 and—
[GA](a) the individual was engaged in carrying on the trade or profession on the date of the passing of this Act, and
[GA](b) the profits or gains of the trade or profession were not computed by reference to earnings in the period in which the date specified in paragraph (a) fell, or in any subsequent period ending before or with the relevant date,
[GA]the net amount with which he is so chargeable to tax shall be reduced by multiplying that net amount by the fraction given below.
[GA](2) Where section 26 applies in relation to a change of basis taking place on a date before the date of the passing of this Act, then, in relation to tax chargeable by reference to that change of basis, subsection (1) shall have effect—
[GA](a) as if that earlier date were substituted for the date specified in paragraph (a), and
[GA](b) as if paragraph (b) were deleted.
[GA](3) The said fraction is—
[GA](a) where on the 6th day of April, 1970, the individual had not attained the age of fifty-two, nineteen-twentieths,
[GA](b) where on that date he had attained the age of fifty-two, but had not attained the age of fifty-three, eighteen-twentieths, and so on, reducing the fraction by one-twentieth for each year he had attained, up to the age of sixty-four,
[GA](c) where on that date he had attained the age of sixty-five or any greater age, five-twentieths.
[GA](4) In this section—
[GA]“the net amount” with which a person is chargeable to tax under section 20 means the amount with which he is so chargeable after making any deduction authorised by section 20 (4) but before giving any relief under this section;
[GA]“relevant date”—
[GA](a) in relation to tax under section 20, means the date of the permanent discontinuance,
[GA](b) in relation to tax under section 26, means the date of the change of basis.
[GA]Conventional basis: general charge on receipts after change of basis.
26.—(1) Where, in the case of any trade or profession the profits or gains of which are chargeable to tax under Case I or Case II of Schedule D, there has been—
[GA](a) a change from a conventional basis to the earnings basis, or
[GA](b) a change of conventional basis which may result in receipts dropping out of computation,
[GA]tax shall be charged under Case IV of Schedule D in respect of sums to which this subsection applies which are received after the change, and before the trade or profession is permanently discontinued.
[GA]This subsection applies to all sums arising from the carrying on of the trade or profession during any period before the change (not being sums otherwise chargeable to tax) in so far as their amount or value was not brought into account in computing the profits or gains for any period.
[GA](2) Where, in the case of any profession the profits or gains of which are chargeable to tax under Case II of Schedule D—
[GA](a) there has been a change from a conventional basis to the earnings basis, or a change of conventional basis, and
[GA](b) the value of work in progress at the time of the change was debited in the accounts and allowed as a deduction in computing profits for tax purposes for a period after the change,
[GA]then, in so far as no counterbalancing credit was brought into account in computing profits for tax purposes for any period ending before or with the date of the change, tax shall be charged under subsection (1) in respect of that amount for the year of assessment in which the change occurred as if that amount were a sum to which the said subsection (1) applies, and the change of basis were a change of the kind described in that subsection.
[GA](3) In this section references to work in progress at the time of a change of basis shall be construed in accordance with section 23 (5) substituting therein for this purpose references to the change of basis for references to the discontinuance.
[GA](4) There is a change from a conventional basis to the earnings basis at the end of a period the profits or gains of which were computed on a conventional basis if the profits or gains of the next succeeding period are computed by reference to earnings; and, if the profits or gains of two successive periods are computed on different conventional bases, a change of conventional basis occurs at the end of the earlier period.
[GA](5) This section shall not apply where the change took place before the date of the passing of this Act and, before that date—
[GA](a) the decision had been taken to prepare accounts reflecting the change, or
[GA](b) the trade or profession had been permanently discontinued,
[GA]but, subject as aforesaid, has effect as respects sums received at any time before or after that date.
Customs and Excise
[GA]Bottling of spirits in warehouses.
27.—(1) Section 68 of the Spirits Act, 1880, is hereby amended—
[GA](a) by the substitution of the following subsection for subsection (3) (inserted by the Finance Act, 1926):
[GA]“(3) If the spirits are for home consumption they shall be drawn off into such bottles or containers and packed in such cases as the Commissioners may from time to time approve.”, and
[GA](b) by the substitution of the following subsection for subsection (7) (inserted by the said Finance Act, 1926):
[GA]“(7) Spirits so bottled shall not be removed for home consumption in a quantity less than such quantity as the Commissioners may from time to time prescribe.”.
[GA](2) Section 28 of the Finance Act, 1929, is hereby amended by the deletion of “in imperial or reputed quart or pint bottles” and “in cases containing one or more dozen of such quart bottles or two or more dozen of such pint bottles”.
[GA](3) Section 19 of the Finance Act, 1926, is hereby repealed.
[GA]Deferment of payment of duty of excise on spirits.
28.—(1) The duty of excise imposed by section 3 (2) of the Finance Act, 1920, shall, as on and from the 1st day of October, 1970, be charged, levied and paid at the rate of fourteen pounds and five pence the gallon (computed at proof) in lieu of the rate chargeable by virtue of section 35 (4) of the Finance Act, 1969.
[GA](2) (a) This subsection applies to spirits chargeable with the duty of excise imposed by section 3 (2) of the Finance Act, 1920.
[GA](b) Where spirits to which this subsection applies are delivered from a bonded warehouse on or after the 1st day of October, 1970, the Revenue Commissioners may, subject to compliance with such conditions for securing payment of the duty as they may think fit to impose, permit payment of the excise duty charged on the spirits to be deferred to a day not later than—
[GA](i) in case the spirits are so delivered in the month of February in any year, the 25th day of March in the same year, or
[GA](ii) in any other case, the last day of the month succeeding the month in which the spirits are so delivered.
[GA](c) Where spirits to which this subsection applies are delivered from a bonded warehouse in the month of March in any year, no deferment of payment of duty as provided for by this subsection shall be allowed in respect of the spirits.
[GA](3) A rebate at the rate of eight pence the gallon (computed at proof) shall be allowed on all spirits delivered from a bonded warehouse on or after the 1st day of October, 1970, and charged with the said excise duty in relation to which there is no deferment of payment of duty pursuant to subsection (2) of this section.
[GA](4) Nothing in this section shall operate to relieve from or to prejudice or affect the additional excise duty in respect of immature spirits imposed by section 9 of the Finance Act, 1926.
[GA]Mineral hydrocarbon light oil.
29.—For the purposes of section 1 of the Finance (Customs Duties) (No. 4) Act, 1931, and section 1 of the Finance (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act, 1935, mineral hydrocarbon light oil shall be deemed not to include white spirit.
[GA]Amendment of section 10 of Finance Act, 1957.
30.—Section 10 of the Finance Act, 1957, is hereby amended by the addition at the end of subsection (8) of “or within such longer period as the Revenue Commissioners may in any particular case allow”.
[GA]Amendment of section 5 of Finance Act, 1962.
31.—(1) Section 5 (5) of the Finance Act, 1962, is hereby amended by the substitution of “4s. 6d. per lb. for each lb. thereof” for “1s. 6d. per lb. for each lb. thereof”.
[GA](2) This section shall have, and be deemed to have had, effect in respect of tobacco received by licensed manufacturers of tobacco on or after the 11th day of April, 1970.
[GA]Confirmation of Orders.
32.—The Imposition of Duties (No. 182) (Immature Spirits) Order, 1969, and the Imposition of Duties (No. 183) (Excise Duties) (Vehicles) Order, 1969, are hereby confirmed.
Death Duties
[GA]Amendment of section 21 of Finance Act, 1956.
33.—(1) Where—
[GA](a) stocks, shares or securities passing on a death occurring after the 5th day of April, 1966, are not at such passing, stocks, shares or securities in respect of which a certificate under section 329 of the Income Tax Act, 1967, or a certificate under section 332 of that Act has been given but are stocks, shares or securities in respect of which the conditions specified in paragraphs (a) to (c) of subsection (2) of the said section 329 and in section 330 (2) of the Income Tax Act, 1967, or the conditions specified in paragraphs (a) and (b) of subsection (2) of the said section 332 are complied with at such passing, and
[GA](b) a certificate under the said section 329 or a certificate under the said section 332 is given within two years after such passing,
[GA]the provisions of section 21 of the Finance Act, 1956, shall apply to such stocks, shares or securities as if the said section 329 or the said section 332, as the case may be, had applied to them at such passing.
[GA](2) Where in any such case estate duty has been paid on the full value of any stocks, shares or securities, as estimated in accordance with the provisions of section 7 (5) of the Finance Act, 1894, the Revenue Commissioners shall make such repayment as is appropriate having regard to the provisions of this section.
[GA]Amendment of section 20 of Finance Act, 1965.
34.—(1) Section 20 of the Finance Act, 1965, is hereby amended—
[GA](a) by the substitution in subsections (3) (a) and (4) (a) (i) of “company which then was or thereafter became a company controlled by the deceased” for “company controlled by the deceased”, and
[GA](b) by the insertion at the end of subsection (4) of the following paragraph:
[GA]“(d) Where, in a case to which paragraph (a) (i) applies, the company controlled by the deceased was a non-trading company, this subsection shall have effect as if in paragraph (a) (ii) ‘other than dividends or interest on stocks, shares or debentures of the company’ were deleted.”
[GA](2) Where, for the purposes of subsection (5) of the said section 20, a non-trading company is deemed to be voluntarily wound up and its assets realised on a particular date, the amount deemed to be so realised shall be estimated to be the price which, in the opinion of the Revenue Commissioners, the assets would fetch if sold in the open market on that date.
[GA](3) This section shall have effect only in relation to a death occurring after the passing of this Act.
[GA]Amendment of section 24 of Finance Act, 1965.
35.—(1) Section 24 (1) of the Finance Act, 1965, is hereby amended by the substitution of the following definition for the definition of “dependent child”:
[GA]“‘dependent child’ means—
[GA](i) a child (including a step-child and a child adopted under the provisions of the Adoption Acts, 1952 and 1964) who had not attained the age of 16 years at the date of the death of the deceased or who was then receiving full time instruction at any university, college, school or other educational establishment or undergoing training by any person for any trade or profession in such circumstances that the child was required to devote the whole of his time to the training for a period of not less than two years; and
[GA](ii) a child (including a step-child and a child adopted under the provisions of the Adoption Acts, 1952 and 1964) who at the date of the death of the deceased was permanently incapacitated by reason of mental or physical infirmity from maintaining himself and had become so permanently incapacitated before he had attained the age of 21 years or while he had been in receipt of full time instruction at any university, college, school or other educational establishment or undergoing training by any person for any trade or profession in such circumstances that the child had been required to devote the whole of his time to the training for a period of not less than two years;”.
[GA](2) This section shall have effect only in relation to a death occurring after the passing of this Act.
[GA]Amendment of section 45 of Finance Act, 1969.
36.—(1) Section 45 (1) of the Finance Act, 1969, is hereby amended by the substitution of the following definition for the definition of “child”—
[GA]“‘child’ means—
[GA](a) a child (including a step-child and a child adopted under the provisions of the Adoption Acts, 1952 and 1964) of the deceased who was living at his death and who had not then attained the age of 16 years or, who was then receiving full time instruction at any university, college, school or other educational establishment or undergoing training by any person for any trade or profession in such circumstances that the child had been required to devote the whole of his time to the training for a period of not less than two years, and
[GA](b) a child (including a step-child and a child adopted under the provisions of the Adoption Acts, 1952 and 1964) who at the death of the deceased was permanently incapacitated by reason of mental or physical infirmity from maintaining himself and had become so permanently incapacitated before he had attained the age of 21 years or while he had been in receipt of full time instruction at any university, college, school or other educational establishment or undergoing training by any person for any trade or profession in such circumstances that the child had been required to devote the whole of his time to the training for a period of not less than two years;”.
[GA](2) This section shall have effect only in relation to a death occurring after the passing of this Act.
[GA]Relief from double charge of duty in certain cases.
37.—(1) Where in connection with a death occurring after the passing of this Act there arises by reason of subsection (4) of section 20 of the Finance Act, 1965, a claim for estate duty in respect of the assets of a company controlled by the deceased within the meaning of the said section 20, and estate duty is payable in connection with the same death in respect of stock or shares (other than debentures) in the company, then for the purposes of section 7 (10) of the Finance Act, 1894, the liability for estate duty in respect of the said stock or shares shall be deemed to be a liability in respect of the net assets of the company as if such assets had been held by it in trust for the members of the company taking the interests of such members as they subsisted immediately before the death of the deceased and the said section 7 (10) shall have effect accordingly.
[GA](2) For the purposes of this section “member”, in relation to a company, means the beneficial owner of any stock or shares in the company and the reference to a company holding its assets in trust for its members shall have effect as if the assets were held in trust for the members in accordance with the rights attaching to the stock or shares in the company and as if the company had acted in the capacity of a trustee only with power to carry on the business of the company and to employ the assets of the company therein.
[GA]Extension of exemption for gifts to the State.
38.—(1) Where a gift to the State (within the meaning of section 23 (4) of the Finance Act, 1961) is limited to take effect indefeasibly on the death of the survivor of the donor and the spouse of the donor and both deaths occur after the passing of this Act, the property the subject matter of the gift shall not be included in the property passing or deemed to pass on either death.
[GA](2) Subsection (2) of the said section 23 shall apply in relation to the exemption granted by subsection (1) of this section and subsection (3) of the said section 23 shall apply in relation to the duty becoming payable on the termination of that exemption.
[GA]Restriction of exemption from duty of certain securities.
39.—(1) In this section—
[GA]“company” means a company controlled by the deceased within the meaning of section 20 of the Finance Act, 1965;
[GA]“deceased” means a person dying after the passing of this Act who immediately prior to his death was domiciled or ordinarily resident in the State;
[GA]“member”, in relation to a company, means a holder in his own right of any share in or debenture of the company and a person interested in any share in or debenture of the company held, whether by himself or another, otherwise than in the holder's own right and any other person to whom the company is under any liability otherwise than for the purposes of the business of the company wholly and exclusively;
[GA]“securities” means securities (including debentures, debenture stock, mortgage bonds and mortgage stock and certificates of charge under the Agricultural Credit Acts, 1927 to 1965) issued, whether before or after the passing of this Act, with a condition that they be exempt from taxation when in the beneficial ownership of persons neither domiciled nor ordinarily resident in the State.
[GA](2) Where in respect of any securities the exemption from taxation applies in connection with the death of the deceased, then, subject to the exceptions provided by the following provisions of this section—
[GA](a) there shall be deemed, for the purposes of estate duty, legacy duty or succession duty, as the case may be, to be included in the property in respect of which duty is leviable on the death a sum of money equal to the value upon which, but for the exemption, duty would have been payable;
[GA](b) in relation to estate duty—
[GA](i) the sum so deemed to be included shall for purposes of aggregation and of determining the persons accountable for duty be treated as having been property to which the deceased was absolutely entitled at his death, but where the circumstances in which the exemption so applies as regards the securities were not brought about by the deceased, paragraph (a) of this subsection shall not apply so as to make the personal representatives of the deceased accountable for the duty or to increase the amount of duty beyond what would have been due had there been no exemption;
[GA](ii) in so far as the duty imposed by the said paragraph (a) has not been paid by the deceased's personal representatives, accountability for the duty shall be imposed on any person who, if the exemption had not applied to the securities, would have been accountable for the duty thereon under the enactments relating to estate duty;
[GA](iii) any payment made by the deceased's personal representatives shall, for the purposes of this subsection, be regarded as a payment of the duty imposed by the said paragraph (a) only so far as there is no other estate duty leviable on the death for which they are accountable and which has not been paid;
[GA](c) in relation to legacy duty or succession duty, as the case may be, the sum so deemed to be included shall, for the purpose of determining the rate of duty and the persons accountable for duty, be treated as a legacy or succession derived from the same testator or predecessor as are the securities and as being subject to the same trusts as the securities.
[GA](3) Subsection (2) of this section shall not apply where it is shown to the satisfaction of the Revenue Commissioners or, on appeal under section 10 of the Finance Act, 1894, of the court entertaining the appeal, that the circumstances in which the exemption applies in respect of the securities were not brought about for the purpose, or for purposes which include the purpose, of obtaining the benefit of the exemption directly or indirectly for, or for the estate of, a person domiciled or ordinarily resident in the State or for a company any member of which was so domiciled or ordinarily resident.
[GA](4) Subsection (2) of this section shall not apply in respect of any securities if no person who would be accountable for the duty leviable on the death of the deceased in respect of such securities on the assumption that the exemption did not apply thereto is a person domiciled or ordinarily resident in the State or is a company.
[GA](5) If a donee or other person being, on the assumption specified in subsection (4) of this section, contingently accountable for duty predeceases the deceased, that subsection shall apply, so far as it relates to that donee or other person, by reference to him and not by reference to his personal representatives or successors in title, and according to where he was domiciled or ordinarily resident at his death.
[GA](6) (a) If the persons who would, on the assumption specified in subsection (4) of this section, be so accountable consist of or include trustees of a settlement created before the death, whether or not subsisting at the death, the said subsection (4) shall not have effect but subsection (2) of this section shall not apply in respect of the securities if and to the extent that it is shown to the satisfaction of the Revenue Commissioners, or on appeal under section 10 of the Finance Act, 1894, of the court entertaining the appeal, that the burden of the duty, having regard to the interests subsisting immediately after the death, would be borne by any person who is neither domiciled nor ordinarily resident in the State, and for the purposes of this subsection, interests in income, interests in capital, interests in possesion and interests in reversion shall all be taken into account.
[GA](b) Where, on the assumption specified in subsection (4) of this section, the burden of the duty would be borne, in whole or in part, by a company, paragraph (a) of this subsection shall have effect as if the assets of the company were held by it in trust for its members taking the interests of the members in the company as they subsisted immediately before the death of the deceased.
[GA](7) If interests under a trust subsisting at the death fall to be taken into account under subsection (6) of this section, and all interests in the trust other than reversionary interests are interests contingent on the exercise of the discretion of any of the trustees or of any other person, subsection (2) of this section shall not be displaced by subsection (6) if any of the persons interested in the trust is domiciled or ordinarily resident in the State.
[GA](8) Subsection (6), and not subsection (4), of this section shall apply if the persons who would, on the assumption specified in subsection (4) of this section, be so accountable consist of or include a company as if the assets of the company were held by it in trust for its members taking the interests of such members in the company as they subsisted immediately before the death of the deceased.
[GA](9) Nothing in subsections (4) to (8) of this section shall prevent subsection (2) thereof from applying in respect of any securities settled under a settlement revocable in whole or in part at any time after the death of the deceased at the instance of any person.
[GA](10) Section 8 (4) of the Finance Act, 1894, shall apply as if “and his executor is not accountable for the estate duty in respect of such property” were deleted both for the purposes of accountability for duty leviable by virtue of this section and also for the purposes of this section as it relates to the persons who would be accountable for duty on the assumptions specified in subsections (2), (4) and (6) of this section.
[GA](11) For the purposes of this section—
[GA](a) the references in subsection (6) and subsection (8), of this section to a company holding its assets in trust for its members shall have effect as if the assets were held in trust for the members in accordance with the rights attaching to the shares in and the debentures of the company and the terms on which any such liability as is mentioned in subsection (1) of this section was incurred and as if the company had acted in the capacity of a trustee only with power to carry on the business of the company and to employ the assets of the company therein;
[GA](b) interests contingent on the exercise of a discretion referred to in subsection (7) of this section include interests, whether in capital or income, which are affected by the exercise of a discretion in favour of some person other than the person entitled to the interest.
Stamp Duties
[GA]Amendment of First Schedule to Stamp Act, 1891.
40.—(1) The First Schedule to the Stamp Act, 1891, is hereby amended by the substitution of the matter in the First Schedule to this Act for the matter in that Schedule.
[GA](2) This section shall come into operation on the 1st day of August, 1970, or the date of the passing of this Act, whichever is the later, and shall not have effect with respect to any instrument executed before such coming into operation.
[GA]Stamp duty on bills of exchange and promissory notes.
41.—(1) A duty of one new penny shall be substituted for the duty chargeable under the Stamp Act, 1891, on a bill of exchange or promissory note drawn in the State and specified under that heading in the First Schedule to that Act.
[GA](2) The duty on a bill of exchange or a promissory note under subsection (1) of this section may be denoted by an adhesive stamp which is to be cancelled by the person by whom the bill or note is signed before he delivers it out of his hands, custody or power.
[GA](3) Every person who issues, endorses, transfers, negotiates, presents for payment, or pays any bill of exchange or promissory note liable to duty and not being duly stamped shall incur a fine of ten pounds, and the person who takes or receives from any other person any such bill or note either in payment or as a security, or by purchase or otherwise, shall not be entitled to recover thereon, or to make the same available for any purpose whatever: Provided that if any bill of exchange is presented for payment unstamped, the person to whom it is presented may affix thereto an adhesive stamp of one penny in new currency, and cancel the same, as if he had been the drawer of the bill, and may thereupon pay the sum in the bill mentioned, and charge the duty in account against the person by whom the bill was drawn, or deduct the duty from the said sum, and the bill shall, so far as respects the duty, be deemed valid and available. But the foregoing proviso shall not relieve any person from any fine or penalty incurred by him in relation to such bill
[GA](4) In section 57 (1) of the Finance Act, 1958, the reference to the heading “Bill of Exchange payable on demand” shall be read as if it were a reference to the heading in subsection (1) of this section.
[GA](5) The foregoing provisions of this section shall come into operation on the 15th day of February, 1971.
[GA](6) The duty chargeable under the Stamp Act, 1891, on a bill of exchange or promissory note drawn outside the State and specified under that heading in the First Schedule to that Act shall cease to be chargeable on and from the 1st day of February, 1971.
[GA](7) Section 35 of the Stamp Act, 1891, is hereby repealed with effect on and from the 1st day of February, 1971, and section 38 of the Stamp Act, 1891 and section 31 of the Finance Act, 1961, are hereby repealed with effect on and from the 15th day of February, 1971.
[GA]Stamp duty on loan capital.
42.—(1) Section 8 (2) of the Finance Act, 1899, is hereby amended by the substitution of “five shillings” for “two shillings and sixpence” and “two hundred pounds” for “hundred pounds” and “a hundred pounds” in each place where the latter occurs.
[GA](2) Section 10 (1) of the Finance Act, 1907, is hereby amended by the substitution of “four shillings” for “two shillings” and “two hundred pounds” for “hundred pounds”.
[GA](3) This section shall come into operation on the 1st day of August, 1970, or the date of the passing of this Act, whichever is the later.
[GA]Short-term life insurance policies.
43.—(1) For the purpose of the charge to stamp duty a policy of life insurance shall be treated as made for a period exceeding two years if it contains any provision whereby it may become available for a period exceeding two years in all.
[GA](2) Where, at any time after the making of a policy for a period not exceeding two years, the policy is varied so that it becomes or may become available for a period exceeding two years in all, the policy shall become chargeable with the same duty as would have been chargeable if it had been made on the date of the variation for a period exceeding two years, and may be stamped accordingly, without penalty, at any time within thirty days after that date.
[GA](3) This section shall come into operation on the 1st day of August, 1970, or the date of the passing of this Act, whichever is the later.
[GA]Abolition of stamp duty in the case of transfers of certain stock.
44.—(1) In this section “stock” means any loan stock of a company registered or established in the State or a Board established by or under an Act of the Oireachtas or the Oireachtas of Saorstát Éireann the payment of the interest on which is guaranteed by the Minister for Finance.
[GA](2) Transfers of stock shall be exempt from all stamp duties.
[GA](3) Any agreement under section 115 of the Stamp Act, 1891, in respect of any stock shall cease to have effect.
[GA](4) This section shall come into operation on the 1st day of August, 1970, or the date of the passing of this Act, whichever is the later.
[GA]Amendment of section 50 of Finance Act, 1969.
45.—(1) Section 50 of the Finance Act, 1969, is hereby amended by the addition of the following paragraphs to subsection (7):
[GA]“(d) in relation to the construction, alteration or enlargement of a building for use as offices if the greater part of the building is intended for occupation by the owner of the building;
[GA](e) in relation to the construction, alteration or enlargement of a building for use as offices if the owner of the building is a body corporate and the greater part of the building is intended for occupation by a body corporate which is associated with the owner to the extent that either is the beneficial owner of not less than ninety per cent. of the issued share capital of the other or that not less than ninety per cent. of the issued share capital of each of them is in the beneficial ownership of a third body corporate.”
[GA](2) If, where a claim for exemption from duty has been allowed by virtue of paragraph (d) or (e) (inserted by this section) of section 50 (7) of the Finance Act, 1969, there is a change of occupancy in relation to the greater part of the building to which the claim related within five years after the date of the contract to which the claim related, the exemption shall be deemed not to have been allowed, and an amount equal to the duty remitted shall forthwith be a debt due to the Minister for Finance for the benefit of the Central Fund and payable to the Revenue Commissioners, and the said amount (together with interest thereon at the rate of five per cent. per annum from the date of the contract for the construction, alteration or enlargement of the building) shall be recoverable at the suit of the Attorney-General in any court of competent jurisdiction from the owner or, in case there is more than one owner, from each owner jointly and severally.
[GA](3) (a) The said section 50 is hereby further amended by the substitution in subsection (7) (c) of “a designated area within the meaning of the Industrial Development Act, 1969,” for “an undeveloped area within the meaning of the Undeveloped Areas Act, 1952”.
[GA](b) This subsection shall come into operation on the 1st day of August, 1970, or the date of the passing of this Act, whichever is the later.
[GA]Miscellaneous amendments of Stamp Act, 1891.
46.—(1) The Stamp Act, 1891, is hereby amended by—
[GA](a) the substitution of “one shilling” for “two shillings and sixpence” in section 7,
[GA](b) the substitution of “shall be exempt from duty” for “shall be deemed to be an agreement, and shall be charged with duty accordingly” in subsections (1) and (2) of section 23,
[GA](c) the substitution of “but shall not otherwise be chargeable with duty except (where appropriate) with the fixed duty of ten shillings” for “and in any other case with the fixed duty of ten shillings or of sixpence, as the case may require” in section 59 (2), and
[GA](d) the substitution of “Provided that where any such contract or agreement is stamped with the fixed duty of ten shillings (where appropriate)” for “Provided also that where any such contract or agreement is stamped with the said fixed duty” in section 59 (5).
[GA](2) This section shall come into operation on the 1st day of August, 1970, or the date of the passing of this Act, whichever is the later.
[GA]Amendment of section 7 of Finance Act, 1907.
47.—(1) Section 7 of the Finance Act, 1907, is hereby amended by the substitution of “shall only be charged with stamp duty if under seal and shall then be so charged as a deed” for from “shall be charged” to the end of the section.
[GA](2) This section shall come into operation on the 1st day of August, 1970, or the date of the passing of this Act, whichever is the later.
[GA]Stamp duty on purchased life annuities.
48.—(1) An instrument being a grant or contract for payment of a purchased life annuity shall be chargeable with stamp duty under paragraph (3) of the heading “BOND, COVENANT or INSTRUMENT of any kind whatsoever” in the First Schedule to this Act and not otherwise, whether or not the annuity is a superannuation annuity as defined in that paragraph.
[GA](2) In this section “purchased life annuity” means a life annuity granted for consideration in money or money's worth in the ordinary course of a business of granting annuities on human life.
Turnover Tax
[GA]Rate of turnover tax.
49.—(1) The Finance Act, 1963, is hereby amended—
[GA](a) by the substitution in section 53 (1) of “five per cent.” for “two and one-half per cent.”,
[GA](b) by the insertion in section 53 (2) (a) after “5s.” of “together with two and one-half per cent. of the taxable turnover”,
[GA](c) by the substitution in section 53 (2) (b) of “£2 15s. 0d.” for “5s.”, and
[GA](d) by the substitution in section 64 (1) of “five per cent.” for “two and one-half per cent.”.
[GA](2) This section shall have, and be deemed to have had, effect as on and from the 1st day of May, 1970.
[GA]Amendment of section 48 of Finance Act, 1963.
50.—(1) Section 48 of the Finance Act, 1963, is hereby amended—
[GA](a) by the substitution in subsection (3) (b) (i) of “£1,000” for “£750”, and
[GA](b) by the substitution in subsection (3) (e) of “£1,000” for “£750”.
[GA](2) Every person who on the day immediately preceding the day on which this section comes into operation was an accountable person but who, if the said section had been in force on the earlier of those days, would not, in the absence of an election in accordance with section 48 (3) (b) (i) of the Finance Act, 1963, be an accountable person, shall be deemed to have made such an election and shall continue to be accountable for tax on the moneys received by him in relation to the activities in which he engages until the end of the month during which his registration is cancelled in accordance with regulations.
[GA](3) This section shall come into operation on the first day of the month immediately following that in which this Act is passed.
[GA]Additions to certain payments.
51.—Where the whole or part of the taxable turnover of an accountable person consists of moneys paid under a contract entered into before the 1st day of May, 1970, the accountable person may, in the absence of agreement to the contrary, recover as an addition to the payments specified in the contract a sum equal to any additional amount payable by him in respect of the moneys on account of the increase in the rate of turnover tax effected by section 49 of this Act.
[GA]Capital Services Redemption Account.
52.—(1) In this section—
[GA]“the principal section” means section 22 of the Finance Act, 1950;
[GA]“the 1969 amending section” means section 61 of the Finance Act, 1969;
[GA]“the twentieth additional annuity” means the sum charged on the Central Fund under subsection (4) of this section;
[GA]“the Minister”, “the Account” and “capital services” have the same meanings respectively as they have in the principal section.
[GA](2) Subsection (4) of the 1969 amending section shall, in relation to the twenty-nine successive financial years commencing with the financial year ending on the 31st day of March, 1971, have effect with the substitution of “£3,291,553” for “£3,000,128”.
[GA](3) Subsection (6) of the 1969 amending section shall have effect with the substitution of “£2,088,170” for “£1,904,575”.
[GA](4) A sum of £3,590,509 to redeem borrowings, and interest thereon, in respect of capital services shall be charged annually on the Central Fund or the growing produce thereof in the thirty successive financial years commencing with the financial year ending on the 31st day of March, 1971.
[GA](5) The twentieth additional annuity shall be paid into the Account in such manner and at such times in the relevant financial year as the Minister may determine.
[GA](6) Any amount of the twentieth additional annuity, not exceeding £2,322,880 in any financial year, may be applied towards defraying the interest on the public debt.
[GA](7) The balance of the twentieth additional annuity shall be applied in any one or more of the ways specified in subsection (6) of the principal section.
[GA]Instalment savings schemes.
53.—(1) In this section—
[GA]“instalment savings scheme” means a scheme of saving that—
[GA](a) (i) is established and administered by the Minister, or
[GA](ii) is established and administered by a bank, a trustee savings bank or a building society and is approved by the Minister,
[GA](b) is certified by the Minister as qualifying for exemption under section 18 of this Act, and
[GA](c) provides for the payment of periodical contributions for a specified period by individuals to the person administering the scheme and the repayment of the contributions and, subject to specified conditions, the payment of additional amounts by way of bonus or interest;
[GA]“the Minister” means the Minister for Finance;
[GA]“trustee savings bank” means a trustee savings bank certified under the Trustee Savings Banks Acts, 1863 to 1965.
[GA](2) The Minister may raise moneys for the Exchequer by means of an instalment savings scheme and shall have all such powers as are necessary for that purpose.
[GA](3) All moneys raised by the Minister or a trustee savings bank by means of an instalment savings scheme shall be placed to the credit of the Exchequer and shall form part of the Central Fund and be available in any manner in which that Fund is available.
[GA](4) The contributions paid under an instalment savings scheme established by the Minister or a trustee savings bank and any bonus or interest payable under such a scheme shall be charged on the Central Fund or the growing produce thereof.
[GA](5) The expenses incurred by the Minister or a trustee savings bank in the administration of an instalment savings scheme shall be charged on the Central Fund or the growing produce thereof.
[GA]Creation and issue of securities by Minister for Finance.
54.—(1) For the purpose of raising money for the Exchequer, the Minister for Finance may, whenever and so often as he thinks fit, create and issue securities bearing interest at such rate as he thinks fit or no interest and subject to such conditions as to repayment, redemption or any other matter as he thinks fit.
[GA](2) The principal of, the interest (if any) and the premium on redemption (if any) on securities issued under this section and the expenses incurred in connection with the issue thereof shall be charged on the Central Fund or the growing produce thereof.
[GA](3) Moneys borrowed under this section shall be placed to the credit of the account of the Exchequer and shall form part of the Central Fund and be available in any manner in which that Fund is available.
[GA]Postponement of redemption of certain Government loans.
55.—(1) (a) If the Minister for Finance is of opinion that, owing to the closure of the Bank of Ireland, the redemption on the 15th day of July, 1970, of the outstanding stock of the 3½% Exchequer Bonds 1965/70, the 3½% Fourth National Loan 1960/70 and the 3% Exchequer Bonds 1965/70 cannot be effected, he may by order made before that day, or if this Act is passed after that day, by order made as soon as reasonably may be after such passing, postpone such redemption.
[GA](b) If an order is made under this subsection after the 15th day of July, 1970, it shall have and be deemed to have had effect as on and from that day.
[GA](2) As soon as reasonably may be after the closure aforesaid ceases, the Minister shall by order fix a date, not being more than three months after such cesser, for the redemption of the stock aforesaid, and that stock shall, subject to the provisions of the Government Loans (Conversion) Act, 1951, be redeemed on that date.
[GA](3) Where an order is made under subsection (2) of this section, interest at such rate as may be specified in the order, shall be paid on the outstanding stock aforesaid in respect of the period from the 15th day of July, 1970, to the date of redemption, fixed under this section, of such stock.
[GA](4) The Minister may by order revoke or amend an order under this section including an order under this subsection.
[GA](5) Every order under this section shall be laid before each House of the Oireachtas as soon as may be after it is made and, if a resolution annulling the order is passed by either House within the next twenty-one days on which that House has sat after the order has been laid before it, the order shall be annulled accordingly, but without prejudice to the validity of anything previously done thereunder.
[GA]Levy on pigs.
56.—(1) In this section—
[GA]“the Commission” means the Pigs and Bacon Commission;
[GA]“licence” means a licence within the meaning of section 23 of the Pigs and Bacon Act, 1935, or a pork exporter's licence within the meaning of section 12 (2) of the Agricultural Produce (Fresh Meat) Act, 1930.
[GA](2) The Minister for Finance, after consultation with the Minister for Agriculture and Fisheries, may by order do any one or more of the following:
[GA](a) impose a levy of such amount as he thinks proper on every pig brought on to premises to which a licence relates and provide that the holder of a licence shall pay to the Commission the amount of any such levies on any pigs brought on to the premises to which the licence relates,
[GA](b) provide for the payment of levies imposed under this section at specified intervals and in a specified manner,
[GA](c) impose different rates of levy on pigs of different classes and provide that levies shall not be payable on pigs of a specified class or classes,
[GA](d) authorise the Commission—
[GA](i) to grant exemption, if and whenever it so thinks fit, from payment of levies under this section (either for a specified period or without limit as to time) on a specified number of pigs or on pigs of a class or classes specified under paragraph (e) of this subsection or on pigs of any category or categories specified by the Commission (by reference to such matters as it thinks fit) in the exemption, and
[GA](ii) to revoke, if and whenever it so thinks fit, an exemption granted by virtue of this paragraph,
[GA](e) specify, for the purposes of paragraphs (c) and (d) of this subsection, different classes of pigs (by reference to such matters as the Minister thinks fit),
[GA](f) apply the provisions of section 38 and section 39 of the Pigs and Bacon (Amendment) Act, 1939, to levies payable under this section,
[GA](g) revoke or amend an order under this section.
[GA](3) Any levy payable pursuant to an order under this section shall be in addition to and not in substitution for any levy payable under the Pigs and Bacon Acts, 1935 to 1961.
[GA](4) All moneys received by the Commission in respect of levies under this section shall be paid into or disposed of for the benefit of the Exchequer in accordance with the directions of the Minister for Finance.
[GA](5) Every order under this section shall be laid before each House of the Oireachtas as soon as may be after it is made and, if a resolution is passed by either House within the next twenty-one days upon which that House has sat after the order has been laid before it annulling the order, the order shall be annulled accordingly but without prejudice to the validity of anything previously done thereunder.
[GA]Treatment for double taxation relief purposes of foreign tax incentive reliefs.
57.—(1) In this section “Corporation Profits Tax Acts” means Part V of the Finance Act, 1920, and the enactments amending or extending that Part.
[GA](2) For the purposes of section 361 of and Schedule 10 to the Income Tax Act, 1967, and of the definition of “double taxation relief” in section 363 of the said Act, any amount of tax under the law of a territory outside the State which would have been payable but for a relief to which this section applies given under the said law (being a relief with respect to which provision is made in arrangements for double taxation relief which are the subject of an order under the said section 361) shall be treated as having been payable; and references in the said sections and Schedule to double taxation, tax payable or chargeable or tax not chargeable directly or by deduction shall be construed accordingly.
[GA](3) The Revenue Commissioners may make regulations generally for carrying out the provisions of this section or any arrangements having the force of law under the said section 361 and may, in particular, but without prejudice to the generality of the foregoing, provide in the regulations—
[GA](a) for the purposes of this section or of the regulations, for the application (with or without modifications) of any provision of the Income Tax Acts or any regulations made thereunder or the Corporation Profits Tax Acts or any regulations made thereunder, including the provisions relating to the rehearing of an appeal and the statement of a case for the opinion of the High Court on a point of law, and
[GA](b) that the whole or any part of a dividend paid out of profits or gains which consist of or include profits or gains in relation to which double taxation relief is given by virtue of this section is not to be regarded as income or profits for any purpose of the Income Tax Acts or of the Corporation Profits Tax Acts.
[GA](4) This section applies to any relief given with a view to promoting industrial, commercial, scientific, educational or other development in a territory outside the State.
[GA](5) For the purposes of any arrangements having the force of law under the said section 361 which apply to any period before the passing of this Act, this section shall have effect as respects that period.
[GA]Amendment of section 35 of Finance Act, 1968.
58.—(1) Section 35 (3) (b) of the Finance Act, 1968, is hereby amended—
[GA](a) by the insertion in subparagraph (ii) after “so reduced,” of “or”, and
[GA](b) by the insertion of the following subparagraph after subparagraph (ii)—
[GA]“(iii) profits arising from exempted trading operations which by virtue of Chapter I of Part XXV of the Income Tax Act, 1967, or Parts I and II of the Finance (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act, 1958, are, in relation to the company by which such operations are carried on, not taken into account for any purpose of the Income Tax Acts or for any purpose of Part V of the Finance Act, 1920, and the enactments amending or extending the said Part V.”.
[GA](2) This section shall have effect in relation to income tax for the year beginning on the 6th day of April, 1970, and subsequent years of assessment and in relation to corporation profits tax for any accounting period beginning on or after the 6th day of April, 1970, and for the unexpired portion of any accounting period current at that date.
[GA]Payment of interest on State-guaranteed securities without deduction of tax.
59.—(1) This section applies to any securities (other than securities to which section 467, 468, 471 or 473 of the Income Tax Act, 1967, applies) which are issued by a body corporate and in respect of which the payment of interest and the repayment of principal is guaranteed by a Minister of State under statutory authority.
[GA](2) Any securities to which this section applies shall be deemed to be securities issued under the authority of the Minister for Finance within the meaning of section 466 of the Income Tax Act, 1967, and that section shall apply accordingly.
[GA](3) Notwithstanding anything contained in the Income Tax Acts, in computing for the purposes of assessment under Case I of Schedule D the amount of the profits or gains of a body corporate by which the securities to which this section applies are issued, for any period for which accounts are made up, there shall be allowed as a deduction the amount of the interest on such securities which, by direction of the Minister for Finance under section 466 of the Income Tax Act, 1967, as applied by this section, is paid by the body corporate without deduction of tax for such period.
[GA](4) Section 34 of the Finance Act, 1956, is hereby amended by the insertion at the end of subsection (1) of “or of section 59 of the Finance Act, 1970.”.
[GA](5) Section 474 of the Income Tax Act, 1967, is hereby amended by the insertion at the end of subsection (1) of “or section 59 of the Finance Act, 1970.”.
[GA](6) Section 63 of the Finance Act, 1969, shall apply to securities to which this section applies.
60.—(1) Each enactment mentioned in column (2) of the Second Schedule to this Act is hereby repealed to the extent specified in column (3) of that Schedule.
[GA](2) This section shall come into operation on the 1st day of August, 1970, or the date of the passing of this Act, whichever is the later.
[GA]Care and management of taxes and duties.
61.—All taxes and duties imposed by this Act (other than a levy under section 56 of this Act) are hereby placed under the care and management of the Revenue Commissioners.
[GA]Short title, construction and commencement.
62.—(1) This Act may be cited as the Finance Act, 1970.
[GA](2) Chapter I of Part I and (so far as relating to income tax, including sur-tax) Chapter II of Part I, and sections 57 to 59 of this Act shall be construed together with the Income Tax Acts.
[GA](3) So far as relating to corporation profits tax, Chapter II of Part I and sections 57 to 59 of this Act shall be construed together with Part V of the Finance Act, 1920, and the enactments amending or extending that Part.
[GA](4) Part II of this Act, so far as it relates to customs, shall be construed together with the Customs Acts and, so far as it relates to duties of excise, shall be construed together with the Statutes which relate to the duties of excise and the management of those duties.
[GA](5) Part IV of this Act shall be construed together with the Stamp Act, 1891, and the enactments amending or extending that Act.
[GA](6) Part V of this Act shall be construed together with Part VI of the Finance Act, 1963, and the enactments amending or extending that Part.
[GA](7) Part I and sections 57 to 59 of this Act shall, save as is otherwise expressly provided therein, be deemed to have come into force and shall take effect as on and from the 6th day of April, 1970.
[GA](8) Any reference in this Act to any other enactment shall, except so far as the context otherwise requires, be construed as a reference to that enactment as amended by or under any other enactment, including this Act.
Stamp Duties on Instruments
Duty | |||||||
£ | s. | d. | |||||
AGREEMENT or CONTRACT, accompanied with a deposit. | |||||||
See MORTGAGE, &c. | |||||||
AGREEMENT for a Lease, or for any letting. | |||||||
See LEASE. | |||||||
AGREEMENT for sale of property. | |||||||
ANNUITY, conveyance in consideration of. | |||||||
purchase of. | |||||||
creation of, by way of security. | |||||||
See MORTGAGE, &c. | |||||||
instruments relating to, upon any other occasion. | |||||||
See BOND, COVENANT, &c. | |||||||
APPOINTMENT of a new trustee, and APPOINTMENT in execution of a power of any property, or of any use, share, or interest in any property, by any instrument not being a will. | 0 | 10 | 0 | ||||
ASSIGNMENT. | |||||||
By way of security, or of any security. | |||||||
See MORTGAGE, &c. | |||||||
Upon a sale or otherwise. | |||||||
See CONVEYANCE. | |||||||
ASSURANCE. | |||||||
See POLICY. | |||||||
drawn in the State | 0 | 0 | 3 | ||||
drawn outside the State | 0 | 0 | 2 | ||||
Exemptions. | |||||||
(1) Bill or note issued by the Bank of England or the Bank of Ireland. | |||||||
(2) Draft or order drawn by any banker in the State upon any other banker in the State, not payable to bearer or to order, and used solely for the purpose of settling or clearing any account between such bankers. | |||||||
(3) Letter written by a banker in the State to any other banker in the State, directing the payment of any sum of money, the same not being payable to bearer or to order, and such letter not being sent or delivered to the person to whom payment is to be made or to any person on his behalf. | |||||||
(4) Letter of credit granted in the State, authorising drafts to be drawn out of the State payable in the State. | |||||||
(5) Draft or order drawn by the Accountant of the Courts of Justice. | |||||||
(6) Coupon or warrant for interest attached to and issued with any security, or with an agreement or memorandum for the renewal or extension of time for payment of a security. | |||||||
(7) Bill drawn on any form supplied by the Commissioners for the purpose of remitting amounts of tax in accordance with Regulation 31 (1) of the Income Tax (Employments) Regulations, 1960 (S.I. No. 28 of 1960). | |||||||
(8) Bill drawn on any form supplied by the Commissioners for the purpose of remitting amounts of turnover tax or wholesale tax. | |||||||
BILL OF SALE— | |||||||
Absolute. | |||||||
By way of security. | |||||||
See MORTGAGE, &c. | |||||||
BOND for securing the payment or repayment of money or the transfer or retransfer of stock. | |||||||
BOND in relation to any annuity upon the original creation and sale thereof. | |||||||
BOND, COVENANT, or INSTRUMENT of any kind whatsoever. | |||||||
(1) Being the only or principal or primary security for any annuity (except upon the original creation thereof by way of sale or security, and except a superannuation annuity), or for any sum or sums of money at stated periods, not being interest for any principal sum secured by a duly stamped instrument, nor rent reserved by a lease. | |||||||
The same ad valorem duty as a bond or covenant for such total amount. | |||||||
For a definite and certain period, so that the total amount to be ultimately payable can be ascertained | |||||||
For the term of life or any other indefinite period. | |||||||
For every £10, and also for any fractional part of £10, of the annuity or sum periodically payable | 0 | 5 | 0 | ||||
(2) Being a collateral or auxiliary or additional or substituted security for any of the above-mentioned purposes where the principal or primary instrument is duly stamped. | |||||||
The same ad valorem duty as a bond or covenant of the same kind for such total amount. | |||||||
Where the total amount to be ultimately payable can be ascertained. | |||||||
In any other case: | |||||||
For every £10, and also for any fractional part of £10, of the annuity or sum periodically payable. | 0 | 1 | 0 | ||||
(3) Being a grant or contract for payment of a superannuation annuity, that is to say a deferred life annuity granted or secured to any person in consideration of annual premiums payable until he attains a specified age and so as to commence on his attaining that age. | |||||||
For every £10, and also for any fractional part of £10, of the annuity. | 0 | 1 | 0 | ||||
BOND of any kind whatsoever not specifically charged with any duty or specifically exempted from any duty: | |||||||
The same ad valorem duty as a bond for the amount limited. | |||||||
Where the amount limited to be recoverable does not exceed £300. | |||||||
In any other case | 0 | 10 | 0 | ||||
Exemption. | |||||||
Bond on obtaining letters of administration. | |||||||
BOND, accompanied with a deposit of title deeds, for making a mortgage, or other security on any estate or property therein comprised. | |||||||
See MORTGAGE, &c. | |||||||
BOND, DECLARATION, or other DEED or WRITING for making redeemable any disposition apparently absolute, but intended only as a security. | |||||||
See MORTGAGE, &c. | |||||||
CHEQUE. | |||||||
See BILL OF EXCHANGE. | |||||||
CONTRACT. | |||||||
See AGREEMENT. | |||||||
CONVEYANCE or TRANSFER on sale. | |||||||
Of any stocks or marketable securities. | |||||||
Where the amount or value of the consideration for the sale does not exceed £5 | 0 | 1 | 0 | ||||
Exceeds £5 and does not exceed £100:— | |||||||
For every £10 or part of £10 of such amount or value | 0 | 2 | 0 | ||||
Exceeds £100 and does not exceed £300:— | |||||||
For every £20 or part of £20 of such amount or value | 0 | 4 | 0 | ||||
Exceeds £300:— | |||||||
For every £50 or part of £50 of such amount or value | 0 | 10 | 0 | ||||
CONVEYANCE or TRANSFER on sale, | |||||||
Of any property other than stocks or marketable securities. | |||||||
(1) Where the amount or value of the consideration for the sale does not exceed five hundred pounds and the instrument contains a statement certifying that the transaction thereby effected does not form part of a larger transaction or of a series of transactions, in respect of which the amount or value, or the aggregate amount or value, of the consideration exceeds five hundred pounds:— | |||||||
If the amount or value of the consideration does not exceed £50 | 0 | 5 | 0 | ||||
Exceeds £50 and does not exceed £100 | 0 | 10 | 0 | ||||
” | £100 | ” | £200 | 0 | 15 | 0 | |
” | £200 | ” | £300 | 1 | 0 | 0 | |
” | £300 | ” | £400 | 1 | 5 | 0 | |
” | £400 | ” | £500 | 1 | 10 | 0 | |
(2) Where the amount or value of the consideration for the sale exceeds five hundred pounds but does not exceed two thousand five hundred pounds and the instrument contains a statement certifying that the transaction thereby effected does not form part of a larger transaction or of a series of transactions in respect of which the amount or value, or the aggregate amount or value, of the consideration exceeds two thousand five hundred pounds:— | |||||||
If the amount or value of the consideration— | |||||||
Exceeds £500 and does not exceed £600 | 4 | 0 | 0 | ||||
” | £600 | ” | £700 | 5 | 0 | 0 | |
” | £700 | ” | £800 | 6 | 0 | 0 | |
” | £800 | ” | £900 | 7 | 0 | 0 | |
” | £900 | ” | £1,000 | 8 | 0 | 0 | |
” | £1,000 | ” | £1,100 | 10 | 0 | 0 | |
” | £1,100 | ” | £1,200 | 12 | 10 | 0 | |
” | £1,200 | ” | £1,300 | 15 | 0 | 0 | |
” | £1,300 | ” | £1,400 | 17 | 10 | 0 | |
” | £1,400 | ” | £1,500 | 20 | 0 | 0 | |
” | £1,500 | ” | £1,600 | 22 | 10 | 0 | |
” | £1,600 | ” | £1,700 | 25 | 0 | 0 | |
” | £1,700 | ” | £1,800 | 27 | 10 | 0 | |
” | £1,800 | ” | £1,900 | 30 | 0 | 0 | |
” | £1,900 | ” | £2,000 | 33 | 0 | 0 | |
” | £2,000 | ” | £2,100 | 36 | 10 | ||
” | £2,100 | ” | £2,200 | 40 | 0 | 0 | |
” | £2,200 | ” | £2,300 | 43 | 10 | 0 | |
” | £2,300 | ” | £2,400 | 47 | 0 | 0 | |
” | £2,400 | ” | £2,500 | 50 | 0 | 0 | |
(3) Where the amount or value of the consideration for the sale does not exceed six thousand pounds and the instrument contains a statement certifying that the transaction thereby effected does not form part of a larger transaction or of a series of transactions in respect of which the amount or value, or the aggregate amount or value, of the consideration exceeds six thousand pounds:— | |||||||
For every £50, or fractional part of £50, of the consideration | 1 | 0 | 0 | ||||
(4) Where the amount or value of the consideration for the sale exceeds six thousand pounds but does not exceed fifty thousand pounds and the instrument contains a statement certifying that the transaction thereby effected does not form part of a larger transaction or of a series of transactions in respect of which the amount or value, or the aggregate amount or value, of the consideration exceeds fifty thousand pounds:— | |||||||
For every £50, or fractional part of £50, of the consideration | 1 | 10 | 0 | ||||
(5) if, in the case of a conveyance or transfer on sale or a conveyance or transfer operating as a voluntary disposition inter vivos, where the person becoming entitled to the entire beneficial interest in the property (or, where more than one person becomes entitled to a beneficial interest therein, each of them) is related to the person or each of the persons immediately theretofore entitled to the entire beneficial interest in the property in one or other of the following ways, that is to say, as a lineal descendant, parent, grandparent, step-parent, husband or wife, brother or sister of a parent or brother or sister, or lineal descendant of a parent, husband or wife or brother or sister, and the instrument contains a certificate to that effect by the party to whom the property is being conveyed or transferred, and— | |||||||
(a) The amount or value of the consideration for the sale, or, in the case of a conveyance or transfer operating as a voluntary disposition inter vivos the value of the property, does not exceed five hundred pounds and the instrument contains a statement certifying that the transaction thereby effected does not form part of a larger transaction or of a series of transactions, in respect of which the amount or value, or the aggregate amount or value, of the consideration for the sale, or, in the case of a voluntary disposition inter vivos, the value of the property conveyed or transferred exceeds five hundred pounds:— | |||||||
If the amount or value does not exceed £50 | 0 | 5 | 0 | ||||
Exceeds £50 and does not exceed £100 | 0 | 10 | 0 | ||||
” | £100 | ” | £200 | 0 | 15 | 0 | |
” | £200 | ” | £300 | 1 | 0 | 0 | |
” | £300 | ” | £400 | 1 | 5 | 0 | |
” | £400 | ” | £500 | 1 | 10 | 0 | |
or | |||||||
(b) The amount or value of the consideration for the sale, or, in the case of a conveyance or transfer operating as a voluntary disposition inter vivos the value of the property, exceeds five hundred pounds but does not exceed one thousand one hundred pounds and the instrument contains a statement certifying that the transaction thereby effected does not form part of a larger transaction or of a series of transactions in respect of which the amount or value, or the aggregate amount or value, of the consideration for the sale, or, in the case of a voluntary disposition inter vivos, the value of the property conveyed or transferred exceeds one thousand one hundred pounds:— | |||||||
If the amount or value— | |||||||
Exceeds £500 and does not exceed £600 | 4 | 0 | 0 | ||||
” | £600 | ” | £700 | 5 | 0 | 0 | |
” | £700 | ” | £800 | 6 | 0 | 0 | |
” | £800 | ” | £900 | 7 | 0 | 0 | |
” | £900 | ” | £1,000 | 8 | 0 | 0 | |
” | £1,000 | ” | £1,100 | 10 | 0 | 0 | |
or | |||||||
(c) The case is not a case specified in subparagraph (a) or (b) of this paragraph: | |||||||
For every £50, or fractional part of £50 of the amount or value | 0 | 10 | 0 | ||||
(6) Of any other kind whatsoever not hereinbefore described:— | |||||||
For every £50, or fractional part of £50, of the amount or value of the consideration for the sale, or, in the case of a conveyance or transfer operating as a voluntary disposition inter vivos, of the value of the property conveyed or transferred | 2 | 10 | 0 | ||||
CONVEYANCE or TRANSFER by way of security of any property, or of any security. | |||||||
CONVEYANCE or TRANSFER of any kind not herein-before described | 0 | 10 | 0 | ||||
COUNTERPART. | |||||||
See DUPLICATE. | |||||||
COVENANT for securing the payment or repayment of money, or the transfer or retransfer of stock. | |||||||
See MORTGAGE, &c. | |||||||
COVENANT in relation to any annuity upon the original creation and sale thereof. | |||||||
COVENANT in relation to any annuity (except upon the original creation and sale thereof) or to other periodical payments. | |||||||
See BOND, COVENANT, &c. | |||||||
COVENANT. Any separate deed of covenant (not being an instrument chargeable with ad valorem duty as a conveyance on sale or mortgage) made on the sale or mortgage of any property, and relating solely to the conveyance or enjoyment of, or the title to, the property sold or mortgaged, or to the production of the muniments of title relating thereto, or to all or any of the matters aforesaid. | |||||||
A duty equal to the amount of such ad valorem duty. | |||||||
Where the ad valorem duty in respect of the consideration or mortgage money does not exceed 10s. | |||||||
In any other case | 0 | 10 | 0 | ||||
DEBENTURE for securing the payment or repayment of money or the transfer or retransfer of stock. | |||||||
DECLARATION of any use or trust of or concerning any property by any writing, not being a will, or an instrument chargeable with ad valorem duty as a settlement | 0 | 10 | 0 | ||||
DEED of any kind whatsoever, not described in this schedule (other than an award, a charter-party or an agreement or contract made or entered into pursuant to the Highway Acts for or relating to the making, maintaining or repairing of highways) | 0 | 10 | 0 | ||||
DEFEAZANCE. Instrument of defeazance of any conveyance, transfer or disposition, apparently absolute, but intended only as a security for money or stock. | |||||||
See MORTGAGE, &c. | |||||||
DEPOSIT of title deeds. | |||||||
See MORTGAGE, &c. | |||||||
DRAFT for money. | |||||||
See BILL OF EXCHANGE. | |||||||
DUPLICATE or COUNTERPART of any instrument chargeable with any duty. | |||||||
The same duty as the original instrument. | |||||||
Where such duty does not amount to 5s. | |||||||
In any other case | 0 | 5 | 0 | ||||
See MORTGAGE, &c. | |||||||
EXCHANGE—Instruments effecting. | |||||||
In the case specified in section 12 of the Finance Act, 1953, see that section. | |||||||
In any other case | 0 | 10 | 0 | ||||
See MORTGAGE, &c. | |||||||
INSURANCE. | |||||||
See POLICY. | |||||||
LEASE. | |||||||
(1) For any definite term not exceeding a year: | |||||||
Of any dwelling-house or part of a dwelling-house at a rent not exceeding the rate of £10 per annum | 0 | 1 | 0 | ||||
(2) for any definite term less than a year: | |||||||
(a) Of any furnished dwelling-house or apartments where the rent for such term exceeds £25 | 0 | 5 | 0 | ||||
The same duty as a lease for a year at the rent reserved for the definite term. | |||||||
(b) Of any lands, tenements, or heritable subjects except or otherwise than as aforesaid. | |||||||
(3) for any other definite term or for any indefinite term of any lands, tenements, or heritable subjects— | |||||||
Where the consideration, or any part of the consideration (other than rent), moving either to the lessor or to any other person, consists of any money, stock, or security, and— | |||||||
(a) The amount or value of such consideration does not exceed five hundred pounds, and | |||||||
(i) the lease contains a statement certifying that the transaction thereby effected does not form part of a larger transaction or of a series of transactions in respect of which the amount or value, or the aggregate amount or value, of the consideration other than rent exceeds five hundred pounds, and | |||||||
(ii) the lease is not a lease as respects which part of the consideration therefor consists of a rent exceeding twenty pounds a year:— | |||||||
If the amount or value does not exceed £50 | 0 | 5 | 0 | ||||
Exceeds £50 and does not exceed £100 | 0 | 10 | 0 | ||||
” | £100 | ” | £200 | 0 | 15 | 0 | |
” | £200 | ” | £300 | 1 | 0 | 0 | |
” | £300 | ” | £400 | 1 | 5 | 0 | |
” | £400 | ” | £500 | 1 | 10 | 0 | |
(b) The amount or value of such consideration exceeds five hundred pounds but does not exceed two thousand five hundred pounds, and | |||||||
(i) the lease contains a statement certifying that the transaction thereby effected does not form part of a larger transaction or of a series of transactions in respect of which the amount or value, or the aggregate amount or value, of the consideration other than rent exceeds two thousand five hundred pounds, and | |||||||
(ii) the lease is not a lease as respects which part of the consideration therefor consists of a rent exceeding twenty pounds a year:— | |||||||
If the amount or value— | |||||||
Exceeds £500 and does not exceed £600 | 4 | 0 | 0 | ||||
” | £600 | ” | £700 | 5 | 0 | 0 | |
” | £700 | ” | £800 | 6 | 0 | 0 | |
” | £800 | ” | £900 | 7 | 0 | 0 | |
” | £900 | ” | £1,000 | 8 | 0 | 0 | |
” | £1,000 | ” | £1,100 | 10 | 0 | 0 | |
” | £1,100 | ” | £1,200 | 12 | 10 | 0 | |
” | £1,200 | ” | £1,300 | 15 | 0 | 0 | |
” | £1,300 | ” | £1,400 | 17 | 10 | 0 | |
” | £1,400 | ” | £1,500 | 20 | 0 | 0 | |
Exceeds £1,500 and does not exceed £1,600 | 22 | 10 | 0 | ||||
” | £1,600 | ” | £1,700 | 25 | 0 | 0 | |
” | £1,700 | ” | £1,800 | 27 | 10 | 0 | |
” | £1,800 | ” | £1,900 | 30 | 0 | 0 | |
” | £1,900 | ” | £2,000 | 33 | 0 | 0 | |
” | £2,000 | ” | £2,100 | 36 | 10 | 0 | |
” | £2,100 | ” | £2,200 | 40 | 0 | 0 | |
” | £2,200 | ” | £2,300 | 43 | 10 | 0 | |
” | £2,300 | ” | £2,400 | 47 | 0 | 0 | |
” | £2,400 | ” | £2,500 | 50 | 0 | 0 | |
(c) The amount or value of such consideration does not exceed six thousand pounds and the lease contains a statement certifying that the transaction thereby effected does not form part of a larger transaction or of a series of transactions in respect of which the amount or value, or the aggregate amount or value, of the consideration other than rent exceeds six thousand pounds:— | |||||||
For every £50, or fractional part of £50, of the amount or value | 1 | 0 | 0 | ||||
(d) The amount or value of such consideration exceeds six thousand pounds but does not exceed fifty thousand pounds and the lease contains a statement certifying that the transaction thereby effected does not form part of a larger transaction or of a series of transactions in respect of which the amount or value, or the aggregate amount or value, of the consideration other than rent exceeds fifty thousand pounds:— | |||||||
For every £50, or fractional part of £50, of the amount or value | 1 | 10 | 0 | ||||
(e) The case is of any other kind whatsoever not hereinbefore described:— | |||||||
For every £50, or fractional part of £50, of the amount or value | 2 | 10 | 0 | ||||
Where the consideration or any part of the consideration is any rent: | |||||||
In respect of such consideration: |
If the rent, whether reserved as a yearly rent or otherwise, is at a rate or average rate:
If the term does not exceed 35 years, or is indefinite. | If the term exceeds 35 years, but does not exceed 100 years. | If the term exceeds 100 years. | ||||||||||
£ | s. | d. | £ | s. | d. | £ | s. | d. | ||||
Not exceeding £5 per annum | 0 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 6 | 0 | 0 | 12 | 0 | |||
Exceeding— | ||||||||||||
£5 and not exceeding £10 | 0 | 2 | 0 | 0 | 12 | 0 | 1 | 4 | 0 | |||
£10 | ” | £15 | 0 | 3 | 0 | 0 | 18 | 0 | 1 | 16 | 0 | |
£15 | ” | £20 | 0 | 4 | 0 | 1 | 4 | 0 | 2 | 8 | 0 | |
£20 | ” | £25 | 0 | 5 | 0 | 1 | 10 | 0 | 3 | 0 | 0 | |
£25 | ” | £50 | 0 | 10 | 0 | 3 | 0 | 0 | 6 | 0 | 0 | |
£50 | ” | £75 | 0 | 15 | 0 | 4 | 10 | 0 | 9 | 0 | 0 | |
£75 | ” | £100 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 6 | 0 | 0 | 12 | 0 | 0 | |
£100 | ||||||||||||
For every full sum of £50, and also for any fractional part of £50 thereof | 0 | 10 | 0 | 3 | 0 | 0 | 6 | 0 | 0 |
(4) Lease made subsequently to, and in conformity with an agreement duly stamped under the provisions of section 75 of the Stamp Act, 1891 | 0 | 1 | 0 | |
(5) Of any other kind whatsoever not hereinbefore described | 1 | 0 | 0 | |
The same ad valorem duty according to the nature of the security as upon a mortgage. | ||||
(1) Being a security not transferable by delivery—For or in respect of the money thereby secured | ||||
(2) Transfer, Assignment, or Disposition of a marketable security of any description— | ||||
Upon a sale thereof—See conveyance or transfer on sale. | ||||
Upon a mortgage thereof—See mortgage of stock or marketable security. | ||||
In any other case than a sale or mortgage | 0 | 10 | 0 | |
(3) Being a security transferable by delivery: | ||||
(a) made or issued by or on behalf of any company or body of persons corporate or unincorporate formed or established in the State, or | ||||
(b) made or issued by or on behalf of any foreign State or Government, or foreign municipal body, corporation, or company, and assigned, transferred, or in any manner negotiated in the State:— | ||||
(i) for every £20, or fractional part of £20 of the money secured, if that money is to be paid off within a term not exceeding one year from the date on which the duty is payable | 0 | 1 | 0 | |
(ii) for every £10, or fractional part of £10 of the money secured, if that money is to be paid off within a term exceeding one year but not exceeding three years from the date on which the duty is payable | 0 | 1 | 0 | |
(iii) for every £10, or fractional part of £10 of the money secured, if that money is to be paid off at a time exceeding three years after the date on which the duty is payable | 0 | 4 | 0 | |
(iv) for every £20, or fractional part of £20 of the money secured, in the case of a security given in substitution for a like security stamped under (iii) above | 0 | 2 | 0 | |
(4) Being a foreign share warrant or stock certificate to bearer (including any instrument by whatever name called, having the like effect as a share warrant issued under the provisions of the Companies Act, 1963, or as a stock certificate to bearer): | ||||
For every £10, or fractional part of £10, of the nominal value of the share or stock to which the warrant, certificate, or instrument relates | 0 | 4 | 0 | |
(5) Being an instrument to bearer (not being a share warrant, stock certificate to bearer, or other instrument chargeable with duty under the foregoing heading) by means of which any share or stock of any company or body of persons formed or established out of the State is assigned, transferred, or in any manner negotiated in the State: | ||||
For every £100, or fractional part of £100, of the nominal value of the share or stock | 0 | 1 | 0 | |
MORTGAGE, BOND, DEBENTURE, COVENANT (except a marketable security otherwise specially charged with duty), and WARRANT OF ATTORNEY to confess and enter up judgment. | ||||
(1) Being the only or principal or primary security (other than an equitable mortgage) for the payment or repayment of money— | ||||
Not exceeding £300:— | ||||
For every £50 or part of £50 of the amount secured | 0 | 1 | 0 | |
Exceeding £300:— | ||||
For every £200 or part of £200 of the amount secured | 0 | 5 | 0 | |
(2) Being a collateral, or auxiliary, or additional, or substituted security (other than an equitable mortgage), or by way of further assurance for the above-mentioned purpose where the principal or primary security is duly stamped— | ||||
Where the amount secured does not exceed two thousand pounds: | ||||
For every £200, and also for any fractional part of £200 | 0 | 1 | 0 | |
In any other case | 0 | 10 | 0 | |
(3) Being an equitable mortgage: | ||||
For every £100, and any fractional part of £100, of the amount secured | 0 | 1 | 0 | |
(4) TRANSFER, ASSIGNMENT, or DISPOSITION of any mortgage, bond, debenture, or covenant (except a marketable security), or of any money or stock secured by any such instrument, or by any warrant of attorney to enter up judgment, or by any judgment. | ||||
For every £200, and also for any fractional part of £200, of the amount transferred, assigned, or disposed, exclusive of interest which is not in arrear | 0 | 1 | 0 | |
The same duty as a principal security for such further money. | ||||
And also where any further money is added to the money already secured. | ||||
(5) RECONVEYANCE, RELEASE, DISCHARGE, SURRENDER, RESURRENDER, or RENUNCIATION of any such security as aforesaid, or of the benefit thereof, or of the money thereby secured: | ||||
For every £200, and also for any fractional part of £200, of the total amount or value of the money at any time secured | 0 | 1 | 0 | |
MORTGAGE OF STOCK or Marketable Security. | ||||
By deed. See MORTGAGE. | ||||
ORDER for the payment of money. | ||||
PARTITION or DIVISION—Instruments effecting. | ||||
In the case specified in section 73 of the Stamp Act, 1891, see that section. | ||||
In any other case | 0 | 10 | 0 | |
Where the sum insured exceeds £50 but does not exceed £1,000: | ||||
For every full sum of £100, and also for any fractional part of £100, of the amount insured | 0 | 1 | 0 | |
Exceeds £1,000: | ||||
For every full sum of £1,000, and also for any fractional part of £1,000, of the amount insured | 0 | 10 | 0 | |
POLICY OF LIFE INSURANCE made for a period not exceeding two years | 0 | 1 | 0 | |
RECONVEYANCE, RELEASE, or RENUNCIATION of any security. | ||||
See MORTGAGE, &c. | ||||
RELEASE or RENUNCIATION of any property, or of any right or interest in any property— | ||||
Upon a sale. See CONVEYANCE ON SALE. | ||||
By way of security. See MORTGAGE, &c. | ||||
In any other case | 0 | 10 | 0 | |
REVOCATION of any use or trust of any property by any writing, not being a will | 0 | 10 | 0 | |
SETTLEMENT. Any instrument, whether voluntary or upon any good or valuable consideration, other than a bona fide pecuniary consideration, whereby any definite and certain principal sum of money (whether charged or chargeable on lands or other hereditaments or heritable subjects, or not, or to be laid out in the purchase of lands or other hereditaments or heritable subjects or not), or any definite and certain amount of stock, or any security, is settled or agreed to be settled in any manner whatsoever: | ||||
For every £100, and also for any fractional part of £100, of the amount or value of the property settled or agreed to be settled | 0 | 5 | 0 |
Instrument of appointment relating to any property in favour of persons specially named or described as the objects of a power of appointment, where duty has been duly paid in respect of the same property upon the settlement creating the power or the grant of representation of any will or testamentary instrument creating the power. | |||
A duty of an amount equal to three times the amount of the ad valorem stamp duty which would be chargeable on a deed transferring the share or shares or stock specified in the warrant or certificate if the consideration for the transfer were the nominal value of such share or shares or stock. | |||
SHARE WARRANT issued under the provisions of the Companies Acts, and STOCK CERTIFICATE to bearer. | |||
See BOND, COVENANT, &c. | |||
SURRENDER, not being an instrument chargeable with duty as a conveyance on sale or a mortgage | 0 | 10 | 0 |
WARRANT OF ATTORNEY to confess and enter up a judgment given as a security for the payment or repayment of money, or for the transfer or retransfer of stock | |||
See MORTGAGE, &c. |
(1) Transfers of shares in
(i) stocks or funds of the Government or Oireachtas,
(ii) stocks or funds of the Government or Parliament of the late United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland which are registered in the books of the Bank of Ireland in Dublin, and
(iii) stocks or funds of the Government or Parliament of Great Britain which are registered in the books of the Bank of Ireland in Dublin.
(2) Instruments for the sale, transfer, or other disposition, either absolutely or by way of mortgage, or otherwise, of any ship or vessel, or any part, interest, share, or property of or in any ship or vessel.
(3) Testaments and testamentary instruments.
(4) Bonds given to sheriffs or other persons upon the replevy of any goods or chattels, and assignments of such bonds.
(5) Instruments made by to, or with the Commissioners of Public Works in Ireland.
Enactments Repealed.
Session and Chapter or Number and Year | Short Title | Extent of Repeal |
33 & 34 Vict., c. 46. | Landlord and Tenant (Ireland) Act, 1870. | Section 57. |
42 & 43 Vict., c. 19. | Habitual Drunkards Act, 1879. | Section 14. |
50 & 51 Vict., c. 57. | Deeds of Arrangement Act, 1887. | Section 6 (2). |
54 & 55 Vict., c. 39. | Stamp Act, 1891. | Sections 18 to 22, 24, 25, 27, 28, 42, 49 to 51 and 59 (4); section 61 (1) and the words “In any other case” in section 61 (2); sections 63, 65 to 68 and 75 (2); in section 78 (1) the words “or (b) any furnished dwelling-house or apartments for any definite term less than a year; and upon the duplicate or counterpart of any such instrument,”; section 82; in section 86 (1) (a) the words “Conditional surrender by way of mortgage”; section 87 (4) and (5); sections 89, 99, 101 (2), 102, 103, 111, 116 and 120. In Second Schedule, the Second Part. |
58 & 59 Vict., c. 16. | Finance Act, 1895. | Sections 9 and 14. |
61 & 62 Vict., c. 46. | Revenue Act, 1898. | Section 8. |
62 & 63 Vict., c. 9. | Finance Act, 1899. | Section 4. |
3 Edw. VII, c. 46. | Revenue Act, 1903. | Section 7. |
5 Edw. VII, c. 4. | Finance Act, 1905. | Section 5. |
6 Edw. VII, c. 20. | Revenue Act, 1906. | Section 9. |
7 Edw. VII, c. 13. | Finance Act, 1907. | Sections 6 and 11. |
8 Edw. VII, c. 16. | Finance Act, 1908. | Section 5. |
10 Edw. VII, c. 8. | Finance (1909–10) Act, 1910. | Sections 73 and 75 to 79. |
1 Geo. V, c. 2. | Revenue Act, 1911. | Section 15. |
1 & 2 Geo. V, c. 48. | Finance Act, 1911. | Section 13. |
7 & 8 Geo. V, c. 31. | Finance Act, 1917. | Section 30. |
10 & 11 Geo. V, c. 18. | Finance Act, 1920. | Sections 34, 36, 38 and 40. |
No. 35 of 1926. | ||
No. 5 of 1929. | Finance (Customs and Stamp Duties) Act, 1929. | Section 5 (2). |
No. 32 of 1929. | ||
No. 31 of 1931. | Finance Act, 1931. | Section 31. |
No. 15 of 1933. | Finance Act, 1933. | Section 42. |
No. 14 of 1940. | Finance Act, 1940. | Section 30 (3) (e). |
No. 15 of 1947. | Finance Act, 1947. | Section 18. |
No. 33 of 1947. | Finance (No. 2) Act, 1947. | Section 13. |
No. 12 of 1948. | Finance Act, 1948. | Section 12. |
No. 13 of 1949. | Finance Act, 1949. | Section 24 (1), (2) and (3) and sections 25 and 27. |
No. 18 of 1950. | Sections 17 and 18. | |
No. 15 of 1951. | Finance Act, 1951. | Sections 17 to 20. |
No. 14 of 1952. | Finance Act, 1952. | Sections 20 and 21. |
No. 21 of 1953. | Finance Act, 1953. | Sections 13 and 14. |
No. 22 of 1954. | Finance Act, 1954. | Sections 24 to 27. |
No. 13 of 1955. | Finance Act, 1955. | In section 17, subparagraph (b) (i). |
No. 22 of 1956. | ||
No. 47 of 1956. | Finance (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act, 1956. | Section 24 (b), (c) and (d). |
No. 20 of 1957. | ||
No. 25 of 1958. | Section 58. | |
No. 14 of 1959. | Fisheries (Consolidation) Act, 1959. | Section 294 (4). |
No. 18 of 1959. | Finance Act, 1959. | Section 75 (1), (2), (3) and (4) (c). |
No. 19 of 1960. | Finance Act, 1960. | Sections 35 and 37. |
No. 23 of 1963. | Sections 44 and 49 (6). | |
No. 7 of 1968. | Finance (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act, 1968. | Section 10. |
No. of 21 1969. | Sections 47 and 48. |