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Uimhir 19 de 1963.



[An tiontú oifigiúil]



Réamhráiteach agus Ginearálta.


Gearrtheideal, tosach feidhme agus comhlua.

1.—(1) Féadfar an tAcht Toghcháin, 1963, a ghairm den Acht seo.


(2) Tiocfaidh an tAcht seo i ngníomh cibé lá nó laethanta a shocrófar chuige sin le hordú, nó le horduithe, ón Aire, go ginearálta nó maidir le haon chríoch nó foráil áirithe agus féadfar laethanta éagsúla a shocrú amhlaidh le haghaidh críocha éagsúla agus forálacha éagsúla de chuid an Achta seo.


(3) Féadfar na hAchtanna Toghcháin, 1923 go 1963, a ghairm de na hAchtanna Toghcháin, 1923 go 1961, maraon le Cuid I, II, III agus VIII den Acht seo, agus leis an gCéad agus an Dara Sceideal a ghabhann leis an Acht seo.


(4) Féadfar Achtanna Toghchán an Uachtaráin, 1937 go 1963, a ghairm d'Achtanna Toghchán an Uachtaráin, 1937 go 1960, maraon le Cuid I, IV agus VIII den Acht seo agus leis an gCéad agus an Tríú Sceideal a ghabhann leis an Acht seo.


(5) Féadfar Achtanna an Reifrinn, 1942 go 1963, a ghairm d'Achtanna an Reifrinn, 1942 go 1960, maraon le Cuid I, V agus VIII den Acht seo agus leis an gCéad agus an Ceathrú Sceideal a ghabhann leis an Acht seo.


Léiriú i gcoitinne.

2.—(1) San Acht seo ciallaíonn “an tAire” an tAire Rialtais Áitiúil.


(2) Ach amháin sa mhéid go n-éileoidh an comhthéacs a mhalairt, déanfar aon tagairt san Acht seo d'aon achtachán eile a fhorléiriú mar thagairt don Acht sin arna leasú le haon achtachán eile nó faoi, lena n-áirítear an tAcht seo.



3.—Déantar leis seo na hachtacháin a luaitear sa Chéad Sceideal a ghabhann leis an Acht seo a aisghairm an méid a luaitear sa tríú colún den Sceideal sin.



Toghchóras agus Clárú.


Léiriú agus forléiriú (Cuid II agus III agus an Dara Sceideal).

1923, Uimh. 12

4.—(1) Sa Chuid seo agus i gCuid III den Acht seo ciallaíonn “an Príomh-Acht” an tAcht Timpeal Toghachán, 1923.


(2) Forléireofar le chéile mar aon Acht amháin na hAchtanna Toghcháin, 1923 go 1961, agus an Chuid seo agus Cuid III den Acht seo agus an Dara Sceideal a ghabhann leis an Acht seo.


An toghchóras.

1954, Uimh. 18.

5.—(1) Beidh duine i dteideal a chláraithe mar thoghthóir Dála i ndáilcheantar má tá bliain agus fiche slán aige agus go raibh sé, ar an dáta cáilitheach—


(a) ina shaoránach d'Éirinn, agus


(b) ina ghnáthchónaí sa dáilcheantar sin.


(2) (a) Beidh duine i dteideal a chláraithe mar thoghthóir rialtais áitiúil i dtoghlimistéar áitiúil má tá bliain agus fiche slán aige agus—


(i) go raibh sé, ar an dáta cáilitheach, ina ghnáthchónaí sa limistéar sin, nó


(ii) go raibh sé, ar feadh iomlán na tréimhse sé mhí dar críoch an dáta cáilitheach ag áitiú aon talamh nó áitreabh sa limistéar sin, mar úinéir nó mar thionónta.


(b) Chun críocha an fho-ailt seo—


(i) i gcás beirt nó níos mó a bheith ag áitiú talamh nó áitreabh i gcomhpháirt, áireofar gach duine acu sin mar dhuine atá ag áitiú an talaimh nó an áitribh, faoi réir an choinníll nach mbeidh níos mó ná beirt i dteideal a gcláraithe i leith an talaimh nó an áitribh chéanna, mura rud é go bhfuil a ngairm, a dtrádáil nó a ngnó á dhéanamh ar an talamh nó san áitreabh acu mar chomhpháirtithe bona fide,


(ii) ní mheasfar áitiú tí cónaithe a bheith briste ar an aonchúis gur tugadh cead, trína ligean nó ar shlí eile, chun an teach cónaithe a bheith á áitiú mar theach cónaithe troscánaithe ag duine éigin eile ar feadh cuid nó codanna den tréimhse cháilitheach nárbh fhaide ná ceithre mhí san iomlán.


(c) Más rud é, le haghaidh clárú mar thoghthóir rialtais áitiúil i gcontae, i gcontae-bhuirg, i mbuirg, i gceantar uirbeach nó i mbaile, go bhfuil níos mó ná maoin amháin (is é sin le rá, talamh nó aitreabh) ag duine—


(i) féadfaidh sé, tráth nach déanaí ná an lá deiridh chun éileamh a dhéanamh ar chlárú, an ceann ar mian leis é a chlárú ina leith a ainmniú trí fhógra a thabhairt don údarás clárúcháin, agus seoladh gach ceann de na maoine agus an chinn ar mian leis é a chlárú ina leith a lua, agus clárófar é dá réir sin;


(ii) mura ndéanfaidh sé ainmniú amhlaidh agus gur ceann de na maoine is áit chónaithe dó agus gur i gcontae-bhuirg, i mbuirg, i gceantar uirbeach nó i mbaile atá a suíomh, clárófar é i leith a áit chónaithe;


(iii) in aon chás eile, clárófar é i leith cibé ceann de na maoine a chinnfidh an t-údarás clárúcháin.


(d) Déanfaidh an t-údarás clárúcháin cibé athruithe agus ceartuithe is dóigh leo is gá sa dréacht-chlár—


(i) chun a áirithiú nach gclárófar duine ar bith níos mó ná uair amháin mar thoghthóir rialtais áitiúil i gcontae-bhuirg, i mbuirg, i gceantar uirbeach ná i mbaile, ná i gcontae riaracháin taobh amuigh d'aon bhuirg, ceantar uirbeach nó baile ann, agus


(ii) ag féachaint do mhír (c) den fho-alt seo.


(e) San fho-alt seo—


ciallaíonn “limistéar toghcháin áitiúil” limistéar nó aon cheann de na limistéir (de réir mar is cuí) ar dá réir a dhéantar toghchán áitiúil;


ciallaíonn “toghthóir rialtais áitiúil” duine atá i dteideal vótála i dtoghchán áitiúil.


(3) (a) Más rud é, tráth nach déanaí ná an lá deiridh chun éileamh a dhéanamh ar chlárú, go ndéanfaidh toghthóir atá ina chomhalta lánaimsire d'Óglaigh na hÉireann ráiteas i dtaobh an áitribh a mbeadh sé, murach a sheirbhís, ina ghnáthchónaí ann ar an dáta cáilitheach a thabhairt d'údarás clárúcháin an limistéir chlárúcháin ina bhfuil an t-áitreabh sin, déanfar, cheal fianaise ar a mhalairt, an ráiteas a ghlacadh mar ráiteas ceart agus clárófar é i leith an áitribh sin.


(b) (i) San fho-alt seo ciallaíonn “comhalta lánaimsire d'Óglagh na hÉireann”—


(I) comhalta de na Buan-Óglaigh, nó


(II) oifigeach de na hÓglaigh Cúltaca atá ar fostú go leanúnach ar seirbhís nó dualgas míleata i rith tréimhse a bheidh forógra i bhfeidhm á údarú cúltacairí a ghairm amach ar buanseirbhís, nó i rith tréimhse a bheidh cúltacairí gairthe amach ar buanseirbhís faoi alt 88 den Acht Cosanta, 1954, nó


(III) cúltacaire a gaireadh amach ar buanseirbhís.


(ii) San fhomhír sin roimhe seo tá le “na Buan-Óglaigh”, “oifigeach”, “na hÓglaigh Cúltaca”, “forógra á údarú cúltacairí a ghairm amach ar buanseirbhís” agus “cúltacaire” na bríonna atá leo faoi seach san Acht Cosanta, 1954.


(4) Chun críocha an ailt seo—


(a) ní mheasfar gnáthchónaí a bheith tugtha suas ag duine má tá ar intinn aige cónaí a dhéanamh athuair laistigh d'ocht mí dhéag tar éis dó é a thabhairt suas,


(b) má fhaightear ráiteas i scríbhinn ó dhuine go bhfuil ar intinn aige cónaí a dhéanamh athuair laistigh d'ocht mí dhéag tar éis é a thabhairt suas, ansin, cheal fianaise ar a mhalairt, beidh sin ina fhianaise dhochloíte ar an ní sin.


(5) Más rud é—


(i) ar an dáta cáilitheach, go mbeidh duine ina othar nó ina iostaí in aon ospidéal, sanatóir, teaghlach contae, teaghlach do lucht míchumais choirp nó mheabhrach nó in aon fhoras dá samhail sin nó go mbeidh sé á choinneáil in aon áitreabh faoi choimeád dlíthiúil, agus


(ii) i gcás duine a bheidh ina othar nó ina iostaí den sórt sin—


(I) nach duine é atá ar fostú san ospidéal, sa sanatóir, sa teaghlach contae, sa teaghlach do lucht míchumais choirp nó mheabhrach nó san fhoras dá samhail sin agus atá ina chónaí ann chun críocha na fostaíochta sin, ná


(II) nach duine é a bheidh, i dtuairim an údaráis chlárúcháin, ina othar nó ina iostaí amhlaidh ar feadh tréimhse éiginnte,


measfar chun críocha an ailt seo é a bheith ina chónaí san áit a mbeadh sé ina chónaí ann murach é a bheith ina othar nó ina iostaí den sórt sin nó é a bheith á choinneáil amhlaidh faoi choimeád dlíthiúil.


(6) (a) Is é is dáta cáilitheach do gach clár toghthóirí cibé dáta a shonrófar le rialacháin ón Aire.


(b) Chun críocha an ailt seo, measfar gurb é is aois do dhuine an aois a bheidh ag an duine sin ar cibé dáta a shonrófar le rialacháin ón Aire.


(c) Nuair a bheartófar rialacháin a dhéanamh ag sonrú an dáta dá dtagraítear i mír (a) nó i mír (b) den fho-alt seo, leagfar dréacht de na rialacháin sin faoi bhráid gach Tí den Oireachtas agus ní dhéanfar na rialacháin go dtí go mbeidh rún ag aontú leis an dréacht rite ag gach Teach acu.


Clár na dtoghthóirí.

6.—(1) Déanfar clár de réir limistéar clárúcháin, arb é a bheidh iontu contaetha agus contae-bhuirgí riaracháin, a ullmhú agus a fhoilsiú gach bliain de dhaoine a bhí i dteideal a gcláraithe mar thoghthóirí ar an dáta cáilitheach, agus sa mhéid go mbainfidh sé le toghthóirí Dála is é an clár sin clár na dtoghthóirí Dála, agus sa mhéid go mbainfidh sé le daoine a bheidh i dteideal vótála i dtoghcháin áitiúla is é clár na dtoghthóirí rialtais áitiúil é.


(2) Tiocfaidh gach clár toghthóirí i bhfeidhm ar cibé dáta a shonrófar le rialacháin ón Aire agus fanfaidh sé i bhfeidhm go dtí an lá roimh dháta an chéad chláir eile a theacht i bhfeidhm.


(3) Nuair a bheartófar rialacháin a dhéanamh ag sonrú an dáta dá dtagraítear i bhfo-alt (2) den alt seo, leagfar dréacht de na rialacháin sin faoi bhráid gach Tí den Oireachtas agus ní dhéanfar na rialacháin go dtí go mbeidh rún ag aontú leis an dréacht rite ag gach Teach acu.


Dualgais chlárúcháin.

1927, Uimh. 23.

1926, Uimh. 27.

7.—(1) Beidh de dhualgas ar gach comhairle contae agus ar gach bardas contae-bhuirge clár na dtoghthóirí a ullmhú agus a fhoilsiú de réir rialachán a dhéanfaidh an tAire, tar éis dó dul i gcomhairle leis an Aire Dlí agus Cirt, agus forléireofar dá réir sin tagairtí sa Chuid seo den Acht seo don údarás clárúcháin.


(2) Go háirithe agus gan dochar do ghinearáltacht fho-alt (1) den alt seo, féadfaidh rialacháin faoin alt seo foráil a dhéanamh i dtaobh gach ní nó aon ní acu seo a leanas:


(a) soláthar liostaí i bhfoirm dréacht-chláir le haghaidh a mbuirgí agus a gceantar uirbeach ag bardais bhuirgí nach contae-bhuirgí agus ag comhairlí ceantar uirbeach do chomhairlí na gcontaetha ina bhfuil na buirgí agus na ceantair uirbeacha sin,


(b) comharthú a dhéanamh i ndréacht-chláir, i liostaí éilitheoirí agus i gcláir thoghthóirí, ar dhaoine atá ina ngiúróirí, agus sonrú a dhéanamh iontu ar na háiteanna a mbeidh sé le taispeáint gur giúróirí iad ina leith,


(c) éilimh agus agóidí a dhéanamh chun cláraitheoirí contae, agus a chinneadh acu, i dtaobh taifeadadh ainmneacha i ndréacht-chláir,


(d) ionadaithe do na cláraitheoirí sin a cheapadh,


(e) an cinneadh maidir leis na héilimh agus na hagóidí sin a chur in iúl don údarás clárúcháin lena mbainfidh,


(f) foirm dhréacht-chláir agus chláir na dtoghthóirí,


(g) na fiosruithe a bheidh le déanamh ag na húdaráis chlárúcháin,


(h) dáta foilsithe chláir na dtoghthóirí,


(i) faillí i gcláir na dtoghthóirí a fhoilsiú,


(j) na táillí a bheidh ar chóipeanna de dhréacht-chláir agus de chláir na dtoghthóirí,


(k) sonrú na ndátaí ionaid dá dtagraítear i bhfo-alt (6) den alt seo.


(3) Má cheanglaítear go cuí ar aon duine de bhun rialachán faoin alt seo, aon eolas a bheidh aige agus a theastóidh ón údarás clárúcháin, nó ón gcláraitheoir contae, chun críocha a ndualgas, a thabhairt uaidh agus nach dtabharfaidh sé an t-eolas sin nó go dtabharfaidh sé eolas bréagach, beidh sé ciontach i gcion agus ar a chiontú go hachomair dlífear fíneáil nach mó ná fiche punt a chur air.


(4) Taifeadfar toghthóir ar liosta na bpost-vótálaithe más rud é:


(a) gur comhalta den Gharda Síochána é, nó


(b) gur comhalta lánaimsire d'Óglaigh na hÉireann é (mar a mhínítear i mír (b) d'fho-alt (3) d'alt 5 den Acht seo).


(5) Cinnteoidh an t-údáras clárúcháin, laistigh de cibé tréimhse i ndiaidh foilsiú chlár na dtoghthóirí a shonrófar le rialacháin faoin alt seo, an bhfuil gá le haon cheartuithe i gclár na dtoghthóirí mar gheall ar earráidí cléireachais nó clódóireachta, agus, má chinntítear gur gá aon cheartuithe den sórt sin, foilseoidh an t-údarás clárúcháin liosta díobh laistigh den tréimhse sin agus measfar gur cuid de chlár na dtoghthóirí an liosta.


(6) In ionad gach tagairt do dháta atá i bhfo-alt (1) d'alt 13, i bhfo-ailt (3) agus (4) d'alt 15 agus i bhfo-alt (2) d'alt 16 d'Acht na nGiúirithe, 1927, cuirfear tagairt do cibé dáta a sonrófar le rialacháin faoin alt seo é a bheith á chur ina ionad.


(7) I bhfo-alt (6) d'alt 40 den Acht Oifigigh Cúirte, 1926, cuirfear “faoi na rialacháin a bheidh déanta de bhun alt 7 den Acht Toghcháin, 1963” in ionad na bhfocal go léir ó “mar oifigeach clárathachta” go dtí deireadh an fho-ailt.


(8) Ní thaifeadfar duine ar bith mar ghiúróir níos mó ná uair amháin i gclár na dtoghthóirí do limistéar clárúcháin.


(9) (a) Bhéarfaidh an tAire go ndéanfar an chlódóireacht go léir is gá chun críocha clárúcháin ar cibé modh is cuí leis.


(b) Áiritheoidh an tAire, trí shocruithe a dhéanfar le ceadú an Aire Airgeadais, go mbeidh an costas iomlán a bhainfidh le hullmhú agus foilsiú chlár na dtoghthóirí le híoc i gcionúireachtaí atá gairid do bheith comhionann ag an Stát agus ag údaráis chlárúcháin.


(10) (a) Aon duine a dhéanfaidh, gan údarás dleathach, díothú nó ciorrú, go toiliúil, ar aon fhógra, dréachtchlár, cóip de chlár na dtoghthóirí nó doiciméad eile a bheidh curtha ar fáil le haghaidh iniúchadh poiblí i ndáil le hullmhú chlár na dtoghthóirí, beidh sé ciontach i gcion agus ar a chiontú go hachomair dlífear fíneáil nach mó ná deich bpunt a chur air.


(b) Féadfaidh an t-údarás a chuir faoi deara an fógra, an dréacht-chlár, an chóip de chlár na dtoghthóirí nó an doiciméad eile a chur ar fáil le haghaidh iniúchadh poiblí ionchúiseamh a dhéanamh i leith ciona faoin bhfo-alt seo.


(11) Déanfar tagairt in aon achtachán do liostaí na dtoghthóirí a fhorléiriú mar thagairt don dréacht-chlár a ullmhaíodh chun críocha an ailt seo.


(12) Nuair a bheartófar rialacháin a dhéanamh faoin alt seo, leagfar dréacht de na rialacháin faoi bhráid gach Tí den Oireachtas agus ní dhéanfar na rialacháin go dtí go mbeidh rún ag aontú leis an dréacht rite ag gach Teach acu.



8.—(1) Féadfar achomharc a dhéanamh chun na Cúirte Cuarda i gcoinne aon chinneadh a tugadh ar aon éileamh nó agóid a breithníodh faoi na rialacháin faoi alt 7 den Acht seo.


(2) Beidh fo-alt (1) den alt seo faoi réir an choinníll nach bhféadfar aon achomharc a dhéanamh i gcás nár bhain éilitheoir nó agóideoir leas as deis a thabharfar sna rialacháin faoi alt 7 den Acht seo chun a éileamh nó a agóid a chur faoi chinneadh ar an gcéad ásc ag an údarás a shonrófar chuige sin sna rialacháin.


(3) Féadfar achomharc a dhéanamh chun na Cúirte Uachtaraí ar aon phonc dlí i gcoinne breithe a thug an Chúirt Chuarda ar aon achomharc den sórt sin, ach, taobh amuigh den chás réamhráite, ní fhéadfar aon achomharc a dhéanamh i gcoinne aon bhreithe den sórt sin.


(4) Ní rachaidh sé chun dochair do cheart vótála aon duine a mbeidh a ainm ar chlár na dtoghthóirí de thuras na huaire aon achomharc faoin alt seo a bheith ar feitheamh, agus beidh aon vóta a thabharfar de bhun an chirt sin chomh bailí is dá mba nach raibh aon achomharc den sórt sin ar feitheamh, agus ní dhéanfaidh an bhreith a thabharfar ina dhiaidh sin ar an achomharc aon difir dó


(5) Ní dhéanfaidh sé difir do cháilíocht nó dliteanas achomharcóra chun fónamh mar ghiúróir achomharc faoin alt seo a bheith ar feitheamh.


(6) Cuirfear fógra chuig an údarás clárúcháin sa tslí a fhoráiltear le rialacha cúirte faoi bhreith na Cúirte Cuarda nó na Cúirte Uachtaraí ar aon achomharc faoin alt seo, agus déanfaidh an t-údarás clárúcháin cibé athruithe i gclár na dtoghthóirí a mbeidh gá leo chun éifeacht a thabhairt don bhreith.



Stiúradh agus Costais Toghchán Dála.

Caibidil I.



“Olltoghchán”, “Corrthoghchán” agus “lá eiscthe”.

9.—(1) Déantar leis seo alt 65 den Phríomh-Acht a leasú trí na mínithe seo a leanas a chur in ionad na mínithe ar “Toghchán Ginearálta”agus “Toghchán Corra”:


“Ciallaíonn an abairt ‘Olltoghchán’ olltoghchán do chomhaltaí don Dáil a dhéanfar de réir fho-alt 2° d'alt 3 d'Airteagal 16 den Bhunreacht;


ciallóidh an abairt ‘Corrthoghchán’ toghchán do chomhalta don Dáil chun folúntas a líonadh a tharla toisc duine a scor de bheith ina chomhalta den Dáil ar dhóigh seachas de chionn an Dáil a lanscor;”.


(2) Sa Chuid seo den Acht seo ciallaíonn “lá eiscthe” aon lá dá sonraítear i bhfo-alt (1) d'alt 60 den Phríomh-Acht mar laethanta nach bhfuil le háireamh.


An ré is faide don Dáil.

10.—Ní bheidh de ré ag aon Dáil ach cúig bliana ó lá a céadtionóil.


Cinn chomhairimh agus cinn chomhairimh chúnta, leaschinn chomhairimh agus cinn chomhairimh ghníomhacha.

1961, Uimh. 19.

11.—(1) Is é is ceann comhairimh do dháilcheantar—


(a) i gcás an dáilcheantar go léir a bheith i gcontae nó i gcontae-bhuirg a bhfuil sirriam ann dó—an sirriam,


(b) i gcás cuid den dáilcheantar a bheith i gcontae-bhuirg agus cuid de i gcontae agus go bhfuil sirriam ann don chontae-bhuirg agus sirriam ann don chontae—cibé duine de na sirriamacha a cheapfaidh an tAire ó am go ham,


(c) in aon chás eile—an cláraitheoir contae nó, i gcás ina bhfuil cláraitheoir contae amháin ann do chuid den dáilcheantar agus cláraitheoir contae eile ann do chuid eile nó cláraitheoirí contae eile ann do chodanna eile, cibé duine de na cláraitheoirí contae a cheapfaidh an tAire ó am go ham.


(2) (a) I gcás nach é atá i ndáilcheantar an t-iomlán nó cuid de chontae nó de chontae-bhuirg, féadfaidh an ceann comhairimh an t-oifigeach iomchuí a cheapadh chun bheith ina cheann comhairimh cúnta do chuid den dáilcheantar.


(b) Ní foláir an chumhacht a thugtar leis an mír sin roimhe seo a fheidhmiú má ordaíonn an t-oifigeach iomchuí í a fheidhmiú.


(c) San fho-alt seo ciallaíonn “an t-oifigeach iomchuí” an cláraitheoir contae don chontae nó don chontaebhuirg ina bhfuil cuid den dáilcheantar nó, má tá sirriam ann don chontae nó don chontae-bhuirg, an sirriam sin.


(3) Más é an t-aon duine amháin is ceann comhairimh do dhá dháilcheantar nó níos mó, a mbeidh toghchán iomaidh i ngach ceann acu san am céanna, déanfaidh sé—


(a) más dhá cheann agus nach mó ná sin de na dáilcheantair sin atá ann, leas-cheann comhairimh a cheapadh, i leith ceann acu, chun na boscaí ballóide a oscailt agus na vótaí a chomhaireamh,


(b) in aon chás eile, leas-cheann comhairimh a cheapadh, i leith gach ceann de na dáilcheantair (ach ceann amháin), chun na boscaí ballóide a oscailt agus na vótaí a chomhaireamh,


agus féadfaidh sé a áireamh sa cheapachán sin, más cuí leis é, ceapachán chun páipéir ainmniúcháin a ghlacadh.


(4) Ní cheapfar duine faoi fho-alt (3) den alt seo mura mbeidh an ceapachán ceadaithe ag an Aire.


(5) Má tharlaíonn folúntas in oifig chláraitheora contae nó shirriam agus gur cheann comhairimh a bhí i seilbh na hoifige, féadfaidh an tAire, más cuí leis é, duine a cheapadh chun gníomhú mar cheann comhairimh fad a bheidh an folúntas sin ann.


(6) Más rud é nach mbeidh ar chumas an cheann comhairimh, mar gheall ar bhreoiteacht nó ar chúis réasúnach eile, gach ceann nó aon cheann dá dhualgais a chomhlíonadh, ceapfaidh an tAire duine chun gníomhú mar cheann comhairimh chun na dualgais sin a chomhlíonadh fad a mhairfidh an neamhchumas.


(7) Comhlíonfaidh ceann comhairimh cúnta, sa chuid den dáilcheantar dar ceapadh é, na dualgais sin de chuid an cheann comhairimh don dáilcheantar nach gceanglaítear ar an gceann comhairimh sin, le dlí, iad a chomhlíonadh go pearsanta, ach má éiríonn aon amhras i dtaobh dualgas cheann comhairimh chúnta, is é an tAire a chinnfidh an t-amhras.


(8) Déanfar aon tagairt san alt seo do chontae a fhorléiriú mar thagairt do chontae riaracháin.


(9) Na tagairtí atá sna hAchtanna Toghcháin, 1923 go 1963, do chinn chomhairimh, folóidh siad, nuair is iomchuí é, tagairtí do chinn chomhairimh chúnta, do leas-chinn chomhairimh agus do chinn chomhairimh ghníomhacha.


(10) Aon cheapachán a bhí i bhfeidhm díreach roimh thosach feidhme an ailt seo faoi mhír (b) nó mír (c) d'fho-alt (1) d'alt 7 den Acht Toghcháin (Leasú), 1961 (a aisghairtear leis an Acht seo), measfar gur ceapachán faoi mhír (b) nó mír (c) (de réir mar is iomchuí) d'fho-alt (1) den alt seo é.


Eascairí a chur amach agus a fhreagairt.

12.—(1) Nuair a lánscoirfear an Dáil, déanfaidh Cléireach Dháil Éireann, díreach tar éis an Forógra ag lánscor na Dála a eisiúint, eascaire a chur amach chuig gach ceann comhairimh do dháilcheantar á ordú dó toghchán a chur á dhéanamh do líon iomlán na gcomhaltaí den Dáil atá le fónamh sa Dáil don dáilcheantar sin.


(2) Nuair a tharlóidh folúntas i gcomhaltas na Dála toisc duine a scor de bheith ina chomhalta ar dhóigh seachas de chionn an Dáil a lánscor, déanfaidh Cathaoirleach Dháil Éireann (nó mura feidir leis, toisc é a bheith breoite nó as láthair nó ar chúis eile, a dhualgais a chomhlíonadh, déanfaidh Leas-Chathaoirleach Dháil Éireann), a luaithe a ordóidh an Dáil dó é, ordú a thabhairt do Chléireach Dháil Éireann eascaire a chur amach chuig an gceann comhairimh don dáilcheantar ar tharla an folúntas ina ionadaíocht á ordú don cheann comhairimh toghchán a chur á dhéanamh do chomhalta den Dáil chun an folúntas a luafar san eascaire a líonadh.


(3) Má tharlaíonn aon uair go mbeidh dhá fholúntas nó níos mó in ionadaíocht aon dáilcheantair sa Dáil agus go n-ordófar do Chléireach Dháil Éireann ar an lá céanna eascairí a chur amach chun comhaltaí a thoghadh chun gach ceann nó níos mó ná ceann amháin de na folúntais a líonadh, ní chuirfidh Cléireach Dháil Éireann ach an t-aon eascaire amháin amach chuig an gceann comhairimh don dáilcheantar agus ordóidh sé dó leis an eascaire aon toghchán amháin a chur á dhéanamh chun na folúntais go léir a luafar san eascaire a líonadh in ionadaíocht an dáilcheantair, agus dá réir sin cuirfidh an ceann comhairimh aon toghchán amháin á dhéanamh chun comhaltaí den Dáil a thoghadh chun na folúntais go léir a luafar san eascaire a líonadh.


(4) (a) Déanfar an freagra faoi thoghadh comhalta nó comhaltaí chun fónamh sa Dáil a thabhairt trí dheimhniú faoi láimh an cheann comhairimh ar a ainm nó ar a n-ainmneacha a fhormhuiniú ar an eascaire don dáilcheantar a bheidh i gceist.


(b) Déanfaidh an ceann comhairimh, a luaithe is féidir tar éis toradh an toghcháin a chinntiú, an freagra a sheachadadh do Chléireach Dháil Éireann, agus chuige sin, féadfaidh sé, más cuí leis é, é a chur chun bealaigh leis an bpost cláraithe.


(c) Déanfar freagra a chuirfear chun bealaigh amhlaidh a sheoladh ar aghaidh chuig Cléireach Dháil Éireann saor in aisce leis an bpost is luaithe a fhónfaidh.


(5) Nuair a mheasfar de bhua alt 14 den Acht seo Cathaoirleach ar Dháil Éireann a bheidh ag dul as oifig de réir bhrí an ailt sin a bheith tofa ina chomhalta den Dáil in olltoghchán—


(a) déanfar an eascaire a chuirfear amach chuig an gceann comhairimh don dáilcheantar a measfar amhlaidh é a bheith tofa dó a fhoclú ar dhóigh go n-ordóidh sé don cheann comhairimh toghchán a chur á dhéanamh do líon is lú de chomhalta amháin ná lánlíon na gcomhaltaí den Dáil don dáilcheantar;


(b) nuair a eiseofar an eascaire, nó a luaithe is féidir ina dhiaidh sin, cuirfidh Cléireach Dháil Éireann chuig an gceann comhairimh agus foilseoidh sé san Iris Oifigiúil deimhniú á dheimhniú nár chraol an Cathaoirleach ar Dháil Éireann a bheidh ag dul as oifig don Dáil sular lánscoireadh í nár mhian leis go ndéanfaí comhalta den Dáil de san olltoghchán a leanfadh as an lánscor;


(c) déanfaidh an ceann comhairimh, san fhógra poiblí a thabharfaidh sé faoi Riail 43 de Chuid I den Chúigiú Sceideal a ghabhann leis an bPríomh-Acht, ainm an Chathaoirligh ar Dháil Éireann a bheidh ag dul as oifig a áireamh ar ainmneacha na n-iarrthóirí a toghadh don dáilcheantar.


(6) Is san fhoirm a shonraítear i gCuid I den Dara Sceideal a ghabhann leis an Acht seo a bheidh eascaire a chuirfear amach faoin alt seo, agus cuirfear chun bealaigh í leis an bpost cláraithe chuig an gceann comhairimh agus cuirfear ar aghaidh í saor in aisce leis an bpost is luaithe a fhónfaidh, agus déanfaidh an ceann comhairimh, tar éis dó an eascaire a fháil, admháil a thabhairt láithreach, trí theileagram, go bhfuair sé í.


(7) Má bhíonn agus fad a bheidh oifig Chléireach Dháil Éireann folamh nó sealbhóir na hoifige sin gan bheith i gcumas a dhualgais a chomhlíonadh, toisc é a bheith breoite nó as láthair nó ar chúis eile, déanfaidh Leas-Chléireach Dháil Éireann dualgais Chléireach Dháil Éireann faoin alt seo.


Clár na bPáirtithe Polaitíochta.

13.—(1) (a) An duine a bheidh de thuras na huaire i seilbh oifig Chléireach Dháil Éireann, is é is Cláraitheoir na bPáirtithe Polaitíochta chun críocha an ailt seo.


(b) Má bhíonn agus fad a bheidh oifig Chléireach Dháil Éireann folamh nó sealbhóir na hoifige sin gan bheith i gcumas a dhualgais a chomhlíonadh, toisc é a bheith breoite nó as láthair nó ar chúis eile, gníomhóidh Leas-Chléireach Dháil Éireann mar Chláraitheoir na bPáirtithe Polaitíochta chun críocha an ailt seo.


(c) Sna fo-ailt ina dhiaidh seo den alt seo, ciallaíonn “an Cláraitheoir” Cláraitheoir na bPáirtithe Polaitíochta chun críocha an ailt seo nó Leas-Chléireach Dháil Éireann ag ghníomhú dó mar Chláraitheoir den sórt sin (cibé acu is iomchuí).


(2) Ullmhóidh agus coimeádfaidh an Cláraitheoir clár (dá ngairfear Clár na bPáirtithe Polaitíochta) ina gcláróidh sé, faoi réir na bhforálacha ina dhiaidh seo den alt seo, aon pháirtí polaitíochta—


(a) a iarrfaidh air é a chlárú, agus


(b) ar dóigh leis—


(i) gur páirtí polaitíochta fíorcheart é, agus


(ii) go bhfuil sé eagraithe chun dul san iomaidh i dtoghchán Dála nó i dtoghchán áitiúil.


(3) Taifeadfar na sonraí seo a leanas i gClár na bPáirtithe Polaitíochta i dtaobh páirtí polaitíochta a chlárófar ann:


(a) ainm an pháirtí,


(b) seoladh cheannoifig an pháirtí,


(c) ainm nó ainmneacha an oifigigh nó na n-oifigeach don pháirtí atá údaraithe chun deimhnithe a shíniú ag fíordheimhniú iarrthóireacht iarrthóirí an pháirtí i dtoghcháin.


(4) Go díreach tar éis dó Clár na bPáirtithe Polaitíochta a chur ar bun, déanfaidh an Cláraitheoir na páirtithe a mbeidh ionadaíocht acu sa Dáil an tráth sin a chlárú ann faoi na hainmneacha ar dá réir a aithnítear iad go coitianta agus comhlánfaidh sé gach clárú den sórt sin trí na sonraí dá dtagraítear i míreanna (b) agus (c) d'fho-alt (3) den alt seo a chur isteach nuair a inseofar dó iad.


(5) Ní chlárófar páirtí polaitíochta i gClár na bPáirtithe Polaitíochta más rud é—


(a) gurb ionann a ainm agus ainm aon pháirtí atá cláraithe cheana i gClár na bPáirtithe Polaitíochta nó go bhfuil sé, i dtuairim an Chláraitheora, chomh cosúil leis an ainm sin gur dóigh dó daoine a chur ar míthreo nó ar mearbhall nó a mheabhlú;


(b) go bhfuil a ainm rófhada, i dtuairim an Chláraitheora, nó


(c) i gcás páirtí nach bhfeidhmíonn ach i leith cuid áirithe den Stát, nach bhfuil ina ainm tagairt don chuid sin de shaghas a léireodh, i dtuairim an Chláraitheora, go bhfuil an páirtí ag feidhmiú amhlaidh.


(6) Aon pháirtí polaitíochta a bheidh cláraithe i gClár na bPáirtithe Polaitíochta, cuirfidh sé in iúl ó am go ham don Chláraitheoir ainm nó ainmneacha an oifigigh nó na n-oifigeach dá dtagraítear i mír (c) d'fho-alt (3) den alt seo.


(7) Fiafróidh an Cláraitheoir, maidir le gach páirtí a bheidh cláraithe i gClár na bPáirtithe Polaitíochta, uair sa bhliain ar a laghad, trí litir a chuirfear leis an bpost chuig oifigeach don pháirtí dá dtagraítear i mír (c) d'fho-alt (3) den alt seo, an dteastaíonn ón bpáirtí fanacht faoi chlárú, agus mura bhfaighidh sé freagra dearfach ar an bhfiafraí sin laistigh de lá is fiche ón dáta a cuireadh an litir ina raibh an fhiafraí sin sa phost, cealóidh sé clárú an pháirtí a bheidh i gceist.


(8) (a) Cinnfidh bord achomhairc aon amhras, díospóid nó ceist a éireoidh i ndáil le Clár na bPáirtithe Polaitíochta.


(b) Is iad a bheidh ar an mbord achomhairc Breitheamh den Ard-Chúirt (a ainmneofar ag Uachtarán na hArd-Chúirte), a bheidh ina chathaoirleach air, Cathaoirleach Dháil Éireann (nó, sa chás nach féidir leis, toisc é a bheith breoite nó as láthair nó ar chúis eile, a dhualgais a chomhlíonadh, Leas-Chathaoirleach Dháil Éireann) agus Cathaoirleach Sheanad Éireann (nó, sa chás nach féidir leis, toisc é a bheith breoite nó as láthair nó ar chúis eile, a dhualgais a chomhlíonadh, Leas-Chathaoirleach Sheanad Éireann).


(c) Déanfaidh an Cláraitheoir de réir an chinneadh a thabharfaidh an bord achomhairc.


(9) An tríú lá (gan aon lá eiscthe a chur san áireamh) i ndiaidh an lae a cuireadh eascaire nó eascairí amach faoi alt 12 den Acht seo, cuirfidh an Cláraitheoir cóip de Chlár na bPáirtithe Polaitíochta chuig an gceann comhairimh nó chuig gach ceann comhairimh.


(10) Íocfaidh an tAire Airgeadais leis an gCláraitheoir, as airgead a sholáthróidh an tOireachtas, suim na muirear réasúnach a bheidh air, gan dul thar cibé suim a bheidh ceadaithe ag an Aire sin, i leith chomhlíonadh a dhualgas faoin alt seo ag an gCláraitheoir.


Atoghadh Chathaoirleach ar Dháil Éireann a bheidh ag dul as oifig.

14.—(1) Nuair a lánscoirfear an Dáil agus nach mbeidh an Cathaoirleach ar Dháil Éireann a bheidh ag dul as oifig tar éis a chraoladh don Dáil roimh an lánscor nach mian leis go ndéanfaí comhalta den Dáil de san olltoghchán a leanfaidh as an lánscor measfar, gan é a dhul faoi thoghadh, é a bheith tofa san olltoghchán sin, ina chomhalta den Dáil—


(a) don dáilcheantar dár chomhalta den Dáil é díreach roimh an lánscor, nó


(b) má thagann athmheas dáilcheantar i bhfeidhm ar an Dáil a lánscor, don dáilcheantar a dearbhaíodh san athmheas sin a bheith ar comhréir leis an dáilcheantar a luaitear sa mhír sin roimhe seo.


(2) Nuair a mheasfar de bhua an ailt seo Cathaoirleach ar Dháil Éireann a bheidh ag dul as oifig a bheith tofa in olltoghchán ina chomhalta den Dáil do dháilcheantar áirithe, beidh an líon comhaltaí a thoghfar de chionn iad a dhul faoi thoghadh san olltoghchán sin don dáilcheantar sin níos lú de chomhalta amháin ná mar ba ghá murach sin.


(3) San alt seo ciallaíonn “Cathaoirleach ar Dháil Éireann a bheidh ag dul as oifig” duine a bhí, díreach roimh lánscor na Dála a n-úsáidtear an abairt ina leith, ina Chathaoirleach ar Dháil Éireann.


Foirmeacha áirithe a shonrú le rialacháin.

15.—(1) Féadfaidh an tAire na foirmeacha a ainmnítear i bhfo-alt (2) den alt seo a shonrú, le rialacháin, agus, i gcás aon rialacháin den sórt sin a bheith i bhfeidhm de thuras na huaire, beidh gach foirm a shonrófar leo arna cur sa Chúigiú Sceideal a ghabhann leis an bPríomh-Acht in ionad na foirme comhréire a shonraítear sa Sceideal sin.


(2) Is iad foirmeacha dá dtagraítear i bhfo-alt (1) den alt seo na foirmeacha seo a leanas i gCuid III den Chúigiú Sceideal a ghabhann leis an bPríomh-Acht:


(a) foirm 4 (fógra toghcháin),


(b) foirm 5 (páipéar ainmniúcháin),


(c) foirm 10 (fógra faoi thoradh toghcháin agus faoi aistriú na vótaí).


(3) I rialacháin faoin alt seo a shonróidh foirm an pháipéir ainmniúcháin, féadfar, más cuí leis an Aire é, iad seo a leanas a chur san fhoirm—


(a) nóta i dtaobh na gcáilíochtaí, na ndícháilíochtaí agus na n-éagumas maidir le duine a thoghadh do Dháil Éireann agus a bheith ina chomhalta de Dháil Éireann.


(b) foirm dhearbhaithe, a bheidh le síniú ag an iarrthóir nó ag a mholtóir, á rá gur léigh sé an nóta agus go gcreideann sé go bhfuil sé féin, nó go bhfuil an t-iarrthóir (cibé acu is cuí), cáilithe chun a thofa, agus má dhéanann duine ar bith dearbhú mar a dúradh de bhun rialachán faoin alt seo i gcás nach bhfuil sé féin nó nach bhfuil an t-iarrthóir (cibé acu is cuí) cáilithe chun a thofa, beidh an duine sin ciontach i gcion agus ar a chiontú go hachomair dlífear fíneáil nach mó ná céad punt a chur air nó, de rogha na Cúirte, príosúnacht go ceann téarma nach faide ná sé mhí nó an fhíneáil sin agus an phríosúnacht sin le chéile.


(4) I gcás ionchúisimh i leith ciona faoin alt seo, is cosaint mhaith don chosantóir a shuíomh go raibh cúis réasúnach aige chun a chreidiúint go raibh sé féin nó go raibh an t-iarrthóir (cibé acu is cuí) cáilithe chun a thofa.


An páipéar ballóide.

16.—(1) Déantar leis seo an t-alt seo a leanas a chur in ionad alt 26 den Phríomh-Acht:


“26. Is le ballóid a thabharfar vótaí i dtoghchán Dála, agus is é a bheidh i mballóid gach vótálaí páipéar (dá ngairtear páipéar ballóide san Acht seo) i bhfoirm 5A i gCuid III den Chúigiú Sceideal a ghabhann leis an Acht seo.”


(2) Déantar leis seo an fhoirm agus na treoracha atá leagtha amach i gCuid II den Dara Sceideal a ghabhann leis an Acht seo a chur i Cuid III den Chúigiú Sceideal a ghabhann leis an bPríomh-Acht i ndiaidh fhoirm 5, agus déanfaidh an ceann comhairimh de réir na dtreoracha sin.


Boscaí ballóide nó páipéir bhallóide a dhíothú, etc.

17.—Más rud é sa vótaíocht i dtoghchán Dála go ndéanfar aon bhoscaí ballóide nó páipéir bhallóide a thógáil as coimeád an cheann comhairimh nó oifigigh ceannais nó go ndéanfar crioscaíl leo i slí ar bith nó go ndíothófar iad de thionóisc nó d'aonghnó nó (i gcás páipéar ballóide) go stróicfear nó go n-aghloitfear iad go mailíseach, beidh éifeacht ag na forálacha seo a leanas:


(a) beidh an vótaíocht ar neamhní i ngach áit vótaíochta inar úsáideadh aon chuid de na boscaí ballóide nó de na páipéir bhallóide;


(b) cuirfidh an ceann comhairimh in iúl láithreach don Aire an vótaíocht a bheith curtha ar neamhní amhlaidh;


(c) ar an eolas sin a fháil don Aire, déanfaidh sé gach beart, agus tabharfaidh sé gach treoir, is cuí leis, chun vótaíocht úr thógáil i ngach áit vótaíochta den sórt sin,


(d) tógfar vótaíocht úr i ngach áit vótaíochta den sórt sin de réir na dtreoracha a thabharfaidh an tAire;


(e) bainfidh na hAchtanna Toghcháin, 1923 go 1963, leis an vótaíocht úr sin amhail mar a bhaineann siad leis an vótaíocht bhunaidh.

Caibidil II.



An lá deiridh chun ainmniúcháin a ghlacadh.

18.—I dtoghchán Dála is é an lá deiridh chun ainmniúcháin a ghlacadh lá deiridh na tréimhse arb é atá ann na naoi lá (gan aon lá eiscthe a áireamh) díreach i ndiaidh lá na heascaire nó na n-eascairí le haghaidh an toghcháin a chur amach.


An nós imeachta i ndiaidh ainmniúchán.

19.—(1) Déantar leis seo an t-alt seo a leanas a chur in ionad alt 19 den Phríomh-Acht.


“19.—(1) Más rud é, ar 12, meán lae, an lá i ndiaidh an lae dheiridh chun ainmniúcháin a ghlacadh, nach mbeidh níos mó iarrthóirí arna n-ainmniú ná mar atá folúntais le líonadh, dearbhóidh an ceann comhairimh láithreach na hiarrthóirí a bheidh arna n-ainmniú a bheith tofa agus cuirfidh sé a n-ainmneacha chuig Cléireach Dháil Éireann; ach más rud é, ag an am sin, go mbeidh níos mó iarrthóirí arna n-ainmniú ná mar atá folúntais le líonadh, cuirfidh an ceann comhairimh an toghchán ar athló agus tógfaidh sé vótaíocht amhail mar a ordaítear leis an Acht seo.


(2) Má chuirtear toghchán ar athló chun vótaíocht a thógáil, déanfaidh an ceann comhairimh, a luaithe is féidir tar éis an vótaíocht a chur ar athló, fógra poiblí a thabhairt a luafar ann—


(a) an lá agus na huaire a chloig a mbeidh an vótaíocht á tógáil,


(b) ainmneacha agus tuairiscí na n-iarrthóirí mar a bheidh siad sin ina bpáipéir ainmniúcháin, agus ainmneacha agus tuairiscí na moltóirí, más ann dóibh,


(c) an t-ord ina mbeidh ainmneacha na n-iarrthóirí ar na páipéir bhallóide.”


(2) Déantar leis seo mír (1) de Riail 3 den Cheathrú Sceideal a ghabhann leis an bPríomh-Acht a leasú trí “an lá i ndiaidh” a chur isteach roimh “an lá deiridh”.


Éarlais ó iarrthóirí.

20.—Déantar leis seo an t-alt seo a leanas a chur in ionad alt 20 den Phríomh-Acht.


“20.—(1) Déanfaidh iarrthóir i dtoghchán Dála, nó duine éigin thar a cheann, suim chéad punt a thaisceadh leis an gceann comhairimh roimh dheireadh na tréimhse a ceapadh chun ainmniúcháin a ghlacadh, agus, mura ndéanfaidh sé amhlaidh, measfar a iarrthóireacht a bheith tarraingthe siar.


(2) Féadfar an éarlais a thaisceadh trí aon dlíthairiscint a thaisceadh nó, le toiliú an cheann comhairimh, in aon slí eile.


(3) Más rud é tar éis éarlais a thaisceadh go dtarraingeofar siar an iarrthóireacht nó go measfar an páipéar ainmniúcháin a bheith neamhbhailí, tabharfar an éarlais ar ais don duine a thaisc í, agus, má fhaigheann an t-iarrthóir bás tar éis an éarlais a thaisceadh, agus roimh dhúnadh na vótaíochta, déanfar, más é an t-iarrthóir a thaisc í, an éarlais a thabhairt ar ais dá ionadaí pearsanta dlíthiúil nó, murab é an t-iarrthóir a thaisc í, tabharfar ar ais í don duine a thaisc í.


(4) Mura dtoghfar iarrthóir, déanfar an éarlais a thaisc sé nó a taisceadh thar a cheann a thabhairt ar ais don duine a thaisc í, chomh luath agus is féidir é tar éis toradh an toghcháin a dhearbhú, mura rud é nach mó ná trian an chuóta, mar a chinntear sin de réir na Rialacha atá sa Tríú Sceideal a ghabhann leis an Acht seo, an líon vótaí a fuair an t-iarrthóir agus sa chás sin forghéillfear an éarlais don Stát. Chun críocha an fho-ailt seo, measfar gurb é an líon vótaí a fuair an t-iarrthóir an barrlíon vótaí a creidiúnaíodh dó tráth ar bith de réir na Rialacha atá sa Tríú Sceideal a ghabhann leis an Acht seo.


(5) Má thoghtar iarrthóir, déanfar an éarlais a thaisc sé nó a taisceadh thar a cheann a thabhairt ar ais don duine a thaisc í, chomh luath agus is féidir tar éis toradh an toghcháin a dhearbhú.


(6) Má ainmnítear iarrthóir in olltoghchán i níos mó ná aon dáilcheantar amháin, ní bheidh sé i gcás ar bith i dteideal níos mó ná éarlais amháin a fháil ar ais, agus más rud é go mbeadh sé murach an fo-alt seo i dteideal, faoin alt seo, níos mó ná éarlais amháin a fháil ar ais, ní thabharfar ar ais dó ach an ceann a ordóidh an tAire Airgeadais de na héarlaisí sin, agus forghéillfear don Stát an éarlais nó na héarlaisí eile.”


Leasú ar Rialacha 1 go 12 de Chuid I den Chúigiú Sceideal a ghabhann leis an bPríomh-Acht.

21.—(1) Cuirfear na Rialacha seo a leanas in ionad Rialacha 1 go 12 de Chuid I den Chúigiú Sceideal a ghabhann leis an bPríomh-Acht:

Fógra toghcháin.

“1. (1) Déanfaidh an ceann comhairimh, laistigh de dhá lá i ndiaidh an lae a gheobhaidh sé an eascaire, fógra poiblí a thabhairt, san fhoirm a bheidh sonraithe le rialacháin ón Aire, a luafar ann—

(a) na hamanna agus an áit a bhféadfar foirmeacha páipéar ainmniúcháin a fháil;

(b) na hamanna agus an áit a mbeidh sé i láthair chun páipéir ainmniúcháin a ghlacadh; agus

(c) an lá a thógfar an vótaíocht (má bhíonn toghchán iomaidh ann).

(2) Cuirfidh an ceann comhairimh cóip amháin den fhógra poiblí sin leis an bpost go dtí máistir poist na príomhoifige poist do gach ceantar vótaíochta sa dáilcheantar i gclúdach a mbeidh na focail ‘Fógra Toghcháin’ formhuinithe air, agus déanfar an fógra sin arna fhormhuiniú amhlaidh a chur ar aghaidh agus a sheachadadh saor in aisce leis an bpost, agus déanfaidh gach máistir poist chun a gcuirfear cóip den fhógra sin, ar an gcóip sin a fháil dó, í a fhoilsiú láithreach sa dóigh inar gnáth fógraí postoifige a fhoilsiú.

Ainmniú riachtanach.

2. Ní bheidh teideal ag duine chun go gcuirfí a ainm isteach ar pháipéar ballóide mar iarrthóir i dtoghchán Dála mura rud é go mbeidh sé ainmnithe mar a fhoráiltear leis na Rialacha seo agus gur thug an ceann comhairimh rialú go raibh a pháipéar ainmniúcháin bailí.


3. Féadfaidh duine é féin a ainmniú mar iarrthóir i dtoghchán don Dáil nó, le toiliú uaidh, féadfaidh duine eile (ar duine é atá cláraithe mar thoghthóir Dála sa dáilcheantar a bhfuil beartaithe aige an t-iarrthóir a ainmniú dó) é a ainmniú mar mholtóir.

Ainmniúchán a bheith i scríbhinn agus i bhfoirm shonraithe.

4. Ní foláir gach ainmniúchán a bheith i scríbhinn agus san fhoirm a bheidh sonraithe le rialacháin ón Aire.

Foirmeacha ainmniúcháin a sholáthar.

5. Déanfaidh an ceann comhairimh socrú chun foirmeacha ainmniúcháin a sholáthar le linn na ngnáthuaire oifige, san áit a ainmneofar chuige sin san Fhógra Toghcháin, gach lá idir foilsiú an fhógra sin agus anuas go dtí 12 meán lae, an lá deiridh chun ainmniúcháin a ghlacadh, ach ní bheidh sé riachtanach foirm a sholáth raigh an ceann comhairimh a úsáid má bhíonn an páipéar ainmniúcháin a úsáidfear san fhoirm shonraithe.

Páipéir ainmniúcháin a sheachadadh.

6. (1) Déanfaidh an t-iarrthóir nó a mholtóir páipéir ainmniúcháin a sheachadadh don cheann comhairimh tráth nach luaithe ná an dara lá i ndiaidh foilsiú an Fhógra Toghcháin faoi Riail 1 de na Rialacha seo agus nach déanaí ná 12, meán lae, an lá deiridh chun ainmniúcháin a ghlacadh.

(2) Déanfaidh an t-iarrthóir an seachadadh é féin ach, más duine eile a mhol an t-iarrthóir, féadfaidh an t-iarrthóir nó an moltóir é a sheachadadh.

(3) Beidh an ceann comhairimh i láthair chun ainmniúcháin a ghlacadh san áit a shonrófar chuige sin san Fhógra Toghcháin faoi Riail 1 de na Rialacha seo idir 10 a chlog a.m. agus 12 a chlog, meán lae, agus idir 2 a chlog p.m. agus 5 a chlog p.m. an lá roimh an lá deiridh chun ainmniúcháin a ghlacadh agus idir 10 a chlog a.m. agus 12 a chlog, meán lae, an lá deiridh sin.

(4) Beidh an t-iarrthóir a ainmníodh le gach páipéar ainmniúcháin agus a mholtóir, más ann, agus duine amháin eile a roghnóidh an t-iarrthóir nó a mholtóir, de réir mar a bheidh, i dteideal bheith i láthair le linn rialú a bheith á thabhairt ag an gceann comhairimh ar pháipéar ainmniúcháin, agus ní bheidh duine ar bith eile i dteideal bheith i láthair amhlaidh ach amháin le cead an cheann comhairimh.

Páipéir ainmniúcháin a roghnú.

7. Uimhreoidh an ceann comhairimh na páipéir ainmniúcháin san ord ina bhfaighidh sé iad; agus an chéad pháipéar ainmniúcháin bailí lena n-ainmneofar iarrthóir do thoghchán i ndáilcheantar, measfar gurb é sin ainmniú an iarrthóra sin don dáilcheantar sin.

Tuairisc an iarrthóra.

8. Luafar ainmneacha, seoladh agus slí bheatha (má tá aige) gach iarrthóra ar a pháipéar ainmniúcháin agus is é a shloinne a chuirfear ar tosach sa lua ar a ainmneacha.

Rialú ar pháipéir ainmniúcháin.

9. (1) Tabharfaidh an ceann comhairimh rialú ar bhailíocht gach páipéir ainmniúcháin laistigh d'uair a chloig tar éis a sheachadta agus féadfaidh sé rialú a thabhairt go bhfuil sé neamhbhailí i gcás, agus sa chás sin amháin, ina measfaidh sé nach bhfuil sé déanta amach nó sínithe i gceart.

(2) Cuirfidh an ceann comhairimh i gcoinne na tuairisce ar iarrthóir i bpáipéar ainmniúcháin más é a thuairim go bhfuil sí mícheart, nach leor í chun an t-iarrthóir a aithint, nó go bhfuil sí rófhada; má chuireann an ceann comhairimh i gcoinne na tuairisce amhlaidh, lighfidh sé don iarrthóir nó dá mholtóir, de réir mar is iomchuí, an tuairisc a leasú agus, mura leasaítear amhlaidh í chun sástacht an cheann comhairimh, féadfaidh an ceann comhairimh í a leasú nó í a scriosadh, de réir mar is cuí leis, tar éis dó dul i gcomhairle leis an iarrthóir nó lena mholtóir, má bhíonn ceachtar acu i láthair, nó féadfaidh sé rialú a thabhairt go bhfuil an páipéar ainmniúcháin neamhbhailí mar nach ndearnadh amach i gceart é.

(3) (a) Féadfaidh iarrthóir ainm an pháirtí polaitíochta atá cláraithe i gClár na bPáirtithe Polaitíochta agus arb iarrthóir dó é a chur ina pháipéar ainmniúcháin ar choinníoll go ndéanfar, nuair a sheachadfar an páipéar ainmniúcháin don cheann comhairimh, deimhniú san fhoirm a bheidh sonraithe le rialacháin ón Aire ag fíordheimhniú na hiarrthóireachta a thabhairt ar aird don cheann comhairimh, agus ar deimhniú é a bheidh sínithe ag an oifigeach nó na hoifigigh don pháirtí sin a mbeidh a ainm nó a n-ainmneacha sa Chlár sin de bhun mhír (c) d'fho-alt (3) d'alt 13 den Acht Toghcháin, 1963. Cuirfidh an ceann comhairimh faoi deara, má bhíonn sé sásta gur cuí é maidir leis an iarrthóir, go ndéanfar ráiteas ag lua ainm an pháirtí sin, mar a thaispeántar ar an bpáipéar ainmniúcháin é, a shonrú maidir leis an iarrthóir ar gach páipéar ballóide agus ar fhógraí.

(b) Mura bhfuil iarrthóir ina iarrthóir do pháirtí polaitíochta atá cláraithe i gClár na bPáirtithe Polaitíochta, beidh sé i dteideal an abairt ‘Neamh-Pháirtí’ a chur i ndiaidh a ainm ar an bpáipéar ainmniúcháin, agus, má dhéanann sé amhlaidh, cuirfidh an ceann comhairimh faoi deara go ndéanfar ráiteas ag lua na habairte sin a shonrú maidir leis an iarrthóir ar gach páipéar ballóide agus ar fhógraí.

(c) Déanfar aon tagairt sna fomhíreanna sin roimhe seo do Chlár na bPáirtithe Polaitíochta a fhorléiriú mar thagairt don chóip den Chlár sin a chuirfear chuig an gceann comhairimh de bhun fo-alt (9) d'alt 13 den Acht Toghcháin, 1963.

(4) Nuair a bheidh rialú tugtha ag an gceann comhairimh ar bhailíocht páipéir ainmniúcháin, cuirfidh sé nóta i dtaobh a chinneadh ar an bpáipéar ainmniúcháin, agus síneoidh sé an nóta. Má chinneann sé go bhfuil an páipéar ainmniúcháin neamhbhailí, cuirfidh sé ráiteas sa nóta ag lua na bhfáthanna a bhí aige leis. Is cinneadh críochnaitheach a chinneadh más é rialú a thabharfaidh sé go bhfuil an páipéar ainmniúcháin bailí agus, más é rialú a thabharfaidh sé go bhfuil an páipéar ainmniúcháin neamhbhailí, beidh sé faoi réir a fhreaschurtha má dhéantar achainí ag tabhairt an toghcháin nó a thoradh faoi cheist.

(5) Chomh luath agus is féidir tar éis dó rialú a thabhairt ar bhailíocht páipéir ainmniúcháin, déanfaidh an ceann comhairimh fógra i scríbhinn i dtaobh a chinneadh a thabhairt don iarrthóir, leis an bpost nó ar chuma eile.

(6) Ní chuirfidh aon ní sa Riail seo cosc le hainmniú nó toghadh aon iarrthóra a thabhairt faoi cheist le hachainí a thabharfaidh an toghchán i gceist.

Foilsiú ainmneacha iarrthóirí.

10. Déanfaidh an ceann comhairimh a luaithe is féidir tar éis dó rialú a thabhairt go bhfuil páipéar ainmniúcháin bailí, ainm agus tuairisc an duine a ainmníodh sa pháipéar agus ainm agus seoladh a mholtóra, más ann, a chur ar taispeáint ar phostaer in áit fheicéalach lasmuigh den áit ina mbeidh sé ag glacadh ainmniúchán.

Ainmniúcháin a tharraingt siar.

11. (1) Féadfaidh iarrthóir, roimh a 12 a chlog, meán lae, an lá i ndiaidh an lá deiridh chun ainmniúcháin a ghlacadh, ach ní fhéadfaidh ina dhiaidh sin, tarraingt siar as a iarrthóireacht trí fhógra sa chiall sin, faoina láimh féin, a sheachadadh don cheann comhairimh nó trína mholtóir á sheachadadh don cheann comhairimh.

(2) I gcás inar deimhin leis an gceann comhairimh nach féidir le hiarrthóir bheith i láthair agus gur mian leis a iarrthóireacht a tharraingt siar, féadfar í a tharraingt siar, trí fhógra sa chiall sin, arna shíniú ag an iarrthóir agus ag an duine a thíolaicfidh an fógra, a thabhairt don cheann comhairimh roimh an am sin.

Tarraingt siar a fhoilsiú.

12. Déanfaidh an ceann comhairimh, díreach tar éis an iarrthóireacht a tharraingt siar, fógra poiblí a thabhairt i dtaobh iarrthóir a bheith tar éis tarraingt siar (agus, i gcás iarrthóra a tharraing siar agus gur duine eile a shínigh a pháipéar ainmniúcháin, i dtaobh ainm an duine eile sin).”


(2) Má thugann duine ar aird do cheann comhairimh deimhniú den sórt dá dtagraítear i mír (3) de Riail 9 de Chuid I den Chúigiú Sceideal a ghabhann leis an bPríomh-Acht agus gurb eol don duine sin gur deimhniú brionnaithe é, beidh sé ciontach i gcion agus ar a chiontú go hachomair dlífear fíneáil nach mó ná dhá chéad punt a chur air nó, de rogha na Cúirte, príosúnacht go ceann téarma nach faide ná sé mhí nó an fhíneáil sin agus an phríosúnacht sin le chéile.


(3) (a) Ní dhéanfaidh duine ar bith—


(i) duine eile a ainmniú do thoghchán don Dáil, ná


(ii) iarrthóireacht duine eile do thoghchán don Dáil a tharraingt siar, ach amháin le toiliú an duine sin.


(b) Aon duine a sháróidh mír (a) den fho-alt seo beidh sé ciontach i gcion agus ar a chiontú go hachomhair dlífear fíneáil nach mó ná dhá chéad punt a chur air nó, de rogha na Cúirte, príosúnacht go ceann téarma nach faide ná sé mhí nó an fhíneáil sin agus an phríosúnacht sin le chéile.


Caibidil III.

An Vótaíocht.


Ceantair vótaíochta agus áiteanna vótaíochta.

22.—(1) Féadfaidh comhairle contae nó bardas contae-bhuirge, tar éis dul i gcomhairle leis an gceann comhairimh do thoghcháin Dála i leith an chontae nó na contae-bhuirge agus de réir rialachán ón Aire, scéim a leagan amach a roinnfidh an contae nó an chontae bhuirg i gceantair vótaíochta chun críocha toghchán Dála agus toghchán do chomhaltaí údarás áitiúil de réir bhrí Chuid VI den Acht seo agus a cheapfaidh áit vótaíochta do gach ceantar vótaíochta.


(2) Tiocfaidh scéim a leagfaidh comhairle contae nó bardas contae-bhuirge amach faoin alt seo i ngníomh—


(a) i gcás, agus sa chás sin amháin, é a dhaingniú le hordú faoin bhfo-alt ina dhiaidh seo, agus


(b) an lá a shonrófar chuige sin san ordú sin.


(3) A luaithe is féidir tar éis dóibh scéim a leagan amach faoin alt seo, cuirfidh comhairle contae nó bardas contae-bhuirge an scéim faoi bhráid an Aire lena daingniú agus déanfaidh an tAire, le hordú, an scéim a dhaingniú le modhnú nó gan í a mhodhnú nó diúltú a thabhairt í a dhaingniú.


(4) Féadfar, agus déanfar má ordaíonn an tAire amhlaidh, scéim a bheidh i bhfeidhm faoin alt seo a chúlghairm nó a leasú le scéim ina dhiaidh sin faoin alt seo.


(5) Aon áit vótaíochta a cheapfar le scéim faoin alt seo, is limistéar a bheidh ann agus féadfaidh sé bheith laistigh nó lasmuigh den chontae, den chontae-bhuirg, den dáilcheantar nó den limistéar toghcháin ina bhfuil an ceantar vótaíochta, ach beidh sé ina áit a thabharfaidh saoráidí réasúnacha chun vótáil do na toghthóirí a dháilfear dó.


(6) Más rud é go mbeidh an tAire sásta, dá threoir féin nó de thoradh uiríolla a chuirfear faoin bhráid, nach bhfuil na ceantair vótaíochta nó na háiteanna vótaíochta (nó aon cheann acu) a bheidh ainmnithe i scéim a bheidh i bhfeidhm faoin alt seo ag freagairt do riachtanais réasúnacha na dtoghthóirí, féadfaidh an tAire a cheangal ar chomhairle contae nó ar bhardas contae-bhuirge a bheidh i gceist an scéim a leasú de réir mar a mheasfaidh an tAire is cuí agus, mura ndéanfaidh siad amhlaidh laistigh de mhí, féadfaidh an tAire féin an scéim a leasú le scéim eile.


(7) Is feidhm fhorcoimeádta chun críocha na nAchtanna um Bainistí Chontae, 1940 go 1955, scéim a dhéanamh faoin alt seo, i gcás comhairle contae, agus is feidhm fhorcoimeádta chun críocha na nAchtanna a bhaineann le bainistí chontae-bhuirge é i gcás bardais chontae-bhuirge.


(8) Go dtí go dtiocfaidh an chéad scéim a dhéanfaidh comhairle contae nó bardas contae-bhuirge faoin alt seo i ngníomh, mairfidh na ceantair vótaíochta agus na háiteanna vótaíochta a bhí ann maidir leis an gcontae nó leis an gcontae-bhuirg díreach roimh thosach feidhme an ailt seo, agus tar éis an chéad scéim sin a theacht i ngníomh, déanfar aon tagairt do cheantar vótaíochta nó d'áit vótaíochta in aon Acht, ordú nó rialachán, nuair is iomchuí é, a fhorléiriú, maidir leis an gcontae nó leis an gcontae-bhuirg sin, mar thagairt do cheantar vótaíochta nó d'áit vótaíochta faoi scéim a bheidh i bhfeidhm faoin alt seo.


(9) Déantar leis seo Riail 13 de Chuid I den Chúigiú Sceideal a ghabhann leis an bPríomh-Acht a leasú trí “ach beidh na forálacha sin roimhe seo den Riail seo faoi réir an choinníll go bhféadfaidh an ceann comhairimh, mura féidir, mar gheall ar aon deacracht, stáisiún vótaíochta nó dóthain stáisiún vótaíochta a chur ar fáil san áit vótaíochta cheaptha, stáisiún vótaíochta nó stáisiún vótaíochta a chur ar fáil in aon áit chaothúil eile.”


(10) Ní thabharfar toghchán faoi cheist mar gheall ar aon neamhchomhlíonadh ar fhorálacha an ailt seo ná aon neamhfhoirmiúlacht maidir le ceantair, áiteanna nó stáisiúin vótaíochta.


Cártaí vótaíochta.

23.—(1) Nuair a bheidh vótaíocht le tógáil i dtoghchán Dála i ndáilcheantar, cuirfidh an ceann comhairimh chuig gach toghthóir a bhfuil a ainm ar chlár na dtoghthóirí Dála don dáilcheantar, agus nach bhfuil ar liosta na bpostvótálaithe, cárta (dá ngairtear cárta vótaíochta san alt seo) san fhoirm a bheidh sonraithe le rialacháin ón Aire á chur in iúl dó cad é a uimhir (lena n-áirítear litir an cheantair vótaíochta) ar chlár na dtoghthóirí Dála agus cad é an áit a bhfuil sé i dteideal vótáil ann.


(2) Seolfar cárta vótaíochta chuig an toghthóir ag an seoladh a mbeidh sé cláraithe ina leith i gclár na dtoghthóirí Dála agus cuirfear amach é in am chun go seachadfar é i ngnáthchúrsa an phoist ag an seoladh sin tráth nach déanaí ná an tríú lá roimh lá na vótaíochta.


(3) Cuirfear cárta vótaíochta chun bealaigh leis an bpost agus seolfar ar aghaidh é saor in aisce leis an bpost is luaithe a fhónfaidh.


(4) Na costais faoina rachaidh ceann comhairimh ag comhlíonadh an ailt seo, áireofar iad mar chostais faoina rachaidh sé chun críocha an toghcháin de réir bhrí alt 25 den Phríomh-Acht.


(5) Ní chuirfear aon toghchán ó bhail mar gheall ar aon fhaillí i gcárta vótaíochta a chur amach, nó toisc nár seachadadh cárta vótaíochta nó go raibh earráid nó míráiteas ann.


(6) Ní fhéadfar aon chaingean ná imeacht eile a thabhairt i gcoinne ceann comhairimh mar gheall ar aon earráid nó míraiteas i gcárta vótaíochta.


Tráthanna vótaíochta.

24.—(1) I dtoghchán Dála—


(a) tógfar vótaíocht cibé lá a cheapfaidh an tAire le hordú, ar lá é sa tréimhse arb é a bheidh inti na naoi lá (gan aon lá eiscthe a áireamh) díreach i ndiaidh na tréimhse arb é a bheidh inti na seacht lá (gan aon lá eiscthe a áireamh) díreach i ndiaidh an lá deiridh chun ainmniúcháin a ghlacadh, agus


(b) mairfidh vótaíocht ar feadh cibé tréimhse, nach giorra ná dhá uair déag a chloig, idir 8.30 a.m. agus 10.30 p.m., a shocróidh an tAire le hordú, faoi réir an tsriain gurb í an tréimhse chéanna a shocróidh sé do na dáilcheantair uile i gcás olltoghcháin.


(2) Déanfar ordú faoin alt seo a fhoilsiú san Iris Oifigiúil a luaithe is féidir tar éis a dhéanta.


Oifigigh cheannais agus cléirigh vótaíochta.

25.—(1) Déantar leis seo an t-alt seo a leanas a chur in ionad alt 35 den Phríomh-Acht:


“35. (1) Ceapfaidh an ceann comhairimh oifigeach ceannais chun bheith i gceannas ar gach stáisiún vótaíochta agus, más oiriúnach leis é, ceapfaidh sé freisin cléireach nó cléirigh chun cuidiú le gach oifigeach ceannais.


(2) Ní cheapfaidh an ceann comhairimh aon duine ina oifigeach ceannais ná ina chléireach vótaíochta más eol dó féin nó má thaispeántar chun a shástachta go raibh baint ghníomhach aige le cur ar aghaidh iarrthóireacht aon iarrthóra sa toghchán.


(3) Ceadóidh an ceann comhairimh, arna iarraidh sin air, do dhuine a bhfuil sé sásta ina thaobh gur duine é a bhfuil leas bona fide aige sa toghchán, mar iarrthóir nó mar dhuine atá le bheith ina iarrthóir, nó mar ghníomhaire do dhuine den sórt sin, scrúdú a dhéanamh ar liosta na ndaoine a ndearna sé nó a bhfuil beartaithe aige, ceapacháin mar oifigigh cheannais nó cléirigh vótaíochta a thairiscint dóibh.


(4) Coimeádfaidh oifigeach ceannais ord ina stáisiún, rialóidh sé an méid toghthóirí a ligfear isteach san aon am agus coinneoidh sé amach gach duine eile ach amháin na cléirigh, gníomhairí na n-iarrthóirí, compánaigh do thoghthóirí a bhfuil mallachar radhairc chomh mór sin orthu nó atá chomh mór sin faoi éagumas eile coirp nach féidir leo vótáil gan chabhair, le linn do na compánaigh sin bheith ag cabhrú leis na toghthóirí sin, agus comhaltaí den Gharda Síochána a bheidh ar dualgas.


(5) Féadfaidh an t-oifigeach ceannais, trí chléireach a bheidh ceaptha chun cabhrú leis, aon ghníomh a dhéanamh a cheanglaítear air nó a údaraítear dó leis an Acht seo a dhéanamh, ach amháin ordú a thabhairt, chun aon duine a ghabháil, a choinneáil amach nó a chur amach as an stáisiún vótaíochta.”


(2) Déantar leis seo alt 36 den Phríomh-Acht a leasú trí “aon oifigeach ceannais” a chur in ionad “a ionadaí” sa dá áit ina bhfuil na focail deiridh sin.


Ceart vótála.

26.—(1) Faoi réir na bhforálacha ina dhiaidh seo den alt seo, beidh gach duine a mbeidh a ainm ar chlár na dtoghthóirí Dála a bheidh i bhfeidhm de thuras na huaire do dháilcheantar, agus ní bheidh aon duine eile, i dteideal vótála sa vótaíocht i dtoghchán Dála sa dáilcheantar sin.


(2) Chun críocha an ailt seo—


(a) glacfar leis go bhfuil ainm duine ar chlár na dtoghthóirí Dála má tá ainm sa chlár ar dóigh leis an gceann comhairimh nó leis an oifigeach ceannais go raibh sé ceaptha dó gurbh é ainm an duine sin é,


(b) féadfaidh an ceann comhairimh nó an t-oifigeach ceannais agus, má éilítear sin air thar ceann aon iarrthóra, déanfaidh sé, na ceisteanna seo a leanas nó aon cheann nó aon dá cheann acu a chur ar aon duine nuair a iarrfaidh sé páipéar ballóide, ach ní cead é a dhéanamh ina dhiaidh sin:


(i) An tusa an duine a bhfuil an tainm A B curtha síos dó i gclár na dtoghthóirí atá anois i bhfeidhm


do dháilcheantar .............................................................




(ii) Ar vótáil tú cheana sa toghchán seo ?


(iii) An raibh bliain is fiche slán agat an .................................


................................................... (an dáta a tháinig an


clár i bhfeidhm) ?


agus mura rud é go dtabharfar ar na ceisteanna acu sin a chuirfear ar an duine sin, i gcás an chéad cheann agus an tríú ceann de na ceisteanna sin, freagra dearfach agus, i gcás an dara ceann díobh, freagra diúltach, ní cheadófar don duine sin vótáil,


(c) féadfaidh an ceann comhairimh nó an t-oifigeach ceannais agus, má éilítear sin air thar ceann aon iarrthóra, déanfaidh sé, nuair a iarrfaidh aon duine páipéar ballóide, ach ní cead é a dhéanamh ina dhiaidh sin, an duine sin a chur faoi mhionn nó (i gcás aon duine a chuirfidh i gcoinne mionn a ghlacadh ar an bhforas nach bhfuil aon chreideamh aige nó go bhfuil sé in aghaidh a chreidimh mionn a ghlacadh) faoi dhearbhasc san fhoirm seo a leanas:—


“Bheirim Dia Uilechumhachtach (—Dearbhaím agus dearbhascaim go sollúnta, go firinneach agus go hionraic—de réir mar a bheidh) gur mise an duine a bhfuil an t-ainm A B curtha síos dó ar chlár na dtoghthóirí atá i bhfeidhm anois do dháilcheantar .............................. agus nár vótáil mé cheana sa toghchán seo, agus go raibh bliain is fiche slán agam an ............................................................. (an dáta a tháinig an clár i bhfeidhm).”


agus má dhiúltaíonn an duine sin an mionn a ghlacadh nó an dearbhasc a dhéanamh ní cheadófar dó vótáil.


(3) Ach amháin mar a fhoráiltear leis an alt seo agus le Riail 24 de Chuid I den Chúigiú Sceideal a ghabhann leis an bPríomh-Acht, ní chuirfear ná ní cheadófar aon cheist, mionn, dearbhasc ná agóid tráth na vótaíochta i dtoghchán Dála i dtaobh cheart aon duine chun vótála, agus ní dhéanfaidh ná ní ghlacfaidh aon cheann comhairimh ná oifigeach ceannais aon agóid ina choinne.


(4) (a) Ní dhéanfaidh duine—


(i) atá cláraithe i gclár na dtoghthóirí Dála a bheidh i bhfeidhm de thuras na huaire do dháilcheantar ach nach bhfuil i dteideal a chláraithe amhlaidh, nó

(ii) nach bhfuil cláraithe sa chlár sin,

vótáil sa vótaíocht i dtoghchán Dála sa dáilcheantar sin.

(b) Aon duine a sháróidh mír (a) den fho-alt seo beidh sé ciontach i gcion agus ar a chiontú ann go hachomair dlífear fíneáil nach mó ná céad punt a chur air nó, de rogha na Cúirte, príosúnacht ar feadh téarma nach faide ná sé mhí nó an fhíneáil sin agus an phríosúnacht sin le chéile.

(5) Ní fhorléireofar aon ní san alt seo mar ní a thugann teideal chun vótála d'aon duine nach bhfuil an teideal sin aige, ná ní shaorfaidh sé é ó aon phionóis a bheidh inchurtha air mar gheall ar vótáil.


Vótáil ag daoine dalla, éagumasacha nó neamhliteartha.

27.—(1) Déantar leis seo an Riail seo a leanas a chur in ionad Riail 24 de Chuid I den Chúigiú Sceideal a ghabhann leis an bPríomh-Acht:


“24. (1) (a) Má shásaíonn aon toghthóir an t-oifigeach ceannais go bhfuil mallachar radhairc chomh mór sin air nó go bhfuil sé chomh mór sin faoi éagumas eile coirp nó go bhfuil sé chomh neamhliteartha sin nach féidir leis vótáil gan chabhair, beidh feidhm ag an Riail seo.


(b) Chun críocha fo-mhír (a) den mhír seo, féadfaidh an t-oifigeach ceannais, agus, má iarrann gníomhaire d'iarrthóir air é, déanfaidh sé, an toghthóir a chur faoi mhionn (nó, i gcás duine a chuirfidh i gcoinne mionn a ghlacadh ar an bhforas nach bhfuil aon chreideamh aige nó go bhfuil sé in aghaidh a chreidimh mionn a ghlacadh, faoi dhearbhasc) san fhoirm seo a leanas:


‘Bheirim Dia Uilechumhachtach (— Dearbhaím agus dearbhascaim go sollúnta, go firinneach agus go hionraic—de réir mar a bheidh) go bhfuil mallachar radhairc chomh mór sin orm (—go bhfuil mé chomh mór sin faoi éagumas coirp — go bhfuil mé chomh neamhliteartha sin —de réir mar a bheidh) nach féidir liom vótáil gan chabhair’


agus má dhiúltaíonn an toghthóir an mionn a ghlacadh nó an dearbhasc a dhéanamh, ní bheidh feidhm ag an Riail seo.


(2) (a) Nuair a bheidh feidhm ag an Riail seo i gcás toghthóra a shásóidh an t-oifigeach ceannais go bhfuil mallachar radhairc chomh mór sin air nó go bhfuil sé chomh mór sin faoi éagumas eile coirp nach féidir leis vótáil gan chabhair, féadfaidh an toghthóir cead a iarraidh chun go márcálfadh compánach a pháipéar ballóide dó agus, faoi réir fo-mhír (b) den mhír seo, féadfaidh an compánach an páipéar ballóide a mharcáil don toghthóir agus, arna mharcáil amhlaidh, cuirfidh sé isteach sa bhosca ballóide é láithreach.


(b) Féadfaidh an t-oifigeach ceannais agus, má iarrann gníomhaire d'iarrthóir air é, déanfaidh sé, na ceisteanna seo a leanas nó aon cheann nó cinn díobh a chur ar an gcompánach sula seachadfaidh sé an páipéar ballóide:


(i) An bhfuil sé bliana déag slán agat ?


(ii) An bhfuil níos mó ná páipéar ballóide amháin marcáilte agat mar chompánach sa toghchán seo ?


(iii) An iarrthóir sa toghchán seo thú ?


(iv) An gníomhaire d'iarrthóir sa toghchán seo thú ?


agus mura rud é gur freagra dearfach a thabharfar ar an gcéad cheist agus gur freagra diúltach a thabharfar ar an gceist eile nó ar na ceisteanna eile, de réir mar a bheidh, ní mharcálfaidh an compánach an páipéar ballóide.


(3) Nuair a bheidh feidhm ag an Riail seo agus—


(a) go mbeidh an toghthóir neamhliteartha, nó


(b) nach n-iarrfaidh an toghthóir cead chun go marcálfadh compánach a pháipéar ballóide dó, nó


(c) má iarrann a toghthóir an cead sin agus go mbeadh marcáil a pháipéir bhallóide ag an gcompánach ina shárú ar fhomhír (b) de mhír (2) den Riail seo,


cuirfidh an t-oifigeach ceannais faoi deara go ndéanfar, i láthair gníomhairí na n-iarrthóirí agus gan aon duine eile a bheith i láthair, vóta an toghthóra a mharcáil ar pháipéar ballóide sa tslí a ordóidh an toghthóir agus cuirfidh sé an páipéar ballóide arna mharcáil amhlaidh isteach sa bhosca ballóide láithreach.


(4) I gcás ina n-iarrfaidh toghthóir, laistigh de cheithre huaire a chloig roimh an am a bheidh socraithe do chríochnú na vótaíochta, cead chun go ndéanfaí a pháipéar ballóide a mharcáil dó faoin Riail seo i slí seachas ag compánach, féadfaidh an t-oifigeach ceannais an cead sin a dhiúltú, más é a thuairim, mar gheall ar an méid toghthóirí a bheidh ag teacht isteach an uair sin chun vótáil nó ar dóigh dóibh teacht isteach chun vótáil roimh chríochnú na vótaíochta, go gcuirfeadh sé isteach ar chomhlíonadh cuí a dhualgas nó go gcuirfeadh sé bac míchuí ar vótáil toghthóirí eile dá dtugadh sé an cead sin.


(5) Má bhíonn páipéar ballóide le marcáil de bhun mhír (3) den Riail seo, féadfaidh an t-oifigeach ceannais cuidiú leis an toghthóir trí na sonraí a bheidh luaite i leith gach iarrthóra a léamh amach go hiomlán as an bpáipéar ballóide, ach ní ghníomhóidh sé de bhun aon treorach i scríbhinn.”


(2) (a) Más rud é, de bhun mhír (2) de Riail 24 de Chuid I den Chúigiú Sceideal a ghabhann leis an bPríomh-Acht, go mbeidh duine tar éis dhá pháipéar ballóide a mharcáil i dtoghchán mar chompánach, ní dhéanfaidh sé, sa toghchán sin, aon pháipéar ballóide eile a mharcáil mar chompánach.


(b) Ní dhéanfaidh duine, de bhun mhír (2) de Riail 24 de Chuid I den Chúigiú Sceideal a ghabhann leis an bPríomh-Acht, páipéar ballóide a mharcáil i dtoghchán, mar chompánach, más iarrthóir nó gníomhaire d'iarrthóir sa toghchán sin é.


(c) Aon duine a sháróidh mír (a) nó mír (b) den fho-alt seo, beidh sé ciontach i gcion agus ar a chiontú ann go hachomair dlífear fíneáil nach mó ná céad punt a chur air nó, de rogha na Cúirte, príosúnacht ar feadh téarma nach faide ná sé mhí nó an fhíneáil sin agus an phríosúnacht sin le chéile.


Pearsanú a líomhnaítear.

28.—Déantar leis seo an Riail seo a leanas a chur in ionad Riail 25 de Chuid I den Chúigiú Sceideal a ghabhann leis an bPríomh-Acht:


“25. Má dhéanann duine, a chuirfidh in iúl gur toghthóir áirithe é atá ainmnithe ar chlár na dtoghthóirí, páipéar ballóide a iarraidh tar éis páipéar ballóide a bheith tugtha do dhuine eile amhail is dá mba é an toghthóir sin é, beidh an t-iarratasóir, má fhreagraíonn sé go cuí na ceisteanna a cheadaítear leis an dlí a chur ar vótálaithe tráth na vótaíochta, i dteideal páipéar ballóide a mharcáil faoi mar a bheadh aon toghthóir eile agus an páipéar ballóide, arna mharcáil, a chur isteach sa bhosca ballóide, ach déanfaidh an t-oifigeach ceannais amach ráiteas a thaispeánfaidh an méid iomlán páipéar ballóide a eisíodh de bhun na Rialach seo agus na hainmneacha agus na huimhreacha a bhí ar chlár na dtoghthóirí do na daoine chun ar eisíodh iad”.


Leasú ar an bPríomh-Acht maidir leis an marc oifigiúil ar pháipéir bhallóide.

29.—Déantar leis seo “le marc oifigiúil, a bheidh cabhraithe nó pollta ionas go mbeidh sé le feiceáil ar dhá thaobh an pháipéir, gach páipéar ballóide” a chur in ionad “leis an marc oifigiúil, stampálta no pollta, dhá thaobh gach páipéir bhallóide” i mír (2) de Riail 3 den Cheathrú Sceideal a ghabhann leis an bPríomh-Acht agus” é le marc oifigiúil, a bheidh cabhraithe nó pollta ionas go mbeidh sé le feiceáil ar dhá thaobh an pháipéir,” a chur in ionad “gach taobh den pháipéar leis an marc oifigiúil, le stampáil nó le pollú” i Riail 22 de Chuid I den Chúigiú Sceideal a ghabhann leis an Acht sin.


Dualgais an oifigigh cheannais ar chríochnú na vótaíochta.

30.—Déantar leis seo an Riail seo a leanas a chur in ionad Riail 27 de Chuid I den Chúigiú Sceideal a ghabhann leis an bPríomh-Acht:


“27. Déanfaidh an t-oifigeach ceannais, ag an am a bheidh socraithe do chríochnú na vótaíochta, bearta chun a áirithiú nach ligfear aon toghthóirí eile isteach sa stáisiún vótaíochta agus, faoi réir an choinníll go mbeidh toghthóir a bheidh san áitreabh ag an am sin i dteideal páipéar ballóide a fháil agus vótáil a dhéanamh, déanfaidh an t-oifigeach ceannais i ngach stáisiún vótaíochta, a luaithe is féidir tar éis críochnú na vótaíochta, agus i láthair ghníomhairí na n-iarrthóirí, gach bosca ballóide a shéalú, gan é a oscailt ach an eochair a bheith ceangailte de, ionas nach féidir a thuilleadh páipéar a chur isteach ann, agus cuirfidh sé i bpaicéid ar leith a shéalóidh sé lena shéala—


(a) na páipéir bhallóide neamhúsáidte agus mhillte, i dteannta a chéile,


(b) cóipeanna marcáilte de chlár na dtoghthóirí, agus


(c) comhdhuillí na bpáipéar ballóide,


agus seachadfaidh sé na boscaí ballóide agus na paicéid sin go léir don cheann comhairimh.”



31.—(1) Déantar leis seo fo-alt (1) d'alt 28 den Phríomh-Acht a leasú trí “agus gach comhalta den Gharda Síochána agus gach iarrthóir a bheidh i láthair amhlaidh” a chur isteach i ndiaidh “i láthair i stáisiún vótaíochta” agus “ná aon chomhalta den Gharda Síochána ná iarrthoir” a chur isteach i ndiaidh “aon oifigeach, cléireach ná gníomhaire”.


(2) Déantar leis seo fo-alt (2) d'alt 28 den Phríomh-Acht a leasú trí “agus gach comhalta den Gharda Síochána, gach iarrthóir agus gach duine dá dtabharfaidh an ceann comhairimh cead bheith i láthair,” a chur isteach roimh “dá mbeidh i láthair le linn comhreamh na vótanna”.


Bás iarrthóra.

32.—(1) Más rud é, tráth ar bith i rith na tréimhse a thosóidh dhá uair is seachtó a chloig roimh thoghchán Dála a chur ar athló chun vótaíocht a thógáil agus a chríochnóidh ar thosach na vótaíochta, go bhfaighidh an ceann comhairimh cruthúnas a shásóidh é go bhfuil iarrthóir tar éis bás a fháil, beidh éifeacht ag na forálacha seo a leanas:


(a) cuirfidh an ceann comhairimh scéala faoi bhás an iarrthóra chuig an Aire agus chuig cléireach Dháil Éireann agus san am céanna, má bhíonn fógra tugtha faoin vótaíocht, cuirfidh sé an vótaíocht ar ceal;


(b) tabharfaidh an ceann comhairimh fógra poiblí go bhfuil gach gníomh a rinneadh i ndáil leis an toghchán (ach amháin ainmniú na n-iarrthóirí atá fágtha) ar neamhní agus go ndéanfar toghchán úr;


(c) tosófar as úire ar na himeachtaí uile le haghaidh an toghcháin, ach ní gá ainmniú ná toiliú úr i leith aon iarrthóra a bhí arna ainmniú an tráth a cuireadh an scéala faoi bhás an iarrthóra chuig an Aire;


(d) sa toghchán úr, is é an lá deiridh chun ainmniúcháin a ghlacadh lá deiridh na tréimhse arb é a bheidh inti na naoi lá (gan aon lá eiscthe a áireamh) díreach i ndiaidh an lae a cuireadh scéala faoi bhás an iarrthóra chuig an Aire.


(e) socróidh an tAire lá na vótaíochta sa toghchán úr;


(f) chun críche Riail 1 de Chuid I den Chúigiú Sceideal a ghabhann leis an bPríomh-Acht maidir leis an toghchán úr, measfar an eascaire a bheith faighte ag an gceann comhairimh an lá i ndiaidh an lae a chuirfidh sé scéala faoi bhás an iarrthóra chuig an Aire.


(2) Más rud é, tráth ar bith tar éis tosach na vótaíochta i dtoghchán Dála i ndáilcheantar agus roimh chríochnú na vótaíochta sin, go bhfaighidh an ceann comhairimh cruthúnas a shásóidh é go bhfuil iarrthóir tar éis bás a fháil—


(a) tabharfar neamhaird ar na vótaí go léir a tugadh sa toghchán sa dáilcheantar agus díothófar na páipéir bhallóide,


(b) cuirfidh an ceann comhairimh scéala faoi bhás an iarrthóra chuig an Aire agus chuig Cléireach Dháil Éireann,


(c) beidh feidhm ag forálacha mhíreanna (b) go (f) d'fho-alt (1) den alt seo.


(3) Má fhaigheann iarrthóir i dtoghchán Dála bás in imthosca seachas iad siúd dá dtagraítear i bhfo-ailt (1) agus (2) den alt seo, ní chuirfidh sin ó bhail a ainmniú ná aon rogha a cuireadh síos dó agus, má thoghtar é, ní bheidh a thoghadh ó bhail mar gheall ar a bhás, ach measfar gur scoir sé de bheith ina chomhalta den Dáil díreach tar éis a thofa.


(4) Nuair a chuirfear vótaíocht ar ceal faoin alt seo, tabharfar neamhaird ar na páipéir bhallóide go léir a cuireadh amach chuig postvótálaithe agus díothóidh an ceann comhairimh, gan iad a oscailt, na páipéir bhallóide go léir a fuair sé lena n-áireamh sa vótaíocht a cuireadh ar ceal.


Bás Chathaoirleach ar Dháil Éireann a bheidh ag dul as oifig.

33.—(1) I gcás Cathaoirleach ar Dháil Éireann a bheidh ag dul as oifig, de réir bhrí alt 14 den Acht seo, agus nár chraol don Dáil sular lánscoireadh í nach mian leis go ndéanfaí comhalta den Dáil de san olltoghchán a leanfaidh as a lánscor, d'fháil bháis tar éis a lánscortha agus roimh thosú na vótaíochta sa dáilcheantar a measfar, de bhua an ailt sin, é a bheith tofa dó, beidh éifeacht ag na forálacha seo a leanas:


(a) má fhaigheann an Cathaoirleach ar Dháil Éireann a bheidh ag dul as oifig bás sula a n-eiseofar an eascaire chuig an gceann comhairimh don dáilcheantar, scoirfidh an t-alt sin d'éifeacht a bheith aige maidir leis an olltoghchán;


(b) má fhaigheann an Cathaoirleach ar Dháil Éireann a bheidh ag dul as oifig bás tar éis an eascaire a eisiúint agus roimh thosú na vótaíochta sa dáilcheantar—


(i) déanfaidh Cléireach Dháil Éireann, ar chruthúnas chun a shástachta a bheith aige faoin mbás, an eascaire a ghairm ar ais agus eiseoidh sé ina hionad chuig an gceann comhairimh eascaire (dá ngairtear an eascaire nua sa mhír seo) a fhoclófar ar dhóigh go n-ordóidh sí dó toghchán a chur á dhéanamh do lánlíon na gcomhaltaí de Dháil Éireann don dáilcheantar, agus nuair a eiseoidh sé an eascaire nua sin cuirfidh sé fógra chun an Aire san am céanna gur eisíodh í;


(ii) déanfaidh an ceann comhairimh, ar chruthúnas chun a shástachta a bheith aige faoin mbás nó ar an eascaire nua a fháil dó (cibé acu sin is túisce a tharlóidh), an vótaíocht a chur ar ceal má bhíonn fógra tugtha faoin vótaíocht;


(iii) tosófar as úire ar na himeachtaí uile le haghaidh an toghcháin;


(iv) sa toghchán úr—


(I) is é an lá deiridh chun ainmniúcháin a ghlacadh lá deiridh na tréimhse arb é a bheidh inti na naoi lá (gan aon lá eiscthe a áireamh) díreach i ndiaidh an lae a eiseofar an eascaire nua agus socróidh an tAire lá na vótaíochta,


(II) ní gá aon ainmniú ná toiliú úr i leith aon iarrthóra a bhí arna ainmniú, i gcás an vótaíocht a chealú faoi fhomhír (ii) den mhír seo, an tráth a cuireadh an vótaíocht ar ceal agus, in aon chás eile, an tráth a fuair an ceann comhairimh an eascaire nua.


(c) más rud é go bhfaighidh an Cathaoirleach ar Dháil Éireann a bheidh ag dul as oifig bás tar éis tosú na vótaíochta sa dáilcheantar agus roimh chríochnú na vótaíochta sin—


(i) tabharfar neamhaird ar na vótaí go léir a tugadh sa toghchán sa dáilcheantar agus díothófar na páipéir bhallóide,


(ii) beidh feidhm ag forálacha fomhíreanna (i), (iii) agus (iv) de mhír (b) den fho-alt seo.


(2) Nuair a chuirfear vótaíocht ar ceal faoin alt seo, tabharfar neamhaird ar na páipéir bhallóide go léir a cuireadh amach chuig postvótálaithe agus díothóidh an ceann comhairimh, gan iad a oscailt, na páipéir bhallóide go léir a fuair sé lena n-áireamh sa vótaíocht a cuireadh ar ceal.


Vótaíocht roimh ré ar oileáin.

34.—(1) Beidh feidhm ag an alt seo más rud é—


(a) go mbeidh vótaíocht le tógáil i dtoghchán Dála i ndáilcheantar, agus


(b) gurb é tuairim an cheann comhairimh, i gcás stáisiún vótaíochta ar oileán, gur dóigh, mar gheall ar dhrochaimsir nó deacrachtaí iompair—


(i) nach bhféadfaí an vótaíocht a thógáil an lá vótaíochta a bheidh ceaptha ag an Aire, nó


(ii) dá dtógfaí an vótaíocht an lá sin, nárb fhéidir na boscaí ballóide a bheith san áit le haghaidh comhaireamh na vótaí ar 9 a chlog a.m. nó roimhe sin, an lá i ndiaidh lá na vótaíochta.


(2)I gcás ina mbeidh feidhm ag an alt seo, tabharfaidh an ceann comhairimh fógra poiblí sa cheantar vótaíochta á rá go dtógfaidh sé an vótaíocht sa stáisiún vótaíochta ar an oileán lá a shonróidh sé, agus ar lá é is luaithe ná an lá vótaíochta a bheidh ceaptha ag an Aire agus is déanaí ná an séú lá roimh an lá vótaíochta sin, agus, d'ainneoin aon ní sa Phríomh-Acht, beidh éifeacht ag na forálacha seo a leanas:


(a) féadfaidh an ceann comhairimh an vótaíocht a thógáil sa stáisiún vótaíochta ar an oileán an lá a bheidh sonraithe san fhógra nó, más é a thuairim nach féidir, mar gheall ar dhrochaimsir, an vótaíocht a thógáil an lá sin, an chéad lá i ndiaidh an lae sin is dóigh leis a bheidh cúrsaí iompair idir an t-oileán agus an mórthír réasúnta sábháilte,


(b) mura féidir, mar gheall ar dheacrachtaí iompair, tosú ar an vótaíocht ag an am a bheidh socraithe ag an Aire do thosú na vótaíochta, tosófar ar an vótaíocht a luaithe is féidir tar éis an ama sin,


(c) más rud é, tar éis an vótaíocht a bheith ar siúl ceithre huaire an chloig ar a laghad, gur dóigh leis an oifigeach ceannais, dá leanfaí níos faide leis an vótaíocht, nárbh fhéidir na boscaí ballóide a bheith ag an áit le haghaidh comhaireamh na vótaí ar a 9 a.m., nó roimhe sin an lá i ndiaidh an lae votaíochta a bheidh ceaptha ag an Aire, féadfaidh sé an vótaíocht a chríochnú ansin.


(3) Ní dhéanfar aon athrú ar fhoirm ná ar ráiteas fógra i dtaobh vótaíochta faoi alt 19 den Phríomh-Acht mar gheall ar athrú faoin alt seo ar lá agus uaire vótaíochta.


Leasú ar alt 59 (b) den Phríomh-Acht.

35.—Leasaítear leis seo mír (b) d'alt 59 den Phríomh-Acht trí “le dlí” a chur in ionad “leis an Acht seo”.

Caibidil IV.

An Comhaireamh.


Leasú ar Rialacha 2 agus 12 den Tríú Sceideal a ghabhann leis an bPríomh-Acht.

36.—(1) Déantar leis seo an Riail seo a leanas a chur in ionad Riail 2 den Tríú Sceideal a ghabhann leis an bPríomh-Acht:


“2. Aon pháipéar ballóide—


(a) nach mbeidh an marc oifigiúil air, nó


(b) nach mbeidh an figiúr 1 ina sheasamh leis féin curtha air in aon chor nó nach mbeidh sé curtha air i slí a thaispeánfadh príomh-rogha d'iarrthóir éigin, nó


(c) a mbeidh an figiúr 1 ina sheasamh leis féin ag taispeáint príomh-rogha curtha síos air os coinne ainm níos mó ná iarrthóir amháin, nó


(d) a mbeidh aon ní seachas an uimhir ar a chúl scríofa nó marcáilte air a bhféadfaí an vótálaí a aithint dá chionn,


beidh sé neamhbhailí agus ní chomhairfear é, ach ní bheidh an páipéar ballóide neamhbhailí as siocair amháin go mbeidh air na focail ‘aon’, ‘dó’, ‘trí’, (agus mar sin de), nó marc ar nós ‘X’ is dóigh leis an gceann comhairimh a thaispeánann rogha nó roghanna go soiléir”.


(2) Déantar leis seo Riail 12 den Tríú Sceideal a ghabhann leis an bPríomh-Acht a leasú trí na míreanna seo a leanas a chur in ionad míreanna (2) agus (3):


“(2) ciallaíonn an abairt ‘príomhrogha’ an figiúr ‘1’, an focal ‘aon’, nó marc ar nós ‘X’ is dóigh leis an gceann comhairimh a thaispeánann príomhrogha go soiléir; ciallaíonn an abairt ‘dara rogha’ an figiúr ‘2’, an focal ‘dó’ nó marc is dóigh leis an gceann comhairimh a thaispeánann dara rogha go soiléir, agus é ina sheasamh ar leanúint ar phríomhrogha; agus ciallaíonn an abairt ‘treas rogha’ an figiúr ‘3’ an focal ‘trí’ nó marc is dóigh leis an gceann comhairimh a thaispeánann treas rogha go soiléir, agus é ina sheasamh ar leanúint ar dhara rogha agus mar sin de.


(3) Ciallaíonn an abairt “an chéad rogha eile is infheidhme” rogha ar dóigh leis an gceann comhairimh gur dara rogha nó rogha ina dhiaidh sin í a cuireadh síos in ord comhleantach d'iarrthóir leanúnach, gan aird a thabhairt ar na chéad roghanna eile de réir oird ar an bpáipéar ballóide d'iarrthóirí a thuigfear a bheith tofa nó curtha as cheana.”


Leasú ar Riail 6 den Tríú Sceideal a ghabhann leis an bPríomh-Acht.

37.—Déantar leis seo Riail 6 den Tríú Sceideal a ghabhann leis an bPríomh-Acht a leasú trí thagairt d'iarrthóir a thuigfear a bheith tofa a chur in ionad gach tagairt sa Riail sin d'iarrthóir tofa.


Leasú ar Riail 6 (5) (a) den Tríú Sceideal a ghabhann leis an bPríomh-Acht.

38.—Déantar leis seo fomhír (a) de mhír (5) de Riail 6 den Tríú Sceideal a ghabhann leis an bPríomh-Acht a leasú trí “gur mó” a chur in ionad “nuair is mó” agus “nó gur mó trian an chuóta ná comhshuim an méid vótaí a creidiúnaíodh sa chomhaireamh sin don iarrthóir is ísle i dteannta an bharrachais sin agus aon bharrachais eile nár aistríodh” a chur i ndeireadh na fomhíre.


Leasú ar Riail 10 den Tríú Sceideal a ghabhann leis an bPríomh-Acht.

39.—Déantar leis seo na míreanna seo a leanas a chur isteach i Riail 10 den Tríú Sceideal a ghabhann leis an bPríomh-Acht i ndiaidh mhír (1):


“(1A) An chumhacht atá ag ceann comhairimh faoin mír sin roimhe seo chun páipéir a athchomhaireamh, más rogha leis é, in aon chás nach mbeidh sé sásta i dtaobh aon chomhaireamh áirithe a bheith cruinn, tá réim aici maidir le páipéir ar déileáladh leo i gcomhaireamh ba luaithe ná an comhaireamh díreach roimhe sin.


(1B) I gcás gach iarrthóra, féadfaidh sé féin nó a ghníomhaire toghcháin iarratas amháin (agus sin uile) a dhéanamh ag iarraidh athscrúdú agus athchomhaireamh iomlán ar gach beart páipéar ballóide, agus déanfaidh an ceann comhaireamh athscrúdú agus athchomhaireamh láithreach ar na bearta páipéar ballóide dá réir sin. San athscrúdú agus san athchomhaireamh, ní athrófar méid ná ord na bpáipéar ballóide in aon bheart. Ní chuirfidh aon ní dá bhfuil sna forálacha sin roimhe seo den mhír seo d'oibleagáid ar an gceann comhairimh an beart céanna páipéar a athscrúdú ná a athchomhaireamh níos mó ná uair amháin, ach má aimsítear earráid agus gurb é tuairim an cheann comhairimh gurb earráid thábhachtach í ar dóigh di difir a dhéanamh do thoradh an toghcháin, comhairfidh an ceann comhairimh na páipéir go léir as úire ón bpointe ag ar tharla an earráid.


(1C) Má aimsítear earráid, déanfaidh an ceann comhairimh, más gá é, aon torthaí a bheidh fógartha aige roimhe sin a leasú.”


Leasú ar Riail 12 (10) den Tríú Sceideal a ghabhann leis an bPríomh-Acht.

40.—Déantar leis seo mír (10) de Riail 12 den Tríú Sceideal a ghabhann leis an bPríomh-Acht a leasú trí “chomhaireamh na vótaí” a chur in ionad “an choimhrimh vótanna”.


Leasú ar Rialacha 29 go 33 de Chuid I den Chúigiú Sceideal a ghabhann leis an bPríomh-Acht.

41.—(1) Déantar leis seo na Rialacha seo a leanas a chur in ionad Rialacha 29 go 33 de Chuid I den Chúigiú Sceideal a ghabhann leis an bPríomh-Acht:

Gníomhairí na n-iarrthóirí.

“29. Féadfaidh na hiarrthóirí faoi seach gníomhairí a cheapadh chun bheith i láthair le linn comhaireamh na vótaí agus cuirfear ainm agus seoladh gach gníomhaire a cheapfar amhlaidh chuig an gceann comhairimh dhá lá glan ar a laghad roimh lá na vótaíochta. Ní dhéanfaidh iarrthóir níos mó ná cúigear gníomhaire a cheapadh mura gceadóidh an ceann comhairimh a mhalairt.

Socruithe le haghaidh chomhaireamh na vótaí.

30. (1) Cuirfidh an ceann comhairimh ar fáil cóiríocht oiriúnach, agus an trealamh go léir is gá, le haghaidh comhaireamh na vótaí, agus comhairfidh sé na vótaí in áit sa dáilcheantar, ach—

(a) más é atá sa dáilcheantar cuid atá ina cuid de chontae-bhuirg agus cuid atá lasmuigh den bhuirg sin, féadfaidh an ceann comhairimh an chóiríocht agus an trealamh a chur ar fáil agus na vótaí a chomh aireamh—

(i) in áit atá laistigh den chuid eile den bhuirg sin, nó

(ii) le toiliú an Aire, in áit atá lasmuigh den bhuirg sin, agus atá lasmuigh den dáil-cheantar ach i gcóngar dó,

(b) in aon chás eile, féadfaidh an ceann comhairimh, le toiliú an Aire, an chóiríocht agus an trealamh a chur ar fáil agus na vótaí a chomhaireamh in áit atá lasmuigh den dáilcheantar ach i gcóngar dó.

(2) Aon lá glan amháin ar a laghad roimh an lá a bheidh socraithe do thosú na vótaíochta, tabharfaidh an ceann comhairimh do ghníomhaire toghcháin gach iarrthóra fógra i scríbhinn i dtaobh na háite a gcomhairfidh sé na vótaí ann. Tabharfaidh sé do ghníomhairí na n-iarrthóirí gach saoráid réasúnach chun faire ar na himeachtaí le linn an chomhairimh (lena n-áirítear, go háirithe, saoráidí chun iad féin a shásamh go sórtáiltear na páipéir bhallóide i gceart), agus gach eolas ina dtaobh, is féidir leis a thabhairt dóibh i gcomhréir le stiúradh ordúil na n-imeachtaí agus le comhlíonadh a fheidhmeanna.

Na daoine a fhéadfaidh bheith i láthair le linn an chomhairimh.

31. Féadfaidh an ceann comhairimh, a chúntóirí agus a chléirigh, comhaltaí den Gharda Síochána ar dualgas, agus na gníomhairí do na hiarrthóirí a mbeidh a n-ainmneacha agus a seoltaí tugtha don cheann comhairimh faoi Riail 29 de na Rialacha seo, agus ní fhéadfaidh aon duine eile, ach amháin le cead an cheann comhairimh, bheith i láthair le linn comhaireamh na vótaí.

Oscailt na mboscaí ballóide.

32. Ar 9 a chlog a.m. an lá i ndiaidh críochnú na vótaíochta agus san áit le haghaidh comhaireamh na vótaí, déanfaidh an ceann comhairimh, i láthair gníomhairí na n-iarrthóirí, na boscaí ballóide a oscailt, na páipéir bhallóide iontu a chomhaireamh agus a líon a bhreacadh síos agus cromfaidh sé ar chuntas na bpáipéar ballóide a bheidh ag gabháil le gach bosca ballóide a fhíorú. Ansin meascfaidh sé ar a chéile na páipéir bhallóide go léir a bheidh sna boscaí ballóide. Le linn don cheann comhairihm bheith ag comhaireamh na bpáipéar ballóide agus ag breacadh síos a lín, coimeádfaidh sé na páipéir bhallóide aghaidh in airde agus glacfaidh sé gach cúram is cuí chun nach bhfeicfidh aon duine na huimhreacha a bheidh clóite ar chúl na bpáipéar sin.

Comhaireamh na vótaí.

33. Tar éis dó Riail 32 de na Rialacha seo a chomhlíonadh, tosóidh an ceann comhairimh láithreach ar na vótaí a chomhaireamh agus, chomh fada agus is féidir sin, rachaidh sé ar aghaidh go leanúnach le comhaireamh na vótaí gan sos a lamháil ach amháin chun bia a chaitheamh, agus ag eisceadh na n-uaire idir 11 p.m. agus 9 a.m. maidin lá arna mhárach (ach amháin sa mhéid go gcomhaontóidh sé féin agus na hiarrthóirí ar a mhalairt). I rith an ama eiscthe, cuirfidh an ceann comhairimh na boscaí ballóide agus na doiciméid a bhainfidh leis an toghchán faoina shéala féin agus glacfaidh sé cúram cuí chun na boscaí agus na doiciméid sin a choinneáil slán sábháilte.”


(2) Déantar leis seo mír (1) de Riail 2 den Cheathrú Sceideal a ghabhann leis an bPríomh-Acht a leasú trí “comhaltaí den Gharda Síochána ar dualgas,” a chur isteach roimh “gníomhaire toghacháin gach iarrthóra”.


Leasú ar Riail 37 de Chuid I den Chúigiú Sceideal a ghabhann leis an bPríomh-Acht.

42.—(1) Déantar leis seo Riail 37 de Chuid I den Chúigiú Sceideal a ghabhann leis an bPríomh-Acht a leasú trí “tar éis an dáta a rinneadh an vótaíocht” a chur isteach i ndiaidh “go ceann bliana”.


(2) Déanfar an tagairt atá i Riail 10 den Cheathrú Sceideal a ghabhann leis an bPríomh-Acht do Riail 37 de Chuid I den Chúigiú Sceideal a ghabhann leis an Acht sin a fhorléiriú mar thagairt don Riail sin 37 arna leasú le fo-alt (1) den alt seo.



Toghcháin Uachtaráin.


Léiriú agus forléiriú (Cuid IV agus an Tríú Sceideal).

1937, Uimh. 32.

43.—(1) Sa Chuid seo den Acht seo ciallaíonn “an Príomh-Acht” Acht Toghachán an Uachtaráin, 1937.


(2) Déanfar Achtanna Toghcháin an Uachtaráin, 1937 go 1960, agus an Chuid seo den Acht seo agus an Tríú Sceideal a ghabhann leis an Acht seo a fhorléiriú le chéile mar aon Acht amháin.


Cártai vótaíochta.

44.—(1) Nuair a bheidh vótaíocht le tógáil i dtoghchán uachtaráin, cuirfidh an ceann comhairimh áitiúil do gach dáilcheantar chuig gach toghthóir a bhfuil a ainm ar chlár na dtoghthóirí Dála don dáilcheantar, agus nach bhfuil ar liosta na bpostvótalaithe, cárta (dá ngairtear cárta vótaíochta san alt seo) san fhoirm fhorordaithe á chur in iúl dó cad é a uimhir (lena n-áirítear litir an cheantair vótaíochta) ar chlár na dtoghthóirí Dála agus cad é an áit a bhfuil sé i dteideal vótáil ann.


(2) Seolfar cárta vótaíochta chuig an toghthóir ag an seoladh a mbeidh sé cláraithe ina leith i gclár na dtoghthóirí Dála agus cuirfear amach é in am chun go seachadfar é i ngnáthchúrsa an phoist ag an seoladh sin tráth nach déanaí ná an tríú lá roimh lá na vótaíochta.


(3) Cuirfear cárta vótaíochta chun bealaigh leis an bpost agus seolfar ar aghaidh é saor in aisce leis an bpost is luaithe a fóhnfaidh.


(4) Na costais faoina rachaidh ceann comhairimh áitiúil ag comhlíonadh an ailt seo, áireofar iad mar chostais faoina rachaidh sé chun críocha an toghcháin de réir bhrí alt 21 den Phríomh-Acht.


(5) Ní chuirfear aon toghchán uachtaráin ó bhail mar gheall ar aon fhaillí i gcárta vótaíochta a chur amach, nó toisc nár seachadadh cárta vótaíochta nó go raibh earráid nó míráiteas ann.


(6) Ní fhéadfar aon chaingean ná imeacht eile a thabhairt i gcoinne ceann comhairimh áitiúil mar gheall ar aon earráid nó míráiteas i gcárta vótaíochta.


Vótaíocht roimh ré ar oileáin.

45.—(1) Beidh feidhm ag an alt seo más rud é—


(a) go mbeidh vótaíocht le tógáil i dtoghchán uachtaráin i ndáilcheantar, agus


(b) gurb é tuairim cheann comhairimh áitiúil, i gcás stáisiún vótaíochta ar oileán, gur dóigh, mar gheall ar dhrochaimsir nó deacrachtaí iompair—


(i) nach bhféadfaí an vótaíocht a thógáil an lá vótaíochta a bheidh ceaptha ag an Aire, nó


(ii) dá dtógfaí an vótaíocht an lá sin, nárbh fhéidir na boscaí ballóide a bheith san áit le haghaidh oscailt na mboscaí ballóide ar 9 a chlog a.m., nó roimhe sin, an lá i ndiaidh lá na vótaíochta.


(2) I gcás ina mbeidh feidhm ag an alt seo, tabharfaidh an ceann comhairimh áitiúil fógra poiblí sa cheantar vótaíochta á rá go dtógfaidh sé an vótaíocht sa stáisiún vótaíochta ar an oileán lá a shonróidh sé, agus ar lá é is luaithe ná an lá vótaíochta a bheidh ceaptha ag an Aire agus is déanaí ná an séú lá roimh an lá vótaíochta sin, agus, d'ainneoin aon ní sa Phríomh-Acht, beidh éifeacht ag na forálacha seo a leanas:


(a) féadfaidh an ceann comhairimh áitiúil an vótaíocht a thógáil sa stáisiún vótaíochta ar an oileán an lá a bheidh sonraithe san fhógra nó, más é a thuairim nach féidir, mar gheall ar dhrochaimsir, an vótaíocht a thógáil an lá sin, an chéad lá i ndiaidh an lae sin is dóigh leis a bheidh cursaí iompair idir an t-oileán agus an mórthír réasúnta sábháilte,


(b) mura féidir, mar gheall ar dheacrachtaí iompair, tosú ar an vótaíocht ag an am a bheidh socraithe ag an Aire do thosú na vótaíochta, tosófar ar an vótaíocht a luaithe is féidir tar éis an ama sin,


(c) más rud é, tar éis an vótaíocht a bheith ar siúl ar feadh ceithre huaire an chloig ar a laghad, gur dóigh leis an oifigeach ceannais, dá leanfaí níos faide leis an vótaíocht, nárbh fhéidir na boscaí ballóide a bheith ag an áit le haghaidh oscailt na mboscaí ballóide ar 9 a.m., nó roimhe sin, an lá i ndiaidh an lae vótaíochta a bheidh ceaptha ag an Aire, féadfaidh sé an vótaíocht a chríochnú ansin.


(3) Ní dhéanfar aon athrú ar fhoirm ná ar ráiteas an fhógra i dtaobh vótaíochta faoi Riail 3 den Chéad Sceideal a ghabhann leis an bPríomh-Acht mar gheall ar athrú faoin alt seo ar lá agus uaire vótaíochta,


Ainm an Uachtaráin toghaí a chur in iúl do dhaoine airithe.

46.—A luaithe is féidir tar éis don cheann comhairimh toghcháin uachtaráin i dtoghchán uachtaráin a dhearbhú go ndearnadh iarrthóir (dá ngairtear an tUachtarán toghaí san alt seo) a thoghadh ina Uachtarán, déanfaidh an ceann comhairimh toghcháin Uachtaráin, sa tslí a ordóidh an Rialtas, ainm agus seoladh an Uachtaráin thoghaí a chur in iúl don Uachtarán, don Uachtarán toghaí, don Taoiseach, don Phríomh-Bhreitheamh, do Chathaoirleach Dháil Éireann, do Chathaoirleach Sheanad Éireann agus do Rúnaí an Uachtaráin.


Leasú ar ailt 12, 13 agus 14 den Phríomh-Acht.

47.—Beidh éifeacht ag ailt 12, 13 agus 14 den Phríomh-Acht faoi réir na bhforálacha seo a leanas:


(a) beidh an ceann comhairimh toghcháin uachtaráin i dteideal rialú a thabhairt go bhfuil páipéar ainmniúcháin neamhbhailí i gcás, agus sa chás sin amháin, nach bhfuil sé déanta amach nó sínithe i gceart;


(b) sa rialú ar ainmniúcháin cuirfidh an ceann comhairimh toghcháin uachtaráin i gcoinne na tuairisce ar iarrthóir i bpáipéar ainmniúcháin más é a thuairim go bhfuil sé mícheart, nach leor í chun an t-iarrthóir a aithint, nó go bhfuil sí rófhada; má chuireann an ceann comhairimh toghcháin uachtaráin i gcoinne na tuairisce amhlaidh, ligfidh sé don iarrthóir nó dá ionadaí údaraithe, de réir mar is iomchuí, an tuairisc a leasú agus, mura leasaítear amhlaidh í chun sástacht an cheann comhairimh toghcháin uachtaráin, féadfaidh an ceann comhairimh toghcháin uachtaráin í a leasú nó í a scriosadh, de réir mar is cuí leis, tar éis dó dul i gcomhairle leis an iarrthóir nó lena ionadaí údaraithe, má bhíonn ceachtar acu i láthair, nó féadfaidh sé rialú a thabhairt go bhfuil an páipéar ainmniúcháin neamhbhailí mar nach ndearnadh amach i gceart é;


(c) ní dhéanfaidh forálacha mhír (a) den alt seo difir d'fheidhm an ailt sin 13 i gcás aon cheist maidir le feidhmeanna an cheann comhairimh toghcháin uachtaráin de bhun na míre sin;


(d) más rud é, ag an rialú ar ainmniúcháin, go ndéanfaidh duine ar bith atá ina theideal sin aon agóid maidir le hainmniú iarrthóra seachas agóid maidir le feidhmeanna an cheann comhairimh toghcháin uachtaráin de bhun mhír (b) den alt seo—


(i) iarrfaidh an ceann comhairimh toghcháin uachtaráin air forais a agóide a lua,


(ii) mura luafaidh sé forais a agóide san am agus san áit sin, measfar an agóid a bheith tarraingthe siar,


(iii) má luann sé san am agus an 0áit sin forais a agóide, cuirfidh an ceann comhairimh toghcháin uachtaráin ar atráth an rialú ar ainmniúcháin agus cuirfidh sé an agóid faoi bhráid binse ar a mbeidh triúr breitheamh den Ard-Chúirt (lena n-áirítear an measúnóir breithiúnach) a ainmneoidh Uachtarán na hArd-Chúirte an t-am céanna a ainmneofar an measúnóir breithiúnach nó a chuirfidh Uachtarán na hArd-Chúirte in iúl go bhfuil sé féin chun gníomhú mar mheasúnóir breithiúnach,


(iv) tabharfar breith an bhinse laistigh de thrí lá agus beidh sí ina breith chríochnaitheach,


(v) sula gcuirfidh sé ar atráth an rialú ar ainmniúcháin, féadfaidh an ceann comhairimh toghcháin uachtaráin, más cuí leis é, agus déanfaidh sé, ar iarratas ó iarrthóir nó ó ionadaí iarrthóra, ráiteas scríofa i dtaobh na hagóide agus na bhforas atá léi a iarraidh agus an ráiteas sin a sheachadadh, laistigh de cheithre huaire is fiche a chloig, dó féin agus don iarrthóir a ndearnadh an agóid ina choinne agus, má sheachadtar an ráiteas sin, cuirfidh sé faoi bhráid an bhinse é.


Leasú ar ailt 6 agus 20 den Phríomh-Acht.

48.—(1) Déantar leis seo alt 20 den Phríomh-Acht a leasú mar a leanas:


(i) cuirfear an mhír seo a leanas isteach i ndiaidh mhír (a) :


“(aa) mairfidh an vótaíocht ar feadh cibé tréimhse, nach giorra ná dhá uair déag a chloig, idir 8.30 a chlog, a.m. agus 10.30 a chlog p.m. a cheapfar chuige sin faoin Acht seo,”


(ii) cuirfear an mhír seo a leanas in ionad mhír (d) :


“(d) is é an duine a bheadh ina cheann comhairimh i dtoghchán Dála in aon dáilcheantar acu sin a bheidh ina cheann comhairimh sa dáilcheantar sin chun críocha na vótaíochta, ach mura mbeidh ar chumas an duine sin toisc é a bheith breoite nó ar chúis réasúnach eile gach ceann nó aon cheann dá dhualgais mar cheann comhairimh den sórt sin a chomhlíonadh nó má tharlaíonn folúntas in oifig cheann comhairimh, ceapfaidh an tAire duine chun gníomhú mar cheann comhairimh den sórt sin chun na dualgais sin a chomhlíonadh le linn an éagumais nó an fholúntais sin, cibé acu é, agus déanfar aon tagairt san Acht seo do cheann comhairimh áitiúil a fhorléiriú mar thagairt a fholaíonn tagairt do dhuine a bheidh, de bhua na míre seo, ina cheann comhairimh i ndáilcheantar chun críocha na vótaíochta agus mar thagairt do dhuine a cheapfaidh an tAire mar a dúradh;”


(2) Déantar leis seo mír (e) d'fho-alt (1) d'alt 6, den Phríomh-Acht a leasú trí “agus an tréimhse ar lena linn a déanfar” a chur isteach roimh “an vótaíocht (más ann di)”.


Oifigigh cheannais agus cléirigh vótaíochta.

49.—Déantar leis seo an t-alt seo a leanas a chur in ionad alt 23 den Phríomh-Acht:


“23. (1) Ceapfaidh an ceann comhairimh áitiúil oifigeach ceannais chun bheith i gceannas ar gach stáisiún vótaíochta agus, más oiriúnach leis é, cléireach nó cléirigh chun cuidiú le gach oifigeach ceannais.


(2) Ní cheapfaidh an ceann comhairimh áitiúil aon duine ina oifigeach ceannais ná ina chléireach vótaíochta más eol dó féin nó má thaispeántar chun a shástachta go raibh baint ghníomhach aige le cur ar aghaidh iarrthóireacht aon iarrthóra sa toghchán.


(3) Ceadóidh an ceann comhairimh áitiúil, arna iarraidh sin air, do dhuine a bhfuil sé sásta ina thaobh gur duine é a bhfuil leas bona fide aige sa toghchán, mar iarrthóir nó mar dhuine atá le bheith ina iarrthóir, nó mar ghníomhaire do dhuine den sórt sin, scrúdú a dhéanamh ar liosta na ndaoine a ndearna sé, nó a bhfuil beartaithe aige, ceapacháin mar oifigigh cheannais nó cléirigh vótaíochta a thairiscint dóibh.


(4) Coimeádfaidh oifigeach ceannais ord ina stáisiún, rialóidh sé an méid toghthóirí a ligfear isteach san aon am agus coinneoidh sé amach gach duine eile ach amháin na cléirigh, gníomhairí na n-iarrthóirí, compánaigh do thoghthóirí a bhfuil mallachar radhairc chomh mór sin orthu nó atá chomh mór sin faoi éagumas eile coirp nach féidir leo vótáil gan chabhair, le linn do na compánaigh sin bheith ag cabhrú leis na toghthóirí sin, agus comhaltaí den Gharda Síochána a bheidh ar dualgas.


(5) Féadfaidh an t-oifigeach ceannais, trí chléireach a bheidh ceaptha chun cabhrú leis, aon ghníomh a dhéanamh a cheanglaítear air nó a údaraítear dó leis an Acht seo a dhéanamh, ach amháin ordú a thabhairt chun aon duine a ghabháil, a choinneáil amach nó a chur amach as an stáisiún vótaíochta.”


Vótáil ag postvótálaithe.

1960, Uimh. 43.

50.—D'ainneoin go ndéantar aisghairm leis an Acht seo ar alt 12 den Acht Toghcháin, 1960, fanfaidh na fo-ailt seo a leanas in ionad fho-ailt (2) agus (3) d'alt 29 den Phríomh-Acht:


“(2) Déanfaidh gach ceann comhairimh áitiúil, a luaithe is féidir tar éis dó fógra a fháil ó cheann comhairimh toghcháin an uachtaráin i dtaobh toghchán uachtaráin a chur ar atráth chun vótaíocht a thógáil, páipéar ballóide agus foirm admhála (san fhoirm fhorordaithe) i leith an pháipéir bhallóide sin a chur chuig gach duine a mbeidh a ainm ar liosta na bpostvótálaithe dá dháilcheantar.


(3) Má fhaigheann an ceann comhairimh, roimh chríochnú na vótaíochta, an páipéar ballóide sin agus é marcáilte go cuí ag an duine sin maraon leis an admháil sin agus í sínithe go cuí aige, comhairfidh sé é agus déileálfar leis chun gach críche mar a dhéileálfaí le páipéar ballóide a chuirfí sa bhosca ballóide sa ghnáthshlí.”


Ceart vótála.

51.—(1) Faoi réir na bhforálacha ina dhiaidh seo den alt seo, beidh gach duine a mbeidh a ainm ar chlár na dtoghthóirí Dála a bheidh i bhfeidhm de thuras na huaire do dháilcheantar, agus ní bheidh aon duine eile, i dteideal vótála sa vótaíocht i dtoghchán uachtaráin sa dáilcheantar sin.


(2) Chun críocha an ailt seo—


(a) glacfar leis go bhfuil ainm duine ar chlár na dtoghthóirí Dála má tá ainm sa chlár ar dóigh leis an gceann comhairimh áitiúil nó leis an oifigeach ceannais go raibh sé ceaptha dó gurbh é ainm an duine sin é,


(b) féadfaidh an ceann comhairimh áitiúil nó an t-oifigeach ceannais agus, má éilítear sin air thar ceann aon iarrthóra, déanfaidh sé, na ceisteanna seo a leanas nó aon cheann nó dhá cheann acu a chur ar aon duine nuair a iarrfaidh sé páipéar ballóide, ach ní cead é a dhéanamh ina dhiaidh sin;


(i) An tusa an duine a bhfuil an t-ainm A.B. curtha síos dó i gclár na dtoghthóirí atá anois i bhfeidhm


do dháilcheantar ........................................................




(ii) Ar vótáil tú cheana sa toghchán uachtaráin seo ?


(iii) An raibh bliain is fiche slán agat an .............................


........................................................................... (an dáta a tháinig an clár i bhfeidhm) ?


agus mura rud é go dtabharfar ar na ceisteanna acu sin a chuirfear ar an duine sin, i gcás an chéad cheann agus an tríú ceann de na ceisteanna sin, freagra dearfach agus, i gcás an dara ceann díobh, freagra diúltach, ní cheadófar don duine sin vótáil,


(c) féadfaidh an ceann comhairimh áitiúil nó an t-oifigeach ceannais agus, má éilítear sin air thar ceann aon iarrthóra, déanfaidh sé, nuair a iarrfaidh aon duine páipéar ballóide, ach ní cead é a dhéanamh ina dhiaidh sin, an duine sin a chur faoi mhionn nó (i gcás aon duine a chuirfidh i gcoinne mionn a ghlacadh ar an bhforas nach bhfuil aon chreideamh aige nó go bhfuil sé in aghaidh a chreidimh mionn a ghlacadh) faoi dhearbhasc san fhoirm seo a leanas:—


“Bheirim Dia Uileachumhachtadh (—Dearbhaím agus dearbhascaim go sollúnta, go fírinneach agus go hionraic—de réir mar a bheidh) gur mise an duine a bhfuil an t-ainm A.B. curtha síos dó ar chlár na dtoghthóirí atá i bhfeidhm anois do dháilcheantar .................................... agus nár vótáil mé cheana sa toghchán seo, agus go raibh bliain is fiche slán agam an .................................................. (an dáta a tháinig an clár i bhfeidhm)”


agus má dhiúltaíonn an duine sin an mionn a ghlacadh nó an dearbhasc a dhéanamh ní cheadófar dó vótáil.


(3) Ach amháin mar a fhoráiltear leis an alt seo agus le Riail 17 den Chéad Sceideal a ghabhann leis an bPríomh-Acht, ní chuirfear ná ní cheadófar aon cheist, mionn, dearbhasc ná agóid tráth na vótaíochta i dtoghchán uachtaráin i dtaobh cheart aon duine chun vótála, agus ní dhéanfaidh ná ní ghlacfaidh aon cheann comhairimh áitiúil ná aon oifigeach ceannais aon agóid ina choinne.


(4) (a) Ní dhéanfaidh duine—


(i) atá cláraithe i gclár na dtoghthóirí Dála a bheidh i bhfeidhm de thuras na huaire do dháilcheantar ach nach bhfuil i dteideal a chláraithe amhlaidh, nó


(ii) nach bhfuil cláraithe sa chlár sin,

vótáil sa vótaíocht i dtoghchán uachtaráin sa dáilcheantar sin.

(b) Aon duine a sháróidh mír (a) den fho-alt seo beidh sé ciontach i gcion agus ar a chiontú ann go hachomair dlífear fíneáil nach mó ná céad punt a chur air nó, de rogha na Cúirte, príosúnacht ar feadh téarma nach faide ná sé mhí nó an fhíneáil sin agus an phríosúnacht sin le chéile.

(5) Ní fhorléireofar aon ní san alt seo mar ní a thugann teideal chun vótála d'aon duine nach bhfuil an teideal sin aige, ná ní shaorfaidh sé é ó aon phionóis a bheidh inchurtha air mar gheall ar vótáil.


An páipéar ballóide.

52.—(1) Déantar leis seo an t-alt seo a leanas a chur in ionad Alt 27 den Phríomh-Acht:


“27.—(1) Is le ballóid a thabharfar vótaí i dtoghchán uachtaráin agus is é a bheidh i mballóid gach vótálaí páipéar (dá ngairtear páipéar ballóide san Acht seo) i bhfoirm 8 sa Dara Sceideal a ghabhann leis an Acht seo.


(2) Beidh an ceann comhairimh toghcháin uachtaráin freagrach i leorchainníocht de pháipéir bhallóide a chló agus a chur ar fáil.”


(2) Déantar leis seo an fhoirm agus na treoracha atá leagtha amach sa Tríú Sceideal a ghabhann leis an Acht seo a chur in ionad fhoirm 8 sa Dara Sceideal a ghabhann leis an bPríomh-Acht agus déanfaidh an ceann comhairimh toghcháin uachtaráin de réir na dtreoracha sin.


Leasú ar alt 28 (2) den Phríomh-Acht agus ar Riail 11 den Tríú Sceideal a ghabhann leis an bPríomh-Acht.

53.—(1) Déantar leis seo fo-alt (2) d'alt 28 den Phríomh-Acht a leasú trí na focail seo a leanas a chur i ndeireadh an fho-ailt: “ach ní bheidh an páipéar ballóide neamhbhailí as siocair amháin go mbeidh air na focail ‘aon’, ‘dó’, ‘trí’ (agus mar sin de) nó marc ar nós ‘X’ is dóigh leis an gceann comhairimh áitiúil a thaispeánann rogha nó roghanna go soiléir.”


(2) Déantar leis seo riail 11 den Tríú Sceideal a ghabhann leis an bPríomh-Acht a leasú trí na mínithe seo a leanas a chur in ionad an mhínithe ar “céad-rogha”, “dara rogha” agus “an chéad rogha infheadhma eile”:


“ciallaíonn an abairt ‘céad-rogha’ an figiúr ‘1’, an focal ‘aon’ nó marc ar nós ‘X’ is dóigh leis an gceann comhairimh áitiúil a thaispeánann céad-rogha go soiléir; ciallaíonn an abairt ‘dara rogha’ an figiúr ‘2’, an focal ‘dó’ nó marc is dóigh leis an gceann comhairimh áitiúil a thaispeánann dara rogha go soiléir, agus é ina sheasamh ar leanúint ar chéad-rogha;


ciallaíonn an abairt ‘an chéad rogha infheidhme eile’ rogha ar dóigh leis an gceann comhairimh gur dara rogha nó rogha ina dhiaidh sin í a cuireadh síos in ord comhleantach d'iarrthóir leanúnach, gan aird a thabhairt ar roghanna d'iarrthóirí a bheidh dúnta amach cheana;”


Leasú ar alt 32 den Phríomh-Acht.

1923, Uimh. 38.

54.—(1) Déantar leis seo deireadh a chur leis an bhfeidhm a bhí, de bhua fho-alt (1) d'alt 32 den Phríomh-Acht ag na páirteanna seo den Acht chun Droch-Bhearta Toghacháin do Chosc, 1923: mír (c) d'fho-alt (2) d'alt 1, alt 4, fo-ailt (3), (4) agus (5) d'alt 6, ailt 9, 10, 11 agus 14, na focail go léir in alt 15 ó “agus ní fhéadfar” go dtí deireadh an ailt, ailt 20 agus 45 agus an míniú ar “seomra coiste” in alt 56.


(2) I gcás aon fheidhm a thabhairt de bhua fho-alt (1) d'alt 32 den Phríomh-Acht, d'fho-alt (1) nó (2) d'alt 6 nó d'alt 15 den Acht chun Droch-Bhearta Toghacháin do Chosc, 1923, beidh éifeacht ag an bhfo-alt sin (1) nó (2), nó ag an alt sin 15, de réir mar a leasaítear é le halt 90 den Acht seo.


(3)   (a) I mír (b) d'fho-alt (1) d'alt 32 den Phríomh-Acht déanfar an tagairt do Chuid II den Acht chun Droch-Bhearta Toghacháin do Chosc, 1923, a fhorléiriú mar thagairt a fholaíonn tagairt d'alt 13A (a chuirtear isteach ann le halt 90 den Acht seo) den Acht deiridh sin agus, i gcás aon fheidhm a thabhairt, de bhua na míre sin, d'alt 15 den Acht deiridh sin, déanfar an tagairt san alt sin 15 do na hailt thuasluaite den Acht deiridh sin a fhorléiriú mar thagairt a fholaíonn tagairt don alt sin 13A.


(b) I mír (d) d'fho-alt (1) d'alt 32 den Phríomh-Acht, déanfar an tagairt do na hailt den Acht chun Droch-Bhearta Toghacháin do Chosc, 1923, a fhorléiriú mar thagairt a fholaíonn tagairt d'alt 55A (a chuirtear isteach ann le halt 90 den Acht seo) den Acht deiridh sin.


(c) I bhfo-alt (2) d'alt 32 den Phríomh-Acht déanfar an abairt “na páirteanna sin den Acht chun Droch-Bhearta Toghacháin do Chosc, 1923”, a fhorléiriú mar thagairt a fholaíonn tagairt do na hailt sin 13A agus 55A.


Leasú ar Riail 1 den Chéad Sceideal a ghabhann leis an bPríomh-Acht.

55.—Déantar leis seo an Riail seo a leanas a chur in ionad Riail 1 den Chéad Sceideal a ghabhann leis an bPríomh-Acht:


“1. (1) Is dleathach d'aon cheann comhairimh áitiúil, le toiliú an Aire, leas-cheann comhairimh áitiúil a cheapadh chun gach ceann nó aon chuid áirithe de dhualgais an cheann comhairimh áitiúil sin a chomhlíonadh.


(2) Más rud é i dtoghchán iomaidh uachtaráin gurb é an duine céanna is ceann comhairimh áitiúil do dhá dháilcheantar nó níos mó, ansin—


(a) i gcás gur dhá cheann agus nach mó ná dhá cheann de na dáilcheantair sin atá ann, ceapfaidh sé, i leith ceann acu, leas-cheann comhairimh áitiúil chun na boscaí ballóide a oscailt agus na vótaí a chomhaireamh,


(b) in aon chás eile, ceapfaidh sé, i leith gach ceann de na dáilcheantair (ach ceann amháin), leas-cheann comhairimh áitiúil chun na boscaí ballóide a oscailt agus na vótaí a chomhaireamh.


(3) Ní cheapfar duine faoi mhír (2) den Riail seo mura mbeidh an ceapachán ceadaithe ag an Aire.


(4) Faoi réir forálacha na míreanna sin roimhe seo, is é an ceann comhairimh áitiúil do dháilcheantar a stiúrfaidh toghchán uachtaráin sa dáilcheantar sin mura rud é nach féidir leis é toisc é a bheith breoite nó ar chúis eile is dóigh leis an Aire a bheith réasúnach.


(5) Sna Rialacha ina dhiaidh seo den Sceideal seo folóidh tagairtí do chinn chomhairimh áitiúla, nuair is iomchuí é, tagairtí do leas-chinn chomhairimh áitiúla.”


Leasú ar Riail 15 den Chéad Sceideal a ghabhann leis an bPríomh-Acht.

56.—Déantar leis seo Riail 15 den Chéad Sceideal a ghabhann leis an bPríomh-Acht a leasú trí “le marc oifigiúil, a bheidh cabhraithe nó pollta ionas go mbeidh sé le feiceáil ar dhá thaobh an pháipéir” a chur in ionad “ar a dhá thaobh leis an marc oifigiúil tré n-a stampáil air nó tré n-a pholladh tríd”.


Vótáil ag daoine dalla, éagumasacha nó neamhliteartha.

57.—(1) Déantar leis seo an Riail seo a leanas a chur in ionad Riail 17 den Chéad Sceideal a ghabhann leis an bPríomh-Acht:


“17. (1) (a) Má shásaíonn aon toghthóir an t-oifigeach ceannais go bhfuil mallachar radhairc chomh mór sin air nó go bhfuil sé chomh mór sin faoi éagumas eile coirp nó go bhfuil sé chomh neamhliteartha sin nach féidir leis vótáil gan chabhair, beidh feidhm ag an Riail seo.


(b) Chun críocha fho-mhír (a) den mhír seo, féadfaidh an t-oifigeach ceannais, agus, má iarrann gníomhaire d'iarrthóir air é, déanfaidh sé, an toghthóir a chur faoi mhionn (nó, i gcás duine a chuirfidh i gcoinne mionn a ghlacadh ar an bhforas nach bhfuil aon chreideamh aige nó go bhfuil sé in aghaidh a chreidimh mionn a ghlacadh, faoi dhearbhasc) san fhoirm seo a leanas:


‘Bheirim Dia Uilechumhachtach (— Dearbhaím agus dearbhascaim go sollúnta, go fírinneach agus go hionraic—de réir mar a bheidh) go bhfuil mallachar radhairc chomh mór sin orm (—go bhfuil mé chomh mór sin faoi eagumas coirp —go bhfuil mé chomh neamhliteartha sin—de réir mar a bheidh) nach féidir liom vótáil gan chabhair '


agus má dhiúltaíonn an toghthóir an mionn a ghlacadh nó an dearbhasc a dhéanamh, ní bheidh feidhm ag an Riail seo.


(2) (a) Nuair a bheidh feidhm ag an Riail seo i gcás toghthóra a shásóidh an t-oifigeach ceannais go bhfuil mallachar radhairc chomh mór sin air nó go bhfuil sé chomh mór sin faoi éagumas eile coirp nach féidir leis vótáil gan chabhair, féadfaidh an toghthóir cead a iarraidh chun go márcálfadh compánach a pháipéar ballóide dó agus, faoi réir fhomhír (b) den mhír seo, féadfaidh an compánach an páipéar ballóide a mharcáil don toghthóir agus, arna mharcáil amhlaidh, cuirfidh sé isteach sa bhosca ballóide é láithreach.


(b) Féadfaidh an t-oifigeach ceannais agus, má iarrann gníomhaire d'iarrthóir air é, déanfaidh sé, na ceisteanna seo a leanas nó aon cheann nó cinn díobh a chur ar an gcompánach sula seachadfaidh sé an páipéar ballóide:


(i) An bhfuil sé bliana déag slán agat ?


(ii) An bhfuil níos mó ná páipéar ballóide amháin marcáilte agat mar chompánach sa toghchán seo ?


(iii) An iarrthóir sa toghchán seo thú ?


(iv) An gníomhaire d'iarrthóir sa toghchán seo thú ?


agus mura rud é gur freagra dearfach a thabharfar ar an gcéad cheist agus gur freagra diúltach a thabharfar ar an gceist eile nó ar na ceisteanna eile, de réir mar a bheidh, ní mharcálfaidh an compánach an páipéar ballóide.


(3) Nuair a bheidh feidhm ag an Riail seo agus—


(a) go mbeidh an toghthóir neamhliteartha, nó


(b) nach n-iarrfaidh an toghthóir cead chun go marcálfadh compánach a pháipéar ballóide dó, nó


(c) má iarrann an toghthóir an cead sin agus go mbeadh marcáil a pháipéir bhallóide ag an gcompánach ina shárú ar fhomhír (b) de mhír (2) den Riail seo,


cuirfidh an t-oifigeach ceannais faoi deara go ndéanfar, i láthair gníomhairí na n-iarrthóirí, agus gan aon duine eile a bheith i láthair, vóta an toghthóra a mharcáil ar pháipéar ballóide sa tslí a ordóidh an toghthóir agus cuirfidh sé an páipéar ballóide, arna mharcáil amhlaidh, isteach sa bhosca ballóide láithreach.


(4) I gcás ina n-iarrfaidh toghthóir, laistigh de cheithre huaire a chloig roimh an am a bheidh socraithe do chríochnú na vótaíochta, cead chun go ndéanfaí a pháipéar ballóide a mharcáil dó faoin Riail seo i slí seachas ag compánach, féadfaidh an t-oifigeach ceannais an cead sin a dhiúltú más é a thuairim, mar gheall ar an méid toghthóirí a bheidh ag teacht isteach an uair sin chun vótáil nó ar dóigh dóibh teacht isteach chun vótáil roimh chríochnú na vótaíochta, go gcuirfeadh sé isteach ar chomhlíonadh cuí a dhualgas nó go gcuirfeadh sé bac míchuí ar vótáil toghthóirí eile dá dtugadh sé an cead sin.


(5) Má bhíonn páipéar ballóide le marcáil de bhun mhír (3) den Riail seo, féadfaidh an t-oifigeach ceannais cuidiú leis an toghthóir trí na sonraí a bheidh luaite i leith gach iarrthóra a léamh amach go hiomlán as an bpáipéar ballóide, ach ní ghníomhóidh sé de bhun aon treorach i scríbhinn”.


(2)  (a)  Más rud é, de bhun mhír (2) de Riail 17 den Chéad Sceideal a ghabhann leis an bPríomh-Acht, go mbeidh duine tar éis dhá pháipéar ballóide a mharcáil mar chompánach, ní dhéanfaidh sé, sa toghchán uachtaráin céanna, aon pháipéar ballóide eile a mharcáil mar chompánach.


(b) Ní dhéanfaidh duine, de bhun mhír (2) de Riail 17 den Chéad Sceideal a ghabhann leis an bPríomh-Acht, páipéar ballóide a mharcáil i dtoghchán uachtaráin mar chompánach, más iarrthóir nó gníomhaire d'iarrthóir sa toghchán sin é.


(c) Aon duine a sháróidh mír (a) nó mír (b) den fho-alt seo, beidh sé ciontach i gcion agus ar a chiontú ann go hachomair, dlífear fíneáil nach mó ná céad punt a chur air nó, de rogha na Cúirte, príosúnacht ar feadh téarma nach faide ná sé mhí nó an fhíneáil sin agus an phríosúnacht sin le chéile.


Pearsanú a líomhnaítear.

58.—Déantar leis seo an Riail seo a leanas a chur in ionad Riail 18 den Chéad Sceideal a ghabhann leis an bPríomh-Acht:


“18. Má dhéanann duine, a chuirfidh in iúl gur toghthóir áirithe é atá ainmnithe ar chlár na dtoghthóirí, páipéar ballóide a iarraidh tar éis páipéar ballóide a bheith tugtha do dhuine eile amhail is dá mba é an toghthóir sin é, beidh an t-iarratasóir, má fhreagraíonn sé go cuí na ceisteanna a cheadaítear leis an Acht seo a chur ar vótálaithe tráth na vótaíochta, i dteideal páipéar ballóide a mharcáil faoi mar a bheadh aon toghthóir eile agus an páipéar ballóide, arna mharcáil, a chur isteach sa bhosca ballóide, ach déanfaidh an t-oifigeach ceannais amach ráiteas a thaispeánfaidh an méid iomlán páipéar ballóide a eisíodh de bhun na Rialach seo agus na hainmneacha agus na huimhreacha a bhí ar chlár na dtoghthóirí do na daoine chun ar eisíodh iad”.


Dualgais an oifigigh cheannais ar chríochnú na vótaíochta.

59.—Déantar leis seo an Riail seo a leanas a chur in ionad Riail 21 den Chéad Sceideal a ghabhann leis an bPríomh-Acht:


“21. Déanfaidh an t-oifigeach ceannais, ag an am a bheidh socraithe do chríochnú na vótaíochta, bearta chun a áirithiú nach ligfear aon toghthóirí eile isteach sa stáisiún vótaíochta agus, faoi réir an choinníll go mbeidh toghthóir a bheidh san áitreabh ag an am sin i dteideal páipéar ballóide a fháil agus vótáil a dhéanamh, déanfaidh an t-oifigeach ceannais i ngach stáisiún vótaíochta, a luaithe is féidir tar éis críochnú na vótaíochta, agus i láthair gníomhairí pearsanaíochta na n-iarrthóirí, gach bosca ballóide a shéalú, gan é a oscailt ach an eochair a bheith ceangailte de, ionas nach féidir a thuilleadh páipéar a chur isteach ann, agus cuirfidh sé i bpaicéid ar leith a shéalóidh sé lena shéala—


(a) na páipéir bhallóide neamhúsáidte agus mhillte, i dteannta a chéile,


(b) cóipeanna marcáilte de chlár na dtoghthóirí, agus


(c) comhdhuillí na bpáipéar ballóide,


agus seachadfaidh sé na boscaí ballóide agus na paicéid sin go léir don cheann comhairimh áitiúil.


Leasú ar Rialacha 22A, 23 agus 24 den Chéad Sceideal a ghabhann leis an bPríomh-Acht.

60.—Déantar leis seo na Rialacha seo a leanas a chur in ionad Rialacha 22A, 23 agus 24 den Chéad Sceideal a ghabhann leis an bPríomh-Acht:

An áit chun na boscaí ballóide a oscailt, etc.

“22A. (1) Déanfaidh an ceann comhairimh áitiúil do dháilcheantar—

(a) an áit ina n-osclóidh sé na boscaí ballóide a cheapadh,

(b) na boscaí ballóide a oscailt san áit a cheapfar amhlaidh,

(c) fógra i scríbhinn i dtaobh na háite a cheapfar amhlaidh a thabhairt do gach gníomhaire áitiúil d'iarrthóir, ocht n-uaire is daichead a chloig ar a laghad roimh 9 a chlog a.m. an lá díreach i ndiaidh críochnú na vótaíochta,

(d) gach saoráid réasúnach a thabhairt do gach gníomhaire áitiúil d'iarrthóir agus do gach gníomhaire a cheapfar faoi Riail 24 den Sceideal seo chun faire ar na himeachtaí le linn an chomhairimh (lena n-áirítear, go háirithe, saoráidí chun iad féin a shásamh go sórtáiltear na páipéir bhallóide i gceart), agus gach eolas ina dtaobh, is féidir leis a thabhairt dóibh i gcomhréir le stiúradh ordúil na n-imeachtaí agus le comhlíonadh a fheidhmeanna.

(e) cóiríocht oiriúnach, agus an trealamh go léir is gá, le haghaidh comhaireamh na vótaí, a chur ar fáil.

(2) An áit a cheapfar faoi fhomhír (a) den mhír sin roimhe seo, beidh sé laistigh den dáilcheantar, ach—

(a) más é atá sa dáilcheantar cuid atá ina cuid de chontae-bhuirg agus cuid atá lasmuigh den bhuirg sin, féadfaidh sé—

(i) bheith laistigh den chuid eile den bhuirg sin, nó

(ii) le toiliú an Aire, bheith lasmuigh den bhuirg sin, agus lasmuigh den dáilcheantar ach i gcóngar dó, agus

(b) in aon chás eile, féadfaidh sé, le toiliú an Aire, bheith lasmuigh den dáilcheantar ach i gcóngar dó.

Oscailt na mboscaí ballóide.

23. Ar 9 a chlog a.m. an lá i ndiaidh críochnú na vótaíochta i ndáilcheantar agus san áit a bheidh ceaptha aige faoi Riail 22A den Sceideal seo, tosóidh an ceann comhairimh áitiúil don dáilcheantar sin ar na boscaí ballóide a úsáideadh sa vótaíocht sa dáilcheantar sin a oscailt, tógfaidh sé amach na páipéir bhallóide a bheidh iontu, comhairfidh sé iad agus breacfaidh sé síos a líon, agus ansin meascfaidh sé ar a chéile iad.

Gníomhairí d'iarrthóirí a bheith i láthair le linn oscailt na mboscaí ballóide.

24. Féadfaidh gach gníomhaire áitiúil d'iarrthóir gníomhairí a cheapadh chun bheith i láthair thar ceann an iarrthóra sin le linn na mboscaí ballóide ina dháilcheantar a bheith á n-oscailt ag an gceann comhairimh áitiúil agus le linn na n-imeachtaí a leanfaidh as a n-oscailt. Ní cheapfaidh aon ghníomhaire áitiúil áirithe níos mó ná cúigear gníomhaire mura gceadóidh an ceann comhairimh áitiúil a mhalairt.”


Leasú ar Rialacha 27, 39 agus 40 den Chéad Sceideal a ghabhann leis an bPríomh-Acht.

1946, Uimh. 29.

61.—(1) D'ainneoin go ndéantar aisghairm leis an Acht seo ar mhír (d) d'alt 3 d'Acht Toghchán an Uachtaráin (Leasú), 1946, fanfaidh “óna haon déag” in ionad “óna seacht” i Rialacha 27 agus 39 den Chéad Sceideal a ghabhann leis an bPríomh-Acht.


(2) Déantar leis seo Riail 40 den Chéad Sceideal a ghabhann leis an bPríomh-Acht a leasú trí “ón dáta a bhí an vótaíocht ann” a chur isteach i ndiaidh “go ceann sé mhí”.


Leasú ar Riail 8 den Tríú Sceideal a ghabhann leis an bPríomh-Acht.

62.—Déantar leis seo na míreanna seo a leanas a chur le Riail 8 den Tríú Sceideal a ghabhann leis an bPríomh-Acht:


“(4) An chumhacht a thugtar leis an mír sin roimhe seo chun páipéir a athscrúdú agus a athchomhaireamh, tá réim aici maidir le páipéir ar déileáladh leo i gcomhaireamh ba luaithe ná an comhaireamh díreach roimhe sin.


(5) I gcás gach iarrthóra, féadfaidh sé féin nó a phríomhghníomhaire iarratas amháin (agus sin uile) a dhéanamh ag iarraidh athscrúdú agus athchomhaireamh iomlán ar gach beartán páipéar, agus má iarrtar sin ar an gceann comhairimh toghcháin uachtaráin déanfaidh sé athscrúdú agus athchomhaireamh ar na beartáin pháipéar dá réir sin. San athscrúdú agus san athchomhaireamh, ní athrófar méid ná ord na bpáipéar in aon bheartán. Ní chuirfidh aon ní dá bhfuil sna forálacha sin roimhe seo den mhír seo d'oibleagáid ar an gceann comhairimh toghcháin uachtaráin an beartán céanna páipéar a athscrúdú nó a athchomhaireamh níos mó ná uair amháin, ach má aimsítear earráid agus gurb é tuairim an cheann comhairimh toghcháin uachtaráin gurb earráid thábhachtach í ar dóigh di difir a dhéanamh do thoradh an toghcháin, comhairfidh an ceann comhairimh toghcháin uachtaráin na páipéir go léir as úire ón bpointe ag ar tharla an earráid.


(6) Má aimsítear earráid, déanfaidh an ceann comhairimh toghcháin uachtaráin, más gá é, aon torthaí a bheidh fógartha aige roimhe sin a leasú.”





Léiriú agus forléiriú (Cuid V agus an Ceathrú Sceideal).

1942, Uimh. 8.

63.—(1) Sa Chuid seo den Acht seo ciallaíonn “an Príomh-Acht” Acht an Reifrinn, 1942.


(2) Déanfar Achtanna an Reifrinn, 1942 go 1960, agus an Chuid seo den Acht seo agus an Ceathrú Sceideal a ghabhann leis an Acht seo a fhorléiriú le chéile mar aon Acht amháin.


Cártaí vótaíochta.

64.—(1) I reifreann, cuirfidh an ceann comhairimh áitiúil do dháilcheantar chuig gach toghthóir a bhfuil a ainm ar chlár na dtoghthóirí Dála don dáilcheantar, agus nach bhfuil ar liosta na bpostvótalaithe, cárta (dá ngairtear cárta vótaíochta san alt seo) san fhoirm fhorordaithe á chur in iúl dó cad é a uimhir (lena n-áirítear litir an cheantair vótaíochta) ar chlár na dtoghthóirí Dála agus cad é an áit a bhfuil sé i dteideal vótáil ann.


(2) Seolfar cárta vótaíochta chuig an toghthóir ag an seoladh a mbeidh sé cláraithe ina leith i gclár na dtoghthóirí Dála agus cuirfear amach é in am chun go seachadfar é i ngnáthchúrsa an phoist ag an seoladh sin tráth nach déanaí ná an tríú lá roimh lá na vótaíochta.


(3) Cuirfear cárta vótaíochta chun bealaigh leis an bpost agus seolfar ar aghaidh é saor in aisce leis an bpost is luaithe a fhónfaidh.


(4) Na costais faoina rachaidh ceann comhairimh áitiúil ag comhlíonadh an ailt seo, áireofar iad mar chostais faoina rachaidh sé chun críocha an reifrinn de réir bhrí alt 12 den Phríomh-Acht.


(5) Ní chuirfear aon reifreann ó bhail mar gheall ar aon fhaillí i gcárta vótaíochta a chur amach, nó toisc nár seachadadh cárta vótaíochta nó go raibh earráid nó míráiteas ann.


(6) Ní fhéadfar aon chaingean ná imeacht eile a thabhairt i gcoinne ceann comhairimh áitiúil mar gheall ar aon earráid nó míraiteas i gcárta vótaíochta.


Vótaíocht roimh ré ar oileáin.

65.—(1) Beidh feidhm ag an alt seo más rud é, i reifreann, gurb é tuairim cheann comhairimh áitiúil, i gcás stáisiún vótaíochta ar oileán, gur dóigh, mar gheall ar dhrochaimsir nó deacrachtaí iompair—


(a) nach bhféadfaí an vótaíocht a thógáil an lá vótaíochta a bheidh ceaptha ag an Aire, nó


(b) dá dtógfaí an vótaíocht an lá sin, nárbh fhéidir na boscaí ballóide a bheith san áit le haghaidh oscailt na mboscaí ballóide ar 9 a chlog a.m. nó roimhe sin, an lá i ndiaidh lá na vótaíochta.


(2) I gcás ina mbeidh feidhm ag an alt seo, tabharfaidh an ceann comhairimh áitiúil fógra poiblí sa cheantar vótaíochta á rá go dtógfaidh sé an vótaíocht sa stáisiún vótaíochta ar an oileán lá a shonróidh sé, agus ar lá é is luaithe ná an lá vótaíochta a bheidh ceaptha ag an Aire agus is déanaí ná an séú lá roimh an lá vótaíochta sin agus, d'ainneoin aon ní sa Phríomh-Acht, beidh éifeacht ag na forálacha seo a leanas:


(a) féadfaidh an ceann comhairimh áitiúil an vótaíocht a thógáil sa stáisiún vótaíochta ar an oileán an lá a bheidh sonraithe san fhógra nó, más é a thuairim nach féidir, mar gheall ar dhrochaimsir, an vótaíocht a thógáil an lá sin, an chéad lá i ndiaidh an lae sin is dóigh leis a bheidh cúrsaí iompair idir an t-oileán agus an mhórthír réasúnta sábháilte,


(b) mura féidir, mar gheall ar dheacrachtaí iompair, tosú ar an vótaíocht ag an am a bheidh socraithe ag an Aire do thosú na vótaíochta, tosófar ar an vótaíocht a luaithe is féidir tar éis an ama sin,


(c) más rud é, tar éis an vótaíocht a bheith ar siúl ar feadh ceithre huaire an chloig ar a laghad, gur dóigh leis an oifigeach ceannais, dá leanfaí níos faide leis an vótaíocht, nárbh fhéidir na boscaí ballóide a bheith ag an áit le haghaidh oscailt na mboscaí ballóide ar 9 a.m. nó roimhe sin, an lá i ndiaidh an lae vótaíochta a bheidh ceaptha ag an Aire, féadfaidh sé an vótaíocht a chríochnú ansin.


(3) Ní dhéanfar aon athrú ar fhoirm ná ar ráiteas an fhógra i dtaobh vótaíochta faoi Riail 3 den Chéad Sceideal a ghabhann leis an bPríomh-Acht mar gheall ar athrú faoin alt seo ar lá agus uaire a chloig vótaíochta.


Vótáil ag daoine atá ar fostú ag cinn chomairimh áitiúla.

66.—Más rud é—


(a) go bhfuil duine i dteideal vótála sa vótaíocht i reifreann,


(b) go bhfuil sé ar fostú ag an gceann comhairimh áitiúil don dáilcheantar a bhfuil sé i dteideal vótáil ann, chun aon chríche a bhaineann leis an vótaíocht sa dáilcheantar sin, agus


(c) mar gheall ar imthosca a fhostaíochta, nach féidir leis, i dtuairim an cheann comhairimh, vótáil sa stáisiún vótaíochta a mbeadh sé i dteideal vótáil ann murach sin,


féadfaidh an t-oifigeach sin a údarú dó i scríbhinn vótáil i stáisiún vótaíochta eile a shonrófar sa dáilcheantar sin, agus, chun críche Riail 8 den Chéad Sceideal a ghabhann leis an bPríomh-Acht, measfar gurb é an stáisiún vótaíochta a shonrófar amhlaidh an stáisiún vótaíochta a dáileadh dó.


Leasú ar ailt 8 (1), 10 (1) agus 11 den Phríomh-Acht.

67.—(1) Déantar leis seo alt 11 den Phríomh-Acht a leasú mar a leanas:


(i) cuirfear an mhír seo a leanas isteach i ndiaidh mhír (a):


“(aa) mairfidh an vótaíocht ar feadh cibé tréimhse, nach giorra ná dhá uair déag a chloig, idir 8.30 a chlog, a.m. agus 10.30 a chlog p.m. a cheapfar chuige sin faoin Acht seo;”


(ii) cuirfear an mhír seo a leanas in ionad mhír (d):


“(d) is é an duine a bheadh ina cheann comhairimh i dtoghchán Dála in aon dáilcheantar acu sin a bheidh ina cheann comhairimh sa dáilcheantar sin chun críocha na vótaíochta, ach mura mbeidh ar chumas an duine sin toisc é a bheith breoite nó ar chúis réasúnach eile gach ceann nó aon cheann dá dhualgais mar cheann comhairimh den sórt sin a chomhlíonadh nó má tharlaíonn folúntas in oifig cheann comhairimh, ceapfaidh an tAire duine chun gníomhú mar cheann comhairimh den sórt sin chun na dualgais sin a chomhlíonadh le linn an éagumais nó an fholúntais sin, cibé acu é, agus déanfar aon tagairt san Acht seo do cheann comhairimh áitiúil a fhorléiriú mar thagairt a fholaíonn tagairt do dhuine a bheidh, de bhua na míre seo, ina cheann comhairimh i ndáilcheantar chun críocha na vótaíochta agus mar thagairt do dhuine a cheapfaidh an tAire mar a dúradh;”


(2) Déantar leis seo fo-alt (1) d'alt 8 agus fo-alt (1) d'alt 10, den Phríomh-Acht a leasú trí “agus an tréimhse ar lena linn a déanfar” a chur isteach roimh “an vótaíocht”.


Oifigigh cheannais agus cléirigh vótaíochta.

68.—Déantar leis seo an t-alt seo a leanas a chur in ionad alt 18 den Phríomh-Acht:


“18. (1) Ceapfaidh an ceann comhairimh áitiúil oifigeach ceannais chun bheith i gceannas ar gach stáisiún vótaíochta agus, más oiriúnach leis é, cléireach nó cléirigh chun cuidiú le gach oifigeach ceannais.


(2) Ní cheapfaidh an ceann comhairimh áitiúil aon duine ina oifigeach ceannais ná ina chléireach vótaíochta más eol dó féin nó má thaispeántar chun a shástachta go raibh baint ghníomhach aige le hiarracht chun aon toradh áirithe a ghnóthú sa reifreann.


(3) Ceadóidh an ceann comhairimh áitiúil, arna iarraidh sin air, d'aon chomhalta de Dháil Éireann nó de Sheanad Éireann, nó d'aon ghníomhaire pearsanaíochta, scrúdú a dhéanamh ar liosta na ndaoine a ndearna sé nó a bhfuil beartaithe aige ceapacháin mar oifigigh cheannais nó cléirigh vótaíochta a thairiscint dóibh.


(4) Coimeádfaidh oifigeach ceannais ord ina stáisiún, rialóidh sé an méid toghthóirí a ligfear isteach san aon am agus coinneoidh sé amach gach duine eile ach amháin na cléirigh, na gníomhairí pearsanaíochta (más ann) a ceapadh dá stáisiún vótaíochta, compánaigh do thoghthóirí a bhfuil mallachar radhairc chomh mór sin orthu nó atá chomh mór sin faoi éagumas eile coirp nach féidir leo vótáil gan chabhair, le linn do na compánaigh sin bheith ag cabhrú leis na toghthóirí sin, agus comhaltaí den Gharda Síochána a bheidh ar dualgas.


(5) Féadfaidh an t-oifigeach ceannais, trí chléireach a bheidh ceaptha chun cabhrú leis, aon ghníomh a dhéanamh a cheanglaítear air nó a údaraítear dó leis an Acht seo a dhéanamh, ach amháin ordú a thabhairt chun aon duine a ghabháil, a choinneáil amach nó a chur amach as an stáisiún vótaíochta.”


Vótáil ag postvótálaithe.

1960, Uimh. 43.

69.—(1) D'ainneoin go ndéantar aisghairm leis an Acht seo ar alt 15 den Acht Toghcháin, 1960, fanfaidh na fo-ailt seo a leanas in ionad fho-ailt (2) agus (3) d'alt 20 den Phríomh-Acht:


“(2) Déanfaidh gach ceann comhairimh áitiúil, a luaithe is féidir tar éis dáta an ordaithe ón Aire ag ceapadh an lae vótaíochta i reifreann, páipéar ballóide agus foirm admhála (san fhoirm fhorordaithe) i leith an pháipéir bhallóide sin a chur chuig gach duine a mbeidh a ainm ar liosta na bpostvótálaithe dá dháilcheantar.


(3) Má fhaigheann an ceann comhairimh, roimh chríochnú na vótaíochta, an páipéar ballóide sin agus é marcáilte go cuí ag an duine sin, maraon leis an admháil sin agus í sínithe go cuí aige, comhairfidh sé é agus déileálfar leis chun gach críche mar a dhéiléalfaí le páipéar ballóide a chuirfí sa bhosca ballóide sa ghnáthshlí.”


(2) D'ainneoin na haisghairme sin fanfaidh “na hadmhálacha do” in ionad “na dearbhuithe céannachta do” agus “admhálacha dar” in ionad “dearbhuithe céannachta dar” i mír (c) de Riail 31 den Chéad Sceideal a ghabhann leis an bPríomh-Acht.


Ceart vótála.

70.—(1) Faoi réir na bhforálacha ina dhiaidh seo den alt seo, beidh gach duine a mbeidh a ainm ar chlár na dtoghthóirí Dála a bheidh i bhfeidhm de thuras na huaire do dháilcheantar, agus ní bheidh aon duine eile, i dteideal vótála sa dáilcheantar sin sa vótaíocht i reifreann.


(2) Chun críocha an ailt seo—


(a) glacfar leis go bhfuil ainm duine ar chlár na toghthóirí Dála má bhíonn ainm sa chlár ar dóigh leis an gceann comhairimh áitiúil nó leis an oifigeach ceannais go raibh sé ceaptha dó gurbh é ainm an duine sin é,


(b) féadfaidh an ceann comhairimh áitiúil nó an t-oifigeach ceannais agus, má éilíonn gníomhaire pearsanaíochta air é, déanfaidh sé, na ceisteanna seo a leanas nó aon cheann nó dhá cheann acu a chur ar aon duine nuair a iarrfaidh sé páipéar ballóide, ach ní cead é a dhéanamh ina dhiaidh sin:


(i) An tusa an duine a bhfuil an t-ainm A. B. curtha síos dó i gclár na dtoghthóirí atá anois i bhfeidhm


do dháilcheantar ........................................................




(ii) Ar vótáil tú cheana sa reifreann seo ?


(iii) An raibh bliain is fiche slán agat an .............................


........................................................................... (an dáta a tháinig an clár i bhfeidhm) ?


agus mura rud é go dtabharfar ar na ceisteanna acu sin a chuirfear ar an duine sin, i gcás an chéad cheann agus an tríú ceann de na ceisteanna sin, freagra dearfach agus, i gcás an dara ceann díobh, freagra diúltach, ní cheadófar don duine sin vótáil,


(c) féadfaidh an ceann comhairimh áitiúil nó an t-oifigeach ceannais agus, má éilíonn oifigeach pearsanaíochta air é, déanfaidh sé, nuair a iarrfaidh aon duine páipéar ballóide, ach ní cead é a dhéanamh ina dhiaidh sin, an duine sin a chur faoi mhionn nó (i gcás aon duine a chuirfidh i gcoinne mionn a ghlacadh ar an bhforas nach bhfuil aon chreideamh aige nó go bhfuil sé in aghaidh a chreidimh mionn a ghlacadh) faoi dhearbhasc san fhoirm seo a leanas:—


“Bheirim Dia Uilechumhachtach (—Dearbhaím agus dearbhascaim go sollúnta, go fírinneach agus go hionraic—de réir mar a bheidh) gur mise an duine a bhfuil an t-ainm A. B. curtha síos dó ar chlár na dtoghthóirí atá i bhfeidhm anois do dháilcheantar ......................................... agus nár vótáil mé cheana sa reifreann seo, agus go raibh bliain is fiche slán agam an ........................................ (an dáta a tháinig an clár i bhfeidhm)”


agus má dhiúltaíonn an duine sin an mionn a ghlacadh nó an dearbhasc a dhéanamh ní cheadófar dó vótáil.


(3) Ach amháin mar a fhoráiltear leis an alt seo agus le Riail 18 den Chéad Sceideal a ghabhann leis an bPríomh-Acht, ní chuirfear ná ní cheadófar aon cheist, mionn, dearbhasc ná agóid tráth na vótaíochta i reifreann i dtaobh cheart aon duine chun vótála, agus ní dhéanfaidh ná ní ghlacfaidh aon cheann comhairimh áitiúil ná aon oifigeach ceannais aon agóid ina choinne.


(4) (a) Ní dhéanfaidh duine—


(i) atá cláraithe i gclár na dtoghthóirí Dála a bheidh i bhfeidhm de thuras na huaire do dháilcheantar ach nach bhfuil i dteideal a chláraithe amhlaidh, nó


(ii) nach bhfuil cláraithe sa chlár sin,


vótáil sa dáilcheantar sin sa vótaíocht i reifreann.

(b) Aon duine a sháróidh mír (a) den fho-alt seo beidh sé ciontach i gcion agus ar a chiontú ann go hachomair dlífear fíneáil nach mó ná céad punt a chur air nó, de rogha na Cúirte, príosúnacht ar feadh téarma nach faide ná sé mhí nó an fhineáil sin agus an phríosúnacht sin le chéile.

(5) Ní fhorléireofar aon ní san alt seo mar ní a thugann teideal chun vótála d'aon duine nach bhfuil an teideal sin aige, ná ní shaorfaidh sé é ó aon phionóis a bheidh inchurtha air mar gheall ar vótáil.


Foirmeacha na bpáipéar ballóide.

71.—(1) I reifreann bunreachta—


(a) beidh gach páipéar ballóide san fhoirm atá leagtha amach i gCuid I den Cheathrú Sceideal a ghabhann leis an Acht seo, agus


(b) déanfar an togra is ábhar don reifreann a chur in iúl ar an bpáipéar ballóide tríd an mBille ina bhfuil an togra sin agus a ritheadh nó a mheastar a ritheadh ag dhá Theach an Oireachtais a lua faoina ghearrtheideal.


(2) I ngnáthreifreann beidh gach páipéar ballóide san fhoirm iomchuí atá leagtha amach i gCuid II den Cheathrú Sceideal a ghabhann leis an Acht seo, agus—


(a) i gcás páipéir bhallóide i leith aon reifrinn amháin, beidh tagairt ann do Bhille nó don pháirt den Bhille ina bhfuil an togra is ábhar don reifreann, agus


(b) i gcás páipéir bhallóide i leith dhá reifreann nó níos mó arb é an lá vótaíochta céanna a bheidh ann dóibh, beidh ann, i leith gach reifrinn ar leith, tagairt don Bhille nó don pháirt den Bhille ina bhfuil an togra is ábhar don reifreann.


(3) Nuair a bheidh feidhm á thabhairt, i gcás reifrinn bhunreachta, do mhír (1) de Riail 3 den Chéad Sceideal a ghabhann leis an bPríomh-Acht, cuirfear an fhomhír seo a leanas in ionad fhomhír (b) den mhír sin;


“(b) i dtaobh ghearrtheideal an Bhille ina bhfuil an togra is ábhar don reifreann sin, agus”.


(4) Faoi réir an chéad fho-ailt ina dhiaidh seo, más é an lá céanna is lá vótaíochta in dhá ghnáthreifreann nó níos mó, ní eiseofar páipéir bhallóide ar leith, ach cumfar gach páipéar ballóide ar dhóigh go bhféadfaidh an vótálaí vóta ar leith a bhreacadh i leith gach reifrinn díobh.


(5) Más é an lá céanna is lá vótaíochta in dhá ghnáthreifreann nó níos mó, agus gur dóigh leis an Aire ar chúis ar bith go bhfuil sé dodhéanta nó neamhfhoirsteanach an fo-alt sin roimhe seo a chomhlíonadh—


(a) féadfaidh an tAire a ordú go n-eiseofar páipéir bhallóide ar leith do cheann amháin nó níos mó nó do gach ceann de na reifrinn agus eiseofar na páipéir sin dá réir sin,


(b) i gcás ina n-ordóidh an tAire mar a dúradh agus nach mbainfidh an t-ordú le gach ceann de na reifrinn—


(i) más rud é nach bhfuil ann ach ceann amháin de na reifrinn nach mbaineann an t-ordú leis, eiseofar páipéir bhallóide ar leith dó,


(ii) más rud é go bhfuil dhá cheann nó níos mó ann de na reifrinn nach mbaineann an t-ordú leo, bainfidh an fo-alt sin roimhe seo leo.


Leasú ar alt 29 den Phríomh-Acht.

1923, Uimh. 38.

72.—(1) Déantar leis seo deireadh a chur leis an bhfeidhm a bhí, de bhua fho-alt (1) d'alt 29 den Phríomh-Acht, ag na páirteanna seo a leanas den Acht chun Droch-Bhearta Toghacháin do Chosc, 1923: mír (c) d'fho-alt (2) d'alt 1, alt 4, fo-ailt (3), (4) agus (5) d'alt 6, ailt 9 agus 10, na focail go léir in alt 15 ó “agus ní féadfar” go dtí deireadh an ailt, alt 45 agus na míniú ar “seomra coiste” in alt 56.


(2) I gcás aon fheidhm a thabhairt, de bhua fho-alt (1) d'alt 29 den Phríomh-Acht, d'fho-alt (1) nó (2) d'alt 6 nó d'alt 15 den Acht chun Droch-Bhearta Toghacháin do Chosc, 1923 beidh éifeacht ag an bhfo-alt sin (1) nó (2) nó ag an alt sin 15, de réir mar a leasaítear é le halt 90 den Acht seo.


(3) (a) I mír (b) d'fho-alt (1) d'alt 29 den Phríomh-Acht déanfar an tagairt do na hailt den Acht chun Droch-Bhearta Toghacháin do Chosc, 1923, a fhorléiriú mar thagairt a fholaíonn tagairt d'alt 13A (a chuirtear isteach ann le halt 90 den Acht seo) den Acht deiridh sin agus, i gcás aon fheidhm a thabhairt, de bhua na míre sin, d'alt 15 den Acht deiridh sin, déanfar an tagairt san alt sin 15 do na hailt thuasluaite den Acht deiridh sin a fhorléiriú mar thagairt a fholaíonn tagairt don alt sin 13A.


(b) I mír (d) d'fho-alt (1) d'alt 29 den Phríomh-Acht, déanfar an tagairt do na hailt den Acht chun Droch-Bhearta Toghacháin do Chosc, 1923, a fhorléiriú mar thagairt a fholaíonn tagairt d'alt 55A (a chuirtear isteach ann le halt 90 den Acht seo) den Acht deiridh sin.


(c) I bhfo-alt (2) d'alt 29 den Phríomh-Acht déanfar an abairt “na páirteanna sin den Acht chun Droch-Bhearta Toghacháin do Chosc, 1923”, a fhorléiriú mar thagairt a fholaíonn tagairt do na hailt sin 13A agus 55A.


Leasú ar Riail 1 den Chéad Sceideal a ghabhann leis an bPríomh-Acht.

73.—Déantar leis seo an Riail seo a leanas a chur in ionad Riail 1 den Chéad Sceideal a ghabhann leis an bPríomh-Acht:


“1. (1) Is dleathach d'aon cheann comhairimh áitiúil, le toiliú an Aire, leas-cheann comhairimh áitiúil a cheapadh chun gach ceann nó aon chuid áirithe de dhualgais an cheann comhairimh áitiúil sin a chomhlíonadh.


(2) Más rud é i reifreann gurb é an duine céanna is ceann comhairimh áitiúil do dhá dháilcheantar nó níos mó, ansin—


(a) i gcás gur dhá cheann agus nach mó ná dhá cheann de na dáilcheantair sin atá ann, ceapfaidh sé, i leith ceann acu, leas-cheann comhairimh áitiúil chun na boscaí ballóide a oscailt agus na vótaí a chomhaireamh,


(b) in aon chás eile, ceapfaidh sé, i leith gach ceann de na dáilcheantair (ach ceann amháin), leas-cheann comhairimh áitiúil chun na boscaí ballóide a oscailt agus na vótaí a chomhaireamh.


(3) Ní cheapfar duine faoi mhír (2) den Riail seo mura mbeidh an ceapachán ceadaithe ag an Aire.


(4) Faoi réir forálacha na míreanna sin roimhe seo, is é an ceann comhairimh áitiúil do dháilcheantar a stiúrfaidh reifreann sa dáilcheantar sin mura rud é nach féidir leis é toisc é a bheith breoite nó ar chúis eile is dóigh leis an Aire a bheith réasúnach.


(5) Sna Rialacha ina dhiaidh seo den Sceideal seo folóidh tagairtí don cheann comhairimh áitiúil, nuair is iomchuí é, tagairtí do leas-chinn chomhairimh áitiúla.”


Leasú ar an bPríomh-Acht maidir leis an marc oifigiúil ar pháipéir bhallóide.

74.—Déantar leis seo “le marc oifigiúil, a bheidh cabhraithe nó pollta ionas go mbeidh sé le feiceáil ar dhá thaobh an pháipéir” a chur in ionad “ar a dhá thaobh le marc oifigiúil a stampálfar air nó a pollfar tríd” i bhfo-alt (3) d'alt 14 den Phríomh-Acht agus in ionad “ar a dhá thaobh leis an marc oifigiúil tré n-a stampáil air nó tré n-a pholladh tríd” i Riail 16 den Chéad Sceideal a ghabhann leis an Acht sin.


Vótáil ag daoine dalla, éagumasacha nó neamhliteartha.

75.—(1) Déantar leis seo an Riail seo a leanas a chur in ionad Riail 18 den Chéad Sceideal a ghabhann leis an bPríomh-Acht:


“18. (1) (a) Má shásaíonn aon vótálaí an t-oifigeach ceannais go bhfuil mallachar radhairc chomh mór sin air nó go bhfuil sé chomh mór sin faoi éagumas eile coirp nó go bhfuil sé chomh neamhliteartha sin nach féidir leis vótáil gan chabhair, beidh feidhm ag an Riail seo.


(b) Chun críocha fhomhír (a) den mhír seo, féadfaidh an t-oifigeach ceannais agus, má iarrann gníomhaire pearsanaíochta air é, déanfaidh sé, an vótálaí a chur faoi mhionn (nó, i gcás duine a chuirfidh i gcoinne mionn a ghlacadh ar an bhforas nach bhfuil aon chreideamh aige nó go bhfuil sé in aghaidh a chreidimh mionn a ghlacadh, faoi dhearbhasc) san fhoirm seo a leanas:


‘Bheirim Dia Uilechumhachtach (— Dearbhaím agus dearbhascaim go sollúnta, go fírinneach agus go hionraic—de réir mar a bheidh) go bhfuil mallachar radhairc chomh mór sin orm (—go bhfuil mé chomh mór sin faoi éagumas coirp — go bhfuil mé chomh neamhliteartha sin— de réir mar a bheidh) nach féidir liom vótáil gan chabhair’


agus má dhiúltaíonn an vótálaí an mionn a ghlacadh nó an dearbhasc a dhéanamh, ní bheidh feidhm ag an Riail seo.


(2) (a) Nuair a bheidh feidhm ag an Riail seo i gcás vótálaí a shásóidh an t-oifigeach ceannais go bhfuil mallachar radhairc chomh mór sin air nó go bhfuil sé chomh mór sin faoi éagumas eile coirp nach féidir leis vótáil gan chabhair, féadfaidh an vótálaí cead a iarraidh chun go marcálfadh compánach a pháipéar ballóide dó agus, faoi réir fhomhír (b) den mhír seo, féadfaidh an compánach an páipéar ballóide a mharcáil don vótálaí agus, arna mharcáil amhlaidh, cuirfidh sé isteach sa bhosca ballóide é láithreach.


(b) Féadfaidh an t-oifigeach ceannais agus, má iarrann gníomhaire pearsanaíochta air é, déanfaidh sé, na ceisteanna seo a leanas nó aon cheann nó aon dá cheann díobh a chur ar an gcompánach sula seachadfaidh sé an páipéar ballóide:


(i) An bhfuil sé bliana déag slán agat ?


(ii) An bhfuil níos mó ná páipéar ballóide amháin marcáilte agat mar chompánach sa reifreann seo ?


(iii) An gníomhaire pearsanaíochta thú sa reifreann seo ?


agus mura rud é gur freagra dearfach a thabharfar ar an gcéad cheist agus gur freagra diúltach a thabharfar ar an gceist eile nó ar na ceisteanna eile, de réir mar a bheidh, ní mharcálfaidh an compánach an páipéar ballóide.


(3) Nuair a bheidh feidhm ag an Riail seo agus—


(a) go mbeidh an vótálaí neamhliteartha, nó


(b) nach n-iarrfaidh an vótálaí cead chun go marcálfadh compánach a pháipéar ballóide dó, nó


(c) má iarrann an vótálaí an cead sin agus go mbeadh marcáil a pháipéir bhallóide ag an gcompánach ina shárú ar fhomhír (b) de mhír (2) den Riail seo,


cuirfidh an t-oifigeach ceannais faoi deara go ndéanfar, i láthair na ngníomhairí pearsanaíochta (más ann) agus gan aon duine eile a bheith i láthair, vóta an vótálaí a mharcáil ar pháipéar ballóide sa tslí a ordóidh an vótalaí agus cuirfidh sé an páipéar ballóide, arna mharcáil amhlaidh, isteach sa bhosca ballóide láithreach.


(4) I gcás ina n-iarrfaidh vótálaí, laistigh de cheithre huaire a chloig roimh an am a bheidh socraithe do chríochnú na vótaíochta, cead chun go ndéanfaí a pháipéar ballóide a mharcáil dó faoin Riail seo i slí seachas ag compánach, féadfaidh an t-oifigeach ceannais an cead sin a dhiúltú más é a thuairim, mar gheall ar an méid vótálaithe a bheidh ag teacht isteach an uair sin chun vótáil nó ar dóigh dóibh teacht isteach chun vótáil roimh chríochnú na vótaíochta, go gcuirfeadh sé isteach ar chomhlíonadh cuí a dhualgas nó go gcuirfeadh sé bac míchuí ar vótáil vótálaithe eile dá dtugadh sé an cead sin.


(5) Má bhíonn páipéar ballóide le marcáil de bhun mhír (3) den Riail seo, féadfaidh an t-oifigeach ceannais cuidiú leis an vótálaí tríd an togra a bheidh luaite sa pháipéar ballóide a léamh amach go hiomlán as an bpáipéar ballóide, ach ní ghníomhóidh sé de bhun aon treorach i scríbhinn.”


(2) (a) Más rud é, de bhun mhír (2) de Riail 18 den Chéad Sceideal a ghabhann leis an bPríomh-Acht, go mbeidh duine tar éis dhá pháipéar ballóide a mharcáil mar chompánach, ní dhéanfaidh sé sa reifreann céanna, aon pháipéar ballóide eile a mharcáil mar chompánach.


(b) Ní dhéanfaidh duine, de bhun mhír (2) de Riail 18 den Chéad Sceideal a ghabhann leis an bPríomh-Acht, páipéar ballóide a mharcáil i reifreann mar chompánach, más gníomhaire pearsanaíochta sa reifreann sin é.


(c) Aon duine a sháróidh mír (a) nó mír (b) den fho-alt seo, beidh sé ciontach i gcion agus ar a chiontú ann go hachomair, dlífear fíneáil nach mó ná céad punt a chur air nó, de rogha na Cúirte, príosúnacht ar feadh téarma nach faide ná sé mhí nó an fhíneáil sin agus an phríosúnacht sin le chéile.


Pearsanú a líomhnaítear.

76.—Déantar leis seo an Riail seo a leanas a chur in ionad Riail 19 den Chéad Sceideal a ghabhann leis an bPríomh-Acht:


“19. Má dhéanann duine, a chuirfidh in iúl gur duine áirithe é atá ainmnithe ar chlár na dtoghthóirí, páipéar ballóide a iarraidh tar éis páipéar ballóide a bheith tugtha do dhuine eile amhail is dá mba é an duine sin é, beidh an t-iarratasóir, má fhreagraíonn sé go cuí na ceisteanna a cheadaítear leis an Acht seo a chur ar vótálaithe tráth na vótaíochta, i dteideal páipéar ballóide a mharcáil faoi mar a bheadh aon vótalaí eile agus an páipéar ballóide, arna mharcáil, a chur isteach sa bhosca ballóide, ach déanfaidh an t-oifigeach ceannais amach ráiteas a thaispeánfaidh an méid iomlán páipéar ballóide a eisíodh de bhun na Rialach seo agus na hainmneacha agus na huimhreacha a bhí ar chlár na dtoghthóirí do na daoine chun ar eisíodh iad.”


Dualgais an oifigigh cheannais ar chríochnú na vótaíochta.

77.—Déantar leis seo an Riail seo a leanas a chur in ionad Riail 21 den Chéad Sceideal a ghabhann leis an bPríomh-Acht:


“21. Déanfaidh an t-oifigeach ceannais, ag an am a bheidh socraithe do chríochnú na vótaíochta, bearta chun a áirithiú nach ligfear aon vótálaithe eile isteach sa stáisiún vótaíochta agus, faoi réir an choinníll go mbeidh vótálaí a bheidh san áitreabh ag an am sin i dteideal páipéar ballóide a fháil agus vótáil a dhéanamh, déanfaidh an t-oifigeach ceannais i ngach stáisiún vótaíochta, a luaithe is féidir tar éis críochnú na vótaíochta, agus i láthair na ngníomhairí pearsanaíochta, gach bosca ballóide a shéalú, gan é a oscailt ach an eochair a bheith ceangailte de, ionas nach féidir a thuilleadh páipéar a chur isteach ann, agus cuirfidh sé i bpaicéid ar leith a shéalóidh sé lena shéala—


(a) na páipéir bhallóide neamhúsáidte agus mhillte, i dteannta a chéile,


(b) cóipeanna marcáilte de chlár na dtoghthóirí; agus


(c) comhdhuillí na bpáipéar ballóide,


agus seachadfaidh sé na boscaí ballóide agus na paicéid sin go léir don cheann comhairimh áitiúil.”


Leasú ar Rialacha 23A agus 24 den Chéad Sceideal a ghabhann leis an bPríomh-Acht.

78.—Déantar leis seo na Rialacha seo a leanas a chur in ionad Rialacha 23A agus 24 den Chéad Sceideal a ghabhann leis an bPríomh-Acht:


“23A. (1) Déanfaidh an ceann comhairimh áitiúil do dháilcheantar—


(a) an áit ina n-osclóidh sé na boscaí ballóide a cheapadh,


(b) na boscaí ballóide a oscailt san áit a cheapfar amhlaidh,


(c) fógra i scríbhinn i dtaobh na háite a cheapfar amhlaidh a thabhairt do gach duine a bheidh ainmnithe faoi Riail 29 den Sceideal seo agus a bhfaighidh sé fógra i dtaobh a ainmnithe,


(d) gach saoráid réasúnach a thabhairt do na daoine sin chun faire ar na himeachtaí le linn an chomhairimh (lena n-áirítear, go háirithe, saoráidí chun iad féin a shásamh go sórtáiltear na páipéir bhallóide i gceart), agus gach eolas ina dtaobh, is féidir leis a thabhairt dóibh i gcomhréir le stiúradh ordúil na n-imeachtaí agus le comhlíonadh a fheidhmeanna,


(e) cóiríocht oiriúnach, agus an trealamh go léir is gá, le haghaidh comhaireamh na vótaí, a chur ar fáil.


(2) An áit a cheapfar faoi fhomhír (a) den mhír sin roimhe seo, beidh sé laistigh den dáilcheantar, ach—


(a) más é atá sa dáilcheantar cuid atá ina cuid de chontaebhuirg agus cuid atá lasmuigh den bhuirg sin, féadfaidh sé—


(i) bheith laistigh den chuid eile den bhuirg sin, nó


(ii) le toiliú an Aire, bheith lasmuigh den bhuirg sin, agus lasmuigh den dáilcheantar ach i gcóngar dó, agus


(b) in aon chás eile, féadfaidh sé, le toiliú an Aire, bheith lasmuigh den dáilcheantar ach i gcóngar dó.


24. Ar a 9 a chlog a.m. an lá i ndiaidh críochnú na vótaíochta i ndáilcheantar agus san áit a bheidh ceaptha aige faoi Riail 23A den Sceideal seo, tosóidh an ceann comhairimh áitiúil don dáilcheantar sin ar na boscaí ballóide a úsáideadh sa vótaíocht sa dáilcheantar sin a oscailt, tógfaidh sé amach na páipéir bhallóide a bheidh iontu, comhairfidh sé iad agus breacfaidh sé síos a líon, agus ansin meascfaidh sé ar a chéile iad.”


Leasú ar Rialacha 30 agus 32 den Chéad Sceideal a ghabhann leis an bPríomh-Acht.

1946, Uimh, 30.

79.—D'ainneoin go ndéantar aisghairm leis an Acht seo ar mhíreanna (c), (d) agus (e) d'alt 3 d'Acht an Reifrinn (Leasú), 1946


(i) fanfaidh “óna haon déag” in ionad “óna seacht” i mír (1) de Riail 30 den Chéad Sceideal a ghabhann leis an bPríomh-Acht,


(ii) fanfaidh “an Uachtaráin agus” curtha isteach roimh “an Taoisigh” i mír (3) agus i mír (4) de Riail 32 den Sceideal sin.



Toghcháin Áitiúla.


Léiriú (Cuid VI).

80.—(1) San Acht seo—


ciallaíonn “údarás áitiúil”—


(a) comhairle contae,


(b) bardas contae-bhuirge nó buirge eile,


(c) comhairle ceantair uirbigh, nó


(d) coimisinéirí baile;


ciallaíonn “toghlimistéar áitiúil” an limistéar nó aon cheann de na limistéir (de réir mar is iomchuí) ar dá réir a dhéantar toghchán áitiúil.


(2) Déanfar aon tagairt sa Chuid seo den Acht seo do chomhalta nó do chruinniú d'údarás áitiúil, más bardas contae-bhuirge nó buirge eile an t-údarás áitiúil atá i gceist, a fhorléiriú mar thagairt do chomhalta nó do chruinniú den chomhairle a bunaíodh le dlí i leith na contae-bhuirge nó na buirge eile sin.


Bliain toghcháin.

1941, Uimh. 23.

1946, Uimh. 9.

1953, Uimh. 15.

1926, Uimh. 17.

81.—(1) (a) Déanfar toghchán do chomhaltaí gach údaráis áitiúil sa bhliain 1965 agus i gceann gach cúig bliana ina dhiaidh sin.


(b) Ní dhéanfaidh aon ní san fho-alt seo difir do Chuid IV den Acht Rialtais Áitiúil, 1941, ná d'aon ordú a rinneadh faoin gCuid sin.


(2) Gairfear toghcháin áitiúla de thoghcháin a bheidh ann de bhun an ailt seo.


(3) Sna hAchtanna Gairmoideachais, 1930 go 1962, agus in aon ordú nó rialachán fúthu, agus sna hAchtanna Talmhaíochta, 1931 go 1958, ciallóidh “bliain toghcháin”, in ionad an ní a chiallaigh sé díreach roimh thosach feidhme an ailt seo, aon bhliain a mbeidh toghcháin áitiúla ann.


(4) Cuirfear an fo-alt seo a leanas in ionad fho-alt (2) d'alt 9 den Acht Cuanta, 1946:


“(2) I dteannta an chéad bhliain toghcháin, beidh gach bliain dá éis sin is bliain ina ndéanfar toghcháin do chomhaltaí comhairlí contae de bhun alt 2 den Acht um Thoghcháin Áitiúla, 1948 (Uimh. 8 de 1948), alt 2 den Acht um Thoghcháin Áitiúla, 1953 (Uimh. 15 de 1953), nó alt 81 den Acht Toghcháin, 1963, ina bliain toghcháin i leith údaráis chuain.”


(5) D'ainneoin go ndéantar aisghairm leis an Acht seo ar an Acht um Thoghcháin Áitiúla, 1953


(a) fanfaidh “i gceann tréimhsí cúig bliana” agus “cúig bliana” in ionad “go trí bhliantach” agus “trí mblian” i bhfo-alt (3) d'alt 10 den Acht Freastal Scoile, 1926,


(b) fanfaidh “i gceann tréimhse chúig bliana” in ionad “go tríbhliantach”, agus “an cheaptha sin i gceann tréimhse chúig bliana” in ionad “an cheaptha thríbhliantaigh sin”, agus “cúig bliana” in ionad “trí mblian” sa dá áit ina bhfuil na focail deiridh sin, i bhfo-alt (4) den alt sin,


(c) fanfaidh tagairtí do chruinniú cinn cúig bliana in ionad tagairtí do chruinniú cinn trí mblian sna hAchtanna Gairm-Oideachais, 1930 go 1950, agus in aon ordú nó rialachán fúthu,


(d) fanfaidh “chúig bliana” in ionad “thrí bliana” i bhfo-alt (2) d'alt 45 den Acht Rialtais Áitiúil, 1941.


(6) Forléireofar mar thagairt do thoghchán cinn cúig bliana aon tagairt in aon reacht, ordú nó rialachán a bhí i bhfeidhm díreach roimh dháta an Achta um Thoghcháin Áitiúla, 1953, a rith, do thoghchán cinn trí bliana do chomhaltaí aon bhoird, coiste nó comhlachta eile, ar gá de réir dlí go mbeadh gach duine nó aon duine dá chomhaltaí le ceapadh ag údarás áitiúil i ndiaidh toghcháin do chomhaltaí an údaráis sin.


Toghcháin a stiúradh.

1923, Uimh. 38.

1941, Uimh. 23.

82.—(1) Is de réir rialachán ón Aire a dhéanfar toghcháin áitiúla agus, i gcás toghcháin iomaidh, is de réir na hionadaíochta cionúire, agus aon vóta inaistrithe amháin ag gach toghthóir sa toghchán, a thógfar an vótaíocht.


(2) Go háirithe agus gan dochar do ghinearáltacht an fho-ailt sin roimhe seo, féadfar foráil a dhéanamh le rialacháin faoin alt seo le haghaidh gach ní nó aon ní acu seo a leanas maidir le toghcháin áitiúla:


(i) ainmniúcháin,


(ii) éarlaisí ó iarrthóirí,


(iii) bás iarrthóirí,


(iv) dualgais cheann comhairimh,


(v) foireann cheann comhairimh,


(vi) vótaíochtaí a thógáil agus vótaí a chomhaireamh,


(vii) úsáid scoileanna agus seomraí poiblí, saor in aisce,


(viii) socruithe i dtaobh postvótála,


(ix) vótáil ag daoine atá ar fostú ag cinn chomhairimh,


(x) vótaíocht roimh ré ar oileáin,


(xi) vótáil a choimeád faoi rún,


(xii) daoine drochiompair i stáisiúin vótaíochta a chur amach astu,


(xiii) an nós imeachta i gcás mi-oird nó toirmisc,


(xiv) baint le boscaí ballóide nó le páipéir bhallóide,


(xv) an t-am a thiocfaidh duine chun bheith ina chomhalta d'údarás áitiúil agus a scoirfidh sé de bheith ina chomhalta de, agus tréimhse oifige ardmhéaraí, méaraí, cathaoirleach agus leaschathaoirleach,


(xvi) na daoine a bheidh ina seanóirí agus a líon,


(xvii) corrfholúntais a líonadh,


(xviii) toghadh an duine chéanna i níos mó ná aon toghlimistéar áitiúil amháin,


(xix) na laethanta agus an t-am, agus an gnó, do chéad chruinniú údarás áitiúil i ndiaidh toghchán dá gcomhaltaí agus cruinnithe a bheidh le tionól i gcothrom lá an chéad chruinnithe sin, nó gairid dó, agus faillí sna cruinnithe sin a thionól mar is gá,


(xx) achtacháin a oiriúnú,


agus féadfar freisin forálacha a dhéanamh leo a bheidh i gcomhréir leis na forálacha a chonraítear sa chéad fho-alt ina dhiaidh seo, ach sin faoi réir aon mhodhnuithe ar na forálacha sin a fheicfear don Aire a bheith iomchuí.


(3) Is iad na forálacha a dtagraítear dóibh san fho-alt sin roimhe seo na forálacha atá i gCuid I, II, III agus VIII (ach amháin alt 50) den Acht chun Droch-Bhearta Toghcháin do Chosc, 1923.


(4) I gcás foráil i rialacháin faoin alt seo a bheith i gcomhréir le foráil atá sna hAchtanna Toghcháin, 1923, go 1963, nó san Acht chun Droch-Bhearta Toghacháin do Chosc, 1923, agus a fhorálann pionós, féadfar leis an bhforáil sin féin pionós a fhoráil nach mó ná mar a fhoráiltear san fhoráil a bhfuil sí gcomhréir léi.


(5) Má bheartaítear rialacháin a dhéanamh faoin alt seo, leagfar dréacht díobh faoi bhráid gach Tí den Oireachtas agus ní dhéanfar na rialacháin go dtí go mbeidh rún ag aontú leis an dréacht rite ag gach Teach acu.


(6) Ní dhearbhófar aon toghchán áitiúil a bheith neamhbhailí mar gheall ar neamhchomhlíonadh aon rialacháin faoin alt seo, ná ar aon dearmad in úsáid foirmeacha a fhorálfar in aon rialachán den sórt sin, má fheictear don bhinse a mbeidh an cheist os a chomhair gur stiúradh an toghchán de réir na bprionsabal a bhí leagtha síos sna rialacháin faoin alt seo á nglacadh tríd is tríd, agus nach ndearna an neamhchomhlíonadh nó an dearmad aon difir do thoradh an toghcháin.


(7) Bainfidh rialacháin faoin alt seo le toghchán nua faoi Chuid IV den Acht Rialtais Áitiúil, 1941.


Cártaí vótaíochta.

83.—(1) Féadfaidh an tAire, le rialacháin, socrú a dhéanamh chun go gcuirfidh údaráis áitiúla cártaí vótaíochta amach, maidir le toghcháin áitiúla.


(2) Más comhairle contae, bardas buirge nach contae-bhuirg, comhairle ceantair uirbigh nó coimisinéirí baile an t-údarás áitiúil, is feidhm fhoircoimeádta chun críocha na nAchtanna um Bainistí Contae, 1940 go 1955, agus más bardas contaebhuirge an t-údarás áitiúil, is feidhm fhorcoimeádta chun críocha na nAchtanna a bhaineann le bainistí na contae-bhuirge, cinneadh a dhéanamh i dtaobh cártaí vótaíochta a chur amach de réir rialachán faoin alt seo.


(3) Ní chuirfear aon toghchán áitiúil ó bhail mar gheall ar aon fhaillí i gcárta vótaíochta a chur amach, nó toisc nár seachadadh cárta vótaíochta nó go raibh earráid nó míráiteas ann.


(4) Ní fhéadfar aon chaingean ná imeacht eile a thabhairt i gcoinne ceann comhairimh mar gheall ar aon earráid nó míráiteas i gcárta vótaíochta.


(5) San alt seo ciallaíonn “cárta vótaíochta” cárta á chur in iúl do thoghthóir cad é a uimhir (lena n-áirítear litir an cheantair vótaíochta) ar chlár na dtoghthóirí rialtais áitiúil agus cad é an áit a bhfuil sé i dteideal vótáil ann.


Tráthanna vótaíochta.

1941, Uimh. 23.

84.—(1) Déanfar an vótaíocht i dtoghcháin áitiúla cibé lá, agus mairfidh sí ar feadh cibé tréimhse, nach giorra ná dhá uair déag a chloig, idir 8.30 a.m. agus 10.30 p.m., a shocróidh an tAire le hordú.


(2) Déanfar ordú faoin alt seo a fhoilsiú san Iris Oifigiúil a luaithe is féidir tar éis a dhéanta.


(3) Déantar leis seo fo-alt (1) d'alt 45 den Acht Rialtais Áitiúil, 1941, a leasú trí “agus ar feadh na tréimhse ann a shonróidh an tAire” a chur isteach i ndeireadh an fho-ailt sin.


Ceart vótála.

85.—(1) Faoi réir forálacha na Coda seo den Acht seo agus na rialachán a dhéanfar fúithi, beidh gach duine a mbeidh a ainm ar chlár na dtoghthóirí rialtais áitiúil a bheidh i bhfeidhm de thuras na huaire do thoghlimistéar áitiúil, agus ní bheidh aon duine eile, i dteideal vótála sa vótaíocht i dtoghchán áitiúil sa limistéar sin.


(2) Chun críocha an ailt seo glacfar leis go bhfuil ainm duine ar chlár na dtoghthóirí rialtais áitiúil má tá ainm sa chlár ar dóigh leis an gceann comhairimh nó leis an oifigeach ceannais go raibh sé ceaptha dó gurbh é ainm an duine sin é.


(3) Ní bheidh ar dhuine a vótáil i dtoghchán áitiúil a insint in aon imeacht dhlíthiúil chun an toghchán nó toradh an toghcháin a thabhairt faoi cheist cé dó ar vótáil sé.


(4) (a) Ní dhéanfaidh duine—


(i) atá cláraithe i gclár na dtoghthóirí rialtais áitiúil a bheidh i bhfeidhm de thuras na huaire do thoghlimistéar áitiúil ach nach bhfuil i dteideal a chláraithe amhlaidh, nó


(ii) nach bhfuil cláraithe sa chlár sin,


vótáil sa vótaíocht i dtoghchán áitiúil sa limistéar sin.


(b) Aon duine a sháróidh mír (a) den fho-alt seo beidh sé ciontach i gcion agus ar a chiontú ann go hachomair dlífear fíneáil nach mó ná céad punt a chur air nó, de rogha na Cúirte, príosúnacht ar feadh téarma nach faide ná sé mhí nó an fhíneáil sin agus an phríosúnacht sin le chéile.


(5) Ní fhorléireofar aon ní san alt seo mar ní a thugann teideal chun vótála d'aon duine nach bhfuil an teideal sin aige, ná ní shaorfaidh sé é ó aon phionóis a bheidh inchurtha air mar gheall ar vótáil.


Costais Toghchán.

86.—(1) Féadfaidh an tAire, le rialacháin, a fhoráil cad é an modh ina mbeidh costais toghchán áitiúil le híoc ag údaráis áitiúla.


(2) Go háirithe agus gan dochar do ghinearáltacht an fho-ailt sin roimhe seo, féadfar, le rialacháin faoin alt seo, foráil a dhéanamh i dtaobh gach ní nó aon ní acu seo a leanas—


(a) an tslí agus an tréimhse ina dtíolacfaidh an ceann comhairimh a chuntais,


(b) an tslí agus an tréimhse ina ndéanfaidh daoine a mbeidh éilimh acu i gcoinne an cheann comhairimh a n-éilimh a chur isteach,


(c) díospóidí a bhreithniú.


Toghlimistéir i gcontae-bhuirgí agus i mbuirgí áirithe eile.

1934, Uimh. 35.

1939, Uimh. 25.

1941, Uimh. 5.

1941, Uimh. 23.

1930, Uimh. 27.

1937 (Príobháideach), Uimh. 3.

87.—(1) Déantar leis seo an fo-alt seo a leanas a chur in ionad fho-alt (2) d'alt 7 d'Acht Bainistí Chathair Luimnigh, 1934:


“(2) (a) Mura dtiocfaidh agus go dtí go dtiocfaidh ordú faoin bhfo-alt seo i bhfeidhm, beidh aon toghlimistéar amháin ann arb é limistéar na cathrach é agus beidh an chéad cheathrar comhalta den chomhairle a thoghfar i dtoghchán cathrach ina seanóirí.


(b) Féadfaidh an tAire, le hordú—


(i) an chathair a roinnt ina toghlimistéir, agus


(ii) a shocrú do gach toghlimistéar cad é an líon comhaltaí den chomhairle a bheidh le toghadh dó agus cad é an líon de na comhaltaí sin a bheidh ina seanóirí.


(c) Féadfaidh an tAire ordú a dhéanamh faoin bhfo-alt seo aon uair agus gach uair is cuí leis é.


(d) I gcás an chathair a roinnt ina toghlimistéir le hordú faoin bhfo-alt seo, beidh éifeacht aige (gan dochar d'aon ordú dá leithéid a dhéanfar ina dhiaidh sin) chun críocha an chéad toghcháin do chomhaltaí na Comhairle a bheidh ann tar éis an t-ordú a dhéanamh agus uaidh sin amach.


(e) Is é an líon comhaltaí a bheidh le toghadh, i ngach toghchán do chomhaltaí na Comhairle a bheidh ann tar éis ordú a dhéanamh faoin bhfo-alt seo, do gach toghlimistéar a shonrófar san ordú, ná (gan dochar d'aon ordú dá leithéid a dhéanfar ina dhiaidh sin) an líon a shannfar don toghlimistéar sin leis an ordú sin.


(f) Na comhaltaí den Chomhairle nach seanóirí iad beidh siad ina gcomhairleoirí.


(g) Gach ordú a dhéanfar faoin bhfo-alt seo leagfar é faoi bhráid gach Tí den Oireachtas a luaithe is caothúil tar éis a dhéanta agus, má dhéanann ceachtar Teach acu, laistigh de na seacht lá ina dhiaidh sin a shuífidh an Teach sin tar éis an t-ordú a leagan faoina bhráid, rún a rith ag neamhniú an ordaithe sin, beidh an t-ordú ar neamhní dá réir sin ach sin gan dochar do bhailíocht aon ní a rinneadh roimhe sin faoin ordú sin.”


(2) Déantar leis seo an t-alt seo a leanas a chur in ionad alt 6 d'Acht Bainistí Chathair Phortláirge, 1939:


“6. (1) Mura dtiocfaidh agus go dtí go dtiocfaidh ordú faoin alt seo i bhfeidhm, beidh aon toghlimistéar amháin ann arb é limistéar na cathrach é agus beidh an chéad chúigear comhalta den Chomhairle a thoghfar ina seanóirí.


(2) Féadfaidh an tAire, le hordú—


(a) an chathair a roinnt ina toghlimistéir, agus


(b) a shocrú do gach toghlimistéar cad é an líon comhaltaí den Chomhairle a bheidh le toghadh dó agus cad é an líon de na comhaltaí sin a bheidh ina seanóirí.


(3) Féadfaidh an tAire ordú a dhéanamh faoin alt seo aon uair agus gach uair is cuí leis é.


(4) I gcás an chathair a roinnt ina toghlimistéir le hordú faoin alt seo, beidh éifeacht aige (gan dochar d'aon ordú dá leithéid a dhéanfar ina dhiaidh sin) chun críocha an chéad toghcháin do chomhaltaí na Comhairle a bheidh ann tar éis an t-ordú a dhéanamh agus uaidh sin amach.


(5) Is é an líon comhaltaí a bheidh le toghadh, i ngach toghchán do chomhaltaí na Comhairle a bheidh ann tar éis ordú a dhéanamh faoin alt seo, do gach toghlimistéar a shonrófar san ordú, ná (gan dochar d'aon ordú dá leithéid a dhéanfar ina dhiaidh sin) an líon a shannfar don toghlimistéar sin leis an ordú sin.


(6) Na comhaltaí den Chomhairle nach seanóirí iad beidh siad ina gcomhairleoirí.


(7) Gach ordú a dhéanfar faoin alt seo leagfar é faoi bhráid gach Tí den Oireachtas a luaithe is caothúil tar éis a dhéanta agus, má dhéanann ceachtar Teach acu, laistigh de na seacht lá ina dhiaidh sin a shuífidh an Teach sin tar éis an t-ordú a leagan faoina bhráid, rún a rith ag neamhniú an ordaithe sin, beidh an t-ordú ar neamhní dá réir sin ach sin gan dochar do bhailíocht aon ní a rinneadh roimhe sin faoin ordú sin.”


(3) Déantar leis seo an t-alt seo a leanas a chur in ionad alt 4 d'Acht Bainistí Chathair Chorcaighe (Leasú), 1941:


“4. (1) Mura dtiocfaidh agus go dtí go dtiocfaidh ordú faoin alt seo i bhfeidhm, beidh aon toghlimistéar amháin ann arb é limistéar na Buirge é agus beidh an chéad seisear comhalta den Chomhairle a thoghfar ina seanóirí.


(2) Féadfaidh an tAire, le hordú—


(a) an Bhuirg a roinnt ina toghlimistéir, agus


(b) a shocrú do gach toghlimistéar cad é an líon comhaltaí den Chomhairle a bheidh le toghadh dó agus cad é an líon de na comhaltaí sin a bheidh ina seanóirí.


(3) Féadfaidh an tAire ordú a dhéanamh faoin alt seo aon uair agus gach uair is cuí leis é.


(4) I gcás an Bhuirg a roinnt ina toghlimistéir le hordú faoin alt seo, beidh éifeacht aige (gan dochar d'aon ordú dá leithéid a dhéanfar ina dhiaidh sin) chun críocha an chéad toghcháin do chomhaltaí na Comhairle a bheidh ann tar éis an t-ordú a dhéanamh agus uaidh sin amach.


(5) Is é an líon comhaltaí a bheidh le toghadh, i ngach toghchán do chomhaltaí na Comhairle a bheidh ann tar éis ordú a dhéanamh faoin alt seo, do gach toghlimistéar a shonrófar san ordú, ná (gan dochar d'aon ordú dá leithéid a dhéanfar ina dhiaidh sin) an líon a shannfar don toghlimistéar sin leis an ordú sin.


(6) Na comhaltaí den Chomhairle nach seanóirí iad beidh siad ina gcomhairleoirí.


(7) Gach ordú a dhéanfar faoin alt seo leagfar é faoi bhráid gach Tí den Oireachtas a luaithe is caothúil tar éis a dhéanta agus, má dhéanann ceachtar Teach acu, laistigh de na seacht lá ina dhiaidh sin a shuífidh an Teach sin tar éis an t-ordú a leagan faoina bhráid, rún a rith ag neamhniú an ordaithe sin, beidh an t-ordú ar neamhní dá réir sin ach sin gan dochar do bhailíocht aon ní a rinneadh roimhe sin faoin ordú sin.”


(4) (a) Déantar leis seo fo-alt (1) d'alt 35 den Acht Rialtais Áitiúil, 1941, a leasú trí “ach, d'ainneoin alt 43 den Acht Rialtais Áitiúla (Baile Átha Cliath), 1930, folaíonn sé buirg Dhún Laoghaire, agus, d'ainneoin alt 16 den Acht Rialtais Áitiúla (Gaillimh), 1937,” a chur in ionad “ná buirg Dhún Laoghaire ná”.


(b) Déantar leis seo fo-alt (2) d'alt 35 den Acht Rialtais Áitiúil, 1941, a leasú trí “agus cá mhéid de na baill sin a bheidh ina seanóirí” a chur isteach i ndeireadh an fho-ailt sin.


(c) I gcás ordú a dhéanamh faoi fho-alt (2) d'alt 35 den Acht Rialtais Áitiúil, 1941, maidir le buirg na Gaillimhe, ansin, tar éis an chéad toghcháin eile do chomhaltaí bhardas na buirge, beidh éifeacht ag alt 15 den Acht Rialtais Áitiúla (Gaillimh), 1937, faoi réir “an méid díobh nach seanóirí iad” a chur isteach ann in ionad “ceathrar acu san ina seanóirí agus ochtar acu”.



88.—(1) Féadfaidh an tAire, le rialacháin, limistéar aon chontae-bhuirge nó aon bhuirge eile nó aon cheantair uirbigh a roinnt ina limistéir ar a dtabharfar bardaí.


(2) Más rud é, díreach roimh thosach feidhme an ailt seo, go raibh aon chontae-bhuirg nó aon bhuirg eile nó aon cheantar uirbeach roinnte ina limistéir ar a dtugtar bardaí, ansin, mura dtiocfaidh agus go dtí go dtiocfaidh rialacháin faoi fho-alt (1) den alt seo maidir leis an mbuirg nó leis an gceantar i bhfeidhm, fanfaidh na limistéir sin i bhfeidhm mar bhardaí, ach féadfaidh an tAire, le rialacháin, ainm aon bharda den sórt sin a athrú.


(3) Déanfar aon tagairt in aon achtachán (cibé acu a bhí sé i bhfeidhm díreach roimh thosach feidhme an ailt seo nó a thiocfaidh sé i bhfeidhm i gcomhthráth leis an tosach feidhme sin nó tráth ar bith dá éis sin) do bharda maidir le contae-bhuirg nó le buirg eile nó le ceantar uirbeach a fhorléiriú, agus beidh éifeacht aici, mar thagairt do bharda faoi rialacháin faoi fho-alt (1) den alt seo nó do bharda dá dtagraítear i bhfo-alt (2) den alt seo (de réir mar is iomchuí).


Toghranna ceantair.

89.—(1) Féadfaidh an tAire, le rialacháin, limistéar aon chontae nó contae-bhuirge a roinnt ina limistéir ar a dtabharfar toghranna ceantair.


(2) Más rud é, díreach roimh thosach feidhme an ailt seo, go raibh aon chontae nó contae-bhuirg roinnte ina limistéir ar a dtugtar toghranna ceantair, ansin, mura dtiocfaidh agus go dtí go dtiocfaidh rialacháin faoi fho-alt (1) den alt seo maidir leis an gcontae nó leis an mbuirg i bhfeidhm, fanfaidh na limistéir sin i bhfeidhm mar thoghranna ceantair, ach féadfaidh an tAire, le rialacháin, ainm aon toghroinne ceantair den sórt sin a athrú.


(3) Déanfar aon tagairt in aon achtachán (cibé acu a bhí sé i bhfeidhm díreach roimh thosach feidhme an ailt seo nó a thiocfaidh sé i bhfeidhm i gcomhthráth leis an tosach feidhme sin nó tráth ar bith dá éis sin) do thoghroinn ceantair maidir le contae nó le contae-bhuirg a fhorléiriú, agus beidh éifeacht aici, mar thagairt do toghroinn ceantair faoi rialacháin faoi fho-alt (1) den alt seo nó de thoghroinn ceantair dá dtagraítear i bhfo-alt (2) den alt seo (de réir mar is iomchuí).


Drochbhearta Toghcháin.


Leasú ar an Acht chun Droch-Bhearta Toghacháin do Chosc, 1923.

1923, Uimh. 38.

90.—(1) San alt seo ciallaíonn “an tAcht” an tAcht chun Droch-Bhearta Toghacháin do Chosc, 1923.


(2) Déantar leis seo fo-alt (1) d'alt 6 den Acht a leasú tríd an méid seo a leanas a chur i ndeireadh an fho-ailt sin: “nó, de rogha na Cúirte, fíneáil nach mó ná míle punt a chur air nó an phríosúnacht sin agus an fhíneáil sin a chur air.”


(3) Déantar leis seo fo-alt (2) d'alt 6 den Acht a leasú trí “cúig chéad púnt” a chuir in ionad “céad púnt” i mír (a) agus in ionad “céad púnt” agus “dhá chéad púnt” i mír (b).


(4) (a) Déantar leis seo an tAcht a leasú tríd an alt seo a leanas a chur isteach i ndiaidh alt 13:


13A. Aon duine a dhéanfaidh nó a fhoilseoidh, roimh aon toghchán, nó lena linn, aon ráiteas ar dóigh dó vótálaithe a chur amú mar gheall ar an gcuma chun vótáil a dhéanamh, beidh sé ciontach i gcleacht neamhdhleathach.”


(b) Déanfar an tagairt in alt 15 den Acht do na hailt sin roimhe seo den Acht a fhorléiriú mar thagairt a fholaíonn tagairt don alt a chuirtear isteach san Acht le mír (a) den fho-alt seo.


(5) Déantar leis seo alt 15 den Acht a leasú trí “cúig chéad púnt nó, de rogha na Cúirte, príosúnacht ar feadh téarma nach faide ná sé mhí nó an fhíneáil sin agus an phríosúnacht sin le chéile” a chur in ionad “céad púnt”.


(6) Déantar leis seo an fo-alt seo a leanas a chur in ionad fho-alt (1) d'alt 30 den Acht:


“(1) Féadfaidh gníomhaire toghcháin, maidir le gach ceantar vótaíochta, leasghníomhaire amháin (agus sin uile) a cheapadh chun gníomhú laistigh den cheantar sin, agus déanfar aon tagairt san Acht seo d'fhoghníomhaire a fhorléiriú mar thagairt do leasghníomhaire a cheapfar amhlaidh.”


(7) Déantar leis seo an t-alt seo a leanas a chur isteach san Acht i ndiaidh alt 55:


“55A. In aon imeachtaí sibhialta nó coiriúla maidir le cleacht coirpthe nó cleacht neamhdhleathach nó aon chion eile a líomhnófar a rinneadh i dtoghchán, beidh deimhniú ón gceann comhairimh i dtoghchán á dheimhniú gur comóradh an toghchán go cuí nó go raibh duine áirithe ina iarrthóir sa toghchán ina fhianaise prima facie ar na fíorais a bheidh luaite sa deimhniú agus ní gá síniú an cheann comhairimh sin a chruthú ná a chruthú gurbh é an t-oifigeach sin é iarbhír.”





Forálacha speisialta nuair is ar an lá vótaíochta céanna a bheadh dhá thoghchán nó níos mó ann.

1923, Uimh. 12.

1942, Uimh. 8.

91.—(1) Beidh feidhm ag an alt seo i gcás na vótaíochtaí seo a leanas:


(a) an vótaíocht i dtoghchán chun duine a thoghadh d'oifig Uachtarán na hÉireann;


(b) an vótaíocht i dtoghchán Dála de réir bhrí an Achta Timpeal Toghachán, 1923;


(c) an vótaíocht i reifreann de réir bhrí Acht an Reifrinn, 1942;


(d) an vótaíocht i dtoghchán áitiúil.


(2) I gcás dhá vótaíocht nó níos mó lena mbaineann an t-alt seo a bheith le tógáil an lá céanna, beidh éifeacht ag na forálacha seo a leanas d'ainneoin aon achtacháin eile:


(a) tógfar na vótaíochtaí san am céanna, sna háiteanna céanna agus sa tslí chéanna,


(b) úsáidfear an marc oifigiúil céanna do na páipéir bhallóide i ngach vótaíocht,


(c) beidh dath éagsúil ar na páipéir bhallóide i ngach vótaíocht (chuige sin measfar bán a bheith ina dhath),


(d) féadfaidh an ceann comhairimh na boscaí ballóide céanna nó boscaí ballóide éagsúla a sholáthar,


(e) má sholáthraítear boscaí ballóide éagsúla, ní bheidh páipéar ballóide neamhbhailí de bhíthin amháin é a chur sa bhosca ballóide mícheart,


(f) má údaraíonn ceann comhairimh do dhuine vótáil i vótaíocht amháin ag stáisiún vótaíochta seachas an ceann a dáileadh dó, tabharfaidh sin údarás don duine sin vótáil ag an stáisiún sin sa vótaíocht nó sna vótaíochtaí eile sa dáilcheantar céanna nó, i gcás toghcháin áitiúil, sa toghlimistéar áitiúil céanna.


(3) Féadfaidh an tAire, le hordachán, le hordú nó le rialachán, foráil a dhéanamh le haghaidh cibé nithe a mheasfaidh sé is gá d'fhonn éifeacht a thabhairt don alt seo.


(4) Aon ordachán, ordú nó rialachán a thabharfar nó a dhéanfar faoi fho-alt (3) den alt seo, beidh éifeacht aige d'ainneoin aon ní in aon achtachán eile agus, go sonrach agus gan dochar do ghinearáltacht an fho-ailt sin (3), féadfaidh sé—


(a) cumhachtaí agus dualgais na gceann comhairimh agus aon daoine eile a bheidh fostaithe i ndáil leis na vótaíochtaí a mhíniú,


(b) modhnuithe a dhéanamh ar na hAchtanna, na horduithe nó na rialacháin a bhaineann le tógáil na vótaíochtaí nó leis na socruithe le haghaidh comhaireamh na vótaí de réir mar is dóigh leis an Aire is gá chun go bhféadfar na vótaíochtaí a thógáil i dteannta a chéile nó chun críochnú na dtoghchán agus cinneadh a dtorthaí a éascú nó a bhrostú,


(c) forálacha a dhéanamh maidir le foirm na gcártaí vótaíochta agus maidir lena gcur chun bealaigh.


(5) Féadfaidh an tAire Airgeadais, le rialacháin, na nithe seo a leanas a fhorordú chun críocha an ailt seo—


(a) scála táillí uasta,


(b) an t-am a bheidh, agus an tslí agus an fhoirm ina mbeidh, cuntais le tabhairt dó,


(c) i gcásanna ina mbeadh costais tógála vótaíochta le híoc de ghnáth ag údarás áitiúil nó ag údaráis áitiúla de réir bhrí Chuid VI den Acht seo, an tslí ina ndéanfar costais tógála na vótaíochta a chionroinnt idir an Príomh-Chiste agus an t-údarás nó na húdaráis sin.


Oiriúnú nó modhnú i gcás práinne nó deacrachta speisialta.

1923, Uimh. 12.

1937, Uimh. 32.

1942, Uimh. 8.

92.—(1) Féadfaidh an t-Aire, le hordú, in aon chás inar dóigh leis go mbaineann práinn nó deacracht speisialta leis, cibé oiriúnú nó modhnú a dhéanamh ar aon reacht, ordú nó rialachán maidir le clárú toghthóirí Dála nó clárú toghthóirí i dtoghcháin áitiúla, nó maidir le stiúradh toghchán Dála, toghchán uachtaráin, toghchán áitiúil nó reifreann, is dóigh leis is gá chun go bhféadfaidh éifeacht a bheith aige faoi réir forálacha an Achta seo.


(2) Gach ordú a dhéanfar faoin alt seo leagfar é faoi bhráid gach Tí den Oireachtas a luaithe is féidir é tar éis a dhéanta, agus má dhéanann ceachtar Teach acu sin, laistigh den lá is fiche a shuífidh an Teach sin tar éis an t-ordú a leagan faoina bhráid, rún a rith ag neamhniú an ordaithe, beidh an t-ordú ar neamhní dá réir sin ach sin gan dochar do bhailíocht aon ní a rinneadh roimhe sin faoin ordú.


(3) San alt seo—


(a) tá le “toghthóirí Dála” an bhrí chéanna atá le “Dáiltoghthóirí” nó “toghthóirí Dála”, agus tá le “toghcháin Dála” an bhrí chéanna atá le “toghacháin Dála”, san Acht Timpeal Toghachán, 1923,


(b) tá le “toghcháin uachtaráin” an bhrí chéanna atá leis in Acht Toghachán an Uachtaráin, 1937,


(c) tá le “reifrinn” an bhrí chéanna atá leis in Acht an Reifrinn, 1942.


Achtacháin a Aisghairtear.

Alt 3.

Seisiún agus Caibidil nó Uimhir agus Bliain.

Abhar nó Gearrtheideal.

Méid na hAisghairme.

3 Edw. 1. (Stat. Westm. prim., c. 5).

Saoirse toghchán (1275).

An tAcht iomlán.

7 Edw. 2. (Stat. Sup. Aport. Arm).

Toirmeasc ar theacht faoi airm chun Parlaiminte (1313).

An tAcht Iomlán.

5 Ric. 2. St. 2., c. 4.

Gairm chun Parlaiminte (1382).

An tAcht iomlán.

5 Will. & Mar., c. 7

Srian le baint a bheith ag comhalta den House of Commons le hioncam a bhailiú.

An tAcht iomlán.

6 & 7 Will. & Mar., c. 2.

Tráthanna chun Parlaimint a ghairm

An tAcht iomlán.

7 & 8 Will. & Mar. 3. c. 7.

Srian le comhaltaí a thoghadh chun Parlaiminte go bréagach agus go dúbailte.

An tAcht iomlán

7 & 8 Will, 3. c. 25.

Toghcháin do chomhaltaí Parlaiminte a rialú agus imeachtaí neamhrialta a chosc.

An tAcht iomlán

1 Geo. 1. Stat. 2, c. 38.

Septennial Act, 1715.

An tAcht iomlán.

19 Geo. 2. c. 12.

Municipal Corporations Act, 1745.

An tAcht iomlán.

24 Geo. 3. Sess. 2, c.26.

Recess Elections Act, 1784.

An tAcht iomlán.

37. Geo. 3. c. 127.

Meeting of Parliament Act, 1797.

An tAcht iomlán.

39 & 40 Geo. 3. c. 14.

Meeting of Parliament Act, 1799.

An tAcht iomlán.

50 Geo. 3. c. 33.

School Sites (Ireland) Act, 1810.

Alt 3.

53 Geo. 3 c. 89.

Parliamentary Writs Act, 1813.

An tAcht iomlán.

60 Geo. 3 agus 1 Geo. 4. c. 11.

Parliamentary Elections (Ireland) Act, 1820.

An tAcht iomlán.

4 Geo. 4. c. 55.

Parliamentary Elections (Ireland) Act, 1823.

An tAcht iomlán.

2 & 3 Will. 4. c. 69.

Corporate Property (Elections) Act, 1832.

An tAcht iomlán.

2 & 3 Will. 4. c. 88.

Representation of the People (Ireland) Act, 1832.

An tAcht iomlán.

2 & 3 Will. 4. c. 89.

Parliamentary Boundaries (Ireland) Act, 1832.

An tAcht iomlán.

3 & 4 Vict. c. 108.

Municipal Corporations (Ireland) Act, 1840.

In alt 20: na focail “that every borough in the said schedule (A) shall be divided into the number of wards mentioned in such schedule in conjunction with the name of such borough and” agus na focail “and of the wards into which the said boroughs named in the said schedule (A) are to be divided”; alt 27; in alt 28: na focail go léir ó “and every such town” go dtí deireadh an ailt; ailt 48, 53, 85, 86, 87 agus 89.

12 & 13 Vict., c. 85.

Dublin Corporation Act, 1849.

An tAcht iomlán.

12 & 13 Vict., c. 97.

Dublin Improvement Act, 1849.

Alt 57.

13 & 14 Vict., c. 68.

Parliamentary Elections (Ireland) Act, 1850.

An tAcht iomlán.

13 & 14 Vict., c. 69.

Representation of the People (Ireland) Act, 1850.

An tAcht iomlán.

15 & 16 Vict., c. 23.

Meeting of Parliament Act, 1852.

An tAcht iomlán.

17 & 18 Vict., c. 57.

Returning Officers Act, 1854.

An tAcht iomlán.

17 & 18 Vict., c. 102.

Corrupt Practices Prevention Act, 1854.

An tAcht iomlán.

17 & 18 Vict., c. 103.

Towns Improvement (Ireland) Act, 1854.

In alt 57: na focail go léir ó thosach an ailt go dtí “as they may think fit”.

20 & 21 Vict., c. 33.

Representative Peers (Ireland) Act, 1857.

An tAcht iomlán.

21 & 22 Vict., c. 110.

Election of Members during Recess Act, 1858.

An tAcht iomlán.

25 & 26 Vict., c. 92.

Elections (Ireland) Act, 1862.

An tAcht iomlán.

26 & 27 Vict., c. 20.

Elections in Recess Act, 1863.

An tAcht iomlán.

26 & 27 Vict., c. 29.

Corrupt Practices Prevention Act, 1863.

An tAcht iomlán.

30 & 31 Vict., c. 81.

Prorogation Act, 1867.

An tAcht iomlán.

31 & 32 Vict., c. 125.

Parliamentary Elections Act, 1868.

Alt 44.

33 & 34 Vict., c. 23.

Forfeiture Act, 1870.

In alt 2: na focail go léir ó “or of exercising” go dtí deireadh an ailt.

33 & 34 Vict., c. 81.

Meeting of Parliament Act, 1870.

An tAcht iomlán.

35 & 36 Vict., c. 33.

Ballot Act, 1872.

An tAcht iomlán.

40 & 41 Vict., c. 56.

County Officers and Courts (Ireland) Act, 1877.

In alt 21: na focail go léir ó thosach an ailt go dtí “in the same manner as heretofore”.

41 & 42 Vict., c. 75.

Arranmore Polling District Act, 1878.

An tAcht iomlán.

43 Vict., c. 17.

Town Councils and Local Boards Act, 1880.

An tAcht iomlán.

46 & 47 Vict., c. 51.

Corrupt and Illegal Practices Prevention Act, 1883.

Ailt 45, 46, 48, 51 agus 52; fo-ailt (1) agus (3) d'alt 53; alt 54.

47 & 48 Vict., c. 70.

Municipal Elections (Corrupt and Illegal Practices) Act, 1884.

Ailt 3, 24 agus 31.

48 & 49 Vict., c. 17.

Parliamentary Registration (Ireland) Act, 1885.

An tAcht iomlán.

48 & 49 Vict., c. 23.

Redistribution of Seats Act, 1885.

An tAcht iomlán.

50 & 51 Vict., c. 9.

Police Disabilities Removal Act, 1887.

An tAcht iomlán.

52 & 53 Vict., c. 69.

Public Bodies Corrupt Practices Act, 1889.

Míreanna (c) agus (d) d'alt 2.

54 & 55 Vict., c. 39.

Stamp Act, 1891.

Sa Chéad Sceideal: an muirear seo a leanas “Admission in England or Ireland of any person —as a burgess, or into any corporation or company, in any city, borough, or town corporate”.

56 & 57 Vict., c. 6.

Police Disabilities Removal Act, 1893.

An tAcht iomlán.

61 & 62 Vict., c. 37.

Local Government (Ireland) Act, 1898.

Alt 2; fo-alt (4) d'alt 23; fo-ailt (2) agus (4) d'alt 94; fo-alt (3) d'alt 97.

Local Government (Application of Enactments) Order, 1898.

Na codanna seo a leanas den Sceideal: airteagail 5, 6, 7, 9 agus 10, fo-airteagail (1) go (5) d'airteagal 11; i bhfo-airteagal (1) d'airteagal 26: na focail “(b) the division of an urban county district into wards;” agus na focail “of the number of wards, or of the boundaries of any ward, or”; airteagal 31; i riail (II) d'fho-airteagal 10 d'airteagal 36: na focail “between the annual meeting and the first day of June then next following”.

8 Edw. 7. c. 13.

Polling Districts (County Councils) Act, 1908.

An tAcht iomlán.

8 Edw. 7. c. 66.

Public Meeting Act, 1908.

In alt 1: ó na focail “if the offence is committed” go dtí na focail “and in any other case”.

1 & 2 Geo. 5. c. 13.

Parliament Act, 1911.

Alt 7.

7 & 8 Geo. 5. c. 64.

Representation of the People Act, 1918.

An tAcht iomlán.

9 & 10 Geo. 5. c. 19.

Local Government (Ireland) Act, 1919.

An tAcht iomlán.

Uimh. 12 de 1923.

An tAcht Timpeal Toghachán, 1923.

Cuid I agus II; ailt 18, 29, 34, 37, 42, 53, 54 agus 58; in alt 59: na focail “i dtaobh breabaireachta, pearsanuíochta nó cleachtanna cuirpe i dtoghacháin nó”; alt 61; fo-alt (1) d'alt 62; in alt 63: na focail “oifigeach clárathachta” agus “clárú toghthóirí nó” aon áit ina bhfuil siad; an Chéad Sceideal; Riail 12 den Cheathrú Sceideal; i Riail 17 de Chuid I den Chúigiú Sceideal: na focail “agus an chuma ina mbeidh an vótáil le déanamh ag na toghthóirí”; Rialacha 19 agus 20 den Chuid sin I; i Riail 28 den Chuid sin I: na focail “agus (d) páipéirí ballóide tairgthe”; i Riail 34 den Chuid sin I: na focail go léir ó “Tuairisceoidh an ceann cóimhrimh” go d tí deireadh na Rialach; i Riail 35 den Chuid sin I: na focail “na páipéirí ballóide tairgthe agus” agus “agus leis an liost de vótanna tairgthe”; i Riail 36 den Chuid sin I: na focail “na liostaí de vótanna tairgthe”,; Rialacha 42, 48, 50, 52 agus 54 den Chuid sin I; Cuid II den Chúigiú Sceideal; foirmeacha 1, 2, 3, 6, 7, 8 agus 9 i gCuid III den Chúigiú Sceideal; An Naoú Sceideal.

Uimh. 38 de 1923.

Acht chun Droch-Bhearta Toghacháin do Chosc, 1923.

Mír (c) d'fho-alt (2) d'alt 1; alt 4; fo-ailt (3), (4) agus (5) d'alt 6; ailt 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 agus 14; in alt 15: na focail go léir ó “agus ní féadfar” go dtí deireadh an ailt; alt 16; in alt 17, na focail “nó i gcóir aon chostaisí fé n-ar chuathas sa bhreis ar aon mhéid maximum a cheaduítear leis an Acht so,” agus na focail “nó costaisí”; ailt 18, 19, 20, 21, 27, 28, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 43, 45 agus 47; in alt 53: na focail go léir ó “agus éinne a cúiseofar in íoc” go dtí deireadh an ailt; in alt 56: na mínithe ar “seomra coiste” agus “costaisí pearsanta”; An Chéad Sceideal.

Uimh. 7 de 1924.

An tAcht chun Toghthóirí Rialtais Áitiúla do Chlárú 1924.

An tAcht iomlán.

Uimh. 5 de 1925.

An tAcht Rialtais Áitiúla, 1924.

Alt 57.

Uimh. 27 de 1926.

An tAcht Oifigigh Cúirte, 1926.

Alt 39; i bhfo-alt (7) d'alt 40: na focail go léir ó “agus ina ionad san” go dtí deireadh an fho-ailt.

Uimh. 21 de 1927.

An tAcht Timpeal Toghacháin (Leasú), 1927.

An tAcht iomlán.

Uimh. 23 de 1927.

Acht na nGiúirithe, 1927.

Cuid II.

Uimh. 39 de 1927.

An tAcht um Thoghacháin Áitiúla, 1927.

An tAcht iomlán.

Uimh. 1 de 1929.

Acht Bainistí Chathair Chorcaighe, 1929.

Fo-ailt (1), (2), (3) agus (4) d'alt 6.

Uimh. 27 de 1930.

An tAcht Rialtais Áitiúla (Baile Átha Cliath), 1930.

Alt 36; fo-ailt (1) agus (2) d'alt 38; fo-ailt (1) agus (2) d'alt 46; ailt 50 agus 86.

Uimh. 29 de 1932.

An tAcht Toghacháin (Athchomhairc Chlárathachta), 1932.

An tAcht iomlán.

Uimh. 14 de 1933.

An tAcht Toghacháin (Leasú), 1933.

Alt 2.

Uimh. 35 de 1934.

Acht Bainistí Chathair Luimnigh, 1934.

Ailt 6 agus 8; fo-ailt (1) agus (2) d'alt 10.

Uimh. 9 de 1935.

An tAcht Rialtais Áitiúla (Reacht-Shaoirse do Leathnú), 1935.

An tAcht iomlán.

Uimh. 22 de 1936.

An tAcht Toghacháin (Dáilcheanntair Phríomh-Scoile), 1936.

An tAcht iomlán.

Uimh. 16 de 1937.

An tAcht Pobal-Bhreithe (Dréacht-Bhunreacht), 1937.

An tAcht iomlán.

Uimh. 25 de 1937.

An tAcht Toghacháin (Ceann Comhairle Dháil Éireann), 1937.

An tAcht iomlán.

Uimh. 32 de 1937.

Acht Toghachán an Uachtaráin, 1937.

Alt 26; fo-alt (1) agus mír (d) d'fho-alt (2) d'alt 28; alt 30; i Riail 8 den Chéad Sceideal: na focail “agus i dtaobh na slí inar ceart do thoghthóirí vótáil”; Rialacha 11, 12, 13 agus 20 den Sceideal sin; i Riail 22 den Sceideal sin: na focail “agus (d) páipéirí ballóide tairgthe,”; mír 2 de Riail 26 den Sceideal sin; míreanna (2) agus (3) de Riail 29 den Sceideal sin; i mír (1) de Riail 32 den Sceideal sin: na focail “na páipéirí ballóide tairgthe agus” agus na focail “agus leis an liost de vótanna tairgthe,”; i Riail 33 den Sceideal sin: na focail “na liostaí de vótanna tairgthe,”; mír 2 de Riail 38 den Sceideal sin.

Uimh. 25 de 1939.

Acht Bainistí Chathair Phortláirge, 1939.

Alt 7; fo-ailt (1) agus (3) d'alt 9.

Uimh. 21 de 1940.

An tAcht Rialtais Áitiúil (Baile Átha Cliath) (Leasú), 1940.

Alt 12.

Uimh. 5 de 1941.

Acht Bainistí Chathair Chorcaighe (Leasú), 1941.

Alt 6.

Uimh. 23 de 1941.

An tAcht Rialtais Áitiúil, 1941.

Fo-alt (4) d'alt 34; fo-alt (5) d'alt 35; ailt 36, 37, 38, 39, 40 agus 42; fo-alt (4) d'alt 45; alt 81; An Tríú Sceideal.

Uimh. 28 de 1941.

An tAcht Toghacháin, 1941.

An tAcht iomlán.

Uimh. 8 de 1942.

Acht an Reifrinn, 1942.

Ailt 13, 15, 21 agus 28; Rialacha 12, 13 agus 14 den Chéad Sceideal; i Riail 23 den Sceideal sin: na focail “agus (d) páipéirí ballóide tairgthe,”; míreanna (2) agus (3) de Riail 27 den Sceideal sin; mír (3) de Riail 29 den Sceideal sin; i mír (d) de Riail 31 den Sceideal sin: na focail “na páipéirí ballóide tairgthe”, agus na focail “agus an liost de vótaí tairgthe”; i mír (e) de Riail 31 den Sceideal sin: na focail “agus na liostaí uile de vótaí tairgthe”.

Uimh. 18 de 1942.

An tAcht um Thoghcháin Áitiúla (Leasú), 1942.

An tAcht iomlán.

Uimh. 6 de 1945.

An tAcht Toghcháin (Dáil Éireann agus Údaráis Áitiúla), 1945.

An tAcht iomlán.

Uimh. 15 de 1945.

An tAcht Toghcháin Uachtaráin agus Toghchán Áitiúla, 1945.

An tAcht iomlán.

Uimh. 25 de 1945.

An tAcht Oifigeach Cúirte, 1945.

Mír (g) d'fho-alt (3) d'alt 12.

Uimh. 24 de 1946.

An tAcht Rialtais Áitiúil, 1946.

Alt 72.

Uimh. 29 de 1946.

Acht Toghchán an Uachtaráin (Leasú), 1946.

An tAcht iomlán.

Uimh. 30 de 1946.

Acht an Reifrinn (Leasú), 1946.

An tAcht iomlán.

Uimh. 31 de 1946.

An tAcht Toghcháin (Leasú), 1946.

An tAcht iomlán.

Uimh. 8 de 1948.

An tAcht um Thoghcháin Áitiúla, 1948.

An tAcht iomlán.

Uimh. 15 de 1953.

An tAcht um Thoghcháin Áitiúla, 1953.

An tAcht iomlán.

Uimh. 5 de 1959.

Acht an Reifrinn (Leasú), 1959.

An tAcht iomlán.

Uimh. 9 de 1959.

Acht Toghchán an Uachtaráin (Forálacha Sealadacha), 1959.

An tAcht iomlán.

Uimh. 14 de 1960.

An tAcht Toghchán, 1960.

An tAcht iomlán.

Uimh. 43 de 1960.

An tAcht Toghcháin, 1960.

Ailt 5, 6 agus 7 agus ailt 9 go 17.

Uimh. 19 de 1961.

An tAcht Toghcháin (Leasú) 1961.

Alt 7.


Foirmeacha (Toghcháin Dála).

Alt 12, 16.



Do .............................................. an

ceann comhairimh do dháilcheantar


To ..................................returning

officer for the constituency of ........


DE BHRÍ go bhfuil Dáil Éireann lánscortha:

WHEREAS Dáil Éireann is dissolved:

ANOIS, déanaimse, ........ Cléireach

Dháil Éireann, de réir forálacha alt 12 den Acht Toghcháin, 1963, a ordú leis seo duitse, i do cheann comhairimh do

dháilcheantar ..............................

toghchán a chur á dhéanamh sa dáilcheantar sin do ................................. comhalta chun fónamh i nDáil Éireann don dáilcheantar sin:

NOW, I, .................... Clerk of

Dáil Éireann, in accordance with the provisions of section 12 of the Electoral Act, 1963, do hereby direct you, as the returning officer for the constituency of

................................. to cause

an election to be held in that constituency of ............... members to serve in Dáil Éireann for the said constituency:

AGUS, tar éis an toghchán sin a bheith déanta go cuí, ainmneacha na gcomhaltaí a thoghfar amhlaidh a dheimhniú dom gan mhoill i m'Oifig i ................................. i mBaile Átha Cliath.

AND that when such election has been duly held, you do without delay certify to me in my Office at ................................. ................................. in Dublin the names of the members so elected.

I bhFIANAISE air sin tá mé tar éis mo lámh agus mo shéala a chur leis seo.

IN WITNESS whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal.




lá seo de

day of


19 .




Deimhním leis seo gurb iad na comhaltaí a toghadh chun fónamh i nDáil Éireann do dháilcheantar ................................. ................................. de bhun na heascaire sin thuas:—

I hereby certify that the members elected to serve in Dáil Éireann for the constituency of ................................. in pursuance of the above writ are:—





i gContae

in the County of






i gContae

in the County of






i gContae

in the County of





Ceann Comhairimh,

Returning Officer.





Don cheann comhairimh do dháilcheantar

To the returning officer for the constituency of.............................................

Eascaire chun comhaltaí a thoghadh chun fónamh i nDáil Éireann.

A writ for the election of members to serve in Dáil Éireann.


Fuair mé an eascaire seo istigh—

Received the within writ on—




lá seo de

day of


19 .




Ceann Comhairimh,

Returning Officer.


(Le hoiriúnú go cuí má ordaítear do Chléireach Dháil Éireann ar an lá céanna eascairí a eisiúint chun comhaltaí a thoghadh chun níos mó ná folúntas amháin a líonadh in ionadaíocht dáilcheantair.)

Do .................................. an ceann

comhairimh do dháilcheantar .........


To ..................................returning

officer for the constituency of ........


DE BHRÍ gur tharla folúntas in

ionadaíocht dháilcheantar ................

.......... i nDáil Éireann toisc ...........

............. ba chomhalta de Dháil

Éireann don dáilcheantar sin a scor de bheith ina chomhalta ar dhóigh seachas de chionn Dáil Éireann a lánscor:

WHEREAS a vacancy has occurred in the representation of the

constituency of ..............

in Dáil Éireann by .....................

who was a member of Dáil Éireann for the said constituency ceasing to be a member otherwise than in consequence of the dissolution of Dáil Éireann:

AGUS DE BHRÍ gur ordaigh Cathaoirleach Dháil Éireann dom go cuí eascaire a chur amach chun comhalta a thoghadh do Dháil Éireann chun an folúntas réambráite a líonadh:

AND WHEREAS The Chairman of Dáil Éireann has duly directed me to issue a writ for the election of a member of Dáil Éireann to fill the vacancy aforesaid:

ANOIS, déanaimse, ....................

Cléireach Dháil Éireann, de réir foráacha alt 12 den Acht Toghcháin, 1963, a ordú leis seo duitse, i do cheann comhairimh don dáilcheantar réamhráite, toghchán a chur á dhéanamh sa dáilcheantar sin do chomhalta chun fónamh i nDáil Éireann

don dáilcheantar sin in ionad ..........

.................................. sin:

NOW, I, ........................ Clerk

of Dáil Éireann, in accordance with the provisions of section 12 of the Electoral Act, 1963, do hereby direct you, as the returning officer for the constituency aforesaid, to cause an election to be held in the said constituency of a member to serve in Dáil Éireann for the said constituency in the place of

the said ......................................

AGUS, tar éis an toghchán sin a bheith déanta go cuí, ainm an chomhalta a thoghfar amhlaidh a dheimhniú

dom gan mhoill i m'Oifig i ................

..................... i mBaile Átha Cliath.

AND that when such election has been duly held you do without delay

certify to me in my Office at ............

................. in Dublin the name of the member so elected.

I bhFIANAISE air sin tá mé tar éis mo lámh agus mo shéala a chur leis seo.

IN WITNESS whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal.




lá seo de

day of


19   .




Deimhním leis seo gurb é an comhalta a toghadh chun fónamh i nDáil Éireann do dháilcheantar .............. .............. de bhun na heascaire sin thuas:—

I hereby certify that the member elected to serve in Dáil Éireann for the constituency of ..................... in pursuance of the above writ is:—





i gContae

in the County of





Ceann Comhairimh,

Returning Officer.





Don cheann comhairimh do dháilcheantar

To the returning officer for the constituency of ...........................................

Eascaire chun comhalta a thoghadh chun fónamh i nDáil Éireann.

A writ for the election of a member to serve in Dáil Éireann.


Fuair mé an eascaire seo istigh—

Received the within writ on—




lá seo de

day of


19   .




Ceann Comhairimh,

Returning Officer.




(Éadan an Pháipéir).

Comhdhuille Uimh.............

Marcáil ord do rogha sna spáis seo síos.

Marc Oifigiúil.


Mark order of preference in spaces below.

Official Mark.


Uimh. an Vótálaí ar an gclár.

(James Doyle, of 10 High Street, Builder.)




(Jane Ellen Lynch, of 12 Main Street, Grocer.)


(Séamus O'Briain, ó 10 An tSráid Ard, Oide Scoile.)


(Eamon O'Brien, of 22 Wellclose Place, Barrister.)


(Eamon O'Brien, of 102 Eaton Brae, Ranelagh, Solicitor.)


(Charles O'Connor, of 7 Green Street, Gentleman.)


(William Henry Thompson, of Dereen Park, Farmer.)



I. Féach chuige go bhfuil an marc oifigiúil ar an bpáipéar.

I. See that the official mark is on the paper.

II. Scríobh an figiúr 1 le hais ainm an chéad iarrthóra is rogha leat, an figiúr 2 le hais do dhara rogha, agus mar sin de.

II. Write 1 beside the name of the candidate of your first choice, 2 beside your second choice, and so on.

III. Fill an páipéar ionas nach bhfeicfear do vóta. Taispeáin cúl an pháipéir don oifigeach ceannais, agus cuir sa bhosca ballóide é.

III. Fold the paper to conceal your vote. Show the back of the paper to the presiding officer and put it in the ballot box.

(Cúl an Pháipéir)

Uimh. ....................................

Toghchán do Dháilcheantar ....................................


(1) Ar gach páipéar ballóide beidh liosta de na hiarrthóirí mar a tuairiscíodh iad ina bpáipéir ainmniúcháin faoi seach, agus iad leagtha amach de réir na haibítre in ord a sloinnte nó, más ionann sloinne do bheirt iarrthóir nó níos mó, in ord a n-ainmneacha eile nó, más ionann na hainmneacha eile atá orthu, in ord a slite beatha.

(2) Déanfar sloinne gach iarrthóra agus ainm a pháirtí pholaitíochta, más ann, a chló i litreacha móra, agus déanfar a ainm iomlán, a sheoladh agus a shlí bheatha, má tá sin aige, mar atá siad ar a pháipéar ainmniúcháin, a chló i litreacha beaga.

(3) Aon uair is ionann sloinne do bheirt iarrthóir nó níos mó clófar i litreacha móra freisin ainmneacha eile na n-iarrthóirí sin agus an méid den tuairisc a thugtar ar na hiarrthóirí sin ina bpáipéir ainmniúcháin faoi seach agus a dhéanfaidh, i dtuairim an cheann comhairimh, idirdhealú éifeachtach idir na hiarrthóirí sin.

(4) Déanfar liosta na n-iarrthóirí a leagan amach in aon cholún leanúnach amháin nó in dhá cholún nó níos mó ar an gcuma (gan dul ón ord aibítre) is dóigh leis an gceann comhairimh is fearr chun marcáil agus comhaireamh a dhéanamh.

(5) Déanfar cúl gach páipéir bhallóide a uimhriú go leantach agus an uimhir chéanna a chur ar éadan an chomhdhuille a bheidh i gceangal leis. Déanfar an uimhir ar chúl an pháipéir bhallóide a chló sna litreacha is lú is féidir ach go mbeidh siad soléite.

(6) Níl dada le cur ar an bpáipéar ballóide seachas an méid atá de réir na dtreoracha seo.


Alt 52.

Foirm (Toghcháin Uachtaráin).


Comhdhuille Uimh............

Marcáil ord do rogha sna spáis seo síos.

Marc Oifigiúil.


Mark order of preference in spaces below.

Official Mark.


(James Doyle, of 10 High Street, Builder.)

Uimh. an Vótálaí ar an gclár.



(James Doyle, of 420 Furry Park, Chemist.)






(Jane Ellen Lynch, of 12 Main Street, Grocer.)



(Séamus O'Briain, ó 10 An tSráid Ard, Oide Scoile.)


(Eamon O'Brien, of 22 Wellclose Place, Barrister.)


(Eamon O'Brien, of 102 Eaton Brae, Ranelagh, Solicitor.)


(Charles O'Connor, of 7 Green Street, Gentleman.)


(William Thompson, of Dereen Park, Farmer.)



I. Féach chuige go bhfuil an marc oifigiúil ar an bpáipéar.

I. See that the official mark is on the paper.

II. Scríobh an figiúr 1 le hais ainm an chéad iarrthóra is rogha leat, an figiúr 2 le hais do dhara rogha, agus mar sin de.

II. Write 1 beside the name of the candidate of your first choice, 2 beside your second choice, and so on.

III. Fill an páipéar ionas nach bhfeicfear do vóta. Taispeáin cúl an pháipéir don oifigeach ceannais, agus cuir sa bhosca ballóide é.

III. Fold the paper to conceal your vote. Show the back of the paper to the presiding officer and put it in the ballot box.

(Cúl an Pháipéir)

Uimh. ....................................

Toghchán Uachtaráin an ....................................... lá de ....................................19 .


(1) Ar gach páipéar ballóide beidh liosta de na hiarrthóirí mar a tuairiscíodh iad ina bpáipéir ainmniúcháin faoi seach, agus iad leagtha amach de réir na haibítre in ord a sloinnte nó, más ionann sloinne do bheirt iarrthóir nó níos mó, in ord a n-ainmneacha eile nó, más ionann na hainmneacha eile atá orthu, in ord a slite beatha.

(2) Déanfar sloinne gach iarrthóra a chló i litreacha móra agus déanfar a ainm iomlán, a sheoladh agus a shlí bheatha, má tá sin aige, mar atá siad ar a pháipéar ainmniúcháin, a chló i litreacha beaga.

(3) Aon uair is ionann sloinne do bheirt iarrthóir nó níos mó clófar i litreacha móra freisin ainmneacha eile na n-iarrthóirí sin agus an méid den tuairisc a thugtar ar na hiarrthóirí sin ina bpáipéir ainmniúcháin faoi seach agus a dhéanfaidh, i dtuairim an cheann comhairimh, idirdhealú éifeachtach idir na hiarrthóirí sin.

(4) Déanfar liosta na n-iarrthóirí a leagan amach in aon cholún leanúnach amháin nó in dhá cholún nó níos mó ar an gcuma (gan dul ón ord aibítre) is dóigh leis an gceann comhairimh is fearr chun marcáil agus comhaireamh a dhéanamh.

(5) Déanfar cúl gach páipéir bhallóide a uimhriú go leantach agus an uimhir chéanna a chur ar éadan an chomhdhuille a bheidh i gceangal leis. Déanfar an uimhir ar chúl an pháipéir bhallóide a chló sna litreacha is lú is féidir ach go mbeidh siad soléite.

(6) Níl dada le cur ar an bpáipéar ballóide seachas an méid atá de réir na dtreoracha seo.



Alt 71.



(Éadan an Pháipéir)

Marc Oifigiúil.

Official Mark.


An bhfuil tú ag toiliú leis an togra chun an Bunreacht a leasú atá sa Bhille thíosluaite ?

Do you approve of the proposal to amend the Constitution contained in the under-mentioned Bill ?

Comhdhuille Uimh. .....................








Uimh. an Vótálaí ar an gclár.














I. Féach chuige go bhfuil an marc oifigiúil ar an bpáipéar.

I. See that the official mark is on the paper.

II. Má thoilíonn tú leis an togra, cuir an marc “X” sa chearnóg os coinne an fhocail “TÁ”.

II. If you approve of the proposal, place the mark “X” in the square opposite the word “YES”.

III. Mura dtoilíonn tú leis an togra, cuir an marc “X” sa chearnóg os coinne an fhocail “Nil”.

III. If you do not approve of the proposal, place the mark “X” in the square opposite the word “NO”.

IV. Fill an páipéar ionas nach bhfeicfear do vóta. Taispeáin cúl an pháipéir don oifigeach ceannais, agus cuir sa bhosca ballóide é.

IV. Fold the paper to conceal your vote. Show the back of the paper to the presiding officer and put it in the ballot box.

(Cúl an Pháipéir)

Uimh. ........................

Dáilcheantar ........................

Reifreann i dtaobh an togra chun an Bunreacht a leasú.

Referendum on proposal to amend the Constitution.

Nóta: Déanfar cúl gach páipéir bhallóide a uimhriú go leantach agus an uimhir chéanna a chur ar éadan an chomhdhuille a bheidh i gceangal leis. Déanfar an uimhir ar chúl an pháipéir bhallóide a chló sna litreacha is lú is féidir ach go mbeidh siad soléite.





(Éadan an Pháipéir)

Marc Oifigiúil.

Official Mark.


An bhfuil tú ag toiliú le dlí a dhéanamh den togra thíosluaite ?

Do you approve of the undermentioned proposal becoming law ?

Comhdhuille Uimh. ..........








Uimh. an Vótálaí ar an gclár.














I. Féach chuige go bhfuil an marc oifigiúil ar an bpáipéar.

I. See that the official mark is on the paper.

II. Má thoilíonn tú leis an togra, cuir an marc “X” sa chearnóg os coinne an fhocail “TÁ”.

II. If you approve of the proposal, place the mark “X” in the square opposite the word “YES”.

III. Mura dtoilíonn tú leis an togra, cuir an marc “X” sa chearnóg os coinne an fhocail “NIL”.

III. If you do not approve of the proposal, place the mark “X” in the square opposite the word “NO”.

IV. Fill an páipéar ionas nach bhfeicfear do vóta. Taispeáin cúl an pháipéir don oifigeach ceannais, agus cuir sa bhosca ballóide é.

IV. Fold the paper to conceal your vote. Show the back of the paper to the presiding officer and put it in the ballot box.

(Cúl an Pháipéir)

Uimh. ..............................

Dáilcheantar .................................................

Reifreann i dtaobh an togra go ....................... ..................................................................... .....................................................................

Referendum on proposal that ........................ ..................................................................... .....................................................................

Nóta: Déanfar cúl gach páipéir bhallóide a uimhriú go leantach agus an uimhir chéanna a chur ar éadan an chomhdhuille a bheidh i gceangal leis. Déanfar an uimhir ar chúl an pháipéir bhallóide a chló sna litreacha is lú is féidir ach go mbeidh siad soléite.



(Éadan an Pháipéir)

Marc Oifigiúil.

Official Mark.


Comhdhuille Uimh. .....................

I gcás gach togra faoi leith dá luaitear sa chéad cholún anseo thíos, an bhfuil tú ag toiliú le dlí a dhéanamh den togra ?

In the case of each of the proposals stated in the first column below, do you approve of the proposal becoming law?

Uimh. an Vótálaí ar an gclár.





















I. Féach chuige go bhfuil an marc oifigiúil ar an bpáipéar.

I. See that the official mark is on the paper.

II. Cuir an marc “X” sa cholún thuas dar mírcheann “TÁ” os coinne gach togra faoi leith lena dtoilíonn tú.

II. Place the mark “X” in the column headed “YES” opposite every proposal of which you approve.

III. Cuir an marc “X” sa cholún thuas dar mírcheann “NÍL” os coinne gach togra faoi leith nach dtoilíonn tú leis.

III. Place the mark “X” in the column headed “NO” opposite every proposal of which you do not approve.

IV. Fill an páipéar ionas nach bhfeicfear do vóta. Taispeáin cúl an pháipéir don oifigeach ceannais, agus cuir sa bhosca ballóide é.

IV. Fold the paper to conceal your vote. Show the back of the paper to the presiding officer and put it in the ballot box.

(Cúl an Pháipéir)

Uimh. ..............................

Dáilcheantar .....................................

Reifreann i dtaobh na dtograí seo a leanas:

1.   ........................................................


2.   ........................................................


3.   ........................................................


Referenda on the following proposals:

1.   ........................................................


2.   ........................................................


3.   ........................................................


Nóta: Déanfar cúl gach páipéir bhallóide a uimhriú go leantach agus an uimhir chéanna a chur ar éadan an chomhdhuille a bheidh i gceangal leis. Déanfar an uimhir ar chúl an pháipéir bhallóide a chló sna litreacha is lú is féidir ach go mbeidh siad soléite.



Number 19 of 1963.





Part I.



Short title, commencement and collective citations.


Interpretation generally.



Part II.



Interpretation and construction (Parts II and III and Second Schedule).




Register of electors.


Registration duties.



Part III.


Chapter I.



“General Election”, “Bye-Election” and “excluded day”.


Maximum duration of Dáil.


Returning officers and assistant, deputy and acting returning officers.


Issue and return of writs.


Register of Political Parties.


Re-election of outgoing Chairman of Dáil Éireann.


Specification by regulations of certain forms.


Ballot paper.


Destruction, etc. of ballot boxes or ballot papers.

Chapter II.



Last day for receiving nominations.


Procedure after nominations.


Deposit by candidates.


Amendment of Rules 1 to 12 of Part I of Fifth Schedule to Principal Act.

Chapter III.

The Poll


Polling districts and polling places.


Polling cards.


Times of poll.


Presiding officers and poll clerks.


Right to vote.


Voting by blind, incapacitated, and illiterate persons.


Alleged personation.


Amendment of Principal Act as to official mark on ballot papers.


Duties of presiding officer at close of poll.




Death of candidate.


Death of outgoing Chairman of Dáil Éireann.


Advance polling on islands.


Amendment of section 59 (b) of Principal Act.

Chapter IV.

The Count


Amendment of Rules 2 and 12 of Third Schedule to Principal Act.


Amendment of Rule 6 of Third Schedule to Principal Act.


Amendment of Rule 6 (5) (a) of Third Schedule to Principal Act.


Amendment of Rule 10 of Third Schedule to Principal Act.


Amendment of Rule 12 (10) of Third Schedule to Principal Act.


Amendment of Rules 29 to 33 of Part I of Fifth Schedule to Principal Act Candidates' agents.


Amendment of Rule 37 of Part I of Fifth Schedule to Principal Act.

Part IV.



Interpretation and construction (Part IV and Third Schedule).


Polling cards.


Advance polling on islands.


Notification of name of President elect to certain persons.


Amendment of sections 12, 13 and 14 of Principal Act.


Amendment of sections 6 and 20 of Principal Act.


Presiding officers and poll clerks.


Voting by postal voters.


Right to vote.


Ballot paper.


Amendment of section 28. (2) of and Rule 11 of Third Schedule to Principal Act.


Amendment of section 32 of Principal Act.


Amendment of Rule 1 of First Schedule to Principal Act.


Amendment of Rule 15 of First Schedule to Principal Act.


Voting by blind, incapacitated, and illiterate persons.


Alleged personation.


Duties of presiding officer at close of poll.


Amendment of Rules 22A, 23 and 24 of First Schedule to Principal Act.


Amendment of Rules 27, 39 and 40 of First Schedule to Principal Act.


Amendment of Rule 8 of Third Schedule to Principal Act.

Part V.



Interpretation and construction (Part V and Fourth Schedule).


Polling cards.


Advance polling on islands.


Voting by persons in employment of local returning officers.


Amendment of sections 8 (1), 10 (1) and 11 of Principal Act.


Presiding officers and poll clerks.


Voting by postal voters.


Right to vote.


Forms of ballot papers.


Amendment of section 29. of Principal Act.


Amendment of Rule 1 of First Schedule to Principal Act.


Amendment of Principal Act as to official mark on ballot papers.


Voting by blind, incapacitated, and illiterate persons.


Alleged personation.


Duties of presiding officer at close of poll.


Amendment of Rules 23A and 24 of First Schedule to Principal Act.


Amendment of Rules 30 and 32 of First Schedule to Principal Act.

Part VI.



Interpretation (Part VI).


Year of election.


Conduct of elections.


Polling cards.


Times of poll.


Right to vote.


Costs of elections.


Electoral areas in certain county and other boroughs.




District electoral divisions.

Part VII.



Amendment of Prevention of Electoral Abuses Act, 1923.

Part VIII.



Special provisions where two or more elections have same polling day.


Adaptation or modification where there is emergency or special difficulty.


Enactments Repealed.


Forms (Dáil Elections).


Form (Presidential Elections).


Forms of Ballot Papers at Referenda.

Acts Referred to

Electoral Act, 1923

1923, No. 12

Defence Act, 1954

1954, No. 18

Juries Act, 1927

1927, No. 23

Court Officers Act, 1926

1926, No. 27

Electoral (Amendment) Act, 1961

1961, No. 19

Presidential Elections Act, 1937

1937, No. 32

Electoral Act, 1960

1960, No. 43

Prevention of Electoral Abuses Act, 1923

1923, No. 38

Presidential Elections (Amendment) Act, 1946

1946, No. 29

Referendum Act, 1942

1942, No. 8

Referendum (Amendment) Act, 1946

1946, No. 30

Local Government Act, 1941

1941, No. 23

Harbours Act, 1946

1946, No. 9

Local Elections Act, 1953

1953, No. 15

School Attendance Act, 1926

1926, No. 17

Limerick City Management Act, 1934

1934, No. 35

Waterford City Management Act, 1939

1939, No. 25

Cork City Management (Amendment) Act, 1941

1941, No. 5

Local Government (Dublin) Act, 1930

1930, No. 27

Local Government (Galway) Act, 1937

1937 (Private), No. 3


Number 19 of 1963.




Prelminary and General.


Short title, commencement and collective citations.

1.—(1) This Act may be cited as the Electoral Act, 1963.


(2) This Act shall come into operation on such day or days as may be fixed therefor by order or orders of the Minister either generally or with reference to any particular purpose or provision and different days may be so fixed for different purposes and different provisions of this Act.


(3) The Electoral Acts, 1923 to 1961, and Parts I, II, III and VIII of and the First and Second Schedules to this Act may be cited together as the Electoral Acts, 1923 to 1963.


(4) The Presidential Elections Acts, 1937 to 1960, and Parts I, IV and VIII of and the First and Third Schedules to this Act may be cited together as the Presidential Elections Acts, 1937 to 1963.


(5) The Referendum Acts, 1942 to 1960, and Parts I, V and VIII of and the First and Fourth Schedules to this Act may be cited together as the Referendum Acts, 1942 to 1963.


Interpretation generally.

2.—(1) In this Act “the Minister” means the Minister for Local Government.


(2) Any reference in this Act to any other enactment shall, except so far as the context otherwise requires, be construed as a reference to that Act as amended by or under any other enactment, including this Act.



3.—The enactments mentioned in the First Schedule to this Act are hereby repealed to the extent mentioned in the third column of that Schedule.



Franchise and Registration.


Interpretation and construction (Parts II and III and Second Schedule).

4.—(1) In this Part and Part III of this Act “the Principal Act” means the Electoral Act, 1923.


(2) The Electoral Acts, 1923 to 1961, and this Part and Part III of and the Second Schedule to this Act shall be construed together as one Act.



5.—(1) A person shall be entitled to be registered as a Dáil elector in a constituency if he has reached the age of twenty-one years and he was, on the qualifying date—


(a) a citizen of Ireland, and


(b) ordinarily resident in that constituency.


(2) (a) A person shall be entitled to be registered as a local government elector in a local electoral area if he has reached the age of twenty-one years and—


(i) he was, on the qualifying date, ordinarily resident in that area, or


(ii) he has, during the whole of the period of six months ending on the qualifying date, occupied, as owner or tenant, any land or premises in that area.


(b) For the purposes of this subsection—


(i) where two or more persons jointly occupy land or premises, each such person shall be treated as occupying the land or premises, subject to the proviso that not more than two persons shall be entitled to be registered in respect of the same land or premises, unless they are bona fide engaged as partners carrying on their profession, trade or business on the land or premises,


(ii) the occupation of a dwellinghouse shall be deemed not to be interrupted by reason only of permission being given by letting or otherwise for the occupation of the dwellinghouse as a furnished dwellinghouse by some other person for part or parts of the qualifying period not exceeding four months in the whole.


(c) Where, for the purpose of registration as a local government elector in a county, county borough, borough, urban district or town, a person has more than one property (that is to say, land or premises)—


(i) he may, not later than the last day for making claims for registration, nominate the one for which he wishes to be registered by giving notice to the registration authority, stating the addresses of the properties and the one for which he wishes to be registered, and he shall be registered accordingly;


(ii) where he does not so nominate and one of the properties is his residence situate in a county borough, borough, urban district or town, he shall be registered in respect of his residence;


(iii) in any other case, he shall be registered in respect of such one of the properties as the registration authority may decide.


(d) The registration authority shall make such alterations and corrections in the draft register as they think necessary—


(i) in order to secure that no person is registered more than once as a local government elector in a county borough, borough, urban district or town or in an administrative county exclusive of any borough, urban district or town therein, and


(ii) having regard to paragraph (c) of this subsection.


(e) In this subsection—


local electoral area” means the area or any of the areas (as may be appropriate) by reference to which a local election is held;


local government elector” means a person entitled to vote at a local election.


(3) (a) Where, not later than the last day for making claims for registration, an elector who is a whole time member of the Defence Forces furnishes a statement of the premises in which, but for his service, he would be ordinarily resident on the qualifying date to the registration authority for the registration area in which those premises are situate, the statement shall, in the absence of evidence to the contrary, be accepted as a correct statement and he shall be registered in respect of those premises.


(b) (i) In this subsection “a whole time member of the Defence Forces” means—


(I) a member of the Permanent Defence Force, or


(II) an officer of the Reserve Defence Force employed continuously on military service or duty during a period during which a proclamation authorising the calling out of reservists on permanent service is in force, or during a period during which reservists are called out on permanent service under section 88 of the Defence Act, 1954, or


(III) a reservist called out on permanent service.


(ii) In the foregoing subparagraph “the Permanent Defence Force”, “officer”, “the Reserve Defence Force”, “proclamation authorising the calling out of reservists on permanent service” and “reservist” have the same meanings respectively as they have in the Defence Act, 1954.


(4) For the purposes of this section—


(a) a person shall be deemed not to have given up ordinary residence if he intends to resume residence within eighteen months after giving it up,


(b) a written statement by a person that he intends to resume residence within eighteen months after giving it up shall, in the absence of evidence to the contrary, be conclusive evidence of that fact.


(5) Where—


(i) on the qualifying date, a person is a patient or inmate in any hospital, sanatorium, county home, home for persons suffering from physical or mental disability or similar institution or is detained in any premises in legal custody, and


(ii) in the case of a person who is such a patient or inmate, he is not—


(I) a person in employment in the hospital, sanatorium, county home, home for persons suffering from physical or mental disability or similar institution who is resident therein for the purposes of such employment, or


(II) a person who, in the opinion of the registration authority, will continue for an indefinite period to be such a patient or inmate,


he shall be deemed for the purposes of this section to be resident in the place where he would have been residing but for his having been such a patient or inmate or having been so detained in legal custody.


(6) (a) The qualifying date for every register of electors shall be such date as may be specified by regulations made by the Minister.


(b) For the purposes of this section, a person's age shall be taken to be that person's age on such date as may be specified by regulations made by the Minister.


(c) Where regulations specifying the date referred to in paragraph (a) or paragraph (b) of this subsection are proposed to be made, a draft thereof shall be laid before each House of the Oireachtas and the regulations shall not be made until a resolution approving of the draft has been passed by each House.


Register of electors.

6.—(1) A register by reference to registration areas consisting of administrative counties and county boroughs shall be prepared and published in every year of persons who were entitled to be registered as electors on the qualifying date and, in so far as it relates to Dáil electors, the register shall be the register of Dáil electors and, in so far as it relates to persons entitled to vote at local elections, it shall be the register of local government electors.


(2) Every register of electors shall come into force on such date as may be specified by regulations made by the Minister and shall remain in force until the day before the date on which the next register comes into force.


(3) Where regulations specifying the date referred to in subsection (2) of this section are proposed to be made, a draft thereof shall be laid before each House of the Oireachtas and the regulations shall not be made until a resolution approving of the draft has been passed by each House.


Registration duties.

7.—(1) It shall be the duty of each council of a county and corporation of a county borough to prepare and publish the register of electors in accordance with regulations made by the Minister, after consultation with the Minister for Justice, and references in this Part of this Act to the registration authority shall be construed accordingly.


(2) In particular and without prejudice to the generality of subsection (1) of this section, regulations under this section may provide for all or any of the following matters:


(a) furnishing by the corporations of boroughs which are not county boroughs and the councils of urban districts, to the councils of the counties in which such boroughs and urban districts are situate, of lists in the form of a draft register for the boroughs and urban districts,


(b) identification, in draft registers, lists of claimants and registers of electors, of persons who are jurors and specification therein of places in respect of which persons are to be indicated as jurors,


(c) making to and deciding by county registrars of claims for and objections to the entry of names in draft registers,


(d) appointment of deputies for such registrars,


(e) notification of decisions with respect to such claims and objections to the registration authority concerned,


(f) the form of draft registers and registers of electors,


(g) the inquiries to be made by the registration authorities,


(h) the date of publication of registers of electors,


(i) failure to publish registers of electors,


(j) the fees to be charged for copies of draft registers and registers of electors,


(k) specification of the substituted dates referred to in subsection (6) of this section.


(3) If any person, having been duly required pursuant to regulations under this section to give any information in his possession which the registration authority or county registrar may require for the purposes of their duties, fails to give the information or gives false information, he shall be guilty of an offence and shall be liable on summary conviction to a fine not exceeding twenty pounds.


(4) An elector shall be entered in the postal voters list if he is—


(a) a member of the Garda Síochána, or


(b) a whole time member of the Defence Forces (as defined in paragraph (b) of subsection (3) of section 5 of this Act).


(5) The registration authority shall, within such period after publication of the register of electors as may be specified by regulations under this section, ascertain if any corrections in the register of electors are necessary because of errors of a clerical or typographical nature and, if any such corrections are ascertained to be necessary, the registration authority shall publish a list of them within the said period and the list shall be deemed to form part of the register of electors.


(6) For each reference to a date contained in subsection (1) of section 13, subsections (3) and (4) of section 15 and subsection (2) of section 16 of the Juries Act, 1927, there shall be substituted a reference to such date as may be specified by regulations under this section as being substituted therefor.


(7) In subsection (6) of section 40 of the Court Officers Act, 1926, “under the regulations made pursuant to section 7 of the Electoral Act, 1963” shall be substituted for all words from “as registration officer” to the end of the subsection.


(8) No person shall be entered more than once in a register of electors for a registration area as a juror.


(9) (a) The Minister shall procure all printing required for registration purposes to be done in such manner as he considers proper.


(b) The Minister shall, by arrangements made with the sanction of the Minister for Finance, secure that the total cost of preparing and publishing the register of electors, shall be borne in approximately equal proportions by the State and by registration authorities.


(10) (a) Any person who, without lawful authority, wilfully destroys or mutilates any notice, draft register, copy of the register of electors or other document made available for public inspection in connection with the preparation of the register of electors shall be guilty of an offence and shall be liable on summary conviction to a fine not exceeding ten pounds.


(b) An offence under this subsection may be prosecuted by the authority which caused the notice, draft register, copy of the register of electors or other document to be made available for public inspection.


(11) A reference in any enactment to the electors lists shall be construed as a reference to the draft register prepared for the purposes of this section.


(12) Where regulations under this section are proposed to be made, a draft thereof shall be laid before each House of the Oireachtas and the regulations shall not be made until a resolution approving of the draft has been passed by each House.



8.—(1) An appeal shall lie to the Circuit Court from any decision on any claim or objection which has been considered under the regulations under section 7 of this Act.


(2) Subsection (1) of this section shall be subject to the proviso that an appeal shall not lie where a claimant or objector has not availed himself of an opportunity provided in the regulations under section 7 of this Act, of having his claim or objection decided in the first instance by the authority specified in that behalf in the regulations.


(3) An appeal to the Supreme Court shall lie on any point of law from a decision of the Circuit Court on any such appeal, but, save as aforesaid, there shall be no appeal from any such decision.


(4) The right of voting of any person whose name is for the time being on the register of electors shall not be prejudiced by any appeal pending under this section, and any vote given in pursuance of that right shall be as good as if no such appeal were pending, and shall not be affected by the subsequent decision on the appeal.


(5) The qualification or liability of an appellant to serve as a juror shall not be affected by the fact that an appeal is pending under this section.


(6) Notice shall be sent to the registration authority in manner provided by rules of court of the decision of the Circuit Court or the Supreme Court on any appeal under this section, and the registration authority shall make such alterations in the register of electors as may be required to give effect to the decision.



Conduct and Costs of Dáil Elections.


Chapter I.



“General Election”, “Bye-Election” and “excluded day”.

9.—(1) Section 65 of the Principal Act is hereby amended by the substitution for the definitions of “General Election” and “Bye-Election” of the following definitions:


“The expression ‘General Election’ shall mean a general election for members of the Dáil held in accordance with subsection 2° of section 3 of Article 16 of the Constitution;


“The expression ‘Bye-Election’ shall mean an election of a member of the Dáil to fill a vacancy occasioned by a person having ceased to be a member of the Dáil otherwise than in consequence of a dissolution;”.


(2) In this Part of this Act “excluded day” means any of the days which are specified in subsection (1) of section 60 of the Principal Act as days not to be reckoned.


Maximum duration of Dáil.

10.—The same Dáil shall not continue for a longer period than five years from the date of its first meeting.


Returning officers and assistant, deputy and acting returning officers.

11.—(1) The returning officer for a constituency shall be—


(a) in case the whole of the constituency is situate in a county or county borough for which there is a sheriff—the sheriff,


(b) in case part of the constituency is situate in a county borough and part in a county and there is a sheriff for the county borough and a sheriff for the county—such one of the sheriffs as the Minister appoints from time to time,


(c) in any other case—the county registrar or, where part of the constituency has one county registrar and part another county registrar or parts other county registrars, such one of the county registrars as the Minister appoints from time to time.


(2) (a) Where a constituency does not consist of the whole or part of a county or county borough, the returning officer may appoint the appropriate officer to be assistant returning officer for part of the constituency.


(b) The exercise of the power conferred by the foregoing paragraph shall be obligatory if the appropriate officer requires its exercise.


(c) In this subsection the “appropriate officer” means the county registrar for the county or county borough in which the part of the constituency is situate or if there is a sheriff for that county or county borough, such sheriff.


(3) Where the same person is returning officer for two or more constituencies, in each of which there is at the same time a contested election, he shall—


(a) in case those constituencies are two and not more, appoint in respect of one of them, a deputy returning officer to open the ballot boxes and count the votes,


(b) in any other case, appoint, in respect of each of the constituencies (except one), a deputy returning officer to open the ballot boxes and count the votes,


and he may include in any such appointment, if he so thinks proper, an appointment to receive nomination papers.


(4) A person shall not be appointed under subsection (3) of this section unless the appointment has been approved of by the Minister.


(5) Where a vacancy occurs in the office of county registrar or sheriff and the holder was a returning officer, the Minister, if he so thinks proper, may appoint a person to act as returning officer during the period of the vacancy.


(6) Where the returning officer is prevented by illness or other reasonable cause from performing all or any of his duties, the Minister shall appoint a person to act as returning officer for the performance of those duties during the period of the prevention.


(7) An assistant returning officer shall perform, in the part of the constituency for which he was appointed, such of the duties of the returning officer for the constituency as that officer is not required by law to perform in person but if any doubt arises as to the duties of an assistant returning officer, the doubt shall be determined by the Minister.


(8) Any reference in this section to a county shall be construed as a reference to an administrative county.


(9) References in the Electoral Acts, 1923 to 1963, to returning officers shall, where appropriate, include references to assistant, deputy and acting returning officers.


(10) An appointment which was in operation immediately before the commencement of this section under paragraph (b) or paragraph (c) of subsection (1) of section 7 of the Electoral (Amendment) Act, 1961, (repealed by this Act) shall be deemed to be an appointment under paragraph (b) or paragraph (c) (as may be appropriate) of subsection (1) of this section.


Issue and return of writs.

12.—(1) Where the Dáil is dissolved, the Clerk of Dáil Éireann shall, immediately upon the issue of the Proclamation dissolving the Dáil, issue a writ to each returning officer for a constituency directing him to cause an election to be held of the full number of members of the Dáil to serve in the Dáil for that constituency.


(2) Where a vacancy occurs in the membership of the Dáil by a person ceasing to be a member otherwise than in consequence of a dissolution, the Chairman of Dáil Éireann (or, where he is unable through illness, absence or other cause to fulfil his duties, the Deputy Chairman of Dáil Éireann) shall, as soon as he is directed by the Dáil so to do, direct the Clerk of Dáil Éireann to issue a writ to the returning officer for the constituency in the representation of which the vacancy has occurred directing the returning officer to cause an election to be held of a member of the Dáil to fill the vacancy mentioned in the writ.


(3) If at any time there are two or more vacancies in the representation of any constituency in the Dáil and the Clerk of Dáil Éireann is directed on the same day to issue writs for the election of members to fill all or more than one of the vacancies, the Clerk of Dáil Éireann shall issue only one writ to the returning officer for the constituency and shall by the writ direct him to hold one election to fill all the vacancies mentioned in the writ in the representation of the constituency, and the returning officer shall accordingly hold one election only for the election of members of the Dáil to fill all the vacancies mentioned in the writ.


(4) (a) The return of a member or members to serve in the Dáil shall be made by a certificate of his name or their names endorsed on the writ for the constituency concerned under the hand of the returning officer.


(b) The returning officer shall as soon as possible after the ascertainment of the result of the election deliver the return to the Clerk of Dáil Éireann and may for that purpose, if he so thinks fit, dispatch it by registered post.


(c) A return so dispatched shall be transmitted to the Clerk of Dáil Éireann free of charge by the earliest practicable post.


(5) Where an outgoing Chairman of Dáil Éireann within the meaning of section 14 of this Act is deemed by virtue of that section to be elected at a general election as a member of the Dáil—


(a) the writ issued to the returning officer for the constituency for which he is so deemed to be elected shall be so worded that it directs the returning officer to cause an election to be held of one less than the full number of members of the Dáil for the constituency;


(b) at the time of issuing the writ or as soon as may be thereafter, the Clerk of Dáil Éireann shall send to the returning officer and shall publish in Iris Oifigiúil a certificate certifying that the outgoing Chairman of Dáil Éireann did not announce to the Dáil before the dissolution thereof that he did not desire to become a member of the Dáil at the general election consequent on the dissolution;


(c) the returning officer shall, in the public notice given by him under Rule 43 of Part I of the Fifth Schedule to the Principal Act, include the name of the outgoing Chairman of Dáil Éireann among the names of the candidates elected for the constituency.


(6) A writ issued under this section shall be in the appropriate form specified in Part I of the Second Schedule to this Act, shall be dispatched by registered post to the returning officer and shall be transmitted free of charge by the earliest practicable post, and the returning officer, immediately after receiving the writ, shall acknowledge by telegram its receipt.


(7) If and so long as the office of Clerk of Dáil Éireann is vacant or the holder of that office is unable through illness, absence or other cause to fulfil his duties, the Clerk-Assistant of Dáil Éireann shall carry out the duties under this section of the Clerk of Dáil Éireann.


Register of Political Parties.

13.—(1) (a) The person who for the time being holds the office of Clerk of Dáil Éireann shall be the Registrar of Political Parties for the purposes of this section.


(b) If and so long as the office of Clerk of Dáil Éireann is vacant or the holder of that office is unable through illness, absence or other cause to fulfil his duties, the Clerk-Assistant of Dáil Éireann shall act as Registrar of Political Parties for the purposes of this section.


(c) In the subsequent subsections of this section, “the Registrar” means the Registrar of Political Parties for the purposes of this section or the Clerk-Assistant of Dáil Éireann acting as such Registrar (as may be appropriate).


(2) The Registrar shall prepare and maintain a register (to be known as the Register of Political Parties) in which, subject to the subsequent provisions of this section, he shall register any political party—


(a) which applies to him for registration, and


(b) which is in his opinion,—


(i) a genuine political party, and


(ii) is organised to contest a Dáil election or a local election.


(3) The following particulars shall be entered in the Register of Political Parties in respect of a political party registered therein:


(a) the name of the party,


(b) the address of the party's headquarters,


(c) the name or names of the officer or officers of the party authorised to sign certificates authenticating the candidature of candidates of the party at elections.


(4) Immediately on setting up the Register of Political Parties, the Registrar shall register therein the parties then represented in the Dáil by the names by which they are commonly known and shall complete each such registration by inserting the particulars referred to in paragraphs (b) and (c) of subsection (3) of this section on being informed thereof.


(5) A political party shall not be registered in the Register of Political Parties if its name—


(a) is identical with the name of any party already registered in the Register of Political Parties or, in the opinion of the Registrar, so nearly resembles such name as to be calculated to mislead, confuse or deceive,


(b) is, in the opinion of the Registrar, unnecessarily long, or


(c) in the case of a party operating in relation to a particular part only of the State, does not include such reference to that part as, in the opinion of the Registrar, distinguishes the party as so operating.


(6) A political party registered in the Register of Political Parties shall from time to time keep the Registrar informed as to the name or names of the officer or officers referred to in paragraph (c) of subsection (3) of this section.


(7) The Registrar shall, with respect to each party registered in the Register of Political Parties, enquire at least once in each year, by letter sent by post to an officer of the party referred to in paragraph (c) of subsection (3) of this section, whether the party desires to remain registered and, unless he receives an affirmative reply to such an enquiry within twenty-one days from the date of the posting of the letter containing the enquiry, he shall cancel the registration of the party concerned.


(8) (a) Any doubt, dispute or question which may arise in connection with the Register of Political Parties shall be decided by an appeal board.


(b) The appeal board shall consist of a Judge of the High Court (to be nominated by the President of the High Court), who shall be chairman, the Chairman of Dáil Éireann (or, where he is unable, through illness, absence or other cause to fulfil his duties, the Deputy Chairman of Dáil Éireann) and the Chairman of Seanad Éireann, (or, where he is unable, through illness, absence or other cause to fulfil his duties, the Deputy Chairman of Seanad Éireann).


(c) A decision of the appeal board shall be complied with by the Registrar.


(9) On the third day (disregarding any excluded day) after the day of the issuing under section 12 of this Act of a writ or writs, the Registrar shall send to the returning officer or each returning officer a copy of the Register of Political Parties.


(10) The Minister for Finance shall, out of moneys provided by the Oireachtas, pay to the Registrar the amount of his reasonable charges, not exceeding such amount as may be sanctioned by that Minister, in respect of the performance by the Registrar of his duties under this section.


Re-election of outgoing Chairman of Dáil Éireann.

14.—(1) Where the Dáil is dissolved and the outgoing Chairman of Dáil Éireann has not announced to the Dáil before the dissolution that he does not desire to become a member of the Dáil at the general election consequent on the dissolution, he shall be deemed without any actual election to be elected at such general election as a member of the Dáil for—


(a) the constituency for which he was a member of the Dáil immediately before the dissolution, or


(b) if a revision of constituencies takes effect on the dissolution, the constituency declared on the revision to correspond to the constituency mentioned in the foregoing paragraph.


(2) Where an outgoing Chairman of Dáil Éireann is deemed by virtue of this section to be elected at a general election as a member of the Dáil for a particular constituency, the number of members actually elected at that general election for that constituency shall be one less than would otherwise be required.


(3) In this section “outgoing Chairman of Dáil Éireann” means a person who, immediately before the dissolution of the Dáil in relation to which the expression is used, was the Chairman of Dáil Éireann.


Specification by regulations of certain forms.

15.—(1) The Minister may by regulations specify the forms named in subsection (2) of this section and, where any such regulations are for the time being in force, each form specified thereby shall stand substituted in the Fifth Schedule to the Principal Act for the corresponding form specified in that Schedule.


(2) The forms referred to in subsection (1) of this section are the following forms in Part III of the Fifth Schedule to the Principal Act:


(a) form 4 (notice of election),


(b) form 5 (nomination paper),


(c) form 10 (notice of result of election and of transfer of votes).


(3) Regulations under this section which specify the form of nomination paper may, if the Minister so thinks proper, include in the form—


(a) a note of the qualifications, disqualifications and incapacities for election to and membership of Dáil Éireann,


(b) a form of declaration, to be signed by the candidate or his proposer, that he has read the note and believes himself or the candidate (as may be appropriate) to be eligible for election,


and if any person makes a declaration such as aforesaid pursuant to regulations under this section in a case in which he or the candidate (as may be appropriate) is not eligible for election, he shall be guilty of an offence and liable on summary conviction to a fine not exceeding one hundred pounds or, at the discretion of the Court, to imprisonment for a term not exceeding six months or to both such fine and such imprisonment.

(4) In a prosecution for an offence under this section, it shall be a good defence for the defendant to show that he had reasonable grounds for believing that he or the candidate (as may be appropriate) was eligible for election.


Ballot paper.

16.—(1) The following section is hereby substituted for section 26 of the Principal Act:


“26. Votes at a Dáil election shall be given by ballot, and the ballot of each voter shall consist of a paper (in this Act called a ballot paper) in form 5A in Part III of the Fifth Schedule to this Act.”


(2) The form and directions set out in Part II of the Second Schedule to this Act are hereby inserted in Part III of the Fifth Schedule to the Principal Act after form 5, and the returning officer shall comply with such directions.


Destruction, etc. of ballot boxes or ballot papers.

17.—If at the poll at a Dáil election any ballot boxes or ballot papers are taken out of the custody of the returning officer or a presiding officer or are in any way tampered with or are either accidentally or intentionally destroyed or (in the case of ballot papers) are maliciously torn or defaced, the following provisions shall have effect:


(a) the polling at every polling place at which any of the ballot boxes or ballot papers were used shall be void;


(b) the returning officer shall forthwith inform the Minister of the polling having so become void;


(c) upon receipt of that information, the Minister shall forthwith take all such steps and give all such directions as he thinks proper for the taking of a fresh poll at every such polling place;


(d) a fresh poll shall be taken at every such polling place in accordance with the directions given by the Minister;


(e) the Electoral Acts, 1923 to 1963, shall apply in respect of such fresh poll in like manner as they apply to the original poll.


Chapter II.



Last day for receiving nominations.

18.—At a Dáil election the last day for receiving nominations shall be the last day of the period which consists of the nine days (disregarding any excluded day) next following the day on which the writ or writs for the election is or are issued.


Procedure after nominations.

19.—(1) The following section is hereby substituted for section 19 of the Principal Act:


“19.—(1) If, at 12 noon on the day after the last day for receiving nominations, no more candidates stand nominated than there are vacancies to be filled, the returning officer shall forthwith declare the candidates standing nominated to be elected and return their names to the Clerk of Dáil Éireann; but if, at that hour, more candidates stand nominated than there are vacancies to be filled, the returning officer shall adjourn the election and shall take a poll in the manner directed by this Act.


(2) If an election is adjourned for the purpose of taking a poll the returning officer shall, as soon as practicable after the adjournment, give public notice of—


(a) the day on which and the hours during which the poll shall be taken,


(b) the names and descriptions of the candidates as entered in their nomination papers, and of the proposers, if any,


(c) the order in which the names of the candidates will appear in the ballot papers.”


(2) Paragraph (1) of Rule 3 of the Fourth Schedule to the Principal Act is hereby amended by the insertion of “the day after” before “the last day”.


Deposit by candidates.

20.—The following section is hereby substituted for section 20 of the Principal Act:


“20.—(1) A candidate at a Dáil election, or someone on his behalf, shall deposit with the returning officer before the expiration of the time appointed for receiving nominations the sum of one hundred pounds, and, if he fails to do so, his candidature shall be deemed to be withdrawn.


(2) The deposit may be made by the deposit of any legal tender or, with the consent of the returning officer, in any other manner.


(3) If after a deposit is made the candidature is withdrawn or the nomination paper is deemed to be invalid, the deposit shall be returned to the person by whom the deposit was made, and if the candidate dies after the deposit is made, and before the poll is closed, the deposit, if made by him, shall be returned to his legal personal representative, or, if not made by him, shall be returned to the person by whom the deposit was made.


(4) If a candidate is not elected, the deposit made by him or on his behalf shall be returned to the person by whom the deposit was made as soon as practicable after the result of the election is declared, unless the number of votes polled by the candidate does not exceed one-third of the quota as ascertained in accordance with the Rules contained in the Third Schedule to this Act, and in such case the deposit shall be forfeited to the State. For the purposes of this subsection the number of votes polled by a candidate shall be deemed to be the greatest number of votes at any time credited to him in accordance with the Rules contained in the Third Schedule to this Act.


(5) If a candidate is elected, the deposit made by him or on his behalf shall be returned to the person by whom the deposit was made as soon as practicable after the result of the election is declared.


(6) If a candidate is nominated at a general election in more than one constituency, he shall in no case be entitled to have more than one deposit returned to him, and if but for this subsection he would be entitled under this section to have more than one deposit returned to him, only such one as the Minister for Finance shall direct of the deposits shall be returned to him, and the other deposit or deposits shall be forfeited to the State.”


Amendment of Rules 1 to 12 of Part I of Fifth Schedule to Principal Act.

21.—(1) The following Rules shall be substituted for Rules 1 to 12 of Part I of the Fifth Schedule to the Principal Act:


Notice of election.


“1. (1) The returning officer shall, within two days after the day on which he receives the writ, give public notice in the form specified by regulations made by the Minister of—


(a) the times and place at which forms of nomination papers may be obtained;


(b) the times and place at which he will attend to receive nomination papers; and


(c) the day on which (if the election is contested) the poll will be taken.

(2) The returning officer shall send one copy of such public notice by post to the postmaster of the principal post office for each polling district in the constituency in an envelope endorsed with the words ‘Notice of Election’, and such notice so endorsed shall be forwarded and delivered by post free of charge, and each postmaster to whom a copy of such notice is sent shall upon receipt thereof forthwith publish it in the manner in which post office notices are usually published.

Necessity for nomination.

2. A person shall not be entitled to have his name inserted in a ballot paper as a candidate at a Dáil election unless he has been nominated in manner provided by these Rules and his nomination paper has been ruled as valid by the returning officer.


3. A person may nominate himself as a candidate for election to the Dáil or may, with his consent, be nominated by another person (being a person registered as a Dáil elector in the constituency for which he proposes to nominate the candidate) as proposer.

Nomination to be in writing and specified form.

4. Each nomination shall be in writing and in the form specified by regulations made by the Minister.

Supply of nomination forms.

5. The returning officer shall arrange for the supply of nomination forms during the usual office hours, at such place as is named in that behalf in the Notice of Election, on each day between the publication of that notice and up to 12 noon on the last day for receiving nominations, but the use of a form supplied by the returning officer shall not be obligatory so long as the nomination paper used is in the specified form.

Delivery of nomination papers.

6. (1) Nomination papers shall be delivered to the returning officer by the candidate or his proposer not earlier than the second day after the publication of the Notice of Election under Rule 1 hereof and not later than 12 noon on the last day for receiving nominations.

(2) The delivery shall be made by the candidate in person but, if the candidate is proposed by another person, it may be made either as aforesaid or by the proposer.

(3) The returning officer shall attend to receive nominations at the place specified in that behalf in the Notice of Election under Rule 1 hereof between the hours of 10 a.m. and 12 noon and between the hours of 2 p.m. and 5 p.m. on the day before the last day for receiving nominations and between the hours of 10 a.m. and 12 noon on such last day.

(4) The candidate nominated by each nomination paper and his proposer, if any, and one other person selected by the candidate or his proposer, as the case may be, and no other person whatsoever except with the permission of the returning officer shall be entitled to attend while a nomination paper is being ruled upon by the returning officer.

Selection of nomination papers.

7. The returning officer shall number the nomination papers in the order in which they are received by him; and the first valid nomination paper nominating a candidate for election in a constituency shall be deemed to be the nomination of that candidate for that constituency.

Description of candidate.

8. The names, address and occupation (if any) of each candidate shall be stated on his nomination paper and his surname shall come first in the statement of his names.

Ruling on nomination papers.

9. (1) The returning officer shall rule on the validity of a nomination paper within one hour after its delivery and may rule that it is invalid if, but only if, he considers that it is not properly made out or subscribed.

(2) The returning officer shall object to the description of a candidate in a nomination paper which is, in his opinion, incorrect, insufficient to identify the candidate or unnecessarily long; where a returning officer so objects, he shall allow the candidate or his proposer, as may be appropriate, to amend the description and, if it is not so amended to the returning officer's satisfaction, the returning officer may amend or delete it, as he thinks fit, after consultation with the candidate or his proposer, if either is present, or may rule that the nomination paper is invalid as not being properly made out.

(3) (a) A candidate may include in his nomination paper the name of the political party registered in the Register of Political Parties of which he is a candidate provided that, at the time the nomination paper is delivered to the returning officer, a certificate in the form specified by regulations made by the Minister authenticating the candidature is produced to the returning officer, being a certificate signed by the officer or officers of such party whose name or names appear in the said Register pursuant to paragraph (c) of subsection (3) of section 13 of the Electoral Act, 1963. The returning officer, provided he is satisfied that it is appropriate to do so in relation to the candidate, shall cause a statement of the name of such party, as shown in the nomination paper, to be specified in relation to the candidate on all the ballot papers and on notices.

(b) Where a candidate is not the candidate of a political party registered in the Register of Political Parties, he shall be entitled to enter after his name on the nomination paper the expression ‘Non-Party’ and, if he does so, the returning officer shall cause a statement of that expression to be specified in relation to the candidate on all the ballot papers and on notices.

(c) Any reference in the foregoing subparagraphs to the Register of Political Parties shall be construed as a reference to the copy of that Register sent to the returning officer pursuant to subsection (9) of section 13 of the Electoral Act, 1963.

(4) When the returning officer has ruled on the validity of a nomination paper, he shall put a note of his decision on the nomination paper, and shall sign the note. If he decides that the paper is invalid, he shall include a statement of his reasons. His decision, if it rules that the nomination paper is valid, shall be final and, if it rules that the nomination paper is invalid, shall be subject to reversal on petition questioning the election or return.

(5) As soon as practicable after ruling on the validity of a nomination paper, the returning officer shall give, by post or otherwise, notice in writing of his decision to the candidate.

(6) Nothing in this Rule shall prevent the nomination or election of any candidate being questioned by petition questioning the election.

Publication of names of candidates.

10. The returning officer shall, as soon as practicable after he has ruled that a nomination paper is valid, placard in a conspicuous position outside the place at which he is receiving nominations the name and description of the person nominated in the paper and the name and address of his proposer, if any.

Withdrawal of nominations.

11. (1) A candidate may before 12 noon on the day after the last day for receiving nominations, but not afterwards, withdraw from his candidature by delivering or having his proposer deliver a notice to that effect, signed by him, to the returning officer.

(2) In a case in which the returning officer is satisfied that a candidate is unable to attend and wishes to withdraw his candidature, withdrawal may be effected by furnishing, before the said hour, a notice to that effect, signed by the candidate and the person presenting the notice, to the returning officer.

Publication of withdrawal.

12. The returning officer shall, immediately on the withdrawal, give public notice of a withdrawn candidate (and, in the case of a withdrawn candidate whose nomination paper was subscribed by another person, of the name of the other person).”

(2) Where a person produces to a returning officer a certificate such as is referred to in paragraph (3) of Rule 9 of Part I of the Fifth Schedule to the Principal Act which that person knows to be forged, he shall be guilty of an offence and shall be liable on summary conviction to a fine not exceeding two hundred pounds or, at the discretion of the Court, to imprisonment for a term not exceeding six months or to both such fine and such imprisonment.

(3) (a) A person shall not—

(i) nominate another person for election to the Dáil, or

(ii) withdraw the candidature of another person for election to the Dáil,

save with the consent of that person.

(b) A person who contravenes paragraph (a) of this subsection shall be guilty of an offence and shall be liable on summary conviction thereof to a fine not exceeding two hundred pounds or, at the discretion of the Court, to imprisonment for a term not exceeding six months or to both such fine and such imprisonment.


Chapter III.

The Poll.


Polling districts and polling places.

22.—(1) The council of a county or corporation of a county borough may, after consultation with the returning officer for Dáil elections in respect of the county or county borough and in accordance with regulations made by the Minister, make a scheme dividing the county or county borough into polling districts for the purposes of Dáil elections and elections of members of local authorities within the meaning of Part VI of this Act and appointing a polling place for each polling district.


(2) A scheme under this section made by the council of a county or corporation of a county borough shall come into operation—


(a) if, but only if, it is confirmed by order under the next subsection, and


(b) on the day specified in that behalf in such order.


(3) As soon as may be after they have made a scheme under this section, the council of a county or corporation of a county borough shall submit the scheme to the Minister for confirmation and the Minister shall by order confirm the scheme with or without modification or refuse to confirm it.


(4) A scheme in force under this section may, and shall if the Minister so directs, be revoked or amended by a subsequent scheme under this section.


(5) A polling place appointed by a scheme under this section shall be an area and may be within or outside the county, county borough, constituency or electoral area in which the polling district is situate, but shall be such as to give the electors allocated to it reasonable facilities for voting.


(6) Where the Minister, either of his own motion or on representation made to him, becomes satisfied that the polling districts or polling places (or any of them) named in a scheme in force under this section do not meet the reasonable requirements of the electors, the Minister may require the council of a county or corporation of a county borough concerned to amend the scheme as he considers proper and, if they do not do so within one month, the Minister may himself amend the scheme by a further scheme.


(7) The making of a scheme under this section shall be, in the case of the council of a county, a reserved function for the purposes of the County Management Acts, 1940 to 1955, and, in the case of the corporation of a county borough, a reserved function for the purposes of the Acts relating to the management of the county borough.


(8) Until the first scheme made under this section by the council of a county or corporation of a county borough comes into operation, the polling districts and polling places existing in relation to the county or county borough immediately before the commencement of this section shall continue, and after the coming into operation of such first scheme, any reference to a polling district or polling place in any Act, order or regulation shall, where appropriate, be construed in relation to such county or county borough as a reference to a polling district or polling place under a scheme in force under this section.


(9) Rule 13 of Part I of the Fifth Schedule to the Principal Act is hereby amended by the addition thereto of “but the foregoing provisions of this Rule shall be subject to the proviso that, where by reason of any difficulty, a polling station or a sufficient number of polling stations cannot be provided at the appointed polling place, the returning officer may provide a polling station or polling stations at any other convenient place”.


(10) An election shall not be questioned on the grounds of any non-compliance with the provisions contained in this section or any informality in regard to polling districts, places or stations.


Polling cards.

23.—(1) Where a poll is to be taken at a Dáil election in a constituency, the returning officer shall send to every elector whose name is on the register of Dáil electors for the constituency and is not on the postal voters list a card (in this section referred to as a polling card) in the form specified by regulations made by the Minister informing him of his number (including polling district letter) on the register of Dáil electors and of the place at which he will be entitled to vote.


(2) A polling card shall be addressed to the elector at the address in respect of which he is registered in the register of Dáil electors and shall be sent in sufficient time to be delivered in the ordinary course of post at that address not later than the third day before the polling day.


(3) A polling card shall be dispatched by post and shall be transmitted free of charge by the earliest practicable post.


(4) Expenses incurred by a returning officer in complying with this section shall be expenses incurred by him for the purposes of the election within the meaning of section 25 of the Principal Act.


(5) No election shall be invalidated by reason of any failure to send, non-delivery of or error or misstatement in, a polling card.


(6) No action or other proceeding shall lie against a returning officer in respect of any error or misstatement in a polling card.


Times of poll.

24.—(1) A poll at a Dáil election—


(a) shall be taken on such day as shall be appointed by the Minister by order, being a day during the period which consists of the nine days (disregarding any excluded day) next following the period which consists of the seven days (disregarding any excluded day) next following the last day for receiving nominations, and


(b) shall continue for such period, not being less than twelve hours, between the hours of 8.30 a.m. and 10.30 p.m. as may be fixed by the Minister by order, subject to the restriction that, in the case of a general election, he shall fix the same period for all constituencies.


(2) An order under this section shall be published in Iris Oifigiúil as soon as may be after it is made.


Presiding officers and poll clerks.

25.—(1) The following section is hereby substituted for section 35 of the Principal Act:


“35. (1) The returning officer shall appoint a presiding officer to preside at each polling station and also, if he thinks fit, a clerk or clerks to assist each presiding officer.


(2) The returning officer shall not appoint as presiding officer or poll clerk any person if he is himself aware or it is shown to his satisfaction that the person has been actively associated in furthering the candidature of any candidate at the election.


(3) The returning officer shall, on request, permit a person in respect of whom he is satisfied that that person has a bona fide interest in the election as either a candidate or a prospective candidate, or the agent of such a person, to inspect the list of persons to whom he has offered or proposes to offer appointments as presiding officers or poll clerks.


(4) A presiding officer shall keep order at his station, regulate the number of electors to be admitted at a time and shall exclude all other persons except the clerks, the agents of the candidates, companions of electors whose sight is so impaired or who are otherwise so physically incapacitated that they are unable to vote without assistance while such companions are assisting such electors, and members of the Garda Síochána on duty.


(5) The presiding officer may do, by a clerk appointed to assist him, any act which he is required or authorised to do by this Act, except ordering the arrest, exclusion or ejection from the polling station of any person.”


(2) Section 36 of the Principal Act is hereby amended by the substitution of “any presiding officer” for “his deputy” in both places where the latter words occur.


Right to vote.

26.—(1) Subject to the subsequent provisions of this section, every person whose name is on the register of Dáil electors for the time being in force for a constituency, and no other person, shall be entitled to vote at the poll at a Dáil election in that constituency.


(2) For the purposes of this section—


(a) a person's name shall be taken to be on a register of Dáil electors if the register includes a name which in the opinion of the returning officer or presiding officer was intended to be the person's name,


(b) the returning officer or presiding officer may and, if so required on behalf of any candidate, shall put to any person at the time of his applying for a ballot paper, but not afterwards, the following questions, or any one or two of them:


(i) Are you the same person as the person whose name appears as A B on the register of electors now in force for the constituency of _____________?


(ii) Have you already voted at this election?


(iii) Had you reached the age of twenty-one years on _____________(date of coming into force of the register)?


and unless such of those questions as are put to the person are answered, in the case of the first and third of those questions, in the affirmative and, in the case of the second of them, in the negative, the person shall not be permitted to vote,


(c) the returning officer or presiding officer may and, if so required on behalf of any candidate, shall administer to any person at the time of his applying for a ballot paper, but not afterwards, an oath or (in the case of any person who objects to taking an oath on the ground that he has no religious belief or that the taking of an oath is contrary to his religious belief) an affirmation in the following form:—


“I swear by Almighty God (or—do solemnly, sincerely and truly declare and affirm—as the case may be) that I am the same person as the person whose name appears as A B on the register of electors now in force for the constituency of _____________ and that I have not already voted at this election, and that I had attained the age of twenty-one years on __________(date of coming into force of the register).”


and if such person refuses to take the oath or make the affirmation he shall not be permitted to vote.


(3) Save as is provided by this section and by Rule 24 of Part I of the Fifth Schedule to the Principal Act, no question, oath, affirmation or objection shall be put or permitted at the time of the poll at a Dáil election as to the right of any person to vote, and no objection thereto shall be made or received by any returning officer or presiding officer.


(4) (a) A person—


(i) who is registered in the register of Dáil electors for the time being in force for a constituency but is not entitled to be so registered, or


(ii) who is not registered in that register,


shall not vote at the poll at a Dáil election in that constituency.


(b) A person who contravenes paragraph (a) of this subsection shall be guilty of an offence and shall be liable on summary conviction thereof to a fine not exceeding one hundred pounds or, at the discretion of the Court, to imprisonment for a term not exceeding six months or to both such fine and such imprisonment.


(5) Nothing in this section shall be construed as entitling any person to vote who is not entitled to do so, or relieve him from any penalties to which he may be liable for voting.


Voting by blind, incapacitated, and illiterate persons.

27.—(1) The following Rule is hereby substituted for Rule 24 of Part I of the Fifth Schedule to the Principal Act:


“24. (1) (a) If any elector satisfies the presiding officer that his sight is so impaired or that he is otherwise so physically incapacitated or that he is so illiterate that he is unable to vote without assistance, this Rule shall apply.


(b) For the purposes of subparagraph (a) of this paragraph, the presiding officer may, and, if requested by an agent of a candidate, shall, administer to the elector an oath (or, in the case of a person who objects to taking an oath on the ground that he has no religious belief or that the taking of an oath is contrary to his religious belief, an affirmation) in the following form:


‘I swear by Almighty God (or—do solemnly, sincerely and truly declare and affirm—as the case may be) that my sight is so impaired (or—that I am so physically incapacitated or—that I am so illiterate— as the case may be) that I am unable to vote without assistance’


and if the elector refuses to take the oath or make the affirmation, this Rule shall not apply.


(2) (a) Where this Rule applies in the case of an elector who satisfies the presiding officer that his sight is so impaired or that he is otherwise so physically incapacitated that he is unable to vote without assistance, the elector may request that his ballot paper shall be marked for him by a companion and, subject to subparagraph (b) of this paragraph, the companion may mark the ballot paper for the elector and shall forthwith place it so marked in the ballot box.


(b) The presiding officer may, and, if requested by an agent of a candidate, shall, put to the companion before delivery of the ballot paper, the following questions or any one or more of them:


(i) Have you attained the age of sixteen years?


(ii) Have you marked as a companion more than one ballot paper at this election?


(iii) Are you a candidate at this election?


(iv) Are you an agent of a candidate at this election?


and unless the first question is answered in the affirmative and the other question or questions, as the case may be, is or are answered in the negative the companion shall not mark the ballot paper.


(3) Where this Rule applies and—


(a) the elector is illiterate, or


(b) the elector does not request that his ballot paper shall be marked for him by a companion, or


(c) the elector having so requested, the marking of his ballot paper by the companion would be in contravention of subparagraph (b) of paragraph (2) of this Rule,


the presiding officer shall, in the presence of the agents of the candidates and no other person, cause the vote of the elector to be marked on a ballot paper in the manner directed by the elector and shall forthwith place the ballot paper so marked in the ballot box.


(4) A request made by an elector within four hours before the hour fixed for the closing of the poll to have his ballot paper marked for him under this Rule otherwise than by a companion may be refused by the presiding officer if, in his opinion, having regard to the number of electors then coming in to vote or likely to come in to vote before the close of the poll, his acceding to such request would interfere with the proper discharge of his duties or would unduly obstruct the voting of other electors.


(5) Where a ballot paper is to be marked pursuant to paragraph (3) of this Rule the presiding officer may assist the elector by reading out in full from the ballot paper, as respects each candidate, the particulars stated in respect of him, but he shall not act on any written instruction.”


(2) (a) Where, pursuant to paragraph (2) of Rule 24 of Part I of the Fifth Schedule to the Principal Act, a person has marked as a companion two ballot papers at an election, he shall not, at that election, mark as a companion any other ballot paper.


(b) A person shall not, pursuant to paragraph (2) of Rule 24 of Part I of the Fifth Schedule to the Principal Act, mark as a companion a ballot paper at an election if he is a candidate or agent of a candidate at that election.


(c) A person who contravenes paragraph (a) or paragraph (b) of this subsection shall be guilty of an offence and shall be liable on summary conviction thereof to a fine not exceeding one hundred pounds or, at the discretion of the Court, to imprisonment for a term not exceeding six months or to both such fine and such imprisonment.


Alleged personation.

28.—The following Rule is hereby substituted for Rule 25 of Part I of the Fifth Schedule to the Principal Act:


“25. If a person, representing himself to be a particular elector named on the register of electors, applies for a ballot paper after another person has been given a ballot paper as such elector, the applicant shall, upon duly answering the questions permitted by law to be asked of voters at the time of polling, be entitled to mark a ballot paper in the same manner as any other elector and to put the ballot paper when marked into the ballot box, but the presiding officer shall make out a statement showing the total number of ballot papers issued pursuant to this Rule and the names and numbers on the register of electors of the persons to whom they were issued.”


Amendment of Principal Act as to official mark on ballot papers.

29.—“with an official mark which shall be embossed or perforated so as to be visible on both sides of the paper” is hereby substituted for “on both sides with the official mark either stamped or perforated” in paragraph (2) of Rule 3 of the Fourth Schedule to the Principal Act and for “on both sides with the official mark, either stamped or perforated” in Rule 22 of Part I of the Fifth Schedule thereto.


Duties of presiding officer at close of poll.

30.—The following Rule is hereby substituted for Rule 27 of Part I of the Fifth Schedule to the Principal Act:


“27. The presiding officer shall, at the time fixed for the close of the poll, take steps to ensure that no further electors are admitted to the polling station and, subject to the proviso that an elector on the premises at that time shall be entitled to receive a ballot paper and to vote, the presiding officer at each polling station, as soon as practicable after the close of the poll, shall, in the presence of the agents of the candidates, seal each ballot box, unopened but with the key attached, so that no further papers can be inserted therein and make up into separate packets sealed with his seal—


(a) the unused and spoilt ballot papers, placed together,


(b) the marked copies of the register of electors, and


(c) the counterfoils of the ballot papers,


and shall deliver all such, ballot boxes and packets to the returning officer.”



31.—(1) Subsection (1) of section 28 of the Principal Act is hereby amended by the insertion of “and every member of the Garda Síochána and candidate so in attendance” after “at a polling station,” and “or member of the Garda Síochána or candidate,” after “no such officer, clerk or agent,”.


(2) Subsection (2) of section 28 of the Principal Act is hereby amended by the insertion of “and every member of the Garda Síochána, candidate and person whose attendance is permitted by the returning officer” before “in attendance at the counting of the votes”.


Death of candidate.

32.—(1) Where, at any time during the period beginning seventy-two hours before the adjournment of a Dáil election for the purpose of taking a poll and ending on the commencement of the poll, the returning officer becomes satisfied that a candidate has died, the following provisions shall have effect:


(a) the returning officer shall notify the Minister and the Clerk of Dáil Éireann of the death of the candidate and at the same time, if notice of the poll has been given, he shall countermand the poll;


(b) the returning officer shall give public notice that all acts done in connection with the election (other than the nomination of the surviving candidates) are void and that a fresh election will be held;


(c) all the proceedings for the election shall be commenced afresh, but a fresh nomination or consent shall not be necessary in respect of any candidate who stood nominated at the time when notification of the death of the candidate was sent to the Minister;


(d) in the fresh election, the last day for receiving nominations shall be the last day of the period which consists of the nine days (disregarding any excluded day) next following the day of the sending of the notification of the death of the candidate to the Minister;


(e) the polling day at the fresh election shall be fixed by the Minister;


(f) for the purpose of Rule 1 of Part I of the Fifth Schedule to the Principal Act in relation to the fresh election, the returning officer shall be deemed to have received the writ on the day after the day on which he sends notification of the death of the candidate to the Minister.


(2) Where, at any time after the commencement of the poll at a Dáil election in a constituency and before the close of such poll, the returning officer becomes satisfied that a candidate has died—


(a) all votes cast at the election in the constituency shall be disregarded and the ballot papers destroyed,


(b) the returning officer shall notify the Minister and the Clerk of Dáil Éireann of the death of the candidate,


(c) the provisions of paragraphs (b) to (f) of subsection (1) of this section shall apply.


(3) The death of a candidate at a Dáil election in circumstances other than those referred to in subsections (1) and (2) of this section shall not invalidate his nomination or any preference recorded for him and, if he is elected, his election shall not be invalidated by reason of his death, but he shall be deemed to have vacated his membership of the Dáil immediately after his election.


(4) Where a poll is countermanded under this section, all ballot papers issued to postal voters shall be disregarded and the returning officer shall destroy without opening all ballot papers received by him for inclusion in the countermanded poll.


Death of outgoing Chairman of Dáil Éireann.

33.—(1) Where an outgoing Chairman of Dáil Éireann within the meaning of section 14 of this Act who has not announced to the Dáil before its dissolution that he does not desire to become a member of the Dáil at the general election consequent on the dissolution dies after the dissolution and before the commencement of the poll in the constituency for which he is deemed by virtue of that section to be elected, the following provisions shall have effect:


(a) if the outgoing Chairman of Dáil Éireann dies before the issue of the writ to the returning officer for the constituency, that section shall cease to have effect in respect of the general election;


(b) if the outgoing Chairman of Dáil Éireann dies after the issue of the writ and before the commencement of the poll in the constituency—


(i) the Clerk of Dáil Éireann shall, upon being satisfied of the fact of the death, recall the writ and issue in lieu thereof to the returning officer a writ (in this paragraph referred to as the new writ) so worded that it directs him to cause an election to be held of the full number of members of Dáil Éireann for the constituency and he shall, at the same time as he issues the new writ, notify the Minister of its issue;


(ii) the returning officer shall, upon being satisfied of the death or upon receiving the new writ (whichever first happens), countermand the poll if notice thereof has been given;


(iii) all the proceedings for the election shall be commenced afresh;


(iv) in the fresh election—


(I) the last day for receiving nominations shall be the last day of the period which consists of the nine days (disregarding any excluded day) next following the day on which the new writ is issued and the polling day shall be fixed by the Minister,


(II) no fresh nomination or consent shall be necessary in respect of any candidate who stood nominated, in case there was a countermand of the poll under subparagraph (ii) of this paragraph, at the time of the countermand of the poll and, in any other case, at the time of the receipt by the returning officer of the new writ.


(c) if the outgoing Chairman of Dáil Éireann dies after the commencement of the poll in the constituency and before the close of such poll—


(i) all votes cast at the election in the constituency shall be disregarded and the ballot papers destroyed,


(ii) the provisions of subparagraphs (i), (iii) and (iv) of paragraph (b) of this subsection shall apply.


(2) Where a poll is countermanded under this section, all ballot papers issued to postal voters shall be disregarded and the returning officer shall destroy without opening all ballot papers received by him for inclusion in the countermanded poll.


Advance polling on islands.

34.—(1) This section applies where—


(a) a poll is to be taken at a Dáil election in a constituency, and


(b) the returning officer is of opinion that, in the case of a polling station situate on an island, it is probable that, owing to stress of weather or transport difficulties, either—


(i) the poll could not be taken on the polling day appointed by the Minister, or


(ii) if the poll were taken on that day, the ballot boxes could not reach the place for the counting of the votes at or before the hour of 9 a.m. on the day next after the polling day.


(2) Where this section applies, the returning officer shall give public notice in the polling district stating that he will take the poll at the polling station on the island on a specified day, being a day earlier than the polling day appointed by the Minister and later than the sixth day before the said polling day, and the following provisions shall, notwithstanding anything contained in the Principal Act, have effect:


(a) the returning officer may take the poll at the polling station on the island on the day specified in the notice or, where he is of opinion that, owing to stress of weather, the poll cannot be taken on that day, on the first day after that day on which in his opinion transport between the island and the mainland is reasonably safe,


(b) where owing to transport difficulties the poll cannot begin at the hour fixed by the Minister for the commencement of the poll, it shall begin as soon as possible after that hour,


(c) where, after the polling has continued for not less than four hours, the presiding officer is of opinion that, if the poll were further continued, the ballot boxes could not reach the place for the counting of the votes at or before the hour of 9 a.m. on the day next after the polling day appointed by the Minister, he may then close the poll.


(3) No alteration shall be made in the form or contents of a notice of poll under section 19 of the Principal Act by reason of an alteration under this section of the day and hours of a poll.


Amendment of section 59 (b) of Principal Act.

35.—Paragraph (b) of section 59 of the Principal Act is hereby amended by the substitution of “law” for “this Act”.


Chapter IV.

The Count.


Amendment of Rules 2 and 12 of Third Schedule to Principal Act.

36.—(1) The following Rule is hereby substituted for Rule 2 of the Third Schedule to the Principal Act:


“2. Any ballot paper—


(a) which does not bear the official mark, or


(b) on which the figure 1 standing alone is not placed at all or is not so placed as to indicate a first preference for some candidate, or


(c) on which the figure 1 standing alone indicating a first preference is set opposite the name of more than one candidate, or


(d) on which anything except the number on the back is written or marked by which the voter can be identified,


shall be invalid and not counted, but the ballot paper shall not be invalid by reference only to carrying the words ‘one’, ‘two’, ‘three’ (and so on) or a mark such as ‘X’ which, in the opinion of the returning officer, clearly indicates a preference or preferences.”


(2) Rule 12 of the Third Schedule to the Principal Act is hereby amended by the substitution of the following paragraphs for paragraphs (2) and (3):


“(2) The expression ‘first preference’ means the figure ‘1’, the word ‘one’ or a mark such as ‘X’ which, in the opinion of the returning officer, clearly indicates a first preference; the expression ‘second preference’ means the figure ‘2’, the word ‘two’ or a mark which, in the opinion of the returning officer, clearly indicates a second preference, standing in succession to a first preference; and the expression ‘third preference’ means the figure ‘3’, the word ‘three’ or a mark which, in the opinion of the returning officer, clearly indicates a third preference, standing in succession to a second preference; and so on.


(3) The expression ‘next available preference’ means a preference which, in the opinion of the returning officer, is a second or subsequent preference recorded in consecutive order for a continuing candidate, the preferences next in order on the ballot paper for candidates already deemed to be elected or excluded being ignored.”


Amendment of Rule 6 of Third Schedule to Principal Act·

37.—Rule 6 of the Third Schedule to the Principal Act is hereby amended by the substitution of “candidate deemed to be elected” for “elected candidate” wherever the latter expression occurs.


Amendment of Rule 6 (5) (a) of Third Schedule to Principal Act.

38.—Subparagraph (a) of paragraph (5) of Rule 6 of the Third Schedule to the Principal Act is hereby amended by the insertion of “either” before “that surplus” and by the addition at the end of the subparagraph of “or one-third of the quota is greater than the sum of the number of votes credited at such count to the lowest candidate together with that surplus and any other surplus not transferred”.


Amendment of Rule 10 of Third Schedule to Principal Act.

39.—The following paragraphs are hereby inserted in Rule 10 of the Third Schedule to the Principal Act after paragraph (1):


“(1A) The power under the foregoing paragraph of a returning officer to recount at his discretion papers in any case in which he is not satisfied as to the accuracy of any count extends to papers dealt with at an earlier count than the immediately preceding one.


(1B) As respects each candidate, one request (and not more) may be made by him or his election agent for a complete re-examination and recount of all parcels of ballot papers, and the returning officer shall forthwith re-examine and recount the parcels of ballot papers accordingly. In the re-examination and recount, the number or order of ballot papers in any parcel shall not be disturbed. Nothing in the foregoing provisions of this paragraph shall make it obligatory on the returning officer to re-examine or recount the same parcel of papers more than once, but if an error is discovered which is, in the opinion of the returning officer, a significant error likely to affect the result of the election, the returning officer shall count all the papers afresh from the point at which the error occurred.


(1C) Where an error is discovered, the returning officer shall, where necessary, amend any results previously announced by him.”


Amendment of Rule 12 (10) of Third Schedule to Principal Act.

40.—Paragraph (10) of Rule 12 of the Third Schedule to the Principal Act is hereby amended by the insertion of “result of the” before “poll”


Amendment of Rules 29 to 33 of Part I of Fifth Schedule to Principal Act.

41.—(1) The following Rules are hereby substituted for Rules 29 to 33 of Part I of the Fifth Schedule to the Principal Act:


Candidates' agents.

“29. The candidates may respectively appoint agents to attend the counting of the votes and the name and address of every agent so appointed shall be transmitted to the returning officer two clear days at least before the polling day. Not more than five agents shall be appointed by a candidate unless the returning officer otherwise permits.

Arrangements for counting of votes.

30. (1) The returning officer shall provide suitable accommodation and all equipment necessary for counting the votes and shall count the votes at a place within the constituency, but—

(a) in case the constituency consists of a part which is part of a county borough and a part which is outside that borough, the returning officer may provide the accommodation and equipment and count the votes—

(i) at a place within the other part of that borough, or

(ii) with the consent of the Minister, at a place outside that borough and outside, but convenient to, the constituency,

(b) in any other case, the returning officer may, with the consent of the Minister, provide the accommodation and equipment and count the votes at a place outside, but convenient to, the constituency.

(2) One clear day at least before the day fixed for the commencement of the poll the returning officer shall give to the election agent of each candidate notice in writing of the place at which he will count the votes. He shall give the agents of candidates all such reasonable facilities for overseeing the proceedings at the count (including, in particular, facilities for satisfying themselves that the ballot papers are correctly sorted), and all such information with respect thereto, as he can give them consistently with the orderly conduct of the proceedings and the performance of his functions.

Persons to be present at counting.

31. The returning officer, his assistants and clerks, members of the Garda Síochána on duty, and the agents of the candidates whose names and addresses have been given to the returning officer under Rule 29 hereof, and no other person, except with the permission of the returning officer, may be present at the counting of the votes.

Opening of ballot boxes

32. At the hour of 9 a.m. on the day after the close of the poll and at the place for the counting of the votes, the returning officer shall, in the presence of the agents of the candidates, open the ballot boxes, count and record the number of ballot papers therein and proceed to verify the ballot paper account accompanying each ballot box. He shall then mix together the whole of the ballot papers contained in the ballot boxes. The returning officer, while counting and recording the number of ballot papers, shall keep the ballot papers with their faces upwards and shall take all proper precautions for preventing any person from seeing the numbers printed on the backs of such papers.

Counting of votes.

33. After compliance with Rule 32 hereof the returning officer shall forthwith begin to count the votes and shall, so far as practicable, proceed continuously with the counting of the votes allowing only time for refreshment, and excluding (except so far as he and the candidates otherwise agree) the hours between 11 p.m. and 9 a.m. on the succeeding morning. During the excluded time the returning officer shall place the ballot boxes and documents relating to the election under his own seal and shall take proper precautions for the security of such boxes and documents.”

(2) Paragraph (1) of Rule 2 of the Fourth Schedule to the Principal Act is hereby amended by the insertion of “members of the Garda Síochána on duty,” before “the election agent of each candidate”.


Amendment of Rule 37 of Part I of Fifth Schedule to Principal Act.

42.—(1) Rule 37 of Part I of the Fifth Schedule to the Principal Act is hereby amended by the insertion of “from the date on which the poll took place” after “for a year”.


(2) The reference in Rule 10 of the Fourth Schedule to the Principal Act to Rule 37 of Part I of the Fifth Schedule thereto, shall be construed as a reference to the said Rule 37 as amended by subsection (1) of this section.



Presidential Elections.


Interpretation and construction (Part IV and Third Schedule)

43.—(1) In this Part of this Act “the Principal Act” means the Presidential Elections Act, 1937.


(2) The Presidential Elections Acts, 1937 to 1960, and this Part of and the Third Schedule to this Act shall be construed together as one Act.


Polling cards.

44.—(1) Where a poll is to be taken at a presidential election, the local returning officer for each constituency shall send to every elector whose name is on the register of Dáil electors for the constituency and is not on the postal voters list a card (in this section referred to as a polling card) in the prescribed form informing him of his number (including polling district letter) on the register of Dáil electors and of the place at which he will be entitled to vote.


(2) A polling card shall be addressed to the elector at the address in respect of which he is registered in the register of Dáil electors and shall be sent in sufficient time to be delivered in the ordinary course of post at that address not later than the third day before the polling day.


(3) A polling card shall be dispatched by post and shall be transmitted free of charge by the earliest practicable post.


(4) Expenses incurred by a local returning officer in complying with this section shall be expenses incurred by him for the purposes of the election within the meaning of section 21 of the Principal Act.


(5) No presidential election shall be invalidated by reason of any failure to send, non-delivery of, or error or misstatement in, a polling card.


(6) No action or other proceeding shall lie against a local returning officer in respect of any error or misstatement in a polling card.


Advance polling on islands.

45.—(1) This section applies where—


(a) a poll is to be taken at a presidential election, and


(b) a local returning officer is of opinion that, in the case of a polling station situate on an island, it is probable that, owing to stress of weather or transport difficulties, either—


(i) the poll could not be taken on the polling day appointed by the Minister, or


(ii) if the poll were taken on that day, the ballot boxes could not reach the place for the opening of the ballot boxes at or before the hour of 9 a.m. on the day next after the polling day.


(2) Where this section applies, the local returning officer shall give public notice in the polling district stating that he will take the poll at the polling station on the island on a specified day, being a day earlier than the polling day appointed by the Minister and later than the sixth day before the said polling day, and the following provisions shall, notwithstanding anything contained in the Principal Act, have effect:


(a) the local returning officer may take the poll at the polling station on the island on the day specified in the notice or, where he is of opinion that, owing to stress of weather, the poll cannot be taken on that day, on the first day after that day on which in his opinion transport between the island and the mainland is reasonably safe,


(b) where owing to transport difficulties the poll cannot begin at the hour fixed by the Minister for the commencement of the poll, it shall begin as soon as possible after that hour,


(c) where, after the polling has continued for not less than four hours, the presiding officer is of opinion that, if the poll were further continued, the ballot boxes could not reach the place for the opening of the ballot boxes at or before the hour of 9 a.m. on the day next after the polling day appointed by the Minister, he may then close the poll.


(3) No alteration shall be made in the form or contents of the notice of poll under Rule 3 of the First Schedule to the Principal Act by reason of an alteration made under this section of the day and hours of a poll.


Notification of name of President elect to certain persons.

46.—As soon as may be after the presidential returning officer at a presidential election has declared a candidate (in this section referred to as the President elect) to have been elected as President, the presidential returning officer shall, in the manner directed by the Government, inform the President, the President elect, the Taoiseach, the Chief Justice, the Chairman of Dáil Éireann, the Chairman of Seanad Éireann and the Secretary to the President, of the name and address of the President elect.


Amendment of sections 12, 13 and 14 of Principal Act.

47.—Sections 12, 13 and 14 of the Principal Act shall have effect subject to the following provisions:


(a) the presidential returning officer shall be entitled to rule a nomination paper invalid if, but only if, it is not properly made out or subscribed;


(b) at the ruling on nominations the presidential returning officer shall object to the description of a candidate in a nomination paper which is, in his opinion, incorrect, insufficient to identify the candidate, or unnecessarily long; where the presidential returning officer so objects, he shall allow the candidate or his authorised representative, as may be appropriate, to amend the description, and, if it is not so amended to the presidential returning officer's satisfaction, the presidential returning officer may amend or delete it, as he thinks fit, after consultation with the candidate or his authorised representative, if either is present, or may rule that the nomination paper is invalid as not being properly made out;


(c) the provisions of paragraph (a) of this section shall not affect the application of the said section 13 to any question relating to the functions, pursuant to that paragraph, of the presidential returning officer;


(d) if any person entitled to do so raises at the ruling on nominations any objection relevant to the nomination of a candidate other than an objection relating to the functions pursuant to paragraph (b) of this section of the presidential returning officer—


(i) the presidential returning officer shall ask him to state the grounds of his objection,


(ii) if he does not there and then state the grounds of his objection, the objection shall be taken as having been withdrawn,


(iii) if he there and then states the grounds of his objection, the presidential returning officer shall adjourn the ruling on nominations and refer the objection to a tribunal consisting of three judges of the High Court (including the judicial assessor) nominated by the President of the High Court at the same time as the nomination of, or intimation by the President of the High Court of intention to act as, the judicial assessor,


(iv) the decision of the tribunal shall be given within three days and shall be final,


(v) before adjourning the ruling on nominations, the presidential returning officer may, if he so thinks proper, and shall, if requested by a candidate or the representative of a candidate, ask for a written statement of the objection and the grounds therefor to be delivered within twenty-four hours, to him and to the candidate objected to and, if such statement is delivered, shall submit it to the tribunal.


Amendment of sections 6 and 20 of Principal Act.

48.—(1) Section 20 of the Principal Act is hereby amended as follows:


(i) the following paragraph shall be inserted after paragraph (a):


“(aa) the poll shall continue for such period, not being less than twelve hours, between the hours of 8.30 a.m. and 10.30 p.m. as may be appointed in that behalf under this Act;”


(ii) the following paragraph shall be substituted for paragraph (d):


“(d) the person who would be the returning officer at a Dáil election in any such constituency shall be the returning officer in that constituency for the purposes of the poll, but where that person is prevented by illness or other reasonable cause from performing all or any of his duties as such returning officer or where a vacancy occurs in the office of returning officer, the Minister shall appoint a person to act as such returning officer for the performance of those duties during the period of the prevention or vacancy, as the case may be, and any reference in this Act to a local returning officer shall be construed as including both a reference to a person who is by virtue of this paragraph the returning officer in a constituency for the purposes of the poll and a reference to a person appointed as aforesaid by the Minister;”


(2) Paragraph (e) of subsection (1) of section 6 of the Principal Act is hereby amended by the insertion of “and the period during which” before “the poll (if any)”.


Presiding officers and poll clerks.

49.—The following section is hereby substituted for section 23 of the Principal Act:


“23. (1) The local returning officer shall appoint a presiding officer to preside at each polling station and also, if he thinks fit, a clerk or clerks to assist each presiding officer.


(2) The local returning officer shall not appoint as presiding officer or poll clerk any person if he is himself aware or it is shown to his satisfaction that the person has been actively associated in furthering the candidature of any candidate at the election.


(3) The local returning officer shall, on request, permit a person in respect of whom he is satisfied that that person has a bona fide interest in the election as either a candidate or a prospective candidate, or the agent of such a person, to inspect the list of persons to whom he has offered or proposes to offer appointments as presiding officers or poll clerks.


(4) A presiding officer shall keep order at his station, regulate the number of electors to be admitted at a time and shall exclude all other persons except the clerks, the agents of the candidates, companions of electors whose sight is so impaired or who are otherwise so physically incapacitated that they are unable to vote without assistance while such companions are assisting such electors, and members of the Garda Síochána on duty.


(5) The presiding officer may do, by a clerk appointed to assist him, any act which he is required or authorised to do by this Act, except ordering the arrest, exclusion or ejection from the polling station of any person.”


Voting by postal voters.

50.—Notwithstanding the repeal by this Act of section 12 of the Electoral Act, 1960, the following subsections shall continue to stand substituted for subsections (2) and (3) of section 29 of the Principal Act:


“(2) Every local returning officer shall, as soon as practicable after he receives from the presidential returning officer notice of the adjournment of a presidential election for the purpose of taking a poll, send to every person whose name is on the postal voters list for his constituency a ballot paper and a form of receipt (which shall be in the prescribed form) for such ballot paper.


(3) If such ballot paper duly marked by the said person and accompanied by the said receipt duly signed by him is received by the returning officer before the close of the poll, it shall be counted by him and treated for all purposes in the same manner as a ballot paper placed in the ballot box in the ordinary way.”


Right to vote.

51.—(1) Subject to the subsequent provisions of this section, every person whose name is on the register of Dáil electors for the time being in force for a constituency, and no other person, shall be entitled to vote in that constituency at the poll at a presidential election.


(2) For the purposes of this section—


(a) a person's name shall be taken to be on a register of Dáil electors if the register includes a name which in the opinion of the local returning officer or presiding officer was intended to be the person's name,


(b) the local returning officer or presiding officer may and, if so required on behalf of any candidate, shall put to any person at the time of his applying for a ballot paper, but not afterwards, the following questions, or any one or two of them:


(i) Are you the same person as the person whose name appears as A B on the register of electors now in force for the constituency of __________?


(ii) Have you already voted at this presidential election?


(iii) Had you reached the age of twenty-one years on __________ (date of coming into force of the register)?


and unless such of those questions as are put to the person are answered, in the case of the first and third of those questions, in the affirmative and, in the case of the second of them, in the negative, the person shall not be permitted to vote,


(c) the local returning officer or presiding officer may and, if so required on behalf of any candidate, shall administer to any person at the time of his applying for a ballot paper, but not afterwards, an oath or (in the case of any person who objects to taking an oath on the ground that he has no religious belief or that the taking of an oath is contrary to his religious belief) an affirmation in the following form:—


“I swear by Almighty God (or—do solemnly, sincerely and truly declare and affirm—as the case may be) that I am the same person as the person whose name appears as A B on the register of electors now in force for the constituency of __________ and that I have not already voted at this election, and that I had attained the age of twenty-one years on _____________________ (date of coming into force of the register).”


and if such person refuses to take the oath or make the affirmation he shall not be permitted to vote.


(3) Save as is provided by this section and by Rule 17 of the First Schedule to the Principal Act, no question, oath, affirmation or objection shall be put or permitted at the time of the poll at a presidential election as to the right of any person to vote, and no objection thereto shall be made or received by any local returning officer or presiding officer.


(4) (a) A person—


(i) who is registered in the register of Dáil electors for the time being in force for a constituency but is not entitled to be so registered, or


(ii) who is not registered in that register,


shall not vote in that constituency at the poll at a presidential election.


(b) A person who contravenes paragraph (a) of this subsection shall be guilty of an offence and shall be liable on summary conviction thereof to a fine not exceeding one hundred pounds or, at the discretion of the Court, to imprisonment for a term not exceeding six months or to both such fine and such imprisonment.


(5) Nothing in this section shall be construed as entitling any person to vote who is not entitled to do so, or relieve him from any penalties to which he may be liable for voting.


Ballot paper.

52.—(1) The following section is hereby substituted for section 27 of the Principal Act:


“27.—(1) Votes at a presidential election shall be given by ballot and the ballot of each voter shall consist of a paper (in this Act called a ballot paper) in form 8 in the Second Schedule to this Act.


(2) The presidential returning officer shall be responsible for the printing and procuring of a sufficient quantity of ballot papers.”


(2) The form and directions set out in the Third Schedule to this Act are hereby substituted for form 8 in the Second Schedule to the Principal Act and the presidential returning officer shall comply with such directions.


Amendment of section 28 (2) of and Rule 11 of Third Schedule to Principal Act.

53.—(1) Subsection (2) of section 28 of the Principal Act is hereby amended by the addition at the end of the subsection of “but the ballot paper shall not be invalid by reference only to carrying the words ‘one’, ‘two’, ‘three’ (and so on) or a mark such as ‘X’ which, in the opinion of the local returning officer, clearly indicates a preference or preferences.”


(2) Rule 11 of the Third Schedule to the Principal Act is hereby amended by the substitution of the following definitions for the definitions of “first preference”, “second preference” and “the next available preference”:


“the expression ‘first preference’ means the figure ‘1’, the word ‘one’ or a mark such as ‘X’ which, in the opinion of the local returning officer, clearly indicates a first preference; the expression ‘second preference’ means the figure ‘2’, the word ‘two’ or a mark which, in the opinion of the local returning officer, clearly indicates a second preference, standing in succession to a first preference; the expression ‘the next available preference’ means a preference which, in the opinion of the returning officer, is a second or subsequent preference recorded in consecutive order for a continuing candidate, preferences for candidates already excluded being ignored;”


Amendment of section 32 of Principal Act.

54.—(1) The application, by virtue of subsection (1) of section 32 of the Principal Act, of the following portions of the Prevention of Electoral Abuses Act, 1923, is hereby terminated: paragraph (c) of subsection (2) of section 1, section 4, subsection (3), (4) and (5) of section 6, sections 9, 10, 11 and 14, all words in section 15 from “and shall” to the end of the section, sections 20 and 45 and the definition of “committee room” in section 56.


(2) In any application, by virtue of subsection (1) of section 32 of the Principal Act, of subsection (1) or (2) of section 6 or section 15 of the Prevention of Electoral Abuses Act, 1923, the said subsection (1) or (2) or section 15 shall have effect as amended by section 90 of this Act.


(3) (a) In paragraph (b) of subsection (1) of section 32 of the Principal Act the reference to Part II of the Prevention of Electoral Abuses Act, 1923, shall be construed as including a reference to section 13A (inserted by section 90 of this Act) of the latter Act and, in any application by virtue of that paragraph of section 15 of the latter Act, the reference in the said section 15 to the foregoing sections of the latter Act shall be construed as including a reference to the said section 13A.


(b) In paragraph (d) of subsection (1) of section 32 of the Principal Act the reference to the sections of the Prevention of Electoral Abuses Act, 1923, shall be construed as including a reference to section 55A (inserted by section 90 of this Act) of the latter Act.


(c) In subsection (2) of section 32 of the Principal Act the expression “the said portions of the Prevention of Electoral Abuses Act, 1923” shall be construed as including a reference to the said sections 13A and 55A.


Amendment of Rule 1 of First Schedule to Principal Act.

55.—The following Rule is hereby substituted for Rule 1 of the First Schedule to the Principal Act:


“1. (1) It shall be lawful for any local returning officer with the consent of the Minister to appoint a deputy local returning officer for the discharge of all or any particular part of the duties of such local returning officer.


(2) Where at a contested presidential election the same person is local returning officer for two or more constituencies, he shall—


(a) in case those constituencies are two and not more, appoint, in respect of one of them, a deputy local returning officer to open the ballot boxes and count the votes,


(b) in any other case, appoint, in respect of each of the constituencies (except one), a deputy local returning officer to open the ballot boxes and count the votes.


(3) A person shall not be appointed under paragraph (2) of this Rule unless the appointment has been approved of by the Minister.


(4) Subject to the provisions of the foregoing paragraphs, the local returning officer for a constituency shall conduct a presidential election in such constituency unless he is prevented from so doing by illness or other reasonable cause sufficient in the opinion of the Minister.


(5) References in the subsequent Rules of this Schedule to local returning officers shall, where appropriate, include references to deputy local returning officers.”


Amendment of Rule 15 of First Schedule to Principal Act.

56.—Rule 15 of the First Schedule to the Principal Act is hereby amended by the substitution of “with an official mark which shall be embossed or perforated so as to be visible on both sides of the paper” for “on both sides with the official mark, either stamped or perforated”.


Voting by blind, incapacitated, and illiterate persons.

57.—(1) The following Rule is hereby substituted for Rule 17 of the First Schedule to the Principal Act:


“17. (1) (a) If any elector satisfies the presiding officer that his sight is so impaired or that he is otherwise so physically incapacitated or that he is so illiterate that he is unable to vote without assistance, this Rule shall apply.


(b) For the purposes of subparagraph (a) of this paragraph, the presiding officer may, and, if requested by an agent of a candidate, shall, administer to the elector an oath (or, in the case of a person who objects to taking an oath on the ground that he has no religious belief or that the taking of an oath is contrary to his religious belief, an affirmation) in the following form:


‘I swear by Almighty God (or—do solemnly, sincerely and truly declare and affirm—as the case may be) that my sight is so impaired (or—that I am so physically incapacitated or—that I am so illiterate—as the case may be) that I am unable to vote without assistance’


and if the elector refuses to take the oath or make the affirmation, this Rule shall not apply.


(2) (a) Where this Rule applies in the case of an elector who satisfies the presiding officer that his sight is so impaired or that he is otherwise so physically incapacitated that he is unable to vote without assistance, the elector may request that his ballot paper shall be marked for him by a companion and, subject to subparagraph (b) of this paragraph, the companion may mark the ballot paper for the elector and shall forthwith place it so marked in the ballot box.


(b) The presiding officer may, and, if requested by an agent of a candidate, shall, put to the companion before delivery of the ballot paper, the following questions or any one or more of them:


(i) Have you attained the age of sixteen years?


(ii) Have you marked as a companion more than one ballot paper at this election?


(iii) Are you a candidate at this election?


(iv) Are you an agent of a candidate at this election?


and unless the first question is answered in the affirmative and the other question or questions, as the case may be, is or are answered in the negative the companion shall not mark the ballot paper.


(3) Where this Rule applies and—


(a) the elector is illiterate, or


(b) the elector does not request that his ballot paper shall be marked for him by a companion, or


(c) the elector having so requested, the marking of his ballot paper by the companion would be in contravention of subparagraph (b) of paragraph (2) of this Rule,


the presiding officer shall, in the presence of the agents of the candidates and no other person, cause the vote of the elector to be marked on a ballot paper in the manner directed by the elector and shall forthwith place the ballot paper so marked in the ballot box.


(4) A request made by an elector within four hours before the hour fixed for the closing of the poll to have his ballot paper marked for him under this Rule otherwise than by a companion may be refused by the presiding officer if, in his opinion, having regard to the number of electors then coming in to vote or likely to come in to vote before the close of the poll, his acceding to such request would interfere with the proper discharge of his duties or would unduly obstruct the voting of other electors.


(5) Where a ballot paper is to be marked pursuant to paragraph (3) of this Rule, the presiding officer may assist the elector by reading out in full from the ballot paper, as respects each candidate, the particulars stated in respect of him, but he shall not act on any written instruction.”


(2) (a) Where, pursuant to paragraph (2) of Rule 17 of the First Schedule to the Principal Act, a person has marked as a companion two ballot papers, he shall not, at the same presidential election, mark as a companion any other ballot paper.


(b) A person shall not, pursuant to paragraph (2) of Rule 17 of the First Schedule to the Principal Act, mark as a companion a ballot paper at a presidential election if he is a candidate or agent of a candidate at that election,


(c) A person who contravenes paragraph (a) or paragraph (b) of this subsection shall be guilty of an offence and shall be liable on summary conviction thereof to a fine not exceeding one hundred pounds or, at the discretion of the Court, to imprisonment for a term not exceeding six months or to both such fine and such imprisonment.


Alleged personation.

58.—The following Rule is hereby substituted for Rule 18 of the First Schedule to the Principal Act:


“18. If a person, representing himself to be a particular elector named on the register of electors, applies for a ballot paper after another person has been given a ballot paper as such elector, the applicant shall, upon duly answering the questions permitted by this Act to be asked of voters at the time of polling, be entitled to mark a ballot paper in the same manner as any other elector, and to put the ballot paper when marked into the ballot box, but the presiding officer shall make out a statement showing the total number of ballot papers issued pursuant to this Rule and the names and numbers on the register of electors of the persons to whom they were issued.”


Duties of presiding officer at close of poll.

59.—The following Rule is hereby substituted for Rule 21 of the First Schedule to the Principal Act:


“21. The presiding officer shall, at the time fixed for the close of the poll, take steps to ensure that no further electors are admitted to the polling station and, subject to the proviso that an elector on the premises at that time shall be entitled to receive a ballot paper and to vote, the presiding officer at each polling station, as soon as practicable after the close of the poll, shall, in the presence of the personation agents of the candidates, seal each ballot box, unopened but with the key attached, so that no further papers can be inserted therein and make up into separate packets sealed with his seal—


(a) the unused and spoilt ballot papers, placed together,


(b) the marked copies of the register of electors, and


(c) the counterfoils of the ballot papers,


and shall deliver all such ballot boxes and packets to the local returning officer.”


Amendment of Rules 22A, 23 and 24 of First Schedule to Principal Act.

60.—The following Rules are hereby substituted for Rules 22A, 23 and 24 of the First Schedule to the Principal Act:

Place for opening of ballot boxes, etc,

“22A. (1) The local returning officer for a constituency—

(a) shall appoint the place at which he will open the ballot boxes,

(b) shall open the ballot boxes at the place so appointed,

(c) shall, at least forty-eight hours before the hour of 9 a.m. on the day next after the close of the poll, give to every local agent of a candidate notice in writing of the place so appointed,

(d) shall give every local agent of a candidate and every agent appointed under Rule 24 of this Schedule all such reasonable facilities for overseeing the proceedings at the count (including, in particular, facilities for satisfying themselves that the ballot papers are correctly sorted), and all such information with respect thereto, as he can give them consistently with the orderly conduct of the proceedings and the performance of his functions,

(e) shall provide suitable accommodation and all equipment necessary for counting the votes.

(2) The place appointed under subparagraph (a) of the foregoing paragraph shall be within the constituency, but—

(a) in case the constituency consists of a part which is part of a county borough and a part which is outside that borough, it may be—

(i) within the other part of that borough, or

(ii) with the consent of the Minister, outside that borough and outside, but convenient to, the constituency, and

(b) in any other case, it may be, with the consent of the Minister, outside, but convenient to, the constituency.

Opening of ballot boxes.

23. At the hour of 9 a.m. on the day next after the close of the poll in a constituency and at the place appointed by him under Rule 22A of this Schedule, the local returning officer for that constituency shall begin to open the ballot boxes used at the poll in that constituency, take out the ballot papers therein, count and record the numbers thereof, and then mix them together.

Candidates' agents at opening of ballot boxes.

24. Every local agent of a candidate may appoint agents to attend on behalf of such candidate the opening of the ballot boxes in his constituency by the local returning officer and the proceedings consequent on such opening. Not more than five agents shall be appointed by a particular local agent unless the local returning officer otherwise permits.”


Amendment of Rules 27, 39 and 40 of First Schedule to Principal Act.

61.—(1) Notwithstanding the repeal by this Act of paragraph (d) of section 3 of the Presidential Elections (Amendment) Act, 1946, “eleven” shall continue to stand substituted for “seven” in Rules 27 and 39 of the First Schedule to the Principal Act.


(2) Rule 40 of the First Schedule to the Principal Act is hereby amended by the insertion of “from the date on which the poll took place” after “for six months”.


Amendment of Rule 8 of Third Schedule to Principal Act.

62.—The following paragraphs are hereby added to Rule 8 of the Third Schedule to the Principal Act:


“(4) The power under the foregoing paragraph to re-examine and recount extends to papers dealt with at an earlier count than the immediately preceding one.


(5) As respects each candidate, one request (and not more) may be made by him or his principal agent for a complete re-examination and recount of all parcels of papers, and upon being so requested the presidential returning officer shall re-examine and recount the parcels of papers accordingly. In the re-examination and recount, the number or order of papers in any parcel shall not be disturbed. Nothing in the foregoing provisions of this paragraph shall make it obligatory on the presidential returning officer to re-examine or recount the same parcel of papers more than once, but if an error is discovered, which is, in the opinion of the presidential returning officer, a significant error likely to affect the result of the election, the presidential returning officer shall count all the papers afresh from the point at which the error occurred.


(6) Where an error is discovered, the presidential returning officer shall, where necessary, amend any results previously announced by him.”





Interpretation and construction (Part V and Fourth Schedule).

63.—(1) In this Part of this Act “the Principal Act” means the Referendum Act, 1942.


(2) The Referendum Acts, 1942 to 1960, and this Part of and the Fourth Schedule to this Act shall be construed together as one Act.


Polling cards.

64.—(1) At a referendum, the local returning officer for a constituency shall send to every elector whose name is on the register of Dáil electors for the constituency and is not on the postal voters list a card (in this section referred to as a polling card) in the prescribed form informing him of his number (including polling district letter) on the register of Dáil electors and of the place at which he will be entitled to vote.


(2) A polling card shall be addressed to the elector at the address in respect of which he is registered in the register of Dáil electors and shall be sent in sufficient time to be delivered in the ordinary course of post at that address not later than the third day before the polling day.


(3) A polling card shall be dispatched by post and shall be transmitted free of charge by the earliest practicable post.


(4) Expenses incurred by a local returning officer in complying with this section shall be expenses incurred by him for the purposes of the referendum within the meaning of section 12 of the Principal Act.


(5) No referendum shall be invalidated by reason of any failure to send, non-delivery of, or error or misstatement in, a polling card.


(6) No action or other proceeding shall lie against a local returning officer in respect of any error or misstatement in a polling card.


Advance polling on islands.

65.—(1) This section applies where, at a referendum, a local returning officer is of opinion that, in the case of a polling station situate on an island, it is probable that, owing to stress of weather or transport difficulties, either—


(a) the poll could not be taken on the polling day appointed by the Minister, or


(b) if the poll were taken on that day, the ballot boxes could not reach the place for the opening of the ballot boxes at or before the hour of 9 a.m. on the day next after the polling day.


(2) Where this section applies, the local returning officer shall give public notice in the polling district stating that he will take the poll at the polling station on the island on a specified day, being a day earlier than the polling day appointed by the Minister and later than the sixth day before the said polling day, and the following provisions shall, notwithstanding anything contained in the Principal Act, have effect:


(a) the local returning officer may take the poll at the polling station on the island on the day specified in the notice or, where he is of opinion that, owing to stress of weather, the poll cannot be taken on that day, on the first day after that day on which in his opinion transport between the island and the mainland is reasonably safe,


(b) where owing to transport difficulties the poll cannot begin at the hour fixed by the Minister for the commencement of the poll, it shall begin as soon as possible after that hour,


(c) where, after the polling has continued for not less than four hours, the presiding officer is of opinion that, if the poll were further continued, the ballot boxes could not reach the place for the opening of the ballot boxes at or before the hour of 9 a.m. on the day next after the polling day appointed by the Minister, he may then close the poll.


(3) No alteration shall be made in the form or contents of the notice of poll under Rule 3 of the First Schedule to the Principal Act by reason of an alteration made under this section of the day and hours of a poll.


Voting by persons in employment of local returning officers.



(a) a person is entitled to vote at the poll at a referendum,


(b) he is employed by the local returning officer for the constituency in which he is entitled to vote, for any purpose in connection with the poll in the constituency, and


(c) the circumstances of his employment are, in the opinion of the returning officer, such as to prevent him from voting at the polling station at which he would otherwise be entitled to vote,


that officer may authorise him in writing to vote at a specified other polling station in that constituency, and the polling station so specified shall, for the purpose of Rule 8 of the First Schedule to the Principal Act be deemed to be the polling station allotted to him.


Amendment of sections 8(1), 10(1) and 11 of Principal Act.

67.—(1) Section 11 of the Principal Act is hereby amended as follows:


(i) the following paragraph shall be inserted after paragraph (a):


“(aa) the poll shall continue for such period, not being less than twelve hours, between the hours of 8.30 a.m. and 10.30 p.m. as may be appointed in that behalf under this Act;”


(ii) the following paragraph shall be substituted for paragraph (d):


“(d) the person who would be the returning officer at a Dáil election in any such constituency shall be the returning officer in that constituency for the purposes of the poll, but where that person is prevented by illness or other reasonable cause from performing all or any of his duties as such returning officer or where a vacancy occurs in the office of returning officer, the Minister shall appoint a person to act as such returning officer for the performance of those duties during the period of the prevention or vacancy, as the case may be, and any reference in this Act to a local returning officer shall be construed as including both a reference to a person who is by virtue of this paragraph the returning officer in a constituency for the purposes of the poll and a reference to a person appointed as aforesaid by the Minister;”


(2) Subsection (1) of section 8 and subsection (1) of section 10 of the Principal Act are each hereby amended by the insertion of “and the period during which” before “the polling at”.


Presiding officers and poll clerks.

68.—The following section is hereby substituted for section 18 of the Principal Act:


“18. (1) The local returning officer shall appoint a presiding officer to preside at each polling station and also, if he thinks fit, a clerk or clerks to assist each presiding officer.


(2) The local returning officer shall not appoint as presiding officer or poll clerk any person if he is himself aware or it is shown to his satisfaction that the person has been actively associated in furthering any particular result at the referendum.


(3) The local returning officer shall, on request, permit any member of Dáil Éireann or Seanad Éireann, or any personation agent, to inspect the list of persons to whom he has offered or proposes to offer appointments as presiding officers or poll clerks.


(4) A presiding officer shall keep order at his station, regulate the number of electors to be admitted at a time and shall exclude all other persons except the clerks, the personation agents (if any) appointed for his polling station, companions of electors whose sight is so impaired or who are otherwise so physically incapacitated that they are unable to vote without assistance while such companions are assisting such electors, and members of the Garda Síochána on duty.


(5) The presiding officer may do, by a clerk appointed to assist him, any act which he is required or authorised to do by this Act, except ordering the arrest, exclusion or ejection from the polling station of any person.”


Voting by postal voters.

69.—(1) Notwithstanding the repeal by this Act of section 15 of the Electoral Act, 1960, the following subsections shall continue to stand substituted for subsections (2) and (3) of section 20 of the Principal Act:


“(2) Every local returning officer shall, as soon as practicable after the date of the order of the Minister appointing the polling day at a referendum, send to every person who is on the postal voters list for his constituency a ballot paper and a form of receipt (which shall be in the prescribed form) for such ballot paper.


(3) If such ballot paper duly marked by the said person and accompanied by the said receipt duly signed by him is received by the returning officer before the close of the poll, it shall be counted by him and treated for all purposes in the same manner as a ballot paper placed in the ballot box in the ordinary way.”


(2) Notwithstanding the said repeal, “receipts” shall continue to stand substituted for “declarations of identity” in paragraph (c) of Rule 31 of the First Schedule to the Principal Act.


Right to vote.

70.—(1) Subject to the subsequent provisions of this section, every person whose name is on the register of Dáil electors for the time being in force for a constituency, and no other person, shall be entitled to vote in that constituency at the poll at a referendum.


(2) For the purposes of this sections—


(a) a person's name shall be taken to be on a register of Dáil electors if the register includes a name which in the opinion of the local returning officer or presiding officer was intended to be the person's name,


(b) the local returning officer or presiding officer may and, if so required by a personation agent, shall put to any person at the time of his applying for a ballot paper, but not afterwards, the following questions, or any one or two of them:


(i) Are you the same person as the person whose name appears as A B on the register of electors now in force for the constituency of __________?


(ii) Have you already voted at this referendum?


(iii) Had you reached the age of twenty-one years on __________(date of coming into force of the register)?


and unless such of those questions as are put to the person are answered, in the case of the first and third of those questions, in the affirmative and, in the case of the second of them, in the negative, the person shall not be permitted to vote,


(c) the local returning officer or presiding officer may and, if required by a personation agent, shall administer to any person at the time of his applying for a ballot paper, but not afterwards, an oath or (in the case of any person who objects to taking an oath on the ground that he has no religious belief or that the taking of an oath is contrary to his religious belief) an affirmation in the following form:—


“I swear by Almighty God (or—do solemnly, sincerely and truly declare and affirm—as the case may be) that I am the same person as the person whose name appears as A B on the register of electors now in force for the constituency of __________and that I have not already voted at this referendum, and that I had attained the age of twenty-one years on __________(date of coming into force of the register)”


and if such person refuses to take the oath or make the affirmation he shall not be permitted to vote.


(3) Save as is provided by this section and by Rule 18 of the First Schedule to the Principal Act, no question, oath, affirmation or objection shall be put or permitted at the time of the poll at a referendum as to the right of any person to vote, and no objection thereto shall be made or received by any local returning officer or presiding officer.


(4) (a) A person—


(i) who is registered in the register of Dáil electors for the time being in force for a constituency but is not entitled to be so registered, or


(ii) who is not registered in that register,


shall not vote in that constituency at the poll at a referendum.


(b) A person who contravenes paragraph (a) of this subsection shall be guilty of an offence and shall be liable on summary conviction thereof to a fine not exceeding one hundred pounds or, at the discretion of the Court, to imprisonment for a term not exceeding six months or to both such fine and such imprisonment.


(5) Nothing in this section shall be construed as entitling any person to vote who is not entitled to do so, or relieve him from any penalties to which he may be liable for voting.


Forms of ballot papers.

71.—(1) At a constitutional referendum—


(a) every ballot paper shall be in the form set out in Part I of the Fourth Schedule to this Act, and


(b) the proposal which is the subject of the referendum shall be stated on the ballot paper by citing by its short title the Bill containing such proposal passed or deemed to have been passed by both Houses of the Oireachtas.


(2) At an ordinary referendum every ballot paper shall be in the appropriate form set out in Part II of the Fourth Schedule to this Act, and—


(a) in the case of a ballot paper in respect of one referendum, it shall contain a reference to the Bill or the portion of the Bill containing the proposal which is the subject of the referendum, and


(b) in the case of a ballot paper in respect of two or more referenda having the same polling day, it shall contain, in respect of each referendum, a reference to the Bill or the portion of the Bill containing the proposal which is the subject of the referendum.


(3) In applying, in the case of a constitutional referendum, paragraph (1) of Rule 3 of the First Schedule to the Principal Act, the following subparagraph shall be substituted for subparagraph (b) of that paragraph;


“(b) the short title of the Bill containing the proposal which is the subject of such referendum, and”.


(4) Subject to the next subsection, where the same day is the polling day at two or more ordinary referenda, separate ballot papers shall not be issued, but every ballot paper shall be so framed that the voter is able to record a separate vote in respect of each referendum.


(5) Where the same day is the polling day at two or more ordinary referenda and the Minister is of opinion that it is for any reason impracticable or inexpedient to comply with the foregoing subsection—


(a) the Minister may direct that separate ballot papers shall be issued for one or more or all of the referenda, and such papers shall be issued accordingly,


(b) where the Minister directs as aforesaid and the direction does not apply to all of the referenda—


(i) if there is only one of the referenda to which the direction does not apply, separate ballot papers shall be issued for it,


(ii) if there are two or more of the referenda to which the direction does not apply, the foregoing subsection shall apply to them.


Amendment of section 29 of Principal Act.

72.—(1) The application, by virtue of subsection (1) of section 29 of the Principal Act, of the following portions of the Prevention of Electoral Abuses Act, 1923, is hereby terminated: paragraph (c) of subsection (2) of section 1, section 4, subsections (3), (4) and (5) of section 6, sections 9 and 10, all words in section 15 from “and shall” to the end of the section, section 45 and the definition of “committee room” in section 56.


(2) In any application, by virtue of subsection (1) of section 29 of the Principal Act, of subsection (1) or (2) of section 6 or section 15 of the Prevention of Electoral Abuses Act, 1923, the said subsection (1) or (2) or section 15 shall have effect as amended by section 90 of this Act.


(3) (a) In paragraph (b) of subsection (1) of section 29 of the Principal Act the reference to the sections of the Prevention of Electoral Abuses Act, 1923, shall be construed as including a reference to section 13A (inserted by section 90 of this Act) of the latter Act and, in any application by virtue of that paragraph of section 15 of the latter Act, the reference in the said section 15 to the foregoing sections of the latter Act shall be construed as including a reference to the said section 13A.


(b) In paragraph (d) of subsection (1) of section 29 of the Principal Act the reference to the sections of the Prevention of Electoral Abuses Act, 1923, shall be construed as including a reference to section 55A (inserted by section 90 of this Act) of the latter Act.


(c) In subsection (2) of section 29 of the Principal Act the expression “the said portions of the Prevention of Electoral Abuses Act, 1923” shall be construed as including a reference to the said sections 13A and 55A.


Amendment of Rule 1 of First Schedule to Principal Act.

73.—The following Rule is hereby substituted for Rule 1 of the First Schedule to the Principal Act:


“1. (1) It shall be lawful for any local returning officer with the consent of the Minister to appoint a deputy local returning officer for the discharge of all or any particular part of the duties of such local returning officer.


(2) Where at a referendum the same person is local returning officer for two or more constituencies, he shall—


(a) in case those constituencies are two and not more, appoint, in respect of one of them, a deputy local returning officer to open the ballot boxes and count the votes,


(b) in any other case, appoint, in respect of each of the constituencies (except one), a deputy local returning officer to open the ballot boxes and count the votes.


(3) A person shall not be appointed under paragraph (2) of this Rule unless the appointment has been approved of by the Minister.


(4) Subject to the provisions of the foregoing paragraphs, the local returning officer for a constituency shall conduct a referendum in such constituency unless he is prevented from so doing by illness or other reasonable cause sufficient in the opinion of the Minister.


(5) References in the subsequent Rules of this Schedule to the local returning officer shall, where appropriate, include references to deputy local returning officers.”


Amendment of Principal Act as to official mark on ballot papers.

74.—“with an official mark which shall be embossed or perforated so as to be visible on both sides of the paper” is hereby substituted for “on both sides with an official mark, either stamped or perforated” in subsection (3) of section 14 of the Principal Act and for “on both sides with the official mark, either stamped or perforated” in Rule 16 of the First Schedule thereto.


Voting by blind, incapacitated, and illiterate persons.

75.—(1) The following Rule is hereby substituted for Rule 18 of the First Schedule to the Principal Act:


“18. (1) (a) If any voter satisfies the presiding officer that his sight is so impaired or that he is otherwise so physically incapacitated or that he is so illiterate that he is unable to vote without assistance, this Rule shall apply.


(b) For the purposes of subparagraph (a) of this paragraph, the presiding officer may, and, if requested by a personation agent, shall, administer to the voter an oath (or, in the case of a person who objects to taking an oath on the ground that he has no religious belief or that the taking of an oath is contrary to his religious belief, an affirmation) in the following form:


‘I swear by Almighty God (or—do solemnly, sincerely and truly declare and affirm—as the case may be) that my sight is so impaired (or—that I am so physically incapacitated or—that I am so illiterate—as the case may be) that I am unable to vote without assistance’


and if the voter refuses to take the oath or make the affirmation, this Rule shall not apply.


(2) (a) Where this Rule applies in the case of a voter who satisfies the presiding officer that his sight is so impaired or that he is otherwise so physically incapacitated that he is unable to vote without assistance, the voter may request that his ballot paper shall be marked for him by a companion and, subject to subparagraph (b) of this paragraph, the companion may mark the ballot paper for the voter and shall forthwith place it so marked in the ballot box.


(b) The presiding officer may, and, if requested by a personation agent, shall, put to the companion before delivery of the ballot paper, the following questions or any one or two of them:


(i) Have you attained the age of sixteen years?


(ii) Have you marked as a companion more than one ballot paper at this referendum?


(iii) Are you a personation agent at this referendum?


and unless the first question is answered in the affirmative and the other question or questions, as the case may be, is or are answered in the negative the companion shall not mark the ballot paper.


(3) Where this Rule applies and—


(a) the voter is illiterate, or


(b) the voter does not request that his ballot paper shall be marked for him by a companion, or


(c) the voter having so requested, the marking of his ballot paper by the companion would be in contravention of subparagraph (b) of paragraph (2) of this Rule,


the presiding officer shall, in the presence of the personation agents (if any) and no other person, cause the vote of the voter to be marked on a ballot paper in the manner directed by the voter and shall forthwith place the ballot paper so marked in the ballot box.


(4) A request made by a voter within four hours before the hour fixed for the closing of the poll to have his ballot paper marked for him under this Rule otherwise than by a companion may be refused by the presiding officer if, in his opinion, having regard to the number of voters then coming in to vote or likely to come in to vote before the close of the poll, his acceding to such request would interfere with the proper discharge of his duties or would unduly obstruct the voting of other voters.


(5) Where a ballot paper is to be marked pursuant to paragraph (3) of this Rule, the presiding officer may assist the voter by reading out in full from the ballot paper the proposal stated therein, but he shall not act on any written instruction.”


(2) (a) Where, pursuant to paragraph (2) of Rule 18 of the First Schedule to the Principal Act, a person has marked as a companion two ballot papers, he shall not, at the same referendum, mark as a companion any other ballot paper.


(b) A person shall not, pursuant to paragraph (2) of Rule 18 of the First Schedule to the Principal Act, mark as a companion a ballot paper at a referendum if he is a personation agent at that referendum.


(c) A person who contravenes paragraph (a) or paragraph (b) of this subsection shall be guilty of an offence and shall be liable on summary conviction thereof to a fine not exceeding one hundred pounds or, at the discretion of the Court, to imprisonment for a term not exceeding six months or to both such fine and such imprisonment.


Alleged personation.

76.—The following Rule is hereby substituted for Rule 19 of the First Schedule to the Principal Act:


“19. If a person representing himself to be a particular person named on the register of electors, applies for a ballot paper after another person has been given a ballot paper as such person, the applicant shall, upon duly answering the questions permitted by this Act to be asked of voters at the time of polling, be entitled to mark a ballot paper in the same manner as any other voter, and to put the ballot paper when marked into the ballot box, but the presiding officer shall make out a statement showing the total number of ballot papers issued pursuant to this Rule and the names and numbers on the register of electors of the persons to whom they were issued.”


Duties of presiding officer at close of poll.

77.—The following Rule is hereby substituted for Rule 21 of the First Schedule to the Principal Act:


“21. The presiding officer shall, at the time fixed for the close of the poll, take steps to ensure that no further voters are admitted to the polling station and, subject to the proviso that a voter on the premises at that time shall be entitled to receive a ballot paper and to vote, the presiding officer at each polling station, as soon as practicable after the close of the poll, shall, in the presence of the personation agents, seal each ballot box, unopened but with the key attached, so that no further papers can be inserted therein and make up into separate packets sealed with his seal—


(a) the unused and spoilt ballot papers placed together,


(b) the marked copies of the register of electors, and


(c) the counterfoils of the ballot papers,


and shall deliver all such ballot boxes and packets to the local returning officer.”


Amendment of Rules 23A and 24 of First Schedule to Principal Act.

78.—The following Rules are hereby substituted for Rules 23A and 24 of the First Schedule to the Principal Act:


“23A. (1) The local returning officer for a constituency—


(a) shall appoint the place at which he will open the ballot boxes,


(b) shall open the ballot boxes at the place so appointed,


(c) shall give to every person, nominated under Rule 29 of this Schedule and of whose nomination he receives notice, notice in writing of the place so appointed,


(d) shall give such persons all such reasonable facilities for overseeing the proceedings at the count (including, in particular, facilities for satisfying themselves that the ballot papers are correctly sorted), and all such information with respect thereto, as he can give them consistently with the orderly conduct of the proceedings and the performance of his functions,


(e) shall provide suitable accommodation and all equipment necessary for counting the votes.


(2) The place appointed under subparagraph (a) of the foregoing paragraph shall be within the constituency, but—


(a) in case the constituency consists of a part which is part of a county borough and a part which is outside that borough, it may be—


(i) within the other part of that borough, or


(ii) with the consent of the Minister, outside that borough and outside, but convenient to, the constituency, and


(b) in any other case, it may be, with the consent of the Minister, outside, but convenient to, the constituency.


24. At the hour of 9 a.m. on the day next after the close of the poll in a constituency and at the place appointed by him under Rule 23A of this Schedule, the local returning officer for that constituency shall begin to open the ballot boxes used at the poll in that constituency, take out the ballot papers therein, count and record the numbers thereof, and then mix them together.”


Amendment of Rules 30 and 32 of First Schedule to Principal Act. 1946, No. 30.

79.—Notwithstanding the repeal by this Act of paragraphs (c), (d) and (e) of section 3 of the Referendum (Amendment) Act, 1946


(i) “eleven” shall continue to stand substituted for “seven” in paragraph (1) of Rule 30 of the First Schedule to the Principal Act,


(ii) “President and the” shall continue to stand inserted before “Taoiseach” in paragraph (3) and in paragraph (4) of Rule 32 of that Schedule.



Local Elections.


Interpretation (Part VI).

80.—(1) In this Part of this Act—


local authority” means—


(a) the council of a county,


(b) the corporation of a county or other borough,


(c) the council of an urban district, or


(d) the commissioners of a town;


local electoral area” means the area or any of the areas (as may be appropriate) by reference to which a local election is held.


(2) Any reference in this Part of this Act to a member or meeting of a local authority shall, where the local authority in question are a corporation of a county or other borough, be construed as a reference to a member or meeting of the council established by law in respect of such county or other borough.


Year of election.

81.—(1) (a) An election of members of every local authority shall be held in the year 1965 and quinquennially thereafter.


(b) Nothing in this subsection shall affect Part IV of the Local Government Act, 1941, or any order made under that Part.


(2) Elections pursuant to this section shall be known as local elections.


(3) In the Vocational Education Acts, 1930 to 1962, and in any order or regulation made thereunder, and in the Agriculture Acts, 1931 to 1958, “election year” shall, in lieu of having the meaning which it had immediately before the commencement of this section, mean any year in which local elections are held.


(4) The following subsection shall be substituted for subsection (2) of section 9 of the Harbours Act, 1946:


“(2) In addition to the first election year, every year thereafter which is a year in which elections of members of councils of counties are held pursuant to section 2 of the Local Elections Act, 1948 (No. 8 of 1948), section 2 of the Local Elections Act, 1953 (No. 15 of 1953), or section 81 of the Electoral Act, 1963, shall be an election year in respect of a harbour authority.”


(5) Notwithstanding the repeal by this Act of the Local Elections Act, 1953


(a) “quinquennially” and “five” shall continue to stand substituted for “triennially” and “three” in subsection (3) of section 10 of the School Attendance Act, 1926,


(b) “quinquennial” shall continue to stand substituted for “triennial” wherever the latter word occurs in subsection (4) of that section,


(c) “quinquennial meeting” shall continue to stand substituted for “triennial meeting” in the Vocational Education Acts, 1930 to 1950, and in any order or regulation made thereunder,


(d) “five years” shall continue to stand substituted for “three years” in subsection (2) of section 45 of the Local Government Act, 1941.


(6) Any reference in any statute, order or regulation in force immediately before the passing of the Local Elections Act, 1953, to a triennial election of members of a board, committee or other body, all or any of the members of which are required by law to be appointed by a local authority following an election of the members of such authority shall be construed as a reference to a quinquennial election.


Conduct of elections.

82.—(1) Local elections shall be held in accordance with regulations made by the Minister and, if an election is contested, the poll shall be taken according to the principle of proportional representation, each elector having one transferable vote at the election.


(2) Regulations under this section, in particular and without prejudice to the generality of the foregoing subsection, may make provision for all or any of the following matters in relation to local elections:


(i) nominations,


(ii) deposits by candidates,


(iii) deaths of candidates,


(iv) duties of returning officers,


(v) staff of returning officers,


(vi) taking of polls and counting of votes,


(vii) use, free of charge, of schools and public rooms,


(viii) arrangements for postal voting,


(ix) voting by persons in the employment of returning officers,


(x) advance polling on islands,


(xi) maintenance of secrecy of voting,


(xii) removal of persons misconducting themselves in polling stations,


(xiii) procedure in cases of disorder or obstruction,


(xiv) interference with ballot boxes or ballot papers,


(xv) time of becoming a member of a local authority and of retiring from being such a member, and period of office of lord mayors, mayors, chairmen and vice-chairmen,


(xvi) the persons who are to be aldermen and their number,


(xvii) filling of casual vacancies,


(xviii) election of the same person in more than one local electoral area,


(xix) days and times of, and business to be transacted at, first meetings of local authorities after elections of their members and meetings to be held at or near the anniversaries of the days of such first meetings, and failure to hold such meetings as required,


(xx) adaptation of enactments,


and may also make provisions corresponding to the provisions specified in the next subsection subject however to any modifications in those provisions appearing to the Minister to be appropriate.


(3) The provisions referred to in the foregoing subsection are the provisions of Parts I, II, III and VIII (except section 50) of the Prevention of Electoral Abuses Act, 1923.


(4) Where a provision of regulations under this section corresponds to a provision of the Electoral Acts, 1923 to 1963, or the Prevention of Electoral Abuses Act, 1923, which provides for a penalty, it may itself provide for a penalty not exceeding that provided for in the provision to which it corresponds.


(5) Where regulations under this section are proposed to be made, a draft thereof shall be laid before each House of the Oireachtas and the regulations shall not be made until a resolution approving of the draft has been passed by each House.


(6) No local election shall be declared invalid by reason of a non-compliance with any regulation under this section, or any mistake in the use of forms provided for by any such regulation, if it appears to the tribunal having cognizance of the question that the election was conducted in accordance with the principles laid down in the regulations under this section taken as a whole, and that the non-compliance or mistake did not affect the result of the election.


(7) Regulations under this section shall apply to a new election under Part IV of the Local Government Act, 1941.


Polling cards.

83.—(1) The Minister may by regulations provide for the issue by local authorities of polling cards, in relation to local elections.


(2) Deciding to issue, in accordance with regulations under this section, polling cards shall be, in case the local authority are the council of a county, the corporation of a borough which is not a county borough, the council of an urban district or the commissioners of a town, a reserved function for the purposes of the County Management Acts, 1940 to 1955, and, in case the local authority are the corporation of a county borough, a reserved function for the purposes of the Acts relating to the management of the county borough.


(3) No local election shall be invalidated by reason of any failure to send, non-delivery of or error or misstatement in, a polling card.


(4) No action or other proceeding shall lie against a returning officer in respect of any error or misstatement in a polling card.


(5) In this section “polling card” means a card informing an elector of his number (including polling district letter) on the register of local government electors and of the place at which he will be entitled to vote.


Times of poll.

84.—(1) Polls at local elections shall be held on such day and shall continue for such period, not being less than twelve hours, between the hours of 8.30 a.m. and 10.30 p.m. as may be fixed by the Minister by order.


(2) An order under this section shall be published in Iris Oifigiúil as soon as may be after it is made.


(3) Subsection (1) of section 45 of the Local Government Act, 1941, is hereby amended by the insertion at the end of the subsection of “and during the period therein specified by the Minister”.


Right to vote.

85.—(1) Subject to the provisions of this Part of this Act and the regulations made thereunder, every person whose name is on the register of local government electors for the time being in force for a local electoral area, and no other person, shall be entitled to vote at the poll at a local election in that area.


(2) For the purposes of this section a person's name shall be taken to be on a register of local government electors if the register includes a name which in the opinion of the returning officer or presiding officer was intended to be the person's name.


(3) A person who has voted at a local election shall not in any legal proceeding to question the election or return be required to state for whom he has voted.


(4) (a) A person—


(i) who is registered in the register of local government electors for the time being in force for a local electoral area but is not entitled to be so registered, or


(ii) who is not registered in that register,


shall not vote at the poll at a local election in that area.


(b) A person who contravenes paragraph (a) of this subsection shall be guilty of an offence and shall be liable on summary conviction thereof to a fine not exceeding one hundred pounds or, at the discretion of the Court, to imprisonment for a term not exceeding six months or to both such fine and such imprisonment.


(5) Nothing in this section shall be construed as entitling any person to vote who is not entitled to do so, or relieve him from any penalties to which he may be liable for voting.


Costs of elections.

86.—(1) The Minister may by regulations provide for the manner in which the costs of local elections are to be paid by local authorities.


(2) Regulations under this section may, in particular and without prejudice to the generality of the foregoing subsection, make provision for all or any of the following matters—


(a) the way and period in which the returning officer shall present his accounts,


(b) the way and period in which persons having claims against the returning officer shall present their claims,


(c) adjudication of disputes.


Electoral areas in certain county and other boroughs.

87.—(1) The following subsection is hereby substituted for subsection (2) of section 7 of the Limerick City Management Act, 1934:


“(2) (a) Unless and until an order under this subsection comes into force, there shall be one electoral area consisting of the area of the city and the first four members of the Council elected at a city election shall be aldermen.


(b) The Minister may by order—


(i) make a division of the city into electoral areas, and


(ii) fix for each electoral area the number of members of the council to be elected therefor and the number of those members who are to be aldermen.


(c) The Minister may make an order under this subsection whenever and so often as he thinks proper.


(d) The division of the city into electoral areas made by an order under this subsection shall (without prejudice to any subsequent such order) have effect for the purpose of the election of members of the Council held next after the order is made and thereafter.


(e) The number of members to be elected, at every election of members of the Council held after the making of an order under this subsection, for each electoral area specified in the order shall (without prejudice to any subsequent such order) be the number assigned by the order to that electoral area.


(f) Those members of the Council who are not aldermen shall be councillors.


(g) Every order under this subsection shall be laid before each House of the Oireachtas as soon as conveniently may be after it is made and, if a resolution annulling the order is passed by either such House within the next seven days on which that House has sat after the order is laid before it, the order shall be annulled accordingly but without prejudice to the validity of anything previously done thereunder.”


(2) The following section is hereby substituted for section 6 of the Waterford City Management Act, 1939:


“6. (1) Unless and until an order under this section comes into force, there shall be one electoral area consisting of the area of the city and the first five members of the Council elected shall be aldermen.


(2) The Minister may by order—


(a) make a division of the city into electoral areas, and


(b) fix for each electoral area the number of members of the Council to be elected therefor and the number of those members who are to be aldermen.


(3) The Minister may make an order under this section whenever and so often as he thinks proper.


(4) The division of the city into electoral areas made by an order under this section shall (without prejudice to any subsequent such order) have effect for the purpose of the election of members of the Council held next after the order is made and thereafter.


(5) The number of members to be elected, at every election of members of the Council held after the making of an order under this section, for each electoral area specified in the order shall (without prejudice to any subsequent such order) be the number assigned by the order to that electoral area.


(6) Those members of the Council who are not aldermen shall be councillors.


(7) Every order under this section shall be laid before each House of the Oireachtas as soon as conveniently may be after it is made and, if a resolution annulling the order is passedby either such House within the next seven days on which that House has sat after the order is laid before it, the order shall be annulled accordingly but without prejudice to the validity of anything previously done thereunder.”


(3) The following section is hereby substituted for section 4 of the Cork City Management (Amendment) Act, 1941:


“4. (1) Unless and until an order under this section comes into force, there shall be one electoral area consisting of the area of the Borough and the first six members of the Council elected shall be aldermen.


(2) The Minister may by order—


(a) make a division of the Borough into electoral areas, and


(b) fix for each electoral area the number of members of the Council to be elected therefor and the number of those members who are to be aldermen.


(3) The Minister may make an order under this section whenever and so often as he thinks proper.


(4) The division of the Borough into electoral areas made by an order under this section shall (without prejudice to any subsequent such order) have effect for the purpose of the election of members of the Council held next after the order is made and thereafter.


(5) The number of members to be elected, at every election of members of the Council held after the making of an order under this section, for each electoral area specified in the order shall (without prejudice to any subsequent such order) be the number assigned by the order to that electoral area.


(6) Those members of the Council who are not aldermen shall be councillors.


(7) Every order under this section shall be laid before each House of the Oireachtas as soon as conveniently may be after it is made and, if a resolution annulling the order is passed by either such House within the next seven days on which that House has sat after the order is laid before it, the order shall be annulled accordingly but without prejudice to the validity of anything previously done thereunder.”


(4) (a) Subsection (1) of section 35 of the Local Government Act, 1941, is hereby amended by the substitution of “but does include, notwithstanding section 43 of the Local Government (Dublin) Act, 1930, the borough of Dún Laoghaire, and notwithstanding section 16 of the Local Government (Galway) Act, 1937,” for “or the Borough of Dún Laoghaire or”.


(b) Subsection (2) of section 35 of the Local Government Act, 1941, is hereby amended by the insertion at the end of the subsection of “and the number of those members who are to be aldermen”.


(c) Where an order is made under subsection (2) of section 35 of the Local Government Act, 1941, in relation to the borough of Galway, section 15 of the Local Government (Galway) Act, 1937, shall, after the next election of members of the corporation of the borough, have effect subject to the substitution therein of “those who are not aldermen” for “four shall be aldermen and eight”.



88.—(1) The Minister may by regulations divide the area of any county or other borough or urban district into areas to be known as wards.


(2) Where, immediately before the commencement of this section, any county or other borough or urban district stood divided into areas known as wards, then, unless and until regulations under subsection (1) of this section in relation to the borough or district come into force, those areas shall continue in force as wards, but the Minister may by regulations vary the name of any such ward.


(3) Any reference in any enactment (whether in force immediately before the commencement of this section or coming into force at the same time as such commencement or at any time thereafter) to a ward in relation to a county or other borough or urban district shall be construed and have effect as a reference to a ward under regulations under subsection (1) of this section or a ward referred to in subsection (2) of this section (as may be appropriate).


District electoral divisions.

89.—(1) The Minister may by regulations divide the area of any county or county borough into areas to be known as district electoral divisions.


(2) Where, immediately before the commencement of this section, any county or county borough stood divided into areas known as district electoral divisions, then, unless and until regulationsunder subsection (1) of this section in relation to the county or borough come into force, those areas shall continue in force as district electoral divisions, but the Minister may by regulations vary the name of any such district electoral division.


(3) Any reference in any enactment (whether in force immediately before the commencement of this section or coming into force at the same time as such commencement or at any time thereafter) to a district electoral division in relation to a county or county borough shall be construed and have effect as a reference to a district electoral division under regulations under subsection (1) of this section or a district electoral division referred to in subsection (2) of this section (as may be appropriate).



Electoral Abuses.


Amendment of Prevention of Electoral Abuses Act, 1923.

90.—(1) In this section “the Act” means the Prevention of Electoral Abuses Act, 1923.


(2) Subsection (1) of section 6 of the Act is hereby amended by the addition at the end of the subsection of “or, at the discretion of the Court, to be fined an amount not exceeding one thousand pounds or both to be so imprisoned and to be so fined.”


(3) Subsection (2) of section 6 of the Act is hereby amended by the substitution of “five hundred pounds” for “one hundred pounds” in paragraph (a) and for “one hundred pounds” and for “two hundred pounds” in paragraph (b).


(4) (a) The Act is hereby amended by the insertion of the following section after section 13:


“13A. Any person who, before or during any election, makes or publishes any statement which is likely to mislead voters as to the actual process of voting shall be guilty of an illegal practice.”


(b) The reference in section 15 of the Act to the foregoing sections of the Act shall be construed as including a reference to the section inserted in the Act by paragraph (a) of this subsection.


(5) Section 15 of the Act is hereby amended by the substitution of “five hundred pounds or, at the discretion of the Court, to imprisonment for a term not exceeding six months or to both such fine and such imprisonment” for “one hundred pounds”.


(6) The following subsection is hereby substituted for subsection (1) of section 30 of the Act:


“(1) An election agent may, with respect to each polling district, appoint one deputy agent (and not more) to act within that district, and any reference in this Act to a sub-agent shall be construed as a reference to a deputy agent so appointed.”


(7) The following section is hereby inserted in the Act after section 55 :


“55A. In any civil or criminal proceedings in relation to an alleged corrupt or illegal practice or any other alleged offence at an election, the certificate of the returning officer at an election of the due holding of the election or that a particular person was a candidate thereat shall be prima facie evidence of the facts stated therein and it shall not be necessary to prove the signature of such returning officer or that he was in fact such returning officer.”





Special provisions where two or more elections have same polling day.

91.—(1) This section applies to the following polls :


(a) the poll at an election of a person to the office of President of Ireland;


(b) the poll at a Dáil election within the meaning of the Electoral Act, 1923;


(c) the poll at a referendum within the meaning of the Referendum Act, 1942;


(d) the poll at a local election.


(2) Where two or more polls to which this section applies are to be taken on the same day, the following provisions shall, notwithstanding any other enactment, have effect:


(a) the polls shall be taken at the same time, at the same places and in the same manner,


(b) the same official mark shall be used for the ballot papers at each poll,


(c) the ballot papers at each poll shall be of a different colour (for this purpose white being deemed to be a colour),


(d) the returning officer may provide the same or different ballot boxes,


(e) if separate ballot boxes are provided, a ballot paper shall not be invalid by reason only of its being put into the wrong ballot box,


(f) an authorisation by a returning officer to a person to vote at one poll at a polling station other than the one allocated to him shall authorise the person to vote at that station at the other poll or polls in the same constituency or, in the case of a local election, in the same local electoral area.


(3) The Minister may, by direction, order or regulation, provide for such matters as he considers necessary to give effect to this section.


(4) Any direction, order or regulation given or made under subsection (3) of this section shall have effect notwithstanding anything contained in any other enactment and, in particular and without prejudice to the generality of the said subsection (3), may—


(a) define the powers and duties of returning officers and of any other persons employed in connection with the polls,


(b) make such modifications in the Acts, orders or regulations governing the taking of the polls or the arrangements for the counting of the votes as appear to the Minister to be necessary to enable the polls to be taken together or to facilitate or expedite the completion and ascertainment of the results of the elections,


(c) make provisions in relation to the form and transmission of polling cards.


(5) The Minister for Finance may by regulations prescribe for the purposes of this section—


(a) a scale of maximum charges,


(b) the time when and the manner and form in which accounts are to be rendered to him,


(c) in cases in which the expenses of taking a poll would normally be met by a local authority or local authorities within the meaning of Part VI of this Act, the manner in which the expenses of taking the poll shall be apportioned between the Central Fund and such authority or authorities.


Adaptation or modification where there is emergency or special difficulty.

92.—(1) The Minister may, in any case in which it appears to him that there is an emergency or special difficulty, by order make such adaptation or modification of any statute, order or regulation relating to the registration of Dáil electors or electors at local elections, or the conduct of Dáil elections, presidential elections, local elections or referenda, as may in his opinion be necessary to enable it to have effect subject to the provisions of this Act.


(2) Every order made under this section shall be laid before each House of the Oireachtas as soon as may be after it is made, and if a resolution annulling the order is passed by either House, within the next twenty-one days on which that House has sat after the order has been laid before it, the order shall be annulled accordingly, but without prejudice to the validity of anything previously done thereunder.


(3) In this section—


(a) “Dáil electors” and “Dáil elections” have the same meanings respectively as in the Electoral Act, 1923,


(b) “presidential elections” has the same meaning as in the Presidential Elections Act, 1937,


(c) “referenda” has the same meaning as in the Referendum Act, 1942.



Enactments Repealed.

Section 3.

Session and Chapter or Number and Year.

Subject Matter or Short Title.

Extent of Repeal.

3 Edw. 1. (Stat. Westm. prim., c. 5).

Freedom of Elections (1275).

The whole Act.

7 Edw. 2. (Stat. Sup. Aport. Arm.).

Prohibition on coming armed to Parliament (1313).

The whole Act.

5 Ric. 2. St. 2., c. 4.

Summons to Parliament (1382).

The whole Act.

5 Will. & Mar., c. 7.

Restriction on member of House of Commons from being concerned in collection of revenue.

The whole Act.

6 & 7 Will. & Mar., c. 2.

Times for calling Parliament.

The whole Act.

7 & 8 Will. 3. c. 7.

Prevention of false and double returns of members to Parliament.

The whole Act.

7 & 8 Will. 3. c. 25.

Regulation of elections of members of Parliament and prevention of irregular proceedings.

The whole Act.

1 Geo. 1. Stat. 2, c. 38.

Septennial Act, 1715.

The whole Act.

19 Geo. 2. c. 12.

Municipal Corporations Act, 1745.

The whole Act.

24 Geo. 3. Sess. 2, c. 26.

Recess Elections Act, 1784.

The whole Act.

37 Geo. 3. c. 127.

Meeting of Parliament Act, 1797.

The whole Act.

39 and 40 Geo. 3. c. 14.

Meeting of Parliament Act, 1799.

The whole Act.

50 Geo. 3. c. 33.

School Sites (Ireland) Act, 1810.

Section 3.

53 Geo. 3. c. 89.

Parliamentary Writs Act, 1813.

The whole Act.

60 Geo. 3. and 1 Geo. 4. c. 11.

Parliamentary Elections (Ireland) Act, 1820.

The whole Act.

4 Geo. 4. c. 55.

Parliamentary Elections (Ireland) Act, 1823.

The whole Act.

2 & 3 Will. 4. c. 69.

Corporate Property (Elections) Act, 1832.

The whole Act.

2 & 3 Will. 4. c. 88.

Representation of the People (Ireland) Act, 1832.

The whole Act.

2 & 3 Will. 4. c. 89.

Parliamentary Boundaries (Ireland) Act, 1832.

The whole Act.

3 & 4 Vict., c. 108.

Municipal Corporations (Ireland) Act, 1840.

In section 20: the words “that every borough in the said schedule (A) shall be divided into the number of wards mentioned in such schedule in conjunction with the name of such borough, and” and the words “and of the wards into which the said boroughs named in the said schedule (A) are to be divided”; section 27; in section 28: all words from “and every such town” to the end of the section; sections 48, 53, 85, 86, 87 and 89.

12 & 13 Vict., c. 85.

Dublin Corporation Act, 1849.

The whole Act.

12 & 13 Vict., c. 97.

Dublin Improvement Act, 1849.

Section 57.

13 & 14 Vict., c. 68.

Parliamentary Elections (Ireland) Act, 1850.

The whole Act.

13 & 14 Vict., c. 69.

Representation of the People (Ireland) Act, 1850.

The whole Act.

15 & 16 Vict., c. 23.

Meeting of Parliament Act, 1852.

The whole Act.

17 & 18 Vict., c. 57.

Returning Officers Act, 1854.

The whole Act.

17 & 18 Vict., c. 102.

Corrupt Practices Prevention Act, 1854.

The whole Act.

17 & 18 Vict., c. 103.

Towns Improvement (Ireland) Act, 1854.

In section 27: all words from the beginning of the section to “as they may think fit”.

20 & 21 Vict., c. 33.

Representative Peers (Ireland) Act, 1857.

The whole Act.

21 & 22 Vict., c. 110.

Election of Members during Recess Act, 1858.

The whole Act.

25 & 26 Vict., c. 92.

Elections (Ireland) Act, 1862.

The whole Act.

26 & 27 Vict., c. 20.

Elections in Recess Act, 1863.

The whole Act.

26 & 27 Vict., c. 29.

Corrupt Practices Prevention Act, 1863.

The whole Act.

30 & 31 Vict., c. 81.

Prorogation Act, 1867.

The whole Act.

31 & 32 Vict., c. 125.

Parliamentary Elections Act, 1868.

Section 44.

33 & 34 Vict., c. 23.

Forfeiture Act, 1870.

In section 2: all words from “or of exercising” to the end of the section.

33 & 34 Vict., c. 81.

Meeting of Parliament Act, 1870.

The whole Act.

35 & 36 Vict., c. 33.

Ballot Act, 1872.

The whole Act.

40 & 41 Vict., c. 56.

County Officers and Courts (Ireland) Act, 1877.

In section 21: all words from the beginning of the section to “in the same manner as heretofore”.

41 & 42 Vict., c. 75.

Arranmore Polling District Act, 1878.

The whole Act.

43 Vict., c. 17.

Town Councils and Local Boards Act, 1880.

The whole Act.

46 & 47 Vict., c. 51.

Corrupt and Illegal Practices Prevention Act, 1883.

Sections 45, 46, 48, 51 and 52; subsections (1) and (3) of section 53; section 54.

47 & 48 Vict., c. 70.

Municipal Elections (Corrupt and Illegal Practices) Act, 1884.

Sections 3, 24 and 31.

48 & 49 Vict., c. 17.

Parliamentary Registration (Ireland) Act, 1885.

The whole Act.

48 & 49 Vict., c. 23.

Redistribution of Seats Act, 1885.

The whole Act.

50 & 51 Vict., c. 9.

Police Disabilities Removal Act, 1887.

The whole Act.

52 & 53 Vict., c. 69.

Public Bodies Corrupt Practices Act, 1889.

Paragraphs (c) and (d) of section 2.

54 & 55 Vict., c. 39.

Stamp Act, 1891.

In the First Schedule: the head of charge “Admission in England or Ireland of any person—as a burgess, or into any corporation or company, in any city, borough, or town corporate”.

56 & 57 Vict., c. 6.

Police Disabilities Removal Act, 1893.

The whole Act.

61 & 62 Vict., c. 37.

Local Government (Ireland) Act, 1898.

Section 2; subsection (4) of section 23; subsections (2) and (4) of section 94; subsection (3) of section 97.

Local Government (Application of Enactments) Order, 1898.

The following portions of the Schedule: articles 5, 6, 7, 9 and 10, sub-articles (1) to (5) of article 11; in subarticle (1) of article 26: the words “(b) the division of an urban county district into wards;” and the words “of the number of wards, or of the boundaries of any ward, or”; article 31; in rule (II) of subarticle 10 of article 36: the words “between the annual meeting and the first day of June then next following”.

8 Edw. 7. c. 13.

Polling Districts (County Councils) Act, 1908.

The whole Act.

8 Edw. 7. c. 66.

Public Meeting Act, 1908.

In section 1: from the words “if the offence is committed” to the words “and in any other case”.

1 & 2 Geo. 5. c. 13.

Parliament Act, 1911.

Section 7.

7 & 8 Geo. 5. c. 64.

Representation of the People Act, 1918.

The whole Act.

9 & 10 Geo. 5. c. 19.

Local Government (Ireland) Act, 1919.

The whole Act.

No. 12 of 1923.

Electoral Act, 1923.

Parts I and II; sections 18, 29, 34, 37, 42, 53, 54 and 58; in section 59: the words “bribery, personation or corrupt practices at elections or to”; section 61; subsection (1) of section 62; in section 63: the words “registration officer” and “the registration of electors or” wherever they occur; First Schedule; Rule 12 of the Fourth Schedule; in Rule 17 of Part I of the Fifth Schedule: the words “and of the mode in which electors are to vote”; Rules 19 and 20 of the said Part I; in Rule 28 of the said Part I: the words “and (d) tendered ballot papers”; in Rule 34 of the said Part I: all words from “The returning officer shall report” to the end of the Rule; in Rule 35 of the said Part I: the words “the tendered ballot papers and” and “and the tendered votes list”; in Rule 36 of the said Part I: the words “tendered votes lists,”; Rules 42, 48, 50, 52 and 54 of the said Part I: Part II of the Fifth Schedule; forms 1, 2, 3, 6, 7, 8 and 9 in Part III of the Fifth Schedule; Ninth Schedule.

No. 38 of 1923.

Prevention of Electoral Abuses Act, 1923.

Paragraph (c) of subsection (2) of section 1; section 4; subsections (3), (4) and (5) of section 6; sections 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 and 14; in section 15: all words from “and shall” to the end of the section; section 16; in section 17, the words “or for any expenses incurred in excess of any maximum amount allowed by this Act,” and the words “or expenses”; sections 18, 19, 20, 21, 27, 28, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 43, 45 and 47; in section 53: all words from “and a person” to the end of the section; in section 56: the definitions of “committee room” and “personal expenses”; First Schedule.

No. 7 of 1924.

Local Government Electors Registration Act, 1924.

The whole Act.

No. 5 of 1925.

Local Government Act, 1925.

Section 57.

No. 27 of 1926.

Court Officers Act, 1926.

Section 39; in subsection (7) of section 40: all words from “and in lieu thereof” to the end of the subsection.

No. 21 of 1927.

Electoral (Amendment) Act, 1927.

The whole Act.

No. 23 of 1927.

Juries Act, 1927.

Part II.

No. 39 of 1927.

Local Elections Act, 1927.

The whole Act.

No. 1 of 1929.

Cork City Management Act, 1929.

Subsections (1), (2), (3) and (4) of section 6.

No. 27 of 1930.

Local Government (Dublin) Act, 1930.

Section 36; subsections (1) and (2) of section 38; subsections (1) and (2) of section 46; sections 50 and 86.

No. 29 of 1932.

Electoral (Registration Appeals) Act, 1932.

The whole Act.

No. 14 of 1933.

Electoral (Amendment) Act, 1933.

Section 2.

No. 35 of 1934.

Limerick City Management Act, 1934.

Sections 6 and 8; subsections (1) and (2) of section 10.

No. 9 of 1935.

Local Government (Extension of Franchise) Act, 1935.

The whole Act.

No. 22 of 1936.

Electoral (University Constituencies) Act, 1936.

The whole Act.

No. 16 of 1937.

Plebiscite (Draft Constitution) Act, 1937.

The whole Act.

No. 25 of 1937.

Electoral (Chairman of Dáil Éireann) Act, 1937.

The whole Act.

No. 32 of 1937.

Presidential Elections Act, 1937.

Section 26; subsection (1) and paragraph (d) of subsection (2) of section 28; section 30; in Rule 8 of the First Schedule: the words “and of the mode in which electors are to vote”; Rules 11, 12, 13 and 20 of that Schedule; in Rule 22 of that Schedule: the words “and (d) tendered ballot papers,”; paragraph (2) of Rule 26 of that Schedule; paragraphs (2) and (3) of Rule 29 of that Schedule; in paragraph (1) of Rule 32 of that Schedule: the words “the tendered ballot papers and” and the words “and the tendered votes list,”; in Rule 33 of that Schedule: the words “tendered votes lists,”; paragraph (2) of Rule 38 of that Schedule.

No. 25 of 1939.

Waterford City Management Act, 1939.

Section 7; subsections (1) and (3) of section 9.

No. 21 of 1940.

Local Government (Dublin) (Amendment) Act, 1940.

Section 12.

No. 5 of 1941.

Cork City Management (Amendment) Act, 1941.

Section 6.

No. 23 of 1941.

Local Government Act, 1941.

Subsection (4) of section 34; subsection (5) of section 35; sections 36, 37, 38, 39, 40 and 42; subsection (4) of section 45; section 81; Third Schedule.

No. 28 of 1941.

Electoral Act, 1941,

The whole Act.

No. 8 of 1942.

Referendum Act, 1942.

Sections 13, 15, 21 and 28; Rules 12, 13 and 14 of the First Schedule; in Rule 23 of that Schedule; the words “and (d) tendered ballot papers,”; paragraphs (2) and (3) of Rule 27 of that Schedule; paragraph (3) of Rule 29 of that Schedule; in paragraph (d) of Rule 31 of that Schedule: the words “the tendered ballot papers,” and the words “and the tendered votes list”; in paragraph (e) of Rule 31 of that Schedule: the words “and tendered votes lists”.

No. 18 of 1942.

Local Elections (Amendment) Act, 1942.

The whole Act.

No. 6 of 1945.

Electoral (Dáil Éireann and Local Authorities) Act, 1945.

The whole Act.

No. 15 of 1945.

Presidential and Local Elections Act, 1945.

The whole Act.

No. 25 of 1945.

Court Officers Act, 1945.

Paragraph (g) of subsection (3) of section 12.

No. 24 of 1946.

Local Government Act, 1946.

Section 72.

No. 29 of 1946.

Presidential Elections (Amendment) Act, 1946.

The whole Act.

No. 30 of 1946.

Referendum (Amendment) Act, 1946.

The whole Act.

No. 31 of 1946.

Electoral (Amendment) Act, 1946.

The whole Act.

No. 8 of 1948.

Local Elections Act, 1948.

The whole Act.

No. 15 of 1953.

Local Elections Act, 1953.

The whole Act.

No. 5 of 1959.

Referendum (Amendment) Act, 1959.

The whole Act.

No. 9 of 1959.

Presidential Elections (Temporary Provisions) Act, 1959.

The whole Act.

No. 14 of 1960.

Elections Act, 1960.

The whole Act.

No. 43 of 1960.

Electoral Act, 1960.

Sections 5, 6 and 7 and sections 9 to 17.

No. 19 of 1961.

Electoral (Amendment) Act, 1961.

Section 7.



Forms (Dáil Elections).

Sections 12, 16.



Do __________ an ceann comhairimh do dháilcheantar __________

To __________ returning officer for the constituency of __________

DE BHRÍ go bhfuil Dáil Éireann lánscortha:

WHEREAS Dáil Éireann is dissolved:

ANOIS, déanaimse, __________Cléireach Dháil Éireann, de réir forálacha alt 12 den Acht Toghcháin, 1963, a ordú leis seo duitse, i do cheann comhairimh do dháilcheantar __________ toghchán a chur á dhéanamh sa dáilcheantar sin do __________ comhalta chun fónamh i nDáil Éireann don dáilcheantar sin:

NOW, I, __________ Clerk of Dáil Éireann, in accordance with the provisions of section 12 of the Electoral Act, 1963, do hereby direct you, as the returning officer for the constituency of __________ to cause an election to be held in that constituency of __________ members to serve in Dáil Éireann for the said constituency:

AGUS, tar éis an toghchán sin a bheith déanta go cuí, ainmneacha na gcomhaltaí a thoghfar amhlaidh a dheimhniú dom gan mhoill i m'Oifig i __________ i mBaile Átha Cliath.

AND that when such election has been duly held, you do without delay certify to me in my Office at __________ in Dublin the names of the members so elected.

I bhFIANAISE air sin tá mé tar éis mo lámh agus mo shéala a chur leis seo.

IN WITNESS whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal.

an this


lá seo de day of





certificate endorsed on the writ.

Deimhním leis seo gurb iad na comhaltai a toghadh chun fónamh i nDáil Éireann do dháilcheantar __________ de bhun na heascaire sin thuas:—

I hereby certify that the members elected to serve in Dáil Éireann for the constituency of __________ in pursuance of the above writ are:—

C. D.

as of


i gContae in the Country of


E. F.

as of


i gContae in the Country of


G. H.

as of


i gContae in the Country of






Returning Officer.





Don cheann comhairimh do dháilcheantar

To the returning officer for the constituency of


Eascaire chun comhaltaí a thoghadh chun fónamh i nDáil Éireann.

A writ for the election of members to serve in Dáil Éireann.


Fuair mé an eascaire seo istigh—

Received the within writ on—

an this


lá seo de day of

__________________________ 19.





Returning Officer.


(To be adapted appropriately if the Clerk of Dáil Éireann is directed on the same day to issue writs for the election of members to fill more than one vacancy in the representation of a constituency).

Do __________ an ceann comhairimh do dháilcheantar __________

To __________ returning officer for the constituency of __________

DE BHRÍ gur tharla folúntas in ionadaíocht dháilcheantar __________ i nDáil Éireann toisc __________ ba chomhalta de Dháil Éireann don dáilcheantar sin a scor de bheith ina chomhalta ar dhóigh seachas de chionn Dáil Éireann a lánscor:

WHEREAS a vacancy has occurred in the representation of the constituency of __________ in Dáil Éireann by __________ who was a member of Dáil Éireann for the said constituency ceasing to be a member otherwise than in consequence of the dissolution of Dáil Éireann:

AGUS DE BHRÍ gur ordaigh Cathaoirleach Dháil Éireann dom go cui eascaire a chur amach chun comhalta a thoghadh do Dháil Éireann chun an folúntas réamhráite a líonadh:

AND WHEREAS the Chairman of Dáil Éireann has duly directed me to issue a writ for the election of a member of Dáil Éireann to fill the vacancy aforesaid:

ANOIS, déanaimse, __________ Cléireach Dháil Éireann, de réir forálacha alt 12 den Acht Toghcháin, 1963, a ordú leis seo duitse, i do cheann comhairimh don dáilcheantar réamhráite, toghchán a chur á dhéanamh sa dáilcheantar sin do chomhalta chun fónamh i nDáil Éireann don dáilcheantar sin in ionad __________ sin:

NOW, I, __________ Clerk of Dáil Éireann, in accordance with the provisions of section 12 of the Electoral Act, 1963, do hereby direct you, as the returning officer for the constituency aforesaid, to cause an election to be held in the said constituency of a member to serve in Dáil Éireann for the said constituency in the place of the said __________

AGUS, tar éis an toghchán sin a bheith déanta go cuí, ainm an chomhalta a thoghfar amhlaidh a dheimhniú dom gan mhoill i m'Oifig i __________ i mBaile Átha Cliath.

AND that when such election has been duly held you do without delay certify to me in my Office at __________ in Dublin the name of the member so elected.

I bhFIANAISE air sin tá mé tar éis mo lámh agus mo shéala a chur leis seo. IN WITNESS whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal.

an this


lá seo de day of

__________________________ 19.




Deimhním leis seo gurb é an comhalta a toghadh chun fónamh i nDáil Éireann do dháilcheantar __________ de bhun na heascaire sin thuas:—

I hereby certify that the member elected to serve in Dáil Éireann for the constituency of __________ in pursuance of the above writ is:—

C. D.

as of


i gContae in the Country of






Returning Officer.





Don cheann comhairimh do dháilcheantar

To the returning officer for the constituency of


Eascaire chun comhalta a thoghadh chun fónamh i nDáil Éireann.

A writ for the election of a member to serve in Dáil Éireann.


Fuair mé an eascaire seo istigh—

Received the within writ on—

an this


lá seo de day of

__________________________ 19.





Returning Officer.




(Front of Paper)

Counterfoil No.__________

Marcáil ord do rogha sna spáis seo síos.

Marc Oifigiúil.


Mark order of preference in spaces below.

Official Mark.


Voter's No. on register.

(James Doyle, of 10 High Street, Builder.)




(Jane Ellen Lynch, of 12 Main Street, Grocer.)



(Séamus O'Briain, ó 10 An tSráid Ard, Oide Scoile.)


(Eamon O'Brien, of 22 Wellclose Place, Barrister.)


(Eamon O'Brien, of 102 Eaton Brae, Ranelagh, Solicitor.)


(Charles O'Connor, of 7 Green Street, Gentleman.)


(William Henry Thompson, of Dereen Park, Farmer.)



I. Féach chuige go bhfuil an marc oifigiúil ar an bpáipéar.

I. See that the official mark is on the paper.

II. Scríobh an figiúr 1 le hais ainm an chéad iarrthóra is rogha leat, an figiúr 2 le hais do dhara rogha, agus mar sin de.

II. Write 1 beside the name of the candidate of your first choice, 2 beside your second choice, and so on.

III. Fill an páipéar ionas nach bhfeicfear do vóta. Taispeáin cúl an pháipéir don oifigeach ceannais, agus cuir sa bhosca ballóide é.

III. Fold the paper to conceal your vote. Show the back of the paper to the presiding officer and put it in the ballot box.

(Back of Paper)

No. _____________________

Election for Constituency of _________________________________


(1) Each ballot paper shall contain a list of the candidates as described in their respective nomination papers, arranged alphabetically in the order of their surnames or if there are two or more candidates with the same surnames, of their other names, or if their other names are the same, in the order of their occupations.

(2) The surname of each candidate and the name of his political party, if any, shall be printed in large characters and his full name, address and occupation, if any, as appearing in his nomination paper, shall be printed in small characters.

(3) Whenever the surnames of two or more candidates are the same there shall also be printed in large characters the other names of such candidates and so much of the description of such candidates as appearing in their respective nomination papers, as will, in the opinion of the returning officer, effectively distinguish such candidates.

(4) The list of candidates shall be arranged either in one continuous column or in two or more columns in such manner (without departing from the alphabetical order) as in the opinion of the returning officer is best for marking and counting.

(5) The back of each ballot paper shall be numbered consecutively and the front of the counterfoil attached to it shall bear the same number. The number on the back of the ballot paper shall be printed in the smallest characters compatible with legibility.

(6) Nothing is to appear on the ballot paper except in accordance with these directions.



Form (Presidential Elections).

Section 52.


Counterfoil No.__________

Marcáil ord do rogha sna spáis seo síos.

Marc Oifigiúil.


Mark order of preference in spaces below.

Official Mark.


Voter's No. on register.

(James Doyle, of 10 High Street, Builder.)




(James Doyle, of 420 Furry Park, Chemist.)


(Jane Ellen Lynch, of 12 Main Street, Grocer.)


(Séamus O'Briain, ó 10 An tSráid Ard, Oide Scoile.)


(Eamon O'Brien, of 22 Wellclose Place, Barrister.)


(Eamon O'Brien, of 102 Eaton Brae, Ranelagh, Solicitor.)


(Charles O'Connor, of 7 Green Street, Gentleman.)


(William Thompson, of Dereen Park, Farmer.)



I. Féach chuige go bhfuil an marc oifigiúil ar an bpáipéar.

I. See that the official mark is on the paper.

II. Scríobh an figiúr 1 le hais ainm an chéad iarrthóra is rogha leat, an figiúr 2 le hais do dhara rogha, agus mar sin de.

II. Write 1 beside the name of the candidate of your first choice, 2 beside your second choice, and so on.

III. Fill an páipéar ionas nach bhfeicfear do vóta. Taispeáin cúl an pháipéir don oifigeach ceannais, agus cuir sa bhosca ballóide é.

III. Fold the paper to conceal your vote. Show the back of the paper to the presiding officer and put it in the ballot box.

(Back of Paper)


Presidential election on ________________ day of __________________________ 19


(1) Each ballot paper shall contain a list of the candidates as described in their respective nomination papers, arranged alphabetically in the order of their surnames or if there are two or more candidates with the same surnames, of their other names, or if their other names are the same, in the order of their occupations.

(2) The surname of each candidate shall be printed in large characters and his full name, address and occupation, if any, as appearing in his nomination paper, shall be printed in small characters.

(3) Whenever the surnames of two or more candidates are the same there shall also be printed in large characters the other names of such candidates and so much of the description of such candidates as appearing in their respective nomination papers, as will, in the opinion of the returning officer, effectively distinguish such candidates.

(4) The list of candidates shall be arranged either in one continuous column or in two or more columns in such manner (without departing from the alphabetical order) as in the opinion of the returning officer is best for marking and counting.

(5) The back of each ballot paper shall be numbered consecutively and the front of the counterfoil attached to it shall bear the same number. The number on the back of the ballot paper shall be printed in the smallest characters compatible with legibility.

(6) Nothing is to appear on the ballot paper except in accordance with these directions.




Section 71.



(Front of Paper)


Note: The back of each ballot paper shall be numbered consecutively and the front of the counterfoil attached to it is to bear the same number. The number on the back of the ballot paper shall be printed in the smallest characters compatible with legibility.

(Back of Paper)

No. _____________________

Constituency of __________________________

Reifreann i dtaobh an togra chun an Bunreacht a leasú.

Referendum on proposal to amend the Constitution.





(Front of Paper)


Note: The back of each ballot paper shall be numbered consecutively and the front of the counterfoil attached to it shall bear the same number. The number on the back of the ballot paper shall be printed in the smallest characters compatible with legibility.

(Back of Paper)

No. __________

Constituency of __________

Reifreann i dtaobh an togra go __________



Referendum on proposal that __________





(Front of Paper)


Note: The back of each ballot paper shall be numbered consecutively and the front of the counterfoil attached to it shall bear the same number. The number on the back of the ballot paper shall be printed in the smallest characters compatible with legibility.

(Back of Paper)

No. ___________________

Constituency of ___________________

Reifreann i dtaobh na dtograí seo a leanas:—

Referenda on the following proposals:—

1. _________________________________


1. _________________________________


2. _________________________________


2. _________________________________


3. _________________________________


3. _________________________________
